作者 主题: 【Champions of Purity/Balance/Corruption】《探索者》Pathfinder 九大阵营角色扮演指南合集  (阅读 54883 次)

副标题: “你是哪个阵营的Friend呢?”

线上 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
  • 翻譯組
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  • 帖子数: 3338
  • 苹果币: 11

线上 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
  • 翻譯組
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 3338
  • 苹果币: 11
守序善良(Lawful Good)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-04-18, 周二 01:10:31 »




  • 建造者


    • 为了秩序和组织而奋斗。
    • 将强而有力的政府视作文明必不可少的部分,而紧密联系的家庭和社群就是居住地得以繁荣发展的砖瓦。
    • 使用自己的创造力和技能教导别人如何改善自己和社群的生活质量,并乐于为想移居到秩序和文明地区的人们提供帮助。


  • 圣战者



    • 对邪恶彻彻底底地憎恶唾弃。
    • 积极地拨乱反正,驱逐邪恶与不公。
    • 经由实际行动追寻荣耀与名誉,并视荣誉远在生命之上。


  • 守卫者



    • 不惜以身犯险保护他人生命安全。
    • 积极地保护弱小和清白之人。
    • 提高援助对象的防御以及战术技巧,并对其加以改进。









  • 骑士团


  • 守序国度


  • 社会秩序


背景特性 ←点击标题跳转

劇透 -  原文:
Lawful good
Lawful good characters regard law as necessary for the welfare of society. They fight to abolish or change laws they deem unjust, and they always aid those in need. Lawful good characters strive to be forthright in their words and deeds, refuse to lie to others, and keep their covenants. They oppose evil wherever it is found, and avoid putting the good of the individual ahead of what is good for the masses. For these characters, the end rarely justifies the means. Characters drawn to honor, righting wrongs, or making sacrifices for others might be attracted to this alignment.

Lawful good characters vary widely, especially in terms of their zeal for their beliefs. Some may be fanatical examples of the alignment, while others apply these ideals more loosely in their lives. The following examples showcase just a few of the possible approaches to this alignment.


Builder characters believe in the importance of close- knit families and strong communities, and they teach others to be self-sufficient.

Builders revere order and law, regarding these concepts as the answer to all of civilization’s problems; for them, a strong, benevolent government is what allows civilizations to thrive. Builders often assist in creating actual structures and items as a part of community’s attempt to improve members’ quality of life.

 If you are a builder, you:
 • Strive for order and organization.
 • View strong government as necessary for civilization’s cultivation, and strong families and communities as the building blocks of successful settlements.
 • Use your creativity and skills to teach others how to improve their lives and communities, and gladly offer your assistance when others are moved to create order and structure.

Code: You bring order to society through your creations, whether material or philosophical.


Crusaders endeavor to stamp out the presence of evil wherever it arises. These just, strong individuals spend their lives in pursuit of such heroic endeavors, tenaciously taking the fight to the root of evil in an attempt to eradicate it. Crusaders seek honor, valor, and glory in their pursuit of evil, and willingly sacrifice themselves in their efforts to destroy their targets. Many crusader types follow Iomedae, the Sword of Light.

 If you are a crusader, you:

• Abhor evil in all its aspects.
• Are motivated to right wrongs and to stamp out evil and injustice.
• Seek honor and glory through your actions, and suffer death over accepting dishonor.
Code: You are honorable and risk your life to eradicate the evil threatening your lands or the lives of those you’ve vowed to protect.

Guardians respect life and believe there is no greater duty or higher calling than protecting the lives of innocents and those who are too venerable to protect themselves. These brave, unwavering individuals gladly risk life and limb in defending whoever or whatever they have vowed to protect, whether it’s a city, village, fortress wall, or even a strategic pass. They willingly sacrifice themselves to the last soul to carry out their duty, and they find their honor, valor, and glory in defense rather than in taking the battle to others. When not actively involved in protecting their charge, they spend their time teaching defensive tactics and skills to those willing to learn.

If you are a guardian, you:

• Protect the lives of others at your own risk.
• Are motivated to protect the weak and the innocent.
• Improve the tactics and defensive skills of those you aid.

Code: You risk your life to protect the lives and well- being of others.

Lawful good characters are proficient at understanding bureaucracies,  following laws, and cultivating order and structure in their own lives and in others’. They are naturally helpful, and others find them trustworthy, even if they don’t share the same alignment. Additionally, lawful good characters are adept at deciding which actions are lawful and benefit society rather than the individual. With their focus on order, they can often build governmental stability where none previously existed.

These characters sometimes have problems defying laws, even when the laws are unjust. Instead of disobeying or protesting against such laws, they work within the provided structure or system to change those laws, and they implore others to do so as well. They feel guilty lying to others, even if only asked to fib to provide a ruse for their companions. Similarly, they won’t break the law to help good-intentioned party members perform actions that might have beneficial results.

When they’re adventuring in urban areas with their companions, lawful good characters may feel compelled to excuse  themselves from certain plans or attempt to reason with those  more lenient in their interpretation of the law. It’s much easier for lawful good characters to ignore the bad behavior  of other party members when exploring ruins and wilderness  areas outside the direct jurisdiction of a governing body.

The character class most often associated with the lawful good alignment is the paladin, but this alignment may also include monks, who are always lawful—in fact, monks who take levels in the champions of Irori prestige class must be lawful good. With a few exceptions, the other character classes allow for any alignment. However, playing a lawful good rogue—though feasible via the game’s rules—may be challenging. Such a character would, however, be a good addition to a law enforcement body as an investigator, or might travel as a scout or spy for a military or knightly order. She might also be a trustworthy appropriator of treasures lost in the depths of old ruins.

In the Inner Sea region, lawful good characters can find plenty of opportunities to adventure and find allies. These characters may be specifically interested in lending their support to the following organizations.

Knightly Orders:
Knightly orders suiting this alignment can be found among the crusaders of Mendev, who struggle to stem the teeming Worldwound’s demonic invaders, as well as in Lastwall’s Knights of Ozem, who concentrate their efforts on the orc hordes of Belkzen and maintaining their sacred duty of guarding against the Whispering Tyrant’s return. The Eagle Knights of Andoran, who stamp out slavery and promote the ideals of Andoran, constitute another organization lawful good characters may wish to ally with or join.

Lawful Nations:
Aiding the lawful nations of Mendev and Lastwall, whether working with or without the nations’ famous knightly orders, could interest characters of this alignment. And in Tian Xia, lawful good characters may wish to defend Zi Ha and Jinin against rampaging giants, hobgoblins, and oni. After all, if these nations fall, it’s only a matter of time before the invaders threaten other regions.

Social Order:
 Bringing peace and order to a community or nation should be a paramount ideal to a lawful good character. Settling conflict and establishing a fair body of laws may be more often associated with politicians, legislators, and barristers, but an adventurer can pursue those ideals as well. Whether she focuses on keeping the peace or fighting against those who seek to upset the traditions of a particular society, an adventurer in an urban environment can instill the principles of a lawful good alignment in its people.


The following traits complement characters of lawful good alignment.

Blessed Touch (Faith): You may have been raised in a devout family, studied the divine in a formal church environment, or even learned how to combine traditional healing techniques with those of divine casters. In so doing, you have focused yourself into being the perfect vessel for your deity. Divine power flows through you like a mountain stream, making your healing touch more potent than that of others. You heal 1 additional point of damage when using lay on hands, channeling energy, or casting a cure spell.

Hard to Kill (Combat): Your strong will to live and spread good combined with your pure physicality makes you a tough opponent to take down. You may have discovered this as a child after a tragic accident or during the course of your first battle. When you are attempting a Constitution check to stabilize when dying, the penalty on the check is only half your negative hit point total instead of your full negative hit point total.

Weapon of Peace (Combat): Even though you are a trained combatant, proficient with any number of weapons, you don’t relish killing your enemies. It’s not that you’re afraid of seeing blood, but rather that disabling a foe is superior to killing someone capable of admitting defeat. When using a melee weapon that deals lethal damage to instead deal nonlethal damage, you take only a –2 penalty instead of –4.

线上 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
  • 翻譯組
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 3338
  • 苹果币: 11
中立善良(Neutral Good)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-04-18, 周二 01:19:39 »




  • 治疗者


    • 视生命高于一切。
    • 使用自己的治疗能力以及相关知识去救助伤患。
    • 战斗的时候保持防御,只会尝试俘获或者弱化敌人。


  • 调停者



    • 重视平衡,和平,能从中获益的解决方案。
    • 积极地平息冲突,还以和平。
    • 尝试以自身的才智和魅力去应对本性非恶的生物。


  • 救赎者



    • 重视生命,并且耐心以待。
    • 积极地带领他人走上光明之途,并深信人人都有改过自新的机会。
    • 愿意对那些拒绝救赎的家伙痛下杀手。









  • 探索和保存


  • 安多安与自由之战


  • 和平,救赎与庇护


背景特性 ←点击标题跳转

劇透 -  原文:
Neutral good
Neutral good characters can see both sides of the lawful-chaotic axis, understanding that some choices are indeed better for all, and others are better for individuals. Because supporting either extreme on the axis does not motivate them, neutral good characters are often considered the “true good” alignment. They seek to do the most good in the world to make it a better place and to help others when possible. Neither anarchy nor the need for strict order concerns them. Neutral good characters support laws that benefit all, but have no qualms about ignoring unjust laws or tyrannical rulers.

