作者 主题: 【Faiths of Purity/Balance/Corruption】《探索者》Pathfinder 主神/理念信徒角色扮演指南整合  (阅读 75263 次)

副标题: 从今天开始每日都来当虔诚的教徒吧!

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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« 回帖 #20 于: 2017-04-06, 周四 10:51:02 »


劇透 -   :
Born from the churning, bestial
rage of the Abyss, Lamashtu is a
three-eyed, hyena-headed, constantly
pregnant humanoid. She births
monsters from her madness, her
polluted womb spilling horrors across the
world. She is the mistress of foul creation, her
insane touch tainting reality and twisting births to
produce unholy terrors. Her one love is corruption, her
goal a fecund morass of chaos and evil. Lamashtu is chaotic
evil, and her portfolio is madness, monsters (including
wild beasts), and nightmares. Her domains are Chaos, Evil,
Madness, Strength, and Trickery, and her favored weapon
is the falchion.



劇透 -   :
The worshipers of Lamashtu are monstrous, whether in
appearance or in their souls. Where most worshipers have
a concrete goal in mind when they offer their devotion
to a god, those of Lamashtu wish nothing more than
overarching corruption, destruction, and the defilement
of all that is beautiful. They are outsiders and rejects from
civilized society often from birth, and see existence as an
endlessly swarming, roiling bath of blood and entrails, a
constant churn of life rising and falling under the teeth
and blades of those stronger, smarter, or luckier. They
believe in the propagation of monsters, crossbreeds and
abominations, and the hot and vicious filth of life. They
are the incarnations of poisoned fertility.
If you choose Lamashtu as your god, you choose all of
this. You may reject the works of civilized races in favor of
the intimate and brutal life of evil tribal humanoids: gnolls,
goblins, and those other, more terrible creatures that call
Lamashtu their mother. If you exist within civilization,
you worship her secretly, usually out of resentment for the
persecution of whatever physical differences or grotesque
fetishes drove you to the goddess. You seek neither peace
nor rest. Your life is about constant movement, eternal
change and growth toward strength, and embracing the
savagery within you while wearing your deformities as a
badge. War means birth, as the children of submission and
savagery grow to loathe and replace their forefathers.




劇透 -   :
Lamashtu’s devoted are simple people, yet they do not
lack cunning or intelligence—rather, they prefer lives of
directness and action. Bards sing short and brutal war
songs, using their skills to manipulate emotions and drive
rage and lust ever higher. Those with connections to the
land and beasts are highly prized: druids and rangers are
frequently leaders of the people, as are oracles and clerics.
Lamashtan druids call forth horrid and twisted life from
the earth, recognizing the ugliness in nature and welcoming
it: oozes, crossbreeds, accidents of birth, and more. They are
attuned to the savage and bestial side of nature, recognizing
the urge of all wild things to rise against the forces of
civilization. Rangers use their skills to track their enemies
and exact bloody triumph, or to snatch the innocent from the
safety of their homes. Whether or not these victims survive is
almost beside the point—by the time you’re done with them,
they’ll have been forever scarred.
Fighters and barbarians are common among her
worshipers. Spellcasters who adore her often use their
powers to summon demons and manipulate flesh in
monstrous experiments. Alchemists who specialize in
mutagens and excel at twisting their bodies in grotesque
ways also find favor among the Demon Queen’s cults.


劇透 -   :
Your goal is nothing less than the destruction of the
civilized races, to tear them down and replace them with
the monstrous spawn of the Mother. You want to see the
false beauty of the world ravaged and the true face of reality
exposed: a struggle for dominance, a never-ending paean
of bloody joy devoted to Lamashtu, destroying the innocent
and defiling the works of proud hands. You rape and pillage
and seek only to spread the corruption of your kind. You
are a realist, and have no elaborate justifications for your
faith—the world is deformed and sick, and those who try to
gloss over this fact are not just misinformed, but liars who
drag others into their error. Your tribe and other members
of your faith are the only ones with the strength to see this
truth. If you are a male, you spread your seed as widely as
possible. If you are a female, you are equally promiscuous,
and see all birth as the painful gift it is. Neither of you cares
much about the race of your rutting partner; any monstrous
offspring, no matter the specifics, pleases Lamashtu.


