作者 主题: 【6E】试剂和法器(p.153-156)(初稿完成)  (阅读 8831 次)

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« 于: 2020-12-28, 周一 22:21:48 »

劇透 -   :
Mana infuses people—the existence of spellcasters and adepts is enough to prove that. But it also flows into critters, minerals, and plants. Elements of those things can become reagents, items imbued with magic that can be used in a variety of magical tasks.

劇透 -   :
The purest of all reagents is the thoroughly unnatural alloy known as orichalcum, an orange-gold metal whose main property seems to be an ability to hold magic. All reagents are compared to orichalcum, so that 1 dram of orichalcum is the standard measure of power for reagents. For reference, a dram of orichalcum weighs about 1.77 grams.

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Reagents come in all types and forms. Orichalcum can be created through Alchemy, but it’s a lengthy process beyond the reach of everyone but the most sophisticated alchemists. Naturally occurring reagents vary by tradition. Hermetic magicians prefer minerals, pure elements, old trinkets, and virgin ores. Shamans favor parts of plants and animals, naturally polished rocks, and small, intricately crafted handmade items. An Igbo mage might find magic in ofo wood, while an aspected magician might seek natural items that are harvested under a certain moon.

劇透 -   :
Reagents are surprisingly common, but not all reagents can be used by every tradition. The cube of cinnabar that the hermetic magician values is useless to a shaman, just as the shaman’s bundle of feathers is of little interest to the hermetic mage. Generally speaking, the reagents from one tradition only work at half strength to magicians of other traditions. This makes trading in reagents a tricky proposition to anyone not versed in the fine art of talismongering.

劇透 -   :
Reagents are almost as versatile as mana itself. When you spend a reagent, the mana it stores dissipates, which means it ceases to be a reagent, even if its physical form remains intact. Here’s a quick rundown of the many uses of reagents.

劇透 -   :
Alchemical Preparations: You can spend reagents to reduce the drain from making a preparation.

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Artificing: You need to spend reagents to create foci.

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Counterspelling: You can spend reagents to increase the area you protect with Counterspelling.

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Ritual Spellcasting: As part of the offering step, you can spend reagents to offset drain in Ritual Spellcasting (see Ritual Spellcasting, p. 143).

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Summoning: You can spend reagents to gain Edge when summoning spirits.

劇透 -   :
Temporary Magical Lodge: You can create a temporary magical lodge by spending a number of drams of reagents equal to the Force of the lodge. The lodge takes one hour per point of Force to create and thereafter lasts until sunrise or sunset, whichever comes first.


劇透 -   :
Foci (singular: focus) are specially crafted items made potent with a mana infusion. They are astral constructs embedded within physical objects. When active, the design of the astral construct pools mana energy so that the magician who owns it can use that energy for a specific magical task. The physical form of a focus varies—bracelets, amulets, belts, wands, walking sticks, staves, cups, bottle caps, daggers, hats, hip flasks, pens, and so on and so forth—although most of the time a focus reflects the tradition of its maker. Foci have a Force rating that measures their power.

劇透 -   :
You can’t use a focus unless you’ve bonded it to yourself (and you can’t bond foci unless you’re Awakened—I mean, what would you do with it?). The amount of Karma required to bond a focus is different for each focus, listed on the Magical Goods table. Bonding a focus takes an hour per point of Force of the focus, time that is spent contemplating the object and synchronizing its astral signature to yours. Once you’ve spent the Karma and the time, the focus’ power is available to you. A focus can only be bound to one person at a time—the bonding process breaks the bond with the focus’ previous owner (if it had one).

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Each focus has a specific power (described under Focus Types) and must be active for you to use it. Activating and deactivating a focus is a Minor Action. For a focus to remain active, it must be in the possession of the magician (worn, carried, handheld, in a pocket or pouch, etc.). Fikewise, if you lose consciousness, any focus bonded to you deactivates. If you lose possession of a focus, it automatically deactivates and you lose all its benefits until you recover it and activate it again.

