作者 主题: 装逼技法(装备技法)  (阅读 18145 次)

副标题: 我没猜错!斗篷技法就是骚!

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« 于: 2017-08-28, 周一 22:40:47 »
铁砧技法 Anvil Tricks
来源魔法市集指南 pg.14

配重法 Counterweight(攀爬5级):你可以使用你的铁砧作为攀爬绳索或铁链时的平衡锤,来减少5点攀爬DC

强化护甲 Improve Armor(手艺[打造护甲]5级):你可以花费一个小时的时间,使用铁砧来强化一套无附魔的金属盔甲,来临时提高盔甲的护甲加值1点。该加值持续到穿戴者下一次被击中。

临时维修 Quick Fix(手艺[任意]5级):你可以花费一分钟时间,使用你的铁砧使一件破损的金属物品在一小时内暂时移除破损状态。该物品不会回复任何HP,并且在1小时结束后,恢复破损状态时,额外失去1d6HP(除非在这段时间内得到了适当的维修)。

破门而入 Smash Through(精通冲撞):当你结束移动时邻接一扇封闭的门。你可以使用铁砧猛击这扇门,作为移动动作的一部分开门(而不是作为一个单独的移动动作开门),如果门贝卡猪或者锁上了,你必须成功通过一个冲撞战技检定对抗破坏物品的DC,才能将门撞开。

劇透 -   :
Anvil Tricks
Source Magical Marketplace pg. 14
In addition to the feat or skill requirements listed for each of these tricks, you must have the Equipment Trick (anvil) feat. You may use these tricks with any anvil weighing 50 pounds or more.
Counterweight (Climb 5 ranks): You can use your anvil as a counterweight when you climb a rope or chain to reduce your Climb DC by 5.
Improve Armor (Craft [armor] 5 ranks): You can spend an hour with your anvil and a suit of nonmagical metal armor to temporarily increase the armor’s armor bonus by 1. This bonus ends after the next time the wearer is hit.
Quick Fix (Craft [any] 5 ranks): You can spend 1 minute with your anvil and a metal item with the broken condition to remove the broken condition from the item for 1 hour. The item does not recover any hit points, and at the end of the hour it regains the broken condition and loses an additional 1d6 hit points (unless properly fixed by then).
Smash Through (Improved Bull Rush): When you end your move adjacent to a closed door, you can open the door as part of your move action (instead of as a separate move action) by smashing it with an anvil as you move. If the door is stuck or locked, you must succeed at a bull rush combat maneuver check that exceeds the door’s break DC.
« 上次编辑: 2017-08-28, 周一 22:45:59 由 丞相 »

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-08-28, 周一 22:44:41 »
斗篷技法 Cloak Tricks
来源:阴招战术工具箱 pg.18

眼花缭乱Dazzling Trail(炫目技巧):当你穿着斗篷时,使用威吓成功对目标挫败士气时,你可以延长挫败士气的效果1d4轮。

魔术斗篷 Distracting Cloak(潜行3级):当你尝试使用唬骗技能进行虚招时,你可以使用你的斗篷来制造一个假像,来使你的目标在AC上失去敏捷加值。使用你的唬骗检定结果对抗每一个可以看见你的敌人的虚招DC(DC等于 {10+目标BAB+感知修正},如果你对一个在察言观色技能上受训的目标使用虚招,这个DC可以改为 {10+目标察言观色检定加值},两者取其高。)如果你以这种方式成功进行了虚招,那么你可以进行一次潜行检定来对所有敌人进行潜行,即使你的敌人正在注视着你。如果你在他们的回合开始时没有对任何一个目标获得掩护或隐蔽,他们会在那个时候自动发现你。

跳伞斗篷 Parachute Cloak(特技5级):当穿戴一件斗篷时,你可以改变抓握姿势来在坠落时兜住空气。如果你在坠落时使用双手抓住斗篷,你可以尝试一个DC20的特技检定来忽略头20尺的坠落距离(通常是对抗DC15的检定来忽略头10尺的坠落距离),并且即使你受到了坠落伤害,你也不会在落地时跌倒。、

斗牛之舞 Suerte de Capote(斗篷与匕首Dueling Cape):当你使用斗篷与匕首专长来将斗篷或者类似物品作为小圆盾时,你在虚招检定上获得+2加值。你每在巧手技能上拥有5个等级,该加值额外+1。此外,每当你成功用近战武器对敌人使用了虚招,你可以以一个自由动作抛出你的斗篷来纠缠对方,细节如同斗篷与匕首专长所述。

劇透 -   :
Cloak Tricks
Source Dirty Tactics Toolbox pg. 18
In addition to the feat or skill prerequisites (listed in parentheses) for each of the following tricks, you must have the appropriate Equipment Trick feat.
At the GM’s discretion, you can use these tricks with any cloth object that is roughly the same size and shape as a cloak for a creature of your size (such as a curtain).

