作者 主题: 据说不是龙杂,新种族,孪生种  (阅读 29078 次)

副标题: 当你可以一张卡扮演两个角色的时候。

离线 空気

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« 于: 2014-10-10, 周五 03:32:53 »

Dvati 暂时叫做孪生种吧……

( Dragon Compendium)




﹣双子:“一个”dvati实际上是一对共享灵魂的孪生子,一对dvati双子没有灵魂伴侣则无法存活,如同人类没有心脏就会殒命。 dvati双子之间独一无二的灵魂连接拥有好几个重要的含义。这两个个体可以分别行动,但其中有一定限制。其一,dvati双子如同其他种族的一个角色一样升级。其二,双子只能拥有相同的职业和等级,他们以同一速度升级,经验值不可分开计算,且多个人物分得经验值时,一对双子算作一个人物。
一个影响心智的能力或法术会同时影响两人。如果他们两人同时成为目标,则只能过一次豁免。 dvati双子拥有共同的心智。

- 回音攻击:通过将他们的声音合并为一个令人疯狂的刺耳叫喊,一对dvati双子能迷惑一个被他们夹击的生物。当一对双子以一个移动动作对被他们夹击的目标生物发声时,该目标必须进行一个意志豁免检定,该豁免的DC等同于双子的表演(唱歌)技能检定结果。如果该目标豁免失败,则双子可以选择是自己在对该目标的攻击检定获得+1加值,还是在对抗该目标的攻击时,AC上获得+1的加值。这个效果持续一回合。不能听见声音或无法被夹击的生物免疫回音攻击。

- 双生之绊:dvati双子之间紧密的链接使得他们在一起行动的时候能获得好些益处。如果一对双子一起夹击某个目标,那么他们在攻击检定上各能获得+3的加值,而不是一般的+2。当一个双子去协助他的同胞进行攻击,那么他们可以获得额外的+2加值(一共+4)在攻击检定或是AC上。

- 法术导体:当双子都位于同一位面上时,其中一个可以将作用在自己身上的法术效果转移到另一个的身上。此法术必须有接触距离且无害。使用这个能力需要花费一个移动动作来集中和传输法术能量。之后,除了作用目标变更以外,该法术的持续时间和影响都照常计算。一个dvati双子可以在同胞之间传导他释放的法术(作为施法的一部份),但是他不能将法术传输给别人。




﹣天生使用语言: 通用语 , Dvati语。 Dvati语需要两个生物一起说。一个生物提供该语言的肢体表达,同时另一个生物提供词句表达和对事物的言语描述。这两者相互组织成为dvati人独特的语言和交流方式。其他种族的生物亦可使用dvati语,但是需要两人合作才行,不然无法组织出有效的dvati词句。不过大部份时候,dvati和其他种族的生物是使用通用语沟通的。

﹣额外语言: 任何

﹣天赋职业:吟游诗人。当计算dvati兼职角色的经验值罚值的时候,其吟游诗人等级不计入内。 davati魔幻而诡异的天性使得他们成为天生的施法者,而他们融合声音的能力赋予他们无以伦比的歌唱能力。 dvati诗人的高水准二重唱在世间享有盛誉。

« 上次编辑: 2014-10-21, 周二 00:18:12 由 空 »
Faith in their hands shall snap in two,
   And the unicorn evils run them through;
      Split all ends up they shan't crack;
         And death shall have no dominion.



离线 空気

  • 小☆兔☆兔
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  • 帖子数: 407
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( Dragon Compendium)


Size:    Medium
Base speed:    Land 30
Strength:    +0
Intelligence:    +0
Dexterity:    +0
Wisdom:    +0
Constitution:    +0
Charisma:    +0
Level adjustment:    +1
Space:    5 feet
Reach:    5 feet
Automatic languages:   Common , Dvati
Bonus Languages:   Any

