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【ISC】魔法物品(Magic Items)
« 于: 2014-06-18, 周三 19:13:48 »

碎脊板甲(Backbreaker Mail)
这件+2带刺板条甲(+2 spiked splint mail)是由大块经过切割的鞣制皮革以及类人生物的骨骼交织而成。它使用了贝尔克泽恩(Belkzen)当地断脊氏族的兽人骨骼,这套盔甲被视为是地位的象征,并以来自手刃之敌的战利品作为装饰,比如魔法指南针(wayfinders,寻路者协会制作)。此件护甲还会赋予穿戴者勒紧(constrict,见通用怪物能力)能力,该能力造成的伤害为1d6 + 穿戴者的力量调整值。
碎脊板甲上的脊骨装饰进行过强化处理,它被视为+1人类破敌甲刺(+1 human bane armor spikes)。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),野兽形态 I(beast shape I),易容术(disguise self),召唤怪物 I(summon monster I)

这件漆黑的制服会被派发给杜鲁玛(Druma)兵队——即雇佣兵——的高阶成员。穿戴这件+3装甲外套UE(+3 armored coat)会持续受到隐匿阵营(Undetectable Alignment)法术的好处。当穿戴者遵从卡利斯拉德教派(Kalistocracy)成员的命令时,她就会在与完成任务相关的所有攻击检定、豁免检定和技能检定中获得+2士气加值。
无论何时,只要穿戴者忽视卡利斯拉德教派成员的命令,那么她必须尝试一次意志豁免,DC等同于10 + 1/2下达命令生物的总生命骰。若穿戴者豁免失败,则必须尽其所能遵从命令。若她豁免成功,则能够以移动动作脱下这件护甲并且忽视命令。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),魅惑人类(Charm Person),英雄气概(Heroism)

舷炮壁垒(Broadside Bulwark)
这面+2重木盾(+2 heavy wooden shield)的正面有数个小洞,看起来就好像军舰侧面的炮眼一样。盾牌正面共有7个洞,这些孔洞的大小并不相同,在盾牌的背面则有着与孔洞数量相同的细麻绳。以标准动作,舷炮壁垒的持用者能够拉扯一根细绳,致使正面的炮口发射出一颗红色小珠。小珠会在向前飞行30尺后,如同火球术(Fireball)一般爆炸(DC14,反射减半),正常来说这会使得持用者在爆炸半径之外,除非小珠在飞抵30尺距离之前碰触到什么而提前引爆。在细绳被拉出之后,对应的炮口就会永久封闭且无法再度使用。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),火球术(Fireball),抵抗能量伤害(Resist Energy)

蛇龙咒甲(Crag Linnorm Plate)
这套特制的全身甲(full plate)由鞣制后的蛇龙(Linnorm)皮革制作而成,它被视为+4龙革板甲UE(+4 dragonhide plate)。若有生物在穿戴这套护甲时被杀死,那么杀人者会受到诅咒。被诅咒的生物必须成功通过DC为17的意志豁免,否则就会受到火焰易伤(vulnerability to fire),直至诅咒被移除为止。只有破除结界(break enchantment)、神迹术(miracle)或祈愿术(wish)才能移除这个诅咒。这套护甲是由峭壁蛇龙(Linnorm,Crag)的皮革制成,然而其他版本的护甲也是存在的,它们会施加不同种类的诅咒效果,具体与其关联的蛇龙类似。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),巨龙形态 I(Form of the Dragon I),行动自如(Freedom of Movement),高等降咒UM(Curse, Major)

鹰骑兵军礼服(Eagle Knight Dress Uniform)
这套精美的+2典礼护甲UE(+2 parade armor)与安多安巨鹰骑士(Andoran’s Eagle Knights)的军礼服十分相配。在穿戴者被擒抱(grappled)或束缚(restrained)的时候,他能够以直觉动作尝试逃脱检定来脱身。穿戴者在此次检定中获得+2表现加值。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),脱困指令UC(Liberating Command),法师护甲(Mage Armor)

埃库迦叶脉甲(Ekujae Jungle Armor)
生活在芒吉莽原(Mwangi Expanse)埃库迦雨林(Ekujae jungle)的精灵用层层压实的雨林树叶制作出这件护甲,再将精美的精灵文字描绘于其上,它被视为+1叶织甲ISWG(+1 leaf armor)。那些离开雨林外出冒险的德鲁伊十分珍惜这件护甲,在判断纠缠术(entangle)产生的作用时,这件护甲被视作一株植物,这使得法术能够以护甲所处的位置作为始发点。
在丛林地形(jungle terrain)中穿戴埃库迦叶脉甲会十分合适,与外界元素的融合使得穿戴者在此类地形中进行的潜行检定获得+5表现加值。这件护甲还能赋予穿戴者免受炎热气候(hot climate)的效果影响,就如同处于忍受环境的效果影响一般。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),忍受环境(Endure Elements),纠缠术(Entangle),制作者必须是德鲁伊

冰魔重铠(Gelugon Plate)
这件深蓝色的+3地狱骑士板甲ISWG(+3 Hellknight Plate)的触感十分冰凉,围绕着板甲旋转的冻雾好似魔鬼的脸庞。这件护甲的穿戴者获得10点寒冷抗力。在移动结束时处于穿戴者5尺范围内的任何生物都必须成功进行DC为16的强韧豁免,失败则会由于护甲所散发出的冰寒而恍惚(staggered)1轮。豁免成功的生物会在24小时内免疫同一套冰魔重铠的效果。冰魔重铠的穿戴者能够以标准动作启动或压制这个效果。
地狱骑士(Hellknight)或者擅长重甲的地狱骑士持节士(Hellknight signifer)在穿戴这件护甲时,每日至多能够施放3次冰墙术。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),缓慢术(slow),冰墙术(Wall of Ice)

尸鬼皮甲(Ghoul Hide)
此类护甲通常由盖布(Geb)生产,这种让人毛骨悚然的+1革甲(+1 hide armor)是将食尸鬼仆从的皮肤从身体剥离再缝合而成,这通常是它们没有完成主人所下达的命令而招致的惩罚。这件护甲的穿戴者免疫食尸鬼(ghouls)、妖鬼(ghasts)和水鬼(lacedons)的麻痹攻击(paralytic touch)。
若穿戴者成为了啮咬攻击(bite attack)或者活吞(swallowed whole)的目标,那么攻击者必须进行DC 13的强韧豁免,否则会染上食尸鬼热疫(ghoul fever;见怪物图鉴中食尸鬼的相关内容)。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),食尸鬼之触(Ghoul Touch)

凡人戍卫(Guard of Man)
这面让人印象深刻的+2抗法(13)塔盾(+2 spell resistance (13) tower shield)是一块雕刻着凡人律法(the Laws of Man)主要条令的金属板块。这面盾牌的法术抗力特殊能力仅对神术生效,对奥术不会产生阻碍。在持用这面盾牌时,持用者在对抗神术以及类法术能力时的强韧豁免获得+4抗力加值。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),法术抗力(Spell Resistance),制作者必须是无神论者

星月喀拉尔(Lyrune-Quah Klar)
莱卢恩-郭(Lyrune-Quah;也称为月之部族)部族被认为是休盎提(Shoanti)人民中最伟大的射手,而她们则将这件由雄狮头骨制作而成的+2喀拉尔UE(+2 klar)视作珍宝。头骨的特殊形状使得持用者能够在以正确的姿势使用短弓(而非长弓)射击的同时,获得由星月喀拉尔提供的盾牌加值带来的好处。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),游荡星尘APG(wandering star motes),制作者必须擅长短弓(shortbow)

猛犸皮甲(Mammoth Hide)
由猛犸皮革碎块和骨骼制作,这件+3革甲(+3 hide armor)与犀牛皮甲UE(rhino hide)类似,不过是使用猛犸象大王之国(Realm of the Mammoth Lords)的贫瘠土地中常见的野兽素材制作。除了在AC上提供+3增强加值,并且具有-1防具检定减值之外,穿戴者还能在任何成功的冲锋攻击中造成额外4d6点伤害,包括骑乘冲锋(mounted charge)。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),牛之力量(bull’s strength)

苔水染色甲(Mosswater Stained Leather)
这套+2镶嵌皮甲(+2 studded leather)会在黑暗中发出怪异的光芒。给这件护甲着色所使用的染料来自河域诸国(the River Kingdoms)已经荒废的苔水镇(town of Mosswater)。这套皮甲会在昏暗(dim light)或更暗的区域中赋予穿戴者类似鬼魅的外观。若处于这样的区域中,穿戴者会在伪装成不死生物的唬骗检定中获得+4环境加值。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),幻化灵体(Ethereal Jaunt)

纽梅利亚折光护甲(Numerian Resistance Plate)
那些反对技术联盟(Technic League)的纽梅利亚人已经研发出许多种手段来保护自身,对抗那些专制组织的高科技武器。制作这件+2胸甲(+2 breastplate)所使用的材料取自现在被称之为白银山(Silver Mount)的坠毁星际飞船,取用的是遍布于这座外星遗迹表面的废弃金属。特殊的设计使得这件护甲能够在对抗光束武器(beam weapons)时提供额外的防护,纽梅利亚折光护甲能够让穿戴者在对抗射线攻击(ray attacks)时,接触AC获得+4加值。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),偏转术APG(deflection),护盾术(Shield)

欧肯诺马度(Okeno Madu)
这件+1皮质马度UE(+1 leather madu)看起来就像是标准的卡塔佩什(Katapesh)凶残奴隶贩子的随身武器——大大小小的人体器官,从手指脚趾到被剁下来的人头丝丝缕缕的挂在这把皮盾的尖刺上。只要这面马度能被人看到,它的持有者就会在对这些生物的威吓检定上获得+4环境加值,但与此同时,持有者也会在所有与可以看到这面马度的善良阵营生物的交涉检定上承受-4减值。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),严加斥责APG(Castigate)

探察皮衣(Scouting Leather)
萨迦瓦当局(Sargavan government)时常会配发这种护具来让探子穿过丛林进行侦查。这件+1超速UE无像皮甲(+1 expeditious glamered leather armor)的底色为深棕色,表面涂有丛林迷彩。探子们能够将这件服装的外观变为任何种类的护具并与她们所到访地区的风格相符合,之后在察觉自身可能遭受危险的时候使用超速UE特殊能力逃之夭夭。在皮衣原本的形态下,护甲会对潜行检定提供+3表现加值。当这件护甲变得符合某种文化的服饰风格时,它会在与这个文化的人进行交涉检定时提供+3表现加值。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),易容术(Disguise Self),脚底抹油(Expeditious Retreat)

虔信法衣(Truefaith Vestments)
这件+1链甲衫(+1 chain shirt)通常由人神拉兹米尔(living god Razmir)的助手和执法人员穿戴,它就如同具有无像(glamered)特殊能力一般,看起来就像由单色的丝绸所制作的精致连帽长袍,并且丝绸的颜色与穿戴者在教团中的等级相符(没有追随拉兹密安的人在穿戴这件服装后,丝绸会呈现为白色)。这件护甲主要用于表现出伪神力量对信徒的守护,任何没有看破幻术的敌人在攻击护甲的穿戴者时,这件护甲都会被视为+3胸甲(+3 breastplate)。与通常的无像护甲不同,任何成功以近战攻击命中目标的生物都会被视为与幻术进行了互动,并且能够通过成功进行DC 16的意志豁免看透护甲的本质。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),易容术(Disguise Self)

坑道卫士板甲(Tunnel Defender Stoneplate)
这套+3石板甲UE(+3 stoneplate)由多种不同颜色的石材所制造,看起来比非魔法的普通石板甲要庞大许多,这种护甲通常会派发给被指派到幽暗地域(Darklands)最深最危险的洞穴驻守的第九营士兵(Ninth Battalion soldiers)。
每日1次,穿戴者能够唤出一堵石墙填充至多9个连续的5尺方格。与标准的石墙术(Wall of Stone)不同,这堵墙壁必须为一条直线,而且穿戴者必须选择自身占据墙壁的其中一段五尺方格,而护甲也会与周围的墙壁联接到一起。当这个石墙术生效时,穿戴者的AC获得+2环境加值,不过她只能在墙壁内移动。穿戴者能够以标准动作解消墙壁;如果没有主动解消的话,墙壁会在10轮后消失。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),融身入石(Meld into Stone),石墙术(Wall of Stone),制作者必须是矮人

战场指挥者铠甲(War Commander’s Field Plate)
这件完美的+2勇士UE战铠ISWG(+2 champion field plate)通常被终焉之墙(Lastwall)蒙蒂维(Mendev)塔尔多(Taldor)的军队指挥官所使用。护甲的背面有一个坚固的金属支架,它位于肩胛骨的后侧;若穿戴者具有个人的纹章(personal heraldry),就可以将绘有纹章图案的旗帜插入这个插槽,比如骑士的旗帜(banner)。
若战场指挥者铠甲的穿戴者时一只军队的指挥官(见极限战战役的相关规则),而且他展现出自身的纹章的话,则会获得军略(boon):坚守阵线(Hold the Line)。若穿戴者已经拥有此项军略,则会在作为军队指挥官进行士气检定时,额外获得+1加值作为替代。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),英雄气概(Heroism),防护邪恶(protection from evil)

锡尔外甲(Xill Carapace Armor)
这套+1带刺半身甲(+1 spiked half-plate armor)是用锡尔族(xill)的外壳与硬皮制作,还包含着由锡尔族头骨和完整下颚做成的头盔,这会使得穿戴者看起来有着超自然虫类的外观。每日1次,穿戴者能够从主物质位面(Material Plane)进入灵界位面(Ethereal Plane)之后再返回,就如同灵化(etherealness)魔法防具特殊能力一般。与通常的灵化护甲不同,向着另一个位面移动的功能就如同锡尔族的位面移动(Planewalk)能力一般,不过在如此移动时穿戴者也无法携带任何生物。
此外,覆盖在护甲背部、躯干、手臂和大腿部分的甲刺都具有原本的麻痹能力。成功使用这些甲刺对目标造成重击时,目标会麻痹(paralyzed)1d4轮(强韧DC 16,通过则无效)。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),幻化灵体(Ethereal Jaunt),怪物定身术(hold monster)

劇透 -   :
The following armors are found throughout the lands of the Inner Sea region.

