作者 主题: 【OA】心像结界(Mindscapes)  (阅读 14699 次)

副标题: 位于第六章的Occult Loactions;由于要法术坑已经拖得太久而等不下去别人的翻译了

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« 于: 2015-12-30, 周三 02:26:33 »
心像结界是精神塑造的临时性构造物,它会出现在星界位面(the Astral Plane)并逐渐消逝,它的构成与崩解酷似睡觉的人在做梦时想象出的景象。心像结界与梦境之间最大的不同点是它们产生的因由;人们往往会故意地塑造出精确构形的心像结界,而做梦的人往往不会刻意这么做。心像结界的形成可能是因为一场异能决斗(Psychic Duels)的发生,也可能是通过法术、魔法物品、仪式或者其他异能现象塑造而成。
一共存在有两种心像结界:并行式心像结界(binary mindscapes)与沉浸式心像结界(immersive mindscapes)。并行式心像结界出现在异能决斗中,即具有异能力量的生物将他人拉入精神中进行战斗之时。只有两名相关者能够进入并行式心像结界。这种脑内竞技台不会完全吞没相关者的意识;在并行式心像结界内进行异能决斗的生物仍旧可以感知到现实世界,但它把绝大多数的精力都投入到了异能战斗中。在此情况下,心像结界是浮现在心眼中的映像,能够从抽象的层面影响身处于现实世界中的相关者,将她从现实中的事件中分离出来,但让她仍旧可以感知到这些事件。
当生物的意识处于心像结界之内时,该生物在现实世界中的身体无法行动(take no actions),而且会失去AC上的敏捷加值,但并非陷入无助(helpless),因为该生物在精神中无意识的部分仍旧会防止自身的毁灭。若处于沉浸式心像结界内,生物的意识不会得到身体看、听、闻和碰触到的信息。因此,如果身体在现实世界中受到伤害,精神也不会意识到这一点。然而在并行式心像结界中,生物仍旧可以意识到现实世界中的自己的状态。

并行式心像结界(Binary Mindscapes)

创造与控制(Creation and Control)
如同本书第五章的异能决斗(Psychic Duels)中的说明一样,两名异能生物进入精神对抗时会创造出并行式心像结界(binary mindscape)。只有能够施放异能宣战(Instigate Psychic Duel)法术的生物可以开展一场异能决斗。一旦连接被建立起来,并行式心像结界便被创造好了。

沉浸式心像结界(Immersive Mindscapes)

引述: 边栏
心智伪装(Mental Masks)
被拉入心像结界的生物并不需要展现出自己的真实面貌,它们可以化身为一种被称为心智伪装(Mental Masks)的替换形态。它们只能在知晓自己身处于心像结界、或者相信自己身处于梦境之中时才能够这么做(心像结界的创造者总是可以这么做)。心智伪装允许生物隐藏自己的真实身份,在敌人面前伪装自己的真实容貌。非异能生物(Non-psychic creatures)无法呈现出心智伪装的样貌;它们必须在沉浸式心像结界中以真实形态现身。

心像结界特性(Mindscape Traits)
每个心像结界都有多种特性,这些特性决定了它的外观与状态,就好像位面(planes)一般。这些特性会取代星界位面(the Astral Plane)原本的正常位面特性(关于星界位面的特性详见GameMastery Guide 191页)。这些特性通常会模仿主物质位面(the Material Plane)的情况,因为在心像结界内的存在通常会将此认为最为熟悉和舒适的环境。一个生物在心像结界中的精神具现会与它在真实生活中具有相同的身体特征(相同的AC、生命值、属性值等等)。武器、护甲、甚至是魔法装备,都会在心像结界内产生效用。
每个心像结界都被视作具有存在意识*(Sentient)的特性(详细请见GameMastery Guide 186页),不过取代该特性中响应位面的意志来进行改变,它会对心像结界内的意志进行反应。通常来说,创造心像结界的生物能够控制它的特性。根据创造者的技巧水平,她能够改变一条或更多的特性来满足自身的目的。异能决斗以及部分法术允许其他生物改变心像结界,但是这么做的前提通常是这些生物能够意识到自己身处于心像结界之中。
劇透 -  Sentient原文:
Sentient: These planes respond to a single entity's thoughts—those of the plane itself. Travelers might find the plane's landscape changing as a result of what the plane thinks of the travelers, becoming either more or less hospitable depending on its reaction.

