作者 主题: 蛮鳄流Brutal Crocodile(完结)  (阅读 29985 次)

副标题: 机翻+润色!轻喷!(对不起,各位。因为考研二战暂时弃坑)

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蛮鳄流Brutal Crocodile(完结)
« 于: 2021-06-20, 周日 22:48:59 »
蛮鳄流Brutal Crocodile
劇透 -   :
In the wild, no creature will ever submit to you if they have a choice of continuing to fight. As a result, the best way to defeat a beast is to prevent it from striking back while one methodically crushes the life out if it. Learning from the beasts he hunted and drawing upon the myriad skills it took him to survive in the wilderness, the original master of the Brutal Crocodile developed a style of fighting built upon invalidating the resistance attempts of his opponents. Disciples of the Brutal Crocodile learn to use their hands like the maw of their namesake, holding fast to their foes with incredible force until they are no longer capable of standing against them.


标题旁边带有 [G] 的打击可以作为维持擒抱或牵制来代替造成伤害的一部分而发起,只要这种维持是作为一个标准动作完成的。执行这样的打击不会干扰诸如紧缩之类的技能造成的伤害,这些技能在敌人被擒抱的每一轮都会造成伤害。


GM 在他们的游戏中允许蛮鳄流会很好地熟悉擒抱规则和攫抓。
类似地,GM 应该熟悉抵抗或消除被擒抱状态的环境和能力。一些使用预先生成的怪物和恶棍的战役可能无法以玩家角色预期的抓取攻击、加速擒抱动作经济或解除擒抱效果的奖励的方式进行。

为擒抱规则苦苦挣扎的 GM 可能希望用原怒流或蟠龙流来代替该流派。

劇透 -   :
Strikes with a [G] next to their title can be initiated as part of maintaining a grapple or pin in place of inflicting damage so long as such maintenance is done as a standard action. Performing such a strike does not interfere with damage dealt by abilities such as constrict which deal damage every round that the foe is grappled.

The Brutal Crocodile discipline favors a highly aggressive, feral fighting style, and as such can be exchanged by any martial class from other sources with access to Primal Fury for one martial discipline they possess.

Rules Element: Grab, Grapple, & the Brutal Crocodile
GMs allowing the Brutal Crocodile discipline in their games would do well to familiarize themselves with the rules for grapple and the grab universal monster ability.
Similarly, GMs should become familiar with circumstances and abilities that resist or negate the grappled condition. Some campaigns using pregenerated monsters and villains may not be crafted in a manner to anticipate with the potential of player character grab attacks, accerlerated grapple action economies, or bonuses to resolve grapple-effects.

GMs struggling with grapple rules may wish to substitute Primal Fury or Thrashing Dragon for this discipline.

武技   类型   描述
诱捕   Ensnare   强化   使用近战攻击击中目标后,立即开始对目标进行擒抱。
精通抓握   Expert Grip   强化   进行攀爬检定来代替擒抱检定。
饥馑之颚   Hungry Jaws   架式   流派武器攻击获得擒抱能力,每次保持擒抱都会造成 1d6 伤害。
痛苦使者   Painbringer   架式   被擒抱生物而受到的减值双倍
掠夺之爪   Snatching Talons   打击   抓住生物,每次维持时造成 1d8 伤害。
践踏钳制   Trampling Pin   打击 [G]   压制敌人并造成 2d8 伤害
迅捷之拨   Agile Redirection   应对   对即将到来的攻击的攻击检定进行一次攀爬检定。成功后避免伤害并将目标移动 10 英尺。
蟒蛇缠绕   Anaconda's Coils   强化   对被擒抱的敌人的 CMD 进行一次攀爬检定。成功压制他们。
狂野冲刺   Bestial Dash   打击 [G]   用擒抱目标全速移动。如果被擒抱的生物在另一个生物的位置结束其回合,则会受到 2d10 的伤害。
雀鳝冲刺   Gar Rush   打击   冲锋目标并开始擒抱,每轮造成 2d6 伤害
鲶鱼之握   Catfish Hold   架式   忽略体型差距进行擒抱,在擒抱时为伤害额外添加武术调整值。(暂译)
地球摔投   Into the Earth   打击 [G]   使对手摔倒在地,造成 2d10 伤害,对手俯卧但摆脱擒抱。
猴子撑杆跳   Monkey Vault   强化   对敌人的 CMD 进行攀爬检查。如果成功,在不引发借机攻击的情况下移动到与目标相邻的任何其他方格。敌人措手不及,直到你的下一个回合开始
诱捕爪   Trapping Jaws   应对   打断近战攻击并开始与目标进行擒抱,每次与目标保持擒抱都会造成 2d6 伤害
鳄鱼过肩摔   Alligator Suplex   打击 [G]   造成 4d10 伤害,有几率使敌人眩晕但使他们脱离擒抱。
碎骨还击   Bonebreaker Riposte   应对   进行攀爬检定与攻击检定对抗。成功时使敌人的攻击肢体无用
破魔者   Magebreaker   强化   被擒抱的生物被视为受到反魔场的影响,持续一轮。
静音之握   Silencing Grip   打击   擒抱敌人,每轮造成 6d6 伤害,目标不能施展带有语言成分的法术或使用啮咬攻击。
粉碎肠胃   Gut Crusher   打击 [G]   目标受到 3d12 的伤害并且可能会停止行动。
海妖缠绕   Kraken's Coils   架式   攻击时获得攫抓能力,在擒抱时不会获得擒抱状态,每维持一轮敌人都会受到 1 点体质伤害。
肉盾   Meat Shield   应对   将被擒抱的生物放置在攻击的道路上,使它们代替你受到伤害。
贪婪之槌   Voracious Maul   打击 [G]   对被擒抱的目标进行整轮攻击。
羽翼撕裂   Wing Ripper   打击 [G]   造成 7d10 伤害,目标必须进行强韧豁免或在初始修正轮中将其所有移动速度降低至 0
晦凶劲   Atrophic Brutalization   打击   擒抱敌人,每回合造成 8d6 外加 1d4 的力量伤害。
嗜血   Blood in the Water   强化   开始擒抱后立即发动带有[G]字符的武技
毁容之凿   Disfiguring Gouge   打击 [G]   造成 4d10 伤害和 1d8 魅力伤害,可能会使目标致盲。
无尽征途   Insatiable Warpath   架式   攻击时获得攫抓能力,保持擒抱作为自由动作,使用擒抱生物作为武器。
蟒蛇绞杀   Crushing Python   打击   擒抱对手,每维持一轮造成 1d6 体质伤害。
肢解   Dismemberment   打击 [G]   从敌人的身体上撕下肢体,每轮造成 3d6 点流血伤害,直到进行医疗检定。
河马压杀   Hippo Press   打击 [G]   将敌人压制在您的下方,只要您不从目标位置移动,在您失去被擒抱状态时,目标仍然被压制(并且自动保持)。
双体流星   Meteoric Suplex   打击 [G]   使用被擒抱的生物作为武器对另一个目标进行跳跃冲锋,对两个生物造成 10d10 伤害并造成溅射伤害。
丽齿兽之颚(待定)   Gorgonops' Jaws   架式   攻击时获得擒抱能力,可以在开始抓斗时立即启动带有 [G] 的武技。
猩猩背部破坏技(岩石落)(待定)   Gorilla Backbreaker   打击 [G]   造成 10d12 伤害和 3d4 敏捷伤害
奇迹之掷   Impossible Hurl   打击 [G]   对敌人的 CMD 进行一次攀爬检定,投掷以 5 英尺/攀爬检定的结果抓住目标。充当射弹,造成 15d12 伤害
撕裂境界线   Event Horizon   打击[G]    被擒抱的生物必须进行反射豁免,否则就会被放逐到时空之外,无法逃脱。