Backbreaker Mail Price 17,650 gp
Slot armor CL 10th Weight 45 lbs.
Aura moderate illusion and transmutation
This +2 spiked splint mail is fashioned from hacked-off chunks of tanned hide and held together by humanoid spines. Used by orcs of the Broken Spine clan in Belkzen, these sets of armor are seen as a status symbol, and are adorned with trophies from slain foes, such as wayfinders. This armor grants its wearer the constrict ability (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 298), dealing an amount of damage equal to 1d6 + the wearer’s Strength modifier.
The vertebrae of the spines adorning the backbreaker mail are sharpened, acting as +1 human bane armor spikes.
Construction Requirements Cost 9,025 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, beast shape I, disguise self, summon monster I

Blackjacket Price 28,700 gp
Slot armor CL 6th Weight 20 lbs.
Aura moderate enchantment
This jet-black uniform is assigned to top agents in Druma’s military—the Mercenary League. Wearers of this +3 armored coatUE continually benefit from the spell undetectable alignment. When following the orders of a member of the Kalistocracy, the wearer receives a +2 morale bonus on all attack rolls, saves, and skill checks related to completion of her mission.
Anytime the wearer tries to disregard an order given by a member of the Kalistocracy, she must attempt a Will save with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the total Hit Dice of the creature giving the order. If she fails, she must follow the order to the best of her ability. If she succeeds, she can remove the armor as a move action to ignore the command.
Construction Requirements Cost 14,450 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, charm person, heroism

Broadside Bulwark Price 19,007 gp
Slot shield CL 10th Weight 10 lbs.
Aura moderate evocation
The front of this +2 heavy wooden shield has several small holes that resemble the gun ports on a naval ship. There are seven such holes in total on the front of shield, each varying in size, with an equal number of thin hemp strings on the reverse side. As a standard action, the wielder of the broadside bulwark can pull one of the strings, causing a small red bead to fly out from the associated gun port. This bead travels 30 feet forward and detonates as a fireball spell (Reflex DC 14 half), leaving the wielder outside the blast radius unless it contacts something before reaching 30 feet. After a string is pulled, its associated gun port is permanently closes and can no longer be used.
The gun ports are different sizes, and include three small ports that deal 3d6 points of fire damage, three larger ports that deal 6d6 points of fire damage, and one massive port in the center of the shield that deals 9d6 points of fire damage.
Once all the gun ports have been fired, the shield takes on a blackened, charred look and grants the wielder fire resistance 5.
Construction Requirements Cost 9,582 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, fireball, resist energy

Crag Linnorm Plate Price 41,300 gp
Slot armor CL 11th Weight 50 lbs.
Aura moderate necromancy
This specialized suit of full plate is made from the tanned hide of a linnorm and acts as +4 dragonhide plateUE. If a creature is slain while wearing such armor, its killer is subject to a curse. The cursed creature must succeed at a DC 17 Will save or gain vulnerability to fire until the curse is removed. This curse can be removed only by a break enchantment, miracle, or wish spell. This particular suit of armor is made from the hide of a crag linnorm, though others exist, each with a different curse effect similar to the curse of the associated linnorm.
Once per day as a swift action, the wear of this armor can summon forth the uncanny movement powers of a linnorm, gaining the benefits of freedom of movement for 10 minutes.
Construction Requirements Cost 22,300 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, form of the dragon I, freedom of movement, major curseUM

Eagle Knight Dress Uniform Price 10,800 gp
Slot armor CL 6th Weight 20 lbs.
Aura moderate enchantment
This set of fine +2 parade armorUE matches the dress uniform of Andoran’s Eagle Knights. If the wearer is ever grappled or restrained, he can attempt an Escape Artist check to get free as an immediate action. The wearer gains a +2 competence bonus on this check.
Once per day as a standard action, the wearer of an Eagle Knight dress uniform can call forth shimmering plates of golden light to reinforce the armor. This effect increases the armor’s enhancement bonus to AC from +2 to +5 for the next 10 minutes.
Construction Requirements Cost 5,488 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, liberating commandUC, mage armor

Ekujae Jungle Armor Price 3,900 gp
Slot armor CL 3rd Weight 20 lbs.
Aura faint abjuration and transmutation
Made of densely compacted jungle leaves by the Ekujae jungle elves of the Mwangi, this +1 leaf armorISWG has been delicately inscribed with elven script. Prized by druids who venture out of the jungle, this armor counts as a plant for the purposes of an entangle spell, allowing the spell to originate from the position of the wearer.
Ekujae jungle armor is uniquely suited to jungle terrain, keeping out the elements and granting the wearer a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks in such terrain. This armor also allows the wearer to ignore the effects of a hot climate as if under the effects of endure elements.
Construction Requirements Cost 2,275 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, endure elements, entangle, creator must be a druid

Gelugon Plate Price 60,950 gp
Slot armor CL 7th Weight 50 lbs.
Aura moderate conjuration and transmutation
This midnight blue +3 Hellknight plateISWG is cold to the touch, and the fiendish faces that swirl across the plates shed gouts of chill mist. The wearer of this armor gains cold resistance 10. Any creature that ends its movement within 5 feet of the wearer must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude saving throw or be staggered for 1 round as the cold emitted by the armor numbs it. A creature that succeeds at its saving throw is immune to the effects of that set of gelugon plate for 24 hours. The wearer of a set of gelugon plate can suppress and reactivate this effect as a standard action.
A Hellknight (or Hellknight signifer with heavy armor proficiency) wearing this armor can cast wall of ice up to three times per day.
Construction Requirements Cost 31,550 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, slow, wall of ice

Ghoul Hide Price 2,865 gp
Slot armor CL 3rd Weight 25 lbs.
Aura faint necromancy
Typically crafted in the nation of G eb, this morbid +1 hide armor is stitched from the flesh torn from the bodies of ghoul servants as a punishment for failing their masters in some manner. The wearer of this armor is immune to the paralytic touch of ghouls, ghasts, and lacedons.
If the wearer is the subject of a bite attack or is swallowed whole, the attacker must succeed at a DC 13 Fortitude save or contract ghoul fever (Bestiary 146).
Construction Requirements Cost 1,515 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, ghoul touch

Guard of Man Price 17,180 gp
Slot shield CL 15th Weight 45 lbs.
Aura strong abjuration
This massive, imposing +2 spell resistance (13) tower shield is a metal bulwark engraved with the main edicts of the Laws of Man. The spell resistance special ability of this shield works only against divine spells and does not ward the bearer against arcane magic. While held, the shield grants a +4 resistance bonus on Fortitude saving throws against divine spells and spell-like abilities.
Three times per day as a swift action, when the wielder of a guard of man is in the area of channeled energy (regardless of whether she is excluded by an effect such as Selective Channeling), she can rebuke the god powering the ability. Using this ability causes the text on the guard of man to glow and decreases the amount of channeled energy by half (minimum 1). This reduction affects the channeled energy itself, and thus reduces the effect on all targets within its area. The power of the channeled energy can be further reduced with a successful Will saving throw, as normal.
Construction Requirements Cost 8,680 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, spell resistance, creator must be an atheist

Lyrune-Quah Klar Price 19,912 gp
Slot shield CL 7th Weight 6 lbs.
Aura moderate illusion
Considered the greatest archers among the Shoanti people, the folk of the Lyrune-Quah tribe treasure this +2 klarUE shaped from the skull of a lion. The specific shape of the skull allows the wielder to properly hold and shoot a shortbow (though not a longbow) while still benefiting from the Lyrune- Quah klar’s shield bonus.
Up to three times per day as a free action, the wielder of a Lyrune-Quah klar can utter praise to the nature totem of the moon. The next arrow fired after the prayer trails a line of shimmering stars in its wake. If a creature is struck by this arrow, the stars orbit it for the next 8 rounds, negating any concealment for the target and causing it to emit light as if it were holding a sunrod.
Construction Requirements Cost 10,037 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, wandering star motesAPG, creator must be proficient with a shortbow

Mammoth Hide Price 11,665 gp
Slot armor CL 11th Weight 25 lbs.
Aura moderate transmutation
Made of tattered mammoth hide and bone, this +3 hide armor is similar to rhino hideUE, but is fashioned in the harsh lands of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords using beasts common to that region. In addition to granting a +3 enhancement bonus to AC, it has a –1 armor check penalty and grants the wearer an additional 4d6 points of damage on any successful charge attack she makes, including a mounted charge.
Construction Requirements Cost 5,915 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bull’s strength

Mosswater Stained Leather Price 11,575 gp
Slot armor CL 14th Weight 20 lbs.
Aura strong transmutation
This set of +2 studded leather glows eerily in darkness. Tinted using rare dyes from the lost town of Mosswater in the River Kingdoms, this leather suit gives its wearer a ghostly appearance in areas of dim light or darker. While in such areas, the wearer gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Bluff checks to pretend to be undead.
On command, the armor makes its wearer ethereal (as the ethereal jaunt spell). The effect is dismissible. The armor can be used in this manner for a total of up to 10 rounds per day. This duration doesn’t need to be continuous, but must be used in 1-round increments.
Construction Requirements Cost 5,875 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, ethereal jaunt

Numerian Resistance Plate Price 16,350 gp
Slot armor CL 6th Weight 30 lbs.
Aura moderate abjuration
Numerians who oppose the Technic League have developed many forms of protection from the tyrannical organization’s technology-infused weaponry. This +2 breastplate is made of scrap metal from one of the alien ruins that pepper the landscape, remnants of the crashed spaceship now known as Silver Mount. Specifically designed to provide additional defense against beam weapons, Numerian resistance plate grants its wearer a +4 bonus to touch AC against ray attacks.
Three times per day, when a ray attack targeting the plate’s wearer misses by 4 or less, the wearer can deflect the ray back at its source as an immediate action. The ray uses the original attack roll to determine whether it hits its new target.
Construction Requirements Cost 8,700 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, deflectionAPG, shield

Okeno Madu Price 5,590 gp
Slot shield CL 3rd Weight 5 lbs.
Aura faint enchantment
A common sight among the more deplorable slavers of Katapesh, this +1 leather maduUE is adorned with body parts— ranging from fingers and toes to severed heads— each one crudely affixed to the shield’s spikes. The wielder of the shield gains a +4 competence bonus on Intimidate checks while the shield is visible. The wearer and any associated companions take a –4 penalty on all Diplomacy checks made against good-aligned creatures while the shield is visible.
Once per day as a standard action, the wielder of an Okeno madu can shake the shield, causing the fetishes to rattle uncontrollably for 3 rounds. When he shakes the shield, the wielder can choose one creature within 35 feet to suffer the effects of the spell castigate (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 210) as long as the fetishes continue shaking.
Construction Requirements Cost 2,890 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, castigate

Scouting Leather Price 8,750 gp
Slot armor CL 10th Weight 15 lbs.
Aura moderate illusion and transmutation
The Sargavan government often issues this armor to scouts traveling through the jungle. This +1 expeditiousUE glamered leather armor is colored a deep brown and painted with jungle camouflage. Scouts transform the armor to match the armor style and symbology of communities they visit, and use the expeditiousUE special ability if they find they’re unwelcome. In its true form, the armor grants a +3 competence bonus on Stealth checks. When transformed to fit a culture’s style of dress, it instead grants a +3 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks against people of that culture.
Construction Requirements Cost 4,450 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, disguise self, expeditious retreat

Truefaith Vestments Price 6,950 gp
Slot armor CL 10th Weight 1 lb.
Aura moderate illusion
Worn by enforcers and acolytes of the living god Razmir, this +1 chain shirt appears as a fine hooded robe made of silk of a color appropriate to the wearer’s rank within the church as if it had the glamered special ability (it appears white when worn by anyone who doesn’t follow Razmir). Used primarily as a means of appearing to be protected by the false god’s power, the armor is treated as a +3 breastplate against attacks made by any enemy who has not seen through the illusion. Unlike with standard glamered armor, any creature that successfully hits the target with a melee weapon is considered to have interacted with the illusion, and can see the armor’s true form with a successful DC 16 Will save.
Construction Requirements Cost 3,600 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self

