作者 主题: 【APG】第八章《可选规则》(已补全)  (阅读 8681 次)

副标题: 包括:各种可选规则和补充规则。翻译:Pany_Q

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« 于: 2017-09-29, 周五 13:36:51 »
第八章《可选规则》Alternative Rules

翻译&校对by Pany_Q
基于APGv1.0.2 p98~p109

劇透 -   :
this section presents a number of new rules and mechanics. Most of them are optional or introduced as alternatives, while a few present additions and clarifcations needed to play with the abilities included in this book. As always, all alternative rules should be discussed within the gaming group and approved by the Game Master before being used; afer all, they affect everyone, including the task of the GM.

炼金火筒(可携带) (Alchemical Fire Tube (portable)):要求攻城专家(行家)才能安全使用。
炼金火筒(固定式) (Alchemical Fire Tube (stationary)):要求攻城专家(行家)才能够使用,未受训无法使用。
炼金炸弹 (Alchemical Grenade):要求炼金术、攻城专家或烟火术才能安全使用。
炼金地雷 (Alchemical Mine):要求陷阱专家或烟火术才能使用,未受训无法使用。
火药釜 (Breaching Pot):任何人都可以使用火药釜,但只有具有攻城专家或烟火术的人才能安全无虞地使用。
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Alchemical Weapons
Many alchemical weapons can be used by anyone, but only those with the proper training can do so without risk. The more advanced types cannot be used at all without the proper training. Here is a summary of what applies:
Alchemical Fire Tube (portable): requires Siege Expert (adept) to be used without risk.
Alchemical Fire Tube (stationary): requires Siege Expert (adept) to be used at all.
Alchemical Grenade: requires Alchemy, Siege Expert or Pyrotechnics to be used without risk.
Alchemical Mine: requires either Trapper or Pyrotechnics to be used at all.
Breaching Pot: Anyone can make use of a Breaching Pot, but only a person with the ability Siege Expert or Pyrotechnics can do so without risk.

未受训使用炼金武器 Untrained Use of Alchemical Weapons
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Untrained Use of Alchemical Weapons
The alchemical weapons which may be used by anyone entail a measure of risk for the untrained – a success test with the outcome 20 (or if used against the characters, a Defense test with the outcome 1) means that the weapon detonates in the hands of the user. The user then takes full damage, without rolling for Defense. Also, everyone in direct contact with the user must roll Defense or suffer half the damage. Trained users do not risk such catastrophic failures.

炼金武器 Alchemical Weapons
在伟大战争(The Great War)末期,在双方力量胶着、战局前景不明的情况下,葛琳缇亚的军事策士们为了查证密探和远游的商贾们谈及的某个传言派出了两艘快船前往城邦诸国。据说,这些城邦发明了几种拥有巨大破坏力的炼金武器,他们将其用在互相间的争斗中,也用在对抗共同的敌人中(关于这个“共同的敌人”,有些人认为是巨人,而另一些人则认为是精灵或者秽物)。而这些艘船满载着炼金武器归来了。
炼金武器中最简单的就是炸弹了。此外还有更巨型的装置,比如能发射火箭雨的火厢车(missile batteries),还有向敌人喷射死亡之炎的巨大火筒(fire tubes)。在战争的最后阶段,秘法学会的炼金学士们尝试改进舶来的技术;比如,他们用铸造的金属弹筒替代了原先发射一次就会烧毁的木制弹筒,使得火筒能够重复填充使用。这些学者们很成功,很快,金属制的火筒就成了新的标准规格,随后不久,单个步兵工兵就能够独自操作的可携带式的火筒也应运而生并得到广泛应用。
就在战争结束前夕,当时葛琳缇亚还被囚禁着,绝望的战争议会>War Council)从Koral城邦购买了两个巨型武器。它们并没赶上击垮黑魔王堡垒的那场最终战斗,但它们还是越过泰坦山脉来到了安珀利亚——“火山(The Volcano)”被保留在阿格雷拉(Agrella),而火厢车“四骑士(The Four Horsemen)”则被保存在位于运达洛斯的工兵部队(Sapper Corps)。
目前,炼金武器在安珀利亚还是比较少见的。它们数量稀少,价格昂贵——因为自战争结束以来,不管秘法学会还是这个国度中的其他所有人,都在专注于别的事业;现在工兵们和皇家炼金术师们(panzer alchemist)所用的火筒大多还是随着车队从旧安布里托运过来的。不过这个情况很可能就要发生改变了。很多迹象表明,当女王认为更加深入达沃卡的时机来临时,炸弹、火筒还有火厢车都会发挥关键作用。
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By the end of The Great War, when the balance of power was still even and the outcome undecided, the army strategists of Korinthia sent two fast sailing ships hunting for a rumor. Spies and far-travelled merchants spoke of alchemical weapon types with terrible destructive power, developed by the City States and used in combat against each other as well as against a common enemy (giants according to some, elves and abominations according to others). The ships returned full of such weapons.
The simplest type of alchemical weapon is the grenade. There are also more massive contraptions, in the form of missile batteries firing swarms of fre arrows and huge fire tubes that spew burning death at the enemy. During the fnal days of battle, the alchemy masters of Ordo Magica attempted to improve the imported innovations – for instance they experimented with solid cast fre tubes that could be reloaded after each use instead of burning up, like the imported ones made from wood. The masters were very successful and the tubes made from metal quickly became the standard, soon followed by portable types that could be handled by individual sappers on foot.
Right before the end of the war, when Korinthia was held captive, the desperate War Council also acquired two massive weapons from the city state Koral. They did not arrive in time to contribute during the storming of the Dark Lords’ fortress, but they were brought along over the Titans – “The Volcano” kept in Agrella and the missile battery called “The Four Horsemen” stored with the Sapper Corps of Yndaros.
Alchemical weapons are still uncommon in Ambria. They are expensive and few in number, since both Ordo Magica and the rest of the realm have focused on other tasks after the end of the war; most of the fre tubes now used by sappers and panzer alchemists came with the caravans from old Alberetor. But this may very well be about to change. Much seems to indicate that grenades as well as fre tubes and missile batteries will become crucial when and if the Queen decides that the time has come to penetrate deeper into Davokar.

