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[Path of War] 系統及運用 Systems and Use
« 于: 2017-09-15, 周五 16:44:17 »
系統及運用 Systems and Use
 在Path of War一書中介紹的武術戰鬥系統使用了許多新詞彙及規則,以下將詳述Path of War的武術系統如何運作。
劇透 -   :
The martial combat system introduced in Path of War uses a variety of new terms and rules. Detailed below is how the Path of War martial system works.
武術能力 Martial Abilities
 武術能力可以被歸類為兩大類別:架式 Stance及武技 Manuever(強化 Boost, 應對 Counter, 擊技 Strike)。武技是使用後會暫時耗竭的特異或超自然能力,架式永不耗竭且總是可以使用。
劇透 -   :
Martial abilities fall into two separate categories: stances and maneuvers (boosts, counters, and strikes). A martial maneuver is a subtle extraordinary or supernatural effect that is temporarily expended after use. A stance is never expended and is always available.

Stances and maneuvers are usable as many times as you like in a day. However, each time you use a maneuver, you temporarily expend it: you exhaust some small portion of your energy, you’ve finished the move and are now out of position and can’t immediately resume the necessary posture, or your mental focus must be regained. This means you cannot use an expended maneuver again until you have rested for a brief time or perform a particular action in combat that will allow you to recover one or more expended maneuvers. The type of action required depends on which type of martial disciple you are; see your class for it’s maneuver recovery mechanism. Because of this, you can usually employ each of your readied maneuvers once per encounter, unless they are recovered so you may use them again. Stances are never expended or used up and are always available to you.
準備武技 Readying Maneuvers
 你一次可以準備幾個武技是隨你的職業及等級而定。若你沒有武術家職業等級(例如透過武術訓練 Martial Training專長鍊習得武技),你可以準備的武技數量則見武術訓練專長鍊的內文。
 要準備武技需要一段時間來祈禱、冥想、演練etc.。準備的具體內容取決於你的武術家職業,但無論如何需要10分鐘。準備武技並不需要充分休息,但是準備時行動不能受限制(獵師 Stalker依然需要8小時的休息來回復氣池)。每個武技需要一套精準的動作、重複操練的肌肉記憶、高呼信條或禱言、或是為了單一目標洗鍊到極致的心靈,因此大多數武術家無法時時刻刻將他所有的已知武技常備心頭。只要在10分鐘間不受干擾,你可以替換已準備的武技。你不能像法師或牧師一樣在準備武技時留空位。每一個武技每次準備武技時至多被準備一次(意即,你在準備武技時不能重複準備任一強化、應對或擊技,每項武技只能被準備一次,例如,你只能各準備鐮掃擊 Scything Strike、赤風擊 Red Zephyr Strike和粉碎擊 Crushing Blow)。
劇透 -   :
It is not needful to ready your stances ahead of time. Each stance you know is always available. Conversely, maneuvers require preparation in the form of prayer, meditation, exercise, or any other similar rehearsal. Accordingly, you must choose your selection of readied maneuvers from all the ones you know. Only those you have readied are available for immediate use.

The number of maneuvers you can ready at once is dependent on your class and level. If you have no levels in a martial disciple class (for example, you learned maneuvers through the line of Martial Training feats), you can ready the allotted number of maneuvers as dictated by your Martial Training feats.

Some prestige classes can grant a character additional maneuvers readied. These extra maneuvers readied add to your maximum number of maneuvers readied, whether that number is determined by your class level, or by the number of times you have taken the Martial Training feats.

It is possible for a character to gain the Martial Training feat before entering a class that grants a progression for martial maneuvers readied. In this case, use the character’s current number of maneuvers readied. Add any modifiers from prestige classes to the class’s number of maneuvers readied.

A brief period of practice, meditation, exercise, or prayer is required to ready maneuvers. The particular nature of this preparation depends on your martial disciple class, but each one requires 10 minutes of preparation time. You do not need to be well rested to ready maneuvers, however, it is necessary for you to be able to stand move without restriction or restraint (stalkers however still require 8 hours of rest to refresh their ki pool). Each martial maneuver requires a precise combination of techniques, repetitive training of muscle memory, speaking aloud prayers or creeds, or honing the edge of the mind to focus in on a specific concept or goal; because of this, most martial disciples are unable to keep every maneuver they know at the front of their mind. As long as you are not physically disturbed during your 10 minutes of preparation, you can change out previously chosen maneuvers for new ones. You may not choose to leave any of your readied maneuver slots unfilled, unlike a cleric or wizard preparing their spells. You may not ready an individual maneuver more than once when readying your maneuvers (meaning you cannot ready any strike, boost, or counter more than a single time while you’re readying your maneuvers, you may only have a single application of each, i.e. you can only ready Scything Strike, Red Zephyr Strike, and Crushing Blow once each).
啟動架式及武技 Initiating Stances and Maneuvers
劇透 -   :
First and foremost, to initiate a stance or maneuver, you must be able to move. Unlike some abilities, while initiating, you do not need to be able to speak, unless specifically mentioned in the maneuver’s description. You initiate a maneuver by taking the maneuver’s specified initiation action. It may require an immediate, swift, move, standard, or even a full- round action to initiate. Initiating a maneuver can be likened to that of a spell being cast or psionic power manifested. Only a maneuver that is currently readied and unexpended may be used.

