作者 主题: 【AG】雄鹰骑士(Eagle Knights)  (阅读 32360 次)

副标题: 立足安多安的自由先锋

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【AG】雄鹰骑士(Eagle Knights)
« 于: 2018-06-03, 周日 17:33:08 »
雄鹰骑士(Eagle Knights)

盟友::铃花会(Bellflower Network),盗贼议会(Council of Thieves),埃拉斯蒂尔教会(Erastilians),艾奥梅黛教会(Iomedaeans),钉魂门(Rivethun),莎琳教会(Shelynites),银渡鸦(Silver Ravens),各个至高天神使教团(various empyreal lord cults)
敌人:阿斯莫迪斯教会(Asmodeans),盾徽财团(Aspis Consortium),切利亚斯(Cheliax),安多安之敌(enemies of Andoran),特鲁恩家族(House Thrune),诺格巴教会(Norgorberites),红螳螂(Red Mantis),贩奴者,特别是欧克诺贩奴者(particularly Okeno Slavers)

      雄鹰骑士在安多安还处于切利亚斯统治之下时就已经创立,最初是作为一只在奥罗登回归切利亚斯的精英仪仗卫队,在回归前100年的时候组建的。然而,当人神去世而这个消息造成的恐慌在整个内海地区蔓延,雄鹰骑士抛弃了切利亚斯并返回安多安协助维持和平。他们独特的蓝银色调的盔甲和鸟纹装备迅速变得与他们为安多安人民提供的光荣服务相关联。从50年前开始, 随着人民起义和安多安的民主的建立, 雄鹰骑也成为了这个新生自由国家最珍视的理想:平等、自由和正义——的热情拥护者。
      现在,雄鹰骑士们将总部设立在了金鹰巢(Golden Aerie),一个由巨大的大理石柱列构建的前切利亚斯要塞,足以容纳数千名士兵。

安迪拉·莫瑞赛科(Andira Marusek)(守序善良 女性人类 战士6/游侠3)
海伦娜·泰勒斯(Helena Trellis)(守序中立 女性人类 调查员12)
海伦娜·泰勒斯作为雄鹰骑士黄金军团的一份子效力多年,在那里她在公众眼中享有长期而成功的职业生涯,但与此同时,她又在“暮光之爪”服役,作为一名审讯者和在切利亚斯东部活动的小型雇佣兵团体的渗透者。虽然她表面上是雄鹰骑士新兵的中级考官, 海伦娜实际上却是暮光之爪的首领,利用其不起眼的岗位以及有权动用雄鹰骑士的新兵和战斗测试员,在她实行遍布内海区域的隐秘行动中收到了良好的效果。 只有科莫斯将军知道她的真实身份。
雷吉纳德·科莫斯(Reginald Cormoth)(守序善良 男性 暮年 人类 艾奥梅黛圣武士 12)
雷吉纳德·科莫斯受训于奥古斯塔娜声名卓著的海军院校,并且在他对塔尔多奴隶进行了几次著名的大胆突袭之后, 首次应邀加入雄鹰骑士团。现在他已经八十多岁了,从金鹰巢中监督着雄鹰骑士们的行动,长久以来传闻他在协调神秘的暮光之爪。许多雄鹰骑士曾在没有意识到的情况下和他遭遇过,因为他经常采取伪装和暗中测试候选人对雄鹰骑士理想的投入。雷吉纳德自从暮光之爪创立之初就和其保持着联系,最终,雷吉纳德与暮光之爪的长期联系开始影响到他了,但是他仍不得不承认暮光之爪的益处远超过它的损害。
劇透 -   :
Vanguard of Liberty
Scope regional (Inner Sea)
Alignment NG
Headquarters Almas (Andoran)
Values community, equality for all, freedom, justice, personal responsibility
Goals abolish slavery in all its forms, lead the people of the Inner Sea region into a new era of common rule and individual liberty, maintain vigilance against all threats to Andoran’s freedom via any means that don’t threaten the core values of the Eagle Knights
Allies Bellflower Network, Council of Thieves, Erastilians, Iomedaeans, Rivethun, Shelynites, Silver Ravens, various empyreal lord cults
Enemies Asmodeans, Aspis Consortium, Cheliax, enemies of Andoran, House Thrune, Norgorberites, Red Mantis, slavers (particularly Okeno Slavers)
Rivals none

    The Eagle Knights formed when Andoran was still under Chelish rule, founded to serve as an elite honor guard for Aroden upon his return to Cheliax about 100 years ago. However, when the god of humanity died and panic resulting from that news spread throughout the Inner Sea region, the Eagle Knights abandoned Cheliax and returned to Andoran to help keep the peace. Their distinctive blue-and-silver armor and avian accoutrements quickly became associated with the honorable service they provided to the people of Andoran. Beginning almost 50 years ago with the People’s Revolt and the establishment of Andoran’s democracy, the Eagle Knights also became passionate champions of the newly free nation’s most cherished ideals: equality, freedom, and justice.
    Today, the Eagle Knights are headquartered in the Golden Aerie, a former Chelish fortress consisting of an enormous marble column that houses thousands of soldiers.
    Just as three rivers join the Andoshen before it empties into the sea, the three primary branches of the Eagle Knights combine to carry the cause of freedom forward. The largest of these branches is the Golden Legion, which provides domestic defense against the many threats to the nation and its people, whether external (such as Chelish raids along the western border) or internal (such as devastating dragons, sinister fey, and other monstrous threats).
    While the Golden Legion is the largest branch, the Steel Falcons are the most widely known. These knights push the nation’s ideals across and outside of its borders via diplomacy. They are well loved by the common people—and watched closely by wary ruling elites. The anti-slaver force that forms the Eagle Knights’ naval division, the Gray Corsairs, is reputed to have the fastest ships in the Inner Sea region thanks in no small part to its wind- and wave-crafting spellcasters—and is feared among slavers. The Gray Corsairs’ ships fly no official flags and stay hidden along the shores of the Inner Sea; these are calculated risks that means they are sometimes mistaken for pirates—but it also makes their surprise attacks on slavers that much more effective.
    The last branch of the Eagle Knights has never been officially confirmed, for the Twilight Talons advance the cause of freedom in ways that are difficult for some to swallow. Twilight Talon leaders hide in plain sight, filling various unremarkable positions while secretly directing their operatives to infiltrate rival groups, incite rebellion, and dispatch enemies of freedom and equality. In these ways, the Twilight Talons provide unsavory means to the Eagle Knights’ virtuous ends.
    Eagle Knights are often selected from those members of the military who have demonstrated their commitment to the nation and its people’s ideals—though any who strongly ally themselves with freedom might win a place in the Knights’ ranks. Adventurers who have proven their loyalty and value to Andoran are often among such candidates. Once selected, candidates undergo rigorous testing to determine to which branch they will be assigned.
Andira Marusek (LG female human fighter 6/ranger 3): Perhaps no other Eagle Knight appreciates the faction’s push for freedom as much as General Andira Marusek, commander of the Steel Falcons. Andira was aboard one of the three Katapeshi slave galleys famously sunk by Gray Corsairs 12 years ago, and since her rescue from the waves by the privateers responsible for the attack, she has spent the last decade fighting both on battlefields and in public forums to make her story and the fight for freedom universal known. She rose quickly through the ranks after joining the knighthood, invigorating all she met with her urgency of purpose. Despite her position as commander, she has never forgotten her humble roots and remains a champion for the oppressed and forgotten.
Helena Trellis (LN female human investigatorACG 12): Helena Trellis served several years in the field as part of the Eagle Knights’ Golden Legion, where she enjoyed a long and successful career in the public eye—but at the same time, she led a second life in the service to the Twilight Talons as an interrogator and infiltrator of small mercenary groups that operated in eastern Cheliax. While she is ostensibly a mid-level examiner of Eagle Knight trainees, Helena is in fact the head of the Twilight Talons, and uses her unremarkable position and access to Eagle Knights both new and battle-tested to good effect in her mission of carrying out covert operations across the Inner Sea region. Only General Cormoth knows her true role.
Reginald Cormoth (LG male venerable human paladin of Iomedae 12): Reginald Cormoth trained in Augustana’s prestigious naval academies and was first invited to join the Eagle Knights after he made several famously daring raids against Taldan slave galleys. Long rumored to have coordinated the secretive Twilight Talons, he is now in his eighties and oversees the Eagle Knights’ operations from the Golden Aerie. Many Eagle Knight initiates have met the aging commander without realizing it, since he often adopts a disguise and surreptitiously tests aspirants’ commitments to the Eagle Knights’ ideals. Reginald’s long association with the Twilight Talons has begun, finally, to wear on him, but he’s still forced to admit that the Talons do far more good than harm.


