作者 主题: 【SG】魔法社群MAGICAL SOCIETIES P55~77  (阅读 11693 次)

副标题: 译者:失语,水果,校对:Bellicose

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« 于: 2018-05-28, 周一 09:25:41 »


劇透 -   :
I have never found it necessary to link myself to any single group. I hold fellowship memberships in many organizations just to stay up on the latest news in theoretical thaumaturgy but none have ever been intriguing enough to fully pique my interest. That does not mean I haven’t run across my share of interesting collections of arcanists. For that I’ve been asked by the three amigos to share my wisdom on those groups. Business in Chicago happens to be going well so I agreed and have prepared this fine document.

劇透 -   :
I’ll begin by briefly covering the various reasonings behind why those with the Talent choose to gather together. The majority of my work here will be focused on giving my unbiased opinions and viewpoints on several magical organizations with which I am familiar. I’ll start with the public groups, followed by corporate organizations, move into some of the historical and religious groups, then open the curtain on some of the more secretive societies, follow that up with what I call the “hysterical” societies, and wrap up with some smaller local groups. I’ll add in a little at the end discussing what those without the Talent can bring to an arcane association, as I understand not all those who will read this are gifted.

为什么我们聚在一起WHY WE GATHER

劇透 -   :
There are a multitude of reasons why those with the Talent gather, but there are only a few which a large majority share. I have summed up the reasons for gathering in five basic areas: Social, Informational, Causal, Conspiratorial, and Initiatory. Most organizations will have a combination of reasons behind their existence, but there is usually one at the core, a desire that is fundamental to the existence of the group.

社会动机组织涵盖了最宽泛的神秘团体。这些范围小到社区,大学,甚至家庭为基础的团体,其可以小到只有区区四到五个魔法师聚集在一起去简单地“闲扯”(“shoot the drek”),大到横跨世界的“魔网”(MagicNet),2074年12月11日便是它的第一百万名成员加入之日。成员为社会和人际网的利益而加入这些团体,特别是像“魔网”这样的团体,其至少会允许在超企之间进行少量的社交互动,而这些超企通常对其公民的互动范围和眼界进行控制。主要的社会团体很少有实际的神秘信息交换,如公式或关于泛位面物理学的理论。事实上,成员们很少谈论奥秘的实际话题,而是把更多的时间集中在分享身为有魔法才能者的生活故事上,并且和那些面对同一个世界的歧视和恐惧的人共度时光。
劇透 -   :
Socially motivated organizations cover the widest spectrum of arcane associations. These range from small community, collegiate, or even familial-based groups with no more than four or five magicians gathering together to simply “shoot the drek,” all the way up to the world-spanning MagicNet, which marked its one millionth member on December 11, 2074. Members join these groups for the social and networking benefits, especially groups like MagicNet that allow for at least a small amount of social interaction between megacorporations that are normally very controlling of the range and scope of interactions their citizens are allowed to have. With primarily social groups, there is very little exchange of actual arcane information such as formulae or theories on metaplanar physics. In fact the members often speak very little on actual topics of arcana and spend more time focused on sharing stories of life as one of the Talented and spending time with others who face the same world full of discrimination and fear.

劇透 -   :
With socialization often comes stratification. The larger a social group is, the more of this occurs. Then the standard feelings of envy or pity come along and cause the demise or splintering of these social groups. Those that do not fall apart are those that allow upward mobility within their social ranks. Providing a way to climb the tiers, or at least supplying the illusion that the tiers are ascendable, is a key to long-term success. The most important part of groups like this for many of the Talented who join is the prestige of being among the elite of that social circle. They often wear their ranking like a badge of honor, sometimes literally, to laud over those who are beneath them.

> 一些人的自尊心。
> 凯恩(Kane)
劇透 -   :
> The ego of some people.
> Kane

> 尽管他们拥有强大的力量,大多数觉醒者仍然只是个泛人罢了,仍然和其他人一样有弱点。自我怀疑,自我厌恶,强烈嗜好,渴望让自己感觉更好,以牺牲他人为代价是大多数泛人性格的一部分。
> 刃岭(Arete)
劇透 -   :
> Despite the power they have, most Awakened people are still only metahuman and still suffer the same weaknesses as everyone else. Self-doubt, self-loathing, and a penchant and desire to make themselves feel better at the expense of others are a part of most metahuman personalities.
> Arete

劇透 -   :
Social groups are, by far, the largest category of magical organizations, but they are not the most widely valued. That title belongs to Informational groups. Informational groups are those where members gather to exchange information on various magical phenomena. Arcanists exchange information on magical formulae, new meta-planar explorations, rare spirits, and, in general, any information not considered proprietary corporate material. Most would think this should be the largest and definitely most popular type of organization, but megacorporate control tends to limit how often they want their wagemages exchanging information with wagemages from other corporations or those who work for independent organizations. MagicNet is a popular gathering place for the magically gifted and has faced numerous corporate injunctions through the Corporate Court to prevent precious information from being disseminated to unauthorized sources.

> 这很有趣,因为MCT是“魔网”的全资拥有者。独立自主只是一种幻觉。
> Slamm-0!
劇透 -   :
> Which is interesting since MagicNet is wholly owned by MCT. Independence is an illusion.
> Slamm-0!

劇透 -   :
Arcane informational societies come in two main varieties—simply put, legal and illegal. The legal exchanges are those hosted by reputable groups where sanctioned information can be exchanged between the Awakened. There aren’t many of these out there that are specifically about exchanging information. Information simply isn’t free in this day and age. All the megacorporations have a few of these groups that act as gateways for information between the various divisions and subsidiaries of the parent megacorporation, but information does not flow out easily.

劇透 -   :
Smaller informational societies exist as well, but those that choose to abide by the law are heavily monitored by the megacorporations to insure they aren’t trading on any corporate secrets. The monitoring also keeps tabs on the more intellectually astute members so that the corps can identify potential recruits or promising ideas. I myself was once approached due to a particularly interesting hypothesis I was developing on foci identification. I have been told I should have avoided the conversation, but it served its purpose and got me the meet I wanted. Which means that when the corps come looking after their own interests, you shouldn’t forget that you can always twist things to your own ends.

劇透 -   :
As for the informational exchanges that do not abide by the law—well, those are far more valuable and far more dangerous groups with which you may associate. These societies hold a wealth of arcane data and training, especially in fields that are highly restricted or outlawed in various jurisdictions. Membership in these societies requires an introduction by a current member, since they are always on the lookout for infiltrators. A humorous point on that security measure is that every one of these black magic societies have infiltrators, or at least members who answer to higher masters, already present. These moles share just enough to avoid suspicion but never more than their corporate masters allow.

> 和我们没有什么不同。我们对新成员进行检查,我们知道职业士兵的污点,我们仍然期待着信息的泄露。这都是游戏的一部分。把事情办好的优秀途径就是虚假信息。通过误导来指导他人。
> 荆棘(Thorn)
劇透 -   :
> No different than us. We vet the newbs, know the dirt on the lifers, and we still expect that info’s gonna leak. It’s all part of the game. A great way to get things done is disinformation. Direct through misdirection.
> Thorn

劇透 -   :
Causal groups are some of my favorite to speak about. They gather together because they have some similar drive, goal, or cause they wish to achieve. Be it religious, political, explorational, monetary, or something more unorthodox, every member of a group shares this belief. Groups vary in size from a few members to hundreds but rarely break the four-digit mark. Many of these groups have a large number of non-Awakened periphery members who also believe but are not part of the arcane aspect.

因果社群,像他们的信息社群同行一样,在法律之下亦会体现出两面性。他们的合法性通常基于他们的最终目标,但有时基于他们为了实现这些目标所愿意使用的手段。“神秘十字军”(The Mystic Crusaders )被他们的庇护公司亚特兰蒂斯基金会所完全认可和授权,因此在法律中行使其职责(尽管大多数情况下是AF定的法律)。另一方面,黑暗兄弟会(the Brotherhood of Darkness)在与邪恶的斗争中涉及到了法律之外的事宜,因此他们必须保持他们的隐秘性,以此来帮助保护他们的成员。
劇透 -   :
Causal societies, like their informational counterparts, can fall on both sides of the law. Their legality is usually based on their end goal, but sometimes based on the means which they are willing to employ to gain those goals. The Mystic Crusaders are fully sanctioned and granted rights by their patron corporation, the Atlantean Foundation, and therefore function within the law (albeit AF’s laws in most cases). On the other side, the Brotherhood of Darkness functions outside the law in their battle against evil and must maintain their secrecy to help protect their members.

劇透 -   :
The best thing about causal societies is the fervor and passion with which they seek their prize. They are often single-minded and frequently blind to any truth that is not their own. There have been instances in the past where societies were formed to oppose already existing societies; both groups spawned from the same tree of nuts, but each possessed their own view of reality. These groups are known to employ individuals of the SINless variety in order to bolster their numbers or even to blindly fight their battles for them. Many a victory has been won by the faithless and claimed by the faithful.

> 这些团体付的工资有多有少。你在为一个组织工作时,赚来的钱可能勉强够维持温饱;但是在为另一个组织干另一份工作时,却能赚个盆满钵满。真正的狂热者才是那些值得注意的人。他们对一个非信徒来说不成问题。第一个坏兆头是如果有成员直接雇佣你,而不是直接使用专业的约翰逊先生。
> 小侧翼(Fianchetto,译注:意大利语,指国标象棋开局着法中象的出子,可先走“卒”为走“象”开路)
劇透 -   :
> These groups run the gamut for payrates. You might end up working for peanuts for one group and get buku bucks on the next gig for another. The real zealots are the ones to watch out for though. They’ll have little problem running a double-cross on a non-believer. First bad sign is if a member hires you direct instead of using a professional Mr. Johnson.
> Fianchetto

劇透 -   :
Conspiratorial societies are similar to causal societies in their desire for a particular outcome, but these groups are always large, secretive, and veil their activities behind mundane—meaning plain, not un-Awakened— means and methods. These arcane societies are rare, or at least rarely revealed, but I know of many from my years of digging and turning over rocks that likely were best left undisturbed.

劇透 -   :
My experience with societies of this nature has taught me two things: Never judge a book by its cover, and never accept coincidence when it comes to the arcane. Conspiratorial groups thrive on manipulating others using those two concepts, using people’s misconception and willingness to accept coincidences. Strings are pulled, minds are bent, and events unfold to benefit the conspirators while no one understands who is really behind the scenes, either because they’re just too mild-mannered or they’re not nearly powerful enough.

劇透 -   :
These societies operate around, behind, and between the law. They act in ways undefined by the current laws or even change laws to better fit what they desire. All the while getting outsiders to believe the ideas behind their legal maneuverings were theirs, and the conspirators had nothing to do with it. And when they can’t manage either of those things, they make sure to have the right people in the right places to bend the right will or manipulate the right minds. These are the groups that Plan 9 and his ilk talk about. But still get wrong.

> 观点可以被扭曲但至少我们敢于正视它们。这些团体不会友善待人,永远不会。如果你认为你赢了,那很好,至少你会快乐地死去。
> Plan 9
劇透 -   :
> The views may be skewed but at least we dare to view them. These groups don’t play nice, ever. If you think you’re winning, good; at least you’ll die happy.
> Plan 9

劇透 -   :
Initiatory societies are one of the most important but usually the smallest of magical groups, and they often fit inside other societies. I think they are important enough, and often independent enough, that they should be talked about on their own, if for no other reason than they are also the most likely magical organization for a runner to join.

劇透 -   :
These societies provide assistance and guidance along the paths to the deeper mysteries. Some are bathed in the traditions and trappings of their parent society or their founders, but many are simply small groups of the Awakened getting together to help each other out based on nothing more than friendship or even a simple desire for arcane power.

> 启蒙团体变化频繁,但洛桑(Lothan)的分类相当靠谱。不过,我不同意狂奔者最有可能加入一个启蒙团体。大多数狂奔者过于偏执,自负,或只是太疯狂,难以融入其中。他们倾向于形成自己的社群而不是加入其他社群。
> 莱兰(Lyran)
劇透 -   :
> Initiatory groups are widely varied, but Lothan’s categories are pretty solid. I’d disagree that runners are most likely to join an initiatory group, though. Most runners are too paranoid, egotistical, or whacked in the head to join one. They tend to form their own societies instead of joining others.
> Lyran

> 启蒙社群不同于一个团体。他们倾向于有更多的社会规则和等级制度。大多数会基于其等级来限制其成员的进步,这是一种社会区分。
> 冬鹰(Winterhawk )
劇透 -   :
> Initiatory societies are different than a group. They tend to have more social rules and a hierarchy in place. Most limit progression based on rank, which is a social distinction.
> Winterhawk
« 上次编辑: 2023-08-17, 周四 13:04:56 由 阿飘 »

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-06-26, 周二 10:49:40 »
劇透 -   :
As stated earlier, as we move forward I will break down the groups into something different than the reasons they gather. The first class of magical societies I’ll discuss are those with a very public face. These groups operate completely in the open, are often all over the Matrix with information on their beliefs, teachings, or goals, and have the least to offer when looking into the shadows. They are, though, a wealth of information when stepping out into the light.

劇透 -   :
These operations are a great place to have a friend, or seven, who aren’t opposed to chatting about some of the details of their work, or spreading rumors about some of the other members who “just don’t belong.” Getting credentials from one of these groups can be a good way to add realism to a fake SIN, since membership isn’t that expensive and adds that touch of detail that quick scans often find persuasive. Word from the Wise.