Tunnel Defender Stoneplate Price 26,700 gp
Slot armor CL 9th Weight 75 lbs.
Aura moderate conjuration
Even bulkier than its nonmagical cousins, this set of +3 stoneplateUE is crafted from stones of widely differing colors, and is often allocated to Ninth Battalion soldiers assigned to the deepest and most dangerous of the Darklands’ tunnels.
Once per day, the wearer can call forth a wall of stone that fills up to nine contiguous 5-foot squares. Unlike with the standard spell, the wall must be a straight line, and the wielder must choose to occupy one 5-foot section of the wall, as the armor merges with the wall around it. While the wall of stone is in effect, the wearer gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC, but can move only within the wall. The wearer can dismiss the wall as a standard action; otherwise, it dissipates in 10 rounds.
As a full-round action, the wielder can make the wall permanent by allowing himself to be consumed by the stone. In this case, the wearer can be restored to life only by a miracle or wish.
Construction Requirements Cost 14,325 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, meld into stone, wall of stone, creator must be a dwarf

War Comm ander’s Field Plate Price 21,600 gp
Slot armor CL 6th Weight 50 lbs.
Aura moderate abjuration and enchantment
This immaculate +2 championUE field plateISWG is commonly used by military commanders in Lastwall, Mendev, and Taldor. A sturdy metal bracket is built onto the back of the armor, located just under the shoulder blades; if the wielder has personal heraldry, this slot can hold a banner or flag bearing that heraldry (such as a cavalier’s banner).
If the wearer of the war commander’s field plate takes to the battlefield as an army commander (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign 234), he gains the Hold the Line boon if he prominently displays his heraldry. If the wearer already possesses this boon, he instead gains an additional +1 bonus on Morale checks as army commander.
Construction Requirements Cost 11,475 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, heroism, protection from evil

Xill Carapace Armor Price 83,050 gp
Slot armor CL 13th Weight 15 lbs.
Aura strong transmutation
This suit of +1 spiked half-plate armor is crafted from the hide and carapace of a xill (Bestiary 283) and includes a xill-skull helmet complete with insectlike mandibles, giving the wearer an otherworldly, buglike appearance. Once per day, the wearer can shift from the Material Plane to the Ethereal Plane and back again, as the etherealness magic armor special ability. Unlike with standard etherealness armor, however, the transitions to and from planes function exactly like a xill’s planewalk ability, save that the wearer cannot take any creatures with it when it switches planes.
Additionally, the spikes along the armor’s back, torso, arms, and upper legs are laced with a natural paralytic. The target of a successful critical hit made with these armor spikes is paralyzed for 1d4 rounds (Fortitude DC 16 negates).
Construction Requirements Cost 41,900 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, ethereal jaunt, hold monster
« 上次编辑: 2019-12-17, 周二 18:01:13 由 黎白羽 »

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Re: 【内海战斗】魔法物品(Magic Items)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2014-06-18, 周三 19:14:08 »

蜂刺之吻(Calistrian Kiss)
这件武器那长长的剑刃上有着黑黄相间的花纹,就好像在模仿黄蜂一般。这把+1觅心UE精灵曲剑(+1 heartseeker elven curve blade)的剑柄内藏三个凹槽,可以用于储存毒素。从剑刃上添加或移除一剂毒素需要迅捷动作且空着一只手。
任何被蜂刺之吻命中的生物,在对抗武器上附加的毒素时,任何豁免检定均会受到-4减值。附加在蜂刺之吻上的任何毒素,其发作次数都会增加2次,比如黑蛇毒(Black adder venom)会持续8轮而非原本的6轮,砒霜(Arsenic)会持续6分钟而非原本的4分钟。使用技能或魔法对中毒目标进行治愈的尝试均会承受-4减值。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),死亡丧钟(Death Knell),致命药引UM(pernicious poison)

深红骗局(Crimson Bluff)
这把+2追击UE锯齿刀ISWG(+2 speed sawtooth sabre)的刀刃由纯黑的金属所打造,除此之外只有另外一部分点缀着其他颜色——红色的剑柄。每日1次以标准动作,刀的持用者能够向阿卡艾克克吟诵祷言,以此来召唤出1d4 + 3个红螳螂刺客的幻影,持续1小时。这些幻影会扰乱武器持用者的敌人,使得持用者能够与适当位置的幻影一同夹击敌人。持用者可以以单个迅捷动作指挥所有幻影的移动,让每个幻影移动至多30尺。与一个幻影产生互动(或者被其夹击)的任何生物都能够尝试DC 16的意志豁免,通过则不相信这个效果。若幻影刺客被命中,就会消失(使用持用者的AC作为幻影的AC)。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),制造者必须是阿卡艾克克(Achaekek)的11级牧师或者能够施放加速术(haste)、镜影术(Mirror Image)和假象术(Mislead)

平冤灭地锤(Earth breaker of Righted Injustice)
这柄+2混沌UE炽焰裂地锤UE(+2 anarchic flaming earth breaker)表面铸有部落的符号,并且散发着滚滚的热浪。这些凶蛮的武器由斯托瓦尔高原(Storval Plateau)的休盎提(Shoanti)铁匠所铸造,脾气狂躁的斯克拉-郭(Sklar-Quah)族人与被这些人唤作灰烬之地(Cinderlands)的家园和这些武器极为协调。若武器持用者具有狂暴(rage)职业能力,那么他能够选择在狂暴开始时,将魔鬼破敌(devil bane)特殊能力或者兽人破敌(orc bane)加到武器上。这些额外的武器特殊能力只有在持用者狂暴的期间才会存在,一旦特殊能力被选定之后,则在持用者下次进入狂暴之前无法进行切换。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor);混乱之锤(Chaos Hammer);火球术(fireball)、火焰刀(Flame Blade)或焰击术(Flame Strike);制造者必须为混乱阵营

遗言(Final Word)
这把+1战斗剃刀ISWG(+1 war razor)通常由艾巴萨罗姆(Absalom)城中名为血腥理发师(Bloody Barbers)的盗贼公会成员使用。这个公会将告密者和叛徒灭口的标志性方法和首选方式便要用到这种剃刀(行话管这叫做‘修剪某人的红胡子’),除了血腥理发师之外,内海各地的盗贼和刺客公会、以及赏金猎人们都在广泛使用着这样的刃器。
若持用者使用遗言进行致命一击(coup de grace),那么在判断目标是否会由于此次攻击死亡时,强韧豁免的DC获得+4加值。这个加值并不会加在致命一击的武器伤害上。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),死者交谈(Speak with Dead)

翠血之惩(Greenblood Scourge)
翠血之惩最初是由水生巨魔(scrag)那卷曲的肠子编织而成,这种+2酸蚀UE长鞭(+2 corrosive whip)的原始版本是由在漆黑之岩(Black Rock)的翠绿血池(Green Blood)中竞技的血腥赞颂者(blood-bard)所制造。在血腥赞颂者获得了让人惊异的胜绩之后,这些武器便在浸水群地(Sodden Lands)与镣铐群岛(Shackles)范围内得到了普及。除非被火焰所伤,翠血之惩都会以每分钟1点生命的频率再生。
演武战斗中(见极限战斗153页),翠血之惩的持用者能够以迅捷动作并花费1点胜利点(victory point)来赋予武器酸爆UE(corrosive burst)特殊能力。另外,持用者在演武战斗中使用撤退动作(withdraw action)时,不再需要尝试演武检定(performance combat check),因为武器爆发出的酸液阻止了敌人的接近。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),强酸箭(Acid Arrow),魅力四射UC(Adoration)

猎手星刃(Hunter’s Starknife)
这把+2流血UE星刃(+2 woundingUE starknife)的表面斑驳地遍布着锈痕、褪色的金属表面和干涸的血迹。若这件武器被投掷出去并且造成伤害,它就会将自身嵌入到目标身体上。目标会持续受到出血伤害(bleed damage),直至被嵌入的武器被移除为止。被嵌入的猎手星刃会散发出蓝色的光芒,这会模仿出妖火法术的效果,只要武器嵌在目标身上,就会如此产生影响。移除这件武器需要成功进行DC 15的力量检定(整轮动作)。无论检定是否成功,在进行移除尝试时该名生物都会受到1d4点额外伤害。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),出血术(Bleed),妖火(Faerie Fire)

护院刀(Monastic Warden)
在扎摩诔(Jalmeray)境内的难破金宗(Monastery of Untwisting Iron),被选中的门生会获得这柄+1真气UE仪刀APG(+1 ki focus temple sword)作为赠礼,不过这样的武器在内海各地的修道院都会制作类似的复制品。每把护院刀都会与单个神殿或修道院建立一种联系。武僧在使用这把武器进行一次攻击时,能够以迅捷动作花费1点气,以此来忽略该次攻击目标的AC上所具有的任何盾牌加值。
每日3次,护院刀的持用者能够撕裂他的目标所在方向的气流,造出一股由白光组成、形似护院刀的闪光剑气打击目标。持用者必须进行一次远程接触攻击对抗目标。被闪光剑气命中的生物会受到4d8点伤害。若受到此种攻击的目标所在的位置,处于与护院刀有着联系的地点的话,那么目标则会受到8d6点伤害作为替代,而且会晕眩(dazed)1轮。成功通过DC 14的意志豁免能够使伤害减半,并且免受晕眩效果。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),秩序之箭UM(Arrow of Law)

停火协定(Peacekeeping Pistol)
这把+1慈悯UE手枪(+1 merciful pistol)在阿肯斯塔(Alkenstar)熔铸而成,枪身上用天界生物的精美纹饰进行装饰,而弹舱内装置着复杂的黄铜齿轮。每当持用者造成重击(scores a critical hit),并且此时他在使用这把武器造成非致命伤害时,目标必须进行DC 12的意志豁免,失败就会晕眩(dazed)1轮。以迅捷动作,具有勇毅(Grit)职业能力的持用者能够花费1点勇毅来使此次豁免DC增加4点。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),治疗轻伤(Cure Light Wounds),怪物晕眩术(Daze Monster)

肃清之刃(Purging Falcata)
这种+2反曲剑APG(+2 falcata)最初是在塔尔多(Taldor)对晨花教派的信徒进行大清洗期间铸造的,武器上刻满了各种对宗教进行亵渎的语句。尽管肃清之刃通常被制作为对抗晨花追随者之用,不过这种武器有许多版本,用于针对各种各样信仰。在制造武器时便要选取对应的宗教是哪一种,之后无法更改。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),敬畏武器(Weapon of Awe),制造者必须用武器杀死信仰对应宗教的信徒

冥思长棍(Quarterstaff of Contemplation)
这根木杆看起来十分朴素,只有其中一段用绿龙的鳞片装点着。它被视为+2木棍(+2 quarterstaff),是云游各地的义洛理(Irori)信徒的最爱。在义洛理的信徒手中,冥思长棍获得强气UE(ki intensifying)武器特殊能力。
若冥思长棍的持有者不但是义洛理的追随者,而且还具有混元体(Wholeness of Body)职业能力,那么他能够花费整轮动作(full-round action)来将木棍作为器材(focus)进行冥思。这被视为花费1点气使用混元体,以取代原本的2点气。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),制造者必须是7级武僧

重生之刃(Risen Blade)
作为奥斯里昂(Osirion)合法统治者——红宝石王子科梅特三世(the Ruby Prince Khemet III)——的仆从,名为重生卫(Risen Guard)的组织成员通常会手持这种特殊授予的刃器。每把+2炽焰镰剑UE(+2 flaming khopesh)都由奥斯里昂境内的主要教派所铸造,比如阿巴达尔(Abadar)、内希斯(Nethys)和法莱斯玛(Pharasma)的教会。
无论何时,只要重生之刃的持用者被引导正能量所治疗,这把武器就会获得1次充能。每当持用者确认重击时(confirms a critical hit),她便能够以自由动作释放出储存在剑刃内的充能。持用者会引导正能量(如同职业能力),并且必须选择是伤害不死生物还是治疗活物。这个动作会花费剑刃内的所有充能。每发充能相当于1d6点伤害或治疗量,而且每花费1发充能,持用者就能够选择将区域内的1个生物排除在引导影响的范围之外。抵抗正能量的豁免DC为15 + 每发消耗的充能数量1点。重生之刃释放自身的充能对其持用者进行治疗,或者其他重生之刃释放充能造成的治疗,均无法使重生之刃获得充能。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),焰击术(Flame Strike),制造者必须是能够引导正能量的9级牧师

罗斯特兰刀锋(Rostland Edge)
对于集名誉和荣光于一身的奥多里剑豪(Aldori Swordlords)来说,没有比在战斗中失去武器更让人感到耻辱的事情了,因为没有手中之剑,如何能展现并证明剑豪那高超的决斗技巧,以及自身流派的优越性呢?铸造罗斯特兰刀锋是为了防止敌人破坏武器的诡计而非用于保护持用者,它相当于+2反制UE坚固UE奧多里决斗剑ISWG(+2 countering impervious Aldori dueling sword)。
若武器的剑刃被破坏,它就会产生极其惊人的爆炸,对半径20尺扩散范围的每个生物造成10d6点火焰伤害(反射DC 14,通过则减半)。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),猫之优雅(Cat's Grace),鬼斧神工(Fabricate),火球术(Fireball),完全修复术(Make Whole)

