作者 主题: 【BoF】炼狱血脉  (阅读 88103 次)

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« 于: 2013-02-21, 周四 00:49:06 »
偏好神祗:阿斯莫狄尔斯(Asmodeus),拉玛什图(Lamashtu),诺格巴(Norgorber),法莱斯玛(Pharasma),洛瓦古格(Rovagug),厄加图娅(Urgathoa),宗·库松(Zon-Kuthon)以及大魔鬼(Archdevils),恶魔领主(Demon Lords)和四驭者(The Horsemen)
偏好地区:艾巴萨罗姆(Absalom),切利亚斯(Cheliax),扎摩诔(Jalmeray),奈多(Nidal),图维亚(Thuvia),天朝(Tian Xia),乌笃剌(Vudra)以及世界之伤(Worldwound)


魔裔能力变体(Variant Tiefling Abilities)
魔裔亚种(Tiefling Heritages)
战斗:炼狱专长(Combat:Feats of the Fiendish)
信仰:诅咒之祈(Faith:Prayers of the Damned)
魔法:黑暗之力(Magic:Dark Powers)
社会:生之恶(Social:Born Bad)
« 上次编辑: 2013-03-19, 周二 19:28:13 由 四月奈奈子 »

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Re: 【BoF】炼狱血脉
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-02-21, 周四 00:49:12 »
魔裔能力变体(Variant Tiefling Abilities)

每天1次以类法术能力,你能够操纵1HD的骷髅,如同操纵死尸(animate dead)一般。51你能够与所有鸟类交谈(speak to all birds)。
你拥有某种超感知觉(extrasensory organ),它使你获得全域视野(all-around vision)。52你在对抗毒素时的豁免检定获得+2加值。
你每天能够以类法术能力使用3次法师之手(mage hand)。54你获得DR 2/穿刺。
13你在对抗疾病时的豁免检定获得+2加值。63你拥有的一些非人般的感觉器官。这使你在对所有抗凝视攻击(gaze attacks)时的豁免检定获得+2加值。
16你拥有巨大的四肢,这使得你在使用大型武器(Large weapons)时不会受到罚值。66你能够通过饮用灰烬、煤渣、尘埃和沙子获得营养。
17你拥有被视为天生武器的双爪,并且能够造成1d4伤害。67你的双眼泛出炼狱之光,这使你获得看透黑暗(see in darkness)能力,就如同你是魔鬼一般。
18你获得DR 2/钝击。68你获得DR 2/寒铁。
19你获得30尺游泳速度。69每天1次,你能够以类法术能力使用云雾术(Fog Cloud)。
22你每天能如同施放法术一般使用3次侦测邪恶(detect evil)。72你能够与50尺范围内的任何邪恶生物进行心灵沟通(communicate telepathically)。
23你不需要饮水就能够生存。73你每天能够以类法术能力使用3次弱效幻影(Minor Image)。
24每天1次,你能够从身体中长出一支尖锐的倒刺。这根倒刺是可抽取式的并且视同一把匕首(dagger)。74每天1次以类法术能力,你能够活化小型或更小的物体持续等同于你等级的轮数。该物体被视为一个活化物品(animate object)。
32你能够察觉弱点,这使你在所有重击确认检定中获得+1加值。82你在对抗影响心灵效果(mind-affecting effects)时的豁免检定获得+2加值。
33你获得DR 2/银。83每天1次,暴露在火焰中能够治愈你1d6点伤害。该能力无法免受火焰伤害。
34直到你的生命降至-5之前,你不会失去意识。84你免疫魔法睡眠以及麻痹效果(paralysis effects)。
36你能够通过接触(in contact)与任何有感知力的生物(sentient creature)进行心灵感应(communicate telepathically)。86你的骨骼构造与常人不同,这使你有15%的概率忽略对你造成的重击。
37每天1次,你能够以类法术能力使用死亡丧钟(death knell)。87你只需要正常人1/4的食物和水的需求量就能够生存。
39每天1次,你可以以双倍普通速度移动1轮(you can move at double your normal speed for 1 round)。89每天1次,你能够以类法术能力使用造成轻伤(Inflict Light Wounds)。
40以一个整轮动作,每天你能够放血并收集价值5sp的珍贵血液(you can bleed and collect 5 sp worth of precious blood)。90你的感知属性额外获得+2种族加值。
41你拥有等同于10 + 1/2你的HD的法术抗力。91你获得DR 2/挥砍。
42操纵死尸(animate dead)能够使你复活1d4次,就如同死者复活(Raise Dead)一般。92你能够看到以太位面(Ethereal Plane)的生物。
43你的炼狱魔力特性视你的魅力属性比正常高3点,而非原本的2点。93每天1次,你能够询问死尸一个答案为是或否的问题,如同死者交谈(Speak with Dead)一般。这是一个类法术能力。
47你每天能够以类法术能力使用3次诅咒邪水(Curse Water)。97每天1次以一个标准动作,你能够抑制你那不寻常的魔裔物理特征,持续等同于你体质属性的分钟数,以此伪装成人类。

劇透 -   :
Some tieflings are blessed or cursed with unusual abilities. GMs may customize their tiefling NPCs using the following chart, or allow their players to do so by rolling a d%. Players with a particular character concept in mind may consult their GM if they want to select a specific variant ability.
The abilities presented here replace a tiefling’s spell-like ability racial trait. Any abilities that grant spells or spelllike abilities are treated as having a caster level equal to the tiefling’s character level.

d% Ability
1 You can animate a 1 HD skeleton, as per animate dead, once per day as a spell-like ability.
2 You possess some type of extrasensory organ, granting you all-around vision.
3 You enjoy being cut. The first time each day you take slashing damage, you gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls for the following round.
4 You can use mage hand three times per day as a spell-like ability.
5 Inherited memories grant you a +2 racial bonus on one Knowledge skill of your choice.
6 You can levitate yourself plus 10 pounds at will, as per the spell levitate. This is a supernatural ability.
7 You can eat and gain nourishment from ash, cinders, dust, and sand.
8 You gain a +1 bonus on all attack and damage rolls against good-aligned outsiders.
9 You gain an additional +2 racial bonus to your Charisma score.
10 You possess a bite that is treated as a natural weapon and deals 1d4 points of damage.
11 Once per day, you can exhibit a burst of speed, moving as if your base land speed were 50 feet for one move action.
12 You do not need to sleep. You are not immune to sleep effects.
13 You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws made against disease.
14 Your base land speed increases by +5 feet.
15 You possess a fiendishly cunning tongue, granting you a +2 racial bonus on all Diplomacy checks.
16 You have oversized limbs, allowing you to use Large weapons without penalty.
17 You possess claws that are treated as natural weapons and deal 1d4 points of damage.
18 You gain DR 2/bludgeoning.
19 You gain a Swim speed of 30 feet.
20 You gain a +2 racial bonus on combat maneuver checks.
21 You possess fiendish luck. Once per day, you can reroll one die roll. You must take the result of this second roll.
22 You can use detect evil, as per the spell, three times per day.
23 You never need to drink to survive.
24 Once per day, you can produce a sharp barb from your body. This barb is removable and is treated as a dagger.
25 You gain acid resistance 5.
26 Your body produces intense, searing heat. Any creature that grapples you takes 1d4 points of fire damage per round.
27 You can speak two additional languages spoken by extraplanar beings.
28 Any evil creature you call via summon monster remains for 3 rounds longer than usual.
29 You gain a +1 bonus on all Reflex saving throws.
30 You can alter your shadow to make it appear as that of any creature or object of your size or smaller.
31 You can burrow through dirt, sand, and loose gravel at a rate of 5 feet per round.
32 You can sense weakness, granting you a +1 bonus on all rolls to confirm critical hits.
33 You gain DR 2/silver.
34 You do not lose consciousness until you are reduced to –5 hit points.
35 You possess long limbs and a powerful grip, features that grant you a +2 racial bonus on all Climb checks.
36 You can communicate telepathically with any sentient creature with which you are in contact.
37 Once per day, you can use death knell as a spelllike ability.
38 At will, you can spend a full-round action concentrating to receive the benefits of tremorsense 60 feet for 1 round.
39 Once per day, you can move at double your normal speed for 1 round.
40 As a full-round action, you can bleed and collect 5 sp worth of precious blood per day.
41 You possess spell resistance equal to 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice.
42 The spell animate dead can return you to life as per the spell raise dead 1d4 times.
43 Your fiendish sorcery ability treats your Charisma score as if it were 3 points higher instead of 2.
44 You are unusually short, granting you all the standard traits of a Small creature.
45 Your features are subtly malleable, granting you a +2 racial bonus on all Disguise checks.
46 You gain an additional +2 racial bonus to your Intelligence score.
47 You can use curse water three times per day as a spell-like ability.
48 You are invisible to all unintelligent undead. This is a supernatural ability.
49 You are healed by both positive and negative channeled energy.
50 Your skin is unnaturally tough, granting you a +1 natural bonus to your AC.
51 You can speak to all birds.
52 You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against poison.
53 You possess the scent special ability.
54 You gain DR 2/piercing.
55 You are unnaturally sly, granting you a +2 racial bonus on all Sleight of Hands checks.
56 Once per day, you can spit acid. This glob deals 1d4 points of acid damage and has a range increment of 5 feet.
57 Your body exudes painfully freezing cold. Any creature that grapples you takes 1d4 points of cold damage per round.
58 You heal yourself of double the normal amount of damage by resting.
59 You gain a +1 bonus on all Will saving throws.
60 You gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks at night.
61 You can manipulate any armor, gauntlets, or shield you wield, causing them to grow spikes. These spikes last only as long as you wear your armor.
62 You can use deathwatch three times per day as a spell-like ability.
63 You have some manner of inhuman sensory organ. You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against all gaze attacks.
64 Once per day, for 1 round, you may see through any substance less than 5 feet thick—except for lead—as if it were glass. This is a supernatural ability.
65 Your strange physiology grants you a +2 racial bonus on all Acrobatics checks.
66 You can drink and gain nourishment from ash, cinders, dust, and sand.
67 Your eyes glow fiendishly and you possess the see in darkness ability as if you were a devil.
68 You gain damage reduction 2/cold iron.
69 Once per day, you can use fog cloud as a spelllike ability.
70 You are aware of and can choose the result of any attempt to detect your alignment.
71 Once per day, you can spend a full-round action eating from a corpse to regain 1d6+1 hit points.
72 You can communicate telepathically with any evil creature within 50 feet.
73 You can use minor image three times per day as a spell-like ability.
74 Once per day, as a spell-like ability, you can animate a Small or smaller object for a number of rounds equal to your level. Treat this object as an animated object.
75 You gain sonic resistance 5.
76 You can hold your breath for 3 rounds longer than normal.
77 You can speak to insects.
78 Your skin is spiky. Any creature that attempts to grapple you takes 1d4 points of damage.
79 You receive a +1 bonus on all Fortitude saving throws.
80 You gain a +2 bonus to your CMD.
81 Once per day, you can use rage on yourself as a spell-like ability.
82 You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.
83 Once per day, exposure to fire heals you of 1d6 points of damage. This ability does not negate fire damage.
84 You are immune to magic sleep and paralysis effects.
85 Supernatural awareness grants you a +2 racial bonus on all Perception checks.
86 Your anatomy is slightly unusual, giving you a 15% chance to ignore critical hits made against you.
87 You can survive on one-quarter the amount of food and water a human requires.
88 Any damage you deal with a melee weapon is treated as evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
89 Once per day, you can use inflict light wounds as a spell-like ability.
90 You gain an additional +2 racial bonus to your Wisdom score.
91 You gain DR 2/slashing.
92 You can see creatures on the Ethereal Plane.
93 Once per day, you may ask a corpse one yes-or-no question, as per the spell speak with dead. This is a spell-like ability.
94 You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against nausea.
95 You are flexible and slightly slimy, and thus gain a +2 racial bonus on all Escape Artist checks.
96 You can use ventriloquism at will as a spell-like ability.
97 Once per day as a standard action, you may suppress your unusual tiefling physical features for a number of minutes equal to your Con modifier, thus appearing human.
98 You receive +1 bonus hit point per level.
99 Once per week, you may mentally contact a fiendish ancestor to gain information, as per the spell commune. This is a spell-like ability.
100 Roll on this table twice, ignoring any further rolls of 100.
« 上次编辑: 2013-02-21, 周四 01:01:26 由 四月奈奈子 »

