作者 主题: 【Unchained】修訂版動作系統(Revised Action Economy)  (阅读 19549 次)


离线 白貓

  • 兇八八的金吉拉
  • Chivary
  • *****
  • 帖子数: 1572
  • 苹果币: 4
修訂版動作系統(Revised Action Economy)
在此系統中,角色輪到她的回合時可採取3個行動(act);這些行動可以單獨作為簡易動作來執行(simple action),也可以組合成進階動作(advanced action)。當不是她的回合時,一個角色每輪可以使用一次反應(reaction)。在此動作系統中,多次攻擊已經被拋棄了。相反,任何角色在輪到她時都可以進行多次攻擊,只需採取多次動作即可。
突襲輪(Surprise Round)
你的回合(Your Turn)
當先攻順序輪到你的回合時,你可以採取最多3次行動。有時候,行動是作為簡易動作單獨地執行,而其他時間可以將兩個或更多的行動結合作為一種進階動作。你可以按照你選擇的任何順序執行這些簡易和進階動作,除非個別動作的規則另有說明。你也可以採取一些你的GM認為合適的自由動作。一旦你完成了3次行動和你想要採取的任何自由動作後,你的回合就結束了。一旦你的回合結束,你就可以在下一回合開始前獲得一個反應。(有些能力給予額外的反應; 請參閱最後注意事項。)
別人的回合(Others' Turns)
動作類型和子類型(Action Types and Subtypes)
攻擊動作(Attack Actions):攻擊子類型的動作涉及向對手或物體進行至少一次攻擊檢定。它們通常只有在攻擊是遠程攻擊,或者你沒有合適的專長來進行攻擊而不觸發藉機攻擊時,會觸發藉機攻擊,例如沒有精通徒手打擊的徒手打擊或沒有精通絆摔的嘗試絆摔。在後一種情況下,該動作只會觸發你目標生物的藉機攻擊。當攻擊動作觸發藉機攻擊時,藉機攻擊是在發動攻擊檢定之前進行。
在你的回合,你第一次採取這個子類型的動作時,你像平常一樣進行攻擊檢定。在你的回合中,隨後的每次攻擊動作會對攻擊檢定或戰技檢定累積-5點減值(因此第二次攻擊動作的攻擊檢定有-5減值,第三次有減值-10等等) 。
複雜動作(Complex Actions):這些動作涉及高度集中,對物體進行費力的物理操作,或其他複雜的來源。複雜動作總是會觸發藉機攻擊,在執行複雜動作之前進行。發生在多個回合(無論是否連續)上的複雜動作,會在每一回合的行動都完成時觸發藉機攻擊。
移動動作(Move Actions):這些動作涉及以某種方式在遭遇區域中移動。當你試圖在敵人的威脅範圍離開,或者在敵人的威脅範圍從俯臥狀況站立時,移動子類型的動作會觸發藉機攻擊。並非所有允許你移動的動作都具有移動子類型。例如,五呎快步是一種非常緩慢和謹慎的移動,卻沒有這個子類型,因此當你在受威脅範圍採取該動作離開時,不會觸發藉機攻擊。
沒有子類型的動作(Actions without a Subtype):沒有子類型的動作不會觸發藉機攻擊。
簡易動作(Simple Actions)

引述: 邊欄
雙武器戰鬥和疾風連擊(Two-Weapon Fighting and Flurry of Blows)
當你用副手的第二個武器或雙頭武器戰鬥時,你可以用你的回合中的第一次攻擊簡易動作進行兩次攻擊:一次是你的主手和另一次是你的副手。你在這些攻擊檢定上受到減值,如:Pathfinder RPG核心規則手冊中的雙武器戰鬥減值表格所列。在你的回合中你採取的任何其他攻擊簡易動作只允許一次攻擊檢定,使用主手中的武器或副手中的武器。

衝撞(攻擊):你將一個體型最多只比你大一級的敵人往後推。嘗試一次衝撞戰技檢定。如果你成功了,你將敵人往後推5呎。你的檢定每超過敵人的CMD 5點時,你將這個敵人往後推額外5呎。如果你有必要,可以選擇與目標一起移動。除非你擁有高等衝撞專長,否則敵人的移動不會觸發藉機攻擊。
:你試圖卸武你的敵人。如果你的卸武戰技檢定成功,你的敵人丟棄一件你選擇的攜帶或持有物品(即使它是用雙手握住物品)。如果你超過敵人的CMD 10點或更多,敵人丟棄兩項你所選擇的物品。如果你的戰技失敗10點或更多,你會丟棄任何你用來卸武敵人的武器。
:上下坐騎。你可以通過嘗試DC 20的騎術檢定來用自由動作執行此動作;失敗意味著你觸發藉機攻擊。
:你移動最多你的速度的距離,在此動作的過程中,你嘗試穿過一個敵人的佔據,此敵人的體型最多大於你一級。當試圖移動通過你的敵人的佔據時,你的敵人可以選擇讓你通過並讓你繼續你的移動。如果敵人不選擇或不能讓你移動過去,你需進行闖越戰技檢定。如果你成功了,你會穿過目標的佔據。如果你的檢定超過你的敵人的CMD 5點或更多,你穿過目標的佔據並且目標被擊倒。如果目標擁有兩條以上的腿,則對於其擁有的每條額外的腿,在CMD上獲得+2的對闖越戰技加值。如果你的檢定失敗,你的移動會停在對手前方的方格中。

 絆摔(攻擊):你試圖絆摔你的對手。嘗試對一個體型最多大於你一級的敵人進行絆摔戰技檢定。如果你成功了, 你可以擊倒目標。如果你失敗10點或更多,反是你被擊倒。如果目標擁有兩條以上的腿,則對於其擁有的每條額外腿,在CMD上獲得+2的對絆摔戰技加值。
進階動作(Advanced Actions)
對無意識的生物灌用藥劑或靈藥,或者塗油(複雜; 3行動):你小心地將一瓶藥劑或靈藥灌給無意識的生物,或者將一罐油塗抹到無意識的生物身上。

