作者 主题: 【AG】灰少女(Gray Maidens)  (阅读 60604 次)

副标题: 最漂亮的那位NPC身上充满了惊喜。

线上 炼金术士卡莉

  • 某个自称为面包的人。
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  • 帖子数: 732
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【AG】灰少女(Gray Maidens)
« 于: 2017-10-28, 周六 21:39:08 »
灰少女(Gray Maidens)

活动范围:地区(阿维斯坦西部(western Avistan))
组织阵营:守序邪恶(欲魔连队(Erinyes Company)),中立善良(绯红玫瑰(Scarlet Rose))
价值观:艾莲莎女皇(Queen Ileosa)留存的意志、为切利亚斯帝国服务(欲魔连队);同伴和盟友之间的互相援助,照顾和保护(绯红玫瑰)
盟友:特鲁恩家族(House Thrune),暗夜女王的信徒(followers of the Queens of the Night)(欲魔连队);莎琳信徒(Shelynites),银渡鸦(Silver Ravens)(绯红玫瑰)
敌人:敌对的灰少女(rival Gray Maidens),银渡鸦(欲魔连队);敌对的灰少女(绯红玫瑰)
宿敌:敌对的灰少女势力(rival Gray Maiden factions)

当英雄们击败艾莲莎女皇时,灰少女唯一的支柱也被彻底粉碎,整个组织分裂成了数个更小的派系。这些派系中的大多数都只是仅包含极少数成员的雇佣兵小队。无面凯蒂帮派(Faceless Kaid’s Band)(她们持续为国际性的瓦瑞西亚都市卡尔马加(Kaer Maga)提供打手)和女士之光的少女们(the Maidens of the Lady’s Light)(她们致力于通过掌握古老的瑟西隆魔法来夺回科瓦萨的统治权)是其中的佼佼者。然而灰少女中的大部分都与两个拥有相反目标的组织联系在一起:欲魔连队和绯红玫瑰。
欲魔连队代表着那些仍然对艾莲莎保持绝对忠诚的灰少女。尽管它的成员们希望有朝一日能够夺回艾莲莎记忆中的科瓦萨,但现在,她们已经撤退到了切利亚斯并服从另一位统治者:切利亚斯那位尊敬的地狱女皇阿波罗盖二世(Her Infernal Majestrix Abrogail II)。这个团体的奉献精神令阿波罗盖印象深刻,而后者则给予了她们新的名字;欲魔连队目前为她执行那些敏感或是困难的任务,特别是那些位于切利亚斯境外的。近几年,欲魔连队已经接手了几个位于雷文内尔(Ravounel)独立领土境内的秘密任务,并且激怒了银渡鸦。最后,她们的注意力始终集中于科瓦萨的北部——直到现在为止,欲魔连队的成员们仍在等待时机和筹集资源,做好准备去面对她们注定的命运:以她们那被击败的创始人,艾莲莎女皇的名义征服科瓦萨。
与之相反,绯红玫瑰代表着那些彻底抛弃艾莲莎女皇的遗产并且背弃了传统的灰少女。由菲拉莉娜•格兰特斯利恩(Filarina Grantsliem)与萨比娜•梅林(Sabina Merrin)建立,这个松散的联盟致力于带领那些曾经被迫为女皇服务的人们重返正常生活。绯红玫瑰发挥着支援网络的作用,帮助前灰少女们重返社会和抵抗启蒙带来的后遗症,并为那些再次开始冒险或从事佣兵工作的人提供一个基地。帮助科瓦萨从艾莲莎统治时期的遗毒中恢复过来是她们的首要目标,而由于对她们的姊妹们地持续支援,她们也反过来在急需帮助的时期得到了那些保持着发展,专注而又忠诚,并且训练有素的守护者派系的援助。

菲拉莉娜•格兰特斯利恩(Filarina Grantsliem)(混乱善良 女性人类 战士 11级)
凯利斯•维尔(Kelles Vel)(中立善良/守序中立 女性人类 战士 3级/法师 3级/侠客UI 1级)
尽管一度是一名受保护的学者,但凯利斯•维尔在被选中加入灰少女,经历了启蒙之后,她被迫以午夜少女(the Midnight Maiden)之名为艾莲莎女皇执行那些恐怖的任务。即使是在艾莲莎死后,凯利斯一直到调查员跟踪她之前都仍在以侠客身份继续打击科瓦萨的罪犯。绯红玫瑰帮助凯利斯重新修补了她那破碎的思想,但在最近这些日子,凯利斯仍会强迫自己再度穿上她那副铠甲。她对自己的灰少女同伴们隐瞒了这种冲动——甚至包括她的恋人菲拉莉娜——然而凯利斯知道,午夜少女重返科瓦萨的夜晚只是个时间问题,她非常担心这会对她新建立的关系圈产生某种影响。
奎尔琳•拉克米洛尔(Qualins Rachmirol)(守序邪恶 女性人类 骑将APG 8级/血色天使+ 10级)
身为欲魔连队的领导者和最强大的血色天使,奎尔琳•拉克米洛尔首先展开了对暗夜女王(一个身处地狱的强大守序邪恶异界生物团体,其中的成员被其他位面的生物侮辱性地称之为“娼妓女王(Whore Queens)”[参阅Pathfinder RPG 永罪之书(Book of the Damned)])的崇拜,而她的忠诚也得到了丰厚的回报。作为一名杰出的战略家,奎尔琳负责协调整个欲魔连队的行动并且经常亲自监督针对新兵的启蒙。只有她的出席能够增长个人荣誉,又或者仅仅是想满足杀戮欲望的时候,她才会在最为危险和敏感的任务中亲自上阵。

劇透 -  原文:
Remnants of a Tyrant’s Reign
Scope regional (western Avistan)
Alignment LE (Erinyes Company) or NG (Scarlet Rose)
Headquarters Egorian (Cheliax, Erinyes Company);Korvosa (Varisia, Scarlet Rose)
Values preservation of Queen Ileosa’s ideals, service to the nation of Cheliax (Erinyes Company); the aid, rehabilitation, and protection of each other and allies (Scarlet Rose)
Goals expand their own power, reclaim rule of Korvosa (Erinyes Company); oppose tyranny, recover from Ileosa’s evil (Scarlet Rose)
Allies House Thrune, followers of the Queens of the Night (Erinyes Company); Shelynites, Silver Ravens
(Scarlet Rose)
Enemies rival Gray Maidens, Silver Ravens (Erinyes Company); rival Gray Maidens (Scarlet Rose)
Rivals rival Gray Maiden factions

The Gray Maidens were born of a heartless queen’s ambition. Queen Ileosa of Korvosa, on seizing full control of the Varisian city after her husband’s mysterious death,
chose the region’s most beautiful and ferocious women to serve as her enforcers. The jealous queen saw to it that each of her Maidens’ faces was marked with terrible scars as part of her initiation; Ileosa’s vanity would accept no rival.
In addition to their physical scarring, Gray Maiden recruits underwent intense psychological conditioning and indoctrination meant to ensure loyalty. This conditioning was often backed by magical compulsion, and every Gray Maiden still struggles with the aftereffects to some extent.
When heroes defeated Queen Ileosa, the singular focus of the Gray Maidens was shattered, and the group splintered into numerous smaller factions. Many of these were small mercenary groups consisting of only a few members. Faceless Kaid’s Band (which went on to provide thugs for hire in the cosmopolitan Varisian city of Kaer Maga) and the Maidens of the Lady’s Light (which seeks to regain control of Korvosa by mastering ancient Thassilonian magic) are excellent examples of this. Yet the bulk of the Gray Maidens have since associated into one of two significant groups with opposing goals: the Erinyes Company and the Scarlet Rose.
The Erinyes Company represents those who remained absolutely loyal to Ileosa. While its members hope to someday retake Korvosa in Ileosa’s memory, for now the Erinyes Company has retreated to Cheliax and offered its services to another ruler, Her Infernal Majestrix Abrogail II of Cheliax. The company’s dedication impressed Abrogail, who provided its new name; the company now serves her will on sensitive or difficult missions, particularly outside Chelish borders. In recent years, the Erinyes Company has undertaken several secret missions within the independent territory of Ravounel, drawing the ire of the Silver Ravens. Ultimately, its attention remains focused on Korvosa to the north—yet for now, members bide their time and gather their resources in preparation for what they view as an inevitable fate: conquering of Korvosa in the name of their defeated founder, Queen Ileosa.
In contrast, the Scarlet Rose represents those who have utterly forsaken Queen Ileosa’s legacy and have turned their backs on the Gray Maidens’ traditions. Founded by Filarina Grantsliem and Sabina Merrin, this loose coalition works to rehabilitate those who were pressed into the queen’s service. The Scarlet Rose acts as a support network for these ex–Gray Maidens, helping them reenter society and resist the lingering effects of indoctrination, as well as providing a home base for those who have turned to adventuring or mercenary work. Helping Korvosa recover from its time under Ileosa’s rule is one of their main pursuits, and by supporting their sisters, they in turn gain the aid of a growing faction of highly trained, focused, and loyal guardians in a time of great need.

