作者 主题: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)  (阅读 58498 次)

副标题: 王国与战争的战争部分。各种语死,不过我给原文了

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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #10 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:24:40 »


魅力调整值(Charisma Modifier):此处会列出指挥官的魅力调整值。它会加到军队的士气检定之上。


领导力(Leadership):领导力的数值为指挥官的角色等级 + 魅力调整值。若指挥官是怪物,则使用生命骰取代角色等级。如果指挥官拥有领导力专长,则将该数值增加3点。该数值为部分军略的先决条件。




血战到底(Bloodied but Unbroken):指挥官能够在最绝望的时刻激励军队发挥最大的力量。当军队的生命值小于等于最大值的一半时,它会的进攻检定获得+1加值。指挥官的领导力必须达到4或更高才能选择这个军略。领导力达到10或更高时,该加值提升至+2。

额外战术(Bonus Tactic):选择一种战术。指挥官总是了解该战术,并且指挥官的军队能够使用该战术,即使他们自身并不了解这种战术也无妨。你可以多次选择该军略;每次选取需要选择一种新的战术。

防守策略(Defensive Tactics):指挥官尤其擅长防御战术。军队的DV增加2点。指挥官的领导力必须达到5或更高才能选择这个军略。

灵活战术(Flexible Tactics):经过指挥官训练的军队能够在战斗中接受多重指令。军队在战斗中更改战术的士气检定获得+5加值。指挥官的领导力必须达到6或更高才能选择这个军略。领导力达到12或更高时,该加值提升至+10。

一击脱离(Hit and Run):经过指挥官训练的军队能够在快速进攻后迅速撤退。在远程阶段或首个近战阶段的攻击完成后,军队可以使用撤退战术,并在对抗士气检定时获得+2加值。指挥官的领导力必须达到5或更高才能选择这个军略。领导力达到10或更高时,该加值提升至+4。

坚守阵线(Hold the Line):指挥官很擅长在对抗危险的敌人时维持军队的士气。如果军队在避免溃逃的士气检定中失败,那么它可以重掷该检定。即使第二次检定的结果更差,军队也必须接受。

自给自足(Live off the Land):指挥官使军队设置陷阱、进行捕猎、捕鱼等活动来增加食品供应。在使用该军略时,那个星期的军队开支与速度均会减半。DM可以规定超大型或更大规模的军队会在1d3周后耗尽一个地块的资源,若要保持军队降低开支水平,就需要进行移动。





王国领袖指挥官(Kingdom Leader Commanders)





外交大臣(Grand Diplomat):防守策略,绝不留情


大祭司(High Priest):坚守阵线,自给自足,治疗类选法



皇家执刑官(Royal Enforcer):额外战术,绝不留情,神射手





失去指挥官(Losing Commanders)
若一支军队被摧毁,而指挥官是一名NPC,那么指挥官会被杀(01 - 20),俘获(21 - 70),或脱逃(71 - 00)。无心智的生物所组成的军队会杀死所有被俘获的NPC指挥官。你可以通过支付BP来赎回被俘的指挥官,数额等同于指挥官所在军队的开支(如果是被其他王国所俘获,那么这笔赎金会进入该国的国库)。曾经有战败、被俘或者被赎回经历的指挥官会使军队获得不幸的名声,她会使任何在她指挥之下的军队士气降低1点。

劇透 -   :

An army's commander helps maximize its effectiveness and can provide special bonuses to an army. The commander can be a PC or NPC. Unless you decide to command an army personally or the GM allows you to recruit an exceptional commander through adventuring and roleplaying, a new army's commander is an unexceptional leader who provides no bonuses to the army.

The Mass Combat Army Sheet has a space to record information about the commander of each of your armies. In addition, there's also a space to record information for a general—a general is a character (often you) assigned to administrate your armies, but is primarily a figurehead and grants no bonuses herself unless actively leading a particular army. The relevant information is as follows (assume a value of 0 unless otherwise specified).

Name: This lists the commander's name (and class and level, if notable).

Charisma Modifier: This lists the commander's Charisma modifier. It is added to the army's Morale checks.

Profession (soldier): This is the commander's ranks in Profession (soldier). Divide the number of ranks by 5 (minimum 0) and add that number to the army's Morale checks.

Leadership: The commander's character level + Charisma modifier. If the commander is a monster, use HD instead of character level. If the commander has the Leadership feat, increase this value by 3. This number is a prerequisite for some boons.

Boons: This lists the boons the commander knows (see below). A commander's maximum number of boons known is 1, plus 1 for every 5 ranks in Profession (soldier). A new or unexceptional commander might know no boons at first, but can gain them from victories in battle. If you're a kingdom leader acting as a commander, you automatically have one boon appropriate to your leadership role (see below).

The commander must be active with the army to grant a bonus on Morale checks or a boon to the army. Being active requires spending at least 3 days per week with the army. An army without a commander (whether because the commander is dead or because she isn't spending enough time with the army) loses 1 Morale per week. You may offset this loss by doubling the army's Consumption that week.

If you have an army without a commander and you have no commanders available to fill that role, you may promote a unit from the army to be an unexceptional commander. This commander has a +0 Charisma modifier, 0 ranks in Profession (soldier), and a Leadership score based on the level or HD of a typical unit in that army.

Boons are special abilities a commander grants to an army. Most of these boons affect the rolls and statistics for battles, and the commander must be present at the battle to provide their benefit. A commander grants the army all the boons she knows (she doesn't have to select just one).

Bloodied but Unbroken: The commander inspires the army to be at its greatest in the most desperate times. When an army's hit points are at half its full normal hit points or fewer, it gains a +1 bonus on Offense checks. A commander must have Leadership 4 or higher to select this boon. At Leadership 10 or higher, this bonus increases to +2.

Bonus Tactic: Choose one tactic. The commander always knows this tactic, and the commander's army can use this tactic even if it doesn't know that tactic on its own. You can select this boon multiple times; each time you select it, choose a new tactic.

Defensive Tactics: The commander is especially good at defensive tactics. Increase the army's DV by 2. A commander must have Leadership 5 or higher to select this boon.

Flexible Tactics: The commander trains the army to be receptive to multiple orders during a battle. The army gains a +5 bonus on Morale checks to change tactics during a battle. A commander must have Leadership 6 or higher to select this boon. At Leadership 12 or higher, this bonus increases to +10.

Hit and Run: The commander drills the army in quick attacks followed by a fast retreat. After attacks are resolved in the Ranged phase or the first Melee phase, the army may use the withdraw tactic with a +2 bonus on its opposed Morale checks. A commander must have Leadership 5 or higher to select this boon. At Leadership 10 or higher, this bonus increases to +4.

Hold the Line: The commander is skilled at convincing the army to maintain morale against dangerous opponents. If the army fails a Morale check to avoid a rout, it may reroll that check. It must accept the results of the second check, even if it is worse.

Live off the Land: The commander makes the army trap game, hunt, and fish to augment its food supplies. Reduce the army's Consumption and speed by half for any week this boon is used. The GM may rule that Huge and larger armies deplete the available resources from a hex over 1d3 weeks, requiring the army to move if it wants to maintain the reduced Consumption level.

Loyalty: The commander inspires great loyalty in the army. The army gains a +2 bonus on all Morale checks. A commander must have Leadership 6 or higher to select this boon. At Leadership 12 or higher, this bonus increases to +4.

Merciless: The commander encourages the army to be ruthless in its tactics and spare no wounded enemies. The army gains a +1 bonus on opposed Morale checks to prevent another army from withdrawing and on the last Offense check against a routed army or one using the withdraw tactic.

Sharpshooter: The commander drills the army in precision ranged attacks. The army gains a +2 bonus on Offense checks against armies using fortifications. This boon has no effect if the army can't make ranged attacks.

