作者 主题: 【ISC】变体职业(Archetypes)  (阅读 55449 次)


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Re: 【内海战斗】变体职业(Archetypes)
« 回帖 #20 于: 2014-05-11, 周日 11:06:55 »
Ustalavic Duelist (Fighter Archetype)
勒彼得大学(The University of Lepidstadt;位于乌斯塔拉夫)以盛产强力的决斗者闻名,在每个学年度的结末,所有的学生都会聚到一起,用轻剑互相挑战。对每位参与者来说,他们只有在战斗中被挑中面部才会丧失本年的挑战资格——而这种轮斗战给他们脸上留下的“记号”足够让这些业余剑士的武力在内海世界声名远扬。勒彼得式斗剑讲究的是流畅的动作和精准的戳刺。

武器和防具擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):乌斯塔拉夫决斗者擅长所有简易武器和军用武器,外加所有轻甲、中甲和盾牌(塔盾除外)。这取代了普通战士的武器和防具擅长。

决斗架势(Duelist Stance,Ex):1级起,乌斯塔拉夫决斗者只要不穿甲或者佩戴轻甲,单手持用近战武器而另一只手空着的话,他的AC就会获得+1闪避加值。乌斯塔拉夫决斗者每具有5个等级,这个加值就会增加1点,最高至20级时的+5点。该能力取代战士1级的奖励专长。

决斗训练(Duelist Training,Ex):5级起,乌斯塔拉夫决斗者选择轻刃武器组(light blades group)作为武器训练职业能力的选择。5级之后的每4个等级,武器训练对轻刃的攻击和伤害的加值都会再增加1点(最高为17级时对攻击与伤害检定的+4点)。若他使用决斗架势的话,这个伤害加值会额外增加2点。乌斯塔拉夫决斗者不会随着攻击而获得其他武器组的武器训练。该能力取代武器训练 1(weapon training 1)。

勒彼得刺击(Lepidstadt Thrust,Ex):9级起,在使用要害打击(Vital Strike)、精通要害打击(Improved Vital Strike)或者高等要害打击(Greater Vital Strike)时,乌斯塔拉夫决斗者能够将他的智力调整值加到伤害检定中(这个伤害加值不会由于重击而加倍)。若决斗者在使用上述专长时造成重击的话,他就能够自动造成最高伤害。该能力取代武器训练 2(weapon training 2)。

剑艺学识(Science of the Blade,Ex):13级起,乌斯塔拉夫决斗者能够将自己的解剖学与生理学知识应用至剑术上。决斗者能够在使用任何单手穿刺或挥砍武器进行阴招(dirty trick)、卸武(disarm)以及摔绊(trip)战技。该能力取代武器训练 3(weapon training 3)。

手术式打击(Surgical Strike,Ex):17级起,当乌斯塔拉夫决斗者使用轻型或单手穿刺或挥砍武器造成重击时,他会在重击正常造成的伤害之外额外造成属性伤害。由决斗者选择对何种属性造成伤害,而属性伤害的数量相当于他所持用的武器的重击倍率。该能力取代武器训练 4(weapon training 4)。

劇透 -   :
Ustalavic Duelist (Fighter Archetype)
The University of Lepidstadt has developed a reputation for churning out fearsome duelists. At the end of each academic year, the students all gather together and duel one another with light blades. Each student duels one opponent after another until he is marked on the cheek by an adversary’s blade. These “Lepidstadt scars” are recognized throughout the Inner Sea region and beyond as marks of their prowess. The Lepidstadt Style is one of fluid motion and precise thrusts.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An Ustalavic duelist is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all light and medium armor and shields (except tower shields). This replaces the fighter’s normal weapon and armor proficiencies.
Duelist Stance (Ex): At 1st level, an Ustalavic duelist gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC as long as he is wearing no armor or light armor, wields a melee weapon in one hand, and his other hand is empty. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 levels the duelist possesses to a maximum of +5 at 20th level. This ability replaces the fighter’s 1st-level bonus feat.
Duelist Training (Ex): At 5th level, an Ustalavic duelist must select the light blades group for the weapon training class feature. The Ustalavic duelist’s weapon training bonus with light blades increases by 1 on attack and damage rolls for every 4 levels he possesses beyond 5th (to a maximum of +4 on attack and damage rolls at 17th level). If he is using his duelist stance, this damage bonus increases by 2. The Ustalavic duelist does not gain weapon training in any other groups as he increases in level. This ability replaces weapon training 1.
Lepidstadt Thrust (Ex): At 9th level, when using Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, or Greater Vital Strike, an Ustalavic duelist adds his Intelligence modifier to damage rolls (this bonus to damage is not multiplied on a critical hit). If the duelist confirms a critical hit while using one of these feats, he automatically deals maximum damage. This ability replaces weapon training 2.
Science of the Blade (Ex): At 13th level, an Ustalavic duelist is able to apply his specialized knowledge of anatomy and physiology to his bladework. The duelist can make dirty trick (Advanced Player’s Guide 320), disarm, and trip combat maneuvers using any one-handed piercing or slashing weapon. This ability replaces weapon training 3.
Surgical Strike (Ex): At 17th level, when an Ustalavic duelist confirms a critical hit with a light or one-handed piercing or slashing weapon, he deals ability damage in addition to the normal bonus damage from the critical hit. The duelist chooses which ability is damaged,  and deals an amount of damage equal to the critical multiplier of the wielded weapon. This ability replaces weapon training 4.
« 上次编辑: 2014-05-11, 周日 11:51:13 由 四月 »