Stances are initiated as a swift action. A stance remains in effect indefinitely and is never expended. The benefit of your chosen stance continues until you change to another stance you know as a swift action.
專注 Concentration
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Concentration is not required to initiate a stance or maneuver, as with spells or psionic powers. Even if you are injured or affected by hostile maneuvers, powers, or spells while assuming a stance or initiating a maneuver, you do not lose it.

However, enemy interference still could make certain maneuvers impossible to complete. For example, if an enemy readies an action and disarms you when you start your turn, you are no longer able to use a maneuver that requires you to be wielding that weapon. Also, if are pinned or grappled, most of your maneuvers simply will not work until you are able to move freely.

If you initiate a maneuver and thereafter can’t use it during your turn, the maneuver is still considered expended. You are still considered to have spent its initiation action.

You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you initiate a stance or maneuver unless otherwise stated in its description. However, some maneuvers allow for movement, the ability to charge, or take other actions that can provoke attacks of opportunity. These actions provoke attacks of opportunity as normal unless specifically stated otherwise in the maneuver’s description.
武術家等級 Initiator Level
 當你在不提供武技的職業上提升等級時,你對Path of War的理解依然會成長。一個訓練有素的戰士擁有足以掌握武術的基本功。如果你是兼職武術家,在你因為武術家職業升級而獲得新武技時,將該武術家職業等級+1/2其他職業等級(種族生命骰在此視為其他職業等級)作為你的武術家等級。你在某個職業上的武術家等級不能超過你的角色等級。參見下表來判斷你可以習得的最高級武技。你依然必須滿足武技的其他先決條件。
 舉例來說,一個7獵師 Stalker/5督軍 Warlord在判斷作為獵師 Stalker時可以學習的最高級武技時武術家等級為9,因此可以學習5級武技。作為督軍 Warlord時武術家等級為8,可以學習4級武技。兩個職業的武技分開準備與施展。你不能透過兼職來重複學習或準備某個武技或架式。
 這個流程適用於不論是否武術家的所有職業(4巫師/1督軍 Warlord的武術家等級為3),武術進階職業在計算武術家等級時加入所有的等級,詳見武術進階職業的描述。
劇透 -   :
Some stances and maneuvers have variables (such as duration) that depend on your initiator level.

If you are a single-class character, your initiator level equals your level in the class that provides access to martial maneuvers. If you lack any martial disciple levels, your initiator level is equal to 1/2 your character level.

When you gain levels in a class that does not grant martial maneuvers, your understanding of the Path of War still increases. A well-trained, highly skilled fighter has the basic combat training needed to master martial maneuvers. If you are a multiclass martial disciple, and you learn a new maneuver by attaining a new level in a martial disciple class, determine your initiator level by adding together your level in that class + 1/2 your levels in all other classes (treating racial Hit Dice as class levels for these purposes). Your initiator level for a class cannot be higher than your character level. Look up the result on the table below to determine the highest-level maneuvers you can take. You still must meet all of a maneuver’s prerequisites to learn it.

For example, a 7th-level stalker/5th-level warlord has an initiator level of 9th for determining the highest- level maneuvers he can take as a stalker. Subsequently, he can take 5th level stalker maneuvers. As a warlord, his initiator level would be 8th, allowing for 4th-level warlord maneuvers. These maneuvers are readied and performed separately. Multiclassing does not allow an initiator to have any individual stance or maneuver known or readied more than once.

This process applies whether a class is a martial disciple class or not (for example, a 4th-level wizard/1st-level warder would be a 3rd level initiator). Martial prestige classes add the full prestige class level to your martial disciple level to determine your initiator level. See the martial disciple’s prestige class descriptions for more information.
選擇武技 Selecting Martial Maneuvers
 武技被整理成類似法術的等級。一般來說,高級武技強過低級武技。隨著等級提升,你可以學習更高級的武技。你的武術家職業等級決定了你所能學習的最高級武技。例如一個10督軍 Warlord可以選擇5級以下的武技。
劇透 -   :
Martial maneuvers are organized by level, much like spells. Generally, higher-level maneuvers are more powerful than lower-level ones. As you gain levels, you can choose higher-level maneuvers. Your level in a martial disciple class determines the highest- level maneuvers you can choose. For example, a 10th level warlord can choose maneuvers of 5th level or lower.
結算架式或武技 Resolving a Stance or Maneuver
 武技期間的動作:武技描述的啟動動作一欄標明了啟動該武技需要的動作。舉例來說,龍襲 Dragon Assault武技的啟動動作是一個整輪動作,因此你以一個整輪動作發動武技描述內的效果。這個例子的情況是一次附帶額外效果的整輪攻擊。
劇透 -   :
Once you have chosen to initiate a maneuver, you must resolve its effects.