施放1輪動作法術(複雜; 3行動):你施放施法時間為1輪的法術。你可以將這些行動分散到兩輪中,但這此兩輪必須連續。如果你在1回合中施放了整個法術,則可以選擇在該回合結束時或你的下一回合開始時顯現該法術的效果。這不是攻擊動作,即使該法術需要遠程攻擊檢定。如果你在施放法術時觸發藉機攻擊,則在進行遠程攻擊檢定時不會再次觸發攻擊。
施放標準動作法術(複雜; 2行動):你施放施法時間為1標準動作的法術。這不是攻擊動作,即使該法術需要遠程攻擊檢定。如果你在施放法術時觸發藉機攻擊,則在進行遠程攻擊檢定時不會再次觸發攻擊。
衝鋒(移動; 2行動):你朝視線內的指定敵人直線移動兩倍速度距離,在你可以攻擊敵人的最近空間中結束移動。你必須對你的敵人有明確的路徑。如果有任何東西阻礙或阻止你沿著衝鋒路徑移動,你不能採取衝鋒動作。只要你的基本攻擊加值+1或更高,你就可以在衝鋒過程中的任何時刻以一個自由動作抽出武器。在衝鋒結束時,你在任何近戰攻擊,衝撞戰技檢定或闖越戰技檢定上都會獲得+2加值,直到你的回合結束,只要那些攻擊或戰技是針對你在衝鋒時指定的生物。


捆住被擒抱或壓制的生物:如果你手中有繩子,並且你正擒抱或壓制敵人,你可以在-10減值下嘗試擒抱戰技檢定來捆住敵人。如果你成功了,繩子就會壓制此生物,直到繩子被移除,或者被壓制的敵人在戰技檢定或逃脫檢定中成功(DC = 20 + 你的CMB)。
發動致命一擊(複雜; 3行動):你使用近戰武器向一名沒有免疫重擊的無助敵人發動致命一擊。你也可以使用遠程武器,但你必須鄰接敵人。當你採取此動作時,你 自動擊中並確認一次重擊。如果敵人在受到傷害後倖存,則必須通過強韌豁免(DC = 10 + 造成的傷害)否則死亡。
陰招(戰鬥; 2行動):你嘗試一次陰招戰技檢定。如果你成功了,目標會獲得以下狀態之一:目盲、目眩、耳聾、糾纏、戰慄或噁心。此狀態持續1輪。你的檢定每超過敵人的CMD 5點時,該狀態額外持續1輪。目標或與目標鄰接的盟友可以通過採取1行動來移除該狀態。去除陰招所導致的狀態不會觸發藉機攻擊。

 解除裝置(複雜; 至少3動作):你嘗試開鎖或解除其他裝置。使用此動作的每一輪中,你都必須採取3個行動。根據裝置的性質,這些行動可能需要也可能不需要連續。例如,用於開鎖或解除陷阱的行動幾乎總是連續。GM可能會裁定一些複雜的裝置需要超過3次行動來解除;例如,一個複雜的奧術機器將在1分鐘內造成毀滅性的災難,可能需要10次行動才能解除,儘管行動可能不需要連續。
拖拽(戰鬥; 2行動):你試圖沿著直線拖拽一個體型最多大於你一級的敵人5呎或更遠。嘗試一次拖拽戰技檢定。如果你成功了,你向一個方向移動5呎,並且你的對手隨你移動,保持與你鄰接。你的戰技檢定每超過敵人的CMD 5點時,你可以向同一方向移動額外5呎。你無法使用此進階動作將生物拉到比你的速度更遠的距離。除非你擁有高等拖拽專長,否則目標的移動不會觸發藉機攻擊。
飲用液體或塗抹油(複雜; 2行動):你飲用藥劑,靈藥或其他液體,或者塗抹油,當飲用或塗抹完成時,獲得該液體或油的效果。
逃脫補網(複雜; 2行動):你嘗試糾纏住你的補網。嘗試DC 20的逃脫檢定;如果你成功了,你從網中逃脫。
熄滅火焰(複雜; 2行動):在著火時,你可以在地面上滾動或用斗篷或類似物體悶熄火焰,以嘗試另一次+4加值的豁免檢定。如果豁免檢定成功,你不再著火。

發動擒抱(攻擊; 2行動):你對近戰範圍內的生物發動擒抱。
點燃一支火把(複雜; 3行動):你用燧石和鐵片點燃火把。
裝填重弩或連發重弩(複雜; 2行動):你用弩矢裝填重弩,或將裝有5發弩矢的彈匣安裝進連發重弩中。
裝載單手早期火器(複雜; 2行動):你裝載單手早期火器的單一槍管。如果你有該火器的快速裝填專長,這可以降低為一個簡易動作。
裝載雙手早期火器(複雜; 3行動):你裝載雙手早期火器的單一槍管。如果你有該火器的快速裝填專長,則只需採取兩次行動來裝填該火器。
鎖定或解鎖鎖定帶鎖鋼手套中的武器(複雜; 2行動):你可以將武器鎖定在帶鎖鋼手套中,或解鎖已鎖定在帶鎖鋼手套上的武器。
進行全部的天武攻擊(攻擊; 3 行動):一個只使用天武攻擊的生物可以用此動作進行所有的天武攻擊,取代用攻擊簡易動作進行單獨的攻擊。

 準備一個作為濺射武器的油瓶(複雜; 2行動):你準備一個帶有導火索的油瓶,這樣你就可以把它當作濺射武器丟出。

 提供急救,治療傷害或治療中毒(複雜; 2行動):你使用醫療技能來提供急救,治療傷害或治療中毒。


 移位(戰鬥; 2行動):你嘗試對一個體型最多大於你一級的敵人進行移位戰技檢定。如果你成功了,你迫使敵人移動5呎。你的檢定每超過敵人的CMD 5點時,你可以將該目標額外移動5呎。當你移位目標時,他必須全程待在你的威脅範圍內,除了最後5呎的移位移動可位於與你威脅範圍鄰接的方格。