ASPS作为巨龙邓凯尔赞遗嘱的诸多裁定之一,早在2058年便已启动。它的目的,顾名思义,就是对星界空间及其居民提供保护和维护。早年,在邓凯尔赞魔法研究协会(DIMR)的资助下成立的这个组织,不论从哪个方面看都是要失败的样子。它有一个对自己职位毫无兴趣的董事会,资金严重短缺,并且不缺乏预计要远超预算的困难而昂贵的项目。在这个组织蹒跚了几年之后,伊布艾尔(Ibu Air),董事会的自由精魂成员开始着手,加快脚步,紧握缰绳,并作出了一个重大决定,改变了会社的方针。伊布艾尔开放了ASPS对除了DIMR和天龙基金会之外其他来源的筹资。该团体把自己的狗链从一头死掉的龙主子手上换到了另一位还活着的,希丝塔比(Hestaby)手中。自那时起,会社就感觉到了自身与自己创始人之间逐渐加大的分歧,他们之间已经到达暗藏锋芒的地步,虽然在魔法界找到了很多其他的朋友。
劇透 -   :
The ASPS was started back in 2058 as one of the many decrees of the Great Dragon Dunkelzahn’s Will. Its purpose, as the name somewhat implies, is the protection and preservation of astral space and its residents. In the early years the group, formed under the patronage of the Dunkelzahn Institute for Magical Research (DIMR), was given every opportunity to fail. It had a Board of Directors with no interest in their positions, a massive funding shortage, and no shortage of difficult and expensive projects it was expected to pursue. After the organization stumbled for a few years, Ibu Air, a free spirit member of the board from the beginning, stepped up, took the reins, and made a big decision that shifted the course of the society. Ibu Air opened the ASPS to funding outside the DIMR and Draco Foundation. The group traded the leash of one dead draconic master for another much more lively, Hestaby. Since, the society has felt the wedge driven deep between itself and its founders, to the point of shadow enmity between them, but has found plenty of other friends in the magical community.

希丝塔比作为一名恩人,使ASPS与沙斯塔萨满(the Shasta Shamans)建立了牢固的联系,以至于曾经有四人加入董事会。如今物是人非。随着近年来的事件,希斯塔比的龙族同胞们从她手中夺走了沙斯塔山,这层关系的命运也遭到了激烈的猜疑。即便是在ASPS对自己最大的赞助人采取了反抗措施之后,它依然有着足以保持其高高在上,向前迈进的人脉。UCAS依然重视ASPS对于梦见研究的帮助以及对星界裂缝的调查,特别是现已封闭的华盛顿裂缝(DeeCee Rift);他们在芝加哥的工作是帮助理解塞尔马克爆炸(the Cermak Blast)与星界空间之间的关系(校注:即阿瑞斯在芝加哥引爆的那颗战术核弹头,它剧烈影响了周围的星界环境),以及虫精魂及其萨满的性质和潜在威胁;四处搜捕邪魔,包括在选举中提供的支持,以确保费雷德里克顿的候选人皆非邪魔。如果州长候选人伊莱扎·布鲁姆(Eliza Bloom)成为西雅图的下一任州长,会社在西雅图的力量很可能进一步增强,因为她以前是董事会成员,并且现在仍然是ASPS的在册成员。
劇透 -   :
With Hestaby as a benefactor, the ASPS developed strong connections to the Shasta Shamans, to the point of once having four of them on the board. Now there are none. With the events of recent years and the stripping of Mt. Shasta from Hestaby by her dragon kin, the fate of that relationship is now a matter of intense speculation. Even with the move against their largest single patron, the ASPS has made enough friends to keep aloft and moving forward. The UCAS still values the ASPS for their help with the study of alchera; the investigation of astral rifts, in particular the now-closed DeeCee Rift; their work in Chicago helping to understand the relationship between the Cermak Blast and astral space as well as the nature and potential threat of insect spirits and their shamans; and the hunt for shedim all over, including the support provided in the elections to clear the candidates in Fredericton. The society is likely to bolster their presence in Seattle if gubernatorial candidate Eliza Bloom becomes the next governor of Seattle, as she was a former member of the board and is still a registered member of the ASPS.

劇透 -   :
To those of us in the shadows, the ASPS also has value thanks to three major facets of the society’s operations. For those runners who like to operate in that twilight area between the shadows and the light, the ASPS posts bounties on insect shamans that can be collected with a decent fake SIN and bounty hunting licensure. If those runners are a little light in the licensure department they can use that fake SIN (decent quality, remember) to sign on to work for one of the ASPS’s field research teams. Expect to be employed at least six months, usually over a year, and sometimes more. For those who lack any of those fancy faux accouterments, the ASPS hires the occasional shadowrunner team to help acquire items or secure locations that do not, strictly speaking, belong to them.

劇透 -   :
Membership in the ASPS offers access to the groups various facilities all over the world, though the greatest concentration is in North America. The current state of affairs with Hestaby has lead many members to become less vocal of their membership, and participation at group meetings and functions has dropped in the past few months.

> 与ASPS有联系的业务增加了,即便希斯塔比依然处于流放,会社成员依然在为她充当约翰逊和掮客。如果你得到一份带有ASPS痕迹的工作,你很有可能参与到了希丝塔比精心制作的计划之一。这次狂奔很可能波澜不惊,但你只是波浪中小小的一朵涟漪。小心可能发生的海啸。
> 莱兰(Lyran)
劇透 -   :
> Operations with ties to the ASPS have increased, with members acting as Johnsons and fixers for Hestaby while she endures her exile. If you’re getting a job with ASPS fingerprints on it, odds are you’re playing a part in one of Hestaby’s elaborate schemes. It may seem like a mundane run, but you are a single ripple adding to the waves. Be wary of possible tsunamis.
> Lyran

> 不要只因为希斯塔比身居高位就忽略伊布艾尔的存在。这个精魂极为狡猾,且经常使用暗影资源,尤其是在研究炼金或星界裂缝这种危险的探险中。该团体是公开的,但他们也有一些自己的真相需要掩埋。在过去的六个月里,他们失去了三名在册会员,这意味着他们损失了至少三倍于此的暗影法师。
> 活塞(Pistons )
劇透 -   :
> Don’t give Ibu Air a pass just because Hestaby is out there. That spirit is wily and uses shadow assets all the time, especially on dangerous expeditions to study alchera or astral rifts. The group is public, but they’ve had to have their fair share of cover-ups. They’ve lost three registered members in the past six months, which means they’ve probably lost at least triple that in shadow mages.
> Pistons

>  当我有空时,我需要向你们简要介绍一下我在南极洲遇到的奇异星界材料。ASPS肯定会感兴趣,但我真的不希望他们或者任何不是我们的人知道发生了什么。
> 伊利亚(Elijah )
劇透 -   :
> When I have a moment, I need to brief you all on some bizarre astral stuff in Antarctica I encountered. ASPS would definitely be interested, but I don’t really want them—or anyone who’s not us—to know what’s going on.
> Elijah


劇透 -   :
The UTA started up in the California Free State as a loose association of talismongers and enchanters looking to survive in a world dominated by the megacorporations. They grew quickly and now help small independent talisman and lore shops to stay independent of the megacorporations without having to go the organized crime route. They’ve been very successful in the CFS and exist as the largest network of independent yet interconnected arcana suppliers in that country, and they stand as the second largest arcana suppliers in the country behind only Mitsuhama. The group has managed to expand their influence north and bring several Seattle shops into the fold, but the move has met its share of difficulties.

劇透 -   :
Seattle is a very corporate city. Independence in the city is often a well-spun and artfully crafted illusion. Efforts to reach out have met with varying degrees of megacorporate reciprocity. From simple denial to acceptance and infiltration, the megacorporations haven’t taken kindly to this organization’s desire to “unite and empower the little guy.”

尽管对于狂奔者而言,最初形态的UTA实际上是一个相当可怕的企业,因为它在很大程度上保持了奇物行业的高昂价格。但根据其最近发展的麻烦和强烈希望保持独立的愿望,UTA已经对暗影变得更加友好了。线人和约翰逊层层隐藏,甚至连UTA会长塔玛拉·光晕(Tamara Nimbus)都将她的半只脚浸入了暗影之中,以帮助该协会独立于超企的控制之外。UTA也发现自己在与“新黎明之光”相竞争,他们熟谙暗影狂奔者的世界,从而具有经验优势。
劇透 -   :
While in its original form, the UTA was actually a terrible enterprise for runners, since it kept the field of talismongering very much on the up and up. With its latest troubles and its strong desire to stay independent, the UTA has become much more shadow friendly. Well hidden behind layers of frontmen and Johnsons, even the UTA President Tamara Nimbus has dipped her toes into the shadowy side of life in order to help maintain the group’s independence from corporate control. The UTA has also found itself in competition with the Illuminates of the New Dawn, who are well acquainted with the world of shadowrunners and thus have the advantage of experience.

最近有关这两个组织的争论焦点集中在协商的谣言上。有人说IOND(新黎明之光)正在寻找机会以更充分地将UTA现有的关系网统合进自身现有的网络内。这对IOND来说肯定是一件好事,但这将使UTA失去它宝贵的独立性。许多UTA成员并不太热衷于接受IOND的保护伞,以及他们的法师权威政见(magocratic politics; magocracy意为施法者作为最高权威的政体)。
劇透 -   :
Recent scuttlebutt about these two organizations focus on rumors of negotiations. Some have said that the IOND is looking to more fully intermesh the UTA with their existing network. This would definitely be a boon for the IOND but would cost the UTA its prized independence. Many of the UTA members aren’t too keen on the idea of standing under the umbrella of the IOND and their magocratic politics.

> UTA从来都没有这么激进,但是北加利福尼亚的一小部分店主一直在积极反对IOND,这一地区的对抗活动将会越来越白热化。
> Slamm-0!
劇透 -   :
> The UTA has never been that militant, but a small group of shop owners in NorCal have been actively opposing IOND activity in the area and are becoming more strident by the day.
> Slamm-0!

> 已经签约的西雅图商店,一直在受到来自IOND的麻烦。其中大部分隐藏在新世纪(the New Century)政治的背后(校注:新世纪党为西雅图“法师治国”政治党派之一,其成员大多为赫尔墨斯法师,并和新黎明之光有着千丝万缕的联系。)。
> 测深仪(Sounder)
劇透 -   :
> The Seattle shops that have signed on have been receiving trouble from the IOND. Much of it veiled behind the politics of the New Century.
> Sounder

劇透 -   :
Signing up as a member of the UTA requires a valid SIN and an operational business dealing in the production or retail sales of arcane objects, reagents, or lore. That leaves out many of us in the shadows (although I actually qualify), but for those who have managed to maintain or build themselves a nice little slice of a non-shadowy existence, this group can provide business advice, networking, discounts with suppliers and manufacturers, legal assistance, and, of late, contacts within the shadow community willing to work on a barter system. Whether they sound immediately appealing to you or not, their members are a good lot to have stored in the contacts folder.

> 他们的易货贸易体系通常只对一个团队的法师或修士有价值,但是如果你能让它发挥作用,你为那些罕见物品流下的血汗泪都会大幅度减少。
> 骑马斗牛士(Picador)
劇透 -   :
> Their barter system is usually only of value to a team’s mage or adept, but if you can make it work you can get hard-to-find items for perhaps less blood, sweat, and tears than you’d expect.
> Picador

专长领域:法律与魔法、魔法制品(magic artifacts)

新黎明之光(IOND)是世界上最大的公共魔法团体,促进成员发展的同时宣传一个进步,魔法权威的政治/社会理念。如果你想要该党的官方说辞,那就拿起罗兹林·埃尔南德斯(Rozilyn Hernandez)博士的书——《美国梦遗产》。它不出所料地包含了大量的魔法权威和支持觉醒的措辞,同时巧妙地说明了“美国梦”是可以通过魔法权威进步主义回归的东西。在IOND的大力支持下,这一理念成为了埃尔南德斯在57年试图入驻白宫时的主要纲领之一。她至今依然是高等占星师(the High Magus),社群中最高级别的成员,关于她可能寻求各种政治立场的谣言层出不穷,如此她才能在下一次UCAS总统竞选中增加自己当选的可能性。
劇透 -   :
The Illuminates of the New Dawn (IOND) is the world’s largest public magical group, promoting members’ development while lobbying for a progressive and magocratic political and social ideal. If you want the party line, pick up the book “Legacy of the American Dream” by Dr. Rozilyn Hernandez. It delivers all the magocratic and pro-Awakened rhetoric you’d expect while at the same time subtly stating that the “American Dream” can be returned through magocratic progressivism. That philosophy was one of the primary platforms that Hernandez ran on when she made a bid for the White House back in ’57, heavily backed by the IOND. She is still the High Magus, the highest-ranking member of the society, and rumors abound about the various political positions she may be seeking so she can improve her chances at making another run at the UCAS presidency.

埃尔南德斯经营着华盛顿(DeeCee)“联合总会所”(the Grand Lodge)的一切(校注:此处Grand Lodge一次共济会也用过)。她下面是占星师议会,由内教团的占星师成员组成。在世界各地的主要城市中,每一位内部秩序的占星师都领导着自己的“领地”(Lodge),其主要集中在北美洲和UCAS。这些占星师通常是他们所在地区中具有经济或社会影响力的个体。“领地”由地方分会的法师组成并负责监视,这就构成了外部教团。地方分会中从来没有超过十几个觉醒的成员,但可能会包括数量不定的凡俗支持者成为他们的成员。自57以来,凡俗支持者的数量在稳步上升中。随着人们加入政治舞台,开始希望魔法能给他们带来光明的未来之时,他们就会期冀一个魔法政权能够挑起对抗超企的大梁,因此,每逢选举之时,凡俗支持者的数量都增长迅猛。虽然其他流派的追随者偶有加入,作为外教团的一部分,但是IOND的“奥秘阶层”(arcane ranks)只接受法师。IOND拥有最好的魔法师关系网,没有之一。只要你能容忍自负的法师,成为其成员就能获得很大的利益。
劇透 -   :
Hernandez runs everything from the Grand Lodge in DeeCee. Below her is the Magus Council, formed from Magi members of the Inner Order. Each Magus of the Inner Order leads their own Lodge in major cities around the world, with a primary focus in North America and the UCAS. These Magi are usually individuals with economic or social clout in their region. Lodges are populated by and oversee local chapters of mages that make up the Outer Order. Local chapters never have more than a dozen Awakened members but may include any number of mundane supporters in their membership. The number of mundane supporters has seen a steady increase since ’57, with spikes around election times, as people join for the politics, seeking a brighter future through magic, hoping a magocracy could challenge the might of the megacorporations. The arcane ranks of the IOND only accepts mages, though followers of other traditions occasionally join as part of the Outer Order. The IOND is a magicker network second to none. As long as you’re able to tolerate egotistical mages, being a member has plenty of value.