Neutral good characters vary widely, especially in terms of their zeal for their beliefs. Some may be fanatical examples of the alignment, while others apply these ideals more loosely in their lives. They find slavery, whether legal or not, abhorrent, and may make it their goal to destroy such institutions wherever they find them. The following examples showcase just a few of the possible approaches to this alignment.

Healers value life, seeing beauty and good in all living creatures. Healers offer their curative powers to those in need, regardless of their patients’ alignment, believing it’s their duty to use their skills and magic to maintain the purity of life itself. As life is all-important to them, they take oaths never to do harm to others or to take lives; when forced to fight, they protect themselves, but tend to employ abilities that hamper or entrap their enemies rather than killing them outright. After all, every being’s life is important to the universe, and the loss of any soul is a true tragedy to healers.

If you are a healer, you:

• Value life above all else.
• Use your curative knowledge and abilities to heal the sick and wounded.
• Fight defensively, and only to capture or weaken opponents.

Code: You seek to maintain the life and health of others, and do not take others’ lives.

m ediators
 It is not possible for all members of a community to have their way; life is all about compromise, and mediators specialize in steering rational individuals to agreeable terms and favorable outcomes. When things go badly or they must deal with hostile people, mediators do not rashly pull their weapons on others, but instead offer alternative options for resolution through diplomacy or intimidation. Of course, many creatures lack enlightenment, and thus don’t accept compromise. When words fall on deaf ears, mediators resort to weapons to win the day.

If you are a mediator, you:
• Value balance and peaceful, beneficial resolutions.
• Are motivated by the desire to keep the peace and diffuse conflict.
• Attempt to use your wisdom and charisma when dealing with nonevil creatures.

Code: When conflict arises between reasonable creatures of either axis of your alignment, you offer your diplomatic skills to accomplish compromise or agreement.

r edeemers
Redeemers believe that with a few exceptions, most beings are capable of goodness. Beings not following the path of light need only be given a chance to renounce their wayward behavior and be enlightened to the true path of goodness, thus allowing them to redeem their souls and atone for their vile deeds. Redeemers believe in patience, knowing old habits are hard to break. Of course, those who refuse proffered redemption opportunities must not be allowed to continue along their destructive paths, so redeemers must permanently prevent them from doing further harm.

If you are a redeemer, you:
• Value life and are patient.
• Are motivated to bring others into the light, believing they deserve a second chance.
• Are willing to kill those who refuse redemption.
Code: The lost can be returned to the light if given the chance; you must offer it and show them the way.

Neutral good characters excel at seeing both sides of a situation, and they use this ability to inform their actions, doing what they believe will produce the most good. These characters seek balance and harmony in their dealings with others; they know to avoid conversations leading to heated topics, and keep their responses to the middle of the road. They understand the value of nature, and realize that expanding civilization into the wilderness is not always the most appropriate thing to do.

Because of their ability to see all facets of a situation, neutral good characters can sometimes have difficulty in choosing a side between other good beings. For this reason, others may label them as wishy-washy or not capable of serious conviction.

Dealing with other characters aligned along the lawful-chaotic axis can also be challenging, especially in mixed-alignment adventuring groups. The neutral good characters will not always agree with the lawful good characters’ meticulous need to plan their actions, control others, or prevent others from disobeying laws that interfere with the party’s goals—sometimes less-than- honest tactics are necessary, after all. Conversely, neutral good characters might find chaotic good characters a little on the uncontrollable side, not liking the wild bent of their ideas or actions. Too much freedom of thought and action, they believe, just makes one irresponsible.

Neutral good characters give great consideration to their actions before deeming them correct; some neutral good characters find it unfathomable that others cannot see their viewpoint as the most sensible.

Neutral good is an alignment common to the druid class, who must select any neutral alignment. Neutral good serves as an effective alignment for most any class, except the monk and paladin, who must be lawful.

Exploration and Preservation:
The neutral frontier lands of Varisia can hold significant interest for characters of this alignment. This fast-growing area is a great stepping-stone for characters wanting to do good, preserve beautiful works of art and history, and make names for themselves. Sandpoint makes a wonderful hometown for beginning good characters, and Magnimar is especially welcoming toward rising stars. Preservationists may also want to enter Galt to retrieve its relics and artifacts before the revolutionaries ravage them all, or might join the people of the Mwangi Expanse in their struggle against the depredations of the demon- worshipping Gorilla King and exploitation by would-be colonizers and treasure hunters.

Freedom Fighting and Andoran:
 Neutral good characters may hail from Andoran or gain allies in Andoran’s Eagle Knights, and they may find the kingdom’s political views and ideals of freedom from slavery and tyranny particularly appealing. Neutral good characters might involve themselves in the fight to free slaves, and their assistance would be greatly welcomed. They might also join the organization, climbing its ranks as they gain experience and levels.
Peace, Redemption, and Refuge:
Neutral good characters, especially servants of Sarenrae, might find Golarion’s hotbeds of chaos ripe for intervention in the form of redemption and mediation. Such realms include Brevoy, where nobles war against each other for control; Galt, the blood-soaked land of revolution; Numeria, the dark-mage-run land of super science; the River Kingdoms, the land of mercenaries and bandits; Sargava, an oppressive former colony on the verge of rebellion; and the treacherous pirate isles of the Shackles. Mediators and redeemers could bring calm to these regions, and could even form their own refuge for redeemed souls.

The following traits complement characters of neutral good alignment.

Helpful (Combat): You always know the best way to assist your companions, be it assisting them with a task, defending them in battle, or helping them place a well- aimed strike. When using the aid another action, you grant your ally a +3 bonus instead of a +2 bonus.

Mediator (Social): You have a way with calming tempers, using cool logic to sooth heated disagreements, and you were always the one to settle arguments among your friends, family, and community. You receive a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks. In addition, you receive a +1 trait bonus to the DC of any charm or compulsion effect that does not provide ongoing control and results in peaceful acts, such as calm emotions, sleep, or a suggestion to lay down arms.

Redeemer (Faith): You’ve always held the strong belief that morality is everyone’s choice, and that those who act in wicked ways have simply never been shown how their actions truly affect others. If they could be shown their errors, then they would accept a more positive course of action—and you have just enough patience to see this through. When acting as a sponsor for an evil creature seeking redemption (see page 18), your patience and kindness grant the creature a +3 bonus on its save rather than a +1 bonus.

线上 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
  • 翻譯組
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 3338
  • 苹果币: 11
混乱善良(Chaotic Good)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-04-18, 周二 01:21:36 »




  • 积极派

        积极派的目的是保证其他人能敢于发问,同时在自勉之余也会鼓励其他人反思自己信仰和知识的源头。 此举并非出于恶意或是打扰别人思考的恶趣味,而是出于帮助他们认识自己的义务:只有在思想以及信仰得以解放,而非直接生搬硬套自那些希望社会百姓成为温驯绵羊的家伙所不断灌输的胡言乱语——个人才能真正地获得自由。

    • 认为时刻对权威保持疑问态度很重要。
    • 积极地去“点醒”其他人思想中的自由之火。
    • 不懈地去探寻知识和真相。
    • 过着不会不以他人自由为代价的生活。


  • 自由斗士



    • 重视所有人的自由和解放。
    • 积极地废黜奴隶制。
    • 保证法律不会限制个人的自由权利。


  • 侠客



    • 重视亲手为恶徒降下正义制裁。
    • 积极地去惩罚奸邪恶党。
    • 无视法律,践行自己的正义,因此,通常遭到通缉悬赏。








  • 为国家与自由而战


  • 为解放和自由而战


  • 种族盟友


背景特性 ←点击标题跳转

劇透 -  原文:
Chaotic good
Chaotic good characters are strong-willed and self-directed—masters of their own destiny. They act as their consciences dictate, viewing the plights of the weak and innocent with compassion and correcting injustices when they can. Chaotic good characters disregard others’ expectations of their behavior, finding many laws and regulations too limiting to their personal freedom. They resent those who inflict their ideals on others, especially through intimidation, and are often reluctant to conform. Chaotic good characters want the freedom to do as they will and desire others to be free of oppression as well.

Chaotic good characters vary widely, especially in terms of their zeal for their beliefs. Some chaotic good characters seem to be fanatical examples of their alignment, while others apply these ideals more loosely in their lives. These carefree souls follow their own whims and pleasures, harming no one unless their personal sense of justice is inflamed. They find slavery an utter abomination, and fight against all instances of it they encounter. The following examples showcase just a few of the possible approaches to this alignment.

Activists ensure others question and reflect upon the origin of beliefs and knowledge, both their own and that of others. They do not do so out of malice or a desire to disrupt others’ thoughts, but rather out of a duty to help others realize their true selves—a person cannot truly be a free person until her thoughts and beliefs are, in fact, her own, not the rote drivel instilled by those wanting a society of faithful sheep.

If you are an activist, you:
• Value questioning the establishment.
• Are motivated to “awaken” other free thinkers.
• Are a seeker of knowledge and truth.
• Live life without restricting others.

Code: You want others to question what they know, ensuring each individual is truly living honestly and thinking for himself.

 F reedom F iGhters
Freedom fighters believe no one should suffer the indignity of slavery or be forced to serve a government that rejects or ignores the rights of its people. Everyone is born free and should remain so. Liberty is the right of all, and tyrants and slavers must be thwarted or eradicated by any means necessary. Freedom fighters spread their ideals in hopes of inspiring others to wage war against slavers and oppressors. Although liberty is an ideal rooted in neutral good Andoran, many of its freedom fighters are chaotic good.

 If you are a freedom fighter, you:

• Value freedom and liberty for all.
• Are motivated to eradicate slavery.
• Ensure laws do not restrict individuals’ rights.

