作者 主题: 【HR】暗幕精魂(Spirits of the Dark Tapestry)  (阅读 13903 次)

副标题: 再翻一篇?好,再翻一篇!最后一个萨满魂域完成,大家随意缥缈!

离线 晴澈之空

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【HR】暗幕精魂(Spirits of the Dark Tapestry)
« 于: 2020-11-14, 周六 00:57:25 »
暗幕精魂(Spirits of the Dark Tapestry)
出自Horror Realms,16~17页
萨满们每天都向精魂世界敞开心扉,寻求与精魂的沟通来获取洞察与力量。然而,并非所有精魂都来自自然界。正如黑暗异幕(Dark Tapestry)存在于世界上距离理智最为遥远的领域一样,来自黑暗异幕的精魂也暗藏在该领域的最外层。

众所周知,黑暗异幕的精魂时常向居住在理性世界的凡人耳语危险的秘密。此类精魂可在任何凶星之光所能触及的地方被发现,但它们通常潜伏在与黑暗异幕有关的古文明遗迹附近。在格拉里昂,这些精魂经常出现在奥斯利昂(Osirion)和浸润之地(Sodden Lands),但也同样活跃于乌斯塔拉夫(Ustalav)的维塞克斯郡(county of Versex)。无论是由于恐惧还是误信,许多呼唤暗幕魂域的萨满也崇拜一个甚至多个古老神群(Elder Mythos)的外神或旧日支配者。其他与黑暗异幕相关的实体,尤其是黑色支配者(Dominion of the Black),似乎不太可能与本地的精魂产生联系,当地的萨满在向黑暗异幕祈求力量时呼唤的精魂实际上很可能是属于奈亚拉托提普、尤格·索托斯甚至阿撒托斯的恐怖思维。

魂术: 熵光护盾(Entropic Shield,CRB,1环),联系怪诞存在Ⅰ(Contact Entity Ⅰ,HA,2环) ,联系怪诞存在Ⅱ(Contact Entity Ⅱ,HA,3环),黑触手(Black Tentacles,CRB,4环),联系怪诞存在Ⅲ(Contact Entity Ⅲ,HA,5环),弱智术 (Feeblemind,CRB,6环),联系怪诞存在Ⅳ(Contact Entity Ⅳ,HA,7环),精神错乱(Insanity,CRB,8环),跨位面传送术(Interplanetary Teleport,UM,9环) 。

召自异星(Alien Summons,Su):每当萨满召唤一个或多个生物时,她所选择的一个生物获得进化生物(Advanced Cureature)简单模板。该生物相较于通常被召唤的生物呈现出一种怪异扭曲的嘲弄,它身体扭曲变形且本质上是外星生物。该生物的解剖结构变得如此混乱,至于它不受重击或精准伤害的额外伤害(例如偷袭伤害)。
思维吮吸(Brain Drain,Su):(每日一次)以一个标准动作,萨满可以粗暴地窥刺60尺范围内单个智能生物的心智。目标可以尝试意志豁免来免受影响,并立即知晓这种有害精神窥探的来源。豁免失败的生物会受到痛苦的折磨,受到每2萨满等级1D6点伤害。在成功使用该能力伤害一个生物后,萨满可以以一个整轮动作整理窃取的思想和记忆,然后尝试使用受害者的技能加成(而非萨满本人的)进行一次知识检定。若受害者没有萨满想要使用的知识技能的受训,则该检定也以未受训的形式进行。随机窃取来的心智能够在萨满的头脑中保留相当于她感知调整值的轮数,萨满可以每回合尝试使用这些心智进行知识检定。该能力无法触及受害者的记忆或其他个人信息。思维吮吸属于影响心灵效应,且在5级和之后的每5级额外增加1次每日使用次数,最高在20级时达到至多5次。
黑暗斗篷(Cloak of Darkness,Su):萨满变出一件半固态暗影黑暗斗篷,为她提供+4AC护甲加值。在7级和之后的每4级,该加值提升2。该加值属于力场效果。她可以每日使用每萨满等级1小时,这些时间不需要连续,但须以1小时为单位。
疯狂低语(Maddening Whispers,Su):以一个标准动作,萨满可以向30尺内的一个目标倾诉召自黑暗异幕的疯狂低语。这些低语不使用任何已知语言,但受害者会确信自己不知为何能够理解其中的信息。目标必须通过一个意志豁免,否则困惑(Confused)1轮。自8级与16级起,该巫术的持续时间各延长1轮。无论豁免是否成功,该生物在24小时内不能再次成为该巫术的目标。
窥穿深暗(Pierce the Veil,Su):萨满获得30尺黑暗视觉。若萨满已经具有黑暗视觉,则黑暗视觉增加30尺。自8级起,该能力变得更加强大,允许萨满在任何黑暗中完美视物,即使其由深幽黑暗术(Deeper Darkness)创造。


