作者 主题: 【6E】使用矩阵 p.175-179  (阅读 10847 次)


离线 马非鱼

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【6E】使用矩阵 p.175-179
« 于: 2020-07-16, 周四 21:45:42 »

劇透 -   :
Not every use of the Matrix is about slinging code to crack an iceberg. Some folks just want to know what the score of the urban brawl match is. These people may run a simple Browse program to find what they are looking for. Other folks may just want to be left alone, making their Matrix presence all but unseen to the general user. For this section, though, we’ll mainly focus on the stuff hackers try to do while someone is trying (actively or passively) to stop them.
劇透 -   :
The steps to using the Matrix are similar to the combat system:

1.   结算骰池
2.   分发极限
3.   投骰(与使用极限)
4.   结算效果

劇透 -   :
When using the Matrix, all tests are Skill + Attribute tests. These skills and attributes determine the dice pools used.
Legal tests use Electronics + Logic.
Illegal tests use Cracking + Logic.
When a Test to perform a Matrix Action is an Opposed test, the opposing dice pool is listed in the entry for that action.
劇透 -   :
As is the case with physical attacks, in cybercombat or hacking attempts, you should compare Attack Rating to Defense Rating. Attack Rating is the persona’s Attack + Sleaze. Defense Rating is the target’s Data Processing + Firewall. If one is four or more points higher than the other, the player with the higher value gains a bonus Edge point. Some programs and modifications may grant bonus Edge or cancel Edge given to other players. As usual, no player may gain more than two bonus Edge tokens in a single round.
·   你离开一个主机;
·   你重启你的设备;
·   你弹出矩阵;
·   你的监视指数(OS)高到能触发合围。
劇透 -   :
Bonus Edge (meaning Edge above your normal Edge rating) goes away when:
•    You leave a host.
•    You reboot your device.
•    You jack out of the Matrix.
•    Your Overwatch Score (OS) climbs high enough to trigger Convergence.
在进行矩阵相关检定时,任何角色都可以应用标准的极限增益与动作(见花费极限,p. 46)。如果你要用以下的矩阵极限动作,那么你必须要有植入了的赛博插口或者一个共鸣值。
劇透 -   :
Any character may use the standard Edge Boosts and Actions (see Spending Edge, p. 46) when making Matrix-related tests. In order to use the Matrix Edge Actions listed below, you must have an implanted cyberjack or a Resonance score.
应急增幅 Emergency Boost(1极限):在一个检定中让一个矩阵属性临时+1。
拱 Hog(2极限):用大量递归请求轰炸一个主机或者化身,侵占资源,使对方数据处理-2,激活程序位-1。
信号尖啸 Signal Scream(2极限):下一个行动无视杂讯带来的罚值。
避开雷达Under the Radar(3极限):这轮执行的下一个非法行动不会增加OS。这并不意味着该行动或者任意后续行动自动变为合法——它只意味着这次的OS不会增加。
劇透 -   :
Emergency Boost (1 Edge): Temporarily increase a Matrix attribute by 1 for one test.
Hog (2 Edge): Blast a host or persona with recursive requests, eating up valuable resources and lowering its Data Processing by 2 and active program slots by 1.
Signal Scream (2 Edge): The next action ignores any penalty from noise.
Technobabble (2 Edge): Can only be used by technomancers. Use Charisma instead of Logic on the next Matrix action.
Under the Radar (3 Edge): The next illegal action performed on this turn does not increase OS. That does not mean the action and any subsequent actions automatically become legal—it just means the OS does not increase.
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Roll the dice pools and compare the hits. Whoever ends up with more net hits wins the test, and you move on to determine the effect.
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Check the action that is being attempted, and determine the effect based on that action.

