作者 主题: 【Bestiary 4】贝泽拉尼斯(Kaiju, Bezravnis)  (阅读 12935 次)

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【Bestiary 4】贝泽拉尼斯(Kaiju, Bezravnis)
« 于: 2015-12-18, 周五 17:50:17 »

贝泽拉尼斯(Bezravnis),CR 26
XP 2457600
混乱中立 超巨型 魔法兽(土系,怪兽)
先攻 +9;感官 黑暗视觉(Darkvision)600尺,昏暗视觉(Low-light Vision),颤动感知(Tremorsense)600尺;察觉 +37


AC 44,接触,7,措手不及 39(+5 敏捷,+37 天生,-8 体型)
HP 615(30d10 + 450);快速痊愈 30
强韧 +32,反射 +24,意志 +20
防御能力 凶猛(Ferocity),急速恢复(Recovery)
伤害减免 20/传奇
免疫 属性伤害(Ability Damage),属性吸取(Ability Drain),死亡效果(Death Effects),疾病(Disease),能量吸取(Energy Drain),恐惧(Fear),火焰(Fire)
抗力 强酸30点,寒冷30点,闪电30点,负能量30点,音波30点


速度 100尺,掘地 100尺
近战 2爪抓 +40(4d6 + 18/19-20 外加 攫抓),3钉刺 +40(3d6 + 18/19-20 外加 2d6火焰 和 毒素)
占据 50尺;触及 50尺
特殊攻击 贯地冲锋(Burrowing Charge),紧勒(4d6 + 27),热线照射(Heat Beam),抛掷对手(Hurl Foe),毒素(Poison),践踏(2d8 + 27,DC43),织网(Web;远程+27,DC 40,30生命值)


力量 47,敏捷 20,体质 40,智力 3,感知 26,魅力 23
BAB +30;CMB +56(冲撞+60,擒抱+60);CMD 71(对抗冲撞为73,对抗摔绊为83)
专长 战斗反射(Combat Reflexes),重击专攻(Critical Focus),高等冲撞(Greater Bull Rush),高等要害打击(Greater Vital Strike),精通冲撞(Improved Bull Rush),精通重击:爪抓(Improved Critical:claw),精通重击:钉刺(Improved Critical:sting),精通先攻(Improved Initiative),精通闪电反射(Improved Lightning Reflexes),精通要害打击(Improved Vital Strike),钢铁意志(Iron Will),闪电反射(Lightning Reflexes),猛力攻击(Power Attack),恍惚重击(Staggering Critical),要害打击(Vital Strike)
技能 攀爬 +31,察觉 +37,潜行 +2(掘地时为+32);种族调整值 察觉 +16,掘地时潜行 +30
语言 土族语(Terran;不能说)
特殊能力 硕大无朋(Massive),没有呼吸(No Breath)