Dazzling Trail (Dazzling Display): When you successfully use Intimidate to demoralize an opponent while wearing a cloak, you can increase the duration of the demoralize effect by 1d4 rounds.
Distracting Cloak (Stealth 3 ranks): When you attempt a Bluff check to feint, you can use your cape to create a diversion instead of denying your opponent his Dexterity bonus to AC. Compare the result of your Bluff check against the feint DC of each opponent that can see you (DC = 10 + the opponent’s base attack bonus + the opponent’s Wisdom modifier, or 10 + the opponent’s Sense Motive bonus if he is trained in Sense Motive and this bonus is higher). You can attempt a Stealth check to hide from any opponent that you successfully feint against in this manner, even if that opponent is observing you. If you do not have cover or concealment against any of these targets at the start of each of their turns, they automatically spot you at that time.
Parachute Cloak (Acrobatics 5 ranks): While wearing a cloak, you can adjust your grip so that it catches the air as you fall. If you use both of your hands to hold on to your cloak as you fall, you can attempt a DC 20 Acrobatics check to ignore the first 20 feet fallen (as opposed to the usual DC 15 check to ignore only the first 10 feet), and you avoid falling prone at the end of your jump even if you take damage.
Suerte de Capote (Dueling CapeACG): While using the Dueling Cape feat to wield a cloak or similar object as a buckler, you gain a +2 bonus on Bluff checks to feint in combat. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 ranks in Sleight of Hand that you possess. Additionally, you can release your cape as a free action whenever you successfully feint an opponent with a melee attack to entangle it, as detailed in the Dueling Cape feat.

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乐器技法 Instrument Tricks
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-08-29, 周二 22:53:05 »
乐器技法 Instrument Tricks
来源:冒险家的武具库2 pg.19

吸引目光 Attention Grabber(表演5级,唬骗5级或吟游表演或战怒之歌职业能力):你吵闹或不协调的表演掩盖了你队友的行动。你周围30尺并且可以听到你玩弄乐器的生物都会在察觉检定上受到-2罚值,只要你持续表演,那么比起进行察觉他们更在意对你的行为做出反应。

驱使动物 Goad Animal(驯养动物5级或动物亲和):你可以运用你慰藉的演奏来御使一只对你的态度为友好的动物,例如坐骑或者宠物。当你演奏乐器时,可以以一个自由动作命令动物表演一个他已知的技巧,或者以一个标准动作迫使它表演一个尚未习得的技巧。如果你已经获得了加速动物反应速度的能力,如动物伙伴的链接能力,那这个技法就没有效果了。

惊掉下巴 Jaw-Dropping Distraction(表演7级,唬骗7级或吟游表演或战怒之歌职业能力):当使用你的乐器时,你可以尝试一个表演检定替代唬骗检定来对一名敌人使用虚招。如果你成功了,那么该生物在对一名你指定的生物(除了你)在AC上失去敏捷加值,直到你的下轮开始。一旦你对一个生物使用了这个技法,无论成与败,你在24小时内无法对同一目标再次使用这个技法。拥有直觉闪避的目标不受该技法影响。

以琴会友 Play to the Crowd (表演3级,交涉3级或吟游表演或战怒之歌职业能力):你可以使用表演而非交涉来改善一名NPC的初始态度,只要你能有至少一分钟的时间进行表演。你无法用这个技法将目标NPC的态度提高超过友善。

即兴暴打 Ruffian’s Riff (随手武器):你可以将一件乐器视为拥有演武特性的临时武器。当你使用一件精制品乐器作为临时武器时,你将其视为精制品武器(在攻击骰上获得+1增强加值)。当你使用魔法乐器进行攻击时,将其视为魔法武器来击破伤害减免。

