作者 主题: 【MA】通用道途能力(Universal Path Abilities)  (阅读 35454 次)

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【MA】通用道途能力(Universal Path Abilities)
« 于: 2013-10-20, 周日 02:22:04 »
通用道途能力(Universal Path Abilities)

1阶通用道途能力(1st-Tier Universal Path Abilities)

问道本源(Commune with Power,Su):当你在冒险中遭遇问题而左右为难时,可以利用自身的神话力量来寻求答案。每日1次,你可以执行特殊的仪式,花费1小时的时间不断冥想,以此来与你的力量之源进行沟通。该能力视同通神术(Commune),并使用你的阶层作为施法者等级。你的力量之源可能受制于自身的知识无法回答,也可能能够提供答案,这些都由DM来决定。

魅力显现(Display of Charisma,Su):以自由动作,你可以花费1次神话之力来尝试一项关于魅力的技艺(a feat of Charisma),这使你在一次基于魅力的技能检定或者魅力属性检定中获得+20环境加值。

体质显现(Display of Constitution,Su):以自由动作,你可以花费1次神话之力来尝试一项关于体质的技艺(a feat of Constitution),这使你在一次体质属性检定中获得+20环境加值。除此之外,你也能够将能力用于对抗高温(heat)、寒冷(cold)、疲乏(fatigue)和力竭(exhaustion)的体质检定,在这么做的时候视为你的体质属性获得+20环境加值,持续等同于你的神话阶层个小时。

敏捷显现(Display of Dexterity,Su):以自由动作,你可以花费1次神话之力来尝试一项关于敏捷的技艺(a feat of Dexterity),这使你在一次基于敏捷的技能检定或者敏捷属性检定中获得+20环境加值。

智力显现(Display of Intelligence,Su):以自由动作,你可以花费1次神话之力来尝试一项关于智力的技艺(a feat of Intelligence),这使你在一次基于智力的技能检定或者智力属性检定中获得+20环境加值。

力量显现(Display of Strength,Su):以自由动作,你可以花费1次神话之力来尝试一项关于力量的技艺(a feat of Strength),这使你在一次基于力量的技能检定或者力量属性检定中获得+20环境加值。除此之外,你也能够将该能力用于判定自身的负重能力,在这么做的时候视为你的力量属性获得+20环境加值,持续等同于你的神话阶层个小时。

感知显现(Display of Wisdom,Su):以自由动作,你可以花费1次神话之力来尝试一项关于感知的技艺(a feat of Wisdom),这使你在一次基于感知的技能检定或者感知属性检定中获得+20环境加值。

额外神话专长(Extra Mythic Feat,Ex):你获得一个额外神话专长。你可以选取该能力的次数等同于你的神话阶层的一半(最低为1)。每当你这么做的时候,你会获得另一个神话专长。

额外神话之力(Extra Mythic Power,Su):你每日能够呼唤自身的神话之力的次数额外增加2次。你最多只能选取3次该能力。

传说物品(Legendary Item,Ex):你获得一个传说物品(见169页)。这个物品获得能力的数量等同于你的阶层(最高为3)。第3阶起,你能够第二次选择该能力,使能力数量上限提升至6,同时该物品成为次等神器(lesser artifact)。第6阶起,你能够再一次选取该能力,物品的能力数量上限提升至10;物品成为高等神器(greater artifact)。


神工巧匠(Mythic Craft,Ex):当你使用工艺技能创造物品时,每个检定会提供双倍进展。此外,当你精制物品时只需要单纯支付开销,无需增加制作物品的时间或者尝试额外的检定。将你的阶层加到任何与制作魔法物品相关的技能检定中。

神话施法能力(Mythic Spellcasting,Ex):你能够习得数量等同于你的阶层个神话法术,并且能够在施放这些法术时花费神话之力强化效果。要选择神话法术,你必须能够施放非神话版本的对应法术或者将其添加到你的已知法术列表中。每当你达到新的阶层时,你能够额外选择一个神话法术。你至多能够选取3次该能力。每当你额外选取该能力之后,你就能额外选取数量等同于你的阶层个神话法术,并且在你达到新的阶层时额外选取1个神话法术。

