作者 主题: 【AP】颅骨与镣铐 - 玩家指南(Skull and Shackles Player's Guide)  (阅读 38024 次)

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« 上次编辑: 2018-05-20, 周日 14:58:28 由 丞相 »

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-05-20, 周日 14:56:23 »
       遍布于格拉里昂诸海域和大洋的航道上行驶着满载平凡或是奇异货物的商船,以及狩猎他们的私掠者和海盗。这些海盗在他们飓风王的旗号下,从被称之为镣铐群岛的法外海盗港口和停泊处驶出,掠夺无数国家和贸易联盟的船运,然后消失在那些他们称之为“家”的岛屿和珊瑚礁的迷宫之中。内海的各国无不希望可以一劳永逸的解决掉这些海盗的威胁,但是迄今为止,由于被称之为阿本迪戈暴风眼(Eye of Abendego)永恒飓风阻拦,镣铐群岛的自由船长们仍然免于报复的威胁。

引述: 边栏
初探内海(Inner Sea Primer):尽管不没有特别关注镣铐群岛,但是这份速成课程为PC提供了来自阿维斯坦和伽伦德超过40个国家的地区背景特性和背景故事建议,其中任何一个可以成为角色开始骷髅和镣铐冒险之路前的伟大家园。
内海海盗(Pirates of the Inner Sea):虽然本书主要介绍内海区域的海盗,但是他也包含了镣铐群岛的信息以及为海盗PC提供了大量的新选项,包括地区背景、新的海盗变体、海盗武器装备、新法术以及内海海盗进阶职业。
萨迦瓦,失落的殖民地(Sargava, the Lost Colony):萨迦瓦这个国家位于镣铐群岛的南部,并且为可能造访这片土地的海盗们提供了一个充满异域风情的选项。
劇透 -  原文:
Players interested in further immersing themselves in the world of Golarion and adding campaign-specific details relevant to the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path to their PCs’ background may wish to investigate the following Pathfinder campaign setting books.
Inner Sea Primer: Although not specifically about the Shackles, this crash course on the continents of Avistan and Garund provides regional traits and background suggestions for PCs from over 40 nations, any of which make a great home for characters beginning the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path.
Pirates of the Inner Sea: While this book focuses on pirates across the Inner Sea region, it also contains information on the Shackles and provides a host of new options for pirate PCs, including regional traits, new pirate archetypes, pirate weapons and gear, new spells, and the Inner Sea Pirate prestige class.
Sargava, The Lost Colony: The nation of Sargava lies just south of the Shackles, and provides a variety of exotic options for pirates who might visit this land.
To represent a ship’s deck or cabins in your game, simply use Flip-Mat: Pirate Ship and Map-Pack: Ship’s Cabins. These Pathfinder RPG resources and more are available at your local game store, and online at paizo.com.


变体 Archetypes:许多变体都十分适合用于颅骨与镣铐冒险之路。
以下来自《进阶玩家手册》的变体会是一个好选择:水栖德鲁伊(Aquatic Druid)[德鲁伊];浪荡子(Rake),游荡剑客(Swashbuckler),暴徒(Thug)[盗贼];海之咏者(Sea Singer)[吟游诗人];水元素学派(water elementalist)[法师]。
出自《内海魔法》的风暴德鲁伊(Tempest Druid)同样是一个好选择;
出自《极限战斗》的恶棍(Cad)[战士],冒险家(Daredevil)[吟游诗人],海盗(Pirate)[盗贼],以及掠海者(Sea Reaver)[野蛮人]的变体全部都能补足冒险之路的主题,
此外还有来自《极限魔法》的海之魔女(Sea Witch)[女巫],鲨图腾萨满(Shark Shaman)[德鲁伊]和暴风之主(Storm Druid)[德鲁伊]变体。

血脉 Bloodlines:元素血统(水)元素(Elemental(water))血脉是一个颅骨与镣铐冒险之路中术士的一个可靠选择,同样可靠地还要出自《进阶玩家手册》的深洋血统(Aquatic)和暴风血统(Stormborn)。

领域 Domains:牧师,德鲁伊和审判者与海洋有一定联系都可以完美适应颅骨与镣铐冒险之路。关于贝丝玛拉(BESMARA)——海盗,海怪和纷争的女神——的详细信息可以在冒险之路#55里找到。良好的领域选择包括魅惑领域(Charm),解放领域(Liberation),机运领域(Luck),旅行领域(Travel),诡术领域(Trickery),水领域(Water),天气领域(Weather),以及有用的子域包括
诅咒子域(Curse),欺骗子域(Deception),海子域(Oceans),革命子域(Revolution),风暴子域(Storms),盗窃子域(Thievery)。此外,德鲁伊可能会《极限魔法》的水栖领域(Aquatic Domain)地形领域感兴趣。

宿敌及偏好地形 Favored Enemies and Terrains:对于游侠来说在颅骨与镣铐冒险之路中优秀的宿敌选择包括异怪(Aberration),类人生物(巨人)(Humanoid, giant),人型怪物(Monstrous humanoid),特别是类人生物(人类)(Humanoid, human)。对于偏好地形来说,水(Water)是显而易见的选择。

技能及专长 Skills and Feats:某些技能和专长在骷髅与镣铐冒险之路中会特别有用。首先也是最重要的是专业(水手)技能。某些社交类技能——包括唬骗,交涉和威吓——也会是很重要的,尤其是在首次冒险以及在战役中获取恶名时。对于希望在舰船战斗中使用例如弩炮和投石机等攻城兵器的角色,应该强烈考虑擅长异种武器专长来获得对攻城兵器的擅长,以及将技能点投入在知识(工程)中。
        其他将会有所帮助的技能有攀爬,工艺(制帆),工艺(造船),工艺(攻城兵器),知识(工程),知识(本地),专业(烹饪),专业(攻城技师)以及游泳。例如运动健将(Athletic),技能专攻(Skill Focus)这样的技能会很有用,同样有用的还有专业御者(Expert Driver),海腿子(Sea Legs),攻城将领(Siege Commander),攻城技师(Siege Engineer),攻城炮手(Siege Gunner),熟练御者(熟练御者)以及可靠抓握(Sure Grasp)(全部来自于《极限战斗》)。

引述: 边栏
假腿和眼罩 Peg Legs&Eye Patches


这个规则是核心手册189页可选规则巨创(massive damage)的变化。当一名角色受到了等同于巨创的伤害,他必须成功通过DC15的强韧豁免或者降至-1生命值并且得到一个永久的衰弱疤痕或障碍。这些效果是由按照下表骰1d20随机决定的。所有的效果都是永久并且累积性的,当然GM应该重投过于严重的结果或者无意义的骰子——比如一个人2次或者3次丢掉了同一个胳膊。再生术(Regenerate)可以治愈伤疤,恢复失去的肢体,移除积极或者消极的影响。


D20 战斗伤疤或截肢
1-5 小伤疤——有趣但需要化妆
6-8 中等伤疤——划破了脸(第一道伤疤会为基于魅力的技能检定提供+1加值,在考虑后续划伤时视为大型伤疤)
9-10 大型伤疤——脸上的多道划痕(在基于魅力的技能检定上造成-1罚值**)
11-14 失去手指(每失去3根手指,-1敏捷)
15-16 令人印象深刻的创伤(-1体质)
17 失去一颗眼睛(在所有基于视觉的察觉检定上承受-4罚值)
18 失去一条腿(速度减半,无法冲锋)
19 失去一只手(无法使用双手物品*)
20 失去一条胳膊(-1力量,无法使用双手物品*)

劇透 -  原文:
Peg Legs&Eye Patches
This optional rules system gives GMs a way to assign scars and major wounds to their PCs. Before implementing this system, consider these rules carefully. Major wounds can have major effects upon play, and some groups may not appreciate such debilitations, preferring the threat of death and an unscarred resurrection over a thematic crippling.

These rules are a variation on the optional massive damage rule found on page 189 of the Core Rulebook. Whenever a character takes damage equivalent to massive damage, he must make a successful DC 15 Fortitude save or be reduced to –1 hit points and gain a permanent debilitating scar or handicap. These effects are randomly determined by rolling 1d20 on the table below. Effects are permanent and cumulative, though the GM should reroll results that seem too crippling or don’t make sense—such as a character losing a hand two or three times. The regenerate spell heals scars and restores lost limbs, removing both positive and negative effects.

Rules for eye patches, peg legs, and prostheses to cover injuries and replace lost limbs may be found in Pirates of the Inner Sea.
d20 Battle Scar or Amputation
1–5 Minor scar—interesting but otherwise cosmetic
6–8 Moderate scar—cut on face (+1 bonus on Charisma-based skill checks for first scar only, consider subsequent cuts as a major scar)
9–10 Major scar—severe cut on face (–1 penalty on Charisma-based skill checks**)
11–14 Loss of finger (for every 3 fingers lost, –1 Dex)
15–16 Impressive wound (–1 Con)
17 Loss of eye (–4 penalty on all sight-based Perception checks)
18 Loss of leg (speed reduced to half, cannot charge)
19 Loss of hand (cannot use two-handed items*)
20 Loss of arm (–1 Str, cannot use two-handed items*)
*Losing a single hand or arm does not affect a spellcaster’s ability to cast spells with somatic components.
** At the GM’s discretion, characters with major scars may also be granted a +1 bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate checks against other pirates, as the scars of battle are much admired by pirates.
劇透 -   :
The shipping lanes of Golarion’s seas and oceans are filled with fat merchant vessels laden with trade goods both mundane and exotic, as well as the pirates and freebooters who prey on them. Under the banner of their Hurricane King, these buccaneers sally forth from that archipelago of lawless pirate ports and anchorages known as the Shackles, plundering the shipping of countless countries and trade consortiums, then vanishing back into the maze of islands and reefs they call home. The nations of the Inner Sea would like nothing more than to end the pirate menace once and for all, but the eternal hurricane known as the Eye of Abendego has thus far shielded the Free Captains of the Shackles from the threat of retaliation.

In the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path, the PCs take on the role of pirates, but they must make a name for themselves in piracy, plunder, and disrepute to truly become infamous Free Captains of the Shackles. The most important thing to keep in mind when creating your character is that piracy plays a significant role in this Adventure Path—your character should want to become a pirate, or at least not be opposed to the idea. This guide offers some tips about the types of characters that will be best suited for adventuring in the Shackles, as well as campaign traits to flesh out those characters’ backgrounds. Finally, it provides rules for ship-to-ship combat (including sample ships) that will play a major role in the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path as the PCs captain their own ship in search of plunder and infamy!

Characters of almost any race or class can be found in the melting pot of the Shackles, so long as they have a reason to embrace a life of piracy. In fact, the only class that is probably not a good fit for the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path is the paladin, whose alignment restriction and code of conduct are in direct opposition to the themes of piracy and plunder in this campaign.

Archetypes: A number of archetypes are especially suitable for use in the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path. The following archetypes from the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide are all good choices: aquatic druid (druid);rake, swashbuckler, thug (rogue); sea singer (bard); and water elementalist (wizard). The tempest druid archetype from Pathfinder Player Companion: Inner Sea Magic is also a good fit, while Pathfinder Player Companion: Pirates of the Inner Sea offers the buccaneer (bard), corsair (fighter), freebooter(ranger), and smuggler (rogue) archetypes. From Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat, the cad (fighter), daredevil (bard), pirate (rogue), and sea reaver (barbarian) archetypes all complement the themes of this Adventure Path, as do the sea witch (witch), shark shaman (druid), and storm druid (druid)archetypes from Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic.

Bloodlines: The elemental (water) bloodline is a solid choice for a sorcerer in the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path, as is the aquatic bloodline or stormborn bloodline from the Advanced Player’s Guide.

Domains: Clerics, druids, and inquisitors that have some connection to the sea make a perfect fit for the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path. Details on Besmara— goddess of piracy, strife, and sea monsters—can be found in Pathfinder Adventure Path #55. Good domain choices include Charm, Liberation, Luck, Travel, Trickery, Water, and Weather, and useful subdomains include Curse, Deception, Oceans, Revolution, Storms, and Thievery. In addition, druids might be interested in the aquatic terrain domain from Ultimate Magic.

Favored Enemies and Terrains: Good favored enemy choices for rangers in the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path include aberration, humanoid (giant), monstrous humanoid, and in particular, humanoid (human). For favored terrains, water would be the obvious choice.

Skills and Feats: Certain skills and feats will be particularly useful during the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path. First and foremost is the Profession (sailor) skill. Some sort of social skill—either Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate—will also be important, especially in the first adventure, and to gain Infamy throughout the campaign. Characters interested in using siege engines such as ballistae and catapults during ship-to-ship combat should strongly consider taking the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat to gain proficiency with siege engines and putting ranks in Knowledge (engineering).
Other skills that will be helpful are Climb, Craft(sails), Craft (ships), Craft (siege engine), Knowledge (engineering), Knowledge (local), Profession (cook), Profession (siege engineer), and Swim. Feats such as Athletic and Skill Focus can be useful, as well as feats such as Expert Driver, Sea Legs, Siege Commander, Siege Engineer, Siege Gunner, Skilled Driver, and Sure Grasp(all from Ultimate Combat).
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-09, 周六 16:45:39 由 丞相 »

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颅骨与镣铐战役背景(Skull & Shackles Campaign Traits)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-05-20, 周日 14:57:30 »

颅骨与镣铐战役背景特质 Skull & Shackles Campaign Traits

     角色背景特质被镇上是半个专长,用于帮助定制玩家的背景并且将其和特定冒险的主题与事件连接起来。每个角色应该在开始游戏时拥有两个背景特质,其中一个可以从以下的颅骨与镣铐冒险之路战役背景中选择。对于普通背景特质,请看《进阶玩家手册》或者角色背景特质网页增强(Character Traits Web Enhancement),一个可以从http://paizo.com/traits上免费下载的PDF(译:P子全新改版,该网页已过期)。此外,大部分玩家伴侣中会提供包含格拉里昂独特的种族、地区、信念背景特质,可以适用于颅骨与镣铐的玩家。
      以下所有背景特性都围绕给角色一个理由来进入亡命港(Port Peril)——镣铐群岛的不羁之都——以及将他们带到臭名昭著码头酒馆“恐怖侍女(Formidably Maid)”中与海盗船苦艾号(Wormwood)的征兵队发生冲突。通过查看这些背景特性,你可以你的角色在冒险之路中可能遇到的敌人和挑战类型获得一个大致的无剧透的认识。知道之后会有的元素包括海盗、航船、古代独眼巨人遗迹以及丛林和水下冒险,应该会帮助你创建一个更能有机融入战役中的角色。
劇透 -  原文:
Character traits are essentially half-feats that help customize a PC’s background and tie her to the themes and events of a particular adventure. Each character should begin play with two traits, one of which may be selected from the Skull & Shackles campaign traits below. For general traits, see the Advanced Player’s Guide or the Character Traits Web Enhancement, a free PDF download available at paizo.com/traits. Additionally, most Pathfinder Player Companion supplements contain racial, regional, and faith traits unique to Golarion and suitable for use by Skull & Shackles PCs.
 Campaign traits are tailored to a specific Adventure Path and give your character a built-in reason to begin the first adventure in a new campaign. Campaign traits assume a lot more about your character’s backstory than do normal traits, and they are meant to help serve as inspiration for a player working to create a detailed and interesting history for her character. You have a certain amount of leeway in adjusting a campaign trait’s expected backstory once you’ve selected the trait that’s right for you; just be sure to get your GM’s approval before you run with a modified history.
 All of the following traits revolve around characters that have a reason to be in Port Peril—the unruly capital of the Shackles—and the circumstances that brought them to the notorious dockside tavern known as the Formidably Maid, where they ran afoul of a press gang from the pirate ship Wormwood. You can take a look at these traits to get a general, spoiler-free idea of the types of foes and challenges your character might encounter over the course of the Adventure Path. Knowing that there are going to be elements of piracy, sailing ships, ancient cyclops ruins, and both jungle and underwater adventuring should help you build a character that fits more organically into the campaign you’re about to join.
考古学家(Ancient Explorer):你是一个格拉里昂古代史的学者,你来到镣铐群岛就是为了探索独眼巨人帝国“苟-干(Ghol-Gan)”那早已崩塌被藤蔓掩埋的遗迹。你在知识(历史)和知识(地方)上获得1点背景加值,并且将其中之一视为本职技能。此外,你获得独眼巨人语(Cyclops)或混通语(Polyglot)作为奖励语言。

江湖百晓生(Barroom Talespinner):你是听着远洋海盗的冒险故事和码头上老水手的船夫曲长大的。你知道海盗上岸时会和船员插屁打诨些什么,也学会了怎么讲故事(或是进行一些其他的海盗娱乐)。你在交涉和一项表演检定上获得+1背景加值,并且将其中之一视为本职技能。此外,每周一次,你可以进行一次DC15的知识(地方)或者智力检定来确认你是否知道一个众所周知的传奇海盗的故事,这会给予你在影响苦艾草号上NPC态度的检定上+1背景加值。

贝斯玛拉的赐福(Besmara’s Blessing):你在黄道吉日降生于一艘航船或者码头上。老水手和老海盗们频频点头,声称海盗女王贝斯玛拉,海盗、海兽和灾祸之女神已经赐予了你更为伟大的命运。你对此一无所知,但是比起陆地,海洋更让你有家的感觉,你敏锐目光能够使你轻易的分辨出遥远海平线上的船帆。你在察觉和专业(水手)上获得+1背景加值。此外,每周一次,你可以重投一次专业(水手)的检定并且取高(你必须在宣布结果之前使用此能力)。

海盗血脉(Buccaneer’s Blood):你的先祖之一正是一名臭名昭著的镣铐群岛的自由船长,他的名字早已在那些正当谋生的海员心中留下了深深的恐惧。你流淌着海盗之血,并且无时无刻不渴望着追寻先祖的足迹在航道上大肆掠劫。你在威吓和专业(水手)上获得+1背景加值。此外,你声音与恶名点数(Disrepute and Infamy scores)上一次性获得+1背景加值(参见《冒险之路#55》“海盗生涯”中关于恶名系统(Infamy system)的详细描述)。

码头打手(Dockside Brawler):你在镣铐群岛众多的港城或者停泊地的一个危险码头上长大,并且很快就学到了拳头通常要比花哨的词语更加有用,尤其是在正确的运用下。你总是做的比说的快。你在黄铜指虎(brass knuckles, APG)和简易武器的伤害骰上获得+1背景加值。

掠夺之眼(Eye for Plunder):你在找到闪闪发光的真金白银时总是眼尖,你已经抢劫了足够多的商人和船只,以至于你总是能够感觉到最有价值的财宝会被藏在哪。你在估价和用于寻找隐藏或秘密物品(包括密门和陷阱)的察觉检定上获得+1背景加值。此外,你在战役开始时选择价值50gp的普通物品,并且你可以在苦艾草号上的第一天找到他们。

伊兹玛格罗提土著(Ilizmagorti Native):你成长于莫迪欧凯提岛(Mediogalti Island)的伊兹玛格罗提城,那个因为不断有恶棍拜访而不断派出可怕红螳螂杀手而臭名昭著的海盗港口。你的一生都在围着海盗打转,所以你早就学会了如何在和别人打交道的时候保持警惕,天知道路边的哪个家伙就是由红螳螂伪装的。你在察言观色上获得+1背景加值,并且将其视为本职技能。此外,你熟知海盗的日常,因此你可以用非受训的知识(本地)检定获知关于海盗或者镣铐群岛周边地区的情报。

假腿(Peg Leg):当你还是个孩童时你一条腿的膝盖以下都被鲨鱼咬走了,取而代之的则是一条木制假腿(参见《玩家伴侣:内海海盗》20页),你早就习惯了你的假肢,因而不受一条假肢通常会有的惩罚。你不得不学会忍受伤痛,你在强韧豁免上获得+1背景加值。自从那次事故以后,你异常痛恨鲨鱼,你在对鲨鱼和其他水生亚种的动物的伤害骰上获得+1背景加值。

“船医”(Ship’s Surgeon):在船上,水手通常会学会多种技能,这个规律也同样适用于你。你的父亲是一名木匠,而你也从父亲身上学会了你的第一门手艺。但是在你的第一次出海时,你很快就发现木匠往往就是船上的医生——毕竟,说到怎么锯掉四肢,还是那些以锯木头为生的家伙比较强吧?当然啦,人要比木头血腥的多,但是你竟然没收到什么投诉——那些享受了你的服务的水手要不然就还在庆幸劫后余生,要不然就已经死了。而那些老水手们也赌咒发誓你给他们按上的假腿要比他们原来的真家伙还好用。你在手艺(木工)和医疗检定上获得+1背景加值,并且治疗是你的本职技能。

海洋之触(Touched by the Sea):你总是能感觉到大海的呼唤,你的血液总是随着潮起潮落而澎湃不已。也许你的父母之一是一个水手或是海盗,又或许你的某个先祖带有一点点水精灵或者水元素裔的血统。无论是什么原因,你在水里和陆地上一样舒适。你在游泳检定上获得+1背景加值,并且游泳是你的本职技能。此外,你在水下的攻击骰的罚值减少1。
劇透 -   :
Ancient Explorer: You are a student of the ancient history of Golarion, and you’ve come to the Shackles to explore the crumbling and vine-choked ruins of the cyclops empire of Ghol-Gan, which have lain abandoned among the isles of the Shackles for thousands of years. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (local) checks, and one of these skills is a class skill for you. In addition, you gain Cyclops or Polyglot as a bonus language.
 You went to a tavern called the Formidably Maid in Port Peril last night to meet a contact who supposedly had an old map of lost cyclops ruins to sell, but the drink was stronger than you had expected and you passed out before making the deal.

