作者 主题: 【B6】劫运观魂使(Psychopomp, Olethros)  (阅读 10449 次)

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【B6】劫运观魂使(Psychopomp, Olethros)
« 于: 2019-06-25, 周二 09:01:41 »

劫运观魂使 CR17
XP 102,400
绝对中立 中型异界生物 (跨位面,招魂者)
先攻 +24;感官 黑暗视觉60呎,辨知亲族ACG,昏暗视觉,灵魂感知,真知术;察觉 +30
AC 32,接触30,措手不及22 (+10敏捷,+10洞察,+2天生)
hp 275 (19d10+171)
防御能力 全域视野,阴阳归环,宿命,心灵屏障,镜袍;DR 15/精金;免疫 属性伤害,属性吸取,死亡效果,疾病,能量吸取,毒素;抗力寒冷10,电击10 SR 28
速度 40呎,飞行100呎(机动性良好)
近战 2命定之触+23(10d6)
远程 缎弓+35/+30/+25/+20(2d6+15/19-20/×3)
特殊攻击 命数之触,劫运箭
类法术能力 (施法者等级17;专注+27)
1次/天—片刻预知异界传送 (仅限自身外加50磅重物品),永恒静滞(DC28)女妖之嚎(DC29)
基础攻击+19;CMB +23;CMD 53
专长 致命瞄准,高等快枪,精通先攻,精通精准射击,精通快枪,近距射击,精准射击,快速射击,快枪,武器专攻(缎弓)
技能 唬骗+32,易容+32,飞行+36,威吓+29,知识(奥术,位面,宗教)+27,知识(历史)+24,察觉+30,察言观色+30,法术辨识+27
语言深渊语,天界语,通用语,炼狱语; 巧言术
特殊能力 改变外形(中型类人生物;如同变身术),魂之触碰
环境 任何(骨园)
组织 单独,成双,或命弦(3名外加3-8名摩莉甘猎魂使B4
财富 标准
阴阳归环 Cyclic Energy (Ex) 对于劫运观魂使而言,万物的始与终都必然相连,生死之间的关系也不例外。劫运观魂使能被正能量和负能量效果治疗,且免疫属性伤害,属性吸取,和能量吸取。
宿命 Fated (Su) 劫运观魂使在AC和先攻检定上获得等同于其魅力调整值的洞察加值。
命数之触 Fated Touch (Su) 劫运观魂使的命数之触能使她的对手窥见自身的命运,将这些生物推往无法逃离的终焉。命数之触能无视所有伤害减免,造成10d6点伤害。对于活物而言,这是一个老化效果。对于不死生物,这体现为正能量伤害。非活物(例如构装体)以及明确免疫老化效果的生物则免疫劫运观魂使的命定之触能力。受到命定之触重击的生物则会被往昔经和未来的所有挫败所折磨并陷入苦痛之中。这些生物将永久战栗以及恶心。这是一个诅咒效果,同时也是影响心智的恐惧效果。
劫运箭 Fateful Arrows (Su) 每当劫运观魂使用缎弓射出的箭伤害一个生物时,该生物便会获得1点劫运点。劫运点持续24小时。若一个生物身负劫运点,则它在对抗所有招魂者造成的效果上的豁免都将受到等同于其当前劫运点总数的罚值。这是一个诅咒效果。
镜袍 Mirror Garb (Ex) 劫运观魂使的长裙上每一枚小铜镜都能够作为高等探知的法器使用。她可以利用她的全域视野轻易透过所有镜面观看世事。如此她便能同时关注众多事件。劫运观魂使的心智能够同时处理上百个信息源。若劫运观魂使在对只以她为目标的法术或类法术能力豁免成功,则该效果有50%的概率被这些镜子之一反射回到施法者自身,如同 法术反转
缎弓 Silkbow (Su) 劫运观魂使持有一面奇特的弓。只有创造了这幅弓的劫运观魂使能够使用它。在她的手中,这幅弓视为+5长弓。劫运观魂使的缎弓一旦被摧毁或者放下就会变成一团无魔法的丝线;劫运观魂使能够以一个标准动作制造一副新缎弓。当劫运观魂使挽弓发射时会自动产生一支箭,这支箭造成2d6+劫运观魂使魅力调整值的穿刺伤害。

招魂者是生死轮回的象征;大多数招魂者都专注于死亡和往生之间的交替,但劫运观魂使却主要关注诞生,死亡,和在两者之间徘徊不定之人的命数。劫运观魂使是骨园在凡尘最强大的使者之一。这些招魂者独立于骨园的阶级,只听从于招魂者宣引使(Psychopomp ushers)和骨园之中神秘的死亡女神本尊的调遣。劫运观魂使在凡人之中隐藏身份,观看命运的丝线经纬交织,出手促成她们理想中的命数,挫败那些试图阻碍命运走向之人。劫运观魂使可能会以睿智的助产妇或是一个人从前导师的形象现身。她们会用智慧的话语和建议开启新的可能性。

