
譯文資料區 => Pathfinder => Pathfinder RPG => 主题作者是: 拉布拉多 于 2022-07-05, 周二 10:23:07

主题: 【恶魔领主】施瓦丝卡,受缚室女(Shivaska,The Chained Maiden)
作者: 拉布拉多2022-07-05, 周二 10:23:07
Shivaska,The Chained Maiden



The Chained Maiden
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 320
Pathfinder Wiki Shivaska
Alignment CE
Pantheon Demon Lords
Areas of Concern Aberrations, clocks, prisons
Domains Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Madness
Subdomains Demon (Chaos), Demon (Evil), Insanity, Loss, Nightmare
* Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait.
Favored Weapon Heavy flail
Symbol Clock face with 13 hours
Sacred Animal(s) Tarantula
Sacred Color(s) Brown, red
You must start an obedience to Shivaska at exactly the start of an hour. You must spend this hour bound with chains, rope, manacles, a straitjacket, or some similar restraint. While bound, you must recite prayers to the Chained Maiden and strain against your bindings enough to leave marks on your flesh for the remainder of the day. Gain a +4 profane bonus to your CMD.

1: 室女之泣 (Maiden's Cry,Sp) 次级困惑术 3/day, 人类定身术 2/day, 或力竭射线 1/day
2: 束缚之触 (Binding Touch,Sp) 每日一次,你可以释放束缚大法,但范围改为接触。你使用此能力时不需要任何材料,但是也无法因为助手而获益。你每次只可以此能力影响一个生物。如果你成功束缚了另一个生物,则前一个被束缚的生物会立刻被释放。此能力视为7环法术。
3: 解放时钟 (Unwind the Clock,Sp) 你可以每日一次释放时间停止。

Boons - Demonic Obedience
Source Book of the Damned - Volume 2: Lords of Chaos pg. 24
1: Maiden's Cry (Sp) lesser confusion 3/day, hold person 2/day, or ray of exhaustion 1/day
2: Binding Touch (Sp) Once per day, you can use binding, but only at a range of touch. You need not expend any material components to use this ability, nor can assistants aid you in its casting. You can only have one creature affected by this ability at any one time. If you successfully use this ability on a second creature, the previously bound creature is immediately freed. This ability is the equivalent of a 7th-level spell.
3: Unwind the Clock (Sp) You can use time stop once per day.

1:扭曲时间(Warp Time,Sp):脚底抹油 3/day, 时间乱流 2/day, or 缓慢术 1/day
2:发条玩偶(Clockwork Doll,Su):每日一次,以一个标准动作,你可以将一个HD不高于你的活物转化为她自己形象的拙劣陶瓷仿制品,以弹簧和齿轮取代他的器官和内脏。对方可以以强韧检定对抗,DC等于10+1/2你的HD+魅力调整值。被转化的生物转为构装体类,并且获得其所有特征,包括没有体质值。被转换的生命同样获得发条亚种,包括电易伤,但是不会获得迅捷反应特性。被转换的生物每天必须用一把特殊的钥匙上发条(钥匙在转化时一同出现),由于发条孔在生物的背部,因此必须有人协助或通过DC25的敏捷或逃脱检定。如果此生物在午夜前没有上紧发条,则会停止工作并且陷入无助,直到它再次被上紧发条。一个被转化为发条玩偶的生物会获得无心智,并且智力属性为0。它不可以施法,也不可以使用任何它转化之前拥有的类法术能力,并且失去所有的专长和技能等级。发条玩偶会严格遵循你的命令,但是在其他情况下它会保持静止,不主动采取任何行动(除非你命令它以某种方式行动,例如守卫某个房间)。此效果只会被奇迹术、许愿术、破除结界和变形万物逆转。如果发条玩偶被杀,则可以通过完全复生术复活。你同时只可拥有1只发条玩偶,如果你创建了第二个发条玩偶,前一个必须进行一次强韧豁免,DC等于10+1/2HD+魅力调整值;如果成功,它恢复原状并且不记得作为玩偶时发生的任何事情,如果失败,它的躯体则会崩坏。如果你被杀死,则你创造的玩偶会自动恢原状(并且不需要进行强韧检定)。
3:命定樊笼(Ineluctable Prison,Sp):每日一次,你可以释放禁锢术作为类法术能力。

