作者 主题: 《地狱复仇I:地狱火誓约》  (阅读 11743 次)

副标题: 存在剧透,施工现场,慢慢整理,机翻扎眼,猴版翻译

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« 上次编辑: 2019-02-09, 周六 21:42:37 由 TougouTuyosi »
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|


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Paladins need not apply
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-11-24, 周六 15:41:54 »
Paladins need not apply




劇透 -  原文:

Paladins need not apply
Welcome to the first volume of the Hell’s Vengeance Adventure Path, Paizo’s first campaign designed specifically for evil player characters! That’s right—in Hell’s Vengeance, you get the chance to play the most dastardly, despicable, and nefarious villains you can come up with, and it’s not only approved, it’s strongly encouraged! I’ll get into some tips for running an evil campaign that’s fun for all involved a little later, but first, a few words about how Hell’s Vengeance ties in to the previous Adventure Path, Hell’s Rebels.
The Hell’s Rebels and Hell’s Vengeance Adventure Paths are assumed to take place at the same time, yet the events of the two Adventure Paths do not overlap with each other, which means that you can play both campaigns without having to worry that one party of characters might undo the accomplishments of the other group. The heroes of Hell’s Rebels will remain just that, regardless of the actions of the Hell’s Vengeance villains, and vice versa. In effect, we’re giving you the opportunity to play both sides of a conflict that threatens to tear Cheliax apart, and to be successful in both endeavors.
The action that triggers the events of both Adventure Paths is the formation of an order of Iomedaean knights called the Glorious Reclamation, who are dedicated to overthrowing the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune’s rule of Cheliax. In response, House Thrune imposes martial law in Cheliax’s major cities—including the city of Kintargo, which teeters on the brink of open insurrection at the opening of the Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path. Kintargo and its nascent rebellion play no part in Hell’s Vengeance, however, and Kintargo’s rebel leaders have no connections with the Glorious Reclamation, as the Iomedaean knights have their hands full with the Chelish military and meddling Thrune agents elsewhere in Cheliax. To the Glorious Reclamation, the events in Kintargo are only notable for the fact that, for the moment at least, the Silver City represents no threat to their crusade. As a result, the rebellion in Kintargo plays out in the pages of Hell’s Rebels, while Hell’s Vengeance focuses on the larger battle for the throne of Cheliax.

« 上次编辑: 2018-12-10, 周一 15:13:05 由 TougouTuyosi »
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|


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« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-11-24, 周六 15:43:50 »









Rob McCreary
Senior Developer
[email protected]

劇透 -  原文:
“So Hell’s Vengeance is a campaign for evil player characters—how do I stop the characters from just killing each other off?”
This question, or ones very like it, is one of the first things we heard after announcing the Hell’s Vengeance Adventure Path, and it’s certainly understandable. The answer—or the simplest one, at least—is easy: because everyone wants to have fun.
Playing the Pathfinder RPG or any kind of roleplaying game involves a sort of social contract between the GM and the players: everyone agrees to sit down, make characters, and play together in a game that is fun for all involved. This social contract is even more important when playing a long, detailed campaign or Adventure Path. Everyone needs to be on board with playing through the adventure’s plot, and agree not to abandon it to go do their own things—or at least not without the consent of the GM and other players. That should hold true whether you’re playing heroes guarding the kingdoms of humanity from the ravages of a giant warlord or villains saving an evil empire from knights and paladins intent on “reclaiming” it in the name of their do-gooder god.
Before playing through the Hell’s Vengeance Adventure Path, the GM and players should sit down together and make it clear what’s expected of everyone, and even more importantly, what elements people might be uncomfortable with and would like to avoid. We go into more detail on these issues in the Hell’s Vengeance Player’s Guide, available as a free download from paizo.com, but I’d like to address them briefly here as well.
Players should create characters that are willing to work for House Thrune and strive to help it achieve its goals—namely, defeating the forces of the Glorious Reclamation and keeping the current government of Cheliax in place. To accomplish this, the PCs will need to work together, not against each other, in support of something far greater than themselves. Hell’s Vengeance doesn’t support player vs. player conflict—that’s not what the campaign’s plot is about. House Thrune can’t afford to fail, and so its agents (the PCs) can’t be allowed to undermine its goals with petty personal squabbles. Of course, GMs can allow whatever styles of play they want in their own campaigns, but they should be aware that the plot of the Adventure Path presumes that the characters won’t turn on each other at the slightest provocation. 
Concerning alignments, Hell’s Vengeance assumes that the PCs are evil. Everyone doesn’t have to be lawful evil (though it would certainly help, and GMs can impose whatever alignment restrictions they feel their campaigns need), but the characters should be willing to work together—and for House Thrune—regardless of their alignments. Even unpredictable chaotic evil characters and self-serving neutral evil characters can cooperate with others, given the possibility of great rewards (or the threat of retribution from above) for doing so. From selfish opportunists to uncompromising supporters of a cause, there are as many types of evil characters as there are good ones, all with their own reasons for working together. As long as the players know and agree to these expectations, there should be no problem with characters of any evil alignment playing through Hell’s Vengeance.
It should go without saying, but conversely, good alignments are not suitable for this Adventure Path. In fact, good characters will find themselves in situations diametrically opposed to their alignments from the very first encounter. As written, it is virtually impossible for good characters to successfully complete Hell’s Vengeance while following the tenets of their alignments. Neutral alignments are likewise mostly unsuited to the campaign. They’re not strictly prohibited—and lawful neutral characters would likely work well, if handled with care—but there is a real chance that such neutral characters might see their alignments shift toward evil over the course of the campaign.
In addition, it is also vital for GMs to know their players and their comfort zones. Again, we recommend sitting down with everyone before playing this campaign and having a frank and open discussion about potential problem areas and boundaries. The characters will be expected to commit a variety of evil acts throughout the campaign, and though we’ve tried to avoid crossing certain lines, there’s simply no way to accommodate for every player’s (or GM’s) reactions to some content in a published adventure. As a result, GMs should be aware that they might have to modify certain elements of the Adventure Path to match what they or their specific players are comfortable with.
Lastly, we are fully aware that every Adventure Path, and especially Hell’s Vengeance, is not for every group. If this is the case for you, I encourage you to check out Hell’s Rebels instead. Otherwise, have fun being evil!

Rob McCreary
Senior Developer
[email protected]

« 上次编辑: 2018-12-10, 周一 15:13:23 由 TougouTuyosi »
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|


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« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-11-24, 周六 16:22:02 »

最近神爪骑士团的地狱骑士们宣布他们在麦纳多山脉发现一把古老的剑。地狱骑士们简单地鉴别出此剑便是女神艾奥梅黛曾经所携带的配剑“心之刃”(Heart’s Edge),而女神艾奥梅黛是神爪骑士团守序神信仰的一部分。地狱骑士们深谙艾奥梅黛的严格信仰以及她还是凡人时做为闪耀远征军战士的一生,他们声称这把兵器是他们秩序与正义的象征,是神恩的证明。

不出所料,艾奥梅黛的一些忠实信徒并不同意这种解释。在地狱骑士们拒绝了教会希望归还神剑的请求之后,一位名唤Alexeara Cansellarion的艾奥梅黛圣骑士向后继者的忠实信徒们发出召唤,要求他们从神爪骑士团手中夺回“心之刃”(Heart’s Edge)。在Alexear看来,神爪地狱骑士团对艾奥梅黛的信仰与教会的传统教义并不一致,这些异教徒不配背负女神之剑。数百名来自安多安,切利亚斯,摩尔苏恩以及其他地方的骑士和神职人员积极响应号召,向着伊斯嘉的Dinyar城堡进发,他们在那里击败了神爪骑士团,并将地狱骑士们驱逐出了他们的城堡。

但是Alexeara Cansellarion将目光转向一个比伊斯嘉的地狱骑士城堡,甚至是比“心之刃”(Heart’s Edge)还要远大的目标之上。Cansellarion是西冠城的一个贵族家庭,当特鲁恩家族赢得切利亚斯内战之后,他们失去了他们的头衔以及财产。艾奥梅黛本人也是切利亚斯人,在Alexeara眼中,被特鲁恩所统治的切利亚斯对后继者以及她本人都是一种侮辱,当战胜了神爪骑士团并将“心之刃”(Heart’s Edge)紧握在手之后,Alexeara Cansellarion在Dinyar城堡建立起一个专门向艾奥梅黛效忠的崭新的骑士团。这个骑士团称做“荣耀光复军”,它誓言清除三重诅咒的特鲁恩家族所代表的魔鬼统治,以艾奥梅黛之名重建切利亚斯。