Code: You find tyranny and slavery the most intolerable crimes in existence, and you long to free every man, woman, and child from their grip.

V iGiLaNtes
Vigilantes believe those individuals enforcing the laws of the land are too lazy or uncaring to effectively punish evildoers, or that their hands are tied by the law. Therefore, vigilantes step forward to deliver justice to wrongdoers, serving as both judge and punisher for thieves, thugs, and murderers. When their prey happens to be slavers or violent oppressors, vigilantes sometimes cross paths with freedom fighters. For vigilantes, justice must be delivered at all costs, and they risk their own lives to keep the lives of innocents safe and secure.

If you are a vigilante, you:
• Value the justice delivered by your own hand.
• Are motivated to punish evildoers.
• Disregard laws to bring about your own justice, and are, therefore, often a wanted individual.

Code: You risk limb and life to bring wrongdoers to justice for their crimes, and in doing so, make life better for others.

Chaotic good characters follow their own consciences and are adaptable, easily rolling with life’s punches. They rarely make plans too far in advance, preferring to take a wait-and-see approach to most things, which allows them to adjust their actions or reactions in a single heartbeat. They have no qualms about breaking laws, especially when doing so will save others or protect others’ rights from being trammeled.

Chaotic good characters want freedom for themselves and others, and find it difficult to live in societies they deem too restrictive to individuals. They view laws and regulations as unneeded mechanisms of control rather than protection. Deeply inherent in the chaotic good character’s philosophy is the belief that most individuals are good and will do good if given the freedom to act as they please. In this regard, these benevolent, kind-hearted individuals can be viewed as the most idealistic of the good alignments. Other good characters call their live- and-let-live attitude overly idealistic, instead believing that individuals are more selfish than kindhearted in nature and need guidance to become good. The chaotic good philosophy, however, holds that because individuals are not all like-minded persons, imposing such guidance and laws to force them to conform to a single mold deforms their spirits, creating flaws and cracks where evil can more easily find a foothold. Chaotic Good Chaotic good characters are strong-willed and self-directed—masters of their own destiny. They act as their consciences dictate, viewing the plights of the weak and innocent with compassion and correcting injustices when they can. Chaotic good characters disregard others’ expectations of their behavior, finding many laws and regulations too limiting to their personal freedom. They resent those who inflict their ideals on others, especially through intimidation, and are often reluctant to conform. Chaotic good characters want the freedom to do as they will and desire others to be free of oppression as well.

While chaotic good characters do not accept that individuals must sacrifice their ideals and follow laws for the good of the whole, they willingly sacrifice themselves (and their individuality) to protect the whole in the name of good.

Chaotic good is not an alignment embedded in any particular character class, though it can be an excellent one for barbarian characters, who must avoid lawful alignments. The most difficult character class to portray with a chaotic good alignment might be the cavalier, as cavaliers are tied to teamwork by the nature of their combat skills and must follow an order as well. Such knights, however, could serve as effective freedom fighters and leaders in the fight for liberty.

Freedom Fighting (Patriots):
Chaotic good characters might be very attracted to Andoran’s philosophies in regard to liberty being a right inalienable to all. If they choose to join the fight against slavery, chaotic good characters could find allies in the Eagle Knights, though they might prefer to work outside the organization, as doing things their own way is deeply rooted in their nature. War-torn Nirmathas, a land also ruled by the ideals of freedom and self-sufficiency, is in need of defenders as well.

Freedom Fighting (Rebels):
Chaotic good characters wishing to fight against tyranny can find opportunities to make a difference in the shadowy servitor state of Nidal; in Razmiran, the theocracy of the living god; in Geb, domain of the dead; in the diabolical empire of Cheliax; and in Sargava, a former colony bent on subjugating the native populace. These are all oppressive lands in need of heroes. The Eagle Knights are possible allies in these fights as well, and aiding the halfling Bellflower Network in freeing slaves from Cheliax and bringing them to Andoran is another possibility.

Racial Allies:
Chaotic good characters might find allies among the elves and half-elves, with whom they share not only an alignment (generally speaking), but also a curiosity about life and a zeal to forge their own paths in the world. This tendency is even stronger in the case of half-elves, who often find themselves without a unified homeland and feel they must create their own destinies. Elves are more commonly found in the wilderness, making it reasonable that they could be useful allies for druid and ranger characters. Chaotic good characters might also find allies among aasimars who tend toward chaos, or perhaps even among the rare but free-willed catfolk.

The  following  traits  complement characters of a chaotic good alignment.

Careful Combatant (Combat): You have a strong sense of self-preservation, believing it is more important to safely extract yourself from a fight that has turned hopeless than to stubbornly stand your ground and risk death—for when you’re dead, you can’t protect the innocent. When using the withdraw action, both the first and second squares of your movement are not considered threatened by any opponents you can see, rather than just the first square.

Hardly a Fool (Social): You have always been able to ferret out lies and deception. Maybe you worked as an investigator for a time, you came from a place rife with lies, or you’ve studied the human condition long enough to read a person’s face and get to the heart of his message. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks and a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against illusion effects.

Spark of Creation (Magic): You have always had a knack for making useful things, and your talent as an artisan was evident even at an early age. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Craft checks, and the cost of creating magic items is reduced by 5%.

线上 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
  • 翻譯組
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 3338
  • 苹果币: 11
守序中立(Lawful Neutral)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-04-18, 周二 01:22:59 »




  • 执行者


    • 尊重并渴望为那些带来了清晰明确秩序的人士服务。
    • 以每个部分或个体都能各司其职的精密机械或是昆虫部落来看待社会。
    • 拒绝质疑官方权威,除非有证据表明它们背叛了你对其的信任。


  • 裁判者



    • 看重所有前人留下来的资料,并从中筛选出关键信息。
    • 认为你自己的个人权威乃是源自更高权威的缩影。
    • 拒绝重新审视过去的决定。


  • 机械论者



    • 纵观全局的同时也力求细致入微。
    • 认为在恰当的地方做出细小改变,也能使最终结果被彻底改变。
    • 战术灵活多变,但目标始终如一。
    • 会站在功能性以及相互作用的角度去考虑其他人。








  • 军队与士兵


  • 商人


  • 守序国度


引述: 边栏








    【社会】无情权威(inexorable authority):在话语中带上了法律沉重份量的同时,你所下达的判决也使自己的仪态可怕异常。当你在被依法委托的前提下执行或者宣判某项法律判决时,你在威吓检定上获得+2背景加值。

    【战斗】天网恢恢(No Escape):纵然这些饭桶和无赖顽固抵抗,他们也难以逃出你的五指山。当对单一你目击其犯下罪行的生物进行合法且目的是非致命控制的战技时,你在本次战技上获得+1背景加值

劇透 -  原文:
Lawful neutral
Lawful neutral characters know that there are correct and incorrect ways to do things. This might be an almost subconscious sense of how the world works, a determination to make the world work that way, a matter of habit or neurosis, or possibly a crutch that keeps the character moving forward instead of collapsing in a heap. Many characters who use organizations and clearly defined codes of behavior to guide their actions are drawn to this alignment.

Lawful neutral characters vary widely. Some are zealous enforcers busily engaged in imposing their internal code on the outside world, while others channel their discipline inward and remain calm even in the face of disorder. The following examples showcase a few possible approaches to this alignment.

e xeCutors
Executors define themselves through the discharge of the duties assigned to them. Some are comfortable with a degree of discretion, and others prefer a tightly prescribed set of orders with little room for interpretation. Either way, all executors choose to operate on the assumption that those supplying orders know what they’re doing, and that the world is a better place when everyone does his job efficiently and without fuss.

If you are an executor, you:
• Respect and seek to serve those who give clear, unambiguous orders.
• View society in terms of machinelike or insectile efficiency, where everyone plays predefined roles.
• Resist questioning those in authority, unless given evidence that they’ve betrayed your trust.

Code: You seek to do your duty, and you expect others to do their duties in turn.

J uDges
Judges render decisions on others. These decisions can be—and often are—quite complicated. Judges deal with this by rigorously applying predefined standards and criteria, ensuring that the decision at which they arrive isn’t theirs alone, but reflects the wisdom of a body of thought greater than any single individual.

If you are a judge, you:
• Weigh all the data before you, sifting out key details.
• Consider your personal authority to be representative of a greater one.
• Resist revisiting past decisions.

Code: You weigh your decisions carefully. Once made, these decisions are binding—for others and for you.

M eChaNists
Like executors, mechanists perceive reality as a well-oiled machine. Like judges, they relish ensuring the world conforms to this system. Unlike either, mechanists step outside their particular roles in the machine to observe its operation as a whole, and are willing to step into a variety of roles as to help this machine function better or change how it operates.

If you are a mechanist, you:
• Look at the big picture, while also seeking to understand the precise details.
• Recognize that small changes in the right places can completely transform outcomes. • Are flexible in your tactics, but fixed in your goals.
• Tend to think of others in terms of their functions and interactions.

Code: You look for inefficiencies and contaminants in the world, fix them, and get things working smoothly.

advantaGes and ChallenGes
Lawful neutral characters usually have clear ideas about what to do next. They are adept at navigating bureaucracies, avoiding legal trouble, and managing the organizational details of their lives. When lawful neutral characters’ codes are known and transparent, they’re regarded by others as disciplined and reliable, as well as being good at fostering stability and order in their communities by making and implementing strong decisions.

