作者 主题: 【ISF】引路者——阿普苏(Apsu, the Waybringer)  (阅读 27802 次)

副标题: (跟據龙族史)創造出诸多凡人世界的創創世龙神,不了解一下吗?


  • 犭良人
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【ISF】引路者——阿普苏(Apsu, the Waybringer)
« 于: 2018-07-21, 周六 13:33:25 »

——龙 阿普蘇

I shall protect, for I am Apsu.
I shall fly the skies, waiting for my son.
Our battle draws close; the time is nigh.
I shall be victorious, for I am Apsu.
—Draconic Apsu

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
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« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-07-21, 周六 13:33:50 »




劇透 -   :
  The Waybringer is the lawful good god of benevolent dragons, leadership, and peace. He is one of the multiverse’s oldest beings, and is prophesied to one day fight a cataclysmic battle against his son, Dahak, in Golarion’s skies.

  Apsu, the Waybringer, is one of the oldest and mightiest creatures in existence. According to Apsu’s faithful, he and his mate, Tiamat, spawned the dragon-gods who created the whole world. He remains a father figure to almost all dragons, whom he loves as his children, and to those who count dragons among their progenitors, literally or figuratively. The exception is the faithful of his murderous and destructive son, Dahak, with whom Apsu anticipates a final and terrible reckoning. For this reason, the good-aligned dragons and all those who fight for the interests of his loyal draconic progeny continually pray to the great Apsu, trusting in his inevitable righteous victory.

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
  • Diver
  • ******
  • 帖子数: 2564
  • 苹果币: 2
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« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-07-21, 周六 13:34:33 »


陣營 守序善良
領域 手藝(Artifice),善良(Good),守序(Law),鳞类(Scalykind),旅行(Travel)
連接子域 亞空[善良](Archon (Good)),亞空[守序](Archon (Good)),構裝(Construct),龙(Dragon),探索(Exploration),勞累(Toil),交易(Trade)
偏好武器 嚙咬或木杖
崇拜中心 阿布萨拉姆(Absalom),塔尔多(Taldor),崔亚修斯(Triaxus)
族类 龙族





第1神恩 創造者的姿態(Maker's Ways, Sp):浮碟術(Floating Disk) 每天3次、陣營武器(Align Weapon)(限守序) 每天2次、或避難小屋(Tiny Hut) 每天1次
第2神恩 巧匠之触(Touch of the Artificer, Su):你發現受神灵指引的原初能量——来自阿普苏的贈禮,而相信此能让魔法灌輸至武器中。每天3次,标準动作,你能接觸一件武器並在接下來3轮內贈与它舞空(Dancing)附魔。每件武器每天只能成為此效果的目标1次。
第3神恩 匠人之傲(Crafter's Pride):你學会了给予物品生命的真正本质,並可以把你的靈魂傾注到你創造的构装体上,灌注给它神聖生命的表徵。每星期1次,你能向你創造的单一物體施放活化物體(Animate Objects)。此效果没有持續時間,活化物體作為伙伴永遠存在,並盡可能遵循您的指令。已有这种伙伴在服務你时不能活化一个新伙伴,不过以一个整轮动作,你能驱散一个伙伴来使它失去生机。若你的伙伴被破壞,你不能再次使用此能力直至1星期后。你不能向以此方法活化的物體施放魔法恆定術(Permanency)


第1神恩 引路者的心靈手巧(Waybringer's Ingenuity, Sp):飄渺步伐ACG(Blurred MovementACGACG 每天3次、浮空術(Levitate) 每天2次、或加速術(Haste) 每天1次
第2神恩 追蹤之眼(Eyes of the Pursued, Su):你緊遵阿普苏择日再战的命令,而且你掌握了監控你離开之地的技藝。当你使用传送效果来移动,你能放置一个隱形的魔法传感器在你刚離开的地区。只要你和传感器處于同一位面,以一个迅捷动作,你能看和聽到传感器30尺以內的一切。传感器持續的轮數等同你的HD。你最多能擁有啟用的传感器數目等同你的HD。[註:这持續轮數和最大數目……你是在疯狂传送?]
第3神恩 歸途(Homeward Bound, Su):作為阿普苏的追隨者,你深刻理解擁有能撤退的安全点是多么重要。你有數處值得信赖的安全屋,並在须要时能与它们建立联系。每月1次,你能指定一个位置作为你的避难所。每星期1次,引起借机的全回合动作,你能传送你自己並带着30尺内任何自愿的生物至你挑選的全安屋,只要處于同一位面內就可无视距离。你最多能擁有的避难所數目等同你的HD。只要你的没有盟友留在避难所,以一个迅捷动作,你能移把从安全屋中它除名,但如果你这样做,你永遠不能再次指定它作為你的安全屋。