引述: 邊欄
轉換其他動作(Converting Other Actions)
自由動作總是自由動作(Free Actions Are Always Free Actions):在預設動作系統中的自由動作,在此系統中依然是自由動作。自由動作通常不具有子類型,因此不會觸發藉機攻擊。請記住,一些自由動作與其他動作一起使用——在此系統中仍然如此。要使用這種自由動作,你必須先採取需要的其他動作。
迅捷動作總是簡易動作(Swift Actions Are Always Simple Actions):在預設動作系統中的迅捷動作,在此系統中總是簡易動作。你只需要採取一行動即可執行該動作。在極少數情況下,GM可能將特定的迅捷動作限制為每回合一次。
移動動作總是簡易動作(Move Actions Are Always Simple Actions):在預設動作系統中的移動動作,在此系統中總是簡易動作。
標準動作攻擊通常是簡易動作(Standard-Action Attacks Are Typically Simple Actions)
標準動作的超自然和類法術能力是進階動作(Standard-Action Supernatural and Spell-Like Abilities Are Advanced Actions)
整輪動作是進階動作(Full-Round Actions Are Advanced Actions):整輪動作幾乎總是進階動作,需要採取連續3行動。(不需要3次行動的範例請參閱衝鋒進階動作。)

奔跑(移動; 3行動):你直線移動四倍速度距離。當你這樣做時,你在你的下一回合之前失去AC的敏捷加值。
你可以奔跑的輪數等同於你的體質值;超過的每輪之後,你必須通過體質檢定才能繼續奔跑(DC = 10,每次檢定後DC+1)。如果你失敗了,你停止奔跑並且在等同於10 - 你的體質加值(最低1分)的分鐘內陷入恍惚。

 巧手(複雜; 2行動):你使用巧手來藏匿一個物體或者表演一些花招。你可以承受-20點減值以一個簡易動作來進行檢定。在任何一種情況下,如果你的檢定失敗5點或更多,你會觸發任何你想用此動作偷取物品的生物的藉機攻擊。
法術打擊 (複雜; 2行動):你從魔戰士法術列表中施放範圍為接觸的法術,但取代進行接觸攻擊,而是使用正在持用的武器進行近戰攻擊。如果攻擊命中,該攻擊會造成正常傷害以及法術的任何效果。你必須擁有法術打擊職業能力才能採取這一行動。

 盜取(戰鬥; 2行動):你向近戰範圍內的敵人進行盜取戰技檢定(不包括觸及武器的延伸範圍)。你必須至少有一隻手空閒,並且在嘗試檢定之前必須選擇要偷取的物品。緊緊繫在敵人身上的物品可以使對手在對抗此嘗試的CMD獲得+5(或更高)的加值,牢固地穿戴的物品不會被這種方式偷走。如果你成功了,你從對手那裡偷走你選擇的物品。
使用法術完成型物品(複雜; 2行動):你使用法術完成型物品來施放施法時間為1標準動作的法術。這不是攻擊動作,即使該法術需要遠程攻擊檢定。如果你在施放法術時觸發藉機攻擊,則在進行遠程攻擊檢定時不會觸發攻擊。

對最多六個盟友使用接觸法術(複雜; 3行動):如果你施放允許你在多個回合中觸摸目標的法術,此動作可以讓你在近戰範圍內觸摸最多六個自願生物(不包括觸及武器的延伸範圍)。
自由動作(Free Actions)
防禦式施法:施放法術時,你可以採取自由動作來防禦。你必須嘗試進行專注檢定(DC = 15 + 兩倍法術環級)。如果你成功了,施放的該法術會失去複雜子類型。如果你失敗了,你會失去該法術。


辨識正在施放的法術 :你使用法術辨識技能來辨識正在施放的法術。與其他自由動作不同,即使不是在你的回合,你也可以採取此動作。


引述: 邊欄
最後注意事項(Final Considerations)


劇透 -   :
Revised Action Economy
The default action economy of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is intricate—full of exceptions, nonactions, and strange actions. This revised action economy streamlines the process of combat encounters. In many ways, it's a more active system that allows lower-level characters more options in a round while slightly limiting how much higher-level characters can do during their turns.

In this system, a character can commit up to 3 acts on her turn; these can be committed individually as simple actions, or combined into advanced actions. When it's not her turn, a character can take a single reaction per round. Iterative attacks have been discarded in this action economy. Instead, any character can make multiple attacks during her turn simply by taking multiple actions to do so.

To illustrate this system, we start at the initiative check and go though the turns and rounds of an encounter.

At the start of combat, each participant rolls an initiative check as normal. Characters are flat-footed before they act in either the surprise round or the first round of combat.

Surprise Round
When combat starts, if some but not all of the participants are aware of their opponents, a surprise round occurs before the first round of combat. Those who are aware can commit up to 2 acts during the surprise round, and gain a reaction when that round is over. If all combatants are aware of their opponents, skip the surprise round.

Your Turn
When your turn comes up in the initiative order, you can commit up to 3 acts. Sometimes, acts are committed discretely as simple actions, while other times 2 or more acts can be committed together as an advanced action. You can take these simple and advanced actions in any order you choose, except when the rules for individual actions state otherwise. You can also take a number of free actions your GM deems appropriate. Your turn ends once you have committed all 3 acts and any free actions you wish to take. Once your turn is over, you gain the ability to take one reaction before the start of your next turn. (Some abilities grant additional reactions; see Final Considerations.)

When your turn comes up in the initiative order, you can choose to delay instead. When you do, you can't commit acts. You keep any reactions you haven't used since your previous turn, but don't gain any more. At any point after another combatant has taken its turn, you can choose to end your delay and reenter the initiative order. When you do so, your initiative changes to the point in the initiative order directly after the last acting creature's turn.