 Barroom Talespinner: You grew up listening to tales of adventure and piracy on the high seas and the sea chanteys of old salts in dockside dives. You learned all about what it’s like to be a pirate by talking with the sailors on shore leave, and learned how to tell a tale (or perform some other pirate entertainment) yourself. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks and one category of Perform checks, and one of these skills is a class skill for you. In addition, once per week you can make a DC 15 Knowledge (local) or Intelligence check to see if you know a popular legendary pirate tale, the telling of which grants you a +1 trait bonus on checks made to influence NPCs on the Wormwood .
You went to a tavern called the Formidably Maid in Port Peril to earn a few coins with your tales of the sea. The patrons seemed pleased with your performance and bought you a few drinks. You had just remembered a tale of an unfortunate sailor who found himself press-ganged on a pirate ship after his drink was drugged when suddenly everything went black.

Besmara’s Blessing: You were born aboard a ship at sea or down by the docks in a port city on an auspicious day. Old salts and sea dogs nod knowingly and say that Besmara the Pirate Queen, goddess of piracy, sea monsters, and strife, has marked you for a greater destiny. You don’t know anything about that, but you’ve always felt more at home on the sea than on land, and your keen eyes can easily pick out a sail on the distant horizon. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception and Profession (sailor) checks. In addition, once per week you can reroll a Profession(sailor) check and take the higher result (you must announce that you are using this ability before the results of the check are known).
 You came to a tavern in Port Peril called the Formidably Maid in search of your fate. You’re not sure how many drinks you had, but they quickly went to your head and you passed out on the table before you found your destiny—unless it lay in the bottom of a bottle. Then again, maybe you found your destiny after all...

Buccaneer’s Blood: One of your ancestors was an infamous Free Captain of the Shackles, whose very name struck fear in the hearts of those who sailed the seas in search of an honest living. Piracy is in your blood, and you’ve always longed to follow in your forebear’s footsteps and plunder the shipping lanes. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate and Profession (sailor) checks. In addition, you gain a one-time +1 trait bonus to your Disrepute and Infamy scores (see “The Life of a Pirate” in Pathfinder Adventure Path #55 for details on the Infamy system).
 You went to a tavern called the Formidably Maid, a notorious pirate hangout in Port Peril, eager to start your career as a buccaneer. While you were there, however, a dashing and flirtatious corsair caught your eye, and after a whirlwind night of booze and romance, you found yourself beaten senseless and stuffed in a sack, carried off to who knows where.

 Dockside Brawler: You grew up on the dangerous docks of one of the Shackles’ numerous ports or anchorages, and quickly learned that fists often make a better point than fancy words, especially when used the right way. You’ve always preferred action to talk, anyway. You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls with brass knuckles(Advanced Player’s Guide 176) and improvised weapons.
 While drinking at a tavern called the Formidably Maid in Port Peril last night, you got into a brawl with some of the other patrons. You handled yourself well, but a group of rough-looking characters ganged up on you and overwhelmed you, knocking you unconscious. Fortunately, you were able to conceal your brass knuckles when you were press-ganged, and you begin the campaign with them, regardless of your starting circumstances.

Eye for Plunder: You’ve always had a keen eye for the glitter of gold or silver, and you’ve robbed enough rich merchants and raided enough ships to have a feel for where the most valuable plunder is hidden. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Appraise and Perception checks to find concealed or secret objects (including doors and traps). In addition, you begin the campaign with a selection mundane trade goods worth 50 gp that you were able to scrounge together during your first day on the Wormwood.
 You found yourself relatively well off when you got your share of your last voyage’s plunder, and decided to spend a few of your hard-won coins at the Formidably Maid, a popular pirate tavern in Port Peril. Maybe the shine of your new wealth distracted you, however, because you never saw the miscreants who slipped something into your drink, knocking you out cold.

Ilizmagorti Native: You grew up in the city of Ilizmagorti on Mediogalti Island, a pirate port infamous for both the scoundrels who visit it and the feared Red Mantis assassins who run it. You’ve been around pirates all your life, but you’ve learned to be wary in your dealings with people, as there’s no telling who might be a Red Mantis in disguise. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is a class skill for you. In addition, your familiarity with the pirate’s life allows you to make untrained Knowledge (local) checks regarding pirates or the region of the Shackles.
  Looking to make your fortune, you hopped aboard a pirate ship in Ilizmagorti, and decided to celebrate your safe arrival in Port Peril with a few drinks at a tavern called the Formidably Maid. There were some suspiciouslooking characters there, to be sure, and you decided to give them a wide berth, but as you left, feeling a bit woozy from drink, you were set upon by thugs in a dark alley and knocked unconscious.

Peg Leg: One of your legs was bitten off below the knee by a shark when you were just a child, and was replaced with a wooden peg leg (Pathfinder Player Companion: Pirates of the Inner Sea 20). You’ve long since gotten used to your prosthesis, however, and take none of the normal penalties from having a peg leg. You’ve had to learn to deal with the pain of your injury as well, and you gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves. Ever since your accident you’ve hated sharks, and you also gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls against sharks and other animals with the aquatic subtype.
Your balance always gets a bit shaky after a few drinks, and last night at the Formidably Maid—a tavern in Port Peril—was no exception. That must be why you fell to the floor as soon as you tried to stand up. What happened next is hazy, but you’re pretty sure you were dragged out of the bar and onto a ship at the docks. At least they didn’t throw you to the sharks...

Ship’s Surgeon: On a ship, a sailor often has to learn multiple skills, and this rule certainly applies to you. Your father was a woodworker, and you learned your first trade from him. But on your first voyage at sea you quickly found out that a carpenter is often a ship’s doctor as well—after all, who knows more about sawing off limbs than someone who saws wood for a living? People are a lot bloodier than wood, that’s for sure, but you haven’t had many complaints—those sailors who have enjoyed your services are either happy to be alive or dead, and there’s old salts who swear the peg legs you for made them are better than the real legs they used to have. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Craft (carpentry) and Heal checks, and Heal is a class skill for you.
 You were between ships in Port Peril, and after stopping for a drink at a tavern called the Formidably Maid, you happened upon a damsel in distress in the alleyway outside. Thinking you could help, you didn’t notice the thugs hiding nearby, and they caught you unawares. You’ve been on enough ships to know a press gang by the blow of the sap on the back of your neck—you just hope whatever ship you end up on needs a surgeon. Although the majority of your equipment was taken away when you were press-ganged, you managed to hang on to a fully stocked healer’s kit, and you begin the campaign with it, regardless of your starting circumstances.

Touched by the Sea: You’ve always felt the call of the sea and your blood surges with the ebb and flow of the tides. Perhaps one of your parents was a sailor or pirate, or maybe one of your ancestors had a bit of aquatic elf or undine blood in them. Whatever the reason, you’re as comfortable in the water as you are on land. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Swim checks and Swim is a class skill for you. In addition, penalties on attack rolls made underwater are lessened by 1.
You came to Port Peril in search of your destiny, and after a few drinks at a tavern called the Formidably Maid, you went down to the docks to take in a view of the sea. The last thing you remember is a blow to the back of your head and the waves rushing up to meet you.

« 上次编辑: 2019-02-13, 周三 12:38:54 由 丞相 »

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海盗武器(Pirate WeaPons)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-05-20, 周日 14:59:56 »
海盗武器 Pirate Weapons

简易武器价格伤害(小型)伤害(中性)  重击    射程    重量    类型    特性 
勾手10gp1d31d4*2  -  1磅挥砍卸武
刺刀5gp1d41d6*2  -  1磅穿刺-
登舰矛8gp1d61d8*3  -  9磅穿刺迎击,长武

军用武器价格伤害(小型)伤害(中性)  重击     射程    重量    类型    特性 
登舰斧6gp1d41d6*3  -  3磅穿刺或挥砍-
九尾鞭1gp1d31d4*2  -  1磅挥砍卸武,淤伤
水兵刀15gp1d41d618-20/*2  -  4磅挥砍-

异种武器价格伤害(小型)伤害(中性)  重击    射程    重量    类型    特性 

劇透 -  原文:
Pirate WeaPons
Several new weapons with a pirate style or theme appear in the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path. Full descriptions of these weapons and more pirate weapons and gear are presented in Pathfinder Player Companion Pirates of the Inner Sea, but the weapon qualities are reprinted on Table 1 on page 6 for your convenience.
Simple Weapons Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Weight Type Special
 Light Melee Weapons
 Hook hand 10 gp 1d3 1d4 ×2 — 1 lb. S Disarm
 Two-Handed Melee Weapons
 Bayonet 5 gp 1d4 1d6 ×2 — 1 lb. P —
 Boarding pike 8 gp 1d6 1d8 ×3 — 9 lbs. P Brace, reach

Martial Weapons Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Weight Type Special
 Light Melee Weapons
 Axe, boarding 6 gp 1d4 1d6 ×3 — 3 lbs. P or S —
 Cat-o’-nine-tails 1 gp 1d3 1d4 ×2 — 1 lb. S Disarm, nonlethal
 One-Handed Melee Weapons
 Cutlass 15 gp 1d4 1d6 18–20/×2 — 4 lbs. S —

Exotic Weapons Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Weight Type Special
 Two-Handed Melee Weapons
 Harpoon 5 gp 1d6 1d8 ×3 10 ft. 16 lbs. P Grappling
 Ranged Weapons
 Grappling hook 6 gp 1d4 1d6 ×2 10 ft. 14 lbs. P Grappling

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海上战斗 Naval Combat

      一艘海盗船可以拥有和那些混蛋船员一样多的特质,一旦玩家们获得了他们自己的船,他们可以发现那些船只能做的动作和他们一样众多。无论玩家们是与竞争的海盗在布满桅杆的甲板上肉搏战斗, 或者驾驶自己的海盗船去袭击劫掠一艘装满财富的商船,或者派遣整队的船只来对抗敌方舰队。海上战斗贯穿于颅骨与镣铐冒险之路中,扮演了一个标志性的角色。一般来说,海上战斗有三种处理方式:甲板战斗(在一艘船上的正常战斗),舰船战斗(发生在两艘或争夺独立船只之间的战斗)以及大海战(两只或更多拥有复数船只的舰队间发生的战斗)。下面一章详细介绍了这三种海战的规则。

大海战 Mass Naval Combat
     大海战的规则, 即包括多艘船的舰队之间的大规模交战, 将在探索者冒险之路#59: 耻辱的代价中充分详细说明。(之后看情况补)

甲板战斗 Shipboard Combat
      如果战斗发生在暴风雨中或者波涛汹涌的海面上,将船只甲板视为困难地形。记得考虑到上天气和船只甲板的颠簸(核心手册 206-207)会对施法者的专注检定造成影响。如果一名战斗人员落入水中,请参考《核心手册》432-445页的关于水域和水中危险的相关规则。在其他方面,甲板战斗的功能和陆地上的战斗没有分别。
      要代表一艘船的船仓或甲板,你可以使用GM翻转地图:海盗船(Pirate Ship),船只(Ship);GM地图包:舰艇和船只(Boats & Ships),船舱(Ship’s Cabins),在paizo.com你附近的游戏店有售。

舰船战斗 Ship-to-Ship Combat
      当船只本身也成了战斗的一部分时,战斗就变得不一样了。以下规则并不意味着准确模拟了舰船战斗的全部复杂性;相反,它们代表的是对真实度、简易度和游戏速度进行平衡的一次尝试,从简单的小艇到多甲板的风帆战舰,可以应用于所有大小的船只。这些规则是《极限战斗》中载具规则的调整版,只是专注于水上船只的驾驶和战斗。或者, 如果你更喜欢更快更简单的方法来解决舰船战斗, 你可以改用《城主手册(GMG)》214-215页的快速舰船战斗规则。
      必须指出的是, 虽然船舶可以在战斗中受到攻击, 但很难对这种大型载具造成巨大伤害。此外, 被捕获的船比起沉到海底,通常是值得的作为战利品被拖曳或驾驶回家的。因此, 大多数舰船战斗都会以一艘船的船员登上敌舰进行肉搏作战来结束 (见14页的登舰和格斗)。

船舶基础知识 Ship Basics

驾驶员 Pilots

船员 Crews

尺寸与速度 Size and Space

朝向与移动 Facing and Movement
地图边缘(Edge of the Map):当在翻转地图或战斗板上进行舰船战斗时,地图的边缘会形成一个人工边界,而在开阔海域上是没有地图边界的。因此,如果一艘船离开了地图的边缘,你应该用一个新的空白翻转地图或者战斗板,或者重新定位船只使他们有足够的回旋余地。
水上移动(Waterborne Movement):横跨大洋或海洋的长距离航行采用水上移动规则,以每小时或每天几里为单位。对于人力推动的船只,代表一天10小时的划船。对于一艘风力推动的帆船,代表24小时。最常见船型的水上速度可以在《核心规则手册》174页找到,或者在23页开始的各个船只数据区中找到。

航行检定 Sailing Check
援助他人(Aid Another):就像其他技能一样,一名角色可以花费一个标准动作来使用援助他人行动。这代表了多了一双额外的眼睛来观察敌人,向船员发出指令,或者单纯提供有用的建议。进行援助的角色可以同样进行一个航行检定,如果结果是10或更高,则驾驶员在他的航行检定上获得+2加值。在一次航行检定上只允许一名角色可以使用援助他人行动来帮助驾驶员。
在战斗外控制船只(Controlling a Ship Outside of Combat):因为驾驶员在战斗之外可以通过在技能检定上取10而轻松通过,所以通常不需要航行检定。几乎所有角色都可以轻松做到这点;只有在判定游戏中可能出现特殊情况下才会给出DC。
没有适当技能控制船只(Controlling a Ship without the Proper Skill):如果驾驶员缺乏合适的技能控制船只,驾驶员仍然可以使用感知属性检定而不是对应的航行检定。驾驶员可以取10(在战斗外),在使用感知替代正常的航行技能时仍然可以获得援助他人行动提供的加值。

操纵装置 Control Devices
操纵装置 AC 生命值 硬度
**关于魔法处理过的操纵装置的更多信息,请见26页的船只改造(Ship Modifications)

动力与航行技能 Propulsion and Sailing Skills
混合推进装置(Mixed Means of Propulsion):有些船只会使用多种形式的推动力。复合模式的推动力增加了灵活性并且可以协同运行以创造更快的速度。如果一艘船拥有两种推进装置,例如风力和人力,它通常将两者的最大速度相加来决定其最大速度。加速度保持不变。除了具有备用推进形式所提供的灵活性外。没有任何东西上能添加第三种推进形式。一艘具有多种推动装置的船只通常需要大量的船员才能维持其前进并保持移动。

逃脱与追捕 Evasion and Pursuit

引述: 边栏
推进装置 Means of Propulsion
以下是用于舰船的各种推进装置以及谈们的基础AC,HP以及硬度。要计算船只推进装置的级实际AC,需要将驾驶员的航行技能调整值(如果她在使用感知能力驾驶船只,则使用感知修整)加到基础AC上。当推进装置进入破损(broken)状态时,船的最大速度减半,并且在推进装置修理或者更换前,船只无法再占据上风(the upper hand)(详见12页)直到推进装置被修好或者替换。如果船只处于运动状态并且航行速度超过其最大速度,则会自动减速至新的最大速度。


风帆与索具(Sails and Rigging):风帆(包括控制它们的索具)通常比它们推动的船只更脆弱,尽管他们相对要容易修理。摧毁船只的风帆是捕获他们的好办法。酸和火焰对风帆造成双倍的伤害(将伤害骰乘2)。如果船上至少一半的风帆被摧毁,风帆就会进入破损(broken)状态。如果船上所有的风帆都被摧毁了,则该船就不再能使用风力作为推动装置,必须使用水流、人力来推进。

推进装置(Propulsion)基础AC(Base AC)生命值(Hit Points)硬度(Hardness)
魔法处理(Magically treated)*-*2*2
劇透 -   :
The following are some of the various means of propulsion for ships, plus their base Armor Class, hit points, and hardness. To calculate the actual AC of a ship’s propulsion, add the current pilot’s sailing skill modifier (or Wisdom modifier, if she is using that ability to drive the ship) to the base AC. When a means of propulsion gains the broken condition, the ship’s maximum speed is halved, and the ship can no longer gain the upper hand (see page 12) until the propulsion is repaired or replaced. If the ship is in motion, and is traveling faster than its new maximum speed, it automatically decelerates to its new maximum speed.
Oars: Oars are often weaker than the vessels they propel, and are difficult to replace. Destroying a ship’s oars is a good way to capture a vessel. Oars gain the broken condition if at least half the oars on a ship are destroyed. If all of a ship’s oars are destroyed, the ship can no longer use muscle propulsion and must rely on current
and/or wind propulsion only.
Sails and Rigging: Sails (including the rigging that controls them) are often weaker than the vessels they propel, though they are relatively easy to repair. Destroying a ship’s sails is a good way to capture a vessel. Sails take double the normal damage from acid and fire attacks (multiply the damage roll by 2). Sails gain the broken condition if at least half the squares of sails on a ship are destroyed. If all of a ship’s sails are destroyed, the ship can no longer use wind propulsion and must rely on
current or muscle propulsion only.
Propulsion Base AC Hit Points Hardness
Oars 12 10 per oar 5
Sails 6 4 per 5-ft. square 0
Magically treated* — ×2 ×2
* More information on magically treated means of propulsion can be found in the Ship Modifications section on page 26.

