作者 主题: 【Uch】动态造物(Dynamic magic item creation)  (阅读 6592 次)

副标题: 自用再排版以及微量校对

离线 丞相

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  • 帖子数: 1829
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  • 还算可以的玩家,以及不行的GM
【Uch】动态造物(Dynamic magic item creation)
« 于: 2018-07-29, 周日 10:49:00 »
动态造物 Dynamic magic item creation

概述 Overview

挑战 Challenges
  PC们面对的每一个挑战都代表了在魔法物品制造进程中的一个挫折或机遇。这个系统假定参与进来的PC进行了收集外来原料、寻找其他制造过类似物品的人的笔记、或者是处理预料之外的神秘变数等等工作。这允许整个队伍参与,所以每一个想要帮忙的人都可以被认为是一个制造者(creator),并且只有一个制造者需要有要求的造物专长(item creation feat)。

    尝试挑战 Attempting Challenges
  每一个挑战包括两个任务(task)。一个制造者可以选择一个任务进行尝试,两个制造者可以分别选择一个不同的任务进行尝试。选择何任务必须在进行相关检定前决定。制造者不能在造物的任务中取10或取20(即使是通过逸闻知识或者技能掌握(skill mastery)能力)或者受益于其他人的援助他人行动。
如果制造者们决定尝试一个挑战中的两个任务,每一个任务必须由不同的制造者尝试。举个例子,在面对冗繁说明(sesquipedalian elucidation)这个挑战的时候,一个法师可以抽出他的词典尝试一次语言学检定,同时一个游侠可以选择凭感觉猜(make up her own big words),尝试一次使用魔法装置检定。尝试的任务数量和他们的成功与失败决定了挑战的结果,见下面的表格:
只尝试一个任务        尝试两个任务挑战结果
——        全部成功大成功(Critical success)
成功        成功一个,而另一个检定失败且低于DC小于5成功
失败        成功一个,而另一个检定失败且低于DC5或更多失败
——        全部失败大失败(Critical failure)

    挑战格式 Challenge Format
  一个挑战的数据表(stat block)包括一段简短的描述和以下部分:
结果:这个条目包含成功或者失败的后果。最终挑战的结果只能是其中的一种(Use the results from only one category),一个大成功不能给予与通常成功相同的好处,而一个大失败也不能复用一个普通失败的影响。

支付费用 Paying for the Item

造物时间 Creation Time

调整 Adjustments

劇透 -   :
Dynamic Magic Item Creation

    In folklore, a major part of any magic item’s mystique is the tale of its creation. With the dynamic magic item creation system, the crafting of magic items becomes a quick but interesting story in which the whole party can participate. Items created in this way have unusual properties that lend them character and remind the PCs of the choices they made during item creation.
    Along with adding f lavor to the crafting of magic items, this system changes the average cost of magic item creation to be variable—generally more expensive for a single creator, and possibly less expensive for a group that works together. The standard system for the creation of magic items presented in the Core Rulebook leads to automatic successes during crafting, and given enough days of downtime, it can lead to a wild power imbalance between PCs who opt into the crafting system and all other characters. The system presented here encourages characters to work together to play out the story of the item’s creation while also adding unique touches to the resulting item.
    For groups that prefer a more in-depth experience, replace the required skill checks below with roleplaying scenes.

The magic item creation system in this section divides the creation of magic items (other than potions and scrolls) into a series of challenges that the creators try to overcome. These challenges represent either setbacks or opportunities in the course of the creation process. The first and final challenges in the process are the same for every item: preparing the vessel and completing the item (see page 181).
Between those steps, the characters face a number of random challenges based on the total market price of the item. The process includes one additional challenge per 5,000 gp in the item’s market price (minimum 1), though the GM could increase or decrease the number. Having more challenges means it’s more likely that an item will have unexpected properties, for good or ill. It also makes the item’s creation more expensive or time consuming on average for less skilled characters, and conversely the process will likely be cheaper and faster for a highly skilled party.

Each challenge the PCs face represents a setback or opportunity in the magic item creation process. This system assumes that the PCs involved are gathering exotic ingredients, searching through the notes of others who have crafted similar items, and dealing with unexpected mystical variables. It allows the entire party to participate, so anyone who wishes to help counts as a creator, and only one creator needs to have the required item creation feat.

Attempting Challenges
    Each challenge presents two tasks. One creator can choose a single task to attempt, or two creators can each choose to do a different task. This choice of tasks to attempt must be made before rolling any associated checks. Creators can’t take 10 or 20 (even with bardic knowledge or skill mastery) or benefit from aid another on item creation tasks.
    Some tasks don’t require checks, but present other conditions for success. If a creator takes on such a task, it must be completed before attempting a task that involves a check.
    If the creators decide to attempt both tasks for a given challenge, each task must be attempted by a different creator. For instance, when faced with a sesquipedalian elucidation challenge (see page 185), a wizard might pull out his dictionary and attempt a Linguistics check, while a rogue might choose to make up her own big words and attempt a Use Magic Device check. The number of tasks attempted and their success or failure determines the outcome of the challenge, as detailed below.

One Task Both Tasks Challenge
Attempted Attempted Result— Succeed at both Critical success
Succeed Succeed at one and fail Successthe other by less than 5
Fail Succeed at one and fail Failure the other by 5 or more
— Fail both Critical failure

Challenge Format
The stat block for a challenge includes a short description and the following sections.
  Tasks: These are the options a creator can choose from when trying to complete the challenge. They contain only short titles, and the GM should interpret the specifics in an interesting way that makes sense based on the story.
  Results: These entries cover the consequences of success or failure. Use the results from only one category; a critical success doesn’t also give the benefits of a normal success, and a critical failure doesn’t also impose the effects of a normal failure.

  The default cost for item creation with this method is 85% of the item’s market value. Various challenges can raise and lower this amount. A party encountering and critically succeeding at a large number of challenges can likely bring the cost below 50%.
  You must purchase weapons, armor, and other items that require masterwork or ingredient components separately to begin the process. Subtract those costs from the item’s market value for the purposes of all cost calculations (though not for the purposes of the required creation time or number of challenges encountered).
  Before attempting the first challenge, the PCs purchase the initial materials by spending 25% of the item’s market price. As part of the final challenge, the PCs must pay the remaining amount, accounting for any adjustments.
  The PCs can abandon an item at any time. They don’t have to pay the remaining amount, but they can’t use the materials from one attempt on another item.

The default amount of time it takes to create an item with this system is the same as in the normal item creation rules (Core Rulebook 548). The process can’t be accelerated by increasing check DCs as with the normal rules.Space the challenges out evenly. For instance, having four challenges for a 10,000 gp item (two base, two random) means having a challenge at the beginning, another after 3 days of work, the third challenge 7 days in, and the final on day 10.

    The first challenge, preparing the vessel, sets some base statistics for the new magic item. Further challenges can cause adjustments to the magic item. The GM can create her own challenges, and should consider the DCs of the challenge’s tasks when deciding adjustments. Challenges with lower DCs should typically have benefits that merely avoid negative adjustments, while challenges with higher DCs should be more likely to add beneficial adjustments.
  Cost: Challenges that adjust the cost increase or decrease the crafting cost by increments of 5% of the final market price. The cost can go over 100%, meaning the item would cost more to make than its market price. The final cost can never be lower than the initial 25% investment; the characters can’t get a refund of that expenditure.
  Time: Challenges may add or subtract the number of remaining days of work required to create the item. When this happens, adjust the timing of challenges accordingly. The total number of days of work can never decrease below 1, nor can it decrease below the number of days the characters have already spent crafting the item. For example, if on day 3 of a 5-day process a successful challenge decreases the time by 1 day, the final challenge will happen on day 4 instead. But if the result says to decrease the time by 3 days, the PC is instead able to attempt the final challenge immediately.
  Perks, Quirks, and Flaws: A challenge may add a beneficial perk, a somewhat neutral quirk, or a detrimental flaw to the item (see pages 187–191). These three types of adjustments give an item a distinct flavor that sets it apart from others of its kind. The GM should secretly roll for perks, quirks, and flaws as they occur, rerolling duplicate or contradictory results. Detect magic and identify typically don’t reveal an item’s perks, quirks, and flaws; analyze dweomer does, though only once the item is complete.
  Destruction: A few challenges can, if critically failed, destroy the in-progress item, which costs the PCs their current investment. Such challenges come with enticing benefits for critically succeeding, making them potentially worth the risk.
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-05, 周日 14:11:25 由 丞相 »

离线 丞相

  • 银渡鸦
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  • 帖子数: 1829
  • 苹果币: 7
  • 还算可以的玩家,以及不行的GM
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-07-29, 周日 10:57:43 »

基础挑战 Base Challenge

  • 制作一个新素体 工艺(物品类型)DC 15+物品CL
  • 奥秘准备  法术辨识DC 15+物品CL
  • 大成功你有了一个高级而有效的素体。将基础价格定为75%市场价,制造时间定为每2000gp市场价1天。
  • 成功 你得到了一个满意的素体。将基础价格定为85%市场价格,制造时间定为每1000gp市场价格1天。
  • 失败 你获得了一个有缺陷的素体。将基础价格定为10%市场价格,制造时间定为每500gp市场价格1天。增加一个缺陷。
  • 大失败 素体已损毁。