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When performing a Matrix action, note if it is legal or illegal. If the test is illegal, note the number of hits scored by the defender. This is not net hits, but all hits scored in the test. This total becomes the Overwatch Score (OS). When the OS reaches 40, Convergence occurs.
合围是指GOD锁定了你的位置。当这个情况出现后,用于连接矩阵的设备会变砖(它的CM会被填满),并且用户会被从矩阵甩出,还要承受后续的甩致休克(p. 176)。额外的,用户的物理位置会被发生给当局,以使他们能够派人逮注你们。
劇透 -   :
Convergence is GOD zeroing in on your location. When this occurs, the device used to connect to the Matrix is bricked (its Condition Monitor is filled), and the user is dumped from the Matrix, with associated dumpshock (p. 176). Additionally, the user’s physical location is reported to the authorities so they might send people to track you down.
使用骇入软件(Using hacking programs):每使用一个骇入软件都会让OS+1。(只是装载一个程序但是并不主动使用它的话,是不会增加你的OS的)*
在矩阵上保持非法权限(Maintaining illegal access to anything on the Matrix):当你保持一个非法的用户级别权限时,每个主机使你+1 OS/轮;当你保持一个非法的管理员级别权限时,每个主机使你+3 OS/轮。
进行非法行动(如上所述;Performing illegal actions (as noted above)):无论对手是否成功防御,他投出的每个成功都会使攻击方的OS+1。
劇透 -   :
Using hacking programs: OS increases by 1 for each use of a hacking program. (Simply having the program loaded without actively using it doesn’t increase your OS.)
Maintaining illegal access to anything on the Matrix: +1 OS/round for each host where you maintain illegal User-level access, +3 OS/round for each host where you maintain illegal Admin-level access.
Performing illegal actions (as noted above): +1 OS per hit on the opposing roll, whether the defense was successful or not.
蒙哥(Mungo)和他那修复好的碟板在主机里占了一个非法管理员特权正在10轮,然后他终于决定看看他的监视指数(OS)了。他发现他因为持有主机的非法管理员权限而获得30 OS,主机防火墙投出的成功使他获得6 OS,执行像是取得管理员权限的刺探(Probe)非法行动使他获得3 OS,总计39 OS。由于合围发生在40 OS的时候,所以蒙哥就马上将自己弹出矩阵,但由于他的登出不够优雅,所以他要承受甩致休克的影响(见下)。
劇透 -   :
Mungo, with his repaired cyberdeck, has spent 10 rounds within a host with illegal Admin privileges, and finally decides to check his Overwatch Score (OS). He has 30 OS from being an illegal Admin in the host, 6 OS from the Firewall of the host getting hits, and 3 OS from doing illegal actions, such as Probe to get the Admin access, Hide when the Patrol IC got too close, and his most recent Check Overwatch Score action, giving him a total of 39 OS. As Convergence happens at 40, Mungo jacks out as soon as he can, but he doesn’t log off gracefully and suffers dumpshock (below).

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When you’re disconnected from the Matrix while in VR without gracefully switching to AR first, you suffer a nasty shock as your sim module kicks out. This happens to hackers so often that it has its own name: dumpshock. The Damage Value for dumpshock is 3S if you’re in cold-sim and 3P if you’re in hot-sim. Dumpshock is biofeedback damage, so you resist it with Willpower. As if that weren’t enough, you’re also disoriented and so cannot gain or use Edge on actions for (10 – Willpower) minutes, even if you manage to soak all the damage.
矩阵上的另一个危险是你被链接锁定(link-locked)了。这个情况的发生意味着有另一个化身或者设备在向你的碟板(或者其他设备)发送保活信号(keep-alive signals),迫使后者取消任何离开矩阵的尝试。如果你被链接锁定了,那么你将无法在你化身所用的设备(可能就是你的碟板)上进行以下动作,包括进入/离开主机,重启设备,以及切换界面模式。你可以通过一个成功的弹出动作逃走。成功的弹出通常意味着要承受甩致休克,但至少你自由了。任何化身,无论是代理,超链还是网精,都可以被链接锁定。
劇透 -   :
Another danger in the Matrix is having your connection link-locked. This is when another persona or device sends keep-alive signals to your deck (or other device) that force it to cancel any attempt to leave the Matrix. If you’re link-locked, you can’t use the Enter/Exit Host, Reboot Device, or Switch Interface Mode actions on the device your persona is using (probably your deck). You can escape with a successful Jack Out (p. 182) action. Successfully jacking out usually means suffering dumpshock, but at least you’re free. Any persona, be they agent, technomancer, or sprite, can be link-locked.
劇透 -   :
Usually, if you fall unconscious in VR, your commlink or deck automatically switches you to AR. If you’re link-locked, you remain online and in VR, which can be quite dangerous. IC may attack an unconscious decker, and security spiders, being a bit smarter than IC and no less ruthless, have a lot of options to punish someone who is helpless and stuck in the Matrix. Either way, it’s nasty, since you can’t defend against actions when you’re unconscious.

离线 马非鱼

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Re: 【6E】使用矩阵 p.175-179
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-07-16, 周四 21:48:27 »

劇透 -   :
Noise represents any interference between a user and their target. Noise can be created by sheer distance or other factors, such as jamming or obstructions. Each point of noise incurs a –1 penalty to any test taken in the Matrix. If noise is greater than the device rating, the device cannot access the Matrix or provide wireless bonuses.
直连(任何距离)   0
0-100米       0
101-1000米     1
1001-10000米    3
10001-100公里    5
大于100公里     8
茂密的植物      1/每5米
法拉第笼       没信号,动作被阻止
淡水         1/每10厘米
干扰         <干扰信号>成功数
钢筋结构的地面或墙壁 1/每5米
咸水         1/每厘米
填埋区/静滞区         等级
无线信号阻隔(比如墙纸或墙漆) 等级

离线 马非鱼

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Re: 【6E】使用矩阵 p.175-179
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-07-16, 周四 22:58:58 »

劇透 -   :
The emergence of technomancers gave rise to new encryption schemes used by most corporations in the Matrix. To deal with these encryptions, a new type of cyberware was developed, incorporating the processing power of the metahuman mind. Cyberjacks are a fairly invasive piece of gear, implanted deep into the brain, and meant to interface more smoothly with a cyberdeck. While they can act as a simple datajack, they also perform the function of integrating the ASIST interface more directly, thus providing superior speed and response times.