劇透 -   :
The favored weapon of the faith is the falchion, though some
also carry kukris in emulation of Lamashtu herself. Because
your coreligionists are monsters and freaks, there are few
identifiers common across the scattered splinters of your
faith. Instead, you display scars or physical deformities,
and wear the tattoo of her holy symbol. Because your faith
is by necessity a hidden one in all but the most bestial
lands, you may take care to disguise the malforming touch
of your Demon Mother in the presence of nonbelievers. It
is far better to seek out your kindred in secret, and reveal
the horrible fertility rites of your faith only to those who
can appreciate them—or who are about to be sacrificed.


劇透 -   :
Though desperate pregnant women sometimes pray to
Lamashtu to see them through childbirth—a request that
inevitably ends up tainting the offspring—Lamashtu is
not a goddess who appreciates casual worship. Most of
her congregation are born into the faith, or else enslaved
and raised in it, and know nothing but the brutality of the
monsters that dominate the church. Your relationship with
the world is uncompromising: You will rise to your Mother’s
challenge, make your tribe proud, and inflict grievous
and bloody scars on the face of the world. In addition to
these general lifestyle guidelines, her services include
bloodletting, monstrous orgies, birthing ceremonies, and
howling sacrifices of humanoids and animals.


    不管目标多么相近,你对所有宗教都抱有敌意,并且乐意沐浴在他们的鲜血,并且生吃活剥他们的子女.少见的例外包括 对Socothbenoth这位声称为(或者至少想成为)恶魔之母的仆人和爱人的恶魔领主的信仰.至于在善良诸神的部分,最恨拉玛什图的可说是黛斯那,因为怪物之母杀掉了她的导师 Curchanus,还夺去了他对野兽的掌握.然而拉玛什图的怒火主要还是针对那些更为直接的敌手,比如拉瓦古格、厄加图娅、以及他的宿敌,帕祖祖.
劇透 -   :
Other Faiths
Your are generally hostile toward other faiths, no matter
how closely aligned their goals are, and would happily
bathe in their blood and devour their children. The
rare exception comes from worshipers of those demons
like Socothbenoth who claim (or seek) to be the Demon
Queen’s servants or lovers. Of the good-aligned gods,
Desna despises Lamashtu the most, as the Mother of
Monsters killed her deific mentor Curchanus and stole his
dominion over beasts. Despite this, Lamashtu’s greatest
rage is reserved for more direct rivals such as Urgathoa,
Rovagug, and her archnemesis, Pazuzu.


劇透 -   :
Most of Lamashtu’s faithful recognize that they should
not kill their fellow worshipers; the faith is too small,
and has too many outside enemies. You can fight with
your brethren, but aim to deliver scars and wounds rather
than death. While you may fight for dominance within
the tribe, you turn instantly on outsiders. Failure to
appreciate and nurture the savage demons of the Mother’s
loins is also forbidden, and those who do so are stricken
with nightmares and infections of their scars. The worst
punishment is infertility, and only the greatest savagery
and slaughter can atone for whatever grievous crime
warrants it.



    癫狂心态(Unhinged Mentality):来自母神赐与的疯狂给予你在对抗困惑,疯狂,和恐惧的检定时得到+2背景加值.
劇透 -   :
Deformed (Lamashtu): Your monstrous deformities grant
you a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate
becomes a class skill for you.
Unhinged Mentality (Lamashtu): Your goddess-granted
madness gives you a +2 trait bonus on saves against
confusion, insanity, and fear effects.


    你的教会在怪物丛生之地最为兴盛;贝尔克泽恩,世界之伤,以及聚集着豺狼人的hills of Katapesh以及其他许许多多的地方皆是如此.当不同的分部聚集时,祭师会以以下方式来分出高下(重要在先,次要在后)比较身上的疤痕、子女数目、畸形、和力量.牧师和其他神圣职业通常会作为领袖.