  • 临时发挥 使用魔法装置 DC 15+物品CL
  • 满足条件 满足所有制造条件
  • 大成功 你以大师般的手法完成了物品。降低10%物品花费。
  • 成功 你完成了物品。
  • 失败 物品已毁坏。
  • 大失败 -

随机挑战 Random Challenges
GM应该暗骰决定玩家在制作物品时会面临的挑战。 或者,GM可以根据战役的具体情况选择特定的挑战。

D%  挑战
1-4  怪异怪癖 Aberrant mutation
5-8  挑战工艺 Challenging construction
9-12  矛盾指引  Contradictory instructions
13-16  神秘的交叉引用 Cryptic cross-reference
17-20  恼人访客 Distracting visitor
21-24  情感诉求 Emotion requirement
25-28  能量过载 Energy overload
29-32  诱人报价 Enticing offer
33-36  脆弱组件 Fragile components
37-40  历史性疑难 Historic stumbling block
41-44  非法材料 Illegal ingredients
45-48  污染材料 Infested ingredients
49-52  材料产生半智能 Ingredients develop quasi-sentience
53-56  幽魂侵扰 Intrusive spirit
57-60  地脉交汇 Ley line convergence
61-64  魔化共鸣 Magical resonance
65-68  位面特质 Planar peculiarity
69-72  稀有文献 Rare reference
73-76  原料短缺 Reagent shortage
77-80  帝王要素 Regal requisite
81-84  冗长说明 Sesquipedalian elucidation
85-88  结构缺陷 Structural flaw
89-92  灵光一闪 Sudden inspiration
93-100  职业限定挑战 Class-specific challenge(见185页)

怪异怪癖 Aberrant mutation
  • 调整变异 法术辨识 DC 15+物品CL
  • 分析变异 知识(地下城) DC 15+物品CL
  • 大成功 变异有益,1优化。
  • 成功 变异无害,1怪癖
  • 失败 变异有害,1缺陷
  • 大失败 怪癖失控,物品变成了一个同类型或者同位置的价格更低的随机物品。如果不存在更低价的物品,制造的物品损毁,你失去等于25%市场价的金钱,且必须重新开始。

挑战工艺 Challenging construction
  • 蓝图和规划 知识(工程) DC 15+物品CL
  • 依靠自己的手艺 工艺(物品类型) DC 15+物品CL
  • 大成功 超越挑战。-1天,-10%花费。
  • 成功 通过挑战。无调整。
  • 失败 制造成本高昂。+2天,+5%花费
  • 大失败 工艺拙劣。+15%花费,1缺陷。

矛盾指引  Contradictory instructions
  • 辨识合理的选择 知识(奥秘) DC 15+物品CL
  • 选择折中路线 法术辨识 DC 15+物品CL
  • 大成功 集两者之优点。-3天。-5%花费。
  • 成功 矛盾解决。无调整。
  • 失败 失误。+3天。+5%花费。
  • 大失败 兼具双方缺点。+7天,+10%花费。

神秘的交叉引用 Cryptic cross-reference
  • 追踪脚注 语言学DC20
  • 自行弥补 使用魔法装置 DC 15+物品CL
  • 大成功 完美协调。-3天。-5%花费。
  • 成功 优秀记录。-1天。
  • 失败 在书面工作中迷失。+3天。
  • 大失败 一系列失误。+3天,1缺陷。

恼人访客 Distracting visitor
  • 忽略干扰 专注 DC 15+物品CL
  • 送走访客 交涉或威吓 DC 20
  • 大成功 意料之外的帮助。-1天,-5%花费。
  • 成功 短暂交谈。无调整。
  • 失败 分心。+1天,1怪癖。
  • 大失败 被冒犯的访客干扰。+2天,+5%花费,1缺陷。

情感诉求 Emotion requirement
  • 由表演引出 表演(任意) DC 20+物品CL
  • 操控他人 唬骗 DC 20+物品CL
  • 大成功 情感之力奔涌。-5%花费,1优化。
  • 成功 恰当的情感。无调整。
  • 失败 平淡的情感。+1天,+5%花费,1怪癖。
  • 大失败 对立情感的干扰。+3天,+10%花费,1缺陷。

能量过载 Energy overload
  • 导入你的体内 强韧 DC 20+物品CL
  • 分流到其他物品 工艺(物品类型) DC 20+物品CL
  • 大成功 平衡了过载。-2天,-10%花费,1优化。
  • 成功 分流了过载。1怪癖。
  • 失败 不菲的损失。+7天,+15%花费。
  • 大失败 离奇爆炸。物品损毁。制造者受到每物品施法者等级1d6点伤害。

诱人报价 Enticing offer
  • 辨清价值 察言观色 DC 20
  • 采纳提案 法术辨识 DC 20+物品CL
  • 大成功 确实有效!-1天,-5%花费,1怪癖。
  • 成功 避免了恶作剧。无调整。
  • 失败 并不像说的那样。-1天,-5%花费,2缺陷。
  • 大失败 完全的骗局。+1天,+5%花费,2缺陷。

脆弱组件 Fragile components
  • 改善设计 工艺(物品类型) DC 15+物品CL
  • 精细操作 手上功夫 DC 15+物品CL
  • 大成功 无瑕的材料。-10%花费。
  • 成功 完好的素材。无调整
  • 失败 素材受损。+1天,+5%花费。
  • 大失败 物品损毁。你失去等于25%市场价的金钱,且必须重新开始。

历史性疑难 Historic stumbling block
  • 研读历史 知识(历史) DC 25
  • 自己钻研 法术辨识 DC 20+物品CL
  • 大成功 精妙地解决了问题。-3天,-5%花费。
  • 成功 避开了失误。-1天。
  • 失败 犯了同样的错误。+3天,+10%花费。
  • 大失败 灾难性地错用了技术。+7天,+10%花费,1缺陷。

非法材料 Illegal ingredients
  • 求助于黑市 知识(本地) DC 25
  • 自行走私 手上功夫 DC 30
  • 大成功 卖掉了多余的。-10%花费。
  • 成功 得到了正好的。无调整。
  • 失败 无法获得。+5天,+5%花费,1怪癖。
  • 大失败 被逮捕和处罚。+15%花费,试图走私的制造者被拘捕并监禁,或是逃脱了监禁并在逃亡。

污染材料 Infested ingredients
  • 取得廉价的备品 估价 DC 25
  • 净化感染 医疗 DC 30
  • 大成功 供大于求。-5%花费
  • 成功 防止了危机。无调整。
  • 失败 被迫付出高价。+10%花费。
  • 大失败 感染侵入了物品。+5%花费,1怪癖,1缺陷。

材料产生半智能 Ingredients develop quasi-sentience
  • 劝说材料发挥更好的效果 驯养动物 DC 30
  • 以魔法降服材料 法术辨识 DC 15+物品CL
  • 大成功 顺利进行制作,但物品变成与你阵营相同的智能物品,它喜欢你。
  • 成功 材料顺从你的工作。如果你劝说了材料,1优化。如果你降服了材料,-5%花费。
  • 失败 材料反抗了你,并逃走或破坏了物品。+15%花费,1缺陷。
  • 大失败 顺利进行制作,但物品变成与你阵营相反的智能物品,它讨厌你。

幽魂侵扰 Intrusive spirit
  • 驱散幽魂 知识(宗教) DC 25
  • 寻求幽魂的协助 交涉 DC 20+物品CL
  • 大成功 幽魂释怀了。-3天,-5%花费,1优化。
  • 成功 如果驱散了幽魂,无调。如果寻求了幽魂的协助,-1天,-5%花费,1优化。
  • 失败 幽魂干扰了工作。+3天,+5%花费,1怪癖。
  • 大失败 幽魂被激怒。物品被诅咒。

地脉交汇 Ley line convergence
  • 对应调整 知识(奥秘) DC 20+物品CL
  • 寻找最佳地点 知识(地理) DC 25
  • 大成功 有利的交汇。-2天,1优化。
  • 成功 满意的地点。无调整。
  • 失败 偏差的地点。+3天,1怪癖。
  • 大失败 有害的交汇。+10%花费,1缺陷。

魔化共鸣 Magical resonance
  • 分析原因 法术辨识 DC 15+物品CL
  • 顺应韵律 表演(任意) DC 15+物品CL
  • 大成功 共鸣之力显现。-1天,1优化。
  • 成功 共鸣被限制住了。1怪癖。
  • 失败 共鸣干扰了制作。+1天,+5%花费,1怪癖。
  • 大失败 失控!+3天,+10%花费,1缺陷。

位面特质 Planar peculiarity
  • 参考位面仪 知识(位面) DC 25
  • 寻求异界生物的援助 交涉 DC 20+物品CL
  • 大成功 完美校准。-3天,-5%花费,1优化。
  • 成功 恰好校准。-1天。
  • 失败 糟糕的校准。+1天,1怪癖,1缺陷。
  • 大失败 灾难性的校准。+3天,+5%花费,1缺陷。

稀有文献 Rare reference
  • 查看卡片目录 语言学 DC 20
  • 浏览书架 察觉 DC 30
  • 大成功 轻松取得。-3天。
  • 成功 找到了!-1天。恰好校准。-1天。
  • 失败 费时寻找。+3天。
  • 大失败 巨大的耗时和花费。+10天,+5%花费。