尽管被迫离开帝国的政治中心,进入切利亚斯边缘的乡村与城镇,但萌芽的革命力量正在缓慢却又不可否认地积蓄着力量。一位来自荣耀光复军名叫Lencia Visserene的艾奥梅黛圣骑士,最近刚刚抵达长野镇,一个有着大量退役士兵而闻名的小镇。这些退役士兵大多都是因为在评论特鲁恩家族和切利亚斯军事政策时直言不讳而遭到迫害与排挤,而被迫在贫困中被放逐到长野镇——他们的名字甚至从切利亚斯的军事名录上被删除。这些退役士兵的存在使小镇成为一个火药桶,并等待着火花的出现。Lencia Visserene就是那粒火花。


劇透 -  原文:
Recently, the Hellknights of the Order of the Godclaw announced they had recovered an ancient sword from the Menador Mountains. The Hellknights readily identified the relic as Heart’s Edge, a blade once carried by the goddess Iomedae, whom the order worships as one part of the lawful, polytheistic faith of the Godclaw. Well versed in Iomedae’s stringent faith and her life as a mortal crusader, the Hellknights claimed the weapon as a symbol of their order’s righteousness and proof of divine favor.
Unsurprisingly, some of Iomedae’s faithful didn’t agree with this interpretation. After the Hellknights refused the church’s request for the sword’s return, a zealous paladin of Iomedae named Alexeara Cansellarion issued a call to the faithful of the Inheritor to reclaim Heart’s Edge from the Order of the Godclaw. In Alexeara’s view, the Hellknights’ worship of the Godclaw did not align with the church’s traditional teachings, making them heretics unworthy of bearing the goddess’s blade. Hundreds of knights and clerics from Andoran, Cheliax, Molthune, and beyond responded to the call and marched on Citadel Dinyar in Isger, where they defeated the Order of the Godclaw and ousted the Hellknights from their citadel.
But Alexeara Cansellarion had her eyes on a far greater prize than a Hellknight citadel in Isger or even Heart’s Edge. The Cansellarions were a noble family of Westcrown who lost their titles and holdings when the House of Thrune emerged victorious from the Chelish Civil War. Iomedae herself was Chelish as well and, in Alexeara’s eyes, a Thrune-dominated Cheliax is as much an affront to the Inheritor as it is to her personally. Emboldened by her victory over the Order of the Godclaw and with Heart’s Edge in hand, Alexeara Cansellarion founded a new knightly order dedicated to Iomedae, based at Citadel Dinyar. This order of knights, called the Glorious Reclamation, promises nothing less than a purge of the diabolical ideals that the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune embodies and a reclaiming of the nation in Iomedae’s name.
Priests of Iomedae have fanned out from Citadel Dinyar to begin preaching a return to the worship of Iomedae in Cheliax, exhorting the faithful to rise up in support of the Glorious Reclamation and overthrow House Thrune. In response, Thrune has imposed martial law in the empire’s largest cities, and imperial soldiers have begun rooting out rebel rats’ nests from Corentyn to Ostenso.
Though it’s been driven out of the empire’s heartlands and into the countryside and smaller towns along the fringes of Cheliax, the nascent uprising is slowly but surely gathering strength. A paladin of Iomedae and knight-errant of the Glorious Reclamation named Lencia Visserene has just arrived in Longacre, a small town known for the large number of Chelish army veterans settled there. Many of these resident veterans are outspoken in their criticism of House Thrune and Cheliax’s military policies, and have thus been mistreated, shunned, and driven to Longacre in poverty and effective exile—they have even had their names struck from Cheliax’s military rolls. Their presence makes this town a powder keg just waiting for a spark. Lencia Visserene is that spark.
Faced with open insurrection throughout the empire, Her Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail II, seeks to tighten her grip on Cheliax and stop the spread of sedition. She has sent a commandment to loyal subjects in every village, town, and city across the nation: reaffirm your loyalty to Thrune and Cheliax and prove your devotion by swearing the Hellfire Compact.
« 上次编辑: 2018-12-10, 周一 15:14:10 由 TougouTuyosi »
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|


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« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-11-26, 周一 14:47:30 »

第一幕 地狱路 —— 5

第二幕 宣誓效忠 —— 23
通过向地狱火誓约宣誓,玩家们肯定了他们对切利亚斯的忠诚并开始为Darellus Fex,长野镇的大男爵服务,他让玩家们负责在长野镇镇压正在酝酿着的叛乱。

第三幕 镇压革命 —— 43





在玩家离开长野镇调查 Estazano 堡并最终前往矛林庭院(the Court of Spears.)与Lencia Visserene对峙的时候,他们应该已经提升为3级。

劇透 -   :


A local criminal enlists the villainous player characters to rob a tannery outside the town of Longacre. This leads the villains to a mysterious patron named Razelago, who encourages them to apply their talents to more imposing ends.

PART 2: SWORN TO SERVE  ————  23

By swearing the Hellfire Compact, the villains affirm their loyalty to Cheliax and enter the service of Darellus Fex, Archbaron of Longacre, who places them in charge of crushing the rebellion brewing in Longacre.

The villains track the rebels to their secret hideout outside Longacre, only to find the insurgents have laid a trap for them. The villains must then find the rebels’ true base in a bandit’s abandoned tree fort to defeat the uprising’s leader, the mysterious Angel Knight.

Advancemnt track

“The Hellfire Compact” is designed for four characters and uses the medium XP track.

The PCs begin this adventure at 1st level.

The PCs should be 2nd level by the time they swear the Hellfire Compact.

The PCs should be 3rd level by the time they leave Longacre to investigate Fort Estazano and finally confront Lencia Visserene at the Court of Spears.

The PCs should be 4th level by the end of the adventure.

« 上次编辑: 2018-11-27, 周二 15:57:16 由 TougouTuyosi »
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|


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  • 两个人的魔法哟~
第一幕 地狱路
« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-11-26, 周一 15:02:03 »
第一幕 地狱路

地狱复仇冒险之路开始于长野镇,一座位于默语森林边缘的切利亚斯城镇,一处避世之地。有关长野镇的详细信息,请参阅第62页开始的地名词典。玩家的角色至少都应该是特鲁恩家族统治的支持者——如果他们心怀着野心哪怕只是为了增加自己的权力和威望,而在某种程度上为特鲁恩家族或者切利亚斯政府工作的话更好。不管怎样,此时此刻的玩家们和不道德的雇佣军,常见的街头混混,搞阴谋的欺诈师,魔鬼涉猎者或是小罪犯之间没有差别。他们要么是长野镇的本地居民,要么就是最近才来到镇上,并且他们都能够毫无顾忌的对好人做坏事。总之,他们应该非常乐意成为反面角色。除此之外,玩家的角色都应该有一些理由去认识一个雄心勃勃的本地骗子希姆莉·斯塔里希(Cimri Staelish),她渴望证明自己不仅仅是镇上的麻烦制造者。在地狱复仇玩家指南里的信息有助于玩家在战役中设计背景并制作出符合战役主题的角色。





“就是这了,劳斯利克制革厂(Louslik Tannery)。我们要做的,就是闯进去,抢劫劳斯利克的办公室,拿走任何有光泽的东西,然后在治安官出现之前离开。如果我们走散了,黎明前记得在灰烬屋见面。”





贾布拉尔·劳斯利克(Jabral Louslik)经营着这间劳斯利克制革厂,一家雇佣着许多长野镇镇民的体面的工厂。











察觉:制革厂周围栅栏的一部分已经因为不适当转向的工作车的反复冲撞而损坏了。 这使得靠近准备车间附近的栅栏上打开了一个狭窄的漏洞,可以让人通过一些努力就能挤过去。






劇透 -   :

The Hell’s Vengeance Adventure Path begins in Longacre, a Chelish town on the edge of the Whisperwood where people go to forget and to be forgotten. Details on Longacre appear in the gazetteer starting on page 62. The player characters should all be at least tacit supporters of House Thrune’s rule—far better if they harbor ambitions to work for House Thrune or the Chelish government in some way, even if only to increase their own power and prestige. At this point, however, the PCs are little more than amoral mercenaries, common street thugs, conniving con artists, diabolic dabblers, or petty criminals. They should either be residents of Longacre or ne’er-do-wells recently come to town, and have no qualms against doing bad things to good people. In short, they should be more than willing to be villains. In addition, the PCs should all have some reason to know an ambitious local crook named Cimri Staelish, who is eager to prove herself more than just the town troublemaker. The information and campaign traits in the Hell’s Vengeance Player’s Guide can be useful for generating backgrounds and thematically appropriate characters for the campaign.

The Tannery Heist

The adventure begins with Cimri’s first job of real significance: shaking down a profitable local tannery for a shady stranger named Razelago. She’s enlisted the PCs to help her, meeting them outside the town for a nighttime raid. To set the scene and get the adventure started, read or paraphrase the following.

The town of Longacre sits just outside the fringes of the Whisperwood. A few lights shine in the streets and windows, and the occasional snippet of conversation or laughter issues from open doors, but here on the outskirts of town, the night is quiet and dark. Sparse clouds scud across the sky, momentarily obscuring the dim light from the moon overhead. Across a scrubby field, barely distinguishable under the starry sky, a darkened, fortlike compound hunches in the distance.

