作者 主题: 【StS】深入脑崩溃 stolen soul p11-p18  (阅读 6459 次)

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【StS】深入脑崩溃 stolen soul p11-p18
« 于: 2017-10-21, 周六 11:02:44 »

脑崩溃,他们如此称呼。你知道有时文件或程序会崩溃,而你试图复原时会出现你从来没放进去的东西,比如乱码、奇怪的代码或者别的什么。人们的大脑也会发生类似的事情。官方的技术人员和医学人员给出了“认知碎片化障碍”(Cognitive Fragmentation Disorder)这一称呼——简称为CFD。它和心理学家所说的分离性身份识别障碍——以前也叫多重人格障碍,那时他们还搞不清这玩意——有些相似。尽管赋予名字能确保我们谈论的是同一个东西,给它命名并非代表我们理解了它的本质、它的原因以及关于它的任何方面。我们只是知道它存在,且需要解决。
>Turbo Bunny
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Head crash. That’s what they’re calling it. You know how sometimes a file or program crashes, and when you try to recover it there are things written there that you never put in, gibberish and weird code and other things? Something like that is happening to people’s brains. The official name that technical and medical types are giving it is “Cognitive Fragmentation Disorder”—CFD for short. It’s got some similarity to what shrinks call dissociative identity disorder, which they called multiple personality disorder before they got a better handle on what they were dealing with. But let me make this clear: Even though having a name is important since it helps ensure we’re talking about the same thing, naming something doesn’t mean we understand what it is we’re talking about, what’s causing it, or anything else. We just know there’s something out there, and we need to deal with it.
From what we can track, the spread of CFD resembles that of an aggressive virus, so people are talking about the “CFD virus.” It’s understood “virus” is not a scientifically accurate term, since CFD does not seem to be a biological entity, but the infection patterns are close enough to viral for the name to work. The current understanding of what the CFD virus is will be explained in more detail later in this report, but I want to lay out some ground work for now. I’m too far gone from the professional doc scene to ever get published or even read by most legit doctors, so I’ll give this thing to you in a form you can digest. Chew away.
>Hey Butch, I just heard back from that team I had on your trail. You sure you’re okay? They gave a rather disturbing report.
> Turbo Bunny
> I’m fine. Though, after reading this, you might never believe anyone who says that to you again. I’ve been pushing hard and honestly I’m a bit worried I’ve got bandits on my tail.
> Butch


>计划9(Plan 9)和莱瑟(Riser)最后的消息是什么?
>我们通知了吸烟者俱乐部 *莱瑟很危险,他们没能控制住他。他还在外逃。计划9看起来……好吧,不受控制,但还能尽可能降低碎片化带来的损伤。他会非正式回归。之后再谈他的事情。
(*吸烟者俱乐部是莱瑟组建的杀手组织,注释by Bellicosa )
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We have all seen a head crash before. The virus took our friend. I’ve seen neither hide nor hair of FastJack since January when he walked off into the sunset. He was a victim of CFD. Likely, one of the earliest, but from what I’ve discovered that’s probably a moot point. Though I have heard others seek Patient Zero, I believe that road does not hold the answer to this virus. But we all chase our own ghosts.
> What’s the latest on Plan 9 and Riser?
> Netcat
> We informed the Smokers’ Club of Riser’s risk. They’ve been unable to neutralize him. He’s still at large. Plan 9 seems to be … well, not under control, but able to minimize the damage the fragmentation causes. He’s back in on a probationary basis. More about him later.
> Bull

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We all saw Lanier’s report (thank you Bull, that was brave and paid off in spades) and FastJack’s records (thanks to Clockwork, I still loathe him, but the data was priceless) and have thus been introduced to the basics of CFD. Since then I have been focusing the vast majority of my time to learning about the virus. FastJack gave me one last request before he left, and that was to leave it be. He asked that I destroy anything I already had on abnormal behavior patterns in my patients and to stop digging into the cause. He warned that it was dangerous and might result in me being infected and made it all sound like it was for my benefit, but it wasn’t. Hell, I don’t even think it was ’Jack who asked. I’d bet my life (something I have in fact done) it was SEARCH, the AI stealing his body, and I took that as a sign we were looking in the right direction. And I ran with it.
