作者 主题: 《枪械全书》功勋墙  (阅读 32958 次)


线上 原子能青蛙

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« 于: 2021-10-11, 周一 12:45:21 »




(Gears Characters)
(Gears Character Options)
(Common Backgrounds)占坑:丞相
(Rare Backgrounds)占坑:丞相
(Gears Archetypes)占坑:ArbiterD(安慧)
(Inventor Multiclass Archetype)占坑:DEADERAK
(Overwatch Archetype)占坑:晨世宣融
(Sterling Dynamo Archetype)占坑:月伶
(Trapsmith Archetype)占坑:ArbiterD(安慧)
(Trick Driver Archetype)占坑:ArbiterD(安慧)
(Vehicle Mechanic Archetype)占坑:ArbiterD(安慧)

(Gears Equipment)
(Gears Equipment)占坑:原子能青蛙
(Combat Gear)占坑:原子能青蛙
(Siege Weapons)占坑:橡木盾
(Snares and Hazards)占坑:原子能青蛙
(Stasian Tech)占坑:原子能青蛙
(Utility Gear)占坑:原子能青蛙
(Mobility Devices)占坑:原子能青蛙

(Guns Characters)
(Guns Character Options)占坑:巫妖张
(Common Backgrounds)占坑:丞相
(Uncommon Backgrounds)占坑:丞相
(Rare Backgrounds)占坑:丞相
(Guns Archetypes)
(Gunslinger Multiclass Archetype)
(Artillerist Archetype)占坑:带鱼
(Beast Gunner Archetype)占坑:月伶
(Bullet Dancer Archetype)占坑:Writena
(Demolitionist Archetype)占坑:Salvere013
(Firework Technician Archetype)占坑:奈奈
(Pistol Phenom Archetype)占坑:帕露西
(Sniping Duo Archetype)占坑:帕露西
(Spellshot Class Archetype)占坑:纸糖
(Unexpected Sharpshooter Archetype)占坑:Salvere013

(Guns Equipment)
(Classic Firearms)占坑:纸糖
(Beast Guns)占坑:Snowy
(Cobbled Firearms)占坑:Snowy
(Combination Weapons .)占坑:Snowy
(Rare and Unique Firearms)占坑:Snowy
(Black Powder Siege Weapons)占坑:橡木盾
(Tools and Accessories)占坑:原子能青蛙

(The Rotating Gear)
(Dongun Hold and Alkenstar)占坑:莫莉
(Dongun Dwarf Ancestry Feats)占坑:莫莉


(Jistka Imperium)占坑:莫莉
(The Shackles)占坑:莫莉
(Tian Xia and Vudra)占坑:girigiripony

词汇表与索引(Glossary and Index)占坑:加利斯
劇透 -   :




双管(Double Barrel):这种武器有两个枪管,可以分别装弹。你可以在一次打击中同时发射两个枪管中的子弹,这能让武器伤害骰增大一级。如果武器有夺命(fatal)特征,这也能让夺命的伤害骰增大一级。

夺命瞄准(Fatal Aim):你可以把这种武器夹在腋下,所以只需要一只手就能开火,只要另一只手并未持有武器、盾牌或任何其他需要移动或安置的东西,来确保武器不会从腋下滑脱。但是,如果你使用双手持握武器,武器可以造成夺命攻击。当你以双手持握武器时,它将获得夺命(fatal)特征,伤害骰会列在后面。保证武器夹在腋下时稳定开火远比只是把手从武器上挪开要复杂得多,因此当你在两个握姿之间切换时,必须花费一个交互动作,而不是简单的放开(Releasing)武器或将这个动作视为装填的一部分。



