作者 主题: 【Starfinder CRB】威胁:阿兹兰特星际帝国(AZLANTI STAR EMPIRE)  (阅读 21871 次)

副标题: “烧死异端,杀尽异种,荡涤不净,为了帝皇!”

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
  • 翻譯組
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 3338
  • 苹果币: 11

约在50年前,一艘寻星者的探索船越过了九头蛇星云(Hydra Nebula),进入了未曾探索的无垠深空(the Vast)。甫一抵达,寻星者就传回了消息,声称发现了一个星系,其上的居民不单单只有陌生的异星人,还包括人类——然而其社会结构明显并非源自协约世界,同时还有出现了许多设计前所未见的大型星舰的报告。在最后传回的通信里,探索船尝试与对象建立沟通——此后就彻底渺无音讯。

这是协约世界第一次与阿兹兰特星际帝国的接触,后者是由多个种族,世界,以及星系统合而成的庞大联盟,其由先于Gap数千年前离开格拉里昂的人类所统御。阿兹兰特星际帝国意图把全部宜居行星都纳入自己的版图,而且会为了帝国的利益剥削他国的知识,劳力和资源。其主要驱动理念宣称人类——尤其是纯血的阿兹兰特人——是最为完美的种族,而统治其他劣等种族乃至整个银河就是其天命所在。星际帝国的太空舰队据信能匹敌整个协约世界以及Veskarium的联合海军,其不朽宝石远征军团(legions of gem-augmented aeon troopers)冷酷地四处征伐,开疆辟土,并无情地镇压所有异见和分歧。

劇透 -  原文:
Expansionist Stellar Imperium

Almost 50 years ago, a Starfinder scout ship ventured beyond the Hydra Nebula, deep into the unexplored reaches of the Vast. Upon arrival, the Starfinders announced the discovery of a star system with planets inhabited not just by unfamiliar aliens, but also by humans—a society apparently not of Pact Worlds origin. It also reported the existence of multiple large starships of unknown design, and the scout’s intention to establish communication. The Starfinder ship made no further transmissions.

This was the Pact Worlds’ first contact with the Azlanti Star Empire, a vast union of diverse races, worlds, and star systems under the dominion of humans who left Golarion millennia before the Gap. The Azlanti Star Empire seeks to bring all inhabited worlds under its hegemony, exploiting their knowledge, labor, and resources for the good of the empire. Its driving philosophy asserts that humans— specifically pure-blooded Azlanti—are the most perfect species and that their destiny is to conquer the galaxy and rule over all lesser species. The Star Empire’s fleet of starships is believed to rival the navies of the Pact Worlds and Veskarium combined, and its legions of gem- augmented aeon troopers ruthlessly conquer new territories and quell dissent.

Since that meeting, encounters  between the Pact Worlds and the Star Empire have been few, but always hostile. No vessel reporting direct contact with Star Empire forces has survived the encounter, at least in officially recorded sources, and so far only the barest outlines of their society have been gleaned by spying on transmissions. Two diplomatic delegations sent by the Pact Worlds government were firmly rebuffed: the first vanished without a trace, its members assumed to have been captured or killed; the second destroyed outright as soon as it came out of the Drift in Azlanti territory. The Veskarium colony world of Najin-Korozayas, established only a decade before first contact with the Star Empire, was obliterated in an Azlanti attack soon after, its entire populace slaughtered or enslaved and its resources plundered. Since then, both the Pact Worlds and the Veskarium have kept their distance from systems believed to be in Azlanti territory, forbidding explorers or colonists from entering, and the Stewards keep a close eye on the region, lest the Azlanti decide to move in force toward the Pact Worlds.

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
  • 翻譯組
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 3338
  • 苹果币: 11

我知道各位想说什么,所以先帮你们把槽吐完 :em001

全属性+2还有奖励专长的滥强种族星际帝国,底栖魔鱼什么的真是贫弱贫弱  :em006

奥罗登是不是被你们抓去蹲马桶了 ,快说 :em032

离线 面具男

  • 大气学派奥能师
  • Adventurer
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  • 帖子数: 35
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我知道各位想说什么,所以先帮你们把槽吐完 :em001

全属性+2滥强种族的星际帝国,底栖魔鱼什么的真是贫弱贫弱  :em006

奥罗登是不是被你们抓去蹲马桶了 ,快说 :em032

口桀,奥罗登不过是帝皇的众多马甲之一。忏悔罢,明日即汝之死期! :em021

* 面具男 在红黑色铁骑式终结者装甲里高举卡利班之戟
« 上次编辑: 2017-08-19, 周六 11:15:38 由 面具男 »

离线 Tekkaman Last

  • 最古の制裁
  • Chivary
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  • 帖子数: 1728
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而且这么一想,美黛子不就是。。。。基佬曼? :em006

* Tekkaman Last 掏出了卡利班出品的遗物等离子枪并扣动扳机!

离线 Passer556

  • AbadarPress翻譯機 G5-P4
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  • 帖子数: 458
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Nat One to screw them all, Nat One to botch plans.
Nat One to TPK. It's time to roll new sheets then.
On the Virtual Table where the GM lies.

离线 solariusyang

  • 拖家带口的苦力
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  • 帖子数: 909
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而且这么一想,美黛子不就是。。。。基佬曼? :em006

* Tekkaman Last 掏出了卡利班出品的遗物等离子枪并扣动扳机!

对着装甲上大大的U说是死神连,你不忠诚! :em014

话说回来,多种族,扩张,单眼头盔的战斗服……这不是蓝皮么? :em017

所以口号应该是“为了大大滴好!” :em018
单个小孩的CR再X3,这遭遇怎么都是团灭的节奏啊…… T_T

离线 Tekkaman Last

  • 最古の制裁
  • Chivary
  • *****
  • 帖子数: 1728
  • 苹果币: 0
而且这么一想,美黛子不就是。。。。基佬曼? :em006

* Tekkaman Last 掏出了卡利班出品的遗物等离子枪并扣动扳机!

对着装甲上大大的U说是死神连,你不忠诚! :em014

话说回来,多种族,扩张,单眼头盔的战斗服……这不是蓝皮么? :em017

所以口号应该是“为了大大滴好!” :em018
话说现在火战士大概只有PSM的腰线高度了。。。。。想想暗鸦团一群3米高的壮汉猫着腰潜行到一群还没他们蹲着高的火战士身后 :em021。。。。。。。。。

离线 solariusyang

  • 拖家带口的苦力
  • Hero
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 909
  • 苹果币: -1
而且这么一想,美黛子不就是。。。。基佬曼? :em006

* Tekkaman Last 掏出了卡利班出品的遗物等离子枪并扣动扳机!

对着装甲上大大的U说是死神连,你不忠诚! :em014

话说回来,多种族,扩张,单眼头盔的战斗服……这不是蓝皮么? :em017

所以口号应该是“为了大大滴好!” :em018
话说现在火战士大概只有PSM的腰线高度了。。。。。想想暗鸦团一群3米高的壮汉猫着腰潜行到一群还没他们蹲着高的火战士身后 :em021。。。。。。。。。
单个小孩的CR再X3,这遭遇怎么都是团灭的节奏啊…… T_T