Others' Turns
Reactions are like actions, but can be taken only when they are triggered, and only during other characters' turns. Usually, reactions are triggered by actions taken by other combatants. For instance, the most common reaction you'll likely take is the attack of opportunity: an attack you can make when a foe in your threatened area drops his guard (typically by moving, making a ranged attack, or attempting a complicated attack for which he lacks the proper training). Some reactions may provoke attacks of opportunity—the reaction's subtype, if any, determines whether it provokes attacks of opportunity.

Other times, something that happens to you might grant you the ability to take a reaction. Spells and abilities that are used as immediate actions in the default action economy are reactions in this system. For example, the spell feather fall is cast an immediate action in the default action economy—in this system, it's a reaction.

Action Types and Subtypes
This section describes the various actions in the game, their costs within this system, and new rules on how each one works. The sidebars throughout highlight exceptions and help you adjudicate situations that are not addressed directly in this section.

There are a number of different simple actions, free actions, and advanced actions you can take during your turn. Taking a simple action requires 1 act. Free actions don't cost any acts; you just say you want to take them, though some must be taken alongside other simple or advanced actions. In addition, the GM may limit the number of free actions you're allowed during your turn.

Advanced actions are more complicated; you must commit 2 or more acts to perform them. Some advanced actions require more acts than you can possibly commit during a single turn. In this case, you must continue committing acts toward that advanced action over multiple turns until the advanced action is complete. To take most advanced actions, you must commit all of their requisite acts consecutively. If you stop committing acts toward such an advanced action, it never comes to completion, and it must be started all over again in order to have a chance of success. Other advanced actions can be completed after committing the total requisite number of acts, which can be split up over time. In both cases, any roll attempted to determine whether an advanced action is successful is attempted after the appropriate number of acts are committed to that advanced action by the creature committing the final act. If an advanced action doesn't say whether it requires consecutive or nonconsecutive acts, all its acts must be consecutive.

Some actions and reactions have one or more of the following subtypes. The subtypes are thematic, sometimes affect other actions taken later in the turn, and are used to determine whether (and at what point) an action provokes attacks of opportunity.

Attack Actions: Actions with the attack subtype involve making at least one attack roll against an opponent or object. They typically provoke attacks of opportunity only if the attack is a ranged attack or you don't have the appropriate feat to take that attack action without provoking attacks of opportunity, such as Improved Unarmed Strike for unarmed strikes or Improved Trip for trip attempts. In the latter case, the action provokes an attack of opportunity only from the creature you target. When an attack action provokes an attack of opportunity, the attack of opportunity is made before the provoking attack roll is made.

The first time during your turn that you take an action with this subtype, you roll the attack as normal. Each subsequent attack action taken during your turn imposes a cumulative –5 penalty on the attack roll or combat maneuver check (so the second attack action has a –5 penalty on the attack roll, the third has a –10 penalty, and so on).

Complex Actions: These actions involve intense concentration, strenuous physical manipulation of objects, or some other source of complexity. A complex action always provokes attacks of opportunity, which are made before the complex action is taken. Complex actions that occur over multiple turns (whether consecutively or not) provoke attacks of opportunity on each turn that acts are committed toward their completion.

Move Actions: These actions involve moving through the encounter area in some way. Actions with the move subtype provoke attacks of opportunity when you attempt to either leave a square in an enemy's threatened area or stand up from a prone position in a space that has at least 1 square in a foe's threatened area. Not all actions that allow you to move have the move subtype. For example, a step is a very slow and careful movement that doesn't have this subtype, and thus doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity when you take that action to leave a square in a threatened area.

Actions without a Subtype: Actions without a subtype don't provoke attacks of opportunity.

Simple Actions
The following are some of the more common actions. To take any of them, you need to commit only 1 act (though some can be taken as free actions under special circumstances).

Aid Another: You take the aid another action. This action has all of the subtypes of the action you aid.

Appraise a Single Item: You spend time using your senses to appraise a single item that you can see. If you are holding the item, you gain a +2 bonus on the check and this action has the complex subtype.

Attack (Attack): You make one or more attacks against a single foe within your melee reach (if making a melee attack) or range (if making a ranged attack).

Bull Rush (Attack): You push a foe that is at most one size category larger than you straight back. Attempt a bull rush combat maneuver check. If you're successful, you push the foe back 5 feet. For every 5 by which your check exceeds your foe's CMD, you push that foe back 5 additional feet. You can choose to move along with the target if you have the necessary acts to do so. The foe's movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity unless you have the Greater Bull Rush Feat.

Cast a Swift Spell: You cast a single spell or use a single spell-like ability with a casting time of 1 swift action.

Control a Frightened Mount (Complex): You attempt to control a mount that's not trained for combat in battle. If you fail the Ride check, you can't try again until your next turn.

Crawl (Move): You crawl 5 feet while prone.

Demoralize: You shout threats at a foe within 30 feet that can see and hear you, attempting to demoralize it.

Direct or Redirect a Spell: If a spell allows you to redirect an effect to a new target, you take this action to do so.

Disarm (Attack): You attempt to disarm your foe. If your disarm combat maneuver check is successful, your foe drops one item of your choice that it's carrying or wielding (even if it's holding the item with two hands). If you exceed your foe's CMD by 10 or more, the foe drops two items of your choice. If you fail your combat maneuver by 10 or more, you drop any weapon you were using to disarm your foe.

Dismiss a Spell: You dismiss the effects of a dismissible spell.

Draw or Sheathe a Weapon: You draw or sheathe a weapon. If your base attack bonus is +0, this action provokes an attack of opportunity.

Escape a Grapple: You attempt to escape or gain control of a grapple by attempting either an Escape Artist check or a combat maneuver check. The second time in a turn you take this action, you take a –5 penalty on the check. The third time, you take a –10 penalty on the check.

Feint (Attack): You use Bluff to attempt a feint against an opponent. If you succeed, that opponent is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC for the next attack you make against it this turn. If you have the Improved Feint feat, this action doesn't have the attack subtype.

