作者 主题: 【SOS】内海世界各地的探索者协会-部分翻译  (阅读 7837 次)

副标题: 不要以为是亲儿子就能在内海四处逢迎呢~

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« 于: 2017-06-21, 周三 22:59:44 »
 :em001 相应星云号召,挑了Seekers of Secrets里面的部分内容来翻译,完整全熟肉的合集点击 这里


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  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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Re: 【SOS】内海世界各地的探索者协会-部分翻译
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-06-21, 周三 23:05:35 »
引述:秘密探寻者《Seekers of Secrets》


劇透 -  原文:
Pathfinder agents operating along the Sellen River often prefer to skirt the borders of the Kalistocracy of Druma, as the dour lords of that mercantile kingdom like nothing more than imposing harsh taxes on looted antiquities traveling through their well-protected lands. The resulting avoidance keeps many of the rich treasures of Druma’s ancient dwarves protected from the prying journals of curious Pathfinders, a situation that suits the white-gloved Prophets perfectly. The goblins of Andoran’s forests claim that the dwarves who settled south of Lake Encarthan did so on the corpses of a handful of once-rich goblin kingdoms, and a few crude (but nonetheless magically potent and remarkably valuable) artifacts that seem to back up the claim are currently causing a stir in Andoran’s many Pathfinder lodges.

在赫米亚岛上避世隐居的巨龙领主不会容忍任何家伙侵犯它的完美国度,尤以那些为了恣意掠夺这片土地上的物质和知识财富的入侵者为甚。而历史上已知也仅仅只有两支探索者团队曾尝试登陆赫米亚,且最后都只在本部留下了“失踪于大海”的记录。事实上,最近一次由加尔坦记述者(Galtan raconteur)布里夫·贝洛(Briff Bellow)所率领的探险也在赫米亚那凶险莫测的东部海岸悲剧收场。仅仅只有少数船员以加入孟凯尔(Mengkare)那大胆的实验作为交换才能得以勉强苟活,然而其中也只有布里夫本人仍然记得50年前那次沉船之前,一去不复返的昔日人生。
劇透 -  原文:
The reclusive draconic lord of the Isle of Hermea tolerates no intruders upon his perfect realm, least of all interlopers who seek to rape the place of its treasures for material or intellectual gain. In all of history, only two known Pathfinder bands have ever attempted a landing on Hermea, but both are recorded in the Grand Lodge as “lost at sea.” In fact, the most recent expedition, led by the Galtan raconteur Briff Bellows, came to grief on Hermea’s treacherous eastern shore. A small handful of crew members managed to survive the tragedy to be incorporated into the dragon Mengkare’s bold experiment, but only Bellows himself remembers the old life he lost some 50 years ago when his ship foundered.

劇透 -  原文:
While Sargava was formerly a base from which to explore the jungles of the Mwangi Expanse, the Grand Lodge recently pulled all of its venture-captains from the nation due to fears of civil war. A few field agents remain, cataloging the ancient ruins and transcribing the oral traditions of the native peoples, but the shadows of gathering Mwangi forces in once-ruined cities like Mzali grow longer with each season, and few expect this once-proud colony of Imperial Cheliax to survive the next decade. Pathfinder exploits in the region thus assume a sense of urgency unseen elsewhere in Garund, and Sargavan explorers must constantly weigh expediency against sloppiness as they hastily complete the work of the Decemvirate in the region.

劇透 -  原文:
The orc-lands of Belkzen hold Pathfinders and outsiders of any ilk in similarly hostile regard, making missions in the wasteland among the Society’s most dangerous assignments. The fortress-capital of Urgir was, thousands of years ago, one of the first dwarven Sky Citadels, and still contains undiscovered chambers laden with treasure from the ages before the stout folk first emerged onto the surface of the world in their legendary Quest for Sky. Accordingly, none of Belkzen’s considerable dangers are great enough to keep the most curious Pathfinders at bay. At least five expeditions have vanished into the darkened passages of Urgir within the last three decades, though rumors in the Grand Lodge suggest that at least one of these still reports regularly from the bewildering maze of subterranean chambers below the bestial city.

劇透 -  原文:
An ancient kingdom in its own right, Qadira holds many sites and traditions of great interest to the Pathfinder Society, which has chapter houses in the capital, Katheer, and the mountain town of Gurat. Expeditions from the latter regularly set out to explore ruined cites such as harpy-infested Al-Bashir and the ruined mountain terraces of Shadun. Many Pathfinders pass through Qadiran lodges not to explore the local scenery, but rather on their way to the great empire of Kelesh east of Avistan and the fabulous ancient kingdoms on its distant periphery.

