作者 主题: 【AP】知识就是力量KNOWLEDGE IS POWER P7-P10  (阅读 10524 次)

副标题: 濒死(字面意义)的老好人寂灭教你做刺客第三讲开课啦 校对:Bellicose

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« 于: 2018-06-29, 周五 07:24:28 »
我不能说自己已经达到了这个高度。比如说,我对魔法理论屁都不懂,然后就算杀了我我也搞不清通讯链怎么运作的。尽管不是我理想中刺客的样子,但我也在这行侥幸活了几十年 ,这当中是有些原因的。 首先,我有很多朋友和人脉能让我去了解我需要知道的东西。其次,我只做那些能发挥我长处的,或是我知道自己可以用自己拥有的技能来完成的工作。这限制了我的工作选择,但这也意味着我不会因此而晕头转向。

劇透 -   :
Assassins tend to be different from shadowrunners in one very important respect: we don’t work as part of teams very often. Overall, we’re a rather self-reliant bunch, and we assassins with a code of honor have trouble finding a group of individuals who see eye-to-eye with us on every point of our code. This means that assassins usually don’t have anyone to cover their weaknesses in terms of knowledge and skills. As a result, we have to know much more than the average shadowrunner, having at least a little bit of knowledge of nearly everything just to survive.
 I can’t honestly claim to meet this high standard myself. I don’t know jack about magical theory, for example, and I couldn’t make sense of a commlink’s inner workings to save my life. I’ve survived several decades in this line of work despite not meeting that ideal, however, and there are a couple reasons for that. First, I have a lot of friends and contacts that can fill me in on what I need to know. Secondly, I only take jobs that play to my strengths or that I know I can accomplish with the skills I have. This has limited my job choices, but it also means I haven’t found myself in over my head.
> 如果你是某个专业知识领域的专家,和一名刺客或者独狼型的暗影狂奔者做朋友并没有那么糟。如果他们很聪明的话,他们会为任务的关键信息支付很高的费用。但如果他们搞不清,他们会因为自己的愚蠢而送命,所以你不用去在意。没有什么比拥有一个可靠的回头客更好的了。
 > Lyran

 > 那为什么不利用技能软件来填补你知识的空白呢?
> /dev/grrl

 > 对学术型和其他类似的方面来讲,技能软件可能会奏效。然而,你真的不会去想着用这些技能来获得任何你想在战斗中使用的技能。就它们自己而言,它们在这类快速变化的情况下使用会太过“线性”。例如,如果你在芯片上植入一个教你如何使用手枪的程序,而你不知道如何在没有芯片的情况下使用枪支,你每一次用枪射击的方式就会不出意料地一模一样。这对在片刻间就需要你做出反应的情况来说并不理想。
 > Balladeer

劇透 -   :
> If you’re an expert in a very specialized area of knowledge, you could do worse than make friends with an assassin or another lone wolf-type shadowrunner. If they’re smart, they’ll pay pretty well for mission-critical information. If they’re not, they’ll be dead soon from their own idiocy anyway, so no skin off your nose. There’s nothing quite like having a reliable repeat customer.
 > Lyran

> Why not just use skillsofts to fill the gaps in your knowledge?
> /dev/grrl

 > For academic topics and other things like that, skillsofts might work. However, you really don’t want to rely on those for any skills you intend to use in combat. On their own they’re far too “linear” to be used in quickly changing situations like that. For instance, if you slot a chip with a program teaching you how to use a pistol and you don’t know how to use a gun without the chip, you’re going to fire the gun the same way every single time, without fail. Not ideal for situations where you have to react on the fly.
 > Balladeer

劇透 -   :
Here’s a brief rundown of the sorts of skills the average assassin needs, starting with the most critical.
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-08, 周三 16:27:10 由 cmoon »

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-07-08, 周日 18:22:59 »