劇透 -   :
Instrument Tricks
Source Adventurer's Armory 2 pg. 19
Bards and other musicians must sometimes improvise more than their music. These instrument tricks expand any musical instrument’s uses and supplement the Equipment Trick feat presented on page 2. Some tricks might be unusable for certain instruments at the GM’s discretion; for example, an organ is too unwieldy to use as an improvised weapon. In addition to the feat, skill, or other requirements listed for each of these tricks, you must have the Equipment Trick (instrument) feat to use a trick.
Attention Grabber (Perform 5 ranks, Bluff 5 ranks or bardic performance or raging song class feature): Your loud or discordant performance covers your allies’ movements. Creatures within 30 feet of you that can hear you play an instrument take a –2 penalty on Perception checks, other than Perception checks made in response to your actions, for as long as you play.
Goad Animal (Handle Animal 5 ranks or Animal Affinity): You can use your soothing performance to handle an animal that is friendly toward you, such as a mount or pet. When playing your instrument, commanding the animal to perform a trick it knows is a free action, and pushing it to perform a trick it does not know is a standard action. If you already can make an animal respond more quickly, such as with the link ability of an animal companion, this trick provides no benefit.
Jaw-Dropping Distraction (Perform 7 ranks, Bluff 7 ranks or bardic performance or raging song class feature): When using your instrument, you can attempt a Perform check instead of a Bluff check to feint an opponent. If you succeed, the creature is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC against one target of your choosing (other than you) until the beginning of your next turn. Once you have used this trick against a creature, whether or not you succeeded at the check, you cannot use this trick to feint the creature for 24 hours. Creatures with uncanny dodge are immune to this trick.
Play to the Crowd (Perform 3 ranks, Diplomacy 3 ranks or bardic performance or raging song class feature): You can use Perform, rather than Diplomacy, to improve an NPC’s initial attitude toward you as long as you are able to perform for at least 1 minute. You cannot use this trick to increase the NPC’s attitude beyond friendly.
Ruffian’s Riff (Catch Off-Guard): You can treat a musical instrument as an improvised weapon with the performanceUE special feature. When you use a masterwork musical instrument as an improvised weapon, you treat it as a masterwork weapon (adding a +1 enhancement bonus on your attack rolls). Your attacks with a magical musical instrument are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
« 上次编辑: 2017-08-29, 周二 22:55:21 由 丞相 »

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Re: 装逼技法(装备技法)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-08-30, 周三 09:39:27 »

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Re: 装逼技法(装备技法)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-08-30, 周三 20:57:41 »

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卡瓦麝香技法 Kaava Musk Tricks
« 回帖 #5 于: 2017-08-31, 周四 22:23:16 »
卡瓦麝香技法 Kaava Musk Tricks
来源:萨迦瓦,失落的殖民地 pg.25

小心落脚 Careful Steps(灵狐步或特技5级):小心落脚(灵狐步或特技5级):你可以通过一块溅射了卡瓦麝香的区域而不会沾染到任何一点。

方便瓶 Fast Flask(即时战备):你可以以一个自由动作而非标准动作拔出一份方便瓶装好的卡瓦麝香。

猎杀 Make the Kill(灵敏嗅觉能力或灵敏嗅觉狂暴之力):你在攻击卡瓦麝香标记的目标时,在武器命中骰和伤害骰上获得+1士气加值。

香迷眼 Musk Blinding(致盲重击):当使用卡瓦麝香作为一种投掷武器,使致盲重击的强韧DC+5.

刀上麝香 Musk Poison (用毒职业能力):你可以如同毒药一般,将卡瓦麝香附着在近战或者投掷武器上。这会使你的武器向正常使用卡瓦麝香那样散发气味。而第一个被你的武器击中的敌人也会被麝香标记,如同被放置了两天的麝香溅射到一样。标记到的生物可以在第二轮如正常方式洗掉麝香,否则它会继续散发两天的特殊气味。卡瓦麝香无法被附加在如弹药之类的小型物体上时生效。

麝香之恶 Musk Sickening(恶心重击):当使用卡瓦麝香作为投掷武器,增加恶心重击的持续时间1分钟。

防护溅射 Splashproof Shield (盾牌专攻):如果你使用一面盾牌并且受到卡瓦麝香的攻击,你可以进行一个反射检定来避免麝香溅到你身上(如此,如果你扔下盾牌,那么你不会受到任何麝香的惩罚。)这个豁免检定当你使用塔盾时为10,当使用重盾时是15,使用轻盾时时20,使用小圆盾时是25。你无法在措手不及或无助时使用该技法。

