作者 主题: 【Bestairy】怪物介绍  (阅读 7886 次)

副标题: 第一次用CAT,先翻译点无关紧要的……

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« 于: 2018-03-18, 周日 20:41:05 »
虽然每个怪物都是独特的生物,但许多都拥有类似的特殊攻击,防御和品质。 怪物的统计区块下面描述了怪物的独特能力。 通用怪物规则 中出现了多个怪物共有的能力 。如果一个怪物的列出的特殊能力没有出现在它的描述中,你会在那里找到它。


每个怪物都按字母顺序排列。 对于一群拥有类似特征的怪物(例如异界生物种族和某些动物或虫类),怪物的基础名称将首先列出。

在这里你可以找到所有你需要的信息来在遭遇中使用怪物。 一个统计块区的组织结构如下。 请注意,如果统计区块中的某行没有数据,则该行将被省略。

名字和CR :怪物的名字,以及其挑战等级(CR)和三个图标会在最开始列出,可以用来快速识别生物在游戏中的角色。挑战等级是表示怪物有多危险的数字——数字越大,生物越致命。【译注:三个图标应该只在pdf或实体书里才有。】

XP :这里列出的是PC击败怪物赢得的总体经验值。

种族,职业和等级 :一些怪物不具备种族生命骰,而是由他们的职业等级来决定。对于这些怪物来说,他们的种族,职业和等级都出现在这里。 除非另有说明,否则列出的第一个职业是怪物的天赋职业。

阵营,体型和类型 :怪物的体型和类型保持不变(除非通过应用模板或其他不寻常的修饰符来改变),阵营则更加多变。本书中为每个怪物列出的阵营代表了这些怪物的标准阵营 -——它们可以根据您的要求而有所不同,以满足您的战役需求。 只有在相对不智能的怪物(智力等于或低于2的生物几乎不会是除中性中立以外的其他阵营)以及异位面怪物(除列出的阵营以外的异界生物——不常见并且通常从他们的同类中被抛弃)是不可改变的。

先攻和感官 :生物的先攻修正,后跟任何特殊感官及其 察觉 检定修正。

灵光 :如果生物具有特殊的魔法或独特的灵光,则在此处将其与该灵光的作用半径一起列出,并且在适用情况下,列出抵抗灵光效果的豁免DC。

AC :生物的防御等级,接触防御等级,以及措手不及防御等级。生成其AC的其他修正在本条目结尾处以括号括起来列出。

hp :生物的生命值,其后是生命骰(包含体质调整,天赋职业等级,生物类型调整值和 健壮 专长)。拥有PC职业等级的生物第一个HD获得最大生命值,但所有其他HD被假定为平均值。 快速痊愈和再生数值,如果有的话,在生物的HD后面。

豁免检定 :生物的强韧,反射和意志豁免,其后是特殊情况的调整。

防御能力(Defensive Abilities)/ DR /免疫/抗性/ SR :所有生物的不寻常的防御能力。伤害减免,免疫,抗性和法术抗力会根据需要分开列出。

弱点 :这里列出了所有生物的不寻常弱点。

速度 :生物的地面速度和额外移动方式速度。

近战 :这里列出了生物的近战攻击,攻击名称后面列出了攻击修正,后面括号内是伤害。

远程 :如同近战,但列出的是远程攻击。

占据/触及(Space/Reach) :生物的占据和触及 - 如果生物的占据和触及是标准数据(一个5英尺的正方形和5英尺的触及范围),则省略该条。

特殊攻击(Special Attacks) :生物的特殊攻击。这些攻击的详细信息在统计区块的后面或通用怪物规则部分给出。

类法术能力 :列出生物类法术能力的施法者等级后,本部分将列出该生物的所有类法术能力,并按其每天使用该能力的次数进行排列。恒定的类法术能力始终发挥作用,但可以驱散。 生物可以以迅捷动作重新激活恒定的类法术能力。

法术已知/准备 :如果生物可以真正施放法术,则其施法者等级在此处被指示,随后是其知道或通常准备的法术。除非另有说明,施法生物不会拥有任何施法施法职业的其他能力,例如牧师能够自发地将施法技能转化为治疗法术或造成伤害法术。