Triage: Whether using magic, alchemy, herbalism, or folk knowledge, the commander drills the army in using emergency methods to treat wounds. Once per battle, the army may take a —4 penalty on its Offense check during the Ranged or Melee phase and heal damage equal to half its ACR. If the army has the healing potions resource, it also gains the healing from this boon (without the Offense check penalty) when it uses healing potions.
Kingdom Leader Commanders

If you have a kingdom leadership role (Ruler, High Priest, Grand Diplomat, and so on), you may take the role of an army commander. To determine your bonus on Morale checks and the maximum number of boons you can know, use either one-fifth your ranks in Profession (soldier) or one-sixth your character level, whichever is higher (minimum 1). As with other commanders, you must remain active with the army to grant your commander bonus on Morale checks, and must be at the battle to provide tactics and bonuses.

Your leadership role determines what boons you automatically know (even if you don't meet the Leadership requirements for those boons). If a role lists multiple boons, you must choose one when you become a commander. (Others may be gained in the normal manner).

Ruler: Bloodied but Unbroken, Loyalty

Consort: Loyalty

Councilor: Loyalty

General: Bonus Tactic, Flexible Tactics, Merciless, Sharpshooter

Grand Diplomat: Defensive Tactics, Merciless

Heir: Loyalty

High Priest: Hold the Line, Live off the Land, Triage

Magister: Flexible Tactics, Loyalty

Marshal: Live off the Land, Hit and Run, Sharpshooter, Triage

Royal Enforcer: Bonus Tactic, Merciless, Sharpshooter

Spymaster: Hit and Run, Merciless, Sharpshooter

Treasurer: Loyalty

Viceroy: Loyalty

Warden: Defensive Tactics, Hold the Line, Loyalty
Losing Commanders

If an army is destroyed and the commander is an NPC, the commander is killed (01—20), captured (21—70), or escapes (71—00). An army of mindless creatures kills all captured NPC commanders. You may ransom a captured commander by paying BP equal to the commander's army's Consumption (if captured by another kingdom, this goes to that kingdom's Treasury). A commander with a history of losing battles, being captured, and being ransomed gains an unlucky reputation among your troops and reduces the Morale of any army under her by 1.

If you are the commander and your army is destroyed, the GM should present you with an opportunity to escape with serious injuries (at 25% hp or lower), otherwise you are captured and held for ransom. The other PCs may pay BP, gold, or other treasures to ransom you, or the GM may allow the other PCs to have an adventure where they attempt to rescue you instead of simply buying your freedom.

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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #11 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:25:07 »
军备(Army Resources)

治疗药剂(10 BP):每个单位会携带几瓶治疗药剂。在战斗中的任意时点(但是每场战斗不能超过两次),指挥官能够命令她的手下饮用药剂。军队在该阶段不会进行进攻检定,但是会治疗等同于其ACR两倍的生命值。每当军队使用了治疗药剂,该周开支会增加3点。要购买该军备,你的王国中的定居点必须建成炼金工房、施法者之塔、大教堂、药草铺、魔法商铺、魔法学院或神殿。

精制护甲(3 BP):军队会装备精制品护甲,DV与开支增加1点。若支付15BP,你能够给军队配备魔法护甲,DV与开支的加值为2点。要购买该军备,你的王国中的定居点必须建成外贸区、军事学院或铁匠铺。

精制武器(5 BP):军队会装备精制品武器,OM与开支增加1点。若支付50BP,你能够给军队配备魔法武器,OM与开支的加值为2点。要购买该军备,你的王国中的定居点必须建成外贸区、军事学院或铁匠铺。

坐骑(BP = 坐骑的ACR):军队配备马匹或者其他受过战争训练的动物作为坐骑。OM与DV增加2点,并且其开支增加1点。如果你的军队使用比士兵本身更为强大的坐骑,那么你的军队的ACR以及由此衍生的属性均会增加。要购买该军备,你的王国中的定居点必须建成外贸区、马厩或牲畜围场。

远程武器(2 BP):军队会配备远程武器(比如弩、投石索或弓),获得远程攻击能力。开支增加1点。

攻城武器(15 BP/台):你的军队装配了投石车、攻城槌、抛石机、弩炮或其他用于摧毁防御工事的攻城武器。OM增加2点(无论军队中有多少台攻城武器)并且每台攻城武器增加3点开支。每个近战阶段,敌军的防御工事所带来的DV加值均会减少,数值为你的军队中每台攻城武器1d4点。与其他军备不同,攻城武器的价格并不会由于军队的规模而按比例增减。要购买该军备,你的王国中的定居点必须建成学院、外贸区、军事学院或大学。

军队规模    乘数
  超微型x 1/8
   微型x 1/6
  超小型x 1/4
   小型x 1/2
   中型x 1
   大型x 2
  超大型x 4
   巨型x 10
  超巨型x 20

转移军备(Transferring Resources)

劇透 -   :
Army Resources

Resources are physical assets the army can use to improve its abilities. You must spend the BP for a resource before you can apply it to the army. Some armies can't use certain resources—an army of wolves can't use healing potions or improved weapons, mindless creatures can't use siege engines, and so on.

The cost of a resource doesn't end when you purchase it. Units must be trained to use new equipment, elite units demand higher pay, expensive items are more costly to maintain and repair, and so on. Each resource added to an army increases the army's weekly Consumption by the listed amount.

The costs listed are for a Medium army. Resources for a smaller or larger army cost proportionately less or more than this amount.

Healing Potions (10 BP): Each unit is equipped with several healing potions. At any point during a battle (but no more than twice per battle), the commander can order her units to drink their potions. The army doesn't attempt an Offense check that phase, but heals a number of hit points equal to twice its ACR. Each time an army uses its healing potions, increase its Consumption that week by 3. To purchase this resource, a settlement in your kingdom must have an Alchemist, Caster's Tower, Cathedral, Herbalist, Magic Shop, Magical Academy, or Temple.

Improved Armor (3 BP): The army is armed with masterwork armor, increasing DV and Consumption by 1. For 15 BP, you can outfit the army with magic armor, increasing DV and Consumption by 2 instead. To purchase this, a settlement in your kingdom must have a Foreign Quarter, Military Academy, or Smithy.

Improved Weapons (5 BP): The army is armed with masterwork weapons, increasing OM and Consumption by 1. For 50 BP, you can outfit the army with magic weapons, increasing OM and Consumption by 2 instead. To purchase this resource, a settlement in your kingdom must have a Foreign Quarter, Military Academy, or Smithy.

Mounts (BP = Mount's ACR): The army is mounted on horses or other war-trained animals. Increase its OM and DV by 2, and increase its Consumption by 1. If your army uses mounts that are more powerful than the units themselves, your army's ACR and derived scores might increase. To purchase this resource, a settlement in your kingdom must have a Foreign Quarter, Stable, or Stockyard.

Ranged Weapons (2 BP): The army is equipped with ranged weapons (such as crossbows, slings, or bows), gaining ranged attack capability. Increase its Consumption by 1.

Siege Engines (15 BP per engine): Your army includes catapults, rams, trebuchets, ballistae, and other siege engines designed to break down fortifications. Increase OM by 2 (regardless of the total number of siege engines in the army) and Consumption by 3 per siege engine. Each Melee phase, reduce the enemy's bonus to DV from fortifications by 1d4 per siege engine in your army. Unlike other resources, the cost of a siege engine doesn't scale with the army's size. To purchase this resource, a settlement in your kingdom must have an Academy, Foreign Quarter, Military Academy, or University.
Resource Scaling Army Size   Multiplier
Fine   ×1/8
Diminutive   ×1/6
Tiny   ×1/4
Small   ×1/2
Medium   ×1
Large   ×2
Huge   ×4
Gargantuan   ×10
Colossal   ×20
The multiplier affects the resource's initial cost and the increase to Consumption. The multiplier can't reduce the cost of a resource below 1 BP.
Transferring Resources

You may take a purchased resource from one army and give it to an army of equal or smaller size so long as the creatures in the recipient armies can use the resource (for example, improved weapons for a hill giant army are of little use to an army of human zombies). Doing so doesn't cost BP, but reduces the Morale of the donating army by 1.

At the GM's discretion, you may divide a resource among several smaller armies, so long as the total number of units in the smaller armies doesn't exceed the number of units in the donating army.

