作者 主题: 【PoP】掌灯人(Lantern Bearer)  (阅读 15469 次)

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【PoP】掌灯人(Lantern Bearer)
« 于: 2013-03-20, 周三 23:45:58 »
掌灯人(Lantern Bearer)
生命骰(Hit Die):d10

基本攻击加值(Base Attack Bonus):+5
武器擅长(Weapon Proficiency):必须擅长长弓(longbow)或者复合长弓(composite longbow)以及一种军用近战武器

本职技能(Class Skills):
每级技能点数(Skill Ranks at Each Level):4 + 智力调整值

等级  BAB  强韧  反射  意志  职业能力

职业能力(Class Features):

武器与护甲擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):掌灯人不获得任何额外的武器或护甲擅长。

奥秘之灯(Lantern Arcana)(Sp):掌灯人获得一系列类法术能力。这些效果的施法者等级等于掌灯人的角色等级,其豁免DC为10 + 法术等级 + 她的智力调整值。要使用这些法术,她的智力属性必须至少等于10 + 类法术能力的法术等级。
随意施展:舞光术(dancing lights),光亮术(light),火花术APG(spark)。
1级 妖火(faerie fire),行踪无迹(pass without trace)以及防护邪恶(protection from evil)。
3级 黑暗视觉(只限自身,darkvision(self only)), 减缓毒发(只限自身,delay poison(self only))以及识破隐形(see invisibility)。
5级 不灭明焰(continual flame(3级法术))持续至多10分钟/等级;若不灭明焰是由掌灯人使用该能力创造的,并且她在距离不灭明焰20尺范围内,那么掌灯人可以通过将其熄灭以施放灼热光辉(Searing Light), 解除魔法(dispel magic)以及反邪恶法阵(只限自身,magic circle against evil(self only))。
7级 升阶昼明术(heightened daylight)升阶至4级法术,次元锚(dimensional anchor)以及行动自如(只限自身,freedom of movement(self only))。

神秘潜能(Numinous Potency)(Su):当掌灯人施放其他职业的法术或者掌灯人的类法术能力时,可以将掌灯人的职业等级加到为了克服法术抗力而进行的施法者等级检定中。

寒仇军备(Bitter Armament)(Su):2级起,掌灯人持用的金属武器在克服伤害减免时被视为寒铁(在武器的其他特殊材料特性之外附加)。该特性会在这些武器(包括发射出的弹药)会在离开掌灯人的持握后保持1轮。

宿敌(Favored Enemy)(Ex):2级起,掌灯人从下列生物类型中选择1种:异怪类,动物类,精类,类人生物(精灵),异界生物(邪恶)以及植物类。该能力的功能与游侠的同名职业能力完全一致,并且掌灯人职业等级与其他带有宿敌职业能力的职业等级叠加。

卓越洞察力(Superior Discernment)(Ex):3级起,掌灯人获得后述专长中的一个作为奖励专长,即使她并不满足先决条件:鹰眼APG(Eagle Eyes),精灵之眼APG(Elven Accuracy)或精确感知APG(Sharp Senses)。

无阻穿行(Unbounded Stride)(Su):4级起,掌灯人可以以迅捷动作让自身免疫那些会妨碍她行动的效果,比如茂密的枝叶,蛛网,浓雾或其他削弱移动能力或赋予纠缠状态的魔法范围效果。该能力与德鲁伊的穿林(woodland stride)职业能力效果类似,不过它对魔法效果也生效,并且掌灯人必须在无阻穿行的效果生效前声明使用。她不会由于穿过带刺的植物、荆棘甚至荆棘之墙(Wall of Thorns)而受到伤害,但是有害气体以及其他有害的效果,比如焚云术(Incendiary Cloud)的火焰伤害仍旧如常对她生效。掌灯人每日可以使用该能力的轮数等同于她的职业等级;这些轮数不必连续使用。

