作者 主题: [翻譯]第三方職業&資源  (阅读 11602 次)

副标题: 放一些個人有興趣的第三方資源

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« 于: 2015-12-03, 周四 20:54:45 »
龍脈術士(Dragon Disciple)
劇透 -   :

This is a prestige archetype. A dragon disciple grows more and more like a dragon.
(簡單說prestige archetype是第三方出版商出版的一系列職業,把原本的進階職業重新設計成1~20等的職業,而且不是把原本的能力打散到各等級那麼簡單,還會加入一些新特色或融合其他現有職業的能力進去。)
劇透 -   :
A prestige archetype is a prestige class turned into a normal 20-level class, similar to an archetype or alternate class. The goal when making these prestige archetypes has been to capture the flavor of the prestige class rather than to make an exact copy of how it would normally be. Attack bonuses, hit dice, class skills, spells, and class features have been unified and spread evenly over levels. This means that most prestige archetypes have their prestige abilities spread over the entire 20 level spread. Unlike how prestige classes normally work, these archetypes have a few complete class abilities rather than many abilities limited to a low level. In some cases, you get the choice of one of several class abilities rather than stymied versions of all the abilities.

A prestige archetype generally has elements of one or more regular character classes, to represent how prestige prerequisites were met and character development after the prestige class has ended. Sometimes there is more than one class that naturally leads itself to a particular prestige class, which can lead to several different prestige archetypes for different combinations. A few are not built on a regular class, instead expanding the idea behind the prestige class to a full 20 levels.

Prestige vs. Archetype
One thing about prestige classes is that you grow into them - they can represent special training opportunities that the character did not know existed. Prestige archetypes don’t do this; you play a prestige archetype from level one. In this case I’d suggest using the retraining rules - the character retrains those abilities that differ between his old class and the new prestige archetype. Or, if this feels cumbersome, simply change the class abilities and say the sudden change is a result of special training. This should generally work fine at lower levels, the more experienced the character is and the more abilities it has, the greater the disconnect when those abilities change. GMs wanting this kind of plot are advised to present such options early on in a campaign.
進階職業起源: 龍脈術士。
混合職業: 魔戰士、術士。
角色定位: 藉由所掌控的魔法,龍脈術士可以成為典型的控法者角色,阻礙敵人的移動,將傷害性法術砸向他們的敵人。然而,龍脈術士的龍類能力讓這些多才多藝的施法者更加難以對付,尤其當他們使用噴吐武器並以直接的戰鬥毀滅敵人的時候。
陣營: 龍脈術士可以是任何陣營,即使他們傾向混亂多於守序。那些選擇混亂龍類特徵,比如野獸一般的白龍與令人恐懼的紅龍的龍脈術士,有一種邪惡的傾向。相反的,那些類似金屬龍,比如斯多亞學派的黃銅龍和富有騎士精神的金龍的,通常是善良陣營。
生命骰: d10
起始資金: 4d6 x 10 (140 gp)

1+0+2+0+2戲法, 龍爪, 龍族奧秘, 龍族本性, 施法免材1
3+2+3+1+3獎勵法術, 天生護甲 (+1), 龍類抗力 (5)3
4+3+4+1+4噴吐龍息 (1/day)31
5+3+4+1+4屬性增強 (力量 +2), 獎勵專長, 龍爪 (魔法)42
6+4+5+2+5獎勵法術, 天生護甲 (+2), 法術龍咬43
7+5+5+2+5噴吐 (2/日), 龍爪(1d6)431
8+6/+1+6+2+6屬性增強 (體質 +2)442
9+6/+1+6+3+6獎勵法術, 天生護甲 (+3), 龍類抗力 (10)543
10+7/+2+7+3+7盲感 30 尺, 噴吐 (3/日)5431
11+8/+3+7+3+7屬性增強 (力量 +2), 獎勵專長, 龍咬 (能量傷害)5442
12+9/+4+8+4+8獎勵法術, 天生護甲 (+4)5543
13+9/+4+8+4+8噴吐 (4/日), 龍之型態 (1/日)55431
14+10/+5+9+4+9屬性增強 (智力 +2), 龍爪 (能量傷害)55442
15+11/+6/+1+9+5+9獎勵法術, 天生護甲 (+5), 龍類抗力 (15), 龍翼 (60 尺)55543
16+12/+7/+2+10+5+10噴吐 (5/day), 龍之型態 (2/日)555431
17+12/+7/+2+10+5+10屬性增強 (力量 +2), 盲感 (60 尺), 獎勵專長555442
18+13/+8/+3+11+6+11獎勵法術, 天生護甲 (+6)555543
19+14/+9/+4+11+6+11噴吐 (6/day), 龍之型態 (3/日)555554
20+15/+10/+5+12+6+12屬性增強 (魅力 +2), 龍族力量, 龍翼 (90 尺)555555


龍脈術士的本職技能為: 攀爬 (力量), 工藝 (智力), 交涉 (魅力), 易容 (魅力), 脫逃 (敏捷), 飛行 (敏捷), 威嚇 (魅力), 知識 (所有-需分別選擇,智力)(Int), 察覺 (感知), 專業 (感知), 騎術 (敏捷), 法術辨識 (智力), 游泳 (力量), 使用魔法裝置 (魅力)。
升級技能點數: 2 + 智力調整值。






龍爪 (Claws, Su)
1級時,龍脈術士獲得爪子。這些爪視為天生武器,並允許你使用全部攻擊加值作出2次爪抓。每次攻擊造成1d4傷害(小體型1d3)。 5級時,這些爪在擊破傷害減免時視為魔法武器。 7級開始,傷害增加至1d6(小體型1d4)。 14級時,這些爪成功命中時造成額外1d6你所選擇的龍脈能量傷害。龍脈術士可以隨意使用這項能力,並把爪子當正常的手使用,但他在爪子持有東西時無法用該爪子做出爪抓攻擊。

龍族奧秘 (Dragon Arcana)

龍族本性 (Draconic Nature)


龍咬 (Bite, Su)
2級時,龍脈術士獲得囓咬主要天生攻擊。這造成造成1d6傷害(小體型1d4),加上1.5倍的龍脈術士的力量加值,且在擊破傷害減免時視為魔法武器。 11級時,囓咬攻擊同時附加1d​​6能量傷害,這種能量傷害的類型和龍脈術士的噴吐龍氣息相同。



獎勵法術 (Dragon Spells)

下列的表為可學到的額外法術:3級 魔牙術(magic fang),6級 抵抗能量傷害(resist energy),9級 高等魔牙術(greater magic fang), 12級 恐懼術(fear),15級 法術抗力(spell resistance),18級 真知術(true seeing)。

龍類抗力 (Resistance, Ex)

天生護甲 (Natural Armor, Ex)

噴吐龍息 (Breath Weapon, Su)
4級時,龍脈術士獲得噴吐武器。此噴吐造成每龍脈術士等級1d6點你所選擇的龍脈能量傷害。噴吐範圍中的生物能夠通過一次成功的反射豁免使傷害減半,豁免DC為「10+1/2龍脈術士等級+魅力修正」。噴吐範圍取決於你所選的龍脈類型。 4級時你能使用此能力每天1次,以及之後每4個等級可獲得額外一次的使用次數,19級時達到最多每天6次。使用後需隔1d4輪才能進行下一次的噴吐。


屬性增強 (Ability Boost, Ex)
當龍脈術士在此職業上提升等級時,角色的屬性值按表:龍脈術士 進行提升。這些提升疊加,如同升級時獲得的增強。



法術龍咬 (Spellbite, Su)

盲感 (Blindsense, Ex)
10級時,龍脈術士得到30尺盲感。龍脈術士能通過視覺以外的感官察覺到他看不到的事物。當他與在他盲感能力範圍內的生物之間有效果線時,他通常不需要通過洞察檢定來注意並查明其位置。任何龍脈術士看不到的敵人對其仍保有全隱蔽,龍脈術士對全隱蔽敵人的攻擊仍然有正常的失手機率。能見度依然會影響具有盲感的生物的移動。具有盲感的生物被他看不到的生物攻擊時依然無法擁有任何AC上的敏捷加值。 17級時,該能力的範圍提升至60尺。

龍之型態 (Form of the Dragon, Sp)
13級時,龍脈術士可以變為龍的形態。這項能力如同「巨龍形態I」法術。 16級時,這項能力如同「巨龍形態II」法術並且龍脈術士每天可以使用這項能力2次。19級時,這項能力如同「巨龍形態III」法術並且龍脈術士每天可以使用這項能力3次。他這項能力的施法者等級等同於他術士龍脈血統的等效術士等級。這項能力的施法者等級等同於他的職業等級。由這項能力賦予的噴吐龍息與龍脈術士的噴吐龍息是分開的,但兩者都可以在龍型態下使用。無論何時當他使用本能力時,他必須變為與他血統能力相同類型的龍。

龍翼 (Wings, Su)
15級時,堅韌的龍翼從他的背上長出,你獲得60尺飛行速度,機動性一般。這些翅膀可以在穿戴護甲時使用,並在沒有使用到時折疊起來,但這翅膀醒目的難以掩飾,這特性被歸入到上述的龍之光環的能力中。20級時,飛行速度提高到90尺。(譯注:龍之光環原文為dragon aura,這邊原本我想應該是要寫龍族本性Draconic Nature,不知道為啥寫成這個奇怪的東西)

龍族力量 (Power Of Wyrms, Su)

矮人: 噴吐龍息的每日使用次數+1/6。
精靈: 克服法術抗力的加值+1/2。
半精靈: 與龍類生物的交涉檢定+1。
半獸人: 造成火焰傷害的法術傷害+1/2。
半身人: 天武攻擊的傷害+1/2。
人類: 從龍脈術士法術列表中選擇一個法術加入已知法術。此法術必須比角色可以獲得的最高環級的法術低一環。

這職業把原本的進階職業 龍脈術士重新設計成1~20等的職業,並融入了一些魔戰士的能力,個人蠻喜歡的,很有特色,可以用囓咬攻擊來法術打擊也很有趣。職業的走向我覺得偏向戰法雙修,戰方面可以拿武器也可以走天武流,我建議是天武流,一方面BAB只有3/4,另一方面職業本身賜予了一些有關天武的特殊能力。法方面可以參考魔戰士的build方向。雖然有人可能會覺得戰法雙修會導致兩方面都沒法專精,但如果模組對戰力的要求沒有非常高(或是玩家本身沒有幾級一輪打XX傷害以上或法術DC要XX以上之類的高標準),這職業的戰力我覺得應該算足夠了。之前有跑一個12等的短團,用了這職業並兼職了一級混血術士選紅龍&元素:火的雙血統,讓所有的元素法術都可以轉換成火焰並得到每傷害骰+2的效果,跑完的感覺是蠻不錯,近戰和法術傷害方面都蠻夠的。


Oterisk’s Guide to the Dragon Disciple-  A “How To” for the Living Myth
這篇寫給原進階職業 龍脈術士的guide非常豐富,可以參考。
« 上次编辑: 2016-03-10, 周四 03:42:18 由 白貓 »
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2015-12-04, 周五 01:54:45 »
遊蕩海賊(Swaggering Buccaneer)(暫譯,Swaggering這詞不知道該如何翻較恰當..orz)
遊蕩劍客是不斷尋求與敵人一對一戰鬥的決鬥大師。但是有些遊蕩劍客追求遠程武器與劍術的結合。遊蕩海賊使用了許多的炫技去提升她們的決鬥技巧和十字弓與手槍的使用。 (Original Concept by Dustyboy)
劇透 -   :
Multiclass Archetypes(MAC)為第三方出的一系列兼職變體職業,,MAC新設計的每一個變體都會包括一個主要職業和次要職業的概念。例如主要職業為魔戰次要職業為銃士和主要職業為銃士次要職業為魔戰代表一個是魔戰的變體另一個是銃士的變體。

原網址似乎網站提供商不再提供服務,目前的轉移網址 http://www.pathfindercommunity.net/classes/multiclass-archetypes

主要職業: 遊蕩劍客
次要職業: 銃士
陣營: 任何。
生命骰: d10

Swaggering Buccaneer的本職技能為: 選擇三個銃士的本職技能加到遊蕩劍客的本職技能表中,其中一個必須是法術辨識。
升級技能點數: 4 + 智力調整值


武器和護甲擅長: 遊蕩海賊擅長所有的簡易武器和軍用武器,以及單手火器。遊蕩海賊擅長所有的輕甲以及小圓盾。

海賊勇猛 (Buccaneer's Bravado, Ex): 1級時,遊蕩海賊獲得一件她所選擇的手槍。她的起始武器已磨損,只有她本人瞭解如何恰當使用。其他生物持用該火器時被認為破損。若武器本身已處於破損狀態,其他人根本無法使用。此起始武器可作為廢料出售(價值4d10GP)。 除此之外,遊蕩海賊在使用輕型或單手穿刺類近戰武器時獲得武器嫻熟專長的效果,而且遊蕩海賊可以用魅力屬性代替智力滿足戰鬥專長的前提。這個職業能力在滿足其他專長的前提條件時視作“武器嫻熟”專長。該能力取代巧手遊蕩劍客。

炫技 (Deeds): 和遊蕩劍客的炫技能力一樣,除了每當遊蕩海賊獲得炫技時,必須從遊蕩劍客或銃士的炫技裡選取三個。一旦炫技被選取,就無法再更改。


劇透 -   :
近戰射手 (Melee Shooter, Ex): 在1級時,在同時持有一把輕型或單手穿刺近戰武器和一把單手火器時,用一個迅捷動作,一名遊蕩海賊可以花費1點時髦值來使他在本輪內用單手火器的第一次遠程攻擊不造成機會攻擊。

零距離致命接觸 (Up Close and Deadly, Ex): 在1級時,當遊蕩海賊用十字弓或單手火器的非霰彈類子彈射擊一個目標時,她可以花費1點時髦值,當輪的下一次成功命中的單手穿刺武器攻擊可額外造成1d6點傷害。額外傷害不會在重擊時翻倍。此傷害在5級達到2d6,10級3d6,15級4d6,20級時變成5d6。此傷害和偷襲、其他類似的精準傷害加值疊加。

警覺裝填 (Vigilant Loading, Ex): 在1級時,一名遊蕩海賊只要還有至少1點時髦值,他在裝填弩時就不會造成敵人的機會攻擊。

射手決意 (Shooter's Resolve, Ex): 在3級時,一名遊蕩海賊可以花費1點勇時髦值用一個標準動作使用弩進行一次攻擊,並在這次攻擊中忽略所有的隱蔽(除了全隱蔽)和掩蔽(除了全掩蔽)效果。

