
譯文資料區 => 怪物大全(Bestiaries & Monsters) => Pathfinder RPG => Pathfinder => 《怪物图鉴4》 => 主题作者是: 四月 于 2015-12-18, 周五 01:12:18

主题: 【Bestiary 4】阿格拉(Kaiju, Agyra)
作者: 四月2015-12-18, 周五 01:12:18

阿格拉(Agyra),CR 27
XP 3276800
混乱中立 超巨型 魔法兽(气系,怪兽)
先攻 +11;感官 30尺盲感(Blindsense),600尺黑暗视觉(Darkvision),昏暗视觉(Low-light vision);察觉 +38


AC 45,接触 9,措手不及 38(+7 敏捷,+36 天生,-8 体型)
HP 656(32d10 + 480);快速痊愈 30
强韧 +33,反射 +25,意志 +21
防御能力 电能尸骸(Electrified Corpse),凶猛(Ferocity),复生(Rebirth),急速恢复(Recovery)
伤害减免 20/传奇
免疫 属性伤害(ability damage),属性吸取(ability drain),死亡效果(death effects),疾病(disease),闪电(electricity),能量吸取(energy drain),恐惧(fear)
抗力 强酸30点,寒冷30点,火焰30点,负能量30点,音波30点


速度 80尺,飞行200尺(机动性普通),极速飞行(Swift Flight)
近战 2次啮咬 +41(6d6 + 17/19 - 20);2次爪击(talons)+41(3d8 + 17);尾扫 +36(10d6 + 8/19 - 20 外加 出血)
占据 50尺;触及 50尺(尾扫为75尺)
特殊攻击 出血(bleed;5d6),致盲闪光(Blinding Flash),喷吐武器(Breath Weapon),抛掷对手(Hurl Foe),召唤飓风(Hurricane),毁灭轰鸣(Thunderous Blast)


力量 44,敏捷 25,体质 41,智力 3,感知 29,魅力 25
BAB +32;CMB +57(冲撞+61);CMD 74(对抗冲撞为76)
专长 战斗反射(Combat Reflexes),重击专攻(Critical Focus),高等冲撞(Greater Bull Rush),高等要害打击(Greater Vital Strike),盘旋(Hover),精通冲撞(Improved Bull Rush),精通重击:尾扫(Improved Critical:tail slap),精通重击:啮咬(Improved Critical:bite),精通先攻(Improved Initiative),精通钢铁意志(Improved Iron Will),精通要害打击(Improved Vital Strike),钢铁意志(Iron Will),猛力攻击(Power Attack),恍惚重击(Staggering Critical),要害打击(Vital Strike),侧滑飞行(Wingover)
技能 飞行 +24,察觉 +38;种族调整值 察觉 +16
语言 风族语(Auran;不能说)
特殊能力 硕大无朋(Massive),风暴御者(Storm Flier)