连发(Repeating): 该武器不像其他弩或者枪支那样装填单独的弩矢或子弹;相反,需要把专门的弹匣装入武器的一个特殊的槽内。一旦弹匣装载完毕,该武器每次开火时都能自动装填弹药,将其装填值减少为装填条目中的值(通常为0)。当弹匣打空之后,必须重新装填一个新的弹匣,这需要一只空着的手,花费3个交互动作(移除旧弹匣,取出新弹匣,安装新弹匣)。这三个交互动作不必连续。


注射(Injection):该武器可以装填一剂伤口毒素(injury poison)。在以该武器成功进行攻击之后,你能以一个交互单动作将毒药注射进目标体内。用新物质重新装填武器需要花费3个交互动作,并使用双手。


拼凑(cobbled)(武器特征)这把枪是胡乱拼凑在一起的,很可能开不了火。无论你维护得多好,当掷出一次失败的攻击骰时,攻击会失手并且你必须投掷DC 5纯骰检定。如果纯骰检定失败,武器会哑火(misfires)。


重击融合(critical fusion)(武器特征)重击融合是组合武器所带的新特征,当你使用组合武器的近战版本进行近战攻击,且组合武器装有弹药时,你有两种额外的重击专精效果可以选择。如果你选择使用它们中的一个,它们将取代近战武器通常的重击专精效果。第一种,你选择以火器开火并制造巨响和冲击,使用火器的重击专精效果来代替近战武器组的重击专精效果。第二种,你选择以火器开火增加重击的力道,或你在近战攻击敌人的同时开火,造成每个武器伤害骰2点额外伤害。以上这两种选择都是以火器开火,因此一般来说你必须进行装填才能重新开火。

« 上次编辑: 2022-01-10, 周一 08:55:47 由 原子能青蛙 »
劇透 -  签名折叠:

离线 安慧

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Re: 核心规则书《Guns & Gears》翻译工作启动!暨翻译认领贴
« 回帖 #1 于: 2021-10-13, 周三 10:10:20 »
(Gears Archetypes)
(Trapsmith Archetype)
(Trick Driver Archetype)
(Vehicle Mechanic Archetype)
« 上次编辑: 2021-10-13, 周三 11:56:23 由 ArbiterD »

离线 Garrise

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Re: 核心规则书《Guns & Gears》翻译工作启动!暨翻译认领贴
« 回帖 #2 于: 2021-10-13, 周三 10:17:09 »
莉维娅:2D+26 回避
DiceBot : (2D6+26) → 2[1,1]+26 → 28
莉维娅:2D+26 回避
DiceBot : (2D6+26) → 2[1,1]+26 → 28

线上 原子能青蛙

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Re: 核心规则书《Guns & Gears》翻译工作启动!暨翻译认领贴
« 回帖 #3 于: 2021-10-13, 周三 12:20:47 »
(Gears Equipment)占坑:原子能青蛙
(Combat Gear)占坑:原子能青蛙

« 上次编辑: 2021-10-13, 周三 13:23:26 由 原子能青蛙 »
劇透 -  签名折叠:

离线 宇治橋姬帕露西

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Re: 核心規則書《Guns & Gears》翻譯工作啟動!暨翻譯認領貼
« 回帖 #4 于: 2021-10-13, 周三 13:40:59 »
(Sniping Duo Archetype)  帕露西占坑

线上 原子能青蛙

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Re: 核心规则书《Guns & Gears》翻译工作启动!暨翻译认领贴
« 回帖 #5 于: 2021-10-13, 周三 16:03:17 »


Capacity: Weapons that have the capacity trait typically have multiple barrels or chambers capable of containing a round of ammunition. Capacity is always accompanied by a number indicating the number of barrels or chambers. After a capacity weapon is fired, you can select the next loaded barrel or chamber as an Interact action that doesn’t require a free hand. Each barrel or chamber can be reloaded after it’s fired as a separate Interact action.



Concussive: These weapons smash as much as puncture. When determining a creature’s resistance or immunity to damage from this weapon, use the weaker of the target’s resistance or immunity to piercing or bludgeoning. For instance, if the creature were immune to piercing and had no resistance or immunity to bludgeoning damage, it would take full damage from a concussive weapon. Resistance or immunity to all physical damage, or all damage, applies as normal.