精通武器之证(Proven Weapon Familiarity)(Ex):5级起,掌灯人在使用复合长弓(composite longbows),复合短弓(composite shortbows),长弓(longbows),长剑(longswords),细剑(rapiers),短弓(shortbows),短剑(short swords)或任何冠以“精灵”之名的武器时,攻击与伤害检定获得+1加值。

天界兵器(Celestial Weaponry)(Su):6级起,掌灯人的武器在克服伤害减免时视为善良武器。

视线消隐(Fade from Sight)(Su):7级起,掌灯人可以使用潜行技能在没有任何遮挡物的地方躲藏,甚至在被察觉的情况下也可以。掌灯人每日可以使用该能力的轮数等同于她的职业等级;这些轮数不必连续。

艾厄达拉定位术(Aiudara Alignment)(Su):9级起,每日1次,掌灯人可以以整轮动作使用与艾厄达拉网络(aiudara network,见PF战役设定:格拉利昂的精灵Pathfinder Player Companion: Elves of Golarion)的交互之力,将自己传送至对她来说极有研究(studied carefully,见传送术Teleport)的精灵之门(elf gate)。该能力如同回返真言(Word of Recall)一般运作,不过掌灯人只能传送自身以及50磅重的物体。
   此外,每日2次,掌灯人能够以迅捷动作利用魔法穿过现实的空间,就如同使用任意门(Dimension Door)一般。该能力的最远距离为50尺,并且掌灯人无法带着其他人一同传送。

光辉使者(Bringer of Brightness)(Sp):10级起,每日1次,掌灯人能够使用辉煌的光芒将自身吞没。该能力如同目标仅限掌灯人的圣洁灵光(Holy Aura)一般运作,并且使用与奥秘之灯中一样的公式计算施法者等级与豁免DC。

劇透 -   :
When the elves returned to Golarion from the realm of Sovyrian millennia after Earthfall, they found a world overrun with darkness and evil. However, the worst evil the elves discovered was what had become of their elven kin who remained behind in the Darklands in the wake of Earthfall. Corrupted by both demons and the strange energies within the bowels of Golarion, these elves were transformed into what are now known as the drow.
In response to these wicked threats, the returned elves founded the Lantern Bearers. Members of this secretive organization state that their goal is “to be a light against the coming darkness.” In plainer terms, they seek to contain and eliminate the drow, and especially to conceal the shameful truth behind the birth of their corrupt relations.
Hit Die: d10.

To qualify to become a Lantern Bearer, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Alignment: Any good.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Race: Elf or half-elf (a half-elf must be sponsored by an existing Lantern Bearer).
Skills: Knowledge (dungeoneering) 5 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 2 ranks, Survival 5 ranks.
Weapon Proficiency: Must be proficient with the longbow (or composite longbow) and one martial melee weapon.

Class Skills
The Lantern Bearer’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Heal (Wis), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), and Survival (Wis).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the Lantern Bearer prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Lantern Bearer gains no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.

Lantern Arcana (Sp): A Lantern Bearer gains a series of spell-like abilities. The Lantern Bearer’s caster level for these effects is equal to her character level, and the save DC is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + her Intelligence modifier. To use a spell, she must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell-like ability’s spell level.
At will: dancing lights, light, and sparkAPG.
A lantern bearer gains additional abilities as she advances in level. When she initially gains access to a set of spell-like abilities, she can use each spell-like ability once per day. For every two class levels after gaining a specific set of spell-like abilities, she gains an additional use per day of each ability in that set. (For example, a 3rdlevel Lantern Bearer would be able to use darkvision, delay poison, and see invisibility each once per day, and faerie fire, pass without trace, and protection from evil each twice per day.)
1st level: faerie fire, pass without trace, and protection from evil.
3rd level: darkvision (self only), delay poison (self only), and see invisibility.
5th level: continual f lame (3rd-level spell, lasts up to 10 minutes/level; a Lantern Bearer within 20 feet of a continual flame she created using this ability can extinguish it to cast searing light), dispel magic, and magic circle against evil (self only).
7th level: heightened daylight (heightened to a 4th-level spell), dimensional anchor, and freedom of movement (self only).