劇透 -   :
A pirate ship can be as much of a character as the scoundrels crewing it, and once the PCs get their own ship, it will likely see as much action as do the PCs themselves. Whether the PCs are fighting rival pirates in hand-to-hand combat on the deck of a sailing rig, attacking a merchantman with a hold full of riches to plunder with their own pirate ship, or sending an entire fleet of ships against an enemy armada, naval combat plays a significant role throughout the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path. Generally speaking, naval combat is handled in one of three ways: shipboard combat (normal combat on board a ship), ship-to-ship combat (combat between two or more individual ships),
and mass naval combat (combat between two or more fleets of multiple ships). The rules for these three types of naval combat are detailed in the following section.
Mass Naval Combat
Rules for mass naval combat, that is, large-scale engagements between fleets containing multiple ships, will be fully detailed in Pathfinder Adventure Path #59: The Price of Infamy.
Shipboard Combat
Shipboard combat is just like any other combat between the PCs and their opponents, except the encounter takes place on board a ship, rather than in a dungeon or on a forest path. For the most part, shipboard combat can be resolved normally. The only constraints are the size of the ship (and therefore, the size of the battlefield), the danger of falling overboard into the water, and the effects of weather on the ship.
If the combat happens during a storm or in rough seas, treat the ship’s deck as difficult terrain. Remember to take into account the effects on spellcasters’ concentration checks due to weather or the motion of the ship’s deck (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 206–207). If a combatant falls overboard, see the rules for aquatic terrain and water dangers on pages 432 and 445 of the Core Rulebook. In all other ways, shipboard combat functions no differently than combat on land.
To represent the deck or cabins of a ship, you can use GameMastery Flip-Mat: Pirate Ship, GameMastery Flip-Mat: Ship, GameMastery Map Pack: Boats & Ships, or GameMastery Map Pack: Ship’s Cabins, available at paizo.com and gaming stores near you.
Ship-to-Ship Combat
When ships themselves become a part of a battle, combat becomes unusual. The following rules are not meant to accurately simulate all of the complexities of ship-toship combat; rather, they represent an attempt to strike a balance between verisimilitude and ease and speed
of play during combat, and can be applied to a vessel of any size, from a simple dinghy to a multi-deck man-o’-war. These rules are a modified version of the vehicles rules found in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat, focusing only on piloting and fighting with a ship on the water. Alternatively, if you’d prefer a quicker and easier way of resolving ship-to-ship combat, you can instead use the fast-play ship combat rules found on pages 214–215 of the Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide.
It is important to note that while ships can be attacked in combat, it is difficult to significantly damage such large vehicles. In addition, a captured ship is usually worth more as a prize to be towed or sailed home than sunk to the bottom of the sea. As a result, most ship-to-ship combat ends when the crew of one ship boards another to fight the enemy crew in hand-to-hand combat(see Boarding and Grappling on page 14).

Ship Basics
The following overview presents the basic rules for ship-to-ship combat in the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path. All ships use these rules for movement and combat.
A ship requires two things to keep it moving—a pilot and a means of propulsion. A pilot is a creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher who is physically able to use the ship’s control device. A ship’s captain is often (but not always) the pilot. The pilot uses the control device and either her sailing skill (see the Sailing Check section on page 10) or her Wisdom to control the ship. Without a pilot, a ship will not move or will continue moving in a straight line, depending on the ship’s state when it becomes pilotless.
Most ships require a crew. A ship without a full crew complement, but with at least half its crew, takes a –10 penalty on all sailing checks. A ship needs at least half its crew complement in order to be piloted at all. If more than half of a ship’s crew is killed, dazed, stunned, or rendered unconscious, the ship can only take the “uncontrolled” action (see page 13). Crew members can take no action while the ship is in motion except to aid in that ship’s movement. Any crew required to operate siege engines (see page 18) are in addition to those crew needed to operate the ship.
Size and Space
Ships have sizes and spaces different from creature sizes and spaces. In order to play out ship-to-ship combat on a Flip-Mat or battle mat, a single square on the map corresponds to 30 feet of distance, rather than 5 feet. Most ships are long and thin; rather than taking up a space of an equal number of squares per side like creatures do, a ship’s width is always considered to be one square.
Facing and Movement
Ships do not move like creatures, even when they use creatures for propulsion. They tend to move in the direction of their forward facing, and do so quickly.
Facing: Unlike creatures, ships have a forward facing. Usually one of the shorter sides of a ship serves as the ship’s forward facing. Facing represents the effect of inertia on vehicles. Ships move best when moving in the direction of their forward facing, and it takes time and skill to move them in other directions. When piloted correctly, ships can move straight ahead, diagonally, or a mix of both within the same movement. Skilled pilots can make a ship zigzag in a forward direction with ease.
Movement: Ships have a maximum speed and an acceleration listing. The maximum speed is the fastest rate the ship can travel per round (though a windpropelled ship sailing in the direction of the wind can double this speed). A ship cannot usually start at its maximum speed. Each round, the pilot can attempt to accelerate the ship or decelerate it by a rate equal to its acceleration (see the Movement section in Ships in Combat on page 12). The rate at which a ship is currently moving is called its current speed.
Edge of the Map: When playing out ship-to-ship combat on a Flip-Mat or battle mat, the edge of the map forms an artificial boundary—on the open sea, there is no edge of the map. As a result, if a ship moves off the edge of the map, you should extend the map with a new blank Flip-Mat or battle mat, or reposition the ships so they have room to maneuver.
Waterborne Movement: Travel over long distances across seas or oceans uses waterborne movement, measured in miles per hour or day. For muscle-propelled ships, a day represents 10 hours of rowing. For a windpropelled sailing ship, it represents 24 hours. Waterborne speeds for the most common ship types can be found on page 174 of the Core Rulebook or in the individual ship stat blocks beginning on page 23.

Sailing Check
To control a ship in combat, a pilot must make a sailing check to determine the maneuverability and speed of the ship that round. The ship’s propulsion determines what skill is used for the sailing check (see Propulsion and Sailing Skills on this page). If a ship is using two means of propulsion at the same time, such as wind and muscle, the pilot chooses which skill to use, and takes a –5 penalty on all sailing checks. A pilot can always make a Wisdom check in place of a sailing check. Outside of combat, the base DC for all sailing checks is DC 5. In combat, the base DC for all sailing checks is DC 20. A ship without a full crew complement, but with at least half its crew, takes a –10 penalty on all sailing checks.

Aid Another: Just as with other skills, a character can spend a standard action to use the aid another action. This represents an extra pair of eyes observing the enemy, giving orders to the crew, or simply helpful advice. The helping character makes a sailing check as well. If the result is 10 or higher, the pilot gains a +2 bonus on her sailing check. Only one character can use the aid another action to help a pilot on a single sailing check.
Controlling a Ship Outside of Combat: Since piloting a ship outside of combat is easily accomplished by taking 10 on the skill check, sailing checks are not normally needed. Almost every character can do it with relative ease; the DCs are given only to adjudicate special situations that may come up in your game.
Controlling a Ship without the Proper Skill: If a pilot lacks the proper skill to control a ship, the pilot can always make a Wisdom ability check instead of the appropriate sailing check. A pilot can even take 10 (when outside of combat) or gain the benefits of the aid another action when using Wisdom instead of the ship’s normal sailing skill.
Control Devices
Every vehicle has a control device for steering. A control device is typically an object with object immunities and resistances and with its own statistics. The following are some of the typical control devices for ships, plus their usual Armor Class, hit points, and hardness. When a control device gains the broken condition, all sailing checks take a –10 penalty. When a control device is destroyed, a ship cannot be piloted until the control device is repaired.
Control Device AC Hit Points Hardness
Oars* 12 10 per oar 5
Steering wheel 10 25 5
Tiller 10 25 5
Magically treated** — ×2 ×2
* Oars gain the broken condition if at least half the oars on a ship are destroyed.
** More information on magically treated control devices can be found in Ship Modifications on page 26.

Propulsion and Sailing Skills
Every vehicle has a means of propulsion. Boats and ships are propelled by currents, muscle, wind, or all three forces. The method of propulsion typically affects the speed and maneuverability of a ship, but more importantly, determines the required skill needed to control the ship. Controlling a ship takes common sense, awareness, intuition, and often some amount of skill in the ship’s means of propulsion. In the case of wind or current propulsion, it is about using the current and tools like sails, oars, or a rudder to move the ship. In the case of muscle propulsion, it is about guiding creatures to move the ship. The following are the general methods of ship propulsion, along with the skills typically needed to pilot ships propelled by the specified means.
Current: All boats and ships can use water currents for propulsion, but ships that only rely on currents for propulsion are somewhat limited. These vehicles can only move in the direction and at the speed of a current unless they also employ some other means of propulsion or manipulation, and thus often have an additional form of propulsion, such as muscle in the case of a rowboat, or wind in the case of a sailing ship. A current-propelled ship requires a Profession (sailor) check for the sailing check.
    A current-propelled ship’s maximum speed depends on the speed of the current (often as high as 120 feet). The acceleration of a current-propelled ship is 30 feet.
Muscle: Muscle-propelled ships use oars and rowers to push the ship forward. Sailing skills for muscle-propelled ships tend to be Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Handle Animal, depending on the intelligence and attitude of the creatures supplying the muscle for the propulsion.
    For intelligent creatures, use Diplomacy if the creatures providing the propulsion have an attitude of indifferent, friendly, or helpful (Core Rulebook 94). If the creatures providing the propulsion are friendly or helpful, Diplomacy sailing checks are made with a +5 bonus. An average crew is considered indifferent, though a particularly loyal crew might be considered friendly. Intimidate is used for intelligent creatures with an attitude of unfriendly or hostile, such as captive rowers on a slave galley. Handle Animal is used if the creatures providing the propulsion are not intelligent.
The maximum speed and acceleration of a muscle-propelled ship depends on the number of creatures providing the propulsion, but most muscle-propelled ship have a maximum speed of 30 feet and an acceleration of 30 feet. Larger muscle-propelled ships with many rowers have a maximum speed of 60 feet and an acceleration of 30 feet.
    Oars: All muscle-propelled ships require the use of oars. Oars have their own statistics (see sidebar).
Wind: Wind-propelled ships use sails to harness the power of the wind for propulsion. A wind-propelled ship requires a Profession (sailor) check for the sailing check. Small wind-propelled ships can move at a maximum speed of 30 feet. Larger ships that are also muscle-propelled often have a maximum speed of 60 feet when
using only wind propulsion. Large ships with multiple masts and many sails can have maximum speeds of up to 90 feet. The acceleration of a wind-propelled ship is 30 feet.
    All wind-propelled ships can move twice their normal maximum speed when moving in the direction of the wind. A ship using wind propulsion cannot move in the opposite direction from the wind.
    Sails and Rigging: All wind-propelled ships require the use of sails and rigging. To move at full speed, a ship requires 10 5-foot squares of sails per mast per square of the ship. For example, a 3-square ship with three masts requires 90 squares of sails. Sails have their own statistics (see sidebar).
Mixed Means of Propulsion: Some ships use multiple forms of propulsion. Multiple methods of propulsion add f lexibility and can work in concert to create faster movement. If a ship has two means of propulsion, such as wind and muscle, it generally adds its two maximum speeds together to determine its maximum speed. Acceleration remains the same. Nothing is added for a third form of propulsion, except for the flexibility of having a back-up form of propulsion. A ship with multiple methods of propulsion often requires a large crew to get it going and keep it moving.

Evasion and Pursuit
    On the wide, open sea, one ship can spot another from miles away, making it virtually impossible to surprise another ship. If both ships want to engage in combat, the ships close with one another and begin ship-to-ship combat normally. If one ship wants to avoid combat, however, a chase ensues. At the GM’s discretion, a faster ship can always catch a slower ship, but even slow ships can take advantage of favorable winds, currents, or coastal terrain to make good their escape.
    When two ships first encounter one another, the pilots of the two ships must make three opposed sailing checks. Whichever pilot wins at least two out of three of the opposed checks is victorious. If the pursuing ship wins, it catches up to the f leeing ship and ship-to-ship combat begins. If the f leeing ship wins, it escapes. If the result is a tie, the pilots should begin a new series of three opposed checks.
    Such chases can take days, as one ship struggles to outmaneuver the other. At the GM’s discretion, roll 1d4 to determine the number of days a chase lasts.
Withdrawing: Once in ship-to-ship combat, a ship can withdraw from combat by simply moving off the edge of the battle mat, ending ship-to-ship combat immediately. At the GM’s discretion, the ship has either escaped completely, or the two ships can go back to the evasion and pursuit rules above.
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战斗中的船只  Ships in Combat

准备 Preparation
      一旦至少有两艘船准备好了参与战斗,使用一个大而空白的战斗版来表示战斗发生的水域。GM翻转地图:船舶(GameMastery Flip-Mat:Ship)的反面包含了一个空白的水域网格,非常适合用于舰船战斗。一个方格对应30尺的距离(请参阅9页的尺寸与速度)。

先攻 Initiative

上风 The Upper Hand

移动 Movement
      全速前进 Full Ahead(标准动作):通过一个成功的航行检定,船只的当前速度按照加速度(通常是30尺)增加,但是不会高于它的最大速度。船只可以向前或者斜前方前进。换句话说,每次船只进入一个新的30尺方格,她可以选择任何一个前方方格-正对前方的方格或者正面对角线上的方格。这可以使船只转向。一名驾驶员在航行检定中失败不会加速并且只能朝着船只朝向正前方的方格移动。
      左满舵或右满舵 Hard to Port or Hard to Starboard(标准动作):驾驶员可以在以其当前速度向前移动时将船只转向。通过一个成功的航行检定,驾驶员可以在运动中的任意一点将船只的朝向向左或者向右调转90度角。以船为轴来进行这项操作,船只的后侧的方格会占据船只原来前侧方格的位置。如果一艘船的当前速度是其加速度的二倍,那么驾驶员会在航行检定上承受-5罚值。如果一艘船的当前速度是其加速度的三倍,那么驾驶员会在航行检定上承受-10罚值。如果一艘船的当前速度是其加速度的四或更多倍,那么驾驶员会在航行检定上承受-20罚值。如果航行检定失败,船只不会转向,但是可以在其移动过程中沿对角线向前移动。注意:一艘风力推动船只转向风中(它的正面朝向与风向相对)时被称为“在铁中”,在其驾驶员将其转向另一个朝向前会采取失控行动。
      停航 Heave To(标准动作):通过一次成功的航行检定,船只的当前速度减少30尺。如果检定失败,船只不会减速。无论如何,船只都能向前移动并且可以朝侧前移动。如果减速使船速降低到了0尺,一些惯性会继续推动船只继续前进,这艘船会在完全停止前继续向前(正前或侧前)航行1d4*30尺。拥有专业御者(UC 100)专长的角色可以将这个距离缩短30尺(最低0尺)。
     让道 Make Way (标准动作):通过一次成功的航行检定,驾驶员可以进行一系列复杂或困难的机动动作,迫使敌方驾驶员做出反应。这次航行检定的结果将成为敌方驾驶员下次航行检定的DC。如果检定失败,则船只速度保持不变但是船只不能向侧前移动,并且敌人在下次航行检定中采取正常DC。
     保持航向 Stay the Course(移动动作):通过一个成功的航行检定,驾驶员可以使船只以当前速度沿当前航向继续行驶,并且它可以朝前方或侧前方移动。如果检定失败,则船只速度不变,但船只只能朝正前方行驶而无法向侧前方行驶。
     全速后退 Full Astern(全回合动作):通过成功的航行检定,驾驶员可以以30尺的速度使船只向后移动。可以朝正后方(正前方的反向)或者侧后方移动。如果检定失败,船只不会向后移动。只有当船只的当前速度为0时,才能朝后方移动。
     失控 Uncontrolled(无动作):当驾驶员什么都没做,或者没有驾驶员时,或者船上只有不到一半的船员时,船就会失控。一艘失控的船只,在其停下来或者有人成为其新的驾驶员前,除了失控动作以外无法进行其他动作。失控的船只只能向前移动(不能朝侧前移动),并且自动减速30尺。即使一艘船什么也不做,他仍然可以进行冲撞战技(见下文,冲撞)。

攻击 Attacks
     攻击结构(Attacking the Structure):这是对船只本身的攻击,如果攻击成功,船只会如常受损。
     攻击乘员(Attacking an Occupant):这是对船上乘员的正常攻击——任何船上的乘客、驾驶员、船员、机组人员或者提供推进力的生物。乘员在面对来自船外的攻击时获得部分掩蔽(+2AC并且在反射豁免上获得+1加值)或者更高的加值,在艏楼和艉楼的船员获得掩蔽(+4AC并且在反射豁免上获得+2加值),在炮孔或者舱门内的成员获得强化掩蔽(+4AC并且在反射豁免上获得+2加值)。一般来说,一旦战斗开始于两艘船的乘员(如登船时),舰船战斗应被甲板战斗取代。
     攻击推进装置(Attacking Propulsion):船只的推进装置通常具有自己独有的数据(见11页边栏),而推动船只的生物则使用他们自己的数据。如果是提供推动力的船员受到攻击,使用上面的攻击乘员。每艘船的数据面板有它们具体的推进装置。
     攻击操纵装置(Attacking the Control Device):船只的操纵装置是一个有着自己数据的独立装置(10页的操纵装置)。当操纵装置被摧毁时,船只无法被驾驶。
     攻击攻城兵器(Attacking a Siege Engine):安装在船只上的攻城兵器有其自己的数据(见18页)。攻城兵器享受乘员在船上时获得掩蔽的益处。

接舷与登舰 Grappling and Boarding
     打破接舷(Breaking a Grapple):被捕捉的舰船的驾驶员可以尝试通过一次战技检定对抗敌舰的CMD来打破接舷状态,但是需要承受-4罚值。如果检定成功,船员们切断爪勾线,而被释放的船只现在可以正常移动了。

冲撞 Ramming

切断 Shearing

获取船只控制权 Taking Control of a Ship

摧毁船只 Damaging a Ship
      破损状态(Broken Condition):船只,有时候包括其推进装置都是物体,就和其他物品一样,当它们受到了超过其生命值一半的伤害时,它们就会获得破损状态。当一艘船进入破损状态,它在AC、航行检定、豁免以及战技检定上承受-2罚值。如果一艘船或者其推进装置进入破损状态,船只的最大速度减少一半,并且直到其修复前都无法抢占上风。如果船只正在移动且当前速度大于新的最大速度,其速度自动下降至新的最大速度。
      沉没状态(Sinking Condition):一艘生命值减少到0或者更低的船只进入沉没状态。一艘沉没中的船只无法移动或攻击,并且在其获得沉没状态10轮后就会完全沉没。对处于沉没中的船只额外每次攻击造成25点以上伤害的攻击,都会减少1轮沉没所需时间。一艘完全沉入水底的船只被认为是彻底摧毁的。被摧毁的船只无法修复——它受到了太多的伤害甚至无法被当为废料使用。魔法(如完全修复术)可以修复沉没中的船只,如果船只的整体生命被提高到了0点以上,此时船只失去沉没状态。一般来说,一旦船只开始下沉,非魔法修理需要很长的时间才能使船只免于沉没。

