作者 主题: 【6e】环境与治疗 p. 118-121  (阅读 12576 次)

副标题: 我……即是暗影……(深沉的)


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【6e】环境与治疗 p. 118-121
« 于: 2021-01-31, 周日 18:44:11 »
环境与能见度 Environment and Visibility
劇透 -   :
Many circumstances of lighting or environment
may affect combat. One character may have better
visibility than another, or may have the advantage
of the high ground, or have better footing. If one
character has clear advantage over their opponent,
they gain a point of Edge. There is not a definitive list of the circumstances in which Edge may be gained. As a guideline, consider low-light circumstances where one character has either low
light vision or thermographic vision and the other
combatant does not. The character with the vision enhancement should gain an Edge in that circumstance. Any other time a combatant has a similar advantage, they should gain Edge (remembering
the two-Edge-per-combat-round limit).
光照等级   影响
黑暗      洞穴深处,黑暗的地下室,塞进垃圾箱里
较暗      没有月亮的夜晚,黑暗的室内,城市地下设施
低光      有月亮的夜晚,设备指示器的光,夜晚的城市小巷
弱光      暮光,没有主要照明的室内,城市小巷
全光      多云天,室内照明,城市解道
明亮      中午的沙滩,工业照明,旷野
劇透 -   :
light levels
Deep caverns, dark basement, stuffed in a dumpster
Near Darkness
Moonless night, dark interior, city underground
Low Light
Moonlit night, equipment indicator lights,
city alley at night
Dim Light
Twilight, interiors without primary lighting, city alley
Full Light
Cloudy day, interior lighting, city street
Bright Light
Beach at noon, industrial lighting, open field
« 上次编辑: 2021-08-22, 周日 15:09:21 由 马非鱼 »


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Re: 【6e】环境与治疗 p. 118-121
« 回帖 #1 于: 2021-01-31, 周日 18:47:34 »
劇透 -   :
We’ve explained to you how to put the hurt
on, so now let’s talk about getting the hurt off.
Healing in Shadowrun is a mix of in-the-field first
aid, miraculous magic, futuristic tech, and heroic
speeds of natural recovery. Getting back in the fight is a lot more fun than lying in a hospital bed for weeks or months.
The first thing to cover is the order of operations for healing. Do you need to apply first aid before magic or after? Can you magically heal
someone who’s already been treated by a medkit?
The answer is simple: The order doesn’t matter, except that Overflow damage heals first. Every character gets multiple chances to get patched up be fore they’re stuck carrying around their injuries for days. The key here is how soon each needs to be applied. Details are under each description below.


检定是让 生物技术+逻辑 对抗阈值为 5-目标的精华。如果目标是百分之百天生的,那么治疗者得到全部骰出的自然成功。这是为了表现治愈那些有金属部件,有不寻常器官的人会有困难。每个高于必要阈值的成功都可以恢复一格晕眩伤害(不包括耗竭),或者用两个成功恢复一格物理伤害或溢出伤害。急救无法治愈耗竭。
劇透 -   :
First Aid
Biotech + Logic (5 - Essence)
As implied by the name, this is probably the first
aid you should apply because it has the narrowest
window. After the end of a combat encounter in
which a character was injured, they have 1 minute
(20 combat rounds if another fight kicks off) to
receive First Aid.
To apply First Aid, a character needs the right
tools for the job, in this case a first aid kit. Any test
made without a kit suffers a –2 dice pool modifier,
and no Edge can be spent on the test.
Make a Biotech + Logic test against a threshold equal to 5 – target’s Essence. If the target is
one-hundred-percent natural, the healer actually
gets an automatic hit added to what they roll. This
represents the difficulty of repairing someone who
has metal parts as well as those with organs not
normally found in average people. Hits above the
necessary threshold can be used to heal one box of
Stun Damage (not including drain) per hit or one
box of Physical Damage or Overflow per 2 hits.Drain cannot be
healed with First Aid. 
A character can receive First Aid only once for
any single set of injuries.