    拉玛什图信仰没有特别的圣地和朝圣之处,只要能够让同宗弟兄与你一起向妖异母亲展现你的信仰,任何地方都行.染血的岩石是很好的活人献祭之处,你会在此以具有豺狼头的雕塑、黑与棕色的羽毛、以及代表着拉玛什图两把刀刃的,红与蓝色的武器作为装饰。此教派的多数经典是以刻在石壁上又或者是以血写成的方式呈现,故或者无法般移,又或者难以保存.然而追寻来源,大多都可以回溯到 Mashaag之骨这颗yaenit 恶魔 的头颅,此因被下咒而不断说出恶魔女皇传达的真理.另一部主要经典是 Lawm的四张皮革,其中的三张以上面所烙印的浮文,诉说着众妖之母的历史和教导.第四张现在则下落不明.
劇透 -   :
The Church
Your church is most popular in places where monsters are
triumphant: Belkzen, the Worldwound, the gnoll-infested
hills of Katapesh, and so on. When sects come into contact,
priests establish dominance by comparing (in descending
order of importance) scars, number of offspring, deformities,
and power. Clerics and other divine casters are often leaders.
Lamashtu’s faith does not have holy sites or pilgrimages.
Any shrine is good enough, and any place where you can
affirm your faith with like-minded worshipers serves as
well. Bloodstained rocks are efficient altars for your human
sacrifices, and you decorate these places with jackal-headed
carvings, feathers of black and brown, and red- and bluepainted
weapons that echo Lamashtu’s twin blades.
Most of the church’s texts are clawed into cavern walls
or painted in blood, and thus immobile or temporary.
Most draw their origins from the Skull of Mashaag, the
preserved skull of a yaenit demon ensorcelled to speak the
truths of the Demon Queen. The other major text is the
Four Hides of Lawm, three leather strips marked with runes
that tell the history and lessons of the Mother of Monsters.
The fourth strap is missing.

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
  • 翻譯組
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 3338
  • 苹果币: 11
« 回帖 #21 于: 2017-04-06, 周四 11:11:51 »


  在宇宙初生之时,毁天巨兽抱持着吞噬万物的冲动,咬破次元之间的障蔽来到这个环宇,抓碎、破坏它触须以及尖爪所能触及的一切。在它毁天灭地之路前,没有任何事物能逃过化为虚无的命运。为了自保也为了保护自己辛苦塑造的一切,诸神联合起来一同对抗如此恶兽,却还是一个接一个地倒在毁灭者的暴力之前。最后,仅存的成员终于将拉瓦古格封印在集合他们所有力量而成之监牢,那位于格拉利昂地心中的大牢笼中。痛苦、暴怒,拉瓦古格每次逃离监狱之举,皆为世间带来各式各样之灾害。它的冲撞带来地震,其之鼻息即为由地底窜出之毒雾与瘴气,它挣扎时落下的皮屑和鲜血化作无数怪异,由哥姆兹之穴爬出,为世间带来腥风血雨。拉瓦古格根本不在乎财富、臣服、奉承或者荣耀,它只想吞噬一切,将宇宙咬碎为齿缝中的碎泥烂肉,用巨爪撕裂星辰、踏破烈阳。它所谓的毁灭可不是小家子气的风化或者熵 ,而是燃尽万物的烈火。它是诸世的毁灭者,万物之终结,众神大敌,以及一切众生之仇人。它的领域是混乱邪恶,它的神职是毁灭、灾害、以及狂怒。他的牧师领域是混乱、毁灭、邪恶、战争、以及天气。它的偏好武器是巨斧。
劇透 -   :
Born to destroy the world, the Rough
Beast tore into existence while the
cosmos was still young, devouring
and destroying everything he
touched and laying waste to the
careful creations of the gods. United
against this single threat, many gods
perished, sacrificing their very essences
before the Destroyer, until the remaining
gods fashioned the Great Prison within the heart of
a world called Golarion and imprisoned Rovagug within.
Trapped in anguish and impotent rage, Rovagug shudders
and the earth shakes. He bellows and clouds of toxic gas
billow from rents in the ground. He calves monstrosities
that clamber from the Pit of Gormuz to ravage and destroy
in their creator’s place. Rovagug does not dream of glory
or wealth. He dreams of the end of existence, shoveling all
that lives into his devouring maw and crushing beneath
his terrifying foot all that does not. His ruin is not slow
entropy but rather destructive fire. He is the hastener of the
end, the Unmaker, enemy of the gods and of life itself. His
portfolio is destruction, disaster, and wrath. His alignment
is chaotic evil and his domains are Chaos, Destruction,
Evil, War, and Weather. His favored weapon is the greataxe.