修理船只 Repairing a Ship
法术是修理船只最快捷也最简单的办法。修复术(Mending)可能不足以影响到一个像船只这么庞大的物体,但是完全修复术(make whole)可以如同影响构装体一样影响一艘船,能够恢复每等级1d6点生命值。此外,还有更多的世俗办法也可以用来修复船只。由于是专业化的工作,船只(以及其帆或桨)通常需要工艺(造船)才能修复。由GM裁定,根据受损的性质,诸如工艺(木工)或工艺(制帆)等技能或者各种专业技能,都能用于修复船只。一般来说,一个人使用合适的技能修理船只一天的工作需要10gp的原材料并进行DC10的技能检定。如果成功,则修复船只10点生命值,如果失败则修复5点。鬼斧神工 (Fabricate)也可以用于创造修复所需要的原材料。购买新的桨每只需要花费2gp(核心规则手册 159)。

劇透 -   :
Ships in Combat
The following are the rules for how ships act in the combat round.
Once at least two ships are ready to engage in combat, use a large, blank battle mat to represent the waters on which the battle occurs. The reverse side of GameMastery Flip-Mat: Ship contains a blank water grid that is ideal for use with ship-to-ship combat. A single square corresponds to 30 feet of distance (see the Size and Space section on page 9).
     Determine which ship is the attacker and which is the defender. As pirates, the PCs will usually be the attacking ship, and their opponent will usually be the defending ship (though the tables might be turned in specific encounters). Represent each ship by using markers that take up the appropriate number of squares, or use the counters provided on page 29.
    To establish the position of the ships on the battle mat, roll 1d4 to determine the ships’ heading (the direction they are facing). Since both ships are coming out of a chase, they are both assumed to have the same heading. A roll of 1 is north, 2 is east, 3 is south, and 4 is west. Place the defending ship as close to the center of the map as possible on the correct heading.
    Next, roll 1d8 to determine the bearing of the attacking ship (its position relative to the other ship). Follow the guidelines for missed splash weapons (Core Rulebook 202), with a roll of 1 indicating north, and counting squares clockwise for a roll of 2 through 8 to determine the bearing. In some cases, this will put the attacking ship ahead of the defending ship—this simply means the attacking ship overshot its quarry as the chase came to a close.
    Finally, roll 1d4+2 to determine the number of squares on the battle mat between the two ships. Place the attacking ship on the map at the appropriate bearing and distance from the opposing ship.
    Unless otherwise detailed in an encounter, assume that each ship begins combat with a speed of 30 feet. Any siege engines (see page 18) carried on a ship are likewise assumed to be loaded at the beginning of combat.
    Wind: If any of the ships in the battle rely on sails and wind to move, randomly determine what direction the wind is blowing by rolling 1d4 and using the same guidelines for determining heading.

When combat begins, the pilot of a ship should roll initiative as normal—the ship moves at the start of its pilot’s turn. If a ship has no pilot, it moves on the turn of the last creature that was its pilot, or on a turn determined by the GM. If they wish to take actions in combat, the PCs (and important NPCs involved in the combat) should roll initiative at this time as well.

The Upper Hand
At the beginning of every round, each pilot makes an opposed sailing check to determine who has the upper hand that round. This represents the vagaries of luck, skill, and the environment, whether catching a favorable gust of wind, taking advantage of a fast current, sliding down the back of a large wave, or disrupting an opposing ship’s wind with your own ship’s “dirty air.” The pilot who succeeds at the check gains the upper hand, and can immediately reposition her ship by one square in any direction as a free action. For every 5 by which the successful pilot’s check exceeds the opposing pilot’s check, the pilot with the upper hand can reposition her ship by an additional square. On a tie, neither pilot gains the upper hand.
    Alternatively, the pilot who wins the upper hand can change the heading of her ship by 90 degrees. For every 5 by which the successful pilot’s check exceeds the opposing pilot’s check, the pilot with the upper hand can change the heading of her ship by an additional 90 degrees.
    A ship that is upwind of another ship (closer to the direction of the wind) is said to “hold the weather gage,” and gains a +2 bonus on the opposed check to gain the upper hand.

At the start of a pilot’s turn, she can take any of the following sailing actions (except the “uncontrolled” action) by making a sailing check to control the ship. The pilot must take whatever action is required before doing anything else that turn. Just as in normal combat, a pilot can perform a standard action and a move action each round. Once the pilot has selected an action, or takes some other action forcing the ship to become uncontrolled, the ship moves. If a ship has less than half its crew or has no pilot, or if the pilot takes no action, takes some other action instead of piloting the ship, or delays or readies an action, the ship takes the “uncontrolled” action.
  Full Ahead (standard action): With a successful sailing check, the ship’s current speed increases by its acceleration (usually 30 feet), but no higher than its maximum speed. The ship can move forward or forward diagonally. In other words, each time a ship enters a new 30-foot square, it can choose any of its forward-facing squares—the one directly in front or either of the squares directly forward and diagonal. This allows the ship to swerve. A pilot who fails her sailing check does not accelerate and can only move into a square directly in front of the ship’s forward facing.
  Hard to Port or Hard to Starboard (standard action): The pilot can turn the ship while it moves forward at its current speed. With a successful sailing check, the pilot can change the ship’s forward facing either left (port) or right (starboard) by 90 degrees at any point during the ship’s movement. Do this by pivoting the ship so that the rear square of the ship takes the place of the ship’s former forward facing square. If a ship’s current speed is twice its acceleration, the pilot takes a –5 penalty on the sailing check. If a ship’s current speed is three times its acceleration, the pilot takes a –10 penalty on the sailing check. If its current speed is four or more times its acceleration, the pilot takes a –20 penalty. On a failed check, the ship does not turn, but can be moved forward diagonally during its movement. Note: A wind-propelled ship that turns into the wind (its forward facing is pointed in the opposite direction from the wind) is said to be “in irons” and takes the uncontrolled action until its pilot turns it to face another direction.
  Heave To (standard action): With a successful sailing check, the ship’s current speed decreases by 30 feet. On a failed check, the ship does not decelerate. Either way, the ship can move forward on its current facing and can move forward diagonally. If deceleration reduces a ship’s speed to 0, some amount of inertia will continue to move the ship forward. The ship moves forward (either directly forward or forward diagonally) 1d4×30 feet before coming to a complete stop. Having the Expert Driver feat (Ultimate Combat 100) reduces this distance by 30 feet (minimum 0 feet).
  Make Way (standard action): With a successful sailing check, a pilot can make a tricky or difficult maneuver that forces an enemy pilot to react. The result of this sailing check then becomes the DC of the enemy pilot’s next sailing check. On a failed check, the ship’s speed remains constant, but the ship cannot move forward diagonally, and the enemy pilot makes his next sailing check at the normal DC.
  Stay the Course (move action): With a successful sailing check, the pilot can move the ship forward on its current facing at its current speed, and it can move directly forward or forward diagonally. Failing the check keeps the speed constant, but the ship can only move directly forward, not forward diagonally.
  Full Astern (full-round action): With a successful sailing check, the pilot can move the ship backward at a speed of 30 feet, moving either directly backward (the reverse of its forward facing) or backward diagonally. On a failed check, it does not move backward. A ship may only be moved in reverse if its current speed is 0.
  Uncontrolled (no action): When the pilot does nothing, if there is no pilot, or if the ship has less than half its crew, the ship is uncontrolled. An uncontrolled ship does nothing except take the uncontrolled action until it stops or someone becomes its new pilot. An uncontrolled ship moves forward only (it cannot move forward diagonally) and automatically decelerates by 30 feet. Even if a ship does nothing, it can still perform ramming maneuvers (see Ramming, below).

Ships typically don’t have attacks and do not threaten any area around them, though some ships can be fitted with rams (see page 28). Some ships also carry siege engines (see page 18). Provided that the ship has enough additional crew to operate them, these siege engines can make attacks. While individuals aboard a ship generally don’t play a significant role in ship-to-ship combat, important characters such as PCs might still become involved if they wish to fire siege engines or if an enemy ship is in range of their ranged attacks or spells. When attacking a ship, you can attack the ship’s structure, occupants, propulsion, or control device. You can also attempt to grapple and board a ship. In addition, a ship can make a ramming maneuver or shearing maneuver as part of its movement.
    Attacking the Structure: This is an attack against the ship itself. If the attack is successful, the ship takes damage normally.
    Attacking an Occupant: This is a normal attack against a ship’s occupant—any creature that is a passenger, pilot, crew, or providing propulsion on a ship. Occupants get partial cover (+2 to AC and +1 on Reflex saving throws) or greater against attacks coming from outside of the ship. Occupants in a forecastle or sterncastle have cover (+4 to AC and +2 on Ref lex saving throws), while those inside a port or hatch have improved cover (+8 to AC and +4 on Ref lex saving throws). In general, once combat begins among the occupants of two ships (such as when boarding), ship-to-ship combat should be replaced with shipboard combat.
    Attacking Propulsion: A ship’s means of propulsion usually has its own set of statistics (see sidebar on page 11), while creatures propelling a ship use their own statistics. See Attacking an Occupant above if crew members providing propulsion are attacked. Individual ship stat blocks detail their means of propulsion.
    Attacking the Control Device: A ship’s control device is an object with its own statistics (see Control Devices on page 10). When a control device is destroyed, the ship can no longer be piloted.
    Attacking a Siege Engine: Siege engines mounted on a ship have their own statistics (see page 18). Siege engines benefit from cover as occupants on a ship.

   Broadsides: Some ships can carry a large number of siege engines. Rather than bog down ship-to-ship combat with numerous individual attack rolls, siege engines can be fired in “broadsides.” All siege engines of the same type on a single side of the ship can fire at once. Broadside attacks can only be used to attack the structure of a ship or propulsion. Make a single attack roll for all of the siege engines in the broadside. If the attack roll is successful, all of the weapons hit their target. If the attack roll fails, all of the weapons miss. On a successful attack roll, take the average damage of a single weapon and multiply it by the number of weapons in the broadside to determine the total damage dealt.
   For example, a sailing ship with a bank of 10 light ballistae on its port side fires a broadside attack. A single light ballista deals 3d8 points of damage, for an average of 13.5 points of damage. If the attack hits, the broadside deals 13.5 × 10, or 135 points of damage。

Grappling and Boarding
When the crew of one ship wishes to board an enemy ship and attack its crew, they must first grapple the other ship. To grapple, the two ships must be within 30 feet of one another (in other words, they must be in adjacent squares on the battle mat). If both pilots want to grapple, grappling is automatically successful. The two crews throw out grappling lines and draw the ships together. If both ships are reduced to a speed of 0 as the result of a ramming maneuver, they are also considered grappled,
    If only one pilot wants to grapple, she must make a combat maneuver check against the target ship’s CMD, using the base CMB of the ship plus the pilot’s sailing skill modifier (or Wisdom skill modifier if she is using that ability to control the ship) as the total CMB of the grappling maneuver. If the check is successful, the target ship is grappled. On the next round, the two ships are moved adjacent to one another, and the speed of both ships is reduced to 0. If a ship has less than its full crew complement, the pilot takes a –10 penalty on her combat maneuver check to make a grappling maneuver.
    Breaking a Grapple: The pilot of a grappled ship can attempt to break the grapple by making a combat maneuver check against the opposing ship’s CMD, but at a –4 penalty. If the check is successful, the crew has cut the grappling lines and the freed ship may now move as normal.
    Boarding: Once two ships are grappled, a crew can board the other ship. The pilot with the highest initiative can choose whether to board the opposing ship with
her crew first or wait for the opposing crew to board her ship. Characters boarding an opposing ship are considered flat-footed for the first round of shipboard combat, due to the difficulty of climbing over the ships’ rails and finding footing on the enemy deck. Characters using a corvus (see page 21) to board another ship are not considered flat-footed.

To ram a target, a ship must move at least 30 feet and end with its forward square in a square adjacent to the target. The ship’s pilot must make a ramming combat maneuver check against the target’s CMD, using the base CMB of the ship plus the pilot’s sailing skill modifier (or Wisdom skill modifier if she is using that ability to control the ship) as the total CMB of the ramming maneuver. If the check is successful, the ship hits its target, dealing its ramming damage to the target. The ramming ship takes half that damage. A ship’s base ramming damage is listed in its stat block (see page 22). If the pilot’s combat maneuver check exceeds the target’s CMD by 5 or more, the target takes twice the ship’s ramming damage. If the combat maneuver check exceeds the target’s CMD by 10 or more, the target takes twice the ship’s ramming damage and the target’s speed is immediately reduced to 0. Regardless of the result of the combat maneuver check, the ramming ship’s speed is reduced to 0.
    If a ship collides with another ship or a solid object (an immobile structure with a hardness of 5 or more), it also makes a ramming maneuver, regardless of the pilot’s intent. There is no combat maneuver check for this ramming maneuver; its effects happen automatically. When a ship makes a ramming maneuver against a solid
object, to determine how much damage both the solid object and the ship take, allow the ship to enter the solid object’s space. The ship will only travel through that space if the damage is enough to destroy the solid object; in all other cases, the ship takes the damage and its speed is immediately reduced to 0 as it comes to a sudden stop directly in front of the solid object.
    A ship can be outfitted with a ram on its forward facing. A ship equipped with a ram deals an additional 2d8 points of damage with a ramming maneuver, and ignores the damage for the first square of a solid object it enters, and all damage from ramming creatures or other objects (such as other ships). A ram can be added to a Large ship for 50 gp, a Huge ship for 100 gp, a Gargantuan ship for 300 gp, and a Colossal ship for 1,000 gp.
    If a ship has less than its full crew complement, but has at least half its crew, the pilot takes a –10 penalty on her combat maneuver check to make a ramming maneuver. A ship without at least half its crew complement cannot make a ramming maneuver.

A ship may attempt to shear off the oars of an opposing ship, if the target ship uses oars for muscle propulsion. To attempt a shearing maneuver, a ship must be adjacent to the target’s forward or rear square and move along the side of the target for a number of adjacent squares equal to the target ship’s number of squares. The ship’s pilot must make a shearing combat maneuver check against the target’s CMD, using the base CMB of the ship plus the pilot’s sailing skill modifier (or Wisdom skill modifier if she is using that ability to control the ship) as the total CMB of the shearing maneuver. If the check is successful, the ship shears the target’s oars. The target’s oars take damage that reduces their hit points to half their maximum hit point total and gain the broken condition, thus reducing the ship’s maximum speed by half and preventing its pilot from gaining the upper hand. If the target ship is in motion, and is traveling faster than its new maximum speed, it automatically decelerates to its new maximum speed. A ship that does not use oars for muscle propulsion is unaffected by a
shearing maneuver.
    If a ship has less than its full crew complement, but has at least half its crew, the pilot takes a –10 penalty on her combat maneuver check to make a shearing maneuver. A ship without at least half its crew complement cannot make a shearing maneuver.

Taking Control of a Ship
If a ship has no pilot, another creature can take control of the ship as long as the creature is adjacent to the ship’s control device and makes a sailing check as a free action. The ship’s pilot can always give over control to another adjacent creature as a free action. If a creature wants to take control of a ship from another forcefully, it must kill the pilot or otherwise remove the pilot from the control device. When a new creature becomes the pilot, the ship moves on the new pilot’s turn, but not on the new pilot’s first turn after taking control of the ship.

Damaging a Ship
Ships have hit points and hardness based on their primary components. Most ships are made of wood (15 hit points per 5-foot-square, hardness 5). When a ship is reduced to below half its hit points, it gains the broken condition. When it reaches 0 hit points, it gains the sinking condition.

  Broken Condition: Ships—and sometimes their means of propulsion—are objects, and like any other object, when they take damage in excess of half their hit points, they gain the broken condition. When a ship gains the broken condition, it takes a –2 penalty to AC, on sailing checks, saving throws, and on combat maneuver checks. If a ship or its means of propulsion becomes broken, the ship’s maximum speed is halved and the ship can no longer gain the upper hand until repaired. If the ship is in motion and traveling faster than its new maximum speed, it automatically decelerates to its new maximum speed.

  Sinking Condition: A ship that is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points gains the sinking condition. A sinking ship cannot move or attack, and it sinks completely 10 rounds after it gains the sinking condition. Each additional hit on a sinking ship that deals more than 25 points of damage reduces the remaining time for it to sink by 1 round. A ship that sinks completely drops to the bottom of the body of water and is considered destroyed. A destroyed ship cannot be repaired—it is so significantly damaged it cannot even be used for scrap material. Magic (such as make whole) can repair a sinking ship if the ship’s hit points are raised above 0, at which point the ship loses the sinking condition. Generally, nonmagical repairs take too long to save a ship from sinking once it begins to go down.

Repairing a Ship
The fastest and easiest way to repair a ship is with spells. Mending is not powerful enough to meaningfully affect an object as large as a ship, but make whole affects a ship as if it were a construct, repairing 1d6 points of damage per level. In addition, more mundane methods can also be used to repair ships. Because of their specialized construction, ships (as well as oars and sails) usually require the Craft (ships) skill to repair. Depending on the nature of the damage, skills such as Craft (carpentry) or Craft (sails), or even various Profession skills, can be used to repair ships with the GM’s approval. In general, a day’s worth of work by a single person using the appropriate skill to repair a ship requires 10 gp of raw materials and a DC 10 skill check, and repairs 10 points of damage on a success, or 5 hit points on a failure. Fabricate can also be used to create the raw material needed for repairs. New oars can be purchased for 2 gp each (Core Rulebook 159).

