作者 主题: 【RF】遁入黑夜(二) 漫步暗影 P131~133  (阅读 5873 次)

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【RF】遁入黑夜(二) 漫步暗影 P131~133
« 于: 2018-10-09, 周二 15:41:12 »



劇透 -   :
“What’s it like?” Of all the questions I get about being a ghoul, that’s the one that comes up most. At least of the ones I care to repeat. I usually don’t answer, because it would sound like so much pathetic whining, and most of the people who asked would subsequently try to shoot my Infected ass.

劇透 -   :
So I’m glad that Red answered the “What’s it like to be a vampire?” question. I think over the years I’ve given you the gist of what’s it like to be a ghoul, and since I don’t feel like getting shot, I’ll skip answering it again. Instead, I’m going to answer the second most common question I get: “How’d this happen to you?” Which is both a simpler and more complex question.


那时我还是只有十七岁的孩子,一副毫无经验的模样,那时,父母心中的我比真正的我要天真很多——虽然和现在的我比起来,即便是真正的我也依然天真。我从家里出发,走了很长一段路,跨越了 CAS大部分的路,到德克萨斯阿马里洛城外的食尸鬼殖民地,与我的教会进行一次传教旅行。在那个小小的冒险中,我度过了整整三天,我曾帮助过一个医生,还有一个食尸鬼,一个大约八、九岁的小女孩,她把我抓伤了。这是个意外:直到今天,我仍不认为她是故意的,但这并不重要。她抓伤了我,病毒进入了我的血液,这就是她写在我身上的全部内容。
劇透 -   :
I was a seventeen-year-old kid, reasonably fresh-faced, a good deal less innocent than my parents believed but a great deal more than I can claim now. I’d traveled a long way from home, most of the way across the CAS to the ghoul colony outside of Amarillo, Texas on a missionary trip with my church. Three days into that little adventure, I was assisting one of the doctors, and one of the ghouls, a little girl about eight or nine years old, scratched me. It was an accident; to this day, I still don’t think she did it on purpose, but it didn’t matter. She scratched me, the virus got into my bloodstream, and that was all she wrote.

劇透 -   :
I was Infected.

> 我算是看出来了这是在抱怨。我现在可以朝你屁股开枪了吗?
> 凯恩(Kane)
劇透 -   :
> I can see this veering into whining territory. Do I get to shoot you in the ass now?
> Kane

> 你是已婚男士了!我不认为凯特会赞成。
> /dev/grrl
劇透 -   :
> And you a married man! I don’t think Kat would approve.
> /dev/grrl

> 只要我愿意,我可以开枪射任何人。还有,你没有家庭作业吗,小兔崽子?课外练习呢?没了吗?我肯定不会让你周末休假的,不是吗。
> 凯恩
劇透 -   :
> I can shoot anybody I want, as long as that’s all I do. And don’t you have homework, Lil Britches? A field assignment? Something? Surely I didn’t give you the weekend off.
> Kane

劇透 -   :
I remember way more of the next couple of weeks than I’d like. There was pain, and fever, and pain, and chills, and pain. The worst part was my hands, believe it or not; that pain was the most excruciating, and I still imagine I feel it as they transformed. Going blind wasn’t that bad, all told; becoming dual-natured kind of made up for it, in a weird way. I mean, that’s a pain in the ass all its own, don’t get me wrong, but a lot of the time, seeing things on the astral plane is really pretty.

劇透 -   :
I’d worked with the Infected before, and I knew what was coming. The physical trauma was nothing compared to what I knew I was going to have to do. I’d been home for a couple of days; the hunger hadn’t really set in yet, but I knew it was on its way. Mom had retreated to her room for the night, all but catatonic at what I’d become, and Dad was out on a business trip. I went into his office, found the revolver he didn’t think I knew about, and put it under my chin.