Cimri points toward the dim structure.

“That’s it—Louslik Tannery. Here’s the job: We break in, sack Ol’ Louslik’s office, take whatever’s shiny, and get out before the sheriff shows up. If we get separated, meet back at the Ash House by dawn.”

Dull moonlight glints across her dagger as she flicks it in emphasis. “If you get pinched, remember: you’re mute. Keep your mouth shut, and I’ll handle things. I got assurances that we won’t take any blame if things go south. But get chatty and I’ll let you rot.” A beat passes and her usual crooked smirk appears. “If you don’t screw things up, we’ll all be drinking on Razelago’s coin come dawn. Let’s do this.”

Gett ing Up to Speed

At this point, invite the players to ask any questions they have, but try to keep both questions and answers brief to maintain the tension of the upcoming heist. This quick question-and-answer session can serve as either a summary of what the PCs collectively know or memories of an earlier in-character discussion with Cimri. It’s okay if the players don’t feel like they have all the information—they should assume that their PCs already know the pertinent details, and there will be time to fill them in later. If any PCs insist that they wouldn’t get involved with a haphazard break-in, assure them that they’ve made prior, lucrative arrangements (see the Cimri’s Persuasions sidebar on page 7). Brief answers to the PCs’ most likely questions are presented below.

Who is Cimri?
A sharp-tongued hellion with a penchant for drinking and long knives, Cimri has lived in Longacre most of her life. Recently, she’s gotten involved with some powerful, if shady, folks willing to spend well to advance their goals.

Who is Ol’ Louslik? What’s the Louslik Tannery?
Jabral Louslik runs the Louslik Tannery, a respectable operation that employs dozens of Longacre’s citizens.

Why are we breaking in?
According to Cimri’s employer, Louslik hasn’t been paying his taxes like a good, law-abiding citizen should. She hasn’t been told any more, but your gang’s pay is likely tied up in whatever you steal.

What are we getting out of this?
Cimri’s broke, but her employer isn’t. You’ll each be paid 100 gold pieces for the job, but the real prize is the chance to meet and make a good impression on Cimri’s boss, Razelago.

Who is Razelago?
Cimri’s employer. You’ve never met him, but Cimri claims he’s loaded and has serious connections—including ties to Longacre’s government.

What’s the Ash House?
A half-ruined manor across town that’s the setting of dozens of local ghost stories.

If the players have any deeper questions, encourage them to roll with things for now, assuring them that Cimri’s gold and personal bargains have won at least one night’s loyalty from them.

Preparing for the Heist

Once the PCs have had their questions addressed, give them the opportunity to retroactively conduct reconnaissance around the tannery; in other words, they did so before meeting up with Cimri. Each PC should be allowed to attempt a single skill check that might prove useful to the operation. The DC of each of these checks is 15; those skills most likely to be useful and the results of a successful check are detailed below. Feel free to reveal more if a PC resourcefully uses another skill or concocts a clever plan, using the following as guidelines.

Climb or Stealth: PCs who scale the 10-foot-tall wooden palisade around the tannery or sneak up and find a hole in the stockade see that the work yard beyond is largely empty. There are lanterns lit, both at the gate and outside the office. A large dog dozes near the office’s door. The place smells terrible.

Disable Device: The gate that opens into the tannery’s work yard features a simple mechanism, designed to swing open to admit delivery carts. Constructed for convenience, not defense, a lock can be bypassed to open the gate with the pull of a lever. It won’t necessarily be quiet, though. (A successful check allows a PC to notice and understand the device, not disable it.)

Knowledge (local): A small night crew works at the tannery. The tannery’s owner, Jabral Louslik, handles the operation’s accounting well into the evening. Additionally, Shaul and Pippa Umbre—the town’s elderly gong farmers—come and go throughout the night, bringing loads of dung to use in softening leather.

Perception: A portion of the palisade surrounding the tannery has been damaged by repeated impacts from inexpertly steered work carts. This has opened a narrow gap in the palisade near the beamhouse that is out of the way, and could be squeezed through with a bit of effort.

 Once the PCs have attempted their checks, return to the scene with Cimri, who asks the PCs what information they discovered with their reconnaissance. After preparations are complete, she asks if everyone’s set. If the PCs ask for details on her plan, Cimri doesn’t have much. Her scheme is to break the gate’s lock, hit anyone who offers resistance with her sap, and loot the office. If any of the PCs have a better plan or suggests alterations, she goes along with it. Cimri doesn’t agree to just any plan, however, and rejects any scheme that risks destroying the tannery or attracting notice from town. Once the plan is set and agreed upon, Cimri sets off at a jog for the gate at area A1. Cimri is fully detailed in the NPC Gallery on page 56.

Cimri's persuasions

The adventure assumes that Cimri approached each PC prior to the heist and secured his or her assistance in robbing the Louslik Tannery. For most characters, the promise of gold and excitement should assure participation, but if any of the PCs requires additional convincing to go along with the tannery raid, consider the following.

Compromising Their Code: Some lawful characters might not want to break into a legitimate business. If this is the case, Cimri reiterates that Jabral Louslik is withholding legally imposed taxes and claims he is using his influence to sow discontent against the lawful government of Longacre—and she hints that the job might just have the tacit approval of Longacre’s ruler. If these claims don’t encourage the PC to act, Cimri could encourage him to come along to keep an eye on more volatile members of the group.

Future Contacts: Wealth isn’t the only reward Cimri can offer a PC. She makes it her business to get to know most of the interesting people who pass through Longacre. As such, she has quite a circle of connections— including her employer Razelago, who has a relationship with the archbaron of Longacre. If there’s a group or a certain someone the PC is interested in getting to know, Cimri can offer to put in a good word—or at the very least, not put in a bad one.

Sweetening the Deal: While Cimri can’t offer a PC much more money, there are few people in town who know Longacre better than her. If the PC is interested in get-rich-quick schemes, magical lore, deadly weapons, or crueler diversions, Cimri can lead him to any of those things—if he helps her first. Consult the Longacre Gazetteer on page 62 for ideas on where Cimri’s guidance might lead a character.

« 上次编辑: 2019-01-17, 周四 14:45:42 由 TougouTuyosi »
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|


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A. Louslik Tannery
« 回帖 #6 于: 2018-11-27, 周二 16:23:53 »





制革厂的栅栏墙足有10英尺高,主要是为了防止野兽被散发气味的操作引诱过来。至于用来挡住小偷,栅栏起不了多大的用处,但总比什么都没有强。任何一个在DC 15攀爬检定中成功的角色都能轻而易举地攀登翻越过墙。通过一个10英尺宽的大门可以进入制革厂的工作场(A2区)。这个宽度足以让工作用推车轻松通过,这扇门如果不使用安装在门南边的操作杆来控制的话,打开或者关闭大门都会是一件麻烦事。在栅栏内,控制操作杆非常容易;但是从外面的话,一个被锁上的木制面板保护着操作杆(硬度5,生命值5,破坏DC15,解除装置DC15)打碎面板来使用操作杆有可能引起区域2的狗的注意

一旦面板被打开,拉动控制杆将激活导致栅栏后面的配重下降的装置,从而打开门。但是,操作门会发出噪音,并且警告制革厂内的生物。 成功进行DC 18的解除装置检定的玩家可以使门打开得更慢更安静,只会引起区域A2的护卫犬的注意。


A2.工作场地(挑战等级 1和 挑战等级 1/2)


大约三分之一的工作区域专门用于运送动物皮毛和皮革。 剩下的就是制备皮革的那令人厌恶的过程。 埋在泥地里的无数的泥缸形成臭气熏天的水塘。在DC14的工艺(皮革),知识(本地)或生存检定中成功的角色可以得到这种状况的解释,制造皮革的过程涉及在尿液中浸泡动物皮肤以去除脂肪和毛皮,并且应用动物废物以使其纹理更柔顺。




除此之外,玩家们还可能在院子里遇到制革厂的夜班工人Shaul和Pippa Umbre。不停的说着笑话,昂首阔步的两位Umbre是运粪工,他们打扫长野镇的化粪池和厕所并把里面的东西运回制革厂用于制革工艺。除非玩家注意到这件事情并且有意避免夜班人员的进出,否则有30%的可能当玩家试图进入制革厂办公室的时候(A4区域),这对老夫妇会推着满载装有新鲜粪便的罐子的手推车返回到制革厂。如果Shaul和Pippa发现玩家们,他们会试图通过扔一些易碎的陶土罐来驱赶入侵者。任何被这些罐子击中的人都会有感染腐热症的风险(探索者RPG核心规则书557页)。只要邻近他们的车,运粪工就有无限供应的罐子来扔出。

Abbie 挑战等级1
女性 骑乘用犬(探索者RPG 怪物图鉴 87页)