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« 回帖 #6 于: 2018-05-20, 周日 15:12:38 »
火焰 Fire
      一旦船只着火,随着火势蔓延,它会在每轮自动受到2d6点火焰伤害(忽视硬度)。作为全体船员的一个整轮行动,船员可以尝试扑灭火焰,这允许船只进行一次反射豁免(DC 15+ 船只着火的轮数)。成功的豁免检定意味着火被扑灭了。如果豁免失败则船只在本轮正常受到2d6火焰伤害。船只必须在船员们尝试救火时选取“失控”动作,因为他们在这个时间没空驾驶船只。

魔法 Magic
酸雾术 , 重雾术 : 这些法术创造的效果不会随着船只移动,但是会将穿过它们的船只移动速度减少一半。
阵营武器 , 锐锋术 , 魔化武器 , 高等魔化武器 : 这些法术也对攻城兵器和攻城兵器炮弹生效。
活化物体 : 处于驾驶员控制下的船只在没有驾驶员同意是,不会受该法术影响而活化。一艘活化船只可以在施法者的指挥下移动,他不需要除了施法者以外的船员,而施法者被认为是该船的驾驶员。活化船的数据如其生命值,不会改变。
黑触手 : 这个法术可以施放在水面或船甲板上。触手不会攻击船只。
剑刃护壁, 死云术, 云雾术, 心灵迷雾, 隐雾术, 烟火术, 臭云术, 复仇风暴 : 这些法术造成的效果不会随着舰船移动。
召雷术, 召唤雷暴, 连环闪电, 闪电束, 灼热射线, 复仇风暴 : 这些法术不会使船只着火。
操纵水位 : 船只无法离开法术影响的区域,并且在法术持续期间只能采用“失控”行动。
操纵风相 :这个法术造成的风力区域不会随着舰船移动。
延迟爆裂火球 , 火球术 , 火种术 , 火焰箭 , 火焰刀 , 炽焰法球 , 流星爆 , 燃火术 : 这些法术可以使船只着火
任意门, 高等传送术, 传送术, 传送法阵: 因为船只一直在运动,传送子学派的法术施法者必须有视线才能传送到船上。否则,施法者必须首先对特定的船舶进行探知,然后立即传送到目的地。任何施法中的延迟都意味着该船已经从探知的地点移出并且该法术失败。
解离术 : 该法术对船只造成每施法者等级2d6点伤害(最大40d6)。
地震术 : 这个法术在海洋深处没有效果。
鬼斧神工 : 这个法术创造的材料可以用来修理一艘船(见第16页)。
火焰风暴 , 焰击术 : 这些法术不会使船只着火,除非该船在对抗火焰伤害的豁免检定中出1。
力场监牢 , 弹力法球 , 力墙术 : 如果法术安置在船只上,则这些法术的效果会随着船只移动。否则他们不会随着船只移动,并且船只进入时需要进行冲撞战技(见14页)。
冰封法球 : 这个法术可以用于尝试通过影响船只周围的水而不是船只本身来捕捉船只。在法术持续时间内,该船的速度减至0,除非该船的驾驶员进行DC25的航行检定破冰而出。
气化形体 :气化形体中的生物不会随着船只移动。
法术无效结界 , 次级法术无效结界 , 避难小屋 , 冰墙术 , 棘墙术 : 这些法术创造的效果会随着船只移动。
铜墙铁壁 , 法师密室, 障幕 : 这些法术可以放在船只上。
完全修复术 : 该法术如同影响构装体一样影响船只。
法师豪宅, 魔绳术 : 由这些法术创造的维度空间的入口不会随着船只移动。
海市蜃楼 : 船只在这个法术被视为建筑物作用。
冰风暴 , 雪风暴 :这些法术创造的雨、雪、冰不会随着船只移动,但是甲板被视为冰冷的。这些法术还允许船舶进行额外的豁免检定以扑灭火焰。
焚云术 : 这个法术创造的云不会随着船只移动,但是施法者可以专注使云随着船只移动。这个法术可以使船只着火。
穿墙术 :船只可以进行强韧检定以拒绝该法术的效果。受到此法术影响的船只会进入破损状态和沉没状态,但是当法术结束时船只恢复正常状态(尽管沉船仍然处于沉没中)。
变形万物: 船只是众多物品的集合体。因此,任何超大型或者更大的船只因为过大而不会受到此法术的影响。
虹光法球 , 虹光喷射 , 虹光法墙 : 这些法术正常不会使船只着火,除非船只通过法术效果并且在对抗火焰伤害的豁免检定上出自然1。如果虹光法球或者虹光法墙固定在船上会随着船只移动。否则,它不会随船只移动。
驱离木材 : 如果你站在一艘船上,这艘船被视为一个和你有关的固定物体,不会受到法术的影响。你船之上的非固定物体或者范围内的其他船只会正常受到影响。一艘在驾驶员控制下的船只可以进行意志豁免以避免法术效果。
反重力 : 一艘船只必须完全处于法术区域才会受到法术的影响,尽管船只甲板上的生物和物品会正常受到影响。如果一整艘船受到了影响并且跌落超过50尺,则驾驶员必须在船只着陆(着海)时进行一个DC20的驾驶检定,否则船只进入沉没状态。
阳炎射线 , 阳炎爆 : 这些法术只会对船只造成一半的伤害。
共振术 : 一艘船在这个法术中被视为独立建筑物。
火墙术 : 在甲板上安置的火墙会随着船只移动并且可以使船只着火,否则墙不会随着船只一起移动,也不会点燃船只。
曲木术 : 一艘被扭曲的船只会破裂漏水并获得破损状态。如果船只在扭曲时其生命值降低到一半以下,它将获得沉没状态。
旋风术 : 大多数船只因为过大不会受到此法术的影响,但是船只甲板上的松散物品和生物仍可能受到影响。
风墙术 : 如果将法术安置在船上,则法术效果会随着船只移动。

劇透 -   :
Fire is an ever-present danger on every wooden ship, but while most ships are not in danger of going up in flames from a dropped torch or lantern, alchemical or magical fires can be much more dangerous. Note that many instantaneous fire spells do not automatically catch a ship on fire, but those that deal fire damage over multiple rounds have a better chance of causing a fire on board a ship (see Magic below).
     When a ship takes fire damage (such as from alchemist’s fire, flaming arrows, certain spells, and other effects at the GM’s discretion), it must immediately make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or catch fire. Unless an attack specifically targets a ship’s means of propulsion (such as sails), it is assumed that such attacks affect the structure of a ship itself.
     Once a ship has caught fire, it automatically takes 2d6 points of fire damage per round (ignoring hardness) as the fire spreads. The ship’s crew can attempt to extinguish the flames as a full-round action for the entire crew, allowing the ship to make a Reflex save (DC 15 + the number of rounds the ship has been on fire). A successful saving throw means the fire has been put out. A failed saving throw results in the ship taking the normal 2d6 points of fire damage for the round.A ship must take the “uncontrolled” action each round that its crew attempts to put out a fire, as they are not sailing the ship at this time.
     Those who would like more detailed rules for fires, spreading flames, and fighting fires can use the system presented in the “Catastrophe!” article in Pathfinder Adventure Path #30: The Twice-Damned Prince.

Creatures can attack ships with spells. Ships are objects, so spells that can only target creatures have no effect on ships. However, because a ship is actively crewed and piloted, it can make saving throws against spell effects. Ships are immune to most spells that require a Will save. A ship without a crew is considered an unattended object and cannot make saving throws.
    The effects of most spells on ships can be determined normally. However, certain spells have different effects in naval combat. The effects of these spells are detailed on the following page. GMs can use these examples as guidelines for determining how other spells not listed here affect ships. For the most part, these effects only apply during ship-to-ship combat, not during normal combat aboard a ship, though some affects (such as starting fires), could still apply, at the GM’s discretion.

Acid Fog, Solid Fog: The effects created by these spells do not move with a ship, but they do reduce the speed of a ship moving through them to half.
Align Weapon, Keen Edge, Magic Weapon, Greater Magic Weapon: These spells also affect siege engines and siege engine ammunition.
Animate Objects: A ship under the control of a pilot cannot be animated with this spell without the pilot’s consent. An animated ship moves as the caster directs. It needs no crew other than the caster, who is considered the ship’s pilot. An animated ship’s statistics, such as its hit points, do not change.
Black Tentacles: This spell can be cast on the surface of the water or on a ship’s deck. The tentacles do not attack ships.
Blade Barrier, Cloudkill, Fog Cloud, Mind Fog, Obscuring Mist, Pyrotechnics, Stinking Cloud, Storm of Vengeance: The effects created by these spells do not move with a ship.
Call Lightning, Call Lightning Storm, Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Scorching Ray, Storm of Vengeance: These spells do not start fires on a ship.
Control Water: A ship cannot leave the area affected by this spell and must take the “uncontrolled” action for the duration of the spell.
Control Winds: The area of winds created by this spell does not move with a ship.
Delayed Blast Fireball, Fireball, Fire Seeds, Flame Arrow, Flame Blade, Flaming Sphere, Meteor Swarm, Produce Flame: These spells can start fires on a ship.
Dimension Door, Greater Teleport, Teleport, Teleportation Circle: Because ships are constantly in motion, the caster of spells of the teleportation subschool must have line of sight to teleport onto a ship. Otherwise, a caster must scry upon a particular ship first, then immediately teleport to the scryed destination. Any delay in casting means the ship has moved from its scryed location and the spell fails.
Disintegrate: This spell deals 2d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 40d6) to a ship.
Earthquake: This spell has no effect in the deep waters of the ocean.
Fabricate: The materials created by this spell can be used to repair a ship (see page 16).
Fire Storm, Flame Strike: These spells do not start fires on a ship unless the ship rolls a natural 1 on its saving throw against fire damage.
Forcecage, Resilient Sphere, Wall of Force: The effects of these spells move with a ship if they are anchored to it. Otherwise, they do not move with a ship, and a ship running into them makes a ramming maneuver (see page 14).
Freezing Sphere: This spell can be used to attempt to trap a ship in ice by targeting the water around the ship rather than the ship itself. The ship’s speed is reduced to 0 for the duration of the spell unless the pilot of the ship makes a DC 25 sailing check to break free of the ice.
Gaseous Form: A creature in gaseous form does not move with a ship.
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Tiny Hut, Wall of Ice, Wall of Thorns: The effects created by these spells move with a ship.
Guards and Wards, Mage’s Private Sanctum, Screen: These spells can be cast on a ship.
Make Whole: This spell affects a ship as if it were a construct.
Mage’s Magnificent Mansion, Rope Trick: The entrances to the extradimensional spaces created by these spells do not move with a ship.
Mirage Arcana: Ships are considered structures for the purposes of this spell.
Ice Storm, Sleet Storm: The sleet, snow, and ice created by these spells do not move with a ship, but the deck is considered icy. These spells also allow a ship to make an additional saving throw to extinguish fires.
Incendiary Cloud: The cloud created by this spell does not move with a ship, but the caster can concentrate to move the cloud along with a ship. This spell can start fires on a ship.
Passwall: A ship can make a Fortitude save to negate the effects of this spell. A ship affected by this spell gains the broken condition and the sinking condition, but the ship is restored to its normal condition when the spell ends (though a sunken ship remains sunk).
Polymorph Any Object: A ship is a collection of numerous objects. As a result, any ship of Huge size or larger is too big to be affected by this spell.
Prismatic Sphere, Prismatic Spray, Prismatic Wall: These spells do not start fires on a ship unless the ship passes through the spell effect and rolls anatural 1 on its saving throw against fire damage. A prismatic sphere or prismatic wall moves with a ship if it is anchored to the ship. Otherwise, it does not move with a ship.
Repel Wood: If you are standing on a ship, that ship is considered a fixed object in relation to you and is not affected by this spell. Loose objects on your ship, or on other ships within range, are affected normally. A ship under the control of a pilot can make a Will save to negate the effects of this spell.
Reverse Gravity: A ship must fit entirely within the spell’s area to be affected by this spell, though creatures and objects on a ship’s deck are affected normally. If an entire ship is affected and falls back down more than 50 feet, the pilot must succeed at a DC 20 sailing check when
the ship lands or it gains the sinking condition.
Sunbeam, Sunburst: These spells deal only half damage to ships.
Sympathetic Vibration: A ship is considered a freestanding structure for the purposes of this spell.
Wall of Fire: A wall of fire cast on the deck of a ship moves with the ship and can start on-board fires. Otherwise, the wall does not move with the ship, and does not start on-board fires.
Warp Wood: A warped ship springs a leak and gains the broken condition. If the ship is reduced to below half its hit points while warped, it gains the sinking condition.
Whirlwind: Most ships are too large to be affected by this spell, but loose objects and creatures on the ship’s deck may still be affected.
Wind Wall: The effects of this spell move with a ship if it is anchored to the ship.

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攻城兵器(Siege Engines)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2018-05-20, 周日 15:14:17 »
攻城兵器 Siege Engines
    攻城兵器使用某些方法推动弹药来从远处攻击设施和人。以下规则是极限战斗(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat)中的攻城兵器规则的调整版本,专注于那些可以在船上运载并使用的攻城兵器。

攻城兵器基础知识 Siege Engine Basics
    擅长(Proficiency):攻城兵器属于异种武器。异种武器擅长(Exotic Weapon Proficiency)专长允许角色可以使用单独一种攻城兵器而不用承受罚值。拥有攻城技师(Siege Engineer,UC 118)专长的角色擅长所有的攻城兵器。
    专长(Feats):在极限战斗(Ultimate Combat)中提供的几个专场可以适用于攻城兵器,其中包括攻城宗匠(Master Siege Engineer),攻城将领(Siege Commander),攻城技师(Siege Engineer)和攻城炮手(Siege Gunner).
    建造攻城兵器(Constructing Siege Engines):攻城兵器是复杂装置,需要DC为20的工艺(攻城兵器)检定来建造。
    魔法和精制攻城兵器(Magical and Masterwork Siege Engines):攻城兵器可以被精工打造,这会使其制造工艺DC提升5点,并追加300gp成本。精制攻城兵器可以通过正常附魔的双倍价格来强化为魔法武器。攻城兵器的增强加值可以应用于攻击检定和弹道检定(targeting check,见抛射攻城兵器)。
    使攻城兵器瘫痪(Disabling Siege Engines):攻城兵器被认为是一件难以拆解的装置,需要2d4轮工作和一次DC为20的解除装置检定。当检定成功时攻城兵器将无法工作或遭到破坏,并在1d4分钟内停止运作。修复被瘫痪的攻城兵器需要DC为20的工艺(攻城兵器)、解除装置或知识(工程学)检定。修复该装置需要10分钟,并可以在修复失败后重试。
    修复攻城兵器(Repairing Siege Engines):修复一台破损或者被瘫痪的攻城兵器需要DC20的工艺(工程武器),解除装置,或者知识(工程)检定。这需要花费10分钟来修复装置,并且如果修复失败,则可以重试该检定。
    防御和生命值(Defense and Hit Points):所有攻城兵器都属于物体,通常是由木头制成。攻城兵器的敏捷为0(修正值-5),AC还会受到基于体型的减值。每种攻城兵器都有自己的硬度和生命值。攻城兵器可以装甲——将它视为同等体型的生物来决定护甲的价格。精制攻城兵器的装甲可以通过正常附魔的双倍价格来强化。装甲攻城兵器的AC获得对应防具的护甲加值(盾牌对攻城兵器无效),其硬度和生命值与该防具相同,并获得5倍于护甲加值的额外生命值。
    装配攻城兵器(Assembling Siege Engines):攻城兵器被分解运输或储存、并且可以在船只的甲板上重新组装。一个大型攻城兵器需要4个工人花费1小时来装配。一个超大型攻城兵器需要6名工人花费2小时来装配。每一个装配工人必须进行DC10的攻击(攻城兵器)检定;如果未受训,则工人不能取10。可以用一半的工人来花费双倍时间完成装配。如果少于一半的人手,则攻城兵器无法被装配。

使用攻城兵器射击 Firing Siege Engines
攻城兵器使用两种方法之一来发射弹药:直射(direct fire)或抛射(indirect fire)。两种方式都需要消耗动作来填装或瞄准,基本规则如下所述。

     装填弹药(Load Ammunition):远程型攻城兵器射击前需要装填弹药。装填弹药根据具体的兵器将消耗数个整轮动作(如果机师长拥有“攻城宗匠”专长,动作时间可以缩短为移动动作)。举例来说,一台轻型弩炮需要两名生物花费一轮时间装填弹药,因此两名生物都需要整轮动作来完成这项工作。

     攻城兵器瞄准(Aiming a Siege Engine):攻城兵器必须在攻击指定目标(对直射型兵器而言)或区域(对抛射型兵器而言)前进行瞄准。瞄准根据具体的兵器将消耗数个整轮动作。以较小规模的机师组操作时,攻城兵器瞄准所需的时间和动作将会加倍。每当为攻城兵器选择一个新的攻击目标或区域时,兵器必须重新瞄准。举例来说:一台轻型弩炮在其下一轮开始射击前,需要两个生物花费一轮时间进行瞄准。因为一台轻型弩炮需要两个整轮动作进行瞄准。如果相同的弩炮有三个生物组成机师组,则可以由两个人来花费整轮动作进行瞄准,而剩下的一个生物使用标准动作射击。

    直射型攻城兵器(Direct-Fire Ranged Siege Engines):直射型兵器以相对平直的弹道发射弹药,使得它们更易于瞄准面前的生物或障碍。

    抛射型攻城兵器(Indirect-Fire Ranged Siege Engines):抛射型兵器以大弧线的弹道向目标发射弹药。它们往往装载和投射比直射型兵器更为沉重的杀伤物,但相对难以精确瞄准。抛射型兵器可以无视多种形式的掩体,将固体弹药、漫天碎石甚或是致病的残骸抛向其他船只。抛射型兵器采用类似于核心手册中的投石机的机械瞄准原理,下文将称其为抛射攻击。以下是规则的补正和完善。

    抛射攻击(Indirect Attack):要操作抛射型攻城兵器发射,机师长进行一次对抗该兵器DC的弹道检定(targeting check)。这次检定采用他的基本攻击加值、如果受训则使用“知识:工程”(若未受训,智力修正)加上不熟悉该兵器的减值、以及来自表格2的其他调整值等等。如果检定成功,这次抛射攻击的弹药命中所瞄准的方格,对该区域内的所有物体和生物造成指定的伤害或效果。生物或能获得一次削弱该攻击效果的豁免机会;这基于对抛射弹药的选择。



    掉链和哑火(Mishaps and Misfires):在攻击检定或抛射型兵器的弹道检定中自然投骰为1会使攻城兵器掉链。掉链通常会造成破损状态。破损状态下攻城兵器,其攻击检定、弹道检定和伤害检定受到-2减值,并只能半速移动。如果操作它的机师长拥有“攻城技师”专长,那么自然投骰出1并不会使攻城兵器掉链。

攻城兵器特性 Siege Engine Qualities


攻城兵器描述 Siege Weapon Descriptions

攻城兵器(Siege Engines)价格(Cost)伤害(Dam)重击(Critical)射程(Range)类型(Type)机师组(Crew)瞄准(Aim)装填(Load)






特殊攻城兵器弹药 Special Siege engine ammunition

炽焰弹(Alchemist's fire)200gp10磅
链射弹(Chain shot)50gp30磅
寒冰弹(Liquid ice)400gp20磅
腐疫弹(Plague bundle)80gp20磅
烟雾弹(Smoke shot)250gp20磅

炽焰弹(Alchemist's fire):这个装满了炽火胶的坚硬瓷罐可用做投石机的弹药,也有装着炽火胶的陶瓷球可以装在弩炮弩矢的顶部由弩炮发射。它在命中后对目标方格5尺范围内的每个生物和木制物体造成4d6点火焰伤害,每个生物必须进行DC为20的反射豁免,失败则会着火(木制物体自动着火);在目标方格5尺到30尺之间范围的每个生物和木制物品也必须进行DC为20的反射豁免以减半伤害,但豁免失败亦不会着火。若攻城兵器掉链,该弹药会在投射前爆炸,如同目标为此攻城兵器所占据的某个方格般(具体由机师长决定)造成区域性伤害。炽焰弹无视木制物体的硬度。

链射弹(Chain shot):由两个小型投石用链条链接起来,这种弹药可以通过投石机发射。它非常适于撕裂船帆和索具,并对于这一类的推进装置造成双倍伤害。它对生物造成正常伤害,当以生物为目标并命中时,该生物必须通过DC为20的强韧豁免以避免被击倒。对于舰船本身来说,链射弹的效率不高,轻型投石机只能造成2d6的伤害,对于中型投石机只能造成4d6的伤害。

寒冰弹(Liquid ice):这只瓷罐中装满了液态冰,可以作为投石机的弹药。它在命中后对目标方格5尺范围内的每个生物造成4d6点寒冷伤害,每个生物必须进行DC为20的强韧豁免,失败则会被纠缠1轮;在目标方格5尺到30尺之间范围的每个生物和木制物品也必须进行DC为20的反射豁免以减半伤害,但豁免失败亦不会被纠缠。若攻城兵器掉链,该弹药会在投射前爆发,如同目标为此攻城兵器所占据的某个方格般(具体由机师长决定)造成区域性伤害。

腐疫弹(Plague bundle):这只坚硬的瓷罐内装满了有毒的腐肉和内脏,可以作为投石车或抛石机的弹药。它仅能造成一半伤害,但每个被其击中的生物将置身于造成腐热症(filth fever,CRB 557页)的秽物中。GM可以决定采用其他类型的疾病取代之。
【疾病速查】腐热症(filth fever):类型-疾病,伤口感染;豁免-强韧DC12;潜伏期-1d3天;发作频率-1次/天;效果-1d3敏捷伤害和1d3体质伤害;治愈-2次连续豁免。

烟雾弹(Smoke shot):这只坚硬的瓷球包含了用薄膜隔离的两种炼金物质,作用机理如同一只放大版的道具烟雾弹(APG 185页)。它可以被用做投石机弹药。它在命中后对目标方格内的每个生物造成2d6点伤害,同时两种物质混合并在30尺半径区域内产生黄色的无害浓烟。此效果视同“云雾术”法术。若攻城兵器掉链,该弹药会在投射前爆发,如同目标为此攻城兵器所占据的某个方格般(具体由机师长决定)产生效果。

劇透 -  原文:
Siege Engines
Siege engines assault structures and people from a distance by propelling ammunition in some fashion. The following rules are a modified version of the siege engine rules found in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat, and focus only on those siege engines that can be carried and used on board ships.