检定时用 生物技术+逻辑 或者 医疗箱等级+逻辑 对抗 5-目标精华 的阈值。如果目标是百分之百天然的,那么治疗者自动获得一个额外成功。就和急救一样,这只能用来修复生物组织而不是机械。每点高于必要阈值的成功都能用来治疗一格眩晕、物理、或溢出伤害,但不能恢复耗竭的伤害。
劇透 -   :
Biotech + Logic (5 - Essence)
Medkits are more detailed. The patient must be
connected to medkit monitors and diagnosed, after which they receive injections and IVs. After the
end of a combat encounter in which a character
is injured, they have one hour to be connected to
a medkit or get medical attention from a trained
professional with a medkit. If they wait beyond
this period, a medkit will not help them.
It takes one minute to hook up the patient,
get the medkit to spit out a diagnosis, and begin
treatment. The healing process takes one minute
per box healed (so, if the process is interrupted,
you know how many boxes were patched up).
Each time a medkit is used, it consumes one batch
of supplies. Treatment cannot be attempted if no
medkit supplies remain.
Make a Biotech + Logic test or medkit rating + Logic test against a threshold of 5 – target’s Essence. If the target is one-hundred-percent natural, the healer gets an automatic hit added to their roll.Like First Aid, this fixes biological material, not machinery.
 Hits above the necessary threshold can be used to heal one box of Stun,
Physical, or Overflow Damage per hit, but not
damage from drain.
There is a limit to receiving a medkit treatment.
A character can only benefit from a medkit once
for any single set of injuries.
« 上次编辑: 2021-08-22, 周日 15:10:13 由 马非鱼 »

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Re: 【6e】环境与治疗 p. 118-121(翻译:喂)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2021-08-22, 周日 15:10:40 »

劇透 -   :
Sorcery + Magic
(using Healing or similar spell)
The wonders of magic are many and great.
Healing spells are some of the most commonly
studied magics for those working on the streets.
Some use their skills to earn a little extra cash
patching up gangers; others serve on a runner
team, keeping their partners fighting when the
bullets start finding their targets. Those with hearts of gold work as regular street healers to give the denizens of the barrens a chance at a healthy life.
The good news about magical healing is it works at the speed of a spell—once the spell is cast, the effect takes hold.
Healing magic can mend both Physical and Stun
injuries, but not those caused by Drain. The leftover taint of wearisome mana prevents the healing magics from connecting to that damaged tissue to heal it. As with medkits, net hits can be used to
heal one box of Stun, Physical, or Overflow Damage per hit. For more information on casting healing spells, see p. 135.
A character can be healed by Magic only once for any single set of injuries.

为了恢复眩晕伤害,每小时骰一次 体质+意志。每个成功都能在这一小时休息后恢复一格伤害。
为了恢复物理伤害,每天骰一次 体质+体质。每个成功都能在这一天的休息后恢复一格伤害。
劇透 -   :
Natural Recovery/ Medical Assistance
(Varies by damage type)
After all other options have been used, if injury
remains, it’s all about rest and possibly some help
from a trained medical professional (or just your
team medic). Rest is simply defined as not engaging
in any strenuous physical or mental activity—essentially, anything that involves a dice roll would
break your rest. Medical attention offers a bonus to
the recovery roll. If any person trained in Biotech is watching over the character for at least half of their rest period, the wounded individual gains a +2 dice
pool modifier to the healing tests defined below.
Natural recovery occurs at two separate rates— one for Stun Damage, and another for Physical Damage.
To heal Stun Damage, roll Body + Willpower
once per hour. Each hit heals a box of Stun Damage after that hour of rest.
To heal Physical Damage, roll Body + Body once
per day. Each hit heals a box of Physical Damage
after that day of rest.