擾亂射擊 (Distracting Shot, Ex): 在7級時,一名遊蕩海賊可以花費1點時髦值並選擇故意射失一次本來正常會用弩命中敵人的遠程攻擊。當他這麼做後,目標會在1輪內失去AC上的敏捷加值。

射擊衝鋒 (Fire and Charge, Ex): 在七級時,一名遊蕩海賊只要還有至少1點時髦值,她可以用十字弓或單手火器射擊,抽出一把單手穿刺武器並衝鋒。這兩次攻擊都使用遊蕩海賊的最高BAB,衝鋒攻擊的+2攻擊加值會正常加到近戰攻擊上。遊蕩海賊無法使用這項能力當她的移動速度受到盔甲或環境的影響而降低時。

奇妙裝填 (Inexplicable Reload, Ex): 在11級時,對一名遊蕩海賊來說,裝填弩矢會成為一種不假思索的本能。只要一名遊蕩海賊還有至少1點時髦值,他在戰鬥的每一輪開始時(包括突襲輪),弩始終會處於已裝填狀態。另外,對於一名遊蕩海賊來說,裝填弩箭的動作會降低一個等級:標準動作降低為移動動作,移動動作降低為迅捷動作,迅捷動作降低為自由動作,而如果他之前可以以自由動作裝填,那麼他裝填弩矢不需要動作。

雙發擊倒 (Twin Shot Knockdown, Ex): 11級時,當遊蕩海賊在自己的回合中以短火器兩次命中同一目標時,他可以花費1點時髦值將目標擊倒。他能在攻擊命中之後再花費時髦值。

釘刺射擊 (Pinning Shot, Ex): 在15級時,一名遊蕩海賊可以在用弩射擊時花費1點勇毅值嘗試定住他所射擊的目標。如果這次攻擊成功命中,它能夠將目標釘在一個臨近物體上,一堵牆上,或是直接釘在地上,使目標受到糾纏和恍惚效果。在被擊倒後,一名目標不能移動出所在的格子,除非它花費一個標準動作將自己從這只釘刺弩矢上解放出來,或是使用傳送的方法離開所在位置。

派頭 (Panache, Ex): 遊蕩海賊可把派頭能力視作勇毅去滿足任何銃士的炫技。除此之外,和其他遊蕩劍客不同,遊蕩海賊在使用輕型或單手穿刺近戰武器或十字弓單手火器造成重擊或完成擊殺後都能恢復時髦值。

槍劍擊鳴 (Sword and Pistol, Ex): 2級時,遊蕩海賊學會了毫不費力的結合近戰與遠程武器。她可以使用輕型或單手穿刺武器和十字弓或單手火器來使用槍劍擊鳴攻擊。當這樣做時,遊蕩海賊獲得雙武器攻擊的專長去使用任何結合輕型或單手穿刺武器與十字弓或單手火器的攻擊。當使用十字弓或單手火器的攻擊作為槍劍擊鳴的一部份時,不會觸發處於遊蕩海賊的輕型或單手近戰武器的威脅範圍裡敵人的藉機攻擊。遊蕩海賊必須使用輕型或單手近戰武器和十字弓或單手火器來使用槍劍擊鳴能力。




海賊武器訓練 (Buccaneer Weapon Training, Ex): 5級時,遊蕩海賊在使用單手或輕型穿刺近戰武器時在攻擊和傷害檢定時獲得+1加值。這個加值在5級後的每4級會額外加1(最大在17級時達到+4)。她必須從十字弓或單手火器中選擇。他在十字弓或單手火器的傷害上得到相當於敏捷修正的加值。而且,當她使用單手火器啞火時,啞火值增加2,而不是原本的4點。之後每4級,她會獲得1點額外的傷害加值在十字弓或單手火器上。在13級時,遊蕩海賊的單手火器將永遠不會啞火。

快樂人生 (Charmed Life, Ex): 與遊蕩劍客的快樂人生能力相同,除了遊蕩海賊在6級時獲得每日一次的使用次數,在之後的每4級會獲得1次額外的該能力使用次數,到18級時最多每天4次。

海賊武器大師 (Buccaneer Weapon Mastery, Ex): 20級時,當遊蕩海賊在使用輕型或單手穿刺近戰武器或十字弓或單手火器造成重擊威脅時,重擊確認自動成功。額外地,遊蕩劍客重擊時的傷害倍數將會額外加1(如X2會變為X3)。該能力取代遊蕩劍客武器大師。

表:Swaggering Buccaneer
1+1+0+2+0海賊勇猛, 炫技, 派頭
2+2+0+3+0槍劍擊鳴 (雙武器攻擊)
3+3+1+3+1炫技, 機敏 +1
5+5+1+4+1海賊武器訓練 1
6+6/+1+2+5+2快樂人生 1次/日
7+7/+2+2+5+2炫技, 機敏 +2
8+8/+3+2+6+2槍劍擊鳴 (精通雙武器攻擊)
9+9/+4+3+6+3海賊武器訓練 2
10+10/+5+3+7+3快樂人生 2次/日
11+11/+6/+1+3+7+3炫技, 機敏 +3
13+13/+8/+3+4+8+4海賊武器訓練 3
14+14/+9/+4+4+9+4快樂人生 3次/日
15+15/+10/+5+5+9+5炫技, 機敏 +4
16+16/+11/+6/+1+5+10+5槍劍擊鳴 (高等雙武器攻擊)
17+17/+12/+7/+2+5+10+5海賊武器訓練 4
18+18/+13/+8/+3+6+11+6快樂人生 4次/日
19+19/+14/+9/+4+6+11+6炫技, 機敏 +5
20+20/+15/+10/+5+6+12+6獎勵專長, 海賊武器大師

不虧是有點腦洞的第三方,出了一個算有點戰力的槍劍職業(其實也可以拿十字弓),原本PF裡的槍劍職業像銃士變體的海賊或遊蕩劍客變體的海盜其實都偏弱且不好用(個人看法),海賊我覺得有點搞笑就不說了,海盜必須要消耗時髦點才能避免遠程吃AO的問題,而且火器也無法依靠屬性得到傷害,遠近雙修也會導致專長很吃緊,最後是槍劍玩法的最大問題,如何在雙手都有武器的情況下裝子彈。這問題是有解決方法,但不管是用quick darw射一發抽一把、兼職兩級煉金長手臂、用胡椒罐手槍等,都是有所犧牲的方法。


缺點 1.雖然送了一堆專長還有額外專長,但畢竟是遠近雙修,專長還是會有點吃緊,需要好好規劃。 2.要發揮全部火力必須要貼近敵人打近戰,但拿了手槍或弩卻還要貼臉射擊感覺又有點矛盾?!實際上是真的很矛盾,但為了帥,沒辦法。
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« 回帖 #2 于: 2015-12-15, 周二 22:11:51 »
Time Thief
The time thief does just what her name suggests—she steals bits of time. Mostly she steals boring, unneeded time from her own future, saving tiny split-seconds she can use to make her life easier in the present. As her powers grow, the time thief can learn to manipulate bigger slices of time, giving her more options to enhance her actions or even alter the timeline of enemies and allies alike. Most of the time thief's effects are subtle to outside observers, seeming to be more good fortune and preternatural speed than control over time. But it's clear to anyone who seen a time thief dash past a charging horse, leap onto a narrow ledge, and flip over a guard's crossbow bolt that a time thief has some kind of temporal power.

Indeed, while the powers of the time thief are very similar to magic, they are neither arcane nor divine in nature. A time thief develops a natural power to alter time, more akin to a dragon's breath or the ability of fey than to mortal spellcasting. Rather than gathering and shaping magical energy, the time thief can take, save, change, and deal out slices of time itself. For most time thieves, this is a natural talent discovered at an early age (often at some time of great stress), and honed through years of practice. (For alternate interpretations of how a time thief might learn her abilities, see the 「Time Thieves in Your Campaign」 section.)

Unsurprisingly, many time thieves do end up with lives focused on larceny and stealth. The ability to slow, alter, and even reverse time is a powerful incentive to take risks, and flaunting the law is a seductive risk that drives many time thieves. This need not be done as a malicious act—many time thieves see their powers as a way to place checks on the power of tyrants, offer unseen aid to the downtrodden, and re-balance the scales in favor of the unfortunate. Although some use their abilities to brazenly take the things they desire simply because of the sheer thrill of being able to do so, even the most self-centered time thief is unlikely to cause direct harm to downtrodden individuals (though they often have no problem merely ignoring the plights of the world's unfortunate ones).

角色定位: The time thief is an unusual class. It doesn't excel at dealing or taking damage in combat, draw on either arcane or divine spells, or summon companions or familiars to assist it. In many ways, this is an intentional design choice. Because the time thief doesn't fill any of the common roles of a Pathfinder RPG player character, it doesn't overlap any either. While a time thief can act like a rogue (almost a necessity for a class with 「thief」 in the title), for the most part its unique abilities fall outside the realm of most classes. This both makes it a new challenge for players who may feel unchallenged by the existing base classes, and allows a character to work with a group of more traditional characters without being forced to share their specialties.
陣營: Time thieves may be of any alignment. Because of the confusion that manipulating time often generates, many time thieves are chaotic.
生命骰: d8

Time Thief的本職技能為:  Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), and Swim (Str).
升級技能點數: 6 + 智力調整值


武器和護甲擅長: A time thief is proficient in all simple and martial weapons, light armor*, and all shields except tower shields.

Mote of Time (Su): A mote is a tiny split-second of time that a time thief steals from her own future. The motes taken are inconsequential slivers of continuance that even the time thief will not notice being missing from her activities. However, a time thief can use these motes to affect her present timeline, allowing her to re-try actions and slow down time around her so she can act more carefully and alertly in fast-moving situations.

Each day, the time thief has a pool of motes equal three plus her class level. Once a round, as a free action, a time thief can expend a mote to do any one of the following things:

●Gain a bonus to one attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw. The roll must represent a single action that occurs entirely within a single round. (A time thief could use a mote to add a bonus to an Acrobatics check to leap over a chasm, but not to a Craft check made to determine how much progress was made after a day of work.) The bonus gained is equal to +1d4. This increases to +2d4 at 8th level, and +3d4 at 16th level. The time thief can decide to add this bonus immediately after seeing the result of the original die roll.
●Take a swift action that does not count against the time thief's normal limit of one swift action per round.
●Act in the surprise round when the time thief would not normally be able to do so.

At 3rd level, a time thief gains the ability to add the bonus from spending a mote of time to a single damage roll, or to her armor class (as a dodge bonus) until the beginning of her next turn.

At 7th level, the time thief may spend a mote to reduce the duration of any negative condition or effect she is suffering. By accelerating the speed with which only the negative influences on her travel through time, the time thief can reduce the duration of any one condition, affliction, or spell effect by 1d6 rounds (to a minimum of 0). This increased to a 2d6 round reduction at 15th level.

At 11th level, the time thief may spend a mote to take a move action as a swift action.

At 19th level, the time thief may use a mote to grant any ally within 60 feet that she can see an additional move action on that ally's next turn.

A time thief may gain additional options for use of a mote by taking temporal talents, though she is still restricted to spending motes only once each round.

Temporal Talents : As a time thief gains experience, she learns a number of talents that aid her and confound her foes. Starting at 2nd level, a time thief gains one temporal talent. She gains an additional temporal talent every even level except 20. A time thief cannot select an individual talent more than once.

Talents marked with an asterisk require a time thief to spend motes, which she may do only once per round. The evasion talent is not marked with an asterisk because its use does not require the use of a mote, despite the fact that it does allow a time thief to spend a mote to enhance its effect.

劇透 -   :
Evasion (Ex): The time thief can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the time thief is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless time thief does not gain the benefit of evasion. A time thief with this talent may also choose to spend a mote when making a Reflex save. If she does so, she takes no damage on a successful saving throw, and only half damage even if she misses her save. A time thief must decide to spend a mote prior to making the Reflex saving throw roll.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A time thief with this talent can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking her, unless the attacker has at least four more levels in a class that grants sneak attack than the time thief's class level. If a character already has uncanny dodge from another class, the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum level in a class that grants sneak attack required to flank the character.

A time thief must already have uncanny dodge from some source before selecting this talent.

Old Wounds* (Su): As a standard action, the time thief can channel time into a wound, causing it to experience rapid healing, as if many days had passed. The time thief may spend a mote to heal her own wounds, or the wounds of an ally touched. The wounds heal for 1d8 damage +1 per class level of the time thief.

Steady Hand* (Su): The time thief can rewind time by small amounts to erase any minor mistakes she makes as a result of distraction around her. By spending a mote, the time thief may use skills reliably even under adverse conditions. Once she spends the mote, she may take 10 on any single skill check made before the end of her next round, even if stress and distractions would normally prevent her from doing so.

Steal Fate* (Su) : As a standard action, the time thief can attempt to steal a crucial moment from a target's future, reducing the chance the target will enjoy a happy and prosperous future. The time thief spends a mote to make a melee touch attack that deals no damage. This may be done in place of an attack taken as part of a full attack action. If hit, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the time thief's level + the time thief's Charisma modifier) or suffer a penalty to all attack and damage rolls, skill checks, and saving throws. This effect lasts for 5 minutes for every level of time thief the attacker has. The penalty suffered is equal to –1, and increases to –2 at 8th level, and –3 at 16th level.

Steal Time* (Su): With this talent, a time thief can steal time from a target. The time thief spends a mote as an immediate reaction after damaging a target with a melee attack. The target must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the time thief's level + the time thief's Charisma modifier) or be staggered for one round per two class levels of the time thief. While one or more targets are staggered by the time thief's use of this ability, she gains a +1 bonus to all attack, damage, and skill rolls as she uses the stolen time to carefully plan each action she takes.

Trapfinding (Ex): he time thief adds 1/2 her class level (minimum +1) to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks. She can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.

Trap Spotter (Ex): Whenever a time thief with this talent comes within 10 feet of a trap, she receives an immediate Perception skill check to notice the trap. This check should be made in secret by the GM.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A time thief with this talent can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She cannot be caught flat footed, even if the attacker is invisible. She still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A time thief with this ability can still lose her Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against her.

