作者 主题: 【HoG】卡斯马隆英雄(Heroes of Casmaron)  (阅读 11757 次)

副标题: 变形者变体(已有翻译),无比偷工减料的唤魂师变体,增加魅力的变形者拟态,意义不明的异能者精神增幅

离线 晴澈之空

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【HoG】卡斯马隆英雄(Heroes of Casmaron)
« 于: 2020-11-19, 周四 12:41:44 »
卡斯马隆英雄(Heroes of Casmaron)
出自Heroes of Golarion,12~13页

已有翻译,[HoG] 圣兽 (变形者变体)


抗疫卫士(Plague Ward):噬瘟者并不与单个灵魂,而是与一个聚集在她的精神周围的灵魂群落建立联结。唤魂师可以在8小时的休息中冥想一种情感羁绊(Emotional Focus)并与群落中一位符合该情感羁绊的灵魂联结在一起,使其担任自己的魅影(Phantom)直至唤魂师再次通过8小时休息的冥想改变情感羁绊。不断改变的灵魂联结淡化了噬瘟者与灵魂群落的联结,使得显化的魅影等级要比唤魂师等级低1级(最低为1)。
当魅影寄居与噬瘟者意识中(而非完全显化或被放逐至灵界位面)时,它在抵抗疾病的豁免检定中获得+4加值。12级起,这个加值提升至+8。除此之外,魅影仅赋予唤魂师一项符合情感羁绊技能的技能专攻(Skill Focus)专长。这项技能由噬瘟者在初次接受属于某种情感羁绊的魅影寄宿时为该情感羁绊选择,且一经选定不能改变。
这项能力修改了魅影(Phantom)并取代了共享意识(Shared Consciousness)。

心灵免疫(Spiritual Inoculation,Su):4级起,当噬瘟者处于灵质态(Ectoplasmic)显化魅影的触及范围内,她便在抵抗疾病的豁免检定中获得+4环境加值。
这项能力修改了魅影加护(Spiritual Interference)。

移除恶心(Remove Sickness,Sp):5级起,噬瘟者对疾病的理解允许她以类法术能力随意施放移除恶心(Remove Sickness),且将唤魂师等级作为施法者等级。
这项能力取代了感应亡灵(Detect Undead)。

毁容之触(Disfiguring Touch,Sp):7级起,每日一次,噬瘟者可以以类法术能力施放毁容之触(Disfiguring Touch)造成类似于瘟疫后遗症的容貌毁损。在11级和之后的每4级,该能力的每日可用次数增加1次(在19级时达到每日4次)。
这项能力取代了安灵法(Calm Spirit)。

移除疾病(Remove Disease,Sp):9级起,噬瘟者获得治愈自身和他人疾病的能力。她可以每日三次以类法术能力施放移除疾病(Remove Disease)。
这项能力取代了识破隐形(See Invisibility)。

健康融身(Fused Well-Being,Su):10级起,当魅影显化时,噬瘟者总获得连觉(Bounded Senses)的好处。即使魅影显化,她仍能获得情感羁绊赋予的技能奖励以及抵抗疾病的加值。
这项能力取代了识破隐形(See Invisibility)。

高等心灵免疫(Greater Spiritual Inoculation,Su):12级起,噬瘟者对疾病免疫,即使其源自超自然效果或魔法。此外,当魅影以灵质态(Ectoplasmic)显化时,魅影触及范围内的所有噬瘟者盟友均在抵抗疾病的豁免检定中获得+4环境加值。
这项能力修改了高等魅影加护(Greater Spiritual Interference)。

提取苦难(Withdraw Affliction,Sp):16级起,噬瘟者能够触及体内,直接移除生者承受的痛苦库并将疾病物质用作武器。每日一次,噬瘟者可以以类法术能力施放提取苦难(Withdraw Affliction),且将唤魂师等级作为施法者等级。
这项能力取代了呼唤死魂(Call Spirit)。