If you disband an army with a resource, you can give that resource to another suitable army, store it for later (such as an army you recruit next year), or sell it for half its BP value.

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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #12 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:25:37 »
特殊能力(Special Abilities)


炼金术(炼金术士 1):每场战斗1次,你的军队能够如同拥有治疗药剂军备一般治愈自身。这并不会消耗BP。

两栖:军队可以移入或穿越水体,并且忽略水中屏障(water barriers)带来的防御。

动物伙伴(德鲁伊 1,游侠 4):动物伙伴使军队的OM增加1点。


勇气灵光(圣武士 3):军队免疫恐惧效果,并且在避免溃逃的士气检定中自动成功。

盔甲训练(战士 3):该职业能力会调整穿着中甲的单位的基本速度;因此也相应地调整军队的速度。




炼金炸弹(炼金术士 1):该能力视同喷吐武器。

英勇(战士 2):将单位的英勇加值应用至对抗恐惧以及溃逃时的士气检定中。


制造药水(炼金术士 1):军队可以为自身或者其他军队制造治疗药剂,而不需要满足任何在治疗药剂军备中的建筑需求。你必须如常为这些药剂支付BP。




挑战(骑士 1):每场战斗1次,军队可以在对抗目标军队时OM增加2点,但是在对抗来自非目标军队的进攻时,DV降低1点。这些效果会在战斗的剩余时间内持续下去。

引导负能量(牧师 1):在近战阶段,军队对目标活物军队造成+1d4伤害。如果具有该能力的是不死军队,则可以使用该能力治疗自身,用于取代对敌军造成额外伤害;若它在一个远程或近战阶段的OM受到等同于其ACR一半的减值,则可以治疗等同于其ACR的生命值。

引导正能量(牧师 1,圣武士 4):在近战阶段,军队对目标不死军队造成+1d4伤害。军队可以使用该能力治疗自身,用于取代对敌军造成额外伤害;若它在一个远程或近战阶段的OM受到等同于其ACR一半的减值,则可以治疗等同于其ACR的生命值。


战斗流派(游侠 2):每场战斗1次,军队可以选择远程攻击或者近战攻击的OM增加1点,该效果会在战斗的剩余时间内持续下去。






科研发现(炼金术士 2):该能力视同流血。


神佑(圣武士 3):这支军队免疫疾病。


幻灵(召唤师 1):该能力视同动物伙伴。


反射闪避(武僧 2,盗贼 2):具有施法能力的军队在攻击拥有该能力的军队时,施法能力带来的OM加值减半。并且拥有该能力的军队在受到喷吐武器能力攻击时,额外伤害减半。


宿敌(游侠 1):该军队在对抗其游侠宿敌列表中所选择的生物类型时,OM增加1点。

偏好地形(游侠 3):敌军从有利地形以及战场优势中获得的加值减半。

恐惧:若该军队对一支敌军造成伤害,那么敌军必须尝试进行士气检定(DC = 10 + 你的军队的ACR)。失败则意味着军队会害怕并且无法尝试在下一个阶段中进行进攻检定。若军队在士气检定中失败,并且该阶段已经处于害怕的状态,则会溃逃。



疾风连击(武僧 1):在首个近战阶段,军队的OM增加1点。在第二个以及之后的近战阶段中,提升为增加2点。


巫术(女巫 1):当你组建具有该能力的军队时,从治愈或大釜中选择一个。

猎手羁绊(游侠 4):当你组建具有该能力的军队时,从同伴或动物中选择一个。



激发勇气(吟游诗人 1):该军队的OM增加1点,并且在对抗恐惧与溃逃的士气检定中获得+2加值。此外,该军队还可以将这些加值应用至同一场战斗的一支盟友军队。


审判(审判者 1):每个远程或近战阶段1次,该军队可以选择使其伤害增加1点、DV增加1点、治疗等同于其ACR一半的生命值、或者将其攻击视为魔法武器。该能力会在该军队由于恐惧而无法进攻的阶段中暂不生效,并且会在军队溃逃时立刻结束。

丹田气池(武僧 1):该军队的攻击视同魔法武器。

圣疗(圣武士 2):该能力视同引导正能量。

强光失明:该军队在明亮光照(bright light)下OM与DV降低2点。

强光敏感:该军队在明亮光照(bright light)下OM与DV降低1点。


恩惠(圣武士 3):在战斗结束时,该军队能够治愈一支盟友军队的疾病。



坐骑(骑士 1):军队的坐骑会使军队的OM与DV增加1点。

骑士团(骑士 1):当使用挑战能力时,该军队的DV在对抗挑战目标时增加1点。




毒素抗力(炼金术士 2):若该军队受到毒素伤害,则该伤害会降低,数值为单位的毒素抗力加值的一半。




狂暴(野蛮人 1):每场战斗1次,指挥官可以命令军队狂暴。军队的OM增加2点,DV降低1点,并且在对抗恐惧以及溃逃的士气检定中获得+1加值。当该效果生效时,该军队无法使用谨慎作战、稳固阵型、围歼、铜墙铁壁、射手支援或撤退战术,也无法使用防御与谨慎的策略。若正在使用这些战术或策略,则会立刻切换至标准战术或策略。







盗贼天赋(盗贼 2):该军队获得流血能力。


幻灵护体(召唤师 4):军队的DV增加1点。


制裁邪恶(圣武士 1):每场战斗中的一个近战阶段,军队在对抗邪恶军队时OM增加2点。若目标军队为不死或邪恶异界生物,则OM改为增加4点。

偷袭(盗贼 1):当军队进行伏击、使用围歼战术或者在使用诈败战术之后的下个阶段时,OM增加1点。



震慑拳(武僧 1):该能力视同麻痹。


战术(骑士 1):该军队自动学会一种战术(通常为骑兵突袭战术);这并不会算在军队能够了解的最高战术数量内。

传送:该军队忽略防御工事的防御。它在撤退的检定中自动成功。灵界旅行(Ethereal travel)以及类似的效果同样会赋予该能力。具有传送能力的军队能够在同一天内旅行至任意地块(它本身的速度于此无关,并且不会受到困难地形的阻碍)。

追踪(审判者 2,游侠 1):该军队将其ACR加在妨碍军队使用撤退战术的士气检定,以及遇到伏击时的DV上。雾霾会使其伤害降低四分之一,而非原本的减半。


陷阱感知(盗贼 3):当使用破坏攻城设施战术时,军队将其ACR的一半加在判断是否摧毁一台攻城武器的进攻检定上。






武器专精(战士 4):每场战斗1次,使军队的远程或近战攻击时的OM增加2点。


自然变身(德鲁伊 4):每场战斗1次,该军队可以获得水栖、两栖、攀爬、黑暗视觉、飞行、昏暗视觉或灵敏嗅觉特殊能力,但是处于该效果时会失去施法能力。军队能够在之后的任意阶段中结束该能力。

劇透 -   :
Special Abilities

Part of the fun of playing out a war in a fantasy game is the fact that you aren't limited to real-world troops. Though most recruited units are warriors or fighters, you may be able to recruit an army of paladins, clerics, or other characters with abilities useful in mass combat.

You might even be able to recruit monsters, whether humanoids such as goblins, trolls, and orcs, or exotic creatures such as centaurs and worgs. These creatures could have monster special abilities useful in mass combat. A typical kingdom doesn't have access to monster armies unless it has formed alliances with such creatures, either through formal Diplomatic edicts or befriending them during adventures.

Modifiers for these abilities apply only if most of the units in an army have the listed ability. For a class ability, a parenthetical note after the ability name indicates the class and the level the units of the army must be to confer that ability. This listing doesn't include class abilities acquired after 5th level, as it's unlikely you'll be able to recruit enough units of that class level to form an army. If a class ability listed here presents two alternative options, you must choose one of these options when the army is formed, and it can't ever be changed.

You can use the following special abilities as inspiration to generate additional army abilities of your own. Unless otherwise stated, the effects of these special abilities (other than hp damage) end when a battle ends. Note that you count as your own ally for abilities that effect allied armies.