Attack Rolls: Many maneuvers include an attack of some kind. All offensive combat actions, even those that do not deal damage directly (such as bull rush or trip), are still considered attacks. All maneuvers that opponents can resist with saving throws, that deal damage, or that otherwise harm or hamper subjects are considered attacks.

Bonus Types: Some stances and maneuvers grant bonuses to armor class or ability scores, on attacks or damage, on saves, or any number of other variables. Each bonus has a type that indicates how or why it is granted. With the exception of dodge bonuses, two bonuses of the same type generally do not stack.

If a stance or maneuver does not identify the type of bonus granted, its effects stack with all other effects modifying the same characteristic or attribute. Untyped bonuses always stack.

Actions during a Maneuver: The Initiation Action line of a maneuver description provides the action required to use that maneuver. For example, the initiation action of the Dragon Assault maneuver is 1 full-round action. Thus, as part of your full-round action, you bring about the effect in the maneuver description. In this case, the maneuver allows you to make a full-round attack with additional benefits.
回復耗竭武技 Recovering Expended Maneuvers
劇透 -   :
At the beginning of each encounter, you have all of your readied maneuvers available and unexpended. When you initiate a maneuver, it is expended; it cannot be used again until it is recovered. Expended maneuvers can be recovered in two ways: through special actions or at the end of an encounter. Stances are never expended.

Special Action: Most martial disciples are able to refresh some of their expended maneuvers in the course of a battle by taking a special action to do so. The type of special action required depends on a martial disciple’s class (or feat) selection.

End of Encounter: A martial disciple automatically recovers all expended maneuvers when an encounter ends. Even a few moments out of combat is sufficient to refresh all maneuvers expended in the previous battle. In the case of a long, drawn-out series of fights, or if a disciple is out of combat entirely, assume that if a character makes no attacks of any kind, initiates no new maneuvers, and is not targeted by any enemy attacks for 1 full minute, he can recover all expended maneuvers. If a character can’t avoid being attacked for 1 minute, he can’t automatically recover his maneuvers and must use special actions to do so instead.
引述: 邊欄
x/遭遇 能力 Per Encounter Abilities
劇透 -   :
An encounter is a period of time from when initiative begins (starting with the surprise round, if any) to the last initiative has ended and after a total time amount of one minute has elapsed without combat resuming. This means that martial disciples have had time to recover all expended maneuvers and abilities that are used and depleted within the span of an encounter.
武術能力與魔法 Martial Abilities and Magic
劇透 -   :
Most martial stances and maneuvers that create supernatural effects are transparent to magic or psionics. However, martial maneuvers rarely interact with spells or powers. Once the maneuver is initiated, the effect lasts only for your turn, unless otherwise detailed in the description, giving an opponent little chance to counter it.

Extraordinary or Supernatural Abilities: Martial stances and maneuvers are never spells or spell-like abilities. Unless the description of the specific stance or maneuver in question says otherwise, treat it as an extraordinary ability. Thus, the abilities of a martial disciple function in an antimagic field or a dead magic zone. A stance or maneuver can’t be dispelled or counterspelled, and initiating one does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

If a maneuver is overtly magical or otherwise uses a supernatural power source, it will be noted as a supernatural ability in its description. In this case, the maneuver obeys all the standard rules for supernatural abilities.

Detecting Martial Maneuvers: Many maneuvers don’t create persistent or long-lasting effects, and the results are obvious to any observer. However, identifying the specific stance, maneuver, or discipline requires the Knowledge (martial) skill.

Multiple Effects: Martial stances and maneuvers generally work as described, no matter how many other powers, spells, or magical effects happen to be operating in the same area or on the same subject. Whenever a stance or maneuver does have a specific effect on other maneuvers, powers, or spells, its description will explain the effect.

Stacking Effects: Most martial disciples can use only one stance at a time, although some higher- level disciples may be able to use two stances at once. Stances or maneuvers that provide penalties or bonuses on attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, and other attributes do not stack with each other if they are of the same type, unless otherwise noted within their bonus type descriptions (such as dodge bonuses and circumstance bonuses always stack, but morale bonuses do not).
引述: 邊欄
新傷害類型 New Damage Types
 本書中介紹了兩種新傷害類型,神聖 Sacred與穢邪 Profane。
劇透 -   :
Two new damage types are introduced in this book, profane and sacred.

Profane damage comes from attacks that are heavily infused with the power of sheer evil and carry this unholy power over as a form of harmful energy to good-aligned beings. Profane damage deals full damage to incorporeal targets and deals damage as if the weapon were evil-aligned. As it is not a weapon damage type, it automatically bypasses all damage reduction.