双管(Double Barrel):这种武器有两个枪管,可以分别装弹。你可以在一次打击中同时发射两个枪管中的子弹,这能让武器伤害骰增大一级。如果武器有夺命(fatal)特征,这也能让夺命的伤害骰增大一级。

Double Barrel: This weapon has two barrels that are each loaded separately. You can fire both barrels of a double barrel weapon in a single Strike to increase the size of the weapon damage die by one step. If the weapon has the fatal trait, this increases the size of the fatal die by one step as well.

夺命瞄准(Fatal Aim):你可以把这种武器夹在腋下,所以只需要一只手就能开火,只要另一只手并未持有武器、盾牌或任何其他需要移动或安置的东西,来确保武器不会从腋下滑脱。但是,如果你使用双手持握武器,武器可以造成夺命攻击。当你以双手持握武器时,它将获得夺命(fatal)特征,伤害骰会列在后面。保证武器夹在腋下时稳定开火远比只是把手从武器上挪开要复杂得多,因此当你在两个握姿之间切换时,必须花费一个交互动作,而不是简单的放开(Releasing)武器或将这个动作视为装填的一部分。

Fatal Aim: It’s possible to hold the stock of this weapon under one arm so you can fire it with a single hand as long as the other hand isn’t holding a weapon, shield, or anything else you would need to move and position, to ensure the weapon doesn’t slip out from under your arm. However, if you use both hands, the weapon can make fatal attacks. When you wield the weapon in two hands, it gains the fatal trait with the listed damage die. Holding the weapon underarm stably enough to fire is significantly more complicated than just releasing one hand from the weapon, so to switch between the two grips, you must do so with an Interact action rather than Releasing or as part of reloading.

Kickback: A kickback weapon is extra powerful and difficult to use. A kickback weapon deals 1 additional damage with all attacks. Firing a kickback weapon gives a –2 circumstance penalty to the attack roll, but characters with 14 or more Strength ignore the penalty. Attaching a kickback weapon to stabilizers can lower or negate this penalty (page 182).


Modular: The weapon has multiple configurations that you can switch between using an Interact action. Typically, switching between configurations of a modular weapon allows it to deal different types of damage (listed in the trait, such as “modular B, P, or S”), though it’s  possible for a modular weapon’s description to list more complicated configurations.

连发(Repeating): 该武器不像其他弩或者枪支那样装填单独的弩矢或子弹;相反,需要把专门的弹匣装入武器的一个特殊的槽内。一旦弹匣装载完毕,该武器每次开火时都能自动装填弹药,将其装填值减少为装填条目中的值(通常为0)。当弹匣打空之后,必须重新装填一个新的弹匣,这需要一只空着的手,花费3个交互动作(移除旧弹匣,取出新弹匣,安装新弹匣)。这三个交互动作不必连续。

Repeating: Repeating weapons can’t be loaded with individual bolts or bullets like other crossbows and firearms can; instead, they require a magazine of specialized ammunition to be loaded into a special slot. Once the magazine is in place, the ammunition is automatically loaded each time the weapon is cocked to fire, reducing its reload to the value in its reload entry (typically 0).
When the ammunition runs out, a new magazine must be loaded, which requires a free hand and three Interact actions (to remove the old magazine, retrieve the new magazine, and slot the new magazine in place). As with other types of reloading that take multiple actions, these actions don’t need to be consecutive.


Scatter: This weapon fires a cluster of pellets in a wide spray. Scatter always has an area listed with it, indicating the radius of the spray. On a hit, the primary target of an attack with a scatter weapon takes the listed damage, and the target and all other creatures within the listed radius around it take 1 splash damage per weapon damage die.