Filarina Grantsliem (CG female human fighter 11):
Filarina believed herself to be male until she used a magical girdle to join the Gray Maidens in search of her conscripted sister. Initially refusing to reverse the girdle’s effects out of dedication, Filarina eventually realized that the “cursed” girdle had simply revealed her true self. After learning of her sister’s death, Filarina helped found the Scarlet Rose to save other Gray Maidens. Infectiously sweet, charming, and optimistic (thanks in part to her having avoided the worst of indoctrination), Filarina is the public face of the Scarlet Rose and a devoted follower of Shelyn, and her positive attitude and quick smile have gone a long way toward helping to establish a new baseline of hope and optimism among her beleaguered sisters.

Kelles Vel (NG/LN female human fighter 3/wizard 3/vigilanteUI 1):
Once a sheltered scholar, Kelles Vel was drafted into the Gray Maidens, indoctrinated, and forced to commit terrible deeds for Queen Ileosa under the name of the Midnight Maiden. Even after Ileosa’s death, Kelles continued to engage in vigilante-style attacks against Korvosa’s criminals until investigators tracked her down. The Scarlet Rose helped Kelles reassemble her shattered mind, but in recent days, Kelles has been compelled to don her armor again. While she has kept this urge a secret from her fellow Gray Maidens— including her lover Filarina—Kelles knows it’s only a matter of time before the Midnight Maiden returns to haunt Korvosa’s nights, and she fears what repercussions this may have on her new relationships.

Qualins Rachmirol (LE female human cavalierAPG 8/sanguine angel† 10):
Leader of the Erinyes Company and greatest of the sanguine angels, Qualins Rachmirol was the first to worship the Queens of the Night (a group of powerful lawful evil outsiders active in Hell, whose members are known in other circles by the insulting title “Whore Queens” [see Pathfinder RPG Book of the Damned]) and her devotion has been mightily rewarded. A brilliant strategist, Qualins coordinates Erinyes Company’s activities while personally overseeing the initiation of new recruits. She takes to the field for only the most dire and sensitive missions, when her presence would bolster her personal glory, or simply when her bloodlust must be sated.
« 上次编辑: 2018-12-02, 周日 19:01:49 由 炼金术士卡莉 »

线上 炼金术士卡莉

  • 某个自称为面包的人。
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  • 帖子数: 732
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Re: 【AG】灰少女(Gray Maidens)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-10-28, 周六 21:39:29 »
血色天使(Sanguine Angel)
对于始终效忠于艾莲莎女皇(Queen Ileosa)意志的灰少女(Gray Maidens)来说,无人能够如同那些欲魔连队(the Erinyes Company)成员们一般成功。这个组织起源于由奎尔琳•拉克米洛尔(Qualins Rachmirol)领导的灰少女小队,她在艾莲莎战败时强行征用了一艘船并驶向了切利亚斯(Cheliax)。尊敬的地狱女皇(Her Infernal Majestrix)对这些士兵们的勇猛和忠诚印象极为深刻;阿波罗盖(Abrogail)准许她们加入切利亚斯的军队,并授予了这只小队新的名号。

欲魔连队从最初的27名成员不断扩充,尽管这并不顺利——因为给予新成员的启蒙过程是无比激烈而且经常致命的。作为结果,这些幸存者们像最初那些灰少女一样,在整个精神和肉体上都承受着伤痕。无论如何,这个组织已经抛弃了艾露莎的种族纯净主义(doctrine of racial purity)——内驱力和意志才能创造欲魔,而无关于肤色和形态。

欲魔连队的精英成员是这些被称为“血色天使”(sanguine angels)的无情士兵。在灰少女还是一个世俗组织的时候,这些欲魔中的多数已经开始崇拜被称作“暗夜女王”(Queens of the Night)的女性半神们。这些热衷复仇的魔鬼则回报欲魔连队的精英们以地狱的伟力。

生命骰(Hit Die):d10

专长:精通盾击(Improved Shield Bash),钢铁意志(Iron Will),武器专攻(长剑)(Weapon Focus (longsword))

本职技能(Class Skills)



职业能力(Class Features)

坚定之心(Hardened Heart,Ex):血色天使把她职业等级的两倍加到任何试图威吓她的DC上。

少女之盾(Maiden’s Shield,Ex):血色天使只要正在使用一把长剑和一面盾牌,她就视作拥有双武器战斗专长(the Two-Weapon Fighting)。这也允许她选取那些以双武器战斗作为先决条件的专长,即使她没有满足双武器战斗专长和敏捷属性的先决条件,但她只有在持用(wielding)一把长剑和一面盾牌时才能从这些专长中获益。

暴君戒律(Tyrant’s Discipline,Ex):欲魔中队的启蒙持续而深入地教导着血色天使,使得她们效忠于地狱女皇,就像昔日灰少女效忠于艾露莎那样。从2级开始,血色天使凭借她接受的教导和战斗训练,以及对暴政的忠诚发展出了强力的天赋。在2级以及之后每2级时,血色天使从下述列表中选取一个戒律。
劇透 -  暴君戒律:

驱动攻击(Driving Assault):当进行全力攻击(full attack)时,血色天使可以在一轮内所有近战攻击骰上承受-2的罚值。若她如此做,在该轮内她第一次用近战攻击命中一个体型等于或小于她的生物时,她可以尝试进行一次冲撞战技检定以将这个生物向后推动五尺。她在这次战技检定上获得+2的加值并且不会在进行冲撞时引发借机攻击,但无论检定结果如何,她都不能把目标推动超过五尺。如果血色天使以这种方式推动一个生物,她能够立即移入生物原本占据的空间而不会引发借机攻击。

欲魔怒火(Erinyes Fury):血色天使能够进入一种残忍无情的状态。这个能力类似石心野蛮人变体(the dreadnought barbarian)的刚冷之心(dead calm)职业能力(探索者RPG恐怖冒险47页,Pathfinder RPG Horror Adventures 47) ,每天能够使用的轮数等同于她职业等级的两倍。如果血色天使拥有野蛮人等级,并且使用了石心人变体,将她的血色天使等级和野蛮人等级叠加,以此来决定她每日的狂暴轮数。
劇透 -  刚冷之心:
刚冷之心 Dead Clam(Su):石心人可以以一个自由动作进入一种超然冷静的杀戮意识中。在此状态下,石心人只获得普通野蛮人狂暴一半程度的数值好处并不承受防御等级减值,并且他可以在此状态下进行所有的技能检定和需要专注精神的行动,并且他在狂暴结束时不会疲乏。但是,在他结束狂暴后1分钟时间内石心人不能再次激活狂暴。在处于狂暴状态时,石心人不能奔跑或是冲锋。

狂怒猎手(Furious Huntress):代替敏捷调整值,血色天使将她的力量调整值加到使用弓时的攻击骰上。


残虐屠杀(Merciless Massacre):当血色天使通过近战攻击命中一名畏缩(cowering)或恐慌(panicked)的生物,或是通过近战攻击将一名生物的生命值降至负值时,以一个迅捷动作,她可以对这名生物造成额外的伤害,伤害数值等同于1d8+她的职业等级。

