作者 主题: 【BotA】《古国血脉》(Blood of the Ancients)变体合集【施工中】  (阅读 65800 次)

副标题: 【PZO9490】考虑到章节对应的都是已经化为乌有的国家,故修改了下书的译名

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自从啃完了废土子民后深深地认识到了自己的翻译力和肝力不足 :em005

故这里就只摘取变体以及部分描述,其他的还请各位大佬补充,不便之处还请谅解 :em004

如果有dalao觉得翻得太烂/太耿直/太不信达雅/其他理由欢迎另起一贴重开,若有人打算整理Blood of the Ancients该书内容合集也欢迎转载,无须另行询问 :em012

离线 白药君

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Re: 【Bota】《先祖血脉》Blood of the Ancients:变体合集
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-06-01, 周五 14:30:54 »

碧落奇兵Aerial assaulter——战士
秘法卫Arcane warden——法师
星图诡使chart caster——催眠师
矮人学者Dwarven scholar——吟游诗人
帝国特务Imperial agent——侠客
艾欧石使Ioun kineticist——操念使
刚剑侍Ironbound sword ——武士
吉斯特卡机关术士Jistkan a rtificer——魔战士
吉斯特卡司士Jistkan a magistrate——战争祭司
珀利亥拉游记信徒Poleiheira adherent——法师
怪兽猎兵Spawn slayer——杀手
泰克立坦仲裁者Tekritanin arbiter ——调查员

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碧落奇兵Aerial assaulter——战士
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-06-01, 周五 16:55:17 »
碧落奇兵(Aerial Assaulter)【战士】



熟知天穹(Aerial Expertise,Ex):2级时,碧落奇兵在飞行鉴定上获得+2加值。此外,当碧落奇兵受到赋予其飞行速度的法术或能力影响时,在决定效果时视该法术或能力的施法者等级额外高出2级。在6级和之后的每4级时,碧落奇兵在飞行检定上获得的加值额外增加2,最高在18级时达到+10加值。这替代了英勇(Bravery)。

旱地拔葱(Take the High Ground,Ex):2级时,碧落奇兵能跃到敌人上方以在战斗中取得优势。他能通过一个移动动作进行一次DC等同于某一邻接敌人CMD的特技检定,若其通过,则视作碧落奇兵直到下一回合开始前在对抗该敌人时获得居高临下(《探索者》RPG核心规则书 195页)。在4级和之后每4级时,碧落奇兵在居高临下上获得的加值额外增加1,直到在20级时达到+6加值。在12级时,碧落奇兵能藉由一个迅捷动作来使用该能力。这替代了2级和12级时的奖励专长(Bonus Feats)。

空中躲闪(Aerial Dodge,Ex):19级时,碧落奇兵能在飞行时进行空中躲闪以免受攻击。当某一敌人尝试对碧落奇兵进行攻击时,后者能通过一个直觉动作进行DC等同于攻击者攻击骰结果的飞行检定。若成功通过,则碧落奇兵能进行一次5尺快步,并在AC上获得等同于其敏捷修正的闪避加值。若碧落奇兵在5尺快步后仍处于攻击者的触及范围内,则他无法免受此次攻击。若飞行检定失败,则碧落奇兵既不会移动也不会获得AC加值,并使每个正威胁他的生物(包括一开始的攻击者)能对其进行借机攻击。碧落奇兵必须要在飞行中才能使用该能力。这替代了盔甲宗师(Armor Mastery)。

居高宗师(High Ground Mastery,Ex):20级时,当碧落奇兵在居高临下时构成重击威胁的话,重击确认自动成功,且武器的伤害倍率额外加1。此外,处于碧落奇兵低处的敌人对其发起的所有冲撞(bull rush),阴招(dirty trick,APG),拖拽(drag),擒抱(grapple),移位(reposition)及绊摔(Trip)战技检定都会失败。这替代了武器宗师(Weapon Mastery)。
劇透 -  原文:
Arial Asaulter (Fighter Archetype )

As staunch believers in the value of higher ground, the Shory developed special fighting styles that capitalize on fighting from above. While many dismiss such techniques as a niche tactic, aerial assaulters leap to great heights and create higher ground where there is none.

Class Skills: An aerial assaulter gains Acrobatics and Fly as class skills. Knowledge (dungeoneering), Ride, and Swim are not class skills for an aerial assaulter. This alters the fighter’s skills.

