作者 主题: 半獸人的種族亞種与種族特性替換一覽  (阅读 21578 次)

副标题: 更新时间 03-10-2019


  • 犭良人
  • Diver
  • ******
  • 帖子数: 2564
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« 于: 2017-07-07, 周五 17:13:51 »



APG——Advanced Player's Guide——進階玩家手冊 感謝PATIBAUL的翻譯
ARG——Advanced Race Guide——进阶种族手册 感謝法蘭子的翻譯,四月的整理
AoE——Agents of Evil——邪恶特务
BoG——Bastards of Golarion——格拉利昂的混種/格拉利昂的混血
BoS——Blood of Shadows——阴影血脉 感謝爱丽奥丝的翻譯
HA——Horror Adventures——恐怖冒险 感謝祝孤生的翻譯
HftF——Heroes from the Fringe——边缘英雄
HotW——Heroes of the Wild——荒野英雄 感謝空山鳴的「精類魔法」的翻譯 丞相的「精類思維」的翻譯
HotHC——Heroes of the High Court——皇庭英豪 感謝折剑者绯月的翻譯
HotS——Heroes of the Streets——街道英雄/市井英雄 感謝Junior_DD的翻譯
LoD——Legacy of Dragons——龙之遗产/巨龙遗产
LotFW——Legacy of the First World——第一世界的遗产

更新了可選天賦職業獎勵(Favored Class Options)
更新了边缘英雄(Heroes from the Fringe)提供种族亚种的新描述
更新了精類思維(Fey Thoughts)的一点介绍
« 上次编辑: 2019-10-03, 周四 12:54:53 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
  • Diver
  • ******
  • 帖子数: 2564
  • 苹果币: 2
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Re: 半兽人的种族亚种与种族特性替换一览
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-07-07, 周五 17:18:17 »
半兽人種族亞種(Half-Orc Racial Subtypes)

出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1
Many half-orcs are born and raised to fight in the arena, and in many cases have two half-orc parents or even a half-orc and a human parent. These arena-bred half-orcs lose the brutal physical appearance of their orc ancestors and look more human. They have the city-raised and skilled alternate racial traits.

幽暗地域半兽人[幽暗後裔](Darklands Half-Orcs (Gloomkin)) PFS禁用
出自《边缘英雄 pg. 24》,《格拉利昂的混種 pg. 11》


黑暗时代(Age of Darkness)的末期,当光明重新回到格拉里昂时,许多兽人失去了在地表面世界的立足點並带着他们的半兽人后代返回幽暗地域。在所有半兽人之中,幽暗後裔遭受最嚴酷的对待;他们因被兽人视為血统的污点而受到惩罚和虐待。作為兽人社会的底層,幽暗後裔被分配至絕多數兽人都不愿承担的任务:阅读。他们是历史学家、抄寫員和顾问,将他们置于发现秘密的关键位置并在不引起注意下获得影响力。
劇透 -   :
Darklands Half-Orcs (Gloomkin)
Source Bastards of Golarion pg. 11
Though closer physically to full orcs than most half-orcs, Darklands half-orcs are still stigmatized because of their human-tainted blood.

Orc Ancestry Darklands orcs
Human Ancestry Kellid, Ulfen, Varisian
Regions Darklands (Nar-Voth)
Languages Undercommon

At the end of the Age of Darkness, when light returned to Golarion, many orcs lost their footholds on the surface world and returned to the Darklands, taking their half-orc progeny with them. Of all the half-orcs, gloomkin face the harshest treatment; they are punished and abused from birth for what orcs consider the taint of their bloodline. As the bottom of the social ladder in orc society, gloomkin are assigned the task that very few orcs take on willingly: reading. They are the historians, scribes, and advisors, placing them in a key position to discover secrets and gain influence without drawing attention to themselves.

地底人(Deep Kin)
出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Deep Kin
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1
Some half-orcs are descended from clans that remained in the eternal darkness below the surface. Half-orcs from these clans tend to be smaller and more at home underground than those descended from surface-dwelling orcs. These half-orcs have the acute darkvision and cavewight alternate racial traits.

沙漠半兽人[沙之後裔](Desert Half-Orcs (Sandkin))
出自《边缘英雄 pg. 25》,《格拉利昂的混種 pg. 12》


沙漠半兽人主要出生在伽仑德北部和奥西里昂,他们經常保持着一定程度的社会地位和自信心,这在半兽人之间实屬罕见的。在沙漠的兽人部落,能忍受灼烈阳光的能力是力量的标志,而在阳光下曝曬是他们的一种成年礼。由于缺乏他们祖先的強光敏感(Light Sensitivity),半兽人在这些耐力比赛中表现出色,并且輕鬆在他们的部落中当上高層。

劇透 -   :
Desert Half-Orcs (Sandkin)
Source Bastards of Golarion pg. 12
These half-orcs face the world with a self-assurance that’s unusual for their kind—the result of a confluence of fortunate factors.