“恶”战 Stink-Fighting(盲斗):你对卡瓦麝香的熟悉囊你能在找出一个被卡瓦麝香标记的隐形生物的察觉检定上仅承受-10的减值而非正常的-20减值。

劇透 -   :
Musk Tricks
Source Sargava, the Lost Colony pg. 25
In addition to the feat, skill, or other requirement listed for each of these tricks, you normally must have the Equipment Trick (Kaava musk) feat to use a trick. You can, however, attempt Kaava musk tricks marked with an asterisk without the Equipment Trick (Kaava musk) feat, but you have a 50% chance of splashing yourself with the musk instead of completing the trick; this failure uses the dose of the musk (and in most cases invalidates what you were planning to use the musk for).

Careful Steps (Nimble Moves or Acrobatics 5 ranks): You can pass through a square splashed with Kaava musk without getting any of it on you.
Fast Flask (Quick Draw): You can draw an easily accessible flask of Kaava musk as a free action rather than a standard action.
Make the Kill (scent ability or scent rage power): You gain a +1 morale bonus on weapon attack and weapon damage rolls when attacking a target marked with Kaava musk.
Musk Blinding (Blinding Critical): When using Kaava musk as a thrown weapon, increase the Fortitude save DC of the blinding critical effect by +5.
Musk Poison (poison use class ability)*: You can apply Kaava musk to a melee or thrown weapon as if it were a poison. This makes your weapon reek in the normal manner. However, the first creature struck by your weapon also gains the musk-stink as if it were splashed by a full container of musk 2 days ago. The struck target can wash off the musk on the next round in the normal manner, but otherwise it continues to stink for 2 more days. Kaava musk applied to small items like ammunition has no effect.
Musk Sickening (Sickening Critical): When using Kaava musk as a thrown weapon, increase the duration of the sickening critical effect by 1 minute.
Reactive Splashing (Improved Disarm)*: When disarming an opponent of a flask of Kaava musk, you can have the flask break at your opponent’s feet, automatically splashing him with the musk.
Splashproof Shield (Shield Focus): If you are using a shield and are hit with Kaava musk, you can make a Reflex save to use the shield to prevent any of the musk from touching you (thus, if you drop the shield, you do not have any of the musk penalties). The DC for this ability is 10 if using a tower shield, 15 for a heavy shield, 20 for a light shield, and 25 for a buckler. You cannot use this trick if you are flat-footed or helpless.
Stink-Fighting (Blind-Fight): Your familiarity with Kaava musk allows you to pinpoint an invisible muskmarked creature with a Perception check at only a –10 penalty rather than the normal –20 penalty.

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梯子技法Ladder Tricks
来源:冒险者的武备库2 pg.14

盾梯 Guarding Ladder(寓守于攻,战斗反射):你可以持用一架梯子如同一个易碎的重木盾。当你持用梯子时,你可以使用援助他人动作(或者相关的能力,如保镖专长)来提高一名队友的AC,并将距离提高至10尺。

以梯为兵 Ladder Fighter(随手武器):你可以将一架梯子视为具有易碎特性的木棍,并且你可以如同木棍一般运用专长以及能力(举个栗子,一个武僧可以运用梯子进行疾风连击)。

梯锁 Ladder Lock(精通阴招):当你持用梯子,并且成功对一名相邻的敌人使用了阴招战技,你可以用梯子的踏板卡住目标的肢体,除了正常阴招所施加的效果,你的目标还会陷入纠缠,持续相同的时间。如果你的目标移除了另一个效果,那么他也解除了纠缠,反之亦然。

云梯纵 Vaulting Ladder(特技3级,攀爬3级;或特技专家):你可以将攀爬梯子的长度作为助跑跳跃的一部分,在你的特技检定上获得+4环境加值或者将梯子的长度加在你跳跃的总距离上。你跳起来的时候一定要放开梯子。

劇透 -   :
Ladder Tricks
Source Adventurer's Armory 2 pg. 14
Ladders are not a common adventuring staple due to their cumbersome size. Yet some adventurers who take ladders with them into the field use them to great effect. In addition to the feat, skill, or other requirements listed for each of these tricks, you must have the Equipment Trick (ladder) feat to use a trick.