Aerial Expertise (Ex): At 2nd level, an aerial assaulter gains a +2 bonus on Fly checks. Additionally, whenever he is affected by a spell or ability that grants him a fly speed, he treats that spell or ability as though its caster level were 2 higher for the purposes of determining its effects. At 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter, this bonus on Fly checks increases by an additional 2, to a maximum of +10 at 18th level. This replaces bravery.

Take the High Ground (Ex): At 2nd level, an aerial assaulter can leap above his foes to gain an advantage in combat. As a move action, he can attempt an Acrobatics check with the DC equal to the CMD of an adjacent enemy. If he succeeds, the aerial assaulter is treated as if he had higher ground (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 195) against that enemy until the beginning of his next turn. At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, an aerial assaulter increases his bonus from higher ground by 1, to a total of a +6 bonus at 20th level. At 12th level, an aerial assaulter can use this ability as a swift action. This replaces the bonus feats gained at 2nd and 12th level.

Aerial Dodge (Ex): At 19th level, an aerial assaulter can perform an aerial dodge that allows him to evade attacks while flying. As an immediate action, when an opponent attempts an attack against the aerial assaulter, he can attempt a Fly check with a DC equal to the result of the attacker’s attack roll. If he succeeds, he can take a 5-foot step and gain a dodge bonus to his AC equal to his Dexterity modifier. This movement doesn’t negate the attack if the aerial assaulter remains in range of the attacking enemy’s reach at the end of the 5-foot step. If the Fly check fails, the aerial assaulter does not move, does not gain an AC bonus, and provokes an attack of opportunity from each creature that threatens him, including the initial attacker. The aerial assaulter must be flying to use this ability. This replaces armor mastery.

High Ground Mastery (Ex): At 20th level, whenever an aerial assaulter threatens a critical hit with an attack made from higher ground, he automatically confirms the critical hit, and the weapon’s damage multiplier is increased by 1. In addition, all bull rush, dirty trick APG , drag APG , grapple, reposition APG , and trip APG combat maneuver checks against the aerial assaulter fail when attempted by opponents on lower ground than he is. This replaces weapon mastery.


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« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-06-01, 周五 16:55:26 »

尽管御天秘仪(Aeromantic Infadibulum)的细节已然失传,翔天学家却能模拟并复刻出这项失落魔法的外像。翔天学家将首理魔法的残余注入合剂当中并以此让自己具有翱翔天际的力量。

御天合剂(Aeromantic Concoction,Su):翔天学家懂得制作一种特殊的炼金合剂。调制一份这样的合剂需要10分钟,而一旦调制完成,其直到使用前都不会失效。翔天学家一次只能持有一份御天合剂,一旦他调制出第二份,任何已存在的御天合剂就会失去活性。如同化合炼成以及炼金炸弹,当一份御天合剂脱离翔天学者的掌握后,它就会失去效力,直到重回翔天学者的手中。任何并非翔天学者的人如果喝下御天合剂将会受到如同任何非炼金术师的人喝下突变药剂一样的影响。

当翔天学者服用御天合剂后,他的身体会变得无比轻盈,持续每炼金术师等级10分钟。合剂会让翔天学者在尝试调高或跳远的特技检定上获得+5加值,并且他在尝试跳远前总会被视作已经助跑。此外,翔天学家在合剂持续时间内获得羽落术(feather fall)的好处。6级时,翔天学者在合剂持续时间内获得飞行术(fly)的好处。10级时,翔天学者可以在合剂持续时间内选择获得凌空而行(air walk)的好处而非飞行术的好处。14级时,御天合剂的持续时间增加至每炼金术师等级1小时。


这替代了突变药剂(mutagen),迅捷上毒(swift poisoning)以及长效突变药剂(persistent mutagen)。翔天学者永远也无法从科研发现或是其他职业中获得突变药剂,异变药剂(cognatogen,UM)或是灵感神药(inspired cognatogen,ACG)能力。

轰炸空袭(Bombs Away,Ex):2级时,翔天学家精于自上方发动攻击。他以投掷武器对处于自己下方至少10尺及以上目标进行攻击时,攻击骰上获得+1加值。该加值在6级的时候增加至+2,并在此后每4个等级额外增加1点,最高在8级时达到+5。这替代了用毒(Poison Use)以及迅捷炼金(Swift Alchemy)。

航空动力精义(Aerodynamic Prowess,Su):2级时,翔天学家在飞行检定上获得+2加值。该加值在5级时增加到+4,在6级时增加到+6。这替代了毒性抗力(poison resistance)。
劇透 -  原文:
Aerochemist (alchemist archetype)

Although the specifics of the Aeromantic Infadibulum are lost to time, aerochemists are able to emulate and replicate aspects of this lost magic. Aerochemists use scraps of Shory’s magic in their concoctions to gain personal powers of flight.