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Re: 【内海战斗】变体职业(Archetypes)
« 回帖 #21 于: 2014-05-11, 周日 11:20:12 »
Wave Rider (Cavalier Archetype)

武器和防具擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):波涛驭手擅长所有简易和军用武器,以及轻甲和中甲,但是不擅长盾牌。这取代了正常骑士的武器和防具擅长。

海马伙伴(Seafaring Companion):1级起,波涛驭手获得怪物坐骑(Monstrous Mount)作为奖励专长。波涛驭手只能利用该专长选择海马坐骑(hippocampus mount)。该能力在其他方面与正常骑士的坐骑(mount)能力相同并取代之。

劇透 -   :
Wave Rider (Cavalier Archetype)
Throughout the Inner Sea region, wave riders patrol harbors, keeping them safe from dangerous sea creatures and watching for smugglers. The most famous of these is the hippocampus-riding Sea Cavalry of Absalom.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Wave riders are proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light and medium armor, but not with shields. This replaces the cavalier’s weapon and armor proficiencies.
Seafaring Companion: At 1st level, a wave rider gains Monstrous Mount (see page 14) as a bonus feat. The wave rider can use this feat only to select a hippocampus mount (see page 14). Otherwise, this ability functions identically to and replaces the cavalier’s mount ability.

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Re: 【内海战斗】变体职业(Archetypes)
« 回帖 #22 于: 2014-05-11, 周日 17:20:57 »
配枪(Have Gun):1级起,法痕流浪者获得业余铳士UC(Amateur Gunslinger)和枪匠UC(Gunsmithing)作为奖励专长。在判断最高勇毅值以及任何其他使用勇毅的能力时,法痕流浪者使用他的魅力调整值(最低为1)取代感知调整值。

Have Gun: At 1st level, the Spellscar drifter gains Amateur Gunslinger (Ultimate Combat 89) and Gunsmithing (Ultimate Combat 103) as bonus feats. The Spellscar drifter uses his Charisma modifier (minimum 1) in place of his Wisdom modifier when determining his maximum grit points and for any other abilities which use grit. Additionally, he also gains a battered gun identical to the one gained by the gunslinger. This ability replaces tactician.


« 上次编辑: 2014-05-13, 周二 17:56:34 由 誓约推倒之剑 »

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Re: 【内海战斗】变体职业(Archetypes)
« 回帖 #23 于: 2014-05-11, 周日 17:57:32 »

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Re: 【内海战斗】变体职业(Archetypes)
« 回帖 #24 于: 2014-05-11, 周日 21:16:45 »
配枪(Have Gun):1级起,法痕流浪者获得业余铳士UC(Amateur Gunslinger)和枪匠UC(Gunsmithing)作为奖励专长。在判断最高勇毅值以及任何其他使用勇毅的能力时,法痕流浪者使用他的魅力调整值(最低为1)取代感知调整值。

Have Gun: At 1st level, the Spellscar drifter gains Amateur Gunslinger (Ultimate Combat 89) and Gunsmithing (Ultimate Combat 103) as bonus feats. The Spellscar drifter uses his Charisma modifier (minimum 1) in place of his Wisdom modifier when determining his maximum grit points and for any other abilities which use grit. Additionally, he also gains a battered gun identical to the one gained by the gunslinger. This ability replaces tactician.