苏比亚境内的大沙漠里,数百个被流动沙丘所掩盖的伽伦德古国遗址仍然有待探索,其中一些甚至可以追溯到人类在内海地区刚刚崛起的年代,比如位于阿尔赞(Elzehan)山脚那让人既敬畏又着迷的利爪大教堂(Cathedral of Claws),以及在帕秀城外的国土大墓地(Uldani Necropolis)等等。每一位苏比亚亲王都会花钱组织一支属于自己的探险队伍,而其中的成员既是探险家,也是财宝猎人,这支队伍常常会带上至少一名探索者协会成员——因为后者要么是能为探索提供历史信息,要么就是能为旅途增加一点实力的保障。
劇透 -  原文:
The shifting dunes of Thuvia’s vast deserts obscure hundreds of unexplored ruins of ancient Garundi kingdoms, as well as a few that predate the rise of humanity in the Inner Sea region, such as the awe-inspiring Cathedral of Claws at the foot of the mountain known as Elzehan and the ancient Uldani Necropolis outside Pashow. Each of Thuvia’s princes sponsors his own band of explorers and treasure hunters, usually with at least one affiliated Pathfinder in tow to provide historical information or added muscle to the proceedings.

锐齿森林里面潜藏着的远不止游侠和政治诡计。尽管与摩尔苏恩军队的持续战争使得涅玛萨斯对于探索者们来说危机四伏。然而涅玛萨斯荒野上的原野秘辛对于那些从自然中汲取智慧的探索者来说有着无可抵挡的吸引力。葱郁密蔽的树冠下聚集着残余的失落德鲁伊教团,同时精类仙环(fairy ring),避世的人马部族,以及其他的类似生物也以此为家。就某些探索者而言,记录考芮精那细不可闻的曲调和抄录矮人失落历史的片段同样都是伟大的工作,而带着这种想法的男女探员群集在塔姆兰新建的分部,渴望着发掘出自然世界的秘密。
劇透 -  原文:
The Fangwood holds more than rangers and political intrigue. Though constant battle against the forces of Molthune makes Nirmathas a dangerous destination for explorers, the wild secrets of the Nirmathi wilderness prove irresistible to Pathfinders who draw wisdom from nature. Remnants of lost druidic circles abound under the leafy canopies, which also house fairy rings and hidden communities of centaurs and similar creatures. For some Pathfinders, recording the notes of a korred’s fiddling tune is just as righteous a goal as transcribing lost fragments of dwarven history, and such men and women flock to the new chapter house in Tamran, eager to plumb the secrets of the natural world.

被歹徒所控的河域诸国以及深受政治动乱之苦的伽尔特有效地把布雷斡隔绝在探索者协会其阴谋诡计的影响之外,但神秘失踪的统治势力之一 ——罗加维亚家族,以及十年前突然与世隔绝的观天镇那富裕满载的要塞已经在最近吸引了数次针对该地区的探险。然而正如世界上其他具有千年历史却仍然不得其解的秘密一样,布雷斡的状况依然是谜团重重,人们也正在继续苦苦摸索着答案的轮廓。而去年由探索者加里翁·黑尔德(Garrion Keld)率领的一次探险就在被龙息焚毁的炽焰溪谷(Valley of Flame)作祟战场上回收了三把魔法长剑,而来自遥远塞伦河水域的走私货物则会心照不宣地在被水贼控制的寒冰港市场里面销赃售出,其中不乏来自七拱镇的精灵古物,在伽尔特血色革命中失落的珍奇财宝,甚至是来自古代艾欧巴瑞亚(Iobaria)那近乎被彻底遗忘的冻寒魔法奥秘。
劇透 -  原文:
Outlaw holdings among the River Kingdoms and the political chaos of Galt effectively block much of Brevoy from the machinations of the Pathfinder Society, but the mysterious disappearance of the nation’s ruling House Rogarvia and the isolation of the treasure-rich fortress of Skywatch a decade ago have inspired several recent expeditions to the region. Not all of the world’s secrets emerged thousands of years ago, and the situation in Brevoy presents a mystery involving suspects who may still be around to provide answers. An expedition led by the Pathfinder Garrion Keld last year recovered a trio of magic longswords from a haunted battlefield in the dragonbreath-scorched Valley of Flame, and the pirate- controlled Port Ice is a known market for smuggled goods from the far reaches of the Sellen River system, including plundered elven antiques from Sevenarches, lost treasures of Galt’s Red Revolution, and even the near-forgotten frigid magical secrets of ancient Iobaria.