Aevum: At 5th level, the time thief gains the ability to control aevum—distinct moments of important time, stolen from the future and used to power the time thief's abilities. Unlike a mote, which is a very minor split second of time, an aevum is a more noteworthy moment, a crucial instance when something important happened. While a time thief has a ready supply of motes to spend on minor effects, aevum represent more major manipulations of time and are thereby a rarer commodity.

When first gained, the time thief must select a single power from the list below, and has a single aevum per day to spend. She gains additional aevum powers at 9th, 13th, and 17th level, and also increases her daily aevum pool by +1 at each of the levels. Spending an aevum is a standard action unless the ability description says otherwise.
劇透 -   :
Bolt Time (Su): By spending an aevum, the time thief can accelerate her movements to a speed that allows her to easily see and react to the movement of a crossbow bolt or other projectile as it flies toward a target. The time thief remains in bolt time for one round per class level. This ability counts as a haste effect. While in bolt time, the time thief gains the following benefits:

●When making a full attack action, the time thief may make one extra attack with any weapon she is holding. The attack is made using her full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. (This effect is not cumulative with similar effects, such as that provided by haste or a speed weapon, nor does it actually grant an extra action, so you can't use it to cast a second spell or otherwise take an extra action in the round.)
●The time thief gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.
●All of the time thief's modes of movement (including land movement, burrow, climb, fly, and swim) increase by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice her normal speed using that form of movement. This increase counts as an enhancement bonus and it affects the time thief's jumping distance as normal for increased speed.
●Each round, the time thief may automatically dodge the first ranged attack she is aware of that would otherwise strike her.

Entropy (Su): The time thief can force a target to suddenly feel the effects of aging, which damages and weakens it. She spends an aevum and makes a ranged touch attack as a standard action against any target she can see within 100 ft. + 10 ft./time thief level*. If she hits the target, it takes 1d8 points of damage per class level of the time thief (to a maximum of 15d8). This damage bypasses hardness and DR.

Personal Time (Su):
The time thief can take risky actions and, if things go badly, simply reverse her personal timeline to before she made the effort. At the beginning of her turn, the time thief spends an aevum as a free action. She then takes one normal round of actions, with all results noted temporarily. After her round of activity, before the next creature's turn begins, the time thief must decide if she is going to keep the round of activity she just took, or rewind herself.

If she keeps the round of activity, any changes made to any character during her turn become permanent. If she decides to reverse her timeline, she goes back to the moment she spent the aevum, and all changes that occurred during her round are erased from all creatures and items. The time thief is left with a standard action, but is considered to have spent an aevum and made use of her move action already. No one but the time thief remembers actions that took place during a round of time she reverses, and only divination spells of 6th level or higher can reveal such events. If a time thief is killed or knocked unconscious during a round of personal time, she automatically reverses back to the beginning of melee range of her.
劇透 -   :
For example, Veronic is a 9th-level time thief with personal time. She is fleeing from a sultan's guards across the rooftops of a major bazaar. She comes upon a wide alley, and isn't sure she can leap across it to continue her flight. At the beginning of her turn she spends an aevum and begins a round of personal time. She runs and leaps, but fails to make her Acrobatics check by enough to cross the distance. She falls, landing on a mule. She and the mule both take 14 hit points, wounding Veronic and killing the mule (both Veronic's player and the GM make notes, but keep track of this information separately as it may be reversed). From the ground, Veronic can see two more squads of guards rushing up side streets, closing on her new position.

Given how poorly her round has gone, Veronic decides to rewind back to the beginning of her turn. She is no longer damaged from the fall (and the mule is no longer dead), and while the guards have no idea she attempted the leap or know there are more guards coming, Veronic remembers those facts perfectly. However, she now has only a standard action left for her new round of action. Things look a bit grim for Veronic, as she readies to attack the first guard who gets in melee range of her.
Shatter Time (Su): The time thief can break up the bigger, more important moments of stolen time under her control into smaller, more easily manipulated pieces. By spending an aevum, the time thief can recharge her daily uses of motes. She regains a number of motes of time equal to 1d4 + her Charisma modifier. This cannot increase the number of motes available to above her daily mote total.

Temporal Stasis (Sp): Once per day, the time thief can spend an aevum to attempt to inflict temporal stasis (as the spell of the same name) on one touched creature. The time thief uses her class level as her caster level for this ability. If the time thief's initial touch attack fails, she can attempt this again as a standard action until she succeeds or six rounds pass. Once she successfully touches a target she loses the ability to try again, even if the target makes its Fortitude save.

A time thief must be at least 17th level to select this aevum ability.

Time Cross (Su): The time thief can focus her timeline-stealing powers on a target, and steal from it a moment of success. She spends an aevum to make a ranged touch attack against any target she can see within 100 ft. + 10 ft./time thief level. If the time thief misses with this ranged attack she can try again (with each new attempt being its own standard action) for up to one minute per level. Once a target is hit, as an immediate reaction, the time thief can force the target to re-roll a single attack roll, damage roll, skill check, or saving throw she is aware of that occurs while the time cross is active (a time period equal to one minute per time thief level). The target must take the result of the second roll. After the target re-rolls once, the ability is discharged regardless of the outcome of the re-roll.

Time Stop (Sp): Once per day, the time thief can spend an aevum to create a time stop effect (as the spell of the same name) on herself. A time thief must be at least 17th level to select this aevum ability.

Advanced Talents: Beginning at 10th level, a time thief adds the following advanced temporal talents to her choices when picking a new temporal talent. Many advanced talents require a time thief to spend two of her daily uses of her mote of time ability. This still qualifies as spending a mote once during her turn, even though multiple motes are spent.
劇透 -   :
Back to the Future (Su): The time thief can spend two motes to fling herself briefly into the future to observe the results of proposed acts or decisions in her present. Since the time thief is only in her future for a moment, she is not certain to receive meaningful information. The base chance for receiving meaningful information is 70% + 1% per class level. This roll is made secretly by the GM. If the ability succeeds, the time thief gets one of the following four results:

●Weal (if the action will probably bring good results).
●Woe (for bad results)
●Weal and woe (for both).
●Nothing (for actions that don't have especially good or bad results).
If the ability fails, the time thief gets the 「nothing」 result. There is no way to tell if a 「nothing」 result is the consequence of an action with no particular results or a failed use of this ability. This ability can see into the future only about ten minutes per level of the time thief, so anything that might happen after that does not affect the result. Thus, the result might not take into account the long term consequences of a contemplated action. All efforts to use this ability by the same person about the same topic use the same die result as the first use of the ability.

Butterfly Effect (Su): As a reaction, the time thief can make minor changes in her past, which creates a cascade of minor changes in the timeline to generate brief favorable circumstances for an ally in her present. The time thief can spend two motes to add a bonus to one attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw made by an ally within 30 feet. The roll must represent a single action that occurs entirely within a single round. (A time thief could use a mote to add a bonus to an ally's Acrobatics check to leap over a chasm, but not to his Craft check made to determine how much progress was made after a day of work.) The bonus gained is equal to +2d4. This increased to +3d4 at 16th level. The time thief can decide to add this bonus immediately after seeing the result of the original die roll.

Déjà Vu (Su): By spending two motes, a time thief can draw information from her future or past, allowing her to instantly gain the benefits of considerable study and reflection. She can even peer briefly into the future to see how others react to her various attempts at negotiation or subterfuge. The time thief can make a single Intelligence-, Wisdom- or Charisma-based skill check with a result equal to 20 + her total skill bonus.

A time thief must take steady hand before she can take déjà vu.

Retroactive (Su): By spending two motes, a time thief can attempt the same physical action over and over, hopping back to her starting point each time if things don't work out for her. The time thief can make a single Strength-, Dexterity- or Constitution-based skill check with a result equal to 20 + her total skill bonus.

A time thief must take steady hand before she can take retroactive.

Time After Time (Su): The time thief gains advanced ability to manipulate time. The time thief may now spend motes twice per round, if she wishes.

Time Bandit (Su): The time thief's access to motes increases. The time thief can spend an additional number of motes per day equal to her Charisma bonus. This talent may be taken more than once, adding the same number of additional motes per day each time it is selected.

Time to Kill (Su): The time thief spends two motes to set up a perfect weapon blow. The next attack the time thief makes before the end of her next turn gains sneak attack dice equal to one-third the time thief's level. The time thief does not need to be flanking a target or have the target be denied its Dexterity bonus to AC to use these sneak attack dice, but creatures immune to sneak attacks still suffer no extra damage from this attack.

Time Runner (Su): The time thief can move briefly through time, taking an action that does not exist in the normal sequence of reality. The time thief spends two motes to gain an additional move action. The time thief does not set off traps during this move action (though she may cause them to be triggered if, at the end of her run, the proper triggering situation still exists). She does not provoke attacks of opportunity during this move action, nor may other characters make Perception checks to notice the time thief during this move action. After the move action time catches up to the time thief, allowing triggered traps to go off and other creatures to immediately notice the time thief where she now stands.

劇透 -   :
For example, Veronic is a time thief trying to sneak into a caliph's fortress. There are two guards standing to either side of the building's entrance. The area is brightly lit and the only cover ends ten feet from the guards. Veronic spends an aevum to active her time runner ability, allowing her to dash from cover, through the entrance, and back to cover on the far side. If there was a pit trap in the entrance, her movement would not set it off. However, if she could not find cover to get back in on the far side of the entrance, the guards would be allowed to make a Perception check to notice her at the end of her extra move action (before she takes any other action she has left). If she ends her move standing on a pit trap she does not see, it opens beneath her as soon as her move ends. Similarly if she opened a door to get out of sight, and the door had a crossbow trap attacked to the handle, it goes off after her move action (no longer a threat to her, but certainly raising suspicions of the guards).

Time Killer (Su): The ultimate expression of the time thief's power is the ability to eliminate time and age from her personal time line. The time thief no longer ages physically, preventing her from dying of age or suffering any reduction to her ability scores due to age. If she is older than middle age for her race she reverts to a physical form at the prime of her health, gaining back any Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution lost due to aging. She is now immune to age effects.

Additionally, the time thief's daily pool of aevum increases by an amount equal to her Charisma bonus, and can spending aevum now counts as a move action (unless a power specifies otherwise). The time thief can spend a maximum of two aevum in a single round.

表:Time Thief
1+0+0+2+2Mote of time
2+1+0+3+3Temporal talent
3+2+1+3+3Mote of time (damage, dodge)
4+3+1+4+4Temporal talent
6+4+2+5+5Temporal talent
7+5+2+5+5Mote of time (conditions)
8+6/+1+2+6+6Temporal talent
10+7/+2+3+7+7Advanced talents, temporal talent
11+8/+3+3+7+7Mote of time (move action)
12+9/+4+4+8+8Temporal talent
14+10/+5+4+9+9Temporal talent
15+11/+6/+1+5+9+9Mote of time (conditions, improved)
16+12/+7/+2+5+10+10Temporal talent
18+13/+8/+3+6+11+11Temporal talent
19+14/+9/+4+6+11+11Mote of time (allies move)
20+15/+10/+5+6+12+12Time killer

Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a Favored Class, some races have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their Favored Classes. The following options are available to the listed race who have time thief as their Favored Class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed Favored Class reward.
Dwarves   Add 1/6 of an additional d4 added to armor class when you spend a mote to boost your AC. (+1d4 for every six times you select this option.)    
Elves   +1/2 mote/day. (One additional mote for every two times you select this option.)   
Gnomes   Add 1/6 of a temporal talent. (One additional temporal talent for every six times you select this option.)   
Half-Elves   Add 1/6 of an additional d4 to one attack roll when you spend a mote to boost your attack roll. (+1d4 for every six times you select this option.)   
Half-Orcs   Add 1/6 of an additional d4 to one damage roll when you spend a mote to boost damage. (+1d4 for every six times you select this option.)   
Halflings   Add 1/6 of an additional d4 to one saving throw when you spend a mote to boost a saving throw. (+1d4 for every six times you select this option.)   
Humans   Add 1/6 of an additional d4 to one skill check or ability check when you spend a mote to boost such a check. (+1d4 for every six times you select this option.
Pipers    Add +1/2 level to all Disguise and Sense Motive checks. (+1 to these checks for every two times you select this option.)   
Dhampir   Add +1/6 of an additional d4 to one damage roll when the time thief spends a mote to boost her damage roll.   
Drow   When using the steal time temporal talent, add +1/2 to the effective class level of the time thief, but only to determine the ability's duration.   
Duergar   Add +1 to the fighter's CMD when resisting a bull rush or steal attempt.   
Fetchling   Add +1/6 of an additional d4 to one skill check or ability check when you spend a mote to boost such a check.   
Hobgoblin   Add a +1/2 circumstance bonus on critical hit confirmation rolls with a weapon of the time thief's choice (maximum bonus +4). This bonus does not stack with Critical Focus.   
Orc   Add +1/6 of an additional d4 to one skill check or ability check when you spend a mote to boost such a check.   
Ratfolk   Add a +1/2 bonus on Escape Artist checks with the outsider type when spending a mote to increase damage.   
Tiefling   Add +1/2 bonus to damage dealt to creatures    
Wayang   The time thief gains +1/6 of a new temporal talent.

The Time Thief in Your Campaign
Beyond the mechanical issues of a time thief, a GM must also decide how to represent them in a game world. In keeping with the flavor text of this product, one use for the time thief is to have it represent a new and exotic option for characters that hail from lands distant from the campaign's central geography. Adding new classes (as player or NPC options) that operate differently from what players are used to can help emphasize the foreign, alien aspect of a far away land. If a campaign mostly takes place in lands of knights and yeomen, time thieves probably come from the realms of the monk, fakir, eunuch, or samurai.

The social role of a time thief is up to the GM to decide, but they are essentially anti-monks. Whereas monks represent law, order, and devotion to self-improvement, the time thief thrives on chaos, coincidence, and changing the rest of the universe to better fit her personal needs. As time thieves are encouraged to be risk takers, they fall easily into the roles of rebels against unjust authority, thrill-seekers, and career criminal. How locals treat time thieves is likely to be based on how well their abilities are understood. To an outside observer, much of what a time thief does is going to look like nothing but good luck and amazing timing. In a culture where the existence of time-manipulating rascals is well known, any person who has an especially lucky turn of events may be viewed with suspicion (especially by gamblers and the authorities).

