作者 主题: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】魔法 – 巫术SORCERY,294-299  (阅读 8498 次)

副标题: 主译:giligilipony;巫术281-294部分记录在魔法部分,请留意

离线 马非鱼

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法术反制能带给施法者两种好处:法术防御和解除法术。法术反制技能不能作用于精魂,怪物能力(critter power),或者是炼金制剂。
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Counterspelling offers the magician two benefits: spell defense and dispelling. The Counterspelling skill does not work against spirits, critter powers, or alchemical preparations.

译注:targeting spells并不是一个固定的短语,由于语义与施法第二步:选择目标相同,故取此译
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Spell defense is used against hostile spells cast at you or at targets that are within your line of sight (using the same rules as for targeting spells) that you decide to protect with spell defense. Declaring this protection is either a Free Action or, if you don’t have one left, an Interrupt Action that reduces your Initiative Score by 5. Each Combat Turn, you have a pool of dice for spell defense equal to your Counterspelling skill. When a spell is cast, you may choose to use some or all of your Counterspelling dice to defend against an incoming spell. Against each spell attack, you have to choose how many dice from this pool to allocate for defense, and you can select how many people (including yourself if you desire) are covered by these defensive dice. You can protect a number of people at one time equal to your Magic Rating. These dice are then added to the defense tests of everyone you’re covering. The pool refreshes at the beginning of each Combat Turn.

法术解除可以用于反制一个持久或者恒定法术。一个法术解除检定需要用反制者的法术反制技能+魔法【星界】v. 法术强度+施法者的魔法属性(+恒定超魔消耗的业力,如果有的话)。你可以使用试剂来改变这个检定的上限。每个净成功都能降低施法者在施法检定中获得的成功数(比如说,这能影响暗影法术带来的视觉调整值)。如果法术的净成功被清零,那么这个法术会彻底结束。无论最后结果怎么样,您将受到等同于你施放这个法术的耗竭——如果法术强度高于你的魔法属性,耗竭就是物理性的,否则就是晕眩伤害。
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Dispelling is used to counter a sustained or quickened spell. A Dispelling Test is the dispeller’s Counterspelling + Magic [Astral] v. spell’s Force + caster’s Magic (+ amount of Karma spent on quickening the spell, if any). You may use a counterspelling focus to add to the test. You can also use reagents to change the limit of the test. Every net hit reduces the number of hits the caster had in casting the spell. This may reduce the effectiveness of the spell (for example, it could affect a Shadow spell’s visibility modifier). If the spell is reduced to 0 net hits, the spell ends completely. Regardless of how it goes, you take the Drain from the spell as if you had cast it—Physical if the spell’s Force was higher than your Magic rating, Stun otherwise.

如果仪式法术正在进行(被维持或者处在持续时间内)并且有一个法术关键词,那么它就能被解除。进行对抗检定,法术反制+魔法【星界】v. 法术强度+所有仪式参与者的魔法属性之和。每个你得到的净成功都能使仪式在密封(sealing)阶段获得的净成功-1。如果仪式强度高于你的魔法属性,耗竭就是物理性的,否则就是晕眩伤害。
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A ritual can be dispelled if it contains a spell keyword and is ongoing (sustained or with a duration). Make an Opposed Counterspelling + Magic [Astral] Test against a dice pool equal to the sum of the Force of the spell and the total of the Magic ratings of all of the ritual’s participants. Every net hit you get reduces the net hits from the ritual’s sealing step (p. 296) by 1. You take drain equal to twice the hits (not net hits) on the opposing test. The Drain from dispelling a ritual is Stun unless the ritual’s Force is greater than your Magic rating, in which case the Drain is Physical.

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While spellcasting is the quick manipulation of mana, ritual spellcasting shapes mana over a longer period of time. More time allows you to manipulate mana in ways that normal spellcasting won’t allow. Rituals, like spells and alchemical preparations, are learned separately and cost the same in Karma. Rituals can be performed by either one person or a group. Spells learned through normal channels can be incorporated into some rituals, such as a Combat spell in the Prodigal Spell ritual (p. 297), and do not cost additional Karma to learn separately (an advantage ritual magic has over alchemy).
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To cast a ritual, follow these steps:

第一步:选择仪式领导者Choose Ritual Leader
每个仪式都必须有一个领导者,他必须知道仪式是怎样进行的,而且只有他能完成仪式的最后一步——仪式密封。在这个步骤中,参加者必须宣告他们将会和领导者一起参与这个仪式。参与者并不需要学会这个仪式;他们只需要有参与这个仪式的意愿就行。这个仪式造成的所有影响都会带有领导者的星界标记(astral signature; p.312)。如果与领导者流派不同,参与者在这个仪式中任何行动都要承受-2dp的罚值。如果你独自施展仪式,那么你就是那个仪式的领导者。
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Each ritual must have a leader who knows the ritual being performed and can complete the last step, which seals the ritual. In this step, the participants must announce their participation with the leader. The participants do not need to have learned the ritual; they simply must be willing to take part. All effects from the ritual have the leader’s astral signature (p. 312). Each participant who is not of the same tradition as the leader suffers a –2 dice pool penalty on all actions for this ritual. If you’re casting a ritual all alone, you’re the leader.