第1神恩 放逐之怒(Exiled's Wrath, Sp):七彩噴射(Color Spray) 每天3次、灼熱射線(Scorching Ray) 每天2次、或斗轉星移龙族蓄能池APG(Draconic ReservoirAPG 每天1次
第2神恩 阿普苏的护罩(Apsu's Shroud, Su):阿普苏关注你的武艺並从祂那遙遠的国度用神圣的能量光环庇佑着你。你的AC獲得+1圣神加值,在对抗邪惡陣營的生物时提升至+2。若面对邪惡陣營的真龙时,此加值提升至+3。若邪惡陣營的真龙对你重击確定时,此生物必須成功通過強韌豁免检定(DC=10+1/2你的HD+魅力调整值),否则目盲1轮。[註:被重击才目盲1轮有什么用…]
第3神恩 彩色的災禍(Chromatic Scourge, Su):你引導阿普苏的正義与超凡的怒氣至你的武器,使它準備好在无盡的战鬥中对抗达哈克和祂的邪惡盟友。每天1次,迅捷动作,你能為你的武器充填隐藏的阿普苏之怒。若你的目标是邪惡,你的下次攻击獲得+20亵渎加值[註:没看错]。若你的对手是邪惡陣營的龙族,视你的下次攻击检定自动命中並重击威脅。你在確認重击的检定獲得+4亵渎加值。

劇透 -   :
The Waybringer

Good dragons, leadership, peace

Alignment LG
Domains Artifice, Good, Law, Scalykind, Travel
Subdomains Archon (Good), Archon (Law), Construct, Dragon, Exploration, Toil, Trade
Favored Weapon Bite or quarterstaff
Centers of Worship Absalom, Taldor, Triaxus
Nationality dragon

Pick a direction, and walk that way for the next 30 minutes. During this time, catalog all of the areas you pass and consider any tactical advantages that can be found in the terrain. After this, retrace your steps, but instead of plotting tactics, appreciate the beauty and scenery that you find along your way, and speak quiet prayers to or praises of the Waybringer, keeping in mind that none of what you’ve seen would exist were it not for Apsu. You then gain a +2 sacred bonus on Perception checks while you are traveling in this area, and a +4 sacred bonus on checks to notice enemies for the purpose of acting in a surprise round while you are traveling or camping there.

Evangelist Boons

1: Maker's Ways (Sp) floating disk 3/day, align weapon (law only) 2/day, or tiny hut 1/day
2: Touch of the Artificer (Su) You have discovered divinely inspired lines of primordial energy—gifts from Apsu, you believe—that can imbue weapons with bursts of magic. Up to three times per day, as a standard action, you can touch a single weapon and grant it the dancing property for the next 3 rounds. A single weapon cannot be targeted by this effect more than once per day.
3: Crafter's Pride You have learned the intrinsic nature of what gives life to objects, and can pour your soul into the construction of a given creation to infuse it with a semblance of blessed life. Once per week, you can cast animate objects on a single object that you’ve created. The effect does not have a duration; the animated object remains indefinitely as a companion, following your commands as best it can. You cannot animate a new companion while one is already serving you, though as a full-round action you can dismiss a companion, reducing it to lifelessness. If your companion is destroyed, you cannot use this ability again for another week. You cannot affect an object animated in this way with a permanency spell.

Exalted Boons

1: Waybringer's Ingenuity (Sp) blurred movementACG 3/day, levitate 2/day, or haste 1/day
2: Eyes of the Pursued (Su) You adhere to Apsu’s dictate of living to fight another day, and you’ve mastered the art of monitoring places you’ve left. Anytime you use a teleportation effect to move, you can place an invisible magic sensor in the area from which you just departed. As long as you are on the same plane as the sensor, you can see and hear everything occurring within 30 feet of the sensor as a swift action. The sensor lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice. You can have a maximum number of active sensors equal to your number of Hit Dice.
3: Homeward Bound (Su) As a follower of Apsu, you deeply understand the importance of having a safe place to which you can retreat; you’ve come to count on several safe homes, creating ties to them when necessary. Once per month, you can designate a location to be your refuge. Once per week as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, you can teleport yourself and any willing creatures within 30 feet of you to the safe home of your choice, regardless of distance, as long as it is on the same plane. You can have a maximum number of refuges equal to half your Hit Dice. As long as none of your allies are in a refuge, you can remove its designation as a safe home as a swift action, but if you do so, you can never again designate it as a safe home.