休盎提魂索(Shadde-Quah Spirit Bolas)
这种+1休盎提套牛绳ISWG(+1 Shoanti bolas)充盈着元素之力,它主要由瓦瑞西安(Varisia)西部,属于夏德-郭(Shadde-Quah)部族的崖居休盎提人所使用。套牛绳的每端都具有各自的魔法增强:一端是寒冷魔法,另一侧是火焰魔法。被休盎提魂索伤害的目标会受到额外1d3点寒冷伤害和1d3点火焰伤害,因为武器两端的配重在伤害它们的目标时,就好像同时具有效能减半的炽焰(flaming)与冻寒(frost)武器特殊能力一般。
每日1次以标准动作,休盎提魂索的持用者能够向元素之力进行简短的祈祷,并将套牛绳投掷出去,使武器的两端在飞行途中不断碰撞。套牛绳会转化为翻滚的水球,就如同水牢法球(见进阶玩者手册 202页)法术一般,并受到持用者操控。在法术结束后,套牛绳会掉在法球移动结束时所处位置相同的地面上。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),水牢法球APG(Aqueous Orb),冰冻射线(Ray of Frost),火花术APG(Spark)

缚影链(Shadowbound Chains)
布满了锯齿和尖刺,这把+1反噬毒琉璃UE刺链(+1 vicious viridium spiked chain)所散发的色彩不断在柔和的绿色与深邃的紫罗兰色之间变换。若持用者是虔诚的宗-库山信徒,便能免疫毒琉璃所散发的疾病。
当持用者使用刺链将一个生物的生命值降至0点以下但是却没有将其杀死时,她能够以自由动作唤出目标的阴影复制体。这个复制体被视为幽影(shadow,怪物图鉴 I 245页),不过它不具有创造衍体的能力。复制体会亲近持用者,攻击她的敌人,但是会忽视其本体。直至幽影被摧毁或解除之前,本体无法受到任何能够将生命值恢复至-1生命值以上的治疗带来的好处。当本体死亡或者经过10轮之后,幽影便会逐渐散去,以先到者为准。缚影链的持用者在同一时间只能唤出一个幽影。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),幽影咒法术(shadow conjuration)

切断剑(Shearing Sword)
纽梅利亚的机器猎手通常会使用这把+1巨剑(+1 greatsword)。每日3次以标准动作,持用者能够让一层锋锐的力场包裹住剑刃,持续1分钟。多亏了这层力场,剑刃可以忽略生物所具有的DR 5或更低的伤害减免(除DR/传奇都有效),而且在使用巨剑攻击物体或击破武器时,将物体的硬度视为比其实际硬度低5点。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),力墙术(Wall of Force)

不动软剑(Steadfast Urumi)
这种武器是由柔韧的剑身和精钢铸造的剑柄所组成,它是扎摩诔(Jalmeray)境内的魔裔(tieflings)以及其他被社会所遗弃之人所爱用的武器。这把+1狂斩UE软剑UE(+1 mighty cleaving urumi)的持用者的AC会获得偏斜加值,数值与她使用软剑时触及范围内的敌人数量相同(至多+4)。持用者还会在通过威胁范围的特技动作检定中获得+5表现加值。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),虔诚护盾(Shield of Faith)

浪客围巾(Wanderer’s Scarf)
这种+1刃巾ISWG(+1 bladed scarf)被染成深色,并使用经过处理的骨片替代了同类武器的利刃,游荡在乌斯塔拉夫(Ustalav)境内的瓦瑞西安篷车队是此种武器的主要使用者。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),打击死灵(Disrupt Undead),亡灵无视术(Hide from Undead)

巫友咒矛(Wendifisa Spear)
这种+1短矛(+1 shortspear)上用骨制信物、羽毛、树叶和粗糙的树枝加以装饰,上述每种物品都有各自的意义,此类物体通常由芒吉莽原(Mwangi)的部落中,侍奉被称为巫友(wendifa)的强大精魂的诸诸先知(juju oracles)所持用。每柄巫友咒矛(字面意思为“那些侍奉巫友之人所持之矛”)在制作时都会成套搭配一颗特殊处理过的黑玛瑙宝石。若宝石与持用者的距离不超过100尺,而且持用者的生命值降至0以下,这颗宝石会立刻变得粉碎。在宝石崩碎之后再经过1轮,巫友咒矛的持用者便会被活化为巫毒僵尸(juju zombie)
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),操纵死尸(Animate Dead),死亡丧钟(Death Knell),至少价值1000gp的黑玛瑙,制造者必须是邪恶先知(evil oracle)

劇透 -   :
The following weapons are common in the nations of the Inner Sea region.

Calistrian Kiss Price 26,380 gp
Slot none CL 7th Weight 7 lbs.
Aura moderate necromancy
The long blade of this weapon bears shifting black and yellow patterns, resembling the markings of a wasp. This +1 heartseekerUE elven curve blade has three slots built into the hilt for storing doses of poison. Adding or removing a dose of poison from the blade is a swift action that requires a free hand.
Any creatures struck by a Calistrian kiss take a –4 penalty on any saving throw against the poison applied to the weapon. The frequency of any poison applied to the Calistrian kiss increases by 2 (for example, black adder venom lasts 8 rounds instead of 6, and arsenic lasts for 6 minutes instead of 4). Attempts to cure the poisoned target with a skill or magic take a –4 penalty.
Construction Requirements Cost 13,380 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, death knell, pernicious poisonUM

Crimson Bluff Price 65,575 gp
Slot none CL 11th Weight 2 lbs.
Aura moderate illusion and transmutation With a blade crafted entirely out of black metal, this +2 speedUE sawtooth sabreISWG has only one hint of color—a red hilt. Once per day as a standard action, the wielder of the blade can utter a prayer to the god Achaekek to create 1d4+3 illusory Red Mantis assassins that last for 1 hour. These illusions confound the wielder’s enemies, allowing the wielder to flank an enemy with an appropriately positioned figment. The wielder can direct the movement of all figments as a single swift action, moving each of them up to 30 feet. Any creature interacting with (or being flanked by) an illusion can attempt a DC 16 Will save to disbelieve the effect. If an illusory assassin is hit by an attack, it disappears. (Use the wielder’s AC as the illusion’s AC.)
Three times per day as a swift action, when the wielder of the crimson bluff is the target of an enemy’s melee attack, she can swap places with an illusory assassin that is adjacent to her.
Construction Requirements Cost 32,955 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must be an 11th-level cleric of Achaekek or be able to cast haste, mirror image, and mislead

Earth breaker of Righted Injustice Price 61,340 gp
Slot none CL 10th Weight 14 lbs.
Aura moderate evocation
The tribal symbols covering the surface of this +2 anarchicUE flaming earth breakerUE radiate a tangible heat. These brutal weapons are crafted by the Shoanti blacksmiths of the Storval Plateau, and each is attuned to the wildest tempers of the people of the Sklar-Quah and the Cinderlands that they call their home. If the wielder possesses the rage class feature, he can choose to add either the devil bane special ability or the orc bane special ability to the weapon at the beginning of his rage. This added weapon special ability lasts only for the duration of the wielder’s rage, and once the special ability has been selected, it cannot be switched until the next time the wielder enters a rage.
Construction Requirements Cost 30,840 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor; chaos hammer; fireball, flame blade, or flame strike; creator must be chaotic

Final Word Price 9,308 gp
Slot none CL 5th Weight 1 lb.
Aura faint necromancy
This +1 war razorISWG is commonly used by members of the Bloody Barbers thieves’ guild in Absalom. A preferred means for the guild to permanently silence snitches and traitorous informants as part of their trademark method of eliminating enemies (a practice they call giving someone a “crimson shave”), this blade also sees wide use throughout thieves’ and assassins’ guilds and among the ranks of bounty hunters in almost every nation of the Inner Sea region.
When delivering a coup de grace with a final word, the wielder gains a +4 bonus to the DC of the Fortitude saving throw to determine whether the target of the coup de grace dies from the attack. This bonus is not added to the weapon damage of the coup de grace attack.
Any target slain by a coup de grace made with a final word has its spirit wrenched out of its body. The spirit is then forced to answer four questions of the wielder’s choosing as though under the effects of a speak with dead spell. The target can’t attempt a Will save to ignore this effect, and takes a –4 penalty on all Bluff checks to deceive the wielder. After a target answers the wielder’s questions, it can’t be the target of any further speak with dead spells.
Construction Requirements Cost 4,808 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, speak with dead

Greenblood Scourge Price 13,801 gp
Slot none CL 12th Weight 2 lbs.
Aura moderate evocation
Originally made from the winding intestines of a scrag, the first version of this +2 corrosiveUE whip was crafted by a blood-bard who fought in Green Blood on a Black Rock. After the blood-bard’s stunning victory, these weapons have gained popularity across the Sodden Lands and Shackles. Unless damaged by fire, a greenblood scourge regenerates hit points at a rate of 1 hit point per minute.
In performance combat (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 153), the wielder of a greenblood scourge can spend a victory point as a swift action to give the weapon the corrosive burstUE special ability. Also, the wielder no longer needs to attempt a performance combat check when using the withdraw action during performance combat, as the weapon’s blasts of acid prevent the enemy from approaching.
Construction Requirements Cost 7,051 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, acid arrow, adorationUC

Hunter’s Starknife Price 36,324 gp
Slot none CL 10th Weight 3 lbs.
Aura moderate evocation and necromancy
Random patterns of brown rust, discolored metal, and dried blood tarnish the surface of this +2 woundingUE starknife. If this weapon is thrown and deals damage, it embeds itself in the target. The target continues to take bleed damage until the embedded weapon is removed. An embedded hunter’s starknife emits a blue glow that imitates the effect of a faerie fire spell, affecting the weapon and the target as long as it is embedded. Removing this weapon requires a successful DC 15 Strength check (a full-round action). The creature takes an additional 1d4 points of damage when attempting this check, regardless of whether it succeeds or fails
Construction Requirements Cost 18,324 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bleed, faerie fire

Monastic Warden Price 23,530 gp
Slot none CL 8th Weight 3 lbs.
Aura moderate evocation and transmutation
This +1 ki focusUE temple swordAPG is gifted to select students from the Monastery of Untwisting Iron in the nation of Jalmeray, though copies have been made by monastic orders across the Inner Sea. Each monastic warden is attuned to a single temple or monastery. A monk making an attack with this blade can spend 1 ki point as a swift action to ignore any shield bonus to AC her target possesses for that attack.
Three times per day, the wielder of the monastic warden can slash the air in his target’s direction, causing a shimmering copy of the sword formed of white light to streak toward the target. The wielder must make a ranged touch attack against the target. A creature struck by the shimmering blade takes 4d8 points of damage. If the target is struck while on the grounds of the location the blade is attuned to, the target instead takes 8d6 points of damage and is dazed for 1 round. A successful DC 14 Will saving throw reduces the damage by half and negates the daze effect.
Construction Requirements Cost 11,930 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, arrow of lawUM

Peacekeeping Pistol Price 11,700 gp
Slot none CL 5th Weight 4 lbs.
Aura faint enchantment
Crafted in the forges of Alkenstar, this +1 mercifulUE pistol is ornamented with filigree of angelic creatures along the barrel, and houses intricate brass gears. Whenever the wielder scores a critical hit while using this weapon to deal nonlethal damage, the target must succeed at a DC 12 Will saving throw or be dazed for 1 round. As a swift action, a wielder with the grit class feature can spend 1 grit point to increase the DC of this save by 4.
Construction Requirements Cost 6,500 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cure light wounds, daze monster

Purging Falcata Price 19,318 gp
Slot none CL 9th Weight 4 lbs.
Aura moderate evocation
First constructed for use during Taldor’s great purge of the Sarenite Cult of the Dawnflower, this +2 falcataAPG is inscribed with various religious slurs. While purging falcatas are typically attuned against followers of the Dawnflower, variants of this blade have been keyed to all variety of deities. The attuned religion is chosen when the weapon is created, and can’t be changed later.
When a purging falcata is used against members of the attuned religion, its enhancement bonus is +4 instead of +2. It also deals an additional 2d6 points of damage to followers of the designated religion. This additional damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.
If the wielder of the purging falcata possesses the challenge class feature, when issuing a challenge, he doesn’t take the –2 penalty to Armor Class against attacks made by followers of the deity attuned to the blade. If the target of the challenge follows the faith to which the blade is attuned, the wielder deals an additional 3d6 points of damage instead of the normal 2d6
Construction Requirements Cost 9,818 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, weapon of aweAPG, creator must use the weapon to slay a member of the attuned religion

Quarterstaff of Contemp lation Price 34,800 gp
Slot none CL 12th Weight 4 lbs.
Aura strong transmutation
This wooden pole is plain, save that green dragon scales adorn to its length. Treated as a +2 quarterstaff, it is a favorite of Irori’s wandering followers. In the hands of a worshiper of Irori, a quarterstaff of contemplation gains the ki intensifyingUE weapon special ability.
If the wielder is a follower of Irori and possesses the wholeness of body class feature, he can spend a full-round action to meditate using the staff as a focus. Treat this as using wholeness of body at the cost of 1 ki point instead of 2.
Construction Requirements Cost 17,550 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must be a 7th-level monk