This report is for you FastJack, and it’s a big ol’ bite my left tusk to FauxJack.
> I’ll admit I tried to keep an eye on ’Jack after he stepped away. He’s still one of the best and I’m happy to say he lost me, so ol’ Jack must still be fighting the good fight.
> Bull
> Sorry to say it Bull, but that may not be the case. Read on.
> Butch
> Leave an old ork his hope.
> Bull

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The CFD virus is a non-biological viral entity that affects biological organisms, advanced electronic systems, and even nanofabricated materials, though the effects on each are significantly different. No case turns out particularly pleasant for the victim, whether it be a loss of their body, a complete failure of their nanotech systems, or a building falling on their head. Since I’m a doc, I’m leaving any in-depth stuff about nanofabrication failures to someone else. Not my forte.
In an organic host, the virus utilizes “infected” nanites to rewrite portions of the brain in an effort to imprint a new personality in place of the original. This process varies in length from a few hours to months, and could potentially take years, though my studies have not extended out to that length yet (since the condition was only identified within the past year). The effects of the virus also vary in the severity of the personality schism, or schisms, that the victim suffers as the condition advances.


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Based on my observations, and observation records I’ve accessed, this is the normal biological progression of CFD:
Initial Infection: This occurs through contact with any volume of infected nanites. (I’ll discuss some unconfirmed theories of viral origin later.) The initial volume of infected nanites, combined with the presence of nanites already in the subject, often determines the onset speed and severity of the subsequent lapse events.

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Stage 1: Following Initial Infection, the subject begins to suffer headaches. In most cases, the headaches are severe enough to debilitate the subjects. This stage is also accompanied by other symptoms, such as memory faulting, short-term memory loss, motor control problems, extreme emotional states, heightened agitation, and acute sensory hypersensitivity.
阶段2:我将这一阶段称为“碎片化阶段”。实验体表示出现意识丧失、记忆中断、幻觉和极度疲劳。观察显示实验体在意识丧失和“睡眠”期间依旧保持或能进入警觉状态,此时逐渐生成的人格正在完全掠夺躯体控制权的进程上作出最初的尝试。生成中的人格碎片(personality fragments,PFs)的所采取的行动之间差别很大。有些PF非常警觉、清醒,喜欢交流,而其它的则像野生动物。大部分观察到的PF都对实验体抱有敌视、争斗、恶意的态度。后者会给实验体留下嘲讽信息和线索。我最初认为这种行为只是幼稚而恶毒,但我在试验中发现,实验体遭到此类对待后会更快落入病毒的控制。失眠也会加快病情发展。在此阶段,PF和实验体均无法回忆起对方的行动,但PF会在危及生命的状况下突然夺取控制权。此阶段还会出现多个PF存在于一个实验体的情况。在这个阶段中,多个PF既会推进也会妨碍病情的发展,每个PF都互相对抗,同时也都在对抗实验体。阶段1的症状通常在该阶段内逐渐消退,但有时会持续整个阶段。
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Stage 2: This is what I have come to call the Fragmentation Phase. Subjects describe suffering blackouts, memory lapses, hallucinations, and severe exhaustion. Observations reveal subjects remain or become alert during blackouts and “sleep” hours as the emerging personality makes the first forays into full control. The actions of the emergent personality fragments (PFs) vary in the extreme. Some PFs are alert, aware, and communicative, while others are feral and animalistic. The greatest observed quantity of PFs are oppositional, argumentative, and malicious to the subject. This last group will often leave clues and taunting massages for the subject to locate. While I initially thought this was a primarily childish and vicious act, I found in my testing that subjects treated in such a manner fell victim to the virus at a greater rate. The psychological torment of the actions somehow weakened the will of the subject and allowed the PF to fully emerge at a faster rate. The sleep deprivation also increases the rate at which the subject succumbs to the virus. PFs and subjects both fail to recall the actions of one another during this stage, however the PF will usurp control suddenly in life-threatening situations. The presence of multiple PFs within a single subject also becomes apparent during this stage. The presence of multiple PFs can both benefit and hinder the progression of the condition as PFs are often antagonistic to one another as well as the subject during this stage. The symptoms of Stage 1 often subside during this stage but do occasionally continue throughout this stage.   

