作者 主题: 【BotD+?】饥渴之月的女主人——杰萨尔达(Jezelda, Mistress of the Hungry Moon)  (阅读 9906 次)

副标题: 给予你合法获得兽(狼)化(人)症模板的方法~


  • 犭良人
  • Diver
  • ******
  • 帖子数: 2564
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混亂邪惡 女性恶魔领主 职权為荒蕪、月亮、狼人


领域  动物、混亂、邪惡、诡术
连接子域 欺騙、恶魔(混乱)、恶魔(邪恶)、毛獸、月亮⑴
偏好武器 弯刀
邪徽 荒蕪沼地上的滿月
神殿 林间空地、荒郊农舍、沼澤与泥塘中的立石
信徒 低俗的農村民众、月相迷乱之人、狼人
仆从  凶暴狼、狼、座狼
圣兽 狼
宗教色 黑色、銀色

遵从仪式 在夜空下,向月亮祷告。当无月之夜来臨时,你必須在祷告中獻祭一个生物,你利用自己的牙齒撕裂此生物的喉咙並享用其殘留余温的躯体。你在能看见月亮的夜空下所有豁免+4亵渎加值。⑵

劇透 -   :
Inner Sea Faiths, pg. 3: A character able to select a domain can take any subdomain granted by her divinity, even if the divinity does not also grant the subdomain’s associated domain. The character receives all the abilities and spells normally granted by taking that subdomain, including the domain powers of the associated core domain that aren’t replaced by the subdomain, even though the divinity cannot grant that core domain by itself.
劇透 -   :
Under the night sky, you must offer up prayers to the moon. On nights when there is no moon, you must supplement your prayers by sacrificing an intelligent creature of your own race by tearing out its throat with your teeth and feeding on the still-warm body. Gain a +4 profane bonus on all saving throws made when the moon is visible in the night sky.


第1神恩 月之饋贈(Gift of the Moon, Sp):魅惑動物(Charm Animal) 每天3次、自然盟友召喚術II(Summon Nature's Ally II)(限定1只煉獄狼或1d3只狼) 每天2次、或野獸形態I(Beast Shape I) 每天1次
第2神恩 受感染的兽化人(Afflicted Lycanthrope, Su):你感染上兽化症並变成一位狼人(即使一般情況下你不能獲得此模板)。若你已經是狼人,你变成一位天生兽化人。若你已經是天生兽化人,你在力量和体质獲得+2加值。
第3神恩 真正的兽化人(True Lycanthrope, Su):以一个迅捷动作,你能使用兽化人的改变形态能力。若你是受感染的兽化人,你变成一位天生兽化人。若你已經是天生兽化人,你在力量和体质獲得+2加值。



第1神恩 月影(Moonshadow, Sp):治療輕傷(Cure Light Wounds) 每天3次、次等復原術(lesser restoration) 每天2次、或治療重傷(Cure Serious Wounds) 每天1次
第2神恩 相由月生(Lunatic Potency, Su):月光為你的法术加持狂乱之力並敞開你的心扉至純粹和原始的憤怒。在月光之下,你施展的法术和类法术能力的DC+1,並為你提供此法术的每个环位1点的治療。在月圆之夜,擁有[恐懼]或[情緒]描述符的法术DC提升至+2,而这类法术给予的治療量翻倍。
第3神恩 對月長嚎(Howl at the Moon, Su ):你接納了狼的一面——你变得更為粗獷、耳朵伸長变尖、長出尖牙和皮毛。你獲得力量+2亵渎加值、灵敏嗅覺、絆摔战技+4加值。你还獲得一次嚙咬攻击造成按体型的伤害(中体型则是1d6)。以一个迅捷动作,当你用嚙咬攻击击中敌人时你可以嘗試絆摔他;此絆摔不会引起借机攻击。


第1神恩 月之饋贈(Gift of the Moon, Sp):魅惑動物(Charm Animal) 每天3次、自然盟友召喚術II(Summon Nature's Ally II)(限定1只煉獄狼或1d3只狼) 每天2次、或野獸形態I(Beast Shape I) 每天1次
第2神恩 受感染的兽化人(Afflicted Lycanthrope, Su):你感染上兽化症並变成一位狼人(即使一般情況下你不能獲得此模板)。若你已經是狼人,你变成一位天生兽化人。若你已經是天生兽化人,你在力量和体质獲得+2加值。
第3神恩 真正的兽化人(True Lycanthrope, Su):以一个迅捷动作,你能使用兽化人的改变形态能力。若你是受感染的兽化人,你变成一位天生兽化人。若你已經是天生兽化人,你在力量和体质獲得+2加值。