Ability Damage/Drain: This ability functions as bleed.

Alchemy (Alchemist 1): Once per battle, the army can heal itself as if it had the healing potions resource. This doesn't cost BP.

Amphibious: The army can move in or across bodies of water and ignore Defense from water barriers.

Animal Companion (Druid 1, Ranger 4): The army's animal companions increase the army's OM by 1.

Aquatic: The army increases its OM and DV by 1 against armies in the water or on ships. The army decreases its OM by 2 against armies on land (unless the army also has the amphibious special ability, in which case it doesn't have this OM penalty).

Aura of Courage (Paladin 3): The army is immune to fear effects and automatically succeeds at Morale checks to avoid a rout.

Armor Training (Fighter 3): This class feature adjusts the base speed of units in medium armor; adjust the army's speed accordingly.

Bleed: When this army deals damage in melee, the target army takes an automatic 1d6 points of damage at the start of the next phase.

Blindsense: The army reduces its OM and DV penalties by half from darkness, invisibility, and weather.

Blindsight: The army takes no penalties to its OM and DV from darkness, invisibility, or weather.

Bomb (Alchemist 1): This ability functions as the breath weapon ability.

Bravery (Fighter 2): Apply the unit's bravery bonus on Morale checks against fear and routs.

Breath Weapon: The army can make ranged attacks. In the Ranged and Melee phases, it deals +1d4 points of damage.

Brew Potion (Alchemist 1): The army can create healing potions for itself or another army without needing any of the building requirements described in the healing potion resource. You must pay the BP cost for these potions as normal.

Burn: This ability functions as bleed.

Burrow: The army can dig under one fortification (or City Walls) by spending a Ranged or Melee phase moving. In later phases, it ignores that fortification's Defense. During the phase the army uses burrow, it can attack or be attacked only by armies using burrow or earth glide.

Cannibalize: Reduce Consumption by 1 (minimum 0) for any week in which the army wins a battle and is allowed to feed on fallen corpses.

Challenge (Cavalier 1): Once per battle, the army may increase its OM by 2 against a target army, but it also reduces its DV by 1 against attacks from any army that is not the target army. These effects last for the rest of the battle.

Channel Negative Energy (Cleric 1): In the Melee phase, the army deals +1d4 points of damage against a living target army. If the army with this ability is undead, instead of dealing extra damage to an enemy army, it can use this ability to heal itself; if it takes an OM penalty equal to half its ACR for one Ranged or Melee phase, it heals a number of hit points equal to its ACR.

Channel Positive Energy (Cleric 1, Paladin 4): In the Melee phase, the army deals +1d4 points of damage against an undead target army. Instead of dealing extra damage to an enemy army, the army can use this ability to heal itself; if it takes an OM penalty equal to half its ACR for one Ranged or Melee phase, it heals a number of hit points equal to its ACR.

Climb: The army treats the Defense of fortifications as 25% lower than normal. This benefit doesn't apply if the fortification can't reasonably be climbed (such as a moat or wall of force).

Combat Style (Ranger 2): Once per battle, increase the army's OM for either ranged attacks or melee attacks by 1 for the rest of the battle.

Construct: The army is immune to disease, fear, paralysis, and poison.

Create Sandstorm: Once per battle, the army can affect the field of battle with the sandstorm battlefield condition. The sandstorm lasts for the rest of the battle.

Create Spawn: If the army destroys a living army of equal or greater size, it may immediately recover a number of hit points equal to twice its ACR or create a new army of its type but two sizes smaller than itself.

Damage Reduction: See the entry for significant defense.

Darkvision: The army takes no OM or DV penalties in dim light or darkness.

Discovery (Alchemist 2): This ability functions as bleed.

Disease: If the army damages an enemy, the enemy becomes diseased and takes a cumulative —1 penalty to its OM and DV each day after the battle. Curing the disease requires a successful Stability check modified by this penalty, and allows the army to reduce this penalty by 1 each day thereafter until the penalty is gone.

Divine Health (Paladin 3): The army is immune to disease.

Earth Glide: The army ignores fortifications made of earth or stone and can burrow under other fortifications as if using the burrow special ability.

Eidolon (Summoner 1): This ability functions as the animal companion ability.

Energy Drain: If the army damages an enemy, it reduces the enemy's OM and DV by 1 for 24 hours.

Evasion (Monk 2, Rogue 2): An army that attacks this army halves its OM bonus from the spellcasting ability and halves the extra damage from the breath weapon ability.

Fast Healing: Each Ranged or Melee phase, this army regains a number of hit points equal to half its fast healing value. Outside of battle, each hour the army regains a number of hit points equal to its fast healing value.

Favored Enemy (Ranger 1): The army increases its OM by 1 against an army of a type of creature chosen from the ranger favored enemy list.

Favored Terrain (Ranger 3): Reduce an enemy's bonuses from advantageous terrain and battlefield advantage by half.

Fear: If the army damages an enemy army, that army must attempt a Morale check (DC = 10 + your army's ACR). Failure means the enemy army is afraid and can't attempt an Offense check to attack during the next phase. If an army fails a Morale check during a phase in which it is already afraid, it routs.

Ferocity: The army continues to fight even if demoralized or nearly dead. If the army is defeated or routed, it may continue to act for one more Melee phase, and its OM and DV are reduced by 4 for that phase.

Flight: If the army doesn't attack in the Melee phase, it can't be attacked with melee attacks except by an army with flight. The army ignores Defense bonuses from City Walls, but not other fortifications.

Flurry of Blows (Monk 1): In the first Melee phase, increase the army's OM by 1. In the second and subsequent Melee phases, increase it by 2 instead.

Grab: The army's units latch onto their opponents, making it difficult to escape. The target army takes a —2 penalty on Morale checks to resist a rout or use the withdraw tactic.

Hex (Witch 1): When you create an army with this ability, choose either healing or cauldron.

Healing: Once per battle, the army can heal a number of hit points equal to half its ACR.

Cauldron: The army can create healing potions for itself or another army without needing any of the building requirements described in the healing potion resource. You must pay the BP cost for these potions as normal.

Hunter's Bond (Ranger 4): When you create an army with this ability, choose either companions or animal.

Companions: Once per battle, the army may increase its OM or an allied army's OM by 1 for the rest of the battle.

Animal: This ability functions as animal companion.

Immunity: If an army is immune to a particular special ability (such as poison), an enemy army with that ability doesn't gain those benefits against this army. For an army with many immunities, also see significant defense.

Incorporeal: The army takes no damage from nonmagical attacks, and only half damage from magical attacks. It ignores enemy DV bonuses from armor resources. It automatically succeeds at checks to withdraw. It has a mobility advantage in all kinds of terrain.

Inspire Courage (Bard 1): The army increases its OM by 1 and gains a +2 bonus on Morale checks against fear and routs. Alternatively, the army may apply these bonuses to an allied army in the same battle.

Invisibility: Any army attacking this army takes a —2 penalty to its OM for that attack. Any army attacked by this army takes a —2 penalty to its DV against its attacks. Armies that can't see invisible creatures can't prevent this army from withdrawing.

Judgment (Inquisitor 1): Once each Ranged or Melee phase, the army may choose to increase its damage by 1, increase its DV by 1, heal a number of hit points equal to half its ACR, or treat its attacks as magic weapons. This ability is suspended for any phase in which the army is unable to attack because of fear, and ends immediately if the army routs.

Ki Pool (Monk 4): The army's attacks count as magic weapons.

Lay on Hands (Paladin 2): This ability functions as channel positive energy.

Light Blindness: The army decreases its OM and RV by 2 in bright light.

Light Sensitivity: The army decreases its OM and RV by 1 in bright light.

Low-Light Vision: The army takes no penalties for dim light.

Mercy (Paladin 3): At the end of a battle, the army can cure a disease on one allied army.

Mindless: The army never fails Morale checks, but must always use standard tactics and strategy.

Mobility: If the units have a form of mobility that gives them an advantage in the battlefield's terrain (such as boggards in a swamp), increase the army's OM by 1 for that battle against armies without such mobility.