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  • 帖子数: 1829
  • 苹果币: 7
  • 还算可以的玩家,以及不行的GM
进阶职业:黄金军团士兵(Golden Legionnaire)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-06-03, 周日 17:33:54 »
黄金军团士兵(Golden Legionnaires)

      在安多安的国境内,黄金军团士兵作为精锐的军事部队,独立于国家军队自主运作。这些能力强劲的战地指挥官和训练馆会根据特定地区的需要进行调整,培养专门的人才来应对附近的特定威胁。瓦杜兰森林( Verduran Forest)里愤怒的精类;烛石洞窟(Candlestone Caverns)周围狡诈的狗头人;以及暗月谷(Darkmoon Vale)里危险的狼人都威胁着黄金军团以及他们保卫家园的使命。而在安多安的村镇和城市里,黄金军团的团队正在挫败间谍和邪恶外国势力的代理人,比如狡猾的塔尔多毒杀者,切利亚斯魔鬼主义者以及欧克诺赏金猎人。

生命骰(Hit Die):d10

阵营:任意善良(Any good)
技能:交涉 5级,威吓 5级

本职技能(Class Skills)


职业能力(Class Features)

武器和防具擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):黄金军团士兵擅长使用所有的简易武器和军用武器,同时擅长所有类型盔甲(重甲,中甲,轻甲)和盾牌(包括塔盾)。

权威命令(Authoritative Command)(Ex):以一个移动动作,黄金军团士兵可以对30尺内可以听见、看见并理解她的最多等于其1/2角色等级名盟友发号施令。只要有至少一名被选择的盟友在该轮中服从黄金军团士兵的指令,黄金军团士兵和每一名遵从命令的盟友就能在1轮内的攻击掷骰、武器伤害掷骰、豁免掷骰和防御等级上获得+1表现加值。受影响的盟友并非必须要服从这些指令,但是若他们忽略命令,就不会获得加值。6级时,加值提升至+2。8级时,黄金军团士兵可以以一个迅捷动作使用权威命令。

蔑视危险(Defy Danger)(Ex):黄金军团士兵在对抗以下危险之一的豁免掷骰上获得+2加值:魅惑和胁迫,诅咒,疾病,恐惧,毒素,陷阱,一种从游侠宿敌列表中选择的生物类型(及子类型,若有)的天生魔法力量(不从职业获得的类法术能力和超自然能力)。在5级和9级,黄金军团士兵再在对抗一项不同的危险时获得+2加值;她也可以选择在对抗先前选定的一项危险时获得的加值提升+2。

军团专长(Legion Feats):黄金军团士兵在对应级别获得以下奖励专长,即使未满足先决条件:2级—禁止通行(Stand Still),4级—保镖(Bodyguard),6级—肉盾(In Harm’s Way),8级—迅捷援助(Swift Aid)。若她已拥有上述专长,她可以选择其他任何她满足先决条件的战斗专长。

拦截(Intercept)(Ex):2级时,黄金军团士兵在使用禁止通行(Stand Still)时,战技检定中获得相当于1/2其职业等级的加值,并在敌人尝试通过特技检定来穿越她威胁的方格时的CMD上获得同样的加值。

联合防御(United Defense)(Ex):2级时,黄金军团士兵可以以一个迅捷动作选择一名盟友。当她与该盟友邻接时,黄金军团士兵在AC上承受-1罚值,被选择的盟友在AC上获得+2闪避加值,持续1轮。在6级和10级时,黄金军团士兵的AC承受额外的-1罚值,并提供额外的+2闪避加值。

联合惩戒(Allied Retribution)(Ex):3级时,若黄金军团士兵看到一名在其60尺内的生物攻击了一名盟友或任何友善生物,包括她自己,她可以选择攻击者作为指定敌人。当黄金军团士兵如此做时,她在相当于其职业等级的轮数里,对指定敌人的攻击掷骰和武器伤害掷骰上获得+1士气加值。黄金军团士兵最多可以拥有相当于其职业等级1/3的指定敌人。若她已经选择了相当于上限的指定敌人,她可以结束联合惩戒对一名之前选择的指定敌人的效果以选择一个新的指定敌人。若一名已经是指定敌人的生物再次攻击黄金军团士兵的盟友或友善生物,军团士兵可以再次选择它作为指定敌人,并重置效果的持续时间。7级时,士气加值提升至+2。

精通援助(Improved Aid)(Ex):4级时,当黄金军团士兵在战斗中成功地使用援助他人动作,对攻击掷骰或防御等级的加值提升+1。9级时,加值再额外提升+1。

坚守阵线(Hold the Line)(Ex):5级时,若一名生物以五尺快步离开一个邻接黄金军团士兵并被黄金军团士兵威胁的区域时,或当它以撤退离开该区域时,会引发她的借机攻击。

先发制人(Preemptive Strike)(Ex):7级时,黄金军团士兵可以对移动进入任何黄金军团士兵所威胁的方格内的敌人进行一次借机攻击,不论这一移动通常是否会引发借机攻击。她每日能对每个对手使用一次该能力,且每轮最多只能使用一次该能力。


自由卫士(Guardian of Liberty)(Ex):10级时,每日一次,以一个直觉动作,黄金军团士兵可以重投单次攻击掷骰或豁免掷骰,或强制一名敌人在掷骰结果宣布后重投一个针对军团士兵或与她邻接的盟友的攻击掷骰。
劇透 -   :
Golden Legionnaires are members of the Eagle Knight branch known formally as Eagle Knights of the Golden Legion. The foremost protectors of Andoran and its populace, the Golden Legionnaires primarily guard Andoran’s borders and watch over the country’s untamed rural areas.
    Within Andoran’s borders, Golden Legionnaires operate independently alongside the nation’s armed forces as members of elite military units. These highly capable field commanders and training officers adjust to suit the needs of a particular region, often developing specialized talents to counter specific threats found nearby. Angry fey in the Verduran Forest, tricky kobold traps near the Candlestone Caverns, and dangerous werewolves in Darkmoon Vale all threaten the Golden Legionnaires and their mission to safeguard their homeland. In Andoran’s towns and cities, teams of Golden Legionnaires work to thwart spies and sinister agents of foreign powers, such as devious Taldan poisoners, Chelish diabolists, and Okeno bounty hunters.
     Above all else, the Golden Legion’s duty is domestic security; the Legion extensively trains its soldiers in defensive tactics and strategies that ensure the protection of both Andorens and other members of the Legion. That said, a typical Golden Legionnaire exhibits audacious courage and unflinchingly puts himself between those he protects and possible threats. An ambush or unprovoked attack incenses a Golden Legionnaire and propels him to acts of selfless bravery and daring prowess. Even when they are hundreds of miles away from their homes, Golden Legionnaires use their skills and combat prowess to protect their allies and Andoran’s ideals.
     While a large proportion of Golden Legionnaire candidates enlist from within the ranks of the Andoren military, the Legion recruits a number of nontraditional soldiers for their special skills. Applicants must demonstrate their devotion to the Andoren ideals of equality, freedom, and justice, as well as obtain a written recommendation from a senior Eagle Knight—or, under unusual circumstances, the personal recommendation of a member of the People’s Council, Andoran’s legislative body.

Hit Die: d10.
To qualify to become a Golden Legionnaire, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Alignment: Any good.
Armor Proficiency: Must be proficient with heavy armor.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Skills: Diplomacy 5 ranks, Intimidate 5 ranks.
Special: A senior Eagle Knight must invite the character into the organization.

Class Skills
The Golden Legionnaire’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Heal (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Class Features
The following are class features of the Golden Legionnaire prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Golden Legionnaire gains proficiency with all simple weapons and all martial weapons, and gains proficiency with all forms of armor and?shields.

Authoritative Command (Ex): As a move action, a Golden Legionnaire can issue orders to a number of allies up to half his character level who are within 30 feet and can see, hear, and understand him. As long as at least one selected ally obeys the Golden Legionnaire’s orders during that round, the Golden Legionnaire and each compliant ally gain a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and saving throws and to Armor Class for 1 round. Affected allies are not under any obligation to obey these commands, but do not gain the bonuses if they ignore the commands. At 6th level, this bonus increases to +2. At 8th level, a Golden Legionnaire can use authoritative command as a swift action.

Defy Danger (Ex): A Golden Legionnaire gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against one of the following dangers: charms and compulsions, curses, diseases, fear, poisons, traps, or the innate magical powers (spell-like abilities and supernatural abilities not gained from class levels) of one creature type (and subtype, if applicable) chosen from the ranger favored enemy list. At 5th level and again at 9th level, a Golden Legionnaire gains an additional +2 bonus against a different danger; alternatively, he can increase the bonus against a previously selected danger by 2.

Legion Feats: A Golden Legionnaire gains the following bonus feats at the prescribed levels, even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites: 2nd level—Stand Still, 4th level—BodyguardAPG, 6th level—In Harm’s WayAPG, 8th level—Swift AidAPG. If he already has the feat for a given level, he can instead take any other combat feat whose prerequisites he meets.

Intercept (Ex): At 2nd level, a Golden Legionnaire gains a bonus equal to half his class level on combat maneuver checks when using the Stand Still feat, and gains the same bonus to his CMD when an opponent attempts an Acrobatics check to move through a square he threatens.

United Defense (Ex): At 2nd level, a Golden Legionnaire can select one ally as a swift action. While he is adjacent to this ally, the Golden Legionnaire takes a –1 penalty to his Armor Class and the selected ally receives a +2 dodge bonus to his Armor Class for 1 round. At 6th level and again at 10th level, the Golden Legionnaire’s AC takes an additional –1 penalty and the dodge bonus increases by an additional 2.

Allied Retribution (Ex): At 3rd level, if a Golden Legionnaire sees a creature within 60 feet of him attack an ally or any friendly creature, including himself, he can select that attacker as a designated adversary. When a Golden Legionnaire does this, he gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls against the designated adversary for a number of rounds equal to his class level. A Golden Legionnaire can have a number of designated adversaries up to one-third his class level. If he already has his maximum number of designated adversaries selected, he can end the effects of his allied retribution against one of his previously designated adversaries and select a new one. The Golden Legionnaire can reselect a creature that
is already a designated adversary if it attacks an ally or a friendly creature again, allowing him to restart the effect’s duration. At 7th level, the morale bonus increases to +2.

Improved Aid (Ex): At 4th level, when a Golden Legionnaire successfully uses the aid another action in combat, the bonus on the ally’s attack roll or to its Armor Class increases by 1. At 9th level, the bonus increases by an additional 1.

Hold the Line (Ex): At 5th level, if a creature takes a 5-foot step out of an area both adjacent to and threatened by a Golden Legionnaire, or if a creature withdraws from that area, it provokes an attack of opportunity from him.