劇透 -   :
Of all the gods of evil and corruption, the one that draws the
greatest hatred is Rovagug, and his congregation reflects
this. Those who truly follow in the footsteps of the Rough
Beast do not care about love, honor, loyalty, or material gain.
They do not care about remaking the world in their own
image. The only thing they seek is utter destruction. The
more deluded and naive among their number believe that
they are the elect of the Worldbreaker, and that Rovagug’s
freedom will mean an end to the old shackles and the rise
of a new order in which his faithful will reign triumphant
on the backs of their bloodied enemies. Yet those who
venture further into the god’s faith know the truth: that
achieving their goals will bring only destruction, and that
those who eventually free their god will receive no reward
except their own pride in destruction, and the right to be
consumed first in Rovagug’s final rampage.
Rovagug is a god most popular with orcs—though other
monsters such as troglodytes and ropers also venerate the
Rough Beast—and his faith is one that is forbidden in
nearly every center of civilization, no matter how liberal the
populace might otherwise be. Those who follow this god
believe in nothing but destruction. They cannot be reasoned
with, nor can they be trusted. They are almost always a little
bit insane, as they worship the act of destruction with no
real expectation of reward, and are generally a damaged and
criminal lot, maniacs and berserkers who destroy not for
personal gain, but for the thrill of the act itself.


劇透 -   :
The only real discipline shown by a typical follower of
Rovagug is that which tends toward destruction. Among
civilized humanoids, those few who choose Rovagug are
viewed as atavistic, primitive, and insane. Most of his lay
followers are barbarians—often from the more savage
humanoid races—though some fighters and cavaliers also
walk this path, and a few druids see the Rough Beast’s
hand in the wrath of the thunderstorm. If you choose the
Enemy of the Gods as your patron, you choose to live a
life free of moral qualms, one that demands nothing but
your willingness to destroy. Priests are often magic users
such as clerics, adepts, sorcerers, and oracles, and focus
on flashy evocations and other spectacularly destructive
spells. Though wizards can command some of the greatest
of these spells, the rigorous study required to master their
art tends to keep Rovagug’s faithful from taking up the
craft—the same is true of alchemists and summoners.


劇透 -   :
Rovagug’s only goals are destruction and slaughter, and the
same is true of all honest believers. You destroy the idols of
others, break works of art, and tear down the bulwarks that
protect them from the truth of reality: that life comes to
nothing, and that craftsmanship and artistry do nothing
to stave off the inevitable. You want to see civilization fall
and its leaders die, and ensure the death of a generation of
children so that the future too will perish. You believe that
acts of destruction loosen the chains that bind your god,
and work tirelessly toward the day when your combined
atrocities release the Rough Beast and bring the end at last.


劇透 -   :
The particulars of Rovagug’s worship vary from tribe to
tribe, with his holy symbol depicting him alternately as a
worm with great teeth, a crab with a mouth on its back, a
terrible spider-legged maw, or a claw encircled by a spiral.
His followers often carry greataxes, not out of devotion but
because they are easy to make and inflict grievous damage.
You identify kindred spirits primarily by their deeds, but
priests often wear shaggy coats dyed strange colors and
hideous masks depicting horrid beasts, melted faces, and
other maddening shapes. You offer your coreligionists
little leeway in your dance of destruction—if they are not
members of your tribe or sect, they cannot be trusted.
You might work alongside them, but unless they can
demonstrate their power and worth, they are simply
biding their time before you destroy them as well.


