
譯文資料區 => Pathfinder RPG => Pathfinder => 战役设定(Campaign Setting) => 主题作者是: 笨哈 于 2016-07-26, 周二 13:59:35

主题: 【PotH】地獄騎士之道(Path of the Hellknights)
作者: 笨哈2016-07-26, 周二 13:59:35
無慈悲的公正 (Order without Mercy)
鎖鏈騎士團(Order of the Chain)
護門騎士團(Order of the Gate)
神手騎士團(Order of the Godclaw)
利趾騎士團(Order of the Nail)
焚燒騎士團(Order of the Pyre)
刑架騎士團(Order of the Rack)
天災騎士團(Order of the Scourge)
其他較小規模的騎士團(Lesser Orders)
地獄騎士的軍械庫(Hellknight Arsenal)



8/16:預計完成「地獄騎士的軍械庫」的「地獄騎士進階職業戒律」部分 (已完成)

2017/10/11:由我(沉淪)來接手本篇接下來的翻譯。 (2018/2/22:笨哈龜速翻譯中T_T)
主题: 無慈悲的秩序(Order without Mercy)
作者: 笨哈2016-07-27, 周三 00:40:49
無慈悲的秩序(Order without Mercy)

~「無憫者」,地獄騎士創建者戴迪安‧魯埃爾(Daidian Ruel)


  地獄騎士們與其秩序的願景並不忠於任何國家。儘管地獄騎士陰森的壁壘多半位於切利亞斯境內,但他們並不服侍切利亞斯,而其類對秩序的觀念則源自一本飽受猛烈苛難的文選集,以度量與鐐銬(the Measure and the Chain)之名為人所知。無論結群或獨行,地獄騎士眾穿越內海諸國,獵殺逃犯、解決犯罪並將秩序強加於諸多荒野之地。需要援手的統治者或執法者——以及願意出資援助騎士們征戰之人——也可能會請求他們前往被混亂統治的特定處所。
  地獄騎士施行判決時會使用多種致命的武器,但當中並無可與他們飽經磨礪的恐懼與威勢(They honed none better than fear and intimidation)比肩之物。地獄騎士期望化身探求罪惡的執法者,為無法的惡徒帶來顫抖與服從的理由。他們以恐懼為甲,那身特殊而嚇人的黑鎧體現出其類的聲譽。地獄騎士亦會召喚魔鬼來威嚇敵人,也會以此確保那些加入他們行列的新人有著直面地獄的決心。


        成為一名地獄騎士要求通過地獄騎士考驗(見「地獄騎士的信條」),這可以滿足晉階地獄騎士進階職業(「內海世界指南(The Inner Sea World Guide)」P.278)或是地獄騎士持節士進階職業(「進階之路(Paths of Prestige)P.28」)的特殊要求。這兩個進階職業都會在本書中提及。




度量與鎖鏈(The Measure And The Chain)



主题: 鎖鏈騎士團(Order of the Chain)
作者: 笨哈2016-07-27, 周三 00:41:01
主题: 護門騎士團(Order of the Gate)
作者: 笨哈2016-07-27, 周三 00:41:12
主题: 神手騎士團(Order of the Godclaw)
作者: 笨哈2016-07-27, 周三 00:41:25
主题: 利趾騎士團(Order of the Nail)
作者: 笨哈2016-07-27, 周三 00:41:35
主题: 焚燒騎士團(Order of the Pyre)
作者: 笨哈2016-07-27, 周三 00:41:48
主题: 刑架騎士團(Order of the Rack)
作者: 笨哈2016-07-27, 周三 00:42:00
主题: 天災騎士團(Order of the Scourge)
作者: 笨哈2016-07-27, 周三 00:42:11
主题: 其他較小規模的騎士團(Lesser Orders)
作者: 笨哈2016-07-27, 周三 00:42:24
主题: 地獄騎士的軍械庫(Hellknight Arsenal)
作者: 笨哈2016-07-27, 周三 00:42:34

