作者 主题: 【年鉴】(地理志)香港自由贸易区HONG KONG FREE ENTERPRISE ZONE P118~119  (阅读 9824 次)

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Hong Kong Free Enterprise Zone



香港自由贸易区是世界著名的商业中心。这个城市的人口一直保持在八百万人以上,不过有近二百万的人口是一年中部分时间不在城市里的流动居民。香港在公司的积极帮助下于2015年宣布独立,今天,这些公司和其他一些公司共同组成了“理事会”(the Board of Governors)。截至2072年,理事会由28个成员组成,并且成员公司要在香港积极投资发展作为主要要求。
劇透 -   :
Th e Hong Kong Free Enterprise Zone is a world renowned business center. Th e city maintains a constant population of just over eight million, though nearly two million is a transient population spending part of the year away from the city. Hong Kong’s government was built by corporations that actively assisted the city in declaring independence in 2015. Today, those corporations and others make up the Board of Governors. As of 2072, the Board of Governors is a twenty-eight member panel with the primary requirement of member corporations being active investors in Hong Kong’s growth.
由理事会选举出的公民执行委员会(Executive Council)负责管理区域。执行委员会负责处理立法和治理的各个方面。理事会主席在每年二月份,通过执行委员会以选举投票的形式产生。主席制定议程,在前几位强有力的主席影响下,已经对自由贸易区产生了持久深远的变革,为下一任主席留下了需要保护的遗产。
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An Executive Council of public citizens is elected by the Board of Governors to administrate the zone. Th e Executive Council handles all aspects of lawmaking and governance. A Chairman of the Board is elected each year in February through a majority vote of the Executive Council. Th e chairman sets the agenda, and previous powerful chairmen have been known to eff ect lasting change on the Free Enterprise Zone, establishing a legacy for the next chairman to protect.
劇透 -   :
At its heart, Hong Kong was developed to increase global trade and aid the city through increased commerce. To this end, throughout Hong Kong, there are no taxes or tariff s on goods, nor are capital gains taxes assessed against fi nancial transactions based in the city. In addition to the shelters this provides the Board of Governors, the “free enterprise” policy attracts many foreign investors and tourists. Roughly forty million people visit Hong Kong for tourism or business annually, bringing billions of nuyen into the local economy.

« 上次编辑: 2017-12-10, 周日 19:58:37 由 失语 »

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Easily the most identifiable area in the Free Enterprise Zone, Downtown Hong Kong is the center of industry. In the evening the skyline’s glow can be clearly seen from the opposite side of the harbor. It serves as the home for a large number of corporate citizens, and includes Victoria Peak and western Victoria Harbor. With corporate offi  ces in the lower section of the city near the harbor, several enclaves and arcologies have been built along Victoria Peak looking down on the harbor.

该岛是区域内一个自给自足的城市,可以沿着“锦绣龙道”(the Splendid Dragon Path)和湾仔铜锣湾(Wanchai Causeway)购物。“锦绣龙道”是世界上最长的封闭人行道,有数以百计的餐厅、公寓和精品店。湾仔铜锣湾同样是吸引游客的魅力画卷,它把精力集中在本地人之间多种多样的娱乐节目,和周边地区的游客,集中在芬威克码头纪念品,以及一些只能在东南亚找到的奇珍异品。
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Th e island is a self-contained city within the zone, with shopping along the Splendid Dragon Path and Wanchai Causeway. Th e Splendid Dragon Path is the world’s longest enclosed walkway, with hundreds of restaurants, apartments, and boutiques lining it. Also a retail draw for tourists, the Wanchai Causeway divides its attention between locals with a broad range of entertainment off erings, and tourists with the area surrounding Fenwick Pier focusing on souvenirs and exotic items which can only be found in Southeastern Asia.

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On the other side of Victoria Peak from Downtown Hong Kong, the Southern Coast is as traditional as the northern side is modern. Here, fi shermen paddle out into the bay and throw nets by hand, and the entire area is protected by strict development laws to protect the traditional roots of Hong Kong. Numerous geomancers work for the Board of Governors to tend and maintain the Dragon Lines in the area—vast, natural conduits of magical energy that weave their way across the Southern Coast.