女皇利剑(Queen’s Sword):血色天使针对重刃武器组(heavy blades)的武器训练加值(weapon training bonus)提升1点。血色天使必须至少在这个进阶职业上拥有4个等级,且拥有武器训练(重刃武器组)职业能力才能够选择这个戒律。血色天使能够在8级或更高等级时再次选择这个戒律。

永不屈服(Unyielding):当穿戴灰少女铠甲(Gray Maiden plate)(本书84页)时,血色天使获得DR1/-。角色必须至少在这个进阶职业上拥有6个等级才能够选择这个戒律。这个伤害减免在8级时提升至DR2/-,在10级时提升至DR3/-。这个伤害减免不会与从其他来源获得的伤害减免互相叠加。
装甲天使(Armored Angel,Ex):3级时,血色天使获得护甲训练(the armor training)职业能力,在穿戴灰少女铠甲(Gray Maiden plate)时,将她的职业等级视作战士等级来决定护甲训练的效果。如果血色天使在其他拥有护甲训练职业能力的职业上拥有等级,那么当她穿戴灰少女铠甲时,将二者的职业等级叠加以确定护甲训练的效果。

玛汉沙拉之眼(Eye of Mahathallah,Su):幻中贵妇(The Dowager of Illusion),第一位暗夜女王,将她的恩典授予了欲魔连队,并赋予血色天使敏锐的双眼去洞察所有的骗术。5级时,血色天使获得警觉(Alertness)作为奖励专长,并在对抗幻术的意志豁免上获得+4的亵渎加值。此外,每天一次以一个迅捷动作,血色天使能够通过承受1d4点魅力伤害来获得真知术(true seeing)的效果,持续的轮数等同于她的职业等级。

阿达•莉莉的奥秘(Mystique of Ardad Lili,Ex and Sp):尽管大多数血色天使很少关心个人魅力,但纯真之末(the End of Innocence)仍然授予她们不容忽视的影响力。7级时,血色天使在对抗与她属于同类生物的目标的交涉和威吓检定上获得+4的加值。每天一次,血色天使能够作为类法术能力使用支配人类(dominate person),施法者等级等于她的角色等级。

多洛蕾丝的虚无(Hollowness of Doloras,Ex):我们的痛苦女士(Our Lady of Pain)的礼物名为赦免——让你免于惊骇和痛苦,免于悲伤和恐惧。9级时,血色天使获得顽强(Diehard)作为奖励专长。此外,她在对抗[情绪(emotion)]UM和[痛苦(pain)]UM的效果时,在豁免检定上获得+4的亵渎加值,并且她免疫恐惧效果。

艾希斯的天使(Angel of Eiseth,Su):最强大的血色天使赢得了欲魔女王(Erinyes Queen)艾希斯的恩典,她将她们转化为了地狱的仆人。10级时,血色天使的生物类型转变为异界生物(邪恶,跨位面,守序亚种),并且地狱将成为她的原生位面(native plane)。她获得30点火焰抗力,50尺范围的心灵感应,以及看破黑暗(see in darkness)通用怪物能力。乌木叶羽构成的翅膀从血色天使身后浮现,并给予她50尺的飞行速度(机动性良好)。

劇透 -  原文:
Of those Gray Maidens who remain loyal to the ideals of Queen Ileosa, none have seen as much success as the members of the Erinyes Company. The company’s origin lies with a band of Gray Maidens led by Qualins Rachmirol, who commandeered a ship in the wake of Ileosa’s defeat and sailed to Cheliax. Her Infernal Majestrix was impressed by the soldiers’ devotion and prowess; Abrogail adopted them into the Chelish military and gave the group its new name.

The Erinyes Company has expanded from its original 27 members, although not drastically, as the initiation process for new recruits is intense and often lethal. By the end, the survivors are every bit as physically and psychologically scarred as the original Gray Maidens. The company has, however, abandoned Ileosa’s doctrine of racial purity; drive and will are what make an Erinyes, not skin or shape.

Elite Erinyes Company members are heartless soldiers known as sanguine angels. While the Gray Maidens were once a secular organization, the majority of the Erinyes have turned to worship the infernal demigoddesses known as the Queens of the Night. These vengeful devils reward the company’s elite with infernal powers.

Hit Die: d10
To qualify to become a sanguine angel, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Alignment: Lawful evil, lawful neutral, or neutral evil.
Armor Proficiency: Proficient with heavy armor.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Feats: Improved Shield Bash, Iron Will, Weapon Focus(longsword).
Gender: Female.
Language: Infernal.
Class Skills
The sanguine angel’s class skills (and the key ability foreach skill) are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Fly(Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge(nobility) (Int), Perception (Wis), and Sense Motive (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the sanguine angel prestige class.
Sanguine Angel
LevelBase AtkFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecial
Hardened heart, maiden’s shield
Tyrant’s discipline
Armored angel
Tyrant’s discipline
Eye of Mahathallah
Tyrant’s discipline
Mystique of Ardad Lili
Tyrant’s discipline
Hollowness of Doloras
Angel of Eiseth,Tyrant’s discipline
Hardened Heart (Ex): A sanguine angel adds twice herclass level to the DC of any attempt to Intimidate her.

Maiden’s Shield (Ex): A sanguine angel is treated as if she had the Two-Weapon Fighting feat as long as she is using a longsword and a shield. This allows her to take feats that require Two-Weapon Fighting as a prerequisite without meeting the Two-Weapon Fighting or Dexterity prerequisites, but she benefits from such feats only when she’s wielding a longsword and shield.

Tyrant’s Discipline (Ex): The Erinyes Company’s initiation is deeply indoctrinating, and so sanguine angels are as loyal to the Infernal Majestrix as the Gray Maidens were to Ileosa. At 2nd level, a sanguine angel draws upon her indoctrination, tactical training, and devotion to tyranny to develop potent talents. A sanguine angel selects a discipline from the following list at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter.

Castling: When the sanguine angel takes a 5-foot step, she can step into the space of a willing, adjacent ally. If she does, that ally immediately takes a 5-foot step into the sanguine angel’s former space without spending an action to do so.

Driving Assault: When making a full attack, the sanguine angel can take a –2 penalty on melee attack rolls for 1 round. If she does, the first time in that round
that she hits a creature of her size or smaller with a melee attack, she can attempt a bull rush combat maneuver check to push the creature back 5 feet. She gains a +2 bonus on this
combat maneuver check and does not provoke attacks of opportunity when performing the bull rush, but regardless of the result, she cannot push the target further than 5 feet. If the sanguine angel pushes a creature in this way, she can immediately move into its space without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Erinyes Fury: The sanguine angel can enter a dispassionate, murderous state. This functions as the dreadnought barbarian’s dead calm ability (Pathfinder RPG Horror Adventures 47) and is usable for a number of rounds each day equal to twice her class level. If the sanguine angel has levels in barbarian and has the dreadnought archetype, her sanguine angel levels instead stack with her barbarian levels to determine the duration of her rage.

Furious Huntress: The sanguine angel adds her Strength bonus, rather than her Dexterity bonus, to attack rolls made with bows.

Kinslayer: The sanguine angel gains favored enemy (humanoids [humans] +2), as per the ranger ability. If the sanguine angel already has the same favored enemy bonus from another class, her existing bonus instead increases by 2.

Merciless Massacre: When the sanguine angel hits a cowering or panicked creature with a melee attack or reduces a creature to negative hit points with a melee attack, as a swift action she can deal additional damage to that creature equal to 1d8 + her class level.

Queen’s Sword: The sanguine angel’s weapon training bonus with heavy blades increases by 1. The sanguine angel must have at least 4 levels in this prestige class and have the
weapon training (heavy blades) class feature to select this discipline. The sanguine angel can select this discipline a second time when her class level is 8th level or higher.

Unyielding: While wearing Gray Maiden plate (see page 84), the sanguine angel gains DR 1/—. The character must have at least 6 levels in this prestige class to select this discipline. The
damage reduction increases to DR/2 at 8th level and to DR/3 at 10th level. This damage reduction does not stack with damage reduction granted by other sources.

Armored Angel (Ex): At 3rd level, a sanguine angel gains the armor training class feature, treating her class level as her fighter level while wearing Gray Maiden plate†. If the sanguine angel has levels in another class that grants the armor training class feature, the levels stack to determine its benefits, but only when she is wearing Gray Maiden plate.