Shaul和Pippa Umbre(2) 挑战等级1/3
老年人类 平民1
混乱善良 中型类人生物(人类)
先攻+0; 感官 察觉+4


防御等级10 接触10 措手不及10
生命值4 每位(1d6+1)
强韧+2 反射+0 意志+0


近战 铲子-5(1d6-1)
远程 粪罐+0(1d2-1附加腐热症)




力量9 敏捷10 体质10 智力10 感知11 魅力12
基本攻击加值+0 战技加值-1 战技防御9
专长 强韧加强 擅长简易武器(木棍) 随手投掷
技能 知识(地方)+1 察觉+4 专业(运粪农)
语言 通用语
装备 铲子








宝藏:玩家通过5分钟的搜索可以在这里组装出一套精制品工匠工具(Artisan's tools),可以用于工艺(制造盔甲[在制作皮甲或镶嵌皮甲时])或工艺(制造皮革)的检定上使用。浸灰间里所有的工具的把手上都刻有字母“L.T”(即Louslik Tannery的缩写),它们可能会被长野镇的居民所认出。这里的几个板条箱里装有总价值100金币的新制皮革,虽然这些材料将近500磅重。

这个区域的门通常是锁着的(硬度5 生命值10 破坏DC15 解除装置DC20),贾布拉尔·劳斯利克有着唯一的钥匙。门上与眼睛齐平的位置钉着一条装饰华丽的皮革条,上面写着“老板 贾布拉尔·劳斯利克”。在门的左边还有着一扇大窗户(硬度1 生命值1 破坏DC5)




狗(探索者RPG 怪物图鉴 87页)

混乱善良 中型类人生物(人类)
先攻+2 感官 察觉+9


防御等级12 接触12 措手不及10(+2敏捷)
强韧+3 反射+3 意志+6


近战 徒手打击+2(1d3-1非致命)
远程 精致重弩+6(1d10/19-20)


战斗中 贾布拉尔在开始战斗时使用他的爆雷石投掷向最近的入侵者。在那之后,他尽可能地迅速用重弩射击并装填同时尽力地避免被包围。
士气 如果在他的办公室外面遭遇并且受伤,贾布拉尔就会退回他的办公室然后锁上门。如果是在办公室里发生遭遇,他会选择战斗至死。


力量8 敏捷14 体质10 智力11 感知14 魅力9
基本攻击加值+3 战技加值+2 战技防御14
专长 强韧加强 近距射击 技能专攻(专业[制革])
技能 工艺(制造盔甲)+7 工艺(制造皮革)+7 交涉+6 知识(地方)+7 察觉+9 专业(制革)+12 察言观色+9
语言 通用语
战斗装备 治疗轻伤药水 爆雷石
其他装备 精致重弩与10枚弩矢 A4区域门与锁箱的钥匙




发展:一旦玩家找到制革厂的锁盒,希姆莉就会急于逃离制革厂——特别是劳斯利克被杀害的话,就更是如此。如果Shaul和Pippa Umbre(A2区域)在与玩家们的冲突中幸存下来,运粪农就会赶回镇上去找警长。如果这种情况发生的话,斯塔里希警长(见42页)与她的三名年轻警员会在30分钟后抵达制革厂。按理说,玩家们应该早就逃之夭夭了,但如果有任何一位玩家最终被抓获并丢入监狱,希姆莉会在早上第一时间拿出一封看起来很官方的证明,确保所有玩家都会被释放。

劇透 -   :

One of the most respected businesses in Longacre, the Louslik Tannery has a reputation for sturdy leather and for treating fairly with local craftsmen. Because of the smelly processes involved in the operation, the tannery sits a mile west of Longacre.

The PCs can infiltrate the tannery through the gate, the gap behind the beamhouse, or by climbing over the palisade (see area A1). Any loud or especially suspicious noise is likely to draw the attention of Abbie, Jabral’s guard dog in area A2. The light coming from the window of the office (area A4) clearly marks the PCs’ objective.

 A1. Palisade and Gate

A log palisade surrounds the tannery. In places, gaps between the gray, dry-rotted trunks are wide enough to pass a hand through. To the west, a muddy trail slips beneath a plank gate similar to a barn door. These barriers do absolutely nothing to block the heavy stench of chemicals and dung drifting from within.

The tannery’s wall is 10 feet tall, and mostly meant to keep out beasts attracted by the odoriferous operation. As protection against thieves, the palisade is a poor impediment, but better than nothing. Any character who succeeds at a DC 15 Climb check can scale the wall with ease.

 A single 10-foot-wide gate allows access into the tannery’s work yard (area A2). Wide enough to easily admit work carts, the gate would be a cumbersome affair if it weren’t for the mechanism that opens and closes it with the flip of a lever mounted just south of the gate itself. Inside the palisade, the control lever is easily accessible; from outside, a small, locked wooden panel protects the lever (hardness 5, hp 5, break DC 15, Disable Device DC 15). Smashing the panel open likely attracts the attention of the guard dog in area A2.

 Once the panel is opened, pulling the lever activates the mechanism that causes counterweights behind the palisade to drop, opening the gate. The gate’s operation is noisy, however, and alerts all of the creatures in the tannery. A PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Disable Device check can cause the gate to open more slowly and quietly, only attracting the interest of the guard dog in area A2.

 Additionally, there’s a gap in the palisade north of the beamhouse (area A1a). Small creatures can pass through the gap unimpeded, while those of Medium size can wriggle through with a successful DC 12 Dexterity or Escape Artist check. Characters who fail the check risk alerting the guard dog in area A2 and must succeed at a Stealth check opposed by the dog’s Perception check. The gap is too narrow for Large or larger creatures to fit through.

A2. Work Yard (CR 1 and CR 1/2)

Cart furrows and disturbing stains mar this muddy yard. Around the perimeter, murky water pools in rows of sunken tubs. Unspeakable muck encrusts each vat and halfsubmerged skins float within. From these scabby concoctions drifts a sinus-assaulting reek—a dizzying miasma of rotten eggs, lime, and far worse

Roughly a third of the work yard is dedicated to the shipping of animal skins and leather. In the remainder, the disgusting process of preparing leather takes place.
Numerous clay vats, buried in the mud, create reeking pools. Characters who succeed at a DC 14 Craft (leather), Knowledge (local), or Survival check can explain that the process of creating leather involves soaking animal skins in urine to remove fat and fur and applying animal waste to make their textures more supple.

Upon entering the work yard, the smell of waste threatens to overpower anyone unused to the tanning process (see Hazards below).

Creatures: Louslik’s guard dog Abbie dozes just outside the door to his office (area A4). Abbie has been inseparable from Jabral ever since he rescued her from a dockside fighting pit in Remesiana. She’s well loved by the tannery’s workers and recognized by most of Longacre’s residents.

Abbie is not a skittish dog. If she hears the PCs, she first moves toward them to investigate. Upon seeing strangers or taking any damage, she begins barking and charges to attack the trespassers. If she encounters enemies near the vats, she attempts to bull rush foes into the muck (see Hazards below). Loyal to her master, Abbie fights to the death to defend the tannery.

In addition to Abbie, the PCs risk encountering the tannery’s night crew, Shaul and Pippa Umbre, in the yard. Incessant jokesters, the high-spirited—and slightly demented—the Umbres are gong farmers who clean Longacre’s cesspits and privies and bring their contents back to the tannery to be used in the tanning process. Unless the PCs went out of their way to note and avoid the night crew’s comings and goings, there is a 30% chance that the old couple returns to the tannery with their stained, flower-painted handcart loaded with chamber pots and fresh excrement harvested from about town before the PCs enter the tannery office (area A4). Otherwise, the gong farmers return as the PCs are leaving the office. If Shaul and Pippa notice the PCs, they try to drive off the trespassers by throwing fragile clay pots of fresh night soil. Anyone hit by one of the gong pots risks contracting filth fever (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 557). While adjacent to their cart, the gong farmers have an effectively endless supply of gong pots to throw.

Hazards: Characters without ranks in Craft (armor), Craft (leather), Profession (tanner), or similar related skills must succeed at a DC 12 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round, then sickened for 1 minute afterward, after which they acclimate to the tannery’s stench. Those who cover their noses with a mask, handkerchief, or similar item gain a +2 circumstance bonus on the saving throw.

The chemical vats around the perimeter of the yard can also prove hazardous. While only 3 feet deep, each is at least half full with a disgusting, waste-based slurry. Anyone who enters or falls into a vat must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save or contract filth fever.

Treasure: A number of crates are stacked in the tannery’s shipping area, a low wooden platform in the northwest corner of the yard. Most are filled with messy, unprocessed animal skins, but a PC who succeeds at a DC 14 Perception check notes one crate branded with the name “Remesiana Constabulary.” Inside are eight suits of studded leather armor and one suit of masterwork studded leather armor.

Story Award: If the PCs force Shaul and Pippa to surrender or flee, award the PCs full XP for defeating the gong farmers in combat.