基本规则中,使用远程武器时并不考虑距离的因素;射击者只需要能够看到敌人,并具备瞄准线(line of sight)就可以了——有些游戏队伍会觉得这过于简化了。如果你的游戏队伍想要更细致的、更有策略性的远程相关规则,你们可以使用下述方法:

表6:距离分级Distance Categories
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Distance categories
Some gaming groups find the basic rules for ranged weapons too simplistic since they do not take distance into account; the shooter must simply be able to see the enemy and have a clear line of sight to it. If your gaming group wants more nuanced and tactically relevant rules, the following guidelines may be used:
Each combat encounter starts at a distance determined by the situation and terrain (the GM decides). The distance categories modify damage and the chance to hit, and correspond to the number of movement actions needed for the combatants to engage each other in melee combat.
Note that mystical powers are not in any way affected by this rule.
An obvious effect of the rule is that characters with ranged weapons cannot fight effectively at short range; they have to move (and suffer Free Attacks) or switch weapons. This means that the abilities Acrobatics, Arrow Jab and Quick Draw become even more valuable.

Table 6: Distance Categories
Distance category effect on ranged Weapons Approx. Distance number of movements
Close Attack is only possible in the frst turn
and only if the shooter has the initiative
1–2 meters None
Short +2 on attack test, +1D4 in damage 10 meters 1
Medium None 20 meters 2
Long –2 on attack test 50 meters 5
Extreme –5 on attack test 100 meters 10

如果你们的游戏队伍愿意,那么让被杀死的角色成为不死者也是可能的,这样这名角色就能继续留在游戏中。这条可选规则还可以与即死(Direct Kill)规则结合使用——后者会进一步提高角色成为不死者的机会/风险。
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turn undead instead of Dead
The undead are a plague that spreads throughout Ambria and Davokar. The reason for this is unknown, but theories speak of the “twilight of the world” and the “imminent collapse of the natural order.”
For those gaming groups who are so inclined, there is the possibility for characters who are killed to become undead instead, and then remain in play. This optional rule can be combined with the alternative rule Direct Kill, which would further increase the chance/risk of a character becoming undead.
Another option is to let the player whose character dies roll a test to become undead instead, preferably a simple Resolute test.

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turn undead instead of thoroughly corrupt
An implicit fact in Symbaroum is that some creatures can be thoroughly corrupt without losing their will entirely. If the gaming group wishes, the same may apply to sorcerers – instead of becoming blight-born when thoroughly corrupt, they may roll a Resolute test to become undead, in accordance with the race introduced in the Advanced Player’s Guide.

英勇之举 FEATS

净击Clean Hit:英雄如常做出攻击,若命中,伤害取最大值,若为多次伤害则全部取最大值。
无畏 Fearless:英雄无视恐惧造成的影响,比如由怪物特质惊怖(Terrify)造成的效果。
无视腐化 Ignore Corruption:在本回合剩余的时间里,英雄所积累的腐化如同不存在;作任何检定时,ta身上的腐化都看作0。不过,实际上英雄还是在如常承受腐化,当进入下一轮就正常起效。
完美防御 Perfect Defense :英雄格挡或躲开了本应命中ta的一击。完美防御每轮只能使用一次。
快速出击 Quick Strike:在战斗轮中,英雄第一个攻击。如果还有别的人也使用了快速出击,那么主动性还是照常决定。
适应力护甲 Resilience:在本轮剩余时间里,+1D4护甲。
冷酷目光 Steely Gaze:英雄的目光慑退敌人,令敌人不敢攻击ta。如果战斗已经开始,那么敌人会选另一个生物来攻击;如果战斗没有开始,那么敌人不会攻击——直到有别的什么人率先动了武。
旋风斩 Whirlwind Attack:在一个战斗动作中,英雄能对所有近战范围内的敌人都发起一次攻击。
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Introducing rules for feats may be an intriguing option for gaming groups wanting the player characters to be more like traditional heroes. In short, feats are actions that only especially heroic individuals can accomplish. However, it should be noted that this gives the characters access to actions which seriously tip the game balance in their favor. Of course, in heroic gaming this is kind of the point.
Feats cost one (1) Experience – or one (1) permanent corruption – to activate.
Clean Hit: The hero makes a normal attack and the successful hit or hits deal maximum damage.
Fearless: The hero ignores horror effects, like from the monstrous trait Terrify.
Ignore Corruption: During the rest of the turn, the accumulated corruption of the hero does not matter; all tests are made as if he or she had zero corruption. However, the hero suffers corruption as usual, which comes into play the following turn.
Perfect Defense: The hero parries or dodges a successful attack that otherwise would have hit him or her. Perfect Defense may only be used once per turn.
Quick Strike: The hero attacks first in the turn. If someone else is using Quick Strike, the order of initiative is settled in the normal way.
Resilience: +1d4 Armor for the rest of the turn.
Steely Gaze: The hero’s gaze makes an enemy step back and refrain from attacking the hero. If the fght is already on, the enemy may choose to attack another creature; if the fight has not started, the enemy will not attack before someone else deals the first blow.
Whirlwind Attack: In one combat action, the hero performs one attack against each enemy engaged in melee.