易识别(Overt):任何进入易识别心像结界(overt mindscapes)的存在都能清晰地认知到这一点。这可能是创造者故意暴露这一点并主动邀请他人,或者也有可能是目标知道自己被异能袭击从而被拉入心像结界中,因此进入者能够明白自己的身上发生了什么。当生物明白自己在心像结界之内时,它可以相对更容易地离开,比如使用心像门(Mindscape Door)法术;然而知晓这一点会让沉浸式心像结界变得不那么真实。目标仍旧可以被心像结界所影响,而且仍旧会因有害心像结界(见后文中关于反馈的描述)而承受伤害或获取状态。并行式心像结界总是具有易识别特性。
隐蔽(Veiled):隐蔽沉浸式心像结界(veiled immersive mindscape)可以说是最为阴险的类型。它的触发机制本身就是被设计来用于愚弄目标,使用让目标无法意识到自己周遭的现实已经成为自身或他人精神的方式来困住目标。创造者的记忆会为心像结界提供基础,而对于她未曾体验过的现象或环境来说,仅仅用想象力可能难以塑造出令人信服的假象。

形状与大小(Shape and Size)
有限(Finite):有限心像结界(finite mindscape)的空间内具有清晰可辨的边界和界限。要么是无法移动到这边界之外,要么就是在此之外只有一片虚无的空白。有限心像结界可能是无穷岩壁中的一个洞窟,也可以是一栋农舍内部的样子,但是门窗外除了能将人湮没的黑暗之外一无所有。并行式心像结界总是具有有限特性。
循环(Self-Contained Shape):展现出此类特性的心像结界看起来似乎有着无穷的空间,但是它实际上是向自身另一侧折叠的空间结构,无论身处其中的生物向着任何方向行动,都会在其中不断穿梭。此类心像结界可能包含有在某处形成循环的阶梯、看起来直直向外延伸但是实际上起点与终点均在相同地点的蜿蜒隧道、或者是一个正立方体,无论从哪个面离开,最终都只能抵达与之相对的一侧。举例来说,一个循环的中世纪城堡可能会让旅行者们离开正门后却发现自己重新进入了城堡的后门。

有害(Harmful):对于访问有害心像结界(harmful mindscape)的个体来说,施加在它们身上的创伤与状态都是真实的。任何伤害身体的物理攻击都会让大脑误信为伤害是真实存在的。并行式心像结界总是具有有害特性。
无害(Harmless):无害心像结界(harmless mindscape)中的存在仍旧会感受到环境或者其他生物对其造成的伤害,但是这些创伤和状态并非现实——它们没有对这些存在的真正身体造成物理伤害。在无害心像结界内死亡的生物会毫发未伤地醒来。

正常重力(Normal Gravity):此类重力与主物质位面中的重力相同。
弱重力(Light Gravity):重力效果被削弱了,其中的生物会发现自己可以更轻松地进行跳跃、飞行和举起重物。
强重力(Heavy Gravity):重力效果被增强了,其中的生物会发现跳跃、飞行和举起重物需要花费更大的精力。
无重力(No Gravity):重力是不存在的,有人主动挪动物体时,物体会以恒定的速度沿着支线移动,直至碰撞到其他物体或者某个生物改变其运动方式为止;否则无论物体彼此之间的关系如何,它们都会漂浮在空间之中。
主观重力(Subjective Gravity):重力的作用方式会以每个个体的希望而产生,仅会牵涉到该名个体自身。因此,如果一个生物站在客厅的地板上,于此同时另一个人可以想象相同房间的天花板是“下方”并且站在房顶上,每个人都可以有不同的重力体验,而且可以看到其他人“颠倒地站在头顶上”。