劇透 -   :
I tried to pull the trigger for a couple of minutes that felt like a year. Then my kid sister, all of twelve years old, walked in. She didn’t seem shocked, just … disappointed. She’d figured something was up, and she must have guessed what I had in mind. She took the gun out of my hand and put it back in the drawer. “You don’t want that,” she said, “and neither does anyone else. Not even Mom.”

劇透 -   :
“She wouldn’t miss me,” I said. “I’m not her little girl anymore, I’m a monster. She barely talks to me since I got sick.”

劇透 -   :
She shrugged. “You know how hard it is for her to adjust,” she said. “She’ll get over it.” She closed the drawer. “Or she’ll realize that not only are you a better decker than Daddy, but you’re also a ghoul, and she’ll turn into a real fucking bitch. Either way, she’ll stop moping about things.”

劇透 -   :
“Language!” I spat out, mostly out of habit.

劇透 -   :
She chuckled. “I’m not saying anything you haven’t.”

劇透 -   :
It was true, but I was still at least pretending to be a good little Baptist girl then. I’d always had a potty-mouth, but I tried to keep my sister a little classier. Didn’t work out in the end, I’m afraid, but back then I tried. “I can’t be around her when I start getting really hungry,” I told her. “I’ve already had to sneak out once. It’s only going to get worse.”

劇透 -   :
“I know.” She sat there for a few minutes, then said, almost in awe, “You could be a shadowrunner! You really are at least as good as Daddy … and it might be easier to get food that way.”

劇透 -   :
She was twelve, closing on thirteen; all she knew about shadowrunners, she learned on the trid. It sounded romantic to her, I’m sure, and as far as she knew it beat a small-caliber round to the brain-stem (I think the jury’s still out on that one). But she was also right. In the shadows, I wouldn’t have to expose my parents to the sight of their little girl eating another person. In the shadows, my being a ghoul would be a secondary consideration.

劇透 -   :
I was naïve then. I was just seventeen and grew up sheltered; I came by my naïveté honestly.

劇透 -   :
I got up then, and made my way to the door. She followed along, and we went to my bedroom. She hugged me and then she helped me pack. I didn’t take much; some clothes, the old Allegiance Epsilon deck my father had given me, a couple of certified credsticks I had stashed. And I ran away, and I never went back.

劇透 -   :
I led a questionable existence, keeping up with my family from Seattle, most of the continent away, for the next couple of years. I didn’t really become a monster until my sister died, but that’s a whole other story for a whole other time.

> 你知道吗,我在《街头传奇》的编辑中做了很多关于你的研究,但我没有找到这么远的东西。你是怎么把这一切埋葬的?
> 阳光(Sunshine)
劇透 -   :
> You know, I did an awful lot of research on you when I did that bit in the Street Legends compilation, and I didn’t find anything this far back. How did you manage to bury all this?
> Sunshine

> 啊,勇敢的记者空手而归。真遗憾。有趣的是,就是这么回事,不是吗?我比你笔下的我要好得多。
> 汉尼贝拉(Hannibelle )
劇透 -   :
> Aw, the intrepid journalist comes back empty-handed. What a pity. Funny how that works, though, ain’t it? I’m really a lot better than you give me credit for.
> Hannibelle

> 这……有点吓人。我已经把你描绘得够好了。
> 阳光
劇透 -   :
> That’s … kinda scary. I give you a lot of credit.
> Sunshine
« 上次编辑: 2018-12-18, 周二 11:13:55 由 失语 »

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Re: 【SG】遁入黑夜(二) 漫步暗影 P131~133
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-10-09, 周二 15:43:34 »

真相日复一日明朗,感染者随之走向黑暗。他们在2073年开始走下坡路,然后在2074年确实拿到了头条。由于“餐点猎人”,“162人帮”还有“恐惧黑暗”的所作所为,我们真的没有所谓的良好公众形象(校注:前者是个感染者连环杀手,后面两个都是极其反对泛人类的感染者帮派)。自2074年1月达拉斯的公馆大屠杀以来,奖金在不断攀升,而在当年底马丁·德弗里斯(Martin de Vries)也被指认是感染者之后,奖金尤其是在德克萨斯州更是飙升不停。
劇透 -   :
The day-to-day truths of being Infected have gotten a lot darker. They started going downhill back in 2073, and then they really took a header in 2074. Between the Mealtime Killer and the 162s and Fear the Dark, we really didn’t have what you’d call a good public image. Bounties have been on the rise since the massacre at the Mansion in Dallas in January 2074, and after Martin de Vries came out at the end of that year, they spiked, especially in Texas.