Even a heroic time thief does not need to be a Robin Hood type of local benefactor, though it plays that part very well. Rather than being brigands of chronology, time thieves could be recast as guardians of time, making sure that events play out the way they are 「supposed」 to. They might be associated with a god of time and history, taking the role paladins occupy for gods of good and justice. On the other hand, their role could be more clandestine—a cabal of hidden time-manipulators who battle behind the scenes to ensure time is undisturbed by fate-eating demons or chronal necromancers who wish to resurrect dead timelines. Such an organization could easily become patron to a group of adventures, guiding player characters to face threats that time guardians have defeated over and over in replayed histories.

Finally, the ability of time thieves could be as well understood and taught as the combat abilities of fighters and monks. Academies might exist, taking in students who wished to learn the strange art of time-twisting the same way others teach the wizardly and clerical arts. This option removes much of the sense of mystery from a time thief, but in some campaigns that might be the best (and most realistic) option. In games of this type, a time thief is seen as being similar to the monk or bard—someone with odd abilities that are neither more nor less amazing than sorcerers and druids, though in all likelihood they will be somewhat less common.
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

离线 白貓

  • 兇八八的金吉拉
  • 版主
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  • 帖子数: 1572
  • 苹果币: 4
 【Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Jubal D'tirn, The Fool's Champion】 魔戰士變體
原能魔戰 (魔戰士變體)
Primagus (Magus Archetype)







引述: 原能魔戰 每日法術量
等級        法術環數
      1級 2級 3級 4級 5級 6級   
1st   1   —   —   —   —   —   
2nd   2   —   —   —   —   —   
3rd   3   —   —   —   —   —   
4th   3   1   —   —   —   —   
5th   4   2   —   —   —   —   
6th   4   3   —   —   —   —   
7th   4   3   1   —   —   —   
8th   4   4   2   —   —   —   
9th   5   4   3   —   —   —   
10th   5   4   3   1   —   —   
11th   5   4   4   2   —   —   
12th   5   5   4   3   —   —   
13th   5   5   4   3   1   —   
14th   5   5   4   4   2   —   
15th   5   5   5   4   3   —   
16th   5   5   5   4   3   1   
17th   5   5   5   4   4   2   
18th   5   5   5   5   4   3   
19th   5   5   5   5   5   4   
20th   5   5   5   5   5   5   

引述: 原能魔戰 已知法術量
等級        法術環數
      0級 1級 2級 3級 4級 5級 6級
1st   4   2   —   —   —   —   —
2nd   5   3   —   —   —   —   —
3rd   6   4   —   —   —   —   —
4th   6   4   2   —   —   —   —
5th   6   4   3   —   —   —   —
6th   6   4   4   —   —   —   —
7th   6   5   4   2   —   —   —
8th   6   5   4   3   —   —   —
9th   6   5   4   4   —   —   —
10th   6   5   5   4   2   —   —
11th   6   6   5   4   3   —   —
12th   6   6   5   4   4   —   —
13th   6   6   5   5   4   2   —
14th   6   6   6   5   4   3   —
15th   6   6   6   5   4   4   —
16th   6   6   6   5   5   4   2
17th   6   6   6   6   5   4   3
18th   6   6   6   6   5   4   4
19th   6   6   6   6   5   5   4
20th   6   6   6   6   6   5   5


奧能力池(Arcane Pool, Su):原能魔戰從他的魅力修正值獲得奧能力池點數而不是智力修正值。這能力修改了魔戰士的奧能力池。(譯註:雖然原文沒有說用魅力修正值來決定魔戰士奧能的相關能力,但我覺得應該是漏掉了。)

法術戰鬥(Spell Combat, Ex):1級時,原能魔戰學會瞭如何同時施放法術和運用武器的戰術。這與雙武器戰鬥很像,但副手武器是正在釋放的法術。要使用此能力,原能魔戰須有一隻手空閒(即使該法術並不需要動作成份),而另一隻手持用輕型或單手近戰武器,或者持用雙手近戰武器。以一個整輪動作,他可以​​在-2減值下使用其武器做出所有攻擊,並同時釋放任何魔戰士法術列表中的釋放時間為一個標準動作的法術。若他以防禦式釋放此法術,則可以選擇令其攻擊檢定獲得最高等於其魅力修正的額外減值,並在專注檢定上獲得等量的環境加值。若檢定失敗,則法術失效,但攻擊仍舊受到減值。原能魔戰可以選擇先釋放法術或先使用武器攻擊,但若他擁有多於一次的攻擊能力,則無法在幾次武器攻擊之間施展法術。這能力修改了魔戰士的法術戰鬥能力。


超魔專擅(Metamagic Adept, Ex):七級時,原能魔戰能使用超魔專長強化法術而無需額外時間。你仍然需要付出高級的奧術位。


狂暴(Rage, Ex):七級時,原能魔戰獲得野蠻人的狂暴能力,野蠻人等級視為原能魔戰等級的一半。這能力取代了魔戰士的中甲擅長職業能力。

狂暴之力: 從七級開始,原能魔戰獲得魔戰士奧能時可選擇狂暴之力來取代,他也可學習額外狂暴之力專長。

大狂暴(Greater Rage, Ex):十三級時,原能魔戰的狂暴能力強化,與野蠻人的大狂暴能力相同,野蠻人等級視為原能魔戰等級的一半。這能力取代了魔戰士的重甲擅長職業能力。
« 上次编辑: 2016-02-01, 周一 18:35:56 由 白貓 »
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

离线 白貓

  • 兇八八的金吉拉
  • 版主
  • *
  • 帖子数: 1572
  • 苹果币: 4
« 回帖 #4 于: 2016-03-25, 周五 01:29:15 »


角色: 女武神是亞馬遜戰士中被授予神聖力量的一部分。強大的前線戰士,女武神用她們強力的技巧揮舞著長柄武器,讓她們能保持距離戰鬥,無論是步行還是騎馬。在激烈的戰鬥中,女武神全力地揮舞手中的武器,依靠自己的抗力不陷入困境中。


陣營: 任何非守序陣營。


起始資金:5d6 × 10 gp (平均 175 gp.) 另外,每個角色在遊戲開始時可以拿到一套低於10gp的套裝。


  女武神的本職技能包含:特技 (敏捷), 唬騙 (魅力), 工藝 (魅力), 交涉 (魅力), 馴養動物 (魅力), 醫療 (感知), 威嚇 (魅力), 知識 (宗教) (智力), 知識(位面) (智力), 察覺 (感知), 專業 (感知), 騎術 (敏捷), 察言觀色 (感知), 法術辨識 (智力), 生存 (感知)。

  技能點數: 4+智力調整值

等級    基本攻擊加值      強韌  反射  意志 職業能力          1級 2級 3級 4級
1       +1        +2  +0  +2 戰鬥訓練,專擅武器           -  -  -  -
2       +2        +3  +0  +3 祝福視覺,生命守護 +1    -  -  -  -
3       +3        +3  +1  +3 無懼,即刻備矛           -  -  -  -
4       +4        +4  +1  +4 女武神坐騎             0  -  -  -
5       +5        +4  +1  +4 長武訓練            1  -  -  -
6      +6/+1      +5  +2  +5 生命守護 +2          1  -  -  -
7      +7/+2      +5  +2  +5 旋風長武            1  0  -  -
8      +8/+3      +6  +2  +6 神聖狂熱                        1  1  -  -
9      +9/+4      +6  +3  +6 靈活夾擊者               2  1  -  -
10     +10/+5     +7  +3  +7 生命守護 +3                   2  1  0  -
11   +11/+6/+1    +7  +3  +7 強大武器            2  1  1  -
12   +12/+7/+2    +8  +4  +8 女武神戰吼           2  2  1  -
13   +13/+8/+3    +8  +4  +8 無懼防禦              3  2  1  0
14   +14/+9/+4    +9  +4  +9 生命守護 +4         3  2  1  1
15   +15/+10/+5   +9  +5  +9 橫掃擊退            3  2  2  1
16 +16/+11/+6/+1  +10 +5 +10 神聖恩惠              3  3  2  1
17 +17/+12/+7/+2  +10 +5 +10 靈敏讓位            4  3  2  1
18 +18/+13/+8/+3  +11 +6 +11 生命守護 +5                       4  3  2  2
19 +19/+14/+9/+4  +11 +6 +11 大難不死              4  3  3  2
20 +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 英靈殿勇士                 4  4  3  3



  武器與盔甲擅長: 女武神擅長所有簡單和軍用武器,來自矛類和長兵器類武器組的所有武器(參見長武訓練),她也擅長所有盔甲(輕型,中型和重型)和盾牌(除了塔盾)。

  戰鬥訓練 (Battle Trained, Ex): 盔甲不會影響女武神的基礎速度也不會為她們的騎乘檢定帶來減值。

  專擅武器 (Chosen Weapon, Ex): 一級時,女武神獲得一件精製品武器但不行為任何特殊材質,必須從矛類武器組或長兵器類武器組中選擇(見下方)。當女武神持盾時,她可把適合她體型的專擅武器視同單手武器使用。她在持用這把武器時在對抗衝撞、拖拽、闖越和絆摔戰技的CMD獲得+1加值。此加值同樣作用在對抗踐踏攻擊的豁免上。


長兵器類: 新月戰斧, 鴉啄戰錘, 戈刀, 艦鬥勾(boarding gaff), 矮人長戰斧(dwarven longaxe), 矮人長戰鎚(dwarven longhammer), 斬矛(fauchard), 長柄連枷(flailpole), 大砍刀, 尖刺大砍刀, 長勾刀, 戟, 鉤鐮槍, 苜蓿戰錘, 捕人叉, 禪杖, 薙刀, 野太刀, 刺叉, 長柄逆刃刀, 鋸刃大砍刀(sawblade glaive), 石刃戰棍, 三股叉.

矛類: 投槍索, 獵豬矛, 登艦矛(boarding pike), 鏈槍, 標槍, 魚叉, 長槍, 長矛, 重標槍, 短矛, 倒鉤矛, 矛, 注射長矛(syringe spear), 三股叉, 圖騰矛(totem spear), 三叉戟。

  生命守護 (Guarded Life, Ex): 2級起,女武神在對抗能量吸取和死亡效果的豁免骰上獲得+1加值。此加值在2級後每4級再+1。

  祝福視覺 (Blessed Vision, Ex):  3級開始,女武神獲得60尺黑暗視覺。如果女武神已經擁有黑暗視覺,那麼距離將增加30尺。

  無懼 (Fearless, Ex): 3級起,女武神對恐懼免疫(不論魔法或其他因素造成的)。

  即刻備矛(Ready Pike, Ex):3級開始,每天一次,女武神能以直覺動作準備一個帶有反衝鋒特性的武器,並在攻擊和傷害骰上獲得+2加值。3級後每3級,此能力使用次數增加每天一次。不能在措手不及時使用此能力。

  英靈殿坐騎 (Mount of Valhalla, Su): 四級時,女武神獲得一匹具有非凡智力,強壯而且忠誠的坐騎在戰鬥中為她服務。該坐騎永遠是重型戰馬。此能力類似於德魯伊的動物夥伴(自然紐帶職業特性的一部份),並使用女武神的職業等級作為她的有效德魯伊等級。女武神的坐騎擁有10的智力值。

一天一次,女武神能以一個整輪動作通過魔法呼喚讓坐騎前來。該能力相當於一個法術環級為女武神等級1/3的法術。坐騎會立刻出現在女武神身邊。 4級的女武神每天可以使用1次此能力。在4級之後的每5級,女武神都會多獲得一次使用次數,19級時達到最多每日4次。



一但女武神的坐騎死了,在之後30天內,或者直到她在女武神職業上提升了等級, 女武神將無法召喚另外一匹坐騎。在此30天期間內, 女武神在攻擊和傷害檢定上都要受到-1減值。

  施法: 從4級開始,女武神可以施展少量神術,見女武神法術列表。女武神必須提前選擇並準備法術。




  長武訓練 (Polearm Training, Ex): 5級起女武神使用矛類和長兵器類武器組時攻擊和傷害骰獲得+1加值,此加值在5級後每4級再+1。女武神同時在使用這類武器的戰技上獲得此加值。此加值同樣作用在女武神使用此類武器對抗械武或破武時的CMD。此加值與專擅武器能力獲得的加值疊加。

  旋風長武 (Whirling Polearm, Ex): 7級時,女武神可以用她的專擅武器的雙頭攻擊,以穿刺或揮砍的尖刃端作為長武器,並以槍身攻擊近身的敵人(傷害如同木棒)。和一般雙頭武器不同的是,武器的精製品特性和附魔加值將會作用在武器的兩頭,除非該屬性只會在銳器上出現。

  神聖狂熱 (Holy Zeal, Su): 8級時,女武神可以將她的魅力調整值作為偏斜加值加在防禦等級上。

  靈活夾擊者 (Flexible Flanker, Ex): 9級時,女武神可選擇任何一格與她臨接的格子來決定夾擊位置,既使那格被生物、物體或堅固障礙物佔據。

  強大武器 (Mighty Weapon, Ex): 11級時,女武神可以使用為體型大一級的生物設計的武器而不受減值。但她的佔據和觸及仍然維持她生物的實際體型。本能力的效果可以與其他改變體型大小的力量,能力和法術疊加。譯註:此能力的敘述我覺得寫的不好,作者的意思應該是說此能力和3r的powerful build能力類似,可讓中體型生物正常的拿大體型的雙手武器。

  女武神戰吼 (Cry of Valhalla, Sp): 12級時,女武神可藉由表演戰鬥詠嘆複製出英靈號角(horn of Valhalla)的效果。此能力需要10輪連續的表演,而呼喚出的野蠻人戰士在12級時等同於銀號角(silver horn),14級起如同黃銅號角(brass horn),16級起如同青銅號角(bronze horn),18級起如同鐵號角(iron horn)。20級時可召喚出一隻八足駒(Sleipnir)或女武神(valkyrie)(參見怪物圖鑑3)。用這種方式召喚出的生物持續每女武神等級1輪。此能力依賴聲音成分生效。女武神每禮拜可使用此能力一次。

  無懼防禦 (Dauntless Defense, Ex): 13級時,女武神獲得等同於她職業等級的法術抗力。要把法術作用到女武神身上,施法者必須在施法者等級檢定(1d20+施法者等級)中的結果等於或大於女武神的法術抗力。