等级: 1
启动动作: 1个即时动作
劇透 -   :
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Boost)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Melee
Target: You
Duration: Instant
As you strike, you seize the opportunity and grab hold of your foe. When you hit a target with a melee attack using a discipline weapon, you may activate this boost to immediately initiate a grapple against the target.
精通抓握 Expert Grip(强化)
等级: 1
启动动作: 1个迅捷动作
持续时间: 1轮
劇透 -   :
Expert Grip
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Boost)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
You utilize your skill at carrying yourself to carry your foe much in the same way. After the initiating this boost, if you make a grapple check at any point in the round, you may make a climb check and use the result in place of your grapple check. You may add any bonuses from items, feats, or abilities that you possess to this check that would normally apply to grapple checks.
饥馑之颚 Hungry Jaws(架式)
等级: 1
启动动作: 1个迅捷动作
蛮鳄派武术家挥动臂膀,勒破紧紧抓住的目标。使用流派武器进行的任何攻击都会获得攫抓属性。此外,蛮鳄派武术家获得紧勒能力,保持擒抱的每一轮造成 1d6 +力量调整值的钝击伤害。如果蛮鳄派武术家已经拥有其他来源的紧勒能力,或者已经在造成伤害作为保持擒抱的一部分,会造成 1d6 额外伤害。
劇透 -   :
Hungry Jaws
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Stance)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
Your bare hands lash out, snagging the target in your clutches. Any attacks you make with discipline weapons gain the Grab property (see Pathfinder Bestiary page 301). In addition, you gain the constrict ability, dealing 1d6 + your strength modifier points of bludgeoning damage every round that you maintain a grapple. If you already possess the constrict ability from another source or are already dealing damage as part of maintaining a grapple, you instead deal 1d6 additional damage when using such abilities.
痛苦使者 Painbringer(架式)
等级: 1
启动动作: 1个迅捷动作
在与对手擒抱时,蛮鳄派武术家仿佛将自己融进对手,使对手难以抵抗。蛮鳄派武术家正在擒抱的任何生物的敏捷减值从 -4 增加到 -8,并且在攻击检定和武技检定上受到 -4 减值而不是 -2。
劇透 -   :
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Stance)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
You force yourself onto the opponent while grappling with them, complicating their resistance further. Any creature you are grappling has the dexterity penalty from grappling increased from -4 to -8, and takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls and combat maneuver checks rather than -2.
掠夺之爪 Snatching Talons(打击)
等级: 1
启动动作: 1个标准动作
目标: 1个生物
蛮鳄派武术家熟练地撕开敌人的防御并用双手粉碎他们。对目标发起一次擒抱检定,这不会引发借机攻击。成功时,蛮鳄派武术家对目标造成 1d8 点伤害,并且每次保持擒抱都会造成 1d8 点伤害。该伤害与紧勒能力的伤害叠加。
劇透 -   :
Snatching Talons
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Strike)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Initiated grapple
You adeptly tear through your foe’s defenses and begin crushing them in your hands. Initiate a grapple attempt against the target, which does not provoke an attack of opportunity. On a success, you deal 1d8 points of damage to the target, and deal 1d8 points of damage every time you maintain a grapple. This damage stacks with that from the constrict special ability.
践踏钳制 Trampling Pin(打击)
等级: 1
启动动作: 1个标准动作或[G]
范围: 擒抱
目标: 一个被你擒抱的生物
持续时间: 即时
蛮鳄派武术家用强大的力量将敌人猛击在地上并压制他们。这个动作使目标进入被压制状态并造成 2d8 点伤害。只要蛮鳄派武术家继续压制对手,就仍然保持擒抱状态。
劇透 -   :
Trampling Pin
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile(Strike)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action or [G]
Range: Grappled
Target: One creature grappled by you
Duration: Instant
You slam your foe into the ground with excessive force and hold them down. This maneuver causes the target to gain the pinned condition and deals 2d8 points of damage. You still keep the grappled condition so long as you continue to pin the opponent.
迅捷拨转 Agile Redirection(应对)
等级: 2
启动动作: 1个即时动作
范围: 近战
目标: 进行攻击的生物
持续时间: 1轮
蛮鳄派武术家拨动敌人的攻击方向,并将敌人推出场地。当敌人对蛮鳄派武术家进行近战攻击时,进行1次攀爬检定与该次攻击骰对抗,若成功则抵销该次攻击。同时蛮鳄派武术家可以将目标向蛮鳄派武术家选择的任何方向移动 10 英尺(此移动会引发借机攻击)。
劇透 -   :
Agile Redirection
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Counter)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Melee
Target: Attacking Creature
Duration: 1 round
You turn a foe’s momentum against them and shove them across the field. When a foe makes a melee attack against you, make a Climb check opposed by their attack roll. If your result exceeds theirs, the attack is completely negated, and you may move the target 10 feet in any direction of your choice (this movement provokes attack of opportunity).
蟒蛇缠绕 Anaconda's Coils(强化)
等级: 2
启动动作: 1 个迅捷动作
范围: 近战
目标: 你正在擒抱的生物
持续时间: 即时
蛮鳄派武术家瞬间扑向对手,将其重重摔在地上,将所有的重量压在他们身上。当蛮鳄派武术家使用该武技时,进行一次攀爬检定。如果结果超过目标的 CMD,蛮鳄派武术家立即压制该生物。
劇透 -   :
Anaconda's Coils
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Boost)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Melee
Target: Creature you are grappling
Duration: Instant
In a flash, you pounce on your opponent and slam them into the ground, pressing all of your weight on top of them. When you initiate this boost, make a Climb check. If the result exceeds the target’s CMD, you immediately pin the creature.
狂野冲刺 Bestial Dash(打击)
等级: 2
启动动作: 1个标准动作或[G]
范围: 近战
目标: 一个生物
持续时间: 即时
蛮鳄派武术家抓着猎物,迅速地冲过战场。使用标准移动速度而不是降低的擒抱速度进行移动动作。这次移动会引发借机攻击。被擒抱的生物与蛮鳄派武术家一起移动,在整个移动过程中二者的相对位置不变。如果被擒抱的生物在回合结束时停在与另一个生物或物体的格子里,或者与另一个生物或物体等碰撞等以某种方式阻止其移动,二者都会受到 2d10 伤害。
劇透 -   :
Bestial Dash
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Strike)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 standard action or [G]
Range: Melee
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant
Prey in hand, the initiator rushes across the battlefield. Make a move action using your standard movement speed as opposed to your diminished grappled speed. This movement provokes attack of opportunity as normal. Creatures you are grappling move with you, maintaining the same relative position to you all throughout the movement. If a grappled creature would end its turn in the same space as another creature or object or would collide with an object or creature in a way that would stop it being moved, both entities take 2d10 damage.
雀鳝冲刺 Gar Rush(打击)
等级: 2
启动动作: 1 整轮行动
范围: 近战冲锋
目标: 一个生物
持续时间: 从擒抱开始到结束
蛮鳄派武术家冲向敌人,在他们挣扎着躲开时蛮鳄派武术家向他们猛烈击打。向目标冲锋,【作为进行一次攻击的代替】发起一次【不引发借机攻击的】擒抱检定。蛮鳄派武术家在这次擒抱检定中获得 +2 奖励。成功后,蛮鳄派武术家对目标造成 2d6 点伤害,并且每次保持擒抱都会造成 2d6 点伤害。该伤害与紧勒能力的伤害叠加。
劇透 -   :
Bestial Dash
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Strike)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 full round action
Range: Melee charge
Target: One creature
Duration: Initiated grapple
You rush at your quarry and thrash yourself to them as they struggle to avoid you. Make a charge at the target, initiating a grapple attempt that does not provoke an attack of opportunity rather than making an attack. You receive a +2 bonus on this grapple attempt. On a success, you deal 2d6 points of damage to the target, and 2d6 points of damage every time you maintain a grapple. This damage stacks with that from the constrict special ability.
鲶鱼之握 Catfish Hold(架式)
等级: 3
先决条件: 一个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1 个迅捷动作
范围: 个人
目标: 自己
持续时间: 架式
利用地形,蛮鳄派武术家像有钢铁支撑一般,来控制和偏转迎面而来的攻击。在此架式下,蛮鳄派武术家将忽略您或您尝试擒抱的任何生物所拥有的对 CMB 的体型调整值,并且可以擒抱任何体型的生物。此外,蛮鳄派武术家保持擒抱时,造成的额外伤害等于武术调整值。
劇透 -   :
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Stance)
Level: 3
Prerequisite: One Brutal Crocodile Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
Bracing yourself against the terrain, you steel yourself to control and redirect any oncoming assaults. While in this stance, you ignore any size modifiers to CMB that you or any creatures you are attempting to grapple possess, and may grapple creatures of any size. In addition, when you maintain a grapple, you deal an additional amount of damage equal to your initiation modifier.
地球摔投 Into the Earth(打击)
等级: 3
先决条件: 一个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个标准动作或[G]
范围: 近战
目标: 你正在擒抱的生物
持续时间: 即时
蛮鳄派武术家将手中的敌人猛摔在脚边,通过投掷的冲击对敌人造成了严重的伤害。敌人从擒抱中释放,但立即被冲击至俯卧并受到 2d10 点伤害。
劇透 -   :
Into the Earth
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Strike)
Level: 3
Prerequisite: One Brutal Crocodile Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 standard action or [G]
Range: Melee
Target: Creature you are grappling
Duration: Instant
You slam your prey down at your feet, dealing substantial injury from the force of your throw. The target is released from the grapple, but is immediately knocked prone and takes 2d10 points of damage.