Preemptive Strike (Ex): At 7th level, a Golden Legionnaire can make an attack of opportunity against a foe that moves into any square the Golden Legionnaire threatens, regardless of whether or not this movement would normally provoke an attack of opportunity. He can use this ability against each opponent once per day, and no more than once per round.

Retaliate (Ex): At 9th level, once per round when a creature threatened by a Golden Legionnaire attacks and hits an ally adjacent to the Golden Legionnaire, he can make an attack of opportunity against that creature.

Guardian of Liberty (Ex): At 10th level, once per day as an immediate action a Golden Legionnaire can reroll a single attack roll or saving throw, or force an enemy to reroll an attack roll made against the Legionnaire or an adjacent ally, after the result of the attack roll is revealed.
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-06, 周三 11:29:21 由 丞相 »

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  • 银渡鸦
  • Chivary
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  • 帖子数: 1829
  • 苹果币: 7
  • 还算可以的玩家,以及不行的GM
进阶职业:灰海盗(Gray Corsair)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-06-03, 周日 17:34:36 »
灰海盗(Gray Corsair)


生命骰(Hit Die):d8

阵营:任意非邪恶(Any nonevil)
专长:海腿子(Sea Legs)
技能:特技 5级,专业(水手) 5级,潜行 5级

本职技能(Class Skills)


职业能力(Class Features)

偏好港口(Favored Port):得益于组织卓越的工作成效,灰海盗和最终重获自由的奴隶们以及他们的家庭结下了友谊并建立起了同盟。灰海盗可以选择任意一个海边的定居点作为偏好港口。处在该定居点时,灰海盗在所有的唬骗、交涉、威吓、知识(地方)以及先攻和意志豁免上获得+2加值。他在偏好港口不需要为食宿支付费用。在3级和之后每2级,灰海盗可以额外选择一个偏好港口。当灰海盗位于一艘母港是其偏好港口的船只上时,灰海盗同样可以将其视为偏好港口。

灰之专注(Gray Focus)(Ex):在协调一些特别适合在海上解救奴隶、打击奴隶贩子的少数职业的力量和才能时,灰海盗的训练工作是最有成效的。当一名角色在获得他的第一个灰海盗等级时,他必须选择下列的一个职业作为他的灰之专注:诗人、牧师、战士、枪手、审判者、调查员、魔战士、催眠师、异能者、盗贼、游荡剑客、术士或法师。

灰之奖励(Gray Boon)(Ex):在2级和之后每2级,灰海盗获得他选择的灰之专注的某些职业特性,只要他在该职业上有至少一个职业等级。

熟悉绳索(Know the Ropes)(Ex):只有在帆索顶部能提供最良好的视野,因此灰海盗们在船只的帆索上面花费了大量的时间。在2级时,在攀爬绳索或帆索时,灰海盗在攀爬检定上获得+4环境价值并且只需要空一只手。此外,在这种环境中,在使用加速攀爬选项时,他不会承受减值,不会失去在AC上的敏捷加值,不需要在受伤时进行攀爬检定以避免坠落。

奴贩杀手(Slaver Slayer)(Ex)在3级时,灰海盗在对抗他知道是贩奴者或者拥有一名奴隶的目标时,攻击检定和伤害骰上获得+2价值。这个加值在6级时成长为+4,在9级时成长为+6。灰海盗在对这类目标的重击自动确认。

轻松呼吸(Breathe Easy)(Ex):绝望的贩奴者有时候会将他们的活的货物推入海中,而灰海盗必须帮助奴隶们坚持住,直到他们可以将奴隶们从海浪中捞起来。在4级时,灰海盗可以每天一次以类法术能力释放水中呼吸(Water breathing)(CL等于灰海盗等级)。灰海盗可以按照自己选择以一个移动动作或者直觉动作使用该能力。当使用移动动作时,该能力只能影响一个生物,但是可以选择120尺内的生物。如果使用直觉动作,这个能力只能影响一个生物,但是可以选择60尺内的生物,并且持续时间减少至每等级1分钟。灰海盗可以在7级的时候每天使用两次该能力,在10级的时候提高到每天三次。

坚毅决心(Grim Resolve)(Ex):一个灰海盗在一艘奴隶船上看到的苦难可能比许多人一生能见识的都要多,但这只会坚定他的决心——因为他非常清楚,还有比死亡要糟糕的多的命运。在5级时,灰海盗对恐惧效果免疫,并且在其生命值低于0时,将他的感知加值加到尝试稳定伤势的检定上。

赋予自由(Grant Freedom)(Ex):在9级时,灰海盗获得行动自如(freedom of movement)的效果作为一个恒定类法术能力(这个效果的施法者等级等于其职业等级)。以一个迅捷动作,他可以通过触摸将这个效果转移给另一个生物,但是这种情况下,效果只能持续每施法者等级1分钟的时间。当他这么做,它会在24小时后重新得到该能力的益处。

奔向自由(Whisk to Freedom)(Ex):灰海盗在利用风力上花费了大量时间,他已经学会了与之成为一体。在10级时,灰海盗获得御风而行(wind walk)和返回真言(word of recall)作为类法术能力(施法者等级10级),每能力个每天可以使用一次。返回真言必须将灰海盗带回一艘灰海盗船上。
劇透 -   :
Scourge of the seaborne slaver, Gray Corsairs augment existing class skills with specializations that suit them well for their long tours of duty at sea. Yet Gray Corsairs must also be able to operate with skill on land, for they are often expected to mount marine-based raids on island strongholds or other remote locations used by slavers as markets or staging areas for their cruelty.

The Gray Corsairs existed for some time before the Eagle Knights officially formed. While they’ve focused on fighting slavery from the start, they did so in their early days as true pirates rather than privateers. Their assimilation into the Eagle Knights as the naval arm of the Steel Falcons gave the organization a surprisingly strong presence in the Inner Sea, and with Andoran’s direct support, these privateers have become a force to be reckoned with.

The freedom fighters who take this prestige class exemplify the call to action to fight slavery in a more violent and aggressive manner than do their allies in the Bellflower Network, and they focus not on mainland slavery but upon the disruption of sea trade of slaves. Swift and agile combatants are in high demand on Gray Corsair ships, as are spellcasters with the ability to command elemental forces or magical transport, and the prestige class plays to this, offering such characters an opportunity to choose an area of specialty while bolstering their nautical skill and knack for rescuing slaves.

Hit Die: d8.

To qualify to become a Gray Corsair, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Alignment: Any nonevil.
Feat: Sea LegsUC.
Skills: Acrobatics 5 ranks, Profession (sailor) 5 ranks, Stealth 5 ranks.
Special: A senior Eagle Knight must invite the character into the organization.

Class Skills
A Gray Corsair’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Dex), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Fly (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (sailor) (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the Gray Corsair prestige class.

Favored Port (Ex): Gray Corsairs build alliances and friendships that last lifetimes among freed slaves and their families as a result of the organization’s good work. A Gray Corsair can pick any coastal settlement as a favored port. While in that settlement, a Gray Corsair gains a +2 bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Knowledge (local) checks, as well as on initiative checks and Will saving throws. He need not pay for room and board in a favored port. At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, a Gray Corsair can select another favored port.A Gray Corsair also gains his favored port bonuses when aboard any ship whose home port is one of his favored ports.

Gray Focus: Gray Corsair training works best when synergizing with the powers and talents of a limited range of classes that are particularly well-suited to the seaborne life of rescuing slaves and defeating slavers. When a character gains his first level as a Gray Corsair, he must choose one of the following classes as his gray focus: bard, cleric, fighter, gunslinger, inquisitor, investigator, magus, mesmerist, psychic, rogue, swashbuckler, sorcerer, or wizard.
  If he chose a spellcasting class, the Gray Corsair automatically succeeds at any concentration checks required to cast a spell while being subjected to vigorous or violent motion while either swimming or on a ship.
  If he chose a non-spellcasting class, the Gray Corsair doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity as a result of moving through a threatened square while on a ship or while swimming, unless he chooses to do so.
  A Gray Corsair who has no levels in any of the above classes must still choose a class as his gray focus, but until he gains a level in that chosen class, he does not gain any benefit for his gray focus or gray boons (see below). Once he gains at least 1 level in his gray focus class, he immediately
gains the appropriate powers and boons due him from his Gray Corsair class levels.

Gray Boon: At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, a Gray Corsair gains some of the class features of the class he chose as his gray focus, provided he has at least 1 level in the class chosen.
  If his gray focus class is bard, cleric, inquisitor, magus, mesmerist, psychic, sorcerer, or wizard, he gains spells per day as if he’d gained an additional level of the class chosen.
  If his gray focus class is fighter, gunslinger, or swashbuckler, he gains a bonus combat feat.
  If his gray focus class is investigator, he gains a +1d6 studied strike, as per the investigator class feature. This extra damage stacks with other sources of studied strike.
  If his gray focus class is rogue, he gains a +1d6 sneak attack, as per the rogue class feature. This extra damage stacks with other sources of sneak attack damage.

Know the Ropes (Ex): Gray Corsairs spend a lot of time in the rigging of their ships, as this affords them the best view. At 2nd level, while climbing ropes or rigging, a Gray Corsair gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Climb checks and needs only one hand free to do so. In addition, in such circumstances he doesn’t take a penalty when using the accelerated climbing option, doesn’t lose his Dexterity bonus to AC, and doesn’t need to attempt a Climb check to avoid falling when he takes damage.

Slaver Slayer (Ex): At 3rd level, a Gray Corsair gains a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against targets he knows to be slavers or to own slaves. This bonus increases to +4 at 6th level and +6 at 9th level. A Gray Corsair automatically confirms critical hits against such targets.