> 很显然我们可以。
> Slamm-0!
劇透 -   :
> Obviously we can.
> Slamm-0!

虽然作为一个公共的且完全合法的组织,IOND依然与暗影有着千丝万缕的关系。为新黎明之光协助回收或取得有价值项目是过去几年中最常见的活动,除此之外他们也为一些隐秘的科研项目和探险项目雇佣过人员。即使这个团体突然停止了这一切活动,他们对狂奔者的需求也不会马上结束,IOND与黑结社(Black Lodge)会继续他们的暗影战争。
劇透 -   :
Though a public—and perfectly legal—organization, the IOND has had plenty of interactions with the shadows. Assistance in recovering, or acquiring, items of value for the Illuminates has been the most common activity in the past few years, but they have also contracted assets for some of their covert research projects and expeditions. Even if the group was to suddenly cease all of that, their need for runners would not end anytime soon as the IOND and Black Lodge continue their shadow war.

劇透 -   :
If membership, rather than employment, is what one is seeking, you simply need a valid SIN and a willingness to pay some healthy dues each month. The benefits of membership come in the standard variety—discounts, training, networking, etc., and even if you don’t need discounts on arcane items or help figuring out the intricacies of summoning, having a network of mages to do small, legal jobs, for you or provide a little insider info on some arcane doings is valuable to all.

>凯恩(Kane )
劇透 -   :
> I have friends in the IOND who put together preparations for me. Handy, and often pricey, little tricks to get me out of trouble.
> Kane

> 哈。凯恩说他有个朋友。许多IOND成员都是新世纪政党的成员,所以政治工作会在选举时间里大量涌现。尽量小心点——政治是一局危险的游戏,谁忠于谁变化很快。
> 凯·圣·无序(Kay St. Irregular )
劇透 -   :
> Ha. Kane said he had friends. A lot of IOND members are New Century, so political jobs pop up a lot around election time. Be wary, though—politics is a dangerous game, and allegiances change quickly.
> Kay St. Irregular


劇透 -   :
Public, but also extremely private, this small group spends most of their time with their collective noses in a book. When they do get out, most of the time it is sans their body, as they go off exploring some remote section of astral space or undertaking a metaplanar quest seeking answers to the mysteries of magic. The group is open to arcanists of all traditions, but the present majority is held by hermetics, with only a single shaman (that I know of) among their ranks.

该团体总部设在了西雅图,但在其他几个城市也都有房产。这些地方通常原本是普通的公寓,装修成会议或短期停留的地方。他们往往有出色的星界和物理安全措施。成员们可以利用这些地点中的任何一处辅助自身研究 ,不过,有时候,他们也会把这项福利暂借给某些不甚诚实者(校注:此处"不甚诚实"是借给犯罪者的文雅说法)。他们不会把这些地方租出去作为安全屋供人停留或躲避执法,但是对于那些在星界中忙碌的人来说,如果有人需要一个安全的地方来存放他们的肉躯,他们是会帮忙的。
劇透 -   :
The group is headquartered in Seattle, but they have properties in several other cities. These places are usually simple apartments converted for meetings or shortterm stays. They tend to have excellent astral and physical security measures. Members can use any of these locations in their studies and have, on occasion, allowedtheir benefits to be borrowed by less-scrupulous individuals. They won’t rent out the space as a safehouse to hold someone or to hide from law enforcement, but they have no problem with those who need an astrally secure place to rest their meat while busy in the astral.

劇透 -   :
Speaking of law enforcement, one of the reasons why the members won’t go so far as to aid and abet an active criminal is because they like to keep the consulting contracts they have with smaller security corp offices. The members contract out their arcane investigative services to security corps that don’t have enough nuyen in their contracts for permanent magical support staff and small corporations that can’t afford their own magical division. This lucrative side business is the reason the group can operate with such extensive assets, despite their small size.

劇透 -   :
Membership for runners is not likely, but sometimes the only way the group can keep its lucrative contracts is to subcontract with the mage on the street. These business arrangements occasionally lead to an offer to join the society, though not often. The members tend to be very selective of new blood and usually only allow a new member if they think it can help out their own situation within the group. Internal politicking is the second most common activity within the group, the first being book reading.

劇透 -   :
Those without the Talent but with a passion for the arcane have a place within their ranks as a researcher or data archivist. The group draws many of these individuals with their special rewards program. Mundane members earn coins for their hours of service that they can turn in once each year for the opportunity to participate in a field research expedition. These expeditions travel all over the world to investigate astral phenomena that mundane members get a chance to experience via Astral Window spells.

> 探险活动从来没有一次平安的。撤出行动,愤怒的精魂,和意想不到的神秘突发事件几乎每年都会发生。最近几年他们都在雇佣便衣安全人员。所以,如果你能够忍住不穿上全身甲的话,你可以跟着学者们做一份临时工作。
> 强制退出(Hard Exit )
劇透 -   :
> The expeditions are never quiet. Extractions, pissed-off spirits, and unexpected arcane outbursts occur almost every year. They have been contracting plainclothes security the last few years. So if you can resist strapping on full-body armor, you could get a tagalong gig.
> Hard Exit


劇透 -   :
This “society” started as a small and simple training house that grew thanks to the ork that started it and the membership it attracted. The founder, Jekkik, an ork adept with a heart of gold and fists of iron, set up the school in an abandoned gym on the edge of Redmond. He invited people to train there not based on their Talent, or talent, but instead based on their need to protect themselves in the harsh world of the Barrens. He treated members with respect and taught them in turn to respect the art and the power it gave, and then to pass on their knowledge in the traditions he had given to them. Today the Vigilant Iron principle is taught in more than thirty schools around the world, most with an initiatory group of adepts at their core.

劇透 -   :
The schools have far more mundanes studying there than adepts, but all who train there are expected to give back. All members are expected to spend some time training others, whether it be helping them practice with sparring, working out, learning new techniques, supplying their fellow members with a cup of soykaf, or supporting community interventions when the trouble a student faces is greater than they can handle alone.

劇透 -   :
The schools are a fine place for a runner with a conscience to learn and give back at the same time. An adept can advance even further by initiating within the Vigilant Iron, especially since the group does not have much in the way of structure or burdensome requirements beyond continuing to teach at the schools. A member can be expelled if they fail to give back or violate the traditions of the school. Returning to good graces usually requires some act of contrition on the part of the violator. I have participated in a number of these, assigning members to tasks for me, with no compensation for them besides the ability to train at the school.

> 根据违反的严重性,忏悔行为会变得异常疯狂。戴斯努(Dace Nu),在波士顿的成员之一,在教授超出自己技能的技巧时杀死了一个学生。忏悔是一次星界探索,寻求气精魂在主泛位面上的真名。真正的悔罪是在整整一年后:他终于转过头来承认那项任务超出了他的能力范畴。
> 莱兰(Lyran )
劇透 -   :
> Depending on the severity of the transgression, the acts of contrition can get wild. Dace Nu, a member in Boston, killed a student while teaching techniques beyond his skill. The contrition was an astral quest to seek the true name of a spirit of air on their native plane. The true contrition was returning, over a year later, to admit it was a task beyond his skill.
> Lyran
« 上次编辑: 2023-09-29, 周五 10:28:54 由 阿飘 »

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« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-07-28, 周六 15:53:55 »

劇透 -   :
Magic is a valuable commodity. Corporations love controlling valuable commodities. Corporations love controlling magic. Simple associative logic. Every megacorporation has a magical society accessible only to citizens of the corporation, some have more than one. Many smaller corporations, be they subsidiaries of megacorporations or independent, also have their own magical societies. These groups are loyal to their corporations, well-funded, and usually full of corporate greed and backstabbing. They’re a great place to look for intel on rival corps, the latest R&D that might need a little field testing, or even membership if you happen to have a good enough fake SIN. They’re a terrible group to piss off. Those born with the Talent know they are a rare lot, and most have the ego to match. The problem with those egos is that when they get hurt, whether you thought it was business or not, they take it personally. I’ve known my fair share of runners who’ve ended up on the wrong side of a ritual because they took a job, ran afoul of a corp wagemage, and had the audacity to shoot at them, or even just violate their lab. Be careful.

> 我要说一件类似的事情,这是专门给那些“先杀法师”的家伙们准备的:不要让自己因为杀法师而出名。这是街头相当常见的俗语,但把它当作自己信誉一部分的狂奔者会撞上塑钢天花板,没有上升空间(校注:塑钢天花板是俗语“玻璃天花板”的催化剂写法,意指某人的事业遭受了隐形的压力,无法继续晋升)。公司不喜欢让他们真正有价值的玩具被玩坏,很多企业之间都保持着这种无言的自觉。他们知道人才是很难得到的,所以他们不想经常失去那些拥有特殊天赋的人。如果他们有你的档案——如果你在暗影中呆的足够长,他们会的——那么放心,那份档案肯定会提到你是如何处理法师对手的。如果你杀了太多人,他们中就总会有一个放出猎犬来追捕你。
> 冬鹰(Winterhawk )
劇透 -   :
> On a similar note, I’d like to add something for the “geek the mage first” crowd. Don’t make it something you are known for. It’s a common enough saying on the street, but runners who make this part of their street cred are going to hit a plasteel ceiling. Corporations don’t like having their really valuable toys broken, and many of them have an unspoken understanding. They know the Talent is hard to come by, and they have no desire to keep losing those with that particular gift. If they have a file on you—and they will if you’re in the shadows long enough—be assured that it mentions how you handle arcane opponents. If your body count gets too high, expect that one of them will eventually unleash the hounds on you.
> Winterhawk


传奇。我可以只用这一个词来描述他们,很多人都会理解。尽管它的成员们大多和我们相仿,但它的名字依然如同厉鬼一般,吓得人们不敢对其多言。“MRU 13”微妙地出现在他们的PAN里,出现在他们制服的名牌上,甚至出现在他们肉体上的纹身上。加入他们的行列就是意味着你已经是成功人士了——但是和你的前辈们相比,你依然什么都不是。
劇透 -   :
Legendary. I could leave it at that one word and many out there would understand. The name is whispered like the bogeyman, though the members walk among us. “MRU 13” appears subtly in their PAN, on a patch on their uniform, and even tattooed on their flesh. To step into their ranks is to know you’ve made it—and to find out you’re nothing compared to those there before you.

劇透 -   :
Scared yet? If you just said “no,” you’re either a dragon or a fool. Which is it?

劇透 -   :
Others have said it before me and said it well, so allow me to use their words. These men and women are an elite group of fiercely loyal magical specialists and troubleshooters that also doubles as an initiatory group for its members and a research tank for magical countermeasures to threats to Mitsuhama. It has long been rumored that the earliest members of this group were the minds behind the MCT “zero-zone” policy, and the mentality remains firmly in their minds.

此单元会使用一些令人非常不愉快的法术来帮助MCT测试其内部安全——他们用来审问潜在的有害资产的法术,和他们用来检视超企最有价值员工忠诚度的法术,是如出一辙的。该组织向MCT的安全部队提供训练以对付神秘威胁,而且当魔法被用来对付公司时,它作为特殊反应部队而出动。据我所知,其成员总数不超过一打(12个),虽然听起来很小,但是第13单元的一名成员进入去年被20名“大地为先!”游击队员(其中包括3名萨满)占领的禅宗沼泽化学工厂(Zen-Marsh Chemicals facility facility),并且毫发无损地走了出来。
劇透 -   :
MCT uses this unit for testing internal security in all its aspects through the use of some very unpleasant spells—the same spells they use interrogating potentially harmful assets and vetting the loyalty of the megacorporation’s most valuable staff. The group provides training to MCT’s security forces to deal with arcane threats, and it acts as Special Responders when magic is used against the company. The total number of members doesn’t exceed a dozen to my knowledge and though that may sound small, a single member of Unit 13 stepped into the Zen-Marsh Chemicals facility that was taken over by twenty TerraFirst! guerrillas last year, including three shamans, and walked back out unscathed.

> 治疗术。修正术。好如新。在朋友的帮助下,我也用了同样的把戏。
> 凯恩(Kane )
劇透 -   :
> Heal spell. Mend Spell. Good as new. Used the same trick myself with a little help from a friend.
> Kane

> 你已经是第二次提到朋友了。/dev/,你是劫持了凯恩的帖子吗?
> Slamm-0!
劇透 -   :
> That’s twice you’ve said friends. /dev/, are you jacking Kane’s posts?
> Slamm-0!

> 不,只是提高他的社交能力。
> /dev/grrl
劇透 -   :
> Nope, just improving his social skills.
> /dev/grrl

劇透 -   :
The biggest reason for Unit 13’s continued success is their complete and utter rejection of failure. Members of Unit 13 who fail have three options; flight, death, or dishonor. Those that run are hunted. Usually by other members, but if their failure was particularly deserving of punishment, they will contract runners to shame them in death. The job is high risk, high reward, and never to be spoken of to anyone. I only learned of the tradition from a friend lost to FAB. Those who choose death are allowed to take their own life in a traditional ceremony of seppuku. This method clears their name and leaves their family with honor as well as the member’s death benefits. Those that choose dishonor are stripped of their name and corporate citizenship, transferred to one of the divisional headquarters, and left to serve the corporate officers of the division in whatever capacity they desire, except one. Commonly referred to as ronin, they often operate within the shadows on orders from one of their corporate masters. The one thing they cannot do is talk of their operations for any of the corporate officers to anyone, including the other officers. The ronin will sometimes end up working both sides of a run when internal politics are at play. Be wary of this happening, as the assets on all sides seem to be exceptionally expendable during these rare events.