Eye of Mahathallah (Su): The Dowager of Illusion, the first Queen of the Night to grant her favor to the Erinyes Company, grants sanguine angels keen eyes to pierce all deception. At 5th level, a sanguine angel gains Alertness as a bonus feat and gains a +4 profane bonus on Will saves against illusions. In addition, once per day as a swift action, the sanguine angel can take 1d4 points of Charisma damage to gain the benefits of the true seeing spell for a number of rounds equal to her class level.

Mystique of Ardad Lili (Ex and Sp): Though most sanguine angels care little for seduction, the End of Innocence grants them influence over others regardless. At 7th level, a sanguine angel gains a +4 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks against targets of the same creature type as the sanguine angel. Once per day, the sanguine angel can use dominate person as a spell-like ability (CL = her character level).

Hollowness of Doloras (Ex): The gift of Our Lady of Pain is freedom—freedom from horror and pain, from sorrow and fear. At 9th level, a sanguine angel gains Diehard as a bonus feat. In addition, she gains a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against emotionUM and painUM effects, and she is immune to fear effects.

Angel of Eiseth (Su): The greatest sanguine angels earn the favor of the Erinyes Queen Eiseth, who transforms them into infernal servitors. At 10th level, a sanguine angel’s type changes to outsider (evil, extraplanar, lawful), and Hell becomes her native plane. She gains fire resistance 30, telepathy with a range of 50 feet, and the see in darkness universal monster ability. Ebon-feathered wings emerge from the sanguine angel’s back, granting her a fly speed of 50 feet with good maneuverability.

« 上次编辑: 2018-12-02, 周日 19:03:38 由 炼金术士卡莉 »

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Re: 【AG】灰少女(Gray Maidens)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-10-28, 周六 21:39:51 »
Masked Maiden(Vigilante Archetype)
随着艾莲莎(Ileosa)的死亡,一些幸存的灰少女(Gray Maidens)试图重返他们旧日的生活——但这却是个因她们在启蒙(indoctrination)中所承受的肉体和精神上的伤痕而难以实现的目标。有些时候,她们似乎能够抑制启蒙所带来的影响。然而,那些被抑制的姿态仍会如约显现,迫使这些昔日的征召兵穿上她们的铠甲去寻求战斗。这些被称作假面少女的人们意识到自己过着双重生活:在白天,她们是普通(尽管身处麻烦之中)的市民,而在晚上则是无名的战士。在最悲惨的情况下,伴随着这些少女在醒来时所经历的难以解释的疲惫感和满身的伤痕,她们的身份被完全地割裂开来了。


瑕疵控制(Imperfect Control,Ex):一个假面少女坚决抗拒进入她过去的身份,但是某些触发条件(比如暴力)会让她做出让步。每天开始时,假面少女总是处于社交身份之中。如果想要自愿的变为侠客身份,假面少女必须成功通过一个意志检定(DC=10+1/2她的侠客等级);如果她失败了,她会战栗1分钟并且不能在这段时间再次做出这个尝试。
当她处于侠客身份的时候,假面少女在魅力相关的能力和技能检定(除了威吓)上获得-2减值并且无法从士气加值或者吟游表演(bardic performances)中获益。
这个能力取代了双重身份(Dual Identity)。

过往伤痕(Scars of the Past,Ex):假面少女必须选择复仇骑士侠客之道。在1级时,假面少女免费获得一套灰少女铠甲。这套盔甲是破旧的,其他生物始终不视作擅长它。这套盔甲只能作为废品出售4d6Gp,但是这套盔甲对于假面少女来说可以如同正常的一般使用。假面少女可以花费150Gp和1天的工作来把她的破旧盔甲升级为精制品(但是它依旧被认为是破旧的)。
这个能力取代了无痕伪装(Seamless Guise)。

盔甲训练(Armor Training,Ex):所有灰少女都曾经练习过如何使用她们的盔甲,而作为一个在昔日接受过的启蒙中挣扎的假面少女,这些训练技巧仍然缓慢地从她的潜意识中浮现出来。
这个能力取代了在3,7,11,15,19级获得的社交天赋(Social Talent)。

劇透 -  原文:
In the wake of Ileosa’s death, some of the surviving Gray Maidens attempted to return to their former lives—a task made difficult by the physical and emotional scars of their indoctrination. For a few, suppressing the indoctrination’s effects seemed to work. In time, though, the repressed aspects returned, pushing these former conscripts to don their armor and seek out conflict. These so-called masked maidens find themselves leading a double life: ordinary (albeit troubled) citizen by day, faceless warrior by night. In the most tragic cases, the identities entirely disassociate, with the maiden experiencing unexplained exhaustion and injuries upon awakening.
While their social identities cover a wide range of personality types, in their vigilante identities, masked maidens are usually icy and dispassionate. These identities are rarely good-aligned, and are more often merciless bringers of justice than gentle redeemers. Some masked maidens continue enforcing the queen’s cruel agenda, while others fight crime or pursue personal vendettas. A masked maiden always uses the iconic Gray Maiden helm when in her vigilante identity, as these helms serve excellently at both hiding the vigilante’s identity while simultaneously evoking the significant social gravitas associated with the Gray Maidens. Often, the masked maiden wears signature garb, such as a helm with a distinctively colored plume or a scarlike etching on the helm’s face, or perhaps a unique cloak. Although the masked maiden hides behind the armor and is pursuing her goals, she wants to be able to be identified as a specific individual.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All masked maiden vigilantes are proficient with Gray Maiden plate armor (see page 84), but not with any other forms of heavy armor.
This alters the vigilante’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Imperfect Control (Ex): A masked maiden compulsively resists entering her indoctrinated state, but certain triggers (such as violence) can cause her to lapse. The masked maiden always starts the day in her social identity. To begin willingly changing to her vigilante identity, the masked maiden must succeed at a Will save(DC = 10 + half her vigilante level); if she fails, she becomes shaken for 1 minute and cannot try again during that time. While in her social identity, when the masked maiden is exposed to mortal peril (such as when combat starts), she must succeed at a Will save at the same DC or be compelled to enter her vigilante identity as soon as she can get out of sight to do so. The masked maiden cannot choose to fail this Will save. In addition, if the masked maiden hasn’t entered her vigilante identity for a week or longer, she must attempt this Will save at the start of each day; on a failure, she is compelled to change into her vigilante identity immediately (or as soon as she can slip out of sight to do so).
A masked maiden can don Gray Maiden plate in 1 minute without aid, and can do so as part of switching to her vigilante identity. If the maiden reduces the time it takes to change identities (such as with the quick change social talent), she
can still don her armor as part of changing to her vigilante identity. A masked maiden who changes to her vigilante identity unwillingly can’t choose to switch from her vigilante identity back to her social identity that day.
While in her vigilante identity, the masked maiden takes a –2 penalty on all Charisma-based ability and skill checks (except for Intimidate) and can’t benefit from morale bonuses or bardic performances.

This ability alters dual identity.

Scars of the Past (Ex): A masked maiden must choose avenger as her vigilante specialization.
A 1st-level masked maiden gains a set of Gray Maiden plate at no cost. This armor is battered, and other creatures are never considered proficient with it. This armor can be sold only as scrap for 4d6 gp, but for the masked maiden the armor
functions normally. The masked maiden can spend 150 gp and 1 day of work to improve her battered armor to masterwork quality (although it is still considered battered).

This ability replaces seamless guise.

Armor Training (Ex)
: All Gray Maidens were drilled in the use of their armor, and as a masked maiden continues to lapse in and out of indoctrination, that training emerges slowly from her subconscious. At 3rd level, a masked maiden gains the fighter’s armor training class feature, and at 19th level she gains armor mastery. She treats her vigilante level as her fighter level for the purposes of both.

This replaces the vigilante’s social talents gained at 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels.

