作者 主题: 【ARG】水元素裔(温蒂妮,Undines)  (阅读 24141 次)

副标题: 第二章最后一个未翻译种族,稍稍慢了点,但是还是结束了……下面要进行翻译的是……

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« 于: 2012-09-16, 周日 23:22:13 »









  冒险:某些时候,水元素裔会离开族人、踏上冒险之旅。如同水一般,很多水元素裔只是单纯地喜欢流动,而冒险给予了她们最合适不过的旅行借口。有些人的冒险理由没有如此光彩,譬如因为在社群内犯下的罪行而遭流放。没有更多选择的被放逐者只能冒险和游荡,期盼着能为自己找到新的家园。水元素裔对水的亲和让她们能够成为特别优秀的德鲁伊,而水元素裔术士则多为深洋血统(Aquatic, APG)。



类法术能力:水流冲击(Hydraulic push,出自APG) 1次/日(施法者等级等同于水元素裔等级)。


酸液吐息(Acid Breath):部分水元素裔的异界血统能够追溯到那些能够将酸液作为武器的水魔蝠(water mephit)身上。这些水元素裔拥有喷吐武器,每天1次,她们能够喷出5尺锥形范围的酸液。喷吐武器造成每2个人物等级1d8点强酸伤害(最高5d8)。成功的反射豁免检定(DC 10 + 1/2水元素裔等级 + 水元素裔体质调整值)能够将伤害减半。该特性取代类法术能力。

两栖(Amphibious):有的水元素裔天生与水保有永久性的联系。拥有该种族特性的水元素裔获得水栖亚种(aquatic subtype)以及两栖特殊能力*(amphibious special quality)。该特性取代类法术能力。
译注:两栖(Amphibious,Ex):拥有该特殊能力的生物拥有水系亚种,但是他们能够永久在陆地上生存。Format: amphibious; Location: SQ.


肌肤拟态(Flesh Chameleon):有的水元素裔能够将她们的皮肤颜色变为与人类相似的色调。以一个标准动作,拥有该种族特性的水元素裔能够将她天生的蓝皮肤转变为任何普通人类的皮肤色调,并且能够以一个自由动作恢复原样。这使得她们在使用易容检定伪装为人类时获得+4种族加值。该特性取代能量抗力。

流水活力(Hydrated Vitality):无论何时,拥有该种族特性的水元素裔只要将她的身体浸没在天然的海水、淡水或盐水中时,便可以获得2点快速医疗(fast healing)并持续1轮。死水(Stagnant),毒水(poisoned)或储蓄水(trapped water,比如人工水池或者蓄水袋artificial pit or a bag of holding)无法激活该能力。水元素裔每天最多可以通过该能力恢复2点生命/等级,在这之后这个能力便不再起效。该特性取代水流亲和。

海灵之魅(Nereid Fascination):有些水元素裔的祖先甚至可以追溯到异界的海灵(nereids)。每天一次以一个标准动作,这些水元素裔能够创造20尺半径的灵光,使得灵光范围内的类人生物陷入对她的迷魂状态(fascinated with her for),持续的轮数等同于1/2水元素裔人物等级(最低1轮)。目标能够通过成功的豁免检定抵御该效果(DC 10 + 1/2水元素裔等级 + 水元素裔魅力调整值)。这是超自然能力。该特性取代类法术能力。

粘液吐息(Ooze Breath):有些水元素裔的异界血统可以追溯到泥魔蝠(ooze mephits)身上。她们可以使用喷吐武器,每天一次,喷出范围为5尺锥形的粘液。粘液造成每2个人物等级1d4点强酸伤害(最高5d4),并且会使范围内的生物恶心3轮。成功的反射豁免检定(DC 10 + 1/2水元素裔等级 + 水元素裔体质调整值)能够将伤害减半并且免受恶心效果影响。该特性取代类法术能力。

环境拟态(Terrain Chameleon):有些水元素裔能够改变她们的颜色,将自身变为棕色或者灰色以潜藏于水下的岩层附近,抑或变为绿色潜藏在水草或其他天然水中植物中。以一个标准动作,拥有该种族特性的水元素裔能够改变她们的颜色,使其在水下环境中的潜行检定获得+4加值,并且能够以一个自由动作恢复原样。该特性取代能量抗力。