Orc Ancestry desert orcs
Human Ancestry Garundi, Keleshite
Regions Northern Garund, Qadira
Languages Kelish, Osiriani, Polyglot

Desert half-orcs are born primarily in northern Garund and Osirion and often hold a level of esteem and self-assurance that is rare for half-orcs. Among desert orc tribes, the ability to tolerate harsh sunlight is a sign of strength, and weathering the sun is a rite of passage. Lacking their ancestors’ light sensitivity, half-orcs excel at these contests of endurance and easily earn high positions within their tribes.

Desert half-orcs also fare better than most among human civilizations. The strong presence of Sarenrae’s followers has led to a culture of forgiveness and understanding that is rare in other parts of Golarion, making it easier for half-orcs to thrive. Many desert half-orcs believe they are blessed by Sarenrae and become clerics or paladins of her church.

出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1
Half-orc children who are abandoned as infants or small children rarely survive in the wild, but a few manage to scrape out a meager existence as "wild children," tough enough to live but completely uncivilized. Feral half-orcs have the forest walker and toothy alternate racial traits.

丛林半兽人[雨之後裔](Jungle Half-Orcs (Rainkin))
出自《边缘英雄 pg. 25》,《格拉利昂的混種 pg. 12》


在芒吉莽原(Mwangi Expanse)的叢林,殘留的兽人部落基本上与其他同类部落隔绝了。自从兽人帝国在黑暗时代(Age of Darkness)崩溃后孤立至今,只有少量的口头傳承能回忆起这些兽人和半兽人的真正遺產,而他们的文化与其他兽人社会大相径庭。据说一些早期的芒吉部落举办了与兽人通婚,引領半兽人的孩子成為联盟和繁荣的象徵,不管是真是假,。半兽人世世代代已是这些兽人部落中的重要组成部分。时至今天,许多兽人愿意支付大笔嫁妆让半兽人加入他们的村庄,而領養孤儿半兽人则是件欢喜的事。

劇透 -   :
Jungle Half-Orcs (Rainkin)
Source Bastards of Golarion pg. 12
Rainkin are valued as guardians and property alike, and face a heavy burden of responsibility.

Orc Ancestry jungle orcs
Human Ancestry Mwangi
Regions Mwangi Expanse
Languages Polyglot

In the jungles of the Mwangi Expanse, the few remaining orc tribes have been largely cut off from others of their kind. Isolated since the orc empires collapsed after the Age of Darkness, only a handful of oral retellings recall the true heritage of these orcs and half-orcs, and their culture diverges greatly from other orc societies. It is said that some early Mwangi tribes participated in arranged marriages with orcs, leading half-orc children to be associated with alliances and prosperity, and true or not, half-orcs have been a major part of these orc tribes for generations. Even in the present day, many orcs are willing to pay a large dowry to bring half-orcs into their villages, and orphaned half-orcs are happily adopted.

Because they usually come from rich families, rainkin halforcs often receive better treatment than their orc or human cousins. This can create a self-fulfilling prophecy; because half-orc children receive the best care, protection, and training, they are usually stronger and more skilled than orcs or humans, increasing the desire to have half-orcs in a tribe. While jungle half-orcs typically have great pride and selfworth, many are also resentful of the high expectations placed on them from birth and angry to be treated like a commodity by so many. As a result, rainkin have trouble forming close bonds with non-half-orcs, so they often create close-knit groups between themselves. Some of these groups even grow large enough to break off and form their own tribes.

山嶽族(Mountain Clan)
出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Mountain Clan
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1
Half-orcs from the more mountainous regions tend to be more agile and alert to the echoing sounds of their homeland. Mountain clan half-orcs have the bestial and rock climber racial traits.

山脈半兽人[峭壁後裔](Mountain Half-Orcs (Cragkin))
出自《边缘英雄 pg. 25》,《格拉利昂的混種 pg. 13》




劇透 -   :
Mountain Half-Orcs (Cragkin)
Source Bastards of Golarion pg. 13
Descended from reckless and brutish mountain orcs, cragkin are fearless masters of hilly terrain.

Orc Ancestry mountain orcs
Human Ancestry Kellid, Shoanti, Ulfen, Varisian
Regions western Avistan
Languages Hallit, Shoanti, Ulfen, Varisian

Cragkin are widespread across Golarion, found across all the mountain ranges of western Avistan. Thanks to their thin frames and quick wits, mountain-born half-orcs excel at climbing and acrobatic stunts. Anything less than a vertical cliff face is traversable, and often even that isn’t enough to stop them. To mountain half-orcs, obstacles are merely a foothold on their path to the top.