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Re: 【BoF】炼狱血脉
« 回帖 #2 于: 2013-02-21, 周四 00:49:16 »
魔裔亚种(Tiefling Heritages)


替换类法术能力:咎恶族裔获得狂笑术(Hideous Laughter)作为类法术能力。

    咎恶族裔在乌笃剌(Vudra)最为常见,不过在奥罗登(Aroden)死亡之后,有相当数量的阿修罗踏上了充满破坏性的朝圣之旅,向着那些奥罗登曾经降临并愚弄凡人的地区,或者能够见证到奥罗登陨落的地方。世界之伤(Worldwound)的阿修罗后裔则从摧毁邻国蒙蒂维(Mendev)的狂热十字军(zealous crusaders)中享乐,不过更多的咎恶族裔出生在拉哈多姆(Rahadoum),这里的人们与其一起分享着对神祗的憎恶。

武器大师(Arms Master):你祖先具有的传奇战斗武艺使得你获得一定程度的天生武器技能。当你使用不擅长的武器进行攻击检定时,受到-2减值取代正常的-4减值。
祷告破坏者(Prayer Breaker):你有一种天生的资质,能够对那些信徒造成伤害,短时间内切断他们与其信仰神祗的联系。当一名神术施法者由于你造成的伤害而需要进行专注检定,以避免失去法术时,该检定的DC提高2点。


替换类法术能力:残忍族裔获得死亡丧钟(Death Knell)作为类法术能力。


死亡代理人(Death’s Deputy):当你把敌人送入鬼门关时,你通常会一脚将其尸体踢过门槛。你对任何并非由于该背景元素的效果而使生命降至负值的生物进行攻击时,伤害获得+2背景加值。
噬魂者(Soul Eater):谋杀行为使你从那些消散的灵魂中吸取活力。每当你使用致命一击(CDG)动作杀死一个生物(无论是通过伤害杀死还是由于对方没有通过强韧豁免),你都会获得等同于你人物等级一半的暂时生命(最低为1),持续1分钟。这些暂时生命不会通过多次致命一击而叠加。


替换类法术能力:污秽族裔获得熊之坚韧(Bear’s Endurance)作为类法术能力。


蔑神(God Scorn):你蔑视那些神祗以及它们可悲的小牧师,这使你更容易摆脱神术的影响。你在对抗神术时,豁免检定获得+1背景加值。




致命猛冲(Deadly Rush):当你放纵自己的情感,鲁莽地冲向敌人时,你通常能够对敌人造成有效的攻击。当你在冲锋时,你的重击确认检定获得+2背景加值。
破坏的天赋(Flair for Destruction):在找出弱点并毁坏物品这件事上你十分有天赋。当你对抗构造体以及物品时,武器伤害检定获得+1背景加值。



    切利亚斯(Cheliax)境内生活着大量的地狱族裔。尽管地狱族裔是被歧视的少数民族,他们还是靠着具有价值的能力帮助自身在切利亚斯的附属国网络中立足,特别是在依斯嘉(Isger)。切利亚斯当局(Chelish authorities)将地狱族裔视为一种官方资源,并且毫不犹豫地将他们摆上拍卖会,将这些魔裔分散至任何允许蓄奴的大陆上。

鲜血追踪者(Blood Stalker):你具有的某些来自地狱的本能,这使你更容易找到那些被你弄伤流血的生物的位置。只要你曾经对一名造成伤害,在此之后1星期之内,使用生存检定对该生物进行追踪都会获得+4背景加值。
发掘秘密(Unearth Secrets):那些隐藏的愿望对你来说无所遁形。当你试图获得预感以揭示目标隐藏的恶习、黑暗的冲动或者其他不愿被公开揭露的愿望时,你对其的察言观色检定获得+2背景加值。




隐藏焦虑(Buried Anxiety):只要不受某种特定的平凡物品干扰,你就能够嘲笑那些能把别人吓得发抖的事物。选择一类物体、颜色、声响或者类似的较为常见的现象。你能够在对抗恐惧效果的豁免检定中获得+2背景加值,除非你能够看到、听到、闻到或尝到那种会使你失去勇气的东西。
推卸责任(Shift the Blame):你懂得很多花招,能够保护自己免遭自身错误酿下的苦果。当你尝试说服某人,应该是别人为你的行为负责时,唬骗与交涉检定获得+1背景加值。



    切利亚斯(Cheliax)供养着相当数目的镣铐之子。奈多(Nidal)也以所拥有的大量链魔后裔为傲;宗-库山的信众(the native Kuthites)将这些影影憧憧的魔裔视为来自他们黑暗庇护者的礼物。从未被证实的传言声称,拉兹米尔(Razmir)的牧师有时会雇佣链魔拷问者(kyton torturers)来使那些还有疑虑的追随者信服,而他们的肉欲据说会产生一群从出生起便接受训练的镣铐之子侍奉人神(living god)。

刺链大师(Chain Master):你的炼狱血统赋予了你使用刺链的超自然技巧,而你的敌人也明白应当在你使用此类武器时远离你。当你使用刺链(spiked chain)或鞭子(whip)摔绊敌人时,你的战技检定获得+2背景加值。
苦痛艺术家(Pain Artist):你的链魔血脉之中的某些痕迹使得人们意识到你什么都做得出来,特别是当他们被绑在你面前祈求你的怜悯之时。当你对无助的生物进行威吓检定时获得+2背景加值。


替换类法术能力:饥饿之种获得变身术(Alter Self)作为类法术能力。

    虽然饥饿之种的身影遍布格拉利昂(Golarion),尤其是那些荒蛮的地区,不过他们在天朝(Tian Xia)——恶鬼的故乡——最为常见。贝卡赞(Belkzen)与切利亚斯(Cheliax)也分布着恶鬼后裔,他们通常是食人魔法师雇佣兵与战争领主的后代。

大骨架(Big Boned):你的祖先的庞大体型使得你拥有一副异常坚固的骨架。当你使用战技检定闯越敌人时,获得+1背景加值,此外当你对抗摔绊时,CMD获得+1背景加值。
强健握力(Superior Clutch):你的双手不但比常人大许多,而且还有着强大的握力,这使得你在使用大型武器时如鱼得水。当你越型使用更大的武器时,你的伤害检定获得+1背景加值。




斥罪(Repel Sin):你本能地厌恶能够使恶魔崛起、反使古魔衰落的罪孽。当你对抗带有邪恶描述符的法术与效果时,豁免检定获得+2背景加值。
污秽之吻(Vile Kiss):你了解如何在靠近他人时,激起他们对你本能的厌恶。当你为了让你的敌人恶心而使用阴招(dirty trick)战技时,战技检定获得+2背景加值。


替换类法术能力:野兽之子获得侦测思想(Detect Thoughts)作为类法术能力。


弯曲的身体(Bent Body):尽管实际上你的骨骼和四肢没有完全反拧,它们却略有歪曲。当你在对抗擒抱时,CMD获得+2背景加值。
坚韧皮肤(Tough Skin):你的体表还保有少量祖先的刚硬皮肤。当你的敌人使用钝击或挥砍武器并尝试对你确认重击时,你的AC获得+1背景加值。

劇透 -   :
Tiefling Heritages
Regardless of where their fiendish blood comes from, most tieflings exhibit similar traits and abilities. The unpredictable manner in which fiendish essence combines with a mortal soul often makes it nearly impossible for the average person to tell a tiefling’s heritage simply by looking. A few tieflings, however, retain more overt ties to the particular type of fiend that first corrupted their bloodlines. A player may choose one of the following 10 heritages for her tiefling character in place of the traditional tiefling racial features. Each heritage presents new ability modifiers, spell-like abilities, and skill modifiers, as well as a pair of custom traits. Each entry also discusses the most common (though by no means ubiquitous) personality traits, physical features, and places of origin of tieflings belonging to that particular heritage.

Lacking any sense of empathy or pity,faultspawn often abhor all ways of life but their own. They inflict severe emotional and physical pain on others, and never stop picking at the resulting psychological scars.