    九柱星騎士團(Order of the Ennead Star)
    這些屬於此騎士團的騎將們,加入了地獄騎士對抗混亂的聖戰,他們用鋼鐵般的戒律來約束他們的生活,並且發誓用盡一切手段來擊敗混亂。通過威嚇以及手中武器的威力,這些嚴峻的戰士充分體現了冷酷的法律之力,追逐與粉碎那些已被混亂侵蝕並潰爛的地方。許多人是從地獄騎士的那座荒涼的、黑色的堡壘開始他們新的道路的。而其他則是巡迴在城市以及村落之間,擔當審判者以及正義的冷酷特使。(見32頁巡迴法官(circuit judge)騎將變體)




        秩序之手(Hand of the Law,Ex):在15等時,騎將能以一個迅捷動作,來宣告他是戒嚴的執法者。騎將每天可以使用此能力的輪數,等同於他的魅力調整值。


則他們會受到-3的減值 (而非一般的-2)。一個騎將,在一場戰鬥中僅能使用此能力一次。
    Cavaliers belonging to this order have joined the Hellknight crusade against chaos, adopting a life of ironclad discipline and swearing to thwart disorder by any means. Through intimidation and strength of arms, these severe warriors embody the grim fist of law, pursuing and crushing disorder wherever it festers. Many strike out from one of the Hellknights’ stark, black citadels. Others roam between cities and villages, serving as judges and emissaries of a harsh vision of justice (see page 32 for the circuit judge cavalier archetype). Like other Hellknights, most members of this order begin their service by undergoing training at a Hellknight citadel or instruction from a true Hellknight. Most eventually pursue levels in the Hellknight prestige class, looking ahead to the day when they will face their lethal test against the forces of Hell. Until then, members of the order of the Ennead Star are typically Hellknight armigers or other initiates with dispensation to quest and quell disorder wherever they might find it. Regardless of his own goals, each cavalier is associated with a specific group of Hellknights and rigidly follows its unbending strictures. Members of the order of the Ennead Star are most commonly found in the lands of Absalom, Cheliax, Isger, Rahadoum, and Varisia, but the cavaliers’ goals might take members anywhere across the Inner Sea region.

Edicts: The cavalier is a merciless champion of the law, and if he must crush dreams, coerce obedience, or slay in the name of law, that is a small price to pay for peace and progress. The cavalier must bring lawbreakers to justice, and when that is not possible, he must serve as executioner of that justice. He must also uphold the tenets of his Hellknight order.

Challenge: An order of the Ennead Star cavalier gains bonuses when he challenges a creature of chaotic alignment with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher or one that the cavalier has witnessed committing a crime against local laws within the past hour. Against such a targets of his challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls. He also gains this bonus on Intimidate checks to demoralize such targets. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 class levels that the cavalier has.

Skills: An order of the Ennead Star cavalier adds Knowledge (local) (Int) and Perception (Wis) to his list of class skills. Additionally, he gains a circumstance bonus on Perception checks to act in a surprise round equal to 1/2 his cavalier level (minimum +1).

Order Abilities: A cavalier belonging to the order of the Ennead Star gains the following abilities as he increases in level.
Oppress (Sp): At 2nd level, when the cavalier deals damage to an opponent with his Hellknight order’s favored weapon, as a swift action he learns whether that creature’s alignment is chaotic, as if he had cast detect chaos and studied the creature for 3 rounds. Additionally, if he learns that a creature is chaotic by using this ability, he gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls against it. This bonus does not stack with itself, but it does stack with the bonus from the cavalier’s challenge.
Subjugate (Ex): At 8th level, whenever the cavalier confirms a critical hit with a melee weapon against a creature of chaotic alignment with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher, or against a creature that the cavalier has witnessed committing a crime within the past hour, he adds his Charisma modifier to the total critical hit damage. If the critical hit kills the creature or renders it unconscious, as an immediate action the cavalier can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 15 feet who can see him. This ability can be used only once per combat.
Hand of the Law (Ex): At 15th level, the cavalier can declare himself an enforcer of martial law as a swift action. For a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier,
the cavalier can ignore difficult terrain and gains an additional +2 bonus on attack rolls while charging. Any creatures the cavalier demoralizes while this ability is in effect are shaken for a number of additional rounds equal to the cavalier’s Charisma modifier. Additionally, when these creatures attack the cavalier, attempt saving throws against the cavalier’s abilities, or attempt opposed skill checks against the cavalier, they take a –3 penalty for being shaken (instead of –2). A cavalier can use this ability only once per combat.