原料短缺 Reagent shortage
  • 临时制造材料 工艺(炼金) DC 30
  • 搜寻更多 生存 DC 25
  • 大成功 奇妙的组合。-5%花费,1优化。
  • 成功 足够的材料。无调整。
  • 失败 缺失的材料。+10%花费。
  • 大失败 糟糕的混合。+5%花费,1缺陷。

帝王要素 Regal requisite
  • 开拓贵族关系 知识(贵族) DC 25
  • 伪造材料 使用魔法装置 DC 20+物品CL
  • 大成功 王族协助了你。1优化。
  • 成功 如果靠贵族关系, 无调整。如果伪造了材料,1怪癖。
  • 失败 引入了杂质。+3天,1缺陷。
  • 大失败 杂质且排斥。+3天,1缺陷,制造者因为开拓贵族关系的被王庭排斥。

冗长说明 Sesquipedalian elucidation
  • 借助词典 语言学 DC 15+物品CL
  • 自己编造 使用魔法装置 DC 20+物品CL
  • 大成功 大师般的博学。-3天,-5%花费。
  • 成功 解读了说明。-1天。
  • 失败 不知所措。+3天,+5%花费。
  • 大失败 困惑。+7天,+10%花费。

结构缺陷 Structural flaw
  • 拆解并调整 解除装置 DC 30
  • 转为优势 工艺(物品类型) DC 20+物品CL
  • 大成功 惊人的益处。+1天,-10%花费,1优化。
  • 成功 谨慎解决。+1天,-5%花费。
  • 失败 无法修复的缺陷。+3天,+5%花费,1缺陷。
  • 大失败 拆解时损毁。你失去等于25%市场价的金钱,且必须重新开始。

灵光一闪 Sudden inspiration
  • 改良物品 法术辨识 DC 20+物品CL
  • 改良方法 知识(奥秘) DC 20+物品CL
  • 大成功 惊人的突破。-2天,-5%花费,1优化。
  • 成功 突破。1优化,如果改良了物品。-2天,如果改良了方法。
  • 失败 方向错误。+1天,1怪癖
  • 大失败 糟糕的点子。+2天,+5%花费,1缺陷。

信仰危机 Crisis of faith神祇庇护的神术施法者
内在动荡 Instability from within 发掘内在力量的施法者,如先知或术士
自然灾害 Natural disaster与自然相联系的施法者,例如德鲁伊或游侠
自然奇观 Natural wonder与自然相联系的施法者,例如德鲁伊或游侠
异界援助 Otherworldly aid与异界、精魂、守护神或者诅咒有关的创造者,例如炼狱术士、先知或者法师
异界干涉 Otherworldly interference与异界、精魂、守护神或者诅咒有关的创造者,例如炼狱术士、先知或者法师
本我涌动 Personal surge发掘内在力量的施法者,如先知或术士
神恩之兆 Sign from the gods神祇庇护的神术施法者

信仰危机 Crisis of faith
  • 坚定 意志豁免 DC 20+物品CL
  • 寻求答案 知识(宗教) DC 15+物品CL
  • 大成功 你的坚定得到报偿。1优化。
  • 成功 度过危机。无调整。
  • 失败 信仰动摇。+1天,+5%花费,1怪癖。
  • 大失败 神祇愤怒。+3天,+10%花费,1缺陷。

内在动荡 Instability from within
  • 解释不稳定性 知识(奥秘)DC15+物品CL
  • 顺应涌动 使用魔法装置 DC20+物品CL
  • 大成功 解明了不稳定因素。-5%花费,1怪癖。
  • 成功 避免了不稳定性。无调整。
  • 失败 不规整的物品。+5%花费,1怪癖。
  • 大失败 不稳定的物品。+5%花费,1怪癖,1缺陷。

自然奇观 Natural wonder
  • 映照奇观之美 工艺(物品类型) DC 20+物品CL
  • 尊重自然 知识(自然) DC 20+物品CL
  • 大成功 奇观的恩惠。-10%花费,1优化。
  • 成功 振奋的奇观。-5%花费,1怪癖。
  • 失败 短暂的奇观。+1天,1怪癖。
  • 大失败 扰人的奇观。+7天,+5%花费,1怪癖。

异界援助 Otherworldly aid
  • 相应地调整工序 工艺(物品类型) DC 20+物品CL
  • 尊重地引导他们的工作 交涉 DC 20+物品CL
  • 大成功 惊人的援助。-6天,-10%花费,1怪癖。
  • 成功 有效的援助。-3天,-5%花费,1怪癖。
  • 失败 无效的援助。1怪癖。
  • 大失败 灾难。+3天,+10%花费,1怪癖,1缺陷。

异界干涉 Otherworldly interference
  • 劝服他们停止 交涉 DC 20+物品CL
  • 采取保护措施 知识(宗教或位面) DC 20+物品CL
  • 大成功 异界的弥补。-3天,-10%花费,1怪癖。
  • 成功 无足轻重的干涉。无调整。
  • 失败 持续的干涉。+5%花费,1怪癖。
  • 大失败 剧烈的干涉。+3天,+5%花费,1怪癖,1缺陷。

本我涌动 Personal surge
  • 拥抱力量 使用魔法装置 DC 20+物品CL
  • 聚焦涌动 法术辨识 DC 20+物品CL
  • 大成功 惊人的涌动。-3天,-5%花费,1优化。
  • 成功 促进涌动。-1天,-5%花费。
  • 失败 浪费了涌动。1怪癖。
  • 大失败 过载。+5%花费,1怪癖,1缺陷。

神恩之兆 Sign from the gods
  • 崇信捐赠 捐赠5%市场价的金钱。
  • 感激恩惠 知识(宗教) DC 20+物品CL
  • 大成功 神圣干预。减半剩余天数,1优化。
  • 成功 祝福的恩惠。1优化。
  • 失败 背信的报应。1缺陷。
  • 大失败

劇透 -   :
The following two challenges bookend the dynamic magic item creation process. Preparing the vessel is always the first challenge, and completing the item is always last.

You must create or prepare an item to handle the magic you intend to instill within it.
Forge a New Vessel Craft (item’s type) DC 15 + item’s caster level
Mystical Preparations Spellcraft DC 15 + item’s caster level
Critical Success You have a superlative and efficient vessel. Set the base cost at 75% of the market price, and set the item’s creation time to 1 day per 2,000 gp of the item’s market price.
Success You have a satisfactory vessel. Set the base cost at 85% of the market price, and set the item’s creation time to 1 day per 1,000 gp of the item’s market price.
Failure You have a flawed vessel. Set the base cost at 100% of the market price, set the item’s creation time to 1 day per 500 gp of the item’s market price, and add one flaw.
Critical Failure The vessel is destroyed.

You put the finishing touches on the item.
Improvise Use Magic Device DC 15 + item’s caster level
Provide the Requirements Meet all the item’s prerequisites
Critical Success You complete the item with a masterful flourish. Reduce the item’s cost by 10%.
Success You have completed the item.
Failure The item is destroyed.
Critical Failure —

The Game Master should roll on the table below to determine which challenges the player characters face while making the item. Alternatively, the GM can instead choose a particular challenge based on the circumstances of the campaign.

d% Challenge
01–04 Aberrant mutation
05–08 Challenging construction
09–12 Contradictory instructions
13–16 Cryptic cross-reference
17–20 Distracting visitor
21–24 Emotion requirement
25–28 Energy overload
29–32 Enticing offer
33–36 Fragile components
37–40 Historic stumbling block
41–44 Illegal ingredients
45–48 Infested ingredients
49–52 Ingredients develop quasi-sentience
53–56 Intrusive spirit
57–60 Ley line convergence
61–64 Magical resonance
65–68 Planar peculiarity
69–72 Rare reference
73–76 Reagent shortage
77–80 Regal requisite
81–84 Sesquipedalian elucidation
85–88 Structural flaw
89–92 Sudden inspiration
93–100 Class-specific challenge (see page 185)

The item’s components have mutated, and so has your item, evolving in strange new ways.
Alter Mutation Spellcraft DC 15 + item’s caster level
Analyze Mutation Knowledge (dungeoneering) DC 25
Critical Success Mutation proves helpful. 1 perk.
Success Mutation proves harmless. 1 quirk.
Failure Mutation proves harmful. 1 flaw.
Critical Failure Mutation spirals out of control. Item switches to a random item of the same type or slot, but of lesser value. If none exists, the item is instead destroyed; you lose 25% of the item’s market price and must start over.

One or more elements of your item’s design are particularly
difficult to execute.
Blueprint and Plan Knowledge (engineering) DC 25
Rely on Your Craftsmanship Craft (item’s type) DC 20 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Challenge exceeded. –1 day, –10% cost.
Success Challenge overcome. No adjustment.
Failure Construction proved costly. +2 days, +5% cost.
Critical Failure Construction botched. +15% cost, 1 flaw.

Two respected sources disagree vehemently on the next step in the process.
Discern the Sounder Choice Knowledge (arcana) DC 15 + item’s caster level
Take a Middle Path Spellcraft DC 20 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Best of both worlds. –3 days, –5% cost.
Success Contradiction resolved. No adjustment.
Failure Misstep. +3 days, +5% cost.
Critical Failure Worst of both worlds. +7 days, +10% cost.