Breathe Easy (Sp): Desperate slavers sometimes throw their living cargo overboard, so a Gray Corsair must help slaves stay alive until they can be plucked from the waves. At 4th level, a Gray Corsair can cast water breathing once per day as a spell-like ability (CL = the Gray Corsair’s class level). The Gray Corsair can use this ability as a move action or an immediate action if he so chooses. When used as a move action, the ability can affect only one creature, but can do so at a range of 120 feet. When used as an immediate action, the ability can affect only one creature, but can do so at a range of 60 feet, and its duration is reduced to 1 minute per level. A Gray Corsair can use this ability twice per day at 7th level, and up to three times per day at 10th level.

Grim Resolve (Ex): A Gray Corsair has seen more suffering aboard a single slave ship than many will in their entire lives, but this only hardens his resolve—he knows all too well that there are fates worse than death. At 5th level, a Gray Corsair becomes immune to fear effects and adds his Wisdom bonus to attempts to stabilize when his hit points are reduced to below 0.

Grant Freedom (Sp): At 9th level, a Gray Corsair gains the effects of freedom of movement as a constant spell-like ability (his effective caster level equals his class level). As a swift action, he can transfer this effect to a creature by touch, but in this case the effect persists for only 1 minute per effective caster level. When he does so, he regains the benefits of this ability 24 hours later.

Whisk to Freedom (Sp): A Gray Corsair spends enough time harnessing the wind that he learns to become one with it. At 10th level, a Gray Corsair gains wind walk and word of recall as spell-like abilities (caster level 10th), each usable once per day. Word of recall must return the Gray Corsair to a Gray Corsair ship.
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-06, 周三 11:30:14 由 丞相 »

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进阶职业:钢隼(Steel Falcon)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-06-03, 周日 17:35:32 »
钢隼(Steel Falcon)


生命骰(Hit Die):d10

阵营:任意善良(Any good)
专长:钢铁意志(Iron Will)
技能:交涉 5级,知识(历史) 5级,知识(地方) 2级,察言观色 5级

本职技能(Class Skills)


职业能力(Class Features)

奴役之敌(Enemy of Slavers)(Ex):从一开始,钢隼就把大部分的训练集中在如何与奴隶贩子斗争上,无论是在战斗中还是在外交上。一名钢隼在对抗奴隶贩子和拥有奴隶者的唬骗、知识、察觉、察言观色以及生存检定上获得+2加值。同样的,他还在对抗这些人的武器攻击和伤害骰上获得+2加值。 在5级时,这一加值增加至+4,在9级时,增加至+6。这被视为宿敌加值。如果钢隼拥有一个来自其他职业的宿敌加值,并且他的目标同时是奴隶贩子和另一个类型的宿敌,则加值不会叠加,她只能使用较高的那个加值。

自由之心(Heart of Freedom)(Ex):钢隼在对抗魅惑与胁迫效果,以及尝试占据其身体或精神的行为时,在豁免检定上获得+4士气加值。

航海求生(Sailor and Survivalist)(Ex):钢隼将其职业等级加在独自在荒野中生存的生存检定或行驶的专业(水手)检定上。

天命之鹰(Luck of the Eagle)(Ex):在2级时,每天一次,钢隼可以在知道结果之前重投任意一个D20,他必须采用新的骰子,即使结果更低。在6级时,钢隼每天可以使用2次天命之鹰,在10级时,她可以每天使用3次。

英雄演讲(Heroic Speech)(Ex):在2级时,钢隼可以通过关于安多安理念、情操和英雄主义的故事来激发队友。这个功能如同吟游表演的激发勇气,在决定效果时将钢隼的职业等级作为她的诗人等级,如果钢隼拥有诗人等级,将他的职业等级与诗人等级叠加已决定本能力和激发勇气的吟游诗人能力效果。钢隼每天可以使用这个能力的总轮数等于其职业等级+魅力调整值。

天然陷阱(Natural Traps)(Ex):作为游击战活动的一部分,钢隼学会了如何利用自然环境创造陷阱。在3级时,钢隼获得了学习游侠陷阱
(Learn Ranger Trap)作为奖励专长(她不需要满足专长通常先决条件中的5级生存)。依照这个专长规则的一部分,她学会了一个特别的游侠陷阱(从以下选择:警报陷阱(Alarm Trap),燃烧陷阱(Burning Trap),爆炸陷阱(Exploding Trap),火焰陷阱(Fire Trap),标记陷阱(Marking Trap),毒素陷阱(Poison Trap),圈套陷阱(Snare Trap),集群陷阱(Swarm Trap))。在6级时,钢隼学到第二个陷阱,并且在9级时,她学到第三个陷阱。她可以使用陷阱的次数等于职业等级+感知调整值。

伙伴连结(Comrade’s Bond)(Ex):在4级时,钢隼对自由的热爱和奴隶制的憎恨强大到足以感染同伴。每天一次,以一个移动动作,她可以令队友在对抗所有视线内属于适用目标时,获得自己奴役之敌能力的一半加值。友军必须位于30尺内并且可以看到或听到钢隼。该加值持续轮数等于钢隼的魅力调整值(最低为1)。此加值不会与任何他盟友的宿敌加值叠加,他们使用较高的加值。在7级时,钢隼每天可以使用两次伙伴连结,并且激活此能力是一个迅捷动作,在10级时,她每天可以使用三次伙伴连结,并且激活此能力是一个自由动作。

高等援助(Superior Aid)(Ex):在4级时,当使用援助他人行动时,钢隼为盟友在攻击骰和AC上提供+4加值而非+2加值。

巧妙摆布(Subtle Manipulator)(Ex):在5级时,如果钢隼花费一个整轮动作研究某个目标,她可以尝试进行一个察言观色检定以对抗目标的意志豁免。如果她成功了,他在等于自己感知调整值的天数内,对目标的交涉检定获得+5环境加值。该能力可以被应用于一个特定目标每天一次,成功则重置持续时间。

塔玛多赐福(Talmandor’s Blessing)(Su):在5级时,钢隼获得了安多安守护神塔玛多的赐福,她在跳高或跳远的特技检定上获得+1表现加值,在察觉检定上获得+4加值,以及恒定羽落术(feather fall)效果。如果该效果被解除,你可以使用一个移动动作重新激活。

斩断枷锁(Chainbreaker)(Ex):在6级时,钢隼在攻击枷锁、链条、镣铐时忽略最多10点硬度。这包括了包含链条的武器(如链枷、双截棍、刺链),链魔(kyton)的盔甲和武器,活化物体(animate object)激活的锁链以及类似的东西。钢隼同样在从镣铐或绳索的捆绑中逃脱的所有检定上获得+10加值。

塔玛多之怒(Talmandor’s Fury)(Ex):在7级时,每天一次以一个标准动作,钢隼可以引导她对于世间不公正的愤怒。使其面容化为正义之怒的恐怖体现,带来30英尺范围的恐惧灵光。此范围内的敌人受到恐惧术(fear)效果(施法者等级10,意志豁免DC15+钢隼的魅力调整值)。该范围内的其他生物(包括钢隼自己)会受到钢隼愤怒力量的支持,可以立即尝试一个新的豁免检定以对抗任何正在影响他们的魅惑、胁迫或者占据效果。只要拥有意识钢隼就可以使用该能力,即便陷入麻痹或处于魅惑、胁迫或占据这类影响其判断力的情况下。
劇透 -   :
The Steel Falcons are Andoran’s spiritual and physical vanguard, spreading the government’s philosophical ideologies by whatever means necessary. This can be anything from bribing a foreign noble with inside information, to breaking the chains of the enslaved, to orchestrating widespread rebellion in an unfriendly land.

While they occasionally serve as envoys and diplomats, Steel Falcons must be skilled at a variety of techniques if they expect to survive in hostile lands and accomplish their missions. The ability to utilize traps is as important to the Steel Falcon as the camaraderie she shares with her fellows. And while manipulating an enemy’s emotions and seeking diplomatic solutions can solve some problems, others present no solution other than battle.

Among the Eagle Knights, Steel Falcons have a reputation for being egotistical and self-aggrandizing. While the Steel Falcons are regarded as the faces and voices of the Andoren people by most non-Andorens, the perception that they are braggarts is more often than not the result of cordial rivalry among the branches. Steel Falcons, while occasionally braggadocios, are more aptly characterized by their shared zeal, dedication, selflessness, and diplomatic acumen. They are certainly aware of their reputation among the other branches of the Eagle Knights, but bear this knowledge stoically and patiently, knowing that all three branches of the group are necessary to ensure Andoran’s continued success—they do not hold grudges.

Hit Die: d10.
To become a Steel Falcon, a character must fulfill the
following criteria.
Alignment: Any good.
Feat: Iron Will.
Skills: Diplomacy 5 ranks, Knowledge (history) 2 ranks, Knowledge (local) 2 ranks, Sense Motive 5 ranks.
Special: A senior Eagle Knight must invite the character into the organization.

Class Skills
The Steel Falcon’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are features of the Steel Falcon prestige class.

Enemy of Slavers (Ex): From the start, the Steel Falcon focuses much of her training on how to interact with slavers, both in combat and in diplomatic confrontations. A Steel Falcon gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against slavers and slave owners. Likewise, she gains a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. At 5th level, this bonus increases to +4, and at 9th level it increases to +6. This is treated as a favored enemy bonus. If the Steel Falcon has a favored enemy bonus from another class and her target is a slaver as well as a favored enemy of another type, the bonuses do not stack, and she simply uses whichever bonus is higher.

Heart of Freedom (Ex): A Steel Falcon gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects and attempts to possess her body or mind.

Sailor and Survivalist (Ex): A Steel Falcon adds her class level to Profession (sailor) checks and Survival checks to get along in the wild and navigate in the wilderness.

Luck of the Eagle (Ex): At 2nd level, once per day, a Steel Falcon can reroll any one d20 roll before she learns the result of that roll, but she must take the new roll, even if it is lower. At 6th level, the Steel Falcon can use luck of the eagle twice per day, and at 10th level, she can do so three times per day.