« 上次编辑: 2017-10-29, 周日 09:31:12 由 炼金术士卡莉 »

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Re: 【AG】灰少女(Gray Maidens)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-10-28, 周六 21:41:27 »
Sister-In-Arms(Cavalier Archetype)


武装姊妹几乎不会对艾莲莎女皇的政策保持中立;其中的一些仍然贯彻着残暴女皇的意志并领导着一批有类似想法的退伍士兵,而另一些则抛弃了艾莲莎并将自己全身心地奉献给幸存者同伴们。无论后者中的武装姊妹是致力于为恢复中的姊妹们提供社会和情感上的支持,或者是担任军事行动的指挥官,又或者是成为了与骑士团相关的个人冒险者,她们中的大多数都支持绯红玫瑰(the Scarlet Rose)。而那些保皇派(Loyalist)的武装姊妹则恰恰相反,她们几乎总是密谋着夺回科瓦萨的计划。

无意挑战(Halfhearted Challenge,Ex):武装姊妹警觉地保护着她们的盟友,弱化了她们专注于向敌人挑战的能力。一名武装姊妹只能将她骑将等级的一半(至少为1)添加到对抗她挑战目标的伤害骰上。

少女之约(Maiden’s Order,Ex):所有武装姊妹都拥有着援助和鼓舞跟随着她们的灰少女的天赋,这天赋更是被受过的训练和姐妹之间的紧密情谊所强化。通常来说,那些忠于艾露莎女皇所给予她们的誓言的武装姊妹们被称为尖牙王冠骑士团(the order of the fanged crown,),而那些已经抛弃了残酷女皇的武装姊妹们被称为绯红玫瑰骑士团(the order of the scarlet rose)。无论是哪种情况,她们得到的好处都是相同的。
一名武装姊妹不能选择骑士团。作为代替,她被视作同时属于巨龙骑士团(the order of the dragon)和雄狮骑士团(the order of the lion),并且她在对应等级获得这两个骑士团的所有好处(包括额外本职技能,有限的技能加值,额外的挑战增益和骑士团能力)。1级时,武装姊妹必须选择她所遵循的骑士团守则(order’s edicts);通常来说,尖牙王冠的武装姊妹会选择雄狮骑士团的守则,而绯红玫瑰的武装姊妹会选择巨龙骑士团的守则。

献身防卫者(Devoted Defender,Ex):武装姊妹紧靠在那些亲如家人的灰少女同伴们身边,依靠强烈的奉献精神保护她们。3级时,武装姊妹获得保镖(Bodyguard)APG作为奖励专长(她不需要满足专长的先决条件)。
这个能力取代(Replaces)骑将冲锋(cavalier’s charge)。

忠贞少女(Maiden’s Loyalty,Ex):武装姊妹的忠诚是不容置疑的。4级时,武装姊妹在对抗那些强迫她攻击或背叛盟友的效果的意志豁免上获得+2加值。这个加值在4级之后每4级提升1点.
这个能力取代(Replaces)驯兽专家(Expert Trainer)。

专注指挥者(Dedicated Commander,Ex):武装姊妹能够高效地鼓舞和指挥她的盟友。11级时,武装姊妹能够以移动动作使用狮之呼唤(Lion's Call)战场策略(Strategy)骑士团能力,而不是原本的标准动作。20级时,她能够以迅捷动作或移动动作使用狮之呼唤(Lion's Call)或战场策略(Strategy)骑士团能力。
这个能力取代(Replaces)强力冲锋(Mighty Charge)和至高冲锋(Supreme Charge)。

劇透 -  原文:
Some of the most charismatic Gray Maidens combine their devotion to their sisters with the intense tactical training they received, learning to perfectly direct their companions and inspiring them to survive and emerge victorious. Known as sisters-in-arms, these scarred soldiers are highly respected by their fellow Maidens for their dedication.
In the aftermath of Ileosa’s fall, groups of Maidens forged a tight-knit family from their fellow survivors, knowing that nobody else truly understood the horrors they had endured—or had been forced to commit. Even after being accepted back into Korvosan society or fleeing the reach of the city’s justice, the Gray Maidens’ sisterhood has endured.
Sisters-in-arms are almost never neutral on the subject of Queen Ileosa; some still hold true to the cruel queen’s ideals and lead bands of like-minded veterans, while others have forsaken Ileosa in favor of total devotion to their fellow survivors. Of the latter, the majority support the Scarlet Rose, whether as social and emotional support for their recovering sisters, as field commanders for military endeavors, or as private adventurers with ties to the order. Loyalist sisters-in-arms, by contrast, are almost always plotting to reclaim Korvosa.

Halfhearted Challenge (Ex): Sisters-in-arms vigilantly protect their allies, weakening their focus on their challenged foe. A sister-in-arms adds only half her cavalier level (minimum 1) to damage rolls against her challenge target.

This ability alters challenge.

Maiden’s Order (Ex): All sisters-in-arms share a talent for aiding and inspiring their fellow Gray Maidens, strengthened by training and the bond of sisterhood. Generally, those loyal to Queen Ileosa refer to their pledge as the order of the fanged crown, while those who have forsaken the cruel queen call it the order of the scarlet rose. In either case, the benefits are the same.
A sister-in-arms does not choose an order. Instead, she is considered to belong to both the order of the dragon and the order of the lion, and she gains all of the benefits of both orders (including additional class skills and conditional skill bonuses, additional challenge benefits, and order abilities) at the appropriate levels. At 1st level, a sister-in-arms chooses which order’s edicts she must follow; generally, those of the fanged crown choose the order of the lion’s edicts, while those of the scarlet rose choose the order of the dragon’s edicts.

This ability alters order and replaces mount.

Devoted Defender (Ex): Sisters-in-arms cling to their fellow Gray Maidens as closely as family and protect them with intense devotion. At 3rd level, a sister-in-arms gains Bodyguard (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 151) as a bonus feat (she does not need to meet the feat’s prerequisite).

This ability replaces cavalier’s charge.

Maiden’s Loyalty (Ex)
: The loyalty of a sister-in-arms is absolute. At 4th level, a sister-in-arms gains a +2 bonus on Will saves against any effect that would compel her to attack or betray her allies. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4
levels beyond 4th.

This ability replaces expert trainer.

Dedicated Commander (Ex): A sister-in-arms can inspire and direct allies with great efficiency. At 11th level, the sister-in-arms can use lion’s call or strategy order as a move action, rather than as a standard action. At 20th level, she can use act as one, lion’s call, or strategy order as a swift or move action.

This ability replaces mighty charge and supreme charge.
« 上次编辑: 2018-01-13, 周六 18:49:03 由 炼金术士卡莉 »

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Re: 【AG】灰少女(Gray Maidens)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-10-28, 周六 21:41:41 »
与灰少女结盟(Affiliation with the Gray Maidens)

范例结盟遭遇:虽然一名角色可以通过寻求一个正式的灰少女雇佣兵组织的认可来与这个派系结盟,但任何曾经在心理或者生理上经历过个人创伤的角色,只要能够展现出更为强大和坚定的另一面,她就拥有恰当的理由去选择灰少女职业选项。一名在至少一个月内忍受最少4点属性吸取的影响,或是被精神支配效果(例如魅惑人类(charm person)支配人类(dominate person)或是指示术(geas/quest))所奴役至少一个月的角色的确不能与在残酷而广泛的启蒙之中承受折磨的真正的灰少女相提并论——但这种忍受折磨的经历,以及对于一个灰少女势力所追逐的目标的兴趣,足以代表这名角色有资格选取在这一章节中的职业选项了。相对而言,一名选取了灰少女新兵(Gray Maiden Initiate)专长的角色被视作自动与灰少女结盟。


灰少女铠甲(Gray Maiden Plate)



Agile Maiden
先决条件:力量13;敏捷13;坚忍(endurance)或盔甲训练(armor training)职业能力;擅长重甲
专长效果:在判断职业能力的前提时(比如游侠的战斗流派(combat style),野蛮人的快速移动(fast movement),或是魔战士的施法能力(spellcasting)),你可以把灰少女全身甲视为中甲和重甲中对你较为有利的一种。这个并不会影响盔甲的属性,并且在决定其他效果的前提时它依旧视为重甲。

尖牙王冠的屠戮 PFS:禁止使用
Fanged Crown Massacre
先决条件:保镖(Bodyguard)APG;战斗反射(Combat Reflexes);表演(演讲)3级;任意邪恶阵营