MCT 360/3/(6/5)/6/3(I)/107,000¥

离线 马非鱼

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Re: 【6E】使用矩阵 p.175-179
« 回帖 #3 于: 2020-07-16, 周四 23:05:37 »
Slamm-0!在教他的孩子,杰克,如何进行些低级骇入,从他的ASDF设置开始。杰克想要来个暴力破解,于是将他的Erika MCD-6和系通Avalon的ASDF调设为4 3 1 3。Slamm-0!不带任何讥讽的高数他的孩子隐藏在系统里比制造噪音更重要,然后他们将ASDF调设为3 4 1 3,依然很有进攻性,但现在也相对更加隐秘一些了。
劇透 -   :
Slamm-0! is teaching his son, Jack, how to do some low-level hacking, starting with setting his ASDF settings. Jack, wanting to go full-on brute force, sets his Erika MCD-6 and Transys Avalon ASDF stats to 4 3 1 3. Slamm-0!, without a hint of irony, tells his son that stealth is far superior than making noise in a system, and they correct the ASDF to 3 4 1 3, still quite offensive, but a touch more stealthy now.

另一种是用矩阵侦察来分析特定图标,或者寻找一个隐藏图标。这是一个对抗检定,电子学+直觉 v. 意志+隐匿性。
劇透 -   :
Matrix Perception is how you find out what icons are near you and try to uncover ones that are trying to stay hidden. There are two ways to use Matrix Perception. One would be to use it to search the publicly available information and databases for a hit on a particular subject. This is an Extended test, Electronics + Intuition with a 10-minute interval.
The other way to use Matrix Perception would be to analyze one particular icon or search for a hidden icon. This is also an Electronics + Intuition test and is opposed by the Willpower + Sleaze of the target.
有时候,用户会停止广播信息(cut off all publicly available information),并只回应特定请求,使他们在矩阵上几乎是隐形的。他们的无线信号和PAN依然存在——只是要去找出来而言。一个用户可以在他的通讯链或者碟板上切换一下模式就静默运行了。他们可以被一个矩阵侦察对抗检定所发现,如上所述。进行一个矩阵侦察检定来发现在静默运行的某人通常是主要动作,但是如果做这个动作的狂奔者有赛博碟板,赛博插口,或者一个共鸣属性,那么就是一个次要动作。
劇透 -   :
Sometimes, a user will cut off all publicly available information and only respond to specific queries, rendering them largely invisible to the Matrix. Their wireless signal and PAN still exist—they just have to be found. A user can run silent by simply switching modes on their commlink or deck. They can be detected by an Opposed Matrix Perception test as described above. Making a Matrix Perception test to find someone running silent is a typically a Major Action, but if performed by a runner with a cyberdeck, cyberjack, or a Resonance attribute, it is a Minor Action.