Mount (Cavalier 1): The army's mounts increase the army's OM and DV by 1.

Order (Cavalier 1): When using the challenge ability, increase the army's DV by 1 against the challenged army.

Paralysis: Each time the army damages an enemy army, reduce the enemy army's DV by 1.

Petrification: This ability functions as paralysis.

Plant: The army is immune to fear, paralysis, and poison.

Poison Resistance (Alchemist 2): If the army takes poison damage, reduce the damage by half of the unit's poison resistance bonus.

Poison: This ability functions as bleed.

Pounce: The army increases its OM by 1.

Powerful Charge: The army increases its OM by 1.

Rage (Barbarian 1): Once per battle, the commander may order the army to rage. Increase the army's OM by 2, decrease its DV by 1, and add a +1 bonus on its Morale checks against fear and routing. While this is in effect, the army can't use the tactics cautious combat, defensive wall, expert flankers, hold the line, sniper support, or withdraw; nor can it use the defensive or cautious strategies. If using such a tactic or strategy, you immediately switch to the standard tactic or strategy.

Rake: The army increases the damage it deals by 1.

Regeneration: The army regains a number of hit points equal to half its regeneration value each Ranged or Melee phase. When an army with regeneration is reduced to 0 hp, it is defeated only if at least one enemy army survives at the end of that phase to finish off the regenerating creatures. Outside of battle, the army regains a number of hit points equal to half its regeneration value each hour.

Rend: The army increases the damage it deals by 1.

Resistance: See the entry for significant defense.

Rock Catching: The army increases its DV by 1 against ranged attacks. This increases by an additional 1 if the army is attacked with siege weapons or thrown rocks.

Rock Throwing: The army can make ranged attacks. In the Ranged phase, it deals +4 points of damage.

Rogue Talent (Rogue 2): The army gains the bleed ability.

Scent: The army reduces its OM and DV penalties from darkness, invisibility, and weather by half.

Shield Ally (Summoner 4): Increase the army's DV by 1.

Significant Defense: The army has a significant defense such as powerful damage reduction or numerous immunities and/or resistances. Increase its DV by 10, but only against armies that can't overcome those defenses. In some cases, the GM might rule that an army is simply undefeatable by an enemy army because of its defenses (though the GM should never pit the PCs against such an army unless the PCs initiate a foolish battle).

Smite Evil (Paladin 1): In one Melee phase per battle, the army may increase its OM by 2 against an evil army. If the target army is undead or evil outsiders, the OM increases by 4 instead.

Sneak Attack (Rogue 1): The army increases its OM by 1 when making an ambush, when using the expert flankers tactic, or on the phase after using the false retreat tactic.

Spell Resistance: The army increases its DV by 6 against armies with the spellcasting ability.

Spellcasting: If an army's units can use magic (from either spell-like abilities or actual spellcasting), increase its OM and DV by the spell level of the highest-level spell the individual unit can cast. If any of the army's offensive spells has a range greater than touch, the army can make ranged attacks.

Stunning Fist (Monk 1): This ability functions as paralysis.

Swarm: The army takes half damage from nonmagical attacks, but 1-1/2 times as much damage from magical attacks. It ignores DV bonuses from armor resources. It can't harm an army with the incorporeal or significant defense ability. It automatically succeeds at checks to withdraw.

Tactician (Cavalier 1): The army automatically learns one tactic (usually the cavalry experts tactic); this doesn't count toward an army's maximum number of known tactics.

Teleportation: The army ignores the Defense of fortifications. It automatically succeeds at checks to withdraw. Ethereal travel and similar effects also grant this ability. An army with teleportation can travel to any hex on the same day (its speed is irrelevant and not hampered by difficult terrain).

Track (Inquisitor 2, Ranger 1): The army adds its ACR to Morale checks to prevent an army from using the withdraw tactic and to its DV to prevent ambushes. It reduces the damage it deals in fog by one quarter instead of one half.

Trample: The army increases its OM by 1.

Trap Sense (Rogue 3): When using the siegebreaker tactic, the army adds half its ACR to the Offense check to determine if a siege engine is destroyed.

Tremorsense: The army reduces its OM and DV penalties from darkness, invisibility, and weather by half.

Trip: Each Melee phase, the target enemy army reduces its DV by 1 until the end of the phase.

Undead: The army is immune to disease, fear, paralysis, and poison. Its DV increases by 2.

Unnatural Aura: This ability functions as fear, but applies only to animals (including animal mounts).

Vortex: This ability functions as paralysis, but only against targets on or in the water.

Weapon Specialization (Fighter 4): Once per battle, increase the army's OM for either ranged or melee attacks by 2.

Whirlwind: This ability functions as paralysis.

Wild Shape (Druid 4): Once per battle, the army may gain the aquatic, amphibious, climb, darkvision, flight, low-light vision, or scent special abilities, but loses the spellcasting ability while this is in effect. The army can end this ability in any later phase.

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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #13 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:25:59 »
战斗中的玩家角色(Player Characters in Battles)

劇透 -   :
Player Characters in Battles

In addition to the option of your PCs being commanders in your armies, the GM may have you fight smaller groups of enemies before or even during a battle in which your armies clash with the enemy. For example, your PCs might attack an evil necromancer and fight your way through his tower to confront him directly and defeat him while your army battles the undead horde outside the tower. Alternatively, your PCs could use potent spells (such as cloudkill, control water, or earthquake) to alter battlefield conditions in your favor. These possibilities let you use your characters to directly affect the outcome of a battle without forcing you to sit out on an adventure opportunity by personally commanding an army.

If your PCs win the small-scale combat or dramatically affect the battlefield with magic, the GM could opt to increase your army's DV and OM by +4 for that battle, or penalize your armies by —4 if you lose. At the GM's discretion, your PCs' failure or victory might have other effects on your armies as well, such as temporarily granting an additional tactic, altering the hit points of one or more armies, or granting or negating a special ability.

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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #14 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:26:22 »
集团战斗可选规则(Optional Mass Combat Rules)

联合军队(Combining Armies)

整编军队(Reforming an Army)

后备军(Reserve Army)

拆分军队(Splitting an Army)

劇透 -   :
Optional Mass Combat Rules

The following sections describe ways armies can be altered or assigned that come up less frequently than the other rules in the mass combat system. They're optional, and the GM can bring them into the game only if necessary.
Combining Armies

If you have two armies of the same type and of equal size, at any time outside of combat you can combine them into a single army that is one size larger than the original armies.

Choose one of the two commanders to command this combined army. The other commander may be assigned to a different army; otherwise, her boons are lost.

Calculate the new army's statistics based on its new size. If both smaller armies had a boon, resource, or tactic, the new army has it as well; otherwise the boon, resource, or tactic is lost. The new army's Morale is equal to the average of the Morale of the two smaller armies. If one army has an affliction (such as a disease), the new army now has it.

Determine what percentage of its full normal hit points each smaller army had. The new army's hit points is the average of these percentages. For example, if one army is at 50% and the other is at 100%, the new army is at 75% of the full hit points for its size.
Reforming an Army

Reformation converts a wounded army into a smaller, healthy army. The army hit point rules are abstract and represent wounded units, incapacitated units, and dead units. For an army with a very low hit point total, the number of active units in the army can even be equal to or fewer than those of an army of a smaller size. For example, a Large army normally has 200 units, but if that army is very wounded, it could have only 100 or fewer units able to fight—the same number as a Medium army. Because an army's Consumption is based on its ACR (which is based on its size), you might be able to reduce your Consumption costs if you reform an army into a smaller size.

At any time outside of combat, you can reform a wounded army (at half hit points or fewer) into an army one size smaller with full hit points. This act represents you choosing only the healthiest units to continue fighting. The wounded survivors disperse, typically heading home to recuperate.

Calculate the smaller army's statistics based on its new size. The smaller army retains all of the larger army's statistics and effects (including tactics, boons, resources, commander, and so on) except those based on its size (such as ACR and statistics based on ACR). The army reduces its Morale by 1 (as reforming is a blunt indication of misfortune).