Risen Blade Price 23,320 gp
Slot none CL 10th Weight 8 lbs.
Aura moderate evocation and necromancy
As servants of the rightful ruler of Osirion, the Ruby Prince Khemet III, members of the organization known as the Risen G uard often wield these specially ordained blades. Each +2 flaming khopeshUE was crafted by one of the predominant Osirian churches, such as the church of Abadar, Nethys, or Pharasma.
Anytime its wielder is healed by channeled positive energy, a risen blade gains a charge. Whenever the wielder confirms a critical hit, she can release the stored energy in the blade as a free action. The wielder channels positive energy (as the class feature) and must choose to damage undead or heal the living. This action expends all the blade’s charges. Each charge is worth 1d6 points of damage or healing, and for each charge spent, the wielder can choose to exclude one creature in the area from being affected. The DC to save against this positive energy is equal to 15 + 1 per stored charge expended. A risen blade can’t gain a charge from healing caused by the release of charges from itself or another risen blade.
A risen blade can store up to 5 charges. Each charge dissipates if not used within 24 hours.
Construction Requirements Cost 11,820 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, flame strike, creator must be a 9th-level cleric capable of channeling positive energy

Rostland Edge Price 21,820 gp
Slot none CL 10th Weight 3 lbs.
Aura moderate evocation and transmutation
Among the proud and honorable Aldori Swordlords, there is no greater dishonor than losing one’s weapon in combat, for without it, how can a swordlord display his dueling prowess and prove that his style is superior to all others? Crafted to defend against enemies seeking to damage it rather than its wielder, a Rostland edge is a +2 counteringUE imperviousUE Aldori dueling swordISWG.
If the blade is ever destroyed, it explodes with tremendous force, dealing 10d6 points of fire damage to every creature within a 20-foot-radius spread (Reflex DC 14 half).
Construction Requirements Cost 11,070 gp
Combat Reflexes, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cat’s grace, fabricate, fireball, make whole

Shadde-Quah Spirit Bolas Price 13,715 gp
Slot armor CL 5th Weight 2 lbs.
Aura faint conjuration
Primarily used by the cliff-dwelling Shoanti of western Varisia’s Shadde-Quah clan, a +1 Shoanti bolasISWG is elementally enchanted. Each end of a bolas has its own magical enhancements: one side bears cold magic, and the other bears fire magic. A target damaged by a Shadde-Quah spirit bolas takes an additional 1d3 points of cold damage and 1d3 points of fire damage, as the two weights damage their target as though the weapon had both the flaming and frost special weapon abilities at half their normal effectiveness.
Once per day as a standard action, the wielder of a Shadde-Quah spirit bolas can utter a prayer to the elements and throw the bolas, causing both ends to crash together mid-flight. The bolas transforms into a roiling ball of water, as the spell aqueous orb (Advanced Player’s Guide 202), under the control of the thrower. Once the spell ends, the bolas falls to the ground at the same location the orb ended its movement.
Construction Requirements Cost 7,015 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, aqueous orbAPG, ray of frost, sparkAPG

Shadowbound Chains Price 19,725 gp
Slot none CL 9th Weight 10 lbs.
Aura moderate conjuration
Jagged and spiked, this +1 vicious viridiumUE spiked chain shifts between hues of muted green and deep violet. Wielders who are devout followers of Zon-Kuthon are immune to the disease imparted by the viridium.
When the wielder reduces a creature’s hit points below 0 using the chain but doesn’t kill it, she can call a shadowy duplicate of the target as a free action. This duplicate is treated as a shadow (Bestiary 245) without the create spawn ability. The duplicate is friendly to the wielder and attacks her enemies, but ignores its host body. The host can’t benefit from any healing that would bring it above –1 hit points until the shadow is destroyed or disappears. The shadow fades away when the host body dies or after 10 rounds, whichever comes first. The wielder of the shadowbound chains can summon forth only one shadow at a time.
Construction Requirements Cost 11,125 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shadow conjuration

Shearing Sword Price 8,350 GP
Slot none CL 9th Weight 8 lbs.
Aura moderate evocation
This +1 greatsword is often found among the robot-hunters of Numeria. Three times per day as a standard action, the wielder can envelop the blade with a razor-edged field of force for 1 minute. Thanks to this field, the sword ignores the damage reduction of creatures with DR 5 or less (other than DR/epic), and when it’s used to attack an object or sunder a weapon, the sword treats the item as having a hardness of 5 less than the item’s actual hardness.
Construction Requirements Cost 4,350
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, wall of force

Steadfast Urumi Price 18,830 gp
Slot none CL 8th Weight 6 lbs.
Aura moderate abjuration and evocation
This weapon consists of a flexible blade attached to a handle by a fine coil of steel, and is favored by tieflings and other outcasts in Jalmeray. This +1 mighty cleavingUE urumiUE grants its wielder a deflection bonus to AC equal to the number of enemies within her reach with the urumi (maximum +4). The wielder also gains a +5 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks to move through a threatened area.
Construction Requirements Cost 9,580 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shield of faith

Wanderer’s Scarf Price 7,812 gp
Slot none CL 1st Weight 2 lbs.
Aura faint necromancy
Dyed in somber shades of gray and tipped with treated shards of bone instead of blade-tips, this +1 bladed scarfISWG is predominantly used by wandering Varisian caravans in the nation of Ustalav.
The wielder of a wanderer’s scarf is affected by a continual hide from undead spell as long as he carries or wears it. In circumstances where the spell effect would normally end (such as when channeling positive energy), this effect is suspended for 24 hours. Intelligent undead can perceive the wielder by succeeding at a DC 10 Will saving throw.
When used in combat, this weapon deals an additional 1d6 points of positive energy damage to any undead creature it strikes.
Construction Requirements Cost 4,062 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, disrupt undead, hide from undead

Wendifisa Sp ear Price 10,453 gp
Slot none CL 11th Weight 3 lbs.
Aura moderate necromancy
Adorned with bone fetishes, feathers, leaves, and gnarled branches, each of which carries its own significance, this +1 shortspear is often found in the hands of the tribal Mwangi who serve the powerful spirits known as wendifa— the juju oracles. Each wendifisa spear (literally “spear of those who serve the wendifa”) is created alongside a specially crafted onyx gem. If this gem is within 100 feet of the wielder and the wielder’s hit points are reduced below 0, the gem shatters. When the gem shatters, the wielder of the wendifisa spear is immediately slain, and animates 1 round later as a juju zombie (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 291).
If the gem is held by anyone other than the spear’s wielder when the wielder is slain (and the gem shatters), the creature holding the gem gains 1d8 temporary hit points, a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength, and a +1 bonus to its effective caster level. These bonuses last 1 hour.
After the onyx shatters, the weapon is treated as a +1 shortspear.
Construction Requirements Cost 5,877 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate dead, death knell, onyx worth at least 1,000 gp, creator must be an evil oracle
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Re: 【内海战斗】魔法物品(Magic Items)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2014-06-18, 周三 19:14:22 »
戒指,权杖与奇物(Rings, Rods, and Wondrous Items)

卡诺皮克缠腰(Canopic Wrap)
这条看起来破旧不堪又有些发黄的腰带是由亚麻缠布编织在一起,再在正面加上朴实的石质扣带制作而成。这种腰带所使用的布料来自木乃伊的缠布,那些在曾经属于古奥斯里昂(Ancient Osirion)的浩瀚沙漠中探险的人们通常会使用这样的腰带。在穿戴好这条腰带时,腰带会在对抗疾病的豁免检定中提供+4抗力加值,这也包括诸如腐尸症(mummy rot)的超自然疾病。
卡诺皮克缠腰还会让生物体内的主要脏器产生怪异的内部转变,使得它们在体内进行随机迁移。由于这种古怪的效果,穿戴者还会获得次级护命UE(light fortification)护甲特殊能力的效果。该效果也会让经受过训练的医疗人员难以施展身手,因此任何对穿戴者进行的医疗检定DC均会增加5点。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),熊之坚韧(bear’s endurance),高等地狱治疗ISWG(greater infernal healing)

莽兽颈环(Choker of the Rough Beast)
这条黑钢颈饰被锻造为类似于拉瓦古格(Rovagug)圣徽的样子。邪恶的佩戴者会在所有豁免检定中获得+2亵渎加值。具有堕落之触(Touch of Corruption)职业能力的生物若佩戴莽兽颈环的话,那么该能力的伤害骰会从每两个反圣武士APG(antipaladin)1d6点变为每两个等级1d8点。
若佩戴者自愿将颈环掰为两半(整轮动作),那么他脚下的地面会立即裂开将其吞噬(如同禁锢术)。拉瓦古格之血会在佩戴者被吞噬1d6轮后从大地上留下的创口涌出。这被视为炼狱嗜肉体(Fiendish Carnivorous Blob),它会攻击感官范围内的任何活物。地上的裂口会在血液涌出后立刻封闭起来。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),禁锢术(Imprisonment),召唤怪物 IX(Summon Monster IX)

巨像合剂(Colossus Draught)
位置:无;价格:28,800 gp
起源自苏维亚(Thuvia),据传这种烈性灵药最初是在臭名昭彰的炼金师壁垒(Citadel of the Alchemist)调配而成的。每瓶巨像合剂都盖着极为牢固的塞子;需要成功通过DC为22的力量检定,才能打开塞子并饮用其中不断发泡的翡翠色液体。一旦塞子被打开之后,就必须在紧接着的1分钟内喝掉其中的内容物,否则这些液体变质并且失去效用。
喝下巨像合剂会使力量和体质获得临时的+4增强加值,让饮用者的体型增大到下个等级,这如同变巨术(Enlarge Person)一般,并且会带来所有相应的奖励和惩罚,持续24小时。在药剂生效时,饮用者会由于药液对精神的影响而使所有意志豁免受到-4减值。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),巨人形态 I(Giant Form I),制造者必须是16级的炼金术士
制造成本:14,400 gp

恶魔铁匠手套(Demonic Smith’s Gloves)
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),鬼斧神工(Fabricate),火球术(Fireball)

决斗护腕(Dueling Cuffs)
在内海地区盛行决斗的国度里,你可以看到使用这种紧身秘银护腕的人。决斗护腕的穿戴者的AC获得+1偏斜加值。这个加值会在穿戴者持用一把或更多把能够享受武器娴熟(Weapon Finesse)专长的武器时增加至+2点。
决斗(见极限战斗)中,穿戴者不会在进行决斗格挡(dueling parry)动作时承受通常的-5减值。此外,穿戴者能够尝试使用决斗格挡来偏转来自火器(firearms)的远程攻击,但是进行此类尝试要承受-5的减值。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),防弹护盾UC(Bullet Shield),猫之优雅(Cat's Grace)

羽符(Feather Token)
位置:无;价格:投石车 400gp;破城槌 500gp;攻城塔 1000gp
这些物品均为一根羽毛的样子,并且有能力造出一件特定攻城兵器(siege engine)。羽符的具体细节如后文所述。
投石车(Catapult):这个羽符会制造出一架中型投石车(standard catapult)。投石车会在12小时后消失。
破城槌(Ram):这个羽符会制造出一架超大型破城槌(Huge ram)。破城槌会在24小时后消失。
攻城塔(Siege Tower):这个羽符会制造出一架超大型攻城塔(Huge siege tower)。攻城塔会在1小时后消失。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),强效造物术(Major Creation),念动拼装UC(Telekinetic Assembly)
制造成本:投石车 200gp;破城槌 250gp;攻城塔 500gp

游击头巾(Guerrilla Bandanna)
涅玛萨斯(Nirmathas)的战团领袖会佩戴这样的游击头巾,这种棕绿相间的头巾能够绑在额头上。佩戴者在森林地形(forested terrain)活动时,潜行检定会获得+5表现加值,而且能够将这个加值扩展至至多10名盟友身上,不过这需要盟友保持自身处于距离佩戴者100尺的范围内。
若佩戴者是游侠,那么游击头巾会将他对每个宿敌进行攻击检定时的宿敌加值(favored enemy bonus)增加1点。若游侠的猎手羁绊(Hunter's Bond)职业能力选择的是队友(companions),那么这个加值还能应用至使用猎手羁绊赋予盟友的攻击检定加值上。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),即刻仇敌APG(Instant Enemy),隐形术(Invisibility)

刺魔罩袍(Hamatulatsu Robe)
这件武僧之袍(monk’s robe)的变种由精致的红色丝绸缝制而成,罩袍上绣着金色的五芒星以及其他炼狱符记。若穿戴者为邪恶阵营并且具有武僧等级,那么她的AC加值(AC Bonus)和徒手打击伤害被视为比当前的武僧等级高5级(最高为20级)。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),尖刺魔之击ISWG(Hamatulatsu;专长),正气如虹(Righteous Might)或转变术(Transformation),邪影击(Unholy Blight)

藏枪戒指(Holdout Ring)
这枚戒指由很古旧的青铜和钢铁构成,看上去好像原本应该镶嵌着一颗宝石,不过现在却只有一个空空的凹槽摆在那里。这枚戒指的凹槽能够放进单一一颗火器子弹(firearm bullet);若将一颗子弹放入其中(以整轮动作),它便会严丝合缝地嵌进戒指中。当有一颗子弹嵌在戒指里的时候,佩戴者能够发射这枚子弹,就好像她使用不会不发火的+1手枪UE(+1 pistol)射击一般。一旦有子弹被发射出去,在接下来的24小时内都无法再将子弹嵌入到戒指中。
每枚藏枪戒指都具有两个+1弹药特殊能力(ammunition special abilities)以及一个+2弹药特殊能力。若佩戴者具有勇毅(grit)职业能力的话,她就能够花费勇毅(至多4点勇毅值)来将一个或更多的上述能力灌入到装在枪械中的子弹(merged with the gun)上。向一颗子弹灌入+1特殊能力要花费1点勇毅值;向一颗子弹灌入+2特殊能力要花费2点勇毅值。每个戒指的特殊能力在制造这枚戒指的时候就已经固定而且无法更改。若某个特殊能力具有复数版本,比如破敌(bane),那么关于该能力的特定版本必须在制造时设定好(例如破敌龙类)。一枚典型的藏枪戒指具有炽焰(flaming),寻踪(seeking)以及电爆UE(shocking burst)特殊能力。
制造要求:制造戒指(Forge Ring),魔化武器(Magic Weapon),心灵遥控(Telekinesis),制造者必须满足能够由戒指灌输的弹药特殊能力所要求的先决条件