  专攻形态:你变形为一只小型孔雀。在该形态下你获得昏暗视觉(low-light vision),40尺飞行速度(机动性笨拙),两次鸟爪攻击(1D3伤害)且在隐匿检定上获得+4种族加值。孔雀不能使用飞行速度盘旋(Cover),必须降落或停留在坚实表面上来结束所有飞行移动。孔雀可以向15尺锥形范围内的所有生物表演一种诱人的舞蹈。每个能看到你舞蹈的生物必须通过一个意志豁免(DC=10+你变形者等级的一半+你的魅力调整值)否则震慑(Stunned)一轮。8级起,震慑效果持续2轮。15级起,震慑效果持续4轮。无论生物是否通过豁免,它在24小时内不会再次受到该能力影响。

心眼(Mind's Eys,Su):一些异能者同时训练视觉和精神感应将它们统合融为一体,以便更好地引导远程法术甚至能以不可思议的精度来塑造法术。当异能者施放需要进行远程攻击检定的法术时可以从精神力池(Phrenic Pool)中消耗2点精神力,在该攻击检定上获得+4洞察加值。她可以额外消耗1点精神力来忽略掩蔽带来的惩罚(但不能忽略全掩蔽)。
完美体躯(Perfect Body,Ex):一些异能实践者通过扩展训练完善身心。当异能者施放一个变化系联结法术时可以从精神力池(Phrenic Pool)中消耗1点精神力,在下一次反射豁免或强韧豁免中获得+2加值。
异能防护(Psychic Defense,Su):洞察微小而无形的线索让异能者能够利用社交环境来对她的目标施加影响。异能者可以在社交活动中施放一个联结法术并从精神力池(Phrenic Pool)中消耗1点精神力,在下一次唬骗、交涉、威吓或察言观色检定中获得+4加值。
先人低语(Whisper of Ancients,Ex):异能者可以将意识短暂传送至星界(Astral Plane)瞥视信息。当异能者施放一个预言系联结法术时可以从精神力池(Phrenic Pool)中消耗1点精神力,在任何相关技能检定中获得+2加值。她也可以消耗2点精神力将加值改为+4。


劇透 -   :
Heroes of Casmaron
From the cold, plague-ravaged lands of northern Casmaron to the psychic colleges of ancient Vudra in the far south, the people of Casmaron and their heroes are closely linked to the unique needs of their land. These heroes set aside their own glory and take on duties that their communities cannot shoulder, despite the risks involved.

Iobaria has been ravaged by plague for centuries, and many of its dead do not rest. These ghosts often flock around specialized spiritualists called plague eaters. Such a spiritualist bears the weight of many souls within her consciousness, spirits that remember the devastation of disease and seek to protect their host from infections, cleanse others of plague, and use disease itself as a weapon.
Plague Ward: A plague eater does not bond with a single spirit, but rather a group of spirits gathered around her psychic presence. The spiritualist can meditate on an emotional focus during her 8-hour rest and bond with a spirit from her community with a matching focus. A spirit associated with the chosen emotion links with the spiritualist and acts as her phantom until the plague eater changes her emotional focus with another 8-hour rest. The changing roster of spirits dilutes the bond between the plague eater and her community, and the manifesting phantom has a level 1 lower than the spiritualist’s level (minimum level 1).
While a phantom is confined in a plague eater’s consciousness (but not while it’s fully manifested or banished to the Ethereal Plane), it grants a +4 bonus on saving throws against disease. At 12th level, this bonus increases to +8. In addition, the phantom grants the plague eater the Skill Focus feat in one of the skills determined by the phantom’s emotional focus. This skill is chosen by the plague eater the first time she confines the phantom tied to that particular emotional focus. Once this choice is made for a given emotional focus, it cannot be changed.
This alters phantom and shared consciousness.
Spiritual Inoculation (Su): At 4th level, whenever a plague eater is within reach of her ectoplasmic manifested phantom, she gains a +4 circumstance bonus on saving throws against disease.
This alters spiritual interference.
Remove Sickness (Sp): At 5th level, a plague eater’s understanding of disease grows to the point where she can cast remove sicknessUM at will as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to her spiritualist level.
This replaces detect undead.
Disfiguring Touch (Sp): At 7th level, a plague eater can inflict upon others the superficial disfigurement associated with plague by casting disfiguring touchUM as a spell-like ability once per day. At 11th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the spiritualist can use this ability an additional time per day (to a maximum of four times per day at 19th level).
This replaces calm spirit.
Remove Disease (Sp): At 9th level, a plague eater gains the ability to purge disease from herself and others. She gains the ability to cast remove disease as a spell-like ability three times per day.
This ability replaces see invisibility
Fused Well-Being (Su): At 10th level, a plague eater always gains the benefits of bonded senses when her phantom is manifested. She also gains the skill ranks and bonus to resist disease granted by the spirit’s emotional focus, even when her phantom is manifested.
This replaces fused consciousness.
Greater Spiritual Inoculation (Su): At 12th level, the plague eater becomes immune to disease, including supernatural and magical diseases. In addition, whenever a manifested phantom is in ectoplasmic form, each of the plague eater’s allies within the phantom’s reach gains a +4 circumstance bonus on saving throws against disease.
This ability alters greater spiritual interference.
Withdraw Affliction (Sp): At 16th level, a plague eater can reach into a body, remove an affliction directly from the flesh, and use the diseased matter as a weapon. She can cast withdraw afflictionOA once per day as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to her spiritualist level.
This replaces call spirit.