水之感官(Water Sense):拥有该种族特性的水元素裔能够察觉水中的震动,这使得她们获得30尺盲感以察觉接触同一水体的生物。该特性取代能量抗力。

吟游诗人:在使用破咒曲吟游表演影响水栖或水系亚种(aquatic or water subtypes)的生物时,表演检定获得+1加值。
牧师:在克服水栖或水系亚种(aquatic or water subtypes)生物的法术抗力时,施法者等级检定获得+1加值。
德鲁伊:在使用野性认同检定影响水栖亚种(aquatic subtypes)的动物以及魔法兽时获得+1加值。
武僧:在对抗擒抱战技时武僧的CMD获得+1加值,并且每日可以使用震慑攻击(stunning attacks)的次数+1/3次。
召唤师:如果召唤师的精神向导拥有水栖基本形态(aquatic base form,出自UC 74页),那么召唤师生命连结能力的范围提高5尺。
法师:将一个带有水描述符(water descriptor)的牧师、德鲁伊或法师法术列表的法术加入到法术书中。该法术必须比角色可以使用的最高等级法术低一级。除非该法术在法师法术列表中,否则将其视为比正常高一级。


水裔社群守卫将奉献自身奉献于保护第一水裔(first undines)的知识以及确保她们人民与自然界的古老联系维持原状的事业上。她们担任着守护水裔人民社会根基的保护者一职。水裔社群守卫拥有以下职业能力*。
*译注:原文职业变体名称为undine adept,整段原文为An undine adept dedicates herself to preserving the knowledge of the first undines and ensuring her people’s ancient connections to the natural world remain undisturbed. They serve as the keepers of the roots of the undine people and as their protectors.


两栖(Amphibious)(Su):2级起,水裔社群守卫获得水栖亚种(aquatic subtype)以及两栖通用怪物能力(amphibious universal monster ability),这使得她能够在水或者空气中呼吸。该能力取代穿林。

增强召唤(Augment Summoning)(Su):3级起,水裔社群守卫使用怪物召唤术以及召唤自然盟友术时,所有由她们召唤出的带有水系亚种(water subtype)的生物都会获得增强召唤专长的好处。该能力取代无踪步。

抵抗水之呼唤(Resist Water’s Call)(Su):4级起,水裔社群守卫在对抗带有水栖或水系亚种(aquatic or water subtype)的异界生物(outsiders)与妖精(fey)施放的类法术能力及超自然能力时的豁免检定获得+4加值,并且在对抗带有水描述符(water descriptor)的法术时的豁免检定同样获得+4加值。该能力取代抗自然诱惑。

自然变身(Wild Shape)(Su):6级起,水裔社群守卫获得使用自然变身的能力。若她变身为带有水栖或水系亚种(aquatic or water subtype)的生物的形态,那么在决定该能力的效果时视为比她的职业等级高1级。而对所有其他形态来说,她的有效德鲁伊等级等同于其水裔社群守卫等级。该能力在其他方面同自然变身并取代之。

水魂交谈(Commune with Water Spirits):9级起,水裔社群守卫将通神术(commune)加入她的德鲁伊法术列表。无论她信仰神祗还是元素之力,均可以使用该法术。该能力取代毒免疫。


吟游表演(Bardic Performance):水之歌者拥有一些独特的吟游表演,下列列出的这些条目取代了部分标准吟游诗人的吟游表演。这些吟游表演遵循所有吟游表演的规则以及限制。


水之击(Waterstrike)(Su):3级起,水之歌者能够花费1轮吟游表演,命令正在以水之歌操纵的水猛击他的敌人。水之歌者使用他的基本攻击加值和魅力加值进行这次攻击,造成1d6点钝击伤害加上他的魅力调整值。这次攻击可以由吟游诗人操纵的任何一块水发起,这些水可以享受也能够帮助盟友获得夹击加值,但是不能进行借机攻击。如果你的基本攻击加值允许你在一回合内进行多次攻击,那么这些水也可以。10级起,水的猛击伤害(slam damage)增加到1d8点,触及范围提高到10尺。15级起,水的猛击伤害增加到2d6点。在20级时,水的猛击伤害增加到2d8点。该能力取代提振技能。