Gray Maiden Initiate
引述: 灰少女新兵
复仇骑士(Avenging Knight):就像是暗夜女王一样,你渴望着对那些虐待你的人进行复仇。你对之前的战斗轮中对你造成伤害的敌人的伤害骰上获得+1加值。
深度启蒙(Deeper Indoctrination):精神调整强化了你对大部分魔法控制的抵抗力。你在意志豁免检定上获得+1加值,但是在抵抗来自守序邪恶生物的魅惑与胁迫效果(charm or compulsion effects)时不会获得加值,而是会在意志豁免检定上获得-2减值。
无面少女(Faceless Maiden):你能够利用灰少女那标志性盔甲令人不安的特征来获得优势。当你穿着灰少女铠甲时,你在威吓检定上获得+2加值。
灰少女适应(Gray Maiden Adept):你在被招募之前掌握了一些魔法技巧,并且了解如何在被迫穿着行动不便的盔甲时施展法术。你穿着灰少女铠甲时,奥术失败率减少5%。
灰少女坚忍(Gray Maiden Endurance):从成为灰少女的残酷过程中幸存的经历教会你忍受比他人更多的痛苦。你额外获得2点生命值,并且可以在穿着灰少女铠甲睡觉时不引发疲乏。
科瓦萨的接纳(Korvosan Acceptance):随着绯红玫瑰的援助,你已经成功地重新融入了科瓦萨的社会。你在交涉和知识(本地)检定上获得+1加值,并且从中选择一项技能作为你的本职技能。
伤痕累累(Scarred):你的脸部在灰少女新兵时期严重受伤,这摧毁了你的美貌。你在交涉和易容检定上获得-1的罚值。但在威吓检定和对抗痛苦效果(Pathfinder RPG 极限魔法(Ultimate Magic)138页)的豁免检定上获得+2加值。
服从或毁灭(Tamed and Broken):你只有在受到魔法的胁迫时才能发挥全部潜能。当你处于一个敌人的胁迫法术(compulsion spell)的效果影响下时,你会获得等同于法术环级的临时生命值。这些临时生命值的持续时间等同于该法术效果的持续时间。

Scarlet Rose Devotion
先决条件:保镖(Bodyguard)APG;战斗反射(Combat Reflexes);表演(演讲)3级;任意善良阵营

Sisterhood Style
先决条件:魅力13,盾牌专攻(Shield Focus),武器专攻(长剑)(Weapon Focus(longsword)),BAB+2。

Sisterhood Rampart

先决条件:魅力13,盾牌专攻(Shield Focus),盾墙(Shield Wall)APG,姊妹流(Sisterhood Style),武器专攻(长剑)(Weapon Focus(longsword)),BAB+4。
专长效果:当你使用姊妹流时,你和邻接的盟友额外获得1点盾墙授予的盾牌加值,并且你们中的每一个都可以把AC上的盾牌加值(不计算增强加值)加到对抗冲撞(bull rush)战技的CMD上。此外,你和邻接的盟友不再会对盟友的攻击造成软掩蔽(soft cover)。

Sisterhood Dedication

先决条件:魅力13,盾牌专攻(Shield Focus),盾墙(Shield Wall)APG,姊妹壁垒(Sisterhood Rampart),姊妹流(Sisterhood Style),武器专攻(长剑)(Weapon Focus(longsword)),BAB+6。


魔法物品(Magic Items)

绯红玫瑰战旗(Banner of the Scarlet Rose)
这是一面绘有红玫瑰图案的银底战旗。由绯红玫瑰的旗手们制成的这些旗帜能够保护持有者并鼓舞她的盟友。为了获得效果,绯红玫瑰战旗的持有者必须是一位女性,且用一只手紧握战旗。当它被握紧时,它为持有者的AC提供+2的盾牌加值,并为她的CMD提供+4的幸运加值。绯红玫瑰战旗在计算一切要求使用者持握(wielding)一面盾牌的职业能力和专长(比如姊妹流(Sisterhood Style)和盾墙(Shield Wall)APG)时视为重盾。
当旗手使用授予一个表现加值的能力(比如吟游诗人的激发勇气(inspire courage)能力和骑将的狮之呼唤(lion’s call)骑士团能力),这个表现加值会额外提高1点。这个效果并不会对授予表现加值的法术起效,也不会和任何其他增强表现加值的物品效果叠加。
制造要求:制造奇物、强大希望(good hope)、提升抗力(resistance)、护盾术(shield)

欲魔连队斗篷(Erinyes Company Cloak)

尖牙王冠头盔(Helm of the Fanged Crown)
制造要求:制造奇物、法术延时(Extend Spell)、英雄气概(heroism)

少女的守护(Maiden's Aegis)
这些+2重钢盾(+2 heavy steel shields)在过去经常会被授予灰少女组织的领导者,并且很多人现在依旧持有它们。每天1次以一个迅捷动作,少女的守护的持有者可以让盾牌的增强加值减少1点并且授予30尺内至多其他4面盾牌+1的增强加值。这个效果会持续10分钟,但是在一块盾牌移出少女的守护30尺外后,它所被授予的增强加值就会失去。
制造要求:制造奇物、魔化防具(magic vestment)

少女的战盔(Maiden's Helm)
制造要求:制造奇物、惊恐术(cause fear)、命令术(command)

少女的盛装(Maiden's Panoply)
这套+3灰少女铠甲(+3 Gray Maiden plate)会在穿戴者和其盟友间创造精神链接。穿戴者可以与30尺内的盟友进行心灵感应(但是这个交流是单向的,除非盟友也有心灵感应(telepathy))。如果一个30尺内的盟友意识到了威胁,那么这套盔甲的穿戴者也会意识到,只要30尺内的任何盟友没有陷入措手不及,穿戴者就不会措手不及。此外,如果少女的盛装的穿戴者同时持有少女的守护(maiden’s aegis),那么激活那面盾牌的能力时不再会减少少女的守护的增强加值,同时其授予的增强加值也会增加到+2。
制造要求:制造奇物、侦测思想(detect thoughts),心灵感应(telepathy)

少女的承诺(Maiden’s Promise)
这些小盒中的每一对都是由来自科瓦萨城堡(Castle Korvosa)宝库中的首饰被分离的两部分制作的,并且被制作成了项链的样式。在被两个生物穿戴时,项链上的魔法增强了她们彼此之间的奉献精神。在女皇统治的最后时光里,许多分散在艾莲莎女皇军队之中的曾经的灰少女紧握着这种项链,象征着她们姊妹般的情谊。
当佩戴相互链接的少女的承诺的两人彼此距离不超过30尺时,每人都将对抗影响彼此之间忠诚的效果的意志豁免检定上获得+1士气加值。如果其中一位佩戴者陷入无助,另一位佩戴者会在对抗对所有威胁这名无助佩戴者的生物的攻击骰上获得+1士气加值。如果一位佩戴者死亡,则另一位必须通过一个DC16的意志豁免,否则会承受持续1分钟的极度绝望(Crushing Despair)效果。

蔷薇骑士之刃(Rose Knight's Blade) PFS:禁止使用
这把优雅的秘银长剑的护手上雕刻着一朵盛开的蔷薇,藤蔓则缠绕着剑柄。菲拉莉娜•格兰特斯利恩(Filarina Grantsliem)在其短暂的冒险生涯中发现了蔷薇骑士之剑,当她把一位受困的爱塔神族从一个古老魔法监狱中释放后,她得到了这把剑作为回报。自从绯红玫瑰的成员成功地制造出新的蔷薇骑士之剑,这把武器在这些灰少女和她们的盟友之间就变得越来越常见。
蔷薇骑士之刃是一把+1助力UE秘银长剑(+1 benevolentUE mithral longsword)。除了助力的特殊效果之外,这把长剑也可以通过从概念上斩断某些异常状态来援助他人。每天3次,蔷薇骑士之刃的持有者可以尝试一个新的豁免检定来对抗下列一个影响她的状态——晕眩,恐惧,恶心,惊慌,麻痹,战栗,震慑,恍惚,或者是昏迷——但前提是这些状态是由影响心灵效果造成的。此外,持有者可以消耗一次每日使用次数来用一个标准动作用这把剑触及一个邻接的盟友来帮助其移除1个上述的影响心灵状态。
制造要求:制造奇物、援助术(aid),破除结界(break enchantment)