环境 温带山脉
组织 单独(唯一)
财宝 偶有


致盲闪光(Blinding Flash,Su):当阿格拉站立在地面上时,能够以整轮动作扇动双翼,制造出以100尺范围内所有生物为目标的致盲闪光。受影响的生物必须进行一次DC为41的强韧豁免,失败则会因为强烈的闪光而永久目盲(blinded),而且还会恍惚(staggered)1d6轮。成功通过豁免能够将目盲降低至1轮,并且免受恍惚效果。该豁免DC基于体质。
喷吐武器(Breath Weapon,Su):阿格拉每隔4轮可以用标准动作从双头分别喷射出距离为1200尺的线形闪电。两个头可以分别向着不同的方向进行喷射。在线形闪电范围内的每个生物都必须进行一次DC为41的反射豁免,失败则会受到20d6点闪电伤害,并且恍惚(staggered)1d4轮。成功通过豁免的生物能够将伤害减半,并且免受恍惚效果。同时遭受两次喷吐武器的生物必须分别尝试豁免检定对抗每个喷吐武器,而且在两次豁免中均会受到-4减值——这两次喷吐武器造成的伤害和恍惚状态的持续时间会与彼此叠加。穿戴中型或重型金属护甲的生物或者基本由金属构成的生物如果在豁免中失败,还会被震慑(stunned)1轮。被阿格拉的喷吐武器杀死的生物会在死后2d4轮内充盈着电荷——任何碰触尸体的生物均会自动受到3d6点闪电伤害。该豁免DC基于体质。
电能尸骸(Electrified Corpse,Su):如果阿格拉被杀死而且当年还未使用复生(Rebirth)能力的话,她的尸体会散发着电光并鸣响着电火花的劈啪声。任何碰触她的尸体的生物均会受到3d6点闪电伤害。即便阿格拉的尸体被摧毁了,她死亡的位置也会充盈着电荷,持续1分钟或者直至她复生为止,以较早发生者为准。
召唤飓风(Hurricane,Sp):每日1次,阿格拉能制造出一股超自然飓风保护自身。该效果的功能如同操控天气(Control Weather)一般,只不过该能力能够影响半径4英里的区域,持续24小时,而且仅能够用于制造旋风级别的风力(Hurricane-force winds)。被创造的飓风是静止的,而且飓风眼为飓风中心半径500尺的区域。
复生(Rebirth,Su):阿格拉只会在死亡状态下维持1分钟,之后便会复活,就如同受到了完全复生术(True Resurrection)影响一般。阿格拉会在死亡时所占据的相同位置复活,而且通常会利用这次机会来使用极速飞行(Swift Flight)能力尽可能快地逃跑。阿格拉每年只能以此方式复活1次;如果在使用能力后的一年内再次死亡,阿格拉就会永久死去,其尸体也不会电气化。该能力取代了怪兽亚种的急速恢复(Recovery)能力中,免疫使她致死的伤害并进行治疗的能力;但是这不会取代急速恢复的其他效果。
风暴御者(Storm Flier,Ex):阿格拉不会由于在强风(strong wind)或者更强的风力中飞行而在飞行检定上承受减值。
极速飞行(Swift Flight,Su):每小时1次以标准动作,阿格拉能够以惊人的速度进行直线飞行。她至多能够以此方式飞行1英里远——这么做不会引起借机攻击。当阿格拉启动该能力时,她的毁灭轰鸣(Thunderous Blast)能力会被自动触发,将极速飞行的起点作为能力的源发位置。
毁灭轰鸣(Thunderous Blast,Su):当阿格拉使用极速飞行(Swift Flight)能力时,她会创造出雷鸣般的音爆。这股毁灭性的音波爆炸会以她启动极速飞行能力时所处的位置为源发位置,覆盖她的占据以及触及范围内的整个区域——即直径100尺范围的音波爆炸。所有在此效果区域内的生物都会受到20d10点音波伤害,陷入永久耳聋(deafened),被击倒(knocked prone),而且还会被震慑(stunned)1轮。成功通过DC41的反射豁免能够使伤害减半,将耳聋状态的持续时间缩短至1d4轮,并且不会被击倒,也不会陷入震慑。该豁免DC基于体质。【注:关于该能力的范围,译者觉得应该是半径100尺,但原文如此;不知道是译者没能理解英文还是作者写错了。】

阿格拉,永恒风暴(Agyra, the Forever Storm)被许多文明认定为季节性台风或者其他巨型风暴的成因——在对应季节到来时,这些风雨被视为阿格拉休眠所产生的可怕鼻息之表现。尽管这头怪兽并不需要为此世间所有风暴负责,但她使役狂风与雷鸣的力量强大无比,因此当阿格拉发怒之时,由她而起的飓风对周边地区的破坏力也不会亚于其直接发起的攻击。
阿格拉极其仇恨怪兽魔加鲁(Mogaru) (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=65011.0),她时常离开自己的火山巢穴,向西前往遥远的雨林地带,在魔加鲁的家园与其交锋。当魔加鲁对沿海城市发动攻击的癖好与阿格拉对地上怪兽的挑战同时降临时,往往会让一场灾难的程度提升数级。有时候,呼唤阿格拉的仪式会被用在引开魔加鲁,将它的目标从袭击城市转向怪兽,不过很多时候阿格拉也会凭着自身的意志而这么做。阿格拉通常会设法削弱并驱离魔加鲁,但是她很有可能死在这样的战斗中,之后重生并返回到自己的岛屿巢穴,正如魔加鲁会在同时返回自己的家园一般。这种对抗行为的本质至今无法辨明,但是怪兽学者们相信,这两头怪物早在人类诞生之前便开始相互敌视了。

出血 (Bleed, Ex): 拥有该能力的生物造成的伤口会持续流血,受到该效果的生物每回合开始时遭受额外伤害。出血效果可以被一次DC 15的医疗检定或者任何魔法治疗所治愈。该效果每轮造成的伤害根据生物而不同。

凶猛 (Ferocity, Ex): 拥有凶猛能力的生物即使在HP达到0以下,也可以保持清醒并且继续战斗。该生物还是会在HP低于0时进入恍惚状态,并且每轮失去1点HP。拥有凶猛能力的生物在HP降到体质属性负值时还是会死亡。