Mountain orcs respect bravery, and cragkin have turned fearlessness and reckless abandon into a badge of honor. By using the terrain to their advantage against less surefooted enemies, they can attack from strange angles and gain advantages with just a few quick steps. They often take near-suicidal leaps to strike enemies from above, or trick enemies into falling to their deaths by leading them down impossible paths. Despite their great skill, accidents are common in this treacherous environment, and no one is surprised if one halforc returns after a raid and his companions do not.

Many mountain half-orcs find a place among Shoanti and Ulfen settlements, where valor in battle is highly prized. As long as they are willing to respect the traditions of their adopted clans, they usually integrate well into these societies and contribute much to the community.

出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1
Orc shamans are brutal teachers who sometimes kill or maim their most promising students in order to eliminate what could be a potential rival. Half-orcs who survive years of abuse by an orc shaman master are deeply scarred and altered by the experience. Shaman trainees learn early that cunning and luck are often the only things that offer a chance of survival. They have the shaman’s apprentice and sacred tattoo alternate racial traits.

凜冬半兽人[霜之後裔](Winter Half-Orcs (Frostkin))
出自《格拉利昂的混種 pg. 13》


在世界之冠(Crown of the World),游牧部落的兽人住冰冻的废土上。与他们一同生活的凜冬半兽人被视為族群中弱小的幼崽。但是,在北地人多就是力量,由于许多年轻人无法在寒冬中活下去,即使是最弱小的傢伙只要证明自己有價值就能留在族群。缝纫,烹饪和育儿都是有价值的技能,擅长这些的凜冬半兽人比其他能受到更好的待遇。那些想通过力量来证明自己价值的人则是去狩猎,作为仪式的战斗在冻土上就是浪費体力和资源的行為。

若半兽人在林諾姆諸王之國(Linnorm Kingdoms)中并不受欢迎,他们也许能在鐵壁群島(Ironbound Isles)找头家。在天夏(Tian Xia)阿維斯坦(Avistan)之间旅行的商人經常僱用一个半兽人作为穿越世界之冠时的向导和保镖。南迁到伊利森(Irrisen)的凜冬半兽人在不断增长的半兽人社区中可以找到更轻松的生活,但除非他们表现出巫术天賦,否則难以出人头地。
劇透 -   :
Winter Half-Orcs (Frostkin)
Source Bastards of Golarion pg. 13
The frostkin’s struggle for acceptance is a fight for survival, for few can endure the frostbitten north without allies.

Orc Ancestry winter orcs
Human Ancestry Erutaki, Ulfen, Varki
Regions Casmaron, Crown of the World, Irrisen, northern Lands of the Linnorm Kings
Languages Erutaki, Ulfen, Varki

At the Crown of the World, nomadic clans of orcs live on the frozen wastes. The winter half-orcs that live among them are treated as the runts of the pack. However, strength in numbers is vital in the north, as many young do not survive the harsh winters. Even the weakest are provided for as long as they can prove their usefulness. Sewing, cooking, and child-rearing are all valued skills, and winter half-orcs who excel at these are treated better than most. Those who would rather prove their worth through their strength do so by hunting, as ritual combat is a frowned upon waste of energy and resources.

While half-orcs are not well liked in the Linnorm Kingdoms, they may be able to find homes in the Ironbound Isles. Merchants traveling between Tian Xia and Avistan are often willing to hire on a half-orc as a guide and bodyguard across the Crown of the World. Winter half-orcs who migrate south into Irrisen can find an easier life in the growing half-orc communities, but they are unlikely to find any upward mobility unless they show skill at witchcraft.
« 上次编辑: 2019-10-03, 周四 12:55:49 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
  • Diver
  • ******
  • 帖子数: 2564
  • 苹果币: 2
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Re: 半兽人的种族亚种与种族特性替换一览
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-07-07, 周五 17:42:01 »
半兽人種族特性替換(Half-Orc Alternate Racial Traits)


返祖兽人现象(Orc Atavism)
出自《內海種族 pg. 212》
劇透 -   :
Orc Atavism
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 212
Some half-orcs have much stronger orc blood than human blood. Such half-orcs count as only half-orcs and orcs (not also humans) for any effect related to race. They gain a +2 bonus to Strength and a –2 penalty to one mental ability score of their choice. Finally, they gain the ferocity universal monster ability. This racial trait replaces the half-orc’s usual racial ability score modifiers, as well as intimidating, orc blood, and orc ferocity.


林間行者(Forest Walker)
出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Forest Walker
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1
More at home in the forests and jungles of the world, these half-orcs are well adapted to their surroundings. Half-orcs with this trait have low-light vision and gain a +2 racial bonus on Climb checks. This racial trait replaces darkvision.