A3. Beamhouse

This workhouse is a sizable, airy structure with open doorways and ample ventilation. Tools hang in organized rows upon the walls, most notably arrays of wide knives like miniature crosscut saws. Several inclined tanner’s beams create small workstations about the space, along with vats, drying racks, and numerous crates and bins.

Much of the hands-on work of preparing animal skins occurs here. The tools in this workhouse look professional and some—like the various knives, hooks, and pitchforks—look like they could be employed as weapons, but none are designed for such use (and are considered improvised weapons if used as such).

Treasure: With 5 minutes of searching, the PCs can assemble a set of masterwork artisan’s tools, usable with Craft (armor) (leather or studded leather only) or Craft (leather) checks. All of the tools in the beamhouse have the letters “L. T.” etched on their handles, which might be recognized by Longacre residents. Several of the crates here are loaded with freshly prepared leather worth 100 gp, though the materials weigh nearly 500 pounds.

A4. Office (CR 2+)

The door to this area is usually locked (hardness 5, hp 10, break DC 15, Disable Device DC 20) and Jabral Louslik has the only key. A strip of ornately tooled leather screwed to the door at eye level bears the name “Jabral Louslik, Proprietor.” There’s also a wide window just to the left of the door (hardness 1, hp 1, break DC 5). Read or paraphrase the following once the PCs get inside.

Several antique tanning tools and a pair of patterned leather tapestries decorate the walls of this small, rustic office. A well-gnawed pig’s foot lies in the corner.

Creatures: The tannery’s owner, Jabral Louslik, oversees his business from this office. Currently, Jabral busies himself at his desk, trying to find the source of an error in his shipping budget. His other dog, a small Taldan spaniel named Archie, keeps him company while persistently gnawing on a pig’s foot. Taking a cue from Abbie’s former owner, Louslik named Archie as a veiled insult toward Longacre’s ruler, Archbaron Fex. Unless they’re disturbed, neither man nor dog has any reason to leave the office.

Inside the office, both Louslik and Archie take –8 penalties on their Perception checks to hear disturbances outside. The only two exceptions to this are the opening of the gate and the sound of Abbie’s bark, both of which they recognize immediately. The gate’s opening brings them to the office door in 2d4 rounds to check in with what they believe are the returning night crew. Unless something else suspicious occurs in the interim, Louslik doesn’t have any reason to arm himself. Hearing Abbie’s bark, though, makes both man and dog wary, as they know the trained guard dog doesn’t bark at the tannery’s workers. If Abbie’s bark alerts him, Louslik loads his heavy crossbow and sends Archie loping ahead of him to investigate.

Treasure: The two leather tapestries on the walls are worth 200 gp each, and the antique tools are worth another 200 gp, though they bear the initials “L. T.” just like those in the beamhouse.

In addition, a small lockbox under Louslik’s desk contains the tannery’s recent profits. Opening it requires either Jabral’s key or a successful DC 20 Disable Device check. The contents are divided into numerous small leather purses (each branded prominently with the initials “L. T.”), containing silver pieces in 10, 20, and 50 sp increments. The funds are worth a total of 800 gp. The box weighs 20 pounds, but can easily be transported.

Cimri opposes any suggestions of quietly pocketing even a small amount of the tannery’s funds, though she confesses that her employer doesn’t know exactly how much the tanner had on hand. She relents if one of the PCs appeals to her greed and succeeds at a DC 12 Diplomacy or Intimidate check, but she refuses to allow the group to steal more than 200 gp total from the lockbox. The rest of the valuables in the tannery are fair game, however.

Development: Once the PCs find the tannery’s lockbox, Cimri is eager to make an escape—doubly so if Louslik was murdered. If Shaul and Pippa Umbre (area A2) survived their encounter with the PCs, the gong farmers rush back to town to get the sheriff. If this occurs, Sheriff Staelish (see page 42) arrives at the tannery with three of her junior deputies (see page 23) 30 minutes later. The PCs should be long gone by then, but if any of them end up getting captured and thrown into jail, Cimri shows up first thing in the morning with an official-looking letter that secures any PCs’ release.

Story Award: If the PCs successfully rob the tannery without killing Louslik, award them full XP for defeating him in combat.
« 上次编辑: 2019-01-17, 周四 14:46:15 由 TougouTuyosi »
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|


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B.The Ash house
« 回帖 #7 于: 2018-12-12, 周三 14:30:27 »






尽管外表如此,实际上灰烬屋遗迹十分稳固。灰烬屋里值得注意的部分详见下文。其他没有被描述的房间除了瓦砾,几片烧焦的木料以及枯死的常春藤外基本空无一物。前门非常棘手,因为它深深陷入它的框架之中(硬度5 生命值12 破坏DC16)。希姆莉更喜欢完全避开门,通过破碎的窗户翻进B1区域。希姆莉渴望完成她的任务,如果她带着玩家,那么她就不会让他们到处磨叽,而是直接把他们带到楼上的瑞泽拉戈的办公室(B2区域)。



一批又一批的非法居住者将这栋房屋最完整的家具收集在这里,并用一种叫做Old Erebus的廉价南方威士忌来计算他们逗留在这里的时间。虽然不算豪华,但客厅很干燥并且鲜少有人来打扰,并且自从瑞泽拉戈来到这里希姆莉便一直在使用客厅。她在这里藏着一盏油灯,并在壁炉前放了一张草垫。




这处区域的门通常是锁着的(硬度5 生命值18 破坏DC18 解除装置DC20),除非瑞泽拉戈(见下面生物)正在等待着客人。





生物:大男爵达雷洛斯·菲克斯是长野镇无可争议的统治者,但他能做的事情有限。 Fortunately, the clever accuser devil Razelago has an impressive track record when it comes to manipulating circumstances to make sure things turn out in the archbaron’s favor. 做为一个为菲克斯服务的地狱使者,瑞泽拉戈是大男爵在镇上的耳目,他暗中监视着菲克斯的敌人并通过地狱之眼能力与风讯术法术将他所看到的事情告知他的主人。此外,当菲克斯需要通过法律之外的手段处理一些事情的时候,瑞泽拉戈会非常高兴地去操控长野镇上普通的镇民来达成邪恶的目的。




哥奥瑞克(挑战等级 1)
女性骨面斑兽(探索者RPG 怪物图鉴2 174页)

男性控斥魔(探索者RPG 怪物图鉴2 84页)


战斗中 如果他确定自己不会蒙受损害地去骚扰对手,那么瑞泽拉戈会首先尝试召唤一些劣魔。如果失败了,他就会召唤蜘蛛集群去攻击敌人。他只会对无助或者未察觉到他的敌人使用近战攻击。
士气 瑞泽拉戈已经存在无数的世纪,它无意在物质位面消亡。他能够迅速地使用他的翅膀,隐形或者高等传送术来逃离战斗。





“干得漂亮。希姆莉,还有你那些听起来非常有潜力的同伴们,你们干得不错。你们将会发现你们应得的报酬已经在楼下的客厅里等着,里面还有我给你们每个人的礼物。去吧,享受,庆祝。你们出色的工作值得这样的奖赏。We’ll talk more in the near future.”










发展:玩家在将近拂晓的时候拿到了正在客厅等着他们的报酬(详见B1区域的宝藏),同时还有八瓶上等的Wiscrani barbera葡萄酒 几条新鲜的面包,蒜味黄油与各种熏鱼和猪肉。这是名副其实的盛宴,也是希姆莉——或许还有一些玩家角色——见过的最好的饭食。

等他们拿到报酬,希姆莉会邀请他们留下来同她一起庆祝,她会拿她的新匕首玩几轮醉酒丢镖。任何不打算休息或者娱乐的玩家则可以自由地到长野镇去做其他的事情。This is also an opportune time for characters who have been told they have a prior arrangement with Cimri to learn the details of their agreement, if they haven’t done so already (see the Cimri’s Persuasions sidebar on page 7).

剧情奖励: 奖励在制革厂抢劫行动中幸存并与瑞泽拉戈会面的玩家800经验值。

B3.浴室(挑战等级 1)




生物:当Moragatalli庄园失火时,Kallasta Moragatalli夫人从外面传来的施法声中明智地意识到已经没有逃脱的可能了。她抓起一个装满她年轻时候的奖章——那时她曾在Gaspodar国王的军队里服役——的盒子并拼命地试图拯救自己与她最珍贵的纪念品。然后她跳进自己准备的浴缸,希望水与结实的浴缸能保护她。不幸的是,它们做不到。Kallasta 最终在火灾中丧生,但她的绝望将她的灵魂束缚在庄园。最终她创造了一个灵质体来容纳她的灵魂。这位妇人的遗体至今留在这里,仇恨地袭击任何扰乱她作为亡魂生存的人。Kallasta 追击任何逃离这个房间的敌人,但她不会离开灰烬屋的区域。

Kallasta Moragatalli  挑战等级1
经验值 400
进化灵质生物 人类(探索者RPG 怪物图鉴4 288页,82页)
生命值 9

劇透 -   :

B.The Ash house

Once the tannery heist is concluded, the PCs should head to the Ash House to meet up with Cimri and her employer.