Guarding Ladder (Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes): You can hold a ladder in one hand and treat it as a heavy wooden shield with the fragileUE special feature. While holding a ladder, you can use the aid another action (or related abilities, such as the BodyguardAPG feat) to improve the AC of an ally up to 10 feet away.
Ladder Fighter (Catch Off-Guard): You treat a ladder as a quarterstaff with the fragileUE and trip special features, and you can apply feats and abilities as if it were a quarterstaff (for example, a monk can use a ladder to perform a flurry of blows).
Ladder Lock (Improved Dirty TrickAPG): When you successfully perform a dirty trick combat maneuver against an adjacent opponent while you are holding a ladder, you can trap your target’s limbs between the rungs of the ladder. Your target gains the entangled condition in addition to the normal condition imposed by your dirty trick, and for the same duration. If the target removes the other condition, it also removes the entangled condition, and vice versa.
Vaulting Ladder (Acrobatics 3 ranks, Climb 3 ranks, or Acrobatic): You can climb the length of a ladder as part of a running jump, gaining a +4 circumstance bonus on your Acrobatics check and adding the ladder’s length to the total distance you travel with your jump. You must let go of the ladder when you jump.

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Re: 装逼技法(装备技法)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2017-08-31, 周四 23:46:06 »
魔术斗篷 Distracting Cloak。。这相当于半个视线躲藏了啊。。。。


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提灯技法 Lantern Tricks
来源冒险者的武备库2 pg.14

强力灯油 Intensified Oil(手艺[炼金]3级):你可以混合3瓶灯油为一份强化灯油,用于点亮盏灯或提灯。这种强化灯油可以使它添加的盏灯或提灯比平时燃烧的更明亮,增加其50%的光照范围。这种强化灯油只能由于点亮盏灯或提灯,没有任何额外效果。

灯击 Lantern Bash(盾牌专攻):如果你在装备轻盾的手上持着一盏灯或提灯,你的由该盾牌发起的盾击攻击额外造成一点火焰伤害。

提灯炸弹 Lantern Bash(即时战备):你可以将还剩4小时以上油量的提灯或盏灯视为投炸武器,使用炽火胶的规则。

昏暗光照 Lesser Light(无额外要求):当点亮一盏灯或提灯时,你可以降低其燃烧程度,而在正常情况下提供正常光照的区域里只提供昏暗的光亮。盏灯或提灯只消耗正常速率一半的灯油。盏灯或提灯必须熄灭并重新点燃才能提供正常等级的光亮。

灯油四溅 Oil Splash(精通阴招):当你或你的敌人持有一盏灯或提灯时,你可以尝试一次阴招战技。如果你成功通过了战技检定,你可以从盏灯或提灯中敲出一些灯油溅到你的目标的脸上,你的目标会如同正常阴招那样目盲,并且在目盲结束前每轮受到一点火焰伤害。

劇透 -   :
Lantern Tricks
Source Adventurer's Armory 2 pg. 14
Lanterns come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Each of these tricks can be performed with any sort of lantern or lamp, except when a specific kind of lamp is indicated in the description. In addition to the feat, skill, or other requirements listed for each of these tricks, you must have the Equipment Trick (lantern) feat to use a trick.

Intensified Oil (Craft [alchemy] 3 ranks): You can combine three flasks of oil into a single use of improved oil as you add it to a lamp or lantern. This improved oil causes the lamp or lantern to which it is added to burn more brightly than usual, increasing its light range by 50%. This improved oil can only be used in the lamp or lantern it’s mixed in and has no additional special effects.
Lantern Bash (Shield Focus): If you carry a lamp or lantern in the hand you use to wield a light shield, your shield bash attacks with that shield deal an additional 1 point of fire damage。
Lesser Light (no additional prerequisites): When lighting a lamp or lantern, you reduce the size of its flame to provide only dim light in the area in which the lantern usually provides normal light. The lamp or lantern uses oil at half the usual rate. The lamp or lantern must be extinguished and re-lit to shed light normally.
Oil Splash (Improved Dirty Trick): You can attempt a dirty trick combat maneuver against an opponent while either you or the opponent is holding a lamp or lantern. If you succeed at this combat maneuver check, you can knock some oil from the lamp or lantern into your target’s face. Your target is blinded as normal by the dirty trick and takes 1 point of fire damage each round the blindness lasts.
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镜子技法 Mirror Tricks
« 回帖 #9 于: 2017-09-09, 周六 22:32:33 »
镜子技法 Mirror Tricks
来源冒险者的武备库2 pg.15