昏暗视觉(Low-Light Vision)
出自《荒野英雄 pg. 5》
劇透 -   :
Low-Light Vision
Source Heroes of the Wild pg. 5
Many feyborn have low-light vision. Races that normally have darkvision (such as dwarves and half-orcs) can take low-light vision in place of darkvision. In the case of humans, this trait replaces the skilled trait (and the human also gains fey magic and fey thoughts, as detailed in Fey Magic, above).

乘風破浪(Sea Rider)
出自《內海種族 pg. 212》
劇透 -   :
Sea Raider
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 212
In the Lands of the Linnorm Kings and the Shackles, half-orcs frequently take up sailing as pirates, raiders, and fishers, where they are known as tenacious fighters. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Profession (sailor) checks and Craft checks to repair ships, and a +1 racial bonus on damage rolls against foes and objects in or on top of the water. This racial trait replaces darkvision.

出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1
Second- and third-generation half-orcs often favor their human heritage more than their orc heritage. Half-orcs with this trait gain 1 additional skill rank per level. This racial trait replaces darkvision.

煙霧視覺(Smog Sight)
出自《恐怖冒险 pg. 40》
劇透 -   :
Smog Sight
Source Horror Adventures pg. 40
Half-orcs with this racial trait can see double the normal range in dense fog and smoke (including magic effects like obscuring mist) and ignore concealment from smoke or fog for targets within 5 feet. This racial trait replaces darkvision.

警惕凝視(Vigilant Gaze)
出自《皇庭英豪 pg. 15》
劇透 -   :
Vigilant Gaze
Source Heroes of the High Court pg. 15
Half-orcs trained as bodyguards in foreign courts develop a keen eye for trouble, but their night vision, unnecessary in well-lit courts, dwindles. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain low-light vision and have a +1 racial bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks. This racial trait replaces darkvision.


龙之视野(Dragon Sight)
出自《龙之遗产 pg. 11》
劇透 -   :
Dragon Sight
Source Legacy of Dragons pg. 11
Half-orcs with this trait gain some of the keen senses of dragonkind. They have darkvision with a range of 120 feet. This replaces darkvision and intimidating.


出自《內海種族 pg. 212》
有些獸人寻找人類配偶是希望借此为他们无盡的战争诞生出聪明的领导者。当天賦和运气找上了这份努力和一个表现狡猾的半兽人孩子,则孩子在成長中遇上许多慘痛的机会来學会怎样最好地领导战场。这些半兽人在交涉检定和專業[士兵]检定,以及领导力值(作用于領導力專長)獲得+2加值。他们控制的軍隊在集团战斗(mass combat)中的士气獲得+1加值(詳情查阅Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign)。此种族特性替換黑暗視覺和獸人凶猛。
劇透 -   :
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 212
Some orcs seek out human mates in hopes of birthing intelligent leaders for their interminable war efforts. When nature and luck smile upon this endeavor and a half-orc child shows cunning, that child is raised with many harrowing opportunities to learn how to best lead on the battlefield. Such half-orcs gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Profession (soldier) checks as well as to their Leadership score (for the purpose of the Leadership feat). Armies they control in mass combat gain a +1 bonus to Morale. (See Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign.)This racial trait replaces darkvision and orc ferocity.


面纱之后(Behind the Veil)
出自《阴影血脉 pg. 4》
劇透 -   :
PFS Legal Behind the Veil
Source Blood of Shadows pg. 4
Characters with this trait slyly cover their body language and movements by acting in a shadowed or partitioned areas. These characters gain a +2 bonus on Bluff and Sleight of Hand checks while benefiting from concealment or cover.

Dwarves can take this trait in place of stonecunning. Elves, gnomes, and half-elves can take this trait in place of low-light vision. Half-orcs can take this trait in place of intimidating, also gaining the shadow blendingARG fetchling racial trait. Halflings can take this trait in place of weapon familiarity.

強烈自信(Burning Assurance)
出自《边缘英雄 pg. 25》,《格拉利昂的混種 pg. 12》
劇透 -   :
Burning Assurance
Source Heroes from the Fringe pg. 25, Bastards of Golarion pg. 12
Sandkin lack the chip on their shoulder that many half-orcs acquire as a result of prejudice, and their self-confidence puts others at ease. Desert half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks.

This replaces intimidating.

出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》,《进阶玩家手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 1
Some half-orcs live far below the surface, seeking freedom in winding cave complexes. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 racial bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Survival checks made underground. This racial trait replaces the intimidating trait.