  • 服装、腰带和鞋子,不计在携带物品数中。
  • 背包、布袋子、挎包及其它轻量容器不算做物品;装在其中的东西才算。
  • 木桶、箱子、盒子及其它笨重的容器自身也算作1件物品;装在其中的东西也依然占物品数。
  • 小物件(钱币、吊坠、珠宝)不计负重,除非一个人身上带了很多很多;每50个小物件计1件物品数。
  • 作为防具穿在身上的护甲不计入物品数;它们的负重效果已经以妨碍值的形式计算过了。没有作为防具穿在身上而是携带着的护甲,则计入物品数,且数目等于其妨碍值。
  • 角色拿在手上的武器不计入物品数(但会显示敌意)。装在包里,收在鞘里,或类似情况下的武器则计入负重。
  • 具有大型(Massive)品质的武器计为2件物品。

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For the gaming groups who like the idea, an encumbrance rule may be introduced, specifying how much characters can carry without being hampered.
There are limits to how much a character can carry. To decide if he or she becomes exhausted by moving around laden with treasures, masterly crafted barbarian axes or gold-plated armor, the items are abstractly measured in numbers rather than in weight. A character can carry a number of items mirroring his or her Strong value without being negatively affected. If the character carries more, each extra item gives a –1 modification to Defense, just like the impeding effect of armor.
A character can carry a maximum of Strong ×2 items; after that he or she cannot move more than short distances at a time.
With the boon Pack-mule, the encumbrance limit is calculated as Strong x1.5 instead, rounded down.
Besides these basics the following applies:
◆ Clothing, belts and boots do not count as carried items
◆ Backpacks, sacks, shoulder-bags and other light containers do not count as items; only the contents are counted
◆ Barrels, chests, boxes and other bulky containers count as items in their own right, adding to what they contain
◆ Smaller objects (coins, pendants, jewels) weigh nothing unless one carries a lot of them; they count as one carried item for every 50 pieces
◆ Armor worn for protection does not count in this case; it has an impeding value instead. Armor which is carried but not worn for protection correspond to a number of items equal to its impeding value
◆ Weapons held in a character’s hands do not count as carried items (but signal hostility). Weapons carried in the pack, in their sheaths or similar are encumbering.
◆ Weapons with the quality Massive count as two items.
A character who carries more than allowed will also have a hard time keeping pace during longer marches – the categories in table 27 on page 184 in Symbaroum’s Core Rulebook grow one tier worse when a character carries too much. A Day’s March counts as a Forced March, and a Forced March counts as a Death March. An encumbered character cannot travel at true Death March pace. Furthermore, the heavy load gives a –1 modification per extra item to Strong when rolling to see if the Death March results in 1 or 1+1d6 damage per day’s travel.

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Research in Archives
Anyone can search for information in archives and libraries, but in order to fnd anything useful they obviously need to search in a place where the desired information can be found (in other words, searching for directions to Symbar at the town archives of Thistle Hold is hopeless). Learning where to search may require a passed Cunning test in combination with suitable Contacts.
In practice, the search is based on the characters directing a question to the document collection. If the Game Master deems that the documents may contain some relevant information, a character with the ability Loremaster rolls against Cunning while the others roll a [Cunning –5] test. A character with the boon Archivist gains a second chance to pass all tests when searching document collections.

CRB p179上有个用经验重骰的可选规则。既然有了这个,再加上本书引入的“优势与劣势”规则,一些游戏队伍可能想要以CRB中所描述的以外的方式创建角色——即,不再选择1个行家能力+2个新手能力/5个新手能力,而是保留着有剩余经验值开始游戏。
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Start With free experience
In the Core Rulebook, on page 179, is the optional rule Re-roll for Experience. With that in mind, and because of the new possibilities introduced by the rules on boons and burdens, some gaming groups may prefer to build their characters in another way than what is described in the Core Rulebook – that is, to begin with free Experience instead of choosing one ability at adept level and two at novice level (alternately fve at novice level).
Starting with free Experience means that each player gets 50 Experience points to use for his or her character. This can be increased by choosing burdens and then spent to acquire boons, abilities and traits. However, the Experience may also be saved for re-rolls, if the optional rule Re-roll for Experience is used by the group.

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More rituals for masters
The ability Ritualist has a limit of six rituals when reaching the master level. For gaming groups that really enjoy rituals and think that half a dozen is too few for a true master ritualist, the following alternative rule is recommended:
Master ritualists can learn additional rituals for the cost of 10 Experience points per ritual. Only a master can acquire more rituals this way; for less prominent ritualists, what is detailed in the description of the ability levels applies.

第一轮,玩家骰出了7——Hoska跑远了一些,具有了1阶距离。好运保持到了下一次投掷结果,玩家骰出了13:,现在有2阶距离。但是很不辛,第三次投掷结果为17;守卫迫近了一些,现在距离为1阶。 Hoska的玩家紧张地叹了口气。追逐继续!

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Flight & hunt
When the characters are trying to escape anyone or anything hunting them, it is suggested that the Game Master handles it based on the attribute Quick. If the characters decide to stick together, the one with the lowest value in Quick must make a test, modified by the Quick of the fastest hunter. Should they split up, all of them need to make a test, again modified by the Quick of the fastest hunter. If it is the other way around and the characters are on the hunt the same formula is used, but instead with a modification based on the slowest prey.
During the hunt, one test is made each turn – if the prey succeeds it pulls away one step, if the prey fails the hunter comes one step closer. To fnally get away, the hunted must reach an advantage of 3, in other words, he or she must succeed at three rolls more than he or she fails. And the prey who fails at three rolls more than he or she succeeds will of course get caught.


设陷阱 Setting a Trap

发现陷阱 Discovering a Trap

避开陷阱 Bypassing a Trap

解除陷阱 Disarming a Trap

从陷阱脱离 (Getting Free from a Trap)
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Trained as well as untrained characters can set traps, in order to protect a location or slow an enemy down. Here follows rules on portable traps and those which may be constructed on location.
Specific traps are described in the chapter Equipment on page 127.

Setting a Trap
With a passed Cunning test, the character can set a ready-made trap.
Untrained individuals (i.e. those who do not have the ability Trapper) can only set mechanical traps, which require a passed Cunning test. If the outcome of the test is 20, the trap is sprung in their faces.
Trained trappers can ready both mechanical traps and alchemical mines with a combat action, and they can also craft improvised traps. This requires the ability Trapper, or Pyrotechnics if only using alchemical mines.

Discovering a Trap
Anyone at risk of activating a trap discovers it with a passed [Vigilant←Discreet] test.

Bypassing a Trap
A discovered trap can be bypassed in two ways:
It can be jumped over as part of a movement action, which requires a [Quick←Cunning] test. If the test fails, the trap is sprung and the character is caught by it, i.e. movement is interrupted.
If the terrain allows, a trap can always be ignored by going around it. This costs an extra movement action, or more depending on the terrain.

