
譯文資料區 => 核心书籍(Core Books) => Pathfinder RPG => Pathfinder => 《惧怖冒险》 => 主题作者是: 炼金术士卡莉 于 2017-12-18, 周一 20:55:37

主题: 【第二章】侠客职业变体
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2017-12-18, 周一 20:55:37
Experimenter(Vigilante Archetype)

PFS:实验员在3级和11级时获得技能专攻(手艺(炼金术)(Craft(Alchemy)),易容(Disguise)或知识(工程)(Knowledge(engineering)))作为奖励专长,代替制造药水(Brew Potion)和制造构装体(Craft Construct)。

本职技能(Class Skills)

武器和防具擅长(Weapen and Armor Proficiencies):实验员不擅长军用武器,中型盔甲以及盾牌。

禁忌科学(Forbidden Science, Ex):实验员在知识(工程)(Knowledge(Engineering))和用于制作炼金物品的手艺(炼金术)(Craft(Alchemy))检定上获得等同于1/2侠客等级的加值(至少+1)。他也知晓如何像一名等同于他职业等级的炼金术士(Alchemist)一般制作突变药剂(Mutagen)APG。他能够选择一项炼金术士科研发现(Discovery)代替他获得的侠客天赋(Vigilante Talent),但只能选择那些影响突变药剂的发现(包括异变药剂(Cognatogen)UM科研发现)。
当实验员陷入困惑(Confused),晕眩(Dazed),惊惧(Frightened),恐慌(Panicked)或震慑(Stunned)时,他必须在每次他的回合开始时尝试进行一次意志检定(DC=20+他的侠客等级)。如果他失败了,他立即如同使用了他的突变药剂一般进行突变(随机决定能力赋予的加值)。这并不会消耗他的突变药剂,效果只会持续等同于3+他的侠客等级的轮数,并且在突变结束之后他会变得疲乏。以这种方式进行突变时,他会陷入困惑,并且重骰任何“正常行动(Act Normally)”的结果。这个困惑效果是突变药剂带来的突变的一部分,那些防止或移除困惑效果的能力无法适用于该效果,然而那些能够终止突变药剂影响的效果会正常运作。他会忘记在处于这种偶然性的突变期间经历的一切。
这个能力取代(Replaces)侠客之道(Vigilante Specialization)。

诱发变身(Mutagenic Change, Ex):以一个整轮动作,实验员能够使用他的突变药剂并从他的社交身份(Social Identity)转变为侠客身份(Vigilante Identity),如同他拥有快速变装(Quick Change)社交天赋(Social Talent)。
这个能力取代(Replaces)1级时获得的社交天赋(Social Talent)。

制造药水(Brew Potion):在3级时,实验员获得制造药水(Brew Potion)作为奖励专长。他能够将他的侠客等级视作施法者等级并使用手艺(炼金术)(Craft(Alchemy))代替制造药水所需的法术辨识(Spellcraft)。他能够使用另一瓶含有同样法术的药水作为样本来提供制作药水所必须的法术,这个行为不会消耗这瓶药水并会导致制造DC上升5。

博学(Lore Master, Ex):在5级时,实验员获得博学(Lore Master)吟游诗人(Bard)职业能力。
这个能力取代(Replaces)惊愕现身(Startling Appearance)。
博学(Lore Master, Ex):第5级起,吟游诗人在学识上的成就允许他为任何知识检定取10。他也可以决定不使用取10的能力并正常投骰决定检定结果。此外,每天1次,诗人能够以一个标准动作为任意知识检定取20。在5级之后的每6级,诗人都获得1次额外的每日使用次数,在17级时达到最大每日3次。
译者:鹤影·仙居 (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=28014)

制造构装体(Craft Construct):在11级时,实验员获得制造构装体(Craft Construct)作为奖励专长。他将他的侠客等级视作施法者等级并使用知识(工程)(Knowledge(Engineering))代替制造构装体所需的法术辨识(Spellcraft)。
这个能力取代(Replaces)骇人现身(Frightening appearance)。

不定突变(Mutable Mutagen, Su):在17级时,实验员的突变药剂的持续时间增加至每等级1小时。
这个能力取代(Replaces)震撼现身(Stunning appearance)。

Some vigilantes adopt lives of secrecy to hide their strange experiments from public view.