逃避者(Evader) PFS禁用
出自《边缘英雄 pg. 25》,《格拉利昂的混種 pg. 11》
劇透 -   :
Source Heroes from the Fringe pg. 24, Bastards of Golarion pg. 11
Having lived all their lives at the mercy of savage underworld creatures, some gloomkin develop an uncanny knack for finding their way around silently in the dark. While underground, Darklands half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +5 racial bonus on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost and a +1 racial bonus on Stealth checks.

This replaces intimidating.

攀岩者(Rock Climber)
出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》,《进阶玩家手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Rock Climber
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 1
Half-orcs from mountainous regions are excellent climbers, and sometimes ambush prey by leaping down from above. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks. This racial trait replaces the intimidating trait.

出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》,《进阶玩家手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 1
Some half-orcs eke out a leaving picking over the garbage heaps of society, and must learn to separate rare finds from the inevitable dross. Half-orcs with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks and on Perception checks to find hidden objects (including traps and secret doors), determine whether food is spoiled, or identify a potion by taste. This racial trait replaces the intimidating trait.

出自《阴影血脉 pg. 5》

劇透 -   :
PFS Legal Shadowplay
Source Blood of Shadows pg. 5
Some illusionists are experts in manipulating light and darkness. Characters with this trait cast spells with the darkness, light, or shadowUM descriptor at +1 caster level.

Dwarves can take this trait in place of greed. Elves can take this trait in place of elven magic, also gaining the fetchling’s spell-like abilitiesARG racial trait. Gnomes can take this trait in place of gnome magic. Halflings can take this trait in place of weapon familiarity. Half-orcs can take this trait in place of intimidating, also gaining the gnome’s illusion resistance racial trait.

薩滿學徒(Shaman’s Apprentice)
出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Shaman’s Apprentice
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1
Only the most stalwart survive the years of harsh treatment that an apprenticeship to an orc shaman entails. Half-orcs with this trait gain Endurance as a bonus feat. This racial trait replaces the intimidating trait.

堅定不移的勇氣(Unflinching Valor)
出自《边缘英雄 pg. 25》,《格拉利昂的混種 pg. 13》
劇透 -   :
Unflinching Valor
Source Heroes from the Fringe pg. 26, Bastards of Golarion pg. 13
Many fearsome arctic predators consider young frostkin easy prey, but some frostkin manage to overcome their fear and fight off these beasts while they wait for help to arrive. Winter half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear effects, and a +1 racial bonus to CMD to avoid being grappled.

This replaces intimidating.

黑暗之聲(Voice in the Darkness) (2RP)
出自《阴影血脉 pg. 5》
劇透 -   :
Voice in the Darkness
Source Blood of Shadows pg. 5
Prerequisite: Charisma 13+. Characters who practice coercion and intimidation in the Darklands or on the Shadow Plane learn to do so in dim light or no light at all. As long as they are in dim light or darker conditions, characters with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate and Stealth checks.

Dwarves can take this trait in place of stonecunning. Drow and elves can take this trait in place of weapon familiarity. Half-elves can take this trait in place of adaptability. Half-orcs can take this trait in place of intimidating.


分心有术(Divided Attention)
出自《內海種族 pg. 212》
劇透 -   :
Divided Attention
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 212
Half-orcs must learn to divide their attention among multiple threats to stay alive, since both humans and orcs often attempt to put them in their place. Half-orcs gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC against foes who flank them. This racial trait replaces intimidating and orc ferocity.

出自《邪恶特务 pg. 25》
劇透 -   :
Source Agents of Evil pg. 25
Half-orcs raised among orcs must prove themselves against their people’s enemies. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against humanoids of the dwarf, elf, and human subtypes because of their special training against these hated foes. This racial trait replaces intimidating and orc ferocity.

臭味相投(Monstrous Sympathy)
出自《恐怖冒险 pg. 40》
劇透 -   :
Monstrous Sympathy
Source Horror Adventures pg. 40
Some half-orcs know how monsters think. They receive a +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks against evil creatures. This racial trait replaces intimidating and orc ferocity.

忍受痛苦(Pain Tolerance)
出自《恐怖冒险 pg. 40》
劇透 -   :
Pain Tolerance
Source Horror Adventures pg. 40
Some half-orcs have an increased tolerance for pain. They gain DR 1/— against nonlethal damage and receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects with the painUM descriptor. This racial talent replaces intimidating and orc ferocity.

出自《进阶玩家手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 1
Half-orcs are sometimes forced to live on the rancid and unsanitary margins of society, becoming inured to all manner of sickness. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, ingested poisons, and becoming nauseated or sickened. This racial trait replaces the intimidating and orc ferocity racial traits.

