作者 主题: 【PoP】裂隙守卫(Riftwarden)  (阅读 9554 次)

副标题: 可惜不能变身高达

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« 于: 2013-03-29, 周五 23:46:43 »
作为维护伟大彼岸(the Great Beyond)的完整与稳定的守护者,裂隙守卫们能够在多元宇宙的任何地方找出并打击他们最仇恨的敌人——黑炎使者。他们如同向导与看守者一般在伟大彼岸中旅行。誓言保护位面间的界限,并惩罚那些为了自身的邪恶目的而企图利用位面之门(planar gateways)的恶徒。
生命骰(Hit Die):d8

专长(Feats):法术专攻:防护(Spell Focus,abjuration),法术穿透(Spell Penetration)
法术(Spells):能够以法术或类法术能力施放反邪恶法阵(magic circle against evil)

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数(Skill Ranks at Each Level):4 + 智力调整值

等级  BAB  强韧  反射  意志  职业能力每日法术
3级+2+2+1+2根绝 +1+1施法者等级
6级+4+3+2+3根绝 +2+1施法者等级
7级+5+4+2+4精通反制传送,位面向导  +1施法者等级
9级+6+5+3+5根绝 +3

职业能力(Class Features)

武器与护甲擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):裂隙守卫不获得任何额外的武器或护甲擅长。

反制召唤(Counter-Summons)(Su):裂隙守卫可以以准备动作使用召唤怪物法术或类法术能力(summon monster spell or spelllike ability)进行法术反制,即使施放召唤怪物法术需要整轮动作(1 full round)。当以此方式使用召唤怪物(summon monster)时,它被视为通过使用法术瞬发(Quicken Spell)超魔专长将施法速度加快至迅捷动作,而法术等级并不会增加,并且这也只能被用于反制法术。当召唤怪物被用于反制法术时,它能够反制任何相同或更低等级的咒法系(召唤)法术或类法术能力,包括异界生物的召唤能力。

位面向导(Planar Guide)(Ex):在1级以及之后每3个等级时,裂隙守卫可以从后述好处中选择一种。每个好处她都能选择1次以上,每次必须应用于不同的位面或异界生物亚种。这些加值与任何其他职业带来的类似加值叠加,但是与游侠的能力不同,这些加值无法在选择新的敌人或地形时获得提升。
劇透 -   :
宿敌(Favored Enemy):选择一种异界生物亚种作为宿敌(如同游侠职业能力)。

偏好地形(Favored Terrain):选择一种主物质位面之外的位面作为你的偏好地形(如同游侠职业能力)。

地形熟稔(Terrain Mastery):选择一种位面获得地形熟稔(如同大地旅者职业能力;进阶玩家手册 265页,果园链接在此)。裂隙守卫在获得某种位面的地形熟稔之前,必须将相应的位面选为偏好地形。

位面导能(Planar Channel)(Su):2级起,裂隙守卫能够引导有害能量(baneful energies)对抗属于跨位面亚种(extraplanar subtype)的生物,无视阵营或者所属位面,就如同牧师的引导能量职业能力。在裂隙守卫的造成的伤害就如同等级与她最高施法者等级相同的牧师。该能量只能造成伤害,无法进行治疗。该能力无法使用专长,奇物或者其他会影响引导能量的效果。裂隙守卫每日可以使用该能力的次数等同于3 + 她所选择的施法职业的关键属性加值。

根绝(Eradication)(Su):3级起,裂隙守卫在对抗异界生物的法术、类法术能力、超自然能力与特异能力时,豁免检定获得+1神圣加值。此外,她在使用法术、类法术能力或者超自然能力对抗异界生物,或者在反制(counters)、驱散(dispels)或防止(prevents)位面旅行(planar travel)以及传送(teleportation)时,豁免DC与施法者等级提高1。这些加值会在3级后的每3个等级再加1。

反制传送(Counterport)(Su):4级起,裂隙守卫能够以准备动作反制那些使生物进入或离开距她30尺范围内的传送效果。当有生物到达这一区域时,她能够立即使用法术辨识以鉴别传送效果(teleportation effect),并且能够使用与传送效果相同的法术,或者任何至少比该法术高1级的咒法系法术将其反制,并将传送的生物返回至他们的起点。

位面责罚(Planar Scourge)(Su):5级起,若跨位面生物(extraplanar creature)在对抗裂隙守卫的位面导能时豁免失败,则会恐慌(Panicked),恶心(Sickened)或恍惚(Staggered)1d4轮,受到何种状态由裂隙守卫选择。

精通反制传送(Improved Counterport)(Su):7级起,裂隙守卫能够使用她的反制传送能力,将距她30尺内的一个使用传送效果的生物的目的地,强制更改为她30尺内的一个新的有效目的地。这种强制性的重定向会对被重定向的生物造成每职业等级1d6点伤害。成功的强韧豁免(DC为10 + 裂隙守卫的角色等级 + 裂隙守卫的魅力调整值)会将伤害减半并使重定向失效。此外,当一个咒法效果导致一个生物出现在被裂隙守卫威胁的方格时,该名生物会引起裂隙守卫的借机攻击。

位面净化(Planar Purge)(Su):8级起,若跨位面生物在对抗裂隙守卫的位面导能时豁免失败,会被放逐回它原本的位面(如同放逐术banishment;无豁免)。若跨位面生物的生命骰比裂隙守卫的职业等级高2级以上则不受该能力影响,但是仍旧如常受到位面导能的伤害。

高等反制传送(Greater Counterport)(Su):10级起,裂隙守卫能够以直觉动作反制一个传送效果,而不需事先进行准备动作。此外,以整轮动作,裂隙守卫能够花费2次位面导能的使用次数,以强制召回一名在裂隙守卫的上一回合结束后,使用传送离开距裂隙守卫30尺范围内的区域的生物。位面导能造成的伤害量等同于正常使用一次位面导能所造成的伤害。该伤害只影响该目标,并且无视它的当前距离与裂隙守卫相距多远,如果目标在豁免中失败,则传送效果会被反转,该生物返回它使用传送的位置(如果该位置目前被其他生物所占据,则为最近的可用空间)。

劇透 -   :
Guardians of the Great Beyond’s integrity and stability, the Riftwardens can be found virtually anywhere throughout the multiverse combating their hated foes, the Blackfire Adepts. They travel throughout the Great Beyond as guides and wardens, sworn to protecting the boundaries between planes and punishing evildoers who would seek to use planar gateways for their own nefarious purposes.
Hit Die: d8.