Handle an Animal: You command an animal to perform a trick it knows by attempting a Handle Animal check. Some class abilities let characters attempt this as a free action.

Light a Torch with a Tindertwig or Open Flame: You ignite a torch with a tindertwig or an open flame.

Load a Hand Crossbow or Light Crossbow (Complex): You load a hand crossbow or a light crossbow with a bolt. If you have the Rapid Reload feat with the weapon you are reloading, this is a free action.

Lower or Reactivate Spell Resistance: You lower any spell resistance that is active, or reactivate a spell resistance that has been lowered.

Manipulate an Item (Complex): You grab an item that is in a backpack, pouch, pocket, or other similar container on your person; pick up an item; or move a heavy object. Sometimes, the GM might rule that manipulating an item is an advanced action and determine the number of acts that must be committed to succeed. Based on what you want to do, those actions may need to be committed consecutively.

Move (Move): You move up to your speed. Typically you move across the land at either a walk or a sprint, but this covers other movement modes, including burrowing, flying, jumping, and swimming.

Mount or Dismount a Steed (Move): You mount or dismount a steed. You can do this as a free action by attempting a DC 20 Ride check; failure means you provoke attacks of opportunity.

Open or Close a Door: You open or close a door that is within your reach (not counting expanded reach from reach weapons). You must have at least one hand free to take this action.

Overrun (Attack): You move up to your speed, and over the course of this action you attempt to move through the space of a foe that is no more than one size category larger than you. When attempting to move through your foe's space, your foe can choose to allow you to pass through and let you continue your movement. If the foe doesn't choose to or can't let you move past, you attempt an overrun combat maneuver check. If you succeed, you move through the target's space. If your check exceeds your foe's CMD by 5 or more, you move through the target's space and the target is knocked prone. If the target has more than two legs, it gains a bonus to its CMD against overrun combat maneuvers equal to +2 for each additional leg it possesses. If you fail this check, your movement stops in the space directly in front of the opponent.

Ready a Simple Action or an Advanced Action: You ready a single simple or advanced action that you can take before the start of your next turn as a reaction. You must designate a definite trigger for that reaction (such as "if a foe attacks me," "if a foe casts a spell," or "if a foe moves adjacent to me"), and you must have enough acts left to complete the action you ready. Once you ready an action, your turn ends. If you don't take the action you readied as a reaction by the start of your next turn, you lose that reaction.

Ready or Drop a Shield: You either strap a shield to your arm to gain its shield bonus to AC or unstrap and drop the shield. If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you can do either of these as a free action when you take the move simple action.

Search: You use Perception to search a room for salient hidden creatures or clues, or you make a detailed search of a 10-foot-square area to detect traps, triggers, hidden objects, or footprints. When you search an area, this action has the complex subtype.

Spell Combat (Attack, Complex): You make an attack roll with a light or one-handed melee weapon, then cast a spell on the magusUM spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action. You take a –2 penalty on the melee attack, but the spell is cast regardless of whether the attack hits. If you cast the spell defensively, you can subtract your Intelligence bonus from the result of the attack roll to add the same value as a circumstance bonus on the concentration check. You must have the spell combat class feature to take this action, and can take this action only once per turn. To take this action, you must have one hand free. You can't also take the following actions this turn: cast a standard-action spell or cast a 1-round-action spell.

Stand Up (Move): You stand up from being prone.

Step: You move 5 feet.

Sunder (Attack): You try to sunder an item held or worn by your foe. Attempt a sunder combat maneuver check. If you succeed, you deal damage to the item normally. Damage that exceeds the item's hardness is subtracted from its hit points. If an object has less than or equal to half its total hit points remaining, it gains the broken condition. If the damage you deal reduces the object to 0 or fewer hit points, you can choose to destroy the object. If you choose not to destroy it, the object is left with only 1 hit point.

Trip (Attack): You try to trip your opponent. Attempt a trip combat maneuver check against a foe that is no more than one size category larger than you. If you succeed, you knock the target prone. If you fail by 10 or more, you are knocked prone instead. If the target has more than two legs, it gains a +2 bonus to its CMD against this attempt for each additional leg it possesses.

Use a Swift Ability: You use a single ability that can be used as a swift action.

Advanced Actions
The following is a list of the main advanced actions in this system. The number of acts required to take each advanced action is listed in parentheses after the action's subtype (if any).

Administer a Potion or Elixir, or Apply an Oil, to an Unconscious Creature (Complex; 3 Acts): You carefully administer a potion or elixir, or apply an oil, to an unconscious creature.

Appraise a Hoard (3 Acts): You examine a treasure hoard to determine the most valuable item in the hoard.

Cast a 1-Round-Action Spell (Complex; 3 Acts): You cast a spell with a casting time of 1 round. You can split the acts over 2 rounds, but those rounds must be consecutive. If you cast the entire spell in 1 turn, you can choose to have the spell's effects manifest at the end of that turn or at the start of your next turn. This isn't an attack action, even if the spell requires a ranged attack roll. If you provoke attacks of opportunity when casting the spell, you don't provoke attacks a second time when making the ranged attack roll.

Cast a Standard-Action Spell (Complex; 2 Acts): You cast a spell with a casting time of 1 standard action. This isn't an attack action, even if the spell requires a ranged attack roll. If you provoke attacks of opportunity when casting the spell, you don't provoke attacks a second time when making the ranged attack roll.

Charge (Move; 2 Acts): You move twice your speed directly toward a designated foe within your line of sight, ending the move in the closest space from which you can attack that foe. You must have a clear path to your foe. If anything hinders or blocks your movement along the path of a charge, you can't take the charge action. As long as you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you can draw a weapon as a free action at any point during the charge. At the end of the charge, you gain a +2 bonus on any melee attacks, bull rush combat maneuver checks, or overrun combat maneuver checks you attempt until the end of your turn, as long as those attacks or combat maneuver checks are made against the creature you designated when you charged.