Siege Engine Basics
All siege engines in the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path use the following basic rules, unless stated otherwise in an individual siege engine description.
    Proficiency: Siege engines are exotic weapons. The Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat allows a character to fire a single type of siege engine without penalty. A creature with the Siege Engineer feat (Ultimate Combat 118) is proficient with all siege engines.
    Feats: Several feats presented in Ultimate Combat can be used with siege engines. These include the following: Master Siege Engineer, Siege Commander, Siege Engineer, and Siege Gunner.
    Crew: The sheer size of a siege engine often necessitates a crew for its use. One person of that crew is the crew leader. Usually the crew leader controls the movement of a siege engine or designates its targets; sometimes the crew leader does both. Often the crew leader is required to take actions and make specific checks in order for a siege engine to function. The restof the crew members are required to spend actions and make checks in order for a siege engine to function. The crew of a siege engine is in addition to the crew needed to operate the ship.
    Constructing Siege Engines: A siege engine is a complex device requiring a DC 20 Craft (siege engine) skill check to build.
    Magical and Masterwork Siege Engines: Siege engines can be masterwork, increasing their Craft DC by 5 and cost by 300 gp. A masterwork siege engine can be enchanted at twice the cost for a normal magical weapon. The enhancement bonus of a siege engine applies on attack rolls and targeting checks (in the case of indirectfire siege engines).
    Disabling Siege Engines: A siege engine is considered a difficult device to disable, requiring 2d4 rounds of effort and a DC 20 Disable Device check to do so. When a siege engine is disabled, it either doesn’t work or is sabotaged and stops working after 1d4 minutes of use.
    Repairing Siege Engines: Repairing a broken or disabled siege engine requires a DC 20 Craft (siege engine), Disable Device, or Knowledge (engineering) check. It takes 10 minutes to fix the device, and the check can be retried if the fix fails.
    Defense and Hit Points: All siege engines are objects, typically crafted out of wood. A siege engine has a Dexterity of 0 (–5 penalty) and a further penalty based on its size. Each type of siege engine has its own hardness and hit points. Siege engines can be armored—treat the siege engine as a creature of its size to determine the cost of the armor. Masterwork siege engine armor can be enchanted for twice the normal cost to enchant armor. Armored siege engines gain an armor bonus to AC equal to that normally granted by the specific armor (shields have no effect on a siege engine), a hardness and hit points equal to that of the armor, and bonus hit points equal to the armor bonus ×5.
    Assembling Siege Engines: Siege engines can be broken down for storage or transport and can be reassembled on a ship’s deck. A Large siege engine requires 1 hour and four workers to assemble.A Huge siege engine requires 2 hours and six workers to assemble. Each assembly worker must make a DC 10 Craft (siege engine) check; if untrained, the worker may not take 10. Assembly can be performed with at least half the required number of workers by doubling the time required. If fewer than half are available, the siege engine cannot be assembled.

Firing Siege Engines
Siege engines hurl massive projectiles in one of two ways: direct fire or indirect fire. Both take a number of actions to load or aim, and the basic rules are described below.
   Load Ammunition: In order for a siege engine to fire, it must be loaded with ammunition. Loading ammunition takes a number of full-round actions depending on the siege engine (this time can be reduced to move actions if the crew leader has the Master Siege Engineer feat [Ultimate Combat 109]). For example, a light ballista loaded by two creatures takes 1 round to load the siege weapon, since the creatures each take one of the two necessary full-round actions to do so.
    Aiming a Siege Engine: Siege engines must be aimed in order to attack a desired target (in the case of direct-fire siege engines) or square (in the case of indirect-fire siege engines). Aiming takes a number of full-round actions depending on the siege engine. Aiming a siege engine with a diminished crew doubles the amount of time it takes to aim the siege engine. Each time a new target or square is chosen as the target of a siege engine’s attack, that siege engine must be aimed anew. For example, a light catapult aimed by two creatures would have to spend a turn aiming the catapult in order to fire it on the next round, since a light catapult takes two full-round actions to aim. If the same light catapult were instead crewed by three creatures, two could spend full-round actions aiming it and the remaining creature could fire it with a standard action.
    Direct-Fire Siege Engines: Direct-fire weapons launch their projectiles on a relatively flat trajectory, allowing them to more easily target creatures or pummel barriers directly in front of them.
    A direct-fire weapon uses a normal ranged attack roll, with the normal penalty for nonproficient use if none of the crew operating it have proficiency in siegeengines. In addition, a direct-fire weapon takes a penalty on attack rolls of –2 per size category that the weapon is larger than the creature aiming it. Creatures with ranks in Knowledge (engineering) are not adversely affected by their size when firing direct-fire siege engines.
    Sheer manpower can also reduce the penalties for size. Increasing the crew of these weapons by 1 or more can reduce the attack roll penalty for creature size: as long as an extra crew member is no more than three size categories smaller than the direct-fire weapon, it can reduce the penalty due to the aiming creature’s size by 2. For example, a Huge ballista fired by a Medium creature that is part of a crew of four (one more than the minimum number of crew members required) takes only a –2 penalty on attack rolls, and a crew of five would negate the penalty altogether.
    Indirect-Fire Siege Engines: Indirect-fire weapons launch projectiles in high arcs toward their targets. They typically lob heavier missiles and payloads than direct-fire weapons, but they are harder to aim accurately. Indirectfire weapons can bypass many forms of fortification, delivering their payloads of solid shot, scatter shot, or even disease-ridden offal to targets on other ships.
    Indirect-fire weapons use a targeting mechanic similar to that described for catapults in the Core Rulebook, hereafter referred to as an indirect attack. The following is an update to those rules.

    Indirect Attack: To f ire an indirect-f ire siege engine, the crew leader makes a targeting check against the DC of the siege engine. This check uses his base attack bonus, his Knowledge
(engineering) skill modifier if trained in that skill (or his Intelligence modifier, if not trained), any nonproficiency penalty, and the appropriate modifiers from Table 2. If the check succeeds, the ammunition of the indirect attack hits the square the siege engine was aimed at, dealing the indicated damage or effect to any object or creature within the area of its attack. Creatures may get a saving throw to limit the effect of the attack; this is typically based on the type of ammunition used.
    If the attack misses the intended square, roll 1d8 to determine in what direction the shot veers. A roll of 1 indicates the ammunition falls short (toward the siege engine), with rolls of 2 through 8 counting squares clockwise around the target square. Roll 1d4 for every range increment at which the attack was made (1d4 if the target square is within the engine’s first range increment, 2d4 if the target square is within the second range increment, and so on). The total is the number of squares by which the attack misses. The ammunition deals its damage and any other effects in the square it lands on.
   Critical Hits: When a direct-fire siege engine scores a critical hit, it confirms the critical and deals critical hit damage just like any other weapon. If an indirect-fire siege engine rolls a natural 20 on its targeting check, it can also score a critical hit. The crew leader must reroll the targeting check to confirm the critical. If the confirmation targeting check is successful, the attack is a critical hit, and the siege engine multiplies its damage by its critical multiplier. Unlike normal attacks, siege engine attacks can deal critical hit damage to objects. Siege engines do not gain the benefit of critical feats the crew or the crew leader may have.
    Mishaps and Misfires: Rolling a natural 1 on an attack roll with a direct-fire siege engine or a targeting check made by an indirect-fire siege engine produces a mishap. Usually a mishap applies the broken condition. A siege engine with the broken condition takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, targeting checks, and damage rolls.If the creature that serves as crew leader has the Siege Engineer feat, that creature does not generate a mishap on a natural 1 when firing the siege engine.

Siege engine QualitieS
Siege engines are presented in the following format on Table 3.

Cost: This value is the siege engine’s cost in gold pieces (gp). The cost includes gear needed to work the engine as well as gear for upkeep. Typical ammunition costs and weights are given in the siege engine descriptions.
Damage: This entry gives the damage typically dealt by the siege engine. Unlike normal ranged weapons, siege engines deal full damage to objects. Siege engines do not deal sneak attack damage or any other kind of precision damage.
Critical: The entry for this column notes how the engine is used with the rules for critical hits (Core Rulebook 144). Unlike normal ranged weapons, siege engines can deal critical damage to objects as well as creatures.
Range: Any attack at a distance greater than that listed in this entry is penalized for range. Beyond this range, the attack or targeting check takes a cumulative –2 penalty for each full-range increment (or fraction thereof ) of distance to the target. Some siege engines have a minimum range for effectiveness, listed in parentheses after its range.
Type: Like weapons, siege engines are classified according to the type of damage they deal: B for bludgeoning, P for piercing, or S for slashing. Some siege engines deal energy damage. In those cases, the type of energy damage is listed instead.
Crew: This column gives the number of Medium creatures needed to properly operate the siege engine.
Aim: This column gives the number of full-round actions required to aim a siege engine. If the siege engine is being controlled by less than its normal crew complement, the number of actions it takes for the crew to aim the siege engine is doubled.
Load: This column gives the number of full-round actions required to load a siege engine.

Siege engine DeScriptionS
The following siege engines are available in the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path.

Ballista: A ballista resembles a massive crossbow, and its power is provided by twisted skeins of animal sinew used as torsion springs driving a pair of adjustable arms. A cord attached to both arms is winched back and a projectile is loaded into a grooved slider for release. Ballistae are direct-fire siege engines.
    Light: This common type of ballista, also called an arbalest or scorpion, is Large, maneuverable, and often mounted on ships. Light ballistae have a hardness of 5 and 50 hit points. Light ballista bolts cost 10 gp each and weigh 10 pounds.
    Heavy: These Huge siege engines are commonly used as castle defenses, as well as on large warships. Heavy ballistae have a hardness of 5 and 100 hit points. Heavy ballista bolts cost 30 gp and weigh 20 pounds each.

Catapult: Catapults are stone-throwing siege engines powered by winched arms that run through torsion skeins, and hold their payload in a cup that swings up and over the weapon when released. Catapults can hurl a variety of different types of ammunition (the damage given is for stone projectiles; other types of ammunition can be found in the Special Siege Engine Ammunition section, below). Catapults are indirect-fire siege engines.
    Light: These catapults are Large and often mounted on wheels. The targeting DC of a light catapult is 15. Light catapults have a hardness of 5 and 50 hit points. Light catapult stones cost 10 gp and weigh 50 pounds each.
    Standard: These Huge catapults are too large to be transported in one piece, and require assembly. The targeting DC of a standard catapult is 20. Standard catapults have a hardness of 5 and 100 hit points. Standard catapult stones cost 15 gp and weigh 75 pounds each.

Corvus: A corvus is a boarding device that features a hinged counterweight system for mounting a bridge vertically on the side of a ship, with a hooked end to grab onto a target ship. A corvus is usually 10 feet wide and 15 feet long. It has a hardness of 5 and 10 hit points per square. Using a corvus requires a DC 10 Profession (siege engineer) check as a full-round action, provided the corvus is in the correct position, which is within the length of the corvus and adjacent to another ship. If the check fails, the corvus fails to catch on the target and must be reset (a full-round action). Once a corvus is attached, it takes a Strength check as a full-round action to dislodge the corvus. Alternatively, if the corvus is attached to a ship, the pilot of either ship can make a sailing check as a standard action to dislodge the corvus (a check that succeeds by 5 or more destroys the corvus). The base DC for either of these checks is 15, and the DC increases by 5 for every Small or Medium creature currently standing on the corvus. If a corvus is disengaged while creatures are standing on it, those creatures must make a DC 15 Ref lex saving throw or fall. Succeeding at the saving throw allows them to move to the nearest area of safe ground, but such movement provokes attacks of opportunity. A corvus cannot be armored. A corvus does not count toward a ship’s maximum number of siege engines.

Firedrake: These Huge siege engines are often mounted on wheels. This apparatus fires gouts of alchemist’s fire in either a 60-foot line or a 30-foot cone (siege crew leader’s choice). Targets in the area take 6d6 points of fire damage (DC 15 Ref lex save for half damage); those who fail their saves also catch on fire. A firedrake with the broken condition that suffers a further mishap explodes, dealing its damage to all creatures within a 20-foot-radius burst (DC 15 Ref lex save for half damage). Firedrakes have a hardness of 10 and 70 hit points. One use of firedrake ammunition costs 200 gp and weighs 20 pounds.

Springal: A springal uses a torsion-cranked composite paddle to strike a firing rack containing multiple arrows, which rain down in an arc over a burst area. Springals are indirect-fire siege engines that affect the targeted square and a 15-foot burst around that square. One use of arrow springal ammunition costs 20 gp and weighs 10 pounds.

Ammunition Cost Weight
Alchemist’s fire 200 gp 10 lbs.
Chain shot 50 gp 30 lbs.
Liquid ice 400 gp 20 lbs.
Plague bundle 80 gp 20 lbs.
Smoke shot 250 gp 20 lbs。

    Alchemist’s Fire: This is either a hard, ceramic container of alchemist’s fire that can be used as ammunition in catapults, or a ceramic bulb of alchemist’s fire mounted on the tip of a ballista bolt to be fired from ballistae. When it hits its target square, it deals 4d6 points of fire damage to each creature and wooden structure within 5 feet of the target space, and each creature must make a DC 20 Ref lex saving throw or catch on fire (wooden objects automatically catch on fire). Every creature and wooden object within the area between 5 and 30 feet of the target space must make a DC 20 Ref lex saving throw or take half the fire damage, but does not catch on fire. On a siege engine mishap, this ammunition explodes before it is launched, dealing its damage to the siege engine and all nearby creatures and wooden objects as if one of the spaces of the siege engine (crew leader’s choice) were the target square. This alchemical fire ignores the hardness of wooden objects.
    Chain Shot: Made of two small catapult stones chained together, this ammunition can be fired from catapults. Chain shot is especially good at tearing through sails and rigging, dealing double its normal damage to that form of propulsion. It deals normal damage to a creature, and if hit, the creature must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude saving throw or be knocked prone. Chain shot is relatively ineffective against ships themselves, dealing only 2d6 points of damage for a light catapult, or 4d6 points of damage for a standard catapult.
    Liquid Ice: This hard, ceramic canister filled with alchemical liquid ice can be used as ammunition in catapults. When it hits its target square, it deals 4d6 points of cold damage to each creature within 5 feet of the target space, and each creature must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or become entangled for 1 round. Every creature within the area between 5 and 30 feet of the target space must make a DC 20 Fortitude saving throw or take half damage. On a siege engine mishap, this ammunition explodes before it is launched, dealing its damage to all nearby creatures as if one of the spaces of the siege engine (crew leader’s choice) were the target square.
     Plague Bundle: This hard, ceramic canister is filled with a noxious mass of diseased carrion and offal that can be used as ammunition for a catapult. It deals only half damage, but every creature hit by it is exposed to filth fever (Core Rulebook 557). A GM might allow a plague bundle to inf lict other diseases.
    Smoke Shot: This hard ceramic sphere contains two alchemical substances separated by a thin barrier, much like a smoke pellet (Advanced Player’s Guide 185) in larger form. It can be used as ammunition in catapults. When smoke shot hits the target space, it deals 2d6 points of damage to any creature in that space, and the substances mingle and then create an area of foul but harmless yellow smoke radiating 30 feet from the target square. Treat the effect as a fog cloud spell. On a siege engine mishap, the ammunition explodes before it is launched. Its effect is centered on one of the spaces of the siege engine (crew leader’s choice).