出自《恐怖冒险 pg. 40》
劇透 -   :
Source Horror Adventures pg. 40
Some half-orcs learn to suppress their strong emotions. They don’t usually gain morale bonuses, but instead gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against emotion and fear effects, and the DC to intimidate them increases by 2. They can choose to gain morale bonuses when they would normally be able to do so, but if they do, they lose the benefits from this racial trait for 24 hours. This racial trait replaces intimidating and orc ferocity.


不露锋芒(Overlooked Mastermind)
出自《內海種族 pg. 212》
劇透 -   :
Overlooked Mastermind
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 212
Some half-orcs use half-orcs’ brutish stereotypes to their advantage, causing others to underestimate their intelligence and scheming. Such half-orcs gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks. This bonus increases to +4 against other humanoids. They also receive a +2 racial bonus on Bluff checks to feign ignorance and Sense Motive checks to intercept secret messages, and this stacks with the above bonus. This racial trait replaces intimidating, orc ferocity, and weapon familiarity.


薩滿加持(Shaman Enhancement) PFS禁用
出自《第一世界遗产 pg. 5》
劇透 -   :
Shaman Enhancement
Source Legacy of the First World pg. 5
Certain half-orcs know rituals to enhance the strength and brutality of their allies. These half-orcs gain a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks. In addition, when such a half-orc acquires an animal companion, bonded mount, cohort, familiar, or spirit animal, that creature gains a +2 bonus to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, as selected by the half-orc. This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity and intimidating.


敏銳黑暗視覺(Acute Darkvision)
出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Acute Darkvision
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1
Some half-orcs have exceptionally sharp darkvision, gaining darkvision 90 feet. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.

出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》,《进阶玩家手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 1
Some half-orcs have a spiritual kinship with fantastical beasts, capturing them for sport or living and hunting with them. A half-orc with this trait treats whips and nets as martial weapons and gains a +2 racial bonus on Handle Animal checks. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.

出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》,《进阶玩家手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 1
The orc blood of some half-orcs manifests in the form of particularly prominent orc features, exacerbating their bestial appearances but improving their already keen senses. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.
屠龍者(Dragon Slayer)
出自《龙之遗产 pg. 11》
劇透 -   :
Dragon Slayer
Source Legacy of Dragons pg. 11
Some half-orcs train to defend their kind against dragons that would take advantage of or enslave them. Half-orcs with this trait gain a +2 dodge bonus to their AC against dragons and a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against dragons. This trait replaces orc ferocity

精类魔法(Fey Magic)
出自《荒野英雄 pg. 5》
劇透 -   :
PFS Legal Fey Magic
Source Heroes of the Wild pg. 5
The character has a mystic connection to one terrain type, selected from the ranger’s favored terrain list. The character selects three 0-level druid spells and one 1st-level druid spell. If the character has a Charisma score of 11 or higher, when in the selected terrain, she gains these spells as spell-like abilities that can be cast once per day. The caster level for these effects is equal to the user’s character level. The DC for the spelllike abilities is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the user’s Charisma modifier. These spells are treated as being from a fey source for the purposes of the druid’s resist nature’s lure class feature and similar abilities.

A dwarf can take this trait in place of greed and stonecunning. An elf, half-elf, or half ling can take this trait in place of keen senses. A gnome can take this trait in place of obsessive. A half-orc can take it in place of orc ferocity. A human can take it in place of skilled. A human who replaces skilled with fey magic also gains fey thoughts and low-light vision.

出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》,《进阶玩家手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 1
Many half-orcs revel in acts of wanton destruction. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Strength checks to break objects and on sunder combat maneuver checks. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.

出自《恐怖冒险 pg. 40》
被獸人養大的半獸人對於周遭的暴力經常变得麻木。擁有此种族特性的半獸人在避免由於遭遇怪物、極端暴力或死亡造成理智傷害(详看pg. 12)的意志豁免獲得+4加值。此种族特性取代獸人凶猛。
劇透 -   :
Source Horror Adventures pg. 40
Half-orcs raised by orcs often become desensitized to the violence around them. Half-orcs with this trait gain a +4 bonus on Will saving throws to avoid sanity damage (see page 12) caused by encountering monsters, extreme violence, or death. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.

神聖紋身(Sacred Tattoo)
出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》,《进阶玩家手册 pg. 1》
許多半獸人使用紋身、穿孔和疤痕儀式(ritual scarification)裝飾自己,他们认为这是神圣的印记。擁有此種族特性的半獸人在所有豁免檢定獲得+1幸運加值。此种族特性取代獸人凶猛。
劇透 -   :
Sacred Tattoo
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 1
Many half-orcs decorate themselves with tattoos, piercings, and ritual scarification, which they consider sacred markings. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.