There is no limit to how many times you can reform an army. Even a Colossal army can be whittled away and reformed several times until the CR of its individual units is too small to actually count as an army.
Reserve Army

The costs in this section assume an active, deployed army. You may instead convert an army into a reserve army, placing it in a settlement. This reduces the Consumption cost for the army to once per month (or kingdom turn) instead of once per week. A commander has to spend only 3 days per month with a reserve army to remain active with it. The Morale penalty for an absent commander happens every month instead of every week.

The size of an army you can put in reserve depends on the buildings you have available in the settlement. A Watchtower can hold a Small or smaller reserve army, a Barracks can hold Medium or smaller, a Castle can hold Large or smaller, and a Garrison Huge or smaller. A Gargantuan or Colossal army can't be put in reserve—it must remain deployed (though it can be indefinitely deployed in one of your own hexes). A Temple counts as a Watchtower for the purpose of holding special religious troops (clerics, druids, inquisitors, or paladins), and a Cathedral counts as a Barracks in those cases. You may split an army (see Splitting an Army) to allow you to divide its units among several buildings.

If you move the army outside the settlement, it immediately counts as an active army and the costs must be paid per week as normal.
Splitting an Army

You can divide an army into smaller armies. At any time outside of combat, you may split an army into two armies that are each one size category smaller. One of these armies retains the larger army's commander; you must assign a commander to the other army.

Calculate each smaller army's statistics based on its new size. The smaller armies retain all of the larger army's statistics and effects (including tactics, boons, resources, commander, and so on) except those based on size (such as ACR and statistics based on ACR). Each smaller army reduces its Morale by 1.

Determine what percentage of its full normal hit points the larger army had. Each smaller army has this proportion of hit points for its new size. For example, if the large army was at 70% (28 hp out of 40), each smaller army is at 70% of the full hit points for its size.

There is no limit to how many times you can split an army. Even a Colossal army can split several times until the CR of its individual units is too small to actually count as an army.

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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #15 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:27:01 »
范例军队(Sample Armies)

军队(超巨型)    XP 6400
N 超巨型人类军队(战士 2)
HP 49;ACR 9
DV 19;OM +9
特殊 英勇+1
速度 1;开支 4
军队(巨型)    XP 3200
N 巨型人类军队(战士 2)
HP 38;ACR 7
DV 17;OM +7
特殊 英勇+1
速度 1;开支 3

军队(超大型)    XP 1600
N 超大型人类军队(战士 2)
HP 27;ACR 5
DV 15;OM +5
特殊 英勇+1
速度 1;开支 2

军队(大型)    XP 800
N 大型人类军队(战士 2)
HP 16;ACR 3
DV 13;OM +3
特殊 英勇+1
速度 1;开支 1

军队(中型)    XP 400
N 中型人类军队(战士 2)
HP 5;ACR 1
DV 11;OM +1
特殊 英勇+1
速度 1;开支 1

沼蜍人军队    XP 600
CE 中型沼蜍人军队
HP 9;ACR 2
DV 12;OM +2
特殊 黑暗视觉,昏暗视觉,机动力(沼泽)
速度 1(速度不受沼泽影响);开支 1

人马军队    XP 800
N 中型人马军队
HP 16;ACR 3
DV 13;OM +3,远程
战术 骑兵突袭
特殊 总是视同拥有坐骑军备,黑暗视觉
速度 2;开支 1

矮人防卫者    XP 400
LN 中型矮人军队(战士 2)
HP 5;ACR 1
DV 11;OM +1
战术 稳固阵型
特殊 英勇+1,黑暗视觉
速度 1;开支 1

灰矮人军队    XP 400
LE  中型灰矮人军队(武者 3)
HP 5;ACR 1
DV 11;OM +2,远程
特殊 黑暗视觉,免疫麻痹与毒素,强光敏感
速度 1;开支 1
备注 由于类法术能力OM+1

卓尔军队    XP 400
CE 中型卓尔军队(武者 3)
HP 3;ACR 1
DV 11;OM +3,远程
战术 诡术战法,诈败,射手支援,干扰施法
特殊 黑暗视觉,强光敏感,毒素,法术抗力
速度 2;开支 1
备注 由于类法术能力OM+2

精英突击队    XP 800
N 中型人类军队(战士 4)
HP 16;ACR 3
DV 13;OM +3,远程
战术 围歼,破坏攻城设施
军备 治疗药剂,精制护甲,精制武器,远程武器
特殊 盔甲训练,英勇+1,武器专精
速度 2;开支 1(军备开销20BP)

精英骑兵团    XP 600
N 中型人类军队(战士 3)
HP 11;ACR 2
DV 15;OM +5
军备 精制护甲,精制武器,坐骑
速度 1;开支 4(军备开销9BP)

精灵护卫队    XP 400
N 中型精灵军队(游侠 2)
HP 5;ACR 1
DV 11;OM +1
战术 射手支援
特殊 战斗流派,宿敌(兽人),追踪
速度 1;开支 1

食尸鬼军队    XP 400
CE 中型食尸鬼军队
HP 4;ACR 1
DV 11;OM +1
特殊 食尸,黑暗视觉,疾病,麻痹,不死
速度 2;开支 1

豺狼人军队    XP 400
CE 中型豺狼人军队
HP 4;ACR 1
DV 11;OM +1
特殊 黑暗视觉
速度 2;开支 1

侏儒追踪队    XP 400
N 中型侏儒军队(战士 2)
HP 5;ACR 1
DV 11;OM +2
战术 嘲讽
特殊 英勇+1
速度 1;开支 1
备注 由于类法术能力OM+1

地精军队    XP 200
CE 中型地精军队(武者 2)
HP 2;ACR 1/2
DV 10;OM +0,远程
特殊 黑暗视觉
速度 1;开支 1

地精部落    XP 800
CE 超大型地精军队(武者 1)
HP 16;ACR 3
DV 13;OM +3,远程
特殊 黑暗视觉
速度 1;开支 1

半兽人狂战团    XP 400
CN 中型半兽人军队(野蛮人 2)
HP 6;ACR 1
DV 11;OM +1
战术 残虐攻袭
特殊 狂暴
速度 2;开支 1

半身人侦察队    XP 400
LN 中型半身人军队(盗贼 2)
HP 4;ACR 1
DV 11;OM +1
战术 撤退
特殊 反射闪避,盗贼天赋(流血),偷袭
速度 1;开支 1

大地精军队    XP 400
LE 中型大地精军队(战士 2)
HP 5;ACR 1
DV 12;OM +2,远程
战术 破坏攻城设施
军备 精制护甲,精制武器,远程武器
特殊 盔甲训练,英勇+1,黑暗视觉
速度 2;开支 2(军备开销8BP)

狗头人军队    XP 600
LE 超大型狗头人军队(武者 1)
HP 11;ACR 2
DV 12;OM +2
战术 诡术战法
特殊 黑暗视觉,强光敏感
速度 2;开支 1

蜥蜴人军队    XP 400
N 中型蜥蜴人军队
HP 4;ACR 1
DV 11;OM +1,远程
特殊 两栖,水栖,食尸
速度 2;开支 1

民兵组织(超巨型)    XP 3200
N 超巨型人类军队(武者 1)
HP 38;ACR 7
DV 17;OM +7
速度 2;开支 3

民兵组织(巨型)    XP 1600
N 巨型人类军队(武者 1)
HP 27;ACR 5
DV 15;OM +5
速度 2;开支 2

民兵组织(超大型)    XP 800
N 超大型人类军队(武者 1)
HP 16;ACR 3
DV 13;OM +3
速度 2;开支 1

民兵组织(大型)    XP 400
N 大型人类军队(武者 1)
HP 5;ACR 1
DV 11;OM +1
速度 2;开支 1

兽人军队    XP 600
CE 中型兽人军队(战士 3)
HP 11;ACR 2
DV 13;OM +2,远程
军备 精制护甲
特殊 盔甲训练,英勇+1,食尸,凶猛,强光敏感
速度 2;开支 2(军备开销3BP)