You’re having trouble figuring out where to find the information you need across multiple volumes.
Follow the Footnotes Linguistics DC 20
Make Something Up Use Magic Device DC 15 + the item’s caster level
Critical Success Perfect coordination. –3 days, –5% cost.
Success Excellent notes. –1 day.
Failure Lost in paperwork. +3 days.
Critical Failure Series of missteps. +3 days, 1 flaw.

An unwanted interloper shows up while you’re trying to work,
making it challenging to concentrate.
Ignore the Distraction concentration DC 15 + item’s caster level
Send the Visitor Away Diplomacy or Intimidate DC 20
Critical Success Unexpected helpfulness. –1 day, –5% cost.
Success Short chat. No adjustment.
Failure Distracted. +1 day, 1 quirk.
Critical Failure Offended visitor interferes. +2 days, +5% cost, 1 flaw.

In order to create the item, you need to harness a particular raw emotion.
Elicit through Performance Perform (any) DC 20 + item’s caster level
Manipulate Others Bluff DC 20 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Power from emotional surge. –5% cost, 1 perk.
Success Harnessed emotions. No adjustment.
Failure Tepid emotions. +1 day, +5% cost, 1 quirk.
Critical Failure Interference from opposing emotions. +3 days, +10% cost, 1 flaw.

A sudden surge of energy builds up within your item, threatening to damage or destroy it.
Channel into Your Body Fortitude DC 20 + item’s caster level
Divert to Another Item Craft (item’s type) DC 20 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Overload leveraged. –2 days, –10% cost, 1 perk.
Success Overload diverted. 1 quirk.
Failure Expensive damage. +7 days, +15% cost.
Critical Failure Eldritch explosion. Item destroyed. Creators take 1d6 points of damage per caster level of the item.

A shady figure approaches you with an offer that would make
completing your item faster and cheaper.
Discern True Worth Sense Motive DC 20
Incorporate Offer Spellcraft DC 20 + item’s caster level
Critical Success It actually worked! –1 day, –5% cost, 1 quirk.
Success Avoid mischief. No adjustment.
Failure Not exactly as advertised. –1 day, –5% cost, 2 flaws.
Critical Failure Completely duped. +1 day, +5% cost, 2 flaws.

Some of the most important components of your item are extremely fragile.
Reinforce Design Craft (item’s type) DC 15 + item’s caster level
Use a Delicate Touch Sleight of Hand DC 15 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Flawless components. –10% cost.
Success Undamaged components. No adjustment.
Failure Damaged components. +1 day, +5% cost.
Critical Failure Item destroyed. Lose 25% of the item’s market price and start over.

Your creation techniques have run across a challenging difficulty experienced by many past crafters.
Learn from History Knowledge (history) DC 25
Solve It Yourself Spellcraft DC 20 + item’s caster level
Critical Success An amazing workaround overcomes the issue. –3 days, –5% cost.
Success Stumble avoided. –1 day.
Failure Doomed to repeat the same mistake. +3 days, +10% cost.
Critical Failure Misapplied techniques result in disaster. +7 days, +10% cost, 1 flaw.

One or more of the necessary ingredients is flagrantly illegal, and needs to be acquired through criminal means.
Entreat the Black Market Knowledge (local) DC 25
Smuggle It Yourself Sleight of Hand DC 30
Critical Success Sell surplus to a fence. –10% cost.
Success Found just enough. No adjustment.
Failure Failed procurement. +5 days, +5% cost, 1 quirk.
Critical Failure Arrested and fined. +15% cost, creator attempting smuggling is arrested and sentenced to jail time or escapes custody and is on the run.

Critical ingredients were infested by an exotic rot or colony of vermin, rendering them unusable.
Procure Inexpensive Replacements Appraise DC 25
Purge the Infestation Heal DC 30
Critical Success Seller’s market. –5% cost.
Success Crisis averted. No adjustment.
Failure Gouged on prices. +10% cost.
Critical Failure Infestation spreads into item. +5% cost, 1 quirk, 1 flaw.

Somehow, one or more of your item’s components have developed a limited intelligence.
Coax Ingredients to Greater Performance Handle Animal DC 30
Magically Force Ingredients into Order Spellcraft DC 15 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Item proceeds as normal but becomes an intelligent item of your alignment, and it likes you.
Success Ingredients work with you. 1 perk if you coaxed the ingredients; –5% cost if you coerced the ingredients.
Failure Ingredients rebel against you and escape or sabotage the item. +15% cost, 1 flaw.
Critical Failure Item proceeds as normal but becomes an intelligent item of a contrary alignment, and it hates you.

Your item’s creation draws the attention of a wandering spirit with some affinity for the item.
Exorcise Spirit Knowledge (religion) DC 25
Seek Spirit’s Aid Diplomacy DC 20 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Spirit’s release. –3 days, –5% cost, 1 perk.
Success No adjustment for exorcising the spirit; –1 day, –5% cost, 1 quirk for seeking the spirit’s aid.
Failure Spirit’s interference. +3 days, +5% cost, 1 quirk.
Critical Failure Spirit’s wrath. Item is cursed.

The item’s creation is dependent on the energy of intersecting ley lines or of another magical location.
Adjust Accordingly Knowledge (arcana) DC 20 + item’s caster level
Find the Perfect Spot Knowledge (geography) DC 25
Critical Success Auspicious convergence. –2 days, 1 perk.
Success Satisfactory location. No adjustment.
Failure Misaligned location. +3 days, 1 quirk.
Critical Failure Deleterious convergence. +10% cost, 1 flaw.

The magical auras of several components thrum with a strange resonance whenever they are near each other.
Analyze the Cause Spellcraft DC 15 + item’s caster level
Follow the Rhythm Perform (any) DC 15 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Resonant power revealed. –1 day, 1 perk.
Success Resonance limited. 1 quirk.
Failure Resonance interferes. +1 day, +5% cost, 1 quirk.
Critical Failure Out of control! +3 days, +10% cost, 1 flaw.

You realize that your item’s creation is influenced by planar convergences or other peculiarities.
Consult a Planar Orrery Knowledge (planes) DC 25
Secure Outsider’s Assistance Diplomacy DC 20 + item’s
caster level
Critical Success Perfectly aligned. –3 days, –5% cost, 1 perk.
Success Well aligned. –1 day.
Failure Poorly aligned. +1 day, 1 quirk, 1 flaw.
Critical Failure Catastrophically aligned. +3 days, +5% cost, 1 flaw.

You uncovered a reference that a rare book located in a large library will help with the item’s creation.
Check the Card Catalog Linguistics DC 20
Scan the Shelves Perception DC 30
Critical Success Expedient search. –3 days.
Success Found it! –1 day.
Failure Lengthy search. +3 days.
Critical Failure Huge delays and fees. +10 days, +5% cost.

You suddenly realize that you don’t have enough stock of an important ingredient.
Improvise a Substitution Craft (alchemy) DC 30
Search for More Survival DC 25
Critical Success Amazing combination. –5% cost, 1 perk.
Success Sufficient components. No adjustment.
Failure Missing component. +10% cost.
Critical Failure Terrible mix. +5% cost, 1 flaw.

Your item requires a king’s hair, a prince’s kiss, or some other participation from high-ranking nobility.
Exploit Noble Ties Knowledge (nobility) DC 25
Falsify the Ingredients Use Magic Device DC 20 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Regal synergy. 1 perk.
Success No adjustment for noble ties; 1 quirk for falsified ingredients.
Failure Introduced impurities. 1 flaw.
Critical Failure Impurities and ostracism. +3 days, 1 flaw, creator attempting to exploit noble ties is ostracized at court.

The instructions for your next component are nearly impossible to understand due to abstruse language.
Consult a Dictionary Linguistics DC 15 + item’s caster level
Make Up Your Own Big Words Use Magic Device DC 20 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Master of erudition. –3 days, –5% cost.
Success Instructions elucidated. –1 day.
Failure Nonplussed. +3 days, +5% cost.
Critical Failure Confounded. +7 days, +10% cost.

Partway through the creation process, you notice a flaw in the item’s physical design.
Disassemble and Adjust Disable Device DC 30
Turn to Your Advantage Craft (item’s type) DC 20 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Surprising benefits. +1 day, –10% cost, 1 perk.
Success Meticulousness pays off. +1 day, –5% cost.
Failure Insurmountable flaw. +3 days, +5% cost, 1 flaw.
Critical Failure Item destroyed in disassembly. Lose 25% of the item’s market price and start over.

You are struck with a sudden stroke of brilliance and alter the creation process.
Improve the Item Spellcraft DC 20 + item’s caster level
Improve the Methodology Knowledge (arcana) DC 20 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Incredible breakthrough. –2 days, –5% cost, 1 perk.
Success Breakthrough. 1 perk for improved item; –2 days for improved methodology.
Failure False lead. +1 day, 1 quirk.
Critical Failure Terrible idea. +2 days, +5% cost, 1 flaw.

To generate a class-specific challenge, determine which of the following challenges applies to at least one creator working on the item and pick one randomly from among those options. If none of these applies, choose a fitting challenge from the previous section (such as illegal ingredients for a rogue or rare reference for a wizard).