属性值 :这里列出生物的属性值。除非另有说明,否则生物的属性值以10或11外加种族修正为基准。 具有NPC职业等级的生物拥有标准属性(13,12,11,10,9,8)的统计数据,而具有角色职业等级的生物则拥有精英属性(15,14,13,12,10,8)。在这两种情况下,生物的属性修正都会在其描述的最后列出。

Base Atk(BAB) / CMB / CMD :这些值给予生物的基本攻击加值,战技加值和战技防御数值。

专长 :生物的专长在这里列出。奖励专长用上标“B”表示。

技能 :这里列出生物的技能。技能的种族调整在本条目结尾处标出。

语言 :这里列出了生物最常使用的语言。对于不寻常的生物,您可以根据需要换出其他选择已知的语言。 拥有高于正常智力值的生物会获得适当数量的奖励语言。

特质(SQ) :生物拥有的任何特殊品质(special qualities)。

环境 :这里列出了生物通常遇到的区域和气候;这些通常比统计区块顶部的图标更范围更宽泛。在这种情况下,统计区块顶部列出的图标表示该生物的首选地形。

组织 :它列出了生物的组织方式,包含组织内生物的适当的数量范围。

宝物 :生物 宝藏 的确切价值取决于你是否正在运行一个缓慢,中等或快速的游戏,如 表格:每次遭遇的宝藏价值 所示。在生物分配了特定魔法装备的情况下,假设为中等速度游戏 - 如果玩的是快速或慢速游戏,则需要适当调整怪物的财物。 “标准”宝藏表示该生物宝物的总价值在等同于小队平均等级的CR下的数值,如表格:每次遭遇的宝藏价值所列。 “双倍”或“三倍”宝藏表示该生物具有这个标准值的两倍或三倍。 “减半”表示该生物具有这个标准值的一半,且只在其巢穴的范围内。 “无”表示该生物通常没有宝藏(一个典型是没有真正巢穴的非智力生物,尽管这样的生物通常用于保护不同数量的宝藏)。 “NPC装备”表示怪物拥有等同于怪物CR数字等级的NPC正常宝藏。

特殊能力(Special Abilities) :最后,这里详细描述这些生物中更独特的特殊能力。

在这里你可以找到关于怪物如何融入世界的信息,关于它的生态和社会的注释,以及其他有用的知识和调剂,当你的PC遇到它时,这些说明会帮助你让怪物活起来。 有些怪物还有其他章节介绍变体生物,将怪物用作PC的注意事项,构建生物的方法等等。