Sentinel Boons

1: Exiled's Wrath (Sp) color spray 3/day, scorching ray 2/day, or draconic reservoirAPG 1/day
2: Apsu's Shroud (Su) Apsu smiles upon your martial prowess and protects you with a halo of divine energy from his distant realm. You gain a +1 sacred bonus to your Armor Class, which increases to +2 against attacks from evil-aligned creatures. This bonus increases to +3 if the attacker is an evil-aligned true dragon. If an evilaligned true dragon confirms a critical hit against you, the creature must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier) or be blinded for 1 round.
3: Chromatic Scourge (Su) You channel the righteous and immortal fury of Apsu into your weapon, making it ready for the endless fight against Dahak and his wicked allies. Once per day as a swift action, you can imbue your weapon with the hidden wrath of Apsu. If your target is evil, you gain a +20 profane bonus on your next single attack. If your opponent is an evil-aligned creature of the dragon type, treat your next single attack roll as both an automatic hit and a critical threat. You gain a +4 profane bonus to confirm the critical hit.
« 上次编辑: 2018-07-26, 周四 11:21:13 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
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  • 帖子数: 2564
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« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-07-21, 周六 13:35:38 »



劇透 -   :
Paladins of Apsu valiantly follow the dragon god’s tenets of holy vigilance against evil. Those following the rigid code of a paladin must sacrifice the sedentary lifestyle of living in a single place in exchange for continuous travel and hardship. The tenets of such paladins include the following maxims.
I am the talon of Apsu’s wrath. I strike where I am needed, but only when evil has been unmasked and there can be no doubt of my enemy’s malice.
When my purpose is unclear, I will walk the roads of the world to find a fresh focus. Every road leads to a new beginning.
Nothing is worth sacrificing my life for, except protecting the lives of others. I will retreat when needed, and come back to vex my foes once again.
Mercy is offered, but only once. Should I be betrayed in my moment of kindness, I will not stop until I have put my enemy down.
It is not enough to slay evil and carry on. I will spend the time necessary to help those I’ve protected to fend for themselves.

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
  • Diver
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  • 帖子数: 2564
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« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-07-21, 周六 13:36:11 »






劇透 -   :

  According to draconic lore, in the beginning of time there flowed two waters, fresh and salt, which became Apsu and his mate, Tiamat. The couple spawned the dragon-gods who created all the mortal world, but their first child, the destructive Dahak, traveled to Hell to revel and rampage, turning it into a place of darkness and ever-burning fire.
  Dahak then struck out at his siblings, destroying each in turn; the shattered remains of these draconic gods formed the first metallic dragons, who were cast onto the Material Plane as mortals. This enraged the fresh water, who realized that he must take a name so he could descend upon the Material Plane to confront his son. The fresh water then declared the immortal words: “I shall then be Apsu, for I am the first.”
  Aiding Apsu in his quest against Dahak were the god’s metallic dragon children. The ensuing battle eventually saw Dahak laid low, but at a terrible price, for many of the dragons had sustained dire injuries. Just as Apsu prepared to strike the killing blow against his son, Dahak called out to his mother, the great salt sea. Unwilling to see her first son perish, the still-nameless sea offered to heal the battle’s brutalized survivors in exchange for their efforts to save Dahak’s life. Weakened and suffering, some accepted, exchanging goodness for evil, and battle raged between the metallic and chromatic dragons.
  Dahak escaped his father’s claws, and though the metallic dragons were poised to pursue, Apsu bade them to save their rage for another day. He then asked his mate why she aided their treacherous son, but she merely named herself Tiamat, mother of all—a name that still brings pain to all dragons—and held Apsu responsible for the deaths of her children. Tiamat then expelled him from their primordial realm, and Apsu vowed that, one day, he would make his stand against Dahak.
  Apsu and Dahak’s bitter enmity has since been the source of discord among the dragons of the cosmos. Apsu has accepted the inevitability of a final conflict with his son, choosing, for unknown reasons, the world of Golarion on which to make his last stand. Apsu’s avatar is a dragon dwarfing the largest of the great wyrms, a regal and magnificent sight to behold. His silver scales sparkle with a pearlescent glow. When in this form, Apsu guides dragons and mortals alike, preparing all for the day his final battle with Dahak will commence.