Heroic Speech (Su): At 3rd level, a Steel Falcon can inspire her allies with tales of greatness, heroism, and the ideals of Andoran. This functions like the inspire courage aspect of bardic performance, treating the Steel Falcon’s class level as her bard level when determining the effect; if the Steel Falcon has levels in bard, her class levels stack with her bard levels when determining the effect of this ability and the effect of her inspire courage bard ability. The Steel Falcon can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to her class level + her Charisma modifier.

Natural Traps (Ex): As part of their guerilla warfare activities, Steel Falcons learn how to use the natural environment to create traps. At 3rd level, the Steel Falcon gains Learn Ranger TrapUM as a bonus feat (she does not need to meet the feat’s normal prerequisite of 5 ranks in Survival). As per the rules for that feat, she learns one extraordinary ranger trap (chosen from the following: alarm trap, burning trap, exploding trap, fire trap, marking trap, poison trap, snare trap, and swarm trap). At 6th level, the Steel Falcon learns a second trap, and at 9th level she learns a third trap. The number of times she can use a trap is equal to her class level + her Wisdom bonus.

Comrade’s Bond (Ex): At 4th level, a Steel Falcon’s love of freedom and hatred of slavery are so great that she evokes similar feelings in her companions. Once per day as a move action, she can grant her allies half her enemy of slavers bonus against all appropriate targets in sight; the allies must be within 30 feet and able to see or hear her. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Steel Falcon’s Charisma bonus (minimum 1). This bonus does not stack with any favored enemy bonuses her allies have; they use whichever bonus is higher. At 7th level, the Steel Falcon can
use comrade’s bond twice per day, and activating it is a swift action. At 10th level, she can use this ability three times per day, and activating it is a free action.

Superior Aid (Ex): At 4th level, when performing the aid another action, a Steel Falcon grants a +4 bonus on the ally’s attack roll or to the ally’s Armor Class instead of the normal +2.

Subtle Manipulator (Ex): At 5th level, if the Steel Falcon spends a full-round action studying a target, she can attempt a Sense Motive check opposed by the target’s Will save. If she succeeds, she gains a +5 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks against that opponent for a number of days equal to her Wisdom modifier. This ability can be used on a given target once per day, and a successful use resets its duration.

Talmandor’s Blessing (Su): At 5th level, a Steel Falcon gains the blessing of Talmandor, the avoral patron of Andoran. She gains a +10 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks to make high or long jumps, a +4 bonus on Perception checks, and the benefits of feather fall at all times. If this effect is dispelled, you can reactivate it as a move action.

Chainbreaker (Ex): At 6th level, a Steel Falcon’s attacks against bindings, chains, and manacles bypasses up to 10 points of hardness. This includes weapons with chains (such as flails, nunchaku, and spiked chains), a kyton’s armor and weapons, chains animated by animate objects, and so on. The Steel Falcon also gains a +10 bonus on all checks to escape bindings with manacles or ropes.

Talmandor’s Fury (Su): At 7th level, once per day as a standard action, a Steel Falcon can channel her rage at the injustice in the world, transforming her countenance into a terrifying display of righteous fury, giving her a fear aura with a range of 30 feet. Enemies within this radius are affected by a fear spell (CL 10th, Will DC 15 + the Steel Falcon’s Charisma bonus). All other creatures in the area (including the Steel Falcon) are bolstered by the Steel Falcon’s wrath and can immediately attempt new saving throws against any charm, compulsion, or possession effects currently affecting them. The Steel Falcon can use this ability if she is conscious, even if paralyzed or under the effect of a charm, compulsion, or possession that affects her judgment.

Steel Falcon
Level Base Atk Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1st +1 +1 +0 +0 Enemy of slavers +2, heart of freedom, sailor and survivalist
2nd +2 +1 +1 +1 Luck of the eagle 1/day
3rd +3 +2 +1 +1 Heroic speech, natural trap 1
4th +4 +2 +1 +1 Comrade’s bond 1/day, superior aid
5th +5 +3 +2 +2 Enemy of slavers +4, subtle manipulator, Talmandor’s blessing
6th +6 +3 +2 +2 Chainbreaker, natural trap 2, luck of the eagle 2/day
7th +7 +4 +2 +2 Comrade’s bond 2/day (swift)
8th +8 +4 +3 +3 Talmandor’s fury
9th +9 +5 +3 +3 Enemy of slavers +6, natural trap 3
10th +10 +5 +3 +3 Comrade’s bond 3/day (free), luck of the eagle 3/day
« 上次编辑: 2019-07-23, 周二 14:15:16 由 丞相 »

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进阶职业:暮光之爪(wilight Talon)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-06-03, 周日 17:36:04 »
暮光之爪(Twilight Talon)


生命骰(Hit Die):d8

阵营:任意非邪恶(Any Nonevil)
专长:随手武器(Catch Off-Guard),暮光刺青(Twilight Tattoo)
技能:唬骗 5级,易容 5级,知识(地方) 2级,语言学 2级,潜行 5级

本职技能(Class Skills)


职业能力(Class Features)

容身入群(Many Hats)(Ex):暮光之爪往往需要扮演成一个特定职业的角色来不经意间接近目标,成为这个目标生活中的一部分,直到致命一击的时机到来。只要暮光之爪60尺内的另一个角色在专业(建筑师,律师,办事员,妓女,司机,工程师,旅店老板,图书管理员,商人或抄写员)上拥有职业等级,暮光之爪就能在执行那项工作时找到线索和惯例, 并且用她的察言观色检定来代替那个专业检定。

偷袭(Sneak Attack):此能力类似于盗贼的同名能力,额外伤害在1级时为1d6,并且之后每3级增加1d6点。如果暮光之爪有来自其它原因的偷袭加值,其额外伤害加值也会累加其中。

强化刺青(Enhanced Tattoo)(Sp):随着暮光之爪的等级提升,她的暮光刺青专长获得了增强,允许其使用某些类法术能力。在2级和之后每2级暮光之爪获得该法术列表中的一个法术作为类法术能力施展:2级——易容术 (Disguise Self)或隐匿阵营 (Undetectable Alignment);4级——变身术 (Alter Self)或隐形术 (Invisibility);6级——花言巧语 (Glibness)或秘密文页 (Secret Page);8级——修改记忆 (Modify Memory)或静默之域 (Zone of Silence);10级——假象术 (Mislead)或伪装术 (Seeming)。这些类法术能力的施法者等级等于暮光之爪的角色等级,并且每个能力可以每天使用一次。这些类法术能力的豁免DC=10+1/2暮光之爪等级+她的魅力调整值。

应变特工(Resourceful Agent)(Ex):暮光之爪往往不能冒险携带传统武器,因为这样会和她所扮演的人物格格不入。相反,她成为了一个最大限度的将日常物品当作临时武器的发挥的大师。在2级时,暮光之爪将其临时武器的伤害增加一级(举例而言,1d4变成1d6)。在5级时,暮光之爪所使用的所有临时武器的基础重击威胁范围都是19-20,并且获得重击专攻(Critical Focus)作为奖励专长。在9级时,暮光之爪获得恍惚重击(Staggering Critical)作为奖励专长

观察入微(Eye for Detail)(Ex):暮光之爪所受训练的一部分是广泛研究格拉里昂主要国家的常见官僚文件,这使她可以准确的伪造文件。在3级时,当伪造一份任何政府相关的文件时,她会自动在伪造文件的语言学检定上获得+8加值(如同她之前见过类似的文件)。

应急储备(Dead Drop)(Ex):暮光之爪会为许多紧急情况进行准备,并且只要她提前在应急储备预付了资金,就可以利用她的地下网络为接应。在5级时,在任何小镇或者更大的定居点,通过花费一个小时散步资金,暮光之爪可以获得在野外使用应急储备的装备的能力,但是他的应急储备中储存的资金不能超过每暮光之爪等级100gp。

谦逊之人(Unassuming Presence)(Su):暮光之爪学会如何运用巧妙的物理手段,快速引导注意力远离自己。在6级时,暮光之爪可以以一个迅捷动作尝试一个对抗唬骗检定对抗30尺内的所有的敌对生物。如果她对每一个生物都成功了,暮光之爪可以立即尝试一个潜行检定,如同她未被注意。她在潜行检定上获得等同于暮光之爪等级的加值。她每天最多可以使用3次这个能力。
劇透 -   :
Of all the members of the Eagle Knights, Twilight Talons often pay the highest price for the freedom the Eagle Knights work so hard to achieve, sacrificing years of their lives to serve as spies in nations whose cultures make their stomachs turn, and never receiving credit for or acknowledgment of their accomplishments—or even their existence. Perhaps even more exhausting are the moral and ethical choices a Twilight Talon has to make on so many of her missions. Often, such choices end up being difficult decisions made between two evils, and in many cases, a Twilight Talon ends up having to deal with the consequences of such decisions for months or even years to come. Yet to make no decision at all in such a time is perhaps the greatest evil of all, for to the Twilight Talon, acting in the best of intentions is always a better option than remaining quiet and allowing evil and cruelty to continue unopposed. Being selected to serve as a Twilight Talon is an honor bestowed on only the select few who Marshal Helena Trellis, head of the Talons, believes trustworthy enough to carry out the commitment and of strong enough character to be able to make morally difficult decisions for the best of Andoran—all without public recognition. To a Twilight Talon, a job well done is one that no one outside of the Talons
ever knew occurred in the first place.