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Stage 3: This is the defining stage of this illness. Subjects begin to fully develop all symptoms of dissociative identity disorder. During this stage the subject and PF both display fully. Subjects often continue to have lapses in memory while the PF is in control. PFs define this stage by a full awareness of all activities. This awareness is universal even across different emerging PFs in the same subject. Subjects often become despondent and depressed during this stage, as they feel they are losing control of their minds and bodies.
Stage 4: This is the final stage and results in the full subjugation of the subject’s personality and full-time control by the PF.
At this time I have extensively tested methods to return the base subject personality to the surface with no success.

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In electronic systems the CFD nanites cause malfunctions in the programming of the host system’s nanites. No matter what the programmed function of the nanites, the CFD nanites “infect” and repurpose all nanites in the system. This is also true of nanites in biological subjects. All varieties of nanites introduced into any subject, whether electronic or biological, are repurposed by the infected nanites. This has included hunter-killer nanites programmed to destroy the infected.
病毒纳米体侵入机械内后导致的结果差异很大,取决于纳米体与被感染系统基本功能的关联程度。例如 ,Armamentos Murreta Firehawk重型手枪内的自动修复清洁系统刚开始只会清洁功能失灵,但启动修复功能后,修复纳米体进一步受到损伤,最终导致武器失效。
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The resulting effect of viral nanite presence in a machine can vary greatly, depending on how integral nanites are to the basic functions of the infected system.
For example, the auto-repair and cleaning system located in the Armamentos Murreta Firehawk heavy pistol simply fails to clean the weapon properly at frst, but when the repair feature is activated the repair nanites suffer further damage, leading to eventual weapon failure.
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For nanofaxes this is a catastrophic failure scenario, but the imprinted PFs can take advantage of the massive quantity of nanite processors available to reform and express. Nanofaxes infected in this manner will generate any number of objects. Second-hand reports indicate devices that have attempted to utilize organic stock to generate an organic host for the PF. According to these reports, none of these attempts have succeeded but all have had gruesome and unpleasant results.
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The virus does not progress through stages when taking over electronic hosts; it expresses sporadically and unpredictably, taking over subsystems in no apparent order. The only constant I’ve observed is the continued virulence of the nanites in an inorganic host. This is a real danger in that the PF continually attempts to infect organic beings around it.
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Cross contamination of biological and non-biological subjects also occurs with nanofabricated structures. Structures produced through nano-engineering techniques leave nanites within the structural material. When blood containing infected nanites makes contact with the surface of the structural material, the infected nanites spread the CFD virus to the nanites within. This results in nanite activation leading to structural degradation; eventual failure of the nano-engineered material is inevitable.
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I’ve only had a few months to look into this and though that’s a long time on the street it is nothing in a scientifc research program. A lot of my techniques have been quick and dirty; for a few I have skimped on the control group and limiting the environment. What I gave you at frst is all the confrmed events or characteristics. Things that occurred every time I did a test with near 100 percent repetitive success. Those results are my less scientifc discoveries and quite a few are based on single subjects. I’ve done some social investigating as well. Again, not very scientifc, but it helps convey the effects of the virus from a natural external standpoint.