帝国军巨盔(Imperial Army Greathelm)
许多摩尔苏恩(Molthune)的老练指挥官都会佩戴这种有着大号红羽饰的银盔。若帝国军巨盔的佩戴者具有领导力专长,那么他的领导力值会获得+3加值,而且他的任何追随者或部署均会在攻击检定和对抗恐惧效果(fear effect)的豁免检定中获得+1加值,不过享受该效果需要这些生物与佩戴者之间有视觉线。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),领导力(Leadership),鹰之威仪(eagle’s splendor),高等命令术(Command, Greater)

地狱束绳(Infernal Cord)
每当有敌人对佩戴者造成重击(scores a critical hit)时,佩戴者就能在1分钟内获得1点快速回复。若重击仅造成非致命伤害,便不会触发该能力。由炼银武器(silver weapons)、善良阵营武器(good-aligned weapons)以及具有善良描述符(good descriptor)的法术或效果不会触发这种快速回复,而且还会将已经激活的快速回复压制1轮。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),熊之坚韧(Bear's Endurance),地狱治疗ISWG(infernal healing)

高等地狱束绳(Infernal Cord, Greater)
这件物品的功能如同地狱束绳(Infernal Cord)一般,不过它会赋予体质+4增强加值,而且快速回复效果增加至4点。在佩戴这条腰带后的头24个小时内,这个体质加值被视为临时属性加值。佩戴者在被侦测时会如同自身是邪恶牧师一般,而非仅仅是邪恶生物。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),熊之坚韧(Bear's Endurance),高等地狱治疗ISWG(greater infernal healing)

刺球形艾恩石(Ioun Stone, Thorny)
曾经由古阿兹兰特(ancient Azlant)的勇士使用,这些奇形怪状的艾恩石现在是探路者协会(Pathfinder Society)中擅长使用技巧战斗的成员所爱用的奇物。这些变体艾恩石类似于带刺的球体——每个都呈现出具有几十个突触的球体形状。每个颜色的刺球形艾恩石都会使佩戴者在某种特定的战技检定中获得+2表现加值。所有刺球形艾恩石都具有相同的售价以及制造价格。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),制造者必须为12级

刺球形艾恩石的共鸣之力(Thorny Ioun Stone Resonant Powers)
当艾恩石(Ioun Stone)被放入魔法指南针(Wayfinder;内海世界指南299页,见下)的特殊凹槽后,某种共鸣之力有时会增强艾恩石的力量,不过这会抑制住魔法指南针正常的魔法能力。这种次级功能是在艾恩石正常效果之外额外产生的,这会持续影响魔法指南针的持有者,就如同艾恩石环绕在她头顶一般。若同一个角色携带着两个产生共鸣之力的魔法指南针,那么其中之一的力量会被压制住,但是在其中一个魔法指南针被拿掉后,两者的力量都会恢复正常。

这件小型魔法装置是古阿兹兰特(ancient Azlanti)的文物复制品,魔法指南针是一个便携式罗盘,通常以白银为主体用黄金做内部构件。魔法指南针是寻路者协会(Pathfinder Society)成员的徽记,这件物品作为便利小道具的同时,还是一种身份的象征。通过命令词,你能够让魔法指南针散发出光芒(如同光亮术一般)。魔法指南针还可以如同非魔法的指南针(compass;使用磁石)一般使用,使你在避免迷路的生存检定中获得+2环境加值。所有魔法指南针内部都有一个小型凹槽,可以容纳单个艾恩石(Ioun Stone)。以此方式被纳入其中的艾恩石会如常赋予你它所带来的好处,就如同它正在你头顶环绕一般;依照DM的判断,部分艾恩石还会在放入魔法指南针后产生额外的力量。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),光亮术(light)

破裂的刺球形艾恩石(Cracked Thorny Ioun Stones)

有裂痕的刺球形艾恩石(Flawed Thorny Ioun Stones)

铁卫肩铠(Iron Guard Pauldrons)
这些构造简单、由皮带相连的金属肩铠上雕刻着复杂图案,图案的内容为凛冽的寒风以及嚎叫的冬狼,佩戴这种装备的人便是遍及整个依莉森(Irrisen)各地的军事组织的资深成员,他们会为了芭芭雅嘎(Baba Yaga)的利益而行事。铁卫肩铠会使它们的佩戴者在对抗火焰效果(fire effects)时,豁免检定获得+4抗力加值。若佩戴者在对抗敌人的火焰效果时成功进行了豁免,肩铠就会在5轮内闪烁着蓝色光芒。
铁卫肩铠的佩戴者会获得忍受环境的好处,但是仅限对抗低温(cold temperatures)。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),忍受环境(Endure Elements),提升抗力(Resistance)

卡利斯拉德长手套(Kalistocrat’s Gloves)
每日1次,穿戴者能够召唤出一股无形的力量来将来将40尺内的单个目标击退(knock back)。穿戴者要对一个生物或物体尝试一次具有+5加值的冲撞战技检定。这次冲撞战技不会引起借机攻击。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),水流冲击APG(Hydraulic Push),圣域术(Sanctuary)

终焉之墙旗帜(Lastwall Banner)
位置:无;价格:部落锋线 7500gp;翰彻斯特 15000gp;灼日之壁 125000gp
翰彻斯特(Harchist;防护系灵光):只要旗帜拥有者的盟友能够看到旗帜,就会在对抗恐惧效果(fear effects)的豁免检定中获得+6士气加值。在使用集团战斗规则(Mass Combat;极限战役234页)时,只要一只军队中的大多数成员能够看到这面旗帜,那么判断敌人是否溃逃(routs)的士气检定(Morale check)DC降低5点。
部落锋线(Hordeline;防护系灵光):只要旗帜拥有者的盟友能够看到旗帜,就会在对抗恐惧效果(fear effects)的豁免检定中获得+4士气加值。
灼日之壁(Sunwall;变化系灵光):每日1次,若旗帜是由某个具有英勇(Bravery)职业能力或者旗手ISWG(Flagbearer)专长举起(held aloft)或设置(planted)的话,所有旗帜拥有者的盟友只要能够看到旗帜,便会会获得热情祝福(Blessing of Fervor)的效果。若旗帜被敌军破坏或击落,则该效果结束,而且敌军会在10轮内获得该旗帜的效果。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),灼日之壁需要热情祝福APG(Blessing of Fervor);部落锋线与翰彻斯特需要移除恐惧(remove fear)
制造成本:部落锋线 3750gp;翰彻斯特 7500gp;灼日之壁 62500gp

十字军圣骸布(Mantle of the Crusader Host)
这件圣骸布上撰写了上百段赞颂善神的宗教文章。穿戴它的角色会被赋予DR 5/邪恶。在对抗具有恶魔亚种(demon subtype)的生物所进行的攻击时,伤害减免变为DR 5/—。若穿戴者时圣武士,那么在对抗她的制裁邪恶目标时,伤害减免变为DR 5/—。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),石肤术(Stoneskin),制造者必须为善良阵营

乌尔芬狼衣(Pelt of the Ulfen Wolf)
这块大型北方狼皮被制作成了披风的样式。每日可以启动该件披风5次。在战斗中被击中时,披风的穿戴者能够以迅捷动作花费1次使用次数,从披风中活化一只幽魂之狼(ghostly wolf)。这头幽魂会突然出现并对攻击者使用狼(wolf)的啮咬攻击(bite attack)。在之后的每一轮,穿戴者都能够额外花费1次使用次数来让幽灵狼持续攻击目标。你无法指定幽魂攻击其他目标,而且它会在目标移出距离穿戴者5尺之外或死亡时消失。同一时间这件披风只能唤出一匹幽魂之狼。除了上述限制之外,幽魂之狼都如同灵能武器法术一般。
当人类穿戴乌尔芬狼衣的时候,他会在对抗情绪效果(emotion effects)时的豁免检定获得+1士气加值。此外,任何轮内,在他的回合开始时若受到一个恐惧效果(fear effect)的影响,他能够在回合开始时尝试一次新的豁免来降低恐惧效果的严重程度,从恐慌(panicked)到惊惧(frightened)、从惊惧到战栗(shaken)或从战栗到不受影响(unaffected)。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),移除恐惧(Remove Fear),灵能武器(Spiritual Weapon)

武技专擅戒指(Ring of Adept Maneuvers)
这枚真气精通戒指UE(ring of ki mastery)的变体是由一缕头发绕城环装,再在上面用许多小环套住做成戒指的形状。这枚戒指允许具有丹田气池的佩戴者以迅捷动作向戒指内储存至多2点气。这些气会保存在戒指中直至被消耗为止。佩戴者能够如常使用戒指中的气,但是只要有气储存至戒指中,便能获得后述好处。
只要有1点气储存在戒指之中,佩戴者就会在对敌人进行冲撞(bull rush)、卸武(disarm)或摔绊(trip)的战技检定中获得+2加值。
若戒指之中至少储存了2点气,佩戴者就可以在疾风连击(flurry of blows)时,攻击检定仅承受-1减值,以取代原本的-2减值。
制造要求:制造戒指(Forge Ring),北冥神功UM(Ki Leech),制作者必须具有丹田气池(ki pool)职业能力

革命权杖(Rod of Revolution)
这柄统治者权杖UE(rod of rulership)的变体看起来好像是木材厂中被随手丢弃的木材废料。这种源自伽尔特(Galt)最早期叛乱的权杖,现在已经成为了这个动荡国家的叛军领袖之象征。革命权杖的持用者能够以标准动作启动它,来煽动120尺距离内所有生物的造反冲动。持用者能够煽动的总生命骰为300个的生物,但是感知为12或更高的生物能够尝试DC为16的意志豁免来抵御该效果。被煽动的生物获得狂暴术的好处,但是仅会遵从持用者发出的最基础的命令(比如向哪个方向移动,或者攻击谁)。在化为灰烬之前,这根权杖能够使用的总时间为500分钟。这些时间不需要连续。
制造要求:制造权杖(Craft Rod),群体魅惑怪物(Charm Monster, Mass),狂暴术(Rage)

紫貂精英鞍座(Sable Company Elite Saddle)
这副上好的皮质鞍座边缘有许多改动,专门用于让坐骑的翅膀能够更好的行动而设置。配备紫貂精英鞍座的坐骑会在飞行检定中获得+5表现加值,并且会使骑手在骑术检定中获得+5表现加值。若骑手在飞行中不幸落马,那么他会立即受到羽落术(Feather Fall)的效果影响。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),飞行术(Fly),坐骑术(Mount),制作者的骑术至少有5级

沙暴便鞋(Sandstorm Sandals)
这些便鞋是用布料和兽皮缝制在木鞋底上制作而成,这使得穿戴者的脚底能离地高达1英寸。武僧们会穿着这种鞋子徒步穿越迦伦德(Garund)北部的沙漠,并且不携带任何食物和水,这种行为是为了完善自我。沙暴便鞋的穿戴者在沙漠环境(desert environments)旅行时不会留下任何踪迹。
若穿戴者具有疾风连击(Flurry of Blows)职业能力,那么只要他站立在沙子(sand)或泥土(dirt)上进行徒手的疾风连击的话,一股微型风暴便会围绕着他,持续1轮。在此期间,任何在移动结束时处于穿戴者5尺距离内的生物均会受到1点非致命伤害。在这微型风暴激活后,沙暴便鞋的穿戴者便会获得隐蔽(concealment;20%失手率)。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),造风术(Gust of Wind)

火巨灵魔鞘(Scabbard of the Efreet)
这件红黑色的皮革剑鞘产自那遥远的柯莱士(Kelesh)帝国;在内海地区,这种物品通常存在于卡帝亚(Qadira)。每柄火巨灵魔鞘都可以任意种类的锐器(bladed weapon),而且其内部都会容纳着一个火巨灵的精华。任何由火巨灵魔鞘中拔出的武器都会在5轮内获得炽焰(flaming)武器特殊能力。每日3次通过命令,刀鞘能够将焰爆UE(flaming burst)武器特殊能力赋予从刀鞘中拔出的武器,持续10轮。
每日1次,持用者能够在从刀鞘中拔出武器时召唤出一场灰烬风暴。这被视为冰风暴(Ice Storm)法术,不过造成的是火焰伤害而非寒冷伤害。这场风暴会以刀鞘的佩戴者所在地为中心产生,但是不会伤害或影响到她。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),火球术(Fireball),巨人形态 I(Giant Form I),灼热射线(Scorching Ray)

航标护腕(Seafaring Stanchions)
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),水面行走(Water Walk)

唤兽杀手之眼(Summoner Slayer Eyes)
由奈克斯弧光领主(Arclord of Nex)制作,这种金白色的透镜被安置在晶体框架内,正好可以覆盖在眼睛外侧。任何被召唤怪物(Summon Monster)或类似法术呼唤出的生物若出现在佩戴者的视域内,在佩戴者严重都看起来会散发着微微闪耀的紫光。在佩戴者的眼中,被其他形式的魔法所呼唤出来——比如异界盟友(Planar Ally)或异界之门(Gate)——的非本地生物(non-native creatures)会覆盖一层蓝光。这些效果只有在佩戴者察觉到这些生物是才会生效。这种效果无法忽略隐蔽(concealment)或潜行(stealth),若目标受到的幻术系法术(illusion spell)效果是佩戴者无法看透的,则该效果也无法生效。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),驱逐术(Dismissal),召唤怪物 I(Summon Monster I)

第一戒律之碑(Tablet of the First Law)
这块书本大小的石碑是拉哈多姆(Rahadoum)那著名的凡人律法(the Laws of Man)的复刻版。石碑上篆刻着第一戒律中关于反宗教的教义,边缘部分上还收录了与之相关的章节。在阅读石碑上的文字后——这一过程通常会花费10分钟——上面的文字便会散发出金光,提供如同烛光一般的照明,阅读者在对抗神力来源(Okeno Madu)的所有效果时,意志豁免检定会获得+1加值,持续24小时。同一时间仅有一个人能够获得该好处。
若阅读者具有无信者自愈专长(内海世界指南 287页),那么他可以在阅读的同时使用该专长的治疗效果。在此情况下,当阅读完毕之后,阅读者可以在判定自身从无信者自愈专长中获得多少治疗量的检定中投掷两次并取较好的结果。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),无信者自愈ISWG(Godless Healing),解除魔法(Dispel Magic),制造者必须是无神论者

劇透 -   :
Rings, Rods, and Wondrous Items
The following magic items come from all corners of the Inner Sea region.