水之歌者法术(Watersinger Spells):水之歌者获得一些以水为主题的法术加入到他的法术列表中。当他的吟游诗人等级达到能够施放以下法术的等级时,他会立刻将这些法术加入其法术列表。0级—造水术(Create Water);1级—水流冲击(Hydraulic push,出自APG),水流术(Slipstram,出自APG);2级—水牢法球(Aqueous Orb,出自APG),水流爆发(hydraulic torrent,出自APG);3级—驭波术(ride the waves,出自UM);4级—操纵水位(Control Water),共用水面行走(communal water walk,出自UC);5级—漩涡之流(vortex,出自APG);水幕天华6级—(seamantle,出自APG)*。



名称  价格  重量    制作DC
链环腰带  15gp  1/4磅   —
药剂棉   2gp   —   15
水裔武器柄+300gp   —   —

链环腰带(Chain Belts):虽然水元素裔穿着轻薄,不过她们经常将10尺长的细锁链作为腰带挂在腰间。腰带上有许多铰链,佩戴者能够将许多物品挂在上面,如工具,小型武器,包括白银、铂金、或者嵌有宝石的纯金小锤一类的贵重物品。如果穿着得当,腰带可以容纳多达30磅重的小物品。如果水元素裔需要减轻自身的负重,她可以在游泳时以一个迅捷动作解开腰带。

药剂棉(Potion Sponge):这块鸡蛋大小的海绵表面覆盖着一层防水食用蜡,它可以用于吸收并储存一剂药水。咀嚼药剂棉并吞咽它吸收的液体是一个整轮动作。至少为大体型生物才能完全吞下药剂棉;其他生物必须在用完药剂棉后将其吐出(自由动作)。与使用药剂瓶饮用药水不同,药剂棉可以在水下使用。以一个整轮动作可以将一瓶药水倒入药剂棉里(或者将药剂棉内含的液体挤入药剂瓶)。药剂棉免疫那些特定目标为水晶、玻璃、陶器、或瓷器的攻击,比如粉碎音波(shatter)。该物品在其他方面如药剂瓶(potion vial)一般运作。

水裔武器柄(Undine Weaponshaft):水元素裔在制作带柄武器(shafted weapons)时融入了独特的设计,比如木棍(Quarterstaff)、矛(Spear)以及三叉矛(Trident)。这些武器使用木质或金属管而非使用实心的柄制作,同时将柄的末端密封,前段打开。以一个整轮动作,水元素裔可以使用这样的武器进行单次近战攻击,同时在这次近战攻击中使用她的水流冲击(Hydraulic push)类法术能力攻击目标。该武器在其他方面的功能如同普通的同类武器一般运作,并且能够使用特殊材料(如秘银或精金)制作,也可以制成精制品。


水栖世系(Aquatic Ancestry)

水流技法(Hydraulic Maneuver)

蒸汽术者(Steam Caster)
好处:你能够将元素之力注入法术中,使你施放的火焰法术的施法时间增加至一个整轮动作(法术的正常施法时间等同于整轮动作或更长则无须增加)。该法术会被视为带有水描述符(water descriptor)。改变后的法术,其所有的火焰效果都替换为滚热的蒸汽。改变后的法术如同正常在水下施法一般运作,但是无须进行施法者等级检定。与火焰不同,蒸汽无法点燃生物或物体。该法术仍旧造成火焰伤害,因此火焰抗力与免疫依旧适用于法术的效果。

特里同之门(Triton Portal)
好处:每天一次,你可以消费你的水流冲击种族能力,以此来以类法术能力施放召唤自然盟友III,施法者等级等同于你的人物等级。以此能力只能召唤出1d3小型水元素(Small water elemental)、1d4+1只海豚(dolphins)、一条鲨鱼或一只电鳗。使用该能力时一个整轮动作。