猴子撑杆跳 Monkey Vault(强化)
等级: 3
先决条件: 一个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1 个迅捷动作
范围: 近战
目标: 自己和一个生物或物体
持续时间: 1轮
抓住一个对手,蛮鳄派武术家将其用作底座,腾越过去。对敌人的 CMD 进行一次攀爬检定。如果成功,蛮鳄派武术家可以移动到与目标相邻的任何方格,目标被视为措手不及,直到蛮鳄派武术家的下一个回合结束。
劇透 -   :
Monkey Vault
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile  (Boost)
Level: 3
Prerequisite: One Brutal Crocodile Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Melee
Target: You and one creature or object
Duration: Instant
Snagging an opponent, you use them as a base as you vault over or around them. Make a Climb check against the foe’s CMD. If successful, you may move to any square adjacent to the target, and the target is considered to be flat-footed until the end of your next turn.
诱捕爪 Trapping Jaws(应对)
等级: 3
先决条件: 一个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个直觉动作
范围: 近战
目标: 进行攻击的生物
持续时间: 从擒抱开始到结束
蛮鳄派武术家在敌人的攻击中抓住对手,拒绝放手。当敌人对蛮鳄派武术家进行近战攻击时,蛮鳄派武术家可以启动这个指示物来对目标进行擒抱检定。若成功则抵销该次攻击,蛮鳄派武术家开始擒抱敌人。在擒抱敌人时,蛮鳄派武术家保持擒抱的每轮造成 2d6 点伤害(这与蛮鳄派武术家可以造成的任何伤害叠加)。
劇透 -   :
Trapping Jaws
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Counter)
Level: 3
Prerequisite: One Brutal Crocodile Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Melee
Target: Attacking Creature
Duration: Initiated grapple
You snag your opponent in the midst of their attack, refusing to let go. When a creature makes a melee attack roll against you, you may initiate this counter to make a grapple check against the target. On a success, the creature’s attack is negated, and you begin grappling the target. While grappling the creature, you deal 2d6 points of damage each round that you maintain the grapple (this stacks with any damage you may deal with constrict).
鳄鱼过肩摔 Alligator Suplex(打击 [G])
等级: 4
先决条件: 一个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个标准动作或[G]
范围: 近战
目标: 你正在擒抱的生物
持续时间: 即时
双臂环住一个被擒抱的目标,蛮鳄派武术家用巨大的力量将其猛烈砸向地面。该生物受到相当于 4d10 伤害的伤害,并且必须进行强韧豁免,否则会眩晕一轮(DC 14 + 蛮鳄派武术家的武术调整值)。使用这个武技,敌人自动被蛮鳄派武术家的擒抱释放。
劇透 -   :
Alligator Suplex
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Strike)
Prerequisite: One Brutal Crocodile Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 standard action or [G]
Range: Melee
Target: Creature you are grappling
Duration: Instant
Wrapping your arms around a grappled target, you slam them into the ground with immense force. The creature takes an amount of damage equal to 4d10 damage and must make a Fortitude save or be dazed for one round (DC 14 + your initiation modifier). Initiating this maneuver automatically releases the creature from your grapple.
碎骨还击 Bonebreaker Riposte(应对)
等级: 4
先决条件: 一个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个即时动作
范围: 近战
目标: 进行攻击的生物
持续时间: 1轮/级
劇透 -   :
Bonebreaker Riposte
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Counter)
Prerequisite: One Brutal Crocodile Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Melee
Target: Attacking Creature
Duration: 1 round/level
When faced with an attacker, you have learned that your best hope is to incapacitate them, preventing them from further assaults. When a creature makes a melee attack roll against you, you may initiate this counter to make a Climb check against the creature’s attack roll. On a success, the creature’s attack is negated, and it cannot for any purpose use the limb it used to make the attack for the duration of this maneuver.
破魔击 Magebreake(强化)
等级: 4
先决条件: 一个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1 个迅捷动作
范围: 个人
目标: 自己
持续时间: 1轮
劇透 -   :
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Boost)
Prerequisite: One Brutal Crocodile Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: one round
Some disciples of the Brutal Crocodile have learned pseudo-arcane techniques so as to handle supernaturally tenacious foes. Upon initiating this maneuver, you treat any creatures that you are grappling or that you grapple this turn as if they were under the effects of an Antimagic Field until the end of your next turn. This maneuver is a supernatural ability rather than an extraordinary one.
静音之握 Silencing Grip(打击)
等级: 4
先决条件: 一个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个标准动作
范围: 近战
目标: 一只生物
持续时间: 即时
蛮鳄派武术家抓住敌人并将他们的下巴锁定,以防止其抵抗。对目标进行一次擒抱检定。成功后,目标不能施展带有语言成分的法术,也不能用舌头或啮咬攻击进行攻击,只要蛮鳄派武术家正在擒抱它们。此外,目标在蛮鳄派武术家保持擒抱的每一轮都会受到 6d6 点伤害(这与蛮鳄派武术家造成的任何伤害叠加)。
劇透 -   :
Silencing Grip
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Strike)
Prerequisite: One Brutal Crocodile Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant
As you grab hold of the target, you lock their jaw in place so to prevent their resistance. Make a grapple check against the target. On a success, the target cannot cast spells with verbal components or make attacks with a tongue or bite attack so long as you are grappling them. In addition, the target takes 6d6 points of damage each round that you maintain the grapple (this stacks with any damage you may deal with constrict).
粉碎肠胃 Gut Crusher(打击)
等级: 5
先决条件: 两个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个标准动作或[G]
范围: 近战
目标: 你正在擒抱的生物。
持续时间: 1轮
蛮鳄派武术家猛撞对手几个有弱点的部位,对目标造成 3d12 伤害。目标必须成功通过强韧豁免(DC 15 + 武术调整值),否则将无法执行任何动作,除非在一轮内试图逃脱擒抱。当武技开始时,蛮鳄派武术家可以选择从擒抱中释放目标。如果蛮鳄派武术家选择这样做,则目标豁免失败后,反胃 1 轮。
劇透 -   :
Gut Crusher
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Strike)
Prerequisite: two Brutal Crocodile Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 standard action or [G]
Range: Melee
Target: Creature you are grappling.
Duration: 1 round
You smash your opponent in several vulnerable areas, dealing 3d12 damage to the target. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15 + your initiation modifier) or become unable to perform any actions save for trying to escape the grapple for one round. You may release the target from the grapple when you initiate this maneuver. If you do, a target which failed their save instead becomes nauseated for 1 round.
海妖缠绕 Kraken's Coils(架式)
等级: 5
先决条件: 两个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个迅捷动作
范围: 个人
目标: 自己
持续时间: 架式
劇透 -   :
Kraken's Coils
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile  (Stance)
Prerequisite: two Brutal Crocodile Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
Like a tentacled beast of the deep, you have learned to hold foes in your clutches without the slightest impairment. While in this stance, all attacks that you make with discipline weapons gain the grab property, and you do not gain the grappled condition when grappling a creature. In addition, every round that you maintain a grapple, the grappled creature takes one point of constitution damage.
肉盾Meat Shield(应对)
等级: 5
先决条件: 两个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个即时动作
范围: 个人
目标: 自己
劇透 -   :
Meat Shield
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile  (Counter)
Prerequisite: two Brutal Crocodile Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
An attacker finds its assault intercepted by a hapless creature in your grasp. When a creature makes a melee or ranged attack against you or you are forced to make a Reflex saving throw, you may block the threat using a creature you are grappling, gaining the benefits of improved cover. If you avoid the attack or succeed on the saving throw, the creature you are grappling is considered hit by that attack or failing his saving throw, and thus takes damage instead of you. You must be grappling a creature in order to use this counter
贪婪之槌 Voracious Maul(打击)
等级: 5
先决条件: 两个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个标准动作或[G]
范围: 近战
目标: 你正在擒抱的生物
持续时间: 即时
劇透 -   :
Voracious Maul
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Strike)
Prerequisite: two Brutal Crocodile Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 standard action or [G]
Range: Melee
Target: Creature you are grappling
Duration: Instant
Letting loose with your unbridled feral fury, you plunge your armaments repeatedly into the hapless being in your coils. Make a full attack against a creature you are grappling. You may use all of your hands’ worth of weapons for the purpose of this full attack if those hands would otherwise be used to grapple the creature under attack. This does not allow you to use weapons that you could not otherwise use while grappling.
羽翼撕裂   Wing Ripper(打击)
等级: 5
先决条件: 两个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个标准动作或[G]
范围: 近战
目标: 你正在擒抱的生物
持续时间: 看文本