Canopic Wrap Price 10,500 gp
Slot belt CL 7th Weight 1 lb.
Aura moderate transmutation
Tattered and yellowed, this belt is made up of dozens of interwoven linen wraps bound together by a simple stone buckle at the front. Crafted from mummifies’ wrappings, these belts are commonly used by explorers in the vast deserts of what was once Ancient Osirion. While worn, the belt grants a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws against disease, including supernatural diseases such as mummy rot.
A canopic wrap also causes strange internal shifts in key organs, moving them randomly within the body. Because of this odd effect, the wearer gains the benefits of the light fortificationUE armor special ability. This effect also plays havoc on trained healers, however, increasing the DC of any Heal check used on the wearer by 5.
Construction Requirements Cost 5,250 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, bear’s endurance, greater infernal healingISWG

Choker of the Rough Beast Price 100,000 gp
Slot neck CL 20th Weight 1 lb.
Aura strong abjuration and conjuration
This black iron neckpiece is forged in the likeness of Rovagug’s holy symbol. An evil wearer gains a +2 profane bonus on all saving throws. A creature with the touch of corruption class ability that wears the choker of the Rough Beast increases the damage dice of that ability from 1d6 per 2 antipaladinAPG levels to 1d8 per 2 levels.
Good-aligned creatures within 120 feet of the choker of the Rough Beast hear distant bellows of unimaginable rage, giving them a –2 penalty on all Perception checks as the sounds distract them. Within 30 feet of the necklace, the sound increases, and all good-aligned creatures must succeed at a DC 18 Will save or be shaken while within range. They can attempt another save after 24 hours.
If the wearer willingly breaks the choker in half (a fullround action), the ground under his feet ruptures open and consumes him (as the imprisonment spell). The blood of Rovagug seeps up from the wound in the earth 1d6 rounds after the wielder is consumed. Treat this as a fiendish carnivorous blob (Bestiary 2 51, 292) that attacks any living creature within sight. The hole seals immediately after the blood rises.
Construction Requirements Cost 50,000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, imprisonment, summon monster IX

Colossus Draught Price 28,800 gp
Slot none CL 16th Weight 1 lb.
Aura strong transmutation
Originating from Thuvia, this potent elixir is rumored to have first emerged from the infamous Citadel of the Alchemist. Each vial of colossus draught is capped with an incredibly tight lid; a successful DC 22 Strength check is needed to open and allow access to the bubbling jade liquid within. Once the vial is opened, the contents must be imbibed within the next minute, or they spoil and have no effect.
Drinking the colossus draught imparts a temporary +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution and Strength, and increases the imbiber’s size to the next larger category (as enlarge person, with all the resulting bonuses and penalties) for the next 24 hours. While under the effects of the elixir, the imbiber takes a –4 penalty on all Will saves as the fluid addles her mind.
Construction Requirements Cost 14,400 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, giant form I, creator must be a 16thlevel alchemist

Demonic Sm ith’s Gloves Price 8,000 gp
Slot hands CL 9th Weight 1 lb.
Aura moderate evocation and transmutation
Used by the drow smiths of house Caldrana, these worked black leather gloves are stitched with red symbols dedicated to Flauros, the demon lord of fire and volcanoes. Whenever the wearer makes a melee touch attack, she deals 1d6 points of fire damage. If the wearer wields a weapon or makes an attack with an unarmed strike, that attack gains the flaming weapon special ability.
When demonic smith’s gloves are used during the construction of armor or weapons, they grant their wearer a +4 competence bonus on the relevant Craft checks. If the wearer rolls a natural 1 while benefiting from this bonus, she draws the ire of Flauros, causing the gloves to become nonmagical until the wearer crafts at least five masterwork items and then destroys them in the name of the demon lord.
Construction Requirements Cost 4,000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate, fireball

Dueling Cuffs Price 10,000 gp
Slot wrists CL 3rd Weight 1 lb.
Aura faint abjuration
These tight-fitting mithral bracers are used throughout the Inner Sea region in nations where dueling is prominent. The wearer of dueling cuffs gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC. This bonus increases to +2 if the wearer is wielding one or more weapons that benefit from the Weapon Finesse feat.
In a duel (Ultimate Combat 150), the wielder doesn’t take the normal –5 penalty when using the dueling parry action. In addition, the wielder can attempt to deflect ranged attacks from firearms with a dueling parry, but takes a –5 penalty on such attempts.
Construction Requirements Cost 5,000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, bullet shieldUC, cat’s grace

Feather Token Price VARIES
Catapult 400 GP
Ram 500 GP
Siege tower 1,000 GP
Slot none CL 12th Weight —
Aura strong conjuration and transmutation
Each of these items is a small feather that has the power to create a specific siege engine. The kinds of tokens are described below. Each token is usable only once. A particular feather token has no specific feature to identify it unless its magic aura is viewed—even tokens with identical powers can be wildly different in appearance.
Catapult: This token creates a standard catapult (Ultimate Combat 161). The catapult disappears after 12 hours.
Ram: This token creates a Huge ram (Ultimate Combat 165). The ram disappears after 24 hours.
Siege Tower: This token creates a Huge siege tower (Ultimate Combat 165). The tower disappears after 1 hour.
Construction Requirements Cost VARIES
Catapult 200 GP
Ram 250 GP
Siege tower 500 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, major creation, telekinetic assemblyUC

Guerrilla Bandanna Price 18,000 gp
Slot headband CL 10th Weight 1 lb.
Aura moderate enchantment and illusion
Used by warband leaders in Nirmathas, a guerrilla bandanna is a plain brown and green bandanna that can be tied around the forehead. The wearer gains a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks while traveling in forested terrain, and can extend this bonus to up to 10 allies while they remain within 100 feet of the wearer.
If the wearer is a ranger, the guerrilla bandanna increases his favored enemy bonus on attack rolls by 1 for each of his favored enemies. If the ranger has the hunter’s bond (companions) class feature, this increase also applies to the attack roll bonus his allies gain from that ability.
Construction Requirements Cost 9,000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, instant enemyAPG, invisibility

Hamatulatsu Robe Price 14,000 gp
Slot body CL 10th Weight 1 lb.
Aura moderate evocation and transmutation
Made of exquisite crimson silk, this variant monk’s robe is embroidered with golden pentagrams and other fiendish symbols. If the wearer is evil and has levels in monk, her AC bonus and unarmed damage are treated as if she were a monk of 5 levels higher (maximum 20).
If the wearer is evil but not a monk, she gains the AC bonus and unarmed damage of a 5th-level monk (although she doesn’t add her Wisdom bonus to her AC). This AC bonus otherwise functions just like the monk’s AC bonus.
If the robe is donned by a character with the Hamatulatsu feat (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide 287), the duration of the sickened effect increases to 2 rounds. If the wearer doesn’t have the Hamatulatsu feat, she gains this feat while wearing the robes, but gains no further benefits to that ability.
Construction Requirements Cost 7,000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, HamatulatsuISWG, righteous might or transformation, unholy blight

Holdout Ring Price 11,000 gp
Slot ring CL 9th Weight —
Aura moderate transmutation
Made of aged bronze and steel, this ring looks like it should have a gem set in it, but instead has an empty circular hole. The hole in the ring holds a single firearm bullet; if one is placed inside (as a full-round action), it merges seamlessly into the ring. While a bullet is merged into the ring, the wielder can fire the bullet as though she were using a +1 pistolUE that can’t misfire. Once the bullet has been fired from the ring, a new bullet can’t be placed inside for 24 hours.
Each holdout ring is created with two +1 ammunition special abilities and one +2 ammunition special ability. If the wearer has the grit class feature, she can expend grit (maximum 4 grit points) to imbue bullets merged with the gun with one or more of these abilities. Imbuing a bullet with a +1 special ability costs 1 grit point; imbuing one with a +2 special ability costs 2 grit points. Each ring’s special abilities are established upon the item’s creation and can’t be changed. If a special ability has multiple versions, as does bane, the specific version must be set at that time (e.g., dragon bane). A typical holdout ring has the flaming, seeking, and shocking burstUE special abilities.
Construction Requirements Cost 5,500 gp
Forge Ring, magic weapon, telekinesis, creator must meet the requirements for the ammunition special abilities that can be imbued by the ring

Imp erial Army Greathelm Price 29,000 gp
Slot head CL 9th Weight 6 lbs.
Aura moderate enchantment
Many seasoned military commanders in Molthune wear this style of silver helmet adorned with a single oversized red plume. If the wearer of an Imperial Army greathelm has the Leadership feat, he gains a +3 bonus to his Leadership score, and any of his followers or cohorts gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects while they’re within line of sight of him.
If the wearer possesses the tactician class feature, the range of that ability increases to 60 feet.
Construction Requirements Cost 14,500 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, Leadership, eagle’s splendor, greater command

Infernal Cord Price 5,000 gp
Slot belt CL 8th Weight 1 lb.
Aura moderate transmutation
The entirety of this thick hide belt is scarred with impressions of fiendish visages, each shifting between a scowl and a smile. Commonly used by the servants of Asmodeus in Cheliax, this belt grants its wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution. Treat this Constitution bonus as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the belt is worn.
Whenever an enemy scores a critical hit against the wearer, the wearer gains fast healing 1 for 1 minute. This ability doesn’t trigger if the critical hit deals only nonlethal damage. Damage caused by silver weapons, good-aligned weapons, or spells or effects with the good descriptor doesn’t trigger the fast healing, and suppresses the fast healing for 1 round if it’s already active.
The wearer of an infernal cord can be detected as though she were an evil creature, and can sense the item’s evil while wearing it. This belt imparts 1 negative level to any nonevil creature that wears it until the belt is removed.
Construction Requirements Cost 2,500 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, bear’s endurance, infernal healingISWG

Infernal Cord, Greater Price 31,000 gp
Slot belt CL 8th Weight 1 lb.
Aura moderate transmutation
This item functions as an infernal cord, but it grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, and the fast healing effect increases to fast healing 4. Treat the Constitution bonus as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the belt is worn.
The wearer can be detected as though she were an evil cleric, not just an evil creature.
Construction Requirements Cost 15,500 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, bear’s endurance, greater infernal healingISWG

Ioun Stone, Thorny Price 8,000 gp
Slot none CL 12th Weight —
Aura strong varies
Used by warriors of ancient Azlant, these strangely shaped ioun stones are popular with combat-savvy members of the Pathfinder Society. These variant ioun stones resemble a thorny sphere—each possesses a circular shape with dozens of needle-like points jutting out. Each type of stone is a different color and grants its wearer a +2 competence bonus on checks for a specific combat maneuver. All varieties of thorny ioun stone have the same price and cost.
Brown: +2 competence bonus on trip attempts.
Crimson: +2 competence bonus on bull rush attempts.
Orange: +2 competence bonus on sunder attempts.
Silver: +2 competence bonus on overrun attempts.
Teal: +2 competence bonus on disarm attempts.
Violet: +2 competence bonus on grapple attempts.
Construction Requirements Cost 4,000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be 12th level

Iron Guard Pauldrons Price 5,750 gp
Slot shoulders CL 3rd Weight 6 lbs.
Aura faint abjuration
These simple, leather-strapped iron pauldrons are engraved with intricate images of icy winds and howling winter wolves, and are worn by senior members of the military order that serves Baba Yaga’s interests across Irrisen. Iron guard pauldrons grant their wearer a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws against fire effects. If the wearer succeeds at a saving throw against an enemy’s fire effect, the pauldrons shimmer with blue light for 5 rounds.
The wearer also gains a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate checks. This bonus increases to +5 while the pauldrons cast blue light.
The wearer of the Iron Guard pauldrons gains the benefits of endure elements, but only for cold temperatures.
Construction Requirements Cost 2,875 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, resistance