Sacred damage comes from attacks that are heavily infused with the power of sheer good and carry this holy power over as a form of harmful energy to evil-aligned beings. Sacred damage deals full damage to incorporeal targets, and deals damage as if the weapon were good-aligned. As it is not a weapon damage type, it automatically bypasses all damage reduction.
架勢與武技說明 Stance and Maneuver Description
 每個武術能力都源自下列其中之一的流派:黑天 Black Seraph、破刃 Broken Blade、咒鋒 Cursed Razor、融素 Elemental Flux、恆衛 Eternal Guardian、金獅 Golden Lion、鐵龜 Iron Tortoise、銀湧 Mithral Current、貫雷 Piercing Thunder、原怒 Primal Fury、裂時 Riven Hourglass、赤座 Scarlet Throne、碎鏡 Shattered Mirror、銀鶴 Silver Crane、眠仙 Sleeping Goddess、陽風 Solar Wind、鋼蛇 Steel Serpent、嵐雨 Tempest Gale、蟠龍 Thrashing Dragon、朦月 Veiled Moon
 同一個流派的武技通常都有類似的效果、運作方式與哲學。武術招式的具體細節請見兵武之藝 The Art of the Blade章節。
劇透 -   :
The description of each power follows a standard format which is explained below.

This entry is the name by which the maneuver is generally known.

Martial Disciplines
Every maneuver belongs one of the martial disciplines: Black Seraph, Broken Blade, Cursed Razor, Elemental Flux, Eternal Guardian, Golden Lion, Iron Tortoise, Mithral Current, Piercing Thunder, Primal Fury, Riven Hourglass, Scarlet Throne, Shattered Mirror, Silver Crane, Sleeping Goddess, Solar Wind, Steel Serpent, Tempest Gale, Thrashing Dragon, and Veiled Moon.

The maneuvers in a discipline are usually linked by common effects, philosophies, or functions. The various martial maneuvers available to practitioners of the Path of War are described in The Art of the Blade.

Most martial abilities fall into one of four categories: boosts, counters, stances, or strikes. Very few maneuvers don’t fall into any of these categories, and they are exceptions to the rule. The maneuver categories below refer to swift and immediate actions. If you are unfamiliar with this, see the Initiation Action section below.

強化 Boost
劇透 -   :
This category covers maneuvers that allow a warrior to bring himself into focus, summon his ki energy or other source of power, and unleash it through melee attacks, or other attacks. A character who shouts an invocation to his cause or god and then unleashes a mighty attack is using a boost.

A boost is a maneuver that grants a bonus, most commonly to attack or damage rolls, for the duration of your turn. A boost always requires a swift action, frequently allowing you to initiate it before unleashing a standard action or full-attack. Some boosts apply additional conditions such as fatigue or stunning to your attacks, while others provide some additional effect imposed on an enemy you have just successfully struck in battle. If a boost applies to your attacks, it applies to all those attacks within the round in which it was initiated, but its effect ends at the end of your turn, unless otherwise specified. A boost’s effect applies for its duration, no matter which weapon you might wield in that round. Should you switch weapons during your turn, the effect of the boost still applies. Each maneuver’s description gives you the details of each boost’s effect.

A boost doesn’t always modify an attack; it could provide a bonus on a skill check, to your character’s speed, or draw the attention of an attacking opponent.

應對 Counter
 鐵龜 Iron Tortoise做為以盾為兵攻防一體的流派傳授了許多應對武技。應對是可以在敵人回合進行的直覺動作,通常來說你的敵人必須做出描述內相應的動作(像是攻擊)你才可以使用應對。
劇透 -   :
A counter is a fast, usually defensive maneuver that is used to prevent or respond to your opponent’s actions. A martial disciple who dodges just beyond an ogre’s reach is using a counter.

The Iron Tortoise discipline features many counters, because it focuses on teaching students to trust in their shield as their best weapon and defense. Counters are immediate actions that you attempt during an enemy’s turn. Usually, your foe must make a specific action, such as an attack against you, for you to use a counter.

If a counter is compared to an attack roll, then it is initiated after the attack roll is made and the result is revealed but before damage is rolled. A counter that replaces a saving throw or other roll is used before the roll in question, and cannot be used retroactively. Other counters may have specific triggers (or not have triggers at all), as noted in their descriptions.
引述: 邊欄
重擊與應對 Critical Hit vs. Counter
劇透 -   :
As this is bound to come up at the gaming table at least once in a while, a player or the GM will roll a natural 20 against a creature or player and the decision to use a counter will arise. Relax, here’s the answer. Counters may be used against a critical hit except if the threatening attack roll was a natural 20. Critical hits from weapons with increased threat ranges (such as rapiers) can be countered if the threatening attack roll was not a 20.

擊技 Strike
劇透 -   :
A strike is a maneuver that allows a special attack. A martial disciple who slays a wyvern in a single blow is using a strike. A strike imparts some bonus or advantage over a standard attack, such as extra damage, or an additional effect such as blinding a foe.

Strikes almost always require a standard or full- round action. Most involve a melee or ranged attack as part of completing the maneuver. If the attack hits, your opponent takes normal melee or ranged damage, as well as suffering the effect of the strike. When making a strike, you use your base attack bonus, all attack and damage modifiers, weapon damage, and so forth, as normal. You can make a critical hit with a strike, but you do not multiply extra damage from a strike when calculating the critical hit damage. It is treated just as extra damage from another special ability would be (like deadly strike damage or damage from a flaming weapon).

Because strikes require a specific form of attack, you cannot benefit from spells or effects that grant extra attacks when making a strike (such as the haste spell or a speed weapon). You are not taking a full attack action when you initiate a strike whose initiation action is 1 full round, unless otherwise specified in the description. Also, you cannot combine special attacks such as disarm or sunder with strikes, unless stated otherwise in the maneuver’s description.