劇透 -  原文:
No longer a single faction under the command of one leader, the Gray Maidens in a post-Ileosa world consist of numerous fractured companies. The two largest, the Erinyes Company and the Scarlet Rose, are far from the only groups; in a few cases, solo Gray Maidens operate as lone wolves, using the group’s defunct legacy only to support (or hide) their causes.
Example Affiliation Encounter: While a character could well seek the approval of an established Gray Maiden mercenary company to become affiliated with the group, anyone who has undergone personal trauma, whether physical or mental, only to have come out the other side stronger and more resolute, has the proper mindset to take advantage of Gray Maiden options. A character who endures the effects of at least 4 points of ability score drain or toils under the effects of any mind-control effect (such as charm person, dominate person, or geas/quest) for at least a month certainly has not matched the torment actual Gray Maidens suffered during their brutal and extensive indoctrination—but this suffering, combined with an interest in pursuing the goals of a Gray Maiden faction, is typically enough to allow access to the options in this chapter. Alternately, any character who takes the Gray Maiden Initiate feat (see below) is automatically affiliated with the Gray Maidens.

The following items are commonly used by the Gray Maidens.

PRICE 1,500 GP
WEIGHT 50 lbs.
The Gray Maidens’ distinctive armor is one of their most iconic identifiers. Gray Maiden plate is mechanically identical to full plate, and any effect that functions with full plate functions with Gray Maiden plate. Certain options for Gray Maidens function only when they wear Gray Maiden plate.

WEIGHT 1 lb.
This alchemical substance, originally developed by secretive worshipers of Zon-Kuthon to hide the marks of their devotion, has become popular among former Gray Maidens. When applied to scarred areas of the body, scarsalve causes those scars to fade from view for 1 day. A character who gains benefits from having visible scars loses those benefits while under the effects of scarsalve, but she also gains a +2 alchemical bonus on Disguise checks.

The Gray Maidens and their affiliates often make use of the following feats.

Agile Maiden (Combat)
The Gray Maidens’ signature armor hinders you less than others.
Prerequisites: Str 13; Dex 13; Endurance or armor training class feature; proficiency with heavy armor.
Benefit: For the purpose of class features (such as a ranger’s combat style, a barbarian’s fast movement, or a magus’s spellcasting), you treat Gray Maiden plate as medium armor or heavy armor, whichever is more beneficial to a given ability. This does not affect the armor’s statistics, and it is still considered heavy armor for all other purposes.

Fanged Crown Massacre
Driven by your loyalty to a fallen queen, you can inspire your
allies to brutal acts.
Prerequisites: BodyguardAPG, Combat Reflexes, Perform (oratory) 3 ranks, any evil alignment.
Benefit: Whenever an ally within 30 feet makes an attack, you can attempt a DC 10 Perform (oratory) check as an immediate action. If you are successful, the ally gains a +2 morale bonus on her attack roll. If an attack affected in this way would normally deal nonlethal damage, it deals lethal damage instead. This ability has no effect if your ally cannot hear you speak or understand your words.

Fanged Crown Massac re
Driven by your loyalty to a fallen queen, you can inspire your allies to brutal acts.
Prerequisites: BodyguardAPG, Combat Reflexes, Perform (oratory) 3 ranks, any evil alignment.
Benefit: Whenever an ally within 30 feet makes an attack, you can attempt a DC 10 Perform (oratory) check as an immediate action. If you are successful, the ally gains a +2 morale bonus on her attack roll. If an attack affected in this way would normally deal nonlethal damage, it deals lethal damage instead. This ability has no effect if your ally cannot hear you speak or understand your words.

Gray Maiden Initiate
You were selected for indoctrination into the Gray Maidens and underwent some of the preliminary scarring and conditioning, but Queen Ileosa was defeated before you could fully serve her. You bear the mental and physical scars of your sisters in the Gray Maidens, and while you never had to carry out any of the queen’s commands, you feel a strong
kinship with those of your sisters who have.
Prerequisites: Female, must be taken at 1st level.
Benefit: You are affiliated with the Gray Maidens. In addition, choose two of the following benefits to represent
the focus of your initial training and indoctrination.
Avenging Knight: Like the Queens of the Night, you crave vengeance upon those who have wronged you. You gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls against any creature that dealt damage to you during the previous round.
Deeper Indoctrination: Mental conditioning has bolstered your mind against most magical control. You gain a +1 bonus on Will saving throws, except when resisting charm or compulsion effects created by lawful evil creatures, in which case you instead take a –2 penalty on Will saving throws.
Faceless Maiden: You can take advantage of the disquieting nature of the iconic armor of the Gray Maidens. While wearing Gray Maiden plate, you gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks.
Gray Maiden Adept: You had some magical skill before being recruited and learned to cast spells despite the restrictive armor you were forced to wear. The arcane spell failure chance of Gray Maiden plate you wear is reduced by 5%.
Gray Maiden Endurance: Surviving the brutal process of becoming a Gray Maiden taught you to endure more pain than others. You gain 2 hit points and can sleep while wearing Gray Maiden armor without becoming fatigued.
Korvosan Acceptance: With the aid of the Scarlet Rose, you’ve successfully reintegrated into Korvosan society. You gain a +1 bonus on Diplomacy and Knowledge (local) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is a class skill for you.
Scarred: Your face was horribly scarred during Gray Maiden initiation, destroying your beauty. You take a –1 penalty on Diplomacy and Disguise checks, but gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks and on saving throws against pain effects (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 138).
Tamed and Broken: You reach your full potential only when magically compelled. Whenever you are under the effects of
an enemy’s compulsion spell, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the spell’s level. These temporary hit points last for the duration of the spell effect.
Special: This feat is unaffiliated; a creature need not be affiliated with the Gray Maidens to select this feat.

Scarlet Rose Devotion
Through the bond of sisterhood, you can inspire your allies to overcome terrible threats.
Prerequisites: BodyguardAPG, Combat Reflexes, Perform (oratory) 3 ranks, any good alignment.
Benefit: Whenever an ally within 30 feet attempts a saving throw, you can attempt a DC 10 Perform (oratory) check as an immediate action. If you are successful, the ally gains a +2 morale bonus on her saving throw. This ability has no effect if your ally cannot hear you speak or understand your words.

Sisterhood Dedica tion (Combat)
The Gray Maidens’ bond with each other goes beyond simple combat coordination. An elite member of the sisterhood is an inspiration to her fellow women, both invigorating their spirits and effortlessly coordinating their tactics.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Shield Focus, Shield WallAPG, Sisterhood Rampart†, Sisterhood Style†, Weapon Focus (longsword), base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: While you’re using Sisterhood Style and wielding a longsword and either a light or heavy shield, the bonus on saving throws from Sisterhood Style increases to +2 and you grant half that bonus to all allies within 20 feet. In addition, you can choose up to two teamwork feats you have when entering the Sisterhood Style stance. As a swift action, you can grant one of those feats to two allies within 20 feet until the beginning of your next turn, or you can grant both feats to one ally within 20 feet until the beginning of your next turn.

Sisterhood Ram part (Combat)
The shield wall was the heart of the Gray Maidens’ military strategy; combined with their precise tactical coordination,
Gray Maiden lines were nearly unbreakable. Maidens behind the line would then strike with polearms or longbows, picking off targets with ease.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Shield Focus, Shield WallAPG, Sisterhood Style†, Weapon Focus (longsword), base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: While using Sisterhood Style, you and adjacent allies gain an additional +1 bonus to the shield bonus granted
by Shield Wall, and each of you adds your shield bonus to AC (not counting enhancement bonuses) to your CMD against bull rush combat maneuvers. In addition, you and adjacent allies do not provide soft cover against allies’ attacks.