These characters resist breaking laws they respect, but they differ with respect to the weight they give to laws that aren’t part of their own codes. While a paladin might observe local laws with which she disagrees in order to respect the local community and keep the peace, a lawful neutral monk may have fewer compunctions about solely cleaving to his own code, which he perceives as clearly superior. This typically applies only when laws directly contradict an individual’s code, since most lawful neutral characters have an instinctive appreciation for laws and an aversion to breaking them.

OPPOrtunities and allies

The monk is the class most associated with the lawful neutral alignment, not least because of its association with Irori and with an ascetic, communal, disciplined, and organized life. The samurai and cavalier also share some of the monk’s association with law through their traditional ties to formal hierarchies. While rogues may be of any alignment, it may be difficult to reconcile much of their skills and practices with the lawful neutral alignment.

Wherever there is law in the Inner Sea region, lawful neutral characters may find potential allies and boons. Metropolitan cities are obvious places for such people to congregate because of the institutions of law that maintain the peace and order in them. The following are some opportunities and allies that lawful neutral characters might encounter.

Armies and Warriors:
Militaries of all bents can find use for lawful neutral adventurers willing to put their discipline to work on the battlefield. The knights of Lastwall and Mendev are always looking for stalwart warriors who can follow orders, and Hellknight orders around the world seek allies to aid in extending their domineering code of law.

Because of trade disputes, impartial, fair- minded arbiters are valuable assets in economically minded regions, and merchants all around the Inner Sea hire lawful-minded defenders. The Kalistocrats of Druma in particular can always use obedient, reliable bodyguards as members of their resident Mercenary League (or “Blackjackets,” as they’re sometimes known).

Lawful Nations:
The dwarves of Highhelm keep to themselves, but they value staunch battleaxes on which they can rely (though such allies are valued more highly if they’re dwarven). Alkenstar’s shieldmarshals likewise seek to enlist lawful gunhands. Nearby, the northern coast of Garund—Osirion, Rahadoum, and Thuvia—is ruled by lawful neutral governments whose armies, bureaucracies, and city guards are always looking for able and trustworthy recruits.

traits The following traits complement characters of lawful neutral alignment.

Inexorable Authority (Social): When you speak with the full weight of law, your conviction lends you a terrible presence. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Intimidate checks when enforcing or pronouncing a lawful judgment that you’re legitimately deputed to enforce or pronounce.

No Escape (Combat): Struggle as they might, ne’er- do-wells and vagrants are hard pressed to evade the law once in your clutches. You gain a +1 trait bonus on combat maneuver checks to lawfully and nonlethally restrain a creature you’ve witnessed commit a crime.

a lawful code of oNe

As a lawful neutral character, you have guidelines for your own conduct, and probably for the conduct of others (as well as for how you respond when others breach those guidelines). In some cases these principles come from external sources: local laws, knightly orders, or even (for certain forms of lawfulness) thieves’ guilds or rebellious guerrilla forces. But for some lawful characters, these principles come from an unyielding commitment to a code they formulated themselves.

To qualify as lawful, a personal code must be more than a set of consistent emotional responses to certain situations—especially if the code licenses you to break society’s rules. It must be rigid, be reasonably detailed (at least for your character; there is no need to roleplay all the minute lifestyle details at all times), and include your own obligations as well as precepts you expect others to follow. Crucially, you must be committed to honoring these obligations even at cost to yourself.

You must make attempts to ensure that you’re acting on a reasonably complete and objective understanding; mortal senses and reasoning are so fallible that a character who reacts based solely on her own perceptions may well inadvertently break her own code too often to remain lawful.

The experiences that inspired your code were clearly formative and continue to inform how you interpret it. At some point, you may have to choose between honoring the letter of your code and honoring the loyalties, emotions, or experiences that inspired it.

You must also decide to what extent your code makes allowances for intentions and circumstances. Codes that don’t take into account what you were trying to do and how you were constrained by circumstances (like the code of the Hellknights) tend toward evil. But for certain extreme acts, such as torture and murder, many codes offer very little allowance for how your motivations influence your actions.

线上 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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  • 帖子数: 3338
  • 苹果币: 11
« 回帖 #5 于: 2017-04-18, 周二 01:25:40 »




  • 平衡代行者


    • 找出其他异界生物以及有强烈阵营倾向的力量,并对其加以“中和”。
    • 奋力地抵抗任何对于自身灵魂的侵犯,你的命运当是掌握在自己手中,而不会任由他人操控摆弄。
    • 也许在凡生万物和不朽存在之中都树立了一定数量的敌人。
    • 比其他人更有可能成为一名“平衡使者”(进阶职业)


  • 宿命论者



    • 顺从地向自己的死亡终末敞开怀抱,但打算在其来临之前享受人生。
    • 不断向前,因为这是你所知的唯一真正选择。
    • 也许会严格地过着恬淡寡欲的生活,或是无聊而逍遥的日子,又或者是以上两者的苦涩结合。


  • 自然主义者



    • 看重个人力量和自我保护。
    • 认为在这个残酷,毫无怜悯的世界里,找到志同道合的同伴才是可靠的生存之道。
    • 拒绝卷入任何不会马上威胁到自己以及盟友生存的外部事务。
    • 力求保护为你带来这份启发的自然界。







  • 中立国度


  • 异界盟友


  • 荒野


引述: 边栏







    【社会】无心之失(Amiable Blunder):你那随性温和的作风使你有时候能摆脱潜在的社交尴尬乃至失礼非难。每天一次,当你的交涉检定结果低于DC 5点以上,并导致NPC态度下降时,你能以一个自由动作马上进行另一个对抗同样DC的交涉检定。如果你成功通过了第二个交涉检定,则NPC的态度不会改变,如同之前的交涉检定失败且结果不超过4点以上。

    【魔法】平衡放逐(Balancer‘s Banishing):外层位面对凡人事务的干预总是让你异常恼火,这份怒意使你的魔力威能大增,源源不断。只要你仍然保持绝对中立,在任何时候施放能把有着混乱,邪恶,善良或是守序子类的异界生物放逐回原位面的法术时,其法术的豁免DC都会增加1。

劇透 -  原文:
At the crossroads of both the moral and ethical alignments, it’s unsurprising that neutral characters should be arguably the most diverse in the ways they relate to alignment. For some, their neutrality is as fervently held a conviction as any paladin’s holy zeal or demoniac’s gluttony for destruction. For others, it is the result of a sublime indifference, unconsciousness, or willful refusal to even entertain the question. Any character who thinks equally little—in any sense—of the claims of good, evil, chaos, and law on the mortal soul and of the world around them may be drawn to this alignment.

The dominating philosophy of a neutral character largely depends on whether the individual has actively chosen neutrality as her way of life or if she merely fell into this mentality by apathy or ambivalence. Either way, the tendency of neutral characters to either be open to all other walks of life or reject such principles wins them as many friends as enemies. The following examples showcase just a few of the possible approaches to this alignment.

a geNts oF B alaNCe These characters know the extremes of alignment need to be kept in their proper place if peace and prosperity are to be maintained. They may be actively protective of mortal life, or just resentful of past or ongoing interference from strongly aligned external forces. They tend to point to Cheliax and the Worldwound as evidence of what happens when you give the Outer Planes an inch, and see the immortal beings of the multiverse as little more than soldiers in an endless and ultimately pointless struggle.

 If you are an agent of balance, you:
• Seek out outsiders and other strongly aligned forces and neutralize them.
• Strenuously resist any infringement on your soul, and see your fate as your own and not another’s to manipulate or control.
• Probably have a number of enemies both mortal and immortal.
• Are more likely than others to become an envoy of balance (see pages 30–31).

Code: If the Outer Planes want to meddle, they can put up with you meddling back.

F atalists

Mortals’ belief that anything they do makes a real difference in the machinations of gods and the crushing vastness and complexity of the multiverse isn’t just absurd—it’s deluded. Everything is so far outside their scope or comprehension that there’s no point in fighting it: what will be will be, and no amount of mortal intervention can change this undeniable truth. The best the fatalist can do is scramble to stay afloat for the duration of his stay on the Material Plane, and only because that illusion seems better than the only knowable alternative.

If you are a fatalist, you:

• Are resigned to eventually dying , but plan to enjoy your life while it lasts.
• Keep going forward because it’s what you know and it’s the only real option you have.
• May be grimly stoic, wearily carefree, or some bitter combination of the two.
Code: There’s no point trying to change the world, but you can make the most of living in it.

N aturalists
These nature-lovers find inspiration in the natural world’s ability to just be itself without self-questioning or doubt, and seek to protect or emulate this ideal. Naturalists don’t mindlessly live in the moment like animals (see the sidebar on the next page), but they don’t see the rest of the world as something to remake, either, and they resist those who do. Naturalists are likely to be druids, rangers, or barbarians, though adventurers of any walk may be drawn to this simplistic—but all-important—way of life.

If you are a naturalist, you:
• Place a high premium on personal strength and self-preservation.
• Know  that  finding  like-minded companions is the surest way to survive in a harsh and unforgiving world.
• Resist becoming invested in external affairs that don’t affect your immediate survival or that of your allies.
• Seek to protect the natural world that inspires you so.
Code: Your laws are those of the natural world, which you adhere to with passion, and you strive to protect both this way of life and all creatures who cling to it.

advantaGes and ChallenGes
Neutral characters are unconstrained by alignment imperatives, freeing them to take whichever course of action they choose in every instance. They often tend to get along with people from a wide range of backgrounds, not least because they rarely feel the need to impose their values on interactions beyond what they immediately need. Although they’re as prone as other mortals to skewed perceptions, neutral characters are somewhat likely to recognize (and therefore correct) their errors sooner than others.