炫目强光 Blinding Light(巧手3级):当处于普通或明亮的光照环境下,你可以以一个移动动作,利用手持的镜子将一道光线折射进一个10尺内的生物的眼中。该目标必须成功通过一个强韧检定(DC=10+你的巧手等级)否则将会目眩一轮。

英勇示敌 Bold Presentation(知识[宗教]5级):你可以一个移动动作(而非标准动作)来使用一面镜子阻拦一个害怕镜子的生物(例如吸血鬼)。

反射凝视 Reflect Gaze(战斗反射):以一个直觉动作或者迅捷动作,你可以用镜子来反射一次凝视攻击。你必须在面对该生物的凝视攻击时处于直视直视目标或者避开视线中,无论哪种情况,你必须成功通过对抗该生物凝视攻击的豁免检定(你无法通过避开视线来尝试避免这次豁免检定)。如果你将该生物的凝视反射给它自己,该生物必须成功通过豁免检定对抗自己的凝视攻击,否则失去凝视攻击1轮。如果该生物尝试通过攻击动作凝视你,你可以尝试反射它的凝视,如上所述。或者将它的目光转向你30尺内的一个新的目标。在这种情况下,新目标被视为原来的凝视目标(除非他被蒙住眼睛或看不见),然而他会自动的被视为避开视线。

镜影破妄 Telltale Reflection (法术辨识3级或对抗幻术法术或效果的种族豁免加值):你熟知幻术无法在反射中精确模仿的自然物体。如果你通过镜子反射观察到了一个10尺内的幻术,你可以被视为仔细研究过该幻术从而进行不相信该幻术的豁免检定。

欺诈魔镜 Trickster’s Mirror:(法术专攻[幻术]):你可以将一面价值至少10GP的镜子作为一个额外材料成分加入一个幻术(虚假幻觉)法术中。该法术在所有方面被视为法术环级高一级(最高9环),包括用于计算豁免DC。

劇透 -   :
Mirror Tricks
Source Adventurer's Armory 2 pg. 15
Adventurers carry mirrors for many unconventional uses. You may perform the following tricks with a mirror or, at the GM’s discretion, with a similarly reflective handheld item, such as a highly polished piece of metal. In addition to the feat, skill, or other requirements listed for each of these tricks, you must have the Equipment Trick (mirror) feat to use a trick.

Blinding Light (Sleight of Hand 3 ranks): When in an area of normal or bright light, you can use a mirror held in your hand to shine light into the eyes of a creature within 10 feet as a move action. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + your ranks in Sleight of Hand) or be dazzled for 1 round.
Bold Presentation (Knowledge [religion] 5 ranks): You can use a move action (rather than a standard action) to use a mirror to hold at bay a creature susceptible to mirrors (such as a vampire).
Reflect Gaze (Combat Reflexes): As an immediate or swift action, you can use a mirror to reflect a gaze attack. You must either be looking at the creature with the gaze attack or averting your eyes to use this ability, and you must succeed at your saving throw to resist the creature’s gaze attack (if you don’t avoid the need to attempt a saving throw by averting your eyes). If you reflect the creature’s gaze back at it, the creature must succeed at a saving throw to resist its own gaze or lose access to its gaze attack for 1 round. If the creature attempts to gaze at you with its attack action, you may attempt to reflect its gaze back at it, as above, or redirect its gaze to a new target within 30 feet of you. In this case, the new creature is treated as the target of the original gaze (unless it is blindfolded or otherwise unable to see), although it is automatically treated as if it is averting its eyes.
Telltale Reflection (Spellcraft 3 ranks or racial bonus on saving throws against illusion spells and effects): You are familiar with the ways illusions don’t precisely mimic natural objects when reflected. If you see an illusion within 10 feet reflected in a mirror, you count as having studied it carefully for the purposes of attempting a saving throw to disbelieve it.
Trickster’s Mirror (Spell Focus [illusion]): You can use a mirror worth at least 10 gp as an additional material component for an illusion (figment) spell. The spell is treated as 1 spell level higher (to a maximum of 9th level) for all purposes, including the calculation of saving throw DCs.
« 上次编辑: 2017-09-09, 周六 22:47:21 由 丞相 »