CFD病毒对所有个体都有传染性,但体内的纳米体越靠近内部,风险也越大。未殖装实验体能够被大部分实验纳米媒介分布类型感染。未殖装宿主无法被接触式感染,除非直接将“干净”的纳米体注入实验体内。“干净”纳米体很难辨别,我还未能发现甄别出纳米体群体中的病毒的方法。发病几率也不同。H. sapiens pumilionis(矮人)实验体的发病出现了明显延迟,而H. sapiens ingentis (巨魔)则发病更快。
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The CFD virus is universally contagious, though the closer you are to having nanites inside of you, the greater your risk. Non-augmented subjects are infected through most tested vectors of nanite distribution. Non-augmented hosts fail infection through proximity vector unless “clean” nanites are injected into the subjects system. “Clean” nanites are difficult to verify, as I have yet to discover a way to detect the virus within the nanite population. Onset rates vary. H. sapiens pumilionis (dwarf) subjects display a statistically significant delay in onset effects, while H. sapiens ingentis (trolls) display more rapid onset rates.
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The CFD virus is universally contagious across all tested vectors. Awakened subjects were in limited supply for testing purposes so testing of all vectors across metaspecies was not possible. Most subjects displayed slower onset rates with the singular exception of a subject who had undergone a gene treatment for bio-stability rehabilitation. Of four tested subjects, two were able to retain arcane abilities post infection, one of which was the gene-treated subject.
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The CFD virus is universally contagious across all tested vectors. EK subjects displayed an enhanced resistance and delayed onset but also displayed the only biologically fatal case of infection. Subjects’ resistance led to fatal over-stressing of the central nervous system. EK subjects displayed a higher awareness of and ability to communicate with their PFs throughout the process, often through internal dialogue. This state could have simply been hallucinatory, but subjects appeared lucid during these periods.
对以下普通动物类型进行了实验:若干只老鼠、若干只浣熊、八种不同大小的犬类、一匹马、一只短吻鳄、若干只猫、若干只兔子、七种鸟类、六种不同大小的爬行类和五种鱼。觉醒动物包括若干犬魔、地狱犬、鸡蛇兽、 觉醒负鼠、 食人猴和一只黑阿尼丝。
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The CFD virus is universally contagious across all tested vectors but has limited viability in non-mammalian and small mammalian species. Larger (raccoon-sized and greater) mammalian subjects displayed marked increases in intelligence post infection, including written and oral communication skills limited only by physical anatomy. Paranimals displayed similar intelligence increases, and eighty-one percent of the test subjects retained their paranormal abilities post infection.
Testing of mundane species was performed on rats, raccoons, eight breeds of canines of various sizes, a horse, an alligator, cats, rabbits, seven species of birds, six species of reptilians of varying sizes, and fve species of fsh. Awakened species consisted of barghests, hell hounds, cockatrices, novopossums, agropelters, and a black annis.
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The CFD virus is universally contagious across all tested vectors including non-contact wifi transmittal to subjects with internal nanite populations. Subjects in all categories of augmentation were tested. Results areseparated by general category:
Headware only: Subjects displayed fewer headache symptoms, no alteration in general onset time, and no other signifcant variations.
Reflex and bodyware: Seizure-like symptoms occurred in twenty percent of the subjects. General onset time was increased based on the invasiveness of the systems.
Nanotech: Subjects had a signifcant reduction in onset time and increased number of control loss episodes. Entire nanite population of the subject became infected with the CFD virus.
Genetech: Subjects displayed the highest rate of onset time across the board, and subjects with decreased bio-integrity and genetic modifcations showed the fastest rate of viral progression for any test group.
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What happens when you infect someone who has already had a head crash? (Calling them “head cases,” which is the current street slang, is a bit too glib for my taste. Indicates a lack of respect for just how dangerous CFD can be.) A little bit of self-satisfaction. The CFD nanites attempt to overwrite any brain they come into contact with, even if the brain has already been overwritten once (or twice) before. When the invading nanites begin the alteration process, the CFD nanites already in possession fight back. I haven’t devised a safe way to assess how the ability to repurpose opposing nanites plays out in this war, but in the end it comes down to numbers. Not a hard number (it varies with individuals), but there’s a direct link between how many nanites are injected and whether or not the subject gets overwritten.