环境 温带沙漠
组织 单独(唯一)
财宝 偶有


贯地冲锋(Burrowing Charge,Ex):每分钟1次,当贝泽拉尼斯在疏松的土壤、沙子、泥浆、岩浆或其他较软的土地或岩石中进行掘地时,它能够作出一次冲锋攻击。当贝泽拉尼斯能够触及目标时,它会以此次攻击的一部分从地下爆发出现。若贝泽拉尼斯的贯地冲锋攻击命中了目标,那么它的此次攻击会造成双倍伤害。当贝泽拉尼斯冲锋结束时,所有原本站在它当前所占据的位置的生物、或者正在此位置上方50尺以下的高度飞行的生物,均会立即受到贝泽拉尼斯的践踏攻击。完全位于此空间内的建筑会立即受到双倍于践踏攻击的伤害(即4d8 + 54点)——该伤害会忽略硬度。此外,超大型或更小的生物必须进行DC 40的反射豁免,失败则会被掩埋在地下,就好像遭遇到隧道陷落或坍塌(Cave-Ins or Collapses)一般。掩埋区域会延伸到贝泽拉尼斯触及范围内的所有方格。
热线照射(Heat Beam,Su):每4轮1次,贝泽拉尼斯能够以它的三条尾刺之一为源点放射出具有高温热线以及火焰。每根尾刺上的热线都是一次单独的攻击(separate attack),各自独立计算4轮的充能时间。怪兽可以以移动动作从尾刺上放射出一条热线,以标准动作放射出两条热线,或者以整轮动作放射全部三条热线。每条热线均为1200尺长的线形,对路径上的任何存在造成20d6点火焰伤害(反射DC 40,通过则减半)。若贝泽拉尼斯同时放射出多条热线,那么它可以选择将热线指向至不同的方向。该豁免DC基于体质。
毒素(Poison,Su)钉刺——伤口强韧豁免DC 40;频率 1次/轮,持续6轮;效果 恍惚(staggered)1轮外加失去火焰免疫和抗力;痊愈 连续3次豁免。只要承受着贝泽拉尼斯的毒素效果,中毒的生物就会失去所有通过种族获取的抗力和火焰免疫(resistances and immunities to fire)。当目标在对抗毒素的初次豁免检定失败时,任何正在生效的法术或类法术效果均会被压制,只要目标受到通过毒素产生的恍惚影响,这种压制力就会持续下去。如果施法者成功通过DC 35的施法者等级检定,那么在初次豁免失败之后生效的此类性质(译注:个人认为该能力压制的都是各种火抗豁免)的新效果均会如常产生作用;否则,这些法术效果均会被压制,直至中毒者不再处于恍惚状态为止。
织网(Web,Ex):贝泽拉尼斯的网免疫火焰伤害。此外,这些网是近似于活物的存在,它会挤压那些被纠缠(entangled)的存在。若一个生物被这些网所纠缠,那么该生物在处于纠缠状态下的每个回合开始时,会由于网的挤压与紧勒受到2d6 + 6点钝击伤害。该能力在其他方面都与通用怪物能力中的织网相同。

贝泽拉尼斯,即人们所熟知的炼狱深源(Inferno Below),居住在人迹罕至的高纬度沙漠之中,据说这片沙漠位于世界最大山脉的阴影之下。这头130尺长的巨兽会沉睡数个世纪,直至苏醒的周期到来让它活动麻木的身躯,并最终伴随着火与灰的喷发来到沙洲之上。炼狱深源在抵达地面之后便会开始施放它的狂怒,笔直向着大沙漠周边人口稠密的地区前行。通常来说,炼狱深源仅会对一座城市施放怒火,而且绝不会连续袭击相同的地点。在摧毁至少三分之二座城市之后,它便会返回至浩瀚的沙漠,潜入地下深处,并进入新的睡眠周期。
炼狱深源究竟为何周而复始地进行破坏仍是未解之谜,但是这些事件的周期长度如钟表一般精确——每两次袭击之间的间隔略大于273年。由于每个周期到来之时怪兽都会以不同的城市为目标,因此怪兽的袭击看起来似乎毫无规律,而与沙漠接壤的周边城市也只能随时做好准备面对怪兽的攻击。这些国家之间并不存在什么好意,试着将怪兽引向敌对城市可以说是司空见惯的做法——可是这些诱导并未产生过效用,而且实际上试着诱导怪兽攻城的国家似乎更有可能遭受到袭击。其他城市则会在被称作“炼狱之季(Inferno Season)”的时期毫不吝啬地花费重金,组建庞大的斥候军队开进沙漠,就为了探查到怪兽出现的迹象或者追踪沙漠之下的掘地痕迹,希望能够预测怪兽的动向并对可能受袭的城市进行预警(或者在有迹象显示怪兽会前往敌对城市时,尽可能让对方的预警失效)。
怪兽学者则认为贝泽拉尼斯的动向与在世界之上划过天空的红色妖星的轨迹有关——被称为炼狱星(Inferno Star)的天文现象。当彗星靠近世界时,贝泽拉尼斯便来到地面,而当彗星从消失在天际时,怪兽便会折返回沙海之中。对于这种关联性的确认已经引发出许多学说。有人说贝泽拉尼斯是从炼狱星上坠落到世界的生物,彗星的出现唤醒了怪兽对于家园的渴望,并为之而发狂。其他人则认为怪兽是作为守护者而存在的,它对抗着来自炼狱星的致命生物,并通过摧毁城市彰显自己的力量,通过将炼狱星驱赶回星空的深处,贝泽拉尼斯守护着整个世界。