These are also neutral characters’ greatest difficulties. Characters of other alignments (especially those entirely non-neutral) sometimes view these seemingly wishy- washing neutral characters with distrust or suspicion because of their perceived lack of principle, and strongly aligned  characters  may  view  neutral  characters’ acceptance (or rejection) of all moral or ethical paths as an affront to their own goals.

OPPOrtunities and allies
Since neutral is the alignment of nature and beasts, the druid class is very much at home within this moral paradigm, and may shift between honoring nature and protecting it from external influences as need be. But aside from those forced into non-neutral alignments, such as paladins, neutrality may suit any of the adventuring classes.

The following are just some of the opportunities and allies that neutral characters may hope to encounter in the Inner Sea region.

Neutral Nations:
While civilization and nature tend to sway toward the principles of law and chaos respectively, each also tends to revert back to neutrality if its domain is pushed to the extreme. Such can be seen in the urban capital of Absalom and the wilds of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords—each a collectively neutral realm borne of diverse inhabitants and an equal distribution of chaos and law, good and evil. Here, neutral characters flourish, for their values are continually tested by outside forces and their flexible natures allow them to take advantage of various situations.

Otherworldly Allies:
Just because they eschew the values of most extraplanar beings does not mean neutral characters lack outsider aid. Indeed, Pharasma’s psychopomp minions all cleave to their patron goddess’s neutral objectives. Likewise, the mysterious aeons— beings rumored to be at the nexus of all creation and obliteration—have no place in their machinations for moral or ethical quandaries.

The Wilds:
Neutrality is often associated with territories that are not yet nations—perhaps populated, perhaps even somewhat settled, but still largely ungoverned and in a natural state. For neutral characters in particular, untamed regions such as the Mwangi Jungle and the Crown of the World offer opportunities to find adventure, treasures, and even a home.


The following traits complement neutral characters.

Amiable Blunder (Social): Your easygoing demeanor allows you to sometimes recover from potentially awkward social situations or even condemnatory faux pas. Once per day when you fail a Diplomacy check by 5 or more and would cause an NPC’s attitude toward you to worsen, you can immediately attempt another Diplomacy check against the same DC as a free action. If you succeed at this second Diplomacy check, the character’s attitude doesn’t change, as though you had failed the original check by 4 or less.

Balancer’s Banishing (Magic): The interference of the Outer Planes in mortal affairs angers you to no end and invigorates the potency of your magic. As long as you remain neutral, whenever you cast a spell that would send an outsider with the chaotic, evil, good, or lawful subtype back to its home plane, the spell’s saving throw DC increases by 1.

iNtelligeNt Neutrality
 A creature’s intelligence plays a key role in assessing the moral sense of its actions. An animal or construct that, due to its nature, rigidly reacts to all accidental intruders with lethality and without warning would remain neutral (unlike mindless evil creatures, which are created for evil purposes). A human who always reacts this way, though, would almost certainly be performing evil acts.

The difference lies in a sentient creature’s capacity to analyze, predict, and alter her actions based on circumstances. While an individual who kills in a genuine them-or-me situation might not be committing a morally charged act, an intelligent creature’s nature isn’t expressed as reflexively as an animal’s, and a sentient being’s consciousness can apprehend (however dimly) more than just the immediate moment and more than only her own needs.

To the extent that an individual has control of her immediate and broader circumstances, she’s responsible for the actions that lead to a them-or-me struggle and the results of her actions in that struggle. Killing a guard in self-defense is very different when you just demanded he hand over the town’s treasury, as opposed to when you’re trying to escape abduction and torture. If your decisions caused the fight, and especially if the outcome was predictable, you still bear moral weight of the death.

    Therefore, making a conscientious decision to be a naturalist and cleave to the laws of animals doesn’t excuse acting without forethought. Rather, such methodology implies that, like an animal, you will live by your wits as alertly and intelligently as you can, looking after your own and the people, places, and systems on which you depend. You avoid trouble when possible, including willingly compromising interests that aren’t essential to your survival. And when you can’t avoid trouble, you end it as fast as possible.

线上 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
  • 翻譯組
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 3338
  • 苹果币: 11
混乱中立(Chaotic Neutral)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2017-04-18, 周二 01:29:31 »




  • 冲动者


    • 在发现了可行的行动计划后就会迅速且果敢地执行。
    • 利用手头上的一切资源,寻求以最愉悦的方式达成目标。
    • 有时比起成功率高但易于预测的做法,更倾向于进行让人大吃一惊的行动。


  • 叛逆者



    • 可能会,也可能不会考虑应该用什么取代自己打算破坏的事物——或者你压根就没思考这个的需要。
    • 向那些胆敢对你指手画脚的“权威人士”愤怒相向。
    • 即使是在最好停手的时候,你也无法停下手中的兵刃。


  • 破坏者



    • 寻找削弱或者打破系统体制的方法。
    • 比起行为表面更注重结果本身。
    • 会因为敌人无法抓到你而沾沾自喜。







  • 叛逆组织


  • 蛮荒之境


引述: 边栏






    【社会】厚颜无耻(Unabnashed Gall):即使你的违法行为已经足以让围观群众瞠目结舌,你也完全没把法律放在心上。只要你出乎意料,肆无忌惮地做出会招致其他生物敌意相向的违法行为——比如说故意破坏或盗窃偷扒之类的——你可以进行一次唬骗检定以对抗对方的察言观色检定。如果你成功通过该检定,则你和其他预料到并放任你进行违法行为的盟友则可以获得一次在突袭轮中行动的机会。而每个这样的盟友都会使你在唬骗检定上受到-2减值,该减值可以累增。如果你的唬骗检定失败,则不会出现突袭轮。无论你的唬骗检定成功与否,你和任何预料到并放任你进行违法行为的盟友在战斗期间所进行先攻检定都视作骰出 1

    【战斗】莫测反应(Unpredictable Reaction):你在战斗开始之初的反应出乎人们意料。你在突袭轮期间的攻击上获得+1背景加值。

劇透 -  原文:
Chaotic neutral
Chaotic neutral characters are a widely divergent bunch. For some, chaos is the principle upon which they fight. Others see it as the essential quality of their lifestyles. And there are those who hold chaos as the water in which they swim. Whether chaotic neutral individuals view chaos as simply an absence of law and appreciate it for that reason, or see chaos as the fundamental nature of reality, characters drawn to raw, untrammeled dynamism in any form may be attracted to this alignment.

Finding a consistent philosophy among chaotic neutral individuals is a near impossibility. Some break every law they can on principle; others point out that this is just as predictable and boring as slavishly following those same laws. The following examples showcase just a few of the possible approaches to this alignment.

 i Mpulsives
Some chaotic characters, rather than opposing law, tend to ignore it and are instead driven by the fun or heat of the moment. Despite their name, some impulsives do recognize the value of plans and preparations: they equip the group to improvise, and usually require it of them, because when did a plan ever go exactly right?
    if you are an impulsive, you:
• Act quickly and decisively when you discover a feasible plan of action.
• Look for enjoyable ways to achieve your goals with whatever resources you have on hand.
• Sometimes struggle to pass up the surprising act for the successful-but-predictable one.
code: Each moment tells you what you need to do.

r eBels
Some rebels are opposed to specific laws or rulers. Others just want to smash the cage of obedience that binds the mortal spirit. But whether the rebel is attempting to free a nation or just herself, she’s never afraid to go against the grain to achieve what she believes is right.
    if you are a rebel, you:
• May or may not have—or need—a vision of what should replace what you’re destroying.
• Resent those who dare try to hold authority over you.
• Can’t stop fighting, even when you probably should.
code: It’s better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

s aBoteurs
While  some  chaotic  neutral saboteurs do booby-trap siege machinery and such devices, most do not adhere to this theme so literally. Instead, most saboteurs focus on bringing down social orders  and  other  strictures imposed on them by others. In some respects, the saboteur is like the rebel, but rather than concentrate the struggle against the oppressor, the saboteur takes the fight to the instruments of oppression. After all, what is a ruler without his crown?
    if you are a saboteur, you:
• Look for ways to cripple or break the system.
• Care less about the show than the result.
• Take pride in your foes’ inability to catch you.
code: By breaking the tools of power, you free everyone living under the shadow of such tools.

advantaGes and ChallenGes
Chaotic neutral characters are driven from within by deep-seated emotions. They excel at taking the initiative and setting the agenda, rather than allowing other people’s frameworks to dictate their actions. Some have a slight tendency to get too caught up in themselves and their own feelings, but those who can keep selfish impulses in check can bring a definite spark to any party.
Often brash and lacking in foresight, chaotic neutral characters struggle to be patient with restrictions. It can be hard for some to recognize that not all restraints come from people attempting to rule them. Where their chaotic nature expresses itself as flightiness or obsession, it can blind these individuals to reality, and that can cause harm they don’t intend—which in turn can lead to enmities they don’t expect.

OPPOrtunities and allies
Characters of nearly every class can lean chaotic neutral, but the furious barbarian and the clever rogue are perhaps the iconic faces of this alignment. Mad genius alchemists and eccentric wizards definitely have a home in this alignment as well.
Perhaps it’s the wanderlust that often afflicts chaotic neutral characters that makes them such a widespread bunch. In any event, finding chaotic neutral allies in the Inner Sea is rarely difficult.