> 要来点讽刺吗?在“公馆”和“德弗里斯”曝光后,CAS的赏金疯长了近三倍……而他的小说销量也上涨了三倍。在休斯顿的事故发生后,他们在几个星期内遭遇滑铁卢,但在2075年初,他们又开始往上爬,而且一点也没放慢速度的意思。比起2074年《吾敌之敌》刚出版的时候,现在人们更愿意购买这本书(校注:德弗里斯还是个作家)。
> 雷德
劇透 -   :
> Want a touch of irony? The bounties in the CAS went up nearly triple after the Mansion and de Vries getting outed … and so have his novel sales. They went belly-up for a couple of weeks after the incident in Houston, but in early 2075, they began climbing again and they haven’t slowed down. People want The Enemy of My Enemy more now than they did when it was first announced back in 2074.
> Red

> MTK联合工作组在公馆事件发生后的第二天得到了匿名消息。那个在餐厅里杀死所有人的吸血鬼名叫乔治亚·弥尔顿(Georgia Milton),是一个来自加州的女商人。她死在克利本的一个仓库里,他们终于在那里干掉了她,而仓库也在这个过程中被夷为平地。鲍登中尉和她的团队在追踪MTK的模仿者方面取得了很多成功,但“把他们活着带回来”并不是他们的座右铭。(校注:MTK,即“餐点猎人”的缩写,MTK联合工作组即是为这位臭名昭著的连环杀人犯专门组建的反感染者特殊工作小组)
> 机师X(RiggerX)
劇透 -   :
> The Joint MTK Task Force got an anonymous tip the day after the Mansion incident. The vampire who killed everyone in that restaurant was named Georgia Milton, a businesswoman out of CalFree. She died in a warehouse in Cleburne, where they’d run her to ground. Place burned to the ground in the process. Lieutenant Bowden and her team have had a lot of success tracking down MTK copycats, but “Bring ‘em back alive” has not been their motto.
> Rigger X

劇透 -   :
Of course, Newton’s laws prevail in social arenas, too. With the rise of Fear the Dark, the Ghoul Liberation League has really stepped up their efforts. They’re still being drowned out by the terrorists, but they are trying to keep a candle lit in the name of Infected rights. There are sympathizers out there, too, more than you might think, but there are also still bigots and hate and fear. Sympathy alone doesn’t make much of an inroad with the hate. I don’t know. Maybe this is just how it’s going to be from now on.

> 有一小群同情者正试图通过自己感染病毒来表达他们的支持,用他们的话来说,这是“共同奋斗”。他们真要是故意这样做,那可真是吓坏我了。
> /dev/grrl
劇透 -   :
> There’s a small group of sympathizers out there who are actually trying to show their support by becoming Infected themselves. “Sharing the struggle,” as they put it. Scares the bejeezus out of me, to think about doing that on purpose.
> /dev/grrl

> 这太疯狂了。
> 曲棍(Sticks)
劇透 -   :
> That’s nuts.
> Sticks

> 这对我们没有任何帮助。我们不需要争夺资源的竞争者,也不需要一个无法驾驭野性的人。
> 汉尼贝拉(Hannibelle)
劇透 -   :
> And it doesn’t help any of us. We don’t need competition for resources, or someone who can’t hack it going feral.
> Hannibelle

劇透 -   :
Regardless, though, I wish the GLL luck with their efforts, because even if we didn’t have terrorists and bad actors in our midst making trouble, we still have the virus, and it’s a real bastard sometimes. Remember all the crap I told you about back in Storm Front? All that still applies, but now things are getting worse. Or at least weirder.