  橫掃擊退 (Sweeping Fend, Ex): 15級時,女武神可使用任何在矛類或長兵器類武器組中的武器做出衝撞戰技,雖然使用這種方式會讓她在戰技檢定上遭受-4減值。當使用長槍、矛或長兵器做出絆摔戰技時(譯註:原文為a lance, spear, or polearm,感覺應該是要寫武器組。),視同她使用的武器具有絆摔特性。

  神聖恩惠 (Holy Grace, Su): 16級時,女武神獲得傷害減免 5/寒鐵和守序,無視她的陣營。 她在對抗寒冷、閃電和毒素法術或效果的豁免上獲得+4加值。此能力在女武神神智清醒時發揮作用,當她失去知覺或者死亡時將失去作用。

  靈敏讓位 (Step Aside, Ex): 17級時,被女武神威脅的生物進行5尺快步進入到臨接她的格子時,女武神也可用直覺動作進行5尺快步。她下一輪中的移動距離必須扣掉這個5尺快步。她同樣獲得+2閃避AC在對抗該對手上持續至她下一輪結束。

  大難不死 (Cheat Death, Ex): 19級時,當女武神的生命值被降到0或更低時,一天一次她可使用直覺動作來通過一個DC23的強韌檢定,當此豁免通過時可把生命值降至1點而不是原本的數值。

  英靈殿勇士 (Champion of Valhalla, Ex): 20級時,女武神成為英靈殿領域的魔法生物。她永遠被視作異界生物而不是類人生物(或她原本生物種類)來決定法術和魔法效果。她的傷害抗力增加到10/寒鐵和守序,且獲得10點的寒冷和閃電抗力並免疫毒素。不同於其他異界生物,女武神可視作先前的生物種類般從死亡中復活。

女武神獲得以下法術 (譯註:作為支援資源有限的第三方職業,可考慮把聖武士的法術也列進列表中。)

一環女武神法術:—隼之型, 祝福武器, 祝福術, 治療輕傷, 觀命術, 偵測魔法, 神恩, 忍受環境, 優雅步伐, 重壓之箭, 集結號, 造成輕傷, 跳躍術, 知己知彼, 長距射擊, 大步奔行, 魔化武器, 坐騎術, 閱讀魔法, 次等復原術, 回力武器, 屍體聖化, 召喚怪物I, 戰術敏銳, 追人不倦, 恩賜, 戰鬥坐騎, 決意真言。

二環女武神法術:—援助術, 恩典, 賦予武器熟練, 生存勇氣祝福, 牛之力量, 進擊號角, 減緩毒發, 鷹之威儀, 輕便盔甲, 遺體防腐, 群星的引導, 聖盾術, 臨時盔甲, 光之槍, 梟之睿智, 守護之靈, 移除麻痹, 移除噁心, 抵抗能量傷害, 正義狂熱, 神聖連結, 護衛他人,召喚怪物 II, 隱匿陣營, 武器幻化, 鬥士法衣, 敬畏武器, 誠實之域。

三環女武神法術:—熊之型, 獾之凶暴, 速度爆发, 治療中傷, 破晓之箭, 昼明术, 死亡化身, 解除魔法, 元素光环, 医疗坐骑, 造成中傷, 反秩序法阵, 狂暴术, 移除诅咒, 神圣护甲, 聖化武器, 召喚怪物 III, 群追不舍, 巧言术, 侵擾巨人, 狂怒斗篷。

四環女武神法術:—雄鹿之型, 復仇血誓, 破除结界, 生命之息, 榮耀光環, 召雷術, 异界探知, 治疗重伤, 防死結界, 任意门, 反制秩序, 神能, 恐惧术, 行动自如, 造成重傷, 王车易位, 中和毒性, 友伴复活, 轰鸣击, 永恒安眠, 牺牲誓言, 咆哮术, 止刃咒, 召唤怪物IV。
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The surging power of the arcane draws some spellcasters to hone their craft for battle just as a blacksmith forges a weapon. A warmage wields the raw energies of the elements on the battlefield as deftly as a warrior wields his sword. Drafted into arcane war colleges at a young age, a warmage becomes an adept master of evocation and abjuration magic; through rote repetition each warmage can command his arcane abilities without need of spell books or preparation.
Warmages are often exemplified as heroes and are readily identified by common folk. Since most war colleges are under the patronage of local nobility, most warmages end up serving as arcane artillery in an invading army or as prized keepers of the peace within their city's walls. A warmage with more wanderlust in his heart can easily find employment on the road with bounty hunters, local mercenary bands,  or even as a lawman in a smaller settlement. Few warmages find themselves comfortable living within the confines of scholarly mages' guilds, since their hearts often yearn for conflict and martial challenge.

角色定位(Role):A warmage's home is on the field of battle. Stunningly powerful evocations do massive damage to his foes while his vigilant  use of abjurations defends his allies. Outside of combat a warmage's talents are limited, but his tenacity and cleverness can be useful in surmounting seemingly impassible obstacles.

陣營(Alignment):Warmages of all alignments are found throughout the world. As a result of the highly regimented nature of their training, their alignments often match the attitudes of the local government.

生命骰(Hit Die):d8

起始財富(Starting Wealth):3d6 x 10gp (平均 105gp)

起始年齡(Starting Age):訓練有素 (trained)

戰法師的本職技能是:Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha)。
每級技能點數:2 + 智力調整值。

等級      基本攻擊加值      強韌豁免      反射豁免      意志豁免      特殊1級2級3級  4級  5級  6級  7級  8級  9級
1級+0+2+0+2 Arcane blast, cantrips, energy resistance, warmage’s edge      3
2級+1+3+0+3 Energy substitution 4
3級+2+3+1+3 Solo tactics, teamwork feat 5
4級+3+4+1+4 Circle spell 63
5級+3+4+1+4 Empower spell 64
6級+4+5+2+5 653
7級+5+5+2+5 Arcane evolution, medium armour 664
8級+6/+1+6+2+6 Circle spel 6653
9級 +6/+1 +6+3+6 Evasion, teamwork feat 6664
10級+7/+2+7+3+7 Enlarge spell 66653
11級+8/+3+7+3+7 66664
12級+9/+4+8+4+8 Circle spell 666653
13級+9/+4+8+4+8 Arcane evolution, heavy armour 666664
14級+10/+5+9+4+9 6666653
15級+11/+6/+1+9+5+9 Teamwork feat 6666664
16級+12/+7/+2+10+5+10 Circle spell 66666653
17級 +12/+7/+2 +10+5+10 Improved evasion 66666664
18級+13/+8/+3+11+6+11 666666653
19級+14/+9/+4+11+6+11 Arcane evolution 666666664
20級+15/+10/+5+12+6+12 Champion of the circle, circle spell, elemental dynamism 666666666


武器與防具擅長(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):A warmage is proficient with all simple weapons, light armour, and shields (except tower shields). He is also proficient with the short sword, and long sword. He can cast warmage spells while wearing light armour and using a shield without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a warmage wearing medium armour, or heavy armour incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component. A multiclass warmage still incurs the normal arcane spell failure  chance  for  arcane  spells  received from
other classes.

法術(Spells):A warmage casts arcane spells, which are drawn from the warmage spell list. When he gains access to a new level of spells, he automatically knows all the spells for that level on the warmage’s spell list. He can cast  any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time. To cast a spell, a warmage must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a warmage’s spell is 10 + the spell level
+ the warmage’s Intelligence modifier.
Like other spellcasters, a warmage can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table 4: Warmage. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Intelligence score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells).
A warmage need not prepare spells in advance. He can cast any spell he knows at any time, assuming he has not yet used up his spells per day for that spell level.
Due to the focused nature of his magical studies, the spellcasting abilities provided by his warmage levels does not qualify him for feats or traits which add spells or cantrips from another class’ spell list to his own.

(Arcane Blast, Sp):A warmage may harness his elemental power into a single blast of arcane energy. Every 1d4 rounds, as a standard action, a warmage can make a ranged touch attack against a creature within 60 feet dealing 1d10 points of elemental damage; the type of this damage is tied to the favoured energy of a warmage’s circle. The target of an arcane blast receives no saving throw. The warmage requires one free hand to use his arcane blast
At 2nd level, and every three warmage levels thereafter, the damage inflicted by an arcane blast increases by 1d10 to a maximum of 8d10  at 20th level.
For all effects relating to spell level (such as spell turning), an arcane blast is considered to have a spell level equal to the number of d10’s rolled for damage. Unlike most spell-like abilities, a warmage may apply any metamagic feat he knows to an arcane blast; he must sacrifice a number of d10 damage dice equal to the spell level adjustment of the feat (though it must still be able to deal a minimum of 1d10 damage). Applying metamagic to an arcane blast does not increase its casting time.

(Bonus Languages):A warmage may substitute Draconic for one of the bonus languages available to the character because of his race.

(Cantrips):Warmages know all of the  cantrips, or 0-level spells, listed on the warmage spell list. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they do not consume any slots and may be used again.

(Circle Enrollment):All initiates enrolled  in the war college are sorted into elementally aligned circles. Each circle exhibits a strong affinity to one of the four elements; all warmage spells cast with the favoured descriptors of a warmage’s circle are done so at +1 caster level. Furthermore each circle is not well attuned to a conflicting element; all warmage spells cast with the opposed descriptors of a warmage’s circle are done so at -1 caster level (minimum 1).
A warmage must select one circle upon taking his first level of warmage. Once made, this choice cannot be changed.
At 4th level, and every four levels thereafter,  a warmage can choose to learn a new spell, derived from his circle’s spell list. This spell can be of a level no higher than that of the highest- level spell he already knows. Instead of learning a spell from his circle’s list, a warmage may also elect to complete his own independent research to learn a new spell of his choosing. He may select any spell from the abjuration or evocation schools on the wizard/sorcerer spell list and add it to his own. Once a new spell is learned, it is forever added to his spell list and can be cast just like any other spell on the warmage spell list.
At 7th, and every six levels thereafter, a warmage gains an arcane evolution unique to  his circle. These evolutions allow the warmage  to apply various powerful effects to his arcane blast. The warmage can apply any number of these evolutions to his arcane blast.
At 20th level, a warmage gains a versatile movement form known as elemental dynamism. These movement forms also usually offer the warmage additional boons to his senses or abilities while in use.

(Energy Resistance, Ex):A warmage gains resistance 5 to his circle’s favoured energy. At 5th level, and every five levels thereafter, this resistance increases by 5 (to a maximum of 20  at 15th level).

(Warmage’s Edge, Su):A warmage is a master of dealing damage with his spells. Whenever he casts a warmage spell that deals hit point damage, he adds his Intelligence bonus to the amount of damage dealt (minimum  0). This extra damage is not applied to an opponent who successfully saves against the warmage’s spell (even if saving only halves the spell’s damage), nor is it multiplied on a successful critical hit. A single spell can never gain  this extra damage more than once per casting. For instance, a fireball deals this extra damage to all creatures in the area it affects. However, if a 3rd- level warmage casts magic missile  and produces two missiles, only one of them (of the warmage’s choosing) gains the extra damage. If a spell deals damage for more than 1 round, it deals this extra damage in each round. This extra damage is also applied to the warmage’s arcane blast.
Scrolls scribed by a warmage do not gain any benefit from warmage’s edge. Scrolls activated by a warmage also gain no benefit from warmage’s edge. The same is true for most  other magic items, such as wands and potions. However, staves activated by a warmage use  not only his caster level, but also gain the benefits of warmage’s edge (if applicable).
At 8th level, a warmage names one primary target per round for his warmage’s edge from those creatures affected by one of his damaging spells. This foe must be named before any attack or save rolls are resolved. For this primary target, the additional damage from warmage’s edge is multiplied by 1/2 the spell’s level (round before multiplying, minimum 1).

(Energy Substitution, Su):At 2nd level, a warmage’s  mastery  over  his  chosen   element extends across his spell list. He is able to modify any evocation spell that deals damage of his circle’s attuned energy to use his favoured energy instead. The spell’s descriptor  changes to the new energy type—for example, a fireball composed of electricity energy is an evocation [electricity] spell.
At 11th level, a warmage may also  modify any evocation spell that deals damage of his circle’s neutral energy to use his favoured  energy instead.
At 18th level, a warmage may also  modify any evocation spell he knows that deals acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage to use any other energy type.

(Solo Tactics, Ex):At 3rd level, all of the warmage’s allies are treated as if they  possessed the same teamwork feats as the warmage for the purpose of determining whether the warmage receives a bonus from his teamwork feats. His allies do not receive any bonus from these feats unless they actually possess the feats themselves. The allies’ positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat for the warmage to receive the listed bonus.

(Teamwork Feat):At 3rd level, and every six levels thereafter, the warmage gains a  bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as teamwork feats. The warmage must meet the prerequisites of the selected bonus feat.

(Empower Spell):A warmage gains Empower Spell as a bonus feat at 5th level. He also no longer suffers increased casting time when applying the Empower Spell metamagic feat on his warmage spells.

(Medium Armour, Ex):At 7th level, a warmage gains proficiency with medium armour. He can cast warmage spells while wearing medium armour without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a warmage wearing heavy armour incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component.

(Evasion, Ex):At 9th level, a warmage can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the warmage is wearing light armour, medium armour, or no armour. A helpless warmage does not gain the benefit of evasion.

(Enlarge Spell):A warmage gains Enlarge Spell as a bonus feat at 10th level. He also no longer suffers increased casting time when applying the Enlarge Spell metamagic feat on  his warmage spells.

(Heavy Armour, Ex):At 13th level, a warmage gains proficiency with heavy armour. He can cast warmage spells while wearing heavy armour without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance.

(Improved Evasion, Ex   ):At 17th level, a warmage’s evasion improves. This ability works like evasion, except that while the warmage still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, he henceforth takes only half damage on a failed save. As with evasion, improved evasion can be used only if the warmage is wearing light armour, medium armour, or no armour. A helpless warmage does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

(Champion of the Circle, Su):At 20th level,  a warmage is named a champion of his circle, as he undergoes a metamorphosis; his body sizzles with energy and his eyes glow bright with arcane power. The warmage’s type changes to outsider with both the native subtype and the subtype of his favoured element (air, earth, fire, or water), and his energy resistance improves to immunity. He gains darkvision to a distance of 60 feet; if  the warmage already has darkvision, its range is extended by 60 feet. He also gains constant benefits similar to an elemental aura spell cast upon him; this protection is always of his favoured energy type and a creature who makes a successful Reflex save (DC 20 + the warmage’s Intelligence modifier) negates all effects of the spell. This protection can be raised or lowered with a swift action. In addition to  these protections, any time the warmage is subject to a poison, paralysis, sleep, or stunning effect, he has a 25% chance to avoid it.