第1神恩 腐蝕之肉( Armaments, Sp):衰弱射線(Ray of Enfeeblement) 每天3次、塵埃之宴(Feast of Ashes) 每天2次、或力竭射線(Ray of Exhaustion) 每天1次
第2神恩 野獸之心(Beast Within, Su):你感染上兽化症並变成一位狼人(即使一般情況下你不能獲得此模板)。若你已經是狼人,你变成一位天生兽化人。若你已經是天生兽化人,你在敏捷獲得+2加值和在混种型態或动物型态的基礎移速+10尺。
第3神恩 狼族勇士(Lupine Champion, Su):以一个迅捷动作,你能使用兽化人的改变形态能力。若你是受感染的兽化人,你变成一位天生兽化人。若你已經是天生兽化人,在混种型態和动物型態下你的天生护甲+2加值,或不穿戴护甲时+6加值。此外,在混种型態下,你獲得猛撲(Pounce)能力(不论你是不是天生兽化人),但只有你利用天生武器攻击时才能使用。

  在某些農村地區,特別是暗月谷(Darkmoon Vale)或烏斯塔拉夫北部的罗兹利伯爵领(Lozeri)內的陰沉林地,当狼嚎在月圆之夜下在大地迴盪时,总隱含着一股額外的凶兆。在這裡,狼人對農村平民的血腥捕食的故事是活生生的事實。
  學者和哲學家長期以來一直对兽化症的起源著了迷,因為这是从最久以前就是是困擾文明進程的苦難。许多宗教經文指出首位向世界上的凡人散播兽化症的是一个名為杰萨尔达(Jezelda)的女人,但奇怪的是,杰萨尔达的信徒所編纂的經文则不支持这項观点;他们反而对祂的过去保持格外的沉默,彷彿那是个世上还没有人意识到的秘密一般。杰萨尔达明显曾經是个凡人女性,而她患有兽化症也很合理,但她的信徒对此就是不予置評。对于祂的信徒而言,能夠崇拜饥渴之月的女主人(Mistress of the Hungry Moon)就已經足夠。
  杰萨尔达是位技藝嫻熟的变型者,她能以不可思議的速度在三个型态之间切換,有时侯足已避免在战斗中被击中或在战技中獲得優勢。祂偏好以人类型态来跟不了解祂真实本性的傢伙交流;在这情況下,她的惡魔之角虽然仍旧存在,但变得更小並易于隐藏在兜帽或奢华的发型里。祂化身狼型态来狩獵和捕食。而在战鬥中,她偏好于混合型态,这是祂為危險的姿態。祂有各种各样的天生武器攻击,包括正在垂涎的嚙咬攻击,祂能每回合攻击2次並传播一种格外駭人的兽化症,將目标转化成完全受杰萨尔达操縱的煉獄狼人(fiendish werewolves)。
  杰萨尔达的位面在深渊里名為月沼(Moonbog)。这个遼闊的的位面大得可以包含一个自己独有的月亮,一直滿月地發光,而夜空中的那些「星星」则据说是她青睐的狼配偶的眼睛,俯视着下面的位面。月沼还包含着相对干燥的大型沼泽地,由泥塘、沼地、濕地所组成,充斥着各种各样怪异的居民。狂战魔(Hezrou)和半炼狱沼喉怪(half-fiend froghemoth)经常统治着这些沼泽中最深最偏远的地方。
  自一个多世纪以前,令人毛骨悚然的新传统在杰萨尔达的追随者中崭露头角。在终焉之墙和烏斯塔拉夫,人稱回忆之月(Remembrance Moon)时——黛丝娜斯(Desnus)的第一个月圆之夜,当其他人在纪念那些讨伐黙语暴君中倒下的那些人时。一小部分在烏斯塔拉夫東北部的狼人邪教是第一批把这记念日转化成狩猎之夜,当中的成员追捕并杀死邪教组织在一年选定的「貴賓」。


劇透 -  醜得毫无动力去P的旧版图:

劇透 -  原文:
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 320
Pathfinder Wiki Jezelda
Alignment CE
Pantheon Demon Lords
Areas of Concern Desolation, the moon, werewolves
Domains Animal, Chaos, Evil, Trickery
Subdomains Deception, Demon (Chaos), Demon (Evil), Fur, Moon
Favored Weapon Scimitar
Symbol Full moon above moor
Sacred Animal(s) Wolf
Sacred Color(s) Black, silver