Concentrate to Maintain an Active Spell (2 Acts): You concentrate to maintain an active spell.

Continue a Grapple (2 Acts): You continue a grapple. If you initiated the grapple, you must either take this action at the start of each subsequent turn or end the grapple as a free action. When you take this action, you attempt a grapple combat maneuver check with a +5 bonus. If you're successful, you can either move, deal damage to, or pin the creature you are grappling. Alternatively, you can attempt to tie up the creature with a rope.

Move: If you decide to move your target, immediately after the grapple, you can take a move simple action and move the creature you are grappling with you. At the end of that move action, you can place your target in any space adjacent to you. If you attempt to place your foe in a hazardous location, the target can attempt to free itself from the grapple as a reaction, and gains a +4 bonus on that attempt.

Damage: If you decide to damage your opponent, you deal an amount of damage equal to that of your unarmed strike, natural attack, armor spikes, or a light or one-handed weapon you are holding. You can choose to make this damage either lethal or nonlethal.

Pin: If you decide to pin your target, the target gains the pinned condition. You continue to have the grappled condition, but lose your Dexterity bonus to AC until you are no longer pinning the target.

Tie Up a Grappled or Pinned Creature: If you have a rope in your hands, and you are grappling or pinning a foe, you can attempt a grapple combat maneuver check at a –10 penalty to tie up that foe. If you're successful, the ropes pin the creature until they are removed or the pinned foe succeeds at a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check (DC = 20 + your CMB).

Deliver a Coup de Grace (Complex; 3 Acts): You use a melee weapon to deliver a coup de grace to a helpless foe that isn't immune to critical hits. You can also use a ranged weapon, but you must be adjacent to the foe. When you take this action, you automatically hit and confirm a critical hit. If the foe survives the damage, it must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + the damage dealt) or die.

Detect Forgery (3 Acts): You use Linguistics to examine a single page to detect a forgery.

Dirty Trick (Combat; 2 Acts): You attempt a dirty trick combat maneuver check. If you're successful, the target gains one of the following conditions: blinded, dazzled, deafened, entangled, shaken, or sickened. This condition lasts for 1 round. For every 5 by which your combat maneuver check exceeds the target's CMD, the condition lasts for 1 additional round. The target or an ally adjacent to the target can remove the condition by committing 1 act. Removing a condition applied by a dirty trick does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Disable Device (Complex; At Least 3 Acts): You attempt to unlock a lock or disable another device. For every round the action takes, you must commit 3 acts. These acts may or may not need to be consecutive based on the nature of the device. For example, acts committed to open a lock or disable a trap must nearly always be consecutive. The GM may rule that some complex devices take more than 3 acts to disable; for example, a complex arcane machine that will cause a devastating calamity in 1 minute could take 10 acts to disable, though the acts may not need to be consecutive.

Drag (Combat; 2 Acts): You try to drag a foe that is no more than one size category larger than you 5 or more feet in a straight line. Attempt a drag combat maneuver check. If you succeed, you move 5 feet in one direction, and your opponent moves with you, staying adjacent to you. For every 5 by which your combat maneuver check exceeds the target's CMD, you can move 5 additional feet in the same direction. You can't drag a creature a distance greater than your speed with this advanced action. The target's movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity unless you have the Greater Drag feat.

Drink a Liquid or Apply an Oil (Complex; 2 Acts): You drink a potion, elixir, or another liquid, or apply an oil, gaining that liquid or oil's effects when the drinking or application is complete.

Escape from a Net (Complex; 2 Acts): You attempt to escape from a net entangling you. Attempt a DC 20 Escape Artist check; if you succeed, you escape from the net.

Extinguish Flames (Complex; 2 Acts): When on fire, you can roll on the ground or smother the fire with cloaks or similar objects to attempt another saving throw with a +4 bonus. If the saving throw is successful, you are no longer on fire.

Find Tracks (At Least 3 Acts): You use Survival to find tracks. This requires at least 3 consecutive acts and may take more, as determined by the GM. If you lose a trail, it takes longer to try again.

Initiate a Grapple (Attack; 2 Acts): You initiate a grapple against a creature within your melee reach.

Light a Torch (Complex; 3 Acts): You light a torch with a flint and steel.

Load a Heavy or Repeating Crossbow (Complex; 2 acts): You load a bolt in a heavy crossbow or place a new case of 5 bolts into a repeating crossbow.

Load a One-Handed Early Firearm (Complex; 2 Acts): You load a single barrel of a one-handed early firearm. If you have the Rapid Reload feat for that firearm, this is reduced to a simple action.

Load a Two-Handed Early Firearm (Complex; 3 Acts): You load a single barrel of a two-handed early firearm. If you have the Rapid Reload feat for that firearm, you need commit only 2 acts to reload that firearm.

Lock or Unlock a Weapon in a Locked Gauntlet (Complex; 2 Acts): You either lock a weapon into a locked gauntlet or unlock a weapon already fastened to a locked gauntlet.

Make All Natural Attacks (Attack; 3 Acts): A creature that is using only its natural attacks can make all its natural attacks with this action instead of making separate attacks with attack simple actions.

Prepare a Flask of Oil as a Splash Weapon (Complex; 2 Acts): You prepare a flask of oil with a fuse so that you can throw it as a splash weapon.

Provide First Aid, Treat a Wound, or Treat Poison (Complex; 2 Acts): You provide first aid, treat a wound, or treat poison using the Heal skill.

Push an Animal (3 Acts): You attempt a Handle Animal check to get an animal to perform a trick it doesn't know but is physically capable of doing, or to push the animal to its limits. If the animal has taken hit point damage, nonlethal damage, or ability score damage, the DC of this check increases by 2. Characters with animal companions, such as druids or rangers, can push their companions as simple actions instead.