蛮鳄派武术家用力将被擒抱的目标的身体弯曲,以至于无法进行任何移动的尝试。蛮鳄派武术家正在擒抱的一个生物受到7d10伤害,必须进行强韧豁免(DC = 15 +蛮鳄派武术家的武术调整值)。如果失败,该生物的所有移动速度将在与蛮鳄派武术家的武术调整值相等的数轮内降低为0。
劇透 -   :
Wing Rippe
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Strike)
Prerequisite: two Brutal Crocodile Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 standard action or [G]
Range: Melee
Target: Creature you are grappling
Duration: see text
You bend a grappled target’s body in a way that hampers all attempts to move away. One creature that you are grappling takes 7d10 damage and must make a Fortitude save (DC 15 + your initiation modifier). On a failure, all of the creature’s movement speeds are reduced to 0 for a number of rounds equal to your initiation modifier.
晦凶劲   Atrophic Brutalization(打击)
等级: 6
先决条件: 两个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个标准动作或[G]
范围: 近战
目标: 你正在擒抱的生物
持续时间: 从擒抱开始到结束
劇透 -   :
Atrophic Brutalization
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Strike)
Prerequisite: two Brutal Crocodile Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 standard action or [G]
Range: Melee
Target: Creature you are grappling
Duration: Initiated grapple
Crippling your foe’s muscles, you seize hold of your opponent and begin to compact them within your coils. Make an attack against a creature using a discipline weapon. On a successful hit, you initiate a grapple with the target while dealing 1d4 points of strength damage and 8d6 points of damage. You deal 8d6 points of damage each round that you successfully maintain the grapple (this stacks with any damage you may deal with constrict).
嗜血   Blood in the Water(强化)
等级: 6
先决条件: 两个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1 个迅捷动作
范围: 近战
目标: 你正在擒抱的生物
持续时间: 即时
劇透 -   :
Blood in the Water
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Boost)
Prerequisite: two Brutal Crocodile Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Melee
Target: Creature you are grappling
Duration: Instant
In a flash of adrenaline, you grab hold of a foe and immediately unleash your feral wrath upon it. When you initiate a grapple with a creature, you may activate this boost to initiate a single [G] maneuver as part of performing this boost.
毁容之凿   Disfiguring Gouge(打击)
等级: 6
先决条件: 两个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个标准动作或[G]
范围: 近战
目标: 你正在擒抱的生物
持续时间: 即时
用武器刺向敌人的脸,蛮鳄派武术家会在敌人的脸上造成严重的伤害。该武技对被擒抱的生物造成4d10点伤害,同时造成1d8点魅力伤害。另外,目标必须进行强韧豁免(DC 16 + 蛮鳄派武术家的武术调整值),否则将永久失明。
劇透 -   :
Disfiguring Gouge
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Strike)
Prerequisite: two Brutal Crocodile Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action or [G]
Range: Melee
Target: Creature you are grappling
Duration: Initiated grapple
Burrowing your weapon into their face, you inflict severe injury upon your foe’s countenance. This maneuver deals 4d10 damage to the grappled creature alongside 1d8 Charisma damage. In addition, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) or become permanently blinded.
无尽征途Insatiable Warpath(架式)
等级: 6
先决条件: 两个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个迅捷动作
范围: 个人
目标: 自己
持续时间: 架式
劇透 -   :
Insatiable Warpath
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile  (Stance)
Prerequisite: two Brutal Crocodile Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
Your explosive instinct boils over, your ensnared targets becoming implements of destruction. While in this stance, your attacks with discipline weapons gain the grab property, and you may maintain a grapple as a free action (this does not allow you to have or maintain multiple grapples against the same target). In addition, you may use grappled creatures as weapons, which have a base damage of 4d6 and a critical hit range of 20/x2. Any successful attacks with a grappled creature do the same amount of damage to the grappled creature as they do to the target.
蟒蛇绞杀Disfiguring Gouge(打击)
等级: 7
先决条件: 三个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个标准动作
范围: 近战
目标: 一个生物
持续时间: 即时
劇透 -   :
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Strike)
Prerequisite: three Brutal Crocodile Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee
Target: One Creature
Duration: Instant
Seizing hold of the target, you wrap your body around them and begin crushing the life from their fragile form. Make an attack with a discipline weapon against the target. On as successful hit, you grapple the target and cause it to take 1d6 points of Constitution damage every round that you maintain the grapple.
肢解   Dismemberment(打击)
等级: 7
先决条件: 三个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个标准动作 or [G]
范围: 近战
目标: 你正在擒抱的生物
持续时间: 即时
蛮鳄流武术家怒吼着,扯下擒抱目标的一个肢体,使血液从伤口涌出来。选择被擒抱的生物的手臂或腿。蛮鳄流武术家会被当成是成功狙击目标并对其肢体造成衰弱化打击,而目标的豁免失败了5次或更多。此外,目标受到3d6点流血伤害,直到生物通过医疗检定(DC = 17 +蛮鳄流武术家的武术调整值)闭合伤口。即使一个生物没有明显的手臂或腿,蛮鳄流武术家仍然可以对他们使用这个武技来造成流血伤害,尽管这个武技没有其他效果。
劇透 -   :
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Strike)
Prerequisite: Three Brutal Crocodile Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action or [G]
Range: Melee
Target: Creature you are grappling
Duration: Instant
Roaring furiously, you rip one the limbs from your grapple target, causing blood to come gushing from the wound. Choose either a grappled creature’s arm or leg. You are treated as if you had succeeded at a called shot maneuver on the target and had dealt a debilitating blow to the limb and the target had failed their save by 5 or more. In addition, the target takes 3d6 points of bleed damage until a creature makes a Heal check (DC = 17 + your initiation modifier) to close the wound. Even if a creature lacks discernible arms or legs, you may still use this maneuver upon them to inflict the bleed damage, although the maneuver has no other effects.
河马压杀   Hippo Press(打击)
等级: 7
先决条件: 三个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个标准动作 or [G]
范围: 近战
目标: 你正在擒抱的生物
持续时间: 即时
劇透 -   :
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Strike)
Prerequisite: Three Brutal Crocodile Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action or [G]
Range: Melee
Target: Creature you are grappling
Duration: Instant
In a smooth motion, you slam your helpless foe into the ground beneath you and prepare yourself to fight off oncoming attackers. When you initiate this maneuver, the target takes 11d8 damage while gaining the pinned condition. Upon initiating the maneuver, you lose the grappled condition, but are still considered to be pinning the target so long as you do not move from your position.
双体流星   Meteoric Suplex(打击)
等级: 7
先决条件: 三个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个标准动作 or [G]
范围: 近战,看文本
目标: 看文本
持续时间: 即时
从地面高速冲出,蛮鳄流武术家将目标猛地撞向泥土,伤及任何挡道的倒霉蛋。蛮鳄流武术家必须擒抱一个生物才可开始这个武技。蛮鳄流武术家对冲锋范围内的生物发动冲锋攻击,忽略你们之间的任何困难地形。此攻击对目标造成10d10点伤害,成功击中后被擒抱的生物也会受到同样的伤害。此外,在蛮鳄流武术家结束冲锋的15英尺内的任何生物受到2d10伤害(反射豁免一半,DC 17 +蛮鳄流武术家的武术调整值)。
劇透 -   :
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Strike)
Prerequisite: Three Brutal Crocodile Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action or [G]
Range: Melee
Target: Creature you are grappling
Duration: Instant
Lunging from the ground at high speed, you slam your target into the dirt, injuring any unfortunate enough to stand in the way. You must be grappling a creature to initiate this maneuver. Make a charge attack against a creature within charge range of you, ignoring any difficult terrain between you. This attack deals 10d10 damage to the target as well as the grappled creature on a successful hit. In addition, any creatures within 15 feet of where you end your charge take 2d10 damage (Reflex save for half, DC 17 + your initiation modifier).
丽齿兽之颚 Gorgonops' Jaws(架式)(考虑到野兽与下巴等要素,我才用了‘丽齿兽“这一译名)
等级: 8
先决条件: 三个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个迅捷动作
范围: 个人
目标: 自己
持续时间: 架式
劇透 -   :
Gorgonops' Jaws
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile  (Stance)
Prerequisite: three Brutal Crocodile Maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
As you assume a fighting position, your hands tense, prepared to unleash your nightmarish wrestling skills on your victim as soon as your hands take hold. While you maintain this stance, any attacks that you make with discipline weapons gain the grab ability. In addition any time that you initiate a grapple with another creature, you may initiate a maneuver with the [G] descriptor as a free action once per round.