劇透 -   :
As I said before, these are the cornerstones of the assassin profession. Stealth involves more than just sneaking around in the shadows. It involves looking convincingly like someone you’re not, like a normal person on the street rather than someone who’s out to kill somebody. Speaking of which, disguises also fall under this umbrella, though don’t expect to take too many jobs where you have to disguise yourself as a specific person. Normally, you’ll just be disguised as a person of a particular profession, like a generic security guard from a specific corporation. Uniforms and equipment consistent with the disguise are helpful, but knowing the mannerisms of the average person in that line of work can make that disguise go even farther.
 The “lurking in shadows” type of stealth is still an effective tactic, particularly in cities where there are lots of  high-rise buildings to cast shadows. Alleys are your best friend: they’re shadowy and convenient places to dispatch a target without people noticing. If a bum happens to be using that alley and sees you, just pay him off. Usually a hundred nuyen or so is all you need to buy their silence.
Honestly, I could give enough advice on this sort of stealth to fill a book, but the general advice boils down to this: stay quiet, block line of sight to your body, and always be ready to strike in case you’re discovered. Also, I cannot recommend chameleon suits highly enough, though you shouldn’t rely on them entirely. Get good at hiding, then use a chameleon suit. Nobody will be able to spot you.

> 这和我上面对技巧软件的评价是一致的。你的装备应该用来增补你学到的技能,而不是取代或替代它们。你可能会失去你的装备,但你的经验和技能永远都会在你的脑袋里。
 > Balladeer
劇透 -   :
> This sort of ties in with my skillsoft comment above. Your equipment should supplement your learned skills, not replace or substitute for them. You can lose equipment, but you’ll always have your experience and skills available in your head.
> Balladeer
« 上次编辑: 2018-07-28, 周六 17:03:54 由 cmoon »

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« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-07-08, 周日 19:00:23 »
如果你打算当一名刺客,你就得熟悉各种样式的武器。所有 :em889刺客都有着他们各种最喜欢用来完成工作的玩具,但你不可能总是用到那些最爱,所以了解那些类似的武器的不同版本是很必要的。用枪的话,你不会有太多的问题,因为他们的运作方式非常类似,但每一种型号的枪都有其独特之处需要我们去熟悉。

劇透 -   :
Familiarize yourself with a wide variety of weapons if you plan to become an assassin. All assassins have their favorite tools for the job but you won’t always have access to those favorites, so it pays to know how different versions of similar weapons work. With guns, you won’t have too much of a problem because they tend to operate pretty similarly within their classes, but each model of gun does have its unique quirks that it pays to be familiar with.
With melee weapons, things can get a lot more complicated simply because of all the variations available. All of them will feel different. For instance, don’t think that knowing how to use a certain type of sword means you’ll be good with all of them. Being able to use a katana well doesn’t mean you’ll get the same results with a claymore. They simply don’t handle the same way. There are far too many different melee weapons out there for anyone to be an expert with all of them, but practice with as wide a variety as you can.
 While I’m on the subject of melee combat, don’t underestimate the value of improvised weapons. A soybeer bottle, a bar stool, and a brick can all be very effective weapons if used properly, and they may be your only available weapons one day. Learn how to use your environment as a weapon, and you’ll always be ready to fight
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-08, 周三 16:16:37 由 cmoon »

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« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-07-08, 周日 19:34:27 »
同样,了解泛人类的想法也对完成任务有帮助。例如,目标是否患有对某物的恐惧症?接着去研究其对恐惧的应激反应,并且在之后你设置刺杀时去利用这个优势。泛人类的心理能向你提供其无数的薄弱之处。 如果你对目标会如何应对特定的情况有了大致的了解,你就能领先于他,阻止他逃跑。

劇透 -   :
Which parts of the metahuman body can you shoot that will cause a target to bleed out in seconds? What method of assassination will leave the fewest and most easily explainable marks on the body? Will one drug dart full of poison be enough to take out that troll, or does his sheer weight mean he needs three? Those are the sorts of questions that make all the difference to an assassin, and they’re questions that knowledge of the metahuman body can answer.
 Similarly, knowing the metahuman mind can aid in completing missions. For example, does the target have a phobia of something? Then study the possible reactions to phobia stimuli, and then use them to your advantage when you set up your hit. There are an infinite number of weak spots that the metahuman psyche can provide you, and if you have a general idea of how a target is going to react to a given situation, you can stay one or two steps ahead of him and cut off his escape.