Before the Chelish Civil War, the Ash House was Moragatalli Manor, home to one of old Cheliax’s lesser noble families. In the decades following the rise of House Thrune, numerous supporters of the old order lost their lands, their titles, and—in many cases—their lives. The Moragatallis tried to remain neutral during the revolution and, upon surviving it, congratulated themselves on their quiet canniness. But House Thrune proved equally quiet and patient with their accountings of their allies, enemies, and milksop bystanders, and decades later, Thrune gave the Moragatalli lands to House Fex, which had risen in Thrune’s esteem. The Moragatallis would have complained, of course, had most members of the family not died in their manor’s violent, midnight conflagration. No one doubted what had happened, but the town children’s explanations—blaming witches and ghosts—proved far less frightening than the truth. In the 60 years since, Moragatalli Manor has been known as the Ash House.

The Ash House still stands just outside the town to the northwest. The dilapidated structure is a dangerous site most Longacre citizens avoid. Most of the Moragatallis’ wealth burned along with their manor, while looters carried off what little survived soon after the fire.

Read or paraphrase the following when the PCs arrive at the Ash House to give them an impression of the ruin.

What remains of this manor looks like it could collapse at any moment. Bearing the scars of a decades-old fire, the house is blackened and sags under the weight of its collapsed third floor. Shattered windows pose no barrier to the riot of ivy scaling each gable and invading every cavity. Bent pillars and a cracked granite porch lead to a warped door bearing a rusty doorknocker shaped like a boar’s head.

Despite appearances, what remains of the Ash House is quite sturdy. The most noteworthy parts of the Ash House are detailed below. Those rooms not described are largely empty except for rubble, a few scraps of burnt timber, and dead ivy. The front door is stubborn, having settled deeply in its frame (hardness 5, hp 12, break DC 16). Cimri prefers to avoid the door altogether, coming and going via the broken windows into area B1. Cimri is eager to complete her assignment, and if she is accompanying the PCs, she doesn’t let them dawdle, marching them straight upstairs to Razelago’s office (area B2).

B1. Parlor

Pieces of battered furniture lie here amid the choking scent of dust and ashes. Beneath a mantle crowded with empty whiskey bottles, the fireplace shows evidence of recent use. The scorched, broken visages of curious cherubs leer from atop archways leading deeper into the house.

Generations of squatters have collected the most intact of the house’s furniture here, marking their stays with shattered brown bottles of a cheap southern whiskey called Old Erebus. Although hardly luxurious, the parlor is dry and rarely disturbed, and Cimri has been using it has her den since falling in with Razelago. She’s stashed an oil lamp here and keeps a straw mattress in front of the fireplace.

Anyone spending the night here who succeeds at a DC 20 Perception check hears faint splashing coming from upstairs, as if someone were getting into a bath and then out of it later. This is a manifestation of the ectoplasmic creature in area B3, though the PCs likely have no way of knowing this without exploring the manor.

Treasure: A plain wooden chest sits on a table in this room. It contains the PCs’ payment for the tannery heist, which they can claim once they’ve been introduced to Razelago (see Meeting Razelago on page 13). Inside the chest is 100 gp per PC, plus Cimri’s share of 200 gp, as well as a masterwork dagger for Cimri and one masterwork weapon for each PC—you should choose a useful and favorable weapon for each PC ahead of time. If the PCs balk at Cimri getting more than they do, she can be talked into splitting the entire take evenly with a successful DC 12 Diplomacy or Intimidate check. 

B2. Razelago’s Office (CR 4)

The door to this area is normally kept locked (hardness 5, hp 18, break DC 18, Disable Device DC 20), except for when Razelago (see Creatures below) is expecting guests.

Read or paraphrase the following when the PCs first enter the room.

Toppled bookshelves, a table, and some chairs half-covered in ivy suggest this room was once a library. The ashes and pulp of burned, waterlogged books lay heaped amid fallen furniture, creating a large nest of sorts against one wall. A set of folding paper screens divides the room. A lantern flickers on the opposite side, projecting the silhouette of a desk and high-backed chair upon the thin paper.

The Moragatallis’ impressive library was utterly destroyed in the fire that consumed their manor. When Cimri brings the PCs to meet her employer Razelago, or when they have business with him otherwise, they’ll likely treat with him here (see Meeting Razelago on page 13).

The room’s usual inhabitants do everything in their power to prevent snooping, but even if the PCs have the opportunity to search the room, there is little of value to find. The desk is empty and a fire-scarred mannequin sits in the high-backed chair behind the screens.

Creatures: Archbaron Darellus Fex is the undisputed ruler of Longacre, but there are limits to his power. Fortunately, the clever accuser devil Razelago has an impressive track record when it comes to manipulating circumstances to make sure things turn out in the archbaron’s favor. A hellish messenger in Fex’s employ, Razelago is the archbaron’s eyes and ears in town, invisibly spying on Fex’s enemies and relating what he sees to his master via his infernal eye and whispering wind. Additionally, when the archbaron needs something dealt with in an extra-legal fashion, Razelago delights in manipulating Longacre’s simple residents to wicked ends.

Razelago made the Ash House his place of business not long after agreeing to serve Archbaron Fex, and chose this library as his office, amused by the loss of so much knowledge and life for such petty reasons. Despite Razelago’s skills as a spy, it sometimes benefits him to reveal himself—to a degree—here in his Ash House office. Without any ability to change his shape, the devil has set up the office to hide his identity in a way that implies a mysterious, flesh-and-blood businessman is sitting only a few steps away. Behind the paper screens sits a wooden mannequin, lit from behind, which Razelago manipulates while invisible to suggest the movement of a lean, bald human. The dramatics serve the devil well, not just for his own personal entertainment, but also to impress the superstitious, excitement-starved sorts he typically employs as puppets.

The devil is well aware that deception is not protection, however, and has secured the services of a powerful, pantherlike creature called a krenshar as a bodyguard, which he keeps well fed. Called Gaurig, the krenshar was captured in the foothills of the Menador Mountains and shipped to Remesiana for sale or skinning. When bandits in the Whisperwood ambushed the trapper, Gaurig escaped into the forest. After several lonely years of hunting and taking her resentment out on the few humans she encountered, the krenshar encountered Razelago in the forest near Longacre. The telepathic devil managed to tempt Gaurig into defending the Ash House and lending her intimidating visage to his cause in return for a promise to feed her human flesh as often as possible and eventually return her to the Menador foothills. The krenshar isn’t sure what Razelago is—she believes he might be some sort of fairy—but their year-old arrangement has thus far proven agreeable, if a bit boring.

Together, Razelago and Gaurig are a lethal pair, and the accuser devil has a greater role to play as the campaign progresses. Should it look like the PCs are headed toward a fight with them, Cimri or another NPC should try to deter or dissuade them from attacking. If worst comes to worst, the accuser devil tries to escape a confrontation at this juncture.

Meeting Razelago

The adventure assumes that the PCs’ first meeting with Razelago is in the company of Cimri. When they first enter the room, the PCs should immediately notice Gaurig dozing in the nest of book pulp. The krenshar lifts her head with suspicion as the strangers enter.

At the same time the light behind the paper screen slowly intensifies, casting the stark silhouette of a bald figure seated at a desk upon the divider. After a moment of slow shuffling, a high-pitched voice, sounding as though it could belong to someone either very young or very old, wheezes from behind the screen: “Cimri. Is it done?”

Cimri answers in the affirmative, then produces the lockbox from the tannery (or collects it from a PC) and sets it on the table on her side of the screen. She gives Razelago an account—only slightly exaggerated—of the break-in, highlighting the actions of any PCs who impressed her. If it comes up that Louslik or others were killed in the break-in, Razelago isn’t fazed. The mysterious man occasionally nods during the retelling, but doesn’t speak again until the story is complete.

“Excellent. You’ve done well, Cimri, and your associates sound like individuals of rare potential. You’ll all find your payment waiting in the parlor below, along with a gift for each of you. Go, enjoy, celebrate. You deserve a reward for your impressive work. We’ll talk more in the near future.”

Although Cimri thanks Razelago and moves to leave, the PCs might have questions. Razelago tolerates two or three before encouraging the group to go find out what his gift is. Respond to likely questions by reading or paraphrasing the following.

Who are you?
“A businessman, with a particular interest in Longacre, and one with the capital to pay for the changes I’d like to see.”

What sort of business are you in?
“Organization, development, administration, I do a bit of it all. There are many small, aimless towns like Longacre about the nation. I’d see them strive for greater.”

Is it true you have government connections?
“I have relationships with many people, both high and low. Perhaps when we know each other better, I can be less circumspect.”