正常时间(Normal Time):时间如常流逝。
慢速时间(Slow Time):在某些情况下,心像结界的创造者可能想要让时间变得缓慢,迫使心像结界内的存在将更多的现实时间投入到心像结界内的活动中。在这种情况发生时,心像结界内的1轮会花费现实世界中的2轮或更多轮来完成。
快速时间(Rapid Time):在其他情况下,心像结界的创造者会想让心像结界内的时间的流速比现实世界更快。在这种情况下,在心像结界内进行的2轮或更多轮的行动之时,现实世界只会经过1轮。心像结界的操控者可以花费大量时间在脑内思考复杂的谜题,之后离开心像结界回到盟友的身边,但是实际上并不会真的耗费太多时间。

轻微阵营(Mildly Aligned):轻微阵营心像结界(mildly aligned mindscape)会产生较为平淡的影响,心像结界内的存在甚至有可能无法注意到这种影响。在轻微阵营的情况下,守序生物的表现可能是秩序井然的花园,善良阵营的表现则为宁静的乡村和理想天气。
强烈阵营(Strongly Aligned):被强烈阵营影响的心像结界几乎总是会表现出明显的特征。对于阵营截然相反的存在来说,心像结界内的氛围可能会引起不适,甚至会对它造成伤害。那些希望创造出强烈阵营心像结界的创造者会发现,想从心像结界捕获的受害者眼前隐藏此类特性是很困难的事情。这些存在于各处的阵营影响会为困于其中的生物提供线索——它们所看到一切并非真实。

魔法——尤其是异能魔法——在心像结界内会以一种古怪的方式展现出来。除了后述内容之外,进一步资料的请见魔法是如何在异能决斗(Psychic Duels)期间,于并行式心像结界(Binary Mindscapes)之中生效的。
正常魔法(Normal Magic):在沉浸式心像结界(Immersive Mindscapes)中,魔法会正常运作,角色以及生物都能够使用法术、类法术能力,而魔法物品也可以如常启用。有充能次数或者可以消耗的魔法依旧会被消耗。如果在有害心像结界之中,那么魔法造成的伤害是真实的,真实世界中的身体也会因此而受伤。然而,任何需要物理操作的魔法(比如喝下药剂)均有可能不会按照预期的方式运作(角色可以‘喝下’药水,然后发现没有任何事情发生)。如果心像结界内施法者的精神认为自己身处于某处的话,对于部分牵涉到现实世界发生的事情的预言系魔法来说,很可能会提供古怪或无意义的信息。当生物离开心像结界后,任何在心像结界内使用的魔法都会如常被消耗掉。
死魔区(Dead Magic):魔法在心像结界内完全无效。创造心像结界的生物或物体会生成精神屏障进行阻挠,阻碍施展魔法所需要进行的能量操控或者召唤的努力。在这种情况下,心像结界有可能会产生虚假的正面结果,用以愚弄那些被困于其中的存在(举例说明,让治疗魔法看起来好像生效了一般,然而实际上魔法并不能正常起作用)。无论心像结界内最终会发生什么,其中的生物均可以在不使用任何魔法的情况下离开心像结界。在死魔区心像结界内唯一的例外是异能法术中专门用于操控心像结界的法术,唯有此类法术可以如常使用并产生消耗。
异变魔法(Altered Magic):魔法在心像结界内会产生截然不同的功效——此处要使用位面魔法特性(Planar Magic Traits;详见GameMastery Guide 187页)中的强化魔法(Enhanced Magic)、阻碍魔法(Impeded Magic)、限制魔法(Limited Magic)、或野魔法(Wild Magic)特性。