出自《街道英雄 pg. 8》
劇透 -   :
Source Heroes of the Streets pg. 8
City-dwelling half-orcs must often be tenacious to get by. Once per day if a half-orc fails a Fortitude save, Will save, or Constitution check, he can reroll the save or check. The half-orc must take the second result, even if it is worse. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.

出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》,《进阶玩家手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 1
Some half-orcs’ tusks are large and sharp, granting a bite attack. This is a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of piercing damage. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.

辟邪之膚(Warded Skin)
出自《边缘英雄 pg. 25》,《格拉利昂的混種 pg. 12》
劇透 -   :
Warded Skin
Source Heroes from the Fringe pg. 25, Bastards of Golarion pg. 12
Many rainkin are protected from the power of Angazhan’s worshipers by elaborate tattoos that redirect demonic magic. Jungle half-orcs with this racial trait gain spell resistance against divine magic equal to 6 + their level. Additionally, divine spells cast on them by demon worshipers have a 10% chance of failure.

This replaces orc ferocity.


懸崖衝鋒者(Cliffside Charger)
出自《《边缘英雄 pg. 26》,格拉利昂的混種 pg. 13》
劇透 -   :
Cliffside Charger
Source Heroes from the Fringe pg. 26, Bastards of Golarion pg. 13
Cragkin are accustomed to traveling in the steep terrain of their mountain homes. When in mountain terrain, mountain half-orcs with this racial trait can move through natural difficult terrain at their normal speed; magically altered terrain affects them normally. In addition, cragkin gain a +10-foot racial bonus to their speed while charging.

This replaces orc ferocity and weapon familiarity.

出自《內海種族 pg. 212》
劇透 -   :
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 212
Some half-orcs raised as humans lack their cousins’ ferocity and training in orc weapons, but pick up a bit of their human parents’ skills. They gain the human’s skilled racial trait. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity and weapon familiarity.

剧毒爪牙(Poison Minion)
出自《阴影血脉 pg. 5》
劇透 -   :
Poison Minion
Source Blood of Shadows pg. 5
Drow sometimes augment their slaves and frontline warriors by making them toxic, causing their bodies to internally produce mawbane poison (see below). The resulting poisonous creature makes a potent weapon in the effort to discourage neighboring monsters. Any creature that hits such a character with a bite attack is immediately exposed to its poison. The save DC for this poison is equal to 10 + 1/2 the character’s Hit Dice + the character’s Constitution modifier.

Mawbane Poison—ingested; save Fortitude as above; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d2 Constitution damage; cure 1 save.

Dwarves can take this trait in place of defensive training and hardy. Elves can take this trait in place of elven magic and weapon familiarity. Gnomes can take this trait in place of defensive training, gnome magic, and illusion resistance. Half-elves can take this trait in place of elven immunities and keen senses. Half-orcs can take this trait in place of orc ferocity and weapon familiarity. Humans can take this trait in place of skilled. Halfling physiology prevents them from taking this trait. Drow can take this trait in place of drow immunities, light blindness, spell resistance, and weapon familiarity. Wayangs can take this trait in place of light and dark, lurker, and shadow resistance.

出自《恐怖冒险 pg. 40》
劇透 -   :
Source Horror Adventures pg. 40
Some half-orcs channel negative emotions through magic. The DCs of any saving throws against spells with the fear or painUM descriptor they cast increase by 1. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity and weapon familiarity.


鐐銬戰士(Chain Fighter)
出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》,《进阶玩家手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Chain Fighter
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 1
Some half-orcs have escaped from slavery and reforged the chains of their imprisonment into deadly weapons. Half-orcs with this racial trait are proficient with flails and heavy flails, and treat dire flails and spiked chains as martial weapons. This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity.

出自《进阶种族手册 pg. 1》
劇透 -   :
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1
Half-orcs with this trait know little of their orc ancestry and were raised among humans and other half-orcs in a large city. City-raised half-orcs are proficient with whips and longswords, and receive a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (local) checks. This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity.

幽暗居民(Dimdweller) PFS禁用
出自《阴影血脉 pg. 4》
劇透 -   :
Source Blood of Shadows pg. 4
Characters with this trait are at home in gloomy conditions. Whenever these characters benefit from concealment or full concealment due to darkness or dim light, they gain a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate, Perception, and Stealth checks.

Dwarves can take this trait in place of the greed and stonecunning traits. Elves, gnomes, halflings, and half-orcs can take this trait in place of weapon familiarity. Half-elves can take this trait in place of adaptability. Humans can take this trait in place of the skilled trait, also gaining darkvision to a range of 60 feet.

出自《阴影血脉 pg. 4》
劇透 -   :
Source Blood of Shadows pg. 4
Characters who operate below canopies or fight in dimly lit caves and shadowy planes of existence learn to use their low-light vision to deduce a foe’s position from the flickers of shadows around a target. When making ranged attacks, characters with this trait can reroll the miss chance granted by cover to any target in dim light, and take the better of the two rolls. The miss chance for total concealment applies normally.