水之肌肤(Water Skinned)
好处:以一个标准动作,你可以通过接触熄灭小型的非魔法火焰(small nonmagical fire),该效果至多影响至大型篝火的程度。该能力无法影响总面积大于5尺方格的火焰。以此方式接触火焰不会伤害你。


制造条件:制造奇物,海洋之触(touch of the sea,出自APG),制作者必须为水元素裔或者属于水系亚种(water subtype)

    这件魔法披肩是由光洁透明的材料编织而成。每天一次,穿戴者可以通过命令将她的生命能量转移至披肩上(最高10点生命)。当她穿戴着披肩并且生命值降低至-1时,披肩会立即治愈穿戴者,恢复等同于已经储存在披肩内的生命点数。这种治疗无法防止穿戴者被杀死(This healing cannot prevent the wearer from being killed)。这些生命能量会在披肩内储存24小时,或者直到用于治疗穿戴者为止,以先到者为准。如果披肩被摧毁,已经存储的生命能量将会消失。
制造条件:制造奇物,治疗轻伤(cure light wounds),稳定伤势(stabilize)

制造条件:制造奇物,驭波术(Ride the Waves,出自UM)


等级:牧师 1,德鲁伊 1,游侠 1,术士/法师 1,女巫 1

等级:德鲁伊 1,女巫 1

等级:吟游诗人 3,德鲁伊 4,术士/法师 4,召唤师 4,女巫 4
持续时间:专注 + 1轮/等级(可解消)
    该法术创造出神秘并且有感染力的歌声,诱惑并呼唤所有听到它的生物。水妖的诱惑最高能够影响24HD的生物。在范围内的生物,如果没有通过歌声的意志豁免检定,则会以最直接的方式走向你(move toward you)。如果如此移动会将他们置于危险的区域(比如穿过火焰或者悬崖),那么每当进入这些区域之前,生物都可以重新进行一次豁免检定以结束该效果。被法术的歌声所诱惑的生物除了保护自己以外无法做任何其他动作。走到你身边5尺距离的受术者只会呆呆站立,在法术持续时间会保持迷魂状态。

等级:术士/法师 1,女巫 1

劇透 -   :
Undine Racial Traits
+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, –2 Strength: Undines are both perceptive and agile, but tend to adapt rather than match force with force.
Native Outsider: Undines are outsiders with the native subtype.
Medium: Undines are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Undines have a base speed of 30 feet on land. They also have a swim speed of 30 feet, can move in water without making Swim checks, and always treat Swim as a class skill.
Darkvision: Undines can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Spell-Like Ability: Hydraulic push (Advanced Player’s Guide) 1/day (caster level equals the undine’s level).
Energy Resistance: Undines have cold resistance 5.
Water Affinity: Undine sorcerers with the elemental (water) bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer spells and class abilities. Undine clerics with the Water domain cast their Water domain powers and spells at +1 caster level.
Languages: Undines begin play speaking Common and Aquan. Undines with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Auran, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Ignan,  and Terran.

The following racial traits might be selected instead of existing undine racial traits. Consult your GM before selecting any of these new options.

Acid Breath: Undines whose outsider heritage can be traced to a water mephit can wield acid as a weapon. Such an undine has a breath weapon that is a 5-foot cone of acidic water usable once per day. The breath deals 1d8 points of acid damage per two character levels (maximum 5d8). A Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the undine’s level + the undine’s Constitution modifier) halves the damage. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability racial trait.

Amphibious: Some undines are born with a permanent bond to water. Undines with this racial trait gain the aquatic subtype and amphibious special quality. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability racial trait.

Deepsight: The eyes of some undines are especially adapted to the lightless depths of the oceans, but not to air-filled environments. An undine with this racial trait has darkvision 120 feet when underwater, but otherwise has no darkvision at all. This racial trait replaces darkvision.

Flesh Chameleon: Some undines can change their coloration to match human skin tones. As a standard action, an undine with this racial trait can change her natural blue hue to match any normal human skin tone, and can revert to normal as a free action. This grants a +4 racial bonus on Disguise checks to appear human. This racial trait replaces energy resistance.