Rebel Organizations:
Many regions around the Inner Sea host significant numbers of rebellious and chaotic guerrilla warriors, whether such characters come from the dog-eat-dog islands of the Shackles or the bloody streets of revolutionary Galt. Many groups on Golarion seek to dismantle order and sow the seeds of chaos for one reason or another, and a flexible individual can find any number of such causes to fight for.

Untamed Realms:
Among the fey-ridden wilds of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, chaos is the rule, not the exception. The same description applies to the ever-shifting fiefdoms of the River Kingdoms, since few leaders manage to dominate their holdings for long, and those who do must contend with an ever- changing array of neighboring nations and territories. The unpredictable nature of the Mana Wastes provides excitement that many chaotic individuals seek, as do the untold wonders of mysterious Jalmeray and the entirety of the First World—the capricious and ever-changing planar home of the fey.
The following traits complement chaotic neutral characters.

 Unabashed Gall (Social): Your total indifference to the law even as you’re breaking it is such that those watching you are stunned. Whenever you commit an unexpected and outrageously unlawful act (such as knowingly destroying or stealing something) that would elicit a hostile response from another creature, you may attempt a Bluff check opposed by the opponent’s Sense Motive check. if you’re successful, you and any allies who were willfully expecting your unlawful deed may act in a surprise round. For each ally willfully expecting your unlawful deed, you take a cumulative –2 penalty on your Bluff check. if your Bluff check fails, there is no surprise round. Regardless of whether your Bluff check succeeds, you and any allies willfully taking advantage of your unlawful deed treat your initiative checks for the duration of combat as though you had each rolled a 1.

Unpredictable Reactions (Combat): Your reactions to combat beginning aren’t what people expect. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls made during the surprise round of combat.

chaotic Neutral iSN’t evil
Players and GMs often confuse the actions of a chaotic neutral character with those of a neutral evil or chaotic evil one. After all, it can be easy to mix up the self- determined acts of chaotic neutral with the self-centered principles of evil. But embracing your chaotic neutral nature isn’t an excuse to do whatever you want.
A chaotic neutral character can (and probably should, sometimes) freely choose to support others—even sacrifice for others, something that is anathema to evil characters. Many chaotic-leaning societies, such as the Ulfen of the north and the pirates of the Shackles, place a high premium on lavish interpersonal generosity, willingness to do what needs doing, and honoring one’s word even at great personal cost—they see such acts as expressions of exceptional individuality rather than blind conformity to predetermined standards. A code of personal honor is entirely compatible with a chaotic alignment, provided this code is simple, serves to limit the constraints on yourself (and possibly others), and springs from a fierce internal conviction. Your sense of obligation is personal, not imposed by rules and structure; indeed, determinedly self-sufficient souls often feel their obligations more keenly than others around them.
Further, successful chaotic communities often see unfettered selfishness as allowing oneself to be ruled by one’s passions and possessions, which makes for a poor neighbor, as well as one who is easily manipulated. A chaotic neutral character needn’t always act randomly, on the moment’s whim, or without regard for history, context, and the effect of her actions on others (and their likely responses). Similarly, chaotic can just as easily mean impulsive generosity, grand gestures, and astonishing insight as it can thoughtless hedonism or careless indifference.

线上 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
  • 翻譯組
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守序邪恶(Lawful Evil)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2017-04-18, 周二 01:31:00 »




  • 专制者


    • 要求盲目的服从和顺从。
    • 讨厌下属提出疑问或犯下失误。
    • 不断地寻求扩大自己的权力圈。


  • 奴仆



    • 寻找可以效忠服侍的强大存在。
    • 避免做出任何会让自己的忠诚遭受质疑的行为。
    • 取悦主人就是生命的意义所在,尽管其需要伤害他人或自己也不会改变。


  • 欺诈者



    • 努力地在每一个合作以及体系中寻找能加以利用的弱点和空子。
    • 鲜少打破法律,毕竟按照规章行事方能保持优雅。
    • 对自己的才智和头脑尤其自傲。







  • 守序邪恶国度


  • 奴隶制


  • 征服者


引述: 边栏





    【社会】侦察不忠(Detect Disobedience):你拥有找出酝酿中的叛逆的离奇能力。你在对抗其他人尝试在你面前有所隐瞒的察言观色检定上获得+2背景加值。同时在进行是否能发现下属以你为目标的突袭攻击判断时,可以用上述检定替代察觉检定。

    【战斗】惩戒叛逆(Punish Insurrection):你喜欢提醒其他人谁才是老大。在对抗同一组织的成员,或是某一体制内正式效忠于你的下属时,你在攻击和伤害上均获得+1背景加值。而在对抗其他公开违抗该体制统治或是至上权威的成员时,即使其抗令的严重程度已经足以让你和他不再是同一立场,上述的加值也仍然会生效。

劇透 -  原文:
Lawful evil
Lawful evil characters believe that law and structure mean power and safety. In their view, a strict, systematic hierarchy enables outcomes impossible for a single individual, so they seek power and security by positioning themselves advantageously within such systems. They may operate according to strict personal codes—private ethics or creeds that may not align with an observer’s concept of morality—but more often choose to operate within (and take advantage of) the framework of the society around them. Many are quick to cite their law- abiding natures when defending their actions. This alignment is particularly appealing to those who want to get ahead and don’t care whom they hurt, yet who also want to maintain a sense of self-righteousness or don’t want to open themselves up to unnecessary risk. They may take great pride in never breaking their word—and thus rarely make promises—and are  invariably  methodical  and organized in their machinations.

P hilOsOPhies
Lawful evil characters appear on every rung of the social ladder. Some seek desperately to climb the ladder, dreaming of doing unto others what has been done to them. Others feel smug superiority toward the less fortunate and enjoy abusing their power and privilege.

Following are some common lawful evil personality archetypes.

Destined to rule—at least in their own minds—despots seek to impose their will on those around them. Obedience is often not enough; a despot requires total submission. Despots are capable of collaboration and even subordination within a larger structure, but they usually get resentful if they don’t climb the ranks quickly enough, and they seek out opportunities to give orders instead of taking them. Rarely, despots actually enjoy sharing power with like-minded souls; more often, their alliances are of convenience, and a pact’s stability depends on whether the despot’s goals are being met. While all despots believe themselves to be great leaders, not all are; dark tragicomedy abounds when incompetent despots achieve even a small measure of power.
If you are a despot, you:
• Demand blind obedience and servility.
• Welcome  neither  questions  nor  failures  from your underlings.
• Constantly seek to expand your personal power base.
code: Your commands are law—and woe betide those who disobey.

The world is a dangerous and confusing place, filled with overwhelmingly powerful entities. Thankfully, sometimes those beings take lucky souls under their wings, offering protection, purpose, and perhaps permission to indulge aspects of oneself that society otherwise prohibits. Whether the patron is a god, monster, nation, or mortal, the minion knows that loyalty and perfect service—no matter how distasteful or depraved the command—are the best ways to rise in the ranks and achieve comfort and security. Minions may take pride in their service or comfort in the fact that any responsibility for their actions ultimately lies with their masters. Total devotion is a small price to pay for the gifts these dark masters offer.
If you are a minion, you:
• Seek powerful figures to serve and obey.
• Avoid anything that might raise questions about your loyalty.
• Live to please your master, regardless of the harm to yourself or anyone else.
code: Be an obedient and useful servant, and your master will take care of you.

Swindlers accumulate power through indirect means. By using deception and  manipulation,  and  by exploiting  the  systems  they inhabit, they gain personal advantage. Their most common method is brokering deals and contracts that seek to Lawful Evil extract the maximum commitment from others while giving as little away as possible themselves. While driving a hard bargain is not itself evil, swindlers specifically prey on those at their most vulnerable, abusing the legal system and doing their best to exploit (or create) weakness. Loopholes and plausible deniability are a swindler’s bread and butter, and most have legitimate business concerns to augment their extortion and entrapment. Often charming, always cunning, swindlers are experts at using people’s own desires against them.
If you are a swindler, you:
• Look for exploits, loopholes, and advantages in every interaction and institution.
• Rarely break the law—working around it is so much more elegant.
• Are exceptionally proud of your wits and cunning.
code: Anyone who shows weakness deserves to have it exploited.

a dvantaGes and C hallenGes
Lawful evil characters are often surprisingly good at working with others, as long as doing so suits their agenda. Their organized minds excel at spotting ways to make a situation work for them, and they usually recognize that most systems require give and take between the various components. They tend to honor at least the letter of their agreements, and many lawful evil characters are capable of a cold self-discipline that lets them rein in unproductive traits when necessary.

At the same time, lawful evil characters who see weakness in their companions are often quick to capitalize on it, making them potential liabilities in combat. They may be unwilling to risk themselves for a cause or partner, or to bend to group decisions if they feel doing so places them at a disadvantage. Self-interest is the driving force for most lawful evil characters—even minions.

O PPOrtunities and a llies
Lawful classes like the monk, samurai, and cavalier all have evil members, but perhaps the class most suited to lawful evil is the cleric, as both Asmodeus and Zon-Kuthon have powerful, hierarchical churches that provide lawful evil clerics with great opportunities. A witch’s relationship to her patron and familiar and a summoner’s to his eidolon can take on similar overtones at a smaller scale. Unethical wizards are also often drawn to lawful evil—the intellectual rigor of complex studies meshes well with a lawful disposition, and their pursuit of knowledge may lure them into deviant experimentation. And of course, while many people think of rogues as freewheeling criminals, some of the most effective masterminds and string-pullers are rogues and bards who abuse the law without breaking it.

Potential lawful evil allies in the Inner Sea region include the following.