劇透 -   :
Body + Body - Wound Modifiers
Sometimes a hit brings you closer to death than
you ever really want to be, and you’ve got some
Damage Overflow boxes to recover. These boxes
are healed just like Physical Damage and need to be healed before the character can return to the land of the conscious. Note that if a character receives (Body x 2) boxes of Overflow damage, they
are dead and gone, beyond the reach of any kind
of healing.
卡森艾姆(Carson Aims)。当小队逃进车里时,他正倒在后坐没有了意识(10格眩晕,11格物理,还有2溢出)而队伍里的医生“糖果人”正在他身边,还有“水蝮蛇”,他们队里会治疗技能的蛇萨满。糖果人能看出现在艾姆情况危急,于是他决定抓住这60秒的窗口期实施急救,但在拥挤的车中很难施展的开。
糖果人开始了他的急救检定。他能骰 生物科技5+逻辑4 对抗 3或2(5-精华3)的阈值。由于撤离途中车内的推挤,GM决定在这样的压力下糖果人不能在检定中花费极限骰。扔下这9个骰子后,糖果人得到了4成功。高于3阈值治愈了1格溢出伤害。
劇透 -   :
Healing example
Carson Aims has been through the ringer. As his team
escapes in their van, he lies unconscious in the back (10
boxes of Stun, 11 boxes of Physical, and 2 Overflow) being
attended to by Candyman, the team’s medic, and Cottonmouth, their Snake shaman and a skilled healer. Candyman can see that Aims is in bad shape, and he decides to administer first aid before his sixty-second window closes, but
the jostling van is going to make it rough.
Candyman opens with a First Aid test. He rolls Biotech
5 + Logic 4 with a threshold of 3 (5 – Essence 3), or 2. Due to
the jostling of the van as they escape, the gamemaster decides it’s enough stress to prevent Candyman from spending Edge on the test. Rolling his 9 dice, Candyman gets 4
hits. That’s 3 over the threshold, healing 1 box of Overflow.
这成功实在太过微小,糖果人只好拿出医疗包,等他们开到更平缓的路上再用。他还有一小时,完全足够。而在现在他能做的,就是把医疗包的导管先接上并准备好。当时机一到,路面开始平缓,糖果人再骰了另一个 生物科技5 +逻辑4 的检定且阈值为2,这时还能用一个极限增益4让骰池里再加5的极限属性。他现在要骰14个骰子,并且多亏了那些爆骰,最后得到6成功。这比阈值高了4,能让他用一成功治愈那最后的一格溢出,两成功给两格物理,最后一个成功给眩晕。努力终有回报,卡森从这强制的午觉中醒来,而这些伤口正疼的要命,让他现在感觉很不爽。还好有医疗箱在注射一些好东西来缓解这种疼痛。
劇透 -   :
With so little success, Candyman waits to take out the
medkit and apply it until they’ve gotten to a smoother stretch of road. He has an hour, so that’s fine. For the time being, he connects all the leads and gets the medkit ready.
When the time comes, the road is smoother, and Candy
man gets to make another Biotech 5 + Logic 4 test with a
threshold of 2, this time choosing to use a 4-Edge Boost to
add his Edge attribute of 5 to his roll. He rolls his 14 dice
and gets 6 hits thanks to those exploding 6s. That is 4 over
the threshold, allowing him to heal that last Overflow with
1 hit, 2 boxes of Physical with 2 hits, and a box of Stun with
the other 1. The efforts rouse Carson from his forced nap,
though he is not happy due to the massive amount of pain
he is in thanks to all those wounds. Hopefully, the medkit is
pumping out the good stuff to ease his pain.
糖果人把位置让给了水蝮蛇接手。为了释放他的治疗术,水蝮蛇要骰 巫术6+魔法6 并有着阈值2(5-精华3,与前文一致)。既然糖果人已经让卡森脱离了危险期,水蝮蛇决定不在法术检定中加入极限,于是他在这12骰中得到了5成功。她得到了阈值之上的3成功用来治疗,并用来治疗了另外两格物理(2成功)和一格眩晕(1成功)。
劇透 -   :
Candyman slides out of the way and lets Cottonmouth
take over. To cast his Heal spell, Cottonmouth rolls Sorcery
6 + Magic 6 with a threshold of 2 (5 – Essence 3, same as be
fore). Since Candyman got Carson out of the danger zone,
Cottonmouth’s not going to toss Edge into her spell, but she
manages 5 hits on her 12 dice. This leaves her 3 hits over
the threshold for healing, which she uses to heal another
two boxes of Physical (2 hits) and one of Stun (1 hit).
卡森仍然带着8格眩晕和7格物理伤害坐着。而剩下这些伤口,现在他只能靠他的自然恢复了,不过有幸的是,他从他的街头医生那得到了两天的医疗救护。开车去街头医生那花了两小时,这段时间里卡森在休息并进行了两个眩晕伤害恢复检定,骰 体质+意志。他在第一次检定中得到了3成功而第二次得到了4成功。当到达街头医生那时他已经降到只有一格眩晕,但他仍然像被打过一顿,物理上的。
在第一天卡森进行了第一次 体质+体质+2 检定并得到了4成功,让7格伤害降低到了3。第二天,他进行了另一次带奖骰的检定并得到了3成功。他已经恢复如初了!真是不劳跑了这么远的路。
劇透 -   :
Carson is still sitting with 8 boxes of Stun and 7 boxes
of Physical damage. For those injuries, he’s now on his own
with natural recovery, though thanks to a favor, he can get
a little medical assistance from his street doc for two days.
The drive over to the street doc takes two hours, during
which Carson rests and takes two tests to recover Stun
damage, rolling Body + Willpower. He gets 3 hits on the first
roll and 4 on the second. He’s down to just a single box of
Stun when he reaches the street doc, but he’s still pretty
beat up, physically.
Within the first hour at the clinic, Carson manages to
wipe out that last box of Stun with natural healing, thanks
to the +2 bonus he gets from the clinic staff.
After the first day Carson makes his first Body + Body +
2 roll and gets 4 hits, dropping those 7 boxes of damage are reduced to
 3. On day two, he makes another test with the bonus and gets 3
hits. He’s as good as new! Not bad after a run that had gone so far sideways.