虚无之触(Touch of the Void,Su):以一个标准动作,萨满进行近战接触攻击,造成1D6+每2萨满等级1点寒冷伤害。10级起,被萨满以虚无之触或近战武器命中的任何生物必须通过一个强韧豁免否则陷入疲乏(Fatigued),持续萨满等级一半的轮数,这对已经疲乏的生物没有影响。该能力每日使用次数为3+萨满魅力调整值。

恐怖瞥视(Horrific Glimpse,Sp):每日一次,萨满可以在冥想1小时后获得异界探知(Contact Other Plane)的效果。萨满不需要任何成分即可使用该能力,但萨满无法选择联系的异界。如此使用的法术将在黑暗异幕的某处接触一个外星心智,该心智可能属于一族外星怪物的蜂巢思维、一颗死星的离体知觉、甚至可能是一位旧日支配者甚至外神处于沉睡中的疯狂心智。萨满必须通过DC16的感知检定而非智力检定来避免该能力带来的智力与魅力降低。若她没能通过检定,则智力与魅力下降至8,持续5周,这是由于与此类外星心智的接触对凡人心智的破坏性丝毫不亚于最强大的神祇。若提出的问题仅涉及物质位面,则恐怖瞥视提供的答案类型(真实答案、不知道、谎言、随机回答)与强大神力相同,但若提出的问题涉及任何其他位面,则恐怖瞥视提供的答案类型与半神相同。
同时,每日一次(但必须在首次使用异界探知效果之后),萨满可以向另一个生物展示这个恐怖景象如同魅影杀手(Phantasmal Killer),但无论任何豁免的结果如何都会对目标造成1D4+1点感知伤害。被此效果杀死的生物身体总会被恐怖地粉碎毁损,令死者交谈 (Speak with Dead)和类似法术失效。

无定形(Unbound Form,Su):萨满可以显现为各种形态,如同高等变形术(Polymorph, Greater),每日每萨满等级持续1分钟。这些时间不需要连续,但须以1分钟为单位。当他呈现这些形态时,新形态的某些特征总将其与典型外观区分开来,例如呈现奇特颜色的眼睛,弯曲而不规则的四肢,或者肉身上带着一层黏糊糊的黏液。


劇透 -   :
Shamans open themselves up to the spirit world on a daily basis, seeking to speak to the spirits and gain insight and power. Yet, not all spirits are those of the natural world. Just as the Dark Tapestry exists far from the realm of sanity in this world, so spirits from the Dark Tapestry lurk in the outermost reaches of that realm.