Racial Traits

Medium: As Medium creatures, dvati have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
Dvati base land speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision: Dvati can see in the dark to a range of up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and dvati can function just fine with no light at all.
A "single" dvati is a pair of creatures that shares a soul. A dvati twin can no more exist without his soul partner than a human can live without a heart. The unique, spiritual link between a dvati pair has several important implications. A dvati character is actually two separate dvati twins who share a soul. These two creatures move and act separately but have a number of restrictions based on their connection. The dvati twins gain levels and progress in the same manner as a single creature of another race. The twins share a class and both have the same level. The twins do not progress at a different rate, nor do they split XP between them. Rather, each has an identical XP total. When dividing XP among characters, a dvati counts as one PC.
For example: A 1st-level dvati fighter consists of a pair of twins, each with the same set of fighter abilities. You select feats, skills, and other abilities for both twins. Do not choose them separately. If one twin has Power Attack, both twins gain access to it. In essence, you build one character who occupies two bodies, regardless of the class chosen. When a dvati casts a spell, both members of the pair must focus and concentrate on it. Both twins must simultaneously take the actions required to cast a spell, although only one must supply material components. One twin cannot cast a spell while the other attacks, for example. A lone can cast spells if his twin takes no actions while he casts. Any other sort of action, including a free one, makes it impossible for the casting twin to focus and use his spell. If the dvati tries to use a spell anyway, his casting attempt is ruined and the spell is lost.
The dvati twins divide their hit points between them. Each twin in the pair gains half the hit points from his Hit Die roll, although both gain the full benefits of his Constitution modifier. Do not roll Hit Dice separately for each dvati twin. For example, a 1st-level dvati fighter with a 13 Constitution gains 6 hit points for each twin ([10hp/2]+1=6). If an area of effect spell catches both twins, they save separately and take damage as normal.
A pair of dvati twins shares all class abilities and spells slots between them. For example, a 3rd-level dvati bard can use bardic music three times per day in total, not three times for each twin. Personal spells (those with a target of "you") affect both twins as long as they are on the same plane. Otherwise, they affect only the caster. Other spells function as normal. For example, a touch spell normally affects only the specific twin touched. The spell conductor ability (detailed below) allows the dvati to share some spells.
A mind-affecting ability or spell that affects one twin affects both of them. If a single such ability targets both twins at the same time, they make only one save between them. Dvati twins share one mind.
The dvati twins have an innate, powerful psychic connection. They can communicate via telepathy at an unlimited range and across the planes. A twin cannot perceive what his other sees, hears, or otherwise perceives. As a full-round action, a dvati twin can determine his twin's current hit points and mental state. If one twin is on the same plane as the other, the twin learns the relative direction and distance to his partner.
If one dvati twin dies, the other slowly sickens and perishes. Each day that passes after a dvati twin dies, the surviving twin takes 1d4 points of Constitution and Wisdom damage and takes a cumulative -1 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws. The ability damage and penalties remain (and cannot be healed or removed) until the living twin dies or his soulmate returns to life (at which time they immediately disappear). Most dvati prefer to commit ritual suicide if one twin dies without hope of return, as the pain of losing the close bond drives a dvati to the brink of madness.
In most cases, an effect that applies to one twin fails to spill over to the other. If a medusa turns one twin to stone, the other remains healthy. Negative levels are an exception to this rule. If one dvati twin suffers a negative level, both of them incur its effects. The dvati makes one save to remove the negative level. Level loss caused by returning to life via a raise dead or similar spell affects both dvati twins.
Echo Attack: By combining their voices into one maddening cacophony, a pair of dvati twins can confuse a creature they flank. If both twins speak as a move action while flanking an opponent, that creature must make a Will save. The DC of this save equals the result of a single Perform (sing) check made by the dvati. If the save fails, the twins gain their choice of a +1 bonus on attack rolls against the creature or a +1 bonus to Armor Class against the creature's strikes. This bonus lasts for 1 round. Creatures that cannot hear or be flanked are immune to this effect.
Pair Link: The close relationship between dvati twins grants them several benefits when they work together. If two dvati twins team up to flank an opponent, they each gain a +3 bonus on attack rolls, rather than the normal +2 bonus. If a twin uses the aid another action to help his twin, he grants an additional +2 bonus (for a total of +4) on attack rolls or to Armor Class.
Spell Conductor: A dvati twin can choose to shift a spell that affects him to his twin so long as both of them are on the same plane. The shifted spell must have a range of touch and it must also be harmless. Using this ability requires a move action to focus and channel the spell's power. Aside from the change in target, the spell's duration and effects continue as normal. A dvati can transfer a spell he casts from one twin to the other as part of the act of casting. He cannot transfer spells used by others.
Automatic Languages: Common and Dvati. Bonus Languages: Any. Dvati requires two creatures speaking simultaneously. One twin provides a description of actions, while the other supplies words and descriptions of things. The two weave together to communicate in a uniquely dvati manner. Other creatures can speak this tongue, but two Dvati-speaking creatures must work together. Otherwise, communication via this language is impossible. In most cases, dvati use Common to speak with other races.
Favored Class: Bard. A multiclass dvati's bard class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing. The dvati's strange, magical nature makes them natural Spellcasters, and their ability to meld their voices into one grants them an unmatched singing ability. Dvati bards are legendary for their ability to perform as flawless duos.
Level Adjustment: +1.
Comments on this single page only