Ancestry Asura
Typical Alignment LE
Ability Modifiers +2 Dex, +2 Wis, –2 Int
Alternate Skill Modifiers Appraise, Knowledge (local)
Alternate Spell-Like Ability Faultspawn gain hideous laughter as a spell-like ability.

    Like their asura forebears, faultspawn revel when the gods or their worshipers fail, and take great pleasure in the defacement or destruction of churches and holy sites that don’t align with their individual viewpoints. This innate desire to taunt and ridicule people of opposing beliefs often extends beyond mere bullying, usually finding expression in the art of maiming or utterly destroying whatever their opponents hold most dear. Emotionally abusive, faultspawn steal or vandalize what others find precious, and enjoy rubbing salt in their victims’ wounds.
    Physically, asura-spawn tend to have both masculine and feminine traits, their relative androgyny proving that havoc and deceit are not limited by one’s sex. A considerable number of asura-spawn are even born hermaphrodites.
    Faultspawn are most common in Vudra, though following the death of Aroden a sizable number of asuras have made destructive pilgrimages to those sites where he dallied with the occasional mortal or that most clearly mark his fall. The asura-spawn of the Worldwound take particular pleasure in destroying the zealous crusaders from neighboring Mendev, while even more are born in Rahadoum, whose people share faultspawn’s loathing for the gods.

The following are race traits for faultspawn.
Arms Master: The legendary battle prowess of your ancestors ensures that you have a certain amount of innate martial skill. You take a –2 penalty on attack rolls made with weapons with which you are not proficient instead of the normal –4.
Prayer Breaker: You have an instinctive flair for causing such pain to the faithful that they temporarily lose their connection with their god. If a divine spellcaster makes a concentration check to avoid losing a spell because of an injury you caused, increase the DC of that check by +2.

Dreary and pessimistic, grimspawn are so enthralled by death, disease, and dilapidation that they often dedicate themselves to ending lives from behind the scenes as macabre saboteurs.

Ancestry Daemon
Typical Alignment NE
Ability Modifiers +2 Dex, +2 Int, –2 Wis
Alternate Skill Modifiers Disable Device, Sleight of Hand
Alternate Spell-Like Ability Grimspawn gain death knell as a spell-like ability.

    Like their daemon ancestors, grimspawn have a great fascination with sickness, decay, and all the ways mortals can die. However, as mortals themselves, they have no choice but to realize they too could suffer all the scourges that blight mortal life. As a way of distancing themselves from such enraging thoughts, grimspawn spend their lives as tourists of disaster, and if unable to find a preexisting calamity in which to revel, they are happy to lend a hand.
    Grimspawn typically appear unhealthy and frail. Though in actuality they are no sicklier than the average person, grimspawn often display symptoms of various diseases, such as a hacking cough, feverish body temperature, or unnaturally pale complexion, and all are painfully thin and tend to look emaciated no matter how much they eat.
    Grimspawn often arise in areas beset by disease, famine,civil unrest, or war. So desperate are the peoples of these lands to replenish their numbers and forget the horrors of the past that the parents of such sickly seeming children go to extraordinary lengths to keep them alive, ignorant of their daemonic taint. As their fiendish children reach adulthood, many parents come to regret their efforts.

The following are race traits for grimspawn.
Death’s Deputy: When you send opponents to death’s door, you often hurl their corpses right across its threshold. You gain a +2 trait bonus on the damage dealt for any attack that would already reduce your target to negative hit points without this trait.
Soul Eater: The act of murder allows you to draw vitality from fleeing souls. Whenever you use a coup de grace action to kill a creature (either by damage or through a failed Fortitude save), you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to half your character level (minimum 1) for 1 minute. These temporary hit points do not stack with multiple coups de grace.

Crude and boorish, foulspawn take a particular delight in giving offense and scandalizing polite society. They enjoy violating taboos even more than breaking laws, especially if it means degrading or repulsing an innocent.

Ancestry Demodand
Typical Alignment CE
Ability Modifiers +2 Con, +2 Wis, –2 Int
Alternate Skill Modifiers Intimidate, Knowledge (religion)
Alternate Spell-Like Ability Foulspawn gain bear’s endurance as a spell-like ability.

    Thanks to their demodand ancestry, foulspawn have a deep and abiding hatred of religion and conventional morality. However, their sense of heresy goes much further than merely scorning the gods; foulspawn reject any code of behavior that places limits on their actions,whether such restrictions be social, legal, or divine. Their name—representing not just their disgusting personal habits and hygiene, but also their vulgarity and basic indecency—merely hints at how ruthlessly they work to corrupt and debase their surroundings.
    Foulspawn always have at least one physical trait that places them far outside the norm. Whether they are grossly fat, skeletally thin, monstrously tall, or horrifically stunted,they always stand out in a crowd. All foulspawn, regardless of their appearance, have terrible standards of personal cleanliness and grooming.
    Though they are somewhat more common around the Worldwound, foulspawn tend to appear in higher rates throughout all of northern Avistan. Some attribute this to a general lack of civilization and refinement, which attracts demodands and encourages intermingling between these fiends and humanoid natives. Most regard this myth as simply an unfair stereotype, however, since the fact remains that nearly every society produces foulspawn.

The following are race traits for foulspawn.
God Scorn: Your contempt for the gods and their sad little priests makes it easier to shake off the effects of their prayers. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against divine spells.
Repulsive: Your repulsiveness causes people to almost instinctively shy away from making physical contact with you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on combat maneuver checks made to overrun and reposition opponents.

Pitborn delight in destruction, especially while unleashing their havoc on what others consider valuable or precious. Perhaps because of this volatility, others tend to simply defer to pitborn, an act that often grants them the dominance they crave.

Ancestry Demon
Typical Alignment CE
Ability Modifiers +2 Str, +2 Cha, –2 Int
Alternate Skill Modifiers Disable Device, Perception
Alternate Spell-Like Ability Pitborn gain shatter as a spell-like ability.

    The easily enraged pitborn usually find smashing something the quickest way to calm back down. Of course,since pitborn gain a sense of genuine pleasure from wanton destruction, they break, rip, and rage even when in the best of moods. They revel not just in the spectacle of annihilation but also in the heady sense of power they get from ruining what others love or, even better, need. Pitborn hate the objects of their fury with a burning intensity that never truly cools no matter how much time has passed.
    Born of chaos and mutation, pitborn always have at least one flaw that mars their bodies’ symmetry. Pitborn with subtler flaws like differently colored eyes, mismatched ears, an odd number of fingers, or a birthmark sprawling across one cheek can often hide or explain such traits away. Those with more prominent abnormalities like incompatible limbs, the head of a vestigial twin, or bizarre spines or scales adorning only one side of their bodies find it much more difficult to pass for normal. All pitborn take extreme offense at their disfigurements being pointed out.
    Pitborn flourish in the vicinity of the Worldwound and throughout the Darklands, though much like the random,malevolent evil of their ancestors, they can arise just about anywhere in the world. A pitborn’s birth often follows some natural disaster, almost as if that catastrophe had roused such evil from a long and fitful slumber.

The following are race traits for pitborn.
Deadly Rush: When you hurl yourself against a foe with reckless abandon, you often land particularly telling blows.You gain a +2 trait bonus on critical hit confirmation rolls made as part of a charge.
Flair for Destruction: You have a talent for striking objects at their weakest points. You gain a +1 trait bonus on weapon damage rolls made against objects and constructs.

While often rigid, stubborn, and highly focused on sticking to plans and schedules,hellspawn also have a rare talent for penetrating others’ facades. They know a lie when they hear one, and can often determine what hidden vice or secret shame motivates another.

Ancestry Devil
Typical Alignment LE
Ability Modifiers +2 Con, +2 Wis, –2 Cha
Alternate Skill Modifiers Diplomacy, Sense Motive
Alternate Spell-Like Ability Hellspawn gain pyrotechnics as a spell-like ability.

    Though as ambitious and willing to seize opportunities as they come, hellspawn are by far the most conservative and conformist of all the tiefling heritages. They tend to accept their lot in life and seldom rebel, instead finding their niches and then quietly accumulating the wealth and power they crave. Their natural talent for identifying the dark appetites of others often proves useful when trying to climb the social ladder, and hellspawn usually leave behind trails of ruined careers and broken lives in their wakes.
    Hellspawn come closest to matching the stereotype of what a tiefling “should” look like. Most have horns, a tail,and eyes with an odd color or unusually shaped pupils.
    Cheliax has a substantial contingent of hellspawn living within its borders. While hellspawn are a despised minority, their ability to make themselves useful has helped them spread throughout Cheliax’s network of client states, especially Isger. Chelish authorities regard hellspawn as officially expendable and scarcely hesitate to put them up on the auction block, dispersing the tieflings to any land that tolerates slavery.

The following are race traits for hellspawn.
Blood Stalker: Some infernal instinct makes it much easier for you to locate creatures whose blood you have drawn. You gain a +4 trait bonus on Survival checks made to track or follow a trail so long as you have dealt damage to the creature you are hunting within the last week.
Unearth Secrets: You have a gift for recognizing secret desires. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks when trying to get a hunch that might reveal a target’s hidden vice, dark impulse, or any other craving it would not want publicly revealed.

An innate sense of jealousy and pure malice drives spitespawn to spread misery and despair. Unable to experience joy themselves, they devote their lives to promoting gloom, all the while hiding the hatefulness that lurks at their core.

Ancestry Div
Typical Alignment NE
Ability Modifiers +2 Dex, +2 Cha, –2 Int
Alternate Skill Modifiers Diplomacy, Linguistics
Alternate Spell-Like Ability Spitespawn gain misdirection as a spell-like ability.

    The ultimate false friends, spitespawn never feel true pleasure or happiness. The closest they can manage is a certain measure of smug satisfaction when they drive others to frustration and despair.
    Spitespawn often have a noticeable abnormality relating to their skin and, in some rare cases, their tongues.Blotches, unusual skin pigmentation, and pelts of thick hair are all subtle signs of div ancestry, but the truly deformed can sport even more bizarre traits including mobile bulges that lurk beneath the skin like burrowing insects, or unusally dry flesh that constantly sheds layers of unsightly dust.
    Spitespawn are most often encountered in areas where both genies and divs are common, including the lands of Jalmeray, Katapesh, Kelesh, Qadira, and Vudra. Regardless of where they are born and raised, almost all spitespawn must travel far away from their homelands at some point,as their scams and treacheries inevitably catch up to them and force them to move on to places where they can make a fresh start and find new victims.