> 请谨记——特定的了解胜过一般的知识。如果你清楚你目标的心理构成的细节,包括他的习惯和癖好的话,你就不需要了解心理学了。你会找到合适的时间来进行攻击的。
> Thorn
劇透 -   :
> Just remember—specific knowledge beats general knowledge every time. If you know your target’s mental makeup in detail, including his habits and general proclivities, you don’t need to know about psychology in general. You’ll have what you need to find the right time to strike.
> Thorn

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« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-07-09, 周一 17:38:14 »
还得记住那句老话:"没有任何作战计划能在与敌人遭遇之后还有效"。准备好一些应急计划以防万一。(译注:这句话来自于老毛奇(1800~1891)Moltke,HelmuthKarlBernhardvon 德国军事家,军事理论家,元帅,普鲁士三巨头之一。为什么这名字会这么搞笑啊23333)

劇透 -   :
Every hit should be planned out, and the ability to draw up those plans is part of what makes great assassins. The knowledge of physiology and psychology greatly aids in that, but other factors need to be taken into consideration as well: What are the target’s favorite hangouts? What are the layouts of those places? Which of those places has the best security, and will the target have any additional security with him? What’s his daily routine? Those are just a few of the questions you need to ask yourself when planning a hit, and once you’ve gathered the information to answer them, you can start planning how the hit will go down. Depending on the circumstances, a standard breaking-and-entering approach might be called for, or it might be better to take the target out on the streets. Or some other approach altogether might be called for.
Also remember the old proverb “no battle plan survives contact with the enemy.” Have a couple of contingency plans in mind in case something goes wrong.
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-08, 周三 16:16:52 由 cmoon »

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« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-07-09, 周一 18:11:03 »

劇透 -   :
Maybe once in your career, if that, you’ll have a target that kindly, and stupidly, leaves the door unlocked for you to just walk into his house and take him out. For the rest you’ll need to learn how to break into secure areas. Learning how to bypass maglocks and the like is obviously the most relevant, but it also pays to learn how to pick standard key and combination locks because some targets use them to thwart thieves who haven’t bothered learning how to pick them. It’s also important to learn how your target’s alarm system works. For instance, if it’s rigged to go off as soon as a window is cracked, the last thing you want to do is cut a hole in the glass.

> 在当今这个年代,什么样的白痴才会不锁门啊?
> Slamm-0!

 > Fianchetto
劇透 -   :
> What kind of idiot leaves his door unlocked, ever, in this day and age?
> Slamm-0!
> You’d be surprised how cocky some of the rich and powerful get when they live in their ultra-secure gated communities or highclass corporate housing. They have so much faith in the security their money can buy that they lose their common sense and get lax about the measures they can take on their own, like locking their doors. I pity their bodyguards.
 > Fianchetto
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-08, 周三 16:18:20 由 cmoon »

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« 回帖 #6 于: 2018-07-16, 周一 22:34:21 »
劇透 -   :
Self-reliance is one of the best traits an assassin can cultivate. That’s why one should know as many of these skills as possible, so he can rely on himself if that’s all he has. So it just makes sense that repair and maintenance of your equipment is a helpful skill to learn. This goes beyond knowing how to clean your guns (a skill any good shadowrunner should know). This is about knowing how to recognize when a critical part is about to give out and how to fix it yourself if you possibly can. Knowing how to make a replacement part yourself using a machine can free you from reliance on an armorer, though I still highly recommend them for major work. Besides, there are only so many hours in a day, and you might not want to use too many fixing a gun.