Challenge Appropriate Creators
Crisis of faith Divine spellcaster with a patron deityInstability from within Spellcaster who draws power from within, such as an oracle or a sorcerer
Natural disaster Creator with a connection to nature, such as a druid or a ranger
Natural wonder Creator with a connection to nature, such as a druid or a ranger
Otherworldly aid Creator with a connection to outsiders, spirits, a patron, or a curse, such as an infernal sorcerer, an oracle, or a witch
Otherworldly interference Creator with a connection to outsiders, spirits, a patron, or a curse, such as an infernal sorcerer, an oracle, or a witch
Personal surge Spellcaster who draws power from within, such as an oracle or a sorcerer
Sign from the gods Divine spellcaster with a patron deity

During the creation process, you experience ill omens from your patron deity that make you question your very faith.
Persevere Will DC 20 + item’s caster level
Search for Answers Knowledge (religion) DC 15 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Perseverance pays off. 1 perk.
Success Crisis overcome. No adjustment.
Failure Shaken faith. +1 day, +5% cost, 1 quirk.
Critical Failure Patron’s ire. +3 days, +10% cost, 1 flaw.

Something within you emerges at an inopportune time and threatens the item’s creation.
Account for the Instability Knowledge (arcana) DC 15 + item’s caster level
Roll with It Use Magic Device DC 20 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Instability exploited. –5% cost, 1 quirk.
Success Instability avoided. No adjustment.
Failure Erratic item. +5% cost, 1 quirk.
Critical Failure Unstable item. +5% cost, 1 quirk, 1 flaw.

During a stage of the item’s creation in a natural setting, there’s an unexpected natural disaster.
Harness the Power Use Magic Device DC 20 + item’s caster level
Take the Proper Precautions Survival DC 15 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Shaped by the disaster’s power. –10% cost, 1 quirk, 1 perk.
Success Danger avoided. 1 quirk for harnessing the power; no adjustment for precautions.
Failure Damaging disaster. +7 days, +10% cost.
Critical Failure Disastrous consequences. Item destroyed. Lose 25% of the item’s market price and start over. Creators take 1d6 points of damage per item’s caster level of an energy type appropriate to the disaster.

During a stage of the item’s creation in a natural setting, a rare wonder of nature reveals itself.
Reflect on the Wonder’s Beauty Craft (item’s type) DC 20 + item’s caster level
Show Respect for Nature Knowledge (nature) DC 20 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Wondrous boon. –10% cost, 1 perk.
Success Inspiring wonder. –5% cost, 1 quirk.
Failure Ephemeral wonder. +1 day, 1 quirk.
Critical Failure Distracting wonder. +7 days, +5% cost, 1 quirk.

Otherworldly beings are tampering with your item’s creation in an attempt to assist you.
Alter Construction Accordingly Craft (item’s type) DC 20 + item’s caster level
Respectfully Redirect Their Efforts Diplomacy DC 20 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Incredible Aid. –6 days, –10% cost, 1 quirk.
Success Effective Aid. –3 days, –5% cost, 1 quirk.
Failure Ineffective Aid. 1 quirk.
Critical Failure Disaster. +3 days, +10% cost, 1 quirk, 1 flaw.

Otherworldly beings are meddling with your item’s creation, whether from near or afar.
Convince Them to Stop Diplomacy DC 20 + item’s caster level
Use Protective Measures Knowledge (religion or planes) DC 20 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Otherworldly repairs. –3 days, –10% cost, 1 quirk.
Success Inconsequential interference. No adjustment.
Failure Unrelenting interference. +5% cost, 1 quirk.
Critical Failure Severe interference. +3 days, +5% cost, 1 quirk, 1 flaw.

A surge of beneficial power springs up from unknown depths within you.
Embrace the Power Use Magic Device DC 20 + item’s caster level
Focus the Surge Spellcraft DC 20 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Incredible surge. –3 days, –5% cost, 1 perk.
Success Surging boost. –1 day, –5% cost.
Failure Squandered surge. 1 quirk.
Critical Failure Overload. +5% cost, 1 quirk, 1 flaw.

During the creation process, you receive signs that indicate your patron’s favor.
Donate to the Faith Donate 5% of the item’s market price or more to the patron’s interests
Offer Prayers of Thanks Knowledge (religion) DC 20 + item’s caster level
Critical Success Divine intervention. Halve the remaining
number of days, 1 perk.
Success Favor’s blessing. 1 perk.
Failure Ingratitude’s comeuppance. 1 flaw.
Critical Failure —
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-05, 周日 14:11:42 由 丞相 »

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« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-08-03, 周五 22:44:55 »

01-04轻量 Lightweight物品的重量为通常的一半。
05-08耐久 Durable这个物品有着两倍于通常物品的生命值。
09-12坚固 Impervious这个物品的硬度比通常高5点。
13-16亲能 Energy-kissed这个物品对一个随机类别的能量免疫,但不会赋予持有者这个免疫效果。
17-20神圣 Sacred1物品上有发光的制造者圣徽或邪徽的图案,可视为圣徽或邪徽在任意场合使用。如果有多个制造者,则他们必须选择其中一个神祇的圣徽或邪徽。
21-24虔诚 Faithful1当其效果有益于制造者的神祇的信徒,或是对抗神祇所厌恶的信仰的崇拜者时(如果神祇厌恶多个信仰,则由制造者选择其一),物品的施法者等级视为高1级。这个物品也会在对抗被厌恶的信仰的崇拜者时,为伤害提供+1加值。如果有多个制造者,则他们必须选择其中一个神祇。
25-28护盾 Shielding物品抵消每天第一个指向它或它的持有者的魔法飞弹,如果施法者对持有者同时发射了多发飞弹,击中持有者的飞弹数量减1。
29-32触手 Tentacled touch2如同畸变怪癖,但触手可伸长,允许物品以额外5尺的触及范围传递接触效果。这不会在增加魔法武器的武器触及范围。
33-36隐刻 Inscribed物品的持有者可以花费一个整轮动作在物品表面刻下至多25字的隐藏信息。这个信息保持隐形,直到下一次被生物持握,或是说出一个特定的口令。雕刻新的消息会抹去原有的信息。
37-40热切 Eager这个物品总是想被其拥有者穿戴或持有。拥有者可以迅捷动作取出热切武器或是手持物品,以一半时间穿上热切护甲,以迅捷动作穿上其他热切物品,但需要花两倍时间脱去热切护甲,或以整轮动作移除或是放回其他热切物品。对热切物品的卸武或盗取DC增加5。
41-44索敌 Enemy glow这个物品在一个特定类别的敌人接近时发光。选择一个合适的类别,或是从游侠的宿敌列表中随机选择。
45-48憎恨 Hated Foe3这个武器在击中特定类别的生物时造成1点额外伤害。选择一个合适的类别,或是从游侠的宿敌列表中随机选择。
49-52熟稔 Skillful物品为一个随机技能赋予+1表现加值。
53-56典范 Exemplar4这个物品是其类别的完美典范,赋予对抗同类物品的优势。典范武器赋予+1 AC加值对抗同类武器(如长剑),典范护甲赋予攻击检定+1加值对抗穿着同类护甲(如胸甲)的敌人,启动式物品赋予+1豁免加值对抗其他完全相同的物品(如火炎法杖只会在对抗其他火炎法杖时提供效果,而不是其他法杖)
57-60谦逊 Unassuming物品表现得无魔法,如同被魔法灵光影响了一样。
61-64幸运 Lucky每天,物品有50%的几率当天会在一个随机类型的豁免上赋予持有者+1幸运加值
65-68龙脉 Draconic随机决定一类色彩或金属龙,这个物品具有着这种龙鳞颜色的光泽,并赋予持有者3点能量抗力,与龙息的伤害类型对应。
69-72连心 Mindlinked5这个物品与其拥有者相连,是他能以意念命令它。动作花费是相同的,但不会发出声音,启动是完全的精神动作。
73-76信使 Messenger每周一次,这个物品可以变形成一个动物并传达消息,如同动物信使法术一样。
77-79健康 Healthful当受到任意魔法效果使她恢复生命值时,这个物品的持有者可以恢复额外1点生命值。
80-82充能 Energetic3这个物品造成1点额外的能量伤害,其类型在制造时随机选择。这个伤害不会在重击时翻倍。
83-85月华 Lunar当暴露在月光之下时,这个物品会使邻接其持有者的敌人在对抗睡眠术或类似效果时,豁免受到-1减值。
86-88日耀 Solar当暴露于日光之下时,这个物品会使邻接其持有者的敌人目眩,只要他们还保持邻接。
89-91潜能 Potent物品的施法者等级比通常高1级。
92-94密探 Spying物品向其拥有者传送感知信息,如同锐耳术/鹰眼术的传感器。拥有者必须噫一个标准动作专注来接受信息,取代其自身的视觉或听觉感官,这个效果在她不专注时无效。制造时随机决定物品中继视觉或听觉信息。
95-97缩放 Resizing物品会自动改变大小适应其持有者的体型。尺寸的改变需要花费1分钟。
97-100利己 Egoistic3持有者所有影响一个特定的武器或武器组的专长或职业能力改为影响利己武器的类型或武器组,只要他拥有该武器。如果持有者可以选择多于一个类别或武器组,则她可以哪些保留,哪个改为利己武器的类型或组。