摩尔苏恩和涅玛萨斯之间的持续战争使得恩卡坦湖西部沿岸的大部分地区处于探索者的影响力之外。当探索者协会于3年前在涅玛萨斯首都塔姆兰建立分部时,总督塔拉达斯就发表了将前者定性为敌对组织的声明,使得状况进一步复杂化,尤其是对于那些急于对拜克森林里精类作怪的地区,或是位于境内西北部的切利亚斯前殖民地边沿聚落遗址进行探索的协会成员来说尤其如此。然而克拉铎岡的矮人们却非常欢迎探索者们进入他们的天空堡垒,这相当程度上得要归功于城市的三王子——戈尔牧·巨锤(Gorm Greathammer)自己就是一名有着良好信誉的协会探员,在已出版的探索者年表里关于他的功绩记录至少有三处。同时克拉铎岡的低海拔地区分布着许多通往幽暗地域的入口,因而引起了大量探索者协会成员的兴趣。
劇透 -  原文:
Constant warfare between Molthune and Nirmathas keeps most of the western shores of Lake Encarthan free from Pathfinder influence. Governor Teldas declared the organization an enemy of the state 3 years ago after the establishment of a lodge in the Nirmathi capital of Tamran, which further complicates matters for Pathfinders eager to explore the fey-haunted reaches of Backar Forest or the ruined outposts of pre-Chelish settlements that dot the northwestern reaches of the nation. The dwarves of Kraggodan warmly welcome Pathfinders to their Sky Citadel, however, in no small part due to the fact that the third prince of the city, Gorm Greathammer, is himself a Pathfinder agent in good standing, having published no fewer than three exploits in the Pathfinder Chronicles. Kraggodan’s lower levels hold many entrances into the Darklands, attracting a fair amount of interest among the Pathfinder Society.

外勤考察的协会探员经常会迷失在地图上未曾标注的地点及满怀敌意的地牢所带来的种种危险之中。但在愚昧和迷信横行的乌斯塔拉夫,另一种意义上的“失踪”成为了探索者们的主要风险。因为这片土地上那黑暗诡秘的魔法,呢喃低语的亡灵,以及堕落至极的邪恶,其危险程度已经被证明和破损故障的罗盘,星光俱灭的夜幕相差无几。纵然默语暴君——巫妖王塔·巴丰将乌斯塔拉夫紧攫在其白骨嶙峋的魔掌之中的时期距今已经将近千年之久,其统治所带来的漆黑污渍却依然残留在无人知晓的峡谷深处,以及与世隔绝村民的黑暗心肝之中。探索者们群集在湖畔首都卡利法斯的沃德瓦尼分部(Vodavani Lodge),并以此为起点前往探索各种地区,比如饥饿山脉中的诅咒百谷(Hundred Haunted Vale),饱受鬼灵滋扰的沟痕区(Furrows),其范围甚至触及了默语暴君的禁忌要塞——绞首塔。另外,损失和消耗一直未曾减少,在乌斯塔拉夫无数危险中,相较干脆利落的死亡而言,腐化与堕落依然是更为可怕的威胁。
劇透 -  原文:
Given the danger of unmapped territory and hostile dungeons, Pathfinder agents often become lost in the field. In benighted Ustalav, Pathfinders risk becoming lost in a different sense, as dark magics, undead whispers, and malign perversions prove just as dangerous as a broken compass or a starless night. The lich king Tar-Baphon, the Whispering Tyrant, held Ustalav in his bony clutches more than a millennium ago, but the dark stain of his rulership still taints the hidden valleys and dark hearts of the forlorn countryside. Pathfinders f lock to the Vodavani Lodge in the lakeside capital of Caliphas, from there exploring sites like the Hundred Haunted Vales of the Hungry Mountains, the ghostinfested Furrows, or even the Tyrant’s forbidden fortress of Gallowspire itself. Attrition here is high, and corruption remains perhaps a greater threat than outright death at the hands of Ustalav’s countless dangers.

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Re: 【SOS】內海世界各地的探索者協會-部分翻譯
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-06-30, 周五 16:05:10 »

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Re: 【SOS】内海世界各地的探索者协会-部分翻译
« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-06-30, 周五 17:00:42 »
白夜翻译dalao1 :em025
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