Why won’t you show us your face?
“These are sensitive times and I don’t yet know you. If our association proves mutually profitable, and you comport yourself honorably in your dealings, trust might come—in time.”

Are you some sort of monster?
“I’m cautious and you’re suspicious—that’s understandable. I hope you’ll give me the opportunity to prove my good intentions.”

Why’d you have us rob the tannery?
 “Jabral Louslik hasn’t been paying his fair share of taxes. Beyond that, he is also very opinionated. He’d oppose the cooperation I’d like to see among Longacre’s people. I’d prefer that his influence be weakened—and no one trusts a poor man.”

Any Sense Motive checks attempted during the conversation with Razelago reveal that he’s being honest, but obviously isn’t telling them everything—a point he willingly confesses. If the PCs use magic like detect evil to learn more about their patron, the devil merely laughs, claiming that only the short-sighted believe ambition is evil. He also muses that he senses more than a little “ambition” in the PCs as well.

During their conversation, Razelago will not bargain with the PCs for more money, and only snickers if someone threatens to reveal him to the locals, nodding and saying he approves of the characters’ ambition. If they are patient and trustworthy, he assures them, he will see their eagerness turned to profit. In any case, Razelago suggests, then insists, that the PCs go collect their reward. If the PCs refuse to leave, or try to get around the screen, Gaurig stands up and begins growling. That and Cimri’s insistence should be enough to convince most PCs to go.

Development: It’s nearing dawn by the time the PCs collect their reward, which is waiting for them in the parlor on the ground floor (see the Treasure section for area B1), along with eight bottles of a fine Wiscrani barbera wine, several loaves of fresh bread, garlic-flavored butter, and a variety of smoked fish and boar’s meat. It’s a veritable feast, and among the best food Cimri—and likely many of the PCs—have ever had in their lives.

Story Award: Award the PCs 600 XP for surviving the tannery heist and meeting Razelago.

B3. Bath (CR 1)

The Ash House’s master bath isn’t easy to access, being in a part of the house largely crushed beneath the building’s collapsed third floor. The rubble in the second floor hall can be cleared with an hour of work, exposing the master bath. Read or paraphrase the following if the PCs discover and enter the bath.

Ivy invades even this musty room. Old ash streaks the tiled walls of what was once a lavish bath chamber, while broken mosaic chips and fallen timbers cover the floor with sharp scree. Opposite the door, a porcelain tub filled with stagnant water hunches beneath a crescent-shaped mirror distorted by intense heat.

The bath is choked with wreckage from the fallen floor above. The tub appears to be filled with mud and rainwater, but any PC who succeeds at a DC 14 Heal check realizes the mud is actually long-rotted human remains.

Creature: When Moragatalli Manor caught fire, matron Kallasta Moragatalli wisely intuited from the sound of spellcasting outside that there’d be no escape. Desperately seeking to save herself and her most cherished keepsakes, she grabbed a box full of medals from her youth, when she served in King Gaspodar’s army. She then dove into the bath she’d prepared, hoping the water and sturdy tub would protect her. Unfortunately, they did not. Kallasta died in the conflagration, but her desperation tied her spirit to the manor. Eventually, she managed to create an ectoplasmic body to house her soul. This remnant of the house matron still remains here, hatefully attacking anyone who disturbs her undead existence. Kallasta pursues any opponents who flee this chamber, but she does not leave the confines of the Ash House

Treasure: Anyone who succeeds at a DC 10 Perception check while searching the tub discovers a “muddy” box containing eight tarnished medals. A successful DC 14 Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (local) check is enough to identify the medals as military honors dating to the era before the Chelish Civil War more than 100 years before. The medals are worth 75 gp apiece.
« 上次编辑: 2018-12-28, 周五 00:08:31 由 TougouTuyosi »
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|


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The Second Job
« 回帖 #8 于: 2018-12-26, 周三 16:38:40 »




“第五环剑骑士阿拉玛尔正在召集所有人在今天下午到她的教堂前听布告——算起来还有两个小时。我不知道她在想什么,但我怀疑一些反动的空话,只会在长野镇的镇民埋下困惑与沮丧的种子。这与我希望的背道而驰。所以我想让你们参加这次集会。盒子里是标有菲克斯大男爵徽章的腰带。戴上它们,提醒民众这个城镇的领主并非没有支持者,看看会发生什么。随后希姆莉会向我汇报。In return, you will all receive double what you did last night.”


劇透 -   :
The Second Job

The day after the tannery heist, Cimri wakes the PCs or comes to fetch them around noon, telling them Razelago wants to meet with them again immediately. Razelago’s office is as it was before, only now a small, black lacquered box sits on the table before the paper screens. Once the PCs are assembled, Razelago explains the situation.

“With the number of veterans who live in town, it’s not surprising that there’s a church of Iomedae in Longacre. But there might not be one much longer if Tileavia Allamar, its priestess, does what she has in mind.”

Razelago’s silhouette clasps shadowy hands. “There’s growing unrest in the empire, and not just in Pezzack and along the Hellcoast. Many of Iomedae’s faithful have begun speaking more boldly of the monarchy’s vices and the rights of citizens. They seem to believe this is Andoran and that the people have only to reach out to seize power. But they are wrong. This is Cheliax, not Andoran, and we know where true power lies.

“Fifth Sword Knight Allamar is gathering all who will listen for a sermon in front of her church this afternoon— only two short hours from now. I don’t know what she has in mind, but I suspect some revolutionary claptrap that can only sow the seeds of confusion and frustration among Longacre’s citizens. That is contrary to my wishes. So I’d like you to attend the rally. In the box are sashes marked with the insignia of Archbaron Fex. Wear them, remind people that the lord of this town is not without supporters, and see what transpires. Afterward, Cimri will report back to me. In return, you will all receive double what you did last night.”

Cimri quickly agrees and takes the box. Again, Razelago gives the PCs the opportunity to ask a few questions, but in this case there isn’t much more to know. Regarding the unrest and the Iomedaeans, Razelago has heard rumors of the Glorious Reclamation, but he wants to hear what Allamar has to say first. If any of the PCs try to barter with Razelago over their fee, he refuses to budge on his price, even allowing individuals to walk away from the job. Afterward, though, Cimri approaches such PCs and says she’s impressed with their tenacity, offering them a share of her own payment (up to 50 gp more).

Back in the parlor, Cimri opens the small box and withdraws a broad, crimson sash emblazoned with the symbol of Cheliax and the arms of House Fex—a pair of fighting stags with bloody antlers. There is one sash for each PC and Cimri. Some PCs might want to organize a plan for what they’ll do before they leave, but Cimri suggests they go check out the church square before overthinking a strategy.
« 上次编辑: 2018-12-28, 周五 17:18:40 由 TougouTuyosi »
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|


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C.Sermon in The Square
« 回帖 #9 于: 2018-12-28, 周五 18:06:43 »



然而在布道开始——或是玩家开始进行任何违法动作——之前,警长罗娜·斯塔里希(Rhona Staelish)会走过来做自我介绍(详见16页的 长野镇的警长)




生物:一小群上了年纪的当地人以及附近营业场所的员工聚集在广场上,大多围绕着油井或是教堂墓地边上的栅栏,他们议论着他们听到或想象到的阿拉玛尔打算进行的演讲。随着布道时间越来越近,越来越多的市民涌入广场直到人群达到一百人以上。如果需要你可以为这些城镇居民使用宝石学徒(探索者RPG NPC志260页)或养猪农民(NPC志 256页)的数据。




与教堂隔着广场对望的建筑中的一个曾经是“Three bands cooper”。大男爵对当地工匠,尤其是使用当地原材料生产商品的工匠课以重税,这导致库帕在大约一年前关掉了这间店铺。店内很暗,还用木板封着里面空无一人,但邻近的小巷里有着摇摇欲坠的楼梯通往这栋楼的二层。通往空荡的二楼的门锁着(硬度5 生命值10 破坏DC15 解除装置DC15),内部有着一扇窗户可以清楚看到远处教堂广场以及教堂的景色。实际上,第五剑骑士阿拉玛尔即将要进行演讲的教堂阳台离窗户只有120英尺。虽然没有任何特殊的理由让玩家去到一个有着良好视野并能看到女祭司的位置,不过不怀好意的玩家可能会认为这个位置是最好的狙击点。



C4. 苏厄德街



虽然没有要求玩家去盗取木焦油或者尝试破坏布道,但这制造出了一个诱人的犯罪机会——特别是当它与附近昏暗的小巷结合的时候(区域C3)。如果有必要的话,您可以给驴使用小马的数据(探索者RPG 怪物图鉴 177页)。




在任何一个时刻,只要玩家们并不是特别的银币,警长罗娜·斯塔里希(Rhona Staelis)——同时也是希姆莉的姑妈——就会带着几个问题靠近希姆莉以及玩家。斯塔里希警长的问题以及希姆莉的冷嘲笑声如下。不过警长提出的一些尖锐问题要求希姆莉尝试唬骗检定,以在她姑妈面前掩盖她的犯罪。如果她通过了斯塔里希警长为对抗唬骗检定而进行的察言观色检定(警长的察言观色技能加值为+3)的话,就不会发生任何事情。然而,只要希姆莉检定失败两次,警长就会对希姆莉以及玩家们产生怀疑。一旦斯塔里希开始询问她的第二个问题,玩家们就应该被允许尝试进行DC14的察言观色检定来注意到警长正在进行引导讯问。一旦他们注意到这点,任何玩家——而不是只有希姆莉——都可以去尝试回答警长的问题,并使用基于魅力的技能例如唬骗,交涉,威吓来与警长的察言观色检定对抗。









劇透 -   :
C.Sermon in The Square

The PCs have 2 hours before Fifth Sword Knight Tileavia Allamar appears on the balcony of the Church of Iomedae to address the crowd gathered in the square outside the church. Give the PCs time to mingle, gather information, and discover the locations surrounding the church square. If the PCs decide they wish to do more than just watch the sermon, there should be just enough time for them to put any reasonable scheme into effect. Use the Sermon in the Square map on page 12 for this section.