架式 Stance
 你的架式在你因為任何原因陷入無助 Helpless時結束。若你之後恢復正常了,你必須重新以迅捷動作進入架式。架式在判斷高級武技/進階職業/專長的先決條件時視為武技。
劇透 -   :
A stance is a type of fighting method that you maintain from round to round. So long as you stay in a stance, you gain some benefit from it. A martial disciple who performs a kata and assumes a specific posture as he prepares to fight is using a stance.

A stance is initiated as a swift action. When you enter a stance, you immediately gain its benefit. You continue to gain the benefit of a typical stance as long as you remain in it. Some stances give you a benefit only when you meet certain conditions. A stance might grant a bonus when you move, or stand still, or if you attack a flat-footed opponent. You cannot enter a stance you are already in.

You can use a single swift action to end one stance and begin another, or you can choose to simply end your current stance without entering another. You continue to gain a stance’s benefits until you switch to a new stance or end your current one. At the start of your turn, you might be in a stance that grants you a bonus on attack rolls. You could make your attacks gaining the stance’s bonus then use a swift action to switch to a stance that gives you a bonus to AC.

Your stance ends if you are rendered helpless for any reason. If you later recover, a swift action must be used to initiate your stance once again. Stances are considered maneuvers for the purpose of fulfilling prerequisites for learning higher-level maneuvers or qualifying for prestige classes or feats.

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Some maneuvers have descriptors that further define them. These descriptors appear on the same line as the discipline of the maneuver.

Some descriptors that can apply to maneuvers are cold, electricity, evil, fear, fire, force, good, mind- affecting, teleportation, or sonic. Most of these descriptors have no game effect by themselves, but they do govern how a maneuver may interact with other maneuvers, spells, powers, or abilities.
 若你不是武術家職業,你可以透過武術訓練專長學習任意武技。若你是,則可以透過研修 Advanced Study專長來學習更多武技。你依然需要滿足武技的先決條件。
劇透 -   :
This entry shows the level of the maneuver for the purposes of qualification to learn that maneuver. The character’s initiator level must meet the minimum prerequisite or exceed it to be able to learn this martial ability (see table: Highest Level Maneuvers Known).

You can learn any maneuvers you like by choosing the Martial Training feat if your class is not a martial disciple, or the Advanced Study feat if you are. However, you must always meet the prerequisites of the maneuver before selecting it.
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In addition to meeting the class and level requirements before learning a new maneuver, you must meet a certain set of requirements to be able to choose that maneuver. Stances are considered maneuvers for the purpose of meeting a prerequisite to learn a new maneuver.

A maneuver counts towards its own prerequisites; for example, if a character learned a Golden Lion maneuver with a prerequisite of “1 Golden Lion maneuver,” they would still retain that maneuver even if they exchanged all their other Golden Lion maneuvers for maneuvers of other disciplines.
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Some of the more powerful maneuvers require you to learn one or more other maneuvers in the same discipline before they can be selected.
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This entry describes the type of action you must spend to active a martial maneuver.
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A maneuver’s range indicates how far from you it can reach.

Standard ranges include (but are not limited to) the following:

Personal: The maneuver affects only you (but may give you an unusual power or ability that affects others for the rest of your turn).

Touch: You must touch a creature or object to be able to affect it. A touch maneuver that deals damage can score a critical hit just as a weapon can, although you do not multiply the extra damage from a maneuver on a successful critical hit.

Melee Attack: The maneuver affects any creature you make a successful melee attack against.

Adjacent: The maneuver affects creatures within 1 square of you. Some maneuvers only affect adjacent creatures at the beginning of your turn or at the end of your turn, but others affect any creature you move adjacent to during the course of your turn. See the specific maneuver descriptions for details.

Range Expressed in Feet: Some maneuvers have no standard range category, just a range expressed in feet.
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The initiator must choose whom his maneuver is going to affect or where it will originate. This entry describes the maneuver’s target or targets, its effect, or its area, as appropriate.

Target or Targets: Most maneuvers affect a specific creature or object (or more than one creature or object) that you designate as your target or targets. You must be able to see or touch the target, and you must specifically choose the target or targets.

Some maneuvers can be initiated only on willing targets. You can declare yourself a willing target at any time (even if you’re flat-footed or it isn’t your turn). Unconscious characters are always considered willing, but a character who is conscious but immobilized or helpless is not automatically willing.

Some maneuvers target you (but they might confer an unusual ability to affect other creatures for the rest of your turn). If the target of a maneuver is “You,” you do not receive a saving throw- you receive the benefit of the maneuver automatically as long as you meet any other requirements for initiating it successfully.

Other maneuvers affect a creature or creatures that you successfully hit with a melee or ranged attack, and some affect a creature you successfully hit with a melee or ranged touch attack.

Area: Some maneuvers can affect an area. You may be able to choose the point where the maneuver’s effect originates, but otherwise, you usually don’t control which creatures or object an area maneuver affects.