Numinous Potency (Su): When casting spells from other classes or using lantern arcana spell-like abilities, a Lantern Bearer adds her class level on caster level checks for the purpose of overcoming spell resistance.

Bitter Armament (Su): At 2nd level, metal weapons that a Lantern Bearer wields are treated as being cold iron for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction (in addition to the weapons’ other special material properties). These weapons, including fired ammunition, retain this property for 1 round after leaving the Lantern Bearer’s grasp.

Favored Enemy (Ex): At 2nd level, a Lantern Bearer selects a creature type from the following: aberration, animal, fey, humanoid (elf ), outsider (evil), and plant. This ability functions exactly like the ranger class ability of the same name, and Lantern Bearer levels stack with other class levels that grant the favored enemy ability.
At 8th level, the Lantern Bearer may select an additional favored enemy from this list. In addition, the bonus against any one favored enemy from this list (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by +2.

Superior Discernment (Ex): At 3rd level, a Lantern Bearer gains one of the following as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites: Eagle EyesAPG, Elven AccuracyAPG, or Sharp SensesAPG.

Unbounded Stride (Su): At 4th level, as a swift action, a Lantern Bearer can make herself immune to effects that would impede her movement, such as overgrown foliage, webs, solid fog, or other magical area effects that impair movement or confer the entangled condition. This ability is similar in effect to a druid’s woodland stride ability, but its effects extend to magical effects as well, and the Lantern
Bearer must announce she is using unbounded stride before it takes effect. She takes no damage from moving through barbed vegetation, briars, or even a wall of thorns, but harmful gases and other detrimental effects, such as fire damage from an incendiary cloud, still affect her as normal. A Lantern Bearer can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to her class level; these rounds need not be consecutive.

Proven Weapon Familiarity (Ex): At 5th level, a Lantern Bearer gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with composite longbows, composite shortbows, longbows, longswords, rapiers, shortbows, short swords, or any weapon with “elven” in its name.

Celestial Weaponry (Su): At 6th level, a Lantern Bearer’s attacks are treated as good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Fade from Sight (Su): At 7th level, a Lantern Bearer can use the Stealth skill without having anything to hide behind, and even while being observed. Activating this ability is a swift action. A Lantern Bearer can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to her class level; these rounds need not be consecutive.

Aiudara Alignment (Su): At 9th level, once per day as a full-round action a Lantern Bearer can use the interconnected power of the aiudara network (see Pathfinder Player Companion: Elves of Golarion) to teleport herself to an elf gate that she has studied carefully (see teleport). This functions as word of recall but the Lantern Bearer can only transport herself plus 50 pounds of objects.
In addition, a Lantern Bearer can magically slip between the spaces in reality twice per day as a swift action, as if using dimension door. This ability has a range of 50 feet and the Lantern Bearer cannot take other creatures with her.

Bringer of Brightness (Sp): At 10th level, once per day a Lantern Bearer can engulf herself in a brilliant radiance. This functions as a holy aura spell targeting only the Lantern Bearer, and uses the same formulae for caster level and save DCs as her lantern arcana.
« 上次编辑: 2013-03-21, 周四 01:11:15 由 四月奈奈子 »

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Re: 【PoP】掌灯人(Lantern Bearer)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-03-21, 周四 00:07:02 »

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Re: 【PoP】掌灯人(Lantern Bearer)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2013-03-21, 周四 01:13:11 »


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Re: 【PoP】掌灯人(Lantern Bearer)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2013-03-25, 周一 19:05:40 »
"In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight.

Let those who worship evil's might

Beware my power--Green Lantern's light!"

* 可怜的兽兽 胡言乱语


野兽的炮团小窝 喵!!

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Re: 【PoP】掌灯人(Lantern Bearer)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2013-03-25, 周一 19:56:15 »





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Re: 【PoP】掌灯人(Lantern Bearer)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2013-03-25, 周一 20:04:30 »


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Re: 【PoP】掌灯人(Lantern Bearer)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2013-03-25, 周一 21:22:04 »