劇透 -   :
Mindscapes are temporary constructs of the mind that come into being on the Astral Plane and fade away again, in much the same way a sleeping person’s imagined landscape forms and dissolves while he is dreaming. The primary difference between a mindscape and a dream is one of intent; a creature often deliberately and precisely constructs a mindscape, while a dreamer typically does not. A mindscape can come into existence as a result of creatures engaging in a psychic duel (see page 202), as well as through certain spells, magic items, rituals, and other occult phenomena.
In theory, a mindscape can take on any form or appearance—and can possess any conceivable trait—in much the same way the various planes do. In practice, mindscapes often either appear mostly normal, or feature only one or two traits that stray from reality, and creatures’ psychic avatars manifesting within the mindscape might not be able to tell they’re no longer in the real world.
Two types of mindscape exist: binary mindscapes and immersive mindscapes. Binary mindscapes occur during psychic duels, when a creature with psychic powers draws another into a mental battle. Only two participants can occupy a binary mindscape. This cerebral combat arena does not totally engulf the participants’ senses; a creature engaged in a psychic duel within a binary mindscape can still perceive the real world, but is largely consumed in her psychic battle. In this case, the mindscape is a powerful image in the mind’s eye, perceived on an abstract level and capable of affecting the subject in the real world, detaching her from events in the real world but leaving her still capable of perceiving them.
Immersive mindscapes are far more tangible and realistic. In an immersive mindscape, a creature’s every sense perceives its imaginary surroundings completely, in effect replacing the body’s actual sensory perceptions.
While a creature’s consciousness is within a mindscape, that creature’s body in the real world can take no actions and loses its Dexterity bonus to AC, but it isn’t considered helpless, as the unconscious parts of the creature’s mind still provide resistance to the creature’s destruction. While in an immersive mindscape, the mind gets no information about what the body sees, hears, smells, or touches. Thus, if the body takes damage from an attack in the real world, the mind remains unaware of it. A binary mindscape, however, allows a creature to monitor its own condition in the real world.

Binary Mindscapes
A binary mindscape is typically only a minimalist backdrop for a psychic battle—a ghostly image, like a stark memory, lacking detail and verisimilitude. It might manifest as a f lat surface surrounded by fog or a featureless plain of grass on a cloudy day. Sometimes, a binary mindscape mimics a real-world locale the creator knows well, but even then, the details at the edges of vision are usually fuzzy and indistinct, and features that invoke lesser senses, such as smell and taste, are lacking. A binary mindscape has no effect on the psychic battle; it’s merely a mental construct used to assist the participants in visualizing their actions.

Creation and Control
As explained in the Psychic Duels section in Chapter 5, a binary mindscape is created when two psychic creatures enter a mental confrontation. Only creatures able to cast the instigate psychic duel spell can begin a psychic duel. Once a connection is established, the binary mindscape is created.
Once within the mindscape, a creature can expend psychic energy to create mental hazards called manifestations to damage the other combatant or to reshape the mental landscape. Because the mindscape becomes a shared mental space after its creation, neither participant in the battle truly controls it, and they both have an equal ability to alter the environment once their minds are connected.
A binary mindscape is overt, finite, and harmful (see Mindscape Traits below). Its other traits (such as gravity, time, and magic) are normal, with the exception of the special actions and limitations on spellcasting described in the Psychic Duels section.

Immersive Mindscapes
An immersive mindscape is a less common, but far more powerful, variety of mindscape. When created, it seems every bit as palpable and vivid as the real world. A being within an immersive mindscape can see the land, feel the breeze, hear the falling rain, smell the sea, and even experience hunger and thirst. In some cases, creatures within an immersive mindscape don’t even realize that’s where they are. A target that’s fooled into believing such a mindscape is real wastes away in the physical world while living a full life in the mindscape.
An immersive mindscape can be sculpted in much more detail than a binary mindscape, and its traits vary. The creator dictates the traits of an immersive mindscape, and visitors are subject to whatever strictures the host is able to place upon the mindscape. The construction of the mindscape might be carefully designed, or might be a more instinctive expression drawn from the creator’s own desires or intentions (whether conscious or subconscious). Some spells allow the creator to use a target’s memories or desires when creating the mindscape to better fool the target.

Mental Masks
Creatures drawn into mindscapes don’t have to appear asthemselves, and can instead assume alternate forms called mental masks. They can do so only if they know they’re in a mindscape or believe they’re in a dream (the creator of a mindscape almost always does). A mental mask allows a creature to hide its true identity, masking its true features from its enemies. Non-psychic creatures can’t assume a mental mask; they must appear in immersive mindscapes in their true forms.