抛掷对手(Hurl Foe,Ex):当一个怪兽以自己的天生武器攻击命中一个体型为超大型或更小的生物时,通过一个战技攻击检定它可以尝试将目标扔飞出去。如果检定成功,目标生物会向怪兽所选择的方向被击退10尺并被击倒至俯卧。怪兽的战技攻击检定每超过目标生物的CMD5点,这个生物还会被多击退10尺。如果目标生物被击退的路线上有障碍物,那么目标生物会在障碍物的邻接位置被击倒至俯卧,它和障碍物都会承受每剩下10尺击退距离/1d6点伤害。


急速恢复(Recovery,Ex):每当怪兽在一次对抗心灵效果,麻痹,石化,变形或行动不能状态(包括法术束缚术Binding,永恒静滞Temporal Stasis,但不包括禁锢术Imprisonment)的豁免检定中失败,它可以在本轮结束时重新进行一次豁免检定来移除这些效果而无需额外动作。怪兽可以自愿选择是否移除这些效果,但每轮只能移除一个这类效果的影响。每年一次,当一个怪兽受到一次足以将它的生命值降到等同或大于它体质值负数的攻击时,它可以使得这次攻击无效,反而为它治疗相当于伤害2倍的生命值。不过,这种特殊的恢复方式会严重挫伤怪兽,它会处于反胃状态并尝试返回自己的巢穴。不过,一旦怪兽处于此状态而受到其他攻击的伤害,它会立刻结束反胃状态并重新反击敢于攻击它的生物。