Unknown to the PCs, Razelago himself is also present in the church square to witness the sermon, concealing his presence with invisibility and recording all that transpires with his infernal eye, both to see how the PCs handle their assigned task and to create a record to share with Archbaron Fex. The devil does not involve himself in anything that happens, however

Before the sermon begins, however—and prior to any illegalities the PCs might get involved in—Sheriff Rhona Staelish goes out of her way to introduce herself (see The Sheriff of Longacre on page 16).

C1. Church Square

Longacre’s Church of Iomedae, surrounded by a wroughtiron fence, sits just to the north of one of the town’s squares called, appropriately enough, the church square. The square contains a well, available for use by anyone in town, and a tall wooden post for posting notices and announcements. Shops and businesses surround the plaza, and a wide thoroughfare runs north and south through the square. A conspicuous white-clothed table stands in front of the church, apparently in readiness for the sermon, though the table is currently bare.

The church itself is detailed in area H and the map on page 38.

Creatures: A few small groups of elderly locals and laborers from nearby businesses have gathered in the square, mostly around the well or along the fence surrounding the churchyard, muttering about what they’ve heard or imagined about Allamar’s announcement. As the time of the sermon gets closer, more townsfolk drift into the square until the crowd is 100 strong. If necessary, you can use the statistics for an apprentice jeweler (Pathfinder RPG NPC Codex 260) or pig farmer (NPC Codex 256) for these townsfolk.

Any PC who succeeds at a DC 12 Diplomacy check to gather information or a DC 14 Stealth check to eavesdrop hears one of the following rumors. The DC of the Diplomacy check increases to 16 if the PC is wearing one of Razelago’s sashes (the Stealth check DC is unaffected).

“I heard one of Sword Knight Allamar’s sons say she was visited by an angel! This could mean great things for the church and the town.”

“Fex doesn’t like the townsfolk gathering in large groups like this. Allamar’s message must be pretty important if she’s willing to provoke the archbaron.”

“Something bad went down at Louslik Tannery last night. I bet that’s what has the priestess worked up. We’re in for some hellfire from her for sure!”


One of the buildings across the square from the church used to be the Three Bands Cooper. The archbaron’s excessive taxes on local craftsmen, especially those working with local goods, drove the cooper out of business about a year ago. The shop is dark, boarded up, and empty, but there’s a rickety staircase in the adjacent alley that leads to the building’s second floor. A locked door (hardness 5, hp 10, break DC 15, Disable Device DC 15) bars the way into an empty second-story apartment, where a window provides an unobstructed view of the church square and temple beyond. In fact, the church balcony that Fifth Sword Knight Allamar will be speaking from is only 120 feet away from the window. While there’s no particular reason the PCs would need a good view of the priestess’s position, wicked-minded PCs might consider this location a prime sniper’s nest.


The alley between Buckman’s Hardware and the Graceful Goose Haberdasher is wide and clean, but it remains in shadow for most of the day. The entirety of the alley is considered an area of dim light, which allows characters to attempt Stealth checks to hide in the alley.

C4. Seward Street

One block east of the church square, Seward Street is largely empty, but a distracted workman has left his donkey and a delivery cart loaded with four casks of wood tar here. PCs who succeed at a DC 12 Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nature), or relevant Craft or Profession check know that wood tar is especially flammable.

Although they are too big to be thrown, casks of wood tar can be lit on fire (which takes a full-round action), rolled, and broken, targeting a specific grid intersection like splash weapons. A single cask of burning wood tar deals 1d6 points of fire damage to all creatures and objects within 5 feet of the targeted intersection, and 1 point of fire splash damage to creatures within 10 feet of the targeted intersection. A creature who takes damage from burning wood tar must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save or catch fire (Core Rulebook 444). If all of the casks on the cart are set alight and the cart itself is rolled into the square, the wood tar deals 4d6 points of fire damage within 5 feet and 4 points of fire splash damage within 10 feet.

While there’s no overt call for the PCs to steal the tar or attempt to disrupt the sermon, the combination makes a tempting crime of opportunity—especially when combined with the shadowy depths of the nearby alley (area C3). If necessary, you can use the statistics for a pony (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 177) for the donkey.

Treasure: If the PCs steal the wood tar, each cask is worth 5 gp. 

The Sheriff of Longacre

Razelago and the PCs aren’t the only ones in town wary about Sword Knight Allamar’s announcement. Longacre’s sheriff and three of her junior deputies show up in the church square about an hour before the sermon with an objective similar to the PCs: to make their presence known. They’re hoping to serve as a calming element and, if things get out of hand, to step in and settle any problems before they start. They also serve as an impediment if the PCs have anything violent in mind.

At some point, as long as the PCs aren’t being exceptionally stealthy, Sheriff Rhona Staelish—who also happens to be Cimri’s aunt—approaches Cimri and the PCs with a few questions. Sheriff Staelish’s questions and Cimri’s snide responses are detailed below. However, a few of the sheriff’s pointed questions require Cimri to attempt Bluff checks to obscure incriminating information from her aunt. If she succeeds at a Bluff check opposed by Sheriff Staelish’s Sense Motive check (the sheriff’s Sense Motive skill modifier is +3), nothing occurs. If Cimri fails two checks, however, the sheriff becomes suspicious of Cimri and the PCs. Once Staelish asks her second question, the PCs should be allowed to attempt their own DC 14 Sense Motive checks to notice that the sheriff is asking leading questions. Once they realize this, any PC can attempt to answer the sheriff’s questions instead of Cimri, using Charisma-based skills such as Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate, opposed by the sheriff’s Sense Motive checks.

“Cimri! How’s my favorite niece doing?”
“I was just dandy, Aunt Rhona.” (No skill check required.)

“Some shady folks you’ve been hanging around with lately. Want to introduce me to your friends?”
“Not particularly.” (Allow the PCs to attempt DC 14 Sense Motive checks.)

“So, you’re here for Sword Knight Allamar’s sermon? I didn’t think you were the religious sort.”
“Not likely, unless she’s pulled the stick out of her robes and started worshiping Calistria.” (Cimri attempts a Bluff check.)

“Did you hear about what happened at the tannery last night? You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”
“No, should I?” (Cimri attempts a Bluff check.)

“What’s the story with the sashes? Is the archbaron or someone paying you to wear those?”
“Is it a crime to be patriotic?” (Cimri attempts a Bluff check.)

If the PCs end the casual questioning early, pull Cimri away, confess to their shady dealings, or otherwise act suspiciously, the sheriff immediately becomes distrustful. After she’s asked her questions and the PCs have said all they please, she ends the conversation: “Well, I have to keep an eye on things here. You all stay out of trouble, you hear?”

If needed, the statistics for Sheriff Staelish and her junior deputies may be found on pages 42 and 23.

Development: After speaking with the PCs, Sheriff Staelish directs her three deputies to take up positions at the locations marked “X” on the map. If she’s suspicious of the PCs, she also assigns two additional deputies to follow them until the sermon is over. These deputies try to keep out of sight, but have only a +1 bonus on their Stealth checks and don’t disturb the PCs unless they do something flagrantly illegal. 

If it looks like the meeting with the sheriff might turn into a confrontation, Cimri does her best to deter the PCs from attacking. Not only would she prefer her aunt not be harmed, but she also knows her ambitions would be better served if she and the PCs weren’t in jail. If the PCs insist, they could probably take out a few deputies, but the combined might of several deputies and the sheriff is at least a CR 4 encounter, which would likely overwhelm them. Should the PCs be defeated, they wake up in jail, but Cimri bails them out a day later.
« 上次编辑: 2019-01-17, 周四 14:48:05 由 TougouTuyosi »
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|