Class Skills: An experimenter adds all Knowledge skills to his list of class skills.
This alters the vigilante’s class skills.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Experimenters aren’t proficient with martial weapons, medium armor, or shields.
This alters the vigilante’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Forbidden Science (Ex): An experimenter gains a bonus equal to 1/2 his vigilante level on Craft (alchemy) checks to create alchemical items and on Knowledge (engineering) checks (minimum +1). He also learns how to craft a mutagenAPG as if he were an alchemist of his class level. He can take alchemical discoveries in place of vigilante talents, but only discoveries that affect his mutagen (including cognatogenUM discoveries). When an experimenter is confused, dazed, frightened, panicked, or stunned, he must attempt a Will save (DC = 20 + his vigilante level) each round at the start of his turn. If he fails, he transforms as if he had consumed his mutagen (determine which ability score gets the bonus randomly). This doesn’t consume his mutagen, and lasts a number of rounds equal to 3 + his vigilante level, after which the transformation ends and he becomes fatigued. While transformed in this way, he is confused, and he rerolls any result of “act normally.” Since the confusion is part of the mutagenic transformation, abilities that prevent or remove confusion don’t apply to this effect, though abilities that end the effect of a mutagen work normally. He forgets everything that happened while he was involuntarily transformed.

This ability replaces vigilante specialization.

Mutagenic Change (Ex)
: As a full-round action, an experimenter can consume his mutagen (if he has one) and shift from his social identity to his vigilante identity, as if he had the quick change social talent. This ability replaces the 1st-level social talent. Brew Potion: At 3rd level, an experimenter gains Brew Potion as a bonus feat. He treats his vigilante level as his caster level and can use Craft (alchemy) instead of Spellcraft to brew potions. He can use another potion of the same spell as a sample to provide the necessary spell without consuming the potion, increasing the DC by 5.

This ability replaces unshakable.

Lore Master (Ex): At 5th level, an experimenter gains the lore master bard class feature. This ability replaces startling appearance. Craft Construct: At 11th level, an experimenter gains Craft Construct as a bonus feat. He treats his vigilante level as his caster level and can use Knowledge (engineering) instead of Spellcraft to craft a construct.

This ability replaces frightening appearance.

Mutable Mutagen (Su): At 17th level, the duration of an experimenter’s mutagen increases to 1 hour per level.

This ability replaces stunning appearance.

处刑人(侠客职业变体)出自惧怖冒险(Horror Adventures)70页
Hangman(Vigilante Archetype)


侠客之道(Vigilante Specialization):处刑人必须选择诡秘猎手(Stalker)之道
这个能力改变(Alters)了侠客之道(Vigilante Specialization)。

处刑人之索(Hangman’s Noose, Ex):在2级时,处刑人能够将一根活绳绞索(Rope noose)作为一张捕网(Net)或一根鞭子(Whip)来持用(Wield),也可以使用它来进行擒抱(Grapple),并且在使用它时会得到精通擒抱(Improved Grapple)的好处。他不会因为手中持有绞索而在用绞索进行的战技(Combat Maneuver)检定上承受减值,但他仍然无法将任何因为持有捕网或鞭子而获得的加值(例如武器增强加值(Weapen Enhancement bonuses)或来自武器专攻(Weapen Focus)的好处)加到战技检定上。他能够花费1分钟的时间来把一张魔法捕网或者一根魔法鞭子编织成一根绞索,并在之后使用它来获得这些好处。
这个能力取代(Replaces)2级时获得的侠客天赋(Vigilante Talent)。