Mindscape Traits
Each mindscape has a set of specific traits that dictate its appearance and behavior, just as the planes do. These traits supersede the normal planar traits of the Astral Plane (GameMastery Guide 191). Often these traits mimic those of the Material Plane, for that is what the beings within a mindscape typically find most familiar and comfortable. A creature’s mental avatar has the same physical characteristics in the mindscape that the creature does in real life (the same AC, hit points, ability scores, and so on). Weapons and armor, even magical ones, function inside the mindscape.
Every mindscape is considered sentient (GameMastery Guide 186), but instead of changing according to its own will, it responds to the will of those inside it. Typically, the creature that created the mindscape controls its traits. Depending on her level of expertise, the creator can alter one or more of the traits of the mindscape to suit her purposes. The psychic duel rules and some spells allow other creatures to alter mindscapes, but usually only if they’re aware they’re within one.

A mindscape’s creator typically knows when she is within her own mindscape, but other creatures might not, depending on the type of mindscape.
Overt: Overt mindscapes are obvious to anyone drawn into them. This might be because the individual deliberately hosts and invites others, or because targets know they’re being psychically attacked and caught in the mindscape, and therefore understand what has happened to them. When a creature knows it is in a mindscape, it can exit more easily (using the mindscape door spell), but this knowledge makes the immersive mindscape no less real to it. It can still be affected by the mindscape, and can still take damage or gain conditions from a harmful mindscape (see Feedback below). Binary mindscapes are always overt.
Veiled: The veiled immersive mindscape is the most insidious type. Its triggering mechanisms are designed to fool the target, trapping the creature in such a fashion that it doesn’t realize its reality is a product of its or another’s mind. The creator’s memories provide the basis for the mindscape, and any place or phenomenon she hasn’t experienced might be hard to replicate convincingly using only her imagination.
Psychic mindscape traps and spells often include a seamless transition from the real world to the mindscape in order to maintain the veil. For example, a chest trapped with a veiled immersive mindscape might trigger a visual and tactile continuation of the current situation, making the thief believe she still kneels before the container in the chamber where she found it. If the effect is done well and is powerful enough, the thief might live out several hours, days, or weeks of her life trapped in her own mind, while her body remains slumped before the chest, slowly dying from lack of food and water.

Shape and Size
When the mindscape is manifested, the creator decides on the shape and size of the mental locale. Each of the following categories is possible.
Finite: A finite mindscape has clearly discernible boundaries and limits to its space. Either there is no way to move beyond those boundaries, or there is simply nothingness beyond them. A finite mindscape might be a cavity within an endless expanse of stone, or it could be the interior of a cottage with nothing beyond the doors and windows but blackness and oblivion. Binary mindscapes are always finite.
Infinite: A mindscape of this shape and size stretches on forever, or at least those within it perceive it as such for all practical purposes. This might result in an endless void in three dimensions, perfectly f lat ground that stretches as far as the eye can see, or an endless ocean. Individual objects within the mindscape might be defined by their limits, such as a building sitting in the middle of an endless plain, or a series of f loating chunks of rock within the void.
Self-Contained Shape: A mindscape exhibiting this physical trait might seem to go on forever, but its spatial relations actually fold back upon themselves, no matter which direction creatures within it travel. Such a mindscape might consist of an staircase that is somehow a loop, a winding tunnel that appears straight but starts and ends in the same place, or a tesseract where exiting on one side of the cube always returns the traveler to the opposite side. A self-contained medieval keep, for example, might allow travelers to exit the front gate only to find themselves reentering by the rear portal.

Though they’re mental constructs, mindscapes can sometimes cause physiological effects through mental feedback. A creator with exceptional psychic power might be able to create a mindscape that is harmless for her but harmful for all other inhabitants, but most mindscapes affect everyone in the same way.
Harmful: Injuries and conditions inf licted upon individuals visiting a harmful mindscape are real. Any psychic attacks harm the body by convincing the brain that the damage is real. Binary mindscapes are always harmful.
Harmless: Occupants of a harmless mindscape still feel the sensation of the environment or other creatures harming them, but injuries and conditions are not real— they cause no physical harm to the host’s body. A creature that dies in a harmless mindscape wakes up none the worse for wear.