神力供养(Mythic Sustenance,Su):你的神话之力足矣维持你的生存所需。你不再需要进食、饮水或者呼吸便能活下去。你免疫吸入毒素或者任何需要呼吸的法术或效果,但是你仍旧受到任何摄入身体的食物或饮料影响。

看透黑暗(Pierce the Darkness,Sp):你获得永久性的60尺黑暗视觉,如同怪物通用能力一般。若你有黑暗视觉,那么范围增加60尺。

3阶通用道途能力(3rd-Tier Universal Path Abilities)

超越阵营(Beyond Morality,Ex):你没有阵营。你能够成为任何职业的一员,即便是带有阵营要求的也一样,而且你永远不会因为阵营变更而失去自身的资格。若你违反了任何自身职业中的守则或准则的话,你仍旧会失去这些职业的某些能力,具体由DM决定。对你的阵营所进行的侦测尝试都不会得到任何结果。若职业会限制你施放带有阵营描述符的法术,你能够施放此类法术而不必承受限制或后果。若你是基于阵营的法术或效果的目标,那么当确定法术对你的效果时,你被视为最有利的阵营。任何改变阵营的法术均对你无效。若你失去本能力的效果,你会恢复到自身原本的阵营。

神力之源(Divine Source,Su):你能够赋予那些追随你的人以神术能力,允许他们在确定自身的法术与领域时,如同选择神祗一般选择你。当你获取该能力时要选择2个领域。如果可能的话,这些领域必须是与你的阵营相符的阵营领域,除非你是中立阵营。你获得使用这些领域的能力,就如同你是神祗一般。对于通过追随你获得法术的生物来说,他们不能准备任何等级高于你的阶层的每日法术;他们会失去这些法术位。此外,你能够施放来自你所获取的领域的法术,不过法术等级不能超过你的阶层。每天以类法术能力,每个法术等级一次,你能够施放小于等于你的阶层的法术(这些法术要从你的神力之源的可用领域中选取)。若你是牧师或者你崇拜某个神祗,你可以将自己的法术领域变更为你能够赋予他人的那些领域。在第6阶与第9阶,你能够再次选择该能力,每次选择都会将一个领域与两个子域(见进阶玩者手册)到你的列表中,并将这些领域的法术添加到你能施放的法术列表中。

增强属性(Enhanced Ability,Ex):你选择一项属性,该属性永久获得+2加值。你至多可以选取6次这个道途能力。每次选取都必须应用到不同的属性上。

无畏(Fearless,Su):在这个世界上已经很少有什么事物能够唤起你内心的恐惧了。你免疫所有来自非神话来源的恐惧效果(fear effects)。在判断该能力的作用时,来自神话来源的恐惧效果仍旧算作神话能力。

纯洁之躯(Pure Body,Su):你的身躯是如此纯洁,以至于你能够免疫所有非神话疾病(diseases)与毒素(poisons)。在判断该能力的作用时,来自神话来源的疾病与毒素仍旧算作神话能力。

纯粹命运(Pure Destiny,Su):你的神话命运在冥冥之中受到引导。你免疫所有非神话诅咒(curses)与胁迫(compulsions)。在判断该能力的作用时,来自神话来源的诅咒与胁迫仍旧算作神话能力。

纯净感官(Pure Senses,Su):你的感官出奇地敏锐。你免疫非神话来源导致的目盲(blindness)与耳聋(deafness)。在判断该能力的作用时,来自神话来源的这些效果仍旧算作神话能力。

无眠(Sleepless,Su):你不再需要睡眠,也不会由于缺乏睡眠而变得疲乏或力竭,并且免疫睡眠效果(sleep effects)。若你有需要进行休息才能恢复使用次数的能力或者职业能力,那么每日1次,你能够选择进行1小时的冥想来恢复它们。

才华横溢(Ultimate Versatility,Ex):每日1次,你能够暂时改变一项对你的职业能力做出的决定。这个改变持续的分钟数等同于你的阶层。在这段时间内,你总被视为拥有新职业能力。例如:你能够使用该能力来改变你对奥术联结(arcane bond)职业能力做出的决定,使你的联结物品(bonded item)消失(连同它带来的所有优势与限制),之后魔宠(familiar)出现在它所在的地方。该能力不会影响任何已准备的法术或者你已经施放的法术。若新能力具有每日限定的使用次数,你会获得正常使用次数的一半(最低1次)。当该能力结束时,你先前的选择恢复,并且使用次数回到与使用本能力之前相同的次数。若你使用该能力变更任何赋予法术使用能力的职业能力(比如术士血统、女巫庇护主、领域或学派),你会失去任何原有选择带来的法术使用权,而且还不会获得施放新法术的能力。当该效果结束时,先前的法术恢复并且重新恢复施放权。若专长或技能是通过职业能力获得的,那么你也能够使用该能力进行变更,但是任何将消失掉的专长或技能作为先决条件的能力均无会在本能力生效时失去作用。