猩猩背部破坏技(岩石落)   Gorilla Backbreaker (打击) 【我查了一下英文名应该取自WWE摔跤动作名称Argentine backbreaker(阿根廷背部破坏技)】
等级: 8
先决条件: 三个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个标准动作 or [G]
范围: 近战
目标: 你正在擒抱的生物
持续时间: 即时
劇透 -   :
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Strike)
Prerequisite: Three Brutal Crocodile Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action or [G]
Range: Melee
Target: Creature you are grappling
Duration: Instant
In a monumental display of grappling, you slam your grappled quarry down and brutalize their body, severely crippling their capacity to act. A creature that you are grappling takes 10d12 damage alongside 3d4 dexterity damage.

奇迹之掷   Impossible Hurl
等级: 8
先决条件: 三个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个标准动作 or [G]
范围: 看文本
目标: 看文本
持续时间: 即时
劇透 -   :
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Strike)
Prerequisite: Three Brutal Crocodile Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action or [G]
Range: see text
Target: see text
Duration: Instant
Drawing upon the might of your entire body, you heft your target as a massive projectile that flies across the battlefield. Make a ranged attack using a grappled creature as a thrown weapon with no penalty for throwing the target two-handed or using an improvised weapon. You may use your Strength modifier in place of your dexterity modifier for the attack roll. Make a Climb check to determine the range of this attack, with the attack’s maximum range being set at 5 ft x the result of the Climb check. If the thrown creature hits a target, its base damage is 15d12, with the thrown creature taking the same amount of damage as the target it was thrown at.