该地区最大的现代化聚落——香港仔避风塘,“五行天塔”(Wuxing Skytower)总部。自2061年,天塔周围的区域已经成为了半永久性的星界浅滩。几个小的波希米亚主义群落在该地区建立了自己的社区,而岛上最大的居民则来自鸭脷洲。除了引人注目的觉醒元素之外,南部海岸最吸引了就是冲浪了,大量的冲浪者来到石澳,该地区成了最受欢迎的冲浪圣地。
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The largest modern settlement in the area is Aberdeen, home of Wuxing Skytower. Since 2061, the area around the Skytower has been a semipermanent astral shallow. Several small, bohemian communities have established themselves throughout the area, with the largest being on the island of Apleichau. In addition to the awakened element drawn to the area, the Southern Coast attracts a large number of surfers to Shek O, the region’s most popular surfi ng destination.

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Unlike the rest of the Free Enterprise Zone, the Northern Reaches are predominantly rural— composed of rice paddies and soybean farms. Th e area provides the majority of the native food supply to Hong Kong. Traditional Chinese family structures of extended clans living and working together are common. The Board of Governors maintains the zone for both its agricultural value and its placement as a buff er between Hong Kong and the neighboring Canton Federation.

该地区的许多人都有根深蒂固的灵性,对旧迷信和宗教有强烈的信仰。这里有好几座佛寺和神龛,大部分是“万物有灵教”(animistic )或神道教(Shinto)。从香港的唯一一座古塔开始到上璋围城寨结束的屏山小道,拥有该地区最多的神道教寺庙。
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Many of the people from this area are deeply spiritual, believing strongly in old superstitions and religions. While there are several Buddhist temples and shrines, the majority are animistic or Shinto. Th e Ping Shan Trail has the region’s highest density of Shinto shrines, leading from Hong Kong’s only ancient pagoda to the walled village of Sheung Cheung Wai.

« 上次编辑: 2017-12-10, 周日 20:03:36 由 失语 »

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劇透 -   :
Star Ferries are a cultural icon of Hong Kong. Continuing to operate aft er nearly 200 years, the Star Ferry service travels across Victoria Harbor between the mainland peninsula and the islands of Hong Kong and Kowloon. Th e ferries off er panoramic views of the skyline to over 70,000 people every day. Schedules for ferry service are posted along the harbor at each ferry stop. Th e majority of the Star Ferries are designed for the actual transport of people and vehicles across the harbor, though special tour ferries are available to provide a guided tour and history of the Ferry and Free Enterprise Zone.

宝莲禅寺是大屿山岛上最大的寺院,从字面上理解它的传统名字,就是“珍贵Precious莲花Lotus禅Zen 寺Temple”。如来佛祖的三座雕像体现了他的过去、现在和未来,这座庙宇的主要建筑是天坛大佛,一座34米高的如来佛祖雕像,坐在莲座之上。该地区平和而深远,这一点可由此处环境法力(ambient mana)或者气(qi)的积极积累所证明。虽然是大屿山岛的很大一部分地区从公园和自然保护区变成了雕塑区,但寺庙的地位依然纹丝不动。寺庙内的定期礼拜者声称佛祖像阴影落下的土地都是神圣的,那是进一步现代化的边界线。
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Literally translated from its traditional name as the “Precious Lotus Zen Temple,” the Po Lin Monastery is the largest on Lantau Island. Housing three statues of Buddha to embody his past, present, and future, the primary draw of the temple is the Tian Tan Buddha, a 34-meter-tall statue of Buddha sitting in lotus. Th e area resonates a deep sense of peace, supported by the positive accumulation of ambient mana, or qi. Th ough a large portion of Lantau Island has been converted from parks and reserves into sculpted communities, the temple grounds have remained untouched. Regular worshippers at the temple have claimed that all the land upon which the Buddha’s shadow falls is sacred and is the boundary line for all further modernization.

« 上次编辑: 2017-12-10, 周日 20:04:10 由 失语 »

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> “活跃投资者”,我的左睾丸啊。我们都看到过李钱(译注:疑似绰号)的报告,公司通过影响力交易和贿赂加入了理事会。任何公司只需要有足够的资本来行贿,就能在里面买一个座位。> 扬弃(Aufheben)
劇透 -   :
> “Active investors” my left testicle. We’ve all seen the report by Money Lee, corps join the Board of Governors through infl uence trading and bribery. Any corp with the necessary capital to grease enough palms can get a seat. > Aufheben

> 他们没有提到九龙,那是个绝望和无法无天的深渊,理事会需要这样一个地方来帮他们处理他们不想要的人。九龙城区不漂亮,但它可以隐藏一整队的狂奔者好一会儿。再往内走,你可以到达九龙寨城——在白天全副武装进入是一回事。我不会在天黑后踏进围墙的一百米内,除非有恶魔跟在我后面。> 鸡米NO(Jimmy No)
劇透 -   :
> They don’t mention Kowloon, the pit of despair and lawlessness that came from the Board of Governors needing somewhere to send their unwanted. Kowloon City isn’t pretty, but it can hide a team of shadowrunners for awhile. Further inland you get to the Kowloon Walled City—entering well-armed and during the light of day is one thing. I won’t set foot within a hundred meters of the wall after dark unless demons are at my heels. > Jimmy No