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There’s no conflict if the nanites have the same coding. For example, if Subjects A and B have different populations, injecting nanites from Subject A into Subject B triggers a new infection. If Subject B is overwritten by the new nanites, injecting these converted nanites into Subject A has no effect; the nanites recognize each other. If Subject B’s nanites wipe out the invaders used to infect Subject B and are then reintroduced into Subject A, Subject A suffers no ill effect. If Subject B’s nanites wipe out the invaders and are then injected into Subject A, there is no change in the rate or pattern of overwriting; they didn’t learn anything defending Subject B. In other words, right now at least, there’s no way to develop a CFD vaccine through traditional methods.
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I have only managed to run two tests on Infected individuals, both in a controlled environment. Infected Subject Alpha was a human vampire infected with the basic strain of HMHVV. The subject was immediately resistant to nanite infltration when the subject assumed gaseous form. After the test subject reformed and the gaseous form was inhibited by an arcane assistant the nanites were allowed to enter the subjects system. After two weeks of exposure Subject Alpha showed no sign of CFD.
Subject Beta was an Infected suffering from the Krieger strain of HMHVV. The ghoul had no immediate reaction to the application of the nanite culture and the CFD infection failed to take hold.
> You kept a vamp penned up for two weeks. Are you crazy? Did you feed it?
> Slamm-0!
> Yes.
> Butch
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Both Subjects Alpha and Beta were exposed to secondary test subjects. Subject Alpha fed on his victim but did not kill him. The “clean” victim left the holding facilities and was entered into the “wild” test subject pool.
The vampiric victim showed no signs of vampiric Infection but succumbed to CFD.
> I should have kept on reading. Or maybe I shouldn’t.
> Slamm-0!
Subject Beta-1 was injured by the ghoul and offered an interesting display of viral dominance. Subject Beta-1 began to enter the initial stages of both infections and progressed rapidly. She displayed many of the pained moments of the Krieger transformation while also displaying moments of utter calm and meticulous planning as the CFD virus tried to gain control. In the end, the battle was won by Death. The victim’s body was unable to sustain itself through a simultaneous transformation.
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> Victim?
> Netcat
> I’d say typo but I think it’s more Freudian honesty. This was probably the lowest point in these studies. I watched that woman die like it was no more than a trid show. I still believe it was a worthwhile and valuable sacrifce for the knowledge it provided but it was still a sad struggle to watch.
> Butch
> Did you run tests on Infecting the head cases?
> Nephrine
> No. The Infected escaped before I could run tests of that nature and I have not yet been able to acquire more Infected to utilize in testing.
> Butch
> You okay, Butch? You certainly don’t sound like your normal self. Not saying you’re a head case, but this stuff seems a little … well … cold for you.
> Netcat
> Don’t worry about me. Just read on. Maybe one of the trio can set up a little forum at the end if you guys still have questions.
> Butch
> I’ll take care of that.
> Glitch
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During my studies I tested a variety of ways to try to draw out both the invasive and indigenous personalities. Fatigue-inducing events, such as sleep deprivation and illness, generated a marked increase in invasive personality exposure. Chemical sleep aids were frequently unable to assist in rest for many cases, and blood tests revealed little to no chemical in the system, while urinalysis revealed an almost 100 percent return on chemical agents. This is likely due to the nanites acting as cleaners and removing foreign substances from the host.
Trauma-induced unconsciousness was overcome through biological release of endorphins and adrenaline but resulted in patient crash and extended periods of rest, post incident. Serious threats of physical harm caused a marked increase in personality fragmentation followed by conflict avoidance or extreme aggression. Subjects displaying extreme aggression show signifcant increases in strength and reaction speed consistent with adrenaline increases from fight-or-flight responses.