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All foci have auras that are visible from astral space and carry your astral signature (p. 159). While activated, a focus also has an astral form. If you use astral projection, you also carry the astral form of any active foci you have. If you deactivate a focus while you’re projecting, its astral form disappears. You’ll need to go back to your body to reactivate it.

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You can’t bond more foci than your Magic attribute, and the maximum Force of all your bonded foci can’t exceed your Magic x 5. Regardless of the number of bonded foci you have, only one focus may add its Force to a dice pool for any given test.

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Foci also have a cost in nuyen, as shown in the Foci Cost table.


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There are seven categories of foci: Enchanting, Metamagic, Power, Qi, Spell, Spirit, and Weapon. Foci have the same cost as other foci in their category, but they don’t all have the same effect.


劇透 -   :
Alchemical focus: An alchemical focus adds its Force in dice to Enchanting skill tests to create preparations.

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Disenchanting focus: When a disenchanting focus is in contact with another artifact, the magician can add dice equal to its Force to the Disenchanting test.


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Metamagic foci support initiates and the higher forms of magic they’ve learned. Metamagic foci add their Force to the magician’s initiate grade when using specific metamagics.

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Centering focus: A centering focus adds its Force to the magician’s initiate grade when they use the centering metamagic on Drain Resistance tests.

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Flexible signature focus: A flexible signature focus adds its Force to your grade when increasing the threshold of observers’ Assensing (Astral + Intuition) tests.

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Masking focus: When resisting someone else’s Assensing test, add the Force of this focus to your dice pool. It does not increase the number of bonded foci you can mask.

劇透 -   :
Spell shaping focus: Treat your Magic rating as if it was increased by the Force of this focus when determining how much you can shape your spells.


劇透 -   :
Power foci live up to their name. They are very powerful foci that temporarily increase your effective Magic rating. That means they add to your Sorcery dice pools whenever you use that skill, along with any other test where Magic is involved. Power foci can take any form, but for some reason, rings and amulets are quite popular.


劇透 -   :
Qi (pronounced “chee”) foci only work for adepts. They channel mana into your adept powers. A qi focus can be an object, like other foci, but it can also be worked into a body modification, like tattoos, ritual scarring, and piercings. Each focus is specific to a single adept power at a specific level. While the focus is active, you get the power contained in it, or if you already have the power, the focus’ levels are added to your own (if it’s a power with levels, that is; otherwise there’s no benefit for you). The Force of the focus must be four times the Power Point cost of the power it holds, so a level 1 Improved Ability (Close Combat) qi focus is a Force 4 focus (since it costs 1 Power Points per level), while a Combat Sense focus is Force 2.
气-法器只能被修士所使用。它们能引导法力进入到你的修士异能中。气-法器可以是一件物品,就像其他的法器一样,但它也可以作为人体改造来发挥作用,比如纹身、仪式性伤口或者穿孔。每个法器都对应着一个特定等级的特定异能,当法器被激活时,你可以获得其中所蕴含的异能;如果你已经拥有此异能,那么在你的原有异能等级上增加该法器的强度等级(这是如果该异能有等级的话;如果没有,你将得不到任何好处)。法器的强度相当于其蕴含异能所消耗的能力点 ×4。即是说,等级1的【提升技能(近身格斗)】气-法器是一个强度4的法器(因为它每级要花费1点能力点)。而【战斗感应】法器是强度2。


劇透 -   :
Spell foci empower Sorcery. Each spell focus is attuned to rituals or to one of the five categories of spells (Combat, Detection, Illusion, Healing, and Manipulation) when it is created, and that category cannot be changed. There are four types of spell foci.

劇透 -   :
Counterspelling: Counterspelling foci add dice equal to their Force to any Counterspelling attempt, as long as the countered spell is in the same category as the focus. It also adds its Force as a dice pool bonus when you perform the Boosted Defense form of counterspelling (p. 143).