> 几年前,第13单元成员在亚马逊国工作。他搞砸了这项工作,决定采取洛桑提到的跑路选项。他在林中度过了一段时间,并致力于修复他留下的烂摊子。阿兹特克亚马逊战争最终给了他一个机会,让他能够拨乱反正。在他成功后,他径直走进MCT拉丁美洲总部,并进入到一个官员会议中,在那里他放下了仪式垫,拔出他的肋差,并试图把自己变成“浪人”。官员们一致投票否决,法师在他们的会议室里尝试切腹自杀,但却被CEO的保镖枪杀了。
> 恶鬼美星(Mihoshi Oni)
劇透 -   :
> A member of Unit 13 was working in Amazonia a few years back. He botched the job and decided to take the flight option Lothan mentioned. During his time on the lam he worked to fix his frag-up. The Azt-Am war finally gave him the chance he needed to make it right. After he succeeded he walked straight into the MCT Latin America HQ and into an officers meeting where he set down his ceremonial mat, pulled out his tanto, and offered himself as ronin to that division. The officers voted “no” unanimously, and the mage tried committing seppuku in their meeting room but was instead shot by the CEO’s bodyguard. 
> Mihoshi Oni

> 浪费一个完美的资产。
> 荆棘(Thorn)
劇透 -   :
> Waste of a perfectly good asset.
> Thorn

> 在他们眼里并非如此。他们不愿意把他失去的荣誉还给他。传统使MCT强大。
> 恶鬼美星
劇透 -   :
> Not in their eyes. They weren’t willing to give him back the honor he had lost. Traditions make MCT strong.
> Mihoshi Oni


劇透 -   :
If the ASPS is the unwanted step-child of the Draco Foundation family, the DIMR is their golden-boy. Also formed from the bequests of the late Dunkelzahn’s Will, this group got the funding, the flash, and the personnel, including a sitting prince of Tír Tairngire at the time, Ehran, on their Board of Directors. The DIMR is not some small magical society. They are a corporate entity that just happens to be focused solely on the study of the secrets and mysteries of magic in the Sixth World.

劇透 -   :
Joining this group means corporate employment, and for most of those reading this that is not in their future. But fear not, runners of the shadows they are not completely on the up and up. You won’t gain access to any of their magical resources until you have proven yourself valuable, but they have been known to offer membership, a.k.a. “employment,” to promising arcanists with the right mentality and set of skills. And yes, it requires both. Since they are a small organization (at least, relative to some of their corporate siblings) and lack that magical extraterritoriality that the megas have, they can’t afford loose cannons, no matter how much mana you can sling.

劇透 -   :
Enrollment in their ranks grants you access to their libraries and lodges as well as discounts on foci and reagents that the company buys in bulk for their research. For an arcanist with a team, they offer something else of great value: employment. As long as a team’s magical talent will vouch for his mates, the company can find work for them. The work isn’t always local and doesn’t pay top scale, but what they lack in straight nuyen they’ll make up for in access to equipment and incidentals.

> 请记住他们仍然是一家公司。我知道整个世界都对带着大D名字的事物趋之若鹜,但是不管逝者是多么仁慈,他也余音不再。他们是生意人。
> 发条(Clockwork)
劇透 -   :
> Just remember that they are still a corp. I know the whole world turns all ooey-gooey over anything with the big D’s name on it, but no matter how philanthropic the dead wyrm was, he doesn’t pull the strings anymore. They’re a business.
> Clockwork

劇透 -   :
Since interactions with the DIMR can occur outside of membership, I’ll mention that many runner teams find themselves involved with this organization when looking for some big money and trying to collect the bounties they issue on toxic shamans and blood mages. Never forget that the reasons the bounties are so large is that this is not easy money. These bounties aren’t placed on the heads of the local Rat shaman who happens to be a little twitchy because of all the chems that have been dumped at his favorite trash yard. The monsters the DIMR seeks are the stuff of nightmares.

> 这些赏金也只对活捉者支付,这使得挣钱变得更加困难。另一方面,那些更不择手段的企业,例如联络和MCT,会对死者提供数目相当(有时甚至更大)的赏金。
> 强制退出(Hard Exit )
劇透 -   :
> The bounties are also only paid on the living, making it that much harder to earn. On the other hand there are less scrupulous corps, like Renraku and MCT, that offer comparable, sometimes even larger, bounties on the dead.
> Hard Exit

> 一个友好的提醒,这些赏金只能由公司公民获取。我知道有好几个掮客正在与一些试图用这些赏金来填补自己退休基金的“勤奋”企业公民进行斡旋。你没能得到全部的赏金,但你至少能得到一部分。
> 侧翼出击(Fianchetto)
劇透 -   :
> A friendly reminder that those bounties can only be collected by citizens of the corporation. There are a few fixers I know who are brokering for some industrious corporate citizens trying to use the bounty offerings to pad their retirement funds. You don’t get the full listed bounty, but you get a piece.
> Fianchetto


劇透 -   :
I have in the past had a reason to do a lot of digging into the history, culture, membership, and operations of the Mystic Crusaders for reasons I will not reveal here. They are far more than the Atlantean Foundation’s magical special forces, as many think of them, and are in fact allied with the AF by a choice of their own. The relationship is far more beneficial to the Crusaders than it is to the Atlanteans. Those who look at them so shallowly never gain a full understanding of what the Crusaders are doing for the Sixth World.

劇透 -   :
When I speak of the Mystic Crusaders here, know that I am talking about the Inner Circle, the initiatory magical society that exists at the core of the overall group. The familiar uniform is worn by mundanes and Awakened alike, but only the true Mystic Crusaders bear the mark of their order, a tattoo of the crescent moon over the crossed sword and banner. Each banner is unique to one of the thirty-three members of the Inner Circle. If a Crusader dies, their banner is passed down to the next in line. Anyone caught wearing a tattoo of the order who is not a member has it flayed from their body. If the offender was part of the company, they are immediately expelled. If they are an outsider, their fate is determined by their intent. Those who are glorifying the Crusaders are flayed and left to live with the warning. Those who bear the mark but bring shame to themselves through dishonorable acts are flayed and then executed.

劇透 -   :
The Crusaders’ system of honor and justice is based on a chivalric code deciphered from an ancient mystic codex. The same codex sets out their purpose in the world, and that purpose has aligned with the work of the Atlantean Foundation for years. Both groups seek to understand magic in the Sixth World, acquire artifacts of previous eras, and to keep those artifacts from being used or controlled by those they deem unworthy. Which is pretty much everyone but them. The Crusaders’ efforts also fall heavily into hunting Awakened threats. Infected, toxics, blood mages, insect shamans and spirits, shedim, shadow spirits, and more are all targets for the Crusaders. Anything that harms the manasphere or is brought over into our metaplane with harmful magic can fall into the crosshairs of the Crusaders. My investigations revealed four cybermancy subjects who were permanently terminated by the Crusaders due to their unnatural taint.

劇透 -   :
Recently, the handling of events by the AF involving a few particular artifacts has created a small rift between the organizations. The AF has been apologetic, but the Crusaders are a stern lot. They do not forgive and are expecting the AF to repent and atone for their actions. In the meantime the Inner Circle of initiates has been refusing to aid in the AF’s operations. Other mundane and Awakened members of the group are still working for the Atlanteans, but the heavy hitters are currently focusing on their own agenda.

劇透 -   :
The Crusaders are not a group any runner I know has ever managed to join up with. The Crusaders actually look very poorly on most runners, and you really need to prove you aren’t a scumbag before they’ll treat you with even a modicum of respect. The flip side of that coin is that they work in the shadows a lot and often have to call upon runner teams as backup or distractions for their operations. They can be trusted to pay what they promise, but don’t expect them to treat you with the respect you think you deserve. If they feel like putting you in your place because they believe you have been disrespectful, let them. You may not like it, but it’s better than turning it into a big issue, since that well may mean losing the job and being put on their drek-list. If it makes any of you ego-filled muscleheads feel better, no one looks down on you for getting shut down by one of these guys. They really are that good.

> 因为AF持有其组织中大部分的技术人员的狗链,与MC(神秘十字军)有关的狂奔目前正在大量招收碟客,机师和超链。AF持有其组织中大部分技术人员的狗链,十字军目前陷入了人员短缺。
> 网猫(Netcat)
劇透 -   :
> Runs for the MC are currently heavily calling on deckers, riggers, and technomancers, as the AF holds the leashes on most of the tech guys in the organization and are leaving the Crusaders in short supply
> Netcat


劇透 -   :
I’ve only recently caught more than just whispers of this group. In the wake of some of Ares’ recent troubles, the Malakim have become more emboldened in their personal vendetta against Ares and in particular Damien Knight. Most assume by the group’s name that they are an off-shoot of the Seraphim, former special operatives for Cross Applied Technologies (CATCo), and though I have no problem letting others believe rumors, I do not like to be so casual with my connective accusations. The entire group consists of eleven members. Six are former Seraphim, three are former CATCo security personnel, and the final two are independents with a strong dislike for Ares. I list them here among the corporate groups because of this former association and the fact—yes, fact— that they are receiving funding from former CATCo firms.

> “强烈的厌恶”?拉齐尔(Raziel )和雷米尔(Remiel)憎恨着阿瑞斯。两人在一次针对“无限技术”(UnlimiTech)行动中失去了整个狂奔队伍,他们的约翰逊先生,自始至终都是个阿瑞斯小子,把狂奔者送去当作安保队伍的测试。阿瑞斯那群家伙没有直接杀死他们,而是慢慢把他们吞噬干净。几个月后,拉泽(Raz)和雷姆(Rem)碰见了他们的同伴,而他们的新复眼和几丁质皮肤已经完成。正因为此事(和其他更多的一系列理由),他们势必要烧尽阿瑞斯。
> 曲棍(Sticks)
劇透 -   :
> “Strong dislike”? Raziel and Remiel HATE Ares. This pair lost their entire runner team to an op against UnlimiTech where the Johnson, an Ares boy all the way, sent them in as a test for the security team. Ares guys chewed them up but didn’t kill them. Raz and Rem ran into their mates a few months later, complete with their new multifaceted eyes and chitinous skin. They’re out to burn Ares to the ground for that and so much more.
> Sticks

劇透 -   :
As you can see by the presence of a pair of independents, I don’t mention these fellows as simply a warning. If you have a strong enough distaste for Ares, Damien Knight, or both, they might give you a chance to enter their mystical society. They accept all practitioners and particularly favor mystic adepts. They’ve got some excellent training techniques for mixing the powers of spellcasting and adept abilities, and they teach their members some interesting martial magic maneuvers. The whole society tends to operate out of the same city, but they send three-man teams ahead when they move as well as leaving three-man teams behind after they’ve wrapped up an operation.

> “天使”和“阵亡者”,这两组前六翼天使代理,并不像人们预料的那样相处。虽然他们都鄙视阿瑞斯,但是“天使”的成员对事物有更为神秘的看法,并且他们认为赛博腐化也是阿瑞斯的腐化。他们不会积极地去对抗“阵亡者”,但他们也不会与他们合作。相反的情况更糟。“阵亡者”认为“天使”在对抗阿瑞斯的行动中已经被腐化了,尤其是“无限技术”。“阵亡者”认为“天使”都是虫精魂。
> 曲棍(Sticks)
劇透 -   :
> The Malakim and the Fallen, both groups of former Seraphim agents, do not get along as one would expect. Though they both despise Ares, the members of the Malakim have a much more mystical outlook on things and feel the taint of cyber is the taint of Ares. They don’t actively oppose the Fallen, but they won’t work with them. The opposite is a bit worse. The Fallen think the Malakim have become tainted during their operations against Ares, and specifically UnlimiTech. The Fallen think the Malakim are bugs.
> Sticks


劇透 -   :
The Brotherhood is the initiatory corps of the 10,000 Daggers mercenary company. The group has been around since the ’50s, formed by Awakened mercs looking for an edge. All Awakened contractors on long-term contracts are offered membership into this elite combat mage society, and very few turn down the offer. Members work their standard tour, assigned as part of various units in cadres of three or four members each, and they get discounts on supplies as well as access to the group’s facilities. Though spread across the world and traversing many traditions of magic, the group remains tight-knit. After their tour, members are given the offer to stay part of the initiatory corps as long as they do not work for any competing mercenary agency or work against the 10,000 Daggers as an independent operator.

劇透 -   :
The Brotherhood has its base of operations and training in Istanbul. They have access to their patron company’s facilities on the outskirts of the central Tokapi palace district. That means they have nice facilities, but in order to train and climb the initiatory ranks you have to go to Istanbul.


劇透 -   :
Adepts around the world know this group. Initially formed by adepts facing discrimination in professional sports leagues, they used their mystical talents and the Matrix to showcase the value of adepts in a wide range of sports through amazing live demonstrations. The success of the campaign emboldened the small group of adepts who, knowing they couldn’t gather enough members to form a team sports league, pooled resources and purchased the franchise rights to the Ultimate Fighting Championship. They pulled in fighters from across the globe—adept, mundane, and cybered alike— and turned the franchise into a premiere combat sport, with fans all over the world.

劇透 -   :
Their success made the five founding members of Gladio rich beyond their imaginings back in ‘59 when they started, but this past year likely made them feel they’d earned every nuyen. The rekindled excitement and success of the UFC caught the attention of Aztechnology. Though the founders of Gladio were not keen on taking an offer from the megacorp to purchase Gladio Enterprises, they had little choice once the Azzies started putting the pressure on. The founding five are now a founding four, and Gladio Enterprises is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Aztechnology. The Gladio magical society and initiatory group is still intact, however, and now benefits from a reduction in dues thanks to the support of a megacorp that knows the true value of bloodsports.