誓求真相(Bound to Truth, Ex, Sp):在3级时,经由感知他们紧缩的喉咙和呼吸的变化,处刑人将他侠客等级的一半加到注意那些被他的绞索纠缠(Entangled)或擒抱(Grappled)的生物说谎(Lies Told)的察言观色(Sense Motive)检定上。此外,他能够通过收紧绞索来防止那些被绞索纠缠或擒抱的生物说谎,如同一个只针对单一目标的诚实之域(Zone of Truth)(施法者等级等于他的侠客等级;豁免DC基于魅力(Charisma-based))。他每天能够使用后一个能力的轮数等同于他侠客等级的一半。这些轮数不需要连续。

扭曲之绳(Twisted Rope, Su):在4级时,处刑人能够花费1小时来准备他的绞索,赋予它等同于他的侠客等级的临时生命值,给予它等同于他的侠客等级加上双倍武器增强加值的硬度(Hardness)(或者它原本的硬度,取较好者),破坏它的DC变为23+1/2他的侠客等级(或者破坏它原本所需的DC,取较好者)。这个效果持续8小时,但也会在处刑人准备另一根绞索时立即结束。
这个能力取代(Replaces)4级时获得的侠客天赋(Vigilante Talent)。

这个能力取代(Replaces)惊愕现身(Starling Appearance)。

绞索处刑(Tighten the Noose, Ex):在11级时,当处刑人正在使用他的绞索擒抱一个目标时,他能够以一个迅捷动作对这个目标造成较强的暗袭(Increased Hidden Strike)伤害。
这个能力取代(Replaces)骇人现身(Frightening Appearance)。

闷杀(Suffocation, Ex):在17级时,在处刑人第一次成功地(在他进入擒抱状态(Establishing the grapple)之后的下一轮)维持擒抱(Maintain A Grapple)时,代替其他的选择,他能够让他的目标窒息(Suffocation)并陷入昏迷(Unconscious)。一次成功的强韧豁免(DC=15+处刑人的力量调整值)能够免于窒息。在接下来的轮中,处刑人能够继续维持擒抱来让他的目标窒息。在第二次强韧豁免失败时,该目标的HP降至-1并进入濒死状态。在第三次强韧豁免失败时,该目标就会死亡。即使处刑人有能力以比标准动作低级的动作维持擒抱,他一轮也只能尝试一次在维持擒抱中让目标窒息。
这个能力取代(Replaces)震撼现身(Stunning Appearance)。

Wherever the guilty walk free, the hangman brings judgment.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A hangman is proficient with nets and whips, but not shields.

This alters the vigilante’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Vigilante Specialization: A hangman must choose the stalker specialization.

This alters vigilante specialization.

Hangman’s Noose (Ex): At 2nd level, a hangman can wield a rope noose as a net or whip, and also can use it to grapple, gaining the benefits of Improved Grapple with it. He takes no penalty on combat maneuver checks with the noose for having the noose in his hand, but he still doesn’t add any bonuses he might have with a net or whip (such as weapon enhancement bonuses or benefits from Weapon Focus) on the check. He can spend 1 minute to weave a magical or masterwork net or whip into a noose, thereafter gaining these benefits with it.

This ability replaces the 2nd-level vigilante talent.

Bound to Truth (Ex, Sp): At 3rd level, a hangman adds half his vigilante level to his Sense Motive checks to notice lies told by a creature entangled or grappled by his noose, by feeling the creature’s throat clench or changes in its breathing. In addition, he can prevent a creature entangled or grappled in his noose from lying by tightening the noose, as per a single-target zone of truth (the caster level equals his vigilante level; the save DC is Charisma-based). He can use the latter ability a number of rounds per day equal to half his vigilante level. These rounds don’t need to be consecutive.

This ability replaces unshakable.