让我们从离家近的地方开始。三个月前,在斯诺霍米什发生了一系列绑架事件。大部分都是街头人,那些即便是消失了也没人关心的家伙。除了其中一个,一个家中有些资源的女人,她的家人雇了我的一些朋友来追踪她。原来,是可怜可悲的格伦戴尔们(译注:8 世纪英国史诗《贝尔武甫》中记述的一只半人半怪兽)——我们这个小小的基因俱乐部里无害而温顺的成员——该死的根本就没那么温顺。他们中的一小群人已经厌倦了捕捉流浪者为食物,转而开始更具侵略性地捕猎泛人。德克西和她的团队差点就没能活着走出那个地方。
劇透 -   :
Let’s start close to home. Three months ago, a string of abductions began in Snohomish. Street people, mostly, folks who mostly wouldn’t be missed. Except for one of them, a woman whose family had some resources, and her family hired some friends of mine to track her down. Turns out that poor, pitiful grendels, the harmless and docile members of our little genetic club, aren’t so damn docile after all. A small pack of them had grown tired of picking off stragglers and began hunting metahuman prey more aggressively. Dexy and his team barely got out of there with their skins.

劇透 -   :
Further afield, there was a loup-garou running amok in the streets of London around New Year’s. As you might expect, this did not go over well with the local populace. Reports on this particular loup-garou indicated that it was faster and more vicious than most. They finally took it down after considerable effort by a number of law-enforcement units. I almost wrote off the reports of this one’s ferocity, but as I was looking into various loup-garou sightings and attacks over the last two or three years, I’ve seen a notable trend. They’re getting meaner, and that’s saying a lot.

> 我认识的一个小队最近在巴黎地下墓穴中发现了一群格伦戴尔人。他们不仅和我们打了一场恶仗,还有一些婴儿和小孩。它们要么是大规模感染了几个家庭,要么就是在繁殖。
> 曲棍(Sticks)
劇透 -   :
> A team I know recently wound up in the Paris catacombs and stumbled upon a colony of grendels. Not only did they put up a hell of a fight, they had infants and small children. Either they’d Infected a couple of families wholesale, or they were breeding.
> Sticks

> 我们知道“班德斯奈基人”(bandersnatches,译注:一种虚构生物,首次出现在刘易斯·卡罗尔的1872年小说《爱丽丝镜中奇遇》和他的1874年的诗《猎鲨记》)在繁殖,并有确认的“弗摩尔”(fomóraig,译注:爱尔兰神话中的一种超自然生物)交配的目击,虽然那里没有任何确认的后代。多年来,关于狼人和他们的幼崽的谣言层出不穷。谁能说II型病毒株的受害者是否像我们所相信的那样不孕呢?可能需要研究一下这个课题。
> 笑面大盗(The Smiling Bandit)
劇透 -   :
> We know bandersnatches breed, and there are confirmed sightings of fomóraig mating, though there haven’t been any confirmed offspring there. Rumors have abounded for years of loup-garou and their pups. Who’s to say whether or not Strain II victims are as sterile as we’ve been led to believe? Might have to look into a study on the subject.
> The Smiling Bandit

> 这在我的脑海种下了一个我不想回想的印象。
劇透 -   :
> There’s an image I didn’t need planted in my head.
> Netcat

劇透 -   :
There’s more to report, of course, but I’m gonna cut this one short and get back to work. World’s not going to change itself, after all, so I need to get out there and start doing my part.

劇透 -   :
It’s going to be a long, interesting haul.

> 这才像话。欢迎回来。
> 凯恩(Kane)
劇透 -   :
> That’s more like it. Welcome back.
> Kane
« 上次编辑: 2018-12-18, 周二 11:13:13 由 失语 »