Hydrated Vitality: An undine with this racial trait gains fast healing 2 for 1 round anytime she submerges completely within a body of natural salt water, fresh water, or brackish water. Stagnant, poisoned, or trapped water (such as an artificial pit or a bag of holding) does not activate this ability. The undine can heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function. This racial trait replaces water affinity.

Nereid Fascination: Some undines can trace their ancestry to nereids as well as to outsiders. Once per day as a standard action, such an undine can create a 20-foot-radius aura that causes humanoids within the aura’s range to become fascinated with her for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the undine’s character level (minimum 1). Targets may resist with a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the undine’s level + the undine’s Charisma modifier). This is a supernatural ability. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability racial trait.

Ooze Breath: Some undines’ outsider heritage can be traced to ooze mephits. These undines have a breath weapon that is a 5-foot cone of slime usable once per day. The slime deals 1d4 points of acid damage per two character levels (maximum 5d4) and sickens creatures in the area for 3 rounds. A successful Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the undine’s level + the undine’s Constitution modifier) halves the damage and negates the sickened effect. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability racial trait.

Terrain Chameleon: Some undines can change their coloration to blend in with underwater terrain, mixing browns, grays, and greens to resemble kelp or other natural water plants. As a standard action, an undine with this racial trait can change her coloration, gaining a +4 bonus on Stealth checks in underwater environments. She can return to normal as a free action. This racial trait replaces energy resistance.

Water Sense: Undines with this racial trait can sense vibrations in water, granting them blindsense 30 feet against creatures in contact with the same body of water. This racial trait replaces energy resistance.

The following options are available to all undines who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the class reward.

Bard: Add a +1 bonus on Perform checks to use the countersong bardic performance against creatures with the aquatic or water subtypes. 
Cleric: Add a +1 bonus on caster level checks to overcome the spell resistance of creatures with the aquatic or water subtype.
Druid: Add a +1 bonus on wild empathy checks to influence animals and magical beasts with the aquatic subtype.
Monk: Add +1 to the monk’s CMD when resisting a grapple and +1/3 to the number of stunning attacks he can attempt per day.
Sorcerer: Add a +1 bonus on caster level checks to cast spells underwater.
Summoner: If the summoner’s eidolon has an aquatic base form (Ultimate Magic 74), add +5 feet to the range of the summoner’s life link ability.
Wizard: Add one spell from the cleric, druid, or wizard spell list with the water descriptor to the wizard’s spellbook. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level he can cast. This spell is treated as one level higher unless it also appears on the wizard spell list.

The following racial archetypes are available to undines.

Undine Adept (Druid)
An undine adept dedicates herself to preserving the knowledge of the first undines and ensuring her people’s ancient connections to the natural world remain undisturbed. They serve as the keepers of the roots of the undine people and as their protectors. An undine adept has the following class features.

Domains: An undine adept who chooses a domain must choose the Community or Water domain, or any subdomain of those domains.

Amphibious (Su): At 2nd level, the undine adept gains the aquatic subtype and the amphibious universal monster ability, allowing her to breathe water or air. This ability replaces woodland stride.

Augment Summoning (Su): At 3rd level, any creature with the water subtype the undine adept summons with either summon monster or summon nature’s ally  gains the benefits of the Augment Summoning feat. This replaces trackless step.

Resist Water’s Call (Su): At 4th level, an undine adept gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like and supernatural abilities of outsiders with the aquatic or water subtype, fey with the aquatic or water subtype, and spells and effects with the water descriptor. This ability replaces resist nature’s lure.

Wild Shape (Su): At 6th level, an undine adept gains the ability to use wild shape. When an undine takes the form of a creature with the aquatic or water subtype, this ability functions at her class level + 1. For all other forms, her effective druid level for the ability is equal to her actual undine adept level. This ability otherwise functions as and replaces wild shape.

Commune with Water Spirits: At 9th level, an undine adept adds commune to her druid spell list. She may use this spell whether she worships a deity or elemental forces. This ability replaces venom immunity.