> 罗伊斯(Royce)是坚决反对出售阿兹特科的五大创始人之一,但阿兹知道如何利用别人的弱点。他们为五位创始人提供了一笔交易:由阿兹特科派出十个最好的选手和'“剑兰”十个最好的选手之间进行一场私人搏斗比赛。如果阿兹赢了,五人就接受他们的提议出售公司。如果“剑兰”获胜,阿兹就离开谈判桌,并且将为“剑兰”提供它们下一年利润的百分之一作为补偿。多亏了狂妄自大,罗伊斯和其他人接受了赌局并且选择了他们的战士,其中就包括创始人之一,贝尼托“加农炮”戈麦斯(Benito “The Cannon” Gomez)。只有参与比赛的选手们知道真实情况,我们唯一知道的就是阿兹特科赢了,并且贝尼托-戈麦斯和其他三名“剑兰”选手不幸身亡。
> 骑马斗牛士(Picador)
劇透 -   :
> Royce, one of the founding five, was dead set against selling to AZT, but the Azzies know how to prey on the weaknesses of others. They offered the five founders a deal: a private fighting tournament between the ten best of AZT and the ten best of Gladio. The Azzies win, the five take their offer and sell the company. Gladio wins and AZT walks away from the table and has to match one percent of Gladio’s profits in the upcoming year. Thanks to a whole lot of hubris, Royce and the others took the bet and chose their fighters, including Benito “The Cannon” Gomez, one of the founders. The only results that are known to anyone but the fighters involved are that AZT won and Benito Gomez, along with three other Gladio fighters, did not survive.
> Picador

> 这场战斗据称真的存在录像,如果能找到合适的买家,它应该能让你发一笔小财。
> 网猫(Netcat)
劇透 -   :
> Footage of the fights supposedly exists and would be worth a small fortune to the right buyer.
> Netcat

> 阿兹以某种方式在从中作梗。
> Slamm-0!
劇透 -   :
> Azzies cheated somehow.
> Slamm-0!

> 而天空依旧蔚蓝。
> /dev/grrl
劇透 -   :
> And the sky remains blue.
> /dev/grrl


劇透 -   :
Very similar to MCT’s Unit 13, the Pathfinders are the Pueblo Corporate Council’s version of a magical investigation and protection service. They are fully funded by the PCC and coordinated under the Pueblo Security Force to research magical phenomena and problem-solve all arcane issues in the nation. What makes them unique is the depth to which they will investigate before they decide on a course of action. They are slow to action and believe the best course of action is always the informed, enlightened one. They believe no magical phenomena occur without a reason and that reason is best known before a solution can be considered in order to maintain the delicate balance of the magical universe.

劇透 -   :
As a part of the PSF, the Pathfinders might be expected to always be on the other side of the sights when it comes to runners, but as most corporations understand, the denizens of the shadows have their value and their place. The Pathfinders hire runners, mundane and arcane, to provide support on operations that threaten the PCC for two primary reasons. The first is operations that need to be kept at arms length from government involvement due to tribal, spiritual, or political reasons. The second involves arcane issues that do not necessarily fall within their national boundaries but still put PCC citizens at risk. The reasons for a runner to end up trading high-velocity arguments with members of the Pathfinders usually involve another megacorporation, either to keep them from discovering their involvement or to control whatever phenomena the Pathfinders seek to understand.
« 上次编辑: 2023-08-17, 周四 13:11:48 由 阿飘 »

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« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-08-03, 周五 14:19:32 »


劇透 -   :
Do not confuse secret with evil. There are those among this list that have dark and nefarious goals, but there are also those that hide because they do not wish to be a target for the darkness they fight. Now don’t get me wrong, not every group that keeps themselves hidden is either good or evil. Some of these groups simply choose anonymity to avoid the attention of authorities, not due to illicit activity but because they want to function in peace. The modern world is full of controlling powers, and control is not maintained by handing out freedoms, it’s maintained by creating the illusion of freedoms. Staying in secrecy means avoiding the confining illusions.

至高教团ORDO MAXIMUS (译注:两者都是拉丁语,前者有天主教教会历书之意)

劇透 -   :
As a whole, this magical society is not a true secret. Membership is a status symbol, and status symbols only work if others know of them. The reason I include them here is for the secrecy of their leadership and the rumors that always abound about the society and their dark doings. The truth is, Ordo Maximus is not some demon-worshipping cult of evil monsters trying to take over Europe and eventually the world. They are an elitist social network for the rich and powerful in Europe who want to increase their arcane power and then flaunt that power over their peers. Those members have, at times, utilized their position, and the positions of their peers, for some less-than-pleasant projects.

劇透 -   :
That’s the overview. Remember it when you meet those minor nobles who are hiring you and flaunting their membership in your face. But when your hacker comes back and tells you after some serious digging they found connections between your Johnson and Ordo Maximus, remember the following.

劇透 -   :
If Ordo Maximus were an apple, it would have a rotten core. Their is an initiatory group of very powerful HMHVV-positive members who have used their power and access to the membership of the Ordo to unearth secrets and powers that should not be trifled with. And they trifle with them. This group hides within the society and is the reason they started as a secret society back in the ’50s. The additional layers have hidden them further among other power-mad, egotistical megalomaniacs. But remember, when dealing with people tied to Ordo Maximus, this is the exception rather than the rule. The society numbers over three thousand, while the vampiric cabal likely numbers less than a score.

劇透 -   :
Knowing that this dark heart exists may make some think twice about joining, but membership has its privileges. First off, membership is not something you seek. It is something that seeks you. If you have a noble title, even a simple knighthood, you have the basic, but most limiting factor of membership. Next, you need money, or at least the image of money. Finally, you must have connections. Members are joining a magical social network when they first enter the fold, and if you don’t have strong connections to bring to the group, what good are you?

劇透 -   :
Once you’re in, they’ll introduce you to a few other members near and just above your ranking and offer you a few guilds to join. The guilds are the Ordo’s initiatory groups. Members can wait to select one, but they have only three moons to do so. If they haven’t selected by then, they’re expelled from the society. I’m not quite sure why the time limit is in place. Mundanes likely assume it has some mystical meaning behind it, but I’ve found nothing. It may be a mystical-seeming trial period to keep people from joining just to abuse the connections, or from trying to infiltrate the group while they still have outside connections.


和献祭魔法比起来,鲜有比它更道德沦丧的手段,但也鲜有能比它更迅速地赐人力量的手段。虽然这一点正如我所说,但是我还是必须提一下,这个社群并不是一群意图快速变强的杀人犯和精神病的集合体。尽管他们秘密行动,他们依然会试图开导他人,让他们意识到献祭魔法的文化与历史意义。这个社群的成员并没有完全隐藏在阴影中。大多数只是会将自己的能力,或者至少自己能力的表达方式,隐藏在暗影中;他们的余生将于普罗大众共同度过,他们周围的那些人对他们的魔法习性之了解,好比平常人对金星上天气的了解。 。
劇透 -   :
There are very few paths to power as fast, or as morally despicable, as sacrifice magic. Though as I say that I must also say that this society does not present as some cloister of murderers and psychopaths looking for the fastest route to power. While operating in secret, they seek to bring enlightenment to others on the cultural and historical significance of sacrifice magic. The members of this society do not completely hide in the shadows. Most only hide their ability or at least the expressions of their ability in the shadows; the rest of their lives they live in the light, with those around them no more aware of their magical habits then they are of the weather on Venus.

劇透 -   :
This is the face the Vigor have presented to myself and the members of the magical community who are aware of their existence. My problem is I don’t trust this image when it comes to those who tread such a steep slope, slick with blood. Whatever dark secrets they are hiding, they hide them well.

> 在西雅图和达拉斯,我都看到了他们黑暗面的迹象。可疑的死亡事件,每一起都与可疑人士有关。当地的执法部门证据不足到以至于无法审问他们,但总有其他人可能想要超越法律的答案。
> 侧翼出击(Fianchetto )
劇透 -   :
> I’ve seen signs of their darker side in both Seattle and Dallas. Suspicious deaths with links to suspected members. The local law enforcement doesn’t have enough to even question them, but there are always others who might want answers beyond the law.
> Fianchetto

    成员(估算): 10,000

劇透 -   :
No matter how secret your secret society is, rumors of it will eventually find their way out into the world. If your organization is powerful enough, they can silence the rumors or label the rumormongers as crazies and extremists. If you are one of the most powerful arcane secret societies in the world, you can seem to disappear and reappear at will throughout history, and though the rumors keep coming back, they never stick around long enough for any fingers to be pointed at specific targets, and even when they are, you have the power to rewrite the records of those accusations.

劇透 -   :
This is the Black Lodge.

劇透 -   :
The Black Lodge has existed for longer than the current age of magic, and rumors persist that they were able to use magic in the down-cycle through elaborate and powerful rituals. Now, with magic abundant, these rituals are easier and far more powerful. There are about ten thousand members of the Black Lodge arranged in seven-person lodges over five expanding tiers (Merlin, Mordred, Morgana, Rasputin, and Nostradamus). They are spread all over the world. Every member is Awakened, and most are in positions of power. They have mundane and Awakened associates as well, and their reach is extensive. They have members in almost every major government and megacorporation in the world.

劇透 -   :
The purpose of this organization is not world domination so much as world control (a fine distinction, I grant you). They do not want to crush the world beneath their alligator-skin shoes, but instead bend the leaders of the world to their will and lead them from behind the curtain. They do not wish to be the king, only the trusted advisor. That way if things don’t work out they simply let the king take the blame and disappear, only to find a new power to bring to the throne.

劇透 -   :
They have the resources and ability to get anything they want or feel they need, but their desires are curbed by centuries of knowing what it takes to stay in the shadows. They rarely bring brute force against an enemy. When they feel that force is the best or only option, it comes in one of two forms: like a whisper in the night or a crack of thunder beside your head.

劇透 -   :
The majority of the Black Lodge doesn’t know what other members of the Lodge are doing as they are organized in independent cells, much like a terrorist group. It’s one of the ways they maintain their anonymity and secrecy while being so large. The organization’s size and power tend to make a lot of enemies, and the Lodge has two particularly powerful enemies that have kept them in check and, in recent years, given them quite a beating. The Lodge has an adversarial relationship with elves, in particular, the so-called immortal elves as well as the dragons. Over the past few years the dragons have been using their disagreements and war to bring the fight to the Lodge. Though the open war against metahumanity has been settled, the shadow war will continue. The dragons have been busy contracting runners and making sure those runners aren’t working blind. 

> 随着希丝塔比(Hestaby,译注:巨龙之一)的流亡,“黑结社”的麻烦可能比他们意识到的还要大。甚至有人猜测她的流亡只是一个阴谋的一部分,意在粉碎“黑结社”和其他黑暗社群。
> Plan 9
劇透 -   :
> With Hestaby in exile, the Black Lodge may be in more trouble than they realize. There are even those who are speculating that her exile is just part of a plot to put her in the shadows to break the Black Lodge and other dark societies.
> Plan 9

> 巨龙们没必要在暗影中操纵他们。
> 霜寒(Frosty)
劇透 -   :
> Dragons do not need to be in the shadows to manipulate them.
> Frosty

    成员(估算): 300

黑暗兄弟会,他们偶尔会被这样称呼,其专注于发掘和获取古老的魔法物品,并在他们与邪恶的旷日斗争中使用它们。在邓凯尔赞裂缝(译注:水门裂缝)释放了邪魔和其他邪恶精魂进入世界后,黑暗兄弟会即由一群罗马尼亚学者创立,多年来,兄弟会变得更加军事化。他们的成员献身于克己和破势的原则,牺牲物质财富,将弗斯特怒火(the Furst Wrath)释放与这个世界的黑暗之上。里维尔·弗斯特(Rivel Furst)是这一教团之缔造者,是一位实力强大的神秘修士。他在随后的几年里死去,在对抗黑暗神秘力量的战斗中牺牲了生命,但是弗斯特的传说吸引了大量的神秘修士加入兄弟会。该团体总部设在东欧,但吸引了来自世界各地的成员。正如成员所说,恶知无国界。
劇透 -   :
The Dark Brotherhood, as they are sometimes referred, focuses on unearthing and obtaining ancient magical artifacts and using them in their ongoing battle against evil. Founded by a group of Romanian academics after Dunklezhan’s rift released shedim and other dark spirits into the world, the Brotherhood has grown more martial over the years. Their members dedicate themselves to the principles of self-denial and overwhelming force, sacrificing material wealth and raining down the Furst Wrath on the darkness in the world. Rivel Furst was the founder of the order, a mystic adept of considerable power. He died in the intervening years, sacrificing his life in the battle against dark arcane forces, but the legend of Furst has drawn a high percentage of mysads to the Brotherhood. The group is headquartered in Eastern Europe but has attracted members from all over the world. Evil knows no borders, as members say.

劇透 -   :
The group provides funding and arcane support for archaeological digs in Europe, Africa, and Asia. The Brotherhood has safehouses, which they use as meeting halls, in the UCAS, CAS, Eastern Europe, Japan, and Cape Town. Their endeavors bring them into conflict with a number of other arcane groups, in particular the Atlantean Foundation, Dunkelzahn Institute of Magical Research, and Black Lodge, all of whom also seek artifacts as well as the vampiric cabal within the Ordo Maximus.

劇透 -   :
Joining the Brotherhood provides access to the group’s assets, which includes a small collection of artifacts as well as a large selection of foci that have been turned over to the society as spoils. While most people think of assets as physical, this society started in the halls of academia, and members can reach out to their fellow members for a wide range of information.

> 这些家伙令人毛骨悚然。 他们冷酷的同时又充满激情。 为他们工作,与他们一起工作,或对抗他们几乎同样令人不快。
> 荆棘(Thorn)
劇透 -   :
> These guys are creepy. They’re cold and passionate at the same time. Working for them, with them, or against them are all almost equally unpleasant.
> Thorn

第二十五梦行者 BENANDANTI XXV(译注:benandanti,意大利语,意味健跑者,16世纪和17世纪意大利弗留利东北,作为农夫的benandanti声称自己在睡梦中对抗邪恶巫婆,以保证雨季的到来;一些benandanti被指控为异端或巫婆,被关押入罗马宗教裁判所)
    成员(估算): 25

劇透 -   :
The goal of this society is to explore and fathom the mystical enigmas of the Sixth World and its Awakened inhabitants to better understand the underpinnings of magic. I read that somewhere once. If there were any magical society I would choose to elevate with my membership, this would be the one for three very important reasons.