Burst: A burst affects whatever it catches in its area, including creatures you can’t see. It can’t affect creatures that have total cover from its point of origin. The default shape for a burst is a sphere.

Emanation: An emanation functions like a burst, except that the effect continues to radiate from the point of origin (often you) for the duration of the maneuver.

Spread: A spread effect spreads out like a burst, but can turn corners. You select the point of origin, and the effect spreads out in all directions to a given distance.

Effect: Some maneuvers create something rather than affect things that are already present. You must designate the location where these things are to appear, either by seeing it or defining it. Range determines how far away an effect can appear.

Line of Effect: Maneuvers that affect a target other than you require line of effect. A line of effect is a straight, unblocked path that indicates what an effect can affect. A solid barrier cancels a line of effect, but line of effect is not blocked by fog, darkness, or any other factors that would limit normal sight.

You must have a clear line of effect to any target that you initiate a maneuver against, or to any space in which you wish to create an effect at range (if your maneuver allows). A burst or emanation affects only an area, creature, or any objects to which it has a line of effect from its origin. An otherwise solid barrier with a hole of at least 1 square foot through it does not block a maneuver’s line of effect.
劇透 -   :
A maneuver’s duration tells you how long its effect lasts.

End of Turn: The maneuver’s effect lasts until the end of your turn, then ceases to function.

Instant: The effect of the maneuver comes and goes the instant the maneuver is initiated.

One-Round Durations: Some durations are measured as 1 round. You gain the capability to perform whatever special effect or attack the maneuver permits on your turn. Immediately before the beginning of your next turn, its effect comes to an end.

Stance: This duration indicates that the ability is a stance, and therefore ends only when you will it to end, when you become helpless, or when you fulfill a specific condition described in the stance’s description.

Timed Durations: Some maneuvers last some number of rounds or minutes. When the time is up, the energy sustaining the effect fades, and the maneuver’s effect ends.

No Duration: The effect of a maneuver without a duration lasts only as long as it takes you to initiate the maneuver. Some maneuvers “last” less than a full round. Such is often the case for maneuvers that deal extra damage on top of your normal melee or ranged damage. For example, a strike with an initiation action of 1 standard action would effectively have a duration of 1 standard action; the effect of the strike is tied to the action of making the attack. When this is the case, no duration entry is given.
劇透 -   :
Sometimes, a maneuver with a special effect or supernatural augmentation that targets an enemy allows the creature or object to make a saving throw to avoid some or all of the effect. The saving throw line in a maneuver description defines which type of saving throw a maneuver allows. Maneuvers performed with a favored weapon for the martial abilities’ discipline gain a +2 competence bonus to the DC of the maneuver initiated (if applicable).

Negates: The maneuver has no additional effect on a subject that makes a successful saving throw.

Partial: The maneuver causes an effect on its subject, such as death. A successful saving throw means that some lesser effect occurs (such as being dealt damage rather than being killed.)

Half: The maneuver deals damage, and a successful saving throw halves the damage taken (round down).

None: In a case where no saving throw is allowed, the saving throw line is omitted.

Saving Throw Difficulty Class: The formula for determining a saving throw DC against a maneuver’s special effect is 10 + maneuver level + initiator modifier.
劇透 -   :
Unlike spell descriptions or power descriptions, martial maneuvers never allow spell resistance or power resistance. Since maneuvers are extraordinary or supernatural abilities.
劇透 -   :
This part of the maneuver description explains what the maneuver does and how it works. If one of the previous lines in the maneuver description included “see text” or “see description,” an explanation will be included in the descriptive text.
引述: 邊欄
暴擊、衝鋒與武技 Vital Strikes, Charging, and Maneuvers
劇透 -   :
The question will invariably come up as to whether or not you can use Vital Strike and its subsequent feat chain with martial strikes or on a charge. In short, the answer is “no”, and here is why. A vital strike requires the expenditure of a standard action to perform the attack; quite simply, a vital strike operates very much like a martial maneuver. Many maneuvers are standard actions as well, and detail that the character makes an attack with it, not unlike with Vital Strike. They’re mutually exclusive to one another. If a character had a way to get a second standard action that turn, then they could use both but not on the same attack. The same holds true for charging attacks. When you attempt a charge, it is a full round action so there are no actions left at the end to use with a maneuver (unless you possess the Martial Charge feat.) Keep in mind, this does not disqualify the use of boosts with a charge or a vital strike, nor does it disqualify the benefits of a martial stance.
何謂攻擊 Attacks and Path of War
 在處理武技、架式、其他PoW能力及相關的Dreamscarred Press產品時,攻擊是指需要攻擊骰的戰鬥行動。除非特別註明,作為武技一部分的攻擊必須要以能夠符合瞄準限制的武器進行。架式及武技提供給攻擊的額外傷害只能加在需要投攻擊骰的攻擊上,而不是所有的攻擊性行動上。
劇透 -   :
For the purposes of maneuvers, stances, and other abilities in Path of War and related Dreamscarred Press products, an attack is a combat action that requires an attack roll. Unless otherwise noted, attacks made as part of maneuvers must be made with a weapon that can properly fulfill the maneuver’s targeting restrictions. Stances and maneuvers that grant bonus damage or effects on attacks only do so on attacks that require an attack roll; they do not do so on all offensive actions.
額外特別規則 Additional Special Rules
劇透 -   :
Some maneuvers allow the initiator to perform actions that they may not be able to, or interact differently with the basic rules for combat.