第二步:选择仪式Choose Ritual
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The leader must then choose the ritual to perform. If required the leader also chooses the spell that will be included as part of the ritual. If the ritual requires knowledge of a spell or spell category, only the leader needs to know them.

第三步:选择仪式法术的强度Choose The Force Of The Ritual Spell
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The Force of the ritual determines not only its general power, but also the Force of any spell woven into it.

第四步:建立基底Set Up The Foundation
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A ritual must be performed in a magical lodge appropriate to the leader’s tradition, which is referred to as the foundation for the ritual. This can be a permanent magical lodge, or a temporary one created using reagents (p. 316). The Force of the lodge must equal or exceed the Force of the ritual to be cast. Once the lodge is active, no participant (except a spotter, if the ritual calls for one) may leave the foundation until the ritual is complete without causing the ritual to fail.

第五步:给予供品Give The Offering
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As part of the ritual, the leader must expend reagents equal to the Force of the ritual. The leader may expend more reagents to reduce Drain when sealing the spell (step 7). For every (Force) drams of reagents spent (after the initial offering), the Drain value is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 2.
Even if you’re not spending reagents, you’ll still be spending a little time on this step making the foundation ready for the ritual.

第六步:进行仪式Perform The Ritual
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During this step, the actual ritual is performed. The duration of this step is specific to each ritual (it’s in the description), but it’s almost always based on the ritual’s Force.

第七步:仪式密封Seal The Ritual
每个仪式的最后一步都是密封,这个步骤将会最终完成仪式。领导者进行对抗检定,仪式施法+魔法【强度】v. 仪式强度×2,不要忘记其他参与者带来的协助加骰。在每个仪式的介绍中都会有解释在密封步骤中所得到的净成功是怎样被使用的。
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The final step in any ritual is sealing it, which completes the ritual. The leader makes a Ritual Spellcasting + Magic [Force] v. (Force x 2) test, with a Teamwork test from each of the participants. Each ritual’s description explains how the net hits from the sealing step are used, if at all.

仪式失败Ritual Failure
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There are a number of rare things that could cause a ritual to fail prematurely. If a participant leaves the foundation after Step 4 of the ritual but before the ritual is complete, the ritual fails. If the leader is incapacitated (or killed) before Step 7, the ritual collapses and fails. If the foundation is disrupted or broken at any point after Step 4, the ritual fails.

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When a ritual fails, every participant immediately suffers Drain. Make a Force x 2 test, as though the spell had actually been cast; the Drain is equal to twice the number of hits (not net hits) on this test in Stun damage. Any reagents you’ve already spent in Step 5 are wasted.

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A glitch on a ritual in any step could result in extra Drain (e.g.,+2 Drain Value), an increase of 2 to the Force resisting completion of the spell, or the leader being forced to seal the ritual on his own. On a critical glitch, anything goes (prepare to put down that minion, or find that you missed your target, or find that what you intended to be a healing circle really is an astral gateway and everybody just got dumped on some metaplane, or something equally unpleasant your gamemaster thinks up).

离线 马非鱼

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These are the rituals you can learn and cast. You learn each ritual the same way you learn a spell (p. 299). Some rituals have keywords, which have special rules, just like the keywords for spells.

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Anchored: All anchored rituals must be placed on a physical object or symbol of mystical significance that serves as the ritual’s focal point. This could be something used specifically for the ritual (a rock or a doorway to anchor a ward, for example), or a mystical inscription (written in ink, paint, blood, etch marks, etc.), or even the foundation itself. The anchor cannot be moved relative to the Gaiasphere (the planet) during the duration of the ritual’s effect, or the ritual collapses and the effect ends early.

物质连接Material Link:这种仪式需要与目标有一个物质连接,它需要是曾经属于目标的一部分。来自活物的物质连接最终都会腐坏失效——物质连接边栏(p.297)会有全部的相关细节。
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Material Link: The ritual requires a material link to the target, something that was once a part of the target. Material links from living beings aren’t usable in rituals forever—the Material Links sidebar (p. 297) has all the details.