Sisterhood Style (Combat, Style)
The Gray Maidens are more than just soldiers—they drill relentlessly to fight as a team and to protect their bodies and
minds. A Gray Maiden using the Sisterhood Style can easily coordinate tactics with other women.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Shield Focus, Weapon Focus(longsword), base attack bonus +2.
Benefit: While using this style and wielding a longsword and a light or heavy shield, you gain a +1 bonus on Reflex and Will saving throws. In addition, when you enter the Sisterhood Style stance, you can choose a teamwork feat you have. As a swift action, you can grant that feat to an ally within 10 feet until the beginning of your next turn.

Unbreakable (Combat)
As a veteran Gray Maiden, you can endure a staggering amount of punishment.
Prerequisites: Con 13, Endurance, Toughness, fighter level 4th.
Benefit: Whenever you gain 1 hit point as a fighter favored class benefit, you gain an additional hit point. Treat your effective Constitution score as being 4 higher for the purpose of determining when you would die from hit point damage. These benefits are retroactive.

The following magic items have seen significant use by the Gray Maidens since the fall of Queen Ileosa.

PRICE 18,000 GP
SLOT none
CL 7th WEIGHT 3 lbs.
AURA moderate enchantment
This flag bears an image of a red rose on a silvery field. Made for the Scarlet Rose’s standard-bearers, these flags offer protection to the wielder and inspiration to her allies. To grant any benefit, a banner of the Scarlet Rose must be
held firmly in one hand by a woman. While held, it grants the bearer a +2 shield bonus to AC and a +4 luck bonus to
her CMD. A banner of the Scarlet Rose counts as a heavy shield for the purpose of any feat or class feature that requires the user to be wielding a shield (such as Sisterhood Style† or Shield WallAPG).
Whenever the banner’s bearer uses a class ability that grants a competence bonus (such as the bard’s inspire courage ability or the cavalier’s lion’s call order ability), the competence bonus granted to allies increases by 1. This benefit does not apply to spells that grant competence bonuses, nor does it stack with other item effects that increase competence bonuses.
Finally, allies within 30 feet (including the banner’s bearer) gain a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws against mindaffecting effects.

Craft Wondrous Item, good hope, resistance, shield

PRICE 22,000 GP
SLOT shoulders CL 10th WEIGHT 3 lbs.
AURA moderate transmutation
This crimson cloak is trimmed with feathers taken from erinyes devils. Three times per day on command, the cloak transforms into a pair of black-feathered wings that grant the wearer a fly speed of 30 feet (average maneuverability) for 10 minutes. If the wearer is wearing Gray Maiden plate, its armor check penalty does not apply to the wearer’s Fly checks. In addition, the wearer gains a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws.

Craft Wondrous Item, fly, resistance

PRICE 12,000 GP
SLOT head CL 9th WEIGHT 3 lbs.
AURA moderate enchantment
This Gray Maiden–style helm has an ornate crown-like pattern sculpted into its brow. The first such helms were created in the final days of Queen Ileosa’s reign for use by commanders in the organization, but her loyalists have had additional copies made in her honor since her fall from power, and many of the Erinyes Company proudly wear such helms today.
A helm of the Fanged Crown allows its wearer to use heroism on herself once per day as a standard action. However, the
spell’s bonuses act as penalties instead on attack rolls and skill checks against devils, devilboundB4 creatures, and creatures with the infernal sorcerer bloodline, and on saving throws against effects generated by such creatures. Once activated, the effects last for 3 hours or until the helm is removed.

Craft Wondrous Item, Extend Spell, heroism

PRICE 9,170 GP
SLOT shield CL 6th WEIGHT 15 lbs.
AURA moderate abjuration
These +2 heavy steel shields were often issued to Gray Maiden unit leaders, and many still carry them today. Once per day as a swift action, the wielder of a maiden’s aegis can reduce the enhancement bonus of the shield to +1 to grant a +1
enhancement bonus to up to four other shields within a 30-foot radius. This effect persists for 10 minutes, but it ends for any individual shield that moves more than 30 feet from the maiden’s aegis that granted the bonus.

Craft Magic Arms and Armor, magic vestment

PRICE 3,500 GP
SLOT head CL 6th WEIGHT 3 lbs.
AURA moderate enchantment
A maiden’s helm appears as the distinctive plate and plumed helm worn by the Gray Maidens. The helm imparts enhanced power and gravitas to the wearer’s voice, granting a +5 competence bonus on Intimidate checks. The wearer of a maiden’s helm can use command three times per day as a spell-like ability.

Craft Wondrous Item, cause fear, command

PRICE 30,650 GP
SLOT armor CL 11th WEIGHT 50 lbs.
AURA moderate abjuration and divination
This set of +3 Gray Maiden plate creates a mental link between the wearer and her allies. The wearer can telepathically
communicate with allies within 30 feet (although this communication is one-way, unless an ally also has telepathy).
If an ally within 30 feet is aware of a threat, the wearer of this armor is aware as well, and the wearer is never flat-footed unless all allies within 30 feet are also flat-footed. In addition, if the wearer of a maiden’s panoply also wields a maiden’s aegis, activating that shield’s ability does not reduce the maiden’s aegis’s enhancement bonus, and the bonus it grants increases to +2.

Craft Magic Arms and Armor, detect thoughts, telepathy

PRICE 500 GP (pair)
SLOT neck CL 3rd WEIGHT —
AURA faint divination
Each pair of these lockets is made from a piece of jewelry from Castle Korvosa’s treasury that was split into two parts,
each of which was fashioned into a necklace. When worn by two individuals, the lockets’ magic enhances their devotion to each other. Many former Gray Maidens cling to these lockets, distributed among Queen Ileosa’s forces during the final days of her reign, as a symbol of their sisterhood.
When the wearers of linked maiden’s promise lockets are within 30 feet of each other, each gains a +1 morale bonus on Will saves against any effect that would compromise her loyalty to the other. If one wearer becomes helpless, the other gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls against any creature threatening the helpless wearer. If one wearer dies, the other must succeed at a DC 16 Will save or suffer the effects of crushing despair for 1 minute.

Craft Wondrous Item, resistance, status

PRICE 28,015 GP
SLOT none CL 10th WEIGHT 2 lbs.
AURA moderate abjuration
This elegant mithral sword bears a blooming rose on the crossguard, with vines winding around the hilt. Filarina Grantsliem discovered the rose knight’s blade during her brief adventuring career, when she earned the blade
as a reward after freeing a trapped azata from an ancient magical prison. Scarlet Rose agents have since been successful in creating new rose knight’s blades, and the weapons are increasingly seeing use among these Gray Maidens and their affiliates.
A rose knight’s blade is a +1 benevolentUE mithral longsword. Along with its benevolence special ability, this sword can also provide aid by metaphorically cutting through certain debilitating effects. Three times per day, the wielder of a rose knight’s blade can attempt a new saving throw against one of the following conditions affecting her: dazed, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, shaken, staggered, or stunned—but only if the condition was caused by a mind-affecting effect.
Alternatively, the wielder can expend one daily use and touch the blade to an adjacent creature as a standard action to remove one of these mind-affecting conditions from the ally.

Craft Magic Arms and Armor, aid, break enchantment

« 上次编辑: 2018-09-11, 周二 23:37:39 由 炼金术士卡莉 »

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Re: 【AG】灰少女(Gray Maidens)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2017-10-28, 周六 21:43:43 »



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Re: 【AG】灰少女(Gray Maidens)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2017-10-28, 周六 22:15:34 »
面包超级厉害 :em028
  No mind to think.

I am the vessel.
No will to break.

I am the Hollow Knight!
No voice to cry suffering.
Born of God and Void.

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Re: 【AG】灰少女(Gray Maidens)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2017-10-28, 周六 22:52:45 »
[21:54] <玛多卡> .r d20+13 出1我就掀桌
[21:54] <DnDBot> 玛多卡 投擲 出1我就掀桌: 1d20+13=(1)+13=14

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Re: 【AG】灰少女(Gray Maidens)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2017-10-28, 周六 23:00:26 »

离线 涅薇儿·德拉诺尔

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Re: 【AG】灰少女(Gray Maidens)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2017-10-29, 周日 00:43:54 »
[21:54] <玛多卡> .r d20+13 出1我就掀桌
[21:54] <DnDBot> 玛多卡 投擲 出1我就掀桌: 1d20+13=(1)+13=14