Acrobatic Movement: Whenever a maneuver calls for an Acrobatics check to jump or otherwise move, the initiator can move the distance indicated by their roll as part of the action of the maneuver, regardless of how far they have moved this turn.

Area Weapons: In order to initiate a strike, the initiator must have the ability to choose the proper target with their weapon (as listed in the individual maneuver descriptions). Thus, weapons that affect an area rather than making attacks against specific creatures cannot be used with most martial strikes. Splash weapons and similar weapons that choose a primary target and also affect other creatures only apply the additional effects of the strike to the primary target; for example, if an initiator is wielding a flask of acid, they could throw it directly at a creature as part of a strike. The strike would function as normal, and creatures around the primary target would be affected by the splash weapon’s effect as normal (but not the strike’s effect).

Critical Hits: Regardless of whether or not it is expressed as a bonus or as dice, extra damage from maneuvers and stances is never multiplied by critical hits or other effects that multiply an attack’s damage (though vulnerability functions as normal, as it is not a multiplication effect and increases the damage taken, rather than the damage dealt).

Flying Initiators: If an initiator gains a fly speed from a stance or maneuver, he may treat his ranks in Fly as being equal to his initiator level, and may add his initiation modifier to his Fly check.

Lethal and Nonlethal Damage: Unless otherwise noted, when a character uses a weapon to deal nonlethal damage while initiating or benefiting from a maneuver or stance, any additional damage dealt by their maneuver or stance is nonlethal damage (including energy damage). Likewise, using a weapon to deal lethal damage will cause any additional damage to be lethal. A weapon that does not deal damage (such as a lasso) cannot deal the additional damage (including ability damage) granted by a maneuver or stance, though the attack still gains any other benefits or effects that would apply.

Maneuvers and Mounted Combat: When a character initiates a martial strike or boost during a mounted charge attack, the initiation of the maneuver overrides any damage bonuses that would be gained while performing this action (such as by the Spirited Charge feat or while wielding a lance), and the initiator deals damage as if they were not charging (the effects of the strike or boost are applied to the attack as normal). If a mounted character initiates a strike that includes a charge attack, their mount forgoes its normal actions this round and takes a full-round action to move up to twice its speed in a straight line, taking the normal penalty to its AC for charging. Martial counters and stances are unaffected by being mounted, and a character can gain their effects as normal.

Retraining: Initiators can retrain their known maneuvers and stances; this retraining takes 2 days per level of the new maneuver and requires a trainer who can initiate the desired maneuver or enter the desired stance. The new maneuver or stance must be part of the initiator’s available disciplines for the class, and must be of an equal or lower level to the maneuver or stance it replaces. Note that this is unrelated to the ability of initiators to swap maneuvers for higher-level ones at certain initiator levels; that swap represents the initiator’s evolving style of combat, does not require a trainer, cannot replace stances, and can happen only once at a given level.

Skill Checks: Unlike other Intimidate checks, Intimidate checks made as part of maneuvers are only fear effects if the maneuver has the fear descriptor, or would apply a fear condition.

Two-Weapon Fighting: Some maneuvers allow the initiator to attack with multiple weapons. Unless otherwise noted, the initiator does not take the normal penalties for fighting with two weapons (as they are not gaining additional attacks during a full attack), and does not gain any benefits they might have normally gained when fighting with two weapons. Any maneuver that specifically imposes penalties for fighting with two weapons does gain such benefits, however.
學習架式及武技 Learning Stances and Maneuvers
劇透 -   :
Martial disciples initiate martial stances and maneuvers. These maneuvers are manifestations of supreme martial prowess, focus, and clarity. They also tap into a subconscious universal energy or ki; by performing a maneuver to perfection, a martial disciple can achieve amazing feats of martial and athletic skill.

Martial disciples do not have “spellbooks,” but they do ready a selection of their maneuvers ahead of time. Unlike characters who prepare spells, martial disciples can quickly choose a new selection of readied maneuvers with a brief pause to exercise, meditate, pray, and so forth. Martial disciples do not have to ready their stances; all stances known are available at all times.
增加架式及武技 Adding Stances and Maneuvers
劇透 -   :
Martial disciples usually learn new stances and maneuvers when they attain a new level. Not every discipline is available to every character.

Stances and Maneuvers Gained at a New Level: Martial disciples train, meditate, and practice between adventures and while resting. When a martial disciple learns a new stance or maneuver because she gained a level, you can assume that this new knowledge represents the effects of practice and study over the course of days, weeks, or even months.

Independent Study: A martial disciple can attempt to devise a new stance or maneuver independently, adding to an existing discipline. The GM decides if it’s possible for a character to develop a new maneuver. If a GM permits the creation of a new maneuver, observe the following guidelines.