(The War College)
Those who choose to enter the war college do so in full knowledge that they are entering into a far more harrowing training program than the apprenticeship of other spellcasters. An initiate warmage is put through trials which push him to his mental and physical limits; it bares more similarity to a military boot camp than a wizards' college. By constantly drilling with spells that are often too high in level to be safely cast by the initiates under the weight of armour the warmage's magic is instilled within his unconscious mind; as he progresses in his training these spells become instinctual, cast as easily as a master swordsman strikes and parries.

(Circles and the Elements)
All warmages produced by the war college are members of a group known as a circle. Each circle is strongly devoted to one of the four basic elements (air, earth, fire, and water). It is believed that each warmage’s personality represents the most fundamental aspects of his circle’s element.  Each circle also has an opposed element; warmages often find spells related to their opposed element are the most difficult to master. Among the other two elements one is typically easier to control; these so called aligned elements are connected and classified as the dynamic elements (air and fire) and the stable elements (earth and water). These affinities are summarized in Table 5: Warmage Circles.

(Life in the Circles)
Once an initiate is accepted into the war college, he is brought before a panel of elders. These elders set upon the initiate with fierce interrogations and challenging tasks in an attempt to determine which of the four elements most strongly guides his spirit. Once this discernment is completed, the initiate is welcomed into his circle by his new brothers. All of an initiate's schooling is done alongside his circle; he eats, trains, and bunks with this small, tight-knit group.
Strong rivalries tend to rise up between the circles. In their downtime, initiates often engage in organized sporting events against the other circles. The college's instructors encourage these rivalries as it fosters greater competition among their ranks and challenges the initiates to always try to outperform all of their peers. These rivalries, alongside the rigours of training, forge an unbreakable bond between an initiate and his circle.
Even after an initiate is named a full warmage, he maintains a strong bond to his circle. In their barracks, warmages tend to bunk exclusively with members of their circle. They often operate in squadrons populated entirely by warmages from their circle. Even though they offer the due respect to any commander, they usually have more loyalty to one who is a member of their circle.

(College Governance)
While warmages on the battlefield defer to standard military hierarchies, the war colleges are typically self governed. In these cases, the governing body consists of a council of eight appointed masters (two from each circle), and is overseen by a praetor who casts the deciding vote in the case of deadlock. The praetor is usually democratically elected by all of the masters in the war college, though he will occasionally be appointed by local political or military authorities, or (in rare instances) the praetorship may be decided by arena combat.
War colleges tend to be built in major urban centers. As such they have a large pool of senior and retired military warmages to draw from for their instructors and masters. Since the war college's council typically owes its patronage to the local royals and nobles, the only close relationships which are usually seen between war colleges occurs in large kingdoms or countries.

(Dragons and the College)
Warmages feel a deep connection to dragons. This bond is particularly strong with chromatic dragons, which have a similar link to the elemental forces of the world. It is a badge of honour and a mark of  great skill for a circle to possess the skull of an adult dragon of a colour appropriate to their favoured element. Colleges in which all four circles have dragon skulls are typically considered amongst the best in the world. Individual warmages exhibit a strong affinity for weapons and armour made from slain chromatic dragons. Such weapons are prized possessions of a warmage; they are treasured above all of  his other items and are meticulously cared for and maintained.

戰法師法術(Warmage Spell List)
Warmages gain access to the following spells. While most of these spells are found in the Core Rulebook, those marked with  1   appear in the Advanced Player’s Guide, those  marked with 2 appear in Ultimate Magic, and those marked  with 3 appear in Ultimate Combat. Spells marked with 4  appear in the Advanced Race Guide and are only available to warmages of the appropriate race. Finally, spells marked with † are unique to the warmage and are described in a later section.

劇透 -   :
acid splash, bleed, disrupt undead, flare, light, mage hand, ray of frost, read magic, resistance, spark 1.

abundant ammunition 3, adjuring step 3, air bubble 3, alarm, alter winds 1, burning hands, endure elements, feather fall, grease, hydraulic push 1, interrogation 2, lesser elemental orb †, mage armour, magic missile, peacebond 3, shock shield 3, stone fist 1, true strike, undine's curse 4.

acid arrow, badger's ferocity 2, blur, bull's strength, burning gaze 1, cat's grace, continual flame, darkness, death from below 4, defensive shock 2, detect thoughts, flaming sphere, frost fall 3, glide 1, groundswell 4, kinetic reverberation 3, protection from arrows, savage maw 4, steal breath 4, stone call 1, warding weapon 3.

ablative barrier 3, agonizing rebuke 4, blinding ray 4, chain of perdition 3, daylight, dispel magic, distracting cacophony 2, draconic reservoir 1, elemental aura 1, fireball, healing thief 3, hydraulic torrent 1, lightning bolt, locate weakness 3, protection from energy, rage, sleet storm, strangling hair 2, twilight knife 1, wind wall.

arcane eye, ball lightning 1, black tentacles, detonate 1, dragon's breath 1, elemental orb †, fear, fire shield, healing warmth 4, ice storm, lesser globe of invulnerability, locate creature, obsidian flow 3,
resilient sphere ,shout, stoneskin, volcanic storm 2, wall of fire, ward of the season 4.

cloudkill, cone of cold, fickle winds 2, fire snake 1, icy prison 2, interposing hand, lightning arc 2, mage's faithful hound, shadow evocation, suffocation 1, telekinesis, wall of stone, wreath of blades 3.

antimagic field, battlemind link 2, chain lightning, chains of fire 4, circle of death, control water,    disintegrate, forceful hand, freezing sphere, greater dispel, magic, globe of invulnerability, ice crystal, teleport  , leashed shackles  , move earth, path of the winds 4.

arcane cannon ,banishment, caustic eruption, deflection , delayed blast fireball, expend  , finger of death, firebrand 1, grasping hand, mage's sword, prismatic spray, scouring winds 2, spell turning, vortex 1.

clenched fist, dimensional lock, discern location, greater shout, incendiary cloud, polar ray, prismatic wall, orb of the void 2, protection from spells, scintillating pattern, seamantle 1, sunburst,  telekinetic sphere, wall of lava 1.

crushing hand, elemental swarm, mage's disjunction, mass icy prison 2, meteor swarm, prismatic sphere, tsunami 1, wail of the banshee, weird, world wave 1.

引述: Table 5: Warmage Circles
CircleFavoured Element (Energy)[Descriptors]Opposed Element (Energy)[Descriptors]Attuned EnergyNeutral Energy
Crashing Wavewater (cold) [cold, water]fire (fire) [fire, light]AcidElectricity
Raging Infernofire (fire) [fire, light]water (cold) [cold, water]ElectricityAcid
Rolling Thunderair (electricity) [air, electricity]earth (acid) [acid, earth]FireCold
Standing Stoneearth (acid) [acid, earth]air (electricity) [air, electricity]ColdFire

(Warmage Circles)
The following circles are each dedicated to one of the four fundamental elements (air, earth, fire, and water). While most war colleges have representatives from all four circles, there are parts of the world where war colleges focus on empowering one particular element.

(Circle of the Crashing Wave)
The circle of the crashing wave carefully studies the element of water. Like their patron element crashing wave warmages often have a placid demeanor, but can turn into a crushing tidal wave if pushed too far. These warmages prize patience above all other virtues, for all obstacles give way to water in due course.

本職技能(Class Skill):游泳
獎勵法術(Bonus Spells):1st—Icicle Dagger 2, 2nd— Chill Metal, 3rd—Aqueous Orb 1, 4th—Spit Venom 2, 5th—Holy/Unholy Ice 2, 6th—Fluid Form 1, 7th—Control Weather, 8th—Destruction, 9th—Mass Suffocation 1.
獎勵語言(Bonus Languages):A crashing wave warmage may substitute Aquan for one of the bonus languages available to the character because of his race.
(Arcane Evolutions):The crashing wave warmage can turn his arcane blast into a powerful shard of ice which can foil his foe’s attempts to move around the battlefield.
(Shape Evolution):At 7th level, a warmage can choose to shape his arcane blast into an 80 foot line. This shape evolved arcane blast no longer requires a successful ranged touch attack, however all creatures along this line can make a Reflex saving throw which, if successful,  reduces the arcane blast’s damage by half. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 his warmage level + his Intelligence modifier.
(Rime Blast):At 13th level, a warmage can choose to cause frost to cling to the target of his arcane blast.  A target  who takes damage   from such an arcane blast becomes entangled for a number of rounds equal to the arcane blast’s spell level. If this evolution is used in conjunction with the crashing wave’s shape evolution, a successful Reflex save also negates this effect.
(Toppling Blast):At 19th level, a warmage can choose to make the impact of his arcane blast strong enough to knock its targets prone. The warmage makes trip checks against all targets hit by his arcane blast, using his caster level plus his Intelligence bonus as his CMB. If the check fails, the target cannot attempt to trip the warmage in response. If this evolution is used in conjunction with the crashing wave’s shape evolution, a successful Reflex save also negates this effect.
(Elemental Dynamism, Su):At 20th level, a crashing wave warmage gains a swim speed of 30 feet, and can move in water without making Swim checks. If he uses this swim movement during his turn, he does not need to breathe until the beginning of his next turn. As a result, he is immune to drowning, suffocation, and attacks that require inhalation (such as some types of poisons) for this duration.

(Circle of the Raging Inferno)
The circle of the raging inferno intensely studies the element of fire. Like their patron element raging inferno warmages tend to be wild and unpredictable. These warmages prize ambition above all other virtues, for the hunger of fire is insatiable.

本職技能(Class Skill):特技
獎勵法術(Bonus Spells):1st—Sun Metal 3, 2nd— Spontaneous Immolation 3, 3rd—Flame Arrow, 4th—Firetrap, 5th—Wall of Fire, 6th— Contagious Flame 1, 7th—Waves of Exhaustion, 8th—Fire Storm, 9th—Wall of Suppression.
獎勵語言(Bonus Languages):A crashing wave warmage may substitute Ignan for one of the bonus languages available to the character because of his race.
(Arcane Evolutions):The raging inferno warmage can turn his arcane blast into a burst which can engulf his foes in licking flames.
(Shape Evolution):At 7th level, a warmage can choose to shape his arcane blast into an area 20 feet in radius centered on any point within 60  feet of his position. This shape evolved arcane blast no longer requires a successful ranged touch attack, however all creatures in this area can make a Reflex saving throw which, if successful, reduces the arcane blast’s damage by half. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 his warmage level + his Intelligence modifier.
(Selective Blast):At 13th level, a warmage can choose a number of creatures affected by his shape evolved arcane blast equal to his Intelligence modifier. These targets are excluded from the effects of the arcane blast.
(Widened Blast):At 19th level, a warmage can choose to increase the radius of his shape evolved arcane blast up to 40 feet or to increase the range of his standard arcane blast to 120 feet.
(Elemental Dynamism, Su):At 20th level, a raging inferno warmage’s base speed increases by 30 feet. Any time he uses this additional movement, he gains the benefit of the see invisibility spell until the beginning of his next turn.

(Circle of the Rolling Thunder)
The circle of the rolling thunder diligently studies the element of air. Like their patron element rolling thunder warmages are often seen to be aloof and brash. These warmages prize daring above all other virtues, for the wind guides all adventurers to their destiny.

本職技能(Class Skill):飛行
獎勵法術(Bonus Spells):1st—Shocking Grasp, 2nd— Gust of Wind, 3rd—Hostile Levitation 3, 4th— Cape of Wasps 3, 5th—Wall of Force,  6th—Dust
Form 3, 7th—Jolting Portent 3, 8th—Stormbolts 1, 9th—Storm of Vengeance.
獎勵語言(Bonus Languages):A crashing wave warmage may substitute Auran for one of the bonus languages available to the character because of his race.
(Arcane Evolutions):The rolling thunder warmage can split his arcane blast into two ricocheting bolts of lightning.
(Shape Evolution):At 7th level, a warmage with two free hands can choose to split his arcane blast to strike two foes, or strike one foe for twice the damage (still requiring two successful attack rolls). Unlike spells which target multiple creatures, each foe struck by a shape evolved blast suffers the extra damage from the warmage’s edge; however a single foe targeted by two blasts does not receive double the damage. Using this shape evolved arcane blast provides penalties to attack rolls like two- weapon fighting (treating both blasts as light weapons), including the effects of the Two- Weapon Fighting feat.
At 8th level, a warmage who possesses the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat can make a second shape evolved arcane blast (with a -5 penalty to attack) as a part of a full-round action. At 15th level, a warmage who possesses the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat can make a third shape evolved arcane blast (with a -10 penalty to attack) as part of a full-round action.
These extra attacks need not target the same foes, however only one target can be named a primary target of his warmage’s edge ability.
(Razor Blast):At 13th level, a warmage can name two targets of his shape evolved arcane blast as primary targets of his warmage’s edge ability in a single round. Furthermore, he is able to wait until after his touch attack is rolled before naming each enemy as a primary target.
(Chained Blast):At 19th level, a warmage can choose to cause his shape evolved arcane blast to arc from foe to the next. Each arc can make a ranged touch attack at a -2 penalty against another foe who is within 30 feet of the original target and who has not been targeted by an arcane blast this round. If this attack is successful it deals half the number of d10 damage dice of the parent blast (minimum 1d10). These arcs can be chained from one foe to the next (with additional -2 penalties to attack) until the attack roll fails or until the chained blast deals 1d10 damage. For instance, a 14th-level warmage hits his first target for 6d10 damage, can arc the blast to a second target with a -2 penalty to attack for 3d10 damage, and can arc the blast to a third target with a -4 penalty to attack for 1d10 damage. All targets in the chain suffer the extra damage from warmage’s edge, but only the first foe in the chain can be named a primary target.
If a shape evolved arcane blast which deals double damage to a single foe is chained, two arcs can be made dealing half the number of  d10 damage dice of a single arcane blast, although the attack penalties from two-weapon fighting are applied to subsequent arcs. For example,  a  14th-level  warmage  with  the Two-Weapon fighting feat hits his first target with a -2 penalty to attack for 12d10 damage, can arc the blast to two secondary targets with a -4 penalty to attack for 3d10 damage each, and can arc the blast to two tertiary targets with a -6 penalty to attack for 1d10 damage each.
(Elemental Dynamism, Su):At 20th level, a rolling thunder warmage gains a fly speed of 60 feet (average). If he uses this flight during his turn he gains a +10 competence bonus to Fly checks until the beginning of his next turn.