The creator or controller of a mindscape determines whether gravity exists in that mindscape, and if it does, how strongly it exerts its pull.
Normal Gravity: Gravity functions just as it does on the Material Plane.
Light Gravity: Gravity’s effect is reduced, and creatures can jump, f ly, and lift heavy objects with less effort.
Heavy Gravity: Gravity’s effect is increased, and creatures find that jumping, f lying, and lifting objects require more exertion.
No Gravity: Gravity does not exist, and objects f loat in space wherever they are in relation to one another, unless they’re set in motion by someone, in which case they travel in a straight line at a constant rate of speed until they collide with another object or a creature somehow changes their motion.
Subjective Gravity: Gravity functions however each individual wishes it, relative to that individual. Thus, if one creature stands on the f loor of a parlor, while another envisions the ceiling of that same room as being “down” and stands upon that surface, each would experience gravity differently and see the other as “overhead” and “upside down.”

Controlling time within a mindscape is difficult. In most cases, time f lows at a one-for-one ratio with the passage of time in the real world. Only a powerful psychic individual can alter the f low of time in a mindscape.
Normal Time: Time f lows normally.
Slow Time: In certain cases, the creator of a mindscape might wish to cause time to slow down, forcing those within the mindscape to spend more real-world time engaged in activities within the mindscape. When this happens, 1 round within the mindscape takes 2 or more real-world rounds to complete.
Rapid Time: In other instances, a mindscape’s creator might desire to cause time to move faster within the mindscape than in the real world. In this instance, 2 or more rounds of activity within the mindscape could be completed while only 1 round passes in the real world. A controller could thus spend a great deal of time contemplating a complex mental puzzle, then emerge from the mindscape to rejoin her allies having lost no true time at all.

Some mindscapes exhibit a palpable resonance that ref lects the creator’s alignment. This might be intentional or unintentional. Most mindscapes aren’t aligned.
Mildly Aligned: A mildly aligned mindscape results in very subtle effects that might or might not be noticed by its inhabitants. In such cases, the evidence might manifest as an orderly garden for a lawful creature or a serene bit of countryside with ideal weather for a goodaligned being.
Strongly Aligned: A mindscape inf luenced by a strong alignment almost always exhibits noticeable characteristics. The atmosphere alone might cause discomfort for or even damage beings of a diametrically opposed alignment. A creator who wishes to create a strongly aligned mindscape might find it difficult to keep victims from noticing these features. The creeping alignment inf luence can give a clue to those trapped within that all is not as it seems.

Magic—particularly psychic magic—behaves in odd ways within a mindscape. In addition to the options below, see page 202 for further discussion on how magic works in binary mindscapes during psychic duels.
Normal Magic: In an immersive mindscape where magic behaves normally, characters and creatures can use spells, spell-like abilities, and magic items as they normally would. Spells are consumed and charges or consumables are spent. Damage dealt by magic is real, and the real-world body suffers accordingly if the mindscape is harmful. However, any magic that requires physical manipulation (such as drinking a potion) might not behave in the expected manner (the character could “drink” the potion and discover that nothing happens). Some divination magic might provide strange or nonsensical information if it is providing details on what is going on in the real world while the caster’s mind believes it is elsewhere. When a creature emerges from a mindscape, any magic it used while within has been consumed.
Dead Magic: Magic might not work at all within a mindscape. The effort to summon and manipulate the energies required to set off the magic can be blocked, prevented from reaching through the psychic barrier of the creature or thing that created the mindscape. In such cases, the mindscape may or may not create falsepositive results in an attempt to fool those trapped within (for example, making healing magic seem to work when it actually doesn’t function). Whatever results occur within the mindscape, creatures emerge without having expended any magic. The sole exception is that psychic spells specifically designed to manipulate a mindscape work even in mindscapes with dead magic, and are expended normally.
Altered Magic: Magic might behave very differently within a mindscape—use the rules for the enhanced, impeded, limited, or wild planar magic traits (GameMastery Guide 187).

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Re: 【OA】心像结界(Mindscapes)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2015-12-30, 周三 10:22:52 »
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Re: 【OA】心像结界(Mindscapes)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2016-02-13, 周六 16:06:00 »

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Re: 【OA】心像结界(Mindscapes)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2016-02-13, 周六 21:10:21 »