劫运观魂使常常自视为织命女(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 202)的界外敌手,不过根据传说,劫运观魂使和织命女之间迸发充满磨难的爱意的事件至少发生过一次。尽管劫运观魂使常年干涉世事,因果御衡者( Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 8)为了离奇的因果业报而操纵生命循环的行为在她们看来却不可容忍。有时,劫运观魂使和因果御衡者之间会爆发隐秘的争斗。这种战争往往可以持续几代人,数个宗族,乃至若干朝代。在招魂者之中,摩莉甘猎魂使(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 219)对劫运观魂使敬奉有加,而疫鸟(Bestiary 4 220)则认为她们太过专横。阎摩判魂使(Bestiary 4 222)尊重她们的独立性,但有时在面对困难的裁决时,他们也会要求一名劫运观魂使出庭提供专业证词或辩护。劫运观魂使从不拒绝这些要求,但是除非是在很长一段时间内偶尔回应一次这种任务,她们大多数都对这些差使颇有微词。

尽管所有招魂使都憎恨亡灵,劫运观魂使只会偶然和这些跳出生死循环的怪孽战斗。她们的敌意大多集中在恐亡魔(Bestiary 5 212)身上。劫运观魂使有时会用异界传送能力闯入灵界猎杀她们的叛徒同胞。虽然无人确切知晓劫运观魂使为何对恐亡魔抱有如此仇恨,但根据传说,最初的恐亡魔摧残者(Sahkil tormentors)之一便是由一名叛逃的劫运观魂使转化而成。


虽然大部分招魂者都是在判魂炼地(Purgatory)由凡人的灵魂所铸成,劫运观魂使却是由其他劫运观魂使无玷感孕(Immaculate conception)所生。这种现象极为罕有。劫运观魂使宣称,每当一条新的命运分支诞生,一名新的劫运观魂使便因此降生。这名新生儿注定要观测助长这一支新的命数以及其谱系。无论真假,如此感孕的劫运观魂使极其罕见,但是怀孕后的劫运观魂使则会力量大增。劫运观魂使孕母的CR在20到25之间。几名更为强大的劫运观魂使孕母通过施法职业等级进化(通常为牧师),但是大多数演化都基于获得额外生命骰和掌控生死命数的独特能力。劫运观魂使孕母有时会用缎弓之外的武器。她们要么发展出了创造其他武器的能力,要么便是获得了一件极其强大的武器,又用自身的力量加以强化。这些劫运观魂使孕母失去缎弓和劫运箭能力,但获得和新武器相关的惊人力量。



插图画师David Alvarez
劇透 -   :
Psychopomp, Olethros
This moth-winged woman wears a spiral mask and a white, silken gown glimmering with tiny bronze mirrors.
XP 102,400
N Medium outsider (extraplanar, psychopomp)
Init +24; Senses darkvision 60 ft., discern next of kinACG, low-light vision, spiritsense, true seeing; Perception +30
AC 32, touch 30, flat-footed 22 (+10 Dex, +10 insight, +2 natural)
hp 275 (19d10+171)
Fort +20, Ref +16, Will +19; +8 vs. mind-affecting effects
Defensive Abilities all-around vision, cyclic energy, fated, mind blank, mirror garb; DR 15/adamantine; Immune ability damage, ability drain, death effects, disease, energy drain, poison; Resist cold 10, electricity 10; SR 28
Speed 40 ft., fly 100 ft. (good)
Melee 2 fated touches +23 (10d6)
Ranged silkbow +35/+30/+25/+20 (2d6+15/19–20/×3)
Special Attacks fated touch, fateful arrows
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 17th; concentration +27)
Constant—discern next of kinACG, mind blank, tongues, true seeing
At will—breath of life, greater dispel magic, greater scrying (DC 27), greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), prognosticationUI
3/day—haste, mass cure critical wounds (DC 28)
1/day—moment of prescience, plane shift (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), temporal stasis (DC 28), wail of the banshee (DC 29)
Str 18, Dex 30, Con 29, Int 20, Wis 27, Cha 31
Base Atk +19; CMB +23; CMD 53
Feats Deadly Aim, Greater Snap Shot, Improved Initiative, Improved Precise Shot, Improved Snap Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Snap Shot, Weapon Focus (silkbow)
Skills Bluff +32, Disguise +32, Fly +36, Intimidate +29, Knowledge (arcana, planes, religion) +27, Knowledge (history) +24, Perception +30, Sense Motive +30, Spellcraft +27
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Infernal; tongues
SQ change shape (Medium humanoid; alter self), spirit touch
Environment any (Boneyard)
Organization solitary, pair, or thread (3 plus 3–8 morrignasB4)
Treasure standard
Cyclic Energy (Ex) To an olethros, the beginnings and endings of all things are inexorably connected, including the relationship between life and death. Olethroses are healed by both positive and negative energy effects and are immune to ability damage, ability drain, and energy drain.
Fated (Su) An olethros adds her Charisma modifier as an insight bonus to AC and on initiative checks.
Fated Touch (Su) An olethros’s fated touch shows her target glimpses of its own fate and draws the creature inexorably closer to its doom. A fated touch deals 10d6 points of damage that bypasses all damage reduction. This is an aging effect when used against a living target. Against undead foes, it manifests as positive energy damage. Nonliving creatures (such as constructs) and creatures that are specifically immune to aging effects are immune to an olethros’s fated touch. A creature that is critically hit by a fated touch is wracked by anguish and suffering for every bitter failure it has or shall experience, and is permanently shaken and sickened. This effect is a curse and a mind-affecting fear effect.
Fateful Arrows (Su) Each time an olethros deals damage to a creature with an arrow fired from her silkbow, the creature gains 1 fateful arrow point. These points persist for 24 hours. As long as a creature has any fateful arrow points, it takes a penalty equal to that point total on all saving throws against effects created by a psychopomp. This is a curse effect.
Mirror Garb (Ex) Each tiny bronze mirror woven into an olethros’s gown is a suitable focus for greater scrying, and she can view the world through them all easily with her all-around vision, allowing her to keep track of numerous situations at once. Her mind can process hundreds of streams of information simultaneously in this way. When an olethros succeeds at her saving throw against a spell or spell-like ability that targets only the olethros, there’s a 50% chance that one of these mirrors reflects the effects of the attack back upon the caster as per spell turning.
Silkbow (Su) An olethros’s strange bow functions only for the olethros who created it. In her hands, it counts as a +5 longbow. If an olethros’s silkbow is destroyed or set aside, it collapses into nonmagical silk; an olethros can create a new silkbow as a standard action. Arrows are created automatically as the olethros fires her silkbow and deal an amount of piercing damage equal to 2d6 + the olethros’s Charisma modifier.
Psychopomps embody the natural cycle of birth and death; while most psychopomps are focused mainly on the transition between death and the afterlife, olethroses focus on birth, death, and the fate of those hanging in the balance between them. Olethroses are among the Boneyard’s most powerful agents in the mortal world, and they work outside that plane’s normal hierarchy, answering to only the psychopomp ushers and the enigmatic goddess of death herself. They move among mortals in disguise, watching the strands of fate interweave and acting to promote their view of fate and stymie those who fight against fate’s flow. An olethros might appear in the guise of a wise midwife or a person’s former mentor, offering words of wisdom or advice that open up new possibilities.