(Circle of the Standing Stone)
The circle of the standing stone diligently studies the element of earth. Like their patron element standing stone warmages are usually shrewd and slow to act. These warmages prize consistency above all other virtues, for the stability of bedrock is the foundation of the earth.

本職技能(Class Skill):生存
獎勵法術(Bonus Spells):1st—Entangle, 2nd—Shatter, 3rd—Burst of Nettles 2, 4th—Acid Pit 1, 5th— Acidic Spray 2, 6th—Acid Fog, 7th—Forcecage, 8th—Earthquake, 9th—Implosion.
獎勵語言(Bonus Languages):A crashing wave warmage may substitute Terran for one of the bonus languages available to the character because of his race.
(Arcane Evolutions):The standing stone warmage can produce an incredibly damaging cone of acid which is adept at piercing his foes’ spell resistance.
(Shape Evolution):At 7th level, a warmage can choose to shape his arcane blast into a 40 foot cone. This shape evolved arcane blast no longer requires a successful ranged touch attack, however all creatures in this cone can make a Reflex saving throw which, if successful,  reduces the arcane blast’s damage by half. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 his warmage level + his Intelligence modifier.
(Piercing Blast):At 13th level, when a warmage’s arcane blast strikes a target he can choose to treat the spell resistance of the target as 5 lower than its actual SR.
(Maximized Blast):At 19th level, a warmage can choose to maximize the damage to all creatures struck by his arcane blast.
(Elemental Dynamism, Su):At 20th level, a standing stone warmage gains a  burrow speed of 30 feet. If he uses this burrow during his turn he gains tremorsense out to 60 feet until the beginning of his next turn.

(Favoured Class Options)
The following options are available to members of the listed races who have selected warmage as their favoured class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the class reward.

劇透 -   :
Dhampir: Add +1/4 to the warmage's caster level when casting spells of the necromancy school.
Drow: Choose the disarm or reposition combat maneuver. Add +1/3 to the warmage's CMB when attempting this maneuver (maximum bonus of +4).
Dwarf: Add +1/2 to acid and earth spell or spell-like ability damage.
Elf: The warmage gains 1/6 of a new circle spell.
Gnome: The warmage gains 1/6 of a bonus feat from the following list, so long as he meets the requirements: eschew materials, intensified spell, spell focus (abjuration), spell focus (evocation), or spell penetration.
Half-Elf: When casting warmage abjuration spells, add +1/3 to the effective caster level of the spell, but only to determine the spell's duration.
Half-Orc: Add +1/2 to fire and light spell or spell-like ability damage.
Halfling: Add +1 to the warmage's CMD when resisting a trip or grapple attempt.
Hobgoblin: Add +1/2 to cold and water spell or spell-like ability damage.
Human: Add a +1 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome the spell resistance of outsiders.
Ifrit: A raging inferno warmage gains +1/8 of an extra d10 damage die for his arcane blast.
Kitsune: Add +1/4 to the DC of evocation spells.
Kobold: Add +1/2 to air and electricity spell  or spell-like ability damage.
Oread:  A  standing  stone warmage gains +1/8 of an extra d10 damage die for his arcane blast.
Strix: Add +1/6 to the attack roll bonus from the strix's hated racial trait.
Suli: Add +1 to acid resistance, cold resistance, electricity resistance, or fire resistance.
Sylph: A rolling thunder warmage gains +1/8 of an extra d10 damage die for his arcane blast.
Tiefling: Add +1/3 to the save DC of an evolved arcane blast.
Undine:  A  crashing  wave  warmage   gains +1/8 of an extra d10 damage die for his arcane blast.

(Class Archetypes)
Small enclaves of warmages are trained outside of the war college. With a similar combination of physical and mental training as the college offers these warmages are just as devastating combatants, but their battle tactics are often dramatically different.

(Shadowdrake Adept)
劇透 -   :
Centuries ago, numerous war colleges were infiltrated by devotees of Nethys and  generations of the most talented warmages were lured into the cult society known as the Shadowdrake League. The colleges were eventually freed from the cult's clutches and the league was nearly wiped off of the map, but small pockets remained. Over the ages these groups have moved away from their religious beginnings, now bearing little resemblance  to the trappings of the cult that spawned them. To this day the motives of the league are just as mysterious as the purpose of the initial invasion of the war colleges.
The league still trains warmages, known as shadowdrake adepts, who specialize in the most powerful abjurations; using their magic in place of heavier armour allows them unparalleled battlefield mobility for a spellcaster. These defenses combined with a shadowdrake adept's ability to strike out at opponents with magical force make him a feared combatant in all  corners of the world.

(Erudite Arcana):A shadowdrake adept’s magic stems from ages of wisdom, handed  down throughout the ages. As such, he uses his Wisdom score and modifier (rather than Intelligence) to determine the spells he can cast, the Difficulty Class for his spells’ saving throws and his allotment of bonus spells.
The shadowdrake adept’s magic is far more focused on abjuration than most warmages’. As a result his known spells are drawn from the smaller shadowdrake adept spell list.

(Bonus Languages):A shadowdrake adept may substitute Protean for one of the bonus languages available to the character because of his race. This bonus is granted in addition to Draconic which is provided to all warmages, not in lieu of it.

本職技能 :A shadowdrake adept adds Intimidate, and Knowledge (Religion) to his class skills.

武器與防具擅長(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):A shadowdrake adept adds the scimitar, and whip to his weapon proficiencies. This replaces his shield proficiency.

(Forceful Blast, Sp):A shadowdrake adept can focus his arcane power into a potent blast. Every 1d4 rounds, as a standard action, he can strike all creatures within a 40 foot cone or 80 foot line (warmage’s choice), dealing 1d8 points of damage; this is a force effect and deals full damage to incorporeal creatures. All foes within the area of the blast can make a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the warmage’s level + his Wisdom modifier) which reduces this damage by half. A warmage must have at least one hand free to cast a forceful blast.
At 2nd level, and every three warmage levels thereafter, the damage inflicted by a forceful blast increases by 1d8 to a maximum of 8d8 at 20th level.
For all effects relating to spell level (such as spell turning), a forceful blast is considered to have a spell level equal to the number of d8’s rolled for damage. Unlike most spell-like abilities, a warmage may apply any metamagic feat he knows to a forceful; he must sacrifice a number of d8 damage dice equal to the spell level adjustment of the feat (though it must still be  able to deal a minimum of 1d8 damage). Applying metamagic to a forceful blast does not increase its casting time. This ability replaces arcane blast.

(Attuned to Harm):All inflict spells cast from the shadowdrake adept spell list are done at +1 caster level.

(Versatile Resistance, Ex):A shadowdrake adept gains resistance 5 to an energy type of his choice, chosen each day when his spells per  day are replenished. At 6th level, and every five levels thereafter, this resistance increases by 5 (to a maximum of 20 at 16th level). This ability replaces energy resistance.

(Domain):At 2nd level, a shadowdrake adept gains his choice of either the destruction  domain, or protection domain. He gains access to all domain powers and spells his level entitles him to. This ability replaces energy substitution.

(Agile Maneuvers):At 4th level, a shadowdrake adept gains Agile Maneuvers as a bonus feat. This ability replaces circle enrollment (spells).

(Fast Movement, Ex):At 4th level, a shadowdrake   adept   gains   an   enhancement bonus to his land speed of 10 feet. At 8th level, and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 10 feet (to a maximum of 50 feet at 20th level). A warmage wearing medium or heavy armour, carrying a shield, or carrying a heavy load loses this extra speed. This ability replaces warmage’s edge.

(Abjurant Wards, Sp):At 5th level, a shadowdrake adept can surround himself with powerful magic. While this protection is active, he gains a +1 deflection bonus to his AC. At  10th level, and every five levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1 (to a maximum of +4 at 20th level). Maintaining these wards occupies a portion of the warmage’s attention, thus any concentration checks made while under this protection are done at a -5 penalty. Suspending this protection is a free action, however  resuming it is a full round action which requires concentration. This ability replaces the medium and heavy armour abilities.

(Nimble Blast Forms, Ex):A shadowdrake adept can learn to focus the unbridled strength  of his forceful blast onto his enemies to provide him with advantage on the field of battle. Starting at 7th level, and every six levels thereafter, a warmage learns one nimble blast form. These forms allow him to execute one of the following combat maneuvers on any foe struck by his forceful blast (using the warmage’s CMB). This ability replaces circle enrollment (arcane evolutions).
Each maneuver requires a specific shape of blast and only one can be applied to a single forceful blast. While some of these maneuvers are negated by a successful Reflex save, some will strike all creatures within the blast area regardless of their save.
Combat ManeuverBlast ShapeSave Negates?
Bull rushConeno
Dirty trickConeno

(Parry Spell):At 10th level, a shadowdrake adept gains Parry Spell as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the feat’s prerequisites. This ability replaces Enlarge Spell bonus feat.

(Dynamic Defense, Su):At 20th level, a shadowdrake adept gains the benefits of a constant blink spell cast upon him. He can suspend or restore this protection as a  standard action. This ability replaces circle enrollment (elemental dynamism).

(Shadowdrake Legionnaire, Su):At 20th level, a shadowdrake adept is named a legionnaire of the league, as he undergoes a powerful apotheosis; his eyes blacken and his skin scintillates with abjuring power. He no  longer suffers a penalty to concentration checks when using the abjurant wards ability. The warmage becomes immune to sneak attacks  and critical hits, as well as gaining spell resistance 19. He also gains constant benefits similar to an elemental aura spell cast upon him; this protection is of the same energy type as his versatile resistance ability and a creature who makes a successful Reflex save (DC 20 + the warmage’s Wisdom modifier) negates all effects of the spell. This protection can be raised or lowered with a swift action. This ability replaces champion of the circle.

(Shadowdrake Adept Spell List)
Shadowdrake adepts gain access to the following spells.

劇透 -   :
bleed, disrupt undead, light, mage hand, read magic, resistance.

adjuring step 3, air bubble 3, alarm, elemental speech 1, feather fall, inflict light wounds,interrogation 2, mage armour, magic missile, magic weapon, true strike.

badger's ferocity 2, bear's endurance, blur, cat's grace, cushioning bands 2, darkness, detect thoughts,    inflict moderate wounds, kinetic reverberation 3, protection from arrows, savage maw 4, shatter, steal breath 4, tactical acumen 3, warding weapon 3.

ablative barrier 3, agonizing rebuke 4, arcane sight, dispel magic, elemental aura 1, force punch 2,    gloomblind bolts 4, greater magic weapon, inflict serious wounds, keen edge, locate weakness 3, protection from energy, rage, strangling hair 2, twilight knife 1, vampiric touch.

arcane eye, black tentacles, contageon, fear, inflict critical wounds, lesser globe of invulnerability, locate creature, phantasmal killer, resilient sphere, shout, spell immunity.

dismissal, interposing hand, mage's faithful hound, mass inflict light wounds,shadow evocation, suffocation 1, telekinesis, telepathic bond, wall of force.

antimagic field, battlemind link 2, disintegrate, enemy hammer 1, forceful hand, greater dispel magic, globe of invulnerability, guards and wards, leashed shackles 2, mass inflict moderate wounds, transformation.

banishment, deflection 1, expend 1, finger of death, firebrand 1, forcecage, grasping hand, mage's sword, mass inflict serious wounds, spell turning, waves of exhaustion.

clenched fist, dimensional lock, discern location, greater shout, greater spell immunity, mass inflict critical wounds, orb of the void 2, protection from spells, scintillating pattern, telekinetic sphere.

crushing hand, implosion, mage's disjunction, wail of the banshee, wall of suppression, weird.

戰法師裝備(Warmage Equipment)
劇透 -   :
The following items are just some of the pieces of equipment used by warmages.

Ebonglass Core: An ebonglass core is a pearlescent rod made from carefully stabilized shards of the elemental planes. These cores can be embedded in the grip of a melee weapon. A weapon with such a core becomes a conduit which is able to channel significant arcane power; while wielding a weapon with an ebonglass core, the warmage is treated as having an extra free hand for the purposes of his arcane blast or forceful blast. This allows him to use his arcane blast while wielding a weapon with two hands or fighting with two weapons.
While an ebonglass core does not cause the weapon in which it is embedded to become fragile, the core itself is fragile. If the wielder of a weapon with an ebonglass core rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll, the core is damaged and no longer functions; however a broken ebonglass core is not destroyed by a subsequent roll of a natural 1. Masterwork and magical weapons are designed with sufficient quality to isolate the  core from damage due to a roll of a natural 1.

Flashstone: A warmage can throw this stone as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it creates a blinding flash that is treated as a light attack. Each creature within a 20-foot- radius spread and line of sight of the stone must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be blinded for 1 hour. The save DC increases to 20 if the  creature has the light sensitivity racial trait.

Forcestone: A warmage can throw this  stone as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it explodes in a forceful blast. Each creature within a 10-foot radius of the stone is subject to a bull rush attempt (CMB 13).

Quakestone: A warmage can throw this stone as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it causes the ground to shift violently. Each creature within a 10-foot radius of the stone is subject to a trip attempt (CMB 13).

Ebonglass core (light)50gp10
Ebonglass core (one- handed)250gp20
Ebonglass core (two- handed)1000gp30

戰法師專長(Warmage Feats)
劇透 -   :
Warmages have access to the following feats.

Double Wand Form
A warmage can activate two wands at the same time.
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 5 ranks, Two- Weapon Fighting, warmage.
Benefit: As a full-round action, the warmage can activate a wand in each hand (if he has both hands free).
Special: If the spells cast by the wands have different casting times, the warmage activates both wands in the time required for the longest  of the casting times.

Maximized Wand Form
The warmage can increase the effectiveness of spells cast from a wand.
Prerequisites: Maximize Spell, Use Magic Device 10 ranks, warmage.
Benefit: By expending an additional charge as part of a full-round action, the warmage    can automatically maximize all variable numeric effects of a spell cast by a wand.

Prepared Metafocus
Through careful preparation, the warmage can apply metamagic feats to his spells ahead  of time to prevent an increase in casting time.
Prerequisites: Int or Wis 13, at least one metamagic feat, warmage.
Benefit: Each day, the warmage can  use one of more of his spell slots to prepare spells  he knows for the purpose of applying a metamagic feat to the spell. Preparing a spell uses a spell slot of the appropriate level, and once prepared, that slot can’t be used for anything else until the prepared spell is cast. Casting a spell so prepared does not increase the warmage’s casting time.