Twisted Rope (Su): At 4th level, a hangman can spend 1 hour preparing his noose, granting it temporary hit points equal to his vigilante level, giving it a hardness equal to 1/2 his vigilante level plus double the weapon’s enhancement bonus (or its current hardness, whichever is better), and changing its break DC to 23 + 1/2 his vigilante level (or its current break DC, whichever is better). These benefits last for 8 hours, but end immediately if the hangman prepares another noose. This ability replaces the 4th-level vigilante talent. Chokehold: At 5th level, a hangman gains ChokeholdUC as a bonus feat.

This ability replaces startling appearance.

Tighten the Noose (Ex): At 11th level, while a hangman is grappling a target with his noose, as a swift action he can deal increased hidden strike damage to the target.

This ability replaces frightening appearance.

Suffocation (Ex): At 17th level, the first time the hangman succeeds at a check to maintain a grapple (on his next turn after establishing the grapple), in place of the other options, he can suffocate the target and cause her to fall unconscious. A successful Fortitude save (DC = 15 + the hangman’s Strength bonus) negates the suffocation. On subsequent rounds, the hangman can maintain the grapple to suffocate the target again. On the next failed save, the target drops to –1 hit points and starts dying. On the third failed save, she dies. Even if the hangman has the ability to maintain a grapple with less than a standard action, he can attempt to maintain a grapple to suffocate only once per round.

This ability replaces stunning appearance.
主题: Re: 【HA】俠客職業變體
作者: 笨哈2017-12-18, 周一 21:11:44
/me 吃了麵包
主题: Re: 【HA】侠客职业变体
作者: 炼金术士卡莉2017-12-18, 周一 21:48:00
/me 把绞首者换成了处刑人
/me 附赠出自同一本书的小道具(玩具)

处刑人之索(Hangman’s Noose)
以一个标准动作,拥有处刑人之索(Hangman’s Noose)能力的持用者能够尝试一次战技检定来让这根长鞭套住一个生物的脖子。如果她成功了,受害者就无法移动到这根长鞭的触及范围之外。以一个标准动作,持用者能够尝试一次移位(Reposition)APG战技来移动处于长鞭触及范围之内的受害者,或拉紧长鞭使这名受害者无法呼吸(参阅核心规则手册(Core Rulebook)445页关于窒息(Suffocation)的规则)。一旦这名目标处于无法呼吸的状态,持用者就能够以标准动作尝试一次战技检定来挤出受害者肺部的空气。这会使受害者总闭气时间减少1d6+1轮。
受害者能够通过一次成功的逃脱(Escape Artist)检定(DC=持用者的CMD),一次成功的攻击或者一次成功的破武(Sunder)战技来从绞索(Noose)中逃脱。这根绞索具有18 AC,2 硬度以及12 HP。即使被切断,这根绞索仍然能够作为+1长鞭使用,并且会在1小时之后自动修复自身。
制造要求:制作魔法武器与防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),活化绳(Animate Rope),绞杀(suffocation)APG

PRICE 18,301 GP
SLOT none
CL 9th
WEIGHT 2 lbs.
AURA moderate necromancy
This +1 whip is made from a hemp rope that once served as the noose in a gallows. The countless executions committed with the rope have left an indelible mark on the weapon.

As a standard action, the wielder of a hangman’s noose can attempt a combat maneuver check to wrap the whip around a creature’s neck. If she succeeds, the victim can’t move outside of the whip’s reach. As a standard action, the wielder can attempt a repositionAPG combat maneuver check to move the victim within the whip’s reach or to pull the whip tighter, strangling the victim (see the rules for suffocation on page 445 of the Core Rulebook). Once the target is being strangled, the wielder can attempt a combat maneuver check as a standard action to squeeze the air out of the victim’s lungs. This reduces the amount of time the victim can hold his breath by 1d6+1 rounds.

A victim can escape the noose with a successful Escape Artist check (DC = the wielder’s CMD), or by severing the noose with an attack or a successful sunder combat maneuver check. The noose has AC 18, hardness 2, and 12 hp. If severed, the noose can still be used as a +1 whip and repairs itself after 1 hour.

COST 9,301 GP
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate rope, suffocationAPG