Kaiju, Agyra
This two-headed monstrosity has vast wings and a long tail covered in a forest of blades.
XP 3,276,800
CN Colossal magical beast (air, kaiju)
Init +11; Senses blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 600 ft., low-light vision; Perception +38
AC 45, touch 9, flat-footed 38 (+7 Dex, +36 natural, –8 size)
hp 656 (32d10+480); fast healing 30
Fort +33, Ref +25, Will +21
Defensive Abilities electrified corpse, ferocity, rebirth, recovery
DR 20/epic
Immune ability damage, ability drain, death effects, disease, electricity, energy drain, fear
Resist acid 30, cold 30, fire 30, negative energy 30, sonic 30
Speed 80 ft., fly 200 ft. (average), swift flight
Melee 2 bites +41 (6d6+17/19–20), 2 talons +41 (3d8+17), tail slap +36 (10d6+8/19–20 plus bleed)
Space 50 ft.; Reach 50 ft. (75 ft. with tail)
Special Attacks bleed (5d6), blinding flash, breath weapon, hurl foe, hurricane, thunderous blast
Str 44, Dex 25, Con 41, Int 3, Wis 29, Cha 25
Base Atk +32; CMB +57 (+61 bull rush); CMD 74 (76 vs. bull rush)
Feats Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Vital Strike, Hover, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (tail slap), Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Power Attack, Staggering Critical, Vital Strike, Wingover
Skills Fly +24, Perception +38; Racial Modifiers +16 Perception
Languages Auran (can’t speak)
SQ massive, storm flier
Environment warm mountains
Organization solitary (unique)
Treasure incidental
Blinding Flash (Su) By spreading her wings as a full-round action while she stands upon the ground, Agyra can create a blinding flash of light that targets all creatures within 100 feet. Affected creatures must succeed at a DC 41 Fortitude save or be permanently blinded and staggered for 1d6 rounds by the blast of light. A successful saving throw reduces the blindness to 1 round and negates the staggered effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Breath Weapon (Su) Once every 4 rounds as a standard action, each of Agyra’s twin heads can breathe out a line of electricity to a range of 1,200 feet. Agyra can breathe each line in a different direction. Each creature caught in a line of electricity must succeed at a DC 41 Reflex save or take 20d6 points of electricity damage and be staggered for 1d4 rounds. A successful saving throw halves the damage and negates the staggered effect. A creature struck by both breath weapons simultaneously must attempt separate saving throws against each breath weapon, but takes a –4 penalty on both—the damage and staggered condition duration stack with each other. A creature wearing medium or heavy metal armor or a creature composed mostly of metal that fails its saving throw is also stunned for 1 round. A creature slain by Agyra’s breath weapon remains electrified for 2d4 rounds after death—any creature that touches the body automatically takes 3d6 points of electricity damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Electrified Corpse (Su) If Agyra is slain, her corpse crackles and flashes with pulses of electrical light if she has not used her rebirth ability that year. Any creature that touches her corpse takes 3d6 points of electricity damage. Even if Agyra’s body is destroyed, the site of her death continues to carry this electrical charge for 1 minute, or until Agyra is reborn, whichever comes first.
Hurricane (Sp) Once per day, Agyra can create a supernatural hurricane surrounding herself. This effect functions as control weather, save that it affects an area with a 4-mile radius, lasts for 24 hours, and can only be used to create hurricane-force winds. The hurricane created is static, and features a calm eye at the center with a 500-foot radius.
Rebirth (Su) Agyra remains dead for only 1 minute before she come back to life, as if via a true resurrection spell. Agyra rises from the exact same position she occupied when she died, and typically takes advantage of this second chance to use her swift flight to escape as soon as possible. Agyra can only be reborn in this manner once per year; if she is slain a second time before a year has passed, her death is permanent and her corpse does not become electrified. This ability replaces Agyra’s ability to immediately heal damage that would normally kill her, granted by her recovery ability, but does not replace the other defenses granted by recovery.
Storm Flier (Ex) Agyra does not take penalties on Fly checks when flying in strong or more powerful winds.
Swift Flight (Su) As a standard action once per hour, Agyra can fly in a straight line at an incredible speed. She may travel up to 1 mile in this manner—doing so does not provoke attacks of opportunity. When Agyra activates this ability, her thunderous blast ability is automatically triggered from the swift flight’s point of origin.
Thunderous Blast (Su) When Agyra uses her swift flight, she creates a thunderous sonic boom. This devastating explosion of sound occurs at her location when she activates swift flight, filling an area equal to her space and her reach combined—resulting in a 100-foot-diameter burst of sonic energy. All creatures in this area of effect take 20d10 points of sonic damage, are permanently deafened, are knocked prone, and are stunned for 1 round. A successful DC 41 Reflex save halves the damage, reduces the deafened condition to 1d4 rounds, and negates the knocked prone and stun effects entirely. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Agyra, the Forever Storm, is believed by many cultures to be the cause of seasonal typhoons or other great storms— such tempests being a manifestation of Agyra’s monstrous breaths as she exhales during her long slumber every season. While this kaiju is not in fact responsible for the world’s storms, her powers over wind and lightning are significant, and when she is vexed to rampage, the effects of her hurricanes can be as devastating to a region as her more direct attacks.
Agyra has the appearance of a primeval, two-headed flying reptile with a wingspan of over 150 feet. Her tail is perhaps the most fearsome of her aspects. This lengthy and f lailing appendage is covered with razor-sharp blades and wickedly barbed spines capable of slashing through buildings and tearing through armor with great force and from great distances.
Agyra dwells on the upper slopes of a long-dormant volcano that sits on a remote tropical island beyond the main shipping lanes and the scope of most explorers’ travels. As with many kaiju, she spends the bulk of her time in deep and peaceful slumber. She is ferociously protective of the strange peoples who dwell on the shores of this island, and has been known to rouse herself to come to their defense against slavers, pirates, or other external threats to their way of life. Despite this strange protective streak, Agyra is not a kindly creature—and none know this more plainly than those who share her island. Her responses to intrusions to the island may simply be defenses of her perceived territories, for certainly the villages of the locals suffer significant damage during her local rampages. She’s been known to take wing to travel to distant cities as well, often as a result of some of her island’s inhabitants being taken from the shores as slaves. Yet the devastation she wreaks upon the slavers’ destination cities pays no regard to the safety of the slaves themselves—they are in as much danger as anyone else from the kaiju’s vengeful wrath in this situation.
There are rumors that certain shamans on the isle conceal sacred words or some ancient ritual to waken and command Agyra, and that many of her rampages are not the result of the kaiju being territorial or protective, but simply due to an ancient bargain the natives’ ancestors forged with the mighty beast in some forgotten era. Some speculate that such rituals require the sacrifice of trespassers, but this may be nothing more than fearful superstition or rumors spread by shamans to persuade foreigners to stay clear of their island.
Agyra has a particular hatred of the kaiju Mogaru, and often leaves her volcanic lair to f ly west to the remote jungle lake that serves as Mogaru’s home to clash with her nemesis. Mogaru’s penchant for attacking coastal cities often results in a devastating escalation when Agyra arrives to do battle with the land-bound kaiju. Sometimes, methods of conjuring Agyra are used to deliberately lure the kaiju to a city besieged by Mogaru, but just as often her arrival seems to be driven by self-interest. Agyra typically manages to weaken Mogaru enough to drive him off, but is often slain herself in these battles, resurrecting and returning to her home at the same time Mogaru returns to his. The nature of this rivalry is unclear, but kaiju scholars believe that the two monsters have been enemies for longer than humanity has existed.
主题: Re: 【Bestiary 4】阿格拉(Kaiju, Agyra)
作者: Dya2015-12-18, 周五 01:17:44
主题: Re: 【Bestiary 4】阿格拉(Kaiju, Agyra)
作者: 密银马甲2015-12-18, 周五 01:24:11