The following are race traits for spitespawn.
Buried Anxiety: You laugh at what makes others tremble,but are secretly disturbed by a particular sort of mundane item. Pick a specific sort of object, color, sound, or similar relatively common phenomena. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws made to resist fear effects except when you can see, hear, smell, or taste that which unnerves you.
Shift the Blame: You have learned many tricks to keep yourself from facing the consequences of your misdeeds.You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks made to convince someone that another person is actually at fault for your actions.

Shackleborn are fascinated by mutilation and torture. Though they prefer to practice their cruel art on others, they accept that sometimes the wheel must turn and greet their own moments of anguish and confinement with an odd serenity.

Ancestry Kyton
Typical Alignment LE
Ability Modifiers +2 Con, +2 Cha, –2 Wis
Alternate Skill Modifiers Escape Artist, Intimidate
Alternate Spell-Like Ability Shackleborn gain web as a spelllike ability.

    Like their kyton ancestors, shackleborn possess a reckless cruelty that makes them truly terrifying when they get the upper hand in a dispute. They embrace agony as an essential truth, and believe submitting to pain is the ultimate destiny of all living things. Shackleborn seldom kill an opponent if given a chance to capture one alive, and they rarely go anywhere without tools to bind and torture victims.
    Shackleborn are often born with their skin already mutilated, a garish embroidery of white and purple scars covering their flesh from head to toe. Though this certainly makes them stand out, normally only the most discerning and well-traveled passersby connect these persons with kytons. The irresistible allure of pain compels shackleborn to add to their collection of scars as they age, and many graduate to branding, piercing, and tattooing over time.
    Cheliax plays host to a respectable number of shackleborn.Nidal boasts a number of kyton-born as well; the native Kuthites regard the shadowy tieflings as gifts from their dark patron. Rumors, never confirmed, claim that the priests of Razmir sometimes employ kyton torturers to persuade doubtful acolytes, and their carnal appetites have supposedly produced a small colony of shackleborn trained from birth to serve the living god.

The following are race traits for shackleborn.
Chain Master: Your fiendish ancestry has granted you unnatural skill with the chain, and your enemies know to stay away when you wield it as a weapon. You gain a +2 trait bonus on combat maneuver checks made to trip opponents with a spiked chain or whip.
Pain Artist: Some trace of your kyton heritage makes people realize you are capable of anything, especially when they are bound and at your mercy. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Intimidate checks made against helpless creatures.

Endowed with brawny muscles and thick bones, hungerseed always seem poised to explode into some larger, more powerful form, and have a voracious appetite for sensory pleasures and carnal delights.

Ancestry Oni
Typical Alignment LE
Ability Modifiers +2 Str, +2 Wis, –2 Cha
Alternate Skill Modifiers Disguise, Intimidate
Alternate Spell-Like Ability Hungerseed gain alter self as a spelllike ability.

    Oni-spawn are natural bullies who prefer to use threats and force to get what they want rather than persuasion or tact. At best, such brashness tends to win them lackeys rather than actual friends. If thwarted by someone more powerful, hungerseed brood and bide their time, waiting for the perfect moment to stage a bloody rematch. Onispawn always hunger for more bodily pleasures; they share the voracious appetites of their fiendish antecedents, and take immense delight in experiences of the flesh, whether that means food, sex, violence, or other tactile sensations.
    Hungerseed are usually extremely tall and bulky when compared to untainted humans. Similar to their oni ancestors, they appear ready to burst out of their flesh into some more monstrous form. When hungerseed experience strong emotions, their muscles bulge and shift, almost seeming to expand as they hold themselves back. Some individuals possess tusks that protrude from their mouths,and young hungerseed often delight in using their powerful teeth to rip into living birds or other small animals.
    Though hungerseed appear all across Golarion,especially in the wilder regions, they are most common in Tian Xia, the homeland of the oni. Belkzen and Cheliax also have a scattering of oni-spawn in their midst, usually descendants of ogre magi mercenaries and warlords.

The following are race traits for hungerseed.
Big Boned: Your ancestors’ great size has gifted you with an exceptionally sturdy frame. You gain a +1 trait bonus on combat maneuver checks made to overrun opponents, as well as a +1 trait bonus to your CMD against trip attempts.
Superior Clutch: Your hands not only are bigger than normal, but also have a strong grip useful for wielding large weapons. You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls when using weapons intended for creatures of a larger size.

Qlippoth-Spawn(the Motherless)
No woman survives the birth of a babe whose qlippoth ancestry has emerged. At best, qlippoth-spawn rip their mothers apart during labor. At worst, they tear themselves out even earlier.

Ancestry Qlippoth
Typical Alignment CE
Ability Modifiers +2 Str, +2 Wis, –2 Int
Alternate Skill Modifiers Escape Artist,Survival
Alternate Spell-Like Ability The motherless gain blur as a spelllike ability.

    Like their qlippoth forebears, the motherless instinctively despise mortals and their sins, but rather than turning them toward a path of virtue, such scorn instead drives qlippoth-spawn toward bitterness and cynicism. By their reckoning, hypocrisy and sin rule the mortal heart, and thus all mortals deserve little more than extinction. Jaded and leery loners, they see treachery and deceit behind every action, and prefer to stab others in the back before they themselves are betrayed. Perhaps because they have never felt the bond between a mother and her child, qlippoth-spawn are almost always incapable of love, trust, or affection.
    The motherless always display their bizarre deformities at birth. Covered in barbed tentacles, oozing tumors,crudely shaped and stunted appendages, pieces of carapace, or other defects that seem more appropriate for insects and other lower life forms, those who survive their early years learn the true meaning of rejection.
    One of the rarest of all the tiefling heritages, the motherless tend to arise in clusters of half a dozen or so births occurring over roughly the same time period in a village or town. Such infestations are as quick to dissipate as they are to appear, and while somewhat more common near the Worldwound, such outbreaks are still infrequent.

The following are race traits for the motherless.
Repel Sin: You have an instinctive revulsion for the sins that led to the rise of demons and subsequent downfall of qlippoth. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws made against spells and effects with the evil descriptor.
Vile Kiss: You have learned how to exploit the natural disgust you provoke when in close proximity to others.You gain a +2 trait bonus on combat maneuver checks to perform a dirty trick combat maneuver for the purpose of making your opponent sickened.

Beastbrood regard themselves as deserving of appreciation and opulence. Through deceit and sheer willpower, they often achieve privileged stations in society.

Ancestry Rakshasa
Typical Alignment LE
Ability Modifiers +2 Dex, +2 Cha, –2 Wis
Alternate Skill Modifiers Disguise,Sense Motive
Alternate Spell-Like Ability Beastbrood gain detect thoughts as a spell-like ability.

    Like their rakshasa ancestors, beastbrood have a taste for luxury and the finer things in life. Predisposed toward arrogance, beastbrood believe that they innately deserve affluence and find any station below that of royalty beneath them. Despite their haughty demeanor, beastbrood typically possess a natural charm that actually causes others to often grant them the deference they consider their birthright. Unless playing a role, beastbrood always act like aristocrats,and usually, they get treated as such.
    Beastbrood usually develop their distinctive traits after childhood, often sometime during adolescence. Such attributes usually hint at an animalistic nature, including slit pupils, fangs, or coats of fur. Unlike most tieflings, beastbrood rarely feel a sense of isolation. Even their bestial features, sleek and well groomed, usually grant them a feral glamor instead of leading to revulsion.
    Beastbrood are most common in Vudra, where rakshasas are more prevalent, but many leave their homeland for better prospects abroad as soon as possible. Vudran folklore has far too many stories about rakshasas to allow their half-blooded offspring to achieve the lavish lifestyle they seek, and most Vudrans oust beastbrood as soon as they are discovered. In other lands, where they are regarded as merely novel instead of cultural bugaboos, beastbrood find it much easier to attain the opulence they crave.

The following are race traits for beastbrood.
Bent Body: While nothing is actually reversed, your bones and limbs are slightly out of alignment. You gain a +2 trait bonus to CMD when resisting grapple attempts.
Tough Skin: You retain a small amount of your ancestors’unyielding skin. You gain a +1 trait bonus to AC when opponents attempt to confirm critical hits with either bludgeoning or slashing weapons.
« 上次编辑: 2013-03-19, 周二 19:43:05 由 四月奈奈子 »

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Re: 【BoF】炼狱血脉
« 回帖 #3 于: 2013-02-21, 周四 00:49:21 »
炼狱专长(Feats of the Fiendish)

先祖的蔑视(Ancestral Scorn)

毁灭之旗(战斗专长)(Banner of Doom (Combat))

致盲偷袭(战斗专长)(Blinding Sneak Attack (Combat))
好处:当你在魔法黑暗覆盖的区域内成功对敌人造成偷袭伤害时,你会使目标暂时目盲1轮。成功的强韧豁免(DC 10 + 偷袭造成的伤害)能够免受该效果。

炼狱黑暗(Fiendish Darkness)

炼狱假象(Fiendish Facade)

炼狱抗性(Fiendish Resilience)

污秽之怒(战斗专长)(Fury of the Tainted (Combat))
好处:当处于狂暴状态时,若你对抗的法术或效果带有善良描述符(good descriptor),那么豁免检定获得+4表现加值。

精通炼狱黑暗(Improved Fiendish Darkness)
好处:当你使用黑暗术类法术能力时,有效施法者等级获得+2加值。此外,当你对其他生物施放带有邪恶描述符(evil descriptor)的法术时,你可以以一个迅捷动作在该法术中应用黑暗术类法术能力的效果,法术的目标为黑暗术效果的中心。以此方式施放黑暗术类法术能力会消耗其每天3次的全部使用次数,并且该效果在当使用次数不足3次的时候无法使用。

精通炼狱魔力(Improved Fiendish Sorcery)
好处:如果你是术士并且具有罗刹血统(Rakshasa bloodline,出自UM)或者暗影血统(Shadow bloodline,出自APG),那么在计算所有术士职业能力时均视为魅力属性比正常高2点。

精通污秽之怒(战斗专长)(Improved Fury of the Tainted (Combat))
好处:当你处于狂暴状态,你在对抗带有善良描述符(good descriptor)的法术时获得等同于10 + 你的职业等级的法术抗力。

恐怖面容(Monstrous Mask)
好处:你对所有类人类型的生物(creatures of the humanoid type)进行的威吓检定均会获得+5种族加值。

鲁莽瞄准(战斗专长)(Reckless Aim (Combat))

骇人面容(Terrifying Mask)
好处:无论何时你都能进行察言观色检定获得直觉(get a hunch)或者检测出某人是否值得信任,你也能够选择使用受到-2减值的威吓检定替代察言观色。该能力只对类人类型的生物(creatures of the humanoid type)生效。

顽恶之勇(Wicked Valor)
好处:当你通过休息恢复生命值时,你会治愈双倍于正常数值的伤害。该专长的不会与任何同样能够影响通过休息恢复的伤害值的物品或效果叠加。该专长只在整晚休息(full night’s rest)时生效;完全卧床休息(complete bed rest)并不受该专长影响。

劇透 -   :
Feats of the Fiendish
Tieflings are nothing if not cunning and skilled.When adventure calls to such tainted souls,individuals put their mettle to the test, calling on a host of unique abilities and powers that give them an edge in combat. At the GM’s discretion, other appropriate characters may make use of some of these new feats.