6阶通用道途能力(3rd-Tier Universal Path Abilities)

神行(Farwalker,Sp):主物质位面(Material Plane)的疆界对你来说不算什么。每日1次,你能够使用异界传送(plane shift),使用你的阶层的两倍作为你的施法者等级。该能力可以选取两次。当你第二次选取该能力时,你能够每日使用3次异界传送。

神威(Mythic Presence,Su):你的力量会使凡人失去勇气。通过花费1次神话之力,你能够获得类似气势凶猛(frightful presence)的效果,不过会依照你的阶层(怪物则使用神话等级)来替代生命骰,用于判断其他生物受到的影响。非神话生物会在豁免失败之后恐慌(panicked)1分钟,豁免成功也要战栗(shaken)1分钟。对于自身的神话阶层或等级小于等于你的阶层的生物来说,豁免成功则不受影响,豁免失败则会战栗1分钟。而对于自身的神话阶层或等级大于你的阶层的生物来说,则不会受到你的神威影响。对抗你的神威的意志豁免DC等同于10 + 你的阶层 + 你的魅力调整值。该能力持续1分钟并且范围为30尺。

神眼(Mythic Sight,Sp):当你选取该能力时,你获得30尺范围的盲感(blind sense)。该能力可以选取两次。第二次选取之后你能够看到幻象(illusions)或魔法假象(magical deceptions)之后的真实样子,如同使用真知术(true seeing)一般。该能力不适用于其他神话生物所施放、或者正在影响其他神话生物的幻象或魔法假象。若该能力被驱散(dispelled),你能够以自由动作将其恢复。


劇透 -   :
Universal Path Abilities
In addition to the abilities granted to specific paths, mythic characters can select from the following path abilities when reaching a new mythic tier. These path abilities apply to all mythic characters.

1st-Tier Universal Path Abilities
You can select these path abilities at any tier.

Commune with Power {Su): You can tap into your mythic nature to seek answers to the quandaries you encounter in your adventures. Once per day, in a special ritual that requires you to spend i hour of uninterrupted meditation, you can commune with the source of your power. This acts as the commune spell, using your tier as your caster level. The s ource of your power may be limited in the knowledge it possesses or can deliver, as decided upon by the GM.

Display of Charisma {Su): As a free action, you can expend one use of mythic power to attempt a feat of Charisma, gaining a +20 circumstance bonus on one Charisma-based skill check or Charisma ability check.

Display of Constitution (Su): As a free action, you can expend one use of mythic power to attempt a feat of Constitution, gaining a +20 circumstance bonus on one Constitution ability check. Alternatively, you can use this ability to apply a +20 circumstance bonus to your Constitution score for a number of hours equal to your mythic tier for the purpose of making Constitution checks against heat, cold, fatigue, and exhaustion.

Display of Dexterity {Su): As a free action, you can expend one use of mythic power to attempt a feat of Dexterity, gaining a +20 circumstance bonus on one Dexterity-based skill check or Dexterity ability check.

Display of Intelligence (Su): As a free action, you can expend one use of mythic power to attempt a feat of Intelligence, gaining a +20 circumstance bonus on one Intelligence-based skill check or Intelligence ability check.

Display of Strength (Su): As a free action, you can expend one use of mythic power to attempt a feat of Strength, gaining a +20 circumstance bonus on one Strength-based skill check or Strength ability check. Alternatively, you can use this ability to apply a +20 circumstance bonus to your Strength score for a number of hours equal to your mythic tier for the purpose of determining your carrying capacity.

Display ofWisdom {Su): As a free action, you can expend one use of mythic power to attempt a feat of Wisdom, gaining a +20 circumstance bonus on one Wisdom-based skill check or Wisdom ability check.