Faith in their hands shall snap in two,
   And the unicorn evils run them through;
      Split all ends up they shan't crack;
         And death shall have no dominion.



离线 空気

  • 小☆兔☆兔
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  • 帖子数: 407
  • 苹果币: 2
  • RH厨
Faith in their hands shall snap in two,
   And the unicorn evils run them through;
      Split all ends up they shan't crack;
         And death shall have no dominion.



离线 zghzgh1779

  • 讲个故事吧
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  • 布被秋宵梦觉,眼前万里江山。
2.这里的3.5版本的dvati来自dragon compendium volume 1,但是dragon compendium不是龙杂志,也不会再有volume 2了……
3.dragon compendium也不是官方扩展,是第三方出版物
5.虽然dnd tool很好用吧……但是毕竟dnd tool只是方便玩dnd的tool而已啊

离线 密银马甲

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离线 laiyi_11

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  • 不要奢望作为pc的其他玩家会像作为dm的玩家一样重视团。
Does the Good Scheme defines Good, or the Good defines Good Scheme?

离线 空気

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2.这里的3.5版本的dvati来自dragon compendium volume 1,但是dragon compendium不是龙杂志,也不会再有volume 2了……
3.dragon compendium也不是官方扩展,是第三方出版物
5.虽然dnd tool很好用吧……但是毕竟dnd tool只是方便玩dnd的tool而已啊
dnd tool又是什么……难道是srd(虽然有些部分确实复制黏贴了规则书)……不过这是手译……
Faith in their hands shall snap in two,
   And the unicorn evils run them through;
      Split all ends up they shan't crack;
         And death shall have no dominion.



离线 空気

  • 小☆兔☆兔
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  • 帖子数: 407
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Faith in their hands shall snap in two,
   And the unicorn evils run them through;
      Split all ends up they shan't crack;
         And death shall have no dominion.



离线 zghzgh1779

  • 讲个故事吧
  • 根源索寻者
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  • 帖子数: 4914
  • 苹果币: 15
  • 布被秋宵梦觉,眼前万里江山。

p子就是paizo,pathfinder、3版龙杂志、以及这本dragon compendium的出版方

dnd tool是一个3版规则的……hum,带索引的资料站,类似这样的东西,lz贴的原文的格式一眼就能看出来出处……

喵不建议用dnd tool的页面翻译是因为dnd tool录入时删减的“非规则”部分有些多,不过这个贴大概是没啥问题的……

离线 空気

  • 小☆兔☆兔
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p子就是paizo,pathfinder、3版龙杂志、以及这本dragon compendium的出版方

dnd tool是一个3版规则的……hum,带索引的资料站,类似这样的东西,lz贴的原文的格式一眼就能看出来出处……

喵不建议用dnd tool的页面翻译是因为dnd tool录入时删减的“非规则”部分有些多,不过这个贴大概是没啥问题的……
Faith in their hands shall snap in two,
   And the unicorn evils run them through;
      Split all ends up they shan't crack;
         And death shall have no dominion.