Sharpened Edge
The warmage’s ability to deal spell damage is particularly striking.
Prerequisites: Character level 15th, warmage.
Benefit: When applying the extra damage provided by warmage’s edge to the designated primary target of his spell, his bonus damage is now multiplied by the spell’s level (rather  than 1/2 the spell’s level).

Slay the Arcane
Having studied the ways and weaknesses of other arcane spellcasters, the warmage is able  to time his attacks against them expertly.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +3, Spellcraft 4 ranks, warmage.
Benefit: Arcane spellcasters may not cast on the defensive while they are threatened by the warmage (they automatically fail their concentration check to do so). The spellcaster is aware of this limitation while being threatened by a warmage with this feat.

戰法師魔法物品(Warmage Magic Items)
劇透 -   :
Warmages have access to the following magic items.

Dragontooth Razor
Aura moderate evocation; CL 10th
Price 33,000 gp; Weight 2-4 lbs.   
Carved from the teeth of adult chromatic dragons, the dragontooth razor is one of the most  sought after weapons for a warmage's arsenal. This weapon takes the form of a +1 keen shortsword or +1 keen longsword. Aside from the enhancement bonus and keen ability, each weapon possesses an additional ability which taps into energy drawn from the innate draconic magic; each colour of chromatic dragon produces a differing burst of elemental or arcane energy.
武器龍的顏色Burst Ability破敵種類
Azure razorShocking BrustOutsider(earth)
Emerald razorCorrosive burstOutsider(air)
Ivory razorIcy burstOutsider(fire)
Obsidian razorDispelling burstOutsider(native)
Ruby razorFlaming burstOutsider(water)
Three times per day a warmage can focus this energy and cause the weapon to act like a bane weapon against a particular type of foe or a single attack as a free action.   
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armour, keen edge; Cost 28,500 gp

Ebonshard Plates
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 8
Price 17,500 gp; Weight 5 lbs.   
Made from the same material as ebonglass cores, these crystalline spikes can be embedded into any medium or heavy armour. The crystals can be used as +2 armour spikes, however when subjected to a ray attack they act as though they have the defending ability. In addition, once per day, a warmage can deflect a single ray attack targeted at him as if he was using the Deflect Arrows feat. Unlike the fragile ebonglass cores, these spikes are made incredibly hard by the stabilized earth contained within; these spikes have hit points and  thickness as if they were made from  adamantine, but are not considered to be made of  adamantine for  the purposes  of  overcoming DR.   
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armour, shield, spell turning; Cost 8,750 gp

Feasting Band of the Arcane
Aura strong abjuration; CL 16
Slot ring; Price 9,000 gp; Weight -   
This silver ring is usually forged into the shape of a dragon coiled around the wearer's finger with eight brilliant jewels set along its spine. It instantly grants its wearer SR 13, and the magical energy from any spell that targets the wearer and fails to overcome this spell resistance is devoured by the ring. This consumed spell energy grants the wearer 1d8 temporary hit points (to a maximum of 8 temporary hit points at any time, no matter how many spells  the  ring  consumes);  temporary hit points gained in this fashion last for up to 1 hour.   
Requirements Forge ring, spell resistance; Cost 4,500 gp

Thorn of Spell Battle
Aura moderate evocation; CL 10
Price 32,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.   
The grip of this +2 adamantine shortspear is actually a magical rod, etched with intricate patterns and representations of the four fundamental elements. When held, it  confers   a
+2 morale bonus on ranged touch attack rolls made through the ebonglass core contained in the weapon. In addition, a warmage can choose to spend charges from the rod to increase the amount of damage his arcane blast deals.

The rod's wielder can expend up to 5 charges per day. It is created with 50 charges; after all charges are used, the rod remains a +2 adamantine shortspear, but no longer provides a bonus on ranged touch attack rolls. These charges can be replenished for materials worth 21,000 gp (this cost is cut in half if the bearer has the Craft Rod feat and spends twelve  hours of work on it).
Requirements Craft Rod, Craft Magic Arms and Armour, greater magic weapon; Cost 16,000 gp

Wand Coronet
Aura faint evocation; CL 1
Slot none; Price 2,000 gp; Weight -      
A wand coronet can be built into to any  crossbow with an enhancement bonus of at least
+1, allowing the wielder to affix a wand to it. The coronet creates a strong magical connection between the crossbow and the wand; while the wand is attached to the coronet, the wielder can activate it without removing his hands from the crossbow. As a full round action, a  warmage with the Double Wand Form feat can choose to simultaneously activate the wand and fire a single shot from  the crossbow, so long as the bolt and spell target the same creature.   
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mage hand; Cost 1,000 gp

戰法師法術(Warmage Spells)
劇透 -   :
Warmages have access to the following spells.

Elemental Orb
School evocation [acid, cold, electricity, or  fire];
Level warmage 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
Target creature or object
Duration Instantaneous
Saving Throw   Fortitude   partial;   
Spell Resistance yes
A glowing orb about 3 inches across shoots from the warmage’s palm at its target. Choose an energy type: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. If the warmage makes a successful ranged touch attack to hit the target, she takes 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 15d6) of the selected type.
A creature struck by the orb takes damage and gains an adverse condition (depending on the chosen energy type) for 1 round. A successful fortitude save negates this condition, but does not reduce the damage

Lesser Elemental Orb
School evocation [acid, cold, electricity, or fire];
Level warmage 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
Target creature or object
Duration Instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
A glowing orb about 1 inch across shoots from the warmage’s palm at its target. Choose an energy type: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. If the warmage makes a successful ranged touch attack to hit the target, she takes 1d8 points of damage per caster level of the selected type.
For every two caster levels beyond 1st, a warmage’s orb deals an additional 1d8 points of damage to a maximum of 5d8 at 9th level.
« 上次编辑: 2016-04-20, 周三 01:28:33 由 白貓 »
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

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  • 兇八八的金吉拉
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Anointed Guardian(聖爹召爹颯爽合體)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2017-03-24, 周五 19:58:10 »
2.擅長簡易軍用輕中甲盾牌,善良靈光,偵測邪惡,聖幻靈(Divine Eidolon),生命連結,有個叫Grace的魅力勇毅點,可以拿來開破邪和聖療(隨等級提升也有恩惠),聖幻靈也可以同樣花點使用,只要你點夠。五等時至少有一點,自身和聖幻靈就會保有神恩效果。有戰術(和騎士同名)能力,額外專長(只能選團隊),20等大招敘述太長,和聖幻靈合體之類的。
4.一個叫Profane Marauder的替代職業,其實就是和反聖武士一樣,邪惡化,聖幻靈變邪靈(Fiendish Eidolon),職業能力都相反,然後也是有新的亞種。

劇透 -  測試版資訊:
Hey, gamers. Jeff here. Louis asked me to put together a preview of the paladin/summoner hybrid I'm writing for LPJ Design. Below you'll find a parĕally completed build that will be released for open playtesting in the near future.

The divine eidolon will use the unchained summoner build and evolution rules, allowing the player to select from the agathion, angel, archon, azata subtypes. Also, I'll be adding in builds for lamassu, shedu, and celestial beast divine eidolons, because I love the first two as mythological creatures, and the laĥer because someone might want to play a holy warrior who fights alongside Aslan. In addiĕon, there will be other abilities gained at higher levels reflecting the growing bond between the character and her divine eidolon, like the divine eidolon being able to remain if the character is knocked unconscious or falls asleep, sĕcking around to protect the fallen hero unĕl a companion can revive her.

Spells follow the paladin progression, and the spell list will feature a mixture of paladin and summoner spells which best complement the character's design.

I hope you enjoy this little preview, and that you'll be back to check out the playtest version of the class and provide us with feedback before the final version is released for sale.

Jeff Lee


Anointed Guardian

The heavenly hosts do not often interfere in the affairs of mortals. Some, however, are given the duty to be bound as partners to people of pure heart and strong faith. These people are trained in the art of war, honed as instruments of the gods against the forces of evil upon the material plane. They are then given a divine eidolon that can be summoned to fight by their side. Together, celestial and mortal fight as one: the anointed guardian.

Role: The anointed guardian and her divine eidolon form an elite fighĕng unit, using their teamwork feats to provide formidable offense, especially against evil foes.

Alignment: Any good.

Hit Die: d10.

Parent Classes: Paladin and summoner (unchained).

Starting Wealth: 4d6 x 10 gp (average 140 gp).

Class Skills

The anointed guardian's class skills are Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following are class features of the anointed guardian.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Anointed guardians are proficient with all simple and matrial weapons. They are also proficient with light and medium armor and shields (except tower shields).

Aura of Good (Ex): The power of a anointed guardian's aura of good (see the detect good spell) is equal to her anointed guardian level.

Detect Evil (Sp): At will, a anointed guardian can use detect evil, as the spell. An anointed guardian can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the anointed guardian does not detect evil in any other object or individual within range.

Divine Eidolon: An anointed guardian begins play with the ability to summon to her side a powerful good outsider. The divine eidolon forms a link with the anointed guardian, who forever a├er summons an aspect of the same creature. Each divine eidolon has a subtype, chosen when the divine eidolon is first summoned, that determines its origin and many of its abilities. A divine eidolon is always good, but may be within one alignment step away along the law‐chaos axis from the anointed guardian who summoned it (so a neutral good anointed guardian can call a lawful good, neutral good, or chaos good divine eidolon) and can speak all of her languages. A divine eidolon is treated as a summoned creature, except it is not sent back to its home plane unĕl reduced to a number of negative hit points equal to or greater than its Consĕtuĕon score. In addition, due to its ties to its anointed guardian, a divine eidolon can touch and attack creatures warded by protection from good and similar effects that prevent contact with summoned creatures.

An anointed guardian can summon her divine eidolon in a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. When summoned this way, the divine eidolon's hit points are unchanged from the last time it was summoned. The only exception to this is if the divine eidolon was slain, in which case it returns with half its normal hit points. The divine eidolon does not heal naturally. The divine eidolon remains until dismissed by the anointed guardian (a standard action). If the divine eidolon is sent back to its home plane due to death, it cannot be summoned again until the following day. The divine eidolon cannot be sent back to its home plane by means of dispel magic, but spells such as dismissal and banishment funcĕon normally. If the anointed guardian is unconscious, asleep, or killed, her divine eidolon is immediately banished.

The divine eidolon takes a form shaped by the anointed guardian's desires. The divine eidolon's Hit Dice, saving throws, skills, and abilities are tied to the anointed guardian's level and increase as the anointed guardian gains levels. In addition, each divine eidolon gains a pool of evoluĕon points based on the anointed guardian's class level that can be used to give the divine eidolon different abilities and powers. Whenever the anointed guardian gains a level, she must decide how these points are spent, and they are set unĕl she gains another level of anointed guardian.

The divine eidolon's physical appearance is up to the anointed guardian, but it always appears as some sort of celestial creature appropriate to its subtype. This control is not fine enough to make the divine eidolon appear like a specific creature. The divine eidolon also bears a glowing celestial symbol that is identical to a symbol that appears on the anointed guardian's forehead as long as the divine eidolon is summoned. While this symbol can be hidden through mundane means, it cannot be concealed through magic that changes appearance, such as alter self or polymorph (although invisibility does conceal it for as long as the spell lasts).

Life Link (Su): At 1st level, an anointed guardian forms a close bond with her divine eidolon. Whenever the divine eidolon takes enough damage to send it back to its home plane, as a reacĕon to the damage, the anointed guardian can sacrifice any number of hit points she has without using an action. Each hit point sacrificed in this way prevents 1 point of damage to the divine eidolon. This can prevent the divine eidolon from being sent back to its home plane.

In addition, the divine eidolon and the anointed guardian must remain within 100 feet of one another for the divine eidolon to remain at full strength. If the divine eidolon is beyond 100 feet but closer than 1,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by 50%. If the divine eidolon is more than 1,000 feet away but closer than 10,000 feet away, its current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by 75%. If the eidolon is more than 10,000 feet away, it is immediately returned to its home plane. Current hit points lost in this way are not restored when the divine eidolon gets closer to its anointed guardian, but its maximum hit point total does climb to the levels indicated and eventually returns to normal.

Smite Evil (Su): At 2nd level, once per day, an anointed guardian can call out to the powers of good to aid her in her struggle against evil. As a swift action, the anointed guardian chooses one target within sight to smite. If the target is evil, the anointed guardian adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her aĥack rolls and adds her anointed guardian level to all damage rolls made against the target of her smite. If the target of smite evil is an outsider with the evil subtype, an evil‐aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the anointed guardian possesses. Regardless of the target, smite evil aĥacks automaĕcally bypass any DR the creature might possess.

In addition, while smite evil is in effect, the anointed guardian gains a deflection bonus equal to her Charisma modifier (if any) to her AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If the anointed guardian targets a creature that is not evil, the smite is wasted with no effect.

The smite evil effect remains unĕl the target of the smite is dead or the next ĕme the anointed guardian rests and regains her uses of this ability. At 5th level, and at every three levels thereafter, the anointed guardian may smite evil one additional time per day, to a maximum of seven ĕmes per day at 20th level.

Tactician (Ex): At 4th level, an anointed guardian receives a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. She must meet the prerequisites for this feat. As a swift action, the anointed guardian can grant any teamwork feat she possesses to her divine eidolon, so long as it is within 30 feet of the anointed guardian. The divine eidolon retains the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every two levels the anointed guardian possesses. The divine eidolon does not need to meet the prerequisites of any teamwork feat granted to it by its anointed guardian.

The anointed guardian can use this ability once per day at 4th level, plus one additional time per day at 7th level and for every 3 levels thereafter.

Bonus Feat: At 7th level, and every three levels therea├er, an anointed guardian gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as teamwork feats. The anointed guardian must meet the prerequisites for these bonus feats.

Ex‐Anointed Guardians

An anointed guardian who ceases to be good, who willfully commits an evil act, or who violates the code of conduct loses all anointed guardian spells and class features (including the service of her divine eidolon, but not weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies. She may not progress any further in levels as a anointed guardian. She regains her abiliĕes and advancement potential if she atones for her violaĕons (see the atonement spell descripĕon) as appropriate.
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-13, 周二 19:00:42 由 白貓 »
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。