A candidate for the Twilight Talons rarely meets her commanding officer in person—it’s only after she’s been accepted into the fold that she begins to learn details about others in the group, and even then, only on a need-to-know basis. Twilight Talons train carefully in the arts of intrigue and spycraft, but they also endeavor to keep their combat skills up to snuff so that when the perfect opportunity arises, they are prepared to take swift and brutal advantage. When on a mission for the group, a Twilight Talon might tell friends and family that she’s leaving under some false pretense, but more often she just disappears for months or even years at a time. When a Twilight Talon works with a group of like-minded allies (as is the case when one works with an adventuring group), she may or may not reveal her true allegiance to her companions, but if she does, she must be prepared for the repercussions if those she trusts as allies do not keep her secret.

Hit Die d8.

To qualify to become a Twilight Talon, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Alignment: Any nonevil.
Feats: Catch Off-Guard, Twilight Tattoo?.
Skills: Bluff 5 ranks, Disguise 5 ranks, Knowledge (local) 2 ranks, Linguistics 2 ranks, Stealth 5 ranks.
Special: A senior Eagle Knight must invite the character into the organization.

Class Skills
A Twilight Talon’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), and Survival (Wis).
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the Twilight Talon prestige class.
Many Hats (Ex): A Twilight Talon is often required to take the role of a specific profession for the purpose of getting close to a target while remaining inconspicuous, becoming an everyday part of that target’s life until the time to strike arrives. As long as a Twilight Talon is within 60 feet of another character with ranks in Profession (architect, barrister, clerk, courtesan, driver, engineer, innkeeper, librarian, merchant, or scribe), the Twilight Talon can pick up cues and practices in performing that job, and can use her Sense Motive check in place of that particular Profession check.

Sneak Attack: This functions as the rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage dealt is 1d6 at 1st level, and it increases by 1d6 every 3 levels thereafter. If a Twilight Talon gets a sneak attack bonus from another source, the bonuses to damage stack.

Enhanced Tattoo (Sp): As a Twilight Talon gains levels, her Twilight Tattoo feat gains enhancements, allowing her to use certain spell-like abilities. At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the Twilight Talon gains access to one of the spells listed for that level as a spell-like ability: 2nd level—disguise self or undetectable alignment; 4th level—alter self or invisibility; 6th level—glibness or secret page; 8th level—modify memory or zone of silence; 10th level—mislead or seeming. These spell-like abilities function at a caster level equal to the Twilight Talon’s character level, and each ability can be used once per day. The save DC for these spell like abilities is 10 + half the Twilight Talon’s level + her Charisma modifier.

Resourceful Agent (Ex): A Twilight Talon often can’t risk carrying traditional weapons, as doing so would seem out of place for many of the covers that she employs. Instead, she becomes a master at maximizing the potential in everyday objects used as improvised weapons. At 2nd level, a Twilight Talon increases the amount of damage she deals with improvised weapons by one step (for example, 1d4 becomes 1d6). At 5th level, all improvised weapons used by a Twilight Talon have a base critical threat range of 19–20, and she gains Critical Focus as a bonus feat. At 9th level, a Twilight Talon gains Staggering Critical as a bonus feat.

Eye for Detail (Ex): Part of a Twilight Talon’s training is the extensive study of the most common bureaucratic documents in Golarion’s major nations, allowing her to accurately forge documents. At 3rd level, when forging a document associated with any government, she automatically receives a +8 bonus on Linguistics checks to create a forgery (as though she had seen a similar document before).

Dead Drop (Ex): A Twilight Talon prepares for many contingencies and can tap her underground network for supplies, provided she pays into her dead drop fund beforehand. At 5th level, by spending an hour spreading around coin in any small town or larger settlement, the Twilight Talon gains the ability to access dead drops of equipment in the field. A Twilight Talon can pay any amount into her dead drop fund when she does so, but can never have more than a total of 100 gp per class level in her dead drop fund.
    A dead drop functions as an emergency cache of gear that any Twilight Talon agent can access while in the field. Part of the process of paying into the fund includes arranging dead drop locations in areas that the Twilight Talon suspects she may visit in the future. At any point in a wilderness region, but no more often than once per day, the Twilight Talon can take 1d8 hours to seek out the closest dead drop, at which point she can purchase any item from the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook from the dead drop, deducting the price from the amount of gold she has paid into the fund at that date. At the GM’s discretion, gear from other sourcebooks may also be available in a dead drop. In particularly remote locations, a GM may rule that no dead drops can exist, but the GM should inform the Twilight Talon of this fact when expeditions to such areas are planned. Dead drops shift locations often, so each time a Twilight Talon seeks one out, she must spend the 1d8 hours to find it.
   At 8th level, it takes a Twilight Talon only 10 minutes to pay into her dead drop fund, it takes only 30 minutes to locate a dead drop in the wild, and her maximum dead drop fund increases to 2,500 gp. (This total does not increase when she gains additional levels.)

Unassuming Presence (Su): A Twilight Talon learns to quickly direct attention away from herself using subtle physical cues. At 6th level, a Twilight Talon can attempt an opposed Bluff check as a swift action against each enemy creature within 30 feet. If she succeeds against every target, the Twilight Talon can immediately attempt a Stealth check as though she had concealment; she gains a bonus equal to her Twilight Talon class level on this Stealth check. She can use this ability up to three times per day.

Twilight Talon
Level Base Atk Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1st +0 +0 +0 +1 Many hats, sneak attack +1d6
2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 Enhanced tattoo 1, resourceful agent
3rd +2 +1 +1 +2 Eye for detail
4th +3 +1 +1 +2 Enhanced tattoo 2, sneak attack +2d6
5th +3 +2 +2 +3 Dead drop (minor), resourceful agent (enhanced critical)
6th +4 +2 +2 +3 Enhanced tattoo 3, unassuming presence
7th +5 +2 +2 +4 Sneak attack +3d6
8th +6 +3 +3 +4 Enhanced tattoo 4, dead drop (major)
9th +6 +3 +3 +5 Resourceful agent (staggering critical)
10th +7 +3 +3 +5 Enhanced tattoo 5, sneak attack +4d6
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-06, 周三 22:27:35 由 丞相 »

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  • 银渡鸦
  • Chivary
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  • 帖子数: 1829
  • 苹果币: 7
  • 还算可以的玩家,以及不行的GM
塔玛多信嗣(Scion of Talmandor)& 毒爪(Toxic Talon)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-06-03, 周日 17:39:22 »
塔玛多信嗣(Scion of Talmandor)(圣武士变体)

传承者信念(Scion’s Faith,Ex):塔玛多信嗣必须信仰一名秩序善良阵营的神祗,他获得飞行(Fly)作为本职技能替代骑术(Ride)。此能力调整了圣武士的本职技能。

平等主义(Egalitarian,Su):在2级时,每日一次以迅捷动作,塔玛多信嗣可以将神恩提供的豁免加值上的加值减半(至少为+1),然后把减少后加值提供给他及其周围30尺内的盟友。这些加值会持续等同于塔玛多信嗣魅力调整值的轮数,之后他的神恩会在恢复正常被压制1小时。此能力调整了神恩(Divine Grace)。

雄鹰契约(Bonded Eagle,Sp):在5级时,塔玛多信嗣与一只雄鹰(使用鸟类动物伙伴数据)缔结神契。这只雄鹰将是塔玛多信嗣在冒险旅途中的忠诚伙伴。当信嗣发起一次制裁邪恶,他可以额外消耗一次制裁邪恶的使用次数,令他的雄鹰也获得制裁邪恶的加值。此能力类似德鲁伊的动物伙伴能力,使用塔玛多信嗣的圣武士等级作为他的有效德鲁伊等级。此能力替代神契(Divine Bond)。

达成共识(Consensus,Ex):在8级时,每日两次,在战斗的第一个非突袭轮,塔玛多信嗣可以以迅捷动作发起一次投票,他可以让至多3+魅力调整值名盟友参与投票,这些盟友必须距离他30尺以内。按先攻顺序,这些盟友依次在自由(Freedom)、公正(Justice)或责任(Responsibility)之间选择。所有参与投票的盟友将在攻击检定(如果公正获胜)、豁免检定(如果自由获胜)或是AC(如果责任获胜)上获得+2神圣加值,直到战斗结束。塔玛多信嗣最后投票,若所有选项均票,则以塔玛多信嗣的投票为准。此能力替代虔诚灵光(Aura of Resolve)。

塔玛多赐福(Talmandor’s Gift,Sp):在11级时,塔玛多信嗣可以召唤一只鹏羽天使(Pathfnder RPG Bestiary 2 16),如同施放了召唤怪物VII(以塔玛多信嗣的圣武士等级作为施法者等级)。此能力替代审判灵光(Aura of Justice)。