Disarming a Trap
A discovered trap can also be disarmed.
An untrained individual cannot disarm traps – they have to incapacitate them by shooting or poking at them with a long instrument (the quality Long). The procedure counts as a combat action and requires a passed [Accurate←Cunning] test.
An individual with the ability Trapper can roll a [Cunning←Cunning] test to disarm a trap, and does not require an instrument with the quality Long to do so.

Getting Free from a Trap
Traps often deal damage, specified in the description of the trap or, in the case of improvised traps, in the description of the ability Trapper. Furthermore, if the trap has such qualities it may hold the victim in place. If so, this is mentioned in the description, combined with information on what it takes to get free.

具有秘术品质的物品的价格不太会随时间改变,它们总能以列表价格卖出。另外,普通的贸易商品(trade items)也以列表价格原价卖出;所以,这类东西虽然难以携带,但依然是很值钱的宝物。
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Trade in used goods and treasures
Sometimes the player characters will want to sell goods in the form of used weapons and armor. Merchants will gladly buy such secondhand items at half of the listed price (then give them a polish and sell them to someone else at full price).
Items with mystical qualities tend to keep their value over time and are always sold at a price corresponding to the listed price. Also, normal trade items are sold at the listed purchase price, making such finds into cumbersome but valuable treasures.

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Income from boons
For gaming groups who like to see the characters use the time in-between adventures actively, boons may be used as a source of income.
The most obvious boons to be used this way are Cartographer, Cheat, Escape Artist, Gambler, Impressionist, Medium, Mirage, Musician and Storyteller. Other boons and abilities may of course be used to earn thaler, if the player can give a reasonable explanation as to how.
Once per adventure (or in-between adventures), the player may roll against the attribute related to the boon/ability; if there is no such attribute, use the highest of Cunning or Persuasive. A passed test renders an income of 1d10 thaler.

有些战技得配合“按尺度移动”(Movement by Scale)(CRB p181)规则才有用,或者,至少得配着简单的战斗地图用才行(CRB p162)

仔细瞄准 Careful Aiming

冲锋 Charge

延后先攻 Delay the Initiative

卸武 Disarm

全防御 Full Defense

全进攻 Full Offense

擒制 Hold

击晕 Knock Out
你在优势攻击条件下发起进攻,试图让目标失去意识。攻击检定和伤害骰如常,但是并不直接造成伤害,而是再骰一个1D12,将该结果与伤害值做比较;如果1D12结果小于伤害值,那么目标就被击晕了。如果攻击失败,那么你就失去了对这名目标的优势攻击条件(更多关于优势攻击条件的说明见CRB p162)

武器上毒 Poison on Weapon

冲撞 Push Back

推倒 Tackle

提前先攻Take the Initiative
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For gaming groups looking to add more tactical choices to the game, maneuvers may be an attractive addition, giving more options to everyone involved in combat. Of course, a drawback is that this makes combat scenes much more complicated, both with regard to the number of choices that players have to make and the book-keeping required by the Game Master. In essence, it will take longer to play out a combat scene; some gaming groups see this as a beneft, others do not.
In some cases, maneuvers work much like abilities and can blur the line between abilities and tactical choices available to everyone. Sure, the abilities are always much more powerful, but you should still take some time to discuss if you want to add this mechanic or not.
Some of the maneuvers will only be useful if the gaming group also uses the optional rule Movement by Scale (page 181 in the Core Rulebook), or is at least willing to play with a simplifed Combat map (page 162 in the Core Rulebook).
Here follows a list of maneuvers that all characters and opponents may employ, hoping to improve their own position or make things harder for the enemy.

Careful Aiming
You take the time to aim carefully with a ranged weapon and get a second chance to pass the attack test. The cost is a movement action, meaning that you cannot move during the turn.

You charge at the enemy and make a double movement plus a combat action in melee. The charge must be in a straight line towards the target. If the attack test fails, the target gets to make a Free Attack.

Delay the Initiative
You choose to delay your initiative during the turn, to let someone else go frst. When it is your time to act, you specify who will get to act before you. The next turn, you are back at your normal place in the order of initiative.

You attack the enemy’s weapon or shield, hoping to make him or her drop it [Accurate←Strong]. The attack deals no damage, and if the test fails you expose yourself to a Free Attack from the enemy.

Full Defense
You stake everything on defense and have a second chance to pass all Defense tests during the turn. You are not allowed to perform any attacks.

Full Offense
You stake everything on melee attacks for a turn, giving you a second chance to pass all melee attacks. Because of this you simultaneously have a second chance to fail all Defense test during the turn.

You attack with a wrestling maneuver aimed at stopping the target from moving [Strong←Strong]. The trait Robust gives a bonus to the test, +2 at level I, +4 at level II and +8 at level III. This modification applies to both the wrestler and its target, if the latter is Robust. A test is made each turn to maintain the hold.
If the test fails, the target gets to make a Free Attack. Also, note that you cannot perform any other actions while maintaining the hold.

Knock Out
You attack from an Advantage, aiming to render the target unconscious. The attack is made as usual, but instead of dealing damage, 1d12 is rolled against the damage value; if the outcome is lower than the value, the target is knocked out. If the attack fails, you lose the Advantage over the target (see page 162 in the Core Rulebook for more on Advantage).
Example: Grumpa has snuck-up on a guard and tries to knock him out. The attack is successful; the damage die is rolled with the outcome 6. Grumpa’s player rolls 1D12, trying to roll under 6; she rolls a 4 and the guard falls unconscious to the ground.
Poison on Weapons
With a passed Cunning test, you may use a combat action to apply poison to your weapon. If the outcome is 20 something goes wrong and you yourself are poisoned.
The poison is enough for one hit, then a new dose must be applied.

Push Back
You lunge at the target with the intention of pushing it backwards – out of a room, over the edge of a cliff or similar. You have to start your turn with the push and must spend both your combat and your movement action doing so. A passed attack test deals half damage but will also push the target half a movement back (fve meters). If the test fails, the target gets to make a Free Attack.