DARK TAPESTRY (Shaman Spirit)
A shaman who selects the Dark Tapestry spirit is often a misanthropic loner. While she may well work with others, she rarely does so of her own volition. Instead, she seeks out the aid of a small group (such as a party of adventurers) as a result of an obscure vision or other influence from the Dark Tapestry that she might not fully comprehend. More often, though, a Dark Tapestry shaman is encountered not as a member of a group, but as the leader of a cult in a remote region—these shamans, of course, work best as NPC villains and not as PCs.
The spirits of the Dark Tapestry have often been known to whisper dangerous secrets to mortals who dwell on sane worlds. Such spirits might be found anywhere touched by the light of baleful stars, but they are most frequently found lurking around unfathomably ancient ruins of aberrant civilizations with links to the Dark Tapestry. On Golarion, these spirits can often be found near old ruins in Osirion or the Sodden Lands, although they are also quite active throughout the county of Versex in Ustalav. Many shamans who invoke the spirits of the Dark Tapestry also worship one or several of the Outer Gods or Great Old Ones of the Elder Mythos, be it out of fear or misinformed adoration. Other entities associated with the Dark Tapestry, particularly the Dominion of the Black, seem less likely to be associated with that realm's spirits, so it may well be that the spirits that shamans call upon when they turn to the Dark Tapestry for power are in fact the idle thoughts of horrors such as Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth, or even Azathoth.

Spirit Magic Spells: entropic shield (1st), contact entity IHA(2nd), contact entity IIHA (3rd), black tentacles (4th), contact entity IIIHA (5th), feeblemind (6th), contact entity IVHA (7th), insanity (8th), interplanetary teleportUM (9th).

Hexes: A shaman who chooses the Dark Tapestry spirit can select from the following hexes. As with all hexes, the DC to save against the special abilities granted by this spirit is equal to 10 + 1/2 the shaman's level + the shaman's Wisdom modifier.
Alien Summons (Su): Whenever the shaman calls or summons one or more creatures, one creature of her choice arrives with the advanced creature simple template. The creature presents a distorted mockery of the usual creature summoned, its body deformed and alien in nature. This chosen creature's anatomy is so confounding that it is immune to the additional damage from critical hits or precision damage (such as that granted by sneak attack).
Brain Drain (Su): As a standard action, the shaman can violently probe the mind of a single intelligent creature within 60 feet. The target can attempt a Will save to negate the effect and immediately know the source of this harmful mental prying. Creatures that fail their saving throws are racked with pain, taking 1d6 points of damage for every 2 shaman levels the shaman has. After successfully damaging a creature with this ability, the shaman can sort through the jumble of stolen thoughts and memories as a full-round action and then attempt a single Knowledge check using the victim's skill bonus rather than her own. If the victim wasn't trained in the Knowledge skill the shaman wishes to use, then this check must be attempted as if untrained as well. The randomly stolen thoughts remain in the shaman's mind for a number of rounds equal to her Wisdom modifier, and the shaman can attempt one Knowledge check per round using these drained thoughts. This ability does not give access to memories or other personal information known by the victim. Brain drain is a mind-affecting effect. The shaman can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and for every 5 levels beyond 5th, to a maximum of five times per day at 20th level.
Cloak of Darkness (Su): The shaman conjures a cloak of semisolid shadowy darkness that grants her a +4 armor bonus. At 7th level and every 4 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 2. This bonus is from a force effect. She can use this cloak for 1 hour per day per shaman level. The duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-hour increments.
Maddening Whispers (Su): At will as a standard action, the shaman can invoke whispers from spirits of the Dark Tapestry to speak directly into the mind of a single target within 30 feet. These whispers utilize no known language, yet the victim nevertheless feels convinced that, somehow, it was almost able to comprehend the message. The target must succeed at a Will saving throw or be confused for 1 round. At 8th level and again at 16th level, the confusion caused by this hex lasts for 1 additional round. Whether or not the save is successful, the shaman cannot target that creature with this hex again for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Pierce the Veil (Su): The shaman gains darkvision to a range of up to 30 feet. If the shaman already has darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet. At 8th level, this ability becomes enhanced, allowing the shaman to see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by deeper darkness.

Spirit Animal: The shaman's spirit animal has an alien physiology, including twitching tentacles, additional but blind eyes, or strangely deformed limbs. The spirit animal gains the shaman's choice of a swim speed or a climb speed equal to its highest speed, and one of its natural weapons increases in reach by 5 feet. If it did not have a natural weapon, it gains a tentacle attack as a secondary natural weapon with 5-foot reach. Damage for this tentacle is standard for a creature of the spirit animal's size (1d2 for a Tiny spirit animal, or 1d3 for a Small one).