       安多安的天界守护神是一个强大而独特的鹏羽天使,是其同类中最令人敬畏的一个。然而尽管塔玛多几乎如同较弱的微弱神力(minor demigod)一样强大,但是他并不寻求凡人的崇拜。虽然他同样有兴趣影响凡人并帮助他们获得启蒙,但他更喜欢让他们做出自己的选择。如果他们真的需要信仰,他们其信仰和虔诚应该奉献给一名真神,例如像伊丽曼察(Ylimancha)这样的至高天神使,或者一名完全的神祇例如艾奥美黛(Iomedae)、莎伦莱(Sarenrae)或者莎琳(Shelyn)。他不授予领域也没有偏好武器,那些向他寻求信仰的人不会获得特别的帮助。塔玛多信嗣知道这一点,并尽可能协助将这些知识传播给群众,但是他们同时也寻求模仿塔玛多的教导,认为自己和其他异界存在的信徒不一样,不仅仅是它们的传声筒。
劇透 -   :
     While all Steel Falcons are peerless proponents of the rights of the downtrodden, those who endeavor to make the spread of liberty as peaceful as possible often become scions of Talmandor, honoring the powerful avoral agathion who serves as the patron of the Steel Falcons. Talmandor is reluctant to act directly on behalf of the Eagle Knights and even more unwilling to accept their worship, preferring to lend assistance primarily by being a voice of reason and dispensing wise counsel when it is most needed. A scion of Talmandor attempts to exemplify this selfless altruism, offering assistance to the oppressed and facilitating the peaceful transfer of power from the few to the many.
     Scions of Talmandor look to the brutality of the revolution in Galt, Andoran’s neighbor, as a cautionary tale and an unfortunate blemish on populism’s short history. They also reject the Nirmathi notion of freedom, thinking it too individualistic; instead, they strive to build strong communities both at home and abroad. Wherever possible, a scion of Talmandor opts for peaceful, grassroots solutions to problems facing the many oppressed peoples of the Inner Sea region, encouraging them to take a central role in bettering their lot in life.
Scion’s Faith (Ex) A scion of Talmandor must worship a lawful good deity, and she gains Fly as a class skill instead of Ride. This alters class skills.
Egalitarian (Su) At 2nd level, once per day as a swift action, a scion of Talmandor can halve her bonus on saving throws from divine grace (minimum +1) to grant the resulting bonus to herself and to all allies within 30 feet. This shared bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the scion’s Charisma modifier, after which her divine grace is suppressed for 1 hour before returning to normal. This ability alters divine grace.
Bonded Eagle (Sp) At 5th level, a scion of Talmandor forms a bond with an eagle using the statistics for a bird animal companion. The eagle is a loyal companion that accompanies the scion on her adventures. When the scion activates smite evil, she can expend an additional use of smite evil to grant her eagle the bonuses granted from smite evil as well. This ability functions like the druid animal companion ability, using the scion’s paladin level as her effective druid level. This ability replaces divine bond.
Consensus (Ex) At 8th level, twice per day as a swift action during the first full round of combat, a scion of Talmandor can take a vote from a number of allies equal to or less than 3 + the scion’s Charisma modifier, all of whom must be within 30 feet of the scion of Talmandor. In initiative order, each ally can vote for Freedom, Justice, or Responsibility. Allies who vote receive a +2 sacred bonus either on attack rolls (if Justice wins), on saving throws (if Freedom wins), or to Armor Class (if Responsibility wins) until the end of combat. The scion of Talmandor votes last, and in the case of a tie, her vote breaks the tie. This ability replaces aura of resolve.
Talmandor’s Gift (Sp) At 11th level, a scion of Talmandor can summon an avoral agathion (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 16) as if via summon monster VII (caster level equals the scion’s character level). This ability replaces aura of justice.

The celestial patron of Andoran is a powerful and unique avoral agathion, one of the most formidable of his kind. Yet while Talmandor is nearly as potent as a minor demigod, he does not seek the worship of mortals. While he certainly has an interest in influencing mortals and helping them achieve enlightenment, he prefers that they make their own choices. If they must worship, that faith and devotion is better given to a true god, be it a powerful empyreal lord like Ylimancha or a full deity like Iomedae, Sarenrae, or Shelyn. He does not grant domains or have a favored weapon, and those who seek to worship him do not gain special favor. The scions of Talmandor understand this and help to spread this knowledge to the masses as best they can, but they also seek to emulate Talmandor’s teachings at the same time, viewing themselves not so much as worshipers of the outsider as mere messengers.

毒爪(Toxic Talon)(盗贼变体)

毒蛇吐信(Forceful Breath,Ex):毒爪擅长吹箭(blowguns)而不擅长手弩,他可以在俯卧(prone)状态使用吹箭而不受减值。此能力调整了盗贼的武器擅长。

毒剂专家(Poison Adept,Ex):爪学会了如何安全的用毒素给武器淬毒而不伤及自身。他可以以移动动作给弹药涂毒。此能力在决定符合专长、进阶职业以及其他职业选项的前置条件时被视为用毒(Poison Use)。此能力替代寻找陷阱(Trapfinding)。

毒素抗力(Toxin Resistance,Ex):毒爪持续地暴露在各式毒药之下,使他获得了对它们的抗力。3级时,毒爪在对抗疾病和毒药的检定上获得+1加值,同时在治愈疾病和毒药的医疗检定上获得+1加值。他在处理或移除毒药和疾病的的施法者等级检定(包括使用魔法道具)上获得+1加值,例如使用移除疾病或中和毒素。最后,他在发现具有疾病或毒素陷阱的察觉检定上获得+1加值。这些加值在6级时增加至+2,在9级时增加至+3,在12级时增加至+4,在15级时增加至+5,在18级时增加至+6。此能力替代陷阱感知(Trap Sense)。

催化技(Catalyst,Su):在4级时,毒爪学会了使用秘密的化学技巧来增强他涂在武器上的毒药,这些毒药的豁免DC 增加1点(此加值在12级时,增加至+2)。此项豁免DC上的加值持续1分钟或毒药被消耗,以先发生者为准。毒爪每小时可使用此能力一次。此能力替代直觉闪避(Uncanny Dodge)。

分裂毒素(Split Toxin,Su): 8级时,当毒爪使用催化技(Catalyst)强化他使用的毒药时,他可以用相同的剂量同时为两把远程武器或两发弹药涂毒。此能力替代精通直觉闪避(Improved Uncanny Dodge)。
劇透 -   :
Twilight Talons might pursue many tasks, from relatively passive information gathering to staging massive coups meant to depose tyrants. A toxic talon, however, is trained and deployed for one very specific purpose: to defeat foes with unusual and potent poisons. After adopting a profession to serve as a cover for his activities, a toxic talon spends resources and time combining easy-to-obtain materials into dangerous toxins to aid in the defense of Andoran. A toxic talon can use rare, complex, slow-release poisons to make a death look like it happened naturally, but sometimes the toxic talon will use specific poisons to cast suspicion on other organizations, stirring internal conflict that other Twilight Talons can use to their advantage.
     The use of poisons in the defense of a good nation is controversial, and other branches of the Eagle Knights generally disavow the existence of toxic talons among their organization. Many influential leaders among the Eagle Knights, particularly in the Steel Falcons, have pushed to have the practices of the toxic talons banned from use, but these efforts have only pushed the toxic talons into further obscurity. Their role is particularly protected by the Twilight Talons, who sometimes go as far as to outright lie to others in the Eagle Knights about the operations of a toxic talon. At other times, a toxic talon may choose to martyr his freedom by publicly accepting blame for a mission that has had unfortunate public repercussions. In such a case, the toxic talon is not abandoned by his kin—instead, he is placed on a fair and public trial whose purpose is as much to appease the masses as it is to determine whether any moral lines were crossed. In cases where such a toxic talon is found guilty, he is generally sentenced to hard labor or prison (in which case he often continues to run missions inside of prisons or other fortifications for the Eagle Knights as best suits his talents) or to exile (in which case his role in serving Andoran shifts to one of clandestine missions in other nations). A toxic talon who martyrs his freedom in this way and is then captured again understands that it’s unlikely he’ll be afforded the same level of support from the Eagle Knights, and that the organization may well disavow any official knowledge of his actions. To a toxic talon, this is all merely a deeper, more significant level of service to the well-being of the nation of Andoran. By serving as a sort of sin-eater for the rest of the Twilight Talons (and at times, for the other branches of the Eagle Knights), such selfless characters can ensure that the organization survives scandal and public outcry to carry on their good work. In such cases, while public recognition for their deeds may never manifest, their brothers and sisters never forget the toxic talon’s sacrifice.

Forceful Breath (Ex): A toxic talon is proficient with blowguns instead of hand crossbows. He can use a blowgun without penalty while prone. This alters the rogue’s weapon proficiencies.
Poison Adept (Ex): A toxic talon is trained in the use of poison and cannot accidentally poison himself when applying poison to a projectile weapon. He can apply poison to a projectile as a move action. This counts as the poison use ability for the purposes of qualifying for feats, prestige classes, and other options. This ability replaces trapfinding.
Toxin Resistance (Ex): A toxic talon’s constant exposure to varied poisons grants him increasing resistance to them. At 3rd level, a toxic talon gains a +1 bonus on saving throws against diseases and poisons, and he gains a +1 bonus on Heal checks to treat diseases and poisons. He also gains a +1 bonus on caster level checks (including when he activates a magic item) to treat or remove poisons and diseases, such as when using remove disease or neutralize poison. Finally, he gains a +1 bonus on Perception checks to identify traps that utilize diseases or poisons. These bonuses increase to +2 at
6th level, to +3 at 9th level, to +4 at 12th level, to +5 at 15th level, and to +6 at 18th level. This replaces trap sense.
Catalyst (Su): At 4th level, a toxic talon can use secret alchemical techniques to enhance a poison as he applies it to a weapon, increasing the save DC of the poison by 1 (this bonus increases to +2 at 12th level). This increase to the save DC lasts for 1 minute or until the poison is used up, whichever comes first. A toxic talon can use catalyst once per?hour. This ability replaces uncanny dodge.
Split Toxin (Su): At 8th level, when a toxic talon uses catalyst to enhance poison as he applies it, he can envenom two ranged weapons or units of ammunition
simultaneously with the same dose. This ability replaces the rogue’s improved uncanny dodge.
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-24, 周日 12:53:12 由 丞相 »

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与雄鹰骑士结盟(Affiliation with the Eagle Knights)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2018-06-03, 周日 17:40:09 »
与雄鹰骑士结盟(Affiliation with the Eagle Knights)

   黄金军团:在一次与入侵者无论是敌国入侵者还是狂暴的怪物的遭遇中, 必须保护与你职业等级一样数量的安多安公民。这次保护行动必须在公共场所提供,并且最后你必须宣称向雄鹰骑士效忠。


鹰之决意 Eagle's Resolver

船上专家 Expert Boarder

钢隼之鸣 Falcon's cry

军团激励 Legionnaire's inspiration

暮光纹身 Twilight Tattoo

魔法物品(Magic Items)