劇透 -  非表格形式:
轻量 Lightweight:物品的重量为通常的一半。
耐久 Durable:这个物品有着两倍于通常的生命值。
坚固 Impervious:这个物品的硬度比通常高5点。
亲能 Energy-kissed:这个物品对一个随机类别的能量免疫,但不会赋予持有者这个免疫效果。
神圣 Sacred:物品上有发光的制造者圣徽或邪徽的图案,可视为圣徽或邪徽在任意场合使用。如果有多个制造者,则他们必须选择其中一个神祇的圣徽或邪徽。
虔诚 Faithful:当其效果有益于制造者的神祇的信徒,或是对抗神祇所厌恶的信仰的崇拜者时(如果神祇厌恶多个信仰,则由制造者选择其一),物品的施法者等级视为高1级。这个物品也会在对抗被厌恶的信仰的崇拜者时,为伤害提供+1加值。如果有多个制造者,则他们必须选择其中一个神祇。
护盾 Shielding:物品抵消每天第一个指向它或它的持有者的魔法飞弹,如果施法者对持有者同时发射了多发飞弹,击中持有者的飞弹数量减1.
触手 Tentacled touch:如同异怪突变,但触手可伸长,允许物品以额外5尺的触及范围传递接触效果。这不会在增加魔法武器的武器触及范围。
隐刻 Inscribed:物品的持有者可以花费一个整轮动作在物品表面刻下至多25字的隐藏信息。这个信息保持隐形,直到下一次被生物持握,或是说出一个特定的口令。雕刻新的消息会抹去原有的信息。
热切 Eager:这个物品总是想被其拥有者穿戴或持有。拥有者可以迅捷动作取出热切武器或是手持物品,以一半时间穿上热切护甲,以迅捷动作穿上其他热切物品,但需要花两倍时间脱去热切护甲,或以整轮动作移除或是放回其他热切物品。对热切物品的卸武或盗取DC增加5。
索敌 Enemy glow:这个物品在一个特定类别的敌人接近时发光。选择一个合适的类别,或是从游侠的宿敌列表中随机选择(核心规则手册64页)。
憎恨 Hated Foe:这个武器在击中特定类别的生物时造成1点额外伤害。选择一个合适的类别,或是从游侠的宿敌列表中随机选择(核心规则手册64页)。
熟稔 Skillful:物品为一个随机技能赋予+1表现加值。
典范 Exemplar:这个物品是其类别的完美典范,赋予对抗同类物品的优势。典范武器赋予+1 AC加值对抗同类武器(如长剑),典范护甲赋予攻击检定+1加值对抗穿着同类护甲(如胸甲)的敌人,启动式物品赋予+1豁免加值对抗其他完全相同的物品(如火炎法杖只会在对抗其他火炎法杖时提供效果,而不是其他法杖)
谦逊 Unassuming:物品表现得无魔法,如同被魔法灵光影响了一样。
幸运 Lucky:每天,物品有50%的几率当天会在一个随机类型的豁免上赋予持有者+1幸运加值
龙脉 Draconic:随机决定一类色彩或金属龙,这个物品具有着这种龙鳞颜色的光泽,并赋予持有者3点能量抗力,对应龙的吐息的伤害类型。
连心 Mindlinked:这个物品与其拥有者相连,是他能以意念命令它。动作花费是相同的,但不会发出声音,启动是完全的精神动作。
信使 Messenger:每周一次,这个物品可以变形成一个动物并传达消息,如同动物信使法术一样。
健康 Healthful:当受到任意魔法效果使她恢复生命值时,这个物品的持有者可以恢复额外1点生命值。
充能 Energetic:这个物品造成1点额外的能量伤害,其类型在制造时随机选择。这个伤害不会在重击时翻倍。
月华 Lunar:当暴露在月光之下时,这个物品会使邻接其持有者的敌人在对抗睡眠术或类似效果时,豁免受到-1减值。
日耀 Solar:当暴露于日光之下时,这个物品会使邻接其持有者的敌人目眩,只要他们还保持邻接
潜能 Potent:物品的施法者等级比通常高1级。
密探 Spying:物品向其拥有者传送感知信息,如同锐耳术/鹰眼术的传感器。拥有者必须噫一个标准动作专注来接受信息,取代其自身的视觉或听觉感官,这个效果在她不专注时无效。制造时随机决定物品中继视觉或听觉信息。
缩放 Resizing:物品会自动改变大小适应其持有者的体型。尺寸的改变需要花费1分钟。
利己 Egoistic:持有者所有影响一个特定的武器或武器组的专长或职业能力改为影响利己武器的类型或武器组,只要他拥有该武器。如果持有者可以选择多于一个类别或武器组,则她可以哪些保留,哪个改为利己武器的类型或组。

劇透 -  原文:
Perks are beneficial adjustments to an item, often gained from critical success at a challenge. The strongest perks tend to have the highest numbers on the table below. Reroll duplicates and perks that don’t fit the item. Feel free to invent your own perks or apply an appropriate perk without rolling.

d% Perk
01–04 Lightweight
05–08 Durable
09–12 Impervious
13–16 Energy-kissed
17–20 Sacred1
21–24 Faithful1
25–28 Shielding
29–32 Tentacled touch2
33–36 Inscribed
37–40 Eager
41–44 Enemy glow
45–48 Hated Foe3
49–52 Skillful
53–56 Exemplar4
57–60 Unassuming
61–64 Lucky
65–68 Draconic
69–72 Mindlinked5
73–76 Messenger
77–79 Healthful
80–82 Energetic3
83–85 Lunar
86–88 Solar
89–91 Potent
92–94 Spying
95–97 Resizing
98–100 Egoistic3
1 Creator must have levels in a divine spellcasting class and have a patron deity.
2 Item must be one that delivers effects upon touch, such as a staff or a wand.
3 Item must be a weapon.
4 Item must be a weapon, armor, or an activated item.
5 Item must be activated by a command word.

Draconic: Determine a random type of chromatic or metallic dragon. The item has a sheen in the color of that dragon’s scales, and grants its bearer 3 points of energy resistance against the damage type that dragon’s breath weapon deals.
Durable: The item has twice as many hit points as it normally would.
Eager: The item always wants to be worn or held by its owner. The owner can draw an eager weapon or handheld item as a swift action, don eager armor in half the time, and don any other eager item as a swift action, though it takes twice as long as normal to remove eager armor and 1 full round to remove or stow any other eager item. The DC to disarm or steal an eager item increases by 5.
Egoistic: All of the bearer’s feats and class features that affect a specific weapon or weapon group change to affect the egoistic weapon’s type or group as long as she possesses the weapon. If the bearer can specify more than one type or group, she can choose which weapon or group she retains and which switch to the egoistic weapon’s type or group.
Enemy Glow: The item glows when a specific type of creature is nearby. Either choose an appropriate type or roll one randomly on the ranger’s favored enemy list (Core Rulebook 64).
Energetic: The item deals 1 additional point of damage of an energy type randomly determined upon creation. This damage isn’t multiplied on a critical hit.
Energy-Kissed: The item is immune to a random type of energy, but doesn’t grant this immunity to its bearer.
Exemplar: The item is a perfect example of its kind, granting advantages against similar items. Exemplar weapons grant a +1 AC bonus against other weapons of that type (such as longswords), armors grant a +1 bonus on attack rolls against enemies wearing that type of armor (such as breastplates), and activated items grant a +1 bonus on saving throws against other items of that exact function (so a staff of fire would grant its benefit against other staves of fire, but not against any other staves).
Faithful: The item’s caster level is treated as 1 higher when its effects benefit the faithful of its creator’s patron deity or when used against worshipers of one faith hated by that deity (selected by the creator if the patron hates multiple faiths). The item also gains a +1 bonus on damage rolls against hated worshipers. If more than one creator qualifies, the creators must choose one of their patrons.
Hated Foe: The weapon deals 1 additional point of damage when it hits a specific type of creature. Either choose an appropriate type or roll one randomly on the ranger’s favored enemy list (Core Rulebook 64).
Healthful: The bearer of this item regains 1 additional hit point from any magical effect that causes her to regain hit points.
Impervious: The item’s hardness is 5 higher than usual.
Inscribed: The item’s bearer can spend a full-round action to inscribe a hidden message up to 25 words long on the item’s surface. This message remains invisible until either the next time a creature holds the item or a specific passphrase is spoken. Inscribing a new message erases the previous one.
Lightweight: The item weighs half as much as normal.
Lucky: Each day, there’s a 50% chance the item grants its bearer a +1 luck bonus on a random type of saving throw for that day.
Lunar: While exposed to moonlight, this item causes any enemy adjacent to the bearer to take a –1 penalty on saving throws against sleep and similar effects.
Messenger: Once per week, the item can transform into an animal and deliver a message as the animal messenger spell.
Mindlinked: The item is linked to the owner, who can command it mentally. The action cost is the same, but it doesn’t make noise and the activation is purely mental.
Potent: The item’s caster level is 1 higher than intended.
Resizing: This item automatically resizes itself to match the size of its bearer. The size change takes 1 minute.
Sacred: The item glows with the image of its creator’s holy or unholy symbol, counting as a holy or unholy symbol for all purposes. If more than one creator qualifies, the creators choose one of their patrons’ holy or unholy symbols.
Shielding: This item negates the first magic missile directed at it or its bearer each day. If a caster directs multiple missiles at the bearer simultaneously, reduce the number of missiles that strike the bearer by one.
Skillful: The item grants a +1 competence bonus on checks with a random skill.
Solar: While exposed to sunlight, this item causes an enemy adjacent to the bearer to become dazzled for as long as the two remain adjacent.
Spying: The item transmits sensory information to its owner, as if it were the sensor for a clairaudience/clairvoyance spell. The owner must concentrate on receiving this information instead of her own visual or auditory information as a standard action to gain this benefit, and the effect becomes inert while she isn’t concentrating. Determine randomly upon the item’s creation whether the item relays visual or auditory information.
Tentacled Touch: As the aberrant quirk, but the tentacles can extend, allowing the item to deliver any touch effects with an additional 5 feet of reach. This does not increase the weapon reach of a magic weapon.
Unassuming: The item registers as though it were nonmagical, as though affected by a magic aura spell.
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-05, 周日 14:09:53 由 丞相 »