You attack hoping to knock down the target [Strong←Strong]. The risk is that you also topple over, whether you make a successful tackle or not; a passed Quick test lets you remain standing. The tackle counts as your combat action and if you are Robust you add +2 to the Strong test per level acquired in the trait.

Take the Initiative
You roll a Resolute test hoping to gain the initiative. If successful you gain a +5 bonus when deciding your place in the order of initiative. The downside is that your speed has a negative impact on your precision; you have a second chance to fail all success test during the turn, no matter if the Resolute test was successful or not. The next turn, you are back to your normal place in the order of initiative.


表7:怪物战利品Monster Trophies
弱小 Weak一套豺狼(jakaar)牙齿
普通 Ordinary无毛怪猫(marecat)的黑色皮毛,或钉在帆布上的一只溪刺蛛
挑战 Challenging一对龙蝇的翅膀,或一个长牙猪的头骨
强大 Strong一对具有催眠效果的林德龙的眼球
超凡 Mighty一只大巨魔的头颅
劇透 -   :
Monster trophies
For anyone who slays monsters and collects trophies there is money to earn, even if the procurement of the valuable parts can cause problems for the untrained – putrefaction spoils many trophies completely and lowers the price on others. A Cunning test is required to be able to harvest a trophy, rendering a trophy in poor condition if successful and no trophy at all if failed. To end up with a trophy in good condition, a passed Cunning test with the ability Beast Lore or the boon Bushcraft is needed; if such a test fails, a trophy in poor condition is harvested instead.
At the bottom of the page is a list of obvious and more exotic trophies that monster hunters can collect during their hunting trips into the woods

Table 7: Monster Trophies
resistance example value (good/poor condition)
Weak A set of jakaar teeth 1 thaler/–
Ordinary The black skin of a mare cat or a tricklesting pinned to a canvas 10 thaler/1 thaler
Challenging A pair of dragon fly wings or an aboar skull 100 thaler/10 thaler
Strong The hypnotic eyes of a lindworm 500 thaler/50 thaler
Mighty The cranium of an arch troll 1 000 thaler/100 thaler

劇透 -   :
master crafted items
During their adventures, the player characters may happen upon master crafed weapons and armor, and should they instead fnd valuables or coin they have the opportunity to buy mastercrafts from especially skilled blacksmiths.
The master smith has the ability to add one or more qualities to the object in question, or alternatively to remove negative qualities. For every added or removed quality, the cost/value of the item is cumulatively increased by ×5. Mystical qualities cumulatively increase the price by ×10.
Example: If a sword costs five thaler, a master craft version with the quality Deep Impact would be worth 25 thaler (5×5 thaler). If you also want that sword to be Precise, the value is ramped up to 125 thaler (5×5×5 thaler). And if you also want it to be Flaming, the price is 1 250 thaler (5×5×5×10 thaler), truly a weapon for kings and queens!


契主 Pact-making Beings

契约的好处 The Benefits of the Pact

契约的代价 The Price of the Pact

打破契约 Breaking a Pact
劇透 -   :
To enter into a pact with one of the ancient powers of the world can be a shortcut to knowledge and power – but it is far from risk-free. To commoners, pact-making and sorcery are more or less the same, but even if many sorcerers use pacts as a means to grow stronger anyone who is brave or desperate enough can enter into a pact.
Pact-making requires an agreement with a mighty being who is interested in becoming the character’s protector and tutor; usually a nature spirit or an undead.

In short, this being imbues the character with some of its power, to gain a loyal agent who can reach places that the being cannot, or with the long-term goal of consuming the spiritual force of the character when he or she fnally turns blight born – or sometimes both. In the frst case, the character will be forced to act in a way which furthers a goal that the being strives for; in the second case, the being will try to tempt the character into attracting and amassing corruption in any way it can.

Pact-making Beings
So, what beings may be interested in forging a pact with the characters? In general, they are creatures of the categories Beasts, Undead or Abominations that provide at least Strong resistance. A couple of perfect examples of such beings appear in the adventures already published by Järnringen, but since this is a player’s guide we cannot specify exactly who they are…

The Benefits of the Pact
The character can gain Experience in exchange for accepting permanent corruption; each point in permanent corruption gives 1d12 Experience points. This happens when the pact is forged. Later a maximum of 1 permanent corruption per adventure can be accepted. The player decides if and when this exchange will be made.
The character gains access to all monstrous traits, abilities, mystical powers and rituals that the being has. He or she must pay for these gifs with Experience as usual.
The character can also gain access to other traits and abilities, besides the ones possessed by the being. In that case, the gif must be paid for with 1 point in permanent corruption, a point that does not provide additional Experience. Once the gif has been paid for, it must be acquired by spending Experience as usual.

The Price of the Pact
The character must accept one of the being’s goals as his or her own and strive towards it. This goal may either replace one of the character’s own goals, or be assumed as an additional goal for the character. Either way, the goal is determined when the pact is forged.
The character can no longer have personal goals which contradict the being’s objectives. This is also made clear when the pact is forged, and a requirement for reaching an agreement at all.

If the character starts to divert from or act in disagreement with the being’s goals and objectives, the being will know this. Initially, the character will be warned in the form of nightmares, physical discomfort or similar. Then, if the character does not change his or her ways, things will go from bad to worse; the being will deny the character the choice to exchange corruption for Experience and put a curse on him or her – either meaning that all corruption gained by the character is doubled or that he or she cannot heal naturally and that all other healing is halved. Another option is that all the oath-breaker’s rolls against his or her most frequently used attribute gain a second chance to fail. The being will choose the alternative which is most damaging to the character.

Breaking a Pact
There is no known way to break this sort of pact. You can temporarily hide from the pact and the curse in a witch circle, a magic circle or inside a sanctum (see the rituals in question for details). However, as soon as the character steps outside such a location, the curse returns in full force.