> 公共服务的一部分意味着不告诉人们世界上黑暗、恐怖的地方。如果有足够多的人忘记了那里,他们就不会被诱惑过去了。> 极速博士(Dr. Spin)
劇透 -   :
> Part of the public service means not telling people about the dark, horrible places of the world. If enough people forget about it, they won’t be tempted to go there. > Dr. Spin

> 三合会的东家在香港,有不少于五个不同的组织瓜分了这个区域作为他们的操练场。如果这还不够,我们还有“托洛律贼”,有“地狱雷霆帮”,还有几十个小团体都叫嚣着要引起注意。我可以给你一份完整资料,你可以下载看看,如果你私密我的话。> 雷公(Lei Kung)
劇透 -   :
> Hong Kong also plays host to the triad, with no less than fi ve different groups carving up the district for their playground. As if that wasn’t enough, we have the Tolo Vory, the Hell Thunder Crew, and dozens of smaller groups all clamoring to be noticed. I can give you a complete download on who’s playing where if you drop me a line. > Lei Kung

> 提到龙脉,其实也可称为灵脉或地脉。它们中的好几条汇聚在了天塔星界浅滩最中心。这样形成一个永久的浅滩也不是不可能。> 霜寒(Frosty)
劇透 -   :
> The Dragon Lines that are mentioned can also be called mana or ley lines. Several of them meet in a nexus point directly in the center of the astral shallow of the Skytower. Forming a permanent shallow like that should be impossible. > Frosty

> 有关于任何9x9s(译注:一个反超企组织)资助者的更新进度吗?> 2XL
劇透 -   :
> Any updates on who is actually funding the 9x9s? > 2XL

> HKB公司的信息看起来含金量很高,他们是第一嫌疑人。我会拿钱打赌一定是香港境外的某些人在搞事情,这样嫌疑人就包括了自由世界的大多数势力。我听过很多关于龙和自由灵魂的谣言。所有泛人类就是如此的残忍——我们不需要任何其他东西来帮助我们毁灭自己(译注:意思就是人类会毁灭自己)。> 雷公(Lei Kung)
劇透 -   :
> Well the info on HKB panned out; they were the fi rst suspects. My money is on someone outside the zone trying to stir up trouble, which leaves most of the free world. I’ve heard too many rumors of dragons and free spirits to believe it. The whole situation smacks of metahuman cruelty—we don’t need anyone to help us destroy ourselves. > Lei Kung

> 一些葵青区的马仔与9x9s有过火拼。他们中的许多人都全副武装,但只有少数人受过使用装备的专业训练。> 凯恩(Kane)
劇透 -   :
> Some of ma buddies in Kwai Tsing, got in a fi refi ght with the 9x9s. The whole lot of them were geared out to the gills, but only a handful was trained to use the gear. > Kane

>天星小轮是一个偷渡的绝妙方法,如果你没有自己的船的话。低端的安保需要在极少的时间里处理整船的人,这意味着你有机会避免任何SIN检查。> 机师X(Rigger X)
劇透 -   :
> The Star Ferries are a great way to get around the Zone if you don’t have a boat of your own. Low-end security and a need to get boatloads of people processed in half the amount of time it will actually take means that your odds are good of avoiding any kind of SIN checks. > Rigger X

> 尽管图片很亮,数据文件还是出卖了你,宝莲禅寺在公司的低位很自由,僧侣们自己开始做起了交易。当分裂主义者都准备好时,僧侣们几乎买下了整座大屿山,然后卖给公司。他们施加影响的手法就像外科医师一样灵巧。> 商人(Snopes)
劇透 -   :
> Despite the shiny picture the data fi le sells you about the Po Lin Monastery staying free of the corps, the monks made their own deals. When the secessionists were ready, the monks were able to buy up nearly all of Lantau and sell it to the corps. They wield infl uence with the delicate hand of a surgeon. > Snopes

« 上次编辑: 2018-01-05, 周五 08:02:15 由 失语 »

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though nearly two million is a transient population spending part of the year away from the city.


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though nearly two million is a transient population spending part of the year away from the city.


« 上次编辑: 2017-12-07, 周四 19:52:27 由 失语 »