Post-event blood tests revealed no signifcant increase in adrenaline or other biochemical substances in the bloodstream. It’s my hypothesis the nanites recover unused chemicals from the bloodstream to maximize effciency in the system. Probably through a process similar to however it is they remove other chemicals and toxins from the system.
Invasive personalities emerge while the subject sleeps or believes they are asleep most frequently. Midday emerging episodes have occurred with no additional stimuli, but are not the standard. These events tend to increase in frequency as the virus progresses.
所有实验体都显示出纳米体数量增长,包括野外个体和控制实验的实验体。分析指出实验体内的硬纳米体和软纳米体(hard and soft nanite)都出现前所未有的自增长现象。能直接观察到收容在控制实验区域的实验体主动进食非有机物质。有传闻成野外工作者有相同的目击,但我还未看到可靠的视频证据。
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All subjects display an increase in nanite populations. This occurs in both wild populations and controlled test subjects. Analysis indicates an unprecedented self-replication of both hard and soft nanite populations in the subjects. Subjects confned within controlled test areas have been directly observed voluntarily ingesting inorganic materials. This has been anecdotally observed by feld operatives, but so far I haven’t seen reliable video evidence.
> I saw one eating sand by the bagful. I don’t have eyeware, so I couldn’t record it that time. I’ve seen other ones, too, but my ’link’s video just didn’t have the mag systems of my scope.
> Balladeer
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At an individual level, people overwritten by CFD are as varied as their flesh-and-blood hosts were to begin with. However, their behaviors fall into broad categories that reflect the base  codes of PFs’ original design; these behaviors are more evident in some than others but are almost always apparent during or immediately following transformation. I’ve had extensive experience with four separate PF personality types, and I’m certain there’s at least a ffth type, though I have no direct evidence. These classifcations are by no means rigid—and strictly speaking not very scientifc. They are simply a way to sort what we’re looking at while we try and understand what we’re dealing with.
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Haters have a determined and focused hatred for someone or something. Most common among this population are those hating their progenitor corporation or the R&D programs involved in their design and creation. Others present deep hatred for nations, races, and even specifc individuals. My working hypothesis is this is an emotional over-response to their experiences before we captured them, but it could also be a distorted reflection of the lives that were lived by the parent personalities.
When the object of their hatred is something as broad as a race or a nation, these individuals can often be mistaken for Ragers when they attack the object of their hate. Haters are usually identifed by their sudden shift in attitudes or by their violent behaviors—which often lead to arrests and/or news stories.
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While the Haters come through CFD with a fery rage of hatred for something or someone, the Connivers emerge with a cold, abiding anger that lasts far longer and leads to far more convoluted plots to harm or destroy the target of their ire. Connivers work at continuing their host’s life to disguise their presence or create a new, more mundane life if they think that will make them more invisible while they plot. I have only encountered a few Connivers, but I am sure there are far more; they are just less likely than many of their counterparts to be spotted.
These ones are often only identifed by the sudden shift in personality that leads to a separation from close friends and colleagues. Sometimes during the transition this is subtle, other times it’s a complete lifestyle change and departure from their former life. This is easy if you’re a loner, which means most of those I’ve found are family men and women or well-adjusted corporate citizens who suddenly run from their family or the corp. Quite a few new runners on the scene in recent months have turned out to be head case Connivers who have found an ideal place to begin their undermining efforts. Watch it when you get introduced to a new runner these days. They could be a head case.
These CFD sufferers have also been some of the most frequent to overwrite others and spread their subtle hatred. The purpose is usually to create a network of like-minded (literally) individuals to plot alongside them. They work through regular folks, too, so don’t be surprised if you get a job that’s as simple as dropping off a vial of nanogoo in some guy’s desk drawer or pouring it on the door handle or toothbrush of some innocent. They are called Connivers for a reason.