强度 (Toughness) :当一栋建筑的强度降到0,意味着进攻方可以进入它了——要塞崩解,城墙倒塌,诸如此类。破开的缺口足够每轮1D4名进攻者进入其中,而在新开的口子的另一侧,可以并排站4名防御者。
破坏界限 (Breakpoint):如果一栋建筑在一轮中受到等于其强度一半的伤害——即,伤害超过了破坏界限——建筑立即被攻破。注意,这包括了在一个战斗轮中受到的所有伤害,并不像疼痛极限那样只算一次攻击的伤害。因此,只要弄到够多的投石车,只消一轮就能攻破一座城堡——至少理论上如此。
工事 (Fortification):简单来说,工事就是建筑的护甲。具有破城品质的武器能够无视建筑的工事值;而其它武器,必须先打穿工事值才能对建筑物造成伤害。能力中的破甲效果对建筑物无效。

点燃建筑 Set Buildings on Fire

表8:破坏建筑物Damage on Buildings
小屋 Croft
农舍 Farm house
哨塔,木制 Guard Tower, wood
哨塔,石制 Guard Tower,stone
堡垒,木制 Fort, wood
庄园宅邸 Manor
堡垒,石制 Fort, stone
要塞 Stronghold
城堡 Castle
劇透 -   :
Damage on buildings
There will likely be times when the characters are in a hurry to force a physical obstacle, or it may be the enemies who need to do the same in order to reach the characters.
New concepts related to buildings are needed:
Toughness: When the Toughness of a building reaches zero it is accessible to the attacker: a fortification crumbles, a wall collapses and so on. The breach is big enough for 1d4 attackers to enter per turn, against defenders who can stand four abreast across the newly formed opening.
Breakpoint: If a building is dealt half of its Toughness in damage in one turn – i.e. the Breakpoint is exceeded – it is immediately breached. Note that this includes all damage dealt during the turn, not from a single attack as is the case with the Pain Threshold. Hence, with enough catapults gathered, the walls of a castle can be breached in a single turn, at least in theory.
Fortification: In essence, Fortification is the Armor of the building. Weapons with the quality Wrecking ignore the Fortification value; other weapons must frst penetrate the Fortification value before damaging the structure. Abilities with an armor penetrating effect have no such effect on buildings.

Set Buildings on Fire
Setting wooden buildings on fre is an ofen used tactic during sieges. This requires some kind of flammable concoction – it can be an alchemical grenade, a flaming oil canister or a simple fre made from dry twigs and tinder. When the building has been exposed to the flames, a test against [Cunning –Fortifcation] is rolled to see if it catches fre; if so, the flames deal 1d4 damage and count as having the quality Wrecking. Note that whoever lights the fre will become the target of ranged attacks, provided that the building in question has windows or archers on the roof.
Those inside a burning building are at risk of suffering damage each turn the building continues to burn – a passed Strong test per turn is required, or else the individual starts taking 1d4 damage (ignoring Armor) each turn from fumes and heat. When a Strong test has failed the damage continues automatically; the only way to stop it is to leave the building or fnd some other way to cool down.
Putting out the fire once it has begun to spread requires access to massive amounts of water, sand or similar. The fire dies when someone succeeds with a test against [Cunning –the number of turns the fire has raged after the first]. Anyone who extinguishes the fre in this way will likely become the target of ranged attacks.

Table 8: Damage on Buildings
builDing toughness breAkpoint
fortificAtion vAlue*
Croft 10 5 5
Farm house 10 5 10
Guard Tower, wood 10 5 15
Guard Tower, stone 40 20 20
Fort, wood 50 25 15
Manor 100 50 10
Fort, stone 200 100 20
Stronghold 500 250 20
Castle 1000 500 20
*Weapons with the quality Wrecking ignore the building’s Fortifcation value and damage its Toughness directly. Abilities with an armor penetrating effect have no such effect on buildings.

  • 回收普通发射物时,如果玩家骰1D20的结果大于10,那么这发射物就坏了。这包括所有不具有任何品质的发射物。
  • 回收具有某些品质的发射物(比如平衡或破甲)时,如果玩家骰1D20的结果大于15,那么这发射物就毁了。
  • 回收具有秘术品质的发射物时,如果玩家骰1D20的结果大于17,那么发射物就毁了。
劇透 -   :
reclaiming bolts And Arrows
Some gaming groups may find it realistic and desirable if arrows and bolts which have been fred during combat are at risk of breaking – this makes it important for archers to plan ahead (the projectiles become a resource) and it also makes it worthwhile to spend some time searching for undamaged projectiles afer the battle, muttering in anger each time one of them proves to be fractured or destroyed in some other way.
Groups who want rules for reclaiming used projectiles can use these guidelines.
◆ An ordinary projectile proves to be damaged if the player rolls over 10 with 1d20. This applies to all projectiles without qualities.
◆ A projectile with some kind of quality (e.g. Balanced or Deep Impact) is damaged if the player rolls over 15 with 1d20.
◆ Projectiles with mystical qualities are damaged if the player rolls over 17 with 1d20.


巫术传统的秘密 Secrets of Witchcraft
  • 炼金术(Alchemy):变形剂、荆棘兽
  • 制作奇物 (Artifact Crafting):树皮面具、女巫穗带、兽面具、尸布
  • 铁匠 (Blacksmith):流血(Blood-letting)、反伤(Retributive)、女巫袍

法术传统的秘密 Secrets of Wizardry
  • 炼金术:炼金炸弹
  • 制作奇物:炼金地雷、咒文卷轴、咒文封印、火光石、御者之环*(Ruler’s Ring)、学会徽章、思维棱镜
  • 铁匠:燃烧、法师袍、附毒**(Poison Coated)
**译注:薛猫在装备章将Acid Coated译为酸液覆盖,Poison Coated译为毒液包裹,这边分别译为附酸、附毒,待定

绘符传统的秘密 Secrets of Symbolism
  • 炼金术:战纹(War Paint)*
  • 制作奇物:仪式书典**(Ritual Codex)、仪式封印**(Ritual Seal)、跃迁武器
  • 铁匠:诅咒武器

棍法传统的秘密 Secrets of Staff Magic
  • 炼金术:
  • 制作奇物:符文棍、符文棍尾、符文棍头
  • 铁匠:附酸(Acid Coated)