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Minion: The ritual creates a semi-autonomous entity, usually something to help the magician who makes it. Whatever minion is created is bound to the ritual leader, who can’t have more minions at a time than his Charisma rating.

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Spell: This ritual is used in conjunction with a spell that the ritual leader knows. Some of its properties might change—the ritual has details on how. If the leader has any modifiers to the spell from a mentor spirit, the modifiers apply to the ritual, too. These rituals are susceptible to dispelling (p. 295).

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Spotter: If the ritual’s target is not in sight of the leader, the leader needs to designate someone who can see the target for them, referred to as the spotter. The individual acting as the spotter must be a member of the group casting the ritual—or a spirit bound to a member of that group—and must be able to astrally perceive the target. The spotter must be present in the ritual’s foundation when the ritual begins and then must travel physically or astrally to where she can assense the target of the spell; this is an exception to the “no leaving” rule in Step 4 of ritual casting. The target does not have to be astrally active (and it’s often safer for the spotter if he isn’t); the spotter merely must be able to assense him to establish the necessary mystic link. If the spell is an area spell, the spotter must be able to assense the target location. For the duration of the ritual, a link is present between the spotter’s astral form and the ritual group. If the spotter is noticed by the target, it is possible to use the link to track her back to the ritual team’s physical location. The spotter doesn’t make a Teamwork Test with the rest of the participants but still suffers the same Drain as everyone else.

物质连接material link
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A material link is something that is an integral part of the target. If the target is an inanimate object, the link has to be something that is an essential part of the object’s structure. A brick from a wall could be a material link; a picture hanging on the wall or other loose object from inside the building could not. If the target is a living being, it must be a tissue sample. Tissue samples, however, decompose eventually and cease to become viable as a material link. Hair, blood and other bodily fluids, nail clippings, and so on are viable for a few hours, while a finger or larger tissue samples (such as the proverbial pound of flesh) can last a few days before the being’s aura fades too much for it to be a link. Chemical preservation methods instantly destroy the sample’s viability as a material link, but samples can be frozen for later use.

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A Curse allows an illusion spell to be cast on a subject through a material link rather than a mystic link from observing the subject. A Curse can be used on any target, whether within visual range of the leader or not, provided there is a link to the target. If the spell applies to multiple targets, such as in a mass spell, then the ritual must have a link to each of the targets.

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The link is used as part of the offering and is effectively destroyed during the ritual. The spell is cast normally (using teamwork, if applicable) with all the tests and Drain appropriate to the chosen illusion spell (step 6 of Ritual Spellcasting).

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For the duration of the ritual, a link is present between the target and the ritual group while the spell portion is sustained. It is possible to spot the link and use it to track back to the ritual team’s physical location.

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This ritual requires (Force) hours to complete

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This ritual allows you to cast any Combat spell at a distant target that is out of line of sight of your ritual team. The Combat spell can be either direct or indirect. Direct combat spells travel to the target in astral space. Indirect combat spells travel to the target in physical space, requiring a clear (but not necessarily straight) path in the physical world between the ritual team and target in order for the spell to reach its destination—the spell flies from the foundation to the target, dodging any obstacles in its path.

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This ritual requires (Force) hours to perform

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This ritual allows you to cast any Detection spell with an even greater range. The area of the spell is increased to Force x (sum total of the participants’ Magic attributes) x 100 meters. The spell’s subject must be present in the foundation during the ritual but may then take his new sense outside the foundation while the ritual participants sustain it for him. All of the participants of the ritual perceive the same thing the subject perceives through the spell. If the spell has a target (like when you use a Mind Link or a Mind Probe spell in the ritual), you’ll need a spotter to have eyes on the target.

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This ritual takes (Force) hours to perform. Afterward, if any of the participants stops sustaining the ritual, it ends.

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The ward is a basic ritual, taught to many magicians. It creates an astral barrier (p. 315) with a Force equal to the Force of the ritual. The ward may encompass a volume of up to fifty cubic meters times the sum of the participants’ Magic ratings.

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This ritual takes (Force) hours to complete. The ward lasts for a number of weeks equal to the net hits from the sealing step of the ritual—if the leader spends an amount of karma equal to the ward’s Force, the ward is permanent.

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The circle of protection is a small astral and physical barrier. Even though it’s called a circle, it creates a sphere around the anchor that has a radius in meters equal to the leader’s Magic rating. The circle acts as a combination of the physical barrier and mana barrier spells (p. 315) with a Force equal to the Force of the ritual. The mana barrier is dual-natured.