To qualify to become a Riftwarden, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Alignment: Any nonevil.
Feats: Spell Focus (abjuration), Spell Penetration.
Skills: Knowledge (planes) 5 ranks.
Special: Able to speak Abyssal and Infernal.
Spells: Able to cast magic circle against evil as a spell or spell-like ability.

Class Skills
The Riftwarden’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the Riftwarden prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Riftwarden gains no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.

Counter-Summons (Su): A Riftwarden can ready an action to use a summon monster spell or spelllike ability as a counterspell, even though the casting time for a summon monster spell is 1 full round. When used this way, the summon monster spell is treated as though quickened to a swift action via the Quicken Spell metamagic feat, though its spell level is not increased, and it can be used only to counterspell. When used to counterspell, a summon monster spell can counter any conjuration (summoning) spell or spell-like ability of its level or lower, including an outsider’s summon ability.
At 5th level, this ability can be used as an immediate action, without the need to ready an action beforehand.

Planar Guide (Ex): At 1st level and every three levels thereafter, a Riftwarden chooses one of the following benefits. She may choose each benefit more than once, each time applying to a different plane or outsider subtype. These bonuses stack with similar bonuses from other classes, but unlike with a ranger’s abilities, these bonuses do not escalate when new enemies or terrains are selected.
Favored Enemy: Choose one outsider subtype as a favored enemy (as the ranger class feature).
Favored Terrain: Choose one plane other than the Material Plane as favored terrain (as the ranger class feature).
Terrain Mastery: Choose one plane to gain terrain mastery (as the horizon walker class feature; Advanced Player’s Guide 265). A Riftwarden must have the appropriate plane as a favored terrain before gaining terrain mastery with it.

Planar Channel (Su): At 2nd level, a Riftwarden can channel baneful energies against creatures with the extraplanar subtype, regardless of alignment or plane of origin, as the cleric’s channel energy ability. The Riftwarden deals damage as a cleric of a level equal to her highest caster level. This energy can only harm, not heal. This ability cannot be used with feats, magic items, or other effects that modify channel energy. A Riftwarden can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her bonus for the relevant ability of the spellcasting class she selected.

Eradication (Su): At 3rd level, a Riftwarden gains a +1 sacred bonus on saving throws against the spells and spell-like, supernatural, and extraordinary abilities of outsiders. In addition, she increases by 1 the save DC and caster level of any spell or spell-like or supernatural ability that she uses against outsiders, or that counters, dispels, or prevents planar travel or teleportation. These bonuses increase by +1 for every three levels after 3rd.

Counterport (Su): At 4th level, a Riftwarden can ready an action to counterspell a teleportation effect that allows a creature to enter or exit an area within 30 feet of her. She can use Spellcraft to identify a teleportation effect immediately as creatures arrive and can counter the teleportation effect with an identical spell or with any conjuration spell of at least 1 spell level higher, returning teleporting creatures to their point of origin.

Planar Scourge (Su): At 5th level, an extraplanar creature that fails its save against the Riftwarden’s planar channel gains the panicked, sickened, or staggered condition, chosen by the Riftwarden, for 1d4 rounds.

Improved Counterport (Su): At 7th level, a Riftwarden can use her counterport ability to forcibly redirect a creature using a teleportation effect within 30 feet to a new valid destination within 30 feet of her. The wrenching redirection deals 1d6 points of damage per class level to the redirected creature. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + the Riftwarden’s character level + the Riftwarden’s Cha modifier) halves the damage and negates the redirection. In addition, when a conjuration effect causes a creature to appear in a square threatened by the Riftwarden, that creature provokes an attack of opportunity from the Riftwarden.

Planar Purge (Su): At 8th level, an extraplanar creature that fails its save against a Riftwarden’s planar channel is banished to its home plane (as the banishment spell; no save). Extraplanar creatures with Hit Dice greater than twice the Riftwarden’s class level are unaffected by this ability, but still take damage from planar channel as normal.

Greater Counterport (Su): At 10th level, a Riftwarden can counter a teleportation effect as an immediate action, without the need to ready an action beforehand. In addition, as a full-round action, the Riftwarden can expend two uses of her planar channel ability to forcibly recall a creature that used teleportation to exit an area within 30 feet of the Riftwarden since the end of the Riftwarden’s last turn. Planar channel deals damage equal to the amount normally dealt by one use of planar channel. This damage affects only that target, and affects it regardless of its current distance from the Riftwarden. If the target fails its save, the teleportation effect is reversed and the creature returns to the point from which it teleported (or the nearest available space, if that space is now occupied by another creature).

离线 Canina

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Re: 【PoP】裂隙守卫(Riftwarden)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-03-30, 周六 00:09:23 »

还有,图里的MM不错,光拼这图就值得进阶 :em021

« 上次编辑: 2013-03-30, 周六 00:11:00 由 Canina »