Aeromantic Concoction (Su): An aerochemist learns to craft a special alchemical concoction. It takes 10 minutes to brew a dose of this concoction, and once brewed, it remains potent until used. An aerochemist can maintain only 1 dose of this concoction at a time—if he brews a second dose, any existing concoction becomes inert. As with an extract or bomb, an aeromantic concoction that is not in the aerochemist’s possession becomes inert until he picks it up again. Anyone other than the aerochemist who attempts to drink his aeromantic concoction is affected in the same fashion as is a non-alchemist who drinks an alchemist’s mutagen.

When consumed, an aerochemist’s aeromantic concoction makes his body become incredibly buoyant for 10 minutes per alchemist level. The concoction grants the aerochemist a +5 bonus on Acrobatics checks to attempt high jumps or long jumps, and he is always treated as having a running start when attempting long jumps. In addition, the aerochemist gains the benefits of feather fall for the concoction’s duration. At 6th level, the aerochemist gains the benefits of fly for the concoction’s duration. At 10th level, the aerochemist can choose to gain the benefits of air walk instead of fly for the concoction’s duration. At 14th level, the duration of the concoction increases to 1 hour per alchemist level.

An aerochemist with the infusion discovery APG can instead create a shared alchemical concoction intended for his allies. This shared concoction grants the same benefits as the normal aeromantic concoction, except the duration is only 1 minute per alchemist level its creator has. At 14th level, the duration increases to 10 minutes per alchemist level. An aerochemist can have only a standard concoction or shared concoction in effect, not both.

This replaces mutagen, swift poisoning, and persistent mutagen. An aeromantic alchemist can never gain the mutagen, cognatogen UM , or inspired cognatogen ACG ability, even from a discovery or another class.

Bombs Away (Ex): At 2nd level, an aerochemist becomes an expert at attacking from above. He gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls made with thrown weapons against targets that are at least 10 feet below him. This bonus increases to +2 at 6th level, and increases by an additional 1 every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum bonus of +5 at 18th level. This replaces poison use and swift alchemy.

Aerodynamic Prowess (Su): At 2nd level, an aerochemist gains a +2 bonus on Fly checks. This bonus increases to +4 at 5th level, and +6 at 8th level. This replaces poison resistance.


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« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-06-01, 周五 16:55:34 »


精通天空(Air Mastery,Su):御天使专精操纵流风与天穹的魔法。当御天使在奥能源泉(arcane reservoi)中消耗1点来增加具有气、寒冷、电或音波描述符法术的施法者等级时,该加值额外增加1。5级及之后的每5级,这些法术增加的施法者等级再增加1(最高在20级时从该能力中获得的额外施法者等级达到+5)。


这替代了1级时获得的奥能技艺(arcane exploit)。

流风之拥(Wind’s Embrace,Su):5级时,御天使能从奥能源泉中消耗2点以唤来流风,在保护自身免受伤害的同时裹挟自身穿越天空。他将受到如同法术凌空而行(air walk)的影响,同时周围被作用如同风墙术(wind wall)的防护流风所环绕,然而该效果只会环绕御天使并且会随之一同移动。这两个效果均持续1分钟。这替代了5级时获得的奥能技艺。

斥退怒风(Rebuking Gale,Su):11级时,御天使能从奥能源泉中消耗3点来释放一股强力的爆风来击退敌寇。该形态可以是以御天使为中心20尺半径的爆发,或是以御天使所在空间为起点的40尺锥形。他每次使用该能力时都可以任意选择形态。而被影响的区域内会吹起飓风(时速75英里)。普通的远程攻击无法穿过这片区域,而穿过该区域的攻城武器远程攻击会受到-8罚值,同时该区域内的飞行检定将受到-12的罚值。此外,位于影响区域内的大型生物会面临被“检定”(checked,Pathfinder RPG核心规则书439页)的危险,而区域内中型或以下的生物将面临被吹飞(blown away)的危险。该能力创造的强风持续1轮。

劇透 -  原文:
Aeromancer (arcanist archetype )

The Shory were the undisputed masters of wind and sky, and they unlocked numerous secrets of air magic. The vast majority of these secrets were lost when their civilization collapsed, but a few of their magical traditions have been preserved through the years. While the practice of aeromancy is rare, some arcanists today are able to rival the aerial mastery of the ancient Shory aeromancers.