邪术传统的秘密 Secrets of Sorcery
  • 炼金术:灵体之友*(Spirit Friend)、暗影染剂、荷蒙库鲁兹*(Homunculus)
  • 制作奇物:死亡面具、铁冠
  • 铁匠:隐形甲、死亡符文(Death Rune)、亵渎

神术传统的秘密 Secrets of Theurgy
  • 炼金术:圣水
  • 制作奇物:虫面具、太阳面具
  • 铁匠:圣袍、神圣

巨魔之歌传统的秘密 Secrets of Troll Singing
  • 炼金术:
  • 制作奇物:疗伤蜘蛛、幸运币、祟蜥斗篷*(Marlit Cape)、会面石、蟾蜍守卫
  • 铁匠:歌者胸甲、雷暴
劇透 -   :
The secrets of the traditions
The mystical traditions harbor secrets that they are reluctant to share with outsiders. The rules on alchemy and artifacts do not take this secrecy into account, but gaming groups who wish to use the creative abilities in line with the traditions of the game world are welcome to use the rules described here.
The secret recipes and procedures are known only to characters initiated in the different traditions, but can be used by anyone who has gained access to them while playing – whether they have acquired the knowledge from a tutor, found mysterious texts on the subject or purchased the secrets from the black market in Thistle Hold or some other town.
If this rule is used, every alchemist or artifact-crafer must choose which tradition to belong to.
Note that the boon Forbidden Knowledge can give a character access to the secrets of all traditions from the start.

Secrets of Witchcraft
◆ Alchemy: Transformation Brew, Thorn Beasties
◆ Artifact Crafing: Bark Mask, Witch Braid, Beast Mask, Burial Shroud
◆ Blacksmith: Blood-letting, Retributive, Witch Gown

Secrets of Wizardry
◆ Alchemy: Alchemical Grenade
◆ Artifact Crafing: Alchemical Mine, Spell Scroll, Spell Seal, Spark Stone, Ruler’s Ring, Order Medallion, Mind Prism
◆ Blacksmith: Flaming, Order Cloak, Poison Coated

Secrets of Staff Magic
◆ Alchemy: None
◆ Artifact Crafing: Rune Staff, Staff Foot, Staff Head
◆ Blacksmith: Acid Coated

Secrets of Sorcery
◆ Alchemy: Spirit Friend, Shadow Tint, Homunculus
◆ Artifact Crafing: Death Mask, Iron Crown
◆ Blacksmith: Concealed Armor, Death Rune
and Desecrated

Secrets of Theurgy
◆ Alchemy: Holy Water
◆ Artifact Crafing: Pest Mask, Sun Mask
◆ Blacksmith: Blessed Robe, Hallowed

Secrets of Troll Singing
◆ Alchemy: None
◆ Artifact Crafing: Healing Spider, Lucky Coin, Marlit Cape, Meeting Stone, Toad Guard
◆ Blacksmith: Skald’s Cuirass, Thundering


表9:命中位置 Hit Locations

边栏 p108
主手 Main Hand

瞄准身体的上部或下部 Aim High or Low

瞄准身体的上部或下部 Aim High or Low

瞄准身体部位 Aim at Body Part

防具部位 Armor Segments

表10:防具部位 Armor Segments
腿部 20%(一条腿10%)

劇透 -   :
Hit locations
This optional rule makes it possible to hit specific parts of the enemy and means that damage equal to or higher than the Pain Threshold has different effects depending on where the enemy is hit. Also, armor may be divided into segments so that the character can have different types of armor on different parts of the body.

Table 9: Hit Locations
1D10 body part effect of Damages equal to or higher than pain threshold
1 Right Leg Knocked prone. Half movement for the rest of the scene.
2 Left Leg Knocked prone. Half movement for the rest of the scene.
3–5 Torso Loses breath; incapacitated for a turn.
6–7 Right Arm Drops item held if failing a Quick test. Also, a second chance to fail all rolls requiring the use of the arm for the rest of the scene.
8–9 Left Arm Drops item held if failing a Quick test. Also, a second chance to fail all rolls requiring the use of the arm for the rest of the scene.
10 Head +1D6 damage and the target is rendered unconscious for 1D4 turns
Main Hand
If Hit Locations are used, it might be wise to decide if the characters are right- or left-handed. As a suggestion, the character has the same main hand as its player and all NPCs are assumed to be right-handed.

Aim High or Low
The character can choose to aim high or low in order to hit unprotected parts of the target, or to cause a certain effect – for instance that the target loses a movement action or drops something. Aiming high or low gives −2 on the attack test.

Aim High or Low
1D10 HIGH:
1 Right Leg
2 Left Leg
3–4 Torso
5–6 Right Arm
7–8 Left Arm
9–10 Head
1D10 LOW:
1–2 Right Leg
3–4 Left Leg
5–7 Torso
8 Right Arm
9 Left Arm
10 Head

Aim at Body Part
The character can take aim at a specific part of the enemy’s body, hoping to hit a less protected area or achieve a specific effect. Aiming at a specific body part gives –5 on the success test.

Armor Segments
The character can use different armor on different body parts, to save money and reduce the level of impediment while still protecting the most vital parts as much as possible.
Armor segments cost a part of the price of the full armor and have a part of the armor’s value in Impeding. The impediment is rounded up so that 0.5 becomes 1.