Ancestral Scorn
The fury you harbor for your fiendish ancestors gives evil outsiders great reason to fear you.
Prerequisites: Intimidate 5 ranks, tiefling.
Benefit: Whenever you successfully demoralize an outsider of the evil subtype with an Intimidate check,it becomes sickened for 1 round in addition to being affected by the normal effects of being demoralized. If you beat the DC by 5 or more, the creature is nauseated for 1 round instead.
Normal: Demoralizing a foe with a successful Intimidate check causes it to become shaken for 1 round, +1 round for every 5 by which you beat the DC.

Banner of Doom (Combat)
The mere sight of your fiendish banner is enough to send ripples of fear through your enemies.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +8, banner class feature, tiefling.
Benefit: As long your banner is clearly visible, all enemies within 60 feet take a –2 penalty on saving throws against fear. This penalty does not stack with other effects that provide enemies with penalties on saving throws against fear.

Blinding Sneak Attack (Combat)
When you strike from the cover of darkness, you inject foes with a fraction of your foul magic.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +5, darkness spell-like ability, sneak attack class feature, tiefling.
Benefit: When you successfully deal sneak attack damage to a foe while you are within an area of magical darkness, you temporarily blind your opponent for 1 round.A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + the amount of sneak attack damage dealt) negates this effect.

Fiendish Darkness
You can use your darkness spell-like ability more often.
Prerequisites: Darkness spell-like ability, tiefling.
Benefit: You can use darkness three times per day as a spell-like ability.
Normal: Tieflings can use darkness once per day as a spell-like ability.

Fiendish Facade
You are easily mistaken for a member of another race.Your fiendish physical traits are normally hidden by clothing or appear to be markings of another race.
Prerequisites: Must be taken at 1st level, tiefling.
Benefit: You gain a +5 racial bonus on Disguise checks when attempting to impersonate a particular race. You must select the race you are able to impersonate when you select this feat, and thereafter you cannot change the race you have chosen. That race must be Medium size.

Fiendish Resilience
You dodge energy attacks with amazing agility.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, evasion class feature, tiefling.
Benefit: Choose one of the following energy types that you have resistance to: cold, electricity, or fire. Anytime you make a Reflex saving throw against an attack that deals the selected type of energy damage and is subject to your evasion class feature, you gain a +4 competence bonus on the save.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you take it, you select a different qualifying energy type.

Fury of the Tainted (Combat)
The unstoppable anger you feel toward do-gooders and self proclaimed saints makes you a force to be reckoned with.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, rage class feature, tiefling.
Benefit: While raging, you gain a +4 competence bonus on saving throws made against spells and effects with the good descriptor.

Improved Fiendish Darkness
Your innate ability to shroud others in darkness is further empowered.
Prerequisites: Fiendish Darkness, darkness spell-like ability, caster level 3rd, tiefling.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to your effective caster level when using your darkness spell-like ability. In addition,whenever you cast a spell with the evil descriptor that targets another creature, you can spend a swift action to apply the effects of your darkness spell-like ability to the spell cast, with the darkness effect centered on the spell’s target. Using the darkness spell-like ability in this way expends all three uses of it for the day, and it cannot be used if fewer than three uses of it remain for that day.

Improved Fiendish Sorcery
Your skill with foul sorcery is even more potent than that of others of your race.
Prerequisites: Fiendish sorcery racial trait, tiefling.
Benefit: If you are a sorcerer and possess the Rakshasa bloodline (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 68) or Shadow bloodline (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 140), treat your Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer class abilities.

Improved Fury of the Tainted(Combat)
Your hatred for goodness is rivaled only by your ability to repel it.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Fury of the Tainted, base attack bonus +8, rage class feature, tiefling.
Benefit: While raging, you gain spell resistance equal to 10 + your class level against spells with the good descriptor.

Monstrous Mask
Your fiendish physical traits give you a twisted and fearsome appearance that strikes fear into others’ hearts.
Prerequisites: Tiefling, must be taken at 1st level.
Benefit: You get a +5 racial bonus on Intimidate checks made against all creatures of the humanoid type.

Reckless Aim (Combat)
Your lack of regard for others proves a boon when you fire projectiles into melee.
Prerequisites: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot.
Benefit: When you shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee, you can choose to take a –1 penalty to your AC and gain a +2 competence bonus on your attack roll. However, when you roll a natural 1 on a ranged attack roll made with this bonus,you automatically hit a random adjacent creature that threatens your intended target.

Terrifying Mask
Your fiendish visage has made you a truly terrifying spectacle to behold, and you can force others to betray their feelings with a single look.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Monstrous Mask, tiefling.
Benefit: Anytime you can make a Sense Motive check to get a hunch or detect whether someone is trustworthy or not, you can choose to instead make an Intimidate check at a –2 penalty. This ability only works on creatures of the humanoid type.

Wicked Valor
The fiendish blood that courses through your body causes your wounds to heal faster than usual.
Prerequisites: Con 15, Diehard, Endurance, tiefling.
Benefit: When you regain hit points by resting, you heal double the normal amount of damage. This feat does not stack with items or effects that also affect the amount of damage you recover from while resting. This feat only functions with a full night’s rest; complete bed rest is not affected by this feat.
« 上次编辑: 2013-02-21, 周四 01:03:46 由 四月奈奈子 »

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Re: 【BoF】炼狱血脉
« 回帖 #4 于: 2013-02-21, 周四 00:49:27 »
信仰:诅咒之祈(Faith:Prayers of the Damned)
黑暗的力量并不逊色于光明。后述新增的先知诅咒与裁决域均来源于与某种罪恶的原始联系,与使用者自身的阵营并无联系。尽管这些能力都很适合魔裔,DM依旧可以允许其他种族的角色在拥有适当的背景故事或者世界观时使用。带有(*)标记的法术均可以在进阶玩家手册中找到(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide)。

先知诅咒(Oracle Curses)
通常来说被邪魔,恶魔或魔鬼的污染所折磨着的先知会拥有后述新增的先知诅咒,且能够在1级时选取并替代任何先知诅咒。一旦做出选择,就无法再度改变,每个新增诅咒均适用于进阶玩家手册(Advanced Player’s Guide)中所有先知诅咒的规则与限制。

每当你受到致命伤害(lethal hit point damage)时,会额外受到数值等同于该伤害1/2的非致命伤害。而你会在生命值低于0时自动稳定。


当你持握物体,使用或装备它们时,会使其获得破损状态(broken condition),不过一旦这些物体被他人所使用则会恢复到原本的状态。如果将你持握的物品恢复至完好的状态,那么它会在下一轮再度变为破损状态。解除装置对你来说成为了本职技能,同时你可以以移动动作进行解除装置检定破坏非魔法陷阱,而无需使用工具或者进行触摸之外的任何动作。
15级起,每当你被人造武器攻击并因此受到伤害时,你能够迫使武器的持有者进行一次反射豁免(DC 10 + 1/2你的先知等级 + 你的魅力调整值),以此来避免武器在对你进行攻击之后化为飞灰(魔法武器能够额外获得一次豁免对抗该效果)。

极限魔法(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic)中首次引入了裁决域,并可以被审判者选取用以替代领域。后述裁决域对那些血液被炼狱的腐败所灼烧的人们有着巨大的吸引力,无论这腐败之力来源于阿巴顿、深渊还是九狱之中的何处。

天谴(Damnation Inquisition)
揭示恐惧(Fear the Flames)(Su):你能够给予一名距你60尺之内并且你能够看到的生物一次机会,通过命令他执行一次不超过整轮动作的任意单动作(any one simple action that would take no more than 1 round),以此使他免受死后之苦。拒绝执行的善良和中立生物会战栗1轮(意志通过则无效),当邪恶生物遵从命令时,则会在所有投骰与检定中获得+2士气加值,持续1轮。你每天可以使用该能力的次数等同于3 + 你的感知调整值。这是一个依赖语言,影响心灵效果。
集魂者(Collector of Souls)(Sp):8级起,每天1次以标准动作,你能够唤出一只幻影炼魔并命令它,让其暂时将一名有意识的活物的拖入死后的痛苦与不幸之中。除了在强韧豁免中失败的目标会被麻痹而非死亡之外,该能力在其他方面如同魅影杀手(phantasmal killer)一般运作,麻痹的轮数等同于1d4 + 你的审判者等级。
译注:揭示恐惧(Fear the Flames)的原文并没有注明进行命令所需要的动作。