雄鹰骑士典礼制服(Eagle Knight Dress Uniform)
位置:护甲 价格:18175gp
施法者等级:6级 重量:20磅
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具,脱困指令(Liberating Command),法师护甲(Mage Armor)

金鹰肩章(Discretion Charm)
      这些装饰性的金色穗辫允许佩戴者施放祝福术(Bless)和圣域术 (Sanctuary),各每天一次。佩戴者还会在交涉检定和另一个技能检定上+2表现加值,取决于肩章对应的雄鹰骑士的分支(钢隼为察觉,黄金军团为骑术,灰海盗为游泳,暮光之爪为潜行)。
制造要求:制造奇物,祝福术(Bless),神导术 (Guidance),圣域术 (Sanctuary)

鹰击剑(Talonstrike Sword)
位置:无;价格:33,835 GP
这把+2秘银护体重剑深受鹰骑士的喜爱。锯齿形的剑刃和形如雄鹰展翅的黄金锷叉让这把剑很容易辨认,它的防御能力同样也会保护持用者的坐骑。每天一次,当持有者持用鹰击剑确认重击时,他可以用自由动作对目标施展次元锚 (dimensional anchor)。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具,次元锚 (dimensional anchor),护盾术(shield)或虔诚护盾(shield of faith),
制造成本:18,435 GP


侦测魅惑(detect charm)
除了注意到这些效果的目标外,你还可以识别出在该区域的生物什么时候在利用这些效果来影响他人,这需要通过一个标准动作来进行一次察言观色检定(DC 20 +施法者等级)。如果你成功,你可以做一个法术辨识检定来确定他是在使用什么魔法(即使目标不在区域内)。

召唤雄鹰(Summon Flight of Eagles)
环位:血脉狂怒者 4,德鲁伊 6,游侠 4,萨满 6,术士/法师 6, 召唤师 6, 女巫 6,
施法时间: 1轮
成分: 语言,姿势,材料(一片价值100gp的金羽)

压制魅惑与胁迫(Suppress Charms and Compulsions)

劇透 -   :
The Eagle Knights are a wide-reaching faction with subgroups specializing in different fields, yet they all work together for the betterment of Andoran.

     Example Affiliation Encounter: Before earning affiliation with a faction of the Eagle Knights, a prospective ally must first demonstrate his loyalty and patriotism to Andoran. The prospective affiliate must then perform one of the following tasks, depending on the faction he wishes to affiliate with.
     Golden Legion: Protect a number of Andoren citizens equal to your class level in a single encounter against an aggressor, be it enemy invaders or a rampaging monster. The protection must be provided in a public venue, and you must proclaim your allegiance to the Eagle Knights at the end.
     Gray Corsairs: Deliver a number of freed slaves equal to your class level to a Gray Corsair ship or safe house.
     Steel Falcons: Provide shelter in hostile territory for a Steel Falcon agent or group for a number of days equal to your level.
     Twilight Talons: Escort a Twilight Talon operative whose mission has been compromised out of enemy lands, perhaps including a successful jailbreak or other escape scenario.

The Eagle Knights make use of the following feats. Note that most of the feats listed below require affiliation with one of the specific factions within the Eagle Knights.

Eagle's Resolver
You are resolute in your opposition to slavery and oppression, and the very thought of mental control disgusts you.
Prerequisite: Iron Will.
Benefit: You receive a +1 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects. When you succeed at such a saving throw, you gain a +2 morale bonus on all attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against the source of that effect for a number of rounds equal to the spell’s level, or if the effect is not a spell, for a number of rounds equal to one-third the Hit Dice of the creature that created the effect.

Expert Boarder
You are as comfortable dangling from a ship’s rigging as you are on stable land.
Prerequisite: Affiliated with the Gray Corsairs.
Benefit: Acrobatics and Climb are class skills for you. You gain a +2 bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks to climb or swing on a rope or ship’s rigging. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity from climbing or swinging on a rope or ship’s rigging.

Falcon's cry
You inspire others to throw off the shackles of oppression.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, affiliated with the Steel Falcons.
Benefit: You inspire a zeal for freedom in your allies. As a standard action, you can grant everyone within 60 feet who is able to see and hear you the ability to roll twice when attempting an Escape Artist check, a Will save against compulsions, or a Strength check to break chains, manacles, or similar bonds. Such checks must be attempted before the beginning of your next turn. You can do this once per day, plus one additional time for every 3 character levels that you?have.

Legionnaire's inspiration
You inspire your comrades to stand against impossible odds.
Prerequisite: Affiliated with the Golden Legion.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can select one creature you can see. All allies within 30 feet who are able to see and hear you gain a +1 morale bonus to their Armor Class against that creature for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum 1 round). You can do this once per day, plus one additional time for every 3 character levels you have.

Twilight Tattoo
You have a special tattoo that identifies you as a Twilight Talon when you speak a designated command word.
Prerequisites: Wis 13, affiliated with the Twilight Talons.
Benefit: You gain an invisible magical tattoo that identifies you as a member of the Twilight Talons. When you speak the command word, the tattoo becomes visible for 1 round before fading again. The tattoo has no magical aura when not visible and is not an illusion; it can’t be observed through magical means. (The command word causes the tattoo to manifest rather than ending the magic concealing it.) Additionally, you gain a +2 bonus on Disguise checks, on Sleight of Hand checks to hide small objects on your person, and on Will saving throws against attempts to scry upon you or read your mind.

The following items are associated with the Eagle Knights.

Eagle Knight Dress Uniform
PRICE18,175 GP
SLOT armor CL 6th WEIGHT 20 lbs.
AURA moderate enchantment
This set of fine +2 parade armorUE matches the dress uniform of Andoran’s Eagle Knights. If the wearer is ever grappled or restrained, she can attempt an Escape Artist check to get free as an immediate action. The wearer gains a +2 competence bonus on this check. Once per day as a standardaction, the wearer of an Eagle Knight dress uniform can call forth shimmering plates of golden light to reinforce the armor. This effect increases the armor’s enhancement bonus to AC from +2 to +5 for the next 10 minutes.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, liberating commandUC, mage armor

Golden Eagle Epaulets
PRICE 4,500 GP
SLOT shoulder CL 5th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint abjuration
These decorative golden braids allow the wearer to cast bless and sanctuary each once per day. They also grant a +2 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks and checks for one other skill, depending on what branch of the Eagle Knights the epaulets are attuned to (Perception for the Steel Falcons, Ride for the Golden Legion, Swim for the Gray Corsairs, or Stealth for the Twilight Talons).
Craft Wondrous Item, bless, guidance, sanctuary

PRICE 33,835 GP
SLOT none CL 8th WEIGHT 3 lbs.
AURA moderate abjuration
These mithral +2 defending bastard swords are favored blades of the Eagle Knights. Easily recognized by its eagle’s-head pommel and golden quillons crafted like upswept eagle wings, a talonstrike sword’s defending special ability also protects the wielder’s mount. Once per day when the wielder confirms a critical hit with a talonstrike sword, the wielder can cast dimensional anchor on the target as a free action.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dimensional anchor, shield or shield of faith

Affiliates of the Eagle Knights often make use of these spells.

School divination; Level bard 1, cleric 1, inquisitor 1, medium 1, mesmerist 1, occultist 1, paladin 1, psychic 1, shaman 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, spiritualist 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range 60 ft.
Area cone-shaped emanation
Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
This spell functions as per detect magic, except that it detects only charm, compulsion, and possession effects. You immediately detect the strength and location of each such aura on all creatures in the area. You can attempt to identify the properties of each aura (see Spellcraft on page 106 the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook). In addition to noticing the targets of these effects, you can recognize when creatures in the area are using these effects on others by attempting a Sense Motive check as a standard action (DC = 20 + caster level). If you succeed, you can attempt a Spellcraft check to identify what magic it is using (even if the target is not in the area).

School conjuration (summoning);
Level bloodrager 4, druid 6, ranger 4, shaman 6, sorcerer/wizard 6, summoner 6, witch 6
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S, F (a gold feather worth 100 gp)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect 1d4+1 summoned creatures
Duration 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You summon 1d4+1 giant eagles to serve as you designate. The summoned birds can fight if you wish, but can also serve as mounts.

School abjuration;
Level bard 2, cleric 2, mesmerist 2, paladin 2, psychic 2, shaman 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature plus one additional creature per 4 levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration 10 minutes or concentration (up to 1 round/level); see text
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
You bolster the subject’s sense of willpower and self-worth when you cast this spell. As you cast it, you must decide if you want to grant a bonus to saving throws against charms and compulsions or suppress charms and compulsions.If you grant a bonus to saving throws, you grant all affected creatures a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects for 10 minutes.If instead you suppress charms and compulsions, the spell’s duration drops to concentration, to a maximum duration of 1 round per level. As long as you continue to concentrate, the spell suppresses all existing charm and compulsion effects affecting the targets, regardless of whether the effect is beneficial or harmful. New charm or compulsion effects that successfully target such a protected creature are automatically suppressed as long as you continue concentrating. If you cease concentrating, the spell effect immediately ends, and remaining charm or compulsion effects resume for the rest of their remaining durations as normal.
« 上次编辑: 2019-07-23, 周二 14:14:59 由 丞相 »

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« 回帖 #7 于: 2018-06-03, 周日 17:40:46 »


« 上次编辑: 2018-06-05, 周二 22:57:29 由 丞相 »

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Re: 【AG】雄鹰骑士(Eagle Knights)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2018-06-03, 周日 18:06:56 »
这群安多安雄鹰竟然都是L的?!我一直以为他们都是群自由飞翔的CG啊! :em017


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Re: 【AG】雄鹰骑士(Eagle Knights)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2018-06-03, 周日 22:27:38 »
居然连个NG都没有, 全是L :em017

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due