Many Vudrani shifters add the vibrant peafowl to their repertoire of different forms.

Peafowl are popular ornamental birds due to their spectacular colors, and they are often symbols of royalty or the divine. A shifter using the alternate natural attacks rules on page 8 of Pathfinder Player Companion: Wilderness Origins can select a bite (B, P, S) or tail slap (B) attack.
Minor Form: You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Charisma score. At 8th level the bonus increases to +4, and at 15th level it increases to +6.
Major Form: Your shape changes to that of a Small peafowl. While in this form you gain low-light vision, a fly speed of 40 feet (clumsy), two talon attacks (1d3 damage), and a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks. A peafowl can’t use its fly speed to hover and must end any flying move action by landing or perching on a solid surface. A peafowl can perform a captivating dance targeting all creatures within a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the cone that can see your dance must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + half your shifter level + your Charisma modifier) or be stunned for 1 round. At 8th level, the stunned effect lasts for 2 rounds, and at 15th level the duration increases to 4 rounds. Whether or not it succeeds at the initial save, a creature cannot be affected by this ability again for 24 hours.

Countless Vudrani temples and ashrams teach students physical and mental discipline as a path toward self-perfection. But some schools reserve the most exacting methods of self-improvement for psychics.
Mind’s Eye (Su): Some psychics train their visual and psychic senses, binding them together into a unified focus to better guide their ranged spells and place them with uncanny precision. While casting a spell that requires a ranged attack roll, the psychic can spend 2 points from her phrenic pool and gain a +4 insight bonus on the attack roll. The psychic can spend 1 additional point to ignore penalties from cover (but not total cover).
Perfect Body (Ex): Some practitioners of psychic techniques extend their training to improve their bodies as well as their minds. When the psychic casts a linked transmutation spell, she can spend 1 point from her phrenic pool to gain a +2 bonus on her next Reflex or Fortitude save.
Psychic Defense (Su): Reading small, invisible cues allows the psychic to take advantage of social circumstances and subtly influence her target. Casting a linked spell during a social encounter and spending 1 point from her phrenic pool allows the psychic to add a +4 bonus on her next Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense Motive check.
Whisper of Ancients (Ex): The psychic can send her consciousness into the Astral Plane for a glimpse of synchronous information. While casting a linked divination spell, the psychic can spend 1 point from her phrenic pool to gain a +2 bonus on any associated skill check. She can spend 2 points from her phrenic pool to instead gain a +4 bonus.
« 上次编辑: 2020-11-19, 周四 12:55:37 由 晴澈之空 »

离线 晴澈之空

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Re: 【HoG】卡斯马隆英雄(Heroes of Casmaron)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-11-19, 周四 12:43:31 »


« 上次编辑: 2020-11-19, 周四 13:04:27 由 晴澈之空 »

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Re: 【HoG】卡斯马隆英雄(Heroes of Casmaron)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-11-19, 周四 15:01:05 »
就算pf1亡了,也绝不给唤魂一点加强 :em015