撕裂境界线Event Horizon
等级: 9
先决条件: 四个蛮鳄流武技
启动动作: 1个标准动作 or [G]
范围: 近战
目标: 你正在擒抱的生物
持续时间: 看文本
劇透 -   :
Discipline: Brutal Crocodile (Strike)
Prerequisite: Four Brutal Crocodile Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action or [G]
Range: Melee
Target: Creature you are grappling
Duration: see text
Your grappling abilities operate in more than three dimensions, enabling you to restrain your targets by bending the physical universe itself. All creatures you are grappling must make a Reflex save or be banished to the Astral Plane. Failure indicates that the target is shifted body and all into the Astral Plane and may not return to the Material Plane for one hour. If a foe has no way to return to the Material Plane after this duration has expired, it is effectively stranded and must find its own way back to its world. Those that succeed on their save have remain on the Astral Plane for only a single round before returning to their previous position. While in the Astral Plane, the target is tethered to his body at the location he occupied before being pushed into the Astral Plane with a silver cord as normal (per astral projection). You may pull targets you have sent to the Astral Plane with this maneuver back into your world as a standard action. When a creature is pulled back or returns after having succeeded at a saving throw, they appear in a square adjacent to you and you may attempt to grapple them again as an immediate action.








详述:虽然大自然的保护者通常被描述为德鲁伊或其他神圣魔法的工作者,但也有许多人倾向于在不使用超自然力量的情况下学习和保护荒野。博物学家、医生、修道士和探险家都致力于保护世界上的野生地区免受伤害,因此建立了一个致力于理解和保护他们周围的世俗奇观的组织。这个组织被称为“原始小屋”(Primeval Lodge),是所有那些希望保护世界自然奇观、了解大自然的复杂性和力量的人的避难所和战斗力量。




劇透 -   :
The Primeval Lodge
Alignment: Any

Symbol: A cougar’s head, often carved of wood

Discipline: Brutal Crocodile

Oath: Members of the Primeval Lodge are instructed to wrestle a powerful beast into submission before an audience, delivering the following oath while they hold it down.