劇透 -   :
The limited nature of the faith necessarily allows for
a great variety in the levels of devotion. You might be a
more conventional warrior in a humanoid tribe, invoking
Rovagug’s name as a curse or a battle cry to intimidate
your foes without truly considering the god’s nihilistic
viewpoint. Alternatively, you might be a berserker who
trusts nothing in the world, so scarred by rage or grief that
only your own oblivion (and that of everyone around you)
can ease your torment. Rovagug does not require elaborate
ceremonies or litanies, and anyone can call on him in a
moment of rage—so long as his work is done, he doesn’t
care who does it.



劇透 -   :
You loathe other faiths, whose deities imprisoned your
god. They are weaklings, and you will eventually destroy
them all. More than anyone else, you hate the goddess
Sarenrae and her followers, for she is the one who tricked
your destructive god into the prison that he now dwells in.


劇透 -   :
The greatest taboo among Rovagug’s faithful is the
creation of beauty and quality. It is dishonorable and
proud to think that your work can stand against the
Great Destroyer, and so all your works are temporary,
simple tools used toward producing greater destruction.
Most buildings and equipment owned by a Rovagugworshiping
tribe are in various stages of disrepair. The
only acceptable way for worshipers to acquire better
equipment is by raiding other cultures, and even these
tools are often scarred and defaced (though rarely
enough to impede their utility).


    毁灭一击(Destructive Blows):你的信仰之心很好地帮助了你的毁灭之举,你在用来破坏物品时所作之力量检定得到加二背景加值,并且在进行战斗技击的破甲检定时同样如此。

    诸神仇视(Hatred of the Gods):诸世毁灭者对众神的滔天恨意帮助你抵抗其之信众对你的攻击。在对抗神术时,你得到加一背景加值。

劇透 -   :
Destructive Blows (Rovagug): You call on your faith to
destroy, and you gain a +2 trait bonus on Strength checks
made to break things, as well as on combat maneuver
checks to sunder.
Hatred of the Gods (Rovagug): Your god’s own hatred
of other deities is reflected in your ability to withstand the
attacks of their followers. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all
saves against divine spells.





劇透 -   :
There is no centralized location for the church, nor is
there a hierarchy except for strength. Worship of Rovagug
is most popular in remote areas where orcs and other
savage creatures reign and the strong destroy the weak.
Though any cave near a geothermal vent is holy to the
faithful of Rovagug, two places in particular capture their
imagination. The lesser is the Pyramid of Kamaria, near the
city of An in Osirion, in which the cult lives aboveground in
the tomb of a pharaoh who worshiped Rovagug openly. The
central shaft of the pyramid extends into the Darklands,
where the cultists trade with the monsters of the deep.
The primary holy site of the faith is the Pit of Gormuz in
Casmaron, from which the Spawn of Rovagug have clawed
forth and which the faithful believe leads to the prison
of their terrible god. Surrounding the pit are degenerate
tribes who offer living sacrifices to the depths.
You do not have a codified holy text. Such a thing is
explicitly contrary to the destructive power of your lord.
Some writings do exist, specifically the Cycle of the Beast
(written by the madman Chalmus Col), and The Red Mark
of Xhor, a bloody spiral imprinted with curses in the name
of Rovagug.

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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  • 帖子数: 3338
  • 苹果币: 11
« 回帖 #22 于: 2017-04-07, 周五 09:09:09 »
完工撒花 :em006

感谢各位译者不吝授权转载 :em032(内希斯那位实在是联系不上,请原谅我私自转了 ):em023

 :em003感谢 @月夜白雨 大大帮我问到了许可

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完工撒花 :em006

感谢各位译者不吝授权转载 :em032(内希斯那位实在是联系不上,请原谅我私自转了 :em023

讚讚讚,還幫我潤色,愛死你了 :em028



离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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  • 帖子数: 3338
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完工撒花 :em006

感谢各位译者不吝授权转载 :em032(内希斯那位实在是联系不上,请原谅我私自转了 :em023

讚讚讚,還幫我潤色,愛死你了 :em028

 :em006 只敢排版上改了改,以及英语没翻译的部分补了上去,其他润色没怎么动

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