掌控(Possession Inquisition)
驭兽(Beast Ride)(Su):4级起,每天1次以标准动作,你可以脱离自己的肉身并填入任何30尺范围内,属于动物类(animal type)的生物中,持续的轮数至多等同于你的审判者等级。当你以此方式占据一只动物时,你原本的躯体会失去意识并且处于无助。只要处于同一位面之中,无论你距离自身躯体多远都没有问题,并且可以在任何时候以自由动作回到你原本的身体。如果该动物或你的躯体受到伤害,你尝试动物进行攻击或者让其做任何违背本性的事情的话,该效果会立刻结束,并且你会归回你自身的身体之中。
夺身(Body Snatch)(Sp):10级起,每天1次,当你由于生命值低于0点而陷入昏迷的时候,能够通过直觉动作尝试将你的灵魂投射至距你30尺内的另一名生物之中,并占据它。该能力在各方面均如同魔魂壶(magic jar)一般运作,不过将你自身的躯体视为容器,并且你会压制目标躯体中的意识而非将其排挤出去。你的躯体会如通常一样继续失血,除非通过某种方法才能稳定,如果你的负生命值低于等同于你的体质属性的数值,魔魂壶效果会提前结束,并且你如常死亡。

罪孽(Sin Inquisition)
嗅探罪孽(Sin Sense)(Su):以整轮动作,你可以通过快速阅读目标的心灵判断出哪一项罪孽对其具有最强烈的影响力。一旦你了解到之后,就可以在下一次对目标使用基于魅力的技能检定时获得+4加值,不过需要这次检定以某种方式涉及并诱引前述的那项罪孽。你每天可以使用该能力的次数等同于3 + 你的感知调整值。这是一个影响心灵效果。

劇透 -   :
Faith:Prayers of the Damned
Darkness has at least as much power as light. The following new oracle curses and inquisitions are derived from a fundamental connection with some facet of evil, regardless of the user’s actual alignment. Though these features are particularly suitable for tieflings, GMs can permit characters of other races with appropriate backstories or worldviews to gain them as well. Spells marked with an asterisk (*) can be found in the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide.

Oracle Curses
The following new oracle’s curses are common among those oracles afflicted with the taint of daemons, demons, or devils, and can be taken in place of any oracle’s curse at 1st level. Once made, this choice cannot be changed, and each new curse is subject to the same rules and restrictions as the oracle’s curses presented in the Advanced Player’s Guide.

Consumed: Your connection to Abaddon and the daemons that call it home has left you diminished but still able to scorn many mortal frailties. Whenever you take lethal hit point damage, you take an additional number of points of nonlethal damage equal to 1/2 the lethal damage you took. You automatically stabilize when brought below 0 hit points. At 5th level, whenever you make a saving throw against a disease or poison effect, roll twice and use the higher roll as your result. At 10th level, you can go without food or water for a number of days equal to your oracle level before suffering any ill effects due to starvation or thirst. At 15th level, whenever a creature within 30 feet takes damage while in combat, you automatically gain 1 temporary hit point. You can benefit from this ability a number of times per round equal to your Charisma modifier, and you can gain a total number of temporary hit points in this way equal to your oracle level. Temporary hit points gained this way disappear after 1 hour.

Legalistic: The shackles of Hell impose savage consequences should you violate a covenant, but also imbue you with remarkable guile. Whenever you break your word (either purposefully or unintentionally), you become sickened for 24 hours or until you meet your obligation, whichever comes first. However, once per day, you can make a vow to yourself that grants a +4 morale bonus on any one roll you make while trying to fulfill a promise made to another individual. At 5th level, you gain a +3 competence bonus on Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks while talking to an individual one-on-one. At 10th level, you can make a new saving throw each minute to resist mind-affecting effects as your subconscious searches for loopholes. At 15th level, any creature that violates its freely given word to you takes a penalty to AC, to spell resistance, and on saving throws against your attacks and abilities equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) for 24 hours.

Wrecker: The destructive power of the Abyss and its teeming hordes of demons seeps from your very pores and into your belongings and surroundings. Held objects gain the broken condition when you use or equip them but regain their actual condition if employed by anyone else. If a held item is restored to unbroken condition, it becomes broken again the following round. Disable Device becomes a class skill for you and you can make Disable Device checks to destroy nonmagical traps as a move action without the need to use tools or take any action beyond simply touching it. At 5th level, whenever you attempt to damage an object with a melee attack, reduce its hardness by an amount equal to your oracle level before determining the damage you deal with that attack. At 10th level, any attacks you make against objects and constructs automatically bypass any damage reduction they may possess except epic. At 15th level, whenever you are dealt damage by an attack with a manufactured weapon, you can require the weapon’s wielder to make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your oracle level + your Charisma modifier) to avoid having the weapon collapse into dust immediately after striking you (magical weapons receive an additional saving throw against this effect).

Inquisitions were first introduced in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic, and can be taken by inquisitors in place of a domain. The following inquisitions appeal to those individuals whose blood burns with a fiendish taint, whether that taint be from Abaddon, the Abyss, or one of the nine layers of Hell.

Damnation Inquisition
Deities: Asmodeus, Pharasma, Zon-Kuthon.
Granted Powers: The prospect of an afterlife filled with torment can cause even the most stalwart to blanch—at least for a moment.
Fear the Flames (Su): You can give a creature you can see within 60 feet one chance to avoid an eternity of suffering by ordering it to carry out any one simple action that would take no more than 1 round to complete. Good and neutral creatures that refuse become shaken for 1 round (Will negates), while evil creatures that obey gain a +2 morale bonus on all rolls and checks made for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. This is a language-dependent, mindaffecting effect.
Collector of Souls (Sp): At 8th level, once per day as a standard action, you call forth an illusory fiend and order it to temporarily drag a living and sentient creature into an afterlife of pain and misery. This otherwise acts identically to phantasmal killer, except targets that fail their Fortitude saving throws become paralyzed for a number of rounds equal to 1d4 + your inquisitor level instead of dying.

Possession Inquisition
Deities: Calistria, Lamashtu, Nethys, Norgorber, Urgathoa.
Granted Powers: You can invade the bodies of lesser beings and command them to bend to your will.
Self-Control (Ex): You possess remarkable control over your own body, and gain a +2 competence bonus on saving throws made against enchantment spells of the charm or compulsion subschool.
Beast Ride (Su): At 4th level, once per day as a standard action, you can vacate your body and inhabit that of any creature belonging to the animal type within 30 feet for a number of rounds up to your inquisitor level. While you are possessing an animal in this way, your own body becomes helpless and unaware. You can travel any distance from your body so long as you remain on the same plane, and can return to your own body as a free action at any time. If the animal or your body takes damage, or you attempt to make the animal attack or do anything out of character, the effect immediately ends and you return to your own body.
Body Snatch (Sp): At 10th level, once per day as an immediate action upon falling unconscious because of dropping below 0 hit points, you can cast your soul from your body and attempt to occupy the body of another creature within 30 feet. This ability otherwise functions identically to magic jar except that your actual body serves as the receptacle and you suppress the consciousness of your target rather than casting it out. Your body continues to bleed as normal unless it is somehow stabilized, and if its hit points drop to a negative number equal to your Constitution score, the magic jar effect prematurely ends and you die as normal.

Sin Inquisition
Deities: Asmodeus, Calistria, Norgorber, Rovagug, Urgathoa, Zon-Kuthon.
Granted Powers: You know how to stoke the seven sins in others (envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath), and twist their dark desires to suit your own purposes.
Sin Sense (Su): As a full-round action, you can determine which sin most strongly influences a target by quickly reading its mind. Once you learn this fact, you gain a +4 bonus on your next Charismabased skill check made against the target as long as it somehow incorporates a temptation that relates to that sin. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. This is a mindaffecting effect.
Indulge (Su): At 8th level, once per day as a standard action, you can awaken a creature’s vice and overwhelm its senses with urgency. You must decide to use this ability before using your sin sense ability on a creature, and the target receives a Will save to negate the effect. If the creature fails its saving throw, for the next 24 hours, whenever the affected creature is given an opportunity to indulge in its favored sin, that creature must yield to the impulse or make a second Will saving throw to avoid becoming sickened for 1 minute. This is a mindaffecting effect.
« 上次编辑: 2013-02-24, 周日 20:46:50 由 四月奈奈子 »

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Re: 【BoF】炼狱血脉
« 回帖 #5 于: 2013-02-21, 周四 00:49:32 »
魔法:黑暗之力(Magic:Dark Powers)

吟游诗人世界名著(Bard Masterpieces)
极限魔法(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic)中首次引入了世界名著,它允许吟游诗人通过牺牲其他能力,消耗一定数量的吟游表演轮数,从而对周围的生物产生一些独特的效果。后述的吟游诗人世界名著均适用于极限魔法(Ultimate Magic)中所有世界名著的规则与限制。



效果:你的歌声会模仿出一种可怕疾病的音调,致使一名你能察觉到并且能够听到你歌声的生物罹患由于心理因素而造成的感冒症状。如果目标在豁免中失败的话,无论他在单一的一轮内尝试进行使用其基本速度进行移动,还是进行单一一次攻击(但是不能是两者都进行)之外的任何动作,均必须成功通过专注检定(DC 10 + 你的魅力调整值)才能避免由于咳嗽和打喷嚏而失去动作。

邪魔血统(Daemon Bloodline)
沿着你的族谱,有一名邪魔潜伏其中。你的力量来自这些吞噬灵魂的恶魔,他通过利用诸如衰老,瘟疫,饥饿以及对战争的恐惧之类的弱点玩弄凡人,并从中获取力量与快乐。你的血统在如何利用活物的弱点,以及如何榨取灵魂能量增强你的邪恶之力之类的事情上赋予了你强大的洞察力。标有(*)的专长可以在进阶玩家手册(Advanced Player’s Guide)中找到。

本职技能(Class Skill):医疗

奖励法术(Bonus Spells):衰弱射线(Ray of Enfeeblement)(3级),愚者之触(Touch of Idiocy)(5级),吸血鬼之触(Vampiric Touch)(7级),疫病术(Contagion)(9级),闪现术(Blink)(11级),死亡法阵(Circle of Death)(13级),力竭波(Waves of Exhaustion)(15级),凋死术(Horrid Wilting)(17级),缚魂术(Soul Bind)(19级)

奖励专长(Bonus Feats):顽强(Diehard),坚忍(Endurance),快速自疗*(Fast Healer),强韧加强(Great Fortitude),英勇气魄*(Heroic Defiance),英勇自愈*(Heroic Recovery),感染法术*(Sickening Spell),健壮(Toughness)