Source Book of the Damned pg. 90
1: Warp Time (Sp) expeditious retreat 3/day, time shudder 2/day, or slow 1/day
2: Clockwork Doll (Su) Once per day as a standard action, you can transform a living creature within 30 feet that has no more Hit Dice than your own into a porcelain-skinned parody of itself, with springs and gears in place of living organs. The target can resist this transformation if it wishes with a successful Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier). A transformed creature’s type becomes construct, and it gains all traits of the construct type, including lack of a Constitution score. The transformed creature also gains the clockwork subtype, including vulnerability to electricity, but it does not gain the swift reactions trait. A transformed creature must be wound once per day with a special key (which appears as part of this transformation); as the key must be inserted into the creature’s back, this requires either a successful DC 25 Dexterity or Escape Artist check or another creature’s assistance. If the creature is not wound by midnight each night, it becomes immobile and helpless until wound again. A creature transformed into a clockwork doll becomes mindless, with an Intelligence score of 0. It can’t use any supernatural or spell-like abilities it had prior to transforming, nor can it cast spells. It also loses all feats and skill ranks. A clockwork doll follows your commands to the letter, but otherwise it remains motionless and takes no actions on its own (unless you command it to react in certain ways, such as serving as a room guardian). This transformation can be reversed only by break enchantment, miracle, polymorph any object, or wish. If the clockwork doll is slain, the creature can be brought back to life via true resurrection. You can only have one clockwork doll under your command at a time. If you create a second clockwork doll, the first one must attempt a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier); if it succeeds, it reverts to its previous form with no memories of the time spent as your clockwork doll, but if it fails this save, the clockwork doll crumbles to rubble and is destroyed. If you are slain, any clockwork doll you’ve created automatically reverts to its previous form (no save required to avoid destruction).
3: Ineluctable Prison (Sp) You can cast imprisonment once per day as a spell-like ability.

1: 室女之泣 (Maiden's Cry,Sp) 次级困惑术 3/day, 人类定身术 2/day, 或力竭射线 1/day
2: 束缚之触 (Binding Touch,Sp) 每日一次,你可以释放束缚大法,但范围改为接触。你使用此能力时不需要任何材料,但是也无法因为助手而获益。你每次只可以此能力影响一个生物。如果你成功束缚了另一个生物,则前一个被束缚的生物会立刻被释放。此能力视为7环法术。
3: 解放时钟 (Unwind the Clock,Sp) 你可以每日一次释放时间停止。

Source Book of the Damned pg. 90
1: Maiden’s Cry (Sp) lesser confusion 3/day, hold person 2/day, or ray of exhaustion 1/day
2: Binding Touch (Sp) Once per day, you can cast binding as a spell-like ability, but only at a range of touch. You don’t need to expend any material components to use this ability, but assistants can’t aid you in its casting. You can have only one creature affected by this ability at a time. If you successfully use this ability on a second creature, the previously bound creature is immediately freed.
3: Unwind the Clock (Sp) You can cast time stop once per day as a spell-like ability.

1: 扼杀者之秘 (Strangler’s Secret,Sp) 长臂咒 3/day, 蛛行术 2/day, or 加速术 1/day
2: 来自深渊的恐怖 (Summon Abyssal Horrors,Sp) 每日一次,以一个标准动作, 你可以召唤两个advanced grimslake,如同召唤怪物VII。你和你所召唤的畸形怪物之间有着100英尺的心灵感应,它们会遵循你的命令,时间总长为每个等级1分钟,随后它们消失并且返回深渊。
3: 室女的恶徒 (Maiden’s Wretch,Ex)  你的身体扭曲为佝偻又黏糊糊的样子,你的血肉变得如同橡胶一般,并且生出用于攀爬的触手。并且,你会获得名为锁喉怪 (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=57148.0)的怪物的部分力量。你的手臂没有骨头并且异常灵活,上面是布满吸盘的、海星状的‘手’,你仍然可以以之操纵物品或者装备武器,但这也会让你获得两此触手主要天生武器攻击(中等体型下伤害为1d6)。触手比你的正常触及范围大5英尺,并且你获得攫抓和勒紧能力(你的勒紧造成你的触手+1.5倍力量调整值的伤害)。通过这种方式,你可以攫抓比你大一个体型的单位。此外,你获得锁喉怪的窒息和加速特殊能力。

Source Book of the Damned pg. 90
1: Strangler’s Secret (Sp) long arm 3/day, spider climb 2/day, or haste 1/day
2: Summon Abyssal Horrors (Sp) Once per day as a standard action, you can summon two advanced grimslakes, as per summon monster VII. You gain telepathic communication with the summoned aberrations to a range of 100 feet, and they follow your commands perfectly for 1 minute per level before vanishing back to the Abyss.
3: Maiden’s Wretch (Ex) Your body warps into a hunched and slimy form with rubbery flesh and tentacles for limbs, and you gain some of the powers of the aberrant creatures known as chokers. Your arms become boneless and flexible, with sucker-covered, starfish-shaped “hands.” While you can still manipulate objects and wield weapons with these appendages, they also grant you two tentacle primary natural attacks. Each tentacle deals damage appropriate to your size (1d6 if you are Medium). These tentacle attacks have a reach 5 feet greater than your normal reach, and you gain the grab and constrict abilities (your constrict damage is equal to the damage you deal with one of your tentacles plus 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier); you can grab a creature up to one size category larger than you this way. In addition, you gain the choker’s strangle and quickness special abilities.