劇透 -   :
紧勒 (Constrict, Ex): 当生物做了一个成功的擒抱检定时,他可以使用这种特殊攻击挤压敌人,造成钝击伤害 (可与成功检定引起的其他效果共存,包括额外伤害)。伤害的总和已经在该生物的介绍中给出,并且伤害基本等于该生物使用近战攻击造成的伤害。

凶猛 (Ferocity, Ex): 拥有凶猛能力的生物即使在HP达到0以下,也可以保持清醒并且继续战斗。该生物还是会在HP低于0时进入恍惚状态,并且每轮失去1点HP。拥有凶猛能力的生物在HP降到体质属性负值时还是会死亡。

攫抓 (Grab, Ex): 具有此能力的生物一旦用近战武器 (通常为爪抓或啮咬) 命中目标,它在造成正常伤害之外,还会自动展开擒抱,这是自由动作且不会引发借机攻击。除非特别说明,否则攫抓只能针对体型比该生物至少小一级的对手。如果该生物可以擒抱其他体型的生物,那么会在特殊攻击中列出。该生物可以用通常的方式展开擒抱,或仅限于用展开攫抓的身体部位将对手定身。如果选择后者,它对抗擒抱的CMB将有-20的减值,但这样它自身便可认为不处于擒抱状态。攫抓能力成功的擒抱检定不会造成任何额外伤害,除非生物同时还有「紧勒」的特殊能力。在后续轮中,如果该生物不会紧勒,每个成功的擒抱检定将自动造成伤害,伤害相当于最初定身对手的攻击所造成的伤害;否则,它还将造成紧勒伤害 (具体数目在生物的描述中给出)。有「攫抓」特殊攻击的生物开始和维持擒抱的战技检定+4。

抛掷对手(Hurl Foe,Ex):当一个怪兽以自己的天生武器攻击命中一个体型为超大型或更小的生物时,通过一个战技攻击检定它可以尝试将目标扔飞出去。如果检定成功,目标生物会向怪兽所选择的方向被击退10尺并被击倒至俯卧。怪兽的战技攻击检定每超过目标生物的CMD5点,这个生物还会被多击退10尺。如果目标生物被击退的路线上有障碍物,那么目标生物会在障碍物的邻接位置被击倒至俯卧,它和障碍物都会承受每剩下10尺击退距离/1d6点伤害。


没有呼吸 (No Breath, Ex): 该生物不用呼吸,所以他免疫依靠呼吸产生的效果 (比如吸入性毒素)。这个能力并不免疫云或者雾的那些不依靠呼吸产生的效果。

急速恢复(Recovery,Ex):每当怪兽在一次对抗心灵效果,麻痹,石化,变形或行动不能状态(包括法术束缚术Binding,永恒静滞Temporal Stasis,但不包括禁锢术Imprisonment)的豁免检定中失败,它可以在本轮结束时重新进行一次豁免检定来移除这些效果而无需额外动作。怪兽可以自愿选择是否移除这些效果,但每轮只能移除一个这类效果的影响。每年一次,当一个怪兽受到一次足以将它的生命值降到等同或大于它体质值负数的攻击时,它可以使得这次攻击无效,反而为它治疗相当于伤害2倍的生命值。不过,这种特殊的恢复方式会严重挫伤怪兽,它会处于反胃状态并尝试返回自己的巢穴。不过,一旦怪兽处于此状态而受到其他攻击的伤害,它会立刻结束反胃状态并重新反击敢于攻击它的生物。

践踏 (Trample, Ex): 通过一个整轮动作,拥有践踏能力的生物可以尝试越过任意体型比他小至少1级的生物。这个能力就像使用闯越战技一样,但是践踏生物不需要做检定,他只需要在他行进的路线上越过对手。被践踏的目标受到践踏生物的挥击外加1.5倍力量加值的伤害。被践踏的目标可以做一次借机攻击,但命中承受-4减值。如果生物放弃借机攻击,他可以通过一次反射检定来尝试将伤害减半 (DC为 {10+1/2践踏生物HD+力量修正};具体DC会在生物描述中给出)。不论生物从目标身上穿过去多少次,践踏生物每轮只能对每个被践踏的生物造成一次伤害。