血统奥秘(Bloodline Arcana):每当你施放法术杀死一个或更多具有3点或更高智力的活物时,你接下来一轮所施放的任何法术的施法者等级增加,增加的数值为前一个法术杀死的每个生物+1级。该能力不与任何其他增加你有效施法者等级的效果叠加,并且你获得的加值不能超过1/2你的魅力调整值(最低1点)。由你施放的第二个法术的等级必须与前一个法术相等或者更低。

血统力量(Bloodline Powers):就像真正的邪魔一样,你的魔力源于痛苦并迟缓的死亡。

饥渴射线(Wasting Ray)(Sp):1级起,以标准动作,你能够将饥饿或干渴强加于一名你能看到,并且距你30尺内的活物。这会迫使该名生物每轮进行依次体质检定(DC 10,每增加一次检定+1)来避免受到1d6点非致命伤害。该生物必须持续进行这些检定,直到他以一个整轮动作解渴或者吃饱(见核心书籍Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook的444-445页关于饥饿与干渴的更多信息)。你每天使用该能力的次数等同于3 + 你的魅力调整值,但是对任何一名特定的生物来说,每24小时之内只能生效一次。不需要进食的生物免疫该效果。

邪魔抗力(Daemonic Resistances)(Ex):3级起,你获得5点强酸抗力,并且在对抗毒素与死亡效果时的豁免中获得+2加值。9级起,你的强酸抗力增加至10点,对抗毒素与死亡效果时的豁免中获得的加值提升至+4。

卖老(Age Out)(Su):9级起,你获得可以通过在一瞬间内暂时将你自身老化数十年的能力,以此方式使你自身从最有害的效果中恢复过来。通过标准动作,你能够将自身的实际年龄转化为下一个较高的年龄段(比如你可以从成年转化为中年)。每当你这样做时,任何在最初可以进行意志或强韧豁免,并且正在影响你并使人虚弱的状态或效果(any debilitating condition or effect)会立刻结束。当你以此方式使自己变老时,你会受到正常的与年龄增长相关的减值(见核心规则书169页),但是不会获得加值。你无法使用该能力将年龄提升至暮年(venerable)以上,恢复生命值的伤害,或者移除那些不允许通过意志或强韧豁免移除的效果。你会在最后一次使用该能力的24小时之后回到真实年龄,所有由于使用该能力提升年龄而带来的属性的罚值会在此之后消失。

伤痕迁跃(Wound Warp)(Sp):15级起,你获得了通过从已死生物所受的致命伤中爆发的形式穿越战场的能力。每天1次以标准动作,你能够传送至每施法者等级10尺之内的一具尸体旁的无人占据的方格之中。由于你使尸身爆裂并使周围的人沐浴在酸性胆汁之中,因此任何与你要传送至的方格相邻的生物会受到4d6点强酸伤害。成功进行反射豁免的生物(DC 10 + 1/2 你的术士等级 + 你的魅力调整值)可以将伤害减半。该能力在其他方面如同任意门(Dimension Door)一般运作。20级起,你每天可以使用该能力2次。

融入阿巴顿(One with Abaddon)(Su):20级起,你的身体完全接受了源自邪魔血统那不可名状的力量。你免疫强酸,死亡效果以及毒素。你还获得了DR 5/善良或银,以及10点寒冷抗力,10点闪电抗力,以及10点火焰抗力。

劇透 -   :
Magic:Dark Powers
The taint of the evil Outer Planes and their inhabitants grants vast power to those willing to risk trafficking with them. For some, the price seems more than reasonable for a taste of true power. For others, embracing the dark and terrifying abilities of fiends could signify one’s ultimate fall from grace. Regardless of their individual motives, all tieflings know to both respect and fear the malign powers lurking within their blood. The following bard masterpieces are particularly favored by musically inclined tieflings, and the daemon bloodline is an irrefutable source of arcane might for tiefling sorcerers.

Bard Masterpieces
First introduced in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic, masterpieces allow bards to inflict unique effects on nearby creatures by sacrificing other abilities and using a number of rounds of their bardic performance ability. The following bard masterpieces are subject to the same rules and limitations of the bard masterpieces found in Ultimate Magic.

The Dance of Kindled Desires (Dance)
Each sway and shake of your hips calls up another temptation from the depths of Hell until your spectator, hapless and drooling, finally succumbs and freely offers up his life, honor, or very soul for just a taste of what you have proffered.
Prerequisite: Perform (dance) 5 ranks.
Cost: Feat or 2nd-level bard spell known.
Effect: Your dance entices one creature within 30 feet that is able to see you, invoking every imaginable vice and craving until finally the desire the creature personally finds most appealing overwhelms its thoughts. You always know what your target wants, and, if you have the means to provide it, can offer it to the creature in exchange for a specific service. The creature can resist this effect with a successful Will saving throw, and creatures never agree if you offer services that are physically impossible or obviously suicidal, or if you lie about having the means to fulfill the desire in question. The service can never take more than a day to complete, and the affected creature gains a +2 bonus on its saving throw if the service requires more than an hour to complete.
Use: 3 bardic performance rounds.
Action: 3 full rounds.

Melody of Frightful Death (String)
The pain and horror of the Abyss shrieks through your instrument to make a listener experience the death she dreads most.
Prerequisite: Perform (string) 7 ranks.
Cost: Feat or 3rd-level bard spell known.
Effect: You produce a sound that causes creatures to believe they are suffering a particularly ghastly and terrifying death, such as immolation, freezing to death, or being eaten alive by insects. When you complete this performance, all creatures within 30 feet who can hear your performance must make a successful Will saving throw or take 1d6 points of energy damage. The energy type can be either acid, cold, or fire (your choice, chosen when you begin performing the masterpiece). Affected creatures that fail their saving throws take damage on the round you begin the performance and each round you continue the performance as long as they remain in range. Abilities that extend the duration of a bardic performance affect this masterpiece.
Use: 1 bardic performance round per round.
Action: 1 standard action.

The Rheumy Refrain (Sing)
Your strange melody of hacking gasps and pained wheezes draws upon the dark powers of Abaddon to fill a witness with debilitating and distracting phlegm.
Prerequisite: Perform (sing) 5 ranks.
Cost: Feat or 2nd-level bard spell known.
Effect: Your song emulates the sounds of a terrible illness, causing one creature you are aware of who can hear your song to develop a psychosomatic flu. If the target fails its Will save, whenever it attempts any action other than moving up to its base speed or making a single melee attack (but not both) in a single round, it must succeed at a concentration check (DC 10 + your Charisma modifier) to avoid wasting its action because of a fit of coughing and sneezing.
Use: 1 bardic performance round per round.
Action: 1 standard action.

Daemon Bloodline
A daemon lurks somewhere along your family tree. Your powers derive from these soul-devouring fiends, who take pleasure and gain power from manipulating mortal frailties like aging, pestilence, famine, and the horrors of war. Your lineage gives you great insight into how to exploit the weaknesses of living beings and how to use leeched soul energy to enhance your wicked abilities. Bonus feats marked with an asterisk (*) are detailed in the Advanced Player’s Guide.

Class Skill: Heal.

Bonus Spells: ray of enfeeblement (3rd), touch of idiocy (5th), vampiric touch (7th), contagion (9th), blight (11th), circle of death (13th), waves of exhaustion (15th), horrid wilting (17th), soul bind (19th).

Bonus Feats: Diehard, Endurance, Fast Healer*, Great Fortitude, Heroic Defiance*, Heroic Recovery*, Sickening Spell*, Toughness.

Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell that kills one or more living creatures with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher, the caster level of any spell you cast in the next round increases by +1 for each creature your first spell killed. This ability does not stack with other effects that increase your effective caster level, and you cannot gain a bonus greater than 1/2 your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). The second spell you cast must be of an equal or lower level than the first one.

Bloodline Powers: Like that of a daemon, your magic derives from painful and lingering death.

Wasting Ray (Sp): At 1st level, as a standard action, you can impose either starvation or thirst upon a living creature you can see within 30 feet. This requires the creature to make a Constitution check each round (DC 10 + 1 for each previous check) to avoid taking 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. The creature must continue to make these checks until, as a full-round action, it quenches its thirst or sates its hunger (see pages 444–445 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook for more information on starvation and thirst). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier, but can only apply it once every 24 hours to any given creature. Creatures that do not need to eat are immune to this effect.

Daemonic Resistances (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain resist acid 5 and a +2 bonus on saving throws made against poison and death effects. At 9th level, your resistance to acid increases to 10 and your bonus on saving throws against poison and death effects increases to +4.

Age Out (Su): At 9th level, you gain the ability to instantly recover from most harmful effects by temporarily aging yourself decades in a matter of moments. As a standard action, you can shift your effective age to the next highest aging step (for example, from adulthood to middle age). Each time you do this, any debilitating condition or effect currently affecting you that initially allowed a Will or Fortitude saving throw immediately ends. When you age yourself in this way, you take the normal penalties associated with growing older (see page 169 of the Core Rulebook) but gain none of the benefits. You cannot use this power to age beyond venerable, recover hit point damage, or remove effects that did not or do not allow a Will or Fortitude saving throw to negate. You return to your actual age 24 hours after the last time you used this ability, and all penalties to ability scores as a result of advanced age are then removed.

Wound Warp (Sp): At 15th level, you gain the ability to travel across the battlefield by literally erupting from the fatal wounds of deceased creatures. As a standard action once per day, you can teleport to an unoccupied square adjacent to any dead creature within 10 feet per caster level. Any creatures adjacent to the square you teleport to take 4d6 points of acid damage as you burst into being and shower them with acidic bile. Creatures that make successful Reflex saves (DC 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier) take half damage. This ability otherwise functions like dimension door. At 20th level, you can use this ability twice per day.