Air Mastery (Su): Aeromancers specialize in magic that manipulates the wind and sky. Whenever an aeromancer expends a point from her arcane reservoir to increase the caster level of a spell with the air, cold, electricity, or sonic descriptor, she increases that bonus by an additional 1. At 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, the amount by which she increases the caster level of such spells further increases by an additional 1 (to a maximum additional caster level increase from this ability of 5 at 20th level).

Alternatively, if the aeromancer expends a point from her arcane reservoir to increase the saving throw DC of a spell with the air, cold, electricity, or sonic descriptor, she increases it by an additional 1. At 10th level, she increases it by an additional 2 instead.

This replaces the arcane exploit gained at 1st level.

Wind’s Embrace (Su): At 5th level, an aeromancer can expend 2 points from her arcane reservoir to call upon the winds to gently carry her through the air while protecting her from harm. She is affected as though by the spell air walk and is surrounded by protective winds that function similarly to a wind wall spell, except the effect surrounds only the aeromancer and moves with her wherever she goes. Both of these effects last for 1 minute.

This replaces the arcane exploit gained at 5th level.

Rebuking Gale (Su): At 11th level, by expending 3 points from her arcane reservoir, an aeromancer can release a powerful blast of wind to push back her foes. This takes the form of either a 20-foot-radius burst centered on the aeromancer or a 40-foot cone originating from the aeromancer’s space. She can choose which form the wind takes each time she uses the ability. The affected area is filled with hurricane-force winds (75 mph). This makes normal ranged attacks passing through this area impossible, imposes a –8 penalty on ranged attacks from siege weapons that pass through the area, and imposes a –12 penalty on Fly checks attempted within the area. Additionally, Large creatures in the area are in danger of being checked (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 439), and Medium or smaller creatures in the area are in danger of being blown away. The winds created by this ability last for 1 round.

This replaces the arcane exploit gained at 11th level.


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« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-06-01, 周五 16:55:44 »


遗物魔法(Relic Magic, Su):古玩家藉由探索和记录失落文明的遗留物来效仿阿鲁斯顿(Arustun)——吉斯塔克帝国(Jistka Imperium)的创造者。古玩家并不使用化合炼成,而是携带一批圣徽、邪徽、护身符和小饰品。尽管古玩家可能永远不知道是谁或什么东西给予了他力量,但他仍能发挥出魔法的力量。遗物魔法如同炼金术(alchemy)职业特性,但存在以下不同。




博物广识(Item Lore, Ex):即使是最为神秘的物品,古玩家也能一眼辨认出来。2级起,他能通过研究一件物品1轮来辨别它是否含有魔法。一旦他以此方法辨认出一件魔法物品,他能使用法术辨识来鉴别该魔法物品的特性,如同其使用了侦测魔法(detect magic.)。此外,若法术辨识检定的结果比DC超过5点,他还能侦测出该物品是否被诅咒。这取代了毒剂学识(Poison Lore)。

诅咒抗力(Curse Resistance, Ex):2级时,古玩家在对抗所有具备诅咒 (curser) 描述符的法术和效果的豁免检定上获得+2加值。在5级时,此加值提升至+4,而在8级时提升至+6。在11级时,古玩家将免疫此类效果。这取代了毒素抗力(Poison Resistance)和毒素免疫(poison immunity)。

迅捷洞悉(Swift Search, Ex):4级时,古玩家能以不可思议的速度研究一个地方的秘密。他在察觉检定中取20时只需要1分钟。这取代了迅捷炼金(Swift alchemy)。
劇透 -  原文:
antiquarian (investigator a rchetype )
Antiquarians are collectors, explorers, and scholars who delve into ruined places in search of lost lore and artifacts.

Relic Magic (Su): Antiquarians emulate Arustun, founder of the Jistka Imperium, by exploring and recording the remnants of lost civilizations. Rather than using extracts, an antiquarian carries a collection of holy and unholy symbols, charms, and trinkets. Though an antiquarian may never know who or what grants him his power, he can produce magical effects all the same. Relic magic functions as the alchemy class feature, except as noted below.

An antiquarian begins play with a collection of religious trinkets that functions as his formula book and weighs 2 pounds total, with each trinket functioning as a formula. Adding new trinkets has the same cost and time requirement as adding formulae to a formula book. An antiquarian can study a wizard’s spellbook or alchemist’s formula book to learn formulae, but an antiquarian’s trinket collection is too esoteric for anyone except another antiquarian to learn spells from. An antiquarian prepares spells by meditating and charging relics with supernatural power, which has the same requirements and limitations as preparing extracts. However, instead of creating extracts, an antiquarian casts spells as though he were an arcane spellcaster, which means he can affect other creatures with his spells. An antiquarian does not suffer from arcane spell failure.