Watersinger (Bard)
The watersinger’s song reaches from the depths of his soul into the elemental waters from which life first sprang. His voice commands water, bending and shaping it to his desire.

Bardic Performance: A watersinger has some unique bardic performances, which replace some of the standard bardic performances as listed in each entry. These bardic performances follow all the general rules and restrictions of a bard’s bardic performances.

Watersong (Su): At 1st level, a watersinger can use bardic performance to manipulate and control the shape of water within 30 feet. A successful Perform check allows the bard to animate and control a 5-foot-cube of water. The watersinger can command the water to take various forms, bend, rise, fall, or sustain a shape, and can make it support weight as if it were solid ice. For example, the watersinger could create a pillar of water (to provide cover), ladder, channel, bridge, stairs, slide, and so on. The manipulated water is as slippery as normal ice. This ability cannot create forms more fragile or complex than what could be carved in normal ice. While under the bard’s control, the water has hardness 0 and 3 hit points per inch of thickness. At level 3, the manipulated water gains hardness 1, and this increases by +1 for every 3 bard levels beyond that. At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, the volume affected increases by an additional 5-foot cube (these cubes must be adjacent to each other). The manipulated water retains its shape for 1 round after the bard stops spending bardic performance rounds to maintain it. This ability replaces fascinate, suggestion, and mass suggestion.

Waterstrike (Su): At 3rd level, the watersinger can spend 1 round of bardic performance to command any water he is currently manipulating with his watersong performance to lash out and strike an opponent with a slam attack. The watersinger uses his base attack bonus and Charisma bonus to make this attack, and deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage plus his Charisma bonus. The attack can originate from any square of water the bard is manipulating, and the water can get a flanking bonus or help a combatant get one, but cannot make attacks of opportunity. The water can make multiple attacks per round if your base attack bonus allows you to do so. At 10th level, the water’s slam damage increases to 1d8 points and the water gains a reach of 10 feet. At 15th level, the water’s slam damage increases to 2d6 points. At 20th level, the water’s slam damage increases to 2d8 points. This performance replaces inspire competence.

Lifewater (Su): At 5th level, the watersinger can spend 1 round of bardic performance as a standard action to manipulate the water, blood, and other fluids within a creature’s body, causing the target to become sickened for 1d4 rounds. Alternatively, he may use this ability to attempt a reposition combat maneuver ( Advanced Player’s Guide), using his base attack bonus and his Charisma modifier as his CMB. This ability has a range of 30 feet, only works on creatures whose bodies contain fluid, and does not affect creatures that are immune to critical hits. This performance replaces the use of lore master gained at 5th level (though a watersinger still gains the use of lore master once per day at 11th level and twice per day at 17th).

Watersinger Spells: A watersinger adds certain water-themed spells to his spell list. He adds these abilities to his spell list as soon as his bard level allows him to cast spells of that spell level. 0—create water; 1st—hydraulic push (Advanced Player’s Guide), slipstream (Advanced Player’s Guide); 2nd—aqueous orb (Advanced Player’s Guide), hydraulic torrent (Advanced Player’s Guide), water walk; 3rd—fluid form (Advanced Player’s Guide), ride the waves (Ultimate Magic); 4th—control water, communal water walk (Ultimate Combat); 5th—vortex (Advanced Player’s Guide); 6th—seamantle (Advanced Player’s Guide).

The following equipment, feats, magic items, and spells are available to undines. At the GM’s discretion, other appropriate races may make use of some of these new rules.

Undine Equipment
Undines have access to the following equipment.

Chain Belts: While undines dress sparingly, they often wear 10-foot-long belts of fine linked chain about their waists. The belts contain hinged links to which the wearer can affix various objects such as tools, small weapons, and other valuables, including links of silver and platinum, or small hammered plates of gold set with gems. If worn properly, the belt can hold up to 30 pounds of small items. A swimming undine can unwrap the belt as swift action if she needs to remove it to decrease her weight load.