Olethroses often see themselves as extraplanar rivals to the fey norns (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 202), though stories tell of at least one star-crossed romance between a norn and an olethros. Although inveterate meddlers themselves, olethroses can’t abide lipika aeons (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 8), disapproving of their manipulation of the cycle of life for some alien sense of karma. Occasionally, a shadow war of manipulation breaks out between an olethros and a lipika that can span lives, families, and even dynasties. Among psychopomps, morrignas (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 219) look upon olethroses with respect and adulation, while nosois (Bestiary 4 220) sometimes consider them bossy. Yamarajes (Bestiary 4 222) respect their independence but sometimes requisition one to serve as an expert witness or an advocate during a particularly difficult judgment. Olethroses never refuse such a requisition, but most chafe at being assigned such tasks more than once in a long while.
While all psychopomps loathe undead, olethroses only incidentally spar with those abominable exceptions to the cycle. Instead, the focus of their enmity is upon sahkils (Bestiary 5 212). Olethroses sometimes use their plane shift ability to hunt their traitorous kin on the Ethereal Plane. While none know for sure precisely why olethroses fixate on sahkils, legends say that one of the first sahkil tormentors to rise was an olethros who went rogue.
Many psychopomps use manufactured weapons, such as scythes or staves, in their war against those who would endanger the flow of souls to the afterlife, but olethroses use strange weapons that function only for their kind. These are silkbows, ranged weapons built from diaphanous strands of cloth and silk that function as magical longbows.
While most psychopomps are forged from mortal souls in Purgatory, olethroses are born from other olethroses via rarely occurring immaculate conception. Olethroses claim that new members of their kind are born when a new branch of fate forks off, and the newcomers are destined to study and nurture that branch and the lineages involved. Whatever the case, very few olethroses become pregnant in this way, but those who do grow enormously in power. Olethros mothers range in CR from 20 to 25. A few of the more powerful olethros mothers advance with levels in a spellcasting class (typically cleric), but most of them advance by gaining additional Hit Dice and unique powers over birth, fate, and death. Olethros mothers occasionally use weapons other than their usual bows, either because they have developed the ability to create a different sort of weapon or because they’ve acquired a particularly powerful weapon and augmented it with their own powers. Such olethros mothers trade away the silkbow and fateful arrows abilities for amazing abilities related to their new weapons.
Olethros mothers are much more likely to have subsequent daughters than an ordinary olethros is to have a first daughter, so olethros mothers are far less common than other olethroses. Each one develops her own distinct specialty, and in that area of expertise, even yamarajes defer to her; in fact, the most powerful olethros mothers serve as advisors and near peers of even the psychopomp ushers themselves.
A typical olethros stands only 5 feet tall and weighs 100 pounds. An olethros mother is much taller; it is not uncommon for such powerful psychopomps to be nearly 8 feet in height and weigh 250 pounds.
« 上次编辑: 2019-12-17, 周二 05:24:01 由 黎白羽 »