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
  • Diver
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  • 帖子数: 2564
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« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-07-21, 周六 13:36:29 »

  阿普苏与格拉利昂的联系主要是集中在这个世界将主辦与其儿子的最终对決。达哈克,要么出于恐惧,要么出于罕有的远见,選擇了不去强迫冲突發生。相反,兩者的特工都在格拉利昂默默行动,试图为即将来臨且不可避免的冲突做好准备。阿普苏这么一个聚焦龙类的背景使祂的崇拜者们在格拉利昂没有什么中央集權的教会——最接近的是一群名為白金幫(Platinum Band)的組織。


  週期性地,有直接跟阿普苏对话的青铜龙以人类的型态来访问幫會的代表,传递来自神灵的重要信息,因為祂很少(如果有的话)跟非龙族对话。有人说这是因为没有类人生物能承受阿普苏的声音中純粹的力量而没有陷入疯狂。[註:哇!你是古神吗! :em032]亦有人说这是因为神灵认为类人生物,特别是人类,过于善变或对阿普苏的信仰不夠虔誠,以至无法与祂直接交流。

  在内海地区的龙族中,许多都敬重阿普苏。但是,通常只有青銅龙和金龙维持着跟他们神祇的直接連繫,青銅龙担任阿普苏的使者而金龙则充当阿普苏的信仰典范。后者还有召集龙族的能力,除了最陰沉的黑龙外都会出席。有时侯,愛交際的黄铜龙会作为阿普苏的仆人和外交官,不过他们没有特別虔诚的倾向。阿普苏的信仰並不限于金屬龙,然而——甚至一些最卑劣的彩色龙崇敬並承诺支持阿普苏——祂能在追隨者面前展示出任何龙类的姿態以及祂想表现的任何特徵。[註:这是…為了以用自己的方式守护心愛的凡人世界,阿普苏站了出來決定……成為偶像! :em009

  在格拉利昂之外有數个组织致力于阿普苏的事业,最接近的是在崔亚修斯(Triaxus)。在那个世界,龙之军团(Dragon Legion)的成员被训练与座龙(Dragonkin)(怪物圖鑑5 pg. 98)協同作战,守衛他们的領土。那些入选龙之军团的人经常受到阿普苏的教义所訓戒,虽然他们的领导人禁止牧师透露他们的庇护主跟格拉利昂的联系,恐怕这种知識可能会吸引年轻的士兵过早地尝试前往那个世界,以协助他们神祗的努力。相反地,崔亚修斯的龙之军团希望有一天能造就一支盛大的军隊,在与无情的达哈克开展最终冲突的前夕獻给阿普苏。

劇透 -   :

  Apsu’s connection with Golarion is mostly focused on the knowledge that this world will host the final battle against his son. Dahak, either out of fear or a rare moment of foresight, has chosen not to force the conflict. Instead, agents of both deities act in small ways on Golarion, attempting to prepare for the inevitable conflict to come. Apsu’s draconic-focused background results in a lack of any centralized church for his worshipers on Golarion— the closest such organization is a group called the Platinum Band.
  The Platinum Band is a tight-knit group of Apsu devotees with two official offices: one in the Taldan city of Oppara, and the other a consulate in the Puddles district of Absalom. Members are recruited into the organization from among those who know and respect the history of Apsu and Dahak. The group is primarily made up of humans, with a handful of other humanoid races, as members of those races who learn of the impending battle between the dragon gods most likely favor Apsu’s side and the defense of all life in the cosmos. The Platinum Band offers structure to the actions of Apsu’s mortal worshipers, even if it’s not a formal church, with senior members maintaining the organization’s meager holdings.
  Periodically, bronze dragons who have spoken directly with Apsu visit the band’s representatives in human form to pass along important messages from the god, who rarely, if ever, speaks to non-dragons. Some say his is because humanoids could not handle the power of Apsu’s unadulterated voice without descending into madness. Others say the god simply believes that humanoids, particularly humans, are too fickle or insufficiently invested in Apsu’s faith to warrant his direct communication with them.
  Among the dragons of the Inner Sea region, many pay homage to Apsu. However, typically only bronze and gold dragons maintain any direct connection with their deity, with bronze dragons serving as emissaries on behalf of Apsu while gold dragons act as the paragons of Apsu’s beliefs. The latter also hold the power to call convocations of dragons, which all but the most sullen black dragons attend. Sometimes gregarious brass dragons serve as Apsu’s servants and diplomats, though they don’t tend to be particularly religious. Apsu’s faith isn’t limited to the metallic dragons, though—even some of the most vile chromatic dragons venerate and pledge support to Apsu, who can appear to his followers as any type of dragon and with any features he wishes.
  Several organizations dedicated to Apsu’s cause lie beyond Golarion, the nearest being on Triaxus. On that world, members of the Dragon Legion are trained to work with dragonkin (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 98) in defense of their territories. Those inducted into the ranks of the Dragon Legion are often trained in the teachings of Apsu, though their leaders prohibit priests from revealing their patron’s connection to Golarion, fearing that such knowledge may tempt younger soldiers to prematurely attempt the journey to that world to assist their deity’s efforts. Instead, the Dragon Legion on Triaxus hopes to one day raise a grand army to offer to Apsu on the eve of the dragon’s final conflict with the merciless Dahak.
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-17, 周五 12:33:59 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
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  • 帖子数: 2564
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« 回帖 #6 于: 2018-07-21, 周六 13:36:52 »