One with Abaddon (Su): At 20th level, your body embraces the unspeakable power of your daemon lineage. You gain immunity to acid, death effects, and poison. You also gain DR 5/good or silver and resistance to cold 10, electricity 10, and fire 10.
« 上次编辑: 2013-02-24, 周日 20:49:01 由 四月奈奈子 »

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Re: 【BoF】炼狱血脉
« 回帖 #6 于: 2013-02-21, 周四 00:49:36 »
社会:生之恶(Social:Born Bad)

魔裔种族背景元素(Tiefling Race Traits)

预知邪恶(Anticipate Evil):你能够从恶魔的肢体语言中读出微妙的提示,这使你在面对这些家伙时的反应比平时恰好快了一点。当你对抗属于邪恶子类的异界生物时,所有基于敏捷的技能对抗检定获得+1背景加值。此外,当你的先攻与这些生物并列时,无论你的先攻调整值多高,你总是比它先行动。

威吓野兽(Beast Bully):当自然界的生物察觉到你灵魂中的黑暗时,你明白如何利用它们所感受到的恐惧。当你试图驾驭或逼迫动物(handle or push an animal)时,能够使用威吓检定代替驯养动物检定。

暗之祝福(Blessing of Darkness):当邪恶的狂信徒为了你的利益而祈祷时,你体内与黑暗的内在联系使你受益。每当能够引导负能量的施法者对你施放增益法术(beneficial spell),在确定她所施放法术的效果时,视为其比正常高1级(one level higher)。

生于诅咒(Born Damned):玷污你灵魂的那股内在的亵渎之力,有时也稍微对你有点用处。当你对抗诅咒以及产生诅咒的魔法效果时,豁免检定获得+2背景加值。

黑暗魔法亲和(Dark Magic Affinity):你拥有施放卑鄙咒语的天赋,你血液中的污秽使你能够使出充满恶意的魔法。每当你施放带有邪恶描述符(evil descriptor)的法术,在确定法术的效果时,视为其比正常高1级(one level higher)。

保持警惕(Ever Wary):由于对炼狱本质可能对你自身引起的奇袭的担忧,这使你永远无法放松警惕。在突袭轮以及在战斗中你的第一次行动之前,你的AC能够获得你一半的敏捷加值(如果有的话)。你仍旧处于措手不及并且受到措手不及的影响。

家族联系(Family Connections):你的黑暗先祖给予你特殊的洞察力,使你了解如何诱导或安抚恶魔和其亲戚。当你对属于邪恶子类的异界生物进行唬骗以及交涉检定时,获得+2背景加值。




延时法术(Prolong Magic):不断地练习和准备使得你的天生法术变得更有持续性。每当你使用你的魔裔血统带来的类法术能力时,它自动受到法术延时(Extend Spell)超魔专长的影响。

高傲的怒火(Prideful Temper):你拥有残酷的虐待和遭受辱骂的儿时记忆,这使得你在回击那些诽谤你的人时充满愤怒。在对抗那些敢于侮辱你的生物时,直到你成功对其造成伤害之前,你的攻击检定获得+1背景加值。

阴影暗杀者(Shadow Stabber):当你与那些目盲、没有注意到你(oblivious)或者莽撞地将自己置身于黑暗中的敌人战斗时,来自本能的可耻行为使你获益。当你对抗那些无法看到你的敌人时,你的近战武器伤害检定获得+2背景加值。


暮光之热诚(Twilight Zeal):深邃的黑夜比太阳更能给予你安慰以及勇气。当处于昏暗或黑暗的环境(dim light or darkness)时,你的意志豁免检定获得+1背景加值。


随机魔裔特征(Random Tiefling Features)


劇透 -   :
social:Born Bad
The shadow of evil casts a dark pall upon the soul of even the most righteous tieflings. They stand so close to the pit that a mere stumble could cast them into damnation, and their dark ancestry often grants them unusual abilities or insights that forever separate them from the common throng. The following entries offer a variety of new race traits designed for tieflings.

Tiefling Race Traits
The following race traits complement tiefling characters.

Anticipate Evil: You can read subtle clues in the body language of fiends, allowing you to react just a bit faster than normal when dealing with such beings. You gain a +1 trait bonus on opposed Dexterity-based skill checks against outsiders with the evil subtype. In addition, when your initiative is tied with such creatures, you always act first regardless of which of you has a higher initiative modifier.

Beast Bully: You have learned how to exploit the fear felt by creatures of the natural world when they sense the shadow in your soul. You can make an Intimidate check instead of a Handle Animal check when trying to handle or push an animal.

Blessing of Darkness: Your innate connection with the powers of darkness serves you well when evil zealots pray on your behalf. Whenever a spellcaster capable of channeling negative energy casts a beneficial spell on you, she acts as if she were one level higher for the purpose of determining that spell’s effects.

Born Damned: The inherent sacrilege that taints your soul sometimes crowds out lesser banes. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against curses and magical effects that produce curses.

Dark Magic Affinity: You have an instinctive talent for unleashing the vilest spells, letting the taint in your blood empower your malicious magic. Whenever you cast a spell with the evil descriptor, you act as if you were one level higher for the purpose of determining that spell’s effects.

Ever Wary: Constant fear that your fiendish nature might provoke a sudden attack ensures that you never completely let down your guard. During the surprise round and before your first action in combat, you can apply half your Dexterity bonus (if any) to your AC. You still count as flat-footed for the purposes of attacks and effects.

Family Connections: Your dark ancestry gives you a special insight into how to motivate or placate fiends and their kin. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks made against outsiders belonging to the evil subtype.

Friendless: You have grown used to looking after yourself without help. You can make Heal checks on yourself for the purposes of treating deadly wounds, diseases, and poisons.

Inciter: You always seem to know the perfect words to sow discord. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Bluff checks made to convince creatures to attack each other.

Motherless: Your birth killed your mother, and you learned, even before words, how to manipulate others into looking after you. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Bluff and Disguise checks made for the purpose of making you seem injured, sickly, or weak in some other way.

Prolong Magic: Constant drills and preparation allow you to get more out of your innate magic. Whenever you use a spell-like ability gained through your tiefling heritage, it automatically acts as if affected by the Extend Spell metamagic feat.

Prideful Temper: Memories of the cruel abuse and taunts you suffered as a child cause you to strike back with great fury at anyone who slanders you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls made against creatures that have insulted you until you actually succeed in dealing damage.

Shadow Stabber: An instinct for dishonorable conduct serves you well when fighting opponents who are blind, oblivious, or blundering around in the dark. You gain a +2 trait bonus on melee weapon damage rolls made against foes that cannot see you.

Suicidal: Shame and horror fill your subconscious, and you never stop looking for ways to grant yourself the peace of the grave. Once per day, as an immediate action,you can make yourself the target of any attack originally directed against a creature occupying an adjacent square.

Twilight Zeal: The gloom of night and of the places beyond the reach of the sun gives you comfort and courage. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saving throws when in dim light or darkness.

Underling: People tend to assume you either are, or are willing to become, a minor cog in some evil cabal or conspiracy. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks made to either join or imply that you already belong to an evil organization.

Random Tiefling Features
Presented below are dozens of features tieflings might possess. None of the following features grant characters any special powers in excess of their usual abilities.

d% Feature
1 Arms: elbow spurs
2 Arms: oversized limb
3 Arms: stony forearms
4 Arms: tentacle-like
5 Arms: undersized limb
6 Build: emaciated
7 Build: hunchback
8 Build: obese
9 Build: unnaturally heavy
10 Build: unnaturally light
11 Digits: abnormally long
12 Digits: extra digits
13 Digits: extra joints
14 Digits: no nails
15 Digits: odd number
16 Ears: batlike
17 Ears: missing
18 Ears: piglike
19 Ears: pointed
20 Ears: other
21 Eyes: cyclopic
22 Eyes: goatlike
23 Eyes: glowing
24 Eyes: smoking
25 Eyes: other
26 Face: canine muzzle
27 Face: insectile mandibles
28 Face: missing nose
29 Face: underdeveloped features
30 Face: other
31 Hands: backward-bending fingers
32 Hands: extra thumbs
33 Hands: pincers
34 Hands: suckered
35 Hands: other
36 Head: animalistic
37 Head: animate hair
38 Head: bald
39 Head: malformed
40 Head: other
41 Horns: draconic
42 Horns: metallic
43 Horns: ramlike
44 Horns: vestigial
45 Horns: other
46 Legs: backward-bending
47 Legs: birdlike
48 Legs: cloven feet
49 Legs: froglike
50 Legs: other
51 Skin: feathered
52 Skin: loose
53 Skin: patterned
54 Skin: rotting
55 Skin: scaled
56 Skin: slimy
57 Skin: strangely colored
58 Skin: translucent
59 Skin: variable color
60 Skin: other
61 Tail: aquatic
62 Tail: fiendish
63 Tail: mammalian
64 Tail: reptilian
65 Tail: other
66 Teeth: blunt
67 Teeth: fanged
68 Teeth: metallic
69 Teeth: needle-like
70 Teeth: other
71 Other: androgynous
72 Other: antennae
73 Other: avian snood
74 Other: bleeding pores
75 Other: bony ridges
76 Other: emits strange noises
77 Other: exoskeleton
78 Other: external organ
79 Other: extraneous nipple
80 Other: eyestalks
81 Other: forked tongue
82 Other: fungal/leafy growths
83 Other: hermaphroditic
84 Other: incongruous footprints
85 Other: infernal glow
86 Other: infested
87 Other: inhuman voice
88 Other: missing joint
89 Other: no reflection
90 Other: no shadow
91 Other: profane birthmark
92 Other: smoking breath
93 Other: spinneret
94 Other: strange smell
95 Other: uncontrollable twitch
96 Other: unnatural temperature
97 Other: vestigial limb
98 Other: whistling umbilicus
99 Roll twice, ignore any result of 99 or higher.
100 Roll three times, ignore any result of 99 or higher.
« 上次编辑: 2013-02-21, 周四 12:58:20 由 四月奈奈子 »

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Re: 【BoF】炼狱血脉
« 回帖 #7 于: 2013-02-21, 周四 11:28:13 »

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Re: 【BoF】炼狱血脉
« 回帖 #8 于: 2013-02-21, 周四 12:56:29 »
单个小孩的CR再X3,这遭遇怎么都是团灭的节奏啊…… T_T

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Re: 【BoF】炼狱血脉
« 回帖 #9 于: 2013-02-21, 周四 12:57:57 »



« 上次编辑: 2013-02-21, 周四 13:00:35 由 四月奈奈子 »