Table 10: Armor Segments
Armor segment price/impeding value
Legs 20 % (10 % per leg)
Cuirass (torso) 40 %
Arms 20 % (10 % per arm)
Helmet 20 %

  • 当角色试图避免引起他人注意时,隐匿属性承受等于声望值的减值。
  • 当角色试图游说敌对势力,且因其名声而被认出时,影响属性承受等于声望值的减值。
  • 当若角色为了获得社交方面的好处而说出自己的名号和事迹,影响属性获得等于声望值的加值

表11:声望 Reputation
2经验丰富的冒险者露辛妲•攥金手(Lysindra Goldengrasp),成功的宝藏猎人
3在地方颇有名气英雄嘎穆•蠕虫行者(Garm Wormwriggler),蓟花要塞的地精英雄
4广为人知的英雄赛雷克斯•阿提奥(Serex Attio), <大战>中的战争英雄
5杰出领袖雅克勃•维耶若(Iakobo Vearra),逝日骑士团的圣殿骑士指挥官
7传奇人物蓟花要塞镇长拉瑟佛•奈特普奇(Lasifor Nightpitch);卡勒弗斯提的胡德拉(Huldra)耶丽塔(Yeleta),
9 *——萨拉般(Tharaban),蛮族部落的大族长

声望变化 (Changes in Reputation)

表12:声望变化 Changes in Reputation
普通冒险+/-0。 每季度一次冒险(一年四次)就足够维持声望了(比如《铜王冠》中的冒险:《应许之地》、《兽印》还有《弥留梦冢》)
公开冒险每次冒险+1;这种冒险必须对社会具有极大意义和影响,且发生在一个城镇或影响一大片区域(比如《守护者之怒》(Wrath of the Warden))

声望类型 Type of Reputation

队伍和声望The Gaming Group and Reputation
劇透 -   :
In the world of Symbaroum there are lots of adventurous people, and some of these live long enough to become famous – or infamous. Such fame is, however, a double-edged sword: sure, being renowned will give you certain social benefits, but it also makes it much harder to travel or act without being noticed. Furthermore, there will be many rumors circling about, detailing the deeds and happenings the character is known for. Regardless of the rumors’ veracity, people will treat the character differently – being famous is seldom all good, but with a certain kind of people it is also true that being infamous may work in your favor.
The value in Reputation states how well-known the character is and has the following effects:
◆ Reputation modifies Discreet negatively when the character tries to avoid attention.
◆ Reputation modifies Persuasive negatively when the character tries to influence a supporter from a hostile faction, if the character is recognized and identified because of his or her reputation.
◆ Reputation modifies Persuasive positively if the character mentions his or her name and deeds when trying to earn social favors.

Table 11: Reputation
value type example
0 Commoners —
1 Upstanding commoner Kadra, treasure hunter in Thistle Hold
2 Experienced adventurer Lysindra Golden grasp, successful treasure hunter
3 Locally acknowledged hero Garm Wormwriggler, the goblin hero in Thistle Hold
4 Widely known hero Serex Attio, aged war hero from The Great War
5 Prominent leader Iakobo Vearra, Commander of the templars in The Knights of the Dying Sun
6 Ambria’s dukes Esmerelda, the Queen’s sister and duchess of Kasandrien
7 Legendary individual Lasifor Nightpitch, Mayor of Thistle Hold; Yeleta, the Huldra of Karvosti
9 — Tharaban, High Chieftain of the barbarian clans
10 — Korinthia Nightbane, Queen of Ambria

Changes in Reputation
The character can influence his or her reputation primarily by adventuring, but also by encouraging the spread of rumors, songs and tales. On the other hand, the character may also make an effort to act discreetly, hoping to avoid becoming famous. Surely, being recognized is not in every character’s best interest.

Table 12: Changes in Reputation
Activity effect on reputation
Ordinary adventuring ±0. One adventure per season (four per year) is enough to uphold the reputation (for instance the adventures in The Copper Crown: The Promised Land, The Mark of the Beast and Tomb of Dying Dreams)
Public adventuring +1 per adventure with a significant public impact, in a town or with great effect on a large area (for instance Wrath of the Warden)
Heroic Tales/Songs +1 to the cost of 10 thaler, to a maximum of +1 in Reputation. A character with the boon Storyteller or Musician can get this bonus for free
A thorough introduction +1 in the present situation but no effect beyond that
Absence, rest or silence –1 per season of rest or silence (four per year); including adventures which completely escapes the public

Type of Reputation
Aside from the numerical value, a character’s reputation should be suitably described in the form of an epithet and a short sentence or two. As previously mentioned, the details of the reputation can complicate things, depending on who you interact with – the epithet “The Savior of Thistle Hold” will likely provoke other reactions than “The Oathbreaker”, and would surely inspire to very diverse sentiments with people from different factions. A reputation as a “Witch Killer” will earn the character a warm welcome in Templewall and certain parts of Yndaros, while the welcome would be quite different on Karvosti or when meeting witches deep inside Davokar.
In short: the reputation of the character will affect how he or she is regarded by others and provoke different reactions from different people.


  • 双骰取较好/较差结果(有第二次成功的机会/有第二次失败的机会):不论效果叠加了多少次,来源于哪些规则,都最多只能加骰一次。
  • 同时有双骰取较好结果和双骰取较差结果这两种效果:效果互相抵消;只当某种效果多于另一种效果时,角色才能加骰,且最多只能加骰一次。
  • 在同一个成功检定中有多个加值或减值:这些都加在一起,不过每种来源类型——优势、物品、炼金灵药——下只能有一个修正值起效。如果有多个修正值源于同一个来源类型(即,多个物品在同一个检定上提供多次加值),那么只有最高的那个修正值起效。
  • 骰子类型提升一阶:提升骰阶的效果最高可将骰阶提升至1D12。在那之后,任何提高骰阶的效果给投骰结果+1。
劇透 -   :
Overlapping effects
When a character acts in a way which leads to overlapping effects, the following applies:
◆ A second chance to pass/fail a success test: Only one extra roll is made, no matter how many such effects are in play and what rule they derive from.
◆ Simultaneous second chance to pass and fail: The effects cancel each other out, and an extra roll is only made if the character has more of one than the other.
◆ Multiple positive and negative modifications on the same success test: These are added together, but only one modifier from each type of source – boons, items, elixirs – may be used. If several modifications stem from the same source (i.e. many items that gives a bonus on the same test), only the highest modification comes into play.
◆ Increased die tier: Effects that increase the dice tier of the effect test can at most increase it to 1d12. After that, each further increase adds +1 to the outcome.

« 上次编辑: 2019-03-28, 周四 16:14:15 由 zyupha »
Kick the goblin scum!
Fu*k it bit my anckle.

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