织网 (Web, Ex): 拥有织网能力的生物可以用网来支撑自己加上一个相同体型的生物。另外,该生物每天最多可以喷出网8次。这个效果类似于使用捕网攻击,但最大射程是50尺,射程增量10尺,并且对最大为比织网生物体型大一级的目标也有效。在纠缠状态下的生物可以通过成功的脱逃或力量检定破网逃脱。这两种检定都是标准动作,DC为 {10+1/2织网生物HD+体质修正} 。已经被网缠住的生物尝试破网承受-4减值。
织网者可以创造出他们体型3倍大小的网。这些网通常用来捕捉飞行生物,不过也可以用来捕食地面上的生物。接近的生物必须通过DC 20的察觉检定来注意到网;否则他们就被绊进网中,如同受到了成功的蛛网攻击。如果被网住的生物拥有某些继续移动、或者在擒抱中挣脱的能力,那么在脱逃或者破网时有+5加值。每5尺见方的网的HP等同于织网者的HD,并拥有DR 5/–。

劇透 -   :
Kaiju, Bezravnis
The armored plates of this immense, three-tailed scorpion are fiery red, and its stingers glow with molten heat.
XP 2,457,600
CN Colossal magical beast (earth, kaiju)
Init +9; Senses darkvision 600 ft., low-light vision, tremorsense 600 ft.; Perception +37
AC 44, touch 7, flat-footed 39 (+5 Dex, +37 natural, –8 size)
hp 615 (30d10+450); fast healing 30
Fort +32, Ref +24, Will +20
Defensive Abilities ferocity, recovery; DR 20/epic;
Immune ability damage, ability drain, death effects, disease, energy drain, fear, fire;
Resist acid 30, cold 30, electricity 30, negative energy 30, sonic 30
Speed 100 ft., burrow 100 ft.
Melee 2 claws +40 (4d6+18/19–20 plus grab), 3 stings +40 (3d6+18/19–20 plus 2d6 fire and poison)
Space 50 ft.; Reach 50 ft.
Special Attacks burrowing charge, constrict (4d6+27), heat beam, hurl foe, poison, trample (2d8+27, DC 43), web (+27 ranged, DC 40, 30 hp)
Str 47, Dex 20, Con 40, Int 3, Wis 26, Cha 23
Base Atk +30; CMB +56 (+60 bull rush, +60 grapple); CMD 71 (73 vs. bull rush, 83 vs. trip)
Feats Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Critical (sting), Improved Initiative, Improved Lightning Reflexes, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Staggering Critical, Vital Strike
Skills Climb +31, Perception +37, Stealth +2 (+32 when burrowing); Racial Modifiers +16 Perception, +30 Stealth when burrowing
Languages Terran (can’t speak)
SQ massive, no breath
Environment warm deserts
Organization solitary (unique)
Treasure incidental
Burrowing Charge (Ex) Once per minute, Bezravnis can make a charge attack while burrowing through loose earth, sand, mud, or magma, or through any other loosely packed earth or stone. When Bezaravnis reaches the target, it erupts from the ground as part of its attack. If Bezravnis hits the target of its burrowing charge attack, it deals double damage with its attack. Any creatures standing in or flying less than 50 feet above the space Bezravnis occupies at the end of this charge are immediately subjected to Bezravnis’s trample attack. Any buildings entirely within this space take double damage from the trample attack (4d8+54 points)—this damage bypasses hardness. In addition, Huge or smaller creatures must succeed at a DC 40 Reflex save or be buried in earth, as if by a cave-in or collapse. This bury zone extends into all squares affected by Bezravnis’s reach.
Heat Beam (Su) Once every 4 rounds, Bezravnis can fire beams of searing heat and fire from one of its three stingers. Each stinger’s heat beam is a separate attack with its own 4-round recharge period. The kaiju may fire one heat beam from a stinger as a move action, two heat beams as a standard action, or all three as a full-round action. Each heat beam is a 1,200-foot-long line that deals 20d6 points of fire damage to everything in its path (Reflex DC 40 half). If Bezravnis fires more than one heat beam, it can direct them in different directions. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Poison (Su) Sting—injury; save Fort DC 40; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect staggered for 1 round plus loss of fire immunity and resistance; cure 3 consecutive saves. As long as a creature suffers the effects of Bezravnis’s poison, it loses all racial resistances and immunities to fire. Any spell or spell-like effects active when the target fails its initial saving throw against this poison are suppressed as long as it continues to be staggered by the poison. New effects of this nature that become active after that initial failed saving throw function normally if the caster succeeds at a DC 35 caster level check; otherwise, the spell effects are suppressed until the victim is no longer staggered.
Web (Ex) Bezravnis’s webs are immune to fire damage. In addition, these webs are semi-living things that continue to crush and squeeze those entangled by them. If a creature is entangled in the webs, at the start of each turn during which it is entangled, it takes 2d6+6 points of bludgeoning damage as the webs crush and constrict it. This ability otherwise functions the same as the universal monster ability.