Dwarves can take this trait in place of hatred and darkvision, also gaining low-light vision. Elves, gnomes, half-elves, and halflings can take this trait in place of keen senses. Half-orcs can take this trait in place of weapon familiarity, also gaining low-light vision.

精类思维(Fey Thoughts) PFS禁用
出自《荒野英雄 pg. 5》
劇透 -   :
Fey Thoughts
Source Heroes of the Wild pg. 5
The character sees the world more like a native of the First World. Select two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fly, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Perform, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim, or Use Magic Device. The selected skills are always class skills for the character.

A dwarf can take this trait in place of hatred. An elf, gnome, or half-orc can take this trait in place of racial weapon familiarity. A half-elf can take this trait in place of multitalented. A half ling can take it in place of fearless. In the case of humans, this trait replaces the skilled trait (and the human also gains fey magic and low-light vision, as detailed in Fey Magic, above).

出自《內海種族 pg. 212》
劇透 -   :
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 212
While many cultures discriminate against half-orcs, in some, particularly dwarven communities, half-orcs are complete social pariahs. It goes without saying that such a culture does not provide outlets for a half-orc to practice with traditional orc weapons. The few half-orcs who survive to adulthood in such harsh social climates are deeply scarred by their abusive treatment and find it hard to express and understand normal emotions. Such half-orcs gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against emotion and fear effects and a –2 penalty on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks. This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity.

暗影猎手(Shadowhunter) PFS禁用
出自《阴影血脉 pg. 5》
劇透 -   :
Source Blood of Shadows pg. 5
Those who understand the connection between shadows and the Negative Energy Plane know how to fight the spirits of darkness. Characters with this trait deal 50% weapon damage to incorporeal creatures when using nonmagical weapons (including natural and unarmed attacks), as if using magic weapons. They also gain a +2 bonus on saving throws to remove negative levels, and recover physical ability damage from attacks by undead creatures at a rate of 2 points per ability score per day (rather than the normal 1 point per ability score per day).

Dwarves, elves, gnomes, half-orcs, and halflings can take this trait in place of weapon familiarity. Half-elves can take this trait in place of elven immunities. Humans can take this trait in place of their bonus feat, also gaining Iron Will as a bonus feat.
« 上次编辑: 2019-10-03, 周四 12:57:19 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


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Re: 半兽人的种族亚种与种族特性替换一览
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-07-09, 周日 13:06:26 »
可選天賦職業獎勵(Favored Class Options)

煉金術師(Alchemist)《ARG,APG》: 【煉金炸彈】傷害+1/2。

PS. 你也可以選择兽人(Orc)或人类(Human)的可選天賦職業獎勵,此處就不作列舉
« 上次编辑: 2019-10-03, 周四 12:57:43 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

离线 longman123

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Re: 半獸人的種族亞種与種族特性替換一覽
« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-07-22, 周六 19:23:49 »

离线 snowknight

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Re: 半獸人的種族亞種与種族特性替換一覽
« 回帖 #5 于: 2017-08-22, 周二 23:06:19 »
煙霧視覺(Smog Sight)
出自《恐怖冒险 pg. 40》

白雪諾 10/18/12/13/10/16 | LG 人类 男性 | 义洛理圣武2| HP 21/21 | AC 20(16 tch, 14 fl) | CMD 16 | F7 R7 W6 | 先攻+4 | 骑术+7,生存+3,魔法装置+5,唬骗+5,杂技+7,驯养动物+7|普通视觉 |随意攻击 AB+6,DMG 1D8| 随意侦测气池|试炼(1/1) +1| 圣疗(4/4)1D6+3正能量
赵灵儿 20/13/10/05/08/18 | LG 娜迦裔 女性 | 神圣使徒圣武4| HP 32/32 | AC 22(14 tch, 18 fl) | CMD 21 | F8 R6 W7 | 先攻+1 | 宗教+1,位面-1,交涉+8|昏暗视觉 |随意攻击 AB+8,DMG 2D8+7| 随意侦测邪恶|制裁(1/1) +4,毁灭(1/1) +1| 圣疗(6/6+3/3)2D6正能量|勇气灵光,病免,移除疲乏,引导正能量,法术1,领域1


  • 犭良人
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Re: 半兽人的种族亚种与种族特性替换一览
« 回帖 #6 于: 2019-02-14, 周四 12:59:22 »
更新了可选天赋职业奖励(Favored Class Options)
更新了边缘英雄(Heroes from the Fringe)提供种族亚种的新描述
更新了精类思维(Fey Thoughts)的一点介绍

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due