历史上来说,矩阵上的骇客行为都需要以赛博碟板的形式进行大量经济投入。技术门槛从来低过,但随着时间的推进,破坏分子们找到利用手头工具驾驭强大计算力的方法(subversive elements have found ways to harness powerful computing using whatever tools are at hand)。这不是说一个好的碟板不值钱了,但是一个碟客只要有对的技能,他甚至可以用一个拼装碟板来创造奇迹(如果他们是超链者的话,就不需要碟板)。
劇透 -   :
Historically, hacking the Matrix required a considerable financial investment in the form of a cyberdeck. The technology curve hasn’t flattened out, but over time, subversive elements have found ways to harness powerful computing using whatever tools are at hand. This isn’t to say a good cyberdeck isn’t worth its weight in gold, but at the end of the day, a hacker with the right skills can work wonders with even a kludged-together deck (or if they’re a technomancer, no deck at all).
骇入的第一个阶段就是获得目标的访问权。在这里,有两个基础的方法,暴力破解(与攻击性属性挂钩)以及嗅探(与隐匿性属性挂钩)。当你设置好你的矩阵属性后,属性的对应值会给属性对应动作带来一些增益(the numbers you select will help determine how well you perform certain Matrix Actions)。当你开始你的骇入尝试后,只要你依然保持着骇入对象的访问许可,你就不可以改变你攻击性或隐匿性属性的基础值。你的数据处理和防火墙属性依然可以如常调配。
劇透 -   :
The first stage of hacking is gaining access to the target. There are two basic approaches to doing this: Brute Force, which relies on the Attack Attribute, and Probe, which relies on the Sleaze Attribute. When you set arrange cyberdeck attributes, the numbers you select will help determine how well you perform certain Matrix Actions. Once you have initiated a hack, you cannot swap the base values of your Attack or Sleaze Attributes as long as you have access to the place you hacked into. Your Data Processing and Firewall attributes may be reconfigured as normal.
劇透 -   :
Certain Matrix Actions and programs are linked to a particular Matrix attribute, either Attack or Sleaze. If you use an action or program that’s linked to the lower of the two attributes, like using Brute Force (an Attack-linked action) when your Sleaze is higher than your Attack, you take the difference between the higher and lower Attributes as a dice pool penalty to the test required for that action.
劇透 -   :
Every system in the Matrix operates on three levels of access: Outsider, User, and Admin. Outsider access is what you have when you first log into a system, and it doesn’t grant you anything other than a look around and interaction with others in the location. User access allows you to scan information—read files, perform basic functions, that sort of thing—while Admin access allows you to change configuration, turn devices on or off, etc. Each action has a listed level of access associated with it; sometimes the gamemaster will be required to determine if a selected use of a Matrix Action falls under Outsider, User, or Admin access. Getting User or Admin access through hacking the system requires the use of the Brute Force or Probe Matrix Actions. Admin has many more privileges than User, though hacking an Admin account does not mean you are a true administrator or owner— you’re still using an illicit account.
劇透 -   :
Jack, being watched carefully by his father, Slamm-0!, Probes the Ratt-onna-stick Matrix host in AR. He has a Cracking + Logic of 8 against the unmonitored host’s Firewall of 2. Jack gets lucky and gets 6 hits as he tries to make a backdoor into the system, while the Firewall gets 0 hits. This also gives an Overwatch Score of 1 to Jack, which Slamm-0! notes with his remote Baby Monitor program.
与此同时,在西雅图的另一边,蒙哥(Mungo)正在黑另一个更有难度的系统,杂货铺的西雅图总部。他的赛博插口和赛博碟板的ASDF设置为3 4 3 4。在花了大价钱去修复碟板后(失灵不是那么好请的),他也尝试嗅探出一条路来。蒙哥的破解+逻辑骰池为10,杂货铺HQ的防火墙为3,还有一个意志5的安保蜘蛛,这让对抗骰池去到8。蒙哥并没有什么好运气,他只获得了2个成功,而对方蜘蛛却获得了4个成功。这让蒙哥的OS去到了5,——1点是因为做了非法动作,还有4点是因为对方取得的成功。蒙哥需要更好的运气才可以在这个受监控的系统中打通后门。
劇透 -   :
Meanwhile, on the other side of Seattle, Mungo is hacking into a far harsher system, the Stuffer Shack Headquarters for all of Seattle. His cyberjack and cyberdeck ASDF are set to 3 4 3 4. He tries to Probe his way in as well, having spent all his money on repairing his deck (Glitch is not a cheap person to hire). Mungo’s Cracking + Logic dice pool is 10, while Stuffer Shack HQ has a Firewall of 3 and a security spider whose Willpower is 5, giving him a dice pool of 8. Mungo’s luck isn’t with him, and he only gets 2 hits, while the spider and Firewall get a nice 4 hits. This causes Mungo’s Overwatch Score to go to 5: 1 for the illegal action, and 4 for the number of hits by the spider. Mungo will need better luck to get himself a backdoor into this monitored system.

劇透 -   :
Cybercombat is handled much the same way as hacking is normally, except the actions taken are against another icon, such as IC or a security decker’s persona. Attack Rating is the persona’s Attack + Sleaze. Defense Rating is the target’s Data Processing + Firewall.
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In these core rules, there are two primary ways to attack a foe—Data Spike and Tarpit. Attacks are defined as actions that deal damage directly to an icon.
一般来说,矩阵伤害影响个体用于登入矩阵的设备。设备的矩阵CM为(设备等级/2)+8。当设备的矩阵CM被填满,设备就被砖了(见砖化设备,p. 175)。
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Typically, Matrix damage is inflicted against the device an individual is using to access the Matrix. Devices have a Matrix Condition Monitor equal to [(Device Rating / 2) + 8]. When the device’s Matrix Condition Monitor is filled, the device is bricked (see Bricked Devices, p. 175).
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Some damage, known as biofeedback damage, bypasses devices and goes straight to the user. This is referred to as biofeedback damage and is noted in relevant actions and effects.
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Matrix Initiative is handled as follows (note that the dice are in addition to the customary 1D6, and the maximum of 5D6 Initiative Dice applies): •    AR Initiative: Reaction + Intuition •    VR Initiative (Cold Sim): Intuition + Data Processing + 1D6 •    VR Initiative (Hot Sim): Intuition + Data Processing + 2D6