施瓦丝卡所掌控的深渊国度名为扭旋之森(Winding Wood,有上发条之意但是不大好翻译),其中有一座滴答小屋(Ticking House)——一个带钟楼的工坊,钟楼的表盘上有着13个小时。据说此钟楼隐藏着第二个隐秘的逆时针旋转的钟表,此隐藏钟表只会在大灭绝时重置,而据说这神秘的倒计时已经接近终点。




Shivaska rules the Abyssal realm known as the Winding Wood from the Ticking House, a workhouse with a clock tower which accounts for 13 hours. It is whispered that this clock hides a second, secret, backward-running clock which only resets at the start of mass extinctions, and which is said to approach the end of an enigmatic countdown.[2]

Shivaska's essence is said to lie within a dozen long, thin chains, each ending in a barbed hook. Creatures that remain trapped in these chains are eventually transported to Shivaska's lair in the Abyss. Currently, Shivaska's chains grow from the body of a female, four-armed and four-legged choker, with glowing red eyes on her palms instead of head; in the past, she has taken the form of various chaotic evil aberrations, including a chuul, dwiergeth, grimslake, and spirit naga. Her first shell is said to be an immense clockwork roper with chains in place of tendrils and the face of a clock that records time in increments of six hours, minutes, and seconds.[1][2]

Worshipers and cults
Shivaska is worshiped by all kinds of aberrations, especially those whose form she currently takes. She often transitions into a new shell during the course of a mass extinction on the Material Plane, whose build-ups usually see a sudden, disastrous rise in the aberration population and the number of attacks they commit on other races. No such event has taken place on Golarion.[2]

Shivaska's non-aberration worshippers are usually slavers and sadistic prison guards. Her cults delight in running orphanages and boarding schools, where they use the children as slave labour and keep them in line by allowing aberrations (most often chokers) to roam the halls at night. The children are told that if they misbehave the monsters will get them, which, in this case, is perfectly true. Many parents who learn of these stories repeat them to keep their willful children in line, unaware that in doing so, they are praying to Shivaska and pushing the clock in the Ticking House a second closer to the choker apocalypse.[1][2]

On Golarion
The kalavakus demon Yealek-Vor leads a cult of Shivaska in the long-forgotten dwarven Sky Citadel of Jormurdun in the Worldwound region of Frostmire. With the help of his duergar servants, Yealek-Vor searches for ancient artifacts in order to boost his patroness' standing among the competing demon lords vying for control of the Worldwound.[3]
主题: Re: 【恶魔领主】施瓦丝卡,受缚室女(Shivaska,The Chained Maiden)
作者: 拉布拉多2022-07-05, 周二 10:24:07

主题: Re: 【恶魔领主】施瓦丝卡,受缚室女(Shivaska,The Chained Maiden)
作者: longman1232022-07-05, 周二 10:46:42
主题: Re: 【恶魔领主】施瓦丝卡,受缚室女(Shivaska,The Chained Maiden)
作者: 萌新也有滥强的心2022-07-05, 周二 11:10:06
Book of the Damned中这名恶魔领主的图(瞎眼):
主题: Re: 【恶魔领主】施瓦丝卡,受缚室女(Shivaska,The Chained Maiden)
作者: 拉布拉多2022-07-05, 周二 11:44:18
Book of the Damned中这名恶魔领主的图(瞎眼):

主题: Re: 【恶魔领主】施瓦丝卡,受缚室女(Shivaska,The Chained Maiden)
作者: 晴澈之空2022-07-05, 周二 11:52:21
主题: Re: 【恶魔领主】施瓦丝卡,受缚室女(Shivaska,The Chained Maiden)
作者: AnriMachishiro2022-07-05, 周二 11:58:36
/me 失望掩面
主题: Re: 【恶魔领主】施瓦丝卡,受缚室女(Shivaska,The Chained Maiden)
作者: 拉布拉多2022-07-05, 周二 13:47:54

主题: Re: 【恶魔领主】施瓦丝卡,受缚室女(Shivaska,The Chained Maiden)
作者: 璀璨星炬2022-07-05, 周二 18:31:06
主题: Re: 【恶魔领主】施瓦丝卡,受缚室女(Shivaska,The Chained Maiden)
作者: 希尔2022-07-05, 周二 19:06:41

主题: Re: 【恶魔领主】施瓦丝卡,受缚室女(Shivaska,The Chained Maiden)
作者: 璀璨星炬2022-07-05, 周二 19:19:22


主题: Re: 【恶魔领主】施瓦丝卡,受缚室女(Shivaska,The Chained Maiden)
作者: 拉布拉多2022-07-05, 周二 19:59:19



主题: Re: 【恶魔领主】施瓦丝卡,受缚室女(Shivaska,The Chained Maiden)
作者: 璀璨星炬2022-07-06, 周三 00:52:55