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舰船数据 Ship Statistics

大小和类型(Size and Type):舰船的大小和类型。
AC和硬度(AC and Hardness):船只的基础护甲等级和硬度,基于其大小、防御、以及其建筑材料(大部分的木船硬度5)。将当前驾驶员的航行技能调整值(如果她在使用感知能力驾驶船只,则使用感知修整)加在船只基础AC上,以确定船只的实际AC。对船只的接触攻击忽略其驾驶员的航行技能或属性调整值;因此船只的基础AC就是其接触AC。一艘船永远不会处于措手不及状态。如果船只不在移动中,他的有效敏捷为0(在AC上有一个-5罚值),并且在AC上额外承受一个-2罚值。
基础豁免(Base Save):船只的基础豁免修正。所有的船只豁免骰(强韧、反射和意志)拥有相同的数值。将驾驶员的航行技能调整值(如果她在使用感知能力驾驶船只,则使用感知修整)的一半加在船只基础豁免上,以确定船只的当前豁免。船只免疫绝大部分需要意志豁免的效果(但是其驾驶员,船员和乘客通常不免疫)。
最大速度(Maximum Speed):这是船只可以移动的最快速度,当一艘船拥有超过一个推动装置时,它也可能会拥有多个最大速度。如果一艘船有风帆,那么当它在沿着风向行驶时,可以按照其最大风力驱动速度的两倍速度移动。
战技加值和战技防御(CMB and CMD):这是船只的基础CMB和CMD。将驾驶员的航行技能调整值(如果她在使用感知能力驾驶船只,则使用感知修整)加在船只基础CDB上,以确定船只的当前CMB和CMD。一艘船永远不会措手不及。如果船只不在移动中,他的有效敏捷为0(在CMD上有一个-5罚值),并且在CMD上额外承受一个-2罚值。
撞击伤害(Ramming Damage):船只进行一次成功的冲撞攻击造成的基础伤害(不包括撞角)。
航行检定(Sailing Check):通常用来对这类船只进行航行检定的技能。
控制装置(Control Device):驾驶员用于控制船只的典型控制装置。
推进方式(Means of Propulsion):用于推进船只的手段及数量。

劇透 -   :
Ship Statistics
A vast variety of boats and ships exist in the real world, from small rafts and longboats to intimidating galleons and swift galleys. To represent the numerous distinctions of shape and size that exist between water-going vessels, the following stat blocks categorize several standard ship sizes and their respective statistics, including all water vehicles that characters can purchase in the Core Rulebook. GMs can use or alter the statistics below to create new ships for specific cultures or races to suit the needs of their individual campaigns. All ships have the following traits.
  Name: The name or type of the ship.
  Size and Type: The size and type of the ship.
  Squares: The number of 30-foot squares the ship takes up on the battle mat, followed by the ship’s actual dimensions. A ship’s width is always considered to be one square.
  Cost: The ship’s cost in gp. Sometimes the description or the weapons section provides possible modifications for the ships. These are not included in the cost of the ship, nor are additions like rams or siege engines.
  AC and Hardness: The ship’s base Armor Class and hardness, based on its size, defenses, and its construction material (hardness 5 for most wooden ships). To calculate the ship’s actual AC, add the current pilot’s sailing skill modifier (or Wisdom modifier, if she is using that ability to drive the ship) to the ship’s base AC. Touch attacks against a ship ignore its pilot’s sailing skill or ability modifier; thus a ship’s base AC is its touch AC. A ship is never considered flat-footed. If the ship is not in motion, it has an effective Dexterity of 0 (–5 penalty to AC), and an additional –2 penalty to its AC.
  hp: The ship’s total hit points. A ship that takes damage in excess of half its total hit points gains the broken condition. At 0 or fewer hit points, a ship gains the sinking condition. A ship that sinks completely is considered destroyed. Ships do not have ability scores,
and are immune to ability score damage or drain. They are also immune to bleed damage. Unlike other objects, ships do not take half damage from energy attacks, but do take half damage from all ranged weapons except siege engines. This line also lists the total hit points for the ship’s oars and sails, if any.
  Base Save: The ship’s base save modifier. All of the ship’s saving throws (Fortitude, Ref lex, and Will) have the same value. To determine a ship’s actual saving throw modifiers, add half the pilot’s sailing skill modifier (or half the pilot’s Wisdom modifier) to the ship’s base saving throw. A ship is immune to most effects that require a Will saving throw (though pilots, crew members, and passengers typically are not).
  Maximum Speed: This is the fastest that a ship can move. When a ship has more than one means of propulsion, it may also have more than one maximum speed. If a ship has sails, it can move at double its maximum wind propulsion speed when it moves in the direction of the wind.
  Acceleration: This is how fast a ship can increase its speed each round. It also determines the maximum amount a ship can safely decelerate each round.
  CMB and CMD: The ship’s base CMB and CMD. To calculate the ship’s actual CMB and CMD, add the current pilot’s sailing skill modifier (or Wisdom modifier, if she is using that ability to drive the ship) to the ship’s base CMB. A ship is never considered flat-footed. If the ship is not in motion, it has an effective Dexterity of 0 (–5 penalty to CMD), and an additional –2 penalty to its CMD.
  Ramming Damage: The base damage dealt by the ship on a successful ramming attack (without a ram).
  Propulsion: The types of propulsion used by the ship.
  Sailing Check: The skills typically used to make a sailing check with this type of ship.
  Control Device: The typical control device the pilot uses to steer the ship.
  Means of Propulsion: The actual means and amount of propulsion used to move the ship.
  Crew: This is the minimum number of crew members needed to move the ship, in addition to the pilot. If a ship uses muscle propulsion, the number and size of creatures providing the propulsion are listed here as well. Any crew required to operate a ship’s siege engines is in addition to this number.
  Decks: The usual number of decks on a ship and any important information about those decks is given in this section.
  Cargo/Passengers: The amount of cargo (in tons) a ship can hold, as well as the number of non-crew passengers it can carry.

三桅帆船/划桨大帆船 Galley
占据 4 (20 尺 × 130 尺); 成本 30,000 gp
AC 2; 硬度 5
hp 1,560 (船桨 1,400, 风帆 320)
基础豁免 +8
最高时速 60 尺 (人力), 60 尺 (风力), or 120 尺 (人力和风力); 加速度 30 尺
CMB +8; CMD 18
撞击伤害 8d8
动力 人力,风力或水流
航行检定 交涉或威吓 (使用人力时); 专业(水手) (使用风力或水流时)
操纵装置 船舵
推进装置 140 船桨, 80 平方风帆(两根桅杆)
船员 200 (60+140 中型桨手)
甲板层 3
货物/乘客150 吨/250 乘客


劇透 -   :
Colossal ship
Squares 4 (20 ft. by 130 ft.); Cost 30,000 gp
AC 2; Hardness 5
hp 1,560 (oars 1,400, sails 320)
Base Save +8
Maximum Speed 60 ft. (muscle), 60 ft. (wind), or 120 ft.
(muscle and wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
CMB +8; CMD 18
Ramming Damage 8d8
Propulsion muscle, wind, or current
Sailing Check Diplomacy or Intimidate (when using muscle); Profession (sailor) (when using wind or current)
Control Device tiller
Means of Propulsion 140 oars, 80 squares of sails (two masts)
Crew 200 (60+140 Medium rowers)
Decks 3
Cargo/Passengers 150 tons/250 passengers

One of the largest sailing ships on the sea, a galley has 70 oars on either side. A galley can be any large ship that primarily relies on oars for propulsion, but also contains one to three masts with sails. Galleys typically stick close to the coast, as long ocean voyages are risky in such vessels. This stat block can be used to represent a variety of historical galleys, from biremes and triremes to galliots and dromons.
Weapons: Up to 40 Large direct-fire siege engines in banks of 20 positioned on the port and starboard sides of the ship, or up to 12 Huge direct-fire siege engines in banks of six on the port and starboard sides of the ship. These siege engines may only fire out the sides of the
ship that they are positioned on and cannot fire toward the forward or aft sides of the ship. These siege engines cannot be used while the galley is being rowed.

戎克船 Junk
占据 3 (20 尺 by 75 尺) 成本 15,000 gp
AC 2; 硬度 5
hp 900 (sails 360)
基础豁免 +6
最高时速 90 尺 (风力); 加速度 30 尺
CMB +8; CMD 18
撞击伤害 8d8
动力 风力 或 水流
航行检定 专业 (水手)
操纵装置 船舵
推进装置 90 平米风帆 (三根桅杆)
船员 10
甲板层 2
货物/乘客100 吨/100 乘客

劇透 -   :
Colossal ship
Squares 3 (20 ft. by 75 ft.) Cost 15,000 gp
AC 2; Hardness 5
hp 900 (sails 360)
Base Save +6
Maximum Speed 90 ft. (wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
CMB +8; CMD 18
Ramming Damage 8d8
Propulsion wind or current
Sailing Check Profession (sailor)
Control Device tiller
Means of Propulsion 90 squares of sails (three masts)
Crew 10
Decks 2
Cargo/Passengers 100 tons/100 passengers

      This flat-bottomed sailing ship from Tian Xia has two or three masts with junk-rigged sails, allowing it to be easily sailed by a small crew. Junks typically have a high poop deck and a flat bottom with no keel, and so rely on daggerboards, leeboards, or large rudders for stability. A junk’s hull is divided into several watertight compartments, like a stalk of bamboo, which strengthen the hull and slow f looding. Junks are capable of ocean travel, and have a waterborne speed of 2 miles per hour or 48 miles per day.
 Weapons: Up to 12 Large direct-fire or indirect-fire siege engines in banks of six positioned on the port and starboard sides of the ship, or up to four Huge direct-fire siege engines in banks of two on the port and starboard sides of the ship. These siege engines may only fire out the sides of the ship that they are positioned on and cannot fire toward the forward or aft sides of the ship.
    In addition, up to two Large direct-fire or indirect-fire siege engines may be positioned one each on the forward and aft sides of the ship (one Huge direct-fire or indirectfire siege engine may be positioned on the aft side of the ship instead, but the forward side can only fit a Large siege weapon). These siege engines can be swiveled to fire out either side of the ship, or either forward or aft, depending on their position.

龙骨船 Keelboat
占据 2 (15 尺 by 50 尺) 成本 3,000 gp
AC 6; 硬度 5
hp 600 (船桨 80, 风帆 80)
基础豁免 +4
最高时速 30 尺 (人力), 30 尺 (风力), 或 60 尺 (人力和风力); 加速度 30 尺
CMB +4; CMD 14
撞击伤害 4d8
动力 人力, 风力, 或 水流
航行检定 交涉 或 威吓 (当使用人力); 专业 (水手) (当使用风力 或 水流)
操纵装置 船舵
推进装置 8 船桨, 20 平米风帆 (一根桅杆)
船员 15 (7+8 中型桨手)
甲板层 1
货物/乘客50 吨/100 乘客

劇透 -   :
Gargantuan ship
Squares 2 (15 ft. by 50 ft.) Cost 3,000 gp
AC 6; Hardness 5
hp 600 (oars 80, sails 80)
Base Save +4
Maximum Speed 30 ft. (muscle), 30 ft. (wind), or 60 ft. (muscle
and wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
CMB +4; CMD 14
Ramming Damage 4d8
Propulsion muscle, wind, or current
Sailing Check Diplomacy or Intimidate (when using muscle); Profession (sailor) (when using wind or current)
Control Device tiller
Means of Propulsion 8 oars, 20 squares of sails (one mast)
Crew 15 (7+8 Medium rowers)
Decks 1
Cargo/Passengers 50 tons/100 passengers

      This flat-bottomed ship has a few oars to supplement its single mast with a square sail. It can make both sea and river voyages. Keelboats are designed to carry cargo, rather than for fighting. Types of keelboats include the cog, hoy, hulk, karve, and knarr.
Weapons: One Large direct-fire or indirect-fire siege engine positioned on the forward or aft side of the ship. This siege engine can be swiveled to fire out either side of the ship, or either forward or aft, depending on its position.

长船 Longship
占据 3 (15 尺 by 75 尺) 成本 10,000 gp
AC 2; 硬度 5
hp 675 (船桨 400, 风帆 120)
基础豁免 +5
最高时速 30 尺 (人力), 60 尺 (风力), 或 90 尺 (人力 and 风力); 加速度 30 尺
CMB +8; CMD 18
撞击伤害 8d8
动力 人力, 风力, 或 水流
航行检定 交涉 或 威吓 (当使用 人力); 专业 (水手) (当使用风力 或 水流)
操纵装置 船舵
推进装置 40 船桨, 30 平米风帆 (一根桅杆)
船员 50 (10+40中型桨手)
甲板层 1 (在甲板下有一小块货物区域)
货物/乘客 50 吨/100 乘客

劇透 -   :
Colossal ship
Squares 3 (15 ft. by 75 ft.) Cost 10,000 gp
AC 2; Hardness 5
hp 675 (oars 400, sails 120)
Base Save +5
Maximum Speed 30 ft. (muscle), 60 ft. (wind), or 90 ft. (muscle and wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
CMB +8; CMD 18
Ramming Damage 8d8
Propulsion muscle, wind, or current
Sailing Check Diplomacy or Intimidate (when using muscle); Profession (sailor) (when using wind or current)
Control Device tiller
Means of Propulsion 40 oars, 30 squares of sails (one mast)
Crew 50 (10+40 Medium rowers)
Decks 1 (with small cargo area under the deck)
Cargo/Passengers 50 tons/100 passengers

This long and relatively narrow boat has a single mast with a square sail and 40 oars. It can traverse lakes, oceans, and deep rivers. This stat block can be used to represent Norse longships such as the karvi, snekkja, and skei, as well as the balinger and birlinn.
    Weapons: Up to two Large direct-fire or indirect-fire siege engines positioned one each on the forward and aft sides of the ship. These siege engines can be swiveled to fire out either side of the ship, or either forward or aft, depending on their position.

筏 Raft
占据 1 (10 尺 by 10 尺) 成本
AC 9; 硬度 5
hp 30 (船桨 20)
基础豁免 +0
最高时速 30 尺 (人力); 加速度 30 尺
CMB +1; CMD 11
撞击伤害 1d8
动力 人力 或 水流
航行检定 交涉 或 威吓 (当使用人力); 专业 (水手) (当使用水流)
操纵装置 船桨
推进装置 2 船桨
船员 1 (驾驶员,同时也是桨手, 外加3名额外的中型桨手)
甲板层 1
货物/乘客1,000 磅/最多3 乘客 (一只小筏最多承载4名中型生物, 既是乘客也是船员)

劇透 -   :
Large ship
Squares 1 (10 ft. by 10 ft.) Cost —
AC 9; Hardness 5
hp 30 (oars 20)
Base Save +0
Maximum Speed 30 ft. (muscle); Acceleration 30 ft.
CMB +1; CMD 11
Ramming Damage 1d8
Propulsion muscle or current
Sailing Check Diplomacy or Intimidate (when using muscle); Profession (sailor) (when using current)
Control Device oars
Means of Propulsion 2 oars
Crew 1 (the pilot, who is also a rower, plus up to 3 additional Medium rowers)
Decks 1
Cargo/Passengers 1,000 pounds/up to 3 passengers (a raft can carry a total of 4 Medium creatures, either as crew or passengers)

The most basic and primitive type of ship, a raft is a simple, flat boat with no hull, often made of logs lashed together, using two to four oars for propulsion. Rafts are not designed for ocean travel. A raft cannot carry any siege engines.

划艇 Rowboat
占据 1 (5 尺 by 10 尺) 成本 50 gp
AC 9; 硬度 5
hp 60 (船桨 20)
基础豁免 +1
最高时速 30 尺 (人力); 加速度 30 尺
CMB +1; CMD 11
撞击伤害 1d8
动力 人力 或 水流
航行检定 交涉 或 威吓 (当使用人力); 专业 (水手) (当使用水流)
操纵装置 船桨
推进装置 2 to 4 船桨
船员 1 (驾驶员同时也是桨手, 外加额外一名中型桨手)
甲板层 1
货物/乘客1,000 磅/最多3 乘客 (一艘划艇最多可以承载4个中型生物, 既是乘客也是船员)

      这种小船有两到四副桨,主要用于运送几名乘客穿过诸如海港、溪流或者湖泊之类的小片水域。较大型的船只会使用划艇作为交通艇或救生艇。划艇不能运载任何攻城兵器。这组数据可以用于代表一系列由桨推动的开放式小船,诸如dinghies, dories, skiffs, 和 wherries.
劇透 -   :
Large ship
Squares 1 (5 ft. by 10 ft.) Cost 50 gp
AC 9; Hardness 5
hp 60 (oars 20)
Base Save +1
Maximum Speed 30 ft. (muscle); Acceleration 30 ft.
CMB +1; CMD 11
Ramming Damage 1d8
Propulsion muscle or current
Sailing Check Diplomacy or Intimidate (when using muscle); Profession (sailor) (when using current)
Control Device oars
Means of Propulsion 2 to 4 oars
Crew 1 (the pilot, who is also a rower, plus up to 1 additional Medium rower)
Decks 1
Cargo/Passengers 1,000 pounds/up to 3 passengers (a rowboat can carry a total of 4 Medium creatures, either as crew or passengers)

    This small boat has two to four oars and is primarily used to ferry a few passengers across small areas of water such as a harbor, stream, or small lake. Larger ships use rowboats as tenders or lifeboats. A rowboat cannot carry any siege engines. This stat block can be used to represent any of a number small open boats propelled by oars, such as dinghies, dories, skiffs, and wherries.

帆船 Sailing Ship
占据 3 (30 尺 by 90 尺) 成本 10,000 gp
AC 2; 硬度 5
hp 1,620 (风帆 360)
基础豁免 +6
最高时速 90 尺 (风力); 加速度 30 尺
CMB +8; CMD 18
撞击伤害 8d8
动力 风力 或 水流
航行检定 专业 (水手)
操纵装置 舵轮
推进装置 90 平米风帆 (三根桅杆)
船员 20
甲板层 2 或 3
货物/乘客150 吨/120 乘客

      这种巨型帆船拥有一到四根桅杆(通常是二或三根)同时悬挂着方帆或三角帆。它们通常拥有升起的艏楼和艉楼。帆船主要被用于远洋航行,绝大部分商船以及大量的军舰和海盗船都可以归属于帆船中的某一类。帆船有着大量不同的设计,包括barques, brigantines, caravels, carracks, larger cogs, frigates, galleons, schooners, sloops, and xebecs. 一艘拥有四根桅杆并装备攻城兵器的帆船就是人们所说的风帆战舰(man-o’-war)
劇透 -   :
Sailing Ship
Colossal ship
Squares 3 (30 ft. by 90 ft.) Cost 10,000 gp
AC 2; Hardness 5
hp 1,620 (sails 360)
Base Save +6
Maximum Speed 90 ft. (wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
CMB +8; CMD 18
Ramming Damage 8d8
Propulsion wind or current
Sailing Check Profession (sailor)
Control Device steering wheel
Means of Propulsion 90 squares of sails (three masts)
Crew 20
Decks 2 or 3
Cargo/Passengers 150 tons/120 passengers

     This massive sailing ship has one to four masts (usually two or three) with either square or lateen sails. Often they have raised forecastles and sterncastles. Sailing ships are primarily used for ocean travel. Most merchant ships, and many military and pirate vessels are sailing ships of one type or another. Sailing ships come in a variety of different designs, including barques, brigantines, caravels, carracks, larger cogs, frigates, galleons, schooners, sloops, and xebecs. A sailing ship with four masts and outfitted with siege engines is often known as a man-o’-war.
   Weapons: Up to 20 Large direct-fire siege engines in banks of 10 positioned on the port and starboard sides of the ship, or up to six Huge direct-fire siege engines in banks of three on the port and starboard sides of the ship. These siege engines may only fire out the sides of the ship that they are positioned on and cannot fire toward the forward or aft sides of the ship.
    In addition, up to two Large or one Huge direct-fire or indirect-fire siege engine may be positioned on both the forecastle and sterncastle of the ship. These siege engines can be swiveled to fire out the sides of the ship or either forward or aft, depending on their position.