Bezravnis, known also as the Inferno Below, dwells in the sands of a sparsely inhabited high-altitude desert found in the shadow of the world’s largest mountain range. There, the 130-foot-long beast slumbers the centuries away until its cycle of wakefulness rouses it from its torpor and causes it to emerge from the sands in an eruption of fire and ash. The Inferno Below then begins its rampage, traveling in a straight line toward a heavily populated region bordering the great desert. Typically, the Inferno Below’s rampage is limited to a single city, and never the same one twice in a row. After destroying no less than two-thirds of the city, it retreats back to the vast desert, burrows deep, and settles into a new sleep of ages.
The reason for the Inferno Below’s cyclic rampages is not well understood, but the cycle of these rampages functions like clockwork—they take place every 273 years with little deviation. As there seems to be no pattern to the kaiju’s attacks themselves, with a different city being targeted each cycle, the cities of the bordering nations do their best to prepare for the monster’s attack. The nations themselves have little love for each other, and attempts to generate lures to direct the kaiju’s march toward an enemy city are common—yet these lures have yet to work, and in fact they seem to result in the kaiju attacking a city in the luring nation more often than not. Other cities spare no expense during a so-called “Inferno Season,” and send huge armies of scouts into the desert to watch for signs of the kaiju’s emergence or traces of its burrowing passage through the sands, in hopes of determining the direction of the beast’s travel and warning likely target cities (or, in the case of a trajectory that leads it to an enemy city, working to silence warnings).
Kaiju scholars have correlated Bezravnis’s appearance with the passage of a singular red comet in the skies above the world—an astronomical event known as the Inferno Star. As the comet nears the world, Bezravnis emerges, and as the comet vanishes from the sky, the kaiju turns its back and returns to the desert. Confirmation of this correlation has given rise to numerous theories. Some believe that Bezravnis first fell to the world from the Inferno Star, and its advent wakens within the beast a bewildered longing for home that drives it into a frenzy. Others hold that the kaiju exists as a guardian against an even more deadly occupant of the Inferno Star, and that by displaying its power by destroying a city, Bezravnis is in fact protecting the world by driving the Inferno Star back into the depths of space.
But Bezravnis doesn’t always have the luxury of waiting for the Inferno Star to draw near before waking. At several points in the past, lunatics, cults, and accidents have woken the kaiju before its appointed time. Some mad, apocalyptic-minded spellcasters use powerful magic to cause great explosions above the sands where the kaiju slumbers. Earthquakes, severe weather phenomena, and similar natural events have been known to waken the monster early as well. When Bezravnis wakens off-cycle like this, the monster is particularly foul-tempered. It’s rampage does not follow a straight line—instead, its travels are erratic as it pursues the perceived cause of its wakening with single-minded ferocity and tenacity. In this way, cults have accomplished what the border nations have not—leading the kaiju to attack an enemy. Of course, such tactics are dangerous and often backfire, for Bezravnis is fast and destructive, and it has been known to follow such tormenters.
Bezravnis doesn’t seem to be particularly vexed by the presence of other kaiju, and ignores them unless it is attacked first. Once attacked, however, the Inferno Below becomes singularly focused and deviates from its path to fight the target creature as long as it remains visible or alive. Smaller foes can sometimes distract the kaiju from its path in this manner if they can deal enough damage upon the creature to bait it into directing its furious rage on them.

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  • 帖子数: 1853
  • 苹果币: 1
Re: 【Bestiary 4】贝泽拉尼斯(Kaiju, Bezravnis)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2016-01-13, 周三 13:51:19 »