首先,这个团体的大本营位于已经转换信仰的,布拉格(Prague)的克列门特寺院(Clementium monastery)。这个地方有最具魔法传统的寄宿屋、祭祀建筑,附魔工坊和魔法帐篷。所有这些都坐落在一座美丽的历史建筑里。其次,他们致力于探索觉醒的伟大奥秘,寻找通向启蒙和魔法力量的新途径。最后,巨龙施瓦茨科普夫(Schwatzkopf)。我已经有足够长的时间来知晓和理解“从不和龙打交道”的宗旨,但施瓦特科普夫在我看来是另一类龙——他是布拉格查尔斯特大学(Charles University)的一名奇术教授。他是该组织的赞助人,多年来一直在招募大学里最优秀、最聪明的人。除了魔法指导和启蒙支援,会员还可以访问施瓦特科普夫个人收藏中世界上最大的神秘信息档案之一。
劇透 -   :
First, the group’s base of operations, the converted Clementium monastery in Prague. This place has lodging, ritual buildings, enchanting shops, and magical lodges for most magical traditions. All this sits inside a beautiful historical building. Second, they are dedicated to exploring the great mysteries of the Awakening, searching for new paths to enlightenment and magical power. Third, the great dragon Schwartzkopf. I’ve been around long enough to know and understand the “Never Deal with a Dragon” tenet, but as a professor of thaumaturgy at Charles University in Prague, Schwartkopf always struck me as a different sort. He’s the patron of the organization and has been recruiting the best and brightest from the university for years. Along with magical instruction and initiatory support, members have access to one of the largest archives of arcane information in the world in the personal collection of Schwartzkopf.

劇透 -   :
In return, members operate as the dragon’s eyes and ears in the Awakened community, while others investigate and catalogue magical phenomena, critters, and spirits for the great dragon. Schwartzkopf also uses the group for specific missions, but prefers if the members seek their own wisdom, as long as that wisdom eventually finds a home in his libraries. Society members spend the majority of their time working in the field, seeking out sites of unexplained magic events, strange spirit manifestations, and other types of magical weirdness, and reporting their findings back to their draconic master.

> 梦行者内部冲突频发。由于成员们都在寻求获得施瓦特科普夫的关注和青睐,他们经常被卷入互相背叛和背刺事件,以追寻获得施瓦茨科夫的关注和青睐。
> 侧翼出击(Fianchetto)
劇透 -   :
> Ops are frequent for Benandanti. They often involve a lot of internal doublecrossing and backstabbing as the members seek to gain the eye and favor of Schwartzkopf.
> Fianchetto

> 施瓦茨科夫不喜欢他的成员以这种方式行事。又或者他喜欢,只是表现出典型的龙式神秘感。
> 霜寒(Frosty)
劇透 -   :
> Schwartzkopf is not a fan of his members working in that way. Or maybe he is, and is just being a typically inscrutable dragon.
> Frosty
« 上次编辑: 2023-08-17, 周四 13:12:29 由 阿飘 »

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« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-08-23, 周四 19:22:44 »

劇透 -   :
Perception is reality to the perceiver. Skew your view far enough and you end up here. I won’t say these groups do not have power, but their belief system, operations, or even their very existence, gives me enough pause to place them here. It’s a personal point of view. Remember, my perception is my reality.


        要是他们相当新的宗教的原初神话跟耶稣的基督教神话故事和他对我们的罪的牺牲没那么多相似之处,我还不会认为他们疯了。用邓凯尔赞(Dunkelzahn)取代耶稣,并用对希望与和谐的期冀取代我们的罪孽,你就会为了人类的进步做出同样的牺牲。该组织由大卫·龙子(David Dragonson)创立,他们在爱德华王子岛省(加拿大东部)有个大本营,那里有着一个崇拜巨龙/精魂的教派所需要的任何东西。这包括秘法援助和强大的启蒙团体,及其广泛的资源,和数目过剩,为他们服务各种事情的凡俗追随者。事实上,龙裔里凡俗成员的数目远远多于觉醒者成员,但觉醒者们拥有绝大部分权力。

*IOND: The Illuminates of a New Dawn,新黎明之光。
*DIMR: Dunkelzahn Institute of Magical Research,黑牙魔法研究院。
*沙斯塔萨满:Shasta Shamans巨龙Hestaby的属下,由于Hestaby在巨龙内战中的失败而遭到清洗,后文有介绍。



> /dev/grrl

*Hestaby在暗影BBS里的ID,她偶尔上暗影BBS跟Laughing Man斗嘴。暗影BBS在矩阵2.0中被摧毁,然后出现了Jackpoint p2p网络代替它的功能。
劇透 -   :
Members (est.): 1,350
Dues: 600¥/year
Areas of expertise: Draconic magic
I would be less inclined to consider them crazy if the preliminary tale of their fairly new religion did not have so much similarity to the Christian mythos of Jesus and his sacrifce for our sins. Replace Jesus with Dunkelzahn, and sins with a lesson in hope and harmony, and you get the same sacrifce for the betterment of mankind. The group was founded by David Dragonson, and they have quite the headquarters on Prince Edward Island, with everything a dragon-spirit-worshipping cult could need. That includes arcane assistance and a strong initiatory group as well as extensive resources and a plethora of mundane followers to do a wide variety of things for them. In fact, the Children have far more mundane than Awakened members, but the Awakened members have the vast majority of the power.
They are currently at odds with a number of other magical societies and groups, including the IOND, DIMR, and what remains of the Shasta Shamans. The Illuminates are not happy that the Children have stepped into the UCAS political arena by looking to represent the district of Prince Edward Island in the House of Representatives. The two have been digging and tossing dirt at each other since the Children frst put a candidate in the race. There are some cooler minds who think the two should join magical forces, but their fundamental beliefs are so different it’s hard to see them working together. Stranger things have happened, though.
The DIMR is not happy with the group’s view on their mutual benefactor and hasn’t been since Dragonson frst started preaching his special brand of crazy. The two are also often on opposite sides of shadow operations, looking to gain control of some of the Big D’s more elusive items. This includes items from his will that the Children believe belong to them based on their worship of the dead president, as well as items from his hidden hoards. Even the rumor of a Dunkelzahn relic will get some investigation by someone in this group. Faith goes a long way.
As for the remaining Shasta Shamans, things were good until Hestaby got exiled. Since then, there has been tension between the two. I don’t know the exact reason, but the tension’s there. Work has been fnding its way into the shadows working the angles between these two dragon-connected societies.
>It’s sad. Dunkelzahn is assassinated, Hestaby exiled. Seems any dragon who cares for metahumankind gets the short end of the stick.
> /dev/grrl
> Dunkelzahn is gone. Hestaby is simply working from a place closer to ours. She has accepted the punishment handed to her without question. The Orange Queen must have a plan.
> Frosty




>我经常刷一些奇怪的网站,而我最近看过的有一条关于一个叫Zero Cool的狂奔者的传闻。他没发表过任何声明,但其他人提到他同时具有修士和超链者的能力。他在非洲消失了一段时间。
>Plan 9
劇透 -   :
Members (est.): 300
Dues: 50¥/month
Areas of expertise: Technology and magic
This group is dangerous and feared by most average citizens as well as the corps. The society is socially open, and they aren’t terribly strict on who can and can’t join, or the limitations on beliefs of their members. The group includes both Awakened and Emerged individuals. I’ll admit my knowledge of technomancers is limited, but I am not biased by popular opinion. Evil is in the man, not the power. Having a closely knit group with individuals who can manipulate all the planes—astral, physical, and Matrix—is the thing of nightmares for the powerless corporate wageslave, and even for his masters.
I haven’t gotten very close, but the information I have says this society accepts Awakened from all walks of life as well as technomancers. They have groups for both initiatory and submersion rites for their members. I have heard the rumors of technomages but have seen no proof of their existence in the real world.
> I scour the freak nodes often, and the closest I’ve seen is rumors of a runner named Zero Cool. Nothing ever claimed by him, but others have mentioned he has adept and techno abilities. He disappeared in Africa awhile back.
> Plan 9
> There are gifts of Submersion that can reflect and appear as the gifts of the adepts, and the two can be easily mistaken. That is likely the source of the rumors.
> Netcat



*犹他国:Ute Nation,即原犹他州,于2067年被普韦布洛公司理事会吸收,不再作为一个政治实体存在


        如果你是个狂奔者,那很常见;但如果你是大街上一个普通的乔(Average Joe),那就太诡异了。不过他们正在努力改善这一点。




劇透 -   :
Members (est.): 150
Dues: 200¥/year
Areas of expertise: Mentor spirits, shamanic magic
I will not lie, I have many friends within the Painted Horse Lodge. I also have a number of acquaintances, and I am not without enemies within the society. They are a rich and diverse lot. They accept all who follow the shamanic tradition and hold themselves accountable to a mentor spirit, a spiritual guide for their magic, and that creates a nearly unmatched diversity just on its own. From the secretive snake to the psychotic shark, the spectrum is wide.
The society is based, to some degree, out of Dallas, Texas, CAS. That was the home of the original lodge, and that lodge still holds a hint of additional authority in this anti-authoritarian community of non-conformists. Lodges all over the North American continent, including down in Aztlan, are actually independent sects of the whole. Each has their own goals, fundamental drives, and even rules for joining. The only universal points are the shamanic tradition and mentor spirit. This means shamans of non-Native American traditions can join as long as their sect allows it. Currently the largest number of Lodges are in Tír Tairngire and the Pueblo Corporate Council, specifcally the section that was once the Ute Nation, but Seattle recently took the lead as the largest single lodge.
The overall society espouses inclusion of the shaman in regular society. From the promotion of classic shamanic traditions, such as Bear shamans in the healing community or Wolf shamans in small specialized combat units, they work to fll in a role for shamans in every aspect of life. To see just how successful they have been, think about how comfortable you would be if a man came into your operating room post-surgery wearing a big dirty grizzly bear fur, holding a bag of supposedly mystic powders, and putting you back together.
If you’re a runner, that’s normal, if you’re Average Joe on the street, that’s off-puttingly strange. But they’re working on it.
Individually, I know there are Lodges studying the various metaplanes related to Mentor spirits, metaplanes related to elements, alternate uses for alchemy, and aggressive spirit types, especially shadow spirits and shedim. I’m sure other Lodges are studying things other than these, but that is the maximum breadth of my confrmed knowledge. And as I’ve said before, I am a talismonger, not a rumormonger.
That said I will state with near certainty that at least two Lodges that I know of contain shamans with Toxic Mentors. These Lodges are located in Seattle and Chicago, both cities with their fair share of toxic domains. What I do not know is if the ranking members of the Painted Horse know this or not. Members that I am allied with will not bring such harmful accusations against their brethren without ironclad proof, something I do not have. Be wary.
For shamans who work in the shadows, the Painted Horse is one of the few publicly known groups that will accept you. As such an anti-authoritarian lot, they put little stake in SINs and other such “shackles of an oppressive civilization.” Their words, not mine. Joining the Lodge can get you contacts in other cities, access to premium shamanic reagents, and connections to some rather extreme nature groups such as TerraFirst!.




>毒萨满,每一个都是毒萨满 。
劇透 -   :
Members (est.): 18
Dues: 1,000¥/year
Areas of expertise: Astral phenomena, draconic magic, shamanic magic
If you had asked me to speak of this society only a year or two ago, I would be telling a much different tale. With the change in their patron’s status among her dragon kin and the attack on Mt. Shasta to claim her hoard, the Shasta Shamans are a magical society in ruin. The remaining shamans, less than two dozen after all the attacks, have slipped into the shadows.
Their numbers have dwindled further over the past year as the remains of the once peaceful and proud organization waged a vengeful war against the other dragons, the runners they hired, the corps they backed, and anyone who even spoke a positive word for their enemies or a negative word against Hestaby. As one would expect, they haven’t been able to do all of this on their own. Despite the public absence of Hestaby, her influence has still been felt all around the world through the anger of her former followers.
> The eyes of the Orange Queen would weep if they fell upon the remains of her children. There is a darkness among them.
> Man-of-Many-Names
> Toxics, one and all.
> Lyran




        玛娜如今已经发展到另外两个有着大量荒地的地区。MDC*和FRFZ(Front Range Free Zone,弗兰特自治区)的玛娜据点的成员没西雅图有二十多个成员那么多,但每个据点也都有十几个。其他城市的据点由一些原本是西雅图总部的,分离的时候没那么友好但没到“不想再在这儿见到你”程度的成员建立的。从那时起,他们便进一步分隔开,两者之间几乎没有任何合作点。

*MDC:Manhattan Development Consortium,曼哈顿开发财团,纽约的实际掌控者,在纽约因大地震而毁灭后由多家超企联合组建了MDC,并全权承担了重建的工作。此后,MDC完成了整个曼哈顿和部分其他城区的彻底私有化,让纽约成为了UCAS的国中之国。

        玛娜在FRFZ和“流浪猫”(Alley Catz),一个极光荒地*下属的地方巫师帮派有些摩擦。这两个势力都不是在会在公园里大打出手的类型,但他们无疑地更可能为任何想要给他们敌人找麻烦的人提供一些魔法援助。如果你在丹佛干活,并且碰巧跟这些神秘团体对上了的话,这是一个好消息。
*极光荒地:Aurora Warrens,丹佛的雷德蒙荒地区