Potion Sponge: This egg-sized sponge is covered in a layer of waterproof edible wax, designed to absorb 1 dose of a potion. Chewing a potion sponge and swallowing its liquid contents is a full-round action. A creature of at least Large size can swallow the sponge in its entirely; other creatures must spit out the sponge once it’s depleted (a free action). Unlike a potion that is drunk from a vial, a potion sponge can be used underwater. A potion can be poured from a vial into a sponge potion (or squeezed from a sponge into a vial) as a full-round action. The potion sponge is immune to attacks that specifically target crystal, glass, ceramic, or porcelain, such as  shatter. It otherwise works like a potion vial.

Undine Weaponshaft: Undines incorporate a unique design when crafting shafted weapons such as quarterstaves, spears, and tridents. Instead of a solid shaft, the weapon is built around a pipe of wood or metal, with the butt end sealed and the front end left open. As a full-round action, an undine can make a single melee attack with the weapon and use her hydraulic push spell-like ability against the target of that melee attack. The weapon otherwise functions like a standard weapon of its type, and can be made of special materials (such as mithral or adamantine) and masterwork quality.

Undine Equipment
Item                   Cost     Weight    Craft DC
Chain belt             15 gp    1/4 lb.      —
Potion sponge           2 gp      —         15
Undine weaponshaft   +300 gp      —         —

Undine Feats
Undines have access to the Elemental Jaunt feat (see page 129) and the following feats.

Aquatic Ancestry
You favor your outsider ancestry and are better adapted to life in the water.
Prerequisite: Undine.
Benefit: You gain the amphibious special quality. Your swim speed increases by +10 feet.

Hydraulic Maneuver
You can use your hydraulic push to disarm or trip.
Prerequisites: Hydraulic push spell-like ability, undine.
Benefit: You may use hydraulic push to attempt a bull rush, disarm, dirty trick (blind or dazzle, see  Advanced Player’s Guide), or trip combat maneuver. Each time you use hydraulic push, you must decide which of the allowed combat maneuvers you want to perform. You may use this feat with your hydraulic push racial spell-like ability, your class-granted use of hydraulic push, or any hydraulic push spells you cast, but not with magic items or other external sources that use that spell.
Normal: Hydraulic push can only be used to make a bull rush combat maneuver.

Steam Caster
You imbue your fire spells with elemental water, transforming them into powerful gouts of steam.
Prerequisite: Undine.
Benefit:  You may increase the casting time of a fire spell to a full-round action, infusing it with elemental power (spells with a casting time of 1 full-round action or longer do not have an increased casting time). The spell is treated as if it had the water descriptor. All fire effects of the altered spell instead manifest as superheated steam. The altered spell works normally underwater without requiring a caster level check. Unlike fire, the steam cannot ignite objects or set creatures on fire. As the spell still deals fire damage, fire resistance or immunity still applies to the spell’s effects.

Triton Portal
You can channel your inner magic to summon allies.
Prerequisites: Character level 5th, hydraulic push spell-like ability, undine.
Benefit:  Once per day, you may expend your racial hydraulic push ability to instead cast summon nature’s ally III as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to your character level. This use of the ability can only summon a Small water elemental or 1d3 dolphins. Using this ability is a full-round action.

Water Skinned
Your touch extinguishes small flames.
Prerequisite: Undine.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can extinguish a small nonmagical fire with a touch, affecting anything up to the size of a large campfire. This ability does not affect fires with a total area greater than 5 square feet. Touching the fire in this way does not harm you.

Undine Magic Items
Undines have access to the following magic item.

Aura faint abjuration; CL 5th
Slot neck; Price 9,000 gp; Weight —
    This amulet is crafted of a single massive petrified shark tooth suspended on kelp twine and grants its wearer combat potency while underwater. While wearing this amulet, its wearer can use melee weapons normally, taking no penalty to attack and dealing full damage with such attacks. This amulet also allows the wearer to make thrown range weapon attacks underwater, though such attacks take a –2 penalty on attack rolls and their range increment is halved.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, touch of the sea (Advanced Player’s Guide), the crafter must be an undine or have the water subtype; Cost 4,500 gp