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Re: 【Uch】动态造物(Dynamic magic item creation)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-08-04, 周六 09:48:23 »

01缺陷 Flaw按照缺陷列表投骰
02-04寄生 Infested这个物品被虫子或其他超微型生物寄生,但是影响其效果或是伤害穿戴者。
05-08异色 Unusually colored物品有着对于其类型而已相当诡异的颜色,比如亮粉色的剑。
09-12变色 Color-altering当持有或穿戴物品时,持有者的瞳色、发色、肤色发生改变。
13-16映心 Mood coloration物品会改变颜色来反映持有者的心情。每个物品有着其自己的颜色心情的对应模式,但了解这种物品异常及其对应模式的人可以在对抗持有者的察言观色检定上获得+2环境加值。
17-20畸变 Aberrant物品有眼睛、嘴和触手,虽然并没有什么用。
21-24高傲 Decorous*物品只有在使用者说“请”时才会启动,如果使用者没有在之后感谢它,它会终止功能1小时。
25-28肮脏 Dirty物品始终被污泥复盖,无论多常清洗。
29-32破旧 Junky物品看起来非常旧、磨损、生锈或是其他低品质的特征,掩盖了其真实的力量。
33-36华贵 Magnificent appearance这件物品看起来十分强大而昂贵,虽然可能并不是这样。
37-40青翠 Verdant树叶、苔藓和藤蔓复盖着物品,并使物品的效果目标长出树叶。
41-44吵闹 Noisy物品使用时会发出奇怪但不独特的巨大噪声,如在挥舞时吱吱叫的硬头锤。
45-48渴血 Bloodthirsty当有20尺内有血溢出时,物品轻微的颤抖。
49-52浮空 Levitating物品在被放下、丢弃或其他无主状态时总是轻微悬浮于地面以上。
53-56蜕皮 Molting物品被鳞状的皮肤复盖,偶尔会蜕掉皮肤长一层新的。
57-60高音 Soprano持有者的声音升高一个八度。
61-64低音 Bass持有者的声音降低一个八度。
65-68大耳 Giant-eared物品持有者的耳朵变成通常的5倍长。
69-72巨鼻 Nose-enlarging物品持有者的鼻子变成通常的5倍长。
73-76灵魂绑定 Spiritbound物品的存在与其设定的主人(由制造者选择)紧密相连,因而这个物品不会离开其主人的掌控。这个物品不会丢失或被窃,也不能被出售或转让。
77-80种族协调 Racially attuned物品持有者被额外视为与制造者之一(制造时随机决定)相同的种族。
81-84忠诚 Loyal物品在被它的制造者之一使用时提供一个优点(制造时随机决定),被其他人使用时,显现一个缺陷(制造时随机决定)。/td]
85-87潮湿 Wet物品及其持有者持续被浸湿。这使得对抗寒冷环境、寒冷效果和闪电效果时豁免受到-1减值,但在对抗炎热环境,火焰效果和着火时豁免获得+1加值。
88-90黏糊 Slimy物品被恶心的粘液复盖,并同样复盖在其持有者身上。持有者在逃脱检定、在用于挣脱擒抱的战技检定和在对抗擒抱的CMD上获得+5环境加值(这些加值不与油腻术或其他类似效果叠加),
91-93不定 Unpredictable*当启动物品时,骰1d6,投出1或2时,对于物品的所有效果而言,DC和施法者等级在此次启动中视为降低1;投出3或4时,无调整;
94-96交合 Convergent物品与另一个位面相连,使它的持有者与一个异界存在发生心灵感应。异界存在为自己的目的与持有者交流。
97-99闪亮 Glittering物品移动时留下一条发光的魔法微粒的轨迹。他们在1轮后消失。这个效果可以以一个关键字启动或终止。
100优化 Perk按照优化列表投骰

劇透 -   :
Quirks are oddities that make an item unusual in a way
that’s generally neither positive nor negative, or may be a
little of both. The more beneficial or double-edged quirks
are higher on the following table. Feel free to invent your
own quirks or apply an appropriate quirk without rolling.

d% Quirk
01 Flaw
02–04 Infested
05–08 Unusually colored
09–12 Color-altering
13–16 Mood coloration
17–20 Aberrant
21–24 Decorous*
25–28 Dirty
29–32 Junky
33–36 Magnificent appearance
37–40 Verdant
41–44 Noisy
45–48 Bloodthirsty
49–52 Levitating
53–56 Molting
57–60 Soprano
61–64 Bass
65–68 Giant-eared
69–72 Nose-enlarging
73–76 Spiritbound
77–80 Racially attuned
81–84 Loyal
85–87 Wet
88–90 Slimy
91–93 Unpredictable*
94–96 Convergent
97–99 Glittering
100 Perk
* Must be an activated item.

Aberrant: The item has eyes, maws, and tentacles, though this has no additional effect.
Bass: The bearer’s voice deepens an octave.
Bloodthirsty: The item shakes slightly whenever blood is spilled within 20 feet of it.
Color-Altering: The color of the bearer’s eyes, hair, or skin changes when she carries or wears the item.
Convergent: The item is connected to another plane, bringing its bearer into telepathic contact with an otherworldly entity. The entity can communicate with the bearer to serve its own ends. Choose an appropriate entity or choose randomly from among outsider subtypes. The entity shouldn’t be a being that can cause harm to the bearer through telepathic contact, such as a star-spawn of Cthulhu (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 254).
Decorous: The item activates only if the user says “please” and ceases function for 1 hour if the user doesn’t thank it afterward.
Dirty: The item is always covered in dirt or mud, no matter how often it is washed or cleaned.
Flaw: Roll on the table of f laws instead.
Giant-Eared: The item’s bearer’s ears increase to five times their original length.
Glittering: The item leaves a trail of glowing, magical motes as it moves. They dissipate after 1 round. This effect can be activated or deactivated with a command word.
Infested: The item is infested with vermin or other Fine creatures that do not interfere with its operation or harm the bearer.
Junky: The item looks extremely old, worn, rusted, or otherwise of low quality, hiding its true power.
Levitating: This item always f loats slightly above the ground when laid down, dropped, or otherwise unattended.
Loyal: The item offers a perk (determined randomly upon creation) when used by one of its creators, but it presents a f law (determined randomly upon creation) for all other users.
Magnificent: The item looks extremely powerful and valuable, even if it isn’t.
Molting: Scaled skin covers this item, and the item occasionally sheds the skin and grows a new one.
Mood Coloration: The item changes colors to ref lect the mood of the bearer. Each item has its own mapping of colors to emotions, but someone with knowledge of the item’s quirk and its mapping who can see the color change gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Sense Motive checks against the bearer.
Noisy: The item makes an odd though not particularly loud noise when in use, such as a mace that squeaks when it’s swung.
Nose-Enlarging: The bearer’s nose becomes five times longer than usual.
Perk: Roll on the table of perks instead.
Racially Attuned: The item’s bearer counts as the race of one of the item’s creators (determined randomly upon creation) as well as her own.
Slimy: The item is covered in putrid slime, which seeps out to cover the bearer as well. The bearer gains a +5 circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks, on combat maneuver checks to break grapples, and to CMD against grapples (these bonuses do not stack with grease or other similar effects), but takes a –2 penalty on Acrobatics, Disable Device, and Disguise checks, as well as on Diplomacy and Handle Animal checks except against creatures that aren’t bothered by putrid slime.
Soprano: The bearer’s voice rises by an octave.
Spiritbound: The item’s reality is imprinted onto its intended owner (creator’s choice), such that the item simply doesn’t exist outside of that owner’s possession. The item can’t be lost or stolen, and it also can’t be sold or transferred.
Unpredictable: When activating the item, roll 1d6. On a 1 or 2, the DC and caster level of all the item’s effects are treated as 1 lower for this activation; on a 3 or 4, there is no adjustment; and on a 5 or 6, the DC and caster level of all the item’s effects are treated as 1 higher for this activation. If this puts the item below the minimum caster level for the intended effect, the activation fails but any charge or daily use is still consumed.
Unusually Colored: The item is an odd color for an item of its type, such as a sword that is bright pink.
Verdant: Leaves, moss, and vines cover the item, and leaves sprout from the targets of the item’s effects.
Wet: The item and bearer are constantly soaking wet. This imposes a –1 penalty on saves against environmental cold, cold effects, and electricity effects, but grants a +1 bonus on saves against environmental heat, fire effects, and catching on fire.
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-05, 周日 14:12:00 由 丞相 »