劇透 -   :
Members (est.): 50
Dues: None
Areas of expertise: Combat magic, wizzer gangs
This is the fundamental defnition of a street mage society. Originally formed by a ganger and stocked with Awakened recruits from other gangs or those with the Talent living in the Redmond Barrens, or other desolate strips where Mana has spread, the gang is short on resources but long on attitude. And they take care of the essentials—they don’t check for SINs when you sign up, and they’ll come to your aid if you make the call.
But don’t think things in this group are all brotherly love. Many members are still gangers from rival gangs, and though Mana meetings at their HQ in Redmond are neutral ground no one ever accused gangers of knowing how to follow the rules. The group started in Seattle, out in the Redmond Barrens, when Argus, a former Halloweener, made a desperate call for help while his chapter of the Halloweeners was getting downsized. The response from other Awakened gangers was surprising, and to help each other out on the road to power they set their colors aside and focused on their commonality, the Talent.
The group has spread to two other cities with a considerable barrens area. The MDC and FRFZ Mana dosses are not as large as the Seattle group’s, which currently has over two dozen members, but they are both approaching a dozen each. The dosses in the other cities were founded by members originally from Seattle who weren’t exactly happy when they left but not to the “don’t show your face around here ever again” level. Since then, they’ve drifted further apart, almost to the point of zero cooperation between the groups.
The Mana group in the FRFZ is having trouble with the Alley Catz, a local wizzer gang in the Aurora Warrens. Neither force is the gang-war-in-the-park type but they are defnitely more apt to throw in some arcane assistance for anyone looking to hinder the efforts of their nemesis. Good to know if you’re working in Denver and happen to end up in opposition of either of these arcane groups.
If you need some arcane assistance in any of those cities, Mana is the group to call. They’re spellslingers for rent and they’re street gangers, so they don’t charge the arm-and-a-leg rates that the corporate wagemages do. I don’t recommend them for important or quiet work as they aren’t bought for long, and they tend to be very overt in their casting.
Don’t think that any assistance or affliation you develop with Mana comes without a price. The group has a rather poor reputation with the astral community due to their unbecoming treatment of spirits. Expect some blowback from any spirits you may summon who know of your affliation or association with Mana, and be ready for some creative interpretations of your commands.
> The unfettered of the mountains have begun seeking retribution from the abusers of their kin. Mana’s time in the mountains will not likely be long.
> Man-of-Many-Names






>Plan 9
>别忘了跟这群家伙有过节的另一个魔法社群,阿莱夫协会(Aleph Society)。这也是一个宣称“我们能治愈燃尽”的组织,阿莱夫协会可对这个社群闯入他们的领域不太感冒。他们可能是新年袭击的幕后推手。事实上,这比起一些脑病患法师作案的可能性大得多。


劇透 -   :
Members (est.): 18
Dues: 200¥/year
Areas of expertise: Magical burnout, technology and magic
In the Seattle news extensively around the New Year when their annual party in Bellevue went up in flames, the Society of the Phoenix Arisen has yet to rise from those ashes. The group took a massive hit to their core membership, and the remaining members have scattered to the wind in fear that the events were an attack and not just a freak arcane accident. I would not have included them at all if not for the whispers in the shadows of the cause of this group’s explosive implosion.
For those who do not check the screamsheets, the Society of the Phoenix Arisen is a small collection of arcanists who have, for one reason or another, felt the need to mettle with the purity of their bodies by installing artifcial augmentations. It is common knowledge that augmentations interfere with the channeling of mana, and that extensive augmentation can lead to burnout—the complete loss of magical potential. The Phoenix believed there was a way to mend the broken soul and help those who had lost or lessened their abilities through genetic treatments, removal or replacements of the augmentations with higher quality parts, and ritual magics to mend the spiritual connection. I cannot speak to the success of those efforts; I am simply relaying what they believed.
As for their untimely decimation, the whispers relate to a certain unnatural virus that has been making many people nervous over the past year. The Cognitive Fragmentation Disorder, or CFD, virus is a growing urban legend with terrifying stories of people’s minds being taken over by the viral mind. The Phoenix believe the virus is somewhat technological in nature and their members were infected. Whether the New Year’s event was an attack aimed at eliminating the infected or an attack by the infected to try to eliminate their brethren, no one seems to know, but the remaining members are now out in the shadows and potentially of interest to the rest of us.
> Really? CFD, Lothan? You’re pushing the limits of your title of “the Wise.” As much as all of us here are believers in CFD after ‘Jack and me, thinking this can snag and use the Awakened is a stretch at best.
> Plan 9
> Don’t forget the other arcane society that has a beef with these guys, the Aleph Society. Another group making the “we can heal burnouts” claim, the Aleph aren’t too keen on another society horning in on their action. They could have been behind the New Year’s attack. In fact, that’s far more likely than some head case mage flipout.
> Lyran




劇透 -   :
Members (est.): 80
Dues: 500¥/year
Areas of expertise: Free spirits, magical burnout
So much has changed with them since Nickson called out to “the shattered souls” back in ’56. He had a tome in his possession known as the Book of Gaf, that, according to him, held rituals for healing the wounds of the souls of those who had lost their connection with magic, the burnouts. He had success that most think was the result of a pact with the free spirit Gaf. Despite the crazy ideas, they were successful and popular until the mid-’60s when the group stopped taking new members and fell out of the spotlight.
Flash-forward to ’69. Nickson disappears mysteriously, his trusted chief lieutenant, Sylvia LaGuardia, takes the reins and seeks to honor her mentor’s memory by expanding once more. They’ve grown since that time, but their reputation has taken a number of serious hits over the past few years. Quite a few of the new members are some seriously violent fraggers, and they’re not just normal runner violent—they’re closer to psychotic. Some blame the change on the influence of Tak, a second free spirit associated with the club after they acquired the Book of Tak following its discovery in the PCC. There is supposedly a third book that the group still seeks.
> There are quite a few groups that are actively opposed to letting the Aleph’s discover their third book for fear the trio, once brought together, will unleash something terrible.
> Arete
« 上次编辑: 2023-11-19, 周日 21:01:12 由 水果Saove »

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« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-08-28, 周二 23:58:51 »

劇透 -   :
Religion and magic have been tied together since man frst witnessed something they could not explain and could not tell the difference between magic and the acts of the gods. Throughout history men have used religions to bring others to their cause, and if that cause happens to have someone who can heal the sick, transmute water to wine, call lightning from the sky, or control flames, then they lend that much more credence to the existence of the higher power they describe. Now I’m not here to debate the existence of a higher power—shamans, druids, and all others who summon gifts from their mentors are proof enough of that, though the nature of the power can be (and has been) debated endlessly. What I want to talk about is the societies that have formed around religions since the Awakening and the changes that have occurred in those that existed long before magic returned to the world.






>多亏了阿兹特兰政府的反天主教政策,西尔维斯特会在那儿活动频繁。天主教会在那儿有个有趣的对在阿兹特兰境内如何行动争论不休的保守派和自由派的组合。保守派主张顺从阿兹特兰政府并避免对抗。而自由派是你能找到西尔维斯特会的地方,他们正直接和活跃地反对一些新阿兹特克国教(national Neo-Aztec religion)的不可描述的仪式。



劇透 -   :
Members (est.): 200
Dues: Tithing expected, but amount set by members
Areas of expertise: Arcane history, astral phenomena, Catholic Church, magical theory
I’ll make the history lesson brief. The Catholic Church was vehemently opposed to magic when it frst returned to the world. They eventually changed their thinking and accepted magic, considering it neither good nor evil; they instead said that good and evil was within the person not the power. To any who lived in the faith during the tumultuous era of the ’10s and ’20s I apologize for the brevity when discussing such a trying time.
The Order of Saint Sylvester, also known as the Sylvestrines, is a Catholic Church-sanctioned society of the Awakened who work to promote an understanding of magic within the context of church’s teaching. The Awakened priests and monks of the order, all theurgists, are dedicated to the use of benefcial magic and investigating magical phenomena for the church’s Vatican Library. They are especially interested in those events that demonstrate a connection, even if only a loose one, to places or gatherings of the Catholic Church. Their investigations can be guided by their own interest, an order from the Vatican, or at the request of a local bishop. The initiatory members of the Sylvestrines are also tasked with hunting down arcane enemies of the Church, in particular Infernalists, those that seek their power through the worship of dark forces.
Obviously this is not the arcane society for shadowrunners, so when looking at them we should look at the value a devout religious group could have to lowlife runners. Their ubiquitous presence, their extensive knowledge and understanding of things Awakened, and their need for distance from actions that may tarnish the reputation of the Church all could be of possible use to shadowrunners.
The Catholic Church has a presence in every nation in the world, and has often been in place for longer than the nation itself has existed. Though nations no longer run the world, they are the borders that determine legality, the governments that monitor the masses that the megacorporations do not employ but seek to exploit, and the power structure most easily influenced through the religious devotion of their population. This means a group like the Sylvestrines can be found anywhere and move anywhere in the world. Moving in some places that are not fond of the Catholic religion or across borders with artifacts or information that would normally be controlled by the government for the betterment of its citizens is not easy. The Catholic Church, and especially the Sylvestrines in their work of seeking artifacts, are experts at using their worldwide network to move objects or people. Smuggling for the Vatican is full-time employment for several runner teams I know, many of whom are contracted through, or run by, a Sylvestrine monk.
> The Sylvestrines operate frequently in Aztlan thanks to the government’s anti-Catholic policies. The Catholic Church there is an interesting mix of conservatives and liberals who argue over how they should act within the borders of Aztlan. The conservatives seek to obey the Aztlan government and avoid confrontation. The liberals are where you fnd the Sylvestrines, and they are outspoken and active in opposing some of the less-mentionable rituals of the national Neo-Aztec religion.
> Picador
Being connected to or having friends within the Sylvestrines can help you get access to a vast library of arcane knowledge. The Sylvestrines are the keepers of the largest Theurgist library in the world, which also includes a library of hermeticism that was begun in the 12th century, well before the full return of magic to the world. As the Vatican’s primary seekers of all things Awakened, the Sylvestrines have also consolidated the church’s doctrines on parazoological creatures. The Sylvestrines have written well-evidenced papers on the appearances of Awakened species before 2011. Their research points to complex rituals or natural events that concentrated the thin mana into spikes great enough to activate the metagene in certain species. The papers are all quite interesting. More interesting to runners, though, is the vast library of information on paracritters to which the Sylvestrines have access. And possibly the greatest part of their arcane library is the concentration of data on magical phenomena. Gathered by the Sylvestrines themselves as well as the runner teams they have hired, these data cover everything from spontaneous spirit summoning to fovae and alchera, as well as everything in between.
> The records are not completely digitized yet, but getting a skilled decker into their system could get a team a nice chunk of paydata.
The work done by the Sylvestrines is often not entirely legitimate in the eyes of all people. That means that in order to maintain the proper image of the church and the Order, the Sylvestrines must rely on the denizens of the shadows. The work is often low-paying, but having favors owed by the Sylvestrines can be far more valuable than nuyen. Churches make great bolt holes, often with decent wards and security, especially if Sylvestrines or other church-sanctioned arcanists are present. Escorting smuggled products or people, assisting in studying magical events in hostile areas, providing Matrix and physical security for Sylvestrine operations, and a plethora of other opportunities are available if you have a Sylvestrine who will pick up when you call.
The Order of St. Sylvester is not one single initiatory group. It is too large for that. All members who initiate within the Order follow the same patron spirit, the Archangel Michael. This is the same patron as another smaller Order within the church that is housed under the Order of St. Sylvester in order or to provide concealment for this conspiratorial sect. The Order of the Temple, or Knights Templar, are a sub-sect of the Sylvestrines hidden within the ranks of the greater group. The Templars are a far more militant and martial sect that not only seek to discover and study magical phenomena but also work to undermine those organizations, religions, corporations, and governments that promote, study, participate, or even dabble in magics deemed unacceptable by the Catholic Church. This includes blood and sacrifce magic, toxic magic, summoning of insect spirits, necromancy, inhabitation or possession magic, and any magic that damages or shifts the aspect of mana in opposition of the Catholic Church. They are zealots, and one would be wise to be wary of employment from a zealot.
> The Knights rarely work directly with runner teams. If a job points to the Order of St. Sylvester but stinks of sacrifcial diversion, you are likely working for a Templar and not a standard Sylvestrine. That said, make sure you just plan well and make it through while completing the job, because having your name on a Templar’s dreklist is bad news.
> Bull






劇透 -   :
Members (est.): 250
Dues: None
Areas of expertise: Covert magic, fundamentalist Islam, magical theory
This Islamic brotherhood of Awakened is looked upon as a cursed abomination against the Muslim faith. Fundamentalist Muslims do not believe magic has a place in their religion. The Jamil Islamyah commit their lives to their own redemption as they devote their Talent and their lives to an existence as mujahideen in service to Allah and their brothers in faith.
The leaders of this sect believe the best way to fght the enemies of Islam is using their own dark tools against them, but those tools must be controlled. Members of Jamil Islamyah work together and initiate in a “darasa” (class) of three to nine members lead by an “ulema” (scholar). They operate as a team at all times, traveling the world on missions to advance the teachings of Islam. The position of ulema is flled by any remaining members of a darasa once its numbers drop below three. Due to the kinship members foster in their years together, there is never an overabundance of ulema.
The members operate in secret and though they are often assigned to protect important members of the Islamic faith, those faithful are kept unaware of the guardianship of their cursed brethren. Currently the society has close ties with the Arabian Caliphate and has acted as special operations units for the government under the same veil of secrecy, while also supplementing some of their units in a more overt fashion.
> Though Lothan is nice enough to mention the mujahedin sect of Jamil, he leaves out the assassins that play an important role in this group. These members are all loners, often former ulema or members who just couldn’t play nicey-nice with others. They’re killers one and all who make every killing in Allah’s name. No innocent casualties allowed. Precision always.
> Thorn





劇透 -   :
Members (est.): 300
Dues: 200¥/year
Areas of expertise: Astral phenomena, conjuring, vodou magic
A society in the loosest of terms, this coordination of voodoo practitioners is more of a religious alliance. They gather in small groups (none I know of has more than seven members) throughout the CAS, UCAS, and Caribbean League. Not to anyone’s surprise, the greatest concentration of members is located in New Orleans, Louisiana, CAS. The city has several different sects of the Bones, each with their own agenda and rules. The society as a whole is very loose, with sects answering to the larger group based on their own desires or the requests of other groups. If a member wants to visit another group’s meeting, they’re more than welcome, but no group has the ability to order other members to attend their planned, or unplanned, sessions.
> If you want to roll in on a meeting with this group this is a great way, especially since they have very little issue with mundanes and frequently have a lot of voodoo groupies at their meetings, which often closely resemble parties.
> Kane
The society’s openness can be very useful for traveling around the continent or to the islands of the Caribbean League. With little effort a member can usually get contact information for another member near where they wish to travel, and all members of Cracking the Bones welcome their brethren. The visits also often come with a trade-off between the members as the traveler can be asked to help in rituals, summonings, or watching over the body of an astral traveler while they are around. Impromptu meetings and gatherings also occur when a visitor is in from out of town to share information, whether that means stories, formulae, spirit names, or metaplanar news. I don’t know of any sects within any of the Native American Nations, but there are groups in Seattle, Denver, and Caracas, as well as one in CalFree, a few major cities and several rural areas of the CAS and UCAS, and all the major islands of the Caribbean League.
The group’s members are a great source for intel on any spiritual or astral happenings in their vicinity or major events around the continent. They also commune with spirits so often they have a fnger on the pulse of many of the metaplanes. Getting a straight answer from any houngan (a practitioner of voodoo) is not the norm. Expect answers from them to come in the form of riddles, vagaries, and symbolistic stories. Fun for them, frustrating for someone on the clock or lacking the patience of a saint. Be prepared if you seek answers from them.
> And don’t try threatening them. Life and death are trivial concepts to a houngan, and they see death as gaining free rein over the spirit realm, which is not something they particularly fear.
> Arete
« 上次编辑: 2023-11-19, 周日 21:14:04 由 水果Saove »

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« 回帖 #6 于: 2018-09-30, 周日 22:35:08 »
劇透 -   :
I made a few calls to my people in sprawls all over the world and asked a few poignant questions about the arcane societies in their strip of the sprawl. Some of them were good enough to connect me straight to the source, but I made sure to get a little unbiased information before I called to get it straight from the horse’s, or in many cases jackass’s, mouth. I’m gonna try and keep these tight but I invite anyone else who may have experience with these groups to post. I’ll drop the sprawl in with the names so you can skip over any city you don’t need to know about.