>涡轮兔兔(Turbo Bunny)
劇透 -   :
> Much as I hate to reduce the amount of business I might get, I have to say that the same concept applies to your vehicles as well. Unless you’re planning to take a bus to get to your target, which I don’t recommend, you’ll probably need your own vehicle in this line of work. Knowing how to fix minor problems can really save your ass. Of course, for major work and tricking out your ride, you’ll still need to come to pros like yours truly.
 > Turbo Bunny
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-08, 周三 16:18:55 由 cmoon »

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« 回帖 #7 于: 2018-07-17, 周二 17:17:35 »
劇透 -   :
I confess that I’m no expert on this field. I’m a mundane, and most of what I know about magic comes from what I’ve seen others do. But from what I’ve seen, adepts can have some powers that any assassin would kill for. I’ve seen adepts walk across fresh snow without leaving a footprint; talk their way past a dozen guys with guns; kill with a single punch; and too many other things to name. I have to confess, I’m a bit jealous. I’ve been in plenty of situations where powers like that would have been useful.
> Ma’Fan
劇透 -   :
> There’s no question that adept powers can be incredibly useful. As with everything else, though, you can’t let yourself grow dependent on them. Like Balladeer said earlier about skillsofts, your powers should supplement your natural skills rather than replacing them entirely.
 > Ma’Fan

劇透 -   :
It pays to be aware of what a magic-user can do, just in case a target is Awakened, even if you don’t understand how it works. For example, it helps to know the difference between an adept and a mage, because knowing which one can sling spells and which one can kick your ass in an eyeblink can help you plan your attack. Of course, there are many possible variations within those basic categories of magic-users, like mystic adepts that can both kick your ass and sling spells, so gathering intelligence on what your specific target can do magically is doubly important. Failing that, just assume that a magic-user can do just about anything and prepare accordingly.

> 记住,他们所能做的并不只限于放出闪光的火球。那些闯能进你脑海的法师可能比那些能做出特效表演的法师更危险。
> Haze

> Quietus

> 我认识你吗?
> Haze

>没有,但是我在很多合同上看到过你的名字。我在街传的档案里看到过 Pistons对你的评价,现在我要告诉你:我从来没有签过有关你的合同的唯一的原因是,总有些比你更垃圾的人需要被干掉。这么多年来,你这个强奸犯惹到了不少人,之后你就成了众矢之的。没人能躲过那么多子弹的。
> Quietus

> PISTONS,你这个臭婊子!那些刺杀我的悬赏里有你的,是不是?!
> Haze

> 你找错人了,混蛋。我可能会因为你是只猪而讨厌你,但我知道接入点的规矩。相信我,在过去的日子里我一直很想把它打破。还好我从来没做过这种事情,因为听寂灭的说法,我没必要这么干。你种了什么因就会结什么果。
 > Pistons

劇透 -   :
> Remember what they can do isn’t limited to flashy fireballs either. The sorts of mages that can get into your mind can be far more dangerous than the ones who can create a special effects show.
 > Haze
> Ah, Haze. I was wondering when you might show up.
> Quietus
> Do I know you?
 > Haze
> No, but I’ve seen your name on plenty of contracts that have crossed my path. I saw Pistons’ write-up on you in the Street Legends file, and I’ll tell you this right now: The only reason I’ve never taken one of those contracts on you is because there was always someone worse that needed to be taken down at the time. You’ve pissed a lot of people off over the years, rapist, and  you’re in a lot of crosshairs as a result. No one can dodge that many bullets.
> Quietus
> PISTONS, YOU BITCH! You put out one of those hits on me, didn’t you?!
> Haze
> You’re barking up the wrong tree, asshole. I might hate you for the pig that you are, but I know JackPoint’s rules. Believe me, I’ve been sorely tempted to break them in the past when it comes to you. Good thing I never did, because from what Quietus is saying, it sounds like I didn’t need to. You reap what you sow.
 > Pistons
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-08, 周三 16:20:07 由 cmoon »

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« 回帖 #8 于: 2018-07-17, 周二 17:34:40 »
那么,这部分就翻完啦 ,但寂灭的生命也快到终点了 :em031