兽人部落    XP 400
CE 中型兽人军队(武者 3)
HP 5;ACR 1
DV 11;OM +1,远程
特殊 食尸,凶猛,强光敏感
速度 2;开支 1

骷髅群集(超巨型)    XP 3200
NE 超巨型人类骷髅军队
HP 31;ACR 7
DV 19;OM +7
特殊 黑暗视觉,无心智,不死
速度 2;开支 3

骷髅群集(巨型)    XP 1600
NE 巨型人类骷髅军队
HP 22;ACR 5
DV 17;OM +5
特殊 黑暗视觉,无心智,不死
速度 2;开支 2

骷髅群集(超大型)    XP 800
NE 超大型人类骷髅军队
HP 13;ACR 3
DV 15;OM +3
特殊 黑暗视觉,无心智,不死
速度 2;开支 1

骷髅群集(大型)    XP 400
NE 大型人类骷髅军队
HP 4;ACR 1
DV 13;OM +1
特殊 黑暗视觉,无心智,不死
速度 2;开支 1

骷髅群集(中型)    XP 135
NE 中型人类骷髅军队
HP 1;ACR 1/3
DV 12;OM +0
特殊 黑暗视觉,无心智,不死
速度 2;开支 1

地底侏儒军队    XP 400
N 中型地底侏儒军队(游侠 1)
HP 5;ACR 1
DV 13;OM +2,远程
特殊 黑暗视觉,宿敌(矮人),昏暗视觉,施法,法术抗力,追踪
速度 1;开支 1

泰拉斯奎兽    XP 102400
N 超微型泰拉斯奎兽军队
HP 93;ACR 17
DV 27;OM +21,远程
战术 稳固阵型,残虐攻袭,破坏攻城设施,干扰施法,撤退
特殊 食尸;恐惧;攫抓;免疫属性伤害,流血,疾病,能量吸取,恐惧
速度 2;开支 8
备注 由于恐惧以及怪物特殊能力OM+4

天狗军队    XP 600
N 中型天狗军队(盗贼 3)
HP 9;ACR 2
DV 12;OM +2,远程
战术 围歼
特殊 反射闪避,昏暗视觉,盗贼天赋(流血),偷袭
速度 2;开支 1

战蜥人军队    XP 400
CE 中型战蜥人军队
HP 4;ACR 1
DV 11;OM +1,远程
特殊 黑暗视觉,麻痹
速度 2;开支 1

座狼军队    XP 600
NE 中型座狼军队
HP 11;ACR 2
DV 12;OM +2
特殊 黑暗视觉,昏暗视觉,灵敏嗅觉,拌摔
速度 3;开支 1

雪人群    XP 1200
N 中型雪人军队
HP 22;ACR 4
DV 14;OM +4
特殊 燃烧,攀爬,黑暗视觉
速度 2;开支 2

丧尸群集(超巨型)    XP 4800
NE 超巨型人类丧尸军队
HP 36;ACR 8
DV 20;OM +8
特殊 黑暗视觉,无心智,不死
速度 1;开支 4

丧尸群集(巨型)    XP 2400
NE 巨型人类丧尸军队
HP 27;ACR 6
DV 18;OM +6
特殊 黑暗视觉,无心智,不死
速度 1;开支 3

丧尸群集(超大型)    XP 1200
NE 超大型人类丧尸军队
HP 18;ACR 4
DV 16;OM +4
特殊 黑暗视觉,无心智,不死
速度 1;开支 2

丧尸群集(大型)    XP 600
NE 大型人类丧尸军队
HP 9;ACR 2
DV 14;OM +2
特殊 黑暗视觉,无心智,不死
速度 1;开支 1

丧尸群集(中型)    XP 200
NE 中型人类丧尸军队
HP 2;ACR 1/2
DV 12;OM +0
特殊 黑暗视觉,无心智,不死
速度 1;开支 1

劇透 -   :
Sample Armies

This section details sample armies of various humanoid and monster types. The GM can allow players to recruit some of these armies, or might reserve most of them as unusual foes for mass battles. None of these armies has a starting Morale listed, because starting Morale starts at 0, modified by the commander.

Most of these armies are Medium, showing a player or GM what tactics, resources, and special abilities a typical army of that type has, yet still keeping it easy to scale the army to a larger or smaller size. If an army has a resource, the listed Consumption is for an army of the listed size; if you change the size of the army, remember to subtract the Consumption cost for its original size, scale that cost to the new size, then add the scaled cost to the army's base Consumption cost. If the army lists an additional cost for recruiting the army, this recruitment cost scales in the same way.

The special abilities listed for monster armies are approximations to model the unit monster's special abilities. For example, an individual troglodyte's stench nauseates opponents, but there is no army special ability that does that, so the troglodyte army has paralysis instead, which has a comparable effect. Likewise, the astral deva army has the alchemy ability, which is a reasonable approximation of an individual astral deva's ability to use heal once per day; the one-unit army doesn't actually carry alchemist extracts.

If a special ability provides a constant bonus (such as the bonus from charge or pounce), that bonus is automatically included in the army's stat block. If the bonus is conditional (like the DV bonus from rock catching or the ranged damage bonus from rock throwing), you need to account for that bonus when the conditions are right.

Some armies have custom bonuses built into their DV or OM. This represents the unit's special defenses (such as damage reduction) and high damage output against single targets, which should affect an opposing army in a greater way than the standard monster-to-army conversion rules would indicate. Determining army stat block values for small numbers of powerful monsters is more of an art than a science.

Army (Colossal)XP 6,400

N Colossal army of humans (fighter 2)

hp 49; ACR 9

DV 19; OM +9

Special bravery +1

Speed 1; Consumption 4

Army (Gargantuan)XP 3,200

N Gargantuan army of humans (fighter 2)

hp 38; ACR 7

DV 17; OM +7

Special bravery +1

Speed 1; Consumption 3

Army (Huge)XP 1,600

N Huge army of humans (fighter 2)

hp 27; ACR 5

DV 15; OM +5

Special bravery +1

Speed 1; Consumption 2

Army (Large)XP 800

N Large army of humans (fighter 2)

hp 16; ACR 3

DV 13; OM +3

Special bravery +1

Speed 1; Consumption 1

Army (Medium)XP 400

N Medium army of humans (fighter 2)

hp 5; ACR 1

DV 11; OM +1

Special bravery +1

Speed 1; Consumption 1

Boggard ArmyXP 600

CE Medium army of boggards

hp 9; ACR 2

DV 12; OM +2

Special darkvision, low-light vision, mobility advantage (swamps)

Speed 1 (speed unaffected by swamps); Consumption 1

Centaur ArmyXP 800

N Medium army of centaurs

hp 16; ACR 3

DV 13; OM +3, ranged

Tactics cavalry experts

Special always treated as if they have the mounts resource, darkvision

Speed 2; Consumption 1

Dwarven DefendersXP 400

LN Medium army of dwarves (fighter 2)

hp 5; ACR 1

DV 11; OM +1

Tactics defensive wall

Special bravery +1, darkvision

Speed 1; Consumption 1

Duergar ArmyXP 400

LE Medium army of duergar (warrior 3)

hp 5; ACR 1

DV 11; OM +2, ranged

Special darkvision, immune to paralysis and poison, light sensitivity

Speed 1; Consumption 1

Note +1 OM due to spell-like abilities

Drow ArmyXP 400

CE Medium army of drow (warrior 3)

hp 3; ACR 1

DV 11; OM +3, ranged

Tactics dirty fighters, false retreat, sniper support, spellbreaker

Special darkvision, light sensitivity, poison, spell resistance

Speed 2; Consumption 1

Note +2 OM due to spell-like abilities

Elite Army CommandosXP 800

N Medium army of humans (fighter 4)

hp 16; ACR 3

DV 13; OM +3, ranged

Tactics expert flankers, siegebreaker

Resources healing potions, improved armor, improved weapons, ranged weapons

Special armor training, bravery +1, weapon specialization

Speed 2; Consumption 1 (recruitment cost 20 BP)