Reposition (Combat; 2 Acts): You attempt a repositioncombat maneuver check against a foe that is no more than one size category larger than you. If you succeed, you force that foe to move 5 feet. For every 5 by which your check exceeds the target's Combat Maneuver Defense, you can move that target an additional 5 feet. When you reposition the target, it must stay within your threatened area during all but the last 5 feet of the reposition movement, which can be to a space adjacent to your threatened area.

Run (Move; 3 Acts): You move four times your speed in a straight line. When you do, you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.

You can run for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution score; each round after that, you must succeed at a Constitution check to continue running (DC = 10 + 1 per previous check). If you fail, you stop running and are staggered for a number of minutes equal to 10 – your Constitution bonus (minimum 1).

Sleight of Hand (Complex; 2 Acts): You use Sleight of Hand to palm an object or perform some feat of legerdemain. You can attempt this as a simple action by taking a –20 penalty on the check. In either case, if your check fails by 5 or more, you provoke an attack of opportunity from any creature from which you are trying to take an object with this action.

Spellstrike (Complex; 2 Acts): You cast a spell from the magus spell list with a range of touch, but instead of making a touch attack, you make a melee attack with a weapon you are wielding. If the attack hits, the attack deals its normal damage as well as any effects of the spell. You must have the spellstrike class feature to take this action.

Steal (Combat; 2 Acts): You attempt a steal combat maneuver check against a foe within your melee reach (not counting expanded reach from reach weapons). You must have at least one hand free, and must select the item to be stolen before attempting the check. Items fastened to a foe grant the foe a +5 (or higher) bonus to its CMD against this attempt, and items securely worn can't be stolen in this way. If you're successful, you take the item you chose from the opponent.

Total Defense (2 Acts): You concentrate on defense rather than attacking. Until the start of your next turn, you can't take actions with the attack subtype, and you gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC. If you already took an attack action earlier in the turn, you gain only a +2 dodge bonus to AC. If you have at least 3 ranks in Acrobatics, these bonuses increase to +6 and +3, respectively.

Use a Command Word Item (2 Acts): You activate a magic item with a command word.

Use a Spell Completion Item (Complex; 2 Acts): You cast a spell with a casting time of 1 standard action from a spell completion item. This isn't an attack action, even if the spell requires a ranged attack roll. If you provoke attacks of opportunity when casting the spell, you don't provoke further attacks when making the ranged attack roll.

Use a Spell Trigger Item (2 Acts): You cast a spell from a spell trigger item. This isn't an attack action, even if the spell requires a ranged attack roll. If you provoke attacks of opportunity when casting the spell, you don't provoke further attacks when making the ranged attack roll.

Use a Standard-Action Supernatural Ability (2 Acts): You use a supernatural ability that can be used as a standard action in the default action economy.

Use a Touch Spell on up to Six Allies (Complex; 3 Acts): If you cast a spell that allows you to touch targets over multiple rounds, this action allows you to touch up to six willing creatures within your melee reach (not counting expanded reach from reach weapons).

Free Actions
Unless stated otherwise in the action's description, a free action can be taken only on your turn. Theoretically, you can take as many free actions in a turn as you wish, though the GM may apply reasonable limitations on free actions. For instance, although speaking is a free action, since a round is only 6 seconds in length, your GM might stop you from spouting off a long diatribe during your turn (or between turns), and may even rule that if you are casting a rather complex spell with a verbal component, you aren't able to verbally warn your companions of some danger that you notice before they do. Typically, this limitation shouldn't be applied to reloading ranged weapons as a free action.

Sometimes a free action stipulates that you can take it only in conjunction with another action, or at a certain time during your turn. In these cases, you must take any requisite actions before you can take the free action.

The following are the main free actions of this system.

Cast Defensively: When casting a spell, you can take a free action to do so defensively. You must attempt a concentration check (DC = 15 + double the spell's level). If you succeed, that spell loses the complex subtype for that casting. If you fail, you lose the spell.

Cease Concentrating on a Spell: You cease concentrating on a spell that you have cast.

Draw and Nock an Arrow: You draw and nock an arrow to a longbow or shortbow.

Drop an Item: You drop a held item into a square within your space or within your melee reach (not counting the expanded reach from a reach weapon, unless you are dropping that weapon).

Drop Prone: You drop prone within your space.

Fight Defensively: At the start of your turn, you can choose to fight defensively. When you do, you take a –4 penalty on all attack rolls, but gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. If you have at least 3 ranks in Acrobatics, the dodge bonus increases to +3.

Identify a Spell Being Cast: You use Spellcraft to identify a spell being cast. Unlike other free actions, you can take this action even when it is not your turn.

Prepare Spell Components or a Spell Focus: While casting a spell, you prepare a material spell component or a spell focus. If this component or spell focus is particularly large or unwieldy, your GM might rule that this instead takes a simple action, or even an advanced action.

Recall Knowledge: You attempt a Knowledge check to recall a detail in one of your fields of study, or to identify a monster and its abilities.

Speak: You speak for no more than a few words using one or more free actions. Unlike other free actions, this action can be taken even when it's not your turn.

Use a Free-Action Ability: You use an ability that can be used as a free action in the default action economy. If the ability must be used as part of another action, you must take that action before taking this free action.

The following are the main reactions of this system.

Complete a Readied Action (Varies): When you have readied an action or advanced action, when the trigger you designate occurs, you can take that action. Unlike in the default action economy, your place in the initiative order does not change. This reaction's subtype is the same as the readied action's subtype.

Make an Attack of Opportunity: When a foe you threaten provokes an attack of opportunity, you can make a single melee attack against that foe.

Spend a Use of an Attack of Opportunity: If an ability you possess allows you to spend a use of an attack of opportunity to perform some other action in the default action economy, that action is a reaction in this system.

Use an Immediate-Action Ability: You can use an ability that can be used as an immediate action in the default action economy, as long as any conditions to use that ability are met.