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The ward lasts for a number of hours equal to the net hits from the sealing step. Anyone or anything within the barrier is protected from outside physical objects and magical attacks. If something crosses the barrier from the inside, then the ward ends. This ritual takes (Force) hours to perform.

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This ritual is used to cast a healing magic on a number of targets at once. Even though it’s called a circle, it creates a sphere around the anchor that has a radius in meters equal to the leader’s Magic rating. This ritual takes (Force) hours to complete. The net hits from the sealing step are used as the net hits for the spell, and apply to everyone in the circle as long as they remain in the circle. The circle lasts for (Force) days.

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This ritual sustains and maintains an area manipulation spell for a time. The area of the spell is a sphere with a radius equal to the leader’s Magic rating, and the effect is based on the ritual’s Force and the net hits from the sealing step. The base duration of the effect is 1 hour, which is doubled for each net hit from the sealing step of the ritual.
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This ritual takes (Force) hours to perform.

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Watchers are like spirits, but in actuality are entities born from the ritual leader’s own mind rather than the meta planes. They are a creation of mana, woven with the per sonalities of the ritual participants. A watcher can speak any language its creators (which includes the leader and participants) can speak. A watcher is bound only to the leader of the ritual and follows his orders. A watcher lasts for a number of hours equal to its Force times the net hits on the sealing test. A watcher’s skills are equal to half the Force of the ritual (rounded up)
A leader can dismiss a watcher bound to him as a Free Action. Watchers cannot be banished or counterspelled. This ritual takes (Force) minutes to perform.

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The magician can bind a spark of intelligence into an inanimate form, creating a homunculus. The homunculus has a physical form but isn’t very bright. It understands any language its creators (leader and participants) speak and has a modicum of a personality that reflects those of its creators.

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You need an inanimate object to animate for the ritual. Despite the fact that their name means “little man,” the homunculus doesn’t need to be humanoid in shape— animal statuettes are pretty common among shamans, and don’t underestimate the usefulness of an animated extension cord. It can be at most (Force x 10) kilograms in mass, and it gains a limited amount of flexibility (the same as the Animate spell, p. 292) for the duration of the ritual. Whatever you use, the object’s Object Resistance dice pool is added to the opposition for the leader’s and participants’ Ritual Spellcasting Test, which is why you don’t see many homunculus commlinks.

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The homunculus obeys the leader’s commands as much as possible within the limitations of its physical capabilities. Commanding a homunculus is not like commanding a spirit. A spirit is intuitive and intelligent; a homunculus just follows orders and becomes frustrated when the task becomes impossible. A homunculus lasts for a number of days equal to its Force times the net hits on the sealing test. A watcher’s skills are equal to half the Force of the ritual (rounded up).
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This ritual takes (Force) hours to perform.

离线 马非鱼

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New spells, rituals, or alchemical preparations (p. 316) can be learned by studying spell formulae or finding some mentor (either a spirit or another Awakened individual) to teach you. Some magicians may be lucky enough to have a library of collected scrolls and grimoires passed down from previous generations. They also could have an Awakened family member teach them a new spell. For the rest of the Awakened, there are online communities such as SpellSource and Magiknet that hold collections of formulae submitted from various traditions. These networks are generally supported by one or more corporations, meaning that in order to use it, you’ll need have a legal SIN and a license to practice magic. Established magicians sometimes work in the grey area of teaching unlicensed magicians, picking up a little extra nuyen by passing on knowledge to someone not quite as experienced.

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If you want to learn alone, you can buy a spell formula (prices on the Magical Goods table, p. 326). If you want a living, breathing teacher, they usually charge around (Instruction skill x formula cost) in nuyen—expensive, but usually worth every bit of the jing you spend. Either way, you’ll need a magical lodge of your own tradition.

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Once you have access to a magical lodge and either a formula or a teacher for the spell you want, you’re ready to try to learn the spell. Make a Learning Test: a Simple (Spellcasting, Ritual Spellcasting, or Alchemy) + Intuition [magical lodge’s Force] Test. The time you need to learn the spell is equal to 12 days, divided by the number of hits you get. If you have a teacher, he or she can make an Instruction Test (p. 141) to add extra dice to your Learning Test. At the end of the study time, spend 5 Karma to learn the spell, ritual, or alchemical preparation.

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All injury modifiers apply, as do distractions from sustaining spells, poor conditions, and so forth. If your formula or teacher is of a different tradition than you, you take a –4 penalty to the Learning Test.

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While learning the spell, you must devote eight hours of each day to learning the spell, otherwise you fail and must start all over. If you get no hits on the Learning Test, you fail. If you do end up failing, no Karma is spent, but any money you spent on instruction is gone.