劇透 -   :
While each monster is a unique creature, many possess similar special attacks, defenses, and qualities. Unique abilities are described below the monster's stat block. Many abilities common to several monsters appear in the universal monster rules. If a monster's listed special ability does not appear in its description, you'll find it there.
Each monster description on the following pages is presented in the same format, split into three specific areas: Introduction, Stat Block, and Description.
Each monster is presented alphabetically. In the case of a group of monsters sharing similar traits (such as outsider races and some animals or vermin), the monster's basic name is listed first.
Stat Block
This is where you'll find all of the information you need to run the monster in an encounter. A stat block is organized as follows. Note that in cases where a line in a stat block has no value, that line is omitted.
Name and CR: The monster's name is presented first, along with its challenge rating (CR) and three icons you can use to quickly identify the creature's role in the game. Challenge rating is a numerical indication of how dangerous a monster is—the higher the number, the deadlier the creature.
XP: Listed here are the total experience points that PCs earn for defeating the monster.
Race, Class, and Level: Some monsters do not possess racial Hit Dice and are instead defined by their class levels. For these monsters, their race, class, and level appear here. Unless otherwise noted, the first class listed is the class chosen by the monster as its favored class.
Alignment, Size, and Type: While a monster's size and type remain constant (unless changed by the application of templates or other unusual modifiers), alignment is far more fluid. The alignments listed for each monster in this book represent the norm for those monsters—they can vary as you require them to in order to serve the needs of your campaign. Only in the case of relatively unintelligent monsters (creatures with an Intelligence of 2 or lower are almost never anything other than neutral) and planar monsters (outsiders with alignments other than those listed are unusual and typically outcasts from their kind) is the listed alignment relatively unchangeable.
Init and Senses: The creature's initiative modifier followed by any special senses and its Perception check modifier.
Aura: If the creature has a particular magical or exceptional aura, it is listed here along with its radius from the creature and, as applicable, a save DC to resist the aura's effects.
AC: The creature's Armor Class, touch Armor Class, and flat-footed Armor Class. The modifiers that generate its AC are listed parenthetically at the end of this entry.
hp: The creature's hit points, followed by its Hit Dice (including modifiers from Constitution, favored class levels, creature type modifiers, and the Toughness feat). Creatures with PC class levels receive maximum hit points for their first HD, but all other HD rolls are assumed to be average. Fast healing and regeneration values, if any, follow the creature's HD.
Saving Throws: The creature's Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saves, followed by situational modifiers to those rolls.
Defensive Abilities/DR/Immune/Resist/SR: All of the creature's unusual defensive abilities. Damage reduction, immunities, resistances, and spell resistance are called out separately as necessary.
Weaknesses: All of the creature's unusual weaknesses are listed here.
Speed: The creature's land speed, and additional speeds as necessary for the creature.
Melee: The creature's melee attacks are listed here, with its attack roll modifier listed after the attack's name followed by the damage in parentheses.
Ranged: As Melee above, but for ranged attacks.
Space/Reach: The creature's space and reach—if the creature's space and reach are standard (one 5-foot square and a reach of 5 feet), this line is omitted.
Special Attacks: The creature's special attacks. Full details for these attacks are given at the end of the stat block or in the universal monster rules section.
Spell-Like Abilities: After listing the caster level of the creature's spell-like abilities, this section lists all of the creature's spell-like abilities, organized by how many times per day it can use the abilities. Constant spell-like abilities function at all times but can be dispelled. A creature can reactivate a constant spell-like ability as a swift action.
Spells Known/Prepared: If the creature can actually cast spells, its caster level is indicated here followed by the spells it knows or typically has prepared. Unless otherwise indicated, a spellcasting creature does not receive any of a spellcasting class's other abilities, such as a cleric's ability to spontaneously convert prepared spells to cure or inflict spells.
Ability Scores: The creature's ability scores are listed here. Unless otherwise indicated, a creature's ability scores represent the baseline of its racial modifiers applied to scores of 10 or 11. Creatures with NPC class levels have stats in the standard array (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8), while creatures with character class levels have the elite array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8); in both cases, the creature's ability score modifiers are listed at the end of its description.
Base Atk/CMB/CMD: These values give the creature's base attack, its Combat Maneuver Bonus, and its Combat Maneuver Defense score.
Feats: The creature's feats are listed here. A bonus feat is indicated with a superscript “B.”
Skills: The creature's skills are listed here. Racial modifiers to skills are indicated at the end of this entry.
Languages: The languages most commonly spoken by the creature are listed here. For unusual creatures, you can swap out the languages known for other choices as needed. A creature with a higher-than-normal Intelligence score receives the appropriate number of bonus languages.
SQ: Any special qualities possessed by the creature.
Environment: The regions and climates in which the creature is typically encountered are listed here; these often present wider ranges than the icons at the top of the stat block indicate. In this case, the icon listed at the top of the stat block indicates the creature's preferred terrain.
Organization: This lists how the creature is organized, including number ranges as appropriate.
Treasure: The exact value of the creature's treasure depends on if you're running a slow, medium, or fast game, as summarized on Table: Treasure Values per Encounter. In cases where a creature has specific magical gear assigned to it, the assumption is a medium game—if you play a fast or slow game, you'll want to adjust the monster's gear as appropriate. “Standard” treasure indicates the total value of the creature's treasure is that of a CR equal to the average party level, as listed on Table: Treasure Values per Encounter. “Double” or “triple” treasure indicates the creature has double or triple this standard value. “Incidental” indicates the creature has half this standard value, and then only within the confines of its lair. “None” indicates that the creature normally has no treasure (as is typical for an unintelligent creature that has no real lair, although such creatures are often used to guard treasures of varying amounts). “NPC gear” indicates the monster has treasure as normal for an NPC of a level equal to the monster's CR.
Special Abilities: Finally, any of the creature's more unique special abilities are detailed in full here.
Here you'll find information on how the monster fits into the world, notes on its ecology and society, and other bits of useful lore and flavor that will help you breathe life into the creature when your PCs encounter it. Some monsters have additional sections that cover variant creatures, notes on using the monsters as PCs, methods of constructing the creature, and so on.

« 上次编辑: 2018-03-19, 周一 07:08:06 由 realthrall »