Under the night sky, you must offer up prayers to the moon. On nights when there is no moon, you must supplement your prayers by sacrificing an intelligent creature of your own race by tearing out its throat with your teeth and feeding on the still-warm body. Gain a +4 profane bonus on all saving throws made when the moon is visible in the night sky.
Source Book of the Damned - Volume 2: Lords of Chaos pg. 17
1: Gift of the Moon (Sp) charm animal 3/day, summon nature’s ally II (1 fiendish wolf or 1d3 wolves only) 2/day, or beast shape I 1/day
2: Afflicted Lycanthrope (Su) You contract lycanthropy and become a werewolf (even if you normally couldn’t gain that template). If you are already a werewolf, you become a true lycanthrope. If you are already a true lycanthrope, you gain a +2 bonus to Strength and Constitution.
3: True Lycanthrope (Su) You can use your lycanthropic change shape ability as a swift action. You become a true lycanthrope if you were an afflicted lycanthrope. If you are already a true lycanthrope, you gain another +2 bonus to Strength and Constitution.
Source Book of the Damned pg. 58
1: Moonshadow (Sp) keen senses 3/day, darkness 2/day, or rage 1/day
2: Lunatic Potency (Su) The light of the moon fills your spells with maddening power and opens your heart to pure and primal rage. The DC of spells and spell-like abilities you cast under the light of the moon increase by 1, and you are healed of an amount of damage equal to the spell’s level as the spell is cast. During nights of the full moon, spells with the fear or emotion descriptor have their save DCs increased by 2 and you are healed of an amount of damage equal to twice the spell’s level when you cast such a spell.
3: Howl at the Moon (Su) You take on the aspect of the wolf— you become more rugged, your ears become elongated, and you sprout sharp fangs and fur. You gain a +2 profane bonus to your Strength, the scent ability, and a +4 bonus on trip combat maneuvers checks. You gain a bite natural attack that deals damage appropriate to your size (1d6 if you are Medium). As a swift action or whenever you hit with a bite attack, you can attempt combat maneuver to trip your foe; this trip attempt does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Source Book of the Damned pg. 58
1: Gift of the Moon (Sp) charm animal 3/day, summon nature’s ally II (1 fiendish wolf or 1d3 wolves only) 2/day, or beast shape I 1/day
2: Afflicted Lycanthrope (Su) You contract lycanthropy and become a werewolf (even if you couldn’t normally gain that template). If you are already a werewolf, you become a true lycanthrope. If you are already a true lycanthrope, you gain a +2 bonus to your Strength and Constitution scores.
3: True Lycanthrope (Su) You can use your lycanthropic change shape ability as a swift action. You become a true lycanthrope if you were an afflicted lycanthrope. If you are already a true lycanthrope, you gain another +2 bonus to your Strength and Constitution scores.
Source Book of the Damned pg. 58
1: Desolation of Flesh (Sp) ray of enfeeblement 3/day, feast of ashes 2/day, or ray of exhaustion 1/day
2: Beast Within (Su) You contract lycanthropy and become a werewolf (even if you couldn’t normally gain that template). If you are already a werewolf, you become a true lycanthrope. If you are already a true lycanthrope, you gain a +2 bonus to your Dexterity score and a 10-foot increase to your base speed in your hybrid or animal form.
3: Lupine Champion (Su) You can use your lycanthropic change shape ability as a swift action. You become a true lycanthrope if you were an afflicted lycanthrope. If you are already a true lycanthrope, your natural armor bonus increases by 2 in your hybrid and animal form, or it increases by 6 when you’re not wearing armor. In addition, you gain the pounce ability when in your hybrid form (whether you are a true lycanthrope or not), but only when you make attacks with natural weapons.

CE female demon lord of desolation, the moon, and werewolves
Domains Animal, Chaos, Evil, Trickery
Subdomains Deception, Demon, Fur, Moon (see page 181)
Favored Weapon scimitar
Unholy Symbol full moon rising above a desolate moor
Temples forest glades, remote farmhouses, standing stones in moors or bogs
Worshipers debased rural folk, lunatics, werewolves
Minions dire wolves, wolves, worgs
Obedience Under the night sky, offer prayers to the moon. On nights when there is no moon, you must supplement your prayers by sacrificing a living creature by tearing out its throat with your teeth and feeding on the still-warm body. Gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws attempted when the moon is visible in the night sky.