>K街偶客(Kay St. Irregular)
劇透 -   :
Members (est.): 22
Dues: None offcial, though members are expected to contribute to the society’s well being.
Areas of expertise: Astral phenomena, metaplanes
Led by a shaman who answers to Amber, their focus is on astral exploration via projection. They believe understanding the metaplanes to be a way of enhancing one’s consciousness. Amber also believes the planes may contain other versions of our own. She has dedicated her group to explore the planes thoroughly. She speaks with the tone and lilt of a vapid debutante, but her words are full of wisdom and knowledge. All of the Planestriders make great guides when heading out to a known metaplane, and they will frequently seek out teams of other trustworthy magi to accompany them on journeys to volatile, dangerous, or unknown metaplanes.
> There are those in the Striders who claim knowledge of paths for mundanes onto the metaplanes. I’ll believe it more when I talk to a mundane who has been there.
> Kay St. Irregular



劇透 -   :
Members (est.): 95
Dues: 1,000¥/month
Areas of expertise: Famous mages and shamans, magic artifacts, magic theory
Members of this arcane society, full of Manhattan’s richest mages, make the pages of the MDC’s screamsheets almost daily with their lavish personal lives. Naturally, they rarely cross paths with the likes of us. The group has both money and magic, but as one can expect that means the members are always trying to one-up their rivals or working to keep up with the most upper of the upper crust.
The society demonstrated their monetary power with the purchase and renovation of Belvedere Castle in Central Park, Manhattan from the MDC early on in the corporate consortium’s existence. They allow certain areas of the building to be rented for private events and host many of their own galas on the premises as well. The members use the bulk of the castle for holding private meetings and housing the collections of artifacts and antiquities that the members want to show off. The castle does not hold every piece owned by the Hawks and only rarely holds their most prized pieces, but it’s still quite valuable and is often targeted by other organizations and even other members of the society.
> Security is above average most of the time and gets upgraded during major events. Expect all three aspects— magical, mundane, and Matrix—to be covered, and plan accordingly.
> Ma’Fan
> Heard you had some trouble there a few years ago. The security that good?
> Mika
> I would have had no problem. The team I was working with lacked the level of subtlety I am used to.
> Ma’Fan


        有人会把他们称作巫孩帮,但是和这个帮派有关的一切东西都和儿童搭不着边。 死亡术士的成员在寻求个人权利以及帮派在大默西赛特地下世界中地位的提高方面是恶毒且无情的。当他们开始分地下世界这块蛋糕时,他们的现任领导者,约翰尼·迪(Johnny Dee)将这个帮派磨成了一把尖锐的刀锋。通过残酷和精细的结合,死亡术士在大默西塞德地区成功走上了巅峰,现在成为了英国蔓城区地下世界的国王议会。他们的人数多年来一直在增长,但它们依然保留了对社群的正式启蒙组织以及正式议会的原本限制。其他成员则时刻准备着角逐任何空出来的职位。


劇透 -   :
Members (est.): 13
Dues: 250¥/year
Areas of expertise: Combat magic, wizzer gangs
There are those who would call them a wizkid gang, but there is nothing childlike about this gang. The members of this gang are vicious and unrelenting in their search for personal power and the advancement of the gang’s place in the hierarchy of the Merseysprawl underworld. When they started cutting out their slice of the underworld, Johnny Dee, their current leader, honed the gang to a razor’s edge. With a combination of brutality and precision, the gang worked their way to the top of the heap in Merseysprawl and now act as a council of kings over the underworld of this UK sprawl. Their numbers have grown over the years, but they maintain the same limit on the society’s offcial initiatory group and the offcial council. Other members wait in the wings and jockey for any position that happens to become vacant.
> The newest member is one of the many SURGEd in the Merseysprawl. A fox-like changeling with an affnity for manipulating the minds of others. There are rumors among the lower ranks that he got his spot using his best tricks. Proof of that could lead to a major play in the Warlock’s ranks.
> Chainbreaker
> The lower ranks of the gang have lost three members in the past few months. The orks of Liverpool are really putting some pressure on them. It’s more of a shakingthe-tree move than a try at chopping it down, but the Warlocks are going to have to answer the call. I wouldn’t want to have tusks in Liverpool in the near future.
> Thorn
« 上次编辑: 2023-11-19, 周日 21:19:36 由 水果Saove »

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« 回帖 #7 于: 2018-11-03, 周六 12:51:11 »

成员(估算): 25

劇透 -   :
Magical scholars one and all, the HOAA seeks to advance the study of magic as a positive force in the universe. Obedient to a higher moral code (as they believe all hermetics should be), the Order actively opposes the harmful or abusive use of magic. They are a limited order with a maximum of twenty-five initiatory members at any one time. The members occupy three rankings, called Circles. The Triumvirate, a Circle of three, leads the Order. The Ennead, a Circle of nine, has members that represent the four elements, the fifth element of man, and the four cardinal directions. The final Circle of thirteen has no title.

劇透 -   :
The HOAA often interacts with runners when assistance is needed in one of their scholarly endeavors, especially their efforts to prevent the formation of wizzer gangs, as they see them to be a path to magical abuse as the members use their skills to fight or oppress others. While the members believe magic should not be used to harm they still understand the world can be a dangerous place. They are not a rich organization and will offer favors, often in the form of defensive spells and preparations, or counterspelling assistance for runners who help them out. Remember their belief system when you have casters on your team. They’ve been known to freely counter violent spells no matter who is casting them.

教团总部位于太平洋大学附近的一家知识商店“蓝月”(Blue Moon)。这家商店也是该教团的现任领导人迪伦·派克(Dylan Pike)的家。HOAA的帐篷位于地下室,其中还有一个会议厅和仪式区。成员通常会找到潜在的新成员,并在有机会的时候提供培训和成员资格,指导那些可能因滥用魔法而迷失的人。派克总是会亲自训练两个学徒。成双成对进行压力测试。他密切关注两人之间的竞争,并将任何滥用天赋以求出人头地的学生驱逐出去。这个计划让他成为了那些不幸的前学生的眼中钉。
劇透 -   :
The Order is based out of Blue Moon, a lore store near Pacific University. The store is also the home of Dylan Pike, the current leader of the Order. The HOAA lodge is in the basement with a meeting hall and ritual area. Members often locate potential recruits and offer training and membership when it is available, guiding those who could become lost to the power of abusing magic. Pike always has two apprentices that he personally trains. The pairing is a test. He watches for rivalry between the two and casts out any student who abuses his gifts to get ahead. The plan has built him quite a cadre of unhappy former students.

> “奥瑞克”(译注:即是金光隐修会)与“梅林教团”——西雅图的巫师帮派——结下了不解之缘。“梅林”已经招募了派克的大部分弃儿。街上流传的消息说,被遗弃的人即将以派克为目标发起袭击。
> 测深仪(Sounder)
劇透 -   :
> The Aurics have a lot of bad blood with the Order of Merlyn, a wizzer gang in Seattle. The Merlyns have recruited most of Pike’s cast-offs. Word on the street is a coming strike by the cast-offs with Pike as the target.
> Sounder

> 这已经是五年前的新闻了。如果“梅林”去追击HOAA,预计它会被打得满地找牙。他们很清楚想要伤害到派克,打击教团的其他成员远远超过追击他本人。
> 莱兰(Lyran)
劇透 -   :
> That’s been the word for half a decade now. If the Merlyns go after the HOAA, expect it to be hits all over the place. They know hitting other members of the Order will hurt Pike far more than going after him.
> Lyran

成员(估算): 14

劇透 -   :
This coven of urban shamans believes they embody the last remaining wilderness and powers of the natural world amidst the glass-and-steel canyons of the rebuilt corp enclave of the Manhattan Development Consortium. Where once they were exclusively followers of Rat, now the group contains members who are not Rat shamans. All are still devoted to Rat as a patron, and they seek to help the squatter community that has grown around their base, located in an old buried Broadway theatre. The group provides extensive aid to the local community, especially in the form of curative magic. To support the people in their area of the underground, they sell their services to others in need. They also make the most of their support funds with smuggling, black-market sales, and guide services through the underground tunnels, sewers, and abandoned subways. They are an excellent resource for any runner working in, under, or around the MDC.

> 侧翼出击(Fianchetto)
劇透 -   :
> But don’t get on their bad side or dare insult them and ask for help. They’ve been known to instruct their spirits to guide those folks right into trouble or get them lost in the maze of tunnels beneath the MDC.
> Fianchetto


成员(估算): 13

劇透 -   :
They could be qualified as a religious group as well since they only allow true followers of Wicca into their ranks but they are a group limited only to Seattle. The Sisterhood has thirteen members, a standard coven. They follow the traditions of Wicca and devote themselves to the protection of the Earth, upholding the rights of women, and the beneficial use of magic. They allow no harmful use of magic unless in defense of self, sister, or Mother Earth and even then you will not see a Sister throw lightning or fire.

劇透 -   :
For those on the street the Sisters are a source of healing, divination, and female empowerment. Men will always pay for any services by the Sisters but women receive them free or at a discount depending on how the Sisters feel about them. Potential young witches are almost always treated for free and invited to stay with a Sister if they need a home. This occasionally brings the Sisters into contact with runners in search of an executive’s daughter or when a Sister feels the need for a little more support in protecting a budding young witch.

> 她们根本不喜欢帮助男性。绝对是女权主义者,有些比其他人还要女权。确保你清楚哪个女巫是谁。
> 错误(Glitch)
劇透 -   :
> They aren’t keen on helping men at all. Definite feminists, some more than others. Make sure you know which witch is which.
> Glitch
« 上次编辑: 2019-03-09, 周六 11:36:20 由 失语 »

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« 回帖 #8 于: 2018-11-03, 周六 13:30:43 »

劇透 -   :
When you do not have the Talent, being a part of any gathering of those who do can leave you feeling uncomfortable, to say the least. They can see another world, they speak to beings unseen, and they can draw upon energies to do amazing things. Those things, combined with the holier-than-thou attitude that almost all of the Awakened have, tends to leave everyone else feeling ostracized for one reason or another. That discomfort does not prevent the need for those with experience beyond the realms of the arcane or the desire for those with that experience to look to magic for an advantage.

劇透 -   :
Like any organization, most magic societies have the basic tasks that need to be taken care of by people with a range of skills. Deckers take care of the Matrix, mundane muscle keeps an eye on the physical plane, augmented muscle intimidates people in peacefulness, and a few people with the right skills work the reception desk or keep the books. So right there, you have some possible openings for non-Awakened people. Beyond that, the jobs they hire shadowrunners for may have arcane goals, such as retrieving artifacts or extracting talented mages, but the arcane slant of the goal doesn’t mean the basic skills of a good runner team are not needed. Punching critters in the face, hacking security cameras and locks, and sneaking in somewhere you’re not supposed to be all remain very much part of the job, meaning the non-Awakened members of the team still have their roles to play.

劇透 -   :
Those who lack the Talent are often allowed as periphery members of most societies. Public groups almost always have these positions. Magical groupies usually fill the spots and pay just to be around the Awakened, but runners who join their teammates in a society can gain access to meetings and be present as security. They may also get jobs from the society that they normally wouldn’t give to a runner team unless they trust them, be hired on as security for other members who don’t have such rough and tumble associates, or even act a volunteers to practice new spells, rituals, or preparations on.

> 魔法即便是运转正确也会引起很多问题。我不可能让自己成为测试对象的。难道他们就不能买一大堆兔子什么的吗?
> 鳄鱼(Cayman)
劇透 -   :
> Magic causes enough problems when it goes right. There’s no way I’d ever let myself be a test subject. Can’t they just buy a whole bunch of bunnies or something?
> Cayman

> 这太卑鄙了!
> 链制者(Chainmaker)
劇透 -   :
> That’s mean!
> Chainmaker

> 它们比我好用多了。
> 鳄鱼(Cayman)
劇透 -   :
> Better them than me.
> Cayman

劇透 -   :
As a member, they are still expected to pay dues and attend meetings when asked. When a meeting is about rituals or arcane work, the mundanes usually get the night off, but runners are a different story. These activities usually require a little extra security, and that’s when they bring in members of the society who are runners (if they have any). One exception is runners who are part of another society. Sometimes teammates do not have the same belief structures and thus join different societies. There aren’t many societies, even public ones, that allow members of other societies to attend their lessthan-public meetings.
« 上次编辑: 2019-03-09, 周六 11:37:27 由 失语 »