注射(Injection):该武器可以装填一剂伤口毒素(injury poison)。在以该武器成功进行攻击之后,你能以一个交互单动作将毒药注射进目标体内。用新物质重新装填武器需要花费3个交互动作,并使用双手。

拼凑(cobbled)(武器特征)这把枪是胡乱拼凑在一起的,很可能开不了火。无论你维护得多好,当掷出一次失败的攻击骰时,攻击会失手并且你必须投掷DC 5纯骰检定。如果纯骰检定失败,武器会哑火(misfires)。
cobbled (weapon trait) This firearm is cobbled together and likely to misfire. No matter how well you upkeep it, on a failed attack roll, the attack misses and you must roll a DC 5 flat check. If you fail this check, the weapon misfires.

combination (weapon trait) Combination is a new trait for weapons that combine the functionality of melee weapons and firearms in unique or unusual ways. A combination weapon has both a firearm form or usage and a melee weapon form or usage. Table 4–3: Uncommon Combination Weapons lists the firearm statistics first, and the melee weapon statistics indented beneath, just above the ammunition. 159

重击融合(critical fusion)(武器特征)重击融合是组合武器所带的新特征,当你使用组合武器的近战版本进行近战攻击,且组合武器装有弹药时,你有两种额外的重击专精效果可以选择。如果你选择使用它们中的一个,它们将取代近战武器通常的重击专精效果。第一种,你选择以火器开火并制造巨响和冲击,使用火器的重击专精效果来代替近战武器组的重击专精效果。第二种,你选择以火器开火增加重击的力道,或你在近战攻击敌人的同时开火,造成每个武器伤害骰2点额外伤害。以上这两种选择都是以火器开火,因此一般来说你必须进行装填才能重新开火。
critical fusion (weapon trait) Critical fusion is a new trait for combination weapons that grants you two additional options for the critical specialization effect when using the combination weapon’s melee version to make a melee attack while the firearm is loaded. If you choose to use one of them, they replace the melee usage’s normal critical specialization effect. First, you can discharge the firearm to create a loud bang and concussion, using the critical specialization effect for firearms instead of the melee weapon group’s critical specialization effect. Second, you can choose to discharge the firearm to increase the critical hit’s momentum or shoot the foe as you attack them in melee, dealing 2 additional damage per weapon damage die. Both of these options discharge the firearm, which typically means you have to reload it before firing it again. 159

portable (siege weapon trait) Portable siege weapons, such as battering rams, can be more easily carried and have a role in both warfare and smaller conflicts or exploration. 73–74
« 上次编辑: 2021-10-15, 周五 11:09:49 由 原子能青蛙 »
劇透 -  签名折叠:

离线 紙糖

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Re: 核心规则书《枪械全书》翻译工作启动!暨翻译认领贴
« 回帖 #6 于: 2021-10-14, 周四 10:19:10 »
classic firearm
combination weapon
spellshot class archetype

线上 原子能青蛙

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Re: 核心规则书《枪械全书》翻译工作启动!暨翻译认领贴
« 回帖 #7 于: 2021-10-14, 周四 15:54:29 »
classic firearm
combination weapon
spellshot class archetype

combination weapon 其实昨天被野兽枪的作者一并包了,是我忘记更新帖子……
劇透 -  签名折叠:

离线 紙糖

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Re: 核心规则书《枪械全书》翻译工作启动!暨翻译认领贴
« 回帖 #8 于: 2021-10-14, 周四 18:01:35 »
classic firearm
combination weapon
spellshot class archetype

combination weapon 其实昨天被野兽枪的作者一并包了,是我忘记更新帖子……

线上 原子能青蛙

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Re: 核心规则书《枪械全书》翻译工作启动!暨翻译认领贴
« 回帖 #9 于: 2021-10-14, 周四 19:04:26 »
classic firearm
combination weapon
spellshot class archetype

combination weapon 其实昨天被野兽枪的作者一并包了,是我忘记更新帖子……
劇透 -  签名折叠: