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主题: 【AG】铃花会(Bellflower Network)
作者: 丞相2018-08-24, 周五 21:51:04
铃花会(Bellflower Network)

盟友::凯登信徒(Caydenites),雄鹰骑士(Eagle Knights),钉魂门(Rivethun),银渡鸦(Silver Ravens),反奴隶制者(those who oppose slavery)
敌人:阿斯摩蒂斯信徒(以及较为次要的,其他邪恶宗教的追随者),地狱骑士(绝大部分骑士团),特鲁恩家族(House Thrune),奴隶贩子

       一个世纪之前,克拉克商船“铃花号”上被奴役的半身人船员们背叛了他们的新主人,铃花会成立了。铃花会是一个松散管理的秘密组织,主要专注于解放切利亚斯帝国中的半身人奴隶。在铃花号之叛后,九名幸存者逃至拉哈多姆(Rahadoum)海岸,在那里他们面临着一个困难的选择:是利用他们的集体智慧来摧毁他们曾经服务过的贵族庄园,还是献身于解放他人的生活。他们最终选择了后者, 并花了数十年时间建立了为自由而战的强大力量。
       铃花会据传是由被称之为“农人(Farmer)”的人所领导。然而这个名字更像是一个代代相传的称号。这个组织没有固定的总部,取而代之的农人召唤受信任的关键成员进行会议, 地点不定。农人偏好于在被人类废弃的建筑和乡村场所来举办这些集会。并非每个切利亚斯的城市、镇子或者农业产区都有一个活动的铃花会据点,但是大多数至少有一名活跃的成员或盟友。铃花会广泛的使用各类农业上的象征和符号来指称他们自己,他们的计划以及他们的策略。例如“谷仓”是一个秘密藏身地或者安全屋;“谷物”代指一群被释放自由的奴隶;而“农场”则是指违背其意愿强制关押奴隶的地方,还有很多诸如此类的。
      铃花会的核心特工是经过专门培训的执行者。耕作人(Tiller)负责维持一个谷仓,无论是一个商店地下室,一个下水道,还是一个森林中的中空橡树。稼穑人(Harvester)(那些工程师和进行救援的人)以及灌溉人(Irrigator)(那些直接与奴隶贩子对抗的人)也同样重要,但是如果没有人来运作安全屋的话,他们的任务就会变得越来越困难。由于铃花会的性质, 大多数成员只知道少量的操作人员的名字。所有的特工,不会向中央总部进行汇报,而是深耕于切利亚斯的一个区域并且专心于他或她自己的角色。特工们通过戴在身上的蓝色风铃草(Bellflower)作为刺绣、别针、发饰, 甚至是纹身来识别彼此。虽然局外人可能认为铃花会的运行非常混乱, 但是铃花会在它成立后的80年内都没有遭受重大背叛或渗透。
      铃花会认为将奴隶从枷锁中解放出来是一项高尚的事业。他们通常不接受申请者,更倾向于招募那些由于进行反奴隶制活动使他们与执勤特工接触的人。精灵、半精灵和半兽人在组织中是相当普遍的,但是许多最近被释放的半身人不信任人类或者魔裔耕作人。然而, 那些树立了献身精神并且和组织建立了相互信任的人,无论他们的种族如何, 都会被邀请加入铃花会行列。

(https://i.imgur.com/oXSiO1q.png)拉莉亚·长路(Laria Longroad)(混乱善良 女性 半身人 拳师4/盗贼2):
出生于奴隶家庭, 当拉莉亚还只是一个孩子时, 她惊恐地看着她的弟弟和母亲被残忍的虐待狂奴隶主鞭打致死。在这次创伤事件之前, 恐惧使她不敢妄动, 但当她看到奴隶制所产生的残酷的真实程度, 她受到了刺激而奋起, 杀死了她的前主人来好好报答他。铃花会特工们趁她还没受到惩罚之前偷偷把她救走了。为了报答这份恩情她以特工身份服务了几年,最后以假身份在金塔格定居。拉莉亚是一个铃花特工的典范, 在帮助重建银渡鸦方面起到了重要作用 (见170页)。
(https://i.imgur.com/YAasvyb.png)玛德琳娜·法洛斯(Magdelena Fallows)(混乱善良 女性半身人 盗贼7/间谍大师6)
目前, 农人的角色是由一对半身人双胞胎共同分担的, 玛德琳娜·法洛斯承担了其中一半的领导责任。由于共同承担了农人的角色,玛德琳娜和玛特姆以农人的身份交替出现,甚至雇佣演员来扮演这个角色,而他们在外勤中担任耕作人和知更鸟(bluebird)工作,所有这些都使农人身份更加神秘。在这对双胞胎中,玛德琳娜是两人中更为狡猾的那个,虽然她比她兄弟更聪明,思维敏捷,但她很乐意让他越来越成为农人的“头面”,而自己可以自由地去追求更重要的任务。
(https://i.imgur.com/ZFoKst7.png)玛特姆·法洛斯(Martum Fallows)(混乱善良 男性半身人 盗贼5/铃花耕作人8)
作为虚构的“农人”的另一半就是玛德琳娜的孪生兄弟玛特姆。他和他的姐妹出生于一个谷仓之中,他们的母亲是一个逃亡奴隶,在接生时去世,留下了他们。他们自幼得到组织的抚养,长大后学习了铃花会及其盟友们的来龙去脉。十年前,上任农人对玛德琳娜和玛特姆在铃花会中日益成长的影响力和声望颇感兴趣,而这对手足最近继承了领导该组织的共同责任。玛特姆是两个人中比较公开的一个, 以至于人们常常误认为他是集团的唯一领袖。
Eradicators of Halfling Slavery
Scope regional (Avistan, Cheliax)
Alignment CG
Headquarters decentralized
Values abolition of slavery, equality between the races, freedom to pursue lives of comfort, reintegration of escaped slaves into a safe and welcoming society
Goals abolish slavery in Cheliax, disband organized slavery rings, emancipate slaves (particularly halfling slaves) from servitude, establish networks of underground routes to help slaves escape, remove slavers from positions of power
Allies Caydenites, Eagle Knights, Rivethun, Silver Ravens, those who oppose slavery
Enemies Asmodeans (and to a lesser extent followers of other evil religions), Hellknights (most orders), House Thrune, slavers
Rivals Hellknights (most orders)

Founded nearly a century ago when the enslaved halfling crew of the trading carrack Bellflower rebelled against their new masters, the Bellflower Network is a loosely organized, secretive organization primarily concerned with the emancipation of halfling slaves in imperial Cheliax. After the Bellflower mutiny, the nine survivors escaped to the coast of Rahadoum, where they faced a difficult choice: whether to use their collective knowledge to ruin the noble estates they once served or to dedicate their lives to freeing others. The group ultimately chose the latter and spent decades building a formidable force for freedom.
    The Bellflower Network is said to be led by someone known as the Farmer. However, this name is more of a title that is passed down from one leader to another. The organization has no permanent headquarters; instead, the Farmer calls meetings of trusted, key members that vary in location. The Farmer favors buildings and rural locations abandoned by humans to host these gatherings. Not every city, town, or agricultural estate in Cheliax has an active Bellflower chapter, but most have at least one active member or ally. The Bellflower Network makes extensive use of agricultural metaphors and symbols in referring to themselves, their plans, and their tactics. For example, a “barn” is a secret hideout or safe house, a “crop” is a group of slaves under escort to freedom, a “farm” is a place where slaves are held against their will, and so on.
    The central agents of the Bellflower Network are specially trained operatives. Tillers are responsible for maintaining a barn, whether it’s a shop basement, a sewer, or a hollowed-out oak tree in the forest. Harvesters (those who engineer and carry out rescues) and irrigators (those who directly oppose the slavers themselves) are equally important, but without a safe house out of which to operate, their tasks become increasingly difficult.Due to the nature of the Bellflower Network, most members know only a small number of operatives by name. Each agent, rather than reporting to a central headquarters, operates in one area of Cheliax and specializes in his or her role. Agents identify one another by the telltale blue bellflower blossom worn on the person as a piece of embroidery, a pin, a hair ornament, or even a tattoo. Though outsiders might view the Network’s operations as confusing, the Bellflower Network has not experienced a major betrayal or infiltration in its 80 years of existence.
      The Bellflower Network believes that freeing any slave from bondage is a worthy cause. They typically do not accept applicants, preferring to recruit those whose antislavery activities bring them into contact with agents in the field. Elves, half-elves, and half-orcs are fairly common in the organization, but many recently freed halflings distrust human or tiefling tillers. Still, those who establish their dedication to the cause and build trust within the organization may be invited to join the Bellflower ranks, regardless of their race.

Laria Longroad (CG female halfling brawlerACG 4/rogue 2): Born into slavery, Laria was only a child when she watched in horror as her brother and mother were flogged to death by cruel and sadistic slave owners. Until this traumatic event, fear had kept her immobilized, but when she saw the true extent of the cruelty that slavery engenders, she was spurred to rise up and repay her former master by killing him herself. After the murder, Bellflower agents smuggled her out of harm’s way before she could be punished. She repaid her saviors by serving as an agent for years before eventually settling in Kintargo under an assumed identity. Laria is a prime example of an up-and-coming Bellflower agent, and has been instrumental in helping reestablish the Silver Ravens (see page 170) as well.
Magdelena Fallows (CG female halfling rogue 7/master spyAPG 6): Currently, the role of Farmer is shared by halfling twins, with Magdelena Fallows serving as one half of the Bellflower Network’s leadership. Since jointly assuming the role of Farmer, Magdelena and Martum alternate their appearances as the Farmer and even hire actors to assume the role while they work in the field as tillers and bluebirds, all of which feeds the mystery surrounding the Farmer’s identity. Of the twins, Magdelena is the craftier of the two, and though more tactically minded and quick-witted than her brother, she is content to let him increasingly be the “face” of the Farmer, freeing herself to pursue more important tasks in secret.
Martum Fallows (CG male halfling rogue 5/Bellflower tiller8): The second half of the fictional person known as the “Farmer” is Magdelena’s twin brother, Martum. He and his sister were born in a barn to a fugitive slave who perished delivering her children. They were adopted by the organization and grew up learning the ins and outs of the Bellflower Network and its allies. Ten years ago, the previous Farmer took an interest in Magdelena and Martum’s growing influence and popularity among the network, and the siblings have recently inherited the shared responsibility of leading the organization. Martum is the more public of the two siblings, and people often erroneously regard him as the group’s sole leader.

铃花会术语(Bellflower Terminology)

谷仓(Barn): 一个秘密的藏身处, 如房子、商店或真的谷仓, 白天奴隶被隐藏在那里。
农人(The Farmer):铃花会的领导者。
收获之月(Harvest Moon):最适合晚上旅行的时间。同时也是说奴隶进行其自由之旅的夜晚。
稼穑人(Harvester):一个解放奴隶, 把他们带上通往自由的道路上的人。

Bellflower Terminology
Bellflower Network agents use farming euphemisms as code words to discuss their activities without fear of being overheard by the authorities. Used properly, these terms can help Bellflower agents to organize entire slave revolts or escapes while sounding to the outsider like nothing more than a pair of farmers comparing notes on the year’s crop or bemoaning the rising costs of doing business. Below are several examples of this terminology, but these are by no means the full extent of Bellflower code words.
Barn: A secret hideout, such as a house, business, or actual barn, where slaves are hidden during the day.
Crop: A group of slaves being escorted to freedom. This word can also be used by agents to denote a group of allies that the Bellflower operative has identified as her personal band—the Bellflower tiller and the archetypes presented on the following pages can grant bonuses and boons to their crop once one is established.
Farm: A place where slaves are held against their will, such as a Chelish nobleman’s estate.
The Farmer: The leader of the Bellflower Network.
Grazing: Observing a location where slaves are held.
Hand: One who tends a safe house.
Harvest Moon: The best time to travel—at night. Also describes the night a slave begins his journey to freedom.
Harvester: One who frees slaves and sets them on the road to freedom.
Irrigating: Killing a slaver or slave owner.
Plucking: Freeing a slave.
Row: A path from one secret hideout to the next.
Sowing: Transporting slaves along a “row.”
Tiller: A Bellflower Network member who escorts slaves between secret hideouts.
主题: 铃花耕作人(Bellflower Tiller)
作者: 丞相2018-08-24, 周五 21:54:09
铃花耕作人(Bellflower Tiller)

       大概没有那个组织能比铃花会更擅长在魔鬼缠身的切利亚斯散播自由的种子,而铃花会的特工中没什么人比献身于此的铃花耕作人做得更多或冒得更大的风险。为了把奴隶从这个邪恶的国家的众多种植园中解放出来,并护送至安多安和拉哈多姆,铃花耕作人对于特鲁恩家族和它们魔鬼仆役是眼中钉肉中刺。从艾格利安(Egorian)和西冠城(Westcrown)的黑暗街巷到默语森林的广阔荒野,这些精锐的解放者在切利亚斯的各地锤练着他们的技艺。铃花耕作人使用农业暗语掩饰他们的行动以对抗怀揣恶意的听众——用“谷仓(barns)”代指他们的秘密藏身点,用“庄稼(crops)”代指他们护送的奴隶,用“道路(row)”代指他们采用的秘密路线。铃花会的领导层不鼓励铃花耕作人之间进行太多的接触, 以免他们冒着将组织暴露给当局的风险。尽管如此, 他们经常会秘密地讨论哪些路线是最安全的,贿赂某些官员的金额是多少,以及组织奴隶群体的策略是最有效的,从而提高了躲避抓捕的机率。

生命骰(Hit Die):d8

阵营:混乱善良(Chaotic good)
专长:任意两项团队专长(进阶玩家手册 150页)
技能:易容 5级,知识(本地)3级,潜行 5级,生存 5级。
特殊:偷袭 +2d6 或任意两项侠客天赋。

本职技能(Class Skills)


职业能力(Class Features)

铃花之谷物(Bellflower Crop)(EX):以一个标准动作,一名铃花耕作人可以指定最多等于3+她魅力调整值的盟友作为她的铃花谷物。作为铃花谷物的盟友们必须保持在其30尺内以获得影响铃花谷物的增益,无论该能力的来源 (无论是铃花稼穑人, 灌溉人, 或耕作人)。如果任何一人离开这个范围,铃花耕作人必须再次指定该盟友以重新加入她的谷物。在第7级,这个范围扩大到60尺。

快速播种(Swift Sower)(Ex):在决定其长途跋涉和战斗之外的大陆移动速度时,视铃花耕作人的基础陆地移动速度为+10尺。其铃花谷物的成员可以使用铃花耕作人或者自己的大陆移动速度,取其高者。在6级时,速度上的加值增长为+20尺。

谷物守护者(Crop Guardian)(Ex):在2级时,当铃花耕作人使用援助动作帮助一名铃花谷物的成员时,她会提供+3加值而非+2。在决定铃花稼穑人的谷物警戒能力时,铃花耕作人的等级和她拥有的侠客等级叠加(见42页)。


团队专长(Teamwork Feat):在2级时,铃花耕作人除了从正常的升级中获得的奖励之外, 还会获得额外专长。这个奖励专长必须是团队专场,并且铃花耕作人必须满足所选专长的先决条件。在6级和10级时,铃花耕作人会获得一个额外团队专长。

偷袭(Sneak Attack):在3级时,铃花耕作人获得偷袭,此能力类似于盗贼的同名能力。该额外伤害在3级时是1d6,并且每3级增加1d6。如果铃花耕作人从其他来源获得了偷袭,该伤害上的加值叠加。

偏好谷仓(Favored Barn)(Ex):在5级时,铃花耕作人对特定社区里越来越熟悉,并且发展出可信联系人。在这个社区范围内,她在先攻检定和知识(本地)、察觉、潜行和生存上获得+2加值。任何被指定为铃花谷物一部分的盟友都能在这些技能上获得等于耕作人一半的加值。一名铃花耕作人在她的偏好社区行动时不会留下任何痕迹并且无法被追踪(如果他刻意想要留下痕迹也是可以的)。
      Perhaps no group has done more to sow the seeds of freedom in devil-haunted Cheliax than the Bellflower Network, and no agents of that network do or risk more than its dedicated Bellflower tillers. Charged with freeing slaves from the infernal nation’s many plantations and escorting them to the safety of Andoran and Rahadoum, Bellflower tillers are a constant thorn in the side of House Thrune and its diabolical minions. These elite liberators practice their craft all across Cheliax, from the darkened streets of Egorian and Westcrown to the wilds of the Whisperwood. Bellflower tillers employ farming euphemisms to mask their activities from unfriendly ears—referring to their secret hideouts as “barns,” the slaves they escort as their “crops,” and the secret paths they take as “rows.” Excessive contact between Bellflower tillers is discouraged by the Bellflower Network’s leadership, lest they risk exposing the organization to the authorities. Despite this, they often meet in secret to discuss which routes are safest to take, how much to bribe certain officials, and what tactics for organizing groups of slaves work best, and so improve chances of evading capture.
      Nearly all Bellflower tillers are halfling rogues, though some particularly zealous members have levels in both rogue and inquisitors and savvy members might have levels in both rogue and ranger. Vigilantes are also a natural fit as Bellflower tillers. Non-halflings are usually admitted only after proving their allegiance to the anti-slavery movement and their goodwill toward halflings, but once they join the cause, they are incredibly valuable to the organization for the simple fact that their race does not immediately raise suspicion in areas where the Bellflower Network is active.
      A Bellflower tiller’s duty relies in part on her ability to establish a believable and viable cover identity. Many pose as traveling merchants or tinkerers—occupations that give them the freedom to get where they need to, when they need to—and have alibis for their presence on the road if confronted by Chelish patrols. Other Bellflower tillers join mercenary bands or adventuring groups, using their organizational and survival skills to help their companions in exchange for some extra muscle should a particular slave breakout proceed poorly.

 Hit Die d8.
To qualify to become a Bellflower tiller, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Alignment Chaotic good.
Feats Any two teamwork feats (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 150).
Skills Disguise 5 ranks, Knowledge (local) 3 ranks, Stealth 5 ranks, Survival 5 ranks.
Special Sneak attack +2d6 or any 2 vigilante talents.
Class Skills
The Bellflower tiller’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff(Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), and Survival (Wis).
Skill Ranks at Each Level 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the Bellflower tiller prestige class.
Bellflower Crop (Ex) As a standard action, a Bellflower tiller can designate a number of allies up to 3 + her Charisma modifier as part of her Bellflower crop. Members of a crop must remain within 30 feet of the Bellflower tiller to gain any benefits from abilities that affect a Bellflower crop, regardless of the ability’s source (whether it’s a Bellflower harvester, irrigator, or tiller). If any leave this range, the Bellflower tiller must designate these allies again for them to be included in her crop. At 7th level, this range increases to 60 feet.
Swift Sower (Ex) A Bellflower tiller’s base land speed is treated as being +10 feet faster when determining her overland travel speed while traveling long distances and while outside of combat. Members of her Bellflower crop can use either the Bellflower tiller’s overland travel speed or their own, whichever is better. At 6th level, the bonus to speed increases to +20 feet.
Crop Guardian (Ex) At 2nd level, whenever a Bellflower tiller uses the aid another action for a member of her Bellflower crop, she grants a +3 bonus instead of the normal +2. Levels in the Bellflower tiller prestige class stack with any vigilante levels she has when calculating the effects of the Bellflower harvester’s crop vigilance ability (see page 42).
Scarecrow (Ex): At 2nd level, a Bellflower tiller receives a +1 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls against creatures that threaten attacks of opportunity against members of her Bellflower crop. At 4th level and every 2 levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by 1, to a maximum of +5 at 10th level.
Teamwork Feat: At 2nd level, a Bellflower tiller gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. This bonus feat must be a teamwork feat, and the Bellflower tiller must meet the prerequisites of the selected bonus feat. At 6th level and 10th level, the Bellflower tiller gains an additional bonus teamwork feat.
Sneak Attack: At 3rd level, a Bellflower tiller gains a sneak attack that functions like the rogue class feature of the same name. The extra damage is 1d6 at 3rd level and increases by 1d6 every 3 levels thereafter. If a Bellflower tiller gets a sneak attack bonus from another source, the bonuses on damage stack.
Favored Barn (Ex): At 5th level, a Bellflower tiller grows familiar with and develops trusted contacts in a particular community. While inside the limits of this community, she gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (local), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks. Any ally designated as part of the Bellflower tiller’s crop receives a bonus on these skills equal to half the tiller’s bonus. A Bellflower tiller traveling through her favored community leaves no trail and cannot be tracked(although she can leave a trail if she so desires).
    Provided that she isn’t in immediate danger (such as fleeing from pursuers right on her heels), a Bellflower tiller can always find a safe place for her and members of her crop to rest in her chosen community. At such a location, she and her allies are fed, clothed, and provided with basic medical attention (as if attended by a person with a Heal bonus of +10).
    At 7th level and 9th level, the Bellflower tiller can select an additional community in which to receive these bonuses. Each time she selects a new community, the skill bonus and initiative bonus in any one chosen community (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2.
    For the purposes of this ability, a community can be any settlement of 100 or more individuals. Outlying farms, fields, and houses are considered part of a community.
主题: 铃花稼穑人(Bellflower Harvester)& 铃花灌溉人(Bellflower Irrigator)
作者: 丞相2018-08-24, 周五 21:55:15
铃花稼穑人(Bellflower Harvester)(侠客)

潜伏身份(Rebellious Identity,Ex):铃花稼穑人的侠客身份必须与混乱善良阵营相距不超过一阶,而他的社交身份必须是仆从、奴隶或者其它底层劳工。此能力调整了双重身份(Dual Identity)。

铃花之谷物(Bellflower Crop,Ex):以一个标准动作,一名铃花稼穑人可以指定最多等于3+她魅力调整值的盟友作为她的铃花谷物。作为铃花谷物的盟友们必须保持在其30尺内以获得影响铃花谷物的增益,无论该能力的来源 (无论是铃花稼穑人, 灌溉人, 或耕作人)。如果任何一人离开这个范围,铃花稼穑人必须再次指定该盟友以重新加入她的谷物。

谷物警戒(Crop Vigilance,Ex):当花田稼穑人对他的铃花谷物成员使用援助他人动作时,会赋予其下一次对目标发动的近战攻击检定+3,或是在对抗目标下一次发动的攻击时AC +3加值。此加值不与其他专长或职业能力叠加。5级以及之后每6级,此加值增加1(在17级时达到最大值6)。此能力替代侠客的侠客之道(Vigilante Specialization),但在学习侠客天赋时,铃花稼穑人仍视为拥有诡秘猎手(Stalker)侠客之道。


照料花园(Tend the Garden ,Ex):2级时,铃花稼穑人获得了协调他的铃花谷物成员来改善他们战斗表现的能力。他获得协同隐藏UC(Stealth Synergy)作为额外专长。以一个标准动作,铃花稼穑人可以将他任意一个团队专长分享给他的铃花谷物成员,只要他们能听见及看到他。他的铃花谷物成员可以保持这个专长1轮,2级之后每5个等级持续时间会增加1轮(在17级时达到最大值4轮)。铃花稼穑人每次只能以这种方式分享一个团队专长。

推荐铃花稼穑人学习以下社交天赋:未雨绸缪UI(Case the Joint)、扮无辜UI(Feign Innocence)、飞短流长UI(Gossip Collector)、忠诚助手UI(Loyal Aid)、主观事实UI(Subjective Truth)。
推荐铃花稼穑人学习以下侠客天赋:盲点UI(Blindspot)、抄来就打UI(Environment Weapon)、黑暗之眼UI(Shadow`s Sight)、守望相助(Team Player,如下)。

侠客天赋选项(Vigilante Class Option)
守望相助(Team Player,Ex):侠客习得迅捷协助APG(Swift Aid)作为奖励专长,侠客不需要满足专长的前置条件。另外,如果侠客以标准行动使用这个专长,侠客可以协助与他相邻的所有盟友。10级时,如果侠客以移动动作替代迅捷动作协助一名盟友时,其获得的加值增加至+2。

Bellflower harvesters are the front-line operatives of the secretive Bellflower Network, whose members infiltrate Chelish estates in the guise of servants and slaves, and tolerate a harsh life as they uncover secrets, gauge security, and send slaves on the first steps toward freedom. While Bellflower tillers (see page 40) wander the countryside, escorting the crop of escapees to freedom, Bellflower harvesters remain in seeming bondage to direct others to the road to freedom, undermine efforts to recapture slaves, and end the threat of especially vile masters.
    Bellflower harvesters consist almost exclusively of halflings, though the role could be taken by anyone with the patience or humility to withstand months or years of cruel abuse without risking being caught raising a hand in his own defense.

Rebellious Identity (Ex): A Bellflower harvester’s vigilante identity must be within one step of chaotic good, and his social identity must appear to be a servant, slave, or other menial laborer. This alters dual identity.
Bellflower Crop (Ex): As a standard action, a Bellflower harvester can designate a number of allies equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier as part of his Bellflower crop. Members of a Bellflower crop must remain within 30 feet of the vigilante to gain any benefits from abilities that affect a Bellflower crop, regardless of the ability’s source (whether it’s a Bellflower harvester, irrigator, or tiller). If the allies leave this range, the Bellflower harvester must designate them again to include them in his crop.

Crop Vigilance (Ex): When the Bellflower harvester uses the aid another action to grant a member of his Bellflower crop a bonus on an attack roll against an opponent, on a skill check, or to AC against an opponent’s next attack, the bonus increases to +3. This doesn’t stack with the benefits of other feats or class features that improve the bonus he grants to an ally with aid another. At 5th level and every 6 vigilante levels thereafter, the bonus that the Bellflower harvester provides when using aid another to assist a member of his Bellflower crop increases by 1, to a maximum of +6 at 17th level. This ability replaces vigilante specialization, but the Bellflower harvester is still treated as if he had the stalker specialization for the purpose of selecting other vigilante talents.

Obsequious (Ex): A Bellflower harvester works hard to cultivate a social identity that plays off others’ racist assumptions to deflect blame and excuse suspicious behavior, making him seem harmless or even a model servant. He can use the Bluff skill to deflect suspicion about his vigilante identity and activities (including use of vigilante talents when in his social identity) rather than Disguise, and gains a +2 bonus on Bluff checks to do so. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 vigilante levels he has beyond 1st, to a maximum of +6 at 17th level. This ability replaces the social talent gained at 1st level.

Tend the Garden (Ex): At 2nd level, a Bellflower harvester gains the ability to coordinate the members of his Bellflower crop to improve their performance in battle. He gains Stealth SynergyUC as a bonus feat. As a standard action, a Bellflower harvester can grant any one teamwork feat he has to all members of his Bellflower crop who can see and hear him. Members of his Bellflower crop retain this feat for 1 round, plus 1 round for every 5 vigilante levels the Bellflower harvester has beyond 2nd, to a maximum of 4 rounds at 17th level. A Bellflower harvester can share only one teamwork feat at a time in this manner. This ability replaces the vigilante talent gained at 2nd level.

Social Talents: The following social talents complement the Bellflower harvester: case the jointUI, feign innocenceUI, gossip collectorUI, loyal aidUI, and subjective truthUI.
Vigilante Talents: The following vigilante talents complement the Bellflower harvester: blind spotUI, environment weaponUI, shadow’s sightUI, and team player (see below).

Many vigilantes find themselves drawn to the righteous cause of the Bellflower Network. The following vigilante talent is often chosen by such agents of the Network—many Bellflower harvesters take this option, but any vigilante who is affiliated with the network can do so as well if he desires.

Team Player (Ex): The vigilante gains Swift AidAPG as a bonus feat, ignoring its prerequisites. Additionally, the vigilante can use the feat as a standard action, in which case it applies to every ally adjacent to the vigilante. At 10th level, the vigilante can increase the bonus provided to one ally by this feat to +2 by using the aid another action as a move action rather than as a swift action.

铃花灌溉人(Bellflower Irrigator)(盗贼变体)

铃花之谷物(Bellflower Crop,Ex):以一个标准动作,一名铃花灌溉人可以指定最多等于3+她魅力调整值的盟友作为她的铃花谷物。作为铃花谷物的盟友们必须保持在其30尺内以获得影响铃花谷物的增益,无论该能力的来源 (无论是铃花稼穑人, 灌溉人, 或耕作人)。如果任何一人离开这个范围,铃花灌溉人必须再次指定该盟友以重新加入她的谷物。

用毒(Poison Use, Ex):铃花灌溉人学会了如何安全的用毒素给武器淬毒而不伤及自身。此能力替代寻找陷阱(Trapfinding)。

嫁接(Grafting,Ex ):4级时,如果铃花谷物中至少两名成员对敌人构成威胁,那么铃花灌溉人就可以进行夹击,而不考虑实际位置。此能力替代直觉闪避(Uncanny Dodge)以及4级时习得的盗贼天赋。

灌溉(Irrigation,Ex):在 8级时,如果铃花灌溉人研究了他的目标3轮(每轮消耗一个标准动作),接下来他可以用近战武器进行一次偷袭攻击,正常造成伤害,攻击的额外效果可以麻痹或者杀死目标(由灌溉人选择)。如果目标察觉到铃花灌溉人或者认为他是敌人,则死亡攻击失败。如果受害者没有通过强韧豁免(DC = 10+1/2盗贼等级+智力调整值),他会立即死亡。如果他在豁免麻痹效果的检定中失败,在接下1D6+1/2铃花灌溉人的盗贼等级的轮数中,他将无法行动。如果受害者的豁免成功,攻击只是正常的偷袭。一旦铃花灌溉人完成了3轮研究,他必须在接下来的3轮内出手。8级时,铃花灌溉人每日可以使用此能力1次,之后每4级使用次数+1。此能力替代精通直觉闪避(Improved Uncanny Dodge)。

Bellflower irrigators take on tasks that many other agents of the Bellflower Network find distasteful. Rather than focusing on saving slaves, Bellflower irrigators seek to defeat slavery by aiming to eliminate the source. They gauge the precise moment to strike from the shadows and annihilate slave traders and masters alike. Bellflower irrigators realize that for every slave released today, another will be shackled tomorrow—until all the masters are dead. This cynicism leads Bellflower irrigators to target anyone who owns or sells slaves on Golarion, especially cruel masters within Cheliax.
    Though most Bellflower irrigators are halflings, this branch of the Network is more diverse than many of the others—anyone with a hatred of slavery and a talent for stealth and martial combat is free to join. Bellflower irrigators employ combat methods that many find questionable, such as the use of poison and calculated strikes meant to kill rather than incapacitate. The Bellflower Network does not knowingly allow evil members, but very few Bellflower irrigators are good—most are chaotic neutral in alignment, as their methods of solving the problem of slavery often force them into moral and ethical gray areas. A few Bellflower irrigators are in fact evil, but these rarities do their best to hide their personal lack of morals and addiction to cruelty in order to maintain their positions and connection to the Bellflowers, for as evil as they may be, they share a hatred of slavery with their more altruistic kin. An evil Bellflower irrigator who is found out is typically exiled from the group, yet most continue to fight slavery even after they are sent away in this way.

Bellflower Crop (Ex): As a standard action, a Bellflower irrigator can designate a number of allies equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier as part of his Bellflower crop. Members of a Bellflower crop must remain within 30 feet of the Bellflower irrigator to gain any benefits from abilities that affect a Bellflower crop, regardless of the ability’s source (whether it’s a Bellflower harvester, irrigator, or tiller). If the allies leave this range, the Bellflower irrigator must designate them again to include them in his crop.

Poison Use (Ex): A Bellflower irrigator is trained in the use of poison and cannot accidentally poison himself when applying poison to a weapon. This ability replaces trapfinding.

Grafting (Ex): At 4th level, a Bellflower irrigator is considered to be flanking an opponent if at least two members of his Bellflower crop are threatening that opponent, regardless of the irrigator’s actual positioning. This ability replaces uncanny dodge and the rogue talent gained at 4th level.

Irrigation (Ex): At 8th level, if a Bellflower irrigator studies his target for 3 rounds (spending a standard action each round to do so) and then makes a sneak attack with a melee weapon that successfully deals damage, the attack has the additional effect of possibly either paralyzing or killing the target (Bellflower irrigator’s choice). The death attack fails if the target detects the Bellflower irrigator or recognizes him as an enemy. If the victim of the attack fails a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the Bellflower irrigator’s class level + the Bellflower irrigator’s Intelligence modifier) against the kill effect, she dies. If the saving throw fails against the paralysis effect, the victim is rendered helpless and unable to act for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per 2 rogue levels that the Bellflower irrigator has. If the victim’s saving throw succeeds, the attack is just a normal sneak attack. Once the Bellflower irrigator has completed the 3 rounds of study, he must make the irrigation attempt within the next 3 rounds. A Bellflower irrigator can attempt to kill or paralyze a creature in this way once per day, plus one additional time per day for every 4 additional rogue levels he has after 8th.This ability replaces improved uncanny dodge.
作者: 丞相2018-08-24, 周五 21:56:18
与铃花会结盟(Affiliation with the Bellflower Network)
铃花会不惜一切代价保护自己的秘密,因为敌人急切而主动地想要打击他们。如果铃花会谷仓的位置被揭露, 他们的成员的身份被暴露, 或者被释放的奴隶的位置被发现, 所有铃花会拥护者都可能会流失。即使这样的灾难并没有终结铃花会,它也肯定会成为一种令人悲伤的损失。然而,将更多的资源转移到自我保护和防御中会导致奴隶释放的减少。因此,铃花会非常重视对其特工和资源的保护。想要成为铃花会的受信任盟友,最好的模式是让PC向特工证明, 他们可能不知道特工与铃花会有所关系,但是他们反对奴隶制, 支持铃花会的理念。

范例结盟遭遇:玩家们经历了几次遭遇,他们对抗奴隶贩子,释放被奴役的奴隶,或者单纯的支持被践踏或者被边缘化的群体的利益,最终赢得了铃花会的信任。如果你想让你的角色与铃花会结盟,告知你的GM,并且把你的角色的行动集中在完成铃花会认可但是没有特别告知你们的任务和目标上。在这种情况下, 行动胜于雄辩。如果你是GM,一个玩家告诉你她希望自己的角色能够与铃花会结盟,四到五个与铃花会利益同步的人格展示和信念应该足以赢得集团的信任。在这一点上,一名铃花会的特工应该会带着一些支持请求与玩家接触。通常,这项提议带有最后的任务,通常是拯救一名奴隶或奴隶群体的请求。铃花会的消息非常灵通,它应该知道PC将要进行的下一场冒险——你可以稍后告知玩家在即将进行的冒险中,会有一个奴隶需要你们释放,并且, 如果这个任务能被完成,是有把握加入铃花会的。


价格:10gp 重量:1磅

博尼费斯涂料(Boniface Paint)
价格:15gp 重量:5磅

厨宝烹饪粉(Cooking Powder)
价格:2gp 重量:1磅

闪耀熏烟(Sparkle Smoke)
价格:25gp 重量:1磅

耕作人口香糖(Tiller's Gum)
价格:100gp 重量:-磅

魔法物品(Magic Items)

解放者之匙(Liberator's Key)
施法者等级:5级 重量:-磅
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),敲击术(knock),粉碎音波(shatter)

巧藏拖鞋(Subtle Slippers)
这双破旧的、不定型的皮拖鞋可以神奇地收缩或放大,以适应任何放在里面的脚,就像一双磨合良好的靴子一样舒适。当被一个半身人穿戴时,拖鞋几乎完全从视野中消失,表现为柔软的皮革缠绕在脚踝周围, 让半身人享受赤脚的舒适, 而其实仍然穿着。一双巧藏拖鞋会掩盖他们的穿戴者的踪迹,不会留下足迹或者气味踪迹,如同法术行踪无迹。它们还会为穿戴者在潜行检定上提供+5表现加值。每天一次,以一个标准动作,一名穿着拖鞋的角色可以在30尺内选择最多4个其他生物来获得潜行检定的+5价值。这个加值持续1小时,但是如果任何生物离开了穿戴者超过30尺,那么他身上的效果会被压制。如果该生物在效果持续时间内回到穿戴者30尺内,则该角色的价值会重新激活。如果拖鞋的穿戴者移除鞋子,或者被打晕、被杀死,效果立即结束。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),行踪无迹(pass without trace)

耕作人坠饰(Tiller's Pendant)
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),易容术(disguise self),神莓术(goodberry)

耳语海螺(Whispering Shell)
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),风讯术(Whispering Wind)

The Bellflower Network keeps its secrets safe at all costs, for its enemies eagerly and actively oppose them. Should the truth about the locations of Bellflower Network barns be revealed, the identities of their members be compromised, or the locations of slaves they’ve freed be discovered, all that the Bellflower Network champions could be lost. Even if such a catastrophe didn’t spell the end for the Network, it would certainly still serve as an emotional loss. However, shifting more resources to self-protection and defense would result in fewer slaves freed. As a result, the Bellflower Network is very protective of its agents and their resources. Becoming a trusted ally of the Bellflower Network is best modeled by having the PCs prove to an agent, likely with no knowledge of the agent’s affiliation with the Network, that they oppose slavery and support the idea of the Bellflower Network.

Example Affiliation Encounter: PCs who play out several encounters wherein they defy slavers, free slaves from servitude, or simply stand up for the rights of a downtrodden or marginalized group should eventually earn the trust of the Network. If you would like your character to earn affiliation with the Bellflower Network, inform your GM and then focus your character’s actions on fulfilling tasks and goals that the Network would approve of without being told to do so. Actions speak louder than words in this case. If you’re the GM and a player informs you that she would like her character to earn Bellflower Network affiliation, four to five significant displays of personality and conviction in sync with Bellflower Network interests should be enough to earn the group’s trust, at which point an agent of the Bellflower Network should approach the PC with an offer of support. Typically, this offer comes with a final task, usually a request to rescue a slave or group of slaves. The Network is quite well informed, and it should know what the next adventure is that the PC is heading into—you can then inform the player that there’s a slave in the upcoming adventure that needs to be freed, and if this task can be accomplished, affiliation with the Bellflower Network is assured.

Bellflower Network agents use the following items.
WEIGHT 1 lb.
This sticky-sweet syrup is distilled from ivy and rabbit musk, and causes a mild allergic reaction in halflings. The slight swelling—especially in the face—and mild redness it induces makes the face seem younger, granting a halfling who drinks a dose of applecheek a +2 alchemical bonus on Disguise checks to look like an elven, half-elven, or human child. The effects of a dose of applecheek persist for 24 hours. Crafting a dose of applecheek requires a successful DC 15 Craft (alchemy) check.
WEIGHT 5 lbs.
This thick whitewash is laced with exotic oils, and it dries to a lovely finish run through with subtle swirls. Difficult to notice, these patterns help obscure seams and details in whatever the paint coats; the Perception DC to find a secret door or hidden compartment on a surface covered in boniface paint increases by 5. One bucket of boniface paint covers up to a 10-foot-by-10-foot area, and its concealing effects last for 1 year. Crafting a bucket of boniface paint requires a successful DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.
WEIGHT 1 lb.
By boiling certain seeds with handfuls of rust, halfling alchemists create these red flakes, which smolder slowly when touched by a spark or flame. If sprinkled over food and lit, a handful of cooking powder can cook meat or vegetables in 20 minutes without light or significant heat, though it lends a metallic flavor to any foods. If held to a living creature’s flesh, smoldering cooking powder deals 1 point of fire damage per minute for 20 minutes. One jar of cooking powder is enough to cook up to 5 pounds of food in 1-pound increments. Crafting a jar of cooking powder requires a successful DC 15 Craft (alchemy) check.
WEIGHT 1 lb.
When inhaled, this incense causes creatures to see dazzling auras around light sources, drawing their attention to such illumination as the moon or stars and away from other nearby creatures. Any creature inhaling sparkle smoke that fails a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw takes a –4 penalty on Perception checks to notice creatures smaller than itself in areas of at least dim light for 1 hour. Crafting a dose of sparkle smoke requires a 2successful DC 15 Craft (alchemy) check.
This gum has alchemical properties that allow it to soak up magical energy and release it when the gum is chewed. As a standard action, a stick of tiller’s gum can be imbued with a spell of up to 3rd level with a casting time of less than 1 minute and that targets one or more creatures, as if the gum were the target of the spell. The gum holds the spell’s charge for 1 hour, during which time a creature capable of casting the stored spell can chew the gum as a standard action to gain the spell’s effects, expending the stored spell and destroying the gum. The stored spell uses the original caster’s level to determine its effects. If the spell-imbued gum isn’t used before an hour passes, it is ruined. Crafting a stick of tiller’s gum requires a successful DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.

The following items are favored by Bellflower Network agents.
2,000 GP
SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT —
AURA faint transmutation
This tiny, unremarkable silver key can open nearly any set of shackles. When the key is inserted as a standard action into the keyhole of locked leg irons, manacles, or shackles,the lock unlocks provided that its Disable Device DC is 30 or lower. Shackles whose lock has a Disable Device DC of 15 or lower are instantly and silently broken into fragments. A liberator’s key can be used 10 times, after which it crumbles to dust.
Craft Wondrous Item, knock, shatter

PRICE 5,500 GP
SLOT feet CL 5th WEIGHT 2 lbs.
AURA faint transmutation
These worn, shapeless leather slippers magically shrink or enlarge to fit any foot placed within, and are as comfortable as a well-broken-in pair of boots. When worn by a halfling, the slippers fade from view almost entirely, manifesting as strips of soft leather wound around the ankles so as to allow the halfling to enjoy the comforts of being barefoot while still wearing them. A pair of subtle slippers conceal their wearer’s passage, leaving no footprints or scent trail, as per the spell pass without trace, regardless of terrain. They also grant the wearer a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks. Once per day as a standard action, a character wearing subtle slippers can select up to four other creatures within 30 feet to gain a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks. This bonus lasts for 1 hour, but is suppressed for any creature who moves more than 30 feet away from the character wearing the slippers. If that creature returns to a position within 30 feet of the wearer of the slippers before the effect’s duration expires, the bonus reactivates for that character. The effect ends at once for all affected if the wearer of the slippers removes the footwear, is knocked unconscious, or is killed.
Craft Wondrous Item, pass without trace

6,400 GP
SLOT none CL 3rd WEIGHT —
AURA faint illusion and transmutation
This cluster of emeralds attached to a delicate golden clasp is arranged in the likeness of a five-petaled blossom. Regardless of how it is worn, it does not take up an item slot. As long as the pendant is visible on the wearer’s person, it grants a +4 competence bonus on Disguise and Stealth checks to the wearer. In addition, once per day when the command word is spoken, the emeralds take on the appearance of a living flower, gaining the ability to magically imbue 2d4
freshly picked berries so that each can provide a meal and cure 1 point of damage when eaten, as per goodberry.
Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self, goodberry

3,000 GP
SLOT none CL 3rd WEIGHT —
AURA faint illusion
This striped conch shell appears to be nothing more than a piece of flotsam idly picked up by a beachcomber. Once per day when held to the lips, the conch shell absorbs a whispered message of 25 words or fewer and stores the spoken words indefinitely. When pressed to the ear and prompted by the command word, the shell repeats its message as a whisper that cannot be heard by anyone except the creature holding the conch shell. A whispering shell can only hold one such message at a time, but can replay its message as often as a creature issues the command to do so.
Craft Wondrous Item, whispering wind
主题: Re: 【AG】铃花会(Bellflower Network)
作者: 白貓2018-08-24, 周五 23:45:23
主题: Re: 【AG】鈴花會(Bellflower Network)
作者: 笨哈2018-08-24, 周五 23:46:31
/me 鼓掌
主题: Re: 【AG】铃花会(Bellflower Network)
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2018-08-24, 周五 23:51:11

不过和奴隶制作战大概也很难笑得出来吧 :em003
主题: Re: 【AG】铃花会(Bellflower Network)
作者: 言多必失的苏斯2018-08-24, 周五 23:56:15
主题: Re: 【AG】铃花会(Bellflower Network)
作者: hrvws2018-08-24, 周五 23:57:42
主题: Re: 【AG】铃花会(Bellflower Network)
作者: 2018-08-25, 周六 00:28:21
哇, 都補好了
主题: Re: 【AG】铃花会(Bellflower Network)
作者: 高阶清音2018-08-25, 周六 13:11:34

主题: Re: 【AG】铃花会(Bellflower Network)
作者: 归田卸甲退休孤寡老人2018-08-25, 周六 15:29:28
/me 向大佬低头
主题: Re: 【AG】铃花会(Bellflower Network)
作者: sleepinglord2018-08-26, 周日 23:07:36