Lawful Evil Nations:
Cheliax’s House Thrune owes its power and authority to Asmodeus and his devils, and those of a similar mind-set can go far with House Thrune’s help. The satellite nation of Nidal offers an even bitterer flavor of tyranny. Geb is not friendly to the living, but necromancers can find allies there. The false god Razmir’s cult-nation is a lawful evil pyramid scheme on a colossal scale. In Tian Xia, the oni of Chu Ye and the hobgoblins of Kaoling might collaborate with outsiders whose goals overlap theirs.

The slave trade is a natural home for those drawn to exercising power over others. Those willing to profit from an industry built on kidnapping, murder, and torture can make fortunes in places like Okeno or the Shackles.

The Hellknights offer opportunities for those willing to follow a code and use punitive force unstintingly on command. The Silent Enforcers might aid those whose objectives help keep Nidal under Zon- Kuthon’s thumb. The Red Mantis are happy to kill for coin, provided doing so doesn’t break their laws.

t raits
The following new traits suit a lawful evil alignment.

Detect Disobedience (Social): You have an uncanny ability to spot a mutiny brewing. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks to detect when an underling is trying to hide something from you, and can attempt such checks instead of Perception checks to notice and react to a subordinate’s surprise attack against you.

Punish Insurrection (Combat): You relish reminding people who’s in charge. Against members of the same organization or hierarchy who formally answer to you, you gain a +1 trait bonus on attack and damage rolls. You also gain this bonus against members who have openly defied the authority or rules of that body, provided the infraction is serious enough that their standing is now less than yours.

One risk of an evil campaign is that the characters’ selfishness can erode the team bond. Yet selfishness can also help characters overcome their differences, even across alignments.

Lawful evil characters who operate in groups usually focus on mutual self-interest. To them, other characters are resources, and no tool should be discarded out of hand if it can still be of use. For instance, chaotic characters may be messy, indisciplined wretches, but if a lawful evil character can channel that scattered energy into something productive, everyone can benefit. Good characters may be sanctimonious or sentimental, but as long as the evil they’re stomping out is an evil that stands in your way, you have every reason to help them. A wise lawful evil character doesn’t care about motives, only outcomes. By properly framing decisions for your allies and knowing how to manipulate them, you can point them in a direction that aids your objectives. And in the end, a lawful evil character doesn’t need to have a problem with other characters succeeding—as long as she succeeds the most.

线上 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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  • 帖子数: 3338
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中立邪恶(Neutral Evil)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2017-04-18, 周二 01:32:01 »




  • 歼灭者


    • 毫无感情,无有踌躇,甚至连追求空无的欲望也不复存在。
    • 放眼四望,无一不是熵与死亡,你会将其当做现实的真理加以接受——同时亦会将其强加于人。
    • 向所有对永恒,成长和意义的追求报以鄙夷。


  • 自恋狂



    • 只会根据事物对你自己的影响来看待它们。
    • 在世界或者其他人没能满足自己的期望时会深感震惊,心生怨恨。
    • 无法理解他人的感受,会为实现自己远大目标所做出的种种可怖行径加以辩解。


  • 精神病态者



    • 永远无法理解懊悔和同感为何物。
    • 毫不畏惧地去实现自己的异想天开,而且手段一般骇人听闻。
    • 认为所有生灵——即使是其他凡人——也不过是物品而已。







  • 腐败政府


  • 中立邪恶的组织


  • 不死亡灵


引述: 边栏






    【魔法】骇人思维(Horrifying Mind):当一个非邪恶类人生物尝试通过魔法效果来阅读你的思想时,这个人必须进行一个对抗你感知或魅力检定(由你选择)的意志豁免。如果这个人没能通过该豁免,则他战栗1轮。如果该豁免失败了10点以上,则这个人会先惊惧1轮,然后才战栗1轮。

    【社会】主观真相(Subjective Truth):你能将自己对于事实的了解和对于真实的笃信分隔开来,同样的,你也能将本心意图从脸部表情以及肢体动作上剥离出去。你在撒谎的唬骗检定上获得+2背景加值,前提是对方从来都没发现过你曾经对他撒过谎。如果该次唬骗检定失败,视作目标识破了你谎言中的漏洞,因而以后在对抗同一目标时不能获得上述加值。

劇透 -  原文:
Neutral evil
Neutral evil characters care only for themselves, and do whatever they think they can get away with. They place no stock in the ability of laws or 
 codes to protect them, and thus don’t bother to follow them. At the same time, they’re less spontaneous and prone to whimsy than chaotic evil characters. In some ways, neutral evil is the purest form of evil, unburdened by any other tropes or tendencies. Whether a neutral evil character has chosen to practice evil for its own sake or—more often—simply has no empathy for others, the result is the same: cold, unfeeling cruelty.

Those who care nothing for others or the pain they cause, or who strive toward such indifference, are drawn to this alignment.

P hilOsOPhies
Neutral evil characters are not necessarily enthusiastic murderers—it’s so messy and causes so much potential trouble—but they rarely have qualms with the deed itself. They are fundamentally interested only in themselves and their own dark desires and tastes. Other people are insects, tools, toys, or simply objects in their way.

Nothing matters. Entropy and chaos have created a world where nothing lasts, nothing means anything, and even the greatest works or truths will fall to dust and obscurity in the blink of an eye. You know that those who claim otherwise do themselves and everyone else a disservice, and you cannot abide anyone who perpetuates society’s great lies of love and meaning. Instead, you choose to reveal their willful ignorance by furthering the cause of destruction. The world offends you, and thus you will bring it down. 
if you are an annihilist, you: 
• Have no feelings or scruples, or aspire to have none. 
• See entropy and death everywhere, and accept (and inflict) them as the true pillars of reality. 
• Despise anything that aspires to permanence, growth, or meaning. 
 code: Everything crumbles. Who are you to argue with that?

Narcissists see meaning and beauty in the world—but only when they look in a mirror. For narcissists, the world truly does revolve around them: whatever makes them unhappy is a tragic injustice, and whatever pleases them is theirs by divine right. Narcissists can be genuinely bewildered—or homicidally enraged—by suggestions that anyone else’s concerns take precedence over theirs. The narcissist differs from the lawful evil tyrant in that he has no particular need for power or authority, so long as all his whims are catered to without question. It’s only when those whims are denied that the true, uncaring evil of the narcissist rears its bloody head. 
if you are a narcissist, you: 
• See everything in terms of its effect on you. Neutral Evil   
• Are surprised, shocked, or disgusted when the world or other people don’t cater to your expectations. 
• Are incapable of empathizing with others and can justify just about any horrific actions that serve your greater purpose. 
 code: The universe knows what you want, so what does it expect when it doesn’t it give it to you?

Psychopaths are individuals who, for whatever reason, are unable to feel empathy and remorse, leading them to indulge in uninhibitedly antisocial behavior. A psychopath may or may not understand that others have feelings, but either way is unable to relate to other creatures. Other people are objects to them—sometimes amusing and sometimes useful, but always disposable. 
if you are a psychopath, you: 
• Never feel remorse or empathy. 
• Indulge your whims in bold, often horrific ways. 
• Know that all living things—even other people—are just objects. 
 code: Do anything you want. Anything.

a dvantaGes and C hallenGes
Neutral evil characters embody pure selfishness. That singleminded dedication to themselves typically makes their inner lives very straightforward. Many strongly neutral evil characters are emotionless and affectless, sometimes to a terrifying degree, which further focuses their mental resources on getting what they want, and can make them experts at whatever interests them. If their lack of inhibition manifests as admirable boldness and fearlessness, they may become master infiltrators and manipulators.

O PPOrtunities and a llies Almost any adventuring class can be neutral evil—killing people and taking their stuff is central to the job, and fewer scruples mean more opportunities. This is particularly true of rogues and ninjas, with their specialties in lying, sneaking, stealing, and backstabbing, but rangers, with their gift for patient predation and dedicated hate, and alchemists (especially poisoners) also make great choices for neutral evil characters.

Potential neutral evil allies on Golarion include the following forces.

Corrupt Governments:
While neutral evil characters may not have the same drive for governmental power as their lawful evil counterparts, psychopaths’ ability to manipulate others and operate boldly and without guilt often makes them quite adept at navigating the political system and using it to further their own ends.

Neutral Evil Organizations:
 The most prominent and widespread neutral evil organization in the Inner Sea region (though not always openly so) is the Aspis Consortium—unscrupulous merchants with a talent for making money at others’ expense. The cult of undeath known as the Whispering Way is also a draw for those without scruples. Thieves’ guilds are often neutral evil, as they’re too opportunistic and flexible to be lawful evil, yet too regimented to be truly chaotic evil.

Urgathoa, goddess of undeath, is neutral evil, and many of those who worship her—as well as most undead abominations themselves—share her alignment. More broadly, any necromancers or other spellcasters who care only for gaining hidden information or magical power, regardless of the potential cost to others, may be neutral evil.

t raits
The following traits suit a neutral evil alignment.

Horrifying Mind (Magic): When a nonevil humanoid attempts to read your mind via a magical effect, the reader must attempt a Will save opposed by your Wisdom or Charisma check (your choice). If the reader fails this save, she is shaken for 1 round. If she fails by 10 or more, she is instead frightened for 1 round, then shaken for 1 round.

Subjective Truth (Social): You are able to divorce your knowledge of the facts from your beliefs about the truth, and thus from your facial expressions and body language. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Bluff checks to lie, provided the person you’re lying to has never known you to lie to him. Failing this check counts as being caught in a lie by the target, negating any future use of this bonus against that person.

