作者 主题: 【Planar Adventures】戒指(Rings)  (阅读 4329 次)

副标题: 魔法物品(Magic Items)章节中戒指部分

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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【Planar Adventures】戒指(Rings)
« 于: 2022-07-06, 周三 08:27:29 »
这些戒指带有与伟大彼岸(the Great Beyond)相关的强大效果。任何角色都可以使一枚戒指,但是一个角色在同一时间仅可受益于两枚魔法戒指。

高级次等戒指(Greater Minor Ring)价格(Price)
位面聚焦之戒(Ring of planar focus) 4,000 GP
次级中等戒指(Lesser Medium Ring)价格(Price)
灵魂联结戒指(Soultether ring) 8,000 GP
熵与秩之戒(Ring of entropy and order) 16,200 GP

【PFS】熵与秩之戒(Ring of Entropy and Order)
栏位:戒指;价格:16,200 GP;重量:-磅
这枚金戒指像是折叠在在明澈水晶周围的小小天使之翼。每日1次,佩戴者可以以自己为目标获得防护混乱(protection from chaos)或防护秩序(protection from law)效果,持续10分钟。然而,当穿戴者处于一个拥有轻微混乱阵营或强烈混乱阵营特性的位面,且用熵与秩之戒以命令获得防护混乱(protection from chaos),亦或是当穿戴者处于一个拥有轻微秩序阵营或强烈秩序阵营特性的位面,且用熵与秩之戒以命令获得防护秩序(protection from law)时,其效果反而会持续1小时。当处于一个轻微混乱阵营、轻微秩序阵营、强烈混乱阵营、或强烈秩序阵营特性的位面时,如果穿戴者在一个魅惑(charm)或胁迫(compulsion)效果的豁免骰中失败的话,她可以以一个直觉动作触发戒指的效果。
制造条件:锻造戒指(Forge Ring),触发术(contingency),防护混乱(protection from chaos),防护秩序(protection from law);
制造成本:8,100 GP

【PFS】位面聚焦之戒(Ring of Planar Focus)
栏位:戒指;价格:4,000 GP;重量:-磅
这枚银制的大戒指有个结实的底座安放着一颗直径约一英寸的云白色水晶。每周1次以一个标准动作,穿戴者可以用调谐到某一特定位面的叉形权杖(异界传送法术的器材)轻击该戒指。当轻击后,该水晶在1分钟内会变成其相关位面的大致地形图。尽管地形要素有些粗糙并且所示的仅仅是所需位置周围的大型或出名的特征,佩戴者可以使用水晶聚焦在位面内的某一个特定位置。如果佩戴者曾亲自去过该位置,她可以以1整轮使用水晶聚焦此地。否则,她可以以一个整轮动作尝试进行一次DC 15的知识(位面)检定,以聚焦于她所选择的位置。该位置必须是公共场所或知名区域,例如黄铜城(City of Brass)内的平民区(Common Quarter)的公共广场。鲜为人知的地点(比如卡莉丝翠私密的隐实花园)或神性存在所控制的地点不能被聚焦——在所有情况下,一个地区是否可以被聚焦,GM拥有最终决定权。

当地图被激活时,如果穿戴者施展异界传送(plane shift)到被聚焦处旅行的话,她会不出差错的抵达此地,而不是5d%英里之外。一旦一枚位面聚焦之戒被用于辅助一道施展中的异界传送(plane shift)的话,它在24小时内变为非活动状态。
制造条件:锻造戒指(Forge Ring),感知位置(discern location);
制造成本:2,000 GP

灵魂联结戒指(Soultether Ring)
栏位:戒指;价格:8,000 GP;重量:-磅
当这枚精致白金戒指的佩戴者去世时,他的灵魂仍在灵魂长河(River of Souls)中漂泊,而不会在进入骨园(Boneyard)进行其最终审判。直到灵魂联结戒指从尸体上取下,诸如死者复活(raise dead)或复生术(resurrection)等使该生物复活的法术的时间限制会被暂停。如果戒指被置于一具尸体上的话,则该戒指不会生效;它必须在生物死亡时佩戴,以束缚其灵魂。招魂者(Psychopomps)和其他法莱斯玛(Pharasma)的追随者认为灵魂联结戒指渎神,而只要有可能的话,这些生物就会摧毁这种戒指。
制造条件:锻造戒指(Forge Ring),缚魂术(soul bind)或完全复生术(true resurrection);
制造成本:4,000 GP

劇透 -   :
These rings carry potent effects associated with the Great Beyond. Anyone can use a ring, but a character can gain the benefits of only two magic rings at a time.