Aura faint conjuration (healing); CL 3rd
Slot shoulders; Price 1,000 gp; Weight —
    This magical shawl is woven from silken, diaphanous material. Once per day, the wearer can speak a command word to transfer some of her life energy into the shawl (up to 10 hit points). If she is wearing the shawl and is reduced to –1 hit points or below, the shawl immediately heals her an amount equal to the number of hit points stored in the shawl. This healing cannot prevent the wearer from being killed. The life energy stored in the shawl lasts for 24 hours or until it heals the wearer, whichever comes first. If the shawl is destroyed, the stored life energy is lost.
    While the shawl is storing a creature’s life energy, it retains a connection to that creature. If another creature holds the shawl in hand, the creature whose life energy is stored in the shawl takes a –2 penalty on Fortitude and Reflex saving throws against all effects from the current bearer of the shawl.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, cure light wounds, stabilize; Cost 500 gp

Aura moderate abjuration; CL 7th
Slot feet; Price 56,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
    Once they are slipped on, these web-toed slippers allow the wearer to breathe water and grant extra maneuverability while within such environments. If the wearer has no swim speed, it gains a 30 foot swim speed. If the wearer has a swim speed, it gains a +10 foot enhancement bonus to its swim speed.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, ride the waves (Ultimate Magic); Cost 28,000 gp

Undine Spells
Undines have access to the following spells.

School transmutation [water]; Level cleric 1, druid 1, ranger 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless);
Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
    The target gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if it and its opponent are touching water. If the opponent or the target is touching the ground, the target takes a –4 penalty on attack and damage rolls.

School enchantment (charm) [mind-affecting]; Level druid 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target you
Duration 1 round/level
    You radiate the unearthly grace of a nereid. If you are not wearing armor (or your armor is not visible, such as when using glamered armor), you gain a deflection bonus to your Armor Class and CMD equal to your Charisma bonus.

School enchantment (charm) [mind-affecting, sonic]; Level bard 3, druid 4, sorcerer/wizard 3, summoner 4, witch 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range 300 ft.
Target all creatures within a 300-ft.-radius burst centered on you
Duration concentration + 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates;
Spell Resistance yes
    This spell creates an unearthly and infectious song that seductively summons all who hear it. Nixie’s lure affects a maximum of 24 Hit Dice of creatures. Creatures in the area who fail their saves are lured by the song and move toward you using the most direct means available. If the path leads them into a dangerous area such as through fire or off a cliff, the creatures each receive a second saving throw to end the effect before moving into peril. Creatures lured by the spell’s song can take no actions other than to defend themselves. A victim within 5 feet of you simply stands still and for the duration of the spell remains fascinated.

School necromancy [evil]; Level sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration 1 hour/level
Saving Throw Will negates;
Spell Resistance yes
    The target loses its body’s natural ability to breathe automatically. As long as it remains conscious and is able to take physical actions, it keeps breathing and is able to function normally. If it is ever unconscious (including sleeping) or unable to take physical actions, it stops breathing and begins to suffocate. Creatures that do not have to breathe are immune to this spell.
« 上次编辑: 2017-08-13, 周日 11:48:08 由 月夜白雨 »

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Re: 【ARG】水元素裔(温蒂妮,Undines)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-10-21, 周一 10:22:06 »








  冒险:某些时候,水元素裔会离开族人、踏上冒险之旅。如同水一般,很多水元素裔只是单纯地喜欢流动,而冒险给予了她们最合适不过的旅行借口。有些人的冒险理由没有如此光彩,譬如因为在社群内犯下的罪行而遭流放。没有更多选择的被放逐者只能冒险和游荡,期盼着能为自己找到新的家园。水元素裔对水的亲和让她们能够成为特别优秀的德鲁伊,而水元素裔术士则多为深洋血统(Aquatic, APG)。



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Re: 【ARG】水元素裔(温蒂妮,Undines)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2013-10-21, 周一 16:33:53 »


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Re: 【ARG】水元素裔(溫蒂妮,Undines)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-08-13, 周日 11:38:50 »
法术: 水妖的誘惑(NIXIE’S LURE)

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due