Extra Mythic Feat (Ex): You gain an extra mythic feat. You can take this ability a number of times equal to half your mythic tier (minimum i). Each time you do, you gain another mythic feat.

Extra Mythic Power {Su): You can call upon your mythic power two additional times per day. You can select this ability up to three times.

Legendary Item (Ex): You gain a legendary item (see page 169). This item grants a number of abilities equal to your tier (maximum 3). At 3rd tier, you can select this ability again, increasing the maximum to six abilities and causing the item to become a lesser artifact. At 6th tier, you can select this ability again, increasing the maximum to 10 abilities; the item then becomes a greater artifact.

Longevity (Su): Upon taking this ability, you can no longer die from old age. If you have penalties to your physical ability scores due to aging, you no longer take those penalties. You still continue to age, and you gain all the benefits to your mental ability scores.

Mythic Craft (Ex): When you use the Craft skill to create an item, you double the progress each check provides. In addition, you can make an item masterwork simply by paying for the cost, and don't need to increase the time to create the item or attempt additional checks. Add your tier to any skill checks associated with making magic items.

Mythic Spellcasting (Ex): You can learn a number of mythic spells equal to your tier and can expend mythic power when casting them to enhance the results. To select a mythic spell, you must be able to cast the non-mythic version or have it on your list of spells known. Every time you gain a new tier, you can select an additional mythic spell. You can take this ability up to three times. Each additional time you take it, you can select an additional number of spells equal to your tier and you gain one additional mythic spell whenever you gain a tier.

Mythic Sustenance (Su): Your mythic power is enough to sustain you. You no longer need to eat, drink, or breathe to live. You're immune to inhaled poisons and any spell or effect that requires breathing, though you are still affected by any food or drink you intake.

Pierce the Darkness (Sp): You gain permanent darkvision with a 60-foot range, as the universal monster ability. If you possess darkvision, the range increases by 60 feet.

3rd-Tier Universal Path Abilities
You must be at least 3rd tier to select these path abilities.

Beyond Morality (Ex): You have no alignment. You can become a member of any class, even one with an alignment requirement, and can never lose your membership because of a change in alignment. If you violate the code of ethics of any of your clas ses, you might still lose acces s to certain features of such classes, subject to GM discretion. Attempts to detect your alignment don't return any results. If a class restricts you from casting spells with an alignment descriptor, you can cast such spells without restrictions or repercussions. If you're the target of a spell or effect that is based on alignment, you're treated as the most favorable alignment when determining the spell's effect on you. Any effects that alter alignment have no effect on you. If you lose this effect, you revert to your previous alignment.

Divine Source (Su): You can grant divine spells to those who follow your cause, allowing them to select you as their deity for the purposes of determining their spells and domains. Select two domains upon taking this ability. These domains must be alignment domains matching your alignment if possible, unless your alignment is neutral. You grant access to these domains as if you were a deity. Creatures that gain spells from you don't receive any spells per day of levels higher than your tier; they lose those spell slots. In addition, you can cast spells from domains you grant as long as their level is equal to or less than your tier. Each day as a spell-like ability, you can cast one spell of each level equal to or less than your tier (selecting from those available to you from your divine source domains). If you're a cleric or you venerate a deity, you may change your spell domains to those you grant others. At 6th tier and 9th tier, you can select this ability again, adding one domain and two subdomains (see the Advanced Player's Guide) to your list each time and adding their spells to the list of those that you can cast.

Enhanced Ability (Ex): You gain a permanent +2 bonus to one ability s core of your choice. You can s elect this path ability up to six times. Each time you do, it must apply to a different ability score.

Fearless (Su): Few things in the world still inspire fear in you. You are immune to all fear effects from nonmythic sources. Fear effects from mythic sources count as mythic for the purposes of this ability.

Pure Body (Su): Your body is so pure that you're immune to all non-mythic diseases and poisons. Diseases and poisons from mythic sources count as mythic for the purposes of this ability.

Pure Destiny (Su): Your mythic destiny is guided by providence. You're immune to all non-mythic curs e s and compulsions. Curses and compulsions fr o m mythic sources count as mythic for the purposes of this ability.

Pure Senses (Su): Your senses are extraordinarily keen. You're immune to blindnes s and deafne s s caused by nonmythic sources. Such effects from mythic sources count as mythic for the purposes of this ability.