Table 1–7: Rings
Greater Minor Ring Price
Ring of planar focus 4,000 gp
Lesser Medium Ring Price
Soultether ring 8,000 gp
Ring of entropy and order 16,200 gp

  Ring of Entropy and Order
Source Planar Adventures pg. 49
Aura moderate abjuration CL 10th
Slot ring; Price 16,200 gp; Weight —
This gold ring resembles tiny angel wings folded around a clear crystal. Once per day, the wearer can target herself with a protection from chaos or protection from law effect that lasts for 10 minutes. However, if the wearer uses the ring of entropy and order to gain protection from chaos while on a plane with the mildly chaos-aligned or strongly chaos-aligned trait, or to gain protection from law while on a plane with the mildly law-aligned or strongly law-aligned trait, the effect instead lasts for 1 hour. If the wearer fails a saving throw against a charm or compulsion effect while on a plane with the mildly chaos-aligned, mildly law-aligned, strongly chaos-aligned, or strongly law-aligned traits, she can activate the effect as an immediate action.
Requirements Forge Ring, contingency, protection from chaos, protection from law; Cost 8,100 gp

  Ring of Planar Focus
Source Planar Adventures pg. 49
Aura strong divination CL 15th
Slot ring; Price 4,000 gp; Weight —
This large silver ring has a massive setting for a cloudy white crystal about an inch in diameter. Once per week as a standard action, the wearer can tap the ring with a forked rod attuned to a specific plane (the focus for a plane shift spell). When tapped, the crystal transforms into a rough topographical map of the plane in question for 1 minute. The wearer can manipulate the crystal to focus on a single specific location within the plane, although the topographical elements remain rough and display only large or well-known features around the desired location. If the wearer has been to that location personally, she can focus the crystal on the location in 1 full round. Otherwise, she can attempt a DC 15 Knowledge (planes) check to focus on a location of her choice as a full-round action. This location must be a public or well-known area, such as a public plaza in the Common Quarter in the City of Brass. Obscure locations (such as Calistria’s private Garden of Hidden Fruits) or locations controlled by a divinity cannot be focused on—in all cases, the GM has final say on whether a region can be focused upon.

If the wearer casts plane shift to travel to the focused location while the map is active, she arrives without error at the site, rather than 5d% miles away. Once a ring of planar focus is used to aid a casting of plane shift, it becomes inactive for 24 hours.
Requirements Forge Ring, discern location; Cost 2,000 gp

Soultether Ring
Source Planar Adventures pg. 49
Aura strong necromancy CL 17th
Slot ring; Price 8,000 gp; Weight —
When the wearer of this delicate platinum ring dies, his soul remains adrift in the River of Souls and does not proceed to its final judgment in the Boneyard. Until the soultether ring is removed from the corpse, the time limit for restoring the creature to life via spells such as raise dead or resurrection is suspended. This ring has no effect if it is placed upon a corpse; it must be worn at the time the creature dies to tether its soul. Psychopomps and other followers of Pharasma consider soultether rings to be sacrilegious, and the creatures destroy the rings whenever possible.
Requirements Forge Ring; soul bind or true resurrection; Cost 4,000 gp
« 上次编辑: 2022-07-06, 周三 09:07:38 由 萌新也有滥强的心 »

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【Planar Adventures】戒指(Rings)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2022-07-06, 周三 08:27:51 »
1、熵与秩之戒(Ring of Entropy and Order):其中的轻微混乱阵营、轻微秩序阵营、强烈混乱阵营、或强烈秩序阵营位面特性,详见灯泡powerbult大佬翻译的位面特性。

2、(Ring of Planar Focus):调谐到某一特定位面的叉形杆(异界传送法术的器材)在这本书中被大书特书,瞄了一眼,反正就是调谐各位面各有各的方法。黄铜城(City of Brass)是火元素位面的首都 。

3、 灵魂联结戒指(Soultether Ring):灵魂长河(River of Souls)是星界的别称。骨园(Boneyard)不用多说了。