Two-Weapon Fighting and Flurry of Blows
When you fight with a second weapon in your off hand or with a double weapon, you can make two attacks with the first attack simple action you take during your turn: one with your primary hand and another with your off hand. You take penalties on these attack rolls as listed on Table: Two-Weapon Fighting Penalties in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Any other attack simple actions you take during your turn allow only one attack roll, using either the weapon in your primary hand or the one in your off hand.

If you have the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you can make two attack rolls on both the first and second attack simple actions taken during your turn; both of the attacks made on the second attack action are made at a –5 penalty. Further attack simple actions taken during the same turn allow only one attack roll, using either the weapon in your primary hand or the one in your off hand.

If you have the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you can make two attacks on each of your attack simple actions on your turn, though you take all the normal penalties for two-weapon fighting, as well as the cumulative –5 penalty per attack simple action (all attacks made as part of the same attack action have the same penalty).

The flurry of blows class feature works in a similar way. At 1st level, you can make an additional attack with a –2 penalty on your first attack simple action during a turn. At 8th level, you can make an additional attack on both your first and second attack simple actions during your turn. At 15th level, you can make an additional attack on each of your attack simple actions during your turn. You must, of course, take all the penalties associated with those attacks.

Converting Other Actions
While the list of actions in this section is long and covers most of the major actions in the game, it's not exhaustive. There are many actions that are not covered in these pages. The following are guidelines for converting such actions from the default action economy to this one.

Free Actions Are Always Free Actions: A free action in the default action economy is a free action in this one. Free actions typically don't have a subtype, and thus don't provoke attacks of opportunity. Keep in mind that some free actions are used in conjunction with other actions—that's still true in this system. To use such a free action, you must take the other action it supports.

Swift Actions Are Always Simple Actions: A swift action in the default action economy is always a simple action in this system. You need commit only 1 act to take that action. In rare cases, a GM might want to limit a given swift action to only once per turn.

Move Actions Are Always Simple Actions: A move action in the default action economy is always a simple action in this system.

Standard-Action Attacks Are Typically Simple Actions: Most actions that involve an attack roll or a combat maneuver check as a standard action in the standard economy are simple actions in this system. For combat maneuvers that can't be substituted for one attack in a full-attack action and other complicated attacks, consider making them attack actions that require further consecutive acts to complete. Look at combat maneuvers such as drag, grapple, and reposition for examples of such actions.

Standard-Action Supernatural and Spell-Like Abilities Are Advanced Actions: Typically, these actions are advanced actions that require 2 acts. Supernatural abilities tend not to have a subtype (unless they involve movement or attacking, in which case it might be fitting to grant them those subtypes), and spell-like abilities typically have the complex subtype.

Full-Round Actions Are Advanced Actions: Full-round actions are nearly always advanced actions that require a consecutive 3-act commitment. (See the charge advanced action for an example of one that doesn't require 3 acts.)

Final Considerations
Some spells and abilities in the game grant extra actions. The two benchmark abilities are the Combat Reflexes feat and the haste spell. The following describes how to use these in this system, which should serve as a guide for how to fit in similar abilities.

Combat Reflexes: If you have this feat, you can take a number of additional reactions between your turns equal to your Dexterity bonus, but those reactions can be used only to make attacks of opportunity. You gain all the other abilities of this feat.

Haste: When under the effects of haste, you gain 1 additional act each round, which can be used only to take an attack simple action. This doesn't stack with any other effect that grants an increase in your number of acts per turn. If you have multiple effects that give you additional acts, you can pick only one such effect to benefit from each turn. You gain all the other benefits of the spell.
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-11, 周日 17:25:09 由 白貓 »
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

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Re: 【Unchained】修訂版行動經濟(Revised Action Economy)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-03-09, 周五 23:43:56 »
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

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  • Chivary
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Re: 【Unchained】修訂動作經濟(Revised Action Economy)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-03-10, 周六 00:21:11 »
行动规划 比 动作经济 运动理财
更好些吧…… :em003

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Re: 【Unchained】修訂動作經濟(Revised Action Economy)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-03-10, 周六 00:40:02 »
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

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Re: 【Unchained】修訂動作經濟(Revised Action Economy)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-03-10, 周六 01:03:16 »


« 上次编辑: 2018-03-10, 周六 01:06:49 由 弑君者伊恩 »


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Re: 【Unchained】修訂版動作系統(Revised Action Economy)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-03-11, 周日 14:52:38 »

目標或與目標鄰接的盟友可以通過採取1動作【此处应为act 行动】來移除該狀態。去除陰招所導致的狀態不會觸發藉機攻擊。
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-11, 周日 15:00:08 由 realthrall »

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Re: 【Unchained】修訂版動作系統(Revised Action Economy)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2018-03-11, 周日 17:30:22 »
感謝修正。雖然在奔跑的選項裡沒說,不過重甲應該還是受到三倍限制吧,所以直接花三個行動走三次不就好了 :em003
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

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Re: 【Unchained】修訂版動作系統(Revised Action Economy)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2018-03-12, 周一 11:05:27 »
感謝修正。雖然在奔跑的選項裡沒說,不過重甲應該還是受到三倍限制吧,所以直接花三個行動走三次不就好了 :em003

高阶武僧第二次攻击简易动作,进行一次没有罚值的额外攻击。 (或者干脆也放到第一个攻击简易工作,直接打三下?)

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Re: 【Unchained】修訂版動作系統(Revised Action Economy)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2018-03-12, 周一 17:55:23 »
掉鏈僧真的很無腦打  你說的兩種我覺得都可以,看GM怎麼設定,既然官方也當作看不見的話 :em005

其實這系統也沒有辦法很好的轉換原本的動作系統,剛剛想到核心和掉鏈僧都可以迅捷動作花一點氣,多打一下,在這系統裡..... 頂多把-10的那下替換成滿BAB的攻擊,但不會多出額外的攻擊。
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-12, 周一 18:02:00 由 白貓 »
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

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Re: 【Unchained】修訂版動作系統(Revised Action Economy)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2018-03-13, 周二 15:53:32 »