An antiquarian doesn’t gain a competence bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks to create alchemical items, and he cannot identify potions with that skill. Furthermore, he cannot select alchemist discoveries as investigator talents.

This alters alchemy.

Item Lore (Ex): An antiquarian can identify even the most esoteric objects at a glance. At 2nd level, he can discern whether an item is magical simply by studying it for 1 round. Once he identifies a magic item in this way, he can use Spellcraft to attempt to identify the properties of the magic item as if he had used detect magic. Furthermore, he can detect whether an item is cursed if his check to identify the magic item exceeds the DC by 5.

This replaces poison lore.

Curse Resistance (Ex): At 2nd level, an antiquarian gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against spells and effects with the curse descriptor. This bonus increases to +4 at 5th level and to +6 at 8th level. At 11th level, the antiquarian becomes completely immune to such effects. This replaces poison resistance and poison immunity.

Swift Search (Ex): At 4th level, an antiquarian can study the secrets of a location with incredible speed. Whenever he takes 20 on a Perception check, it takes him only 1 minute. This replaces swift alchemy.


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« 回帖 #9 于: 2018-06-01, 周五 16:56:19 »

在雅玛萨(Yamasa)自利尔刚(Lirgen)脱离而出后,其精英战力组成了一个名为辛牙士(Hinyasi) 军事集团,并保卫了雅玛萨多个世纪。利用农具和其他临时武器乃是其传统武术的核心所在。

始于卑微(Humble Beginnings,Ex):辛牙士获得随手武器(Catch Off-Guard)或随手投掷(Throw Anything)作为额外专长。他不擅长盾牌。这改变了拳师的护甲擅长。

俯拾皆兵(Improvisation Training, Ex):辛牙士精于使用临时武器作战。辛牙士以临时武器作战时造成的伤害等同其徒手打击伤害,同时他将临时武器视作战士的近身武器组的武器。这替代了2级时获得的奖励专长(Bonus Feats)

权宜巧技(Improvised Maneuver,Ex):4级时,辛牙士学会利用临时武器混淆和迷惑他的敌人。他在以下战技中选择其一:冲撞、拖拽、卸武、破武、移位、或绊摔。当辛牙士使用临时武器击中敌人时,他能以一个自由动作向同一目标使用所选战技。而该战技检定会承受-4罚值,且辛牙士每轮不能尝试超过一次权宜巧技。除非辛牙士拥有让他使用该战技时不会招致借机攻击的专长或能力,否则其仍会招致借机攻击。


精通机巧(Improvisation Mastery,Ex):5级起,辛牙士挑选1种类型的临时武器(轻型、单手或双手)并在此类型武器的攻击和伤害检定获得+2加值。这替代了殴斗大师(close weapon mastery)。
劇透 -  原文:
Hinyasi (brawler archetype )

After Yamasa seceded from Lirgen, their elite combatants formed a military caste, called hinyasi, who protected Yamasa for centuries. Their martial traditions were centered on the use of farming tools and on other improvised weapons.

Humble Beginnings (Ex): A hinyasi gains her choice of Catch Off-Guard or Throw Anything as a bonus feat. She is not proficient with shields. This alters the brawler’s armor proficiencies.

Improvisation Training (Ex): A hinyasi is skilled at fighting with improvised weapons. She deals damage equal to her unarmed strike damage while fighting with an improvised weapon. A hinyasi treats improvised weapons as weapons from the close fighter weapon group. This replaces the bonus combat feat gained at 2nd level.

Improvised Maneuver (Ex): At 4th level, a hinyasi learns to confound and befuddle her opponents with improvised weapons. She chooses one of the following combat maneuvers: bull rush, drag APG , disarm, sunder, reposition APG , or trip. When she hits an opponent with an improvised weapon, the hinyasi can perform her chosen combat maneuver against the same target as a free action. She takes a –4 penalty on the combat maneuver check, and she can’t attempt an improvised maneuver check more than once per round. This combat maneuver still provokes attacks of opportunity unless the hinyasi has a feat or ability that allows her to perform it without provoking attacks of opportunity.

At 10th level, she chooses a second combat maneuver that she can use with this ability, though she can still perform only one improvised maneuver per round. At 16th level, she chooses a third, though she can still perform only one improvised maneuver per round. This replaces knockout.

Improvisation Mastery (Ex): At 5th level, a hinyasi picks one type of improvised weapon (light, one- handed, or two-handed) and gains a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls with that type of weapon. This replaces close weapon mastery.