劇透 -   :

  The architecture of sites devoted to Apsu is largely dependent on location. Such sites are rare on Golarion, where formal religion is relegated to lone dragons or small bands of humanoids. Most temples or shrines to Apsu are stone affairs with gold and platinum holy implements and sturdy stone daises and altars. A vast polished mirror embedded in the ground rests at the center of each shrine, overseen by a large silver statue representing Apsu. Otherwise, the Waybringer has little in the way of codified standards for his sites of worship. Worshipers reflect on their achievements while looking into the mirror, ensuring that the battle against evil has not driven them from the path of good.
  Apsu’s primary and best-known temples are floating silver, gold, and platinum monoliths contained within his personal demiplane realm. The only features on these solid, imposing structures are a few peninsular landing pads, each sized to allow a Colossal dragon to land on or take off from it. The interiors of these free-floating sanctuaries are lit with a vibrant, silvery light.

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
  • Diver
  • ******
  • 帖子数: 2564
  • 苹果币: 2
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« 回帖 #7 于: 2018-07-21, 周六 13:37:24 »




劇透 -   :

  Priests of Apsu follow myriad paths, but his few humanoid followers most often take levels in cleric, paladin, or warpriest. Apsu has no oracles, for he believes inflicting a curse on a living creature is a terrible crime against that being, even in exchange for divine power. Dragon servants of Apsu have little need for class levels, as most of their kind simply progress through their natural age categories. Draconic followers of Apsu tend to believe that a dragon’s natural progression is far superior to superficial training, anyway.
  Priests of Apsu don’t have a standard daily routine, instead traveling the world in search of threats against dragonkind, or directly resulting from the actions of Dahak’s worshipers, against whom they wage a constant struggle in preparation for Apsu’s coming battle. Apsu’s priests can be found almost anywhere, following up on leads relating to Dahak’s actions and those of his minions. Luckily, the rarity of Dahak’s agents on Golarion gives priests plenty of leeway in pursuing their deity’s greater agenda.
  Apsu’s relative obscurity means his priests oftentimes must explain their religion to others who they encounter on their missions, as most places on Golarion aren’t familiar with the Waybringer. In doing so, they may forge connections with the settlements they visit, which they reinforce by offering Apsu’s divine gifts to those in need, or even settling in a goodly community for a time to help protect its residents.

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
  • Diver
  • ******
  • 帖子数: 2564
  • 苹果币: 2
  • .--. --- ... ... . ... ... .. --- -.
« 回帖 #8 于: 2018-07-21, 周六 13:37:46 »



劇透 -   :

  The majority of Apsu’s Golarion-based, non-draconic priesthood are adventurers. Some discovered a tome or scene of draconic carnage that revealed the dire nature of the struggle between Apsu and Dahak. Others were inspired by the dying words of a devotee of Apsu to take up the mantle of battle against the forces of Dahak. Followers of Apsu typically specialize in confronting evil dragons, but they fight evil wherever it can be found. They follow no specific creed, other than believing in the punishment of the unjust and continuing the constant battle between good and evil. They hold that in the end, Apsu will lead all goodly folk to victory.
  One of the less-prominent directives of Apsu’s teachings is the establishment of fortifications against evil. Counter to the dungeon-delving many associate with adventurers, some worshipers of Apsu travel the world to build and strengthen defenses. These architects find settlements, especially those with nearby draconic threats, and help reinforce those communities against aggressors. They leave their mark across the breadth of the world, rather than a single location, often combining their calling to build impressive fortifications with Apsu’s affinity for travel.

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
  • Diver
  • ******
  • 帖子数: 2564
  • 苹果币: 2
  • .--. --- ... ... . ... ... .. --- -.
« 回帖 #9 于: 2018-07-21, 周六 13:37:58 »


劇透 -   :
Followers of Apsu cover themselves in metallic armor or clothing with a metallic sheen. Many of Apsu’s supporters mistakenly associate their master with platinum, but silver is actually Apsu’s most favored color. Both bronze and gold are used as accents on armor; the former is used in poorer communities while gold is seen on only his wealthier followers and priests. Humanoid priests typically wear a gold or silver brooch in the shape of a dragon’s foot; alternatively, they might
carry other custom-made equipment of that shape or bearing that image.

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due