Spirit Ability: A shaman who chooses the Dark Tapestry spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability.
Touch of the Void (Su): As a standard action, the shaman is able to perform a melee touch attack that deals 1d6 points of cold damage + 1 point for every 2 shaman levels she has. At 10th level, any creature the shaman strikes with this touch or with a melee weapon must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be fatigued for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the shaman's level. This has no effect on creatures that are already fatigued. The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.

Greater Spirit Ability: A shaman who chooses the Dark Tapestry spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit acquires the following ability upon gaining access to the greater version of that spirit.
Horrific Glimpse (Sp): Once per day, the shaman can gain the effects of contact other plane after 1 hour of meditation. No components are required in order to use this ability, but the shaman does not get to select which plane she contacts. Instead, this version of the spell contacts an alien mind from somewhere in the Dark Tapestry, be it a hive mind of alien monstrosities, the disembodied sentience of a dead planet, or even the slumbering and insane mind of a Great Old One or Outer God. The shaman must succeed at a DC 16 Wisdom check rather than an Intelligence check to avoid a decrease in Intelligence or Charisma when using this ability. If she fails the check, her Intelligence and Charisma scores each fall to 8 for 5 weeks, as the alien minds thus contacted prove as destructive to mortal thoughts as direct contact with the most powerful of deities. The types of answers provided by the horrific glimpse, be they true answers, ignorance, lies, or random answers, are considered equal to those of a greater deity if the questions being asked concern the Material Plane, but they are equal to those of a demigod if the questions posed concern any other plane.
Also once per day (but only after first using this ability as per contact other plane), the shaman can reveal a fragment of this horrific vision to another creature, as per phantasmal killer, except that the target takes 1d4+1 points of Wisdom damage regardless of the results of any of its saving throws. The body of a creature slain by this effect is always hideously mutilated and savaged, making spells like speak with dead useless.

True Spirit Ability: A shaman who chooses the Dark Tapestry spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit acquires the following ability upon gaining access to the true version of that spirit.
Unbound Form (Su): The shaman can assume a variety of forms, as per greater polymorph, for 1 minute per day per shaman level. The minutes need not be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments. When she assumes these forms, some element of the new shape always sets it apart from a typical specimen, such as strangely colored eyes, limbs that bend in unusual ways, or a slimy coating of mucus over the flesh.

Manifestation: Upon reaching 20th level, the shaman becomes an unnatural spirit of the Dark Tapestry. She gains damage reduction 5/— and immunity to acid, critical hits, and sneak attacks. While she retains much of her original appearance, several minor cosmetic changes leave no doubt as to her now-alien nature. Her eyes might appear as solid spheres of blackness, her fingers might writhe like tentacles, or her legs might bend backward at the knees.Once per day, the shaman can cast shapechange as a spell-like ability without requiring a material component, but the form the shaman assumes via this spell-like ability is never something that looks of natural origin to the shaman's home world.
« 上次编辑: 2020-12-05, 周六 02:01:42 由 晴澈之空 »

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Re: 【HR】暗幕精魂(Spirits of the Dark Tapestry)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-11-14, 周六 01:02:31 »

Elder Mythos似乎还没有论定的翻译?论坛内搜索总会跑到COC那边去实在是无法查证,若已有论定翻译还请告知。

唐突出现隔壁SP的黑色支配者(Dominion of the Black)吓了我一跳……翻了翻WIKI才知道原来早几千年就跑来格拉里昂定居在奥斯利昂了……

« 上次编辑: 2020-11-14, 周六 01:33:53 由 晴澈之空 »


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Re: 【HR】暗幕精魂(Spirits of the Dark Tapestry)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-11-14, 周六 09:56:55 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

离线 张辽

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  • 年轻的人啊,去读陀思妥耶夫斯基吧,那里有你要的所有答案。
Re: 【HR】暗幕精魂(Spirits of the Dark Tapestry)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2020-11-14, 周六 11:20:00 »