Provided neutral evil characters are getting what they want, they have no problem working with anyone else. They can even be trustworthy for extended periods of time when a larger goal is at stake or their interests or goals overlap with others’. If someone pleases them and seems nonthreatening, they may look after that person, possibly even becoming protective, though with a tendency toward possessiveness.

Neutral evil characters tend to project their own extreme selfishness onto others, which can be corrosive to trust. This selfishness and paranoia, plus the universal mortal tendency to be more conscious of one’s own efforts than other people’s, means that neutral evil characters can come to feel that a perfectly fair deal is in fact weighted against them. More intelligent neutral evil characters may be able to resist this cognitive bias, but it can be a serious impediment to long-term collaboration.

Neutral evil characters often work willingly with lawful evil or chaotic evil types, covertly regarding both the orderly and the wild with a slightly bemused condescension, except when these allies’ behavior interferes with business. When working with neutral or good characters, neutral evil characters are generally careful to keep their vicious sides hidden except when necessary—or when they know they can get away with it.

线上 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
  • 翻譯組
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 3338
  • 苹果币: 11
混乱邪恶(Chaotic Evil)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2017-04-18, 周二 01:33:05 »




  • 狂信徒


    • 你为混乱和痛苦躬身服务并非出于个人回报,而恰恰就是为了效忠之物本身。
    • 可能会去信奉某一恶魔领主或者其他混乱邪恶的化身。
    • 你的灵魂会因为毁灭而欣喜万分。


  • 狂怒者



    • 易于宣泄暴力——无论这份暴力是体现在物理,话语,或是精神上都是如此。
    • 经常将怒火转移到方便发泄的目标身上,会因为些微冒犯就去惩罚无辜旁人。
    • 发泄怒火时会觉得自己合情合理,精力充沛,会将耐心和冷静视为软弱。


  • 享乐派



    • 跟随自己的热情和一时之兴来行事,罔顾任何可能的后果。
    • 可能很容易就会感到无聊,并寻求打破其他更过分的禁忌。
    • 对各种刺激有着超乎寻常的反应。








  • 混乱邪恶的国度


  • 恶魔崇拜


  • 怪物种族


引述: 边栏






    【社会】上头激情(Passionate Inertia):你的思考完完全全,不加抵抗地交由激情操使,即使是魔法也难以让你改变主意。你在对抗改变你对某事物的认知的意志检定上获得+2背景加值。但你在对抗可能正常情况下有所向往的胁迫或者诱惑效果的意志检定上受到-1减值。

劇透 -  原文:
Chaotic evil
Chaotic evil characters live at the mercy of their own toxic passions. Their goals and methods may change on a whim, and they often crave novelty and variety in their lives. While still capable of planning, they may have a hard time with patient, long-term scheming, preferring immediate satisfaction and direct action. For some, spreading chaos and destruction is a deliberate goal, yet more often chaotic evil characters are those who simply don’t care whom their desires may hurt. They may see a certain nobility in their refusal to be bound by any conventions or creeds, or they may simply indulge their greed, hatred, and lust with no thought to the consequences. They may be emotionally or mentally unstable, letting their inner turmoil and turbulence spill Chaotic Evil out uncontrollably into others’ lives. Yet, they need not be insane—their savagery can be deliberate and intentional, unleashed in carefully directed and rationed bursts. Serial killers, demon cultists, arsonists, dangerous hedonists, and others lured to atrocity by passion are drawn to this alignment.

 P hilOsOPhies
Some chaotic evil characters have coherent philosophies or ideas that guide their actions. However, many—if not most—are driven from within by strong, usually poisonous and unpredictable emotions. Below are some of the more common chaotic evil personality types.

Just as some people find solace in upholding order and justice, some swear allegiance to their opposites—the chaos and entropy that eventually grind everything to dust. Whether these devotees are antipaladins, cultists of demon lords, or those who simply feel that the world deserves to be burned down, devotees seek to foster chaos and evil not just for personal gain, but for chaos and evil’s own sake. Some believe that the world must be destroyed in order to be rebuilt into something better, or see themselves as a necessary part of an eternal struggle—for light requires darkness to give it contrast. More often, they devote themselves out of a desire to gain power from an evil and chaotic entity, or to impose revenge on a world they feel has wronged them.
if you are a devotee, you:
• Deliberately sow chaos and pain for their own sakes, rather than to obtain personal reward.
• May worship a demon lord or another personification of chaos and evil.
• Find spiritual satisfaction in destruction.
code: Chaos is the true nature of existence, and it will eventually reclaim its own, so you help it along.

Furies are driven by a rage so consuming that it can never be satisfied. For some, this rage is birthed from a truly horrific past—perhaps one in which they suffered at the hands of another fury. In other cases, it is caused by disgust or despair ignited after witnessing too much depravity. In still others, the cause is simply a sense of stymied entitlement, or even a natural disposition untempered by reason. Not all furies are immediately identifiable as such—some bank their anger, burning slow but hot, and can conceal their temperaments and their actions, corrupting and undermining rather than rampaging. They may find justifications for their rage in the failings (real or imagined) of others, or they may not feel a need to justify themselves at all. Regardless of their 10 motives, a festering, white-hot fever of rage is at the heart of all they do.
if you are a fury, you:
• Are prone to outbursts of violence—whether physical, verbal, or psychological.
• Often redirect anger toward convenient targets, punishing innocents for minor offenses.
• Feel empowered and invigorated when unleashing your anger, and may see patience and calm as weaknesses.
code: If you hurt them, they must have deserved it.

To evil hedonists, nothing matters except personal pleasure, and it’s only natural and right to grab as much of it as they can. Any consequences are secondary, if they are considered at all. Classic evil hedonists live in the moment and take what they want by force. These are the people who burn down a city because their hands are cold, or kill a family just to steal their horse. While other personality types may have a greater sense of entitlement, hedonists are characterized by their unwillingness to restrict themselves unnecessarily—and to a hedonist, all restrictions seem unnecessary.
if you are a hedonist, you:
• Follow your whims and passions, regardless of the potential consequences.
• May get bored easily and seek out ever-greater taboos to break.
• Have disproportionate responses to irritation.
code: Because you felt like it, that’s why.

a dvantaGes and C hallenGes
Whether because they act on every whim, or because they take monstrous shortcuts in pursuit of their goals, chaotic evil characters can be hard to upper hand, making it difficult for rivals and enemies to gain the initiative against them. Their vicious passions may or may not be worn on their sleeves, but even when they’re working in arrangements that are generally favorable to them, few chaotic evil characters can tolerate structure or self- control for long periods without lashing out or breaking the rules. Those who rule over chaotic evil creatures must usually do so with an iron fist, as many such creatures can be controlled only with violence and threats.

For all that, lack of reflection and an overreliance on emotions when making decisions can make some chaotic evil characters easy to manipulate for those (usually evil) characters who can get inside their heads. When properly harnessed, their savage destruction can be extremely useful, a tidal wave unleashed on command by their masters.

O PPOrtunities and a llies Antipaladins,
as unholy counterparts to paladins, must be chaotic evil. Barbarians (whose strength is fueled by wrath) are good choices for classic out-of-control, animalistic butchers; inquisitors with the destruction judgment or magi could work well, too. Bards and oracles are well placed to play more insidious, corrupting, or maddening roles, whether as royal advisors or demagogues.

Potential chaotic evil allies on Golarion include the following forces.

Chaotic Evil Regions:
 Belkzen’s savage orcs are strongly chaotic evil, as are the gnoll bands of Garund’s Brazen Peaks. Evil leaking out from Rovagug’s cage has long since made the Darklands a place of cruelty and terror, as evidenced by nations of evil fey, drow, serpentfolk, and ghouls. In Tian Xia, the kraken Zhanagorr’s brutal rule stamps its alignment on the coastal nation of Wanshou.

Demon Cults:
The Worldwound and Kyonin’s Tanglebriar are obvious incursions of chaotic evil into reality, but demons conduct their vile work all over Golarion. Whether you worship a demon lord or simply find demons to be like- minded purveyors of destruction, the Abyss’s residents have much to offer the agents of chaos.

Monstrous Races:
Many monstrous races, particularly those who worship Lamashtu or Rovagug, are embodiments of chaotic evil in its most savage and unthinking form. From malicious orcs to the Spawn of Rovagug, chaotic evil creatures threaten the borders of every civilized nation.

 t raits
The following traits suit a chaotic evil alignment:

Bloody-Minded (Combat): You are always ready for bloodshed. You gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative and Intimidate checks.

Passionate Inertia (Social): Your passions drive your thinking so irresistibly that even magic struggles to change your mind. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Will saves to resist having your mind changed about something, but you take a –1 penalty on Will saves to resist temptation and compulsions you might reasonably be already inclined toward.

The process by which a chaotic evil character selects allies is often a mystery to others—and perhaps even to the characters themselves—but often boils down to an instinctive sense of who’s likely to provide support and entertainment without overly restricting them. They may choose allies they perceive as weaker and thus unable to effectively challenge their decisions, or they may be temporarily cowed into serving those who pose too great a threat to ignore.

While in working relationships with equals, chaotic evil characters may seem to be ever on the verge of betrayal, or at least ready to abandon their partners to pursue their own interests. However, some of these partnerships prove surprisingly stable, as the chaotic evil character may want to avoid the inconvenience and frustration of finding new partners. These allies need not be evil, either—a chaotic evil character is perhaps the least likely to judge others for their alignment (or indeed, pay attention to their companions’ morality at all).