劇透 -   :
Ritual Spellcasting: A ritual spellcasting focus adds its Force in dice to your Ritual Spellcasting Tests (whether you’re the leader or a participant). If the ritual isn’t a spell ritual, this focus can still be used, but if it’s a spell ritual of a different category than the focus, it can’t.

劇透 -   :
Spellcasting: Spellcasting foci add their Force to your Spellcasting dice pool as long as the spell is in the same category as the focus.

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Sustaining: When you cast a spell through a sustaining focus, it sustains the spell for you, letting you avoid the dice pool penalty for sustaining a spell. A spell sustained by a sustaining focus cannot have a modified Drain Value (after adding any effects) greater than the Force of the focus, and the spell’s category must match the focus’s category. If a spell sustained by a focus is disrupted, it ends, but the focus is still active (and still bound to its owner), it’s just not sustaining a spell at the moment. A sustaining focus can’t be used to sustain a spell ritual.


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Spirit foci empower a magician’s conjuring skills. Each spirit focus must be attuned to a specific type of spirit.

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Summoning: A summoning focus adds dice equal to its Force to summoning attempts as long as the targeted spirit is in the same category as the focus.

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Banishing: The banishing focus gives the character a point of Edge if its Force is higher than the spirit’s Force. That point must be used on the Banishing test or it is lost.


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A weapon focus always has, unsurprisingly, the form of a melee weapon (it cannot be a ranged weapon). It adds magical power to the melee attacks you make with it. When used in physical combat, it gives you its Force as a dice-pool bonus on your Attack test. You still rely on your physical attributes and skills in combat; the weapon focus merely makes you more effective.

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A weapon focus is effective against astral forms too, whether you’re using astral perception or projection. It adds its Force to your Astral Combat tests when you’re using it, and you can take it along while astrally projecting. The damage of the weapon in astral combat is the same as it is in the physical world, except that you can decide between Stun or Physical damage (Astral Combat, p. 160).

劇透 -   :

Enchanting focus   Force x 3   (Force)L   Force x 5,000¥
Meta magic focus   Force x 3   (Force)L      Force x 9,000¥
Power focus   Force x 6   (Force +3)L   Force x 18,000¥
Qi focus   Force x 2   (Force)L   Force x 3,000¥
Spell focus   Force x 2   (Force)L   Force x 4,000¥
Spirit focus   Force x 2   (Force)L   Force x 4,000¥
Weapon focus   Force x 3   (Force +3) L   Force x 7,000¥
Focus formula   ASfOCUS   FOCUS cost X 0.25
Spell formula
Combat   3L   2,000¥
Detection   2L   500¥
Health   2L   500¥
Illusion   3L   1,000¥
Manipulation   3L   1,500¥
Magical lodge materials   (Force) L   Force x 500¥
Reagents, per dram   2   50¥

类型   联结消耗(业力)   可获得性   售价

附魔法器   强度 x 3   (强度)L   强度 x 5,000¥
超魔法器   强度 x 3   (强度)L      强度 x 9,000¥
威能法器   强度 x 6   (强度 +3)L   强度 x 18,000¥
气法器   强度 x 2   (强度)L   强度 x 3,000¥
法术法器   强度 x 2   (强度)L   强度 x 4,000¥
精魂法器   强度 x 2   (强度)L   强度 x 4,000¥
武装法器   强度 x 3   (强度 +3) L   强度 x 7,000¥
公式   可获得性   售价
法器公式   强度   强度售价 X 0.25
战斗   3L   2,000¥
侦测   2L   500¥
生命   2L   500¥
幻象   3L   1,000¥
操纵   3L   1,500¥
魔法补给   可获得性   售价
魔法帐篷的材料   (强度) L   强度 x 500¥
试剂,每打兰   2   50¥
« 上次编辑: 2020-12-30, 周三 16:48:54 由 friendly »