Kalistocrat’s Gloves Price 3,600 gp
Slot hands CL 5th Weight 1 lb.
Aura faint abjuration and evocation
Wealthy Kalistocrats wear these elegant, full-length white gloves. Twice per day as a move action, the wearer of these gloves can repel an unwanted creature for 1 minute or until the wearer touches another creature, whichever comes first. Any creature attempting to attack or touch the wearer during this time must succeed at a DC 11 Will save to do so (as the sanctuary spell).
Once per day, the wearer can summon a surge of invisible force to knock back a single target within 40 feet. The wearer attempts a combat maneuver check to bull rush one creature or object with a +5 bonus. This bull rush combat maneuver doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity.
Construction Requirements Cost 1,800 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, hydraulic pushAPG, sanctuary

Lastwall Banner Price VARIES
Hordeline 7,500 GP
Harchist 15,000 GP
Sunwall 125,000 GP
Slot none CL 10th Weight 3 lbs.
Aura moderate varies
A Lastwall banner can be displayed on a lance, polearm, frame, or staff. It has no effect when not mounted properly or when lying on the ground. The banners depict the heraldic symbols of several key sites and fortresses once held by Lastwall, and each provides different benefits, which are described below.
A banner can be carried (on foot or mounted) or planted. In the latter case, the banner does not need a bearer, but if it is toppled or touched by an enemy, it loses its effectiveness until reclaimed and replanted by allies of the owner.
Harchist (abjuration aura): Allies of the owner of the Lastwall Harchist banner gain a +6 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects so long as they can see the banner. If the mass combat rules (Ultimate Campaign 234) are being used, so long as this banner is visible to the majority of an army, the DC of the Morale check to determine whether the enemy routs decreases by 5.
Hordeline (abjuration aura): Allies of the owner of this banner gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects so long as they can see the banner.
Sunwall (transmutation aura): Once per day, while this banner is held aloft or planted by someone with the bravery class feature or the Flagbearer feat (The Inner Sea World Guide 286), all allies of the Lastwall Sunwall banner‘s owner gain the benefits of a blessing of fervor spell (Advanced Player’s Guide 205) while the banner is visible. If the banner is defaced or toppled by an enemy force, this effect ends, and the enemy force gains the benefits of this banner for 10 rounds.
Construction Requirements Cost VARIES
Hordeline 3,750 GP
Harchist 7,500 GP
Sunwall 62,500 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, blessing of fervorAPG (Sunwall) or remove fear (Harchist and Hordeline)

Mantle of the Crusader Host Price 95,000 gp
Slot chest CL 20th Weight —
Aura strong abjuration
This holy shroud is inscribed with hundreds of sacred passages in homage to the gods of good. It grants damage reduction 5/evil to the character wearing it. Against the attacks of creatures with the demon subtype, the damage reduction becomes 5/—. If the wearer is a paladin, the damage reduction changes to 5/— against the target of her smite class feature.
Construction Requirements Cost 47,500 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, stoneskin, creator must be good-aligned

Pelt of the Ulfen Wolf Price 14,800 gp
Slot shoulders CL 3rd Weight 3 lbs.
Aura faint evocation
This pelt of a large northern wolf is fashioned into a cloak. It can be activated up to five times per day. When struck in combat, the wearer can spend one use as a swift action to animate a ghostly wolf from the pelt. This ghostly apparition strikes the creature that attacked the wearer with a wolf’s bite attack (Bestiary 278). The wearer can spend one additional use each subsequent round to have the wolf continue attacking the target. The apparition can’t be redirected, and disappears if the target moves more than 5 feet of the wearer or dies. The pelt can manifest only one wolf apparition at a time. Apart from these restrictions, the wolf can be directed as a spiritual weapon spell.
When a human wears a pelt of the Ulfen wolf, he gains a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against emotion effects. In addition, any round in which he begins his turn affected by a fear effect, he can attempt a new save at the beginning of the turn to reduce the severity of the fear effect from panicked to frightened, frightened to shaken, or shaken to unaffected.
Construction Requirements Cost 7,400 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, remove fear, spiritual weapon

Ring of Adept Maneuvers Price 15,000 gp
Slot ring CL 5th Weight —
Aura faint transmutation
This variant ring of ki masteryUE is made of a lock of hair held together by small bands to form a ring. The ring allows a wearer with a ki pool to store up to 2 ki points in the ring as a swift action. These points remain in the ring until used. The wearer can use the ki points normally, but gains the following benefits when ki points are stored in the ring.
As long as at least 1 ki point is stored in the ring, the wearer gains a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks to bull rush, disarm, or trip opponents.
If at least 2 ki points are stored in the ring, the wearer takes only a –1 penalty on attack rolls when making a flurry of blows instead of a –2 penalty.
Construction Requirements Cost 7,500 gp
Forge Ring, ki leechUM, the creator must have the ki pool class feature

Rod of Revolution Price 82,000 gp
Slot none CL 20th Weight 8 lbs.
Aura strong enchantment
This variant rod of rulership (Ultimate Equipment 183) looks like a castoff piece of wood from a lumber mill. Originating from the earliest insurrections of G alt, these rods have become symbolic among rebel leaders in the struggling nation. A rod of revolution’s wielder can activate the device as a standard action to incite rebellious urges in creatures within 120 feet. The wielder can incite a number of creatures totaling 300 Hit Dice, but creatures with a Wisdom score of 12 or higher can attempt a DC 16 Will save to negate the effect. Incited creatures gain the benefits of the rage spell, but adhere to only the most basic commands issued by the wielder (such as directions about where to move and who to attack). The rod can be used for 500 total minutes before it crumbles to dust. These minutes need not be continuous.
Construction Requirements Cost 41,000 gp
Craft Rod, mass charm monster, rage

Sable Comp any Elite Saddle Price 14,000 gp
Slot none CL 5th Weight 5 lbs.
Aura faint transmutation
Several alterations along the edges of this well-maintained leather saddle allow for the movement of a mount’s wings. A Sable Company elite saddle grants a mount wearing it a +5 competence bonus on Fly checks, and grants the rider a +5 competence bonus on Ride checks. If the rider is unsaddled during flight, he is immediately subject to a feather fall effect.
The mount additionally gains the benefits of any teamwork feats the rider possesses.
Construction Requirements Cost 7,000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, fly, mount, creator must have 5 ranks

Sandstorm Sandals Price 15,000 gp
Slot feet CL 3rd Weight 2 lbs.
Aura faint evocation
These sandals are made of cloth and animal hide stitched to wood blocks that elevate them an inch off the ground. Monks often wear them as they roam across the deserts of northern G arund, traveling with no food or water to perfect their physical forms. The wearer of sandstorm sandals leaves no trace while traveling in desert environments.
If the wearer possesses the flurry of blows class feature, anytime he makes an unarmed flurry of blows while standing on sand or dirt, a minor storm appears around him for 1 round. Any creature that ends its movement within 5 feet of the wearer during this time takes 1 point of nonlethal damage. While the storm is active, the sandals’ wearer gains concealment (20% miss chance).
Construction Requirements Cost 7,500 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, gust of wind

Scabb ard of the Efreet Price 41,000 gp
Slot none CL 12th Weight 2 lbs.
Aura strong evocation
These black-and-red leather scabbards are produced in the distant Padishah Empire of Kelesh; in the Inner Sea region, they are predominantly found in Qadira. Each scabbard fits any bladed weapon, and has the bound essence of an efreeti within. Any weapon drawn from the scabbard gains the flaming weapon special ability for 5 rounds. Three times per day on command, the scabbard can impart the flaming burst (Ultimate Equipment 141) weapon special ability to a weapon drawn from it for 10 rounds.
Once per day, the wielder can summon a pyroclastic storm when drawing a weapon from the scabbard. Treat this as an ice storm spell that deals fire damage instead of cold damage. The storm is centered on the location of the wielder, but doesn’t harm or otherwise affect her.
Construction Requirements Cost 20,500 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, fireball, giant form I, scorching ray

Seafaring Stanchions Price 2,400 gp
Slot wrists CL 5th Weight 2 lbs.
Aura faint transmutation
These unmarked bracers of oxidized steel slip easily onto the wrists. As a swift action while submerged underwater, the wearer can tap the bracers together, causing the bracers and any armor he wears to immediately be removed. Removed armor is disassembled, becomes incredibly buoyant, and floats to the surface. After 4 hours, if the items are still in the water, they lose their buoyancy and sink.
Construction Requirements Cost 2,400 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, water walk

Summ oner Slayer Eyes Price 11,000 gp
Slot eyes CL 7th Weight 1 lb.
Aura moderate abjuration
Crafted by the Arclords of Nex, these golden-white lenses rest in crystal frames that fit comfortably over the eyes. Any creatures conjured by summon monster or a similar spell in the wearer’s field of vision appear to the wearer as though they were surrounded by a shimmering, purple glow. The wearer sees non-native creatures that have been called by other forms of magic (such as planar ally or gate) outlined in a blue glow. This affects only creatures of which the wearer is already aware. It doesn’t bypass concealment or stealth, nor does it work if the target is under the effect of an illusion spell that the wearer hasn’t seen through.
Once per day when the wearer hits a summoned or called creature with a weapon, the wearer can concentrate on that target, attempting to banish it back to its place of origin. This is treated as a dismissal spell targeting the creature, which must succeed at a DC 16 Will save or be sent back to its home plane.
Construction Requirements Cost 5,500 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, dismissal, summon monster I

Tablet of the First Law Price 3,000 gp
Slot none CL 6th Weight 5 lbs.
Aura moderate abjuration
This book-sized stone tablet is a recreation of the famous Laws of Man from the nation of Rahadoum. The tablet lists the anti-religious teachings of the First Law, along with several related verses that have been transcribed along the edges. When the tablet is read—a process that takes 10 minutes—its text glows with a golden light, providing the illumination of a candle, and the reader gains a +1 bonus on Will saving throws against all effects that come from a divine source for 24 hours. Only one person can benefit from this bonus at a time.
A reader who possesses the G odless Healing feat (The Inner Sea World Guide 287) can use the healing granted by that feat while reading the tablet. In this case, at the completion of the reading, the reader rolls twice and chooses the better roll when determining the amount of healing granted by Godless Healing.
Construction Requirements Cost 1,500 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, G odless Healing, dispel magic, creator must be an atheist

Thorny Ioun Stone Resonant Powers
When an ioun stone is set within the special indentation in a wayfinder (The Inner Sea World Guide 299), a secondary resonant power sometimes manifests to augment the ioun stone’s powers, though this suppresses the wayfinder’s normal magical abilities. This minor function is in addition to the stone’s normal abilities, which continue to affect the wayfinder’s bearer as though the stone were orbiting her head. Two resonating wayfinders wielded by the same character suppress one another’s abilities, but both return to normal when one wayfinder is set aside.
Only 75% of ioun stones grant resonant powers when placed in a wayfinder.
A thorny ioun stone’s resonant power grants the bearer the benefit of either the Acrobatic or the Athletic feat. The feat varies by individual ioun stone, and each is equally likely (50% chance).

Cracked Thorny Ioun Stones
A cracked ioun stone bears an obvious split; its power is usually the same as that of an undamaged stone, but weaker. Only 25% of cracked ioun stones grant resonant powers when placed in a wayfinder.
A cracked thorny ioun stone provides a +1 competence bonus on its corresponding type of combat maneuver check, and has a market price of 3,200 gp.

Flawed Thorny Ioun Stones
A flawed ioun stone’s power is usually similar to and weaker than that of a normal ioun stone, but sometimes it has side effects or slightly different effects than its normal counterpart. Only 25% of flawed ioun stones grant resonant powers when placed in a wayfinder.
The flawed version of a thorny ioun stone of any type functions as the normal version, but the wearer also takes a –2 penalty to CMD against the corresponding type of combat maneuver check. A flawed thorny ioun stone has a market price of 6,900 gp.

Aurafaint evocation; cL5th
Slotnone; Price500 gp; Weight1 lb.
A small magical device patterned off ancient Azlanti relics, a wayfinderis a compact compass typically made from silver and bearing gold accents. A badge of office for agents of the Pathfinder Society, a wayfinderis as much a handy tool as a status symbol. With a command word, you can cause a wayfinderto shine (as the lightspell). A wayfinderalso acts as a nonmagical (magnetic) compass, granting you a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost. All wayfindersinclude a small indentation designed to hold a single ioun stone. An ioun stone slotted in this manner grants you its normal benefits as if it were orbiting your head; some ioun stonescan grant additional powers once they are fitted into a wayfinder, at the GM’s discretion.
RequirementsCraft Wondrous Item, light; cost250 gp
« 上次编辑: 2019-12-24, 周二 01:12:51 由 黎白羽 »

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Re: 【内海战斗】魔法物品(Magic Items)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2014-06-18, 周三 21:36:21 »
哇嗚……物品名稱居然還有上標的小字標明出處,原書都沒這麼費工 :em005


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Re: 【内海战斗】魔法物品(Magic Items)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2014-06-19, 周四 15:11:32 »
附加在蜂刺之吻上的任何毒素,其发作次数都会增加2次,比如黑蛇毒(Black adder venom)会持续2轮而非原本的6轮,砒霜(Arsenic)会持续6分钟而非原本的4分钟。