First, the martial disciple needs a safe place to meditate and practice. This effort requires a number of days equal to 3 x the maneuver’s level, so if the disciple is devising a 4th level maneuver, the research will require 12 days. The GM should also decide a fair cost for the disciple to pay (500gp/level is the default cost for this, but may vary at the GM’s discretion), representing the intense regiment of meditation, fasting or other dietary needs, and practice designed to focus the mind and spirit on the task at hand.

A martial disciple cannot create a new maneuver of a higher level than that disciple is capable of learning. At the end of the requisite time for study and practice, the martial disciple attempts a Knowledge (martial) check (DC 20 + (2 x the maneuver’s level). If the check succeeds, the character learns the maneuver the next time she has an opportunity to learn a new maneuver through level advancement or feat selection. If the check fails, the new maneuver is not yet perfected, and he must go through the study and practice time again if he wants to keep trying (although she retains the cost, if any, determined by the GM thus far).

A GM should work closely with the player before the attempt to develop a new maneuver begins and give them guidance on the parameters under which a new maneuver or discipline might be acceptable.
替換流派101 Discipline Exchanges and You
 當你加入武術門派 Martial Tradition時,你進入了武術訓練的新世界。當你選擇了奇技巧 Unorthodox Method背景時,你的角色比起一般的武術師有著更多變的戰法。
劇透 -   :
When joining a martial tradition, you are opening yourself to a whole new world of martial training. When taking the Unorthodox Method trait, you also show that your character has a divergent method from the normal means that a martial character would go.

Archetypes: When selecting an archetype that trades an available discipline for another, you also gain the new discipline (or disciplines’) associated skills as class skills. Unless otherwise noted, you do not lose the traded disciplines’ associated skills, and an archetype that allows a character to choose from more options when gaining a new class feature (such as the brutal slayer stalker’s additional stalker arts or the bushi’s bushidos) is not incompatible with other archetypes that add similar options.

Martial Traditions: When you join a tradition and opt to trade an available discipline for the tradition’s, you also gain that discipline’s associated skill as a class skill. You do not lose the traded discipline’s associated skill.

Traits: Traits that would modify your available disciplines add any new disciplines’ associated skills as class skills, and do not cause you to lose any class skills.
« 上次编辑: 2019-10-04, 周五 19:06:55 由 Passer556 »
Nat One to screw them all, Nat One to botch plans.
Nat One to TPK. It's time to roll new sheets then.
On the Virtual Table where the GM lies.

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Re: [Path of War] 系統及用法 Systems and Use
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-09-15, 周五 17:28:22 »
期待推,POW,靈能,spheres of power 好像都是國外很多人用的3pp資源。
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

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Re: [Path of War] 系統及用法 Systems and Use
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-09-15, 周五 17:40:29 »
加油 :em027

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Re: [Path of War] 系統及用法 Systems and Use
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-09-15, 周五 19:17:37 »
铁心还在吗 :em014
  No mind to think.

I am the vessel.
No will to break.

I am the Hollow Knight!
No voice to cry suffering.
Born of God and Void.

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Re: [Path of War] 系統及用法 Systems and Use
« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-09-15, 周五 19:35:08 »
铁心还在吗 :em014


Sanguine Perfection

The supreme clarity of mind and focus of form allows a disciple of Scarlet Throne to simply overcome any obstacle placed before him, albeit for the short term. The disciple calls upon his supreme will and focus and may delay or stop a number of negative conditions placed upon him through the use of this maneuver for a number of rounds equal to the disciple’s initiation modifier. Conditions that are subjected to this maneuver are: blinded, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, deafened, disabled, dying (though he still suffers hit point damage each round), energy drained, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, frightened, helpless, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, petrified, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned, or unconscious. If the condition has a duration that would expire before the use of this maneuver, then the effect is negated. If the effect would have continue to have effect after the duration of this maneuver expires, then the subject suffers the remaining duration of that effect as normal after the maneuver ends.
Nat One to screw them all, Nat One to botch plans.
Nat One to TPK. It's time to roll new sheets then.
On the Virtual Table where the GM lies.

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Re: [Path of War] 系统及用法 Systems and Use
« 回帖 #5 于: 2017-09-15, 周五 19:44:30 »

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Re: [Path of War] 系統及用法 Systems and Use
« 回帖 #6 于: 2017-09-15, 周五 22:41:53 »


下集預告:基礎職業的督軍 Warlord吧
Nat One to screw them all, Nat One to botch plans.
Nat One to TPK. It's time to roll new sheets then.
On the Virtual Table where the GM lies.

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Re: [Path of War] 系統及用法 Systems and Use
« 回帖 #7 于: 2017-09-15, 周五 22:52:45 »

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Re: [Path of War] 系統及用法 Systems and Use
« 回帖 #8 于: 2017-09-16, 周六 16:31:38 »
Black Seraph流派看描述非常适合地狱骑士扮演,尤其是背景里又是秘密又是堕天使又是审问……

* 面具男 举卡利班之戟


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Re: [Path of War] 系統及用法 Systems and Use
« 回帖 #9 于: 2017-09-25, 周一 09:00:58 »