Elite Mounted KnightsXP 600

N Medium army of humans (fighter 3)

hp 11; ACR 2

DV 15; OM +5

Resources improved armor, improved weapons, mounts

Speed 1; Consumption 4 (recruitment cost 9 BP)

Elven WardensXP 400

N Medium army of elves (ranger 2)

hp 5; ACR 1

DV 11; OM +1

Tactics sniper support

Special combat style, favored enemy (orc), track

Speed 1; Consumption 1

Ghoul ArmyXP 400

CE Medium army of ghouls

hp 4; ACR 1

DV 11; OM +1

Special cannibalize, darkvision, disease, paralysis, undead

Speed 2; Consumption 1

Gnoll ArmyXP 400

CE Medium army of gnolls

hp 4; ACR 1

DV 11; OM +1

Special darkvision

Speed 2; Consumption 1

Gnome StalkersXP 400

N Medium army of gnomes (fighter 2)

hp 5; ACR 1

DV 11; OM +2

Tactics taunt

Special bravery +1

Speed 1; Consumption 1

Note +1 OM due to spell-like abilities

Goblin ArmyXP 200

CE Medium army of goblins (warrior 2)

hp 2; ACR 1/2

DV 10; OM +0, ranged

Special darkvision

Speed 1; Consumption 1

Goblin HordeXP 800

CE Huge army of goblins (warrior 1)

hp 16; ACR 3

DV 13; OM +3, ranged

Special darkvision

Speed 1; Consumption 1

Half-Orc BerserkersXP 400

CN Medium army of half-orcs (barbarian 2)

hp 6; ACR 1

DV 11; OM +1

Tactics relentless brutality

Special rage

Speed 2; Consumption 1

Halfling ScoutsXP 400

LN Medium army of halflings (rogue 2)

hp 4; ACR 1

DV 11; OM +1

Tactics withdraw

Special evasion, rogue talent (bleed), sneak attack

Speed 1; Consumption 1

Hobgoblin ArmyXP 400

LE Medium army of hobgoblins (fighter 2)

hp 5; ACR 1

DV 12; OM +2, ranged

Tactics siegebreaker

Resources improved armor, improved weapons, ranged weapons

Special armor training, bravery +1, darkvision

Speed 2; Consumption 2 (recruitment cost 8 BP)

Kobold ArmyXP 600

LE Huge army of kobolds (warrior 1)

hp 11; ACR 2

DV 12; OM +2

Tactics dirty fighters

Special darkvision, light sensitivity

Speed 2; Consumption 1

Lizardfolk ArmyXP 400

N Medium army of lizardfolk

hp 4; ACR 1

DV 11; OM +1, ranged

Special amphibious, aquatic, cannibalize

Speed 2; Consumption 1

Militia (Colossal)XP 3,200

N Colossal army of humans (warrior 1)

hp 38; ACR 7

DV 17; OM +7

Speed 2; Consumption 3

Militia (Gargantuan)XP 1,600

N Gargantuan army of humans (warrior 1)

hp 27; ACR 5
DV 15; OM +5

Speed 2; Consumption 2

Militia (Huge)XP 800

N Huge army of humans (warrior 1)

hp 16; ACR 3

DV 13; OM +3

Speed 2; Consumption 1

Militia (Large)XP 400

N Large army of humans (warrior 1)

hp 5; ACR 1

DV 11; OM +1

Speed 2; Consumption 1

Orc ArmyXP 600

CE Medium army of orcs (fighter 3)

hp 11; ACR 2

DV 13; OM +2, ranged

Resources improved armor

Special armor training, bravery +1, cannibalize, ferocity, light sensitivity

Speed 2; Consumption 2 (recruitment cost 3 BP)

Orc HordeXP 400

CE Medium army of orcs (warrior 3)

hp 5; ACR 1

DV 11; OM +1, ranged

Special cannibalize, ferocity, light sensitivity

Speed 2; Consumption 1

Skeleton Horde (Colossal)XP 3,200

NE Colossal army of human skeletons

hp 31; ACR 7

DV 19; OM +7

Special darkvision, mindless, undead

Speed 2; Consumption 3

Skeleton Horde (Gargantuan)XP 1,600

NE Gargantuan army of human skeletons

hp 22; ACR 5

DV 17; OM +5

Special darkvision, mindless, undead

Speed 2; Consumption 2

Skeleton Horde (Huge)XP 800

NE Huge army of human skeletons

hp 13; ACR 3

DV 15; OM +3

Special darkvision, mindless, undead

Speed 2; Consumption 1

Skeleton Horde (Large)XP 400

NE Large army of human skeletons

hp 4; ACR 1

DV 13; OM +1

Special darkvision, mindless, undead

Speed 2; Consumption 1

Skeleton Horde (Medium)XP 135

NE Medium army of human skeletons

hp 1; ACR 1/3

DV 12; OM +0

Special darkvision, mindless, undead

Speed 2; Consumption 1

Svirfneblin ArmyXP 400

N Medium army of svirfneblin (ranger 1)

hp 5; ACR 1

DV 13; OM +2, ranged

Special darkvision, favored enemy (dwarf), low-light vision, spellcasting, spell resistance, track

Speed 1; Consumption 1

TarrasqueXP 102,400

N Fine army of one tarrasque

hp 93; ACR 17

DV 27; OM +21, ranged

Tactics defensive wall, relentless brutality, siegebreaker, spellbreaker, withdraw

Special cannibalize; fear; grab; immune to ability damage, bleed, disease, energy drain, fear, paralysis, petrification, and poison; low-light vision; regeneration 40; scent; significant defense; spell resistance

Speed 2; Consumption 8

Note +4 OM due to feats and monster special abilities

Tengu ArmyXP 600

N Medium army of tengus (rogue 3)

hp 9; ACR 2

DV 12; OM +2, ranged

Tactics expert flankers

Special evasion, low-light vision, rogue talent (bleed), sneak attack

Speed 2; Consumption 1

Troglodyte ArmyXP 400

CE Medium army of troglodytes

hp 4; ACR 1

DV 11; OM +1, ranged

Special darkvision, paralysis

Speed 2; Consumption 1

Worg ArmyXP 600

NE Medium army of worgs

hp 11; ACR 2

DV 12; OM +2

Special darkvision, low-light vision, scent, trip

Speed 3; Consumption 1


N Medium army of yetis

hp 22; ACR 4

DV 14; OM +4

Special burn, climb, darkvision, fear, scent

Speed 2; Consumption 2

Zombie Horde (Colossal)XP 4,800

NE Colossal army of human zombies

hp 36; ACR 8

DV 20; OM +8

Special darkvision, mindless, undead

Speed 1; Consumption 4

Zombie Horde (Gargantuan)XP 2,400

NE Gargantuan army of human zombies

hp 27; ACR 6

DV 18; OM +6

Special darkvision, mindless, undead

Speed 1; Consumption 3

Zombie Horde (Huge)XP 1,200

NE Huge army of human zombies

hp 18; ACR 4

DV 16; OM +4

Special darkvision, mindless, undead

Speed 1; Consumption 2

Zombie Horde (Large)XP 600

NE Large army of human zombies

hp 9; ACR 2

DV 14; OM +2

Special darkvision, mindless, undead

Speed 1; Consumption 1

Zombie Horde (Medium)XP 200

NE Medium army of human zombies

hp 2; ACR 1/2

DV 12; OM +0

Special darkvision, mindless, undead

Speed 1; Consumption 1

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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #16 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:27:18 »
集团战斗快速查询(Mass Combat Quick Reference)

进攻检定(Offense Check):d20 + 进攻调整值(OM)

伤害检定(Damage Dealt):进攻检定结果 - 防守军队的防御值(DV)

士气检定(Morale Check):d20 + 指挥官的调整值 + 军队的士气

并未拥有王国的场合(Beyond the Kingdom)

处理集团战斗(Running Mass Combats)

招募军队(Recruiting Armies)

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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #17 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:43:53 »

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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #18 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:53:00 »
* 幸福的米分 前来赞美奈奈子


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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #19 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 17:03:01 »
* 背叛者之殇 撒花,奈奈子板載!