The duty of every creature is to nature, and so it is my duty to preserve nature’s balance. To kill and be killed is part of the cycle of life, but I will see that such acts are carried out only with purpose and with sustainability. Above all, the beasts of the world must be protected by those who will stand with them, and from this day forward I am one of the dutiful beings who will observe, understand, and protect the sanctity of nature.

Allegiance Benefit: Members of the Primeval Lodge gain a primary slam attack which deals damage appropriate for their size (1d6 for medium creatures). This attack also has the grab property. Finally, members of the Lodge may exchange one discipline they have access to for the Brutal Crocodile Discipline. A member of the Primeval Lodge who forsakes his oath by performing an act of immense destruction against nature loses this slam attack.

Description: Although the preservers of nature are most frequently depicted as druids or other workers of divine magic, there exist many individuals with an inclination to learn from and protect the wilds without channeling supernatural power. Naturalists, doctors, monastics, and explorers all aim to do their part in shielding the wild places of the world from harm, and as a result have established an organization dedicated to understanding and preserving the mundane wonders around them. This organization has become known as the Primeval Lodge, a sanctuary and fighting force for all those who wish to defend the world’s natural splendors and to understand the intricacies and powers which nature wields.

The Lodge has emissaries all across the world, oftentimes in many academic fields. Refusing to be simple warriors, members of the Primeval Lodge stress the wisdom which comes from study of the natural world, observing the way a boa constrictor fells its prey or how a tree bends to protect itself in a storm. Through this knowledge, members of the Lodge figure out more about the laws of nature and create ways to apply them in life.This philosophy yields not only great students of war but also a great deal of impressive zoologists, botanists, and biologists. To a member of the Lodge, the science of martial arts is just an aspect of these larger ideas.

The Primeval Lodge is helmed by a grand chief, a person who has demonstrated a willingness to lead as well as a conviction towards understanding and protecting the wilderness. The leaders among the Lodge are often scientists, although a view dedicated soldiers have existed among them over the years. Although members of the Lodge are often looked down upon by druidic circles, the two groups share many common goals: to understand nature and protect it from harm by an increasingly industrial world.

Common Tasks: The Primeval Lodge issues many missions which range from benign to forceful. Normally, these goals are centered on gathering new information about the environment or informing others about their discoveries. However, when an environment is threatened, the Lodge may request more direct action, such as confronting those behind the destruction or straight-up eco-terrorism in the name of protecting the wilds.

Available Services: Many members of the Primeval Lodge are well-studied, and are more than willing to share any discoveries they have made. Their records on a wide variety of life forms are impressive, and are often called upon by those wishing to figure out a certain ecological problem that is facing their nation. Many Lodge members also serve as excellent guides, scouts, and wilderness combatants if called upon to do so.


蛮鳄之构Brutal Crocodile Style(战斗,流派)
先决条件:攀爬3级, 至少1个蛮鳄架势。
劇透 -   :
Brutal Crocodile Style
Your grip inflicts pain upon your struggling target.
Prerequisites: At least one Brutal Crocodile stance, Climb 3 ranks
Benefit: You gain the constrict special ability. Every time you maintain a successful grapple check against a foe, the foe takes damage equal to that of a slam attack two sizes larger than you (so 1d8 if the initiator is medium sized) plus 1.5x your grappling modifier.

蛮鳄之韧 Brutal Crocodile Tenacity(战斗,流派)
劇透 -   :
Brutal Crocodile Tenacity
Your focus on your quarry does not impede your combat ability.
Prerequisites: Brutal Crocodile Style, Climb 7 ranks
Benefits: You do not suffer a penalty on attack rolls while grappling or pinning a creature, nor do you lose your dexterity bonus to AC. In addition, you may make attacks of opportunity while grappled.

蛮鳄荒刃 Brutal Crocodile Desolation(战斗,流派)
效果:你发动任何蛮鳄流武技,以属性吸取代替属性伤害。试图用魔法治疗你的蛮鳄流武技造成的伤害需要施法者进行一次法术辨识检定或医疗检定(DC 10 + 1/2你的武术家等级 + 你的武术调整值)或者无法治疗任何伤害。
劇透 -   :
Brutal Crocodile Desolation
The copious injuries inflicted by your techniques cannot easily be averted or repaired.
Prerequisites: Brutal Crocodile Tenacity, Climb 11 Ranks
Benefit: Rather than ability damage, any Brutal Crocodile maneuvers that you perform instead inflict ability drain. Attempts to magically heal damage dealt by your Brutal Crocodile maneuvers requires the caster to make a Spellcraft or Heal check (DC 10 + half your initiator level + your initiation modifier) or fail to heal any damage.


狂兽之摔Bestial Takedown(战斗,组合)
效果:当你以任何原因开始对某生物进行擒抱时,你也会自动缠锁该生物。一个生物即使逃脱了擒抱仍然会被缠锁。此外,所有的愚行流打击武技获得[ G ]描述符。
劇透 -   :
Bestial Takedown
In the heat of combat, you snag your foes in more ways than one.
Prerequisites: Two Brutal Crocodile maneuvers known, two Fool’s Errand maneuvers known
Benefit: When you initiate a grapple with a creature for any reason, you also automatically lock the creature. A creature remains grasped even after it escapes the grapple. In addition, all Fool’s Errand strikes gain the [G] descriptor.

致命爬行动物之胃Lethal Reptile's Maw(战斗,组合)
效果:所有钢蛇流打击武技获得[ G ]描述符。此外,你在擒抱时发动任何的钢蛇流增益武技或武技所造成的属性伤害增加2。
劇透 -   :
Lethal Reptile's Maw
While enraptured with your opponent, you may mag- nify the wounds you inflict.
Prerequisites: Two Brutal Crocodile maneuvers known, two Steel Serpent maneuvers known
Benefit: All Steel Serpent strikes gain the [G] descriptor. In addition, any ability damage that you deal with a Steel Serpent boost or maneuver while grappling is increased by 2.