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« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-08-04, 周六 22:59:21 »

01-04沉重 Heavy物品的重量为通常的两倍。
05-08脆弱 Fragile这个物品只有通常同类物品一半的生命值。
09-12易碎 Vulnerable这个物品的硬度比通常低5点(最低到0)
13-16弱能 Energy weakened这个物品对于一个特定能量类型十分脆弱。那个能量类型可以无视物品的硬度并对物品造成双倍伤害(而非对装备的穿戴者)。随机决定能量类型,或是选择一个与造成这个弱点的挑战对应的能量类型。
17-20刺鼻 Pungent这个物品释放出一种污秽而明显的气味,没有正常方法能除去,它甚至能胜过消除气味等魔法效果。
21-24妖灯 Faerie-lit持有者被彩色的光环绕,如同受到妖火法术一样。
25-28高歌 Singing这个物品始终以响亮的高音唱歌,沉默术或类似效果可以如常压制声音。
29-32报复 Vindictive1当使用这个武器时,使用者只能选择造成致命伤害,而不能造成非致命伤害。如果这个物品通常只能造成非致命伤害,这个缺陷无视此限制。
33-36异常 Anomalous这个物品是一个其他有着相同类型或位置且价钱相同或相近的其他物品,而不是预期的物品。
37-40极度感染 Extremely infested如同寄生异常,但虫子或其他生物在持有者身上爬行,使她在施法或其他需要专注的能力时需要通过专注检定(DC=15+法术等级)。
41-44成瘾 Addictive物品的拥有者在任何时候都不会想放弃这个物品,并在离开这个物品时承受重度成瘾的效果。
45-48暴食 Gluttonous持有者必须吃下10倍于通常的食物,或是受到饥饿效果的影响。该缺陷缺陷忽略降低食量需求的效果(如维生戒指)。
49-52怠惰 Slothful持有者必须每天休息12小时来获得整夜休息的好处,该缺陷忽略降低睡眠时间需求的效果(如维生戒指)。这个效果会影响持有者准备法术或重获法术位的能力。
53-56迷幻 Hallucinogenic持有者看见和听见温和的幻觉,虽然很容易辨别,但这些幻觉还是给察觉和先攻检定带来-2减值。
57-60顺从 Obedient持有者在对抗精神控制效果时意志豁免受到-2减值。这包括所有影响心灵的魅惑或胁迫效果,以及其他GM认为合适的效果。
61-64野蛮 Uncivilized这个物品在任何视为城市的地形上失效。
65-68过敏 Allergic物品对特定类别的生物的存在极为敏感,当30尺内有一个这样的生物时,终止所有魔法效果。选择一个合适的类别,或是从核心规则手册64页的游侠宿敌列表中随机选择。
69-72狂热 Zealous2这个物品只为制造者的神祇的信徒提供效果。如果有多个制造者,随机选择其中一个神祇。
73-76无力 Impotent物品的施法者等级比通常低1级。如果这将使一个魔杖或者法杖低于其最低施法者等级需求,重骰该缺陷。
77-80和平 Pacifistic1当使用这个武器时,使用者只能选择造成非致命伤害(多数情况下受到-4减值),除非对抗构装体和不死生物。
81-84反冲 Backlashing当使用这个物品攻击或启动物品时,使用者因魔法能量反冲受到1d6点伤害。
85-87狂怒 Wrathful在战斗中,持有者的心灵被狂怒蒙蔽,她必须通过DC 20的意志豁免来使用任何不能在野蛮人狂暴中使用的能力。这不会允许野蛮人在狂暴时使用这些能力。
88-90傲慢 Proud持有者不能在援助他人行动中赋予或获得任何好处。
91-93滑手 Slippery3持有物品的生物必须每轮进行DC 15的反射豁免,否则将丢落物品。
94-96垂涎 Enticing其他人垂涎这个物品并试图据为己有。触碰或审视这个物品时,并非这个物品拥有者的生物需要通过一个DC 20的意志豁免,否则垂涎这个物品,并试图不惜一切手段占据它,虽然需求不那么迫切。当一个生物尝试获得物品(或成功豁免)后,其在24小时内对这个物品的垂涎效果免疫。
97-99偏执 Paranoid持有者不再相信任何人,并必须对除了自己以外所有能力和效果尝试豁免,即使它们是无害的。
100+诅咒 Cursed物品获得一个诅咒。按照核心规则手册537页的15–27表投骰决定,或选择一个合适的诅咒。

劇透 -  原文:
Flaws are adjustments to an item that are detrimental in nature. Most are similar to curses, but not nearly as damaging or restrictive to the bearer. Whenever a challenge would add a f law to an item, roll on the following table. In general, the more harmful f laws have higher numbers on the table. Reroll duplicates and f laws that do not fit the  item. Feel free to invent your own f laws or simply choose an appropriate one.
Accumulating Flaws: The more f laws the item has, the more likely it is to become cursed. For each f law beyond the first, add a cumulative +5 modifier to the d% roll until the item gains a curse (after which the +5 modifiers no longer apply). When you decide to create a new f law or choose an appropriate one rather than rolling, you should still roll first to determine whether the item gains a curse instead.

1 Item must be a weapon.
2 Creator must have levels in a divine spellcasting class and have
a patron deity.
3 Item must be a held item.

Addictive: The owner does not want to give up the item under any circumstances, and suffers the effects of severe addiction (Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide 236) when denied access to the item.
Allergic: The item is especially sensitive to the presence of a particular type of creature, and ceases all magical functions whenever it is within 30 feet of such a creature. To determine the creature type, roll randomly or choose an appropriate type on the ranger’s favored enemy list on page 64 of the Core Rulebook.
Anomalous: The item is instead another random magic item of the same type or slot and the same or similar cost as the intended item.
Backlashing: When attacking with or activating the item, the user takes 1d6 points of damage from magical energy backlash.
Cursed: The item gains a curse. Roll on Table 15–27 on page 537 of the Core Rulebook to determine the curse, or choose an appropriate curse.
Energy Weakened: The item is particularly vulnerable to one random energy type. That energy type ignores the item’s hardness and deals double damage to the item (but not to the item’s bearer). Determine the energy type randomly, or choose one thematically tied to the challenge that caused the item to have the weakness.
Enticing: Others covet the item and seek to possess it. Upon touching or examining the item, any creature that does not possess the item must succeed at a DC 20 Will save or covet the item, seeking to gain it by whatever means is most expedient and advantageous, though it need not do so immediately. After one attempt to gain the item (or a successful save), a creature is immune to the item’s enticing effect for 24 hours.
Extremely Infested: As the infested quirk, but the vermin or other creatures crawl over the bearer, requiring her to succeed at concentration checks (DC = 15 + the spell’s level) to cast spells or use other abilities that require concentration.
Faerie-Lit: The bearer is constantly surrounded by colorful light, as if affected by a faerie fire spell.
Fragile: The item has half as many hit points as normal.
Gluttonous: The bearer must gorge upon 10 times as much food as normal or suffer the effects of starvation, ignoring effects that reduce the amount of food required (such as ring of sustenance).
Hallucinogenic: The bearer sees and hears mild hallucinations. While readily discernible as such, these hallucinations still impose a –2 penalty on Perception and initiative checks.
Heavy: The item weighs twice as much as normal.
Impotent: The item’s caster level is 1 lower than intended. If this would cause a wand or staff to fall below the minimum required caster level, reroll this f law.
Obedient: The bearer takes a –2 penalty on all Will saves against effects that exercise mental control. This includes all mind-affecting charm or compulsion effects, as well as any effect the GM deems appropriate.
Pacifistic: When using this weapon, the wielder can only choose to deal nonlethal damage (in most cases imposing a –4 penalty on attack rolls), except against constructs and undead.
Paranoid: The bearer no longer trusts anyone and must attempt saving throws against all abilities and spells but her own, even those that are harmless.
Proud: The bearer can’t grant or gain any benefit from the aid another action.
Pungent: The item emits a foul and obvious odor. No mundane means can remove the stench, which overcomes even magical effects such as negate aroma.
Singing: The item constantly sings in a loud belting soprano or tenor. Silence and other such spells can suppress the sound as normal.
Slippery: The creature holding the item must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save each round or drop the item.
Slothful: The bearer must rest for 12 hours each day to gain the benefits of a full night’s rest, ignoring effects that reduce the amount of sleep needed (such as ring of sustenance). This can affect the bearer’s ability to prepare spells or regain spell slots.
Uncivilized: The item doesn’t function in any area that would count as urban terrain.
Vindictive: When using this weapon, the wielder can only choose to deal lethal damage, not nonlethal damage. If the item can normally deal only nonlethal damage, this flaw overrides that restriction.
Vulnerable: The item has a hardness that is 5 lower than usual (to a minimum of 0).
Wrathful: In combat, the bearer’s mind is clouded by rage, and she must succeed at a DC 20 Will save to use any ability that can’t be used during a barbarian rage. This doesn’t allow a barbarian to use those abilities when she is in a rage.
Zealous: The item functions only for worshipers of the creator’s patron deity. If more than one creator qualifies, roll randomly between their patron deities.
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-05, 周日 14:11:03 由 丞相 »

离线 longman123

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Re: 【Uch】动态造物(Dynamic magic item creation)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-08-04, 周六 23:28:50 »