In certain rural areas, particularly in the region of Darkmoon Vale or within the gloomy woodlands of Lozeri in northern Ustalav, the howls of wolves carry an additional implied threat when they echo across the land on nights of the full moon. Here, stories of werewolves and their bloody predations on rural folk are facts of life.
The original source of lycanthropy has long fascinated scholars and philosophers, for it is an affliction that has plagued civilization from the very beginning. Many religious texts point to a woman named Jezelda as the first to spread lycanthropy among the mortals of the world, but strangely, the texts of Jezelda’s own worshipers do not support this claim; instead they remain strangely silent upon her history, as if it held a secret the world is not yet meant to know. That Jezelda was once a mortal woman seems apparent enough, and that she suffered lycanthropy seems logical, but her worshipers are noncommittal when asked about her origins. That she exists to be worshiped is enough for the faithful of the Mistress of the Hungry Moon.
Jezelda is a shapechanger and the patron of werewolves. She can appear as a beautiful and dark-haired Varisian woman, a feral and slavering wolf with huge fangs and yellow eyes, or her favored form—an emaciated amalgamation of the two. Regardless of the form she adopts, she always bears a pair of demonic horns atop her head. Despite her association with werewolves and the moon, Jezelda is not a deity of lycanthropy itself. Indeed, she despises non-werewolf lycanthropes and charges her worshipers with seeking out these “heretics” for particularly grisly sacrifices in which all manner of silvered torture implements worshipers use with horrifying creativity. Good-aligned lycanthropes in particular provoke Jezelda’s ire, and sacrificing them almost always curries her favor.

Jezelda is an accomplished shapeshifter, and she can transition between her three forms with incredible speed, sometimes quickly enough to avoid being struck in combat or to gain bonuses on certain combat maneuver checks. She prefers her human form when interacting with those ignorant of her true nature; in such cases, her demonic horns, while still present, are smaller and easily hidden by hoods or extravagant hairstyles. She assumes her wolf form when hunting and feeding. In combat, she prefers her hybrid form, as it is in this shape that she is most dangerous. She has a wide range of natural attacks, including a slavering bite with which she can attack twice per round, and adversaries she damages risk contracting a particularly fearsome form of lycanthropy that transforms them into fiendish werewolves under Jezelda’s complete and total control.
Jezelda’s realm in the Abyss is known as the Moonbog. This vast realm is large enough to contain its own glowing and continuously full moon, and the “stars” in the night sky are said to be the eyes of her favored wolf consorts looking down upon the realm below. The Moonbog consists of vast stretches of relatively dry moorland separated by bogs, fens, and wetlands infested with a variety of monstrous denizens. Hezrous and half-fiend froghemoths often rule over the deepest and most remote of these bogs.
But the true dangers of this realm are found on the moors themselves, where Jezelda and her favored consorts hunt under the wan light of the moon, devastating isolated communities of humanoid souls harvested from countless worlds. In many cases, the hapless citizens of these small villages and hamlets have no idea that they dwell in the Abyss, and they wake each night with vague memories of yesterday having a day, never quite realizing they’ve never actually seen daylight. Jezelda hunts constantly, moving from one village to another. In her wake, her minions work furiously to gather more mortals and repopulate the Moonbog from Material Plane worlds so that their mistress is never faced with a realm bereft of prey.
Since just over a century ago, an eerie new tradition has risen to prominence among Jezelda’s followers. In Lastwall and Ustalav, many call the first full moon of Desnus the Remembrance Moon, under which people honor those fallen in the crusade against the Whispering Tyrant. But a tiny lycanthropic cult in northeastern Ustalav was the first to turn the Remembrance Moon festivities into a night of hunting, wherein its members stalk and kill a target the cult had chosen for the “honor” the year before.
The tradition has slowly spread among Jezelda’s followers, with cult members selecting their target on the first day following the Remembrance Moon. As the cult tracks its victim throughout the year, some cultists take pains to befriend the victim, only to reveal the truth before they feed during the following year’s holiday. When a victim has been successfully hunted, the cult’s success is taken as a sign of Jezelda’s favor. But when the victim evades the hunt by dying prematurely, moving away, or otherwise dodging the cult’s observation, the cult believes that Jezelda has grown weary of them and they must sacrifice one of their own.
Knowledge of this tradition spread beyond those members of Jezelda’s cults only a few years ago, when a particularly sloppy pack of werewolves in Lastwall made the mistake of selecting a well-known paladin as the target of their hunt. The paladin turned the tables on the werewolves and managed to lead a countercrusade against the cult. The crusade wiped out the cult and exposed what they had been up to, and thus word of this tradition has begun to spread outside the circle of Jezelda’s faithful.
« 上次编辑: 2021-05-30, 周日 14:17:59 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due