    地獄騎士進階職業戒律(Hellknight Prestige Class Disciplines)
除了寫在《戰役設定:內海世界指南 P.278》進階職業:地獄騎士的戒律(discipline)外,地獄騎士團的成員們在得到了選擇新戒律的資格,無論何時,都可以選擇以下的戒律:

   呼喚盔甲(Call Armor,Su):以一個移動動作,地獄騎士可以讓她的盔甲瞬間出現在她的身上。另外,她可以用一個移動動作來遣散盔甲,讓它消失。(這些行為算是這戒律的其中一種使用方法。)這盔甲可以出現在地獄騎士指定的任何地方,或是消失在任何地方,但這地點必須是跟地獄騎士看的到的,並且盔甲與地獄騎士必須存在於同一位面,或著是一個可以被地獄騎士所控制的異次元空間,像是次元袋(bag of holding)。當地獄騎士在選擇此戒律時,必須明確的指定一套地獄騎士甲(Hellknight plate),做為此效果使用的盔甲(armor)。地獄騎士也可以花一周的時間,與新一套盔甲進行諧和。

   命令術(Command,Sp):地獄騎士可以使用高等命令術(greater command),使用高等命令術時,如同使用一個類法術能力,並將她的角色等級視為施法者等級。

   反制混亂(Dispel Chaos,Sp):地獄騎士可以使用反制混亂(dispel chaos),使用反制混亂時,如同使用一個類法術能力,並將她的角色等級視為施法者等級。

   死敵(Favored Quarry,Ex):地獄騎士可以從遊俠的宿敵(favored enemy)列表中選擇一種生物類型作為他的死敵(通常是類人生物的亞種,但並不一定要這樣選擇。)在對抗她所選擇的生物時,地獄騎士在唬騙、威嚇、知識、察覺、察言觀色與生存上獲得+2加值。而她可以在辨識該生物時使用知識技能,就算她在相關的知識上沒有受訓。而每次地獄騎士挑選額外的戒律時,此加值會再增加+2(最大會到9級時,+6加值)。

   精神入侵(Mental Intrusion,Sp):地獄騎士可以使用心靈感應(telepathy,Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 189),使用心靈感應時,如同使用一個類法術能力,並將她的角色等級視為施法者等級。

   暗影步(Shadow Step,Sp):地獄騎士可以施放被視為法術增遠(Enlarge Spell)過後的暗影步(Shadow Step,UM),如同使用一個類法術能力,並將她的角色等級視為施法者等級。

   召喚守序僕從(Summon Servant of Law,Sp):地獄騎士可以召喚生物或著生物們(creatures)來幫助她,如同使用召喚怪物(summon monster)法術。在3等時,她可以召喚1d3隻的地獄犬(hell hound)。在6等時,她可以召喚1d3隻的進階地獄犬(advanced hell hound),或著一位奇匠族(axiomite,Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 P.36)。在9等時,她可以召喚1d4+1隻的地獄犬,或是1d3位奇匠族,又或是一個追蹤者(zelekhut inevitable,Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 P.167)。


   威嚇大師(Versatile Intimidation,Ex):地獄騎士可以使用威嚇來模仿另一個基於魅力的技能的技能效果。選擇下表中的一個:唬騙、交涉、馴養動物或是表演(朗誦)。每一次,當地獄騎士想要使用此技能時,她可以使用威嚇來檢定,就如同她使用了此技能一樣。(譯註:例如選擇了交涉,地獄騎士可以使用威嚇檢定來代替交涉檢定,但就算失敗,不算是威嚇失敗,而是交涉失敗。)在9等時,地獄騎士可以在上表中再選取一個額外的技能,並用威嚇來模仿它。

In addition to the disciplines presented along with the Hellknight prestige class (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide 278), members of any Hellknight order can select from the following whenever they gain access to a new discipline.

Call Armor (Su): As a move action, the Hellknight can cause her armor to instantly appear on her body. Alternatively, she can dismiss it as a move action, causing it to vanish. (Doing either of these counts as one use of this discipline.) Where the armor appears from or vanishes to can be anywhere the Hellknight designates, but it must be a place the Hellknight has seen on the same plane of existence where she is, or be in an extradimensional space she controls, such as a bag of holding. This armor is a specific suit of Hellknight plate that the Hellknight designates when she selects this discipline. The Hellknight can attune this ability to a new set of armor, but doing so takes 1 week.

Command (Sp): The Hellknight can use greater command as a spell-like ability, using her character level as her caster level.

Dispel Chaos (Sp): The Hellknight can use dispel chaos as a spell-like ability, using her character level as her caster level.

Favored Quarry (Ex): The Hellknight chooses a creature type from the ranger favored enemy table (usually humanoid with a specific subtype, but this is not required). The Hellknight gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of her selected type. She can also attempt Knowledge skill checks untrained to identify those creatures. Each time the Hellknight chooses an additional discipline, this bonus increases by 2 (to a potential maximum of +6 at 9th level).

Mental Intrusion (Sp): The Hellknight can use telepathy (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 189) as a spell-like ability, using her character level as her caster level.

Shadow Step (Sp): The Hellknight can use enlarged shadow stepUM as a spell-like ability, as if the Enlarge Spell metamagic feat were applied to the spell, using her character level as her caster level.

Summon Servant of Law (Sp): The Hellknight can summon a creature or creatures to help her, as if using a summon monster spell. At 3rd level, she can summon 1d3 hell hounds. At 6th level, she can summon 1d3 advanced hell hounds or one axiomite (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 36). And at 9th level, she can summon 1d4+1 hell hounds, 1d3 axiomites, or one zelekhut inevitable (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 167).

Trace (Su): The Hellknight can study a single personal belonging of a creature for 1 minute, after which she knows the general direction of the creature’s current location as long as it is within 1 mile and on the same plane. She also learns the direction the creature is currently moving, if any. This effect lasts for 10 minutes per character level. An object can be used as the focus for this ability only once. For the purposes of this ability, a “personal belonging” is any object a creature owned or carried with it for more than a week. If the target is under the effects of nondetection or a similar spell or effect, or is on a different plane, this ability gives no result.

Versatile Intimidation (Ex): The Hellknight can use Intimidate to reproduce the effects of another Charismabased skill. Choose one of the following: Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, or Perform (oratory). Each time the Hellknight wishes to use that skill, she can attempt an Intimidate check and treat it as if it were a check of the desired type. At 9th level, the Hellknight can choose an additional skill from the list above and use Intimidate to reproduce its effects.



   地獄騎士之庇護(Hellknight Aegis):你的地獄騎士盔甲讓你免於許多威脅。
   前提:擅長重型盔甲(Heavy Armor Proficiency)、BAB+5、必須宣誓效忠單一一個地獄騎士團。
   效果:每天一次,以一個整輪動作,你可以讓你的地獄騎士盔甲進入破損狀態(broken condition)。如果你這樣做了,你會被以下列表中的一個法術影響(由你選擇),使用你的角色等級做為施法者等級:破除結界(break enchantment)、中和毒性(neutralize poison)、移除疾病(remove disease)或著移除麻痺(remove paralysis)。一旦你使用了此能力,你的地獄騎士盔甲必須修復好,才會提供你原來的AC加值,因破損狀態承受的減值才會回復正常。(譯註:一般破損的盔甲,提供的AC會是原來的一半,並且向下取整,因為盔甲造成的防具減值會在進行相關技能檢定時,以雙倍計算)

Hellknight Aegis

Your Hellknight armor guards you against many threats.
Prerequisites: Heavy Armor Proficiency, base attack bonus +5, must swear allegiance to a single Hellknight order.
Benefit: Once per day as a full-round action, you can give your Hellknight armor the broken condition. Upon doing so, you are affected by one of the following spells (your choice), using your character level as your caster level: break enchantment, neutralize poison, remove disease, or remove paralysis. Once you have used this benefit, your Hellknight armor must be repaired as normal to restore its full bonus to your Armor Class and return its armor check penalty to normal.

You can use this ability even if paralyzed or otherwise restrained, but not if you are unconscious. For the purposes of this ability, “Hellknight armor” means any armor with the word “Hellknight” in its name. You cannot use this ability if your armor is already broken.
主题: Re: 【PotH】地獄騎士之道(Path of the Hellknights)
作者: 看图说话2018-06-13, 周三 23:52:53
请问这个还翻译吗……我对长枪骑士团很感兴趣 :em003