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Ah, my favorites. CFD Ragers are violently antisocial psychopaths with way more issues than could be contained in a single skull. Working theory is Ragers result when several PFs try to take exclusive control of the same host, resulting in a turf war with no clear winner and a lot of collateral damage to the brain and nervous system. Ragers are easy to spot in any kind of structured society—people notice when a wage-slave goes off the reservation—but they’re all but invisible out in the Z-zones. The SINless squatters out in Redmond don’t answer to anyone and most people don’t know them from Adam. Given their violence—and subsequent potential blood transfer—you’d expect an epidemic of Ragers, but they don’t transmit their madness often. I don’t mean they’re not infectious—quite the opposite—but whomever they infect usually manifests a more stable personality. Probably indicates an unequal distribution of personality-specifc nanites.
Ragers are as short-lived as they are rare. By the time they become Ragers, most of them are terminally flawed; they are so brain-damaged the resident PFs have no sense of how to take care of the body they’ve stolen. Some fgure it out, but most Ragers don’t live more than a few days after the PFs have fully overwritten the host—and that’s if they survive all the psychotic shit of battle. A real danger out in the Z-zones is the potential for widespread CFD infections if Ragers are killed by a gang or in a brawl, which is highly probable given their aggressive behaviors. So even though individual Ragers burn out fast, as a group they present a signifcant risk of spreading CFD.
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Manipulators are the second most diffcult CFD type to locate and identify and in my opinion the least dangerous in the short run, even though they are a potential risk in the long run. They’re smart, understand what it takes to stay free, do their best to stay hidden, and actively work to avoid spreading the virus. Some even try to convince others of their kind to do the same and move past their seemingly instinctual hatred.
That does not make them our friends. It just makes them less of an immediate threat. The problem with Manipulators is they are easy to overlook; they will blend right into our world, increasing the odds we’ll lose them. Which means if they ever have a change of heart, or feel threatened, they can spread their virus with relative ease. I hope the problem is solved well  before it becomes an issue, but Manipulators have the potential to be longterm threats. Especially if it really is possible, as some head cases have stated, to just copy themselves into another person once their current form loses its value.
劇透 -   :
Those are the four types I’ve actually observed and/or captured and studied. There’s a ffth type that I have not, to my knowledge, directly encountered, but I’ve found enough circumstantial evidence to convince me they’re as real as the others. I call them the Hidden. The Hidden have no desire other than to survive and can blend into their surroundings even better than the Manipulators. They don’t associate with others of their kind, they don’t seem to feel any need to reveal themselves in any way. If they unintentionally infect someone they’re more likely to kill the person and dispose of the body than let the CFD run its course. They don’t care about their kind; they don’t care about our kind; they only care about themselves. That is a dangerous way to be.
劇透 -   :
Cognitive Fragmentation Disorder has the potential to overwrite every metahuman on the planet—off planet, too; the closed environments of stations and colonies are the most vulnerable. Don’t want to sound melodramatic, but I want to be clear: CFD could end metahuman history by becoming our destiny. The CFD “virus” is like no other virus—biological or computer—I’ve ever
encountered. Studying how and why CFD works on the mind, on consciousness, and on identity could lead to an incalculable wealth of information, especially in the transhumanist felds. However, the danger of focusing on what we can learn from CFD instead of working on ways to prevent its spread or weaponization is it increases the chances of a future in which we’ve all been overwritten and replaced.
For us in the shadows it may become our responsibility to try to direct where this work goes. We lost a close friend to this and we are a small enough community to understand the dangers without being blinded by the infnite, and infnitely dangerous, potential.
> My responsibility is to get paid and be professional. Sorry Butch, but it’s the truth.
> Balladeer

« 上次编辑: 2018-11-06, 周二 22:23:39 由 NewAlbionDrone »
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably an Andrik

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Re: 【StS】深入脑崩溃 stolen soul p11-p18
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-10-21, 周六 13:00:24 »
哇!出炉自带一校~好棒棒 :em009