Sleepless (Su): You no longer require sleep, don't become fatigued or exhausted from lack of sleep, and are immune to sleep effects. If you have abilities or clas s features that require rest before they can be regained, you can choose to regain them once per day by spending I hour in uninterrupted meditation.

Ultimate Versatility (Ex): Once per day, you can temporarily change one decision made for one of your clas s features. This change lasts for a number of minutes equal to your tier. During this time, you're treated as if you had always had the new class feature. For example, you could use this ability to change the decision made with the arcane bond class feature, causing your bonded item to disappear (along with all ofits bonuses and restrictions) and a familiar to appear in its place. This doesn't affect any prepared spells or spells you have already cast. If the new ability is limited in its uses per day, you receive half the normal number of uses (minimum i). When this ability ends, your previous choice returns with the same number of uses as before you used this ability. If you use this ability to change a class feature that grants acces s to spells (such as a bloodline, patron, domain, or school), you lose acces s to any spells from the old choice but don't gain the ability to cast new spells. When the effect ends, the previous spells return and can be cast again. You can use this ability to change a feat or skill if you receive it from a class feature, but any other abilities that rely on the missing feat or skill as a prerequisite don't function while this ability is in effect.

Unchanging (Su): Your form is so stable that you become immune to non-mythic polymorph and petrification effects. Polymorph and petrification from mythic sources count as mythic for the purposes of this ability.

6th-Tier Universal Path Abilities
You must be at least 6th tier to select these path abilities.

Farwalker (Sp): The boundaries of the Material Plane mean little to you. You can plane shift once per day, using double your tier as your caster level. You can take this ability twice. When you take it a s econd time, you can use this ability three times per day.

Mythic Presence (Su): Your power unnerves ordinary mortals. By expending one use of mythic power, you gain an effect similar to frightful presence, except that creatures are affected according to their tier (or rank, in the case of monsters) instead of their Hit Dice. Non-mythic creatures that fail their saves are panicked for i minute, and those that succeed are shaken for i minute. Creatures with a mythic tier or rank equal to or less than your tier are unaffected if they succeed, and are shaken for I minute if they fail. Creatures with a mythic tier or rank higher than yours are unaffected by your mythic presence. The Will save against your mythic presence equals 10 + your tier + your Charisma modifier. This ability lasts for i minute and has a range of 30 feet.

Mythic Sight (Sp): When you take this ability, you gain blind sense out to a range of30 feet. You can take this ability twice. The second time you take it, you can see illusions and magical deceptions for what they truly are, as if using true seein!J. This ability doesn't apply to illusions and magical effects that were cast by other mythic creatures or that are affecting other mythic creatures. If this ability is dispelled, you can resume it as a free action.

Tongues (Sp): You can understand and speak any language, as the tongues spell. If this ability is dispelled, you can resume it as a free action.
« 上次编辑: 2015-02-07, 周六 10:37:35 由 月夜白雨 »

离线 傻豆

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Re: 【MA】通用道途能力(Universal Path Abilities)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-10-20, 周日 02:41:00 »

* 傻豆 膜拜

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Re: 【MA】通用道途能力(Universal Path Abilities)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2013-10-20, 周日 06:43:34 »
 If you're a cleric or you venerate a deity, you may change your spell domains to those you grant others.


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Re: 【MA】通用道途能力(Universal Path Abilities)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2013-10-20, 周日 09:14:45 »
If you're a cleric or you venerate a deity, you may change your spell domains to those you grant others.



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Re: 【MA】通用道途能力(Universal Path Abilities)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2015-02-07, 周六 10:30:08 »
3阶通用道途能力(3rd-Tier Universal Path Abilities)


校譯 神話




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Re: 【MA】通用道途能力(Universal Path Abilities)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2017-11-09, 周四 15:31:10 »

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Re: 【MA】通用道途能力(Universal Path Abilities)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2017-11-09, 周四 16:07:21 »


离线 zhongnanfeng

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Re: 【MA】通用道途能力(Universal Path Abilities)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2019-12-16, 周一 09:15:29 »
神力之源(Divine Source,Su)获得的领域法术,是只能以类法术施法(每个法术等级一次类法术?),还是可以添加到法术列表中一法术位施法?