没跑过团,会有名词翻译错误,指正麻烦您和气一些。 :em002 英文水平不高,翻译仅出于兴趣。翻译是机翻+润色,征求信达雅的武技名! :em020 希望大家多多参与!!
« 上次编辑: 2022-08-09, 周二 21:09:10 由 17875757 »

线上 死猫运输直升机

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Re: 蛮鳄流Brutal Crocodile
« 回帖 #1 于: 2021-06-21, 周一 00:54:56 »


专家握把   Expert Grip

饥饿的下巴   Hungry Jaws

践踏钉   Trampling Pin

敏捷重定向   Agile Redirection

蟒蛇线圈   Anaconda's Coils
海妖线圈   Kraken's Coils

加尔拉什   Gar Rush

鳄鱼窒息握   Alligator Suplex

碎肠机   Gut Crusher

萎缩性野蛮化   Atrophic Brutalization

Gorgonops的下巴   Gorgonops' Jaws

大猩猩逆袭者   Gorilla Backbreaker

事件视界   Event Horizon

掠夺爪   Snatching Talons
鲶鱼握   Catfish Hold
诱捕爪   Trapping Jaws
静音握   Silencing Grip
毁容凿   Disfiguring Gouge
河马压   Hippo Press
« 上次编辑: 2021-06-21, 周一 01:00:04 由 死猫运输直升机 »

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Re: 蛮鳄流Brutal Crocodile
« 回帖 #2 于: 2021-06-21, 周一 22:04:35 »



专家握把   Expert Grip

饥饿的下巴   Hungry Jaws

践踏钉   Trampling Pin

敏捷重定向   Agile Redirection

蟒蛇线圈   Anaconda's Coils
海妖线圈   Kraken's Coils

加尔拉什   Gar Rush

鳄鱼窒息握   Alligator Suplex

碎肠机   Gut Crusher

萎缩性野蛮化   Atrophic Brutalization

Gorgonops的下巴   Gorgonops' Jaws

大猩猩逆袭者   Gorilla Backbreaker

事件视界   Event Horizon

掠夺爪   Snatching Talons
鲶鱼握   Catfish Hold
诱捕爪   Trapping Jaws
静音握   Silencing Grip
毁容凿   Disfiguring Gouge
河马压   Hippo Press
Agile Redirection 您译为迅敏转向,我觉得这个名字差了些味道,与整个流派的画风有些微妙的不搭。
至于其他的错误,我只能说确实是我脑补过度与盲信翻译软件了。 :em003 希望大佬多多指正。毕竟我对于PF的很多规则并没有去读,我只是为了追求奇幻感,读了一些职业设定、法术、灵能与武术。对于不少怪物与战斗规则,我是一点也不知道。
« 上次编辑: 2021-06-21, 周一 22:59:57 由 17875757 »

离线 Fifholz

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Re: 蛮鳄流Brutal Crocodile
« 回帖 #3 于: 2021-06-22, 周二 16:12:49 »

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Re: 蛮鳄流Brutal Crocodile
« 回帖 #4 于: 2021-06-22, 周二 23:22:09 »
铅狼流Leaden Hyena、残械流Mangled Gear、涌鲨流Surging Shark、战雷流Spark of Battle,这四个流派。同样征集流派名、武技名甚至是描述,我对我的文笔功底很没有信心。
« 上次编辑: 2021-06-22, 周二 23:24:36 由 17875757 »

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Re: 蛮鳄流Brutal Crocodile
« 回帖 #5 于: 2021-06-22, 周二 23:31:20 »
铅狼流Leaden Hyena、残械流Mangled Gear、涌鲨流Surging Shark、战雷流Spark of Battle,这四个流派。同样征集流派名、武技名甚至是描述,我对我的文笔功底很没有信心。
spark of battle那个带了一个新系统,相当于边打边启发自己获得新的武技,同时还附带了一个用耐力放武技的系统。这里的spark有灵光一闪的意思,怎么取这个名字可以再推敲一下,战雷肯定是有点味道不对的。
其他的还行,我也是起名废,给我我也不会取  :em006

线上 死猫运输直升机

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Re: 蛮鳄流Brutal Crocodile
« 回帖 #6 于: 2021-06-23, 周三 00:34:36 »
Agile Redirection 您译为迅敏转向,我觉得这个名字差了些味道,与整个流派的画风有些微妙的不搭。

« 上次编辑: 2021-06-23, 周三 00:52:23 由 死猫运输直升机 »

离线 Fifholz

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Re: 蛮鳄流Brutal Crocodile
« 回帖 #7 于: 2021-06-23, 周三 00:36:22 »
Agile Redirection 您译为迅敏转向,我觉得这个名字差了些味道,与整个流派的画风有些微妙的不搭。


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Re: 蛮鳄流Brutal Crocodile
« 回帖 #8 于: 2021-06-23, 周三 11:16:15 »
铅狼流Leaden Hyena、残械流Mangled Gear、涌鲨流Surging Shark、战雷流Spark of Battle,这四个流派。同样征集流派名、武技名甚至是描述,我对我的文笔功底很没有信心。
spark of battle那个带了一个新系统,相当于边打边启发自己获得新的武技,同时还附带了一个用耐力放武技的系统。这里的spark有灵光一闪的意思,怎么取这个名字可以再推敲一下,战雷肯定是有点味道不对的。
其他的还行,我也是起名废,给我我也不会取  :em006
spark of battle这个流派的不少武技带有电击伤害与声波伤害,看机翻也没有灵光一闪打到人之类的,所以我觉得这里的spark应该还是“电火花”之类的意思。至于灵光一闪的新系统,我还是发个网址让大家看看吧。

线上 死猫运输直升机

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Re: 蛮鳄流Brutal Crocodile
« 回帖 #9 于: 2021-06-23, 周三 14:08:19 »
The Brutal Crocodile discipline favors a highly aggressive, feral fighting style, and as such can be selected by any martial class from other sources with access to Primal Fury.

The Brutal Crocodile discipline favors a highly aggressive, feral fighting style, and as such can be exchanged by any martial class from other sources with access to Primal Fury for one martial discipline they possess.
« 上次编辑: 2021-06-23, 周三 14:10:32 由 死猫运输直升机 »