舰载船 Ship’s Boat
占据 1 (10 尺 by 20 尺) 成本 500 gp
AC 9; 硬度 5
hp 120 (船桨 60, 风帆 40)
基础豁免 +2
最高时速 30 尺 (人力 或 风力); 加速度 30 尺
CMB +1; CMD 11
撞击伤害 1d8
动力 人力, 风力, 或 水流
航行检定 交涉 或 威吓 (当使用人力); 专业 (水手) (当使用风力 或 水流)
操纵装置 船桨
推进装置 6 船桨, 10 平米风帆 (一根桅杆)
船员 4 to 10 中型 桨手
甲板层 1
货物/乘客2 吨/至多 12 乘客 (取决于大小,一艘舰载船最多可以承载16名中型生物,既是乘客也是船员)

      舰载船通常装载在大型船只之上,用于在船岸之间或者两船之间渡运乘客和货物。一些舰载船只被预留用于军官的使用, 而另一些则用作着陆艇或运载登船方的人员。一艘普通的舰载船约16-24英尺长(尽管最长的舰载船能有30英尺长),有4至10副桨和一根用于悬挂方帆或三角帆的桅杆。舰载船的水上速度为每小时2英里或每天20英里。舰载船无法携带任何攻城兵器。这组数据可以用于代表各种类型的舰载船,诸如cutters, gigs, jolly boats, launches, longboats, 或者 pinnaces, 同样也可以用于其它小型开放式船只,如faerings, sampans, 和 whaleboats.
劇透 -   :
Ship’s Boat
Large ship
Squares 1 (10 ft. by 20 ft.) Cost 500 gp
AC 9; Hardness 5
hp 120 (oars 60, sails 40)
Base Save +2
Maximum Speed 30 ft. (muscle or wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
CMB +1; CMD 11
Ramming Damage 1d8
Propulsion muscle, wind, or current
Sailing Check Diplomacy or Intimidate (when using muscle); Profession (sailor) (when using wind or current)
Control Device oars
Means of Propulsion 6 oars, 10 squares of sails (one mast)
Crew 4 to 10 Medium rowers
Decks 1
Cargo/Passengers 2 tons/up to 12 passengers (depending on size, a ship’s boat can carry up to a total of 16 Medium creatures, either as crew or passengers)

Ship’s boats are usually carried on the decks of larger ships to use as tenders to ferry passengers and cargo from ship to shore or between ships. Some ship’s boats are reserved for the use of off icers, while others are used as landing craft or to carry boarding parties. An average ship’s boat is 16 to 24 feet long (though the largest ship’s boats can be upward of 30 feet long) and has anywhere from four to 10 oars as well as a single mast with a square or lateen sail. A ship’s boat has a waterborne speed of 2 miles per hour or 20 miles per day. A ship’s boat cannot carry any siege engines. This stat block can be used to represent any of several types of ship’s boats, such as cutters, gigs, jolly boats, launches, longboats, or pinnaces, as well as other small, open boats such as faerings, sampans, and whaleboats.

战舰 Warship
占据 4 (20 尺 by 100 尺) 成本 25,000 gp
AC 2; 硬度 10
hp 1,200 (船桨 600, 风帆 320)
基础豁免 +7
最高时速 60 尺 (人力), 30 尺 (风力), 或 90 尺 (人力
and 风力); 加速度 30 尺
CMB +8; CMD 18
撞击伤害 8d8
动力 人力, 风力, 或 水流
航行检定 交涉 或 威吓 (当使用人力); 专业 (水手) (当使用风力 或 水流)
操纵装置 船舵
推进装置 60 船桨, 40 平米魔法处理风帆 (一根桅杆)
船员 80 (20+60 中型 桨手)
甲板层 2
货物/乘客50 吨/160 乘客

      这艘船是由强化木材制成的船只,拥有单桅杆和魔法处理过的风帆,尽管也可以用船桨推动。一艘战舰被用于短途突袭和兵力部署, 因为它没有货物空间, 无法为大批乘客在长途运输中运送补给品。和划桨大帆船类似,战舰不是设计用于远洋航行的船只,倾向于紧贴海岸线航行。战舰无法用于货运。被称为龙首战舰的最大型北方长船,以及诸如galleasses和lantern galleys这种超大型的划桨大帆船,也都会被认为战舰。
劇透 -   :
Colossal ship
Squares 4 (20 ft. by 100 ft.) Cost 25,000 gp
AC 2; Hardness 10
hp 1,200 (oars 600, sails 320)
Base Save +7
Maximum Speed 60 ft. (muscle), 30 ft. (wind), or 90 ft. (muscle
and wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
CMB +8; CMD 18
Ramming Damage 8d8
Propulsion muscle, wind, or current
Sailing Check Diplomacy or Intimidate (when using muscle); Profession (sailor) (when using wind or current)
Control Device tiller
Means of Propulsion 60 oars, 40 squares of magically-treated sails (one mast)
Crew 80 (20+60 Medium rowers)
Decks 2
Cargo/Passengers 50 tons/160 passengers

This ship is crafted of reinforced wood with a single mast and magically treated sails, although oars can also propel it. A warship is used for short-distance forays and troop deployment, as it does not have cargo space to carry supplies for large numbers of passengers over a long distance. Like galleys, warships are not designed for sea voyages and tend to stick close to the coast. A warship is not used for cargo. The largest Norse longships, called drekar or drakkar, as well as very large galleys such as galleasses and lantern galleys, are all considered warships.
   Weapons: Up to 20 Large direct-fire siege engines in banks of 10 are positioned on the port and starboard sides of the ship, or up to six Huge direct-fire siege engines in banks of three on the ship’s port and starboard sides. These siege engines may only fire out the sides of the ship that they are positioned on and cannot fire toward the forward or aft sides of the ship. These siege engines cannot be used while the warship is being rowed.
    For an additional 8,000 gp, a warship can be fitted with a ram and castles with firing platforms fore, aft, and amidships. Each of these firing platforms can hold a single Large or Huge direct-fire or indirect-fire siege engine. Siege engines on the fore and aft firing platforms can be swiveled to fire out the sides of the ship or either forward or aft, depending on their position. A siege engine on the amidships can be swiveled to fire out either side of the ship.

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船只改造(Ship Modifications)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2018-05-20, 周日 15:16:18 »
船只改造 Ship Modifications

船只改进 Ship Improvements

额外船员舱室(Additional Crew Quarters):这意味着船只上有更多的空间提供给水手们吃住。这艘船可以多承载10%的乘客,但是其货运能力减少10%。
要求: 工艺(造船) DC 22

装甲外层(Armor Plating):通过将金属板附加在船只上,船体的生命值增加15%并且硬度增加4点。这一改造会减少船只货运能力15%。装甲外层会减缓船只速度,在其所有航行检定上施加-1罚值。舰船战斗中船只的战术速度不受影响,但是其水上速度减少20%。
要求: 工艺(造船) DC 28
造价: 船只基础价格的30%

宽舵(Broad Rudder):一个宽舵可以使船只更加灵活,在所有航行检定上提供+1加值。
要求: 工艺(造船) DC 16
造价: 500 gp

隐藏武器窗口(Concealed Weapon Port):为了容纳大型直射攻城武器,例如弩炮或加农炮,如果他们在战役中被使用,该船的甲板下方区域将进行重大改造。隐藏武器窗口需要进行DC15的察觉检定才能识别出来。除了武器本身需要的空间外,每个隐藏武器窗口会减少5吨的货运能力。
要求: 工艺(造船) DC 16
造价: 每个窗口100 gp(在武器本身的价格之外)

延伸龙骨(Extended Keel):这艘船的龙骨比通常的船型要长,船头到船尾的全长会比普通船只提高10%,但是货运能力不会受到明显影响。船只会更加稳定,在所有的航行检定上获得+1加值。该改造必须在船只建造的时候添加,而不能在之后再添加。
要求: 工艺(造船) DC 19
造价: 船只基础价格的10%

要求: 工艺(木工)或工艺(雕刻) DC 10
造价: 100–1,000 gp, 取决于港口和工匠

玻璃底部(Glass Bottom):这艘船的底部装有宽大的玻璃窗户,允许里面的人凝望大海。这对船只的性能没有影响,除了船只底部会只有厚玻璃的强度(硬度1,HP3,破坏DC8)
要求: 工艺(玻璃) DC 19
造价: 船只基础价格的5%

增加货运能力(Increased Cargo Capacity):对船只布局进行有效的重新规划,使船上拥有更多的贮存空间。这艘船的货运能力提高10%。
要求: 工艺(造船) DC 22
造价: 船只基础价格的15%

魔化操纵装置(Magically Treated Control Device):船只的舵轮或船舵经过了魔化处理,其生命值和硬度翻倍。该强化只能由拥有制造奇物专长的施法者添加。
要求: 制造奇物, 工艺(造船) DC 15
造价: 1,000 gp

魔化船体(Magically Treated Hull):这艘船的船体经过了魔化处理,其生命值和硬度翻倍。该强化只能由拥有制造奇物专长的施法者添加。
要求: 制造奇物, 工艺(造船) DC 15
造价: 船只占据的每个方格 4,500 gp

魔化船桨(Magically Treated Oars):这艘船的船桨经过了魔化处理,其生命值和硬度翻倍。该强化只能由拥有制造奇物专长的施法者添加。
要求: 制造奇物, 工艺(木工) or 工艺(造船) DC 15
造价: 每只桨100 gp

魔化风帆(Magically Treated Sails):这艘船的风帆经过了魔化处理,其生命值和硬度翻倍。该强化只能由拥有制造奇物专长的施法者添加。
要求: 制造奇物, 工艺(制帆) DC 15
造价: 每五平方英尺风帆 500 gp

活动甲板(Movable Deck):为了让该船可以伪装成另外一艘不同的船只,船只甲板上的特征物被设计的可以移动。在拉动几十根栓柱后,船员们可以在隐藏的导轨上向前拖动艉楼,重新布置未干的位置,延伸船舷,降低船尾甲板,更换船只舵轮,以及其他外观变化,如新的船艏像和不同颜色的风帆。只有在仔细认真的检查船只时通过DC20的察觉检定,才能发现这些秘密栓锁、杠杆和轨道。
要求: 工艺(造船) DC 28
造价: 船只基础价格的40%

狭长船体(Narrow Hull):这艘船被有意设计成更加细长的船体,使其能够划过更加狭窄的空间。船只的正横(宽度)减少20%,货运能力减少10%,但是船只在所有航行检定上获得+2加值。该改造必须在船只建造的时候添加,而不能在之后再添加。
要求: 工艺(造船) DC 22
造价: 船只基础价格的15%

要求: 工艺(造船) DC 10
造价: 50gp(大型船只), 100gp(超大型船只), 300gp(巨型船只),或 1000gp(超巨型船只)

快速部署风帆(Rapid-Deplay Sails):船只上的索具经历了一次工程学上的翻天覆地的变化,使其风帆可以比正常情况要更快的升降。任何风帆的调整都可以在正常时间的一半时间内完成,在所有航行检定上赋予+1加值。
要求: 工艺(制帆)或知识(工程学)DC25
造价: 船只基础价格的10%

丝绸风帆(Silk Sails):很少有船能像丝绸船帆一样美丽。这些风帆可以设计为任何玩家想要的颜色;他们通常绣有关于大海的惊奇景色。这些风帆通常是从遥远的国度进口的,由于其能够有效地捕捉并分配风力,丝绸风帆能使船只拥有更优秀的移动速度。一艘装备了丝绸风帆的船只可以在抢占上风的航行检定对抗上获得+1加值。舰船战斗中船只的战术速度不受影响,但是其水上速度增加10%。
要求: 工艺(制帆) DC 16
造价: 船只基础价格的15%

走私舱室(Smuggling Compartments):这艘船的舱壁经过改造使其之间的空隙可以作为隐藏的货物储存区域。这不会改变船只的货运能力。一个走私舱室可以容纳任何五英尺立方空间的东西。如果你使用了掠夺规则(见冒险之路#55中“海盗生涯”中关于掠夺系统的详细描述),通常,两个走私舱室需要持有价值1个掠夺点的东西。在搜查船只时,要确定走私舱室的位置需要进行一个DC20的察觉检定。
要求: 工艺(造船) DC 19
造价: 每5尺走私舱室500gp

加固船体(Sturdy Hull):这艘船的船体加装了额外支撑和木材层版,使其更加厚重并有弹性,船体的硬度增加2点。但是船只的货运能力减少10%。
要求: 工艺(造船) DC 16
造价: 船只基础价格的10%

木板外层(Wooden Plating):为了在海战中保护船只,这艘船只在其船体上加钉了额外的木质板层。船体的生命值提高5%并且其硬度增加2点。然而由于需要额外空间作为内部支撑,这减少了船只货运能力10%。舰船战斗中船只的战术速度不受影响,但是其水上速度减少10%
要求: 工艺(造船) DC 25
造价: 船只基础价格的20%

劇透 -   :
Ship modifications
Not all ships are created equally. Players looking for a ship that is faster, tougher, or more agile might consider adding modifications to their vessels. Each of the following ship improvements must be planned, built, or installed (as appropriate) by someone with the Craft (ships) skill or other skill or feat, as described in the Requirements line. In order to alter a ship with one of the following modifications, the shipwright must make a skill check, with the final DC dependent upon the overall complexity of the desired modification. A failed check means that this particular ship-builder is unable to install that feature, though 1/2 of the cost of the feature is nonetheless expended on wasted parts. Another shipwright must be consulted to complete the work, but the DC for his check is increased by 2 if any previous modifications were made by another shipwright (different builders have different techniques).

Ship improvementS
The following ship improvements can be added to a ship.

Additional Crew Quarters: This translates into more space for a ship’s sailors to sleep and eat. The ship may support 10% more passengers, but its cargo capacity is decreased by 10%.
Requirements: Craft (ships) DC 22
Cost: 20% of base ship cost

Armor Plating: By attaching metal plates to the ship, the hull’s hit points are increased by +15% and its hardness is increased by +4. This modification reduces a ship’s cargo capacity by 15%. The armor plating slows the ship, imposing a –1 penalty on all sailing checks. The ship’s tactical speed in ship-to-ship combat is not affected, but its waterborne speed is reduced by 20%.
Requirements: Craft (ships) DC 28
Cost: 30% of base ship cost

Broad Rudder: A wide rudder makes a ship more nimble, granting a +1 bonus on all sailing checks.
Requirements: Craft (ships) DC 16
Cost: 500 gp

Concealed Weapon Port: The ship’s belowdecks area undergoes major reconstruction in order to house Large direct-fire siege engines, such as light ballistae or cannons, if they are in use in the campaign. A concealed weapon port can only be recognized on a successful DC 15 Perception check. Each concealed port reduces a ship’s cargo capacity by 5 tons, in addition to the space required by the weapon itself.
Requirements: Craft (ships) DC 16
Cost: 100 gp per port (in addition to the cost of the weapons)

Extended Keel: The ship’s keel is longer than usual for a vessel of its type. The ship’s measurements from bow to stern are 10% longer than normal, though cargo capacity is not appreciably affected. The ship is more stable, and grants a +1 bonus on all sailing checks. This improvement must be installed at the time of the ship’s construction and cannot be added later.
Requirements: Craft (ships) DC 19
Cost: 10% of base ship cost

Figurehead: Some ships sport fanciful carvings on their bowsprits. This modification is strictly cosmetic, with no real impact on game play. Players are encouraged to design their own custom figureheads, such as dolphins, mermaids, and other such creatures of myth.
Requirements: Craft (carpentry) or Craft (sculptures) DC 10
Cost: 100–1,000 gp, depending on the port and the craftsman

Glass Bottom: The bottom of the ship is inset with wide windows, permitting those inside to gaze into the ocean. This has no effect on ship performance, other than making the ship’s bottom only as strong as thick glass (hardness 1, hp 3, Break DC 8).
Requirements: Craft (glass) DC 19
Cost: 5% of base ship cost

Increased Cargo Capacity: An efficient remodeling of the ship’s layout means more room for the ship’s stores. The ship’s cargo capacity is increased by 10%.
Requirements: Craft (ships) DC 22
Cost: 15% of base ship cost

Magically Treated Control Device: The ship’s steering wheel or tiller is magically treated, doubling its hit points and hardness. This improvement can only be added by a spellcaster with the Craft Wondrous Item feat.
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Craft (ships) DC 15
Cost: 1,000 gp

Magically Treated Hull: The ship’s hull is magically treated, doubling the ship’s hit points and hardness. This improvement can only be added by a spellcaster with the Craft Wondrous Item feat.
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Craft (ships) DC 15
Cost: 4,500 gp per square of ship

Magically Treated Oars: The ship’s oars are magically treated, doubling their hit points and hardness. This improvement can only be added by a spellcaster with the Craft Wondrous Item feat.
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Craft (carpentry) or Craft (ships) DC 15
Cost: 100 gp per oar

Magically Treated Sails: The ship’s sails are magically treated, doubling their hit points and hardness. This improvement can only be added by a spellcaster with the Craft Wondrous Item feat.
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Craft (sails) DC 15
Cost: 500 gp per 5-foot-square of sails

Movable Deck: The features of the ship’s decks are designed to be moved in order to disguise the ship as an altogether different vessel. After pulling up dozens of kingpins, the crew can slide the sterncastle forward on hidden rails, rearrange the position of the masts, extend the gunwales, lower the poop deck, transfer the ship’s wheel, and make other cosmetic changes such as a new figurehead and different-colored sails. The secret pins, levers, and tracks can only be found with a DC 20 Perception check during a close examination of the ship.
Requirements: Craft (ships) DC 28
Cost: 40% of base ship cost

Narrow Hull: The ship has been intentionally designed with a more slender hull, enabling it to slip through smaller spaces. The ship’s beam (width) is decreased by 20%, and cargo capacity is reduced by 10%. However, the ship gains a +2 bonus on all sailing checks. This improvement must be installed at the time of the ship’s construction and cannot be added later.
Requirements: Craft (ships) DC 22
Cost: 15% of base ship cost

Ram: The ship bears a standard ram, usually sheathed in bronze or iron, mounted on its bow. A ship equipped with a ram deals an additional 2d8 points of damage with a ramming maneuver, and ignores the damage for the first square it enters of a solid object, and all damage from ramming creatures or other objects (such as other ships).
Requirements: Craft (ships) DC 10
Cost: 50 gp (Large ship), 100 gp (Huge ship), 300 gp (Gargantuan ship), or 1,000 gp (Colossal ship)

Rapid-Deplay Sails: The ship’s rigging undergoes a wholesale change as improvements in engineering enable the sails to be raised and lowered much faster than normal. Any sail adjustments can be made in half the normal time, granting a +1 bonus on all sailing checks.
Requirements: Craft (sails) or Knowledge (engineering) DC 25
Cost: 10% of base ship cost

Silk Sails: Few ship improvements are as beautiful as the addition of silk sails. These sails can be designed in whatever color the player desires; they are often embroidered with striking images of the sea. Such sails are usually imported from faraway lands. Silk sails give the ship superior rates of movement, as they capture and displace the wind more efficiently. A ship with silk sails gains a +1 bonus on opposed sailing checks to gain the upper hand. The ship’s tactical speed in ship-to-ship combat is not affected, but its waterborne speed is increased by 10%.
Requirements: Craft (sails) DC 16
Cost: 15% of base ship cost

Smuggling Compartments: The ship’s bulkheads are modified so that gaps between them can serve as hidden cargo storage areas. This does not change a ship’s cargo capacity. A smuggling compartment can hold anything that fits within a 5-foot cubic space. If you are using the plunder rules (see “The Life of a Pirate” in Pathfinder Adventure Path #55 for details on the plunder system), in general, two smuggling compartments are required to hold 1 point of plunder. A DC 20 Perception check is required to locate smuggling compartments in a search of the ship.
Requirements: Craft (ships) DC 19
Cost: 500 gp per 5-foot-square compartment

Sturdy Hull: The ship’s body has had additional supports and layers of wood added to it, making it thicker and more resilient. The hull’s hardness is increased by 2, but the ship’s cargo capacity is reduced by 10%.
Requirements: Craft (ships) DC 16
Cost: 10% of base ship cost

Wooden Plating: For protection during naval combat, this ship has received additional wooden planks nailed to its hull. The hull’s hit points are increased by 5% and its hardness is increased by 2. However, this reduces cargo capacity by 10% as extra room must be made inside for beams to support the reinforcements. The ship’s tactical speed in ship-to-ship combat is not affected, but its waterborne speed